[flexcoders] Will there be a microsoft project like gantt chart in new versions of flex?

2007-03-16 Thread Nate Pearson
I just asked some adobe people at Apollo Camp but they didn't know. 
They suggested that I explicitly ask the question on flex coders.

So here it is.

Will there be any gantt chart type component in new versions of flex?
Will the scheduler that is in labs be expanded to work as a gantt chart?

Thanks guys, I'm really enjoying Apollo Camp.


RE: [flexcoders] FDS Configuration

2007-03-16 Thread Dimitrios Gianninas
Correct you can create a Flex app that only uses HttpService and WebService to 
do remote communication. The minute you need to use RemoteObject to call a Java 
class you need FDS. So that means the Flex SWF and FDS have to be within the 
same WAR along with your business side stuff (done in Spring and Hibernate).

You cannot "I would like to deploy FDS in it's own WAR and have multiple Flex 
applications in separate WARs that could all use the same common FDS 

You can however create multiple Flex apps, thus multiple SWFs and have then 
reside within the same WAR along with FDS.

Dimitrios Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com on behalf of mister.kotter
Sent: Fri 3/16/2007 11:16 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] FDS Configuration
I have the following configuration:

I am developing a multi-tiered J2EE application using Flex, Hibernate,
and Spring.  I am using FDS and have it configured to talk to the
middle tier through AMF.

Everything is deployed in an EAR file and the Flex web application and
the FDS configurations are deployed in the same WAR file.  This all
works great.

I have been reading the documentation and it seems like you can deploy
FDS separately from the Flex web application.  Is this the case? 
Ideally I would like to deploy FDS in it's own WAR and have multiple
Flex applications in separate WARs that could all use the same common
FDS application.

So ideally it would be configured like this:

In an EAR file I would deploy Hibernate, Spring, and a WAR with the
FDS configuration that talks to my Spring middle tier through AMF. 
Then I would have additional WAR files that get deployed separately
that contain all the GUI components and Cairngorm framework that would
use the FDS application.

Is this possible?

Any help or insight on this would be appreciated.

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RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm FrontController

2007-03-16 Thread Dimitrios Gianninas
You should create your custom component so that it dispatches its own custom 
event. Then whenever that event is dispatch, you can then dispatch the 
appropriate Cairngorm even to perform whatever business logic you wish. That 
will allow you to also intercept which component instance is doing the 

Dimitrios Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com on behalf of Shannon
Sent: Thu 3/15/2007 6:42 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Cairngorm FrontController
I am new to Cairngorm and Flex (I'm All About Flash) so bear with me.

I am creating a component and I want it to use Cairngorm. I also want 
to be sure that some events fired from the component are only heard 
by the Cairngorm of the single component instance. Component 
namespaces won't help because I use multiple instances of the same 
event, I could probably filter by instance, but I am trying not to 
hack (you'll probably see the irony after the next sentence...

If I use Cairngorm as is... ...and I utilize the Singleton 
CairngormEventDispatcher, as soon as I put two instances of a 
component on stage, the events from one instance cause the front 
controller on the second instance to fire those events 

Sadly this is probably operator error.

Though I am guessing that someone has had this problem before and 
surely there is a best practice solution to this already, I thought I 
would spend a little time to explore the issue further and find my 
own solution.

I decided to try to handle this by using separate instances of the 
CairngormEventDispatcher (MyViewHelper.dispatcher) for each instance 
of my component. Then I could inject that dispatcher into 
MyFrontController when it is instantiated so that it knows which 
dispatcher to call. 

Just when I think I am on to something, I had to override addCommand 
so that it would add an event listener to that instance instead of 
the Singleton CairngormEventDispatcher. This is great but it required 
two modifications (minor, yet still modifications) to the Cairngorm 
FrontController class in order to compile my creation. (see snippets 
below) Basically I took two private things and made them protected.

Of course this might effect other pieces I have yet to build, but my 
level of mastery coerces me into believing I have found a solid 
answer.  If those iteration two guys were really geniuses 
they would have made these protected in the first place. 

Ha, ha, ha, just kidding, (I crack myself up)

So I can either use my own FrontController impl or I can ask the 
question: Is this a bug in Cairngorm? Or am I correct in beleiving I 
must be doing something wrong...

Some code samples:

// myViewHelper Snippet:
public function MyViewHelper(view:Object)
dispatcher = new CairngormEventDispatcher();
controller = new MyFrontController(dispatcher);

// myFrontController Snippet:
public class MyFrontController extends FrontController

private var dispatcher:CairngormEventDispatcher;

public function MyFrontController(dispatcher:CairngormEventDispatcher)
  this.dispatcher = dispatcher

public override function addCommand( commandName : String, 
commandRef : Class ) : void
if( commands[ commandName ] != null )
throw new Error( "Command already registered for " + commandName );
commands[ commandName ] = commandRef;
dispatcher.addEventListener( commandName, executeCommand );

// Cairngorm FrontController Mods
public class FrontController
// ST - 03/15/2007 : private var commands : Dictionary = new 
protected var commands : Dictionary = new Dictionary();

// ST - 03/15/2007 : private function executeCommand( event : 
CairngormEvent ) : void
protected function executeCommand( event : CairngormEvent ) : void



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[flexcoders] Center PopUp on Window not Application

2007-03-16 Thread nextadvantage
Anyone have some code to center a title window on window size vs
application center... thx Aaron

Re: [flexcoders] What to do on the server, what to do in Flex?

2007-03-16 Thread Yiðit Boyar
i generally prefer the client. 
the main reason is that; the server is the shared place whereas the client is 
in addition; as much as i know; amfphp sends objects in binary mode ; so it is 
much more cheaper than sending xml.
wish it helps...

- Original Message 
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 3:07:39 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] What to do on the server, what to do in Flex?


I have a continuous debate with myself about what to accomplish 
with server code and what to accomplish internally with FLEX.   My decisions 
currently are mostly based on my skill level in each language and which 
language makes the process the easiest. However, I am wondering if there are 
better reasons to make these decisions.

For example, if I am going to gather some XML data...should I?

1) Load the XML directly into Flex (URLRequest) and then convert the XML to 
objects in Flex.

2) Load the XML in PHP and then convert to PHP objects and send to Flex 

For some reason, I lean towards doing all parsing and object translation on the 
server and only sending objects back and forth to Flex, however, I don't know 
if this is because of my experience with Flash RIA's that use to often get 
stuck in timeout loops.  On the other hand, I have a friend who always says 
"anything you can do on the client, do on the client..."  Conceptually, I 
understand this, but in real life I don't know how this plays out.  My thinking 
is usually that the flash player is more limited that the server.

Anyone have any thought about this?  I would say my apps generally fall in the 
middle of the spectrum.  They don't deal with millions of records or millions 
of users, but they also are not small single user widgets.  

Thanks for your insight.

- Kevin



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[flexcoders] AMFPHP - MagpieRSS & simplexml_load_file fail?

2007-03-16 Thread Kevin
I am trying to pass objects created with MagpieRSS or  
simplexml_load_file (in PHP) back to Flex and I keep getting the  
following errors:

message = "faultCode:INVALID_AMF_MESSAGE faultString:'Invalid AMF  
message' faultDetail:'MagpieRSS Object
message = "faultCode:INVALID_AMF_MESSAGE faultString:'Invalid AMF  
message' faultDetail:'SimpleXMLElement Object

Is there a reason these objects would not be compatible with AMFPHP?

- Kevin

[flexcoders] Browser Print - Print Preview for Flex apps

2007-03-16 Thread mjharris73
We are developing a flex webapp -- ie, an HTML page containing only a
swf file.  While running our app, if the user selects the Browser's
File | Print Preview option, all you see is the blank (parent) HTML
page.  The current status of the SWF is not displayed.

Is there a way to print the current page in the Flex app?

[flexcoders] dividerbox

2007-03-16 Thread gboro54
Hey i am trying to figure something out and having problems with it. 
you know how you can have a hdividedbox or vdivided box. That space in 
between the divider space i would like to change the color of just 
that area to make it more visible to a user so they know they can drag 
and resize the windows. I want to do this with live drag on. Can this 
be done and if so how?


[flexcoders] Re: What to do on the server, what to do in Flex?

2007-03-16 Thread Paul DeCoursey
Yeah, the flash player isn't going to have much trouble with most of
what you can throw at it. We have our clients doing a lot of work, but
our servers still do all the heavy lifting. If we ever send XML to the
client anymore it's for AJAX things outside of flex or it's SOAP
requests. Objects will almost always be a better choice.

There are a lot of things that we just won't do on the client, like
text indexing or any other heavy processing unless the user expects
it.  Generally that violates those unwritten social contracts about
what online services can or should do on the client.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Tracy Spratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For sure the client/Flash Player can handle whatever you need it to.
> The Flash Player is extremely fast at non-visual processing. We have
> packed incredible amounts of logic into the client, I'm talking 30,000
> plus lines of code.  Most is not visual, but that much code does take a
> bit of time to DL the first itme.  But once it gets to the client
> response is lightning fast. FP7 was fast FP8+ is 30% faster
> So don't sweat the client capability.
> Tracy
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Kevin
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:08 PM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] What to do on the server, what to do in Flex?
> I have a continuous debate with myself about what to accomplish with
> server code and what to accomplish internally with FLEX.   My decisions
> currently are mostly based on my skill level in each language and which
> language makes the process the easiest. However, I am wondering if there
> are better reasons to make these decisions.
> For example, if I am going to gather some XML data...should I?
> 1) Load the XML directly into Flex (URLRequest) and then convert the XML
> to objects in Flex.
> 2) Load the XML in PHP and then convert to PHP objects and send to Flex
> For some reason, I lean towards doing all parsing and object translation
> on the server and only sending objects back and forth to Flex, however,
> I don't know if this is because of my experience with Flash RIA's that
> use to often get stuck in timeout loops.  On the other hand, I have a
> friend who always says "anything you can do on the client, do on the
> client..."  Conceptually, I understand this, but in real life I don't
> know how this plays out.  My thinking is usually that the flash player
> is more limited that the server.
> Anyone have any thought about this?  I would say my apps generally fall
> in the middle of the spectrum.  They don't deal with millions of records
> or millions of users, but they also are not small single user widgets.  
> Thanks for your insight.
> - Kevin

[flexcoders] keeping server object relationships

2007-03-16 Thread dgigon
Hi everyone,

Here is a simple design question on which I'd like to have your opinion :

made short : "How to keep server object relationships in flex when you do 

Take an example :

2 companies, say Apple and Microsoft, have several clients, among them, 
say Macromedia. (relation Company->Client)
Let's make a flex application which requests (server call) and displays 
all the clients of a selected company.

If I make a first remote call to get Apple's clients, Flex will receive a list 
of objects including an 
Client object for Macromedia.
Later, I select Microsoft, and get Bill Gate's clients. Flex will receive 
another list of objets, including another version of the
Client object for Macromedia.

Although it is the same Macromedia client object on the server, I have now 2 
distinct Macromedia client object in my Flex Application.
And if, for example, I change the name of one Macromedia object to (purely 
fiction) Adobe, the change won't apply on the other objet ...


[flexcoders] Re: Simple design question

2007-03-16 Thread Paul DeCoursey
I'm confused as to what the goal is.  There are already mxml tags for
HTTPServices so that can already be defined in a non-visual way in
mxml.  Just put that definition in the main application.

If all they need is a container for non-visual components that is
itself a non-visual component, then just create one that extends
IMXMLObject that accepts any other IMXLObjects as children.

But really, I would recomend doing as much as possible in AS anyway. 
AS is going to compile faster so your build times will be shorter.  AS
code is easier to debug.  And expanding ActionScript skills will only
help you be a better flex developer.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Tracy Spratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, more detail:
> Create an mxml application, named, say "Base.mxml":
>   [vars, functions, getter/setter, any as functionality, for example:]
>   [Bindable]public var sMyString:String = "somestring";
> Then create the UI mxml file:
> The lable will display "somestring". 
> Tracy
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of André Rodrigues Pena
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 2:07 PM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Simple design question
> Thanks for the answer Spratt
> I'd like to create a service layer wrapping more than onde HTTPService
> components into a single MXML file.
> Can you explain this phrase another way:
> "I use an Application tag to implement my functionality, then use that
> component as the root tag of the application. Some folks call this
> the "code behind" technique."
> I didn't got it
> On 3/16/07, Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I wish we had a "faceless" mxml component specifically for this
kind of use.
> >
> >
> >
> > I use an Application tag to implement my functionality, then use
that component as the root tag of the application. Some folks call
this the "code behind" technique.
> >
> >
> >
> > You could also use a canvas, which is the lightest container I
know, and set height and width to 0 and visibility=false.
> >
> >
> >
> > Also, there are a few faceless mxml components. Would it make
sense in your case to extend one of them?
> >
> >
> >
> > Tracy
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 ] On Behalf Of André Rodrigues Pena
> > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 1:32 PM
> > To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  
> > Subject: [flexcoders] Simple design question
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I know how to create visual components as MXML files. My question is,
> > can I create a non-visual component using MXML files? Let's put an
> > example: I want to create a non-visual component to wrap my
> > web-services and handlers. I know I could do it with AS3. But can I do
> > it with MXML?
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > --
> > André Rodrigues Pena
> >
> > www.locus.com.br
> >
> > Blog
> > www.techbreak.org
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> -- 
> André Rodrigues Pena
> www.locus.com.br
> Blog
> www.techbreak.org

RE: [flexcoders] What to do on the server, what to do in Flex?

2007-03-16 Thread Tracy Spratt
For sure the client/Flash Player can handle whatever you need it to.
The Flash Player is extremely fast at non-visual processing. We have
packed incredible amounts of logic into the client, I'm talking 30,000
plus lines of code.  Most is not visual, but that much code does take a
bit of time to DL the first itme.  But once it gets to the client
response is lightning fast. FP7 was fast FP8+ is 30% faster


So don't sweat the client capability.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Kevin
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:08 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] What to do on the server, what to do in Flex?


I have a continuous debate with myself about what to accomplish with
server code and what to accomplish internally with FLEX.   My decisions
currently are mostly based on my skill level in each language and which
language makes the process the easiest. However, I am wondering if there
are better reasons to make these decisions.


For example, if I am going to gather some XML data...should I?


1) Load the XML directly into Flex (URLRequest) and then convert the XML
to objects in Flex.


2) Load the XML in PHP and then convert to PHP objects and send to Flex


For some reason, I lean towards doing all parsing and object translation
on the server and only sending objects back and forth to Flex, however,
I don't know if this is because of my experience with Flash RIA's that
use to often get stuck in timeout loops.  On the other hand, I have a
friend who always says "anything you can do on the client, do on the
client..."  Conceptually, I understand this, but in real life I don't
know how this plays out.  My thinking is usually that the flash player
is more limited that the server.


Anyone have any thought about this?  I would say my apps generally fall
in the middle of the spectrum.  They don't deal with millions of records
or millions of users, but they also are not small single user widgets.  


Thanks for your insight.


- Kevin


Re: [flexcoders] What to do on the server, what to do in Flex?

2007-03-16 Thread Adam Royle
Whenever I consider something like this I try to put it in persective and 
testing each solution based on:

- ease of implementation (coding time)
- speed of execution
- flexibility for reuse in other projects

And then make my decision based on this. I know it's probably not the answer 
you were looking for.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Kevin 
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 11:07 AM
  Subject: [flexcoders] What to do on the server, what to do in Flex?

  I have a continuous debate with myself about what to accomplish with server 
code and what to accomplish internally with FLEX.   My decisions currently are 
mostly based on my skill level in each language and which language makes the 
process the easiest. However, I am wondering if there are better reasons to 
make these decisions.

  For example, if I am going to gather some XML data...should I?

  1) Load the XML directly into Flex (URLRequest) and then convert the XML to 
objects in Flex.

  2) Load the XML in PHP and then convert to PHP objects and send to Flex 

  For some reason, I lean towards doing all parsing and object translation on 
the server and only sending objects back and forth to Flex, however, I don't 
know if this is because of my experience with Flash RIA's that use to often get 
stuck in timeout loops.  On the other hand, I have a friend who always says 
"anything you can do on the client, do on the client..."  Conceptually, I 
understand this, but in real life I don't know how this plays out.  My thinking 
is usually that the flash player is more limited that the server.

  Anyone have any thought about this?  I would say my apps generally fall in 
the middle of the spectrum.  They don't deal with millions of records or 
millions of users, but they also are not small single user widgets.  

  Thanks for your insight.

  - Kevin


[flexcoders] need to remove data with Custom Comp. on drag

2007-03-16 Thread applecoremilo
I have some XML that is rendered into a custom component (creates 
object and pushed into array -> arraycollection) of type List - the 
list has an item renderer of type Vbox, i begin a drag and drop onto 
a canvas but i want to remove all data associated from the list

Can anyone offer some advice on how to finish this drop operation?


example code



itemRenderer="views.leftHandColumn.TextAndPic" >


[flexcoders] Re: set percent value to a Panel's width ?

2007-03-16 Thread iko_knyphausen

Try panelID.percentWidth ...

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how do i set percent values to a Panel's width and height in
> this is what I want :
> panelID.setActualSize(17%,100%); // this returns an error
> OR
> panelID.width = 17% // this too returns an error

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[flexcoders] set percent value to a Panel's width ?

2007-03-16 Thread offus99
how do i set percent values to a Panel's width and height in ActionScript?

this is what I want :

panelID.setActualSize(17%,100%);   // this returns an error


panelID.width = 17%// this too returns an error


Never miss an email again!
Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives.

RE: [flexcoders] FDS Configuration

2007-03-16 Thread Jeff Vroom
So it sounds like you just want to put the FDS jar files at the EAR
level of your J2EE application.   That is possible with some caveats.
In 2.0.1 if you do that, the classes mentioned in your
services-config.xml file also have to live in the EAR level.  FDS uses
the class loader uses to load its classes to load any remote object
destinations, assemblers, etc.   I'm also not sure if the "web tier
compiler" also can be moved into the EAR level.. you might want to leave
the flex-webtier jar files where they are in the WAR and just move the
flex-messaging jars into the EAR level.  


One other thing is that if you have more than one WAR file which define
MessageBrokerServlet instances in this EAR, you'll end up creating
multiple message brokers, one for each web application.  Each message
broker will only support the destinations in its flex configuration.
But if you are going to have more than one MessageBroker, the second and
subsequent MessageBrokerServlets need an additional init-parameter the
"messageBrokerId".  This is just a string you use to identify that
MessageBroker.  If you use any of the static lookup methods to say push
messages to flex clients, you need to specify the message broker id in
those calls so you get the right one. 


In 2.5 (currently in beta) we have added the ability to specify a
different class loader so an FDS application can be made to refer to
classes which live in the WAR level.  There are some tricks to making
that work so if you need that for your use case let me know.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of mister.kotter
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:17 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] FDS Configuration


I have the following configuration:

I am developing a multi-tiered J2EE application using Flex, Hibernate,
and Spring. I am using FDS and have it configured to talk to the
middle tier through AMF.

Everything is deployed in an EAR file and the Flex web application and
the FDS configurations are deployed in the same WAR file. This all
works great.

I have been reading the documentation and it seems like you can deploy
FDS separately from the Flex web application. Is this the case? 
Ideally I would like to deploy FDS in it's own WAR and have multiple
Flex applications in separate WARs that could all use the same common
FDS application.

So ideally it would be configured like this:

In an EAR file I would deploy Hibernate, Spring, and a WAR with the
FDS configuration that talks to my Spring middle tier through AMF. 
Then I would have additional WAR files that get deployed separately
that contain all the GUI components and Cairngorm framework that would
use the FDS application.

Is this possible?

Any help or insight on this would be appreciated.


[flexcoders] What to do on the server, what to do in Flex?

2007-03-16 Thread Kevin
I have a continuous debate with myself about what to accomplish with  
server code and what to accomplish internally with FLEX.   My  
decisions currently are mostly based on my skill level in each  
language and which language makes the process the easiest. However, I  
am wondering if there are better reasons to make these decisions.

For example, if I am going to gather some XML data...should I?

1) Load the XML directly into Flex (URLRequest) and then convert the  
XML to objects in Flex.

2) Load the XML in PHP and then convert to PHP objects and send to  
Flex (AMFPHP).

For some reason, I lean towards doing all parsing and object  
translation on the server and only sending objects back and forth to  
Flex, however, I don't know if this is because of my experience with  
Flash RIA's that use to often get stuck in timeout loops.  On the  
other hand, I have a friend who always says "anything you can do on  
the client, do on the client..."  Conceptually, I understand this,  
but in real life I don't know how this plays out.  My thinking is  
usually that the flash player is more limited that the server.

Anyone have any thought about this?  I would say my apps generally  
fall in the middle of the spectrum.  They don't deal with millions of  
records or millions of users, but they also are not small single user  

Thanks for your insight.

- Kevin

RE: [flexcoders] FlexFactory/FDS Inconsistencies

2007-03-16 Thread Jeff Vroom
Hi Harris,


You really should be able to just add code which looks into the
properties map in your FlexFactory implementation's
"createFactoryInstance" method.  This should be called at startup time
when the system is parsing the configuration.   It is important to
access the configuration variables here even if you don't use them until
the lookup method because FDS will complain if there are any config
variables defined which are not accessed at startup.  (As an aside, the
ConfigMap interface has an "allowProperty" method you can use to mark a
config entry as being expected even if you don't need it until later).  


As a sample, I modified the createFactoryInstance method for the spring
factory as follows and was able to see the config variable printed on


public FactoryInstance createFactoryInstance(String id, ConfigMap


SpringFactoryInstance instance = new SpringFactoryInstance(this,
id, properties);

System.out.println("myvar=" +
properties.getPropertyAsString("myvar", null));


return instance;



I was using the 2.5 beta but this should work also in 2.0 and 2.0.1.
Also make sure you take a look at the EJB Factory which is up on the
adobe component exchange if you haven't already.






From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Harris Reynolds
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 11:03 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] FlexFactory/FDS Inconsistencies


Hi there. I am working on a FlexFactory implementation that is capable 
of creating objects that act as remote services. In the documentation 
it states that, "Each factory instance can add configuration attributes 
that are used when that factory instance is defined, as the following 
example shows:



However, adding an extra element to the properties element within 
remoting-config.xml causes Flex to chock in the initialization process 
when starting the server.

Is is possible to get additional information into a FlexFactory to 
customize its implementation? I've looked in detail at the example 
that does this with Spring, but it doesn't take advantage of passing a 
custom value to the FlexFactory. I am trying to deploy this to 
Weblogic and create a FlexFactory that is capable of creating EJBs based
on their JNDI name.




[flexcoders] Re: Passing different dataFields to the same itemRenderer component

2007-03-16 Thread ben.clinkinbeard
You can also accomplish this by using the ClassFactory approach, which
allows you to set properties on a per use basis. I've written about
this approach here:


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "missgiggygirl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello helpful people! :)
> I have a datagrid that is populated by an external XML file.  Some of
> the cells have various icons in them.  I am using an itemRenderer to
> insert an image in the first column.  However, I do not know how to
> use this same itemRenderer/component for the other images, because the
> component currently has the dataField "hardcoded".  I need a way to
> re-use this itemRenderer/component so that whatever dataField if being
> used passes itself to the component dynamically.
> This sounds confusing, but it isn't.  Here are the two important snips
> of code:
> FROM mainmxml 
> --
>  itemRenderer="IconRenderer"/>
> FROM IconRenderer.mxml
> --
> http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; 
> horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"
> width="16" height="16">
> I am sure there is an easy way to make a function here, but I just
> don't know how.
> Thanks,
> Ann

Re: [flexcoders] Contract Flex Programmers

2007-03-16 Thread Yiðit Boyar
try oDesk. i have never worked via odesk but one of my friends is working an he 
is quite happy

- Original Message 
From: delodder_e <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 12:44:28 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Contract Flex Programmers



I was wondering if anyone could point me to a resource (job site, etc)

where it might be possible to find Flex programmers interested in

contract work. I am open to working with people overseas or here in

the U.S. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.



Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.

RE: [flexcoders] Re: tutorials for writing custom classes

2007-03-16 Thread Tracy Spratt
Try this link:




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 5:55 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: tutorials for writing custom classes


Sorry, I think I may have asked the wrong question not knowing the 
proper lingo. I believe what I'm actually looking for are tutorials 
on how to extend a component. I need to get a barchart to do 
something it normally doesn't do so I need to extend the barchart 
class or the barSeriesItem or maybe even something else. And that's 
where I'm getting hung up. I don't understand how you know what you 
need to extend. I'm looking in the docs but I can't find that piece. 
I see some examples, but nothing that really explains it in detail.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
, "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are there any good tutorials someone can point me to for writing 
> custom Flex classes? I've been writing AS for a few years now but 
> havn't really dived into Classes. I can find a lot of examples from 
> digging into code but I'd like to find one that shows step by step 
> what it is and why you're doing it.
> Thanks


RE: [flexcoders] Simple design question

2007-03-16 Thread Tracy Spratt
Ok, more detail:

Create an mxml application, named, say "Base.mxml":

  [vars, functions, getter/setter, any as functionality, for example:]

  [Bindable]public var sMyString:String = "somestring";


Then create the UI mxml file:


The lable will display "somestring". 



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of André 
Rodrigues Pena
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 2:07 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Simple design question


Thanks for the answer Spratt

I'd like to create a service layer wrapping more than onde HTTPService
components into a single MXML file.

Can you explain this phrase another way:

"I use an Application tag to implement my functionality, then use that
component as the root tag of the application. Some folks call this
the "code behind" technique."

I didn't got it

On 3/16/07, Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  > 
> I wish we had a "faceless" mxml component specifically for this kind of use.
> I use an Application tag to implement my functionality, then use that 
> component as the root tag of the application. Some folks call this the "code 
> behind" technique.
> You could also use a canvas, which is the lightest container I know, and set 
> height and width to 0 and visibility=false.
> Also, there are a few faceless mxml components. Would it make sense in your 
> case to extend one of them?
> Tracy

> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com   
> [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  ] On 
> Behalf Of André Rodrigues Pena
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 1:32 PM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  
> Subject: [flexcoders] Simple design question
> Hi all,
> I know how to create visual components as MXML files. My question is,
> can I create a non-visual component using MXML files? Let's put an
> example: I want to create a non-visual component to wrap my
> web-services and handlers. I know I could do it with AS3. But can I do
> it with MXML?
> thanks
> --
> André Rodrigues Pena
> www.locus.com.br
> Blog
> www.techbreak.org

André Rodrigues Pena




[flexcoders] Re: Error after 2.0.1 update

2007-03-16 Thread johnlukemills
I had lots of strange problems after the 2.0.1 update.  The solution
was to uninstall everything and install the new download that starts
as 2.0.1.


[flexcoders] Contract Flex Programmers

2007-03-16 Thread delodder_e

I was wondering if anyone could point me to a resource (job site, etc)
where it might be possible to find Flex programmers interested in
contract work. I am open to working with people overseas or here in
the U.S. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Simple design question

2007-03-16 Thread Tracy Spratt
Perhaps I misunderstood, but I think the goal was to implement the 
functionality in mxml.


Implementing IMXMLObject just makes your custom AS class play nice with the 




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul 
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 1:53 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Simple design question


Implement IMXMLObject

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  , 
"André Rodrigues Pena"
> Hi all,
> I know how to create visual components as MXML files. My question is,
> can I create a non-visual component using MXML files? Let's put an
> example: I want to create a non-visual component to wrap my
> web-services and handlers. I know I could do it with AS3. But can I do
> it with MXML?
> thanks
> -- 
> André Rodrigues Pena
> www.locus.com.br
> Blog
> www.techbreak.org


[flexcoders] Re: tutorials for writing custom classes

2007-03-16 Thread Mark
Sorry, I think I may have asked the wrong question not knowing the 
proper lingo.  I believe what I'm actually looking for are tutorials 
on how to extend a component.  I need to get a barchart to do 
something it normally doesn't do so I need to extend the barchart 
class or the barSeriesItem or maybe even something else.  And that's 
where I'm getting hung up.  I don't understand how you know what you 
need to extend.  I'm looking in the docs but I can't find that piece.  
I see some examples, but nothing that really explains it in detail.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are there any good tutorials someone can point me to for writing 
> custom Flex classes?  I've been writing AS for a few years now but 
> havn't really dived into Classes.  I can find a lot of examples from 
> digging into code but I'd like to find one that shows step by step 
> what it is and why you're doing it.
> Thanks

[flexcoders] [help]how to program a UML editor using FLEX?

2007-03-16 Thread rjw_fdu_03ee
I'm a new flex user ,and there is a project from my boss that using
flex to build a UML editor in 1 week.Only 3 days leave,but ther is no
great  progress  .Is there any Flex-based open soure UML editor  on
internet already? Or who can give me an idea about how to build the
UML editor  
using FLEX ?Thanks very much 
Best Regards,

[flexcoders] Firefox - FileReference.upload and HTTPService do not share sessions/cookies?

2007-03-16 Thread pgp.coppens
Flex fans,

I am struggling with the following scenario

1. Use an HTTPService POST to authenticate to a servlet backend (works
2. Use HTTPService requests to the same server and rely on previous
authentication (works fine)
3. FileReference.upload with IE also picks up the same session cookie
and thus uses the authenticated (and authorized) session. With Firefox
or Opera however, a FileReference.upload request does not seem to pick
up the same JSESSIONID cookie and therefore fails as it is not

Does anyone know how to deal with this? How should one normally use a
FileReference.upload to a servlet server that requires authentication?

Any help or guidance warmly welcomed!


[flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm FrontController

2007-03-16 Thread Shannon
Thanks for throwing me a line, like I said im new... I guess John 
Mark was one of those guys that never had to ask questions. he's 
cooler than me for sure. (btw any helpful/ unhelpful/ thoughts/ 
blasts/ etc are completely appreciated) For the record I would rather 
not "muck" with Cairngorm.

> I think when Shannon is talking about components he's talking 
about modules in fact. In that case, each module has its own 
controller. In that scenario, if you dispatch an event and that event 
(same event type) is registered in two different modules, the two 
commands in different modules will be fired.

You rock! You totally get it! 

I agree that passing target/unique/random instance identifiers and 
then filtering on that identifier before acting on a cairngorm event 
is probably the best solution, but I really feel like im hacking. In 
fact I am guessing that cairngorm never was intended to handle this, 
and the discussion can probably stop here, but I would greatly 
appreciate it if someone can flush out my ignorance and tell me that 
cairngorm was either never designed to handle this or (I can dream) 
that it has some elegant solution? 

For the sake of John Mark, here is a use-case that emphasizes the 
problem, hope it helps: 

1. Each Component works as stated above, a single ViewHelper 
encapsulates the components behavior in a well recognized/documented 
Cairngorm fashion. 

Am I on the right track so far?

2. A. Component A is a checkout page that asks the user to fill in 
billing and shipping information. It contains two instances of 
Component B (a cairngorm address entry component) as Billing and 
Shipping forms*.

3. Component B (Instance 1 (Shipping Information)) contains field D 
(zip code)

4. Component B (Instance 2 (Billing Information)) contains field D 
(same component, new instance)

5. User fills out shipping information (noticing the billing 
information is updating because of the ties to cairngorm 
architecture) Thinks this is cool. 

6. user moves on to billing form and selects "90201" from a list of 
zip codes in the billing form.

7. ViewHelper dispatches CairngormEventDispatcher.getInstance

8. FrontController is listening to this event for both forms and 
fires the UpdateAddressFormCommand (twice, once for billing and once 
for Shipping [hopefully you recognize the problem at this point])

8. The updateAddressFormsCommand sees the information for that zip 
code is cached locally (let's stave two calls to the server) and 
overrides the users entries for the shipping information while 
updating the billing information. 

9. User is very sad and closes the browser.

In the end I am looking for a solution that will help me adopt 
Cairngorm in my organization (without trying to change it. Trust me 
when I say I would really rather understand than override) 

I just want to learn to this and do it their way. 

*  in my component and two 
component instances in an application causes an error because only 
one instance of the Helper with id="helper" is allowed. Instantiating 
this using AS3 within a script tag works because (I think) it isnt 
being instantiated as intended.

RE: [flexcoders] Can we scroll two or more datagrid at the same time?

2007-03-16 Thread Alex Harui
You can listen for scroll events and set the other DG's
horizontalScrollPosition as needed.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of tang81285
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 1:18 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Can we scroll two or more datagrid at the same


Hi, All,

Now I have two datagrid which have hscroll bar both, is it possible
for me to assign a scroll bar to both datagrids? so that I can always
see the same data, while scrolling on both levels?



RE: [flexcoders] Passing different dataFields to the same itemRenderer component

2007-03-16 Thread Alex Harui
You need to implement IDropInListItemRenderer (and the listData
property).  The listData will give you the column that owns you.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of missgiggygirl
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:37 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Passing different dataFields to the same
itemRenderer component


Hello helpful people! :)

I have a datagrid that is populated by an external XML file. Some of
the cells have various icons in them. I am using an itemRenderer to
insert an image in the first column. However, I do not know how to
use this same itemRenderer/component for the other images, because the
component currently has the dataField "hardcoded". I need a way to
re-use this itemRenderer/component so that whatever dataField if being
used passes itself to the component dynamically.

This sounds confusing, but it isn't. Here are the two important snips
of code:

FROM mainmxml 


FROM IconRenderer.mxml

horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"
width="16" height="16">

I am sure there is an easy way to make a function here, but I just
don't know how.



RE: [flexcoders] Re: Runtime Memory Problems

2007-03-16 Thread Matt Chotin
What I've heard about IE is that unfortunately even though the Player
has released the memory it needs, IE often does not, so your system
manager will show IE taking up lots more memory than the Player itself
is using.  If you check the flash.system.System.totalMemory property
you'll see what the Player itself is actually using.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Alex Harui
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 10:55 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: Runtime Memory Problems

I saw another email yesterday saying that there are some known bad
behaviors with IE7 that are being investigated...

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of One Person
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 10:26 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Runtime Memory Problems

I might agree with that, but in Firefox this is not an issue. Firefox 
releases memory on a regular basis while IE7 does not seem to release 
until I exceed the physical memory on the machine.

BTW: I posted the wrong sizes in my original email. The images we are 
dealing with are 256Meg to 600Meg and the application will get up over 
2.5Gig and then free up memory. I have 2Gig of physical ram in my 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GC is opportunistic. This means it does not run all of the time. It
> tends to be triggered by allocating memory instead of freeing it, so
> watching an idle app will almost never result in GC.
> A good test is to cycle between two images 1000's of times and see if
> memory usage is unbounded.
> -Alex


RE: [flexcoders] Best way to graphical assets into Flex

2007-03-16 Thread Alex Harui
Code in Player 8 (and earlier) SWFs cannot be easily accessed from Flex.
The only way to communicate is via LocalConnection.


If you can port to the CS3 release of Flash Authoring.  Then create a
SWC and you have a class that you can use in Flex.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Giles Roadnight
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 3:39 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Best way to graphical assets into Flex


Hi All

I have a flash project as a banner here:


The caterpillar (which appears after a few seconds) is capable of a
lot more than walking across the banner, he can walk to where you
click and I want to add some very basic AI to him (he's called Cecil!).

I would really like to move the project to Flex though as there is
quite a bit of code behind the smile and it'll be a lot easier to
manage in flex, hopefully it might run a bit quicker as well.

What is the best way of getting the body segments into flex? At the
moment the movie clips have blank movie clips in them at the points
where the next segment should attach. It would be handy to transfer
these markers to flex.

Woudl the best way be to use runtime sharing in a swf with jsut the
segments in and embed them like that? Will I be able to use the
markers within Flex?


RE: [flexcoders] using itemRenderer with List, how can I set the icon?

2007-03-16 Thread Alex Harui
Should be there if you extended ListItemRenderer.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Greg Morphis
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 11:17 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] using itemRenderer with List, how can I set the


Normally List has a iconFunction, I'm using an itemRenderer to give
the list items a custom background color.. When I do this the icon
doesn't show.. is there anyway around this?


[flexcoders] Please give me a list of EVERY book I should read on CF, Flex and SQL/db design

2007-03-16 Thread shawn.gibson
I want to learn this stuff as much as possible. Please tell me I can do 
so without Java LOL.

If you had $500 to spend for someone on the above topics, what books 
would you choose? Yes, I sold my mother's pancreas to come up with the 
money, but that's another story...

I'm printing the entire documentation for CF and Flex as soon as our 
new Xerox copiers get set up with our IPs at work, so there's a good 
start, but I want to fill at least 2 rows of my library here on the 
above topics, with as many PoV's as possible.

I really want to understand things at the highest level, given the 
technologies involved, including MCV ideas and the rest. I also need to 
learn the basics, and have a LOT of reference-type material that I can 
just find the word and dig deeper, i.e., like the Reference/Definitive 
Guides available for many topics.

Any lists would be appreciated!


[flexcoders] Re: Apollo (Should Adobe Keep the Name)

2007-03-16 Thread shawn.gibson
Absolutely, Apollo was the God of Light, and he was strongly associated 
with the higher arts, as opposed to the baser arts of Dionysus (I'll 
leave the analogues up to you...). Apollo is the best name ever for 
what promises, in my limited knowledge so far, to be as important to 
the web and application development for many people as light is and 
higher art is to those who aim for somthing higher.

Is this something we could petition them with? Does Adobe respond to 
such requests? I would love to be involved in designing the artwork 
revolving around its promotion etc.!

Is there a reason they chose Apollo as the development name?

Shawn - lover of anything Greek! haha...

Re: [flexcoders] Binding - Fire a function on variable change (noob)

2007-03-16 Thread John Mark Hawley
Why not just do something like this:

> From: "longhairedsi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2007/03/14 Wed PM 04:30:16 CST
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] Binding - Fire a function on variable change (noob)
> I have a custom component with a bindable property. I want a internal
> function to fire everytime this property changes. I was wondering the
> best way to do this was.  Do I create a custom event that fires when the
> property changes? Or do I call the function from the property "set"
> method?   What would be the best way to achieve this? Here's a simple
> example
> http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml
>  "
>   creationComplete="formatNumberDisplay()" >
> I want the "formatNumberDisplay()" function to fire when
> "numberToDisplay" changes. This change already fires the
> "changeNumberToDisplay event", how do I capture that here?
> Cheers Si

John Mark Hawley
The Nilbog Group
773.968.4980 (cell)

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[flexcoders] question about colopicker dropdown

2007-03-16 Thread camlinaeizerous
I'm currently working on a miniature sized flex app and I have a
couple color pickers however there is a issue of them being cut off by
the applications boundaries. Is there a simple way to spawn the popup
at a different location then underneath the button?

[flexcoders] using VideoEvent.COMPLETE

2007-03-16 Thread Seizo Mazer
Hi everyone. My application is working almost the way that I want it to 
but I'm having some difficulty. I have a datagrid, which has some song 
information, and a videodisplay. The video clip is shorter than the song 
so when I play both together, I want the song to stop when the video 
clip stops. Here is my code that's in the script block. What do I need 
to do make this work? Thanks,


import mx.events.ListEvent;
import mx.events.VideoEvent;
import flash.media.Sound;   
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.display.Sprite;
private function itemClickEvent(event:ListEvent):void {
var _sound:Sound = new Sound();
var soundFile:URLRequest = new URLRequest(selectedSongURL);
_sound.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, soundStop);
public function soundStop(event:VideoEvent):void {

[flexcoders] Re: select some items only

2007-03-16 Thread Paul DeCoursey
I have the same problem except in a datagrid.  I eventually gave up
because I could not find a solution. I'll admit I didn't spend much
time on it, a few hours maybe.  My initial idea was that I could
preventDefault on the itemClick event and that would stop it from
being selected, but that didn't work.  I also tried to update the
selectedItems removing the items that I didn't want to allow selection
on, and that failed.  I was hoping to look at it more next week, I had
a deadline today and had to move on to more important things.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "metalbeard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi There,
> Is there any way that we can disable the selection for only some
> specific items inside a tree.
> Am trying to make the selectable property of the tree =false when the
> mouse rolls over the unwanted item then make it ture when it is rolled
> out but that didn't work.
> Do you have any ideas?

[flexcoders] select some items only

2007-03-16 Thread metalbeard
Hi There,

Is there any way that we can disable the selection for only some
specific items inside a tree.

Am trying to make the selectable property of the tree =false when the
mouse rolls over the unwanted item then make it ture when it is rolled
out but that didn't work.

Do you have any ideas?

[flexcoders] Re: Simple design question

2007-03-16 Thread JWOpitz
I forgot to add that things like validators do implement IMXMLObject.
 However FrontController in Cairngorm 2.1 does not and still works fine.  

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "JWOpitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you use the Cairngorm Microtecture then you do use a 'faceless'
> MXML based component everytimee: your subclasses of the
> FrontController.  The same thing applies to things like validators
> which are not view-type classes.  You instantiate them via mxml
> oftimes but they are not included in the displayList of the housing
> container. 
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Paul DeCoursey"  wrote:
> >
> > Implement IMXMLObject
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Andr� Rodrigues Pena"
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi all,
> > > 
> > > I know how to create visual components as MXML files. My
question is,
> > > can I create a non-visual component using MXML files? Let's put an
> > > example: I want to create a non-visual component to wrap my
> > > web-services and handlers. I know I could do it with AS3. But
can I do
> > > it with MXML?
> > > 
> > > thanks
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > Andr� Rodrigues Pena
> > > 
> > > LOCUS
> > > www.locus.com.br
> > > 
> > > Blog
> > > www.techbreak.org
> > >
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Simple design question

2007-03-16 Thread JWOpitz
If you use the Cairngorm Microtecture then you do use a 'faceless'
MXML based component everytimee: your subclasses of the
FrontController.  The same thing applies to things like validators
which are not view-type classes.  You instantiate them via mxml
oftimes but they are not included in the displayList of the housing

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Paul DeCoursey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Implement IMXMLObject
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Andr� Rodrigues Pena"
>  wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I know how to create visual components as MXML files. My question is,
> > can I create a non-visual component using MXML files? Let's put an
> > example: I want to create a non-visual component to wrap my
> > web-services and handlers. I know I could do it with AS3. But can I do
> > it with MXML?
> > 
> > thanks
> > 
> > -- 
> > Andr� Rodrigues Pena
> > 
> > www.locus.com.br
> > 
> > Blog
> > www.techbreak.org
> >

Re: [flexcoders] changing backgroundColor of mx:List based on data...

2007-03-16 Thread Brendan Meutzner

Using an ItemRenderer instance, on data change you can change the background
color style for the renderer using a method which would catch one of the 3


On 16 Mar 2007 09:58:34 -0700, Greg Morphis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I've got a List being populated by XML data.
One of the returned items is c_schedulestatusid which is either -1, 0, or
I need to set the backgroundColor based on the different values
I know about the

However that wont work here because it's not either or, it's one of 3...

Brendan Meutzner
Stretch Media - RIA Adobe Flex Development

[flexcoders] Re: Simple design question

2007-03-16 Thread Paul DeCoursey
Implement IMXMLObject

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "André Rodrigues Pena"
> Hi all,
> I know how to create visual components as MXML files. My question is,
> can I create a non-visual component using MXML files? Let's put an
> example: I want to create a non-visual component to wrap my
> web-services and handlers. I know I could do it with AS3. But can I do
> it with MXML?
> thanks
> -- 
> André Rodrigues Pena
> www.locus.com.br
> Blog
> www.techbreak.org

Re: [flexcoders] Simple design question

2007-03-16 Thread André Rodrigues Pena
Thanks for the answer Spratt

I'd like to create a service layer wrapping more than onde HTTPService
components into a single MXML file.

Can you explain this phrase another way:

"I use an Application tag to implement my functionality, then use that
component as the root tag of the application.  Some folks call this
the "code behind" technique."

I didn't got it

On 3/16/07, Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wish we had a "faceless" mxml component specifically for this kind of use.
> I use an Application tag to implement my functionality, then use that 
> component as the root tag of the application.  Some folks call this the "code 
> behind" technique.
> You could also use a canvas, which is the lightest container I know, and set 
> height and width to 0 and visibility=false.
> Also, there are a few faceless mxml components.  Would it make sense in your 
> case to extend one of them?
> Tracy

> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of André 
> Rodrigues Pena
>  Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 1:32 PM
>  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
>  Subject: [flexcoders] Simple design question
> Hi all,
>  I know how to create visual components as MXML files. My question is,
>  can I create a non-visual component using MXML files? Let's put an
>  example: I want to create a non-visual component to wrap my
>  web-services and handlers. I know I could do it with AS3. But can I do
>  it with MXML?
>  thanks
>  --
>  André Rodrigues Pena
>  www.locus.com.br
>  Blog
>  www.techbreak.org

André Rodrigues Pena



[flexcoders] Re: ControlBar on Panel not positioned correctly when added from ActionScript

2007-03-16 Thread scott_flex

I figured out my issue... I needed to add my ControlBar to the panel 
in the "initialize" event handler not the creation complete.

Not sure exactly why but when i add the control bar in the initialize 
event handler it correctly positions the control bar to the bottom of 
my panel.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "scott_flex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This should be simple but i'm fighting the position of a ControlBar 
> that's on a Panel control when add via actionscript, not mxml.
> The control bar is not correctly displayed at the bottom of the 
> IE... if the other child components cause the scroll bars to 
appear, I 
> have to scroll to view the control bar as well... it should be 
> visible and stationary.
> This works properly if i add the control bar in with mxml as the 
> element but not when using actionscript... even if i add it via 
> actionscript in the creationComplete of the panel  to ensure it's 
> last child added.
> --Scott

[flexcoders] Re: Simple design question

2007-03-16 Thread Paul DeCoursey
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Tracy Spratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wish we had a "faceless" mxml component specifically for this kind
of use.

We do, it's IMXMLObject.

[flexcoders] FDS/CF behind IIS Still?

2007-03-16 Thread Travis Young
With Flex 1.5, Macromedia strongly advised to use IIS (or similar)  
and connect to Flex and CF via an ISAPI gateway.  This worked well  
and leveraged IIS for security models and SSL.

It looks like FDS (for data services at least) does not work in this  
manner and the Flex app talks directly to the FDS server on port 8301  
(or whatever) and FDS can have its own internal security model.

If all of your data access is via FDS, does it make any sense to put  
CF behind IIS (or similar) or just let FDS talk directly to CF on  
port 8300 (or whatever)?  This works in a development environment,  
but is it the best practice for production?

If Flex does talk to directly to FDS on port 8300 (or whatever)  
through JRun (or whatever) is it possible to utilize SSL?

RE: [flexcoders] Simple design question

2007-03-16 Thread Tracy Spratt
I wish we had a "faceless" mxml component specifically for this kind of use.


I use an Application tag to implement my functionality, then use that component 
as the root tag of the application.  Some folks call this the "code behind" 


You could also use a canvas, which is the lightest container I know, and set 
height and width to 0 and visibility=false.


Also, there are a few faceless mxml components.  Would it make sense in your 
case to extend one of them?




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of André 
Rodrigues Pena
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 1:32 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Simple design question


Hi all,

I know how to create visual components as MXML files. My question is,
can I create a non-visual component using MXML files? Let's put an
example: I want to create a non-visual component to wrap my
web-services and handlers. I know I could do it with AS3. But can I do
it with MXML?


André Rodrigues Pena




RE: [flexcoders] DataGrid in Action Script

2007-03-16 Thread Tracy Spratt
Here is an example:




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Kumar
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 1:49 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] DataGrid in Action Script


Hi All,

My Query here is that I have an XML which has following structure 







Here child elements of  are fixed i.e.  and 

Next time there can be an XML containg one more child node like

And I want to create a dynamic datagrid which can read XML and create
columns on the basis of this.

If XML has two child nodes like  and  then Datagrid should
have two columns if XML has 3 childnodes like ,,
then Datagrid should contain 3 column like name,class and company.

Can this be done...

I am not getting any approch but I am sure we will have to read the
child nodes and create a Datagrid in Action script.

If some one has done something like this please suggest me...

Thanks in advance guys..

Looking forward for your valuable responses.






RE: [flexcoders] Re: Trace Output Stopped Working

2007-03-16 Thread Tracy Spratt
The flash player would have been my first guess too.


Hit this site just to be sure.





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Paul Whitelock
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 10:12 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Trace Output Stopped Working


Just tried re-installing the Flash Player Debug version and no luck :-(


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
, "Paul Whitelock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, I'm on a PC. Flex Builder connects to the SWF and I can set
> breakpoints so I don't think there's a problem with the Flash Player
> but maybe I'll try re-installing the debug version just to see if it
> makes a difference.


[flexcoders] Simple design question

2007-03-16 Thread André Rodrigues Pena
Hi all,

I know how to create visual components as MXML files. My question is,
can I create a non-visual component using MXML files? Let's put an
example: I want to create a non-visual component to wrap my
web-services and handlers. I know I could do it with AS3. But can I do
it with MXML?


André Rodrigues Pena



[flexcoders] Re: changing backgroundColor of mx:List based on data...[SOLVED]

2007-03-16 Thread Greg Morphis
nevermind.. I used the database to do the calculation and included
that in the XML.. easier that way I figure

On 3/16/07, Greg Morphis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got a List being populated by XML data.
> One of the returned items is c_schedulestatusid which is either -1, 0, or 1
> I need to set the backgroundColor based on the different values
> c_schedulestatusid
> I know about the
>  backgroundColor="{data.c_schedulestatusid == 1 ? 0x00FF00 :
> 0xFF}">
> However that wont work here because it's not either or, it's one of 3...

[flexcoders] using itemRenderer with List, how can I set the icon?

2007-03-16 Thread Greg Morphis
Normally List has a iconFunction, I'm using an itemRenderer to give
the list items a custom background color.. When I do this the icon
doesn't show.. is there anyway around this?

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Datagrid Button Renderer Performance

2007-03-16 Thread Alex Harui
updateDL gets called incase you want to change the font color based on
the selection highlight.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of durnelln
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 5:40 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Datagrid Button Renderer Performance


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
, "Jason Hawryluk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally I have a huge preference for AS only itemrenderers 
however that
> said, at first glance I would ask why are you adding a event 
listener when
> the button has this built in?

My button renderer listens for the click event and then dispatches a 
custom event containing the row data and the renderer's configured 
action string. I guess there could be a cleaner way of doing this 
(overrinding the button's clickHandler method?) but I must admit that 
I haven't changed it as it works and I have plenty of other stuff to 
be getting on with!

> As for the updateDisplayList, I suggest you read up on what it's 
for and
> just how important it is...

I understand what updateDisplayList does. I am simply confused as to 
why all the button renderers are being continually redrawn when their 
size, position and visual appearance haven't changed!



[flexcoders] FlexFactory/FDS Inconsistencies

2007-03-16 Thread Harris Reynolds
Hi there.  I am working on a FlexFactory implementation that is capable 
of creating objects that act as remote services.  In the documentation 
it states that, "Each factory instance can add configuration attributes 
that are used when that factory instance is defined, as the following 
example shows:



However, adding an extra element to the properties element within 
remoting-config.xml causes Flex to chock in the initialization process 
when starting the server.

Is is possible to get additional information into a FlexFactory to 
customize its implementation?  I've looked in detail at the example 
that does this with Spring, but it doesn't take advantage of passing a 
custom value to the FlexFactory.  I am trying to deploy this to 
Weblogic and create a FlexFactory that is capable of creating EJBs based
on their JNDI name.



RE: [flexcoders] Re: Runtime Memory Problems

2007-03-16 Thread Alex Harui
I saw another email yesterday saying that there are some known bad
behaviors with IE7 that are being investigated...


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of One Person
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 10:26 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Runtime Memory Problems


I might agree with that, but in Firefox this is not an issue. Firefox 
releases memory on a regular basis while IE7 does not seem to release 
until I exceed the physical memory on the machine.

BTW: I posted the wrong sizes in my original email. The images we are 
dealing with are 256Meg to 600Meg and the application will get up over 
2.5Gig and then free up memory. I have 2Gig of physical ram in my 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GC is opportunistic. This means it does not run all of the time. It
> tends to be triggered by allocating memory instead of freeing it, so
> watching an idle app will almost never result in GC.
> A good test is to cycle between two images 1000's of times and see if
> memory usage is unbounded.
> -Alex


RE: [flexcoders] Re: Datagrid Button Renderer Performance

2007-03-16 Thread Jason Hawryluk
"I haven't changed it as it works and I have plenty of other stuff to
be getting on with!"

Is this the response that we should all expect from someone asking
questions? I took time out of *my* day to lend a helping hand. So that you
might learn from my experience. I pointed out something that did not make
sense to me.

Your response of “ it works and I have plenty of other stuff to be getting
on with!” is interesting, in the fact that I have other things to be getting
on with as well.



  -Message d'origine-
  De : flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] la
part de durnelln
  Envoyé : vendredi 16 mars 2007 13:40
  À : flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Objet : [flexcoders] Re: Datagrid Button Renderer Performance

  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Jason Hawryluk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > Personally I have a huge preference for AS only itemrenderers
  however that
  > said, at first glance I would ask why are you adding a event
  listener when
  > the button has this built in?

  My button renderer listens for the click event and then dispatches a
  custom event containing the row data and the renderer's configured
  action string. I guess there could be a cleaner way of doing this
  (overrinding the button's clickHandler method?) but I must admit that
  I haven't changed it as it works and I have plenty of other stuff to
  be getting on with!

  > As for the updateDisplayList, I suggest you read up on what it's
  for and
  > just how important it is…

  I understand what updateDisplayList does. I am simply confused as to
  why all the button renderers are being continually redrawn when their
  size, position and visual appearance haven't changed!



RE: [flexcoders] Re: Fascinating problem hiding columns in a DataGrid

2007-03-16 Thread Michael Imhoff
Hi Peter,


I recently posted about a very similar issue that might be of some help.
Please take a look at
.html and let me know if that does the trick.


Hope this helps,




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of sanjaypmg
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 1:43 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Fascinating problem hiding columns in a DataGrid



I have done the same using remote object but didnt face this sort of 
problem. I am making the columns visible/invisible on the basis of 
value coming frm the database...


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ups.com,
"Peter Demling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> While a problem for me, I find the following behavior fascinating 
> inexplicable; so here's a good challenge for any Flexlock Holmes 
> there (full code is below - 26 lines, fairly simple):
> I have a DataGrid that's using a RemoteObject as its dataProvider, 
> I initialize the 'visible' propery of its first dataGridColumn to
> "false". On startup, this column (labelled "Name") is hidden - so
> far, so good.
> Next I click my "GetData" button to invoke the RemoteObject's 
> and poof! The column becomes visible - even though the debugger
> verified that its visible property remains false!
> So now I click my "HideName" Button, which forcibly sets the 
> property of this "Name" column to false. The debugger verifies 
> its false before I click it, and its false after I click it. 
> the column remains visible.
> So just for the heck of it I click my "ShowName" Button, which
> forcibly sets the visible property of the "Name" column to true. 
> debugger verifies that the value is changed to true - and as an 
> bonus, it increases the width of the Name column from 50 to 100! 
> Finally, I click the "HideName" Button, and *this* time it works - 
> Name column is now hidden, having worked only after I forced its
> visible prpoerty to true immediately beforehand.
> I can replicate this ad nauseum (calling the RemoteObject service
> makes the hidden column visible without setting visible to true;
> forcing the visible value to false works only after forcing it to
> true), but it only happens when the dataProvider is remoteObject, 
> the forcing of the visible value only shows the column when done 
> Buttons (it does not work directly in code right after calling the
> RemoteObject service).
> Full code is below. I tracked every single Name column variable
> through the debugger, and nothing changes, except for visible and
> width as noted above. I did track down the moment that 
the "ShowName"
> button expands the column width (in Button.as, line 2050, function
> focusOutHandler), but I don't know enough about Flex yet to know 
> that would enable column hiding; or why the call to RemoteObject is
> revealing my invisible column in the first place, for that matter.
> Started out just wanting to hide some DataGrid columns, but went
> pretty far down the rabbit hole. Thanks for any input!
> -Peter Demling
> Lexington, MA
> http://www.adobe.
> layout="absolute">
>  dataProvider="{srv.getEmployees.lastResult}">
>  headerText="Name" dataField="name" />
>  headerText="Group" dataField="group"/>
>  x="10" y="170"/> 
>  click="myDataGrid.columns[0].visible=false;" 
> y="230" x="10"/> 
>  click="myDataGrid.columns[0].visible=true;"
> y="200" x="10"/>


[flexcoders] Re: memory keeps increasing when RemoteObject is used

2007-03-16 Thread vargaandrea

I've tried in IE under wine, and it uses less memory, then in Firefox
(not under wine), so you are right, but my problem is not the amount
of memory used, at least not when the application starts. The problem
is, that it takes more and more memory, so if I leave even this little
test running in the browser (having the button clicked a couple of
times), in a couple of hours my system crashes, at least Firefox does.

(btw, I'm not using FDS)


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Rich Tretola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have found that the FDS server is greedy and it will take as much
> as you have to offer.
> For example:
> I have an application that shows 300 mb of ram being used by my Firefox
> browser on Windows XP with 2 gb of machine ram.
> The same application runs at only 90mbs of ram on a Windows XP
machine that
> has 500 mb of system ram installed.
> Try running your app on an older machine or a virtual machine to see how
> much ram it uses.
> Rich
> On 16 Mar 2007 08:05:40 -0700, vargaandrea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   Hi,
> >
> > I noticed that my project keeps using more and more memory, even when
> > it does nothing (or I thought so). I finally came to the conclusion
> > that remote calls causing it.
> >
> > Here is a small test: http://virtualro.cluj.astral.ro/andi/memtest/
> >
> > It has a timer that keeps updating a label with
> > flash.system.System.totalMemory, and a button that calls a remote
> > method using amphp (it does nothing, only returns 1).
> >
> > Now, if you start the demo, you can see that totalMemory stays the
> > same, until you press the button. Then it starts to increase slowly
> > (the number changes in about every 6-8 secs). If you press the button
> > many times (=call the remote method), totalMemory increase is more
> > accentuate.
> >
> > What is causing that, how could I avoid it? Something is wrong here.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Here's the code of my test:
> >
> > 
> > http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
> > layout="vertical"
> > xmlns:ns1="*"
> > xmlns:control="control.*"
> > initialize="initTimer()"
> > width="200" height="200">
> >
> >  > destination="amfphp"
> >
> > endpoint="
> >
> > "
> > id="testService"
> > source="TestService"
> > showBusyCursor="true"
> > result="onResult( event )"
> > fault="onFault( event )">
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> Rich Tretola
> http://www.EverythingFlex.com

[flexcoders] Re: Fascinating problem hiding columns in a DataGrid

2007-03-16 Thread sanjaypmg

I have done the same using remote object but didnt face this sort of 
problem. I am making the columns visible/invisible on the basis of 
value coming frm the database...


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Peter Demling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> While a problem for me, I find the following behavior fascinating 
> inexplicable; so here's a good challenge for any Flexlock Holmes 
> there (full code is below - 26 lines, fairly simple):
> I have a DataGrid that's using a RemoteObject as its dataProvider, 
> I initialize the 'visible' propery of its first dataGridColumn to
> "false".  On startup, this column (labelled "Name") is hidden - so
> far, so good.
> Next I click my "GetData" button to invoke the RemoteObject's 
> and poof!  The column becomes visible - even though the debugger
> verified that its visible property remains false!
> So now I click my "HideName" Button, which forcibly sets the 
> property of this "Name" column to false.  The debugger verifies 
> its false before I click it, and its false after I click it.  
> the column remains visible.
> So just for the heck of it I click my "ShowName" Button, which
> forcibly sets the visible property of the "Name" column to true.  
> debugger verifies that the value is changed to true - and as an 
> bonus, it increases the width of the Name column from 50 to 100!  
> Finally, I click the "HideName" Button, and *this* time it works - 
> Name column is now hidden, having worked only after I forced its
> visible prpoerty to true immediately beforehand.
> I can replicate this ad nauseum (calling the RemoteObject service
> makes the hidden column visible without setting visible to true;
> forcing the visible value to false works only after forcing it to
> true), but it only happens when the dataProvider is remoteObject, 
> the forcing of the visible value only shows the column when done 
> Buttons (it does not work directly in code right after calling the
> RemoteObject service).
> Full code is below.  I tracked every single Name column variable
> through the debugger, and nothing changes, except for visible and
> width as noted above.  I did track down the moment that 
the "ShowName"
> button expands the column width (in Button.as, line 2050, function
> focusOutHandler), but I don't know enough about Flex yet to know 
> that would enable column hiding; or why the call to RemoteObject is
> revealing my invisible column in the first place, for that matter.
> Started out just wanting to hide some DataGrid columns, but went
> pretty far down the rabbit hole.  Thanks for any input!
> -Peter Demling
>  Lexington, MA
> http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>   layout="absolute">
>  headerText="Name" dataField="name" />
>headerText="Group" dataField="group"/>
>x="10" y="170"/>
>   y="230" x="10"/>
> click="myDataGrid.columns[0].visible=true;"
>y="200" x="10"/>

[flexcoders] Re: Runtime Memory Problems

2007-03-16 Thread One Person
I might agree with that, but in Firefox this is not an issue. Firefox 
releases memory on a regular basis while IE7 does not seem to release 
until I exceed the physical memory on the machine.

BTW: I posted the wrong sizes in my original email. The images we are 
dealing with are 256Meg to 600Meg and the application will get up over 
2.5Gig and then free up memory. I have 2Gig of physical ram in my 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GC is opportunistic.  This means it does not run all of the time.  It
> tends to be triggered by allocating memory instead of freeing it, so
> watching an idle app will almost never result in GC.
> A good test is to cycle between two images 1000's of times and see if
> memory usage is unbounded.
> -Alex

Re: [flexcoders] about :New Project: FlexCRUD -- Create Update Delete for Flex/amfphp/cairngorm

2007-03-16 Thread Yiðit Boyar
thanks; i will check and return a feedback...

- Original Message 
From: Douglas McCarroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 3:01:12 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] about :New Project:  FlexCRUD -- Create Update Delete 
for Flex/amfphp/cairngorm


http://www.crowefun .com/flexcrud/ doku.php

Yiðit Boyar wrote:

> hi;

> when i saw your [EMAIL PROTECTED] about your project; i saved it in case 

> i need... and now i need to try it

> but the link does not work.

> is there any other link that i can download your project ?

> thanks...


> - Original Message 

> From: Mike Crowe 

> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com

> Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 9:15:19 AM

> Subject: [flexcoders] New Project: FlexCRUD -- Create Update Delete 

> for Flex/amfphp/ cairngorm


> Hi folks,


> I'm in the process of releasing my system generation utility via

> riaforge. Essentially, I'm using about 15 templates to generate >

> 100 files.


> >From a 1' perspective, I have created a generic template based

> system that generates:


> * Cairngorm commands: Get, GetAll, Save, Delete

> * Cairngorm events: GetSuccess, GetFailure, etc.

> * Cairngorm control file

> * amfphp Remote Delegate

> * amfphp ViewObject for both Actionscript and PHP

> * amfphp Service dispatcher

> * amfphp DTO file to save ViewObject to database

> * Unit test structures for testing both PHP->Database and Flex-

> >PHP->Database operations for all tables.

> * etc.


> I based the database on PHP Doctrine, which handles all my database

> interaction in a very clean manner.


> Here's the help I need. To me, I think this will be very helpful to

> somebody *starting* a new project. It will generate all the core

> tables, events, commands, and directories for a basic system.

> However, I need some review from the Flex community to tell me if

> I'm way off base on this. If it isn't useful, please be honest and

> provide that feedback.


> Here's the initial wiki documenting the core. I'll shoot to release

> the full code tomorrow:


> http://www.your- solutions. us/doku.php/ start 




> Mike




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>  com/arp/sponsore dsearch_v2. php?o=US2140& cmp=Yahoo& ctv=Q107Tagline& 
> s=Y&s2=EM& b=50> 





Get your own web address.  
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

[flexcoders] Re: Simulating "clicking the X" of a TitleWindow

2007-03-16 Thread qnotemedia
I had to change it to CloseEvent rather than Event, but yeah, that 
worked.  Thanks.

[flexcoders] changing backgroundColor of mx:List based on data...

2007-03-16 Thread Greg Morphis
I've got a List being populated by XML data.
One of the returned items is c_schedulestatusid which is either -1, 0, or 1
I need to set the backgroundColor based on the different values
I know about the

However that wont work here because it's not either or, it's one of 3...

RE: [flexcoders] FDS to CF RemoteObject

2007-03-16 Thread Darren Houle
>Probably the easiest thing to do is to setup a crossdomain.xml file on
>your CF server. This should be setup to allow SWFs hosted on your FDS
>server to make connections to CF.

I didn't think I needed a crossdomain file if the FDS server and CF server 
were running on localhost:8700 and localhost:80 ...?

>For the CF side of things, you can probably leave the configuration with
>its defaults. You just need to take a look at the  uri
>attribute in the channel-definition and then set that as the endpoint
>attribute on the  tag, and then consider the remoting
>service destination. You can either create your own destination or rely
>on the default "ColdFusion" destination

Well, when I copy the service tags from the services-config on my CF server 
(which works) to the services-config on my FDS server, I get the following 
in the FDS console window...

03/16 12:40:25 error Could not pre-load servlet: MessageBrokerServlet
[1]flex.messaging.MessageException: Cannot create class of type
Type 'coldfusion.flash.messaging.ColdFusionAdapter' not found.

but... if I change the adapter type from the 
coldfusion.flash.messaging.ColdFusionAdapter to the
flex.messaging.services.remoting.adapters.JavaAdapter I get "cannot create 
class of type transfer_center.cf.transfer_center" returned in the RO call's 
event.fault.faultString (the path to my CFC is 

Can't you use the ColdFusion adapter when the Flex client is compiled and 
served from the FDS server?


>From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>Behalf Of Darren Houle
>Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:41 PM
>To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: RE: [flexcoders] FDS to CF RemoteObject
>Awesome advice, yes, I've found several reasons I'd rather do it
>programatically. Thanks! But... my question still remains what
>channel(s), adapter(s), and destination setting(s) do I use (xml or
>programatically) to have my Flex client, served from an FDS server, call
>on a paralell CF Ent server?
> >From: "Peter Farland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> >
> >Reply-To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> >To: mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com> >
> >Subject: RE: [flexcoders] FDS to CF RemoteObject
> >Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 13:32:43 -0700
> >
> >In FDS 2.0.1 and CF 7.0.2 I would use the services-config.xml for the
> >new Flex Data Management stuff, and just programmatically create a
> >ChannelSet for my RemoteObject and avoid channel configuration for this
> >simpler use case. For RPC services like RemoteObject, compiling against
> >a config file is only meant to be a convenience so that the compiler
> >will generate some code for you to create a matching ChannelSet for a
> >destination... you can always just do this yourself in ActionScript.
> >
> >Pete
> >
> >
> >
> >From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
>] On
> >Behalf Of Darren Houle
> >Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 3:56 PM
> >To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
> >Subject: [flexcoders] FDS to CF RemoteObject
> >
> >
> >
> >I have built a Flex app that loads from the CF server and successfully
> >calls
> >a RemoteObject (CFC) back on that same CF server. I'm using the basic
> >"ColdFusion" destination in the services-config.xml which looks like...
> >
> >
> > >class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
> > >uri="http://{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root}/flex2gateway/";
> >class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>
> >
> >false
> >
> >false
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >class="flex.messaging.services.RemotingService"
> >messageTypes="flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage">
> >
> > >class="coldfusion.flash.messaging.ColdFusionAdapter" default="true"/>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >*
> >
> >false
> >remote
> >
> >
> >false
> >false
> >false
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >That works fine, but I have just installed FDS w/integrated Jrun on the
> >same
> >physical box CF Enterprise is running on. What I need to do is move
> >
> >Flex app to the newly installed FDS server so that I can add Data
> >Management
> >functionality to the app, but I want the app to also continue using
> >
> >existing RemoteObject call. I realize I can't use the same CF channel
> >
> >service definitions in the FDS services-config.xml, but what do I use?
> >I've
> >tried many unsuccessful combinations including...
> >
> >
> > >class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
> >http://localhost/{context.root}/messagebroker/amf";
> >class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>
> >
> >false
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >class="flex.messaging.services.RemotingService"
> >messageTypes="flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage">
> >
> > >class="flex.messaging.services.r

[flexcoders] CursorManager, PopupManager - internal state across module load?

2007-03-16 Thread david_mccraw123

I've run into an issue where, after loading a module, calling
CursorManager.setBusyCursor() inside that module causes an exception
(Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object
reference). The same happens with Alert.show (in

First I moved the setBusyCursor() call into a button click(), to be
sure the module had loaded completely - but this had no effect.

If, however, I call setBusyCursor() then removeBusyCursor() in the
/module loader/ mxml file (on ready event), the module button can then
also set the cursor without error. Similarly, an Alert in the module
loader (on ready event) allows alerts within the module.

To muddy the waters further, if I load the module at the start of the
application, it works okay - it's just when I re-load it that the
error starts occurring.

I was hoping someone might have run into a similar problem, or have
any pointers toward finding a solution.



[flexcoders] Re: xml document not well-formed? [SOLVED]

2007-03-16 Thread Greg Morphis
got it

On 3/16/07, Greg Morphis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to load XML data into a list.. I can see the data in the
> Eclipse Console and it looks well-formed to me..
> 4131
> Footown
> AL
> 123 Hwy, Footown, AL
> Hams,Johnny C
> -1
> I'm trying to access it like this...
>  id="defaultlocs"
> dataProvider="{MyModel.getInstance().DALocationsXML.default}"

RE: [flexcoders] Re: O'Reilly's Programming Flex 2 book

2007-03-16 Thread Merrill, Jason
Well, that bites - their Web sites still says it was published on March
1st.  Post again when you get the book and let us know what you think.

Jason Merrill 
Bank of America  
Global Technology & Operations 
Learning & Leadership Development 
eTools & Multimedia Team 


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Whitelock
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 12:34 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: O'Reilly's Programming Flex 2 book

Amazon sent me a notification recently that the publication date
changed to May 15th.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 , "Merrill, Jason"
> Does anyone have this book yet? 
> O'Reilly Press
> Programming Flex 2: The Comprehensive Guide to Creating Rich
> Applications with Adobe Flex 
> by Kazoun, Lott


[flexcoders] Re: O'Reilly's Programming Flex 2 book

2007-03-16 Thread Paul Whitelock
Amazon sent me a notification recently that the publication date has
changed to May 15th.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Merrill, Jason"
> Does anyone have this book yet?  
> O'Reilly Press
> Programming Flex 2: The Comprehensive Guide to Creating Rich Media
> Applications with Adobe Flex 
> by Kazoun, Lott

[flexcoders] Fascinating problem hiding columns in a DataGrid

2007-03-16 Thread Peter Demling
While a problem for me, I find the following behavior fascinating and
inexplicable; so here's a good challenge for any Flexlock Holmes out
there (full code is below - 26 lines, fairly simple):

I have a DataGrid that's using a RemoteObject as its dataProvider, and
I initialize the 'visible' propery of its first dataGridColumn to
"false".  On startup, this column (labelled "Name") is hidden - so
far, so good.

Next I click my "GetData" button to invoke the RemoteObject's service,
and poof!  The column becomes visible - even though the debugger
verified that its visible property remains false!

So now I click my "HideName" Button, which forcibly sets the visible
property of this "Name" column to false.  The debugger verifies that
its false before I click it, and its false after I click it.  Still,
the column remains visible.

So just for the heck of it I click my "ShowName" Button, which
forcibly sets the visible property of the "Name" column to true.  The
debugger verifies that the value is changed to true - and as an added
bonus, it increases the width of the Name column from 50 to 100!  Okay...

Finally, I click the "HideName" Button, and *this* time it works - the
Name column is now hidden, having worked only after I forced its
visible prpoerty to true immediately beforehand.

I can replicate this ad nauseum (calling the RemoteObject service
makes the hidden column visible without setting visible to true;
forcing the visible value to false works only after forcing it to
true), but it only happens when the dataProvider is remoteObject, and
the forcing of the visible value only shows the column when done via
Buttons (it does not work directly in code right after calling the
RemoteObject service).

Full code is below.  I tracked every single Name column variable
through the debugger, and nothing changes, except for visible and
width as noted above.  I did track down the moment that the "ShowName"
button expands the column width (in Button.as, line 2050, function
focusOutHandler), but I don't know enough about Flex yet to know why
that would enable column hiding; or why the call to RemoteObject is
revealing my invisible column in the first place, for that matter.

Started out just wanting to hide some DataGrid columns, but went
pretty far down the rabbit hole.  Thanks for any input!

-Peter Demling
 Lexington, MA




Re: [flexcoders] Viewstack and passing variables to children

2007-03-16 Thread April Rosequist

This is EXACTLY what I was looking for to get the button to link to  
the other child page.  Thank you s much for posting that.

I see what you are saying, but I'm so new to Flex and I didn't come  
over from Flash Dev. so I'm really not that hip on ActionScript.  If  
someone could provide a little more assistance, that would be so  

Here is what I've gotten so far (and I'm not sure if any of it is  

On JobSearch.mxml I set this up:

public var job_id:Number = currentJob.job_id
(I'm hoping that'll assign the job_id variable the job_id of the  
current selected job)

On Timeline3.mxml I set this up:

public var job_id:Number

I am not sure how to use the DataBinding to hook up the two.

Thank you in advance for further assistance to us ignorant newb Flex  
Coder posers.  :-)


On Mar 15, 2007, at 4:00 PM, Gordon Smith wrote:

If the Button is in JobSearch.mxml, then "walking the DOM up" would  
mean calling

parentDocument.preTrafficNav.selectedIndex = 1;

because the parentDocument of JobSearch is the app (or component)  
containing it, which also contains the ViewStack preTrafficNav.

- Gordon

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Doug McCune

Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 12:03 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders]

I'll agree that an event dispatching method is sort of the  
"correct" way to go. But if you want a quick way that will work,  
you could have a bindable public variable named job_id in both your  
JobSearch and Timeline3 components and then use data binding to  
bind the job_id in Timeline3 to the job_id in JobSearch. So that  
way whenever it's updated in JobSearch it will get updated in  


On 15 Mar 2007 11:44:59 -0700, Karl  
Johnson<[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

There are a lot of ways to accomplish this, but the best practice  
would be to fire off an event in JobSearch and have either Main  
listen on it and call a fuction in timeline3 or use a central event  
dispatcher and have timeline three listen for it directly.

But you could also use application.Application.timeline3.methodName  
or walk the DOM up, but neither are really advised.



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of April Rosequist

Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:12 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders]

I've been looking all day and can't find a solution to this -
although I'm sure it's very simple.

I have a main application that I'm using a ViewStack in:

This works great. :-)

The JobSearch.mxml page has a button that when you click on it, I
want to take the job_id variable I've declared and pass it to the
Timeline3 page and have that page as the main page.

If I put the button on the main.mxml page, everything works fine
(except for passing the variable, but it will at least change the
page)... but if I put the button on the JobSearch.mxml page it
doesn't work. I guess I don't know the syntax for doing that.

If someone would help me with the syntax to link from one child to
another, when the children are their own mxml pages I would be s



[flexcoders] Passing different dataFields to the same itemRenderer component

2007-03-16 Thread missgiggygirl
Hello helpful people! :)

I have a datagrid that is populated by an external XML file.  Some of
the cells have various icons in them.  I am using an itemRenderer to
insert an image in the first column.  However, I do not know how to
use this same itemRenderer/component for the other images, because the
component currently has the dataField "hardcoded".  I need a way to
re-use this itemRenderer/component so that whatever dataField if being
used passes itself to the component dynamically.

This sounds confusing, but it isn't.  Here are the two important snips
of code:

FROM mainmxml 


FROM IconRenderer.mxml

horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"
width="16" height="16">

I am sure there is an easy way to make a function here, but I just
don't know how.


[flexcoders] FDS Configuration

2007-03-16 Thread mister.kotter
I have the following configuration:

I am developing a multi-tiered J2EE application using Flex, Hibernate,
and Spring.  I am using FDS and have it configured to talk to the
middle tier through AMF.

Everything is deployed in an EAR file and the Flex web application and
the FDS configurations are deployed in the same WAR file.  This all
works great.

I have been reading the documentation and it seems like you can deploy
FDS separately from the Flex web application.  Is this the case? 
Ideally I would like to deploy FDS in it's own WAR and have multiple
Flex applications in separate WARs that could all use the same common
FDS application.

So ideally it would be configured like this:

In an EAR file I would deploy Hibernate, Spring, and a WAR with the
FDS configuration that talks to my Spring middle tier through AMF. 
Then I would have additional WAR files that get deployed separately
that contain all the GUI components and Cairngorm framework that would
use the FDS application.

Is this possible?

Any help or insight on this would be appreciated.

RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm: When / why override clone in Events

2007-03-16 Thread Piotrowski, John


I recently had a project that I had to implement the Clone Method when
defining a custom cairngorm event.  I downloaded the source code to the
flex 2 Cairngorm store and looked at how they were doing the custom
events.  In that project the clone event was simply creating a new
instance of the Event.  So if your custom event class was defined as
public class GetProductEvent extends CairngormEvent with a public var
ItemID:int, the clone method was return new GetProductEvent();


I created all of my custom events in this manner and initially had no
problems dispatching my events and assigning my event the ItemID.  


But then I ran into a problem.  In my app I wanted to save the last
attempted event in case the user's session has timed out.  If a user
times out, I wanted to re-dispatch the event once they log back in.
This was important in my app because users could be doing a lot of
things in the Flex App without ever hitting the Coldfusion server, but
then they would lose all their work when they went to save.  Since the
Coldfusion server would have timed them out after 20 minutes.  


So I created a model variable tempPendingCommand:CairngormEvent and
would assign the custom event to this variable before dispatching it.
After the event is successful I clear this variable out.  Upon testing
this approach, I noticed my data (ItemID) was null when the event was
fired after a timeout and successful login.  It took a while to track
down in the debugger and it came down to the Flash.Event Clone method.
The override clone method I defined had no idea there was an ItemID.
Luckily, the fix was easy.  I changed my GetProduct clone method to;


Var tempGetProductEvent = new GetProductEvent();

tempGetProductEvent.ItemID = ItemID;

return tempGetProductEvent;


This solved the problem.  So it seems it is only an issue if you try
caching or assigning your custom event to another variable.  If you are
directly dispatching the event, the clone method is never used, at least
in my case.





 John R. Piotrowski 

 Programmer Analyst 

 Wharton Computing 




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Stembert Olivier (BIL)
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 2:49 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm: When / why override clone in Events



You can read in the Flex doc:

There are two utility methods in the Event class. The clone() method
allows you to create copies of an event object. The toString() method
allows you to generate a string representation of the properties of an
event object along with their values. Both of these methods are used
internally by the event model system, but are exposed to developers for
general use. For advanced developers creating subclasses of the Event
class, you must override and implement versions of both utility methods
to ensure that the event subclass will work properly.

Nothing to do with Cairngorm.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Sean Sell
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:45 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Cairngorm: When / why override clone in Events

In one of the Cairngorm examples I learned Cairngorm from each event had
defined an override for the clone method (of Flash.Event). Does anyone
understand haw and when you should do this? Does Cairngorm clone the
events behind the scenes somewhere that requires this be done?



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An electronic message is not binding on its sender.

Any message referring to a binding engagement must be confirmed in
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An electronic message is not binding on its sender.

Any message referring to a binding engagement must be confirmed in
writing and duly signed.




Re: [flexcoders] Wondering why ArrayUtil.getItemIndex() loops through Array Items instead of using Array.indexOf()

2007-03-16 Thread Troy Gilbert

And furthermore, what's the point of having that method? I would assume the
point of a util function would be to aggregate several common steps, but it
seems to me like they just changed name?

Array.indexOf() == ArrayUtil.getItemIndex() (functionality-wise)

So, what's the deal?


On 16 Mar 2007 07:39:31 -0700, Arul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Looking at mx.utils.ArrayUtil class I'm wondering why it does not make use
of native method Array.indexOf for getItemIndex() method. I'm thinking
native method should be faster

public static function getItemIndex(item:Object, source:Array):int
var n:int = source.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
if (source[i] === item)
return i;

return -1;

Is there a specific reason? If so, I would like to know

Thanks & Regards,

Flexcoders Mailing List
FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
Search Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
Yahoo! Groups Links

[flexcoders] O'Reilly's Programming Flex 2 book

2007-03-16 Thread Merrill, Jason
Does anyone have this book yet?  
O'Reilly Press
Programming Flex 2: The Comprehensive Guide to Creating Rich Media
Applications with Adobe Flex 
by Kazoun, Lott
(watch the wrap)
What are your thoughts?  Ok, good, or great?

Jason Merrill 
Bank of America  
Global Technology & Operations 
Learning & Leadership Development 
eTools & Multimedia Team 



[flexcoders] xml document not well-formed?

2007-03-16 Thread Greg Morphis
I'm trying to load XML data into a list.. I can see the data in the
Eclipse Console and it looks well-formed to me..

123 Hwy, Footown, AL
Hams,Johnny C

I'm trying to access it like this...

[flexcoders] Re: Simulating "clicking the X" of a TitleWindow

2007-03-16 Thread Derrick Grigg
Have the window dispatch the close event, you can do this from
anywhere, you just need a reference point to the title window you want
to dispatch the event.

ie. in the code inside the TitleWindow instance

var e:Event = new Event(Event.CLOSE);
//parent is a reference to the parent title window instance

You can also 'bubble' the event up from any child within the title
window instance and it will have the same effect. 

var e:Event = new Event(Event.CLOSE, true);

Only listeners to that specific title window instance will hear the
close event, not listeners to other windows.

Derrick Grigg

[flexcoders] ControlBar on Panel not positioned correctly when added from ActionScript

2007-03-16 Thread scott_flex

This should be simple but i'm fighting the position of a ControlBar 
that's on a Panel control when add via actionscript, not mxml.

The control bar is not correctly displayed at the bottom of the panel.  
IE... if the other child components cause the scroll bars to appear, I 
have to scroll to view the control bar as well... it should be always 
visible and stationary.

This works properly if i add the control bar in with mxml as the last 
element but not when using actionscript... even if i add it via 
actionscript in the creationComplete of the panel  to ensure it's the 
last child added.


[flexcoders] Re: Trace Output Stopped Working

2007-03-16 Thread Paul Whitelock
I think I've figured out how to fix the problem. I first quit Eclipse
and deleted the .metadata folder in my workspace after first making a
copy of it. Next I restarted Eclipse and imported my project (Eclipse
was reset to it's default workspace without the metadata). I tried
debugging the project and trace statements started working again.

I next quit Eclipse and tried copying all of the subfolders in the old
.metadata directory that I saved except for the com.adobe.flexbuilder
subfolders back into the live workspace. When I restarted I was back
to my old configuration and trace was still working.

There must be something in those com.adobe.flexbuilder subfolders that
caused the problem, but I don't know what it is or why it caused the
trace statement to stop functioning. Anyway, it was a lot easier to
fix the problem this way than the other way of re-installing the whole
development environment ;-)


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Whitelock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Through the console in Flex Builder. I've been using Flex Builder
> since about August of last year and this is the first time that I've
> had a problem with the trace statement not working. It's especially
> odd that it's happened two days in a row now.
> Paul

[flexcoders] Re: VBox mouseOut: calls the function before actually mousing out?

2007-03-16 Thread ai.destin
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "David Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think that you are seeing two different things that you probably
are not
> expecting.
> Firstly, the controls inside the VBox will also raise mouseOut event and
> these will bubble up to your handler on the VBox.
> Secondly, when the mouse moves from being in only the VBox to being in
> another control, even one that is contained inside the VBox, that
will still
> generate a mouseOut from the VBox.
> Fortunately there is another MouseEvent you can use: RollOut. "The
> of the rollOut event is to simplify the coding of rollover behaviors for
> display object containers with children. When the mouse leaves the
area of a
> display object or the area of any of its children to go to an object
that is
> not one of its children, the display object dispatches the ROLL_OUT
> -- 
> david
> "The difference between theory and practice is that in theory, there
is no
> difference between theory and practice"

Awesome! Thank for the answer, I have been banging my head against
mouseOut trying to work out a hack to make it work with child
elements. I figured that there must have been some other method - but
there was no mention in the help cross referenced with mouseOut that I
could find. 

[flexcoders] Re: How to style through CSS HTML in RichTextEditor???

2007-03-16 Thread maikelsibbald
Still not working for me, do you got a working sample online?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "John Wilker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's how I did it.
> I've got an RSS feed reader and wanted to be able to see the links
in the
> body.
> it's not in CSS though.
> in my init() function.
> var hover:Object = new Object();
> hover.color = "#1EBBDE";
> hover.textDecoration = "underline";
> var link:Object = new Object();
> link.color = "#FF";
> feedEntryStyle.setStyle("a:hover", hover); //set the
> hover style
> feedEntryStyle.setStyle("a:link", link); //set the link
> normal style
> On 16 Mar 2007 06:17:51 -0700, maikelsibbald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >   As my subject is saying? How to style through CSS HTML in
> > RichTextEditor/TextArea?
> >
> > Does anybody know hoe to do this? The docs are saying "You can also
> > define a:link, a:hover, and a:active styles for anchor tags by using
> > style sheets. "
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> John Wilker
> Vice President Software Development/Writer
> Red Omega Solutions, Inc.
> www.johnwilker.com / www.red-omega.com
> "Everything changes, nothing remains without change." ~Buddha c.483 bc

[flexcoders] My first Flex experiment. Styling weirdness.

2007-03-16 Thread Matthew Hayes

Hello all,

I built my first Flex page the other day.  I must say, everything  
went really smoothly except for one thing.  I was trying to style a  
ToggleButtonBar.  I even got the styling code from the Style Explorer  
app... where it seemed to work just fine.  Here's the code:

ToggleButtonBar {
   horizontalGap: -1;
   buttonStyleName: "nhButtonBarButton";
   firstButtonStyleName: "nhFirstLastButtons";
   lastButtonStyleName: "nhFirstLastButtons";
   selectedButtonTextStyleName: "nhSelectedButton";
.nhButtonBarButton {
   highlightAlphas: 0, 0;
   fillAlphas: 1, 1, 1, 1;
   fillColors: #ff5f37, #ff5f37, #ff, #ff;
   borderColor: #ff5f37;
   themeColor: #ff5f37;
.nhFirstLastButtons {
.nhSelectedButton { 

The really weird thing is that the horizontalGap style is taking, and  
so is the cornerRadius style in the .nhFirstLastButtons class.  
However, nothing from the .nhButtonBarButton is working!!   
Eventually, I just gave up, moved on, figured I'd get to it later...  
well, it's later.  Any help?

//Matt Hayes

[flexcoders] Can we scroll two or more datagrid at the same time?

2007-03-16 Thread tang81285
Hi, All,

Now I have two datagrid which have hscroll bar both, is it possible
for me to assign a scroll bar to both datagrids? so that I can always
see the same data, while scrolling on both levels?


[flexcoders] filter control panel using slider and radio button

2007-03-16 Thread benny_flex
I wanted to ask you guys if you can help me on one area that I've been
stuck and trying to figure out.
I used http service to import my xml data and used a tile list to show
them with images with prices.  Now I have made a filter panle that
uses a slider and radio buttons for various options, the same style
like the demo flex store. 


where you move the slider and see what available in that price
category...  Can you tell me how to approach this I have all the named
data in my xml but don't know how to tie them together…. 


[flexcoders] filter control panel using slider and radio button

2007-03-16 Thread benny_flex

I used http service to import my xml data and used a tile list to show
them with images. Now I'm trying to make a filter panel that uses a
slider and radio buttons, the same style like the demo flex store. 
Can you tell me how to approach this I have all the named data in my
xml but don't know how to tie them together….


RE: [flexcoders] Runtime Memory Problems

2007-03-16 Thread Alex Harui
GC is opportunistic.  This means it does not run all of the time.  It
tends to be triggered by allocating memory instead of freeing it, so
watching an idle app will almost never result in GC.


A good test is to cycle between two images 1000's of times and see if
memory usage is unbounded.



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of One Person
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 8:34 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Runtime Memory Problems


We are creating a web-app built with Flex 2.
This app uses some very large image files (From around 256K to over 
We have an image viewer section of our Flex app that will allow the 
user to move from one image to another.
I was noticing that with our app in IE7 that memory useage would 
climb each time we grabbed a new image but even after letting it set 
for several minutes the memory usage would not go down. It was acting 
as if Garbage Collection was not getting called. So I added all kinds 
of code to make sure that we were letting go of the previous images 
to allow Garbage Collection to work.

After 3 days of trying to track down the problem I decided to create 
a smaller Flex app that only used our image viewer control to limit 
the number of variables in the problem. After a few hours I still 
could not figure out the problem so I replace our image view with a 
standard  tag. The problem still existed after doing this. 
Having take our code out of the picutre I decided to compare results 
in FireFox. FireFox would Garbage Collect fairly quickly and the 
problem did not seem to exist using my test Flex app in FireFox.

>From what I can tell, IE7 and Flash (version do not seem to 
work well at allowing Garbage Collection to work.
I have the same version of Flash installed in FireFox and 
there does not seem to be any problem there.

The code below is what I used in my mxml file. To test it you will 
need to point to some kind of large images that you have access to. 
The images that I was using are on an internal network and so are 
unavailable to anyone on the outside.


I can't find a way to post my images so I hope this description is 
good enough.

In IE7 the memory would climb each time I would move to the next 
image. On the left of this graph I loaded several images and then let 
IE7 sit. After a few minutes, and memory staying where it was, I 
continued click next to load images. Only after I hit a saturation 
point (Around 2.5Meg) would it Garbage Collect. My machine has 2Gig 
of Ram.

The next rise in the graph is where I kept loading images over and 
over until the memory usage was about the same as just before the 
garbage collection happened the previous time. I let that sit for a 
while and then tried to load one more image. That caused the garbage 
collection to happen.

The next 4 peaks in the graph are where I basicly clicked on the next 
button over and over as fast as I could and the Garbage Collection 
seemed to happen a little more often.

In FireFox I ran similar tests of loading images and waiting in 
FireFox. The Garbage Collection seems to be working fairly well here. 
Each time I would load a new image the previous one would be cleaned 
up with garbage collection.

So I'm not sure what can be done or if there is a fix for this. I 
really would LOVE to have access to the Garbage Collection in Flash 
so I could force things to happen when I am dumping a real large 

Mike Collins


[flexcoders] Apollo (Should Adobe Keep the Name)

2007-03-16 Thread Rich Tretola

As we all know Apollo is the code name for the upcoming Adobe desktop
runtime. Many developers including myself feel very strongly that the
product should keep the name Apollo as its release name. Please answer the
single question survey below to let Adobe know how you feel. It will take
you literally 3 seconds and your opinion matters.

Please take a few seconds to vote:


Re: [flexcoders] memory keeps increasing when RemoteObject is used

2007-03-16 Thread Rich Tretola

I have found that the FDS server is greedy and it will take as much memory
as you have to offer.

For example:

I have an application that shows 300 mb of ram being used by my Firefox
browser on Windows XP with 2 gb of machine ram.

The same application runs at only 90mbs of ram on a Windows XP machine that
has 500 mb of system ram installed.

Try running your app on an older machine or a virtual machine to see how
much ram it uses.


On 16 Mar 2007 08:05:40 -0700, vargaandrea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I noticed that my project keeps using more and more memory, even when
it does nothing (or I thought so). I finally came to the conclusion
that remote calls causing it.

Here is a small test: http://virtualro.cluj.astral.ro/andi/memtest/

It has a timer that keeps updating a label with
flash.system.System.totalMemory, and a button that calls a remote
method using amphp (it does nothing, only returns 1).

Now, if you start the demo, you can see that totalMemory stays the
same, until you press the button. Then it starts to increase slowly
(the number changes in about every 6-8 secs). If you press the button
many times (=call the remote method), totalMemory increase is more

What is causing that, how could I avoid it? Something is wrong here.


Here's the code of my test:

width="200" height="200">

result="onResult( event )"
fault="onFault( event )">


Rich Tretola


[flexcoders] Re: Simple form submit example

2007-03-16 Thread nasawebguy
According to Ben Forta this is what I need.

1) Create a ColdFusion CFC method which accepts a record to insert, 
either a struct with properties or just a list of arguments.

2) Define a  connection to the CFC.

3) Create your form in Flex. The click event on the form button 
calls an AS function.

4) That AS function does any validation, and then calls cfcObj.method
() passing it an equivalent AS class or the values comma delimited.

What I still need help with is the AS to tie the onclick in the 
button, to an AS function, then passing the form data to the 

Probably pretty easy AS, but I'm just trying to learn AS. 
Conceptually, the process is clear, but I need to see a generic 
example of the syntax. Here is portions of the code so far:

function sendFormdata(){

I'd appreciate any help pulling these three parts together.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Tracy Spratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> A Flex "form" is just a layout container.  There is no built-
in "submit"
> functionality.  There is no "submit button".
> You will need to use one of the RPC data services to send your 
data to
> the server.
> Also be aware that two-way binding is not automatic.  Modifying a 
> field does not automatically update the dataProvider.  You will 
need to
> set this up if you want it.
> Tracy
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
> Behalf Of nasawebguy
> Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 12:19 PM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] Simple form submit example
> I need basic example code for a simple form submit. 
> I'm using a flex form 
> and have a ColdFusion CFC to do the insert. 
> What I need is what gets the two talking?
> I'm not using FDS at this point. Just ColdFusion MX7.02.
> I assume I should use a remoteobject, but I don't know how to pass 
> the flex form data to it when the user click submit.
> What goes in the onclick on the submit button?
> What AS do I need to pass the form data to the remoteobject?
> What should the remoteobject look like to pass the data to the CFC?
> I'm just learning flex, but I'm used to ColdFusion flash forms 
> cfinvoke arguments. I assume it is done using remoteobject instead 
> of cfinvoke. But I'm open to the easiest way to do it.
> Thanks,
> Don

Re: [flexcoders] Runtime Memory Problems

2007-03-16 Thread slangeberg

Only after I hit a saturation
point (Around 2.5Meg) would it Garbage Collect. My machine has 2Gig
of Ram.

You're worried about a Flex app using 2.5MB memory? That's nearly nothing.
I've seen apps use upwards of 100M, and that's still not much compared to

If you look at the articles online and perhaps posts within this list,
you'll see that there are indeed thresholds within the player, to kick in
garbage collection, but in this instance, i don't see the issue.(?)


On 15 Mar 2007 08:41:48 -0700, One Person <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We are creating a web-app built with Flex 2.
This app uses some very large image files (From around 256K to over
We have an image viewer section of our Flex app that will allow the
user to move from one image to another.
I was noticing that with our app in IE7 that memory useage would
climb each time we grabbed a new image but even after letting it set
for several minutes the memory usage would not go down. It was acting
as if Garbage Collection was not getting called. So I added all kinds
of code to make sure that we were letting go of the previous images
to allow Garbage Collection to work.

After 3 days of trying to track down the problem I decided to create
a smaller Flex app that only used our image viewer control to limit
the number of variables in the problem. After a few hours I still
could not figure out the problem so I replace our image view with a
standard  tag. The problem still existed after doing this.
Having take our code out of the picutre I decided to compare results
in FireFox. FireFox would Garbage Collect fairly quickly and the
problem did not seem to exist using my test Flex app in FireFox.

From what I can tell, IE7 and Flash (version do not seem to
work well at allowing Garbage Collection to work.
I have the same version of Flash installed in FireFox and
there does not seem to be any problem there.

The code below is what I used in my mxml file. To test it you will
need to point to some kind of large images that you have access to.
The images that I was using are on an internal network and so are
unavailable to anyone on the outside.


I can't find a way to post my images so I hope this description is
good enough.

In IE7 the memory would climb each time I would move to the next
image. On the left of this graph I loaded several images and then let
IE7 sit. After a few minutes, and memory staying where it was, I
continued click next to load images. Only after I hit a saturation
point (Around 2.5Meg) would it Garbage Collect. My machine has 2Gig
of Ram.

The next rise in the graph is where I kept loading images over and
over until the memory usage was about the same as just before the
garbage collection happened the previous time. I let that sit for a
while and then tried to load one more image. That caused the garbage
collection to happen.

The next 4 peaks in the graph are where I basicly clicked on the next
button over and over as fast as I could and the Garbage Collection
seemed to happen a little more often.

In FireFox I ran similar tests of loading images and waiting in
FireFox. The Garbage Collection seems to be working fairly well here.
Each time I would load a new image the previous one would be cleaned
up with garbage collection.

So I'm not sure what can be done or if there is a fix for this. I
really would LOVE to have access to the Garbage Collection in Flash
so I could force things to happen when I am dumping a real large

Mike Collins



: : ) Scott

[flexcoders] Re: Apollo (Should Adobe Keep the Name)

2007-03-16 Thread Rich Tretola
Due to a poor service I had to trash the original poll that was posted
last night. At the time, the vote was 31 yes and 5 no. If you voted
yesterday, please post a new vote today.

On 3/15/07, Rich Tretola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As we all know Apollo is the code name for the upcoming Adobe desktop
> runtime. Many developers including myself feel very strongly that the
> product should keep the name Apollo as its release name. Please answer the
> single question survey below to let Adobe know how you feel. It will take
> you literally 3 seconds and your opinion matters.
> Please take a few seconds to vote:
> http://blog.everythingflex.com/2007/03/15/apollo-the-great-debate/
> Rich

Rich Tretola


[flexcoders] Re: Trace Output Stopped Working

2007-03-16 Thread Paul Whitelock
Through the console in Flex Builder. I've been using Flex Builder
since about August of last year and this is the first time that I've
had a problem with the trace statement not working. It's especially
odd that it's happened two days in a row now.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Clint Tredway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How are you trying to view the trace outputs?

[flexcoders] Error after 2.0.1 update

2007-03-16 Thread Sean Sell
I just updated my flex builder installation to 2.0.1 (trying to get Flex 
Automation working) now I have 27 errors all for the same thing:

SeverityDescriptionResourceIn FolderLocationCreation Time   
21172: Definition mx.binding:RepeaterComponentWatcher could not be found.   
 NAISWeb_Flexline 16March 16, 2007 11:19:25 AM4845

Anyone know how to get rid of this?



Get your own web address.  
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

RE: [flexcoders] tutorials for writing custom classes

2007-03-16 Thread Stephen Gilson
There are several places that you can start. From the Flex Dev Center,
try the 4 Quickstarts on creating components:
>From the doc, there is an entire book on the subject:

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 5:27 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] tutorials for writing custom classes

Are there any good tutorials someone can point me to for writing 
custom Flex classes? I've been writing AS for a few years now but 
havn't really dived into Classes. I can find a lot of examples from 
digging into code but I'd like to find one that shows step by step 
what it is and why you're doing it.



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Trace Output Stopped Working

2007-03-16 Thread Clint Tredway

How are you trying to view the trace outputs?

On 3/16/07, Paul Whitelock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Just tried re-installing the Flash Player Debug version and no luck :-(


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com , "Paul
Whitelock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, I'm on a PC. Flex Builder connects to the SWF and I can set
> breakpoints so I don't think there's a problem with the Flash Player
> but maybe I'll try re-installing the debug version just to see if it
> makes a difference.



[flexcoders] Re: Trace Output Stopped Working

2007-03-16 Thread Paul Whitelock
Just tried re-installing the Flash Player Debug version and no luck :-(


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Whitelock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, I'm on a PC. Flex Builder connects to the SWF and I can set
> breakpoints so I don't think there's a problem with the Flash Player
> but maybe I'll try re-installing the debug version just to see if it
> makes a difference.

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