Fjord Gestation Period

2007-12-27 Thread mabogie
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Happy holidays to the List!

In answer to Sarah's question about the gestation period, I would say no based 
on my own experience.? We breed Fjords and warmbloods.? I also had a boarder 
breed a non-Fjord mare.? In all, we've had about 20 foals born on the farm in 
recent years.

Fjords gestation periods fall within the "normal" range, which is to say that 
there can be a good bit of variability.? Day 340 is not a due date, but an 
estimate.? I've found that time of year makes a big difference on the gestation 
period.? My mares go shorter in the late spring, summer and early fall and much 
longer in the late fall, winter, and early spring.? The hours of daylight have 
a huge impact.? I do have Fjord mares who routinely foal at Day 325, others who 
foal close to Day 340 and others who go to Day 350 and beyond.? One of the 
non-Fjord mares took a year for her gestation period in 2008.? I have a 
warmblood mare who routinely goes into the 350's.? So, I don't think Fjords 
have longer gestation periods per se than other breeds.

And yes, I also agree with Michelle that Fjords mares seem to cycle year 
round.? I've had foals born in late November because I thought otherwise.? Now 
I know better.

Margaret Bogie
Ironwood Farm
Rixeyville, VA?

***Fjords for sale:? 1997 Brown Dun Gelding, 2005 Brown Dun Gelding, 2005 Brown 
Dun Filly, 2007 Brown Dun Colt.? See our website for details.***


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fjord gestation period

2007-12-26 Thread Sarah Clarke
This message is from: Sarah Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Those of you who have bred multiple Fjords, do you think Fjord mares in general 
have longer gestation periods than the published 340 days (+ depending on the 
source)?  My first mare's pregnancy lasted a year and 3 days.  Mare number 2 is 
at her official due date and looks like she is in no hurry to foal.  My vet 
says he thinks fjords are more like draft horses and have longer pregnancies.  
what does your experience tell you?
  I have a book with a handy little wheel in back where you set the arrow on 
the last cover date and it points to the most probable due date, along with 
bands where a normal foal would be born.  I think I may have to throw it away 
because it's always been too early.
  The last few days here in Jamul (San Diego foothills) have been beautiful: 
blue skies and mid 60's.  Not such a bad time of year for a foal to be born.  
She will probably wait until it rains again.
  I took my mare Hviske (not the one due to foal imminently) on a long trail 
ride the day before Christmas.  the fire blackened hills around us are 
sprouting green all over.  A blue grey raptor (I think it was an osprey)  flew 
up from an equally blue-grey rock and startled both of us.  Hviske gave quite a 
spook for a fjord, pivoting about a quarter of a turn before stopping and 
realizing it was only a bird (only a bird ! she says it had huge wings 
-probably fangs!)  and settling right back down.  I love trail riding a panic 
free horse and it's great to be trail riding in  T shirt weather in December.  
I love all the Fjords sledding in the snow pictures - they are beautiful - but 
I guess I appreciate warm weather more.  Every part of the country has it's own 
delights and challenges.
  Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all my fellow listers.

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Re: Gestation

2000-03-29 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lori I would get a foal predictor kit at your feed store or through
catalogue.  Saves a lot of late nights and wondering.  My mare never bagged
up until after foaling.  Of course she could bring her milk in whether in
foal or not..  Have iodine for the naval, be sure it is fresh and dip it
several times.  Just part of it.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores


2000-03-29 Thread Lori Puster
This message is from: Lori Puster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My mare is most likely about 315 day into her pregnancy.  I have been
reading that gestation periods of 320 to 370 days are normal.  I have also
read that the average foaling period is either 330 days and 345 days from

What is typical for Fjords?

Other things mentioned are maiden mares (add 10 days) and early, i.e.
January to April breeding (add 10 days).  Can anyone confirm these

Also, how soon before foaling does a mare ususally start developing an
udder?  What other physical signs should I be looking for to help me
predict her foaling time?

Anything else I should know?  The more info I have the better I'll feel.

Lori P.
Veneta, OR

Re: gestation chart

2000-03-21 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 06:35 PM 03/21/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>This message is from: "whfjords" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >
>> I'm looking for a website which has a gestation chart that shows the
>> correlation between the bred date and the due date, side by side, real
>> handy like! (no counting =)) anyone??
>Dear Ruthie,
>Try Country Life Farm at
>go to the training area on their home page the scroll down(it's a ways) to
>Quick Tools then click on the foalomg date calculator
> There is another alternative, worked for me.  My mare was bred to
then Julie Will's stallion Erlend. I 've always thought Julie was pretty
special, but ... She emailed me "Any baby yet?"  well I'd checked my mare
6-8 times that day and it surely didn't look to be THE night.  But her
email made me check one more time.  Darned if that mare, she was waxing and
1/2 hour later was waxed on both sides.  She had her foal less than 5 hours
later than the original E mail.  I think she should market her services,
sure would save us all alot of time!!!
THANKS WHFJORDS! that's a good one.. we could use a Julie about now too.
Ruthie, NW MT

Re: gestation chart

2000-03-21 Thread whfjords
This message is from: "whfjords" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> I'm looking for a website which has a gestation chart that shows the
> correlation between the bred date and the due date, side by side, real
> handy like! (no counting =)) anyone??
Dear Ruthie,
Try Country Life Farm at
go to the training area on their home page the scroll down(it's a ways) to
Quick Tools then click on the foalomg date calculator.
they use 342 days gestation.  your mares may vary but if you check back to
how long they have gone in the past you can figure it pretty close.
there are some others out there. "Circle J foaling calculator" is real
easy the site just has a calender that you click to the date when she's bred
and it writes the corresponding foaling date below the calender.
I had one mare who was super easy to figure, 1 year from when she was
bred.  Did it 5 times that I know of and always a healthy foal.  She was
foaling babies into her 23rd year.  She was an Appie( from my before Fjord
 There is another alternative, worked for me.  My mare was bred to then
Julie Will's stallion Erlend. I 've always thought Julie was pretty special,
but ... She emailed me "Any baby yet?"  well I'd checked my mare 6-8 times
that day and it surely didn't look to be THE night.  But her email made me
check one more time.  Darned if that mare, she was waxing and 1/2 hour later
was waxed on both sides.  She had her foal less than 5 hours later than the
original E mail.  I think she should market her services, sure would save us
all alot of time!!!

gestation chart

2000-03-21 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I'm looking for a website which has a gestation chart that shows the
correlation between the bred date and the due date, side by side, real
handy like! (no counting =)) anyone??

tried the new archives, on this subject, and that's sure a nice setup
Steve... going to be real useful.

I'm pulling for your colt too Catherine, sure made me sad to read of his
mishap and hope you keep us all updated.

Ruthie, NW MT

gestation lengths

1998-06-29 Thread BRIAN C JACOBSEN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)

The results of the gestation length survey are in!

Out of 41 foalings, the average gestation length was 341 days.

These included foalings from 13 different years, and from several
different parts of the country.

The average varied considerably by year.  The lowest average was 332 days
(1980)(five foalings).  The highest average was 357 days (1989)(three

The shortest gestation length reported was 318 days (10-1/2 months).

The longest length recorded was 367 days (12 months, 2 days).

I believe we actually had a mare go 13 months one year (this was a long
time ago).  I could not find records of her foalings though to
substantiate it

Was not able to compare colts vs. fillies - was not always told the sex
of the foal by those responding.

To easily calculate 341 days, count back from your last breeding date 24
days.  Don't bother flipping ahead in your calendar to next year - you
don't have to.  Just look at the month your mare was bred; It doesn't
matter what year you are using.  For example, if you have a mare who was
bred today, June 30, counting back 24 days gets you to June 6 as the due

Happy Foaling!

Brian Jacobsen
Salisbury, North Carolina

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Re: Gestation Times

1998-05-14 Thread BKFJORDS
This message is from: BKFJORDS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I too have been wondering about the different figuring of 'due' dates.
I used to have a little book-perhaps it is the same on Lori has!!  I mis-
placed   it and had been having a friend give me dates-but he lost his paper!!
A friend that has QH, gave me a copy of what she uses, which goes by the mares
age!!  Had not heard that before, so I am anxious to see what happens this
year, as our one mare has foaled right on the due date two times!
Bernadine Karns

Gestation Times

1998-05-14 Thread Lori Albrough
This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Something Carol said in her message (that most of hers had always seemed
> to come early) has made me wonder; What figure are each of you (Carol and
> others) using for the expected gestation length?
> Brian

Brian - here is Cindy's data...

I used the pregnancy wheel in the book "Mares, Foals & Foaling" by
Friedrich Andrist to calculate her due date. The wheel put it as May 5th
(333 days). She foaled at 340 days on May 12th, 1998. 

She was bred on June 2, 3, & 4, 1997 in Nova Scotia, and foaled in
Southern Ontario (Canada). I hope that's all the info you asked for.


PS - if anyone is interested in the book, it's a handy little book, and
I love the wheel. Carol told me about it and I got mine at Amazon,
here's the URL:


1998-05-14 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


You asked what gestation time we are looking at as "normal" for
horses.  We were using the 340-day gestation period.  You know, the
old "subtract 25 days from the last breeding date" formula.  We seemed
to find that, with Line at least, colts were consistently born 5 days
to a week early while fillies were either "on time" or a week or so
late.  Anita Unrau put me on to this quirk of Line's when we bought
her from them.  It was something they had noticed, and I don't know if
it was peculiar to her or is a trend in Fjords.  Another aside on
foaling - we found the Predict a Foal kits very useful once they came
out.  According to the records I kept, they predicted foaling within 6
to 8 hours.  Pretty handy for us.

Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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1998-05-13 Thread BRIAN C JACOBSEN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)

Thanks to SSlotness (sorry, I can't find a record of your name) and Mary
Thurman for the gestation times.  They have been added into the average.

Thanks to Carol Rivoire for the offer of the gestation times when you get
a chance.

Keep them coming in folks!

Something Carol said in her message (that most of hers had always seemed
to come early) has made me wonder; What figure are each of you (Carol and
others) using for the expected gestation length?


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Re: gestation time

1998-05-11 Thread SSlotness
This message is from: SSlotness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Our mare was bred in July 1996, July 2 was the final time she accepted the
stallion (the others occurring the previous few days). The baby was born June
2, 1997. We live in Duluth in Northern Minnesota. Is this enough info?


1998-05-10 Thread BRIAN C JACOBSEN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)

To the Ofjords and McGinleys,

Thanks for your responses to the gestation length question.  So far we
have an average of 341 days, but that's with just a very few mares.

John and Mary - Nice to hear about Sylvi; "Grabb" daughters are usually
very nice mares.  Hope her imminent foaling goes fine.

Mark- sounds like it was love at first site between your mare FA Alida
and the stallion!  Even though you were not given a definite breeding
date, it must have been shortly after the two were introduced.

Nancy Lehnert - It was nice to hear from you the other day.  Bet you
could give us gestation lengths from a number of breedings?

Please keep the gestation lengths coming in.  I will be able to add
figures on 75 or more foalings myself as soon as I sit down and compare
the breeding dates with the foaling dates.  It would be nice to have an
"average" figure on Fjords to help people plan somewhat for the foaling. 
In my experience, Fjords tend to carry somewhat longer than the average
mare, as do other "draft" type breeds.

Brian Jacobsen
Norwegian Fjordhest Ranch
Salisbury, North Carolina

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Re: Gestation period question

1998-05-09 Thread Jon A. Ofjord
This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 09:44 PM 5/9/98 -0500, you wrote:
>This message is from: Mark McGinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hello All,
>I have been reading the Fjord list for some time now but have yet to
>post or introduce myself this busy spring.  (So I'll do that first
>before I ask the questions).
>My wife Lisa and I (Mark) and daughter Krista live in Northern Wisconsin
>and have 2 Fjords.  The first is a 5 year old mare named Fair Acres
>Alida that we purchased in January '98, and the second is her 3 week old
>filly who will be named  Mariposa's Fair Asa.  It was our first
>foaling!  (When we purchased Alida we already had planned and purchased
>airplane tickets for a vacation to Texas and were due back to Wisconsin
>2 days before her due date.  We had someone watching our place and
>taking care of the animals, but we really wanted to be home for the
>foaling.  Well, to make a long story shorter, she had the filly 3 hours
>after we got home!)
>We also have an Arab mare, sheep, and Australian Shepherds.
>My first question is in regard to the gestation period survey.  Our mare
>was bred in pasture and the "date in" was 5/11/97 and the "date out" was
>11/20/97.  It would be hard to say what the last breeding date was and
>11/20 wouldn't work, (i.e. only 6 mos.)  If one used the 5/11 date
>instead, the gestation period would be 336 days or 11 months and 2
>days.  (She foaled on 4/13/98).  This was her second foal.
>My second question is about the filly's mane.  It is pretty light in
>color -- a light reddish / brown.  We assumed that it would turn black
>like the mare's but nothing has happened yet.  Will it turn dark? and if
>yes, when does it do this?
>Mark McGinley
>Mariposa Farm

Re: Gestation period question

1998-05-09 Thread Jon A. Ofjord
This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 09:44 PM 5/9/98 -0500, you wrote:
>This message is from: Mark McGinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hello All,
>I have been reading the Fjord list for some time now but have yet to
>post or introduce myself this busy spring.  (So I'll do that first
>before I ask the questions).
>My wife Lisa and I (Mark) and daughter Krista live in Northern Wisconsin
>and have 2 Fjords.  The first is a 5 year old mare named Fair Acres
>Alida that we purchased in January '98, and the second is her 3 week old
>filly who will be named  Mariposa's Fair Asa.  It was our first
>foaling!  (When we purchased Alida we already had planned and purchased
>airplane tickets for a vacation to Texas and were due back to Wisconsin
>2 days before her due date.  We had someone watching our place and
>taking care of the animals, but we really wanted to be home for the
>foaling.  Well, to make a long story shorter, she had the filly 3 hours
>after we got home!)
>We also have an Arab mare, sheep, and Australian Shepherds.
>My first question is in regard to the gestation period survey.  Our mare
>was bred in pasture and the "date in" was 5/11/97 and the "date out" was
>11/20/97.  It would be hard to say what the last breeding date was and
>11/20 wouldn't work, (i.e. only 6 mos.)  If one used the 5/11 date
>instead, the gestation period would be 336 days or 11 months and 2
>days.  (She foaled on 4/13/98).  This was her second foal.
>My second question is about the filly's mane.  It is pretty light in
>color -- a light reddish / brown.  We assumed that it would turn black
>like the mare's but nothing has happened yet.  Will it turn dark? and if
>yes, when does it do this?
>Mark McGinley
>Mariposa Farm
>Hi Mark & Lisa:  Sounds to me like you have a red dun filly.  The manes
are dark at birth if she would be a brown dun.  If its reddish in color,
she will probably be a red dun.  Lucky you!  

I'll Have to write back and tell you what has happen to us.  More later.

Mary Ofjord

Gestation period question

1998-05-09 Thread Mark McGinley
This message is from: Mark McGinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello All,

I have been reading the Fjord list for some time now but have yet to
post or introduce myself this busy spring.  (So I'll do that first
before I ask the questions).

My wife Lisa and I (Mark) and daughter Krista live in Northern Wisconsin
and have 2 Fjords.  The first is a 5 year old mare named Fair Acres
Alida that we purchased in January '98, and the second is her 3 week old
filly who will be named  Mariposa's Fair Asa.  It was our first
foaling!  (When we purchased Alida we already had planned and purchased
airplane tickets for a vacation to Texas and were due back to Wisconsin
2 days before her due date.  We had someone watching our place and
taking care of the animals, but we really wanted to be home for the
foaling.  Well, to make a long story shorter, she had the filly 3 hours
after we got home!)

We also have an Arab mare, sheep, and Australian Shepherds.

My first question is in regard to the gestation period survey.  Our mare
was bred in pasture and the "date in" was 5/11/97 and the "date out" was
11/20/97.  It would be hard to say what the last breeding date was and
11/20 wouldn't work, (i.e. only 6 mos.)  If one used the 5/11 date
instead, the gestation period would be 336 days or 11 months and 2
days.  (She foaled on 4/13/98).  This was her second foal.

My second question is about the filly's mane.  It is pretty light in
color -- a light reddish / brown.  We assumed that it would turn black
like the mare's but nothing has happened yet.  Will it turn dark? and if
yes, when does it do this?

Mark McGinley
Mariposa Farm

gestation length in Fjords

1998-05-08 Thread BRIAN C JACOBSEN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)

I have often wondered what the average gestation length is in Fjords. 
Even though we have raised many foals over the years, I have never
calculated an average.  Mainly the reasons I haven't are that fewer than
20% of mares foal on their due date anyhow (this is data from all
breeds), and watching the mare's physical changes is more reliable than
just going by a due date.  Still, it would be a little helpful to know. 
Would you all consider participating in a straw poll?

Using the last breeding date as the starting point for the calculation,
how long was your mare's gestation length?  

Was it her first foal?

Which state (or province or country) did she foal in?

(If you want to provide data for more than one foal, please list them

If we get enough responses to make a representative sample, I'll tabulate
them and post what we find out.

Brian Jacobsen
Salisbury, North Carolina

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