frode funnies

2009-07-07 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" 

Here is the link to the soccer horse:

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fjord soccer

2009-07-07 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" 

Check out our Frode on YouTube practicing his soccer moves.Search for Frode
Soccer.When I learn how to send the link,I'll do that! Ellen in Va

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vote for fjords

2009-04-17 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" 

The Horse Channel web site is having a virtual horse show.Perhaps you'd like
to enter your horse's picture.If not,perhaps you'd consider voting for my
fjords pictured in cutest foaland funniest face.Thanks,Ellen

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gazing muzzle

2008-06-17 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for all the posts.I have a Best Friend grazing muzzle size large
horse.My horses have never obected to me putting it on or wearing it in the
pasture.Maybe I'll try the real sheepskin instead of the fleece that I sewed
on.Maybe a teadmill for all of us!  Ellen

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

grazing muzzle

2008-06-16 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am having trouble with the grazing muzzle rubbing the fjords face badly.I
bought large horse (which I think is the largest size).It looks very well made
and I tried to put it loosely on their faces.I even went back and sewed fleece
around the back edge when I first saw the problem.Anyone else ha this problem?
Any ideas on how to fix it? It's really the vets fault for telling the fjords
that they were too fat. Thanks,Ellen

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

glory bit

2008-02-17 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have for sale a Glory Butterfly bit size 5 1/2.It is in great  shape.I just
neede a bigger one.Ellen

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fjords,ponies or drafts?: polysaccharide storage myopathy; Glory butterfly bit for sale

2008-02-11 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am trying to figure out what is going on with my fjord.He was doing great
until one day in Oct when he ran one time ( no more than 100 yards) and tried
to run two more times while driving.He has been driving without any problems
for about 8 years.This day he had these incidents with 3 different drivers,3
different carts and driven as a single and a pair.He had been driving all of
these carts before.Each driver has driven him before (we were with great
instructors in the cart who knew him).After this day,I could see he was
unhappy at home when we tried again.He seemed fine walking,but acted up when
asked to trot.My vet thought the bit might be the problem or he might have
polysaccharide storage myopathy.We changed the bit as she suggested,but still
encountered problems.She said that ponies don't get this disease,but drafts
do.I couldn't tell her which he was since I've called him both.Any ideas on
this problem? Any comments on this disease?

Also,I have for sale a GloryButterfly bit 5 1/2 if anyone is interested (we
bought a bigger one).


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

treeless saddles

2007-02-21 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I know there has been a lot of discussion in the past about treeless
saddles.I have a friend who is approaching 60,has a very round bodied horse
and wants to go on long trail rides.If anyone has experience with one of
these saddles that would be comfortable enough for long rides,would you let
me know what kind and where to look for one? Thanks,Ellen

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

glory bits

2007-01-10 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does anyone know where to buy Glory bits? I want to buy another and the
Glory phone number I have doesn't work anymore.I tried Carriage Driving
Essentials and they don't have Glory bits.I can't seem to find a place to
order them through the internet. Thanks,Ellen

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Cashel soft saddle

2006-09-20 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anyone have any experience with a Cashel soft saddle?

Sprenger bit

2006-04-11 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I too am looking for bit advice.I am looking at buying a Herm Sprenger
bit.Right now,we ride her in your regular egg butt snaffle.I rarely ride,but
my god daughter rides and jumps her.I like driving her and use a Glory
butterfly.I am looking at the KK Conrad Ultra B Ring Snaffle,the KK Ultra
Eggbutt and the RS Dynamic.I have e-mailed the company three times since the
first of March and tried a couple more e-mails to other Herm Sprenger
connections.I have yet to get an answer to anyone.I finally went to a tack
shop that I thought was good.They told me that I couldn't need a 5 3/4 bit
because fjords are small.She also said that she didn't have a lot of
experience bitting gaited horses.When I tried to tell her that my horse's
nose is bigger than my waist and that they are not gaited,she said they are
because she read it in a magazine.So much for shopping there.I would
appreciate any thoughts on why I would want one of these over the other.

Myler bits

2005-08-02 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I went to one of the big horse expos.The Mylers were there demoing their
bits.Mr.Myler is quite a jerk.He decided not to show up for one of the
demos,leaving people waiting in the stands.He decided not to tell them he
wasn't going.For the other demo,I was selected to help.I had been interested
in a comfort snaffle.He used my arm to show how comfortable the bits were.At
the end of the demo,my arm was black and blue with pinched torn skin.I did
not use a Myler on my fjord after that.  Ellen

naming a fjord

2005-07-23 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I know that this has come up before,but where can I get a list of good
Norwegian names or words? I requested a list once,but never received it.I
would appreciate any ideas. Thanks,Ellen

Fjord carving

2005-07-13 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was in a secondhand store and saw a hand carved wooden fjord statue.Of
course I had to buy it (although I was supposed to be there getting rid of
my junk).He is trekking uphill with two oval container strapped to his
pack.I believe it says "klovhest" on the bottom.and the name M.Morkve (I
think) is carved on the side.Anyone have any insight into this? Thanks,Ellen


2004-12-30 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Someone mentioned a book called Understanding Harness.I can't find the book
in stores or on the web and the e-mail address given would not go through.Do
you know where to find this book and what it is about? Thanks,Ellen

fly spray

2004-08-12 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does anyone know how Avon's Skin So Soft is used as a horse fly spray? (what
it should be mixed with,ratio,etc.) I'm fed up with the fly sprays I've
purchased.They don't seem to do much. Thanks,Ellen


2004-04-26 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As a follow up to my driving question,I took Leka to show driving for the
first time this weekend.It was a very small , laid back show.Only two in the
driving.We placed first in both the pleasure and cones against an
experienced man.If I have to tell the truth,I think we won because the judge
told me Leka looked like a Milano cookie,which are her favorites.As
always,I'm very proud of Leka.
Ellen Davidson


2004-04-23 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am finally starting to drive my fjord.She has had training,but I had
personal fears.People told me to always have someone else with me,but after
two years of trying to get someone to go along,I gave up.She is very good
and I'm feeling very comfortable with all we've done.I was wondering if
anyone had any safety tips or handy hints for hitching up and driving alone.
Thanks,Ellen and Leka


2004-01-05 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My husband thinks that the fjords should pull more of their own weight
around here.Is there some kind of cart to buy or build that I could use for
hauling off manure? I don't think that I want a spreader,but I'm open for
suggestions.Thanks,Ellen in Virginia where's it's going to be bye-bye
70's,hello winter reality

saddle sore

2003-01-08 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had a saddle that I don't believe fit my fjord too well.We did not use it
often or for long rides.We were searching for the right fit,right
price,right use saddle.We have found it and I believe it is a good fit.Now
the problem.I think that the old saddle bothered her enough that she dreaded
going riding.Now when sehe sees the saddle,she gets looks of saddle attitude
while getting ready.Once riding,she seems to act like everything feels
great.How can I help her get over her grouchy act when we are saddling up or
will time heal her mental wounds? I truly don't see any signs of back pain
or injury.I think it's a mental thing right now. Thanks,Ellen in Va.


2002-11-05 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does anyone know if a Thorogood Sigma Saddle would fit a round fjord? Can
this be used for jumping? Thanks,Ellen


2002-10-06 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm sure this was asked before,but I'm asking again.With the severe drought
this year,the oaks are stressed out and producing lots of acorns.The fjords
are gobbling them up.Is this ok? Ellen in Va. where we desperately need rain

Officer Leka

2002-07-02 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This past weekend,Leka and I had a great time at a mounted police
clinic.She's got a cool head for police work,but I think that high speed
chases are out ( esp. in this heat). The highlight of our day was the soccer
game.We used a six foot soccer ball.The people could not touch it.Only the
horses could push it down the field.Leka scored the winning goal for our
team! GAL!! Ellen and Leka (look out World Cup)

fjords win in other ways too

2002-03-31 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was highly delighted and very surprised last night.A couple of weeks ago,I
entered a picture of my fjord Lasse in the National Arts Program.It was
entered in fine arts,so it competed with water colors,oils,etc. I won in the
local area and moved on to regional.Last night we went to the regional
exhibit where the winners were announced.I cannot draw or paint and admire
those who do.There were many beautiful paintings there.When they announced
the winners for the fine arts,I got second place! I could not believe it.I
came home and gave Lasse a big hug and a treat.Now,do I spend the prize
money on him or me? Also,do you think he'll refuse to do manual labor now
that he's a famous model? Ellen in Va. (where we are finally getting much
needed rain )


2002-03-23 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Can anyone translate this?
till varldens basta kompis


2002-02-04 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When we lived in Wisconsin,we skijored with Lasse using the windsurfing
harness.Glad to see that others could put their windsurfing harness to work
in Wisconsin in January.Little chance that I'll skijor in Virginia
(considering that it was 80 degrees last week),but neither will I be
windsurfing here in January.Have fun and don't tell my husband that I
actually miss Wisconsin sometimes.Ellen

paddock feeder

2002-01-21 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have two questions.First,I have a large Rohn galvanized paddock feeder
(the kind with a large long hay rack on top and a large plastic feeding pan
on each side).It probably weighs 300lb.,but my two fjords think that it is
fun to tip it over.The ground is level and flat,but there must be one tiny
bit of hay that they can't reach so they knock it over.It takes two of us to
right it again.Any ideas on how to better secure this down yet still be safe
for the beasties? I really like it.Second question (not about
horses,sorry).Anyone suggest a vacuum cleaner when you let your dogs rule
the house? I've been through about one a year.Only the 10 gallon shop vac
has held up to dog hair,but it is a pain to push around the house.I have a
weird house,mostly brick floors,little carpet and some tile.I'm thinking
"leaf blower" but that probably would be rough in the kitchen and office.
Thanks,Ellen and her poor,starving fjords Lasse and Leka

dressage ring

2001-11-28 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anyone got easy,cheap,or clever ideas on putting up a dressage ring in the
pasture to practice in? I don't want something permanent.Thanks,Ellen in
VA.,upper 70's and needing rain


2001-06-21 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My mare Leka seems extra bugged this year by the insects.I've tried many
sprays that last a good ten minutes.Any ideas on what to do for her to make
her more comfortable? She gets itchy bumps  all over her chest and shoulders
and has been trying to scratch on the trees.Maybe some kind of antihistamine
or using a fly sheet? Thanks,Ellen in muggy,buggy Va.


2001-05-21 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To those folks out east that are going to work at Equitana,
I can never thank you enough for asking us to go along.Christine and I are
counting the minutes til we go.Without you,we would never have and
opportunity like this.I love my fjords dearly and think that they are the
most beautiful,wonderful horses on earth (unbiased opinion). We hope that we
will do you proud.Christine says that this is the most exciting thing that
has ever happened in her life,definitely better than Christmas.
Ellen,Christine and Lasse


2001-05-16 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've never heard of brand inspections before the recent discussions.Is this
a western thing or do I need to be concerned on the east coast.
Regarding the bridle thing,my driving bridle pops off very easily.I'm new at
driving and keep asking people if it is the right size.Everyone says
yes.However,the leather is very stiff and thick on the one I own.I like the
duct tape idea.Works for everything else and better than using nails or
Ellen in Va.

personal space

2001-05-14 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm sure that it has been talked about before,but I'm looking for some
advice on how to teach Fjords to respect me and my space.I got decked this
weekend.They are so friendly that while I'm enjoying their company,I forget
to always enforce manners.Any ground training advice for this or references
to books or videos would be appreciated. Thanks,Ellen in Va.


2001-04-26 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Any ideas on good places to get shirts embroidered with a fjord?

Urban Trail Ride

2001-04-13 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As a follow up to our downtown Richmond,Va. trail ride,our fjords were
pictured on the front page of the Richmond Times Dispatch Virginia
section.Hope I can figure out how to pass along the photo.We were pictured
on the historic Monument Ave.Can't believe how many people asked us if our
horses were twins! Ellen in Va.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #113

2001-04-08 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Had a great ride today through downtown Richmond,Va. sponsored by the
mounted police.Lasse and Leka got the best matched pair award (although we
realy didn't get a prize.You'd think the police could have given a "Get out
of Jail Free" card or something). They were exposed to incredible stuff and
did well.We were exposed to bright sunshine on the asphalt and got sunburned
Ellen in Va.


2001-03-15 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I always have my vet check the horses teeth.I know there are people out
there that insist on only having a dentist work on their horses.I asked a
professional that I respect what a dentist could do for me or do better than
a vet.I was told by this person that it is illegal to work as an equine
dentist in Virginia although people do it.
Ellen in rainy Va.


2001-02-19 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I thought that an action shot of a Fjord meant that they were eating.
Ellen in Va.

Question about book

2001-02-01 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anyone read the book "Debugging Your Horse" or seen the video? Any
comments? Ellen

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #29

2001-01-26 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I see that I am not listed in the age list and since there were no folks in
the 20's category,I'll be happy to be listed twice there (say 20 and 25)
rather than in the 40's category.As for what we do in "real life",I'm a
pharmacist and my husband is an executive coach and manufacturing
consultant. Ellen in Va.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #25

2001-01-23 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Looks like I'm able to talk to the list now.Too bad.I was hoping to avoid
the age question.Better late than never.My name is Ellen Davidson and I live
in King William,Va. I have two fjords,Lasse (alias Gus) 5yr. and TUF Leka
4yr old mare.I also have a 12yr old Paso Fino named Pinon.I have 6
Keeshonden as I work with the rescue league and can't seem to say no  and
one border collie.We trail ride and I've been trying to regain my confidence
so that I can try driving again.I have a very wonderful and supportive
husband,Tom. My question for the list today regards driving equipment.I went
to the Horse World Expo Saturday and saw a "comb collar",sort of half collar
half breast strap.Has anyone any thoughts on these? Thanks,Ellen  Oh
yeah,I'm 45 and Tom is 44.


2001-01-22 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Steve,

This is a test to see if my messages will arrive in the proper format for
future interaction with the Fjord Horse Digest.  How did I do?


Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #247

2000-09-24 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I don't know if this is good or bad. When I was young,I bought a
statue of a Fjord thinking it was so beautiful. I never saw any of
these horses in real life for probably 20 years. When I finally saw
them in Wisconsin at the Mid-west Horse Fair,I cried. I am very very
poor,timid rider with little training myself and no horse training
experience. We decided to buy a baby and were lucky enough to meet the
Hotovys. We bought TUF Leka and the whole neighborhood loved her. As I
worked with her growing up,I kept wondering if this is what horse
training was like. Clippers, I don't care. Saddle,I don't care.
Whatever we asked,we never got a bad response. Now I take care of the
farrier,feeding,worming,shots,training and I ask my husband to go to a
judged obstacle ride with me. Leka is four and I wanted to get her out
and about. Well my husband gets first in breed, first in age group,
and reserve champion without ever practicing obstacles at home with
her. I got nothing. I'm never going to hear the end of this,but I'm
proud of both of them. Ellen Davidson in Va.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #215

2000-08-13 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There was a question about Rein Aides a while back.I never saw any
responses.Was ther any feedback? I thought that they might be good for heavy
handed me.


P.S. I hope this goes through this time.I'm not only heavy handed,but also
pretty computer stupid.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #190

2000-07-14 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does anyone know the website for sending a virtual fjord card? Thanks,Ellen

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #182

2000-07-04 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was wondering if the language experts out there might help me. My Fjord is
named Lasse. I was told that this meant "large truck". I was also told that
it is a man's name. Anyone out there know? Thanks,Ellen and Lasse

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #153

2000-05-30 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We are currently building our fifth barn (one of the sad facts of moving).We
have always used boards to line the stalls.Any reason we should or shouldn't
use plywood or something else?

Thanks,Ellen (who hopes that she gets to live at this location from
here to eternity)

Re: back support

2000-05-24 Thread Ellen Davidson
This message is from: "Ellen Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of the back supports for
people such as Porfessional's Choice. My husband and I are having a lot
of backaches while trying to do too much heavy work after being lazy all
winter. My husband has had back surgery and tends to have to sit all day
at work. Wondered if these might help us while we are lifting our barn
building materials. Thanks,Ellen