Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #76

1998-06-06 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

THIS week, not only
did we have representatives from all over the states, and Alaska, we had
Saskia join us from Belgium!!!
and we had Jackie from Australia!!! With her, it was 11 a.m.! So we had 
people from all over the planet and in different time-zones! (for me: 
future, present and past)
Jackie, I wonder if there are a lot of Fjords in Australia? How do they 
get there? (as even by plane, it is a very long trip).

(I think we wore her out, as I havnt
noticed as many posts from her this week! ) Well it was 4:00 AM there...
I enjoyed it very much!!! But I was tired and the following night we had 
my parent's dog here (as they were in France for 2 days) and he kept 
barking and weeping all night... and I didn't sleep a wink and the next 
night... I had a terrible tooth-ache and couldn't sleep either...
But I'm alive and kickin' again and ready to jump out of my bed at 3 a.m. 
tomorrow night again, as seems expected of me, Lisa, by your:


:-) !!!


Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #76

1998-06-05 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Fjord People!! I wanted to thank all the people who dropped by the fjord
chat last Sun. night on PETSANDVETS!! The week before, I thought it was neat
to have coast to coast particapents, if I remember, we had owners from New
Jersey to Calif. and from Washington down to New Mexico. THIS week, not only
did we have representatives from all over the states, and Alaska, we had
Saskia join us from Belgium!!! As with her posts, she added a fresh, fun look
from Europe, on our wonderful horses. ( I think we wore her out, as I havnt
noticed as many posts from her this week! ) Well it was 4:00 AM there... I
would like to invite all who have particapated, and anyone else who would like
to connect with fjord  people from a TRULY INTERNATIONAL GROUP, to come and
join us at PETSANDVETS, on Sun. nights, 9:00 PM EASTERN time, 6:00, Calif.
time. Feel free to check out the site, and also be aware that they have 24 hr.
open chat rooms, that you can go and meet friends to chat... Thanks! PAV

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #76

1998-06-05 Thread Arthur Rivoire
This message is from: Arthur Rivoire [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II in Nova
Scotia.  Our e-mail address is:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  First Book on the Fjord Breed in English. 

The FJORDHORSE HANDBOOK is selling very well, and we're getting a wonderful
response from the people who've bought it.  I thought subscribers to the
DIGEST might like to hear what people think.  Here are excerpts of letters
and e-mails I've received regarding the book.

What a wonderful book you've written  It should be required reading for
anyone purchasing a Fjord!!! . . . What wonderful pictures!!!  I hope you
write more books ---we want them all.

Received your book a few days ago and must admit, I couldn't put it down.
Lots of good information and photographs!  Most enjoyable!

I have just received the book.  It is apparent that you put your heart into
the project.

Congratulations on your book!  What a wonderful read!  You've had me in
stitches, as well as close to tears.  I love your writing style and how
matter of fact you are!  Bravo!

. . . such a well researched and charming book.

Rec'd book on Sat.  Think the pictures are worth the price.  You have done
a wonderful job, Carol, and I would certainly think every Fjord breeder
should not only have one of them for themselves but give one to every person
who purchased a Fjord.  Good sound advice on all aspects of buying and
maintaining a Fjord and written in a manner that one doesn't find themselves
nodding off.  

I am really enjoying your book, and especially the introduction about the
old farmer friend . . . I have known old timers like that . . . what a
treasure they are!

  Professional reviewers have made such comments as -

Carol Rivoire has written a love story . . .a delightful book

. . .a most informative book on the Fjordhorse . . .insightful. . .reflects
the profound experience and knowledge of the author . . .a necessary and
important contribution to the breed.

. . .a wonderful compendium . . .imbued with a love, respect, and intimate
knowledge of the ancient Norwegian Fjord.

The FJORDHORSE HANDBOOK is available from Beaver Dam Farm for $29.95 U.S.
plus $7 s  h ordered either with a personal check or ordered by phone with
VISA.  Our address is -  Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II, RR 7 Pomquet, Nova
Scotia B2G 2L4, (902) 386-2304.

Best Regards,  Carol


At 04:01 AM 6/5/98 -0600, you wrote:

fjordhorse-digest Friday, June 5 1998 Volume 98 : Number 076

In this issue:

   Stallion lines; Gjest


Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 04:21:36 PDT
From: Susanne Grönqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Stallion lines; Gjest

This message is from: Susanne Grönqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Carol !
I´m afraid that I have to make you dissapionted.
Gjest´s from these four lines we have in Sweden, but from another 
stallion, Adelsten, which is a son or a granson to Gange Rolv I N42.
And Njaal N 166, which´s the father of the other lines, has Gange Rolv
as Great granfather or something like that.
So maybe it´s Gange Rolv I N 42 who´s father to all our stallionlines?
Carol, do you have some more precise information on your line ??
Greatful if you´ll send a little more about it !!

I think that that part of Gange Rolv´s offspring is very unusual.
I haven´t seen it in the breeding until now.

Bye for now ! Susanne

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End of fjordhorse-digest V98 #76