Terrific public introduction to the Fjord breed

2003-02-07 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If you haven't had a chance to see the "Dances with Horses" video try and do
so. Tears came to my eyes. I was so proud of the Fjords and of the riders
and I don't know any of them.

What a fun and great way to show others what the Fjords can do. Oh, make
sure to also watch it in fast forward. You can see the line and uniformity
quite well that way. WHat fun.

Applause, Applause


What do you feed your pregnant mares?

2003-02-06 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Do you do anything different in the feeding for your mares. If so when and


RE:Dancing Evening with the Fjords

2003-01-29 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I know the question was asked about getting a video of this performance. I
didn't see an answer but then I don't get every single issue.

Can a copy be obtained?


Question about crossbreeding and color

2003-01-29 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have posted here that I took a friend's Percheron/Fjord cross in for her.
SHe is pregnant and has been bred to a Belgian. She is gray with the
dappling being that Fjord yellow color. If the baby is 50% Belgian and 25%
Fjord and 25% Grey Percheron what might the color of the foal be?

Also I am feeding the mare a good quality grass hay and giving vitamin
supplements. I was planning on feeding her Alfalfa/grass in her last month
of pregnancy. I would like opinions?

Deb, mom of Lars (who adores the mare, Sundae)

Does anyone have a Fjord or other horse that has foundered?

2003-01-27 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Riding helmet opinions wanted

2003-01-16 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A couple months ago, there was a discussion about the use of helmets for
safety.  I ride western and have never even thought of wearing a helmet.
But as I read all the posts, I started thinking that it probably does make
sense to wear a helmet providing that it will indeed protect your head.

I know a lot about motorcycle helmets.  They may all be approved for safety
but there are some that one would definitely pick over others.  Is it the
same with riding helmets?  If so, what are some good recommendations?  I
tend to get very hot, so good ventilation is essential.

Thanks so much for your time and opinions.


RE: weight and Fjords

2003-01-09 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ruth, I agree with you. I know when I decided to become involved with horses
again before I even thought of a breed my consideration was their weight
bearing capability. I am a large woman and don't want a horse that runs when
he sees me coming to get on him. :-)

So I started looking at breeds that typically have shorter canon bones,
shorter backs, etc. The Fjord was one of those that fit my criteria for
weight bearing. Then I read all I could on the internet and then read
Carol's book and was sold. All I could think of was Fjords. I mean it was
electrifying when I touched my first Fjord. Anyway when I talked to people
about purchasing a Fjord I wanted to know if he could carry my weight
easily. Since then I have had many people say to me something about, "hey
that would be a good horse for me as I am a large rider".


the "dressage" issue

2003-01-09 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Perhaps it was my comment about dressage that caused some of this
malcontent. In my post I see where you could interpret that I thought a
drafty, stout horse couldn't do dressage. That was not my intent.

Over 20 years ago a friend and I took a Percheron mare and entered her in a
3-day event. As you know if there is a tie in scores it is the dressage
score that breaks the tie, or at least it was then. This lovely, stout,
drafty percheron looked like a fish out of water amongst all the TBs and
such. (You should have see the looks we got. Some horse folks are very
snotty.)  Notice I said "looked". In all three events, which included the
dressage, she did quite well. There were a number of surprised faces. That
was worth the whole thing to me. I just hate it when people are prejudiced
like that. But that is beside the point.

I know lots of folks that would look at Fjords and laugh thinking of them
doing dressage. Why??? I guess they equate doing dressage with being
sleeker, and more "stylized" looking, along with the exceptional training.
In fact I know many that do think that way. That was my point. I hope that
there aren't a lot of breeders that think this same way when it comes to
Fjords, because I love the drafty, stout, wide and very comfortable to ride
(had to get that in as Lars is wonderful to ride)traits of Fjords.

By the way the French word dressage means to be exceptionally trained. Any
horse can be exceptionally trained. So if I am the one that the person was
responding to about not knowing what dressage is you made a huge assumption
that is wrong.



2002-12-30 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean in Fairbanks, I guess you missed some of my "tongue-in-cheek" but then
it is hard to convey that sort of thing via email. (At least for me.) I do
appreciate your concern regarding archaic thinking, I share your opinion.

My point is that cross breeding a Fjord doesn't hurt the line at all. I have
mixed feelings about it. I know the Fjord/Percheron cross that I just housed
is gorgeous and sweet as can be. Unless you were very familiar with Fjords
you wouldn't look at her and say "oh there is a Fjord or a Fjord and

Sure someone may pass off a crossbred Fjord as a Fjord and somehow give the
pure bred Fjords a bad reputation. HOwever that happens everyday to all
sorts of breeds of animals and to people. So why would or should a Fjord be
any different?

>From the posts I have been reading it sounds like there are folks out there
that have bad feelings about pure bred Fjords already. Guess using some of
that wonderful Fjord P.R. might be a good thing to do more of. :-)

I am going to get Lars ready to ride in the next parade that we have in or
near Olympia. I don't know when one will be but for sure by Memorial day or
July 4th there will be one.



2002-12-29 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Is this the right idea:

If a Fjord stallion was bred to another breed that Fjord stallion doesn't
upset the applecart as far as "pure-bred" Fjords are concerned.

However is a Fjord mare is bred to another breed she is now violated, so to
speak, and has ruined her "pure-bred" line?

Now if that is correct theoretically you could breed Fjord stallions to
other breeds and not taint the "pure-breds". Then if you chose to pick one
breed to pair with the Fjord stallion you could produce a new breed yet
still have pure-bred Fjords. Is that correct?


Viking Heritage magazine and Fjords

2002-12-23 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does anyone get this magazine. If so have they had any articles about the


thoughts on clicker training

2002-12-22 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am training a young filly. I have never trained a horse before so actually
I am being trained and then showing her, if you know what I mean. I tend to
follow in the "way of" John Lyons just because I can understand his books. I
decided adding a clicker would be helpful for me to focus and be better at
identifying that "little" gain.

I must say that today I was most proud of her. It was time to worm and it
was her first time with a paste. She had been on a daily dewormer. Well, a
couple of weeks ago I began leaving an empty tube in her feed bin. I would
play with it while she was eating and then put it back down on her food. I
would then put a bit of molasses on the end and have her take it in her
mouth. So, today it was the easiest thing I have ever done. I have wormed
older "trained" horses before that caused a huge commotion when trying to
give them their worm paste. Anyway it was a Lyon's tid bit that worked well
for me and for Cassie. She is about 1.5 and is an appendix quarter horse.
She did better than Lars!! Now to work on Lars. :-)


RE:question about Fjord adoption

2002-12-22 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have worked with one of the local horse rescue groups here in Olympia.
Unfortunately when I attend our local horse auction I have found a number of
horses in bad shape and have gotten the resuce group involved. Not to long
ago there was a Belgian who was at least 500 lbs. to thin!!

I will ask them about Fjords and if they have come across Fjords or know if
any other group in Washington has.

I do know a man who has more Fjords that he can handle and has just recently
contacted me and indicated he would let them go for a good (meaning
inexpensive) price. If you are interested let me know.


RE:the rescue success

2002-12-22 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am glad that this cliff hanger came out as everyone had hoped. I applaud
all of you that were involved. I agree with Lynda about the Canadian
situation and lack of food for horses. I know getting hay in Canada is quite
expensive this year. Seems like many horses of all breeds, in the U.S. as
well, are going very cheaply.

Clicker training

2002-12-22 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It looks like there is some general interest in the Olympia, Washington area
for a clinic. I have contacted a trainer, who is well known but at the
moment her name escapes me, and most likely will hear from her sometime
after the holidays.

I will keep you all posted. Depending on cost etc. we may be able to have a
clinic in our area.

Jean, in Fairbanks, thanks for the synopsis of clicker training. I know one
reason I am wanting to try it is that I am not as fast as to be able to
reward the horse by being right there. However to associate a cue with a
reward and then give the reward may work well for me. At the very least it
will help me to focus.


Peggy, Fjords and wind

2002-11-14 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Peg as much as I loved Badger Pocket the wind was to much for me. You will
love being anywhere that has less wind. Here in Olympia when folks think the
winds are blowing hard I sit back and go a it is good to be here :-)

I am glad to see that Erlend has no regard for specific breed and is willing
to give all the ladies a chance :-)  Where are you guys moving to?


Expensive Fjord crosses?

2002-11-10 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean, where have you see Fjord crosses been that costly? Are they crossed
between the best of the Fjord and the best of 


Fjords and their cost plus my prediction, for what it is worth

2002-11-09 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It is true that Fjords are considered by many to be "pricey". However even
though many of us believe Fjords are worth the price they command many folks
do not think that. In time I believe we will see more and more Fjord
crosses. In this way folks will hope to get the Fjord temperament and
perhaps some or most of their look but not their price. It is just the way
things seem to go. I have an acquaintence who has a Fjord/Percheron cross
that is bred to a Belgian. I may have mentioned this. The horse is darling.
It looks much like a Fjord but has the grey dapples of a Percheron. The
temperament is just as calm and sweet as can be and yes headstrong. Like I
said I think we will see more and more of this cross breeding and
perhaps,one day, a new breed will develop. By the way,if you think Fjords
are pricey you can get a Gypsy Vanner Horse for $6,500 in utero! :-)  Why
the cost? Not many of them in the states yet, just like the Fresian and the
Fjord, all though it seems the numbers of Fjords are growing here in the
states. Well, I am just babbling on..


my black lab and Lars

2002-11-03 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

All our dogs are use to the horses and the horses them. That is one rule at
our place. Everyone needs to get along with everyone else and they do. The
black lab, Noel, goes in and out around Lars and his feet all the time. No
big deal. Noel can even go all around the quarter horse filly, who is not
near as quiet as Lars, and the filly is fine with her.

I have heard so many folks say, you can't have dogs and horses together.
Well, yes you can I see it constantly. I think a lot depends on the
temperments of the dogs and horses and how you introduce them etc.


Re: Quake

2002-10-26 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I know this is a bit off topic but when Jean mentioned the 1964 quake chills
went down my spine. I grew up in Southern California and have lived in
Northern CA and have been through so many quakes it isn't funny. Large ones
as well that have done extensive damage and taken lives, the last being the
S.Francisco quake not so many years back.

I was only in 3rd or 4th grade in 64 but remember vividly watching the TV
and seeing children just disappear. These folks were just waving good bye to
a ship or something and then snow tumbled, roofs gone and they were gone
right before your eyes. It made quite an impression on me to where I can
still see them in black and white on the TV.


Has anyone read the two horse trail guides to Washington written by two women who use Fjords?

2002-10-18 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just came across their web site the other day. The first book they each
were with a Fjord on the cover and it was written around 1997. Second book
is fairly new and one has her Fjord and the other has some other  breed. Are
they on this list?


going to try my hand at having Lars pull a plow

2002-10-14 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anyone know where I can get an inexpensive outfit and hitch for him? 



A Fjord has finally b een found for a friend of mine and I want to say thanks to several of you on this list

2002-10-06 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I want to thank those of you who I have pestered for the past year or more.
A friend of mine has been searching for that "perfect" Fjord and has finally
found him. He is as sweet as can be and she, who has little confidence with
horses, rode him in the arena for quite a while and felt very comfortable. I
am so glad for her. I am not savvy about the family tree but I will post a
few pics of him at some point and his tree. I would love to know about his
background if anyone happens to know.

As I looked at so many Fjords I couldn't help but wish I had a bottomless
pit of money,time and space. There are so many wonderful Fjords out there.

A special thanks to Lauren, Peg and Betsy.


Contradictory view points on the WNV

2002-10-01 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Steve, where is the web site with the WNV information? Where did the other
fellow on the list hear that the vaccine only lasted for 6 months. Is it
because the vaccine hasn't been around long enough or tested enough to
produce specific results to make definitive answers? If I knew that the
vaccine would help and not cause harm to the horses I would most likely give
it. At this point, with the contradicting statements from various vets and
folks I am really confused.

I believe in taking the best care of my animals as I can. I also know that
many folks, vets and doctors included, believe some sort of medicine is the
answer to everything, look at antibiotics and what is happening now with the
over use. Please, I am not trying to cause trouble or say anyone is doing
something wrong. I was just hoping for a definitive answer.

 I know, I know the practice of medicine is just
thatpractice. I have been around and seen enough to know
that lots of good things go on and so does lots of misinformation. I am a
registered nurse and have been in nursing for over 23 years.

Jean you may be correct that horses coming and going around your horses may
have nothing to do with the WNV. However, if your horse is infected and a
mosquito bites that horse what is the window period for that mosquito to
become a carrier from that horse? Or is the horse the end? That is another
area of discussion that seems to have contradictory answers. Some folks are
saying that the end hosts are humans and horses. Some folks say not. I heard
that a dog died from it the other day?? Who knows

Confused but wanting to know the truth,



RE:the problem horse

2002-09-29 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Reading these posts has been helpful. The longer I have had Lars, almost a
year now, and the better we have gotten to know each other, the better he
responds to me. I have done more off of him than riding him. He use to crowd
me all the time. No respect for my personal space. He also was a total
maniac when the "herd" left him or visa versa.

When Lars first came to me a friend had a stallion who was there with him as
well. There was also two other geldings. It seemed he would become beside
himself when the stallion would be taken away even though the other two
geldings were with him. I wondered if that had to do with thinking he had
lost his "commander-in-chief" or not. He also became quite beside himself if
taken away from the other two geldings though not as much as when the
stallion was away.

Now he is with a filly who is about 16 months old. He has been with her
since she was about 9 months old. He doesn't seem to have the herd bound
separation anxiety with her as he did with the other horses. Anyone have any
thoughts on why that is?

Lars does have a mind of his own. However it seems since he has gotten to
know and respect me he is not crowding me, we have worked on that a lot, and
he will respond to me much better when I ride him. I don't know  a lot about
working with horses as I am learning as I go but I what I have been doing is
giving them as much time as they each need to overcome what ever "problems"
I see in them. Of course I am not on a time line so I can afford the luxury
of taking time but it seems to work.

I read a lot of John Lyons stuff and some of Parelli. I would like to know
how clicker training can be adapted with the previous gentlemen's
philosophies. Any suggestions for me?


WNV to vaccinate or not for now?

2002-09-29 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have been following the WNV information and the disease's pathway for
quite sometime. I am leary of vaccinations that have not been "time" tested
so have not been quick to want to give Lars or Cassie, my quarter-horse
filly, the vaccine. The weather is turning colder now and I am not having
any mosquitos where I live in the Olympia area of Washington. I don't take
the horses off my place and no other horses come on to the place. I was
thinking of waiting and watching to see if more is learned of this vaccine.
Does anyone out there know of a pressing reason why I should take a
different course of action at this point in time due to my current
environmental situation?


RE: falling horses

2002-09-12 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am with you on that Jean! Last winter Lars came charging out of his stable
to go to the pasture. He slipped on his mat as he took a turn to quick. He
got right up and pretended it never happened.

Another time I was riding him and he went to stop. The grass was very
slippery and he went down on both his front knees. He and I worked as one
and he got right back up and I kept my balance. A friend saw it happened and
just stood there with his mouth opened. He couldn't believe how smoothly
Lars and I got through it. I don't know either except we were trusting each

Fuzzy coats already?

2002-09-04 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just got back yesterday having been in Oregon for a week. First thing I
did when I got home was go and say hello to Lars. He is getting a fuzzy coat
already!! I read that Jean's horse was getting a fuzzy coat but then she is
in Alaska. Anyone in the Washington area have their Fjords starting to ready
for cooler weather?


Can I get the WNV vaccine and inoculate my own horses?

2002-08-15 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I know there is a vet on this list. Is it possible to get this from a suppy
store or from a vet?


Draft Horse Show 8/24/02 in Tri-cities, WA any Fjords going to be there?

2002-08-15 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I love Fjords and other draft horses as well. Does anyone know about the
show in Tri-cities and if there will be Fjords there?


I'll be dadgummed! A Fjord mule

2002-08-12 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Now I have seen everything LOL  What a hoot.forgive my
transgressions but you must admit it is interesting

If you raise young fjords please read this

2002-08-08 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have my eye on a little guy that I have been watching since this past May.
I have pictures from the day of his birth up until today. I would like to
have some opinions. I am not looking for a champion. However I want a fellow
that will make a good pleasure riding horse one day. I don't want him to
have any defects that would prevent that.

If I do purchase him I was going to go and get him in October as I want him
as soon as he is weaned. However I am no expert on young fjords and their
confimation etc.

If you don't mind me sending you a few pics so you can give me your opinion
please let me know. I will send you a few.

If you use a zip program let me know that as well as I will send you zip
files. Otherwise I will send you pics as you normally get them online.

Thanks so much,

Deb T.

Vaccine for WNV

2002-08-04 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How long does the vaccine for the West Nile Virus work for a horse? 


[no subject]

2002-07-22 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean do you have barn cats? Dogs? We have both. We have some birds that have
their nests in the barn up high but they don't stay around long as the cats
are always lurking up on the cross beams :-)

Bats are wonderful for eating all the mosquitos. The birds eat them too!


Bard Patterns?

2002-07-22 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am looking for a Bard pattern to use on Lars. I am not the best sewer but
with a pattern I can manage. I have searched the internet and library and
pictures are great but I need a pattern.

Anyone know where I can find that sort of thing? I am wanting it to be for
around the 15-16th century Scottish however I am not into having it have to
be 100% authentic. Anything that would look appropriate will work. I prefer
not an entire cover and would like to have the piece that goes around his

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,


Recommendations for a trainer?

2002-06-16 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does anyone know of any trainers that would work with me and Lars? I live in
Olympia/Lacey area of Washington state.


Re: Fjords and the 13th Warrior

2002-06-13 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is what I know about the horses in the movie. Most of the Fjords that
you saw were computer generated. Lars was the Fjord that the leader of the
enemy tribe was riding. There was another Fjord from the same breeder that
did some of the jumping. I only know this because the woman I got Lars from
told me about him being in the movie and how they did it.

Deb-mother of Lars.

Viking Horses

2002-05-05 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think this is a perfect place to discuss the origin and use of the Fjords.
I am currently reading "Vikings and the Art of War". I love historical
things. Anyway before I go further I would like for you who have been
discussing this define for me your "Viking age". Then please define for me
the word "Viking". Once I know from which definitions we are starting I
would love to continue this subject of the Fjord, horse of the Viking?


Thanks for info on "white stuff"

2002-05-03 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for the advice. Lars does have very deep frog clefts. I cleaned it
out and treated it. He is a happy boy. Well, now that I am starting to work
him regularly in the arena he is not quite as happy LOL   His bumper sticker
says: I would rather be eating


Re: horse manure and worming

2002-04-06 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I use red worms to break down my vegetative matter from the kitchen. I used
the horse manure for the worm's bedding as they thrive on it. Only thing was
that I couldn't use manure that had been recently been through a horses
system that had been wormed. Lauren is correct. The 3 year old compost you
have would be great. It could even be younger and be terrific. Heck, I just
planted primroses in manure that had only been lying around for a couple of
months and they are thriving.


Hope and your loss

2002-04-02 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I can't say anything that has not been said already. Do get his brother a


Talk about getting the door shut in your face

2002-03-28 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This evening I was feeding the horses like I do every night only I was
hugging on Lars while he was eating his hay. I usually give him his hay and
grain at the same time but tonight I waited on the grain. Well, Lars was not
in the  "hugging" mood and if looks could kill his would have. So I go and
bring his grain and as I leave going through the door, he closes the door on
me! Lars is a Fjord with an attitude :-)

Deworming question

2002-03-09 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anyone or does anyone use the Strongid C or Strongid C 2x for deworming?
I am wondering how it works and how the horses do with eating the pellets?


Fly control

2002-03-09 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The wasps that have been mentioned for fly control, do they sting? Also I
think someone mentioned another predator they use with the flies and I have
forgotten what they were.


Response to Arthur's compost note

2002-02-25 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for taking the time to write that. I hadn't thought about thinking of
planting beds a year ahead. We just recently moved to our new home here in
Olympia, Washington. I am going to start mapping out garden areas now. Great

to all the various manure posts

2002-02-23 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am glad I posted my note. Very interesting information. I had read quite a
lot about the use of horse manure for compost but wanted to know what some
of you were doing. I will just keep doing what I am doing then. I have a
pile that I add to daily. It is covered with a tarp so that the nitrogen
won't go into the soil. I plan on turning it every month or so and then will
put it in on of the other fields I have to sit when it is more decomposed.
Bummer about the dude that drowned in the manure lagoon. You know that
saying "shit happens" well..what a way to go.

Peg, I am all to familiar with those Ellensburg winds. Out in the Badger
Pocket area where I was living some guy burnt his field during a very strong
winds. I didn't know what was going on and all of a sudden the place was
engulfed in smoke. I evacuated the family and animals thinking a fire had
gotten out of hand. You have to be careful out there. Congratulations on
your new Fjord. You have some good looking Fjords out there. I remember
seeing one of your foals that was trying to "hump" every living thing in
site including his mom. Is that the one that you are having gelded?


Manure management

2002-02-22 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has this topic been discussed? I have been reading up on this area and
wondering what some of you do with all the manure that you have. I am
especially interested in knowing what those of you who have the equivalent
of 1-2 horses per acre do. Do you compost? If so how do you go about it and
what do you do with the compost? I have heard that one shouldn't spread
manure over horse pasture as it will reinfect the horse. However I thought
if the pile had been decomposing anything in it that would reinfect a horse
would be killed. Does anyone know?

If this isn't the place to ask can someone point me in the direction of
those I can ask?


In response to Aussie saddle question

2002-02-20 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Aussie saddles are wonderful. However if you weigh more than say 250 lbs.
you don't want the stock saddle as the tree isn't strong enough for you.
Also since the Fjord is wider you want more of a full quarter horse bar. In
that case you would go with an Aussie saddle that is fleeced but doesn't
have the padding under the saddle. Of course this is just what I have
learned as I have researched them. I did read a lot. Watched videos, ridden
in one and had one on Lars.


In response to modern breeding and eating at Dunkin Doughnuts

2002-02-20 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lois, you know I have seen what you mean that breeders tend to go towards
slimmer, sleeker styles. Is this true in all parts of the world or just in
America where the media teaches society or visa versa that "thinner, leaner
and meaner" is better? I say eat the Dunkin doughnuts and go for the
draftiest Fjord you can find :-)
