Posted for Jen Frame

2010-03-12 Thread Frederick J Pack
This message is from: Frederick J Pack

Hello Fred, it's Jen Frame here, hoping to prevail upon your generosity!
yesterday evening I had the extreme good fortune of meeting Bernice Ende,
the Lady Long Rider, as she journeyed from Wimberly Texas towards Llano
Texas. You may remember that a few years ago she got a lame Fjord named
Essie Pearl, to be her pack horse on her Long Riding journeys. Bernice
healed the abscesses in Essie's feet, and Essie has become a much beloved
(and totally sound!) companion to Bernice. In a tragic accident a few weeks
ago, Bernice's riding horse Honor was killed. Now Bernice is making the
journey from Texas to Minnesota and then on to Montana with only one horse:
her Fjord Essie Pearl. This makes the going sow, and Bernice ends up having
to walk most of the way. She is very much wanting another Fjord. Her wish is
to be given a tall gelding by some generous Fjord breeder who realizes the
wonderful potential for publicity both about the Fjord breed in general, and
that breeder's particular breeding business also.
Everywhere Bernice and Essie Pearl go, people stop and are amazed by Essie.
They want to know what kind she is, where Bernice got her, etc.
Bernice prefers riding smoother horses like her beloved Honor who just died,
but realizes the WOW factor that a pair of Fjords would give all the people
who she meets. 
I feel incredibly blessed to have met Bernice. She inspires people to give.
When I knew where she would be, I took great joy in packing up our truck
full of horse food, hay, food for her dog, food for her, and equipment to
camp along the road with her for just an evening to bask in her delightful
inspirational personality.  Bernice is a Fjord carried ambassador of love
and integrity.  I hope that as a group, the Fjord owners of America can
gather their energy and good will to find Bernice the second Fjord that she
wants. Ideally, this Fjord would be in Texas, or close to Texas, so we can
somehow haul him to her easily. But I'm sure that we could find a way to
haul a Fjord from far away too. We could all donate money towards this. She
will be in Llano for 2 days. She has no cell phone, but can check e-mail at
the library. And if we can pull this together quickly, I can drive on out to
Llano and meet with her at the Fair Grounds where she will be camped, and
help make arrangements with her.
Please post this e-mail Fred, to your group and to the other Fjord group. I
would be so grateful. If anybody needs to call me, I can be reached on my
cell phone (415) 637-5157.
Lets keep her inspirational journey going!
She hopes to be given a Fjord that is trained to ride and drive, but will
accept one that isn't. She plans to take time to train him to the ways of
the road and long riding, before hitting the road with him. She is an
incredible woman, and any Fjord would be lucky to join her odyssey.  I fell
madly in love with her Fjord Essie Pearl who is so sweet and gorgeous, and
Thanks so much,
Jen Frame


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Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, Washington  98396


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2010-03-12 Thread Dave and Patti Walter

This message is from: Dave and Patti Walter

Guess I will have to make a mental note , never to email/write with 
specifics after flying back home and getting home after midnight.  When I 
spoke about the MWFHC'S winter meeting I forgot to mention Deeanna Weed gave 
a GREAT talk on leather work/repair. Many of you might know that Deeanna and 
Chuck have a business called Classic Bells and they have beauitful bells, 
but if you didnt' know Deeanna is GREAT with  leather, she does super work. 
I have a custom halter that is lovely. She can make, I bet, just about 
anything! Really, if you are in the market for a halter, bridle, bitless 
bridle, etc etc, see Deanna! It was standing room only for her talk Friday 
night at our Winter Meeting. She is ALWAYS very informative, super 
knowledgeable  and a great speaker. AND...I missed Robin Holland on Sunday 
she had an update on the white markings with the Fjord Horse.  I chuckle, 
because this time around, I was able to stay with her for about 10 - 15 
minutes, last year when she gave the first talk, hmmm ya I was lost after 
about 2 minutes! She is VERY smart.
So...wanted to add this , that it was just an oversight on my part, can I 
say old age and lack of sleep is my excuse. :-)

Also , the pricings on the DVD, if interested, check out the website, to get the correct pricing on our DVD's. You can also check 
out our new line of designs and clothing.

Boy, sure how I got it all right this time, 3rd time the charm! What a week.

Patti Jo Walter

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RE: fjordhorse-digest V2010 #39

2010-03-12 Thread Jacquelyn Leuener
This message is from: Jacquelyn Leuener

This impressive link by Robert is for Courtney who is still in a coma...
I figured everyone in the equestrian world already knew of our
Olympian's tragic accident... 

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RE: Parelli video Buck Brannaman in CO

2010-03-12 Thread Tori Seavey
This message is from: Tori Seavey

I have the worst time posting to this list, sorry guys.

Buck Brannaman is coming to LuAnne Goodyear's place in Wellington (North Ft
Collins) CO in May, off Owl Canyon Rd. She is a friend and has indoor and
outdoor arenas to accomidate changing weather. It is always interesting to
audit if a person wasn't sure about riding in it. His approach would be much
different and direct than the Parelli approach, following the teachings of Ray
Hunt and Tom Dorrance.

I would say that the horse in the Linda Parelli video is doing only exactly
what she has asked him to do. What makes it most sad to me is that he already
has a built in foundation of being hand-fed and pushy and so when he is
uncomfortable (you could say scared or stressed) he looks for comfort right in
the lap of the handler where he has always been rewarded and praised in the
past. This is why the horse is trying to climb into her lap at the start
rather than running away from the assault, most horses that weren't
conditioned to seek comfort on top of a person would have been in the next
county rather than put up with that. This is a very tolerant horse in the
video in that he did not digress to rearing, striking or kicking in defense
and evasion. Unfortunately I have seen as much digress rapidly with other
Parelli certified trainers treating horses the same way. I would like to know
why Pat PArelli has been so quiet on this matter, perhaps he realizes that
Linda's response digs a deeper hole than none at all.

This is interesting to watch this landslide because any horse person could be
in this same position, taken out of context or not. I would hope that this
video with its thousands of views inspires horse people to at least stop and
ask someone what are you doing? if they don't understand or see a horse
being mishandled in the warm up arena. There is no place for poor feel and
timing in good horsemanship, sure people are always learning but this stuff is
being taught to hundreds and what kind of example is that for future horse
enthusiasts? This may not be a case of acting out of frustration, but it is
certinaly a case of make the wrong thing difficult, and more difficult and
more difficult. How about make the right thing easy and make it obvious?

Here is a little video that my mentor put together of a different approach
based mostly on the teachings of Bill Dorrance, that I think stands in stark
contrast. If a horse can operate this way then why would a person need to
flail the rope around and use so much pressure? A horse can feel a fly land
and twitch one muscle to shoo the fly away, how much noise to we need to make
to get the message across. Here is something to try at home to get a feel
for the difference. Have a friend hold one end of your lead rope and tap it
lightly with one finger, then have the person snake the rope back and forth
and compare the difference. See what *leftrightleftrightleftright* feels like
to the horse and what part of that clearly gives a direction? You can also
have a person give the lead rope a firm unexpected jerk while you hold the
other end tightly and note how you respond, you will tense up, bracing against
the pressure, hold your breath and even pull back away from the jerking rope,
just as a horse would respond. See just how much unneccesarry noise people
make with their equipment without thinking and how that translates to the
horse on the other end of the line.

 I think all this pummeling the senses really dulls horses down and that can
create a dangerous horse because you never know when that bottled up energy is
going to make it to the surface. Wouldn't it be nice to have clear
communication where you could pick up the lead rope or a rein and it had
meaning every time?
This is not a trained demo horse, this is just any horse:
The sound on this makes a very good point as well.

Tori Seavey

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Re: Inspiration

2010-03-12 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Meredith - here's one in return:


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RE: Lisa Cricket

2010-03-12 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I remember this video when it was a featured audition!  inspiring :-)

I played with Henry today at Liberty and it definitely is the most rewarding
time I spend with him. It's been raining all day here in Ontario and he was
frisky and exhuberant - we had loads of fun :-)

Thanks Meredith for sharing the link - it was a great audition!  I'm hoping to
submit my L3/4 Liberty audition this Spring, early Summer. 


--- On Thu, 3/11/10, Steve Sessoms wrote:
Well, this is my last bit on Parelli for a while, sorry if I come across
in my earlier post but sometimes I feel I must defend my friends.  This is
of the friends I speak of: 

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Re: request by Jen for fjord posted by Fred

2010-03-12 Thread friendlyfred
This message is from:

Debby, I had to send it three times to get it posted ONCE.
Sometimes my address: gets on the bad boy list and my
messages end up in Steve's spam folder.

Steve probably just got around to checking the spam folder and realeased
ALL my messages...


Fred and Lois Pack

Pack's Peak Stables

Wilkeson, Washington

On Mar 12, 2010, Debby wrote:

  This message is from: Debby

  Seems this email keeps getting repeated on the list. Is it being
  everyday? Just wondered.

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