Re: Deworming

1998-04-08 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from: Julie Will Hi Steve McIlree:  I have been tempted by
Quest as well, and have taken advantage of a rebate offer and tried some, but
only as a part of my regular worming program.  We rotate wormers, and worm
every 6 to 8 weeks.  From an article I recently read, even that may not be
often enough!   OK Brian...time for your professional opinion!

Julie @ Old Hickory Farm

please julie, trie to find your plain text option!

Re: html/ascIII

1998-04-08 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>This message is from: "Dave McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>This will be a test.  I am using Outlook Express.  I can't find an ASCIII
>>choice, but under Tools, then Options, I have switched to Plain Text.  Is it
>>better?  I sure hope so!

yes! thanks, this is much better!

Re: manes

1998-04-07 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>I would like to ask your opinion about Sybren's manes. They are very wild 
>>now, standing in all directions and he looks very funny with them.

leave them like that! don't cut them! he looks very nice and cute with his
manes like that!

Re: Introduction

1998-04-07 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

i sometimes get mail that i can't read. they are with colors etc. just plain
text please, because my computer opens the internet explorer to show me the
text, and i don't want that.

Re: AW: AW: Doubling

1998-04-06 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>>o,thanks!  but i have a K&K correction bit, and that looks like this:
>>>the mouth piece is an "anatomic formed" piece. i dont think this bit has an
>>>nutcracker effect, do you? i think i can "doubing" with this bit?

>>Your bit IS a snaffle, and yes, you can double with it.  A snaffle is ANY
>>bit where the reins come  directly from the rings at the mouthpeice and
>>there no leverage.  The mouthpeice can be solid, broken, two peice, three
>>peice, shaped, etc. but it is a snaffle.  A curb bit has the shanks and the
>>reins fasten at the bottom of the shank so there is leverage when pulled.
>>If this is not clear yet, I will find some pictures to send you.

no, thanks, it is all clear to me now, also because of the mail from DeeAnna.

Re: shoeing

1998-04-03 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>Why not leave them barefoot?  Fj does alot of work in the summer,  and
>>even though the barn where  we were boarding was all gravel, he never
>>went lame or had his feet wear down. That was the summer when horses that
>>had never gone lame in their lives did because of the footing.It would
>>save you allot of bills, and they will have better grip, too.

ido did have vary bad feet also. but this winter i took of the horseshoes end
leaved him for six months barefoot. this morning the farrier came to give ido
horseshoes for the summer. he said that ido's feet are thousand times better
than last year.
i want him to have him shoes because i drive a lot with him in the summer, and
that is always on asphalt roads.


Re: Making Fjord-lovers

1998-04-03 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>Regarding getting husbands to like horses:

my boyfriend didn't like horses at all, before he met me. but last weekend he
wanted to ride on Ido!
Ido was very nice for him and acted like an angel. then he said: "well, let me
see how you ride." i jumped on ido's back and after a few rouds trotting, ido
begins madly galloping! and he didn't wanted to stop, and my boyfriend laughted
on me! 
now my boyfriend thinks ido is a very clever and nice friend of him!

bye, ilona

Re: shoeing

1998-04-03 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>>Glad to see your on the list now too.  We keep our mare barefoot too.  She
>>has never had shoes on.  Our farrier loves her.  He told me he wouldn't put
>>shoes on her if it was his horse.  We do even do some driving on roads with
>>her.  Not a lot though.  If we did more of it I guess we would have to get
>>her shod.  But I suppose it does matter what kind of ground they are living
>>on too.  It doesn't get all that hard around here even in the dead of summer.

i think it matters also if the horse ever had shoes before. my shetlandpony
bopper had never had shoes, and i drive with him on asfalt roads, but still i
have to clip his hoofs every two months.
ido had have always shoe from te age of 3. so when i decided tot leave him
barefoot, last winter, he crippled for three weeks, because he had very
vulnurable hoofs. but now the farrier loves his hoofs too. but ido's hoofs
don't grow very fast, so i can't drive on asfalted roads, because they wear
faster than they grow.
i once read about growing of hoofs, it seems that the hoofs of mares grow the
fasts an the hoofs of geldings the slowests. a stallion is in between.


Re: summer and no grass

1998-04-03 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>As for grass, I have the opposite problem.  I have to keep my equines
>>in their pens and feed hay because I have too much grass, and right
>>now it is too good (starting to make seed).  Fjords are so "fuel
>>efficient" that they can easily get too fat, then founder if their
>>food is too good.  They are permitted to graze only two to three hours
>>each day.

whe have got to much grass also. but luckely whe have a small meadow that is
1/2 hectare. i have got also a shetlandpony.he is allowed to graze in the
daytime in the small meadow. at night i put him in the paddock (sand ground).
Ido (fjord) and Cleo (connamara) are permitted to graze a couple of hours
(depend on the season) at the big meadow (4 hectare). the remaining time i put
them in the small meadow.
in the winter ido and bopper (=shetlandpony) only get hay to eat. cleo get some
pellets (1 kilo/day).



Re: New Message configuration

1998-04-03 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>> Hopefully this will take care of folks whose mail clients do not show
>>> good "From:" addresses.
>>Hey that is a nice idea!

yes, thanks! it's a GREAT idea!

Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: Doubling

1998-04-03 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>This message is from: "Gilst van N.E." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>then you have a problem (paardnl!)


Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: Doubling

1998-04-03 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>This message is from: "Gilst van N.E." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>it is far to sharp!

oh but he doesnt listen to his snaffle.

Re: AW: AW: AW: Doubling

1998-04-03 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>This message is from: "Gilst van N.E." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>NO, ilona, you cannot!!! double with your bit! ONLY with a snaffle!

why, tell me why!

Re: AW: AW: Doubling

1998-04-03 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>a shank is a "scharenbit" , just like my "gebroken stang".
>>So: a snaffle is a O---o---O and a 
>>shank is a  |---o---|
>>   o||o

o,thanks!  but i have a K&K correction bit, and that looks like this:


the mouth piece is an "anatomic formed" piece. i dont think this bit has an
nutcracker effect, do you? i think i can "doubing" with this bit?
i have printed the mails about doubling, so i can read them at home.


Re: AW: Doubling

1998-04-03 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


when i read the first message, the one from cynthia madden, she talked about
snaffle bit and shank bit. and that the shank bit had a nutcracker effect on
the hoorses mouth. before that message i tought a snaffle was a "gebroken
trens". but after reauding the thing about the nutcracker-effect i thought the
shank bit is a "gebroken trens" and the snaffle a "ongebroken trens"





the mouth piece of the shank is made of two parts which can move. thats how i 
interpreted it. so when you pull the reins the mouth piece of the shank look
like a upside down "V" or a nutcracker!
but maybe you are right.
cyntia, can you make it clear for us?


>>a snaffle is "een watertrens of een D-trens", so I mean a "gebroken
>>trens". But you will have to put a "riempje" at the rings so you can't
>>pull the snaffle through Ido's mouth. Just like my Kootje has!

Re: Doubling

1998-04-03 Thread ILANGELA
This message is from: ILANGELA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>Cynthia Madden wrote:
>>"... Stopping a Cantering Fjord ... We finally solved it when we learned
>>about "doubling." ... [snipped description of how to double]

>>As Cynthia warned, doubling should only be done using a snaffle, for the

please, try to explain me what a snaffle is. i don't know the word! and my
translation program neither! i ride ido with a K&K correction-bit. that is a
bar with freedom for the tongue (this is litteraly translated i'm sorry when it
is not understandable).

i trie doubling next time ido goes running! (when i know what a snaffle is)


Re: introductions, canter

1998-04-01 Thread ILANGELA

>>again.  Sweet as they are, Fjords can panic too.

i know! once ido did panic and jumped on the ROOF of a CAR! the car was total



1998-04-01 Thread ILANGELA
o dear, my english is really bad! long live the translationprograms! i didn't
now what canter and bucking was, but now it is all clear to me!
my fjord ido never bucks, but when i ask something from him he doesn't like, he
goes galloping and i cant steer him any more, and i can't get him back in trot
or walk. does someone else have or had that problem too? and dit you solve it?
i think ido did this with his former owner too. she used to ride him with a
western-bit. i can't use that becouse it is forbidden in the dressage.
when ido goes galloping he puts his head in the air. even with a tight
martingaal (don't know the wordt in englisch, maybe it is the same?) he still
does that. he makes himself very strong then.


ps another question: whats the right word for a dressage match?

Re: Introductions

1998-03-31 Thread ILANGELA

>>For my fjord, I use a warmblood-sizedbridle which has had the cheek
>>peices and the noseband shortened.

i use an extra-full size bridle! ido has got a very large head!

Re: jumping fjords

1998-03-31 Thread ILANGELA
>>At 09:55 AM 3/31/98 +, you wrote:
>I jump my fjord.  They have allot of power over fences.   Fj, my fjord,
>enjoys jumping allot, and we are competing in 2"6' at present.  Fjords
>have the ability to go much higher, but Fj is still very green.  He can
>jump 3 feet at home, 3"3' free jumping.  By the end of this year, I hope
>to be jumping 3"6'.  The fjord is also much quieter over odd fences, and
>less likely to spook.
>>>how much centimeters is a feet?
>>That would be 30.48 centimeters.

then 3 feet is almost a meter. ido can jump over that, but HE thinks it is to
much for him. 


Re: who is who

1998-03-31 Thread ILANGELA
>>Hello Fellow Fjord Lovers,

hello paul!

>>My name is Paul Milton and I have a pair - Tomas and Raffiel.  They like
>>to walk through fences and eat and when I can find time seem to enjoy

does he walks through fences also when you are on his back? ido sometimes does!

>>pulling my wagon.  I am a carriage builder in Carson City, Nevada,USA. 
>>Fjords are catching on around here.  There are 4 Fjord owners in town
>>with a total of about 10 horses.  

i av got a nice carriage. it is blue and white. i will look for a picture of
ido pulling the carriage. i bought it from a girl who lives in our
neighbourhood. she has got a fjord too.

>>I think the who is who is a good idea, but please keep it private.  If
>>it is accessed pubicly, we will end up on mailing lists and get too much
>>unwanted email.

the who is who will be kept private, isn't it saskia?

greeting from holland, ilona

Re: Introduction

1998-03-31 Thread ILANGELA
hello, i didn't fill in the who is who till now, so VOILA:

>>name: Ilona Langelaan
>>age: 26
>>male/female: female
>>tell us something about yourself:
>>I live in a town near The Hague, Leidschendam, The Netherlands. i've lived
there for all my life. I work at the Agricultural Economics Research Institute
(LEI-DLO). I am an agricultural profitability researcher (dairy farms).

>>do you have a fjord horse: Yes!
>>age:  Ido becomes 10 at 2 april 1998.
>>male/female: Gelding
>>tell us something about him/her/them: 
I have bought ido 1 1/2 years ago, from a girl my age in Warmond. Ido is 1.47 m
tall. He can pull a carriage, I ride dressage with him and sometimes i do
showjumping. Ido is a very nice horse, except from the fact he can be very
stubborn sometimes. When he is in that mood it is very difficult to hold him
back from galloping and not listening. He can be so strong! Ido lives on a farm
nearby my home. He has two "roommates": my shetlandpony Bopper and the
connamara-horse Cleo, who is owned by the farmers daughter. Ido an Bopper
always stand in the meadow, summer and winter. the are never ill. The do have a
stable, but they don't like to be hold inside. My shetlandpony Bopper is 88 cm
high and looks like Ruud Gullit (you know him? i'll scan some pictures of
Bopper and Ruud Gullit and put them next to each other).

lots of friendly greetings,

Re: who is who

1998-03-31 Thread ILANGELA
>>I have made a very primitive "who is who", 

Nice! great idea saskia! i'll write something about ido and me for the who is


Re: jumping fjords

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
>>I jump my fjord.  They have allot of power over fences.   Fj, my fjord,
>>enjoys jumping allot, and we are competing in 2"6' at present.  Fjords
>>have the ability to go much higher, but Fj is still very green.  He can
>>jump 3 feet at home, 3"3' free jumping.  By the end of this year, I hope
>>to be jumping 3"6'.  The fjord is also much quieter over odd fences, and
>>less likely to spook.

how much centimeters is a feet?


Re: does anyone here jump their fjords?

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
>>Does anyone here jump their Fjords?  I love to jump, and I think the
>>fjord is just the coolest breed of horses.  I would love to hear about
>>jumping expreiences with Fjords!

hello elizabeth,

my fjord ido can jump, but he always have to prove he is a fjord; very
self-willed an stubborn! yesterday i went jumping (training) and ido did not
want to, so he went galloping six rounds very fast and i couldn't find the
brakes ;-)


Re: hello!

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
hello alison!

>>takes very little time to acheive alot.Working with him has made me
>>decide that  I want to train horses for a living.

i think most horseminded-people dream about that


Re: Introduction

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA

>>It's been raining most of today, so the pasture and barnyard are ankle-deep
>>in mud. The ponies are dozing under the protection of the barn's roof
>>overhang, dreaming horse dreams about warm sun and green grass. The dog
>>just barked to come inside out of the wet and take a nap. I'm tempted to
>>join them for a snooze!

my fjord ido loooves mud! he always is searching for the dirtiest place to
go lie down and role over.


Re: - no subject (01IVAF95BO42001H2D) -

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
hello cythia!

>>   Tank was my birthday present to myself four years ago in July. I first
>>   saw Fjords at a driving show in Minnesota many years before and vowed to
>>   have on some day. Not long after we discovered that there was a breeder

i like it that you call your fjord TANK!
we have a discussion on the dutch fjordnet about fjords being BULLDOZERS and/or
the BULLDOZER syndrom! is that also the reason why you call your fjord TANK?
the bulldozer syndrom = our fjords sometimes goes galloping when we don't want
it, or they walk trough fences etc.

greetings, ilona

Re: Cynthia & Steve's Fjord Tank

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA

>>Yes, 'helpful' horses aren't they!?  Our Nadia loves to help me fix the
>>electric fence, and will help me whenever I am doing any chores within
>>reach.  Breeze is less helpful, but I think that is just because she has
>>delegated her tasks to Nadia (part of the dominance thing I guess).

ido once helped me to jump over a car and send the car to the demolition.


Re: Reply Problem and Intro to Me

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
>>FjordHorse List--
>>  Hi folks.  Please bear with me,  I'm new to this list administrator
>>  role, and I'm going to need to learn some new skills.  I should have
>>  the _reply_ problem fixed shortly.  Hopefully, there won't be too
>>  many rough edges getting this thing started.

hello steve! we all are very gratefull that you made this list, so we forgive
you the startup problems ;-)

>>  First let me welcome all who have already subscribed.  I am
>>  delighted with the response.  In less than 24 hours we have 16
>>  subscribers in 5 countries.  Most lists are around much longer
>>  before they go international!

oh but people with fjordhorses are very sociably people! you have found a gap
in the marked ( free translated from an hollands proverb.)


Re: Hello!

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
>>>shall we make a who is who?
>>>that's easy for the people who will join us on this list!
>>>anyone another suggestion?
>>good idea, Ilona! maybe we can put the who is who on a website, with 
>>photographs of the Fjords... that's easy for us too, if this list keeps 
>>growing, as a reminder of who was who again.

do you have spae on your site for that, or shall me make a special site for
this on geocities?

Re: DS: our fjords

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
>>Ilona, Sybren is a colt!! :-))  !!

oh oh

sorry saskia!

i thout filly whas another word for filly. does anyone know what the word is
for a casterated male horse?

Re: fjordhorse-digest V1 #2

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
>>Hello Dave!
>>>I have eight Fjord horses at the moment.
>>How wonderful!!! Please tell more about them! 

yes yes, tell tell! we are very curious!

From NH, Dave
>>is that New Hampshire?

or norwegian horseland? ;-)


Re: Hello!

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
shall we make a who is who?
that's easy for the people who will join us on this list!

i have got a suggestion:

tell us something about yourself:
do you have a fjord horse:
tell us something about him/her/them:

anyone another suggestion?

bye, ilona

Re: our fjords

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
>>hello, dear fjord-lovers!

hello saskia!

nice to meet you here!
for all others: saskia is a friend of natalia an me, we know her from the dutch

>>this list is a great idea indeed and I am very happy today to meet all of 

i think it is nice to have a site like this too!
a very good idea!

>>I have one Fjord, he's called Sybren and is 10 months old. We live in 
>>Belgium, but he's in the Dutch Studbook. He is -of course- the sweetest, 
>>most beautiful and funniest foal I ever saw. He's with me since January 

this is true, o so true, sybren is a very nice filly!

>>Becaus she's still "my girl" and for ever will be, I should tell you also 
>>about my Fjord Unna. She was the animal I loved most in the world and she 
>>died very suddenly, on November 15th of last year, from collitis. She was 
>>only 2 years and half old and I miss her every minute.


>>I am very happy to have Sybren. He is a kind of nephew to her, as Sybrens 
>>father Holmar was Unna's grandfather, but that's not why I am so fond of 
>>him, though it's a nice detail.
>>I walk with him a lot, he is so cute, he follows like a dog and he likes 
>>to play with the skippy-ball and with the other two ponies (a 4-year-old 
>>Haflinger, Kitty, and a 10 months old Shetland, Janosch).

o, i have seen that, ind its very nice to see those animals all playing
together! i have got some very nice pictures of them and a videofilm.

>>And (big secret) I am very much in love with a Fjord-gelding who is in a 
>>manege nearby. He's called Flor and that's everything I know of him. So 
>>I'm subscribing to all kinds of games and contests, hoping to have one 
>>day a big bag full of money ;-) and to get Flor out of his box and to 
>>us... Until then, I'm happy to give him a carrot from time to time (and 
>>he already knows me!!!).

Flor is a nice fjord. very good looking. let's rob a bank together! ;-)

>>so now I'm curious about your fjords...

you know everything about mine! i still have to get my photo's printed with you
and ido on it, so wait and see


Re: DS: reply is not working all the time?

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
when i choose "reply" i sometimes get someones personal e-mail adress in the
send-to line, or the adress of the owner of the list. so now i put the right
adress in my e-mail adress-book, then goes everything allright.
do you have problems like this also?

Re: Our Fjords

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
hello Glen!
i looked to your homepage and i liked the pictures of your fjords very much. on
the dutch fjordpage you can find pictures of my fjord ido on the photo-plaza.


>>Greetings!  I think this list is a great idea.  We have two fjords:  a 7 1/2
>>year old mare named Breeze, and a nearly 2 year old filly named Nadia.
>>Breeze we ride now, and will be teaching her to pull wagons and sleighs
>>starting this summer.  Nadia is just learning all sorts of things (like
>>manners for example!).  We just got a scanner so more pictures will start to
>>show up on our pages soon
>>We are in Petawawa Ontario Canada.
>>Glen MacGillivray

Re: fjordhorse-digest V1 #2

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
>>Good morning Fjord horse list!  Natalia, which stallion is the father of
>>your horse?  I have enjoyed looking at the pictures of the Dutch stallions.
>>Can I suggest we identify which state we're from?
>>I have eight Fjord horses at the moment.  I mostly drive pairs.
>>From NH, Dave

Hello Dave and all others,

i'm ilona and i did subscribe on this list this morning. it will be very good
for my english to be a part of this list, so please say it when i write
something wrong, i'll learn from that!
i live in holland, in a small town near the hague, named Leidschendam. My fjord
is an almost 10 year old castrated male (what's the word for that? we call it a
ruin), named ido. 
Another member of this list is natalia, and i know her and her fjord
personally, she lives 10 kilometers from my house. 
ido's father is Verge. Verge is castereded now,because when he got older he
became infertile. i heva visited Verge and it is a very nice horse, ido looks
like his father, bu verge is a lot smaller than ido. ido is 1,47 meter.
i ride with ido, dressage and sometimes showjumping. i have got a carriage too,
so sometimes i put ido in front of it and then we go driving.


Re: AW: goodmorning

1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
thanks, natalia!
do you own a fjordhorse, too?

>>Welcome, Ilona,


1998-03-30 Thread ILANGELA
goodmorning everybody!

first, i'll introduce myself to you.
i'm ilona, 26 years old an i have two horses: a fjord, 9 years old, named ido,
and a shetlandpony, 6 years old, named bopper.
i ride on ido and he can pull a carriage also.

greetings from ilona