Re: 13th Warrior movie

2000-07-30 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Finally saw the 13 Warriors movie last night -- or parts of it, since I kept 
switching back and forth between the jumping show and the movie since I only 
wanted to see the fjord parts.  Attack of the Killer Fjords with those sweet 
little faces and sweet little pumpkin butts.
Wish I had gotten to edit the tape on that movie.  It would have been short, 
but oh so sweet.
  Gail Dorine

Re: 13th Warrior

2000-01-25 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

dear peg,  as long as its washable, i wouldn't mind.  coolaid works for that
sort of thing,  but it's sticky.  my kids would just hose off.  denise

Re: Re:13th Warrior

2000-01-24 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean, I have been in several movies and was left "on the cutting room floor"
in one.  Darn that movie star, whose name I seem to repress, who gleefully
told me about it.   But it seems they destroy these cuttings unless there is
something of benefit in them.  I suppose if you know the cutter???   It
did not work for me.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: 13th Warrior

2000-01-24 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Who says horses do not look up?  My huge trakehner, Charlie, is the only
horse here who knows apples grow on trees and he can reach them!  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: 13th warrior

2000-01-24 Thread Alison Barr
This message is from: Alison Barr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This message is from: "Brian Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I saw that movie and agree that it was really awful, but I wondered where
> they found so many Fjords.

I know that the Swendsons sent several (their horses are the Aaurun's
horses), and I don't know how many reds are in the movie, but if there
is only one, that's Iggy, the pony I took to regionals.

Re: 13th Warrior

2000-01-24 Thread Anita Unrau
This message is from: Anita Unrau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean, it has actually been three movies our horses were involved with.
The first one was in the 70's with our original gelding George. Dan
Haggerty of Grizzley Adams fame got his start in this movie. The
riders couldn't handle the tigers and the tiger handlers couldn't ride
very well. Dan Hagerty was one of the tiger handlers. The movie was
called "When the North Winds Blow" and you occasionally see it on the
late night movies. It was about some guys in Siberia trying to catch
Siberian Tigers. Near the end George has a tiger on a travois and the
two guys are talking and one has a bunch of flowers in his hand. They
cut the scene just as George went to eat the flowers. If you know what
to look for you can see the Fjord going for the food. George was the
only horse there that would go up to the tigers when in the nets and
let them load them up.

It was the early eighties when we took Bjarne and some of the other
Fjords up Cathederal Mountin for the Clan of the Cave Bear. Permission
was not granted for the horses to go out on the fragile alpine so we
had 10 days of relaxation with a bunch of Fjords that were in a corral
with helicopters landing right next to them. People always told us
that horses don't look up but I got some pics of them looking up to
see what that horrible noise was.

The last movie was the 13th Warrior that took two years to be
released. There wereabout 60 Fjords of which we supplied 21. Ted
Swendsen and Helena Klement supplied about another 20 head between
them and some came from Sask. as well as several from individual
people. Only during the big rides were all 125 head out at once.
Usually we worked a total of 40-60 head of all horses every day. We
worked for the first week in July until the middle of Sept. Orville
was one of the Wendol's and many a day was 14-16 hour days starting
with costume and makeup. The horses learnt to have patience and be
ready to go but to relax and get some sleep in between takes.
Sometimes it might be two hours between and the next time they would
have to go right away. They all learnt to listen for "Rolling"
"Action" and they were gone as most scenes were wide open. Then they
would come back to the starting point and have to stand in line. It
was a standing joke that the Wendols could not count. They would be
told to line up in threes or fours and a lot of them never did get
that figured out. One filly that we sold to New York would lay down
between takes and her 14 yr old rider would snooze on top of her. I
wish I could have got some of the waiting pics. 7 or 8 Wendols sitting
around a stump with everyone on the next person's shoulder sound
asleep and their reins in their hands with the horse standing with
hind leg cocked also asleep. With the long hours sleep was a real rare
commodiy. We also worked 6 day a week and would take the Sunday shift
so we would have time to go over the horses and make sure everyone was
okay. My job was staying at the tent and cleaning barn, feeding,
doctoring etc.

I did get to go up top a couple of nights and watch.
I too wish we could take the cuttings and make another film.

Anita Unrau
Anvil's Acres Norwegian Fjord Horses.

Re:13th Warrior

2000-01-24 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think it was "Clan of the Cave Bear" that the Unraus had their fjords
waiting for...No horse footage used.  I don't think there WAS a movie made
of "Valley of Horses", was there? If so, I wanna see it!

I think Anita told me my old Bjarne was in that group "not" used in "Clan
of the Cave Bear"  I have a picture of Orville riding Bjarne and ponying a
bunch of Fjords, I think it was taken at the "Cave Bear" location?  Anita?

It was Anvil's Salomon, now owned by Cam Pedri that was the white Fjord in
13th warrior.

Anita, could it be possible to retrieve some of that great footage that
they cut out and view it?  Or do they destroy it forever?  Would be neat to
produce a video of all that wonderful horse action. (Boy, am I Dreaming?) 

Jean ini Fabulous Fairbanks, Alaska, where it is STILL a balmy +25F but the
moose are getting to be a problem getting in the hay barn.
At 08:27 AM 1/24/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>The Fjords belong to Orville and Anita Unrau of
>Anvil's Acres.  They have provided Fjord horses for at
>least two movies that I am aware of.  It seems I
>recall Anita saying that they took several horses to
>the set of "Valley of the Horses" - at the movie
>company's request - and waited around forever, only to
>have the director decide not to use the horses.  I
>never saw the movie, but have read the book and can't
>imagine making the movie without Fjords.  Makes you
>wonder.  Anyway, the white Fjord in the 13th Warrior
>is related to the ulsdun(white) Fjords that people on
>this list mention.  He is a son of Anvil's Stina,
>grandson of Stella, great-grandson of Line - all of
>whom are ulsdun(white dun, if you will).  I think I
>have that right anyway - Jean, Anita?
>Mary Thurman
>Raintree Farms
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re:13th Warrior

2000-01-24 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Brian Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: "Brian Thompson"
> I saw that movie and agree that it was really awful,
> but I wondered where
> they found so many Fjords.


The Fjords belong to Orville and Anita Unrau of
Anvil's Acres.  They have provided Fjord horses for at
least two movies that I am aware of.  It seems I
recall Anita saying that they took several horses to
the set of "Valley of the Horses" - at the movie
company's request - and waited around forever, only to
have the director decide not to use the horses.  I
never saw the movie, but have read the book and can't
imagine making the movie without Fjords.  Makes you
wonder.  Anyway, the white Fjord in the 13th Warrior
is related to the ulsdun(white) Fjords that people on
this list mention.  He is a son of Anvil's Stina,
grandson of Stella, great-grandson of Line - all of
whom are ulsdun(white dun, if you will).  I think I
have that right anyway - Jean, Anita?


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Re:13th Warrior

2000-01-24 Thread Meredith Sessoms
This message is from: "Meredith Sessoms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The darling Fjordies came from the Unrau's Anvil's Acres.  They have written
about their experiences making the movie in the Fjord Herald and on this

I think the story was based on a thoery that there really was a Neanderthal
people still in existance during the Dark Ages living in the wilds of
Norway.  And that those people were the Wendol, Grendal, etc.  The little
fat lady figure they kept finding is called a Venus figure.  They were made
by Stone Age people in Europe.

I'm glad I read the book first.  This is one case where I felt it would have
made the movie better had they broke away from the book a bit more.  And I
am 'so over' darkly filmed movies, I wish movie makers would wise up and
realize that theirs is a visual medium - we need to see what's going on for
us to enjoy it!  And the quick clips that are so popular in music
videos, commercials and movies - they used that fad way too often in this
movie, so you never got any good visuals exept of Banderas' face!  Since I
have Braveheart in video drawer and we watch all the psycho killer movies
like 'Silence of the Lambs', I watched this whole move and did not think it
was unusually violent.

Athough I love anthropology, Fjords and Banderas, the movie was
disappointing but I still enjoyed it.

>>><<<   Meredith Sessoms
>>><<<   Soddy-Daisy. Tennessee. USA
>>><<<   Dorina & NFR Aagot

Re:13th Warrior

2000-01-23 Thread Brian Thompson
This message is from: "Brian Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I saw that movie and agree that it was really awful, but I wondered where
they found so many Fjords.

Re: 13th warrior

2000-01-23 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/23/00 2:23:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<<  Anyway, I would rather think The Vikings, with
 Tony Curtis and Ernest Borgnine---not to mention Kirk Douglous blasting
 around on a real cutie Fjord was a better Viking movie.  >>
Yes.  I agree with you there.  If anybody sees that the movie is on tv, 
please let me know.  I "think" that was the first place I ever saw a fjord!  
It's been years since I've actually seen the movie though.  

And I also found 13th Warrior a major league disappointment.  What a waste of 
fjords!  And acting talent!  It was a rather tasteless, pointless movie, from 
where I sat.
