This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think it was "Clan of the Cave Bear" that the Unraus had their fjords
waiting for...No horse footage used.  I don't think there WAS a movie made
of "Valley of Horses", was there? If so, I wanna see it!

I think Anita told me my old Bjarne was in that group "not" used in "Clan
of the Cave Bear"  I have a picture of Orville riding Bjarne and ponying a
bunch of Fjords, I think it was taken at the "Cave Bear" location?  Anita?

It was Anvil's Salomon, now owned by Cam Pedri that was the white Fjord in
13th warrior.

Anita, could it be possible to retrieve some of that great footage that
they cut out and view it?  Or do they destroy it forever?  Would be neat to
produce a video of all that wonderful horse action. (Boy, am I Dreaming?) 

Jean ini Fabulous Fairbanks, Alaska, where it is STILL a balmy +25F but the
moose are getting to be a problem getting in the hay barn.
At 08:27 AM 1/24/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>The Fjords belong to Orville and Anita Unrau of
>Anvil's Acres.  They have provided Fjord horses for at
>least two movies that I am aware of.  It seems I
>recall Anita saying that they took several horses to
>the set of "Valley of the Horses" - at the movie
>company's request - and waited around forever, only to
>have the director decide not to use the horses.  I
>never saw the movie, but have read the book and can't
>imagine making the movie without Fjords.  Makes you
>wonder.  Anyway, the white Fjord in the 13th Warrior
>is related to the ulsdun(white) Fjords that people on
>this list mention.  He is a son of Anvil's Stina,
>grandson of Stella, great-grandson of Line - all of
>whom are ulsdun(white dun, if you will).  I think I
>have that right anyway - Jean, Anita?
>Mary Thurman
>Raintree Farms
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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