Re: Re:NY Show, VT Show & Moving

2001-08-10 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Sue, can only wish you the best and that this is just from over doing
and all will be well with some rest.  Your wonderful attitude is something
for all of us to emulate in our problems.

Just an hour ago I went out to turn off the sprinkler and give the horses
apples before bedtime.  As I carried the sprinkler around the house my foot
caught in the hose and down I went full force with my head onto the top nail
in the sprinkler.  Blood all over and two doggies trying to help me.  I hit
my knee, the "good" one and the taste of blood let me know I was bleeding
pretty hard from the head wound.  Managed to get to my feet and get to the
house where the apparition in the mirror looked like a bomb victim!!.  I
began to get shaky and hated to but called 911 as I was too shaky to drive
to the ER.  "please no sirens."  Sure, so five cars came with the aid car
blasting away and the horses and dogs freaking out.  The cat may come home

  All I had that merited this confusion was a huge swelling on my forehead,
blood had stopped but my shirt looked like a mass murderer"s and my blood
pressure was 189 over 110.  They put a band aid on me and after the usual
questions about who is president etc, left. Ho hum just another night on the

I am lucky as it could have gone into my eye.  So I hope your reports come
out with good findings like mine and this is just some minor set back.  Jean
Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] to order

-Original Message-
Date: Friday, August 10, 2001 5:41 PM
Subject: Re:NY Show, VT Show & Moving

>This message is from: "SUSAN L GIARGIARI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hello Listers!
>Way to go Dave McWethy!  You girls with the 4 IN Hand are having way too
>much fun!! Maybe some day we can do a 4 IN Hand Stick Drill team at
>Peg...I have the pictures and will hold them for
>know what I am talking about...LOL..!!!
>It was great to see some of you in NY! And in VT! The NY Show was lots of
>fun and is definitely on our list of shows for every year! The VT Show was
>also a great time! Thanks to everyone who helped! Without Deb Stevens and
>Joanne Goble, there would have been no show!! The dinner/auction was fun(I
>hope Marcy & Susan will always be there to do it!!) , with the exception
>that I had to say a few words for the NFHR! Hope I didn't say too many
>"ums" . In all seriousness, please consider if you would like to
>for the Board of Directors. It is a wonderful bunch of fjord fjolks(LOL)
>a way to give back to the breed! Don't be intimidated! If I can do
>itso can you!
>You can nominate yourself, hint , hint, to the lovely little JR Champion
>from the NY Show! Put in your nomination, we would love to have a young
>learn all about the importance of the Registry and how we all work
>The common interest being the love of the Fjord Horse!
>   If you all can believe this or not..we have our closing date for
>August 17. Yep.I packed my first box
>have all the boxes stacked in the kitchen and livingroom and Dick has put
>sides on a big flatbed and backed it up to the livingroom door, below the
>attic windowtime to throw away what I haven't needed in the last 23
>years...unless of course it has to do with childhood memories!!
>Sue S... so glad to hear how good you are doing!! We were worried
>about you ! Glad your little guy is doing so well also!
>I would like to ask for you all to have good thoughts for me as we go
>thru the next few weeks with the move and having a medical diagnosis done.
>experienced numbness in my toes on the ride to VT on Thursday and as the
>weekend progressed, my left side of my body became numb. Felt like it was
>asleep. I know I looked funny dragging my leg in the arena! Man! Was that
>sand deep!!! By Sunday nite, the right leg felt the same also. Having
>down the stairs in February and my hip still bothering me, I had hoped that
>it would have to do with that. I had an MRI today on my lower back and
>brain. There are abnormalities in the brain that are consistent with MS.
>Some of my health history is also consistent. I see a neurologist on Monday
>or Tuesday and will do more testing, but my Doctor was very concerned and
>knew that I was and called as soon as they read the MRI. I do have a very
>good outlook and know that there are all different levels of this disease,
>and have a great faith in God, that he won't dish out anymore than I can
>handle!!:-)  Maybe it will be something else, but the Dr. was pretty sure.
>You all are such an inspiring group of people that I wanted to share this
>personal journey with you and rece

Re: Re:NY Show, VT Show & Moving

2001-08-10 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I would like to ask for you all to have good thoughts for me as we go
> thru the next few weeks with the move and having a medical diagnosis done.
 have a great faith in God, that he won't dish out anymore than
I can
> handle!!:-). You all are such an inspiring group of people that I
wanted to share this
> personal journey with you and receive the strength that you give to the
> members in times when they need it. I need it right now.
 Thanks for letting me ramble on! Sue g.
Sue, we're very, very, sorry to hear of your physical difficulties and our
prayers are for your recovery. It sounds as though you have a wonderfully
vibrant and optimistic outlook which I'm sure will long serve you well. Take
it easy (let the neighbors help move) and be doubly-ot darned nice to

God Bless!! Ruthie, and Gene
nw mt