asked not to post ,was: Communications Concerning Fjord Rescues

2003-01-11 Thread Joanna Crell and David folger
This message is from: "Joanna Crell and David folger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 why is this discussion thread being shut down and by whom?  While any one
topic can become obsessive or myopic, this is a breed specific forum that
has many members who can actively seek participation and awareness on
something that is happening in our "community". Call horses a devotion, a
recreational activity, or an industry, communication between interested
parties is very important.  Access to information is a deep privilege to me
and even if I had no concern in this matter I would appreciate the efforts
made on behalf of the Fjord breed to keep persons who care about them
apprized  of individual situations  and evidence of their role in the food
chain.  This is a very gritty discussion and has brought up alot of tough
questions.  Responsibility and cognizant animal husbandry are in the center
of this, economics and ethics will be on the burners boiling.  For whatever
reason each of us comes to read the Fjordhorse list/digest this has been a
serious look inside and an honest call to action.  I would rather stay based
in reality than fluff, some of it is hard.

Joanna Crell and David Folger
Willowind Therapeutic Riding and Driving Center
State Hwy 3 box 1140
Bar Harbor, Maine
(207)288-9506 phone and fax

Re: Communications Concerning Fjord Rescues

2003-01-11 Thread Joe Glick
This message is from: "Joe Glick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>I certainly hate to be the Grinch that is dooming little Fjords to auction
or worse, but the volume of communications about this subject has become
such that perhaps Lynda's solution of starting a dedicated mailing list is
what's called for. I know there are some people on the list that see the
rescue topic as being germane to the rest of Fjord discussions.
Steve McIlree
Owner/Administrator FjordHorse List<<

It sounds to me as if it would be OK to post the rescues of Fjords. As long
as there is no soliciting of funds for them. Personally, I enjoyed reading
about the progress. JMHO

Joe Glick
Glick Family Farm

Re[2]: Communications Concerning Fjord Rescues

2003-01-11 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Friday, January 10, 2003, 10:20:44 PM, you wrote:

> Lynda I am very saddened that you are not allowed to continue with
> the info of rescuing fjords. To me this is as important as
> discussions on breed, food etc. I think we should have this info
> available here. Perhaps limited to so many lines or times but just
> so that we would know when we needed to help the fjords. Jean

  First let me emphasize that I think the efforts being made by Lynda
  Welch and the United Equine Foundation in attempting to save horses
  from possible slaughter is very admirable. I certainly hate to be
  the Grinch that is dooming little Fjords to auction or worse, but
  the volume of communications about this subject has become such that
  perhaps Lynda's solution of starting a dedicated mailing list is
  what's called for. I know there are some people on the list that see
  the rescue topic as being germane to the rest of Fjord discussions.
  However, there are as many if not more who view the constant updates
  as solicitation or advertising. Since the very beginning of this
  list I have enforced the rule of allowing *one-time* advertisements
  offering horses or goods for sale; at the same time I have been
  vigorous in enforcing the denial of *repeat* ads. I only regret that
  a sense of compassion for the horses' plight as well as the
  ambiguity of whether or not this topic was indeed advertising made
  me drag my feet in asking Lynda to find other channels of
  communication. Unfortunately, when one has the role of enforcer they
  must apply the rules equally to all.

  Let me close this with a reminder that the address to subscribe to the
  Fjord rescue list is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just
  send an Email to that address and you will be subscribed to the new

Steve McIlree
Owner/Administrator FjordHorse List

Re: Communications Concerning Fjord Rescues

2003-01-11 Thread Hope Carlson
This message is from: "Hope Carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would like to keep seeing the messages about Fjord rescues.  If we can't
discuss it here, there should at least be a link from the NFHR web site.
What about rescues that do not involve UEF, we can't discuss those either?
The UEF is doing us a favor, IMO.

There are probably people who breed Fjords that don't have computers, live
far from usual shipping routes for buyers, and maybe have fallen on hard
times.  It would be good to get the word out about rescue.  I know I am
being idealistic, that there are some people who would hold  Fjords for
ransom, "give me what I want or I will sell them to slaughter".  Some people
would wait to get a "cheap" Fjord, and that might not be good for the Fjord,
or a disappointment to the deal seeker.  Anyone who knows horses knows the
worth of a well bred, handled, nutritionally sound animal from a reputable
source.  All the negatives about rescue being true, they are still worth
bearing for the sake of the horse.  So I want to hear what is going on and
be reminded to contribute to the effort.


Re: Communications Concerning Fjord Rescues

2003-01-11 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/10/2003 9:10:29 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> I have asked for this new Fjord rescue email list to be presented to the 
> BOD to see if we can have a link put up under the Fjord Link Section on the 
> NFHR site.  I will be forwarding this email to the NFHR.  Without some sort 
> of avenue for the UEF to openly communicate with the Fjord community at 
> large, this project will be even more difficult than it currently is.  If 
> any 
> of you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact me!

How sad you can't post about rescue fjords here!  Can you at least put a line 
in a post "new rescue horses available" and an invitation to write you about 
them?  This would be the place to get the word out after all.

Pamela";>Northern Holiday 

Re: Communications Concerning Fjord Rescues

2003-01-11 Thread Reena G.
This message is from: "Reena G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I too am saddened that this has been yanked from the's a
pertinent discussion and update feature for all of the Fjord owners and
perspective owners.   I do hope that a link will be established from the
NFHR page concerning this topic.   I would like this issue to be
reconsidered for the list.perhaps a poll or survey  of how the list members feel about the topic?   Some sort
of a message Lynda could send notifying us that there is a new rescue with a
link to it?   I do realize that she has set up a yahoo group, but not
everyone wants to have too many emails/lists that they belong to and as this
IS a Fjord Horse list, I think it is valuable information.


> This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Lynda I am very saddened that you are not allowed to continue with the
> of rescuing fjords.  To me this is as important as discussions on breed,
> food etc.  I think we should have this info available here.  Perhaps
> to so many lines or times but just so that we would know when we needed to
> help the fjords.   Jean

Re: Communications Concerning Fjord Rescues

2003-01-11 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lynda I am very saddened that you are not allowed to continue with the info
of rescuing fjords.  To me this is as important as discussions on breed,
food etc.  I think we should have this info available here.  Perhaps limited
to so many lines or times but just so that we would know when we needed to
help the fjords.   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Communications Concerning Fjord Rescues

2003-01-10 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone,

I have been asked to no longer post to this list any current or future UEF 
Fjord rescue attempts, Fjords available for adoption, or any need by the UEF 
to raise funds for these or future Fjords in need.  This is to be my last 
post on these subjects.

When I first responded to the email to this list by Carole Riviore, I had no 
idea I would be becoming involved in ongoing Fjord rescue efforts.  I 
honestly thought these three Fjords were a once in a lifetime situation.  
However, the information I found out in working with the first UEF Fjord 
rescue was startling, and indicated to us at the UEF that there was a need 
for a Norwegian Fjord Representative to begin researching this problem and to 
work toward resolving it.

As I am a NFHR member and a Fjord breeder, I thought it imperative we work as 
closely as possible with the NFHR guidelines in dealing with any Fjord 
rescue.  The UEF president wholeheartedly agreed, so after a discussion with 
Mike May, the UEF implemented a policy to DNA type and scan, if necessary, 
every Fjord we rescue, register her/him if possible, but also to put strict 
no-breeding clauses on any crossbred Fjord and on any un-registerable Fjord 
we rescue.  This addendum is an actual part of the UEF adoption contract and 
will be strictly enforced.  The DNA and scanning process also allows us to be 
able to contact last known owners and breeders in the event any of these 
Fjords were stolen or if the breeder wished to adopt the Fjords back.  

I will share with the list our statistics to date.  Please understand I only 
began working on this mid December, so much of the information is still 
coming in.  This is a massive undertaking and will take a great deal of time 
and effort to get a complete understanding of the situation.  

ALBERTA/ONTARIO:  I believe Carole Riviore initially wrote the Fjord list 
about the three Fjords in need in Alberta somewhere between December 10-12, 
2002.  They came into the UEF possession on December 21, 2002 and are 
currently being 
prepared to adopt out as soon as we can get them into the States for DNA 

ONTARIO FACILITY: To date, the official at the Ontario slaughter facility 
told me he has seen Fjords go through his slaughter house and while he often 
purchases them outright himself as the Fjord is one of the few breeds he does 
not like to see go to slaughter, he does not buy all of them, or is able to.  
He does not believe the numbers slaughtered this year were greatly affected 
by either the poor economic market in the States nor the drought suffered in 
some of the States or western Alberta.  He distinctly remembers 2 groups of 
Fjords going through in both August and November, each group between 3-7 

So from his facility, since August, we are looking at a minimum of 9 to a 
maximum of 17, 3 of which we saved.  He also stated he would not remember 
just 1 or 2.  Interestingly enough, he also stated he has never seen a 
"crippled" Fjord, so while some people may state Fjords are sent to slaughter 
due to being severely lame, this slaughter house official states very clearly 
he has not seen this to be the case in the 25 years he has worked in the 

ALBERTA FACILITY: On December 20, I called this facility and spoke with one 
of the purchasers.  He verified they currently had Fjords on site and wished 
to know what sex and age I would be interested in.  I told him this was not 
of importance to me currently, but would like to know how many and if we 
could purchase them.  He requested I send a fax outlining what I wanted, 
which I immediately did.  The facility was closed over the weekend, and when 
I did not receive an answer by Monday morning, I called back and was referred 
to another gentleman, one who oversees all the feedlots and is also a 
Unfortunately, by the time I was able to talk with him on Monday, December 
23, the Fjords were already gone.  I was not given a number, but again was 
told that yes, there had been Fjords there.  I was told I would be contacted 
in the future if more showed up but with this facility, I will have to check 
back with them periodically as they go through so many horses.  Also, it was 
made quite clear to me that I would have to be prepared to immediately act, 
so until I get the UEF fund going, I hesitate to contact them without being 
able to immediately follow through.

ALBERTA: Around this same time frame, our representative in Alberta, Jan 
president of Foal Quest, contacted me as she had just gotten off the phone 
with one of her dealer friends who, while attending a meat buyer auction, saw 
a Fjord gelding there.  This boy was purchased in the UEF name, although we 
have yet to take possession of him.

ALBERTA: Around this same time frame, this same representative was contacted 
by a PMU farmer who will be selling out all of his Fjord mares either this 
coming fall or the fall of 2