RE: Jeans weather reports...

2004-11-03 Thread Gwenn & Paul Beaupre
This message is from: "Gwenn & Paul Beaupre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean wrote: "Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, light snow, +10F Winter is here!"

You often do not put in the "F", so as a good Canadian I often look and
think "hey, close to the temp here in Ontario, why is she getting the snow
and we arent"... the penny dropped this evening (maybe I'm just tired)...
"F" vs. "C" ... ok, now I get it... *grin*  Hoping for our turn at some
snow.. they're calling for it wet this evening but it won't last. Yet.   ...

Mixing Jeans...ooops!

2004-08-31 Thread I Ivic
This message is from: I Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Oooops...sorry. Mixing of  "Jeans"! My mistake. 
Yes, I remember you mentioning growing up in this
area. It's changed quite alot over the past few years
we've lived here. Most of the "feed and
horsey-related" type of businesses have gone out of
businesssigh! If I need bedding (shavings) or
feed, they have to be delivered from miles & miles
away. New developments all over the place. Getting so
crowded and urbanized. Time to move further out...But
then, how far from work? UughIngrid

Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 06:41:10 -0800
From: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Ingrid,
Gunnar belongs to the other Jean! ...Jean Gayle!  but
thanks, anyway!
BTW I grew up in your area, still have relatives
there! (North Olmsted, 
Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, Cool and still smoky..will
it ever end?
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Ingrid Ivic
Customized Artwork and Gifts for
Norwegian Fjord, Friesian & Icelandic Horse
Specializing in Embroidered Apparel 
Signs & Plaques, Cards, Saddlepads & More
Please visit us at:
Thank you!

Re: God Jul and Jeans Book

2001-12-23 Thread Janne Myrdal
This message is from: "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Heisann, hyggelig ålese noe annet enn amerikansk en gang in blandt.  Tusen

Also, those who have not read Jean's book, get one.  Great entertainment for
the cold nights!!!


Re: Nightclothes VS Jeans ? ; (

2000-04-28 Thread Julie Will
This message is from: "Julie Will" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was joking!  No offense intended, Lisa.  But you are right...might be a
fun class!!  The point is, it isn't a serious issue.  Each show committee
can choose what they want.  Safety IS important, but not jeans vs pants,
chaps, etc.  We all want to enjoy ourselves, our horses, and encourage
others to join the fun.

We leave for Norway tomorrow, and I'll post a report when I get back next
week.  Enjoy the spring weather, everyone.

>  Really Julie, ( ! ) because some of us questioned the ability of <
> to go buy expensive chaps, to ride in one western class, does not mean we
> against any rule or this book.  Pajamas and Nightgowns ?  Im thinking that
> the "no jean" rule is hardly a break to bring in nightclothes comments.

Nightclothes VS Jeans ? ; (

2000-04-28 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 00-04-28 17:08:31 EDT, you write:

 This message is from: "Julie Will" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To all of you who are concerned/upset/delighted/angry/worried, or anything
 else about the newly published Rule Book, please understand that the NFHR
 does not "control" any of the shows.  The individual show committees can
 adopt all or part or none of these rules, as they see fit.  The rule book
 was intended as a guideline, and certainly it will be updated and modified
 as time goes on.  It is a start, not an end.  You can show in pajamas and
 night gowns if the show committee sees fit.  (With a hard hat, of course!)
 You can modify the rule book as your show committee sees fit, and give it to
 the judge for reference.

 Really Julie, ( ! ) because some of us questioned the ability of < most> 
to go buy expensive chaps, to ride in one western class, does not mean we are 
against any rule or this book.  Pajamas and Nightgowns ?  Im thinking that 
the "no jean" rule is hardly a break to bring in nightclothes comments. Of 
course there are a FEW I would pay to see ride in their PJ's.   The good 
folks of Blue Earth Mn. have struggled with this issue, of keeping their show 
FRIENDLY and without requiring alot of expensive trappings to their country 
farm type Fjord show.   I remember a few years ago, the subject of men 
wearing " aprons " ( lap robes ) in formal driving classes was the hot topic 
of the meeting, and last year, some kids still wore tennis shoes and no 
helmets in kids classes.  There is always room for safety concerns and I 
would encourage the clubs at large to buy a couple of kid sz. helmets to go 
on the bitty ones, and encourage boots of course. BUT, the NO JEANS and 
requiring of CHAPS seems like adornment issues and without a reason to make a 
rule of it.  Just my humble opinion of course. Lisa Pedersen, Cedar 
City UT. windy and 84* today.   PS  I personally aprove of the " must carry a 
whip " a normal safety issue, but Im also sure that there are a 
few who have not learned to always have a whip in hand OR have horses that 
have not learned to take cues from a whip.  Seems that it, in itself ,could 
pose a safety risk to RERQUIRE people to do so, without prior notice.   LP

Nightclothes VS Jeans ? ; (

2000-04-28 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 00-04-28 17:08:31 EDT, you write:

 This message is from: "Julie Will" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To all of you who are concerned/upset/delighted/angry/worried, or anything
 else about the newly published Rule Book, please understand that the NFHR
 does not "control" any of the shows.  The individual show committees can
 adopt all or part or none of these rules, as they see fit.  The rule book
 was intended as a guideline, and certainly it will be updated and modified
 as time goes on.  It is a start, not an end.  You can show in pajamas and
 night gowns if the show committee sees fit.  (With a hard hat, of course!)
 You can modify the rule book as your show committee sees fit, and give it to
 the judge for reference.

 Really Julie, ( ! ) because some of us questioned the ability of < most> 
to go buy expensive chaps, to ride in one western class, does not mean we are 
against any rule or this book.  Pajamas and Nightgowns ?  Im thinking that 
the "no jean" rule is hardly a break to bring in nightclothes comments. Of 
course there are a FEW I would pay to see ride in their PJ's.   The good 
folks of Blue Earth Mn. have struggled with this issue, of keeping their show 
FRIENDLY and without requiring alot of expensive trappings to their country 
farm type Fjord show.   I remember a few years ago, the subject of men 
wearing " aprons " ( lap robes ) in formal driving classes was the hot topic 
of the meeting, and last year, some kids still wore tennis shoes and no 
helmets in kids classes.  There is always room for safety concerns and I 
would encourage the clubs at large to buy a couple of kid sz. helmets to go 
on the bitty ones, and encourage boots of course. BUT, the NO JEANS and 
requiring of CHAPS seems like adornment issues and without a reason to make a 
rule of it.  Just my humble opinion of course. Lisa Pedersen, Cedar 
City UT. windy and 84* today.   PS  I personally aprove of the " must carry a 
whip " a normal safety issue, but Im also sure that there are a 
few who have not learned to always have a whip in hand OR have horses that 
have not learned to take cues from a whip.  Seems that it, in itself ,could 
pose a safety risk to RERQUIRE people to do so, without prior notice.   LP


2000-04-20 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If the truth be known, I HATE jeans.  They are really uncomfortable as far 
as I'm concerned.."

Watch out Gayle, the D.Q.'s are gonna get ya into a pair of full-seat 
breeches before ya can say Pikeur!!!

anxious in Carson City

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2000-04-20 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 09:44 AM 04/20/2000 EDT, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>In a message dated 4/19/00 11:20:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
><< This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Well Gayle:
> Since I always wear jeans to everything, even formal events. I think the
> rules of no jeans are dumb. Anyway, that is what people usually wear in
> western classes. Slacks are whussy. Ha. Since I don't show, I can say what
> I want to and one of the reasons I don't show is because I hate people
> telling me what to do. So there. I think, horse is clean and cared for,
> same with rider, I don't care if you dress up in a Mongolian tunic, in
> fact, I think it would be cool. 
> I tell you what, when I watch you and Dusty glide out into the arena I
> don't notice what either one of you are wearing, hells bells there is a
> team for ya.
>  >>
WE AGREE TOTALLY! this discriminatory regulation is ridiculous! Gene just
about went through the ceiling when he read that one.

Which is correct; a one hundred dollar pair of new designer jeans or a 25
cent pair of 30-year old polyester "slacks" from Good Will? The first a
natural fiber, the second a synthetic pollutant!!

This could be regarded as a prejudicial slam against country folk! the
heart of America, the home of the Fjord! well, what more can I say... (I'll
think of something =) You know you can slide right out of the saddle in
those danged "plastic" pants! They should outlaw them.

Ruthie, nw mt (where else)


2000-04-20 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/19/00 11:20:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Well Gayle:
 Since I always wear jeans to everything, even formal events. I think the
 rules of no jeans are dumb. Anyway, that is what people usually wear in
 western classes. Slacks are whussy. Ha. Since I don't show, I can say what
 I want to and one of the reasons I don't show is because I hate people
 telling me what to do. So there. I think, horse is clean and cared for,
 same with rider, I don't care if you dress up in a Mongolian tunic, in
 fact, I think it would be cool. 
 I tell you what, when I watch you and Dusty glide out into the arena I
 don't notice what either one of you are wearing, hells bells there is a
 team for ya.


Thanx for the kind comments.

Now here's a novel idea that'll make you chuckle.  If the truth be known, I 
HATE jeans.  They are really uncomfortable as far as I'm concerned.  They 
don't 'give' enough to suit me and they cause a great deal of INJURY to the 
inside of my knees.  Seems like the seams are always right there rubbing 
unless I wear nylons underneath.  You should've seen my legs after the EXPO - 
rubbed raw and bruised!  Maybe if my legs were a bit longer, that wouldn't 

Since I haven't been able to locate any 'organ donors' to will their long 
legs to me, my alternative choice is SWEAT PANTS.  COMFY, but doesn't exactly 
put me on the top of the 10 BEST DRESSED list!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR  

Thanks, Jeans

1999-01-07 Thread Jon A. Ofjord
This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks Jeans (Gayle & Ernest)  You gals made my day.  I actually got out
and did a little work around the barn.  You know, sticking to what I know.
There were many piles the gang had left laying around.  Cut a few manes.
It was actually quite nice in the sun with no wind.  You are right Jean, in
Fairbanks, about it getting to -20 and feeling warm.  We had that up here
the first winter we moved up, and it was below zero for over a month
straight.  When the temps got up to around zero, we were out in our
T-shirts!  And to Jean in Aberdeen, WA; I'd rather have it sunny and cold,
than always rainy and dreary.  I know what that coast cold can be like,
very damp and bone chilling.  I guess I don't have it so bad after all. :)

Not so crabby Mary O. in Northern Minnesota