[flexcoders] How can I stop/kill a running SWF which was loaded with SWFLoader ?

2008-04-03 Thread helihobby
Hi All,

I have a swf which I loaded via SWFLoader.
It runs fine however how can I kill it.

I dont have the source FLA so I cant add actionscript inside the SWF.
I must kill it from the outside.

when I set the swfLoad.load(null) or swfLoad = null or even
swfLoad.source = null after it has been running for a few seconds I
can still hear the SWF sound playing in the backgound ...

It just won't die 


Is there anyway to terminate the running loaded swf ?



RE: RES: [flexcoders] Resize very slow

2008-04-03 Thread Rick Winscot
Sounds to me like you may be over-using the invalidateDisplayList() ???
Without seeing some code – it is difficult to tell exactly what might be the
problem. Post something and we can take a look see.


Rick Winscot



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Todd
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 10:20 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: RES: [flexcoders] Resize very slow


Hey All, I have a very similar question to this one, so I thought I'd
continue this thread.

I also have a slow redraw, because of one of my properties id
dynamically bound to calculate the width based on another property. 
When making the screen larger, it does one redraw, however, when
making it smaller, it does it's loop of calling resize everytime the
control property changes. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way
to supress the resize events until the parent has finished drawing, or
something similar.

I have to set the width because the component I'm resizing is a
TextArea and I'm trying to force it to take up as many lines as it
needs to render the length of text, which is all variable.

Thanks for any suggestions.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com ,
Luciano Manerich Junior

 cant you use bottom=0?
 mx:Image id=myImage bottom=0 /
 You will not have to do that Math thing... But i dont believe that
will really speed up...
 De: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
[mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com ]
Em nome de shivkxr
 Enviada em: quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2008 16:30
 Para: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com 
 Assunto: [flexcoders] Resize very slow
 I have a canvas and a few controls within the canvas. On of these is an 
 Essentially, what I want is that the image appear towards the bottom of 
 the canvas, so what I do is this
 mx:Image id=myImage top={containerCanvas.height - 
 myImage.height} /
 This works, except that when the canvas is sized to a different size it 
 looks like I have a slow motion effect in place. It takes quite a few 
 seconds (3-10) depending on the difference between the old and new 
 height of the canvas.
 So is there a way to speed this up?



[flexcoders] File upload to amazon S3 from Flex

2008-04-03 Thread Gaurav Jain

I have to upload a file on Amazon S3 server in a particular bucket.

I am calling the upload() method through FileReference object and providing
URLRequest object containing server url as a parameter.


But I am getting Invalid arguments error.


Can anyone help me out on this?





[flexcoders] Incompatible override

2008-04-03 Thread Bjorn Schultheiss
I'm getting a very non-descriptive compilet error at the moment..

I've got 2 swc's 
1 named common, 1 named core.
a class in common extends a class in core,

if i specify core in common's library path common compiles.
If i use -include-libraries instead i get an incompatible override
error with no reference to a class but stating that its a project error..

I don't understand why?

[flexcoders] Re: Why am i getting an internal build error when i try to use the YahooMap.swc

2008-04-03 Thread luke_lee1124
I have exactly the same problem, I am sure it is caused by
YahooMap.swc, can anyone help?

Re: [flexcoders] Close an application window

2008-04-03 Thread Jehanzeb Musani
If you could not find appropriate function in Flex, yo
can call javascript's function to close browser using
Flex's EnternalInterface API.

--- Remya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a login/cancel button in the first page of my
 application. The
 login button should of course, lead to
 successful/unsuccessful login,
 but the Cancel button is intended to close the
 application window.
 I could not find out any code to perform this
 function of close an
 application (browser window), on the click of a
 Please help me.


You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.  

RE: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

2008-04-03 Thread Rick Winscot
At this pace we won’t (generally) see RIA technologies in course offerings for 
4 – 5 years at least. It would be awesome to see higher education quicken their 
pace and open the door to innovators like Adobe – but the fact is… that in its 
current state, higher education, is ill suited to embrace them. To be frank… I 
don’t blame Adobe for not wanting to participate in the higher education 


Rick Winscot



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of yigit 
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:52 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!


Yesterday, Microsoft was in my department to present silverlightajax 
Although silverlight is currently a bullshit compared to flex, and in my 
department (METU computer engineering)
many people use linux; there were quite many people attending to the seminar.

Tomorrow, I'll do give a seminar about AIR technology,which will be hosted by 
METU Computer Club.
 who am I? Just a 3rd year computer engineering(~=science) student.

So i ask to adobe; microsoft comes to our lessons for their primitive 
technology, but adobe does nothing for flex the great? why?
you do europe tour, it's great but you better do some more local event (no need 
to bring your developers, just use
your local partners).

just a suggestion to adobe guys, maybe because of feeling bad with microsoft's 
integration efforts...

info :  METU = middle east technical university / ankara/ turkey



Re: [flexcoders] Re: RSL loader problem - it stops

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Spitzer

Does the issue only happen when you are debugging the application? What 
happens if you don't use Flex Builder to debug -- if you just run the 
application? I found the culprit to the issue I was having was the 
debugger. I've opened a bug, https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-15191.



Dmitri Girski wrote:
 Hi Paul,

 I think, that this is how RSLs work.
 I still have not found any pattern for this behaviour - this happens
 sometimes and sometimes it hangs on loading phase, sometimes it hangs
 SWF is loaded and it is rendering them.


 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Paul Spitzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I haven't used RSLs enough to have experienced this problem but this 
 sounds suspiciously similar to problems I've been having loading SWFs 
 that have been extracted from a SWC (see the thread Runtime Class
 As I understand it when you link a SWC as an RSL Flex Builder extracts 
 the SWF and places it in the bin (or wherever you output folder is).
 URL to the extracted SWF is then stored in a behind-the-scenes AS class 
 created by the compiler. When the framework bootstraps it will use the 
 URL to load the SWF using the Loader class. This is where I've had 
 problems. I can't get Loader to properly load a library SWF. Could be 
 you're experiencing the same issue.

 Dmitri Girski wrote:
 Hi all,

 Has anyone encountered with the following problem - when player loads
 application which uses RSLs it just stops, screen shows Loading
 library  N. And nothing happens afterwards, unless you do the right
 click and click on Play menu item. Then loading process continues.




Re: [flexcoders] Re: actionScriptProperties

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Spitzer
In eclipse / FP go to Window  Preferences  General  Workspace  
Linked Resources

Create a new resource, CUSTOM_VAR, or whatever you want the name to be, 
point it to the directory you need. I'm not sure if it will actually 
work for that property but it's worth a try. I've used linked resources 
like this in other areas so I suspect it probably will, hopefully.

Bjorn Schultheiss wrote:
 basically something like this 
 compiler outputFolderLocation=${CUSTOM_VAR}/libs

 How can i define $CUSTOM_VAR?

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Bjorn Schultheiss
 I'm trying to change the value for 
 compiler outputFolderLocation= within the .actionScriptProperties

 How can I use a variable created in a seperate properties file for
 this value?




[flexcoders] Play MP3 at FLV cue point

2008-04-03 Thread Eugene Otto
Hi All,

I've been trying to get a sound to play when a VideoDisplay (playing an FLV)
hits a cue point, and have been seeing very sporadic results: sometimes the
sound plays, sometimes it doesn't.  I've tried the following approaches:
embedding the MP3, using a SoundEffect, invoking mysound.play(), setting a
SoundChannel object to mysound.play(), and have had the same inconsistent
results with all.

My FLVs have audio, so I'm guessing that some kind of race condition is
occurring, although I've heard the FLV audio playing concurrently with the
MP3, so I'm not sure what to think about that.

Does this behavior sound familiar to anyone? Any guesses as to what I'm
doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!


[flexcoders] Re: Flex PHP

2008-04-03 Thread aphexyuri
Hey David,
AMFPHP right? If I'm not mistaken, navigateToUrl isn't the best way to
go about it. AMFPHP is Remoting...so maybe use it as such? I'd go at
it this way:

Step 1: Create your RemoteObject. Obviously this can be done in AS as
mx:RemoteObject id=amfphpService showBusyCursor=true
destination=amfphp fault=amfphpFaultHandler(event)
   mx:method name=myAmfMethod

Step 2: Set your endpoint  do imports
//point to gateway
amfphpServ.endpoint = http://www.myServer.com/amfphp/gateway.php;;

//do your imports
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;

Step 3: Make the call
private function callAmfService():void {
  var sendObj:Object = new Object();
  sendObj.name = me;
  sendObj.greeting = hello;

Step 4: Handle the result / fault

You can basically send any info (like the sendObj in above example),
and it's not goint through as URL vars.

If you want more security, you can serialize / deserialize your
objects before you send'em.

good luck...

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, David C. Moody [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi guys,
 Using Flex 3  AMFPHP to do my database operations.
 I have a report that you specify all the options in flex, and 
 currently I'm just using a navigateToURL() function to open a web 
 I do not like this it is very unsecure as the variables are all 
 passed in the URL string.
 How can I get around this?  I've thought about creating an 
 intermediate database that houses all the variables and then have a 
 random number generated and only pass that random number so that the 
 PHP script can then pull that record from the database and get the 
 variables it needs.
 There's got to be an easier way to do this though?  How can I make 
 this where the user can't change the variables and run a different 
 report.  Is there a way to share variables between Flex  PHP without 
 putting them in the URL?  Cookies maybe?
 Thanks for any help!

[flexcoders] help with databinding -- repeater listening for event?

2008-04-03 Thread grimmwerks
I'm a bit frustrated here and hope someone can point out where I've  
gone wrong.

I've got a repeater that is drawing out 4 circles and binding to a  
Singleton class' variable via binding -- all this works well the first  
time -- the Singleton class is loading in xml that holds the x/y and  
size coords for these 4 circles.

I want to load in the next 4 circles xml and have the repeater redraw  
these 4 circles - how best to do this? If I'm using a custom canvas to  
draw these 4 circles; should the canvas itself redraw upon the  
CircleData.getInstance().currentCircle change?!?

If it's not clear what I'm doing, here's some code.

main.mxml is drawing out a CircleLayout.mxml as a component (Canvas),  
and inside there is:

mx:Repeater id=rep  
	mx:Button   x={Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])}  
y={Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])}  
width={(Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])*defaultSize)}
		height={(Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])*defaultSize)}  
styleName={String([EMAIL PROTECTED])}  
label={String([EMAIL PROTECTED]).toUpperCase()}


And within the CircleData class:

public function setCircleData(event:Event):void{
circlesList = new XML(xmlURLLoader.data);
pos = circlesList.item.length()-1;
var tmp:XMLList = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
// change this datelist constructor to have id# of cirlce items
dateList = new ArrayCollection();
for(var i:uint=0; itmp.length(); i++){
dateList.addItem({label: tmp[i], data:i});
public function loadCircles(newPos:Number):void{
currentCircle = circlesList.item[pos];

And the combo box is really just doing  

But the repeaters aren't firing off the redraw again?

RE: [flexcoders] Re: flashvars hate me

2008-04-03 Thread Rick Winscot
While this approach might be good to just 'enumerate' your Flashvars.
loosely coupling application functionality to generally unknown variables is
a train wreck waiting to happen.  In Dennis's example 'woo' is the value of
the url. which could change if the value is being streamed into the wrapper
at runtime (very common). This would exacerbated data handling
proportionately to the number of Flashvars. Given this - I would recommend
the following.


var urlFragment:String = [ some default ];


if ( Application.application.parameters.url ==  )

  urlFragment = Application.application.parameters.url;


Storing more than a few items in Flashvars isn't a good idea. the more
unknowns you include the more introspection you will be required to do.
Acquiring the value of parameters by name is preferred and allows you to
fallback - and keep your application from es-ploding (e.g. if the name is
unknown and the value is variable what's the point?)


Rick Winscot



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of jari.huuskonen
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 4:50 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: flashvars hate me


This is what I did to use flashvars:

for (var i:String in Application.application.parameters) {
if (i=='woo')

flashvars,'woo=jabadabaduuhistoryUrl=history.htm%3Flconid=' + 
lc_id + '',

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com ,
Dennis Falling [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 No, I'm doing it with the template html file. I've double-checked 
the html
 source in my browser after running and they're all there. I've 
added the
 url=woo code in four places: the AC_FL function, the embed
 src=...swf?url=woo, the param flashvars value=url=woo..., 
and the
 I'm sure it's probably not supposed to be in that many places, but 
I kept
 seeing different instructions and none of them have worked as of 
yet. I'm
 using Flex 3.
 On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It looks like you are doing this manually. I always start 
with a
  wrapper generated by FlexBuilder, and edit the AC_FL_RunContent 
function as
  Rick suggests. I have never had any problems.
  *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com

[mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com ]
  Behalf Of *dfalling
  *Sent:* Wednesday, April 02, 2008 1:10 AM
  *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com 
  *Subject:* [flexcoders] flashvars hate me
  I can't get flashvars to work... It seems pretty basic, but no 
  what I do they don't seem to show up in flex.
  woo = Application.application.parameters.url;
  param name=FlashVars value=url=woo /
  embed ...
  What am I missing?



Re: [flexcoders] Calendar View Control / Samples

2008-04-03 Thread Scott Melby

Tom -

Have you had a look at Ely Greenfield's calendar on quietly scheming?  I 
had similar needs for a project last year and found that calendar very 
easy to use and quite nicely put together.  I was able to very quickly 
get it production ready and posted a version of that calendar on my 
blog http://blog.fastlanesw.com/?p=22 (with source code) that fixes 
some of the more major issues I found.  I also gave the changes back to 
Ely, but am not sure if he incorporated them etc.  Anyway, just run the 
sample app on that page and right click to view source code.


Scott Melby
Founder, Fast Lane Software LLC

Tom Armstrong wrote:


Thanks for the replies on Clendar / Schedule controls. I've looked at them and so far they are 
overkill for what I'm trying to do. I'm basically prototyping a simple scheduling app that needs to 
display a monthly view of zero-to-four items in each day. This is basically my first 
flex app and I come from the Windows / ActiveX / C++ world. The use needs to be able to click on a 
day and enter or delete one or more of the items. A 5x7 grid of TextAreas may work or 
even just Button controls would be easy. Any ideas or samples of what I'm doing here? Just a basic 
screen with a 5x7 grid representing a month with the ability to click and add/delete items in each 
cell/grid for the month.

Thanks a bunch,


Re: [flexcoders] Export release build copying PHP files

2008-04-03 Thread Tom Chiverton
On Wednesday 02 Apr 2008, Troy Gilbert wrote:
 Yeah, but my point is the bug, not whether or not I can avoid it by
 doing something that breaks my own development.

Did you log a bug yet ? What was the number ?

Tom Chiverton
Helping to challengingly scale user-centric platforms
on: http://thefalken.livejournal.com

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[flexcoders] WS call returning error from Flex 2

2008-04-03 Thread mailamannow

I m trying to store data into database using Simple Pojo based Web
Service, deployed in Axis. The Web Service is successfully storing
string data, but is returning the following error when strring, date,
long, and int values are sent as a request.
The error goes like this:

FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString=HTTP request error
faultCode=Server.Error.Request faultDetail=Error: [IOErrorEvent
type=ioError bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=Error
#2032: Stream Error. URL:
http://localhost:80/axis2/services/servicename;]. URL:
messageId=D9765452-E4A1-C8DF-3739-136322F8C57C type=fault
bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2]

I found something related that has been reported as a bug to Adobe and
has its status Closed.

Here is the simple code used to send data to web service named WS

/* someString1, mob below are of type TextInput, while date is
a DateField */


WS.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, errorHandleFunction);
WS.addRecord.request.someString1= someString1.text.toString();

WS.addRecord.request.mob= mob.text.toString() + l;
WS.addRecord.request.age= age.text.toString();
WS.addRecord.request.someDate   = date.selectedDate;


/* l is suffixed to mobile since the Pojo web service has a
corresponding long data type */

what could be the problem for such an error?

RE: [flexcoders] Question on calling multiple Functions in sequence

2008-04-03 Thread Rick Winscot
If I can add. execution paths can get wonky in the case where an event is
dispatched with multiple subscribers. This can potentially inject an
execution 'fork' if each subscriber processes _n-tasks_ over _n-time_ and
then dispatches events. [ wash, rinse, repeat ]


Rick Winscot



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tracy Spratt
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 8:37 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Question on calling multiple Functions in sequence


I just got busted for being wrong on a different question, but here goes


The Flash Player, from the viewpoint of AS code is essentially single
threaded.  So, in the example you posted, the execution runs sequentially
througe each function.  myFunctionTwo() will not run until myFunctionOne()


Things that can change this are calls to external data, which are always
asynchronous, a callLater(), perhaps some other cases as well.


But normally, you can depend on linear execution of your code paths.





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mike Anderson
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 7:54 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Question on calling multiple Functions in sequence


Hello All,

I was wondering how things work, when calling multiple functions in
sequence. For example, in this function:

private function doThisFunction():void

When I execute doThisFunction, does it literally run the 3 functions
one-two-three, or does it execute the first function, waits for it to
finish, then runs the second function, waits for it to finish, then
finally runs the third function. How could doThisFunction possibly
know when myFunctionOne even finishes?

My end goal, is to create a way for a function (containing more
functions within) to stop and wait for each function to run 
complete, before executing the next one. I know Events are used quite
often when things must happen in a sequence, but when it comes to things
like Scaling or Sizing a Component, how could I possibly know when
something like that finishes?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can all throw my way :)




Re: [flexcoders] New to AIR - Filesystem Guidance

2008-04-03 Thread Tom Chiverton
On Wednesday 02 Apr 2008, Ary wrote:
 i know is possible, but been googling around and cant
 found it :(

Inside RIA just discussed the File API.

Tom Chiverton
Helping to economically brand bleeding-edge developments
on: http://thefalken.livejournal.com

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Re: [flexcoders] Partial result from HTTPService call

2008-04-03 Thread p_repetti

Thanks to everyone who replied, but nothing changed.

It looks like the problem is in the result byte array, that is _before_ the
loader actually gets in.
Is my way of creating the ByteArray correct ?
How can I inspect the length and contents of lastResult via the debugger ?


Dave Cragg wrote:
 Isn't using URLLoader a better way to download binary data such as  
 jpeg files? It has a dataFormat property that can be set to binary,  
 which delivers the data as a byteArray.
 My understanding of httpService is that it will try to parse the  
 result depending on the setting of the resultFormat property. There is  
 no binary option for this.
 I don't know if that's the cause of your problem, but it may be worth  
 On 2 Apr 2008, at 18:04, p_repetti wrote:


 I'm retrieving a JPEG from the server side to display it in an  
 mx:Image. The
 image raw bytes are served by a plain Java Servlet. The content type  
 correct. If I call the servlet from a common browser it all works  
 fine. The
 image is 400KB big.

 PROBLEM: when I call the servlet from Flex 3, it looks like the  
 contains only the first bytes of the image, not all.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the FlexCoders mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[flexcoders] Is this a performance gain?

2008-04-03 Thread polestar11
Hi there

Is the follwing actually slightly faster or is it pretty much the same
when referencing object functions in a loop?

var f:Function = obj.getValue;  // bring function to this level
var val:Number;
for(var i:int=0; i1; i++) {
 val = f(i);


var val:Number;
for(var i:int=0; i1; i++) {
 val = obj.getValue(i);

Re: [flexcoders] Is this a performance gain?

2008-04-03 Thread Ralf Bokelberg
I would expect it to be (slightly) faster.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 1:16 PM, polestar11 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there

  Is the follwing actually slightly faster or is it pretty much the same
  when referencing object functions in a loop?

  var f:Function = obj.getValue; // bring function to this level
  var val:Number;
  for(var i:int=0; i1; i++) {
  val = f(i);


  var val:Number;
  for(var i:int=0; i1; i++) {
  val = obj.getValue(i);


Ralf Bokelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Flex  Flash Consultant based in Cologne/Germany

[flexcoders] GroupBox component

2008-04-03 Thread Fidel Viegas
Hi all,

Does anyone know how to emulate a GroupBox or knows of a ready made component?

Thanks in advance,


RE: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

2008-04-03 Thread Gregor Kiddie
I know of one university in Scotland which is adding Flex to its
curriculum, mainly due to our associations with them (taking on summer


So it is happening, but it will happen quicker with corporate backing
rather than Adobe backing I feel.



Gregor Kiddie
Senior Developer

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by anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented are
solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
INPS or any of its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient
please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rick Winscot
Sent: 03 April 2008 08:55
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!


At this pace we won't (generally) see RIA technologies in course
offerings for 4 - 5 years at least. It would be awesome to see higher
education quicken their pace and open the door to innovators like Adobe
- but the fact is... that in its current state, higher education, is ill
suited to embrace them. To be frank... I don't blame Adobe for not
wanting to participate in the higher education debacle.


Rick Winscot



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of yigit boyar
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:52 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!


Yesterday, Microsoft was in my department to present silverlightajax
Although silverlight is currently a bullshit compared to flex, and in my
department (METU computer engineering)
many people use linux; there were quite many people attending to the

Tomorrow, I'll do give a seminar about AIR technology,which will be
hosted by METU Computer Club.
 who am I? Just a 3rd year computer engineering(~=science) student.

So i ask to adobe; microsoft comes to our lessons for their primitive
technology, but adobe does nothing for flex the great? why?
you do europe tour, it's great but you better do some more local event
(no need to bring your developers, just use
your local partners).

just a suggestion to adobe guys, maybe because of feeling bad with
microsoft's integration efforts...

info :  METU = middle east technical university / ankara/ turkey


[flexcoders] Re:Passing complextype parameter to webservice

2008-04-03 Thread Mickael RUELLAN

You can simply use an object like :

public class MyAuth {
  public var username:String = '';
  public var password:String = '';

and call your Webservice like :

var auth:MyAuth = new MyAuth;
auth.username = 'mika';

I think you can egally use Object like this :

authenticationService.startSession( {username: mika, password: 'pass'} );

Hope this help...

I'm new to Flex and hoping you all might be able to answer a question
I have had for a while. In ActionScript, I'm trying to pass a
parameter to a web service. I'm using the WebService class in the
following way:
ce = new WebService();
authenticationService.startSession(parameter); // startSession being
the name of the operation.

Now, the parameter is a complextype:

element name=startSession
element name=username type=xsd:string/
element name=password type=xsd:string/

How do I represent this type in ActionScript? As an object? I hope
this makes sense?! Thank you in advance for any help!

[flexcoders] Re: How can I stop/kill a running SWF which was loaded with SWFLoader ?

2008-04-03 Thread mickaelairial
May be you can use the Loader class instead the SWFLoader.

The Loader class have an unload() method...

May be this can really unload your movie ?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, helihobby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,
 I have a swf which I loaded via SWFLoader.
 It runs fine however how can I kill it.
 I dont have the source FLA so I cant add actionscript inside the SWF.
 I must kill it from the outside.
 when I set the swfLoad.load(null) or swfLoad = null or even
 swfLoad.source = null after it has been running for a few seconds I
 can still hear the SWF sound playing in the backgound ...
 It just won't die 
 Is there anyway to terminate the running loaded swf ?

[flexcoders] Event Debugging

2008-04-03 Thread ilikeflex

how to debug why event is not being captured??
Is their any way to debug event handing


Re: [flexcoders] Embedded fonts + modules = weirdness

2008-04-03 Thread Ben Clinkinbeard
I suppose modules may not be the culprit but I've started suspecting them
first lately based on my experiences with them thus far. (Bizarre problem
after bizarre problem.) I will try your method and if that doesn't work will
try to come up with a simpler test case. Will report back after some more
independent digging.


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 12:13 AM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm still lost on where modules fit in.  In theory, you shouldn't have
 gotten any text since the fontWeight didn't match up, so I feel like I don't
 have the whole story.  Your custom selector had a . In it?

 A reduced test case might help.

 The way I debug this stuff is to remove as many text displaying widgets
 from the UI, then break on validateNow in UITextField, check the parent to
 see if it is the one you want and follow its logic through for how it
 calculates its TextFormat and embedFonts.  The rule for embedded fonts is
 that the code that calls new UITextField must be in the same SWF as the
 font.  Flex 3 has a whole bunch of logic that should take care of that via
 moduleFactory and the embeddedFontRegistry.

 If the CSS is in a runtime CSS module, there might be a timing issue as to
 when the font becomes available and when the TextFields get re-factory'd.



 *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Ben Clinkinbeard
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 02, 2008 8:08 PM

 *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Embedded fonts + modules = weirdness

 I added fontWeight: normal and nothing changed. I still don't understand
 why the deferred creation from being on a subsequent tab prevents this
 issue. Any other ideas?


  On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 7:33 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The button will essentially call getStyle(fontWeight) and pull the value
 from the Button type selector if fontWeight is not set elsewhere

 -Original Message-
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com [mailto:
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
 Ben Clinkinbeard
 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 3:25 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com

 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Embedded fonts + modules = weirdness

 Shouldn't it use whatever font I tell it to?

 And why would it work on one instance of the same button and not another?
 It is definitely related to being on a non-deferred tab because it only
 happens on the first tab, no matter how many there are.


 Sent via BlackBerry by ATT

 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] aharui%40adobe.com

 Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 14:52:26
 To:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
 Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Embedded fonts + modules = weirdness

 I'm not sure how modules got involved.

 Most buttons use bold fonts for their labels and I don't see that
 fontWeight specified in this snippet


 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com [mailto:
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 2:21 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Embedded fonts + modules = weirdness

 CSS file in main app:

 src: url(assets/fonts/Gotham-Medium.otf);
 fontFamily: GothamMedium;
 skin: Embed(skinClass=Button_BlueButtonOutline_skin);
 fontFamily: GothamMedium;
 font-size: 14;
 color: #FF;
 text-roll-over-color: #FF;
 text-selected-color: #FF;

 I then have a component in a module that has a child button with
 styleName=BlueButtonOutline, simple enough. That component is then a
 child of a 2 TabNavigator children. The button that is a descendant of
 the first tab has a mystery font to begin with, and then the text
 disappears completely on rollover. The button that is a descendant of
 the second tab works perfectly.

 What gives?



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 FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt

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Re: [flexcoders] WS call returning error from Flex 2

2008-04-03 Thread Peeyush Tuli
Please install an http debugging proxy like


Look for the request response in the particular operation  call.  Flex is
able to decipher the exact error message in a soap fault sometimes,
which you will be  able to view in the response tab in charles.
Most probably the server is failing at the point of parsing the soap

Also in age, are you trying to convert to a string when you want to send an
int ?


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 2:08 PM, mailamannow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I m trying to store data into database using Simple Pojo based Web
 Service, deployed in Axis. The Web Service is successfully storing
 string data, but is returning the following error when strring, date,
 long, and int values are sent as a request.
 The error goes like this:

 FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString=HTTP request error
 faultCode=Server.Error.Request faultDetail=Error: [IOErrorEvent
 type=ioError bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=Error
 #2032: Stream Error. URL:
 http://localhost:80/axis2/services/servicename;]. URL:
 messageId=D9765452-E4A1-C8DF-3739-136322F8C57C type=fault
 bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2]

 I found something related that has been reported as a bug to Adobe and
 has its status Closed.

 Here is the simple code used to send data to web service named WS

 /* someString1, mob below are of type TextInput, while date is
 a DateField */


 WS.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, errorHandleFunction);
 WS.addRecord.request.someString1 = someString1.text.toString();

 WS.addRecord.request.mob = mob.text.toString() + l;
 WS.addRecord.request.age = age.text.toString();
 WS.addRecord.request.someDate = date.selectedDate;

 /* l is suffixed to mobile since the Pojo web service has a
 corresponding long data type */

 what could be the problem for such an error?


Re: [flexcoders] New to AIR - Filesystem Guidance

2008-04-03 Thread Ary
Thanks Tom, will look to it..
--- Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wednesday 02 Apr 2008, Ary wrote:
  i know is possible, but been googling around and
  found it :(
 Inside RIA just discussed the File API.
 Tom Chiverton
 Helping to economically brand bleeding-edge
 on: http://thefalken.livejournal.com
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[flexcoders] Re: WS call returning error from Flex 2

2008-04-03 Thread Todd
For debugging WebServices, I user a tool like SOAP UI
(http://www.soapui.org/  -- They have a free version, and I'd install
the stand-alone one, not the eclipse plug-in).  It allows you to send
test SOAP Envelopes to the Server, and to view the responses.  It also
has functionality that allows you to validate your Requests and
Responses to/from the server.

Most likely, what you're receives in your Flex application is some
random error from the server, like an invalid Soap response being

I'd turn tracing on in your FLEX application (add a mx:TraceTarget
level=0 / ) somewhere in the main part of your application.  Then
watch the Flex Builder output window for SOAP encoding messages and
grab the encoded soap request.  Load that text up into SOAP UI and
make a raw request to the server without even using FLEX.  This will
tell you if a) it's indeed just your server b) if the soap envelope
FLEX is creating on your behalf is formatted as the server expects.

Also, it might help to turn validation of SOAP Requests on in your
server, which I'm not sure exactly how to do in your setup.  You could
throw a generic message, or the specific validation failings when the
server receives the request.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, mailamannow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I m trying to store data into database using Simple Pojo based Web
 Service, deployed in Axis. The Web Service is successfully storing
 string data, but is returning the following error when strring, date,
 long, and int values are sent as a request.
 The error goes like this:
 FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString=HTTP request error
 faultCode=Server.Error.Request faultDetail=Error: [IOErrorEvent
 type=ioError bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=Error
 #2032: Stream Error. URL:
 http://localhost:80/axis2/services/servicename;]. URL:
 messageId=D9765452-E4A1-C8DF-3739-136322F8C57C type=fault
 bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2]
 I found something related that has been reported as a bug to Adobe and
 has its status Closed.
 Here is the simple code used to send data to web service named WS
 /* someString1, mob below are of type TextInput, while date is
 a DateField */
 WS.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, errorHandleFunction);
 WS.addRecord.request.someString1  = someString1.text.toString();
 WS.addRecord.request.mob  = mob.text.toString() + l;
 WS.addRecord.request.age= age.text.toString();
 WS.addRecord.request.someDate   = date.selectedDate;
 /* l is suffixed to mobile since the Pojo web service has a
 corresponding long data type */
 what could be the problem for such an error?

Re: RES: [flexcoders] Resize very slow

2008-04-03 Thread Todd
Hello,  Here's a sample of the code.  As you can see, I'm manually
setting the txtDesc width to be based on it's container's dynamic width.
This is so the Text will linewrap correctly and for an indeterminate #
of lines

BTW, components.Text is just a wrapper around the standard mxml Text 

mx:VBox width=100% verticalAlign=top verticalGap=0
 mx:VBox width=100% verticalAlign=top verticalGap=0
backgroundImage=assets/skin/bg_header.swf backgroundSize=100%
 mx:HBox width=100% verticalScrollPolicy=off
 mx:HBox verticalAlign=middle paddingLeft=10
 mx:Image source=assets/images/dm4_small.png/
 mx:VBox horizontalAlign=right width=100%
 components:LinkBar id=primaryNav
itemClick=navBarClick(event); d_styleName=headerLinkBar
 mx:VBox height=100% verticalAlign=bottom
d_text={model.currentUser.firstName == null ? '':'Welcome,
'+model.currentUser.firstName} d_styleName=footerCopy/
 mx:HBox width=100% height=50 horizontalGap=0
verticalAlign=top verticalGap=0
 mx:HBox width=200 horizontalAlign=center
verticalAlign=middle height=100%
 mx:VRule width=1 height=100%
 mx:Spacer width=10/
 mx:HBox id=textDescriptionHolder
verticalAlign=top width=100%
 components:Text id=txtDesc
d_text={model.currentScreenDesc} left=0
width={textDescriptionHolder.width-5} d_height=100%/
 mx:HRule width=100% height=1 strokeColor=#6E001C/
 mx:Spacer height=10/

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sounds to me like you may be over-using the invalidateDisplayList()
 Without seeing some code – it is difficult to tell exactly what
might be the
 problem. Post something and we can take a look see.

 Rick Winscot

 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Behalf Of Todd
 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 10:20 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: RES: [flexcoders] Resize very slow

 Hey All, I have a very similar question to this one, so I thought I'd
 continue this thread.

 I also have a slow redraw, because of one of my properties id
 dynamically bound to calculate the width based on another property.
 When making the screen larger, it does one redraw, however, when
 making it smaller, it does it's loop of calling resize everytime the
 control property changes. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way
 to supress the resize events until the parent has finished drawing, or
 something similar.

 I have to set the width because the component I'm resizing is a
 TextArea and I'm trying to force it to take up as many lines as it
 needs to render the length of text, which is all variable.

 Thanks for any suggestions.

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com ,
 Luciano Manerich Junior
 luciano.manerich@ wrote:
  cant you use bottom=0?
  mx:Image id=myImage bottom=0 /
  You will not have to do that Math thing... But i dont believe that
 will really speed up...
  De: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com ]
 Em nome de shivkxr
  Enviada em: quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2008 16:30
  Para: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Assunto: [flexcoders] Resize very slow
  I have a canvas and a few controls within the canvas. On of these is
  Essentially, what I want is that the image appear towards the bottom
  the canvas, so what I do is this
  mx:Image id=myImage top={containerCanvas.height -
  myImage.height} /
  This works, except that when the canvas is sized to a different size
  looks like I have a slow motion effect in place. It takes quite a
  seconds (3-10) depending on the difference between the old and new
  height of the canvas.
  So is there a way to speed this up?

[flexcoders] CartesianDataCanvas, drawing from edge to edge

2008-04-03 Thread syndicate_ai
Hey guys

This question is really directed to Ely, but if anyone can help it would
be much appreciated.

Been using DataDrawingCanvas, which is an awesome component, but
unfortunatly no longer works in the constraints with Flex 3. For which
i've been trying to port the code over to use the new
CartesianDataCanvas which is the replacement (or update) to it.

With DataDrawingCanvas, there was a simply definition of EDGE, which
allowed to draw from a data point to the edge of the component, however
this no longer exists in the cartesiandatacanvas, as all points are
described in terms of data, or offsets of the data. Is there anyway to
get this functionality back?

I can't rely on having set maximum minimum on the axis, and drawing
solely in data points, because I need the padding that only computed
maximum minimum values that the graphing provides.

Thanks in advance!

[flexcoders] Flex Webcam Recorder

2008-04-03 Thread sims.jones

I am new to Flex and I am currently developing a prototype webcam
recorder using Flex Builder 3. I'm having trouble recording the actual
I can access the webcam by attaching it to a VideoDisplay.

var camera:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
if (camera) {
} else {
Alert.show(You don't seem to have a camera.);

However I do not know how to record the video being captured. Also, I
would like to store the videos on my localhost.

Any help will be appreciated.


[flexcoders] Developing Rich Clients with Macromedia Flex website and source code

2008-04-03 Thread flexnaut
Hi all,

The website http://flexbook.iterationtwo.com/ for the book Developing
Rich Clients with Macromedia Flex is down. I wanted to download the
source code to accompany the book. Based upon a search of this mailing
list the website was down about a year ago and re-started by the
authors. Could you do so again? Is there another url for the book's
source code? Thanks very much for your help in advance!

Kind Regards,

[flexcoders] How To Refresh the Date Field...

2008-04-03 Thread Ganesh Suyampirakasam
I have to Select the Expiry of the card Date..At first time when i run the 
application it is Showing the Current Date..
And i select some Future date and save it .After if i move to some oter page 
and if i selected again then it is showing that date which i already 
selected..but the date has to refresh and the current date have to to be 

Thanks in Advance 


  Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to 

Re: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

2008-04-03 Thread krishna Raj
There is lot of scope for Adobe Technologies in Universities towards higher
education worldwide.
This idea can further their technologies for their(Universities) course
offerings to the great extent.
I wish, it comes true.
krishna Raj

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At this pace we won't (generally) see RIA technologies in course
 offerings for 4 – 5 years at least. It would be awesome to see higher
 education quicken their pace and open the door to innovators like Adobe –
 but the fact is… that in its current state, higher education, is ill suited
 to embrace them. To be frank… I don't blame Adobe for not wanting to
 participate in the higher education debacle.

 Rick Winscot

 *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *yigit boyar
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:52 PM
 *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

 Yesterday, Microsoft was in my department to present silverlightajax
 Although silverlight is currently a bullshit compared to flex, and in my
 department (METU computer engineering)
 many people use linux; there were quite many people attending to the

 Tomorrow, I'll do give a seminar about AIR technology,which will be hosted
 by METU Computer Club.
  who am I? Just a 3rd year computer engineering(~=science) student.

 So i ask to adobe; microsoft comes to our lessons for their primitive
 technology, but adobe does nothing for flex the great? why?
 you do europe tour, it's great but you better do some more local event (no
 need to bring your developers, just use
 your local partners).

 just a suggestion to adobe guys, maybe because of feeling bad with
 microsoft's integration efforts...

 info :  METU = middle east technical university / ankara/ turkey


Thanks and Regards,
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Cellular Contact: 0091.998.5013.316
Cellular Contact: 0091.924.8763.069

[flexcoders] compc directory=true - Error: directory is not empty

2008-04-03 Thread email2markt

I'm currently using compc to compile open swcs in directories instead
of a zipped .swc file.  But the second time I compile, it says  Error:
directory is not empty.

Is there any way I can force compc to compile over the top of existing
swc directory contents?



[flexcoders] LCDS / Blaze Proxy service external proxy

2008-04-03 Thread Tim Stewart
Hi, I've got an application that needs to access several different web
services via the Flex DS (whichever version) proxy service (they don't
have crossdomain policies). The environment is that the FDS server
accesses some of these on its local network (albeit other side of the
world) and some are external. The FDS server must go via a web proxy to
get to the external web services. Now, I see the service
id=proxy-service ... tag can contain details of an external proxy
server in propertiesexternal-proxyserver and port, but it seems
to be an all-or-nothing deal, there is no property I can find like the
normal exclude these local addresses type setting that you get in most
proxy setup situations, like IE or Firefox. I tried creating a new
service with the same class and different proxy settings, but Tomcat
chokes on loading with Cannot add a Service type that is already
registered with the MessageBroker.
Any ideas?
Cheers, Tim


Tim Stewart 
Solution Architect 
Tel: \+61 2 9976 4500  ext. 2032 Fax: \+61 2 9976 5055 
Mobile : 0424 225924  
Web: www.avoka.com  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[flexcoders] Runtime CSS Folder structure

2008-04-03 Thread kalpkat9

I am trying to have runtime CSS being applied for my flex projects and 
I wanted to it be the way that I have a generic 'assets' folder and my 
stylesheet file accessible to all the sub-projects.

How is that I can call my compiled runtime stylesheet (style.swf) from 
each of the sub-project and where do I place it?

initialize=StyleManager.loadStyleDeclarations( 'style.swf' )

Thank you,

RE: [flexcoders] best way to update a display object's VO's x and y props?

2008-04-03 Thread Merrill, Jason
Why not read in the initial X and Y values of the VO, then as it's
dragged, update the X and Y values back in the VO.  Seems simple setters
and getter functions or public properties could handle that unless I'm
missing something.  Then when you want to send the VO data back, it's
already updated.  

Jason Merrill 
Bank of America 
GTO and Risk LLD Solutions Design  Development 
eTools  Multimedia 

Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community 

Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
ideas and technologies?
Check out our internal  GTO Innovative Learning Blog
ts%2FPosts%2FArchive%2Easpx . 


[flexcoders] Font.registerFont() throws error when called from partitioned ApplicationDomain

2008-04-03 Thread mydarkspoon
I encountered a problem when having a main swf (flex app) that loads
another flex application into a partitioned application domain (new
ApplicationDomain()) and the loaded swf tries to register a font using
either the Font.registerFont or using embeded font in style sheet
(which behind the scenes does the same as the Font.registerFont does)

However, when the loaded swf is loaded into a child app domain, it
works fine.

Since both the main swf and the loaded swf are in a separated
application domains (under the FP system app domain) I can't see why
such error from a system domain class is thrown.

I uploaded the sample project I made to demonstrate the error:


Thanks a lot.

Re: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

2008-04-03 Thread Samuel Neff
Our interns always learn and work with Flex and usually find an opportunity
to continue to use Flex in their courses even if they aren't studying it.
Most schools have some open projects where students can choose technologies
even if the teachers aren't familiar with them.  One of our interns in
particular would come back and visit our office for months to show us the
work he was doing at school.  Turned out some very nice things and really
impressed his teachers and classmates with what Flex can do.

So even if universities don't adopt Flex formally, the OP is talking about
having Adobe give informational presentations and such.  Most universities
have countless lectures and meetings not tied to specific coursework which
would be great for Adobe to get involved with and promote Flex to upcoming


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 3:54 AM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  At this pace we won't (generally) see RIA technologies in course
 offerings for 4 – 5 years at least. It would be awesome to see higher
 education quicken their pace and open the door to innovators like Adobe –
 but the fact is… that in its current state, higher education, is ill suited
 to embrace them. To be frank… I don't blame Adobe for not wanting to
 participate in the higher education debacle.

 Rick Winscot

We're Hiring! Seeking passionate Flex, C#, or C++ (RTSP, H264) developer.
Position is in the Washington D.C. metro area. Contact

RE: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

2008-04-03 Thread Merrill, Jason
So Microsoft is presenting at Universities, and Adobe isn't.  Well,
unfortunately for Adobe, Microsoft has huge financial pockets, which is
the greatest threat to the Flash platform in my opinion.  I'm not saying
Adobe can't promote Flash/Flex at universities, but it's certainly true
they don't have anywhere near the amount of resources Microsoft has to
promote products.  I think Adobe will have to use some creative
marketing strategies to better compete with the massive Silverlight push
Microsoft is developing.

Jason Merrill 
Bank of America 
GTO and Risk LLD Solutions Design  Development 
eTools  Multimedia 

Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community 

Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
ideas and technologies?
Check out our internal  GTO Innovative Learning Blog
ts%2FPosts%2FArchive%2Easpx . 


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of krishna Raj
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 4:18 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

There is lot of scope for Adobe Technologies in Universities
towards higher education worldwide.
This idea can further their technologies for their(Universities)
course offerings to the great extent.  
I wish, it comes true.
krishna Raj

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Rick Winscot

At this pace we won't (generally) see RIA technologies
in course offerings for 4 - 5 years at least. It would be awesome to see
higher education quicken their pace and open the door to innovators like
Adobe - but the fact is... that in its current state, higher education,
is ill suited to embrace them. To be frank... I don't blame Adobe for
not wanting to participate in the higher education debacle.


Rick Winscot



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com ] On Behalf Of yigit boyar
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:52 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to


Yesterday, Microsoft was in my department to present
silverlightajax technologies. 
Although silverlight is currently a bullshit compared to
flex, and in my department (METU computer engineering)
many people use linux; there were quite many people
attending to the seminar.

Tomorrow, I'll do give a seminar about AIR
technology,which will be hosted by METU Computer Club.
 who am I? Just a 3rd year computer
engineering(~=science) student.

So i ask to adobe; microsoft comes to our lessons for
their primitive technology, but adobe does nothing for flex the great?
you do europe tour, it's great but you better do some
more local event (no need to bring your developers, just use
your local partners).

just a suggestion to adobe guys, maybe because of
feeling bad with microsoft's integration efforts...

info :  METU = middle east technical university /
ankara/ turkey

Thanks and Regards,
Read my blogs
Live Messenger: krishna.rajs
Skype: krishna.rajs
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/krishnarajs
Cellular Contact: 0091.998.5013.316
Cellular Contact: 0091.924.8763.069


RE: [flexcoders] compc directory=true - Error: directory is not empty

2008-04-03 Thread Gregor Kiddie
Not that we've found... but if you are using ant, something like

delete dir=${build.rsl.dir} /

Where you include the directory you are building to before you kick off
the compc task will work.



Gregor Kiddie
Senior Developer

Tel:   01382 564343

Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London SW8

Registered Number: 1788577

Registered in the UK

Visit our Internet Web site at www.inps.co.uk

The information in this internet email is confidential and is intended
solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information in it
by anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented are
solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
INPS or any of its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient
please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of email2markt
Sent: 03 April 2008 13:10
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] compc directory=true - Error: directory is not


I'm currently using compc to compile open swcs in directories instead
of a zipped .swc file. But the second time I compile, it says Error:
directory is not empty.

Is there any way I can force compc to compile over the top of existing
swc directory contents?




Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3: ChartLabel.as - parent is null

2008-04-03 Thread Rico Leuthold

Yep ... most likely you stumbled over this bug ...


Use the workaround with not setting initially ... works for me ...

On 02.04.2008, at 17:40, adtrantravis wrote:

When adding a chart to a canvas component, sometimes I recieve the
following error. The parent value of the ChartLabel is null, and
that causes the error stated below.

Anyone had a similar experience?

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
object reference.
at mx.charts.chartClasses::ChartLabel/updateDisplayList()
at mx.core::UIComponent/validateDisplayList()
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateDisplayList()
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()
at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher2()
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()

Re: [flexcoders] Is this a performance gain?

2008-04-03 Thread Samuel Neff
I would be surprised if there is any measurable performance gain, especially
on just 10,000 iterations.  Either way I'm sure it's faster for you to test
it rather than ask the group to take guesses.

In any case, the loss of compile-time type checking on the function, it's
arguments, and it's return type and lesser maintainnability outweighs any
possible performance gain IMO.



On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 7:16 AM, polestar11 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there

 Is the follwing actually slightly faster or is it pretty much the same
 when referencing object functions in a loop?

 var f:Function = obj.getValue;  // bring function to this level
 var val:Number;
 for(var i:int=0; i1; i++) {
  val = f(i);


 var val:Number;
 for(var i:int=0; i1; i++) {
  val = obj.getValue(i);

We're Hiring! Seeking passionate Flex, C#, or C++ (RTSP, H264) developer.
Position is in the Washington D.C. metro area. Contact

[flexcoders] CSS theme files sharing across multiple Flex Projects

2008-04-03 Thread christiangrail
Hi All,

we have outsourced our CSS style files to a Flex theme
and are compiling this file with the theme option into
our application. The problem is that we can't use the 
Design View in the Application nor in the Modules to 
create our views. Currently we do a workaround and include
the css files for development issues via relative path
references and delete this references when we check the file 
into our svn repository. This works fine for the most
Flex Projects, but some projects don't want to use this 
relative path references and the style is not applied.

What is your workaround with the css style sharing across
multiple Flex Projects. Maybe in the future the Flex Builder
will support the theme compile options for the Design View,
but till then we need something more usable. So does anybody
has an idea?

Christian Grail

Re: [flexcoders] Re: actionScriptProperties

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Spitzer
that was supposed to read, eclipse / FB, as in Flex Builder.

Paul Spitzer wrote:
 In eclipse / FP go to Window  Preferences  General  Workspace  
 Linked Resources

 Create a new resource, CUSTOM_VAR, or whatever you want the name to be, 
 point it to the directory you need. I'm not sure if it will actually 
 work for that property but it's worth a try. I've used linked resources 
 like this in other areas so I suspect it probably will, hopefully.

 Bjorn Schultheiss wrote:
 basically something like this 
 compiler outputFolderLocation=${CUSTOM_VAR}/libs

 How can i define $CUSTOM_VAR?

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Bjorn Schultheiss
 I'm trying to change the value for 
 compiler outputFolderLocation= within the .actionScriptProperties

 How can I use a variable created in a seperate properties file for
 this value?


[flexcoders] Overriding a rest parameter

2008-04-03 Thread caffeinewabbit
I have a method in a parent class that I need to override in a child,
but the parent's version of the method uses a rest (...) parameter as
its only argument.

Since the argument arrives in the overridden class as an array, how do
I then pass that data on to the original method (i.e.
super.function())? Is there any way to indicate that an array should
be treated like a rest parameter?

I've since solved my application specific issue using a different
approach, but I wasn't able to find anything that addressed the
problem above in the Docs, through Google, or here on Flexcoders.

Re: [flexcoders] Add text field to CursorManager busy cursor

2008-04-03 Thread dnk
Yeah, I had thought of that, but this is for a small operation in  
which a progress bar feels like over kill.


On 2-Apr-08, at 9:04 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

You might want to use ProgressBar instead

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
On Behalf Of dnk

Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 6:16 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Add text field to CursorManager busy cursor

I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to add a text field
that would stick with the busy cursor. I would like to add a brief
text description as to what is happeneing when i call that



[flexcoders] Sample works as 'Application' - fails when converted to a component

2008-04-03 Thread justSteve
I'm trying to adapt a very fine menu component (found at

I'm having problems figuring out how to wrap this up so I don't have
to have the menu sitting at the root Application tag level.

Initially tried wrapping it in Canvas and though i have no compiler
errors I have this warning:
CSS type selectors are not supported in components: 'Button'

Though the project compiles with the declaration as:

mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
width=100% height=100%

It will not correctly initialize - creationComplete never hits it's
handler. Since the menu extends UIComponent (public class
UFMButtonList extends UIComponent implements IFocusManagerComponent),
I tried wrapping it using that tag but that introduces a complier

1119: Access of possibly undefined property data through a reference
with static type
com.menus.view.components:MainMenu. myProject/src/com/menus/view

which points to:
this.mainMenu.data = this.menuProxy.getMenuData();

where the component is instantiated by it's mediator via:
   public function MainMenuMediator( viewComponent:MainMenu )
// pass the viewComponent to the superclass where
// it will be stored in the inherited viewComponent property
super( NAME, viewComponent );

Where to i look to figure out a fix?

many thankx

[flexcoders] How to Clear/Reset Item Renderers When the Data Provider Changes?

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Whitelock
I have a single row DataGrid with a typed object bound as a data
provider. When data is entered in all columns the handler for
itemEndEvent updates another DataGrid and creates a new empty object
that replaces the previous data provider for the DataGrid.

Even though the data in the new object that replaces the old data
provider is empty, the data that was previously entered in the
DataGrid columns randomly fills one or two of the five columns that
should be empty (it most often happens with two DateFields that are in
custom item renderers). Though data appears in the column cell, if you
try to get the data it comes back as null.

Somehow the DataGrid or the custom item renderer is caching the
previous data and randomly re-displaying it. I've tried setting the
DataGrid data provider to null, then attaching the new empty object as
the data provider, but the ghost data still comes back.

Any ideas how I can clear this old data when I replace the data
provider for the DataGrid so it doesn't reappear in columns that
should be empty? Thanks.

[flexcoders] Flex 3.0 + Artificial Intelligence

2008-04-03 Thread navice32
We recently launched a second generation job search portal and sure
enough, we are using Flex as a front-end to our artificial
intelligence engine.

You can see a demo at:  www.vitruva.com http://www.vitruva.com
- click on the demo screenshot

We are currently porting this to Flex 3 and naturally this
is the time for us to make some improvements. I would appreciate your
feedback on this component look-and-feel and overall layout,
especially from an information organization perspective. If you have
any new features you would like to see please share those as well.

The website runs on ColdFusion using the Mach II  ColdSpring

Many thanks for your feedback.


[flexcoders] Re: compc directory=true - Error: directory is not empty

2008-04-03 Thread email2markt
Ok thanks,

Yeah, you guessed right.  My aim was to simplify our ant build file to
reduce compile times, removing unzip and move calls, trying to
integrate fcsh, but it seems like 1 step forward, 2 back at the mo.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gregor Kiddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not that we've found... but if you are using ant, something like
 delete dir=${build.rsl.dir} /
 Where you include the directory you are building to before you kick off
 the compc task will work.
 Gregor Kiddie
 Senior Developer
 Tel:   01382 564343
 Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London SW8
 Registered Number: 1788577
 Registered in the UK
 Visit our Internet Web site at www.inps.co.uk
 The information in this internet email is confidential and is intended
 solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information in it
 by anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented are
 solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
 INPS or any of its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient
 please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of email2markt
 Sent: 03 April 2008 13:10
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] compc directory=true - Error: directory is not
 I'm currently using compc to compile open swcs in directories instead
 of a zipped .swc file. But the second time I compile, it says Error:
 directory is not empty.
 Is there any way I can force compc to compile over the top of existing
 swc directory contents?

[flexcoders] Loading XML in preloader/ before application onComplete

2008-04-03 Thread Varun Shetty

I am creating a flex application that has its UI elements and some basic
data that are dependent upon a config.xml.

Loading the config.xml on application preinitialize/initialize/onComplete
would not be appropriate as my application preloading would be complete and
I still dont see any UI elements on the screen.

Creating second preloader on initialize would not look that great.

I am pretty sure we can load the XML in the preloader and delay/deffer the
application instantiation.

Just not sure how to go about it and what API's should I look for or where
exactly should I use them.

Appreciate a lead on how to go about it.

Thank you,
Varun Shetty

[flexcoders] FLEX Images sandbox error

2008-04-03 Thread noam.malter
I am trying to write a simple application that retrieves my pictures 
from my Facebook account and then displays the images and run some 
effects on it, e.g. fade, move, iris etc. Everything seems to work 
except for the iris effect. I have done some research and found that 
when I import pictures from another domain and want to work on their 
bitmap data I need to set the checkPolicyFile property on the loader. 
I did that and then I get an error 'No policy files granted access'. 
The code is provided below. Any help is appreciated.



?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 


private var loaderContext : LoaderContext;

private function imageInit() : void
loaderContext = new LoaderContext();
loaderContext.checkPolicyFile = true;
img.loaderContext = loaderContext;


mx:Fade alphaFrom=0 alphaTo=1 id=fadeIn 
mx:Rotate angleFrom=0 angleTo=90 id=rotate 
mx:Rotate angleFrom=90 angleTo=0 id=rotateBack 
mx:Iris scaleXFrom=1 scaleXTo=0.01 id=iris1  
mx:Iris scaleXFrom=0.01 scaleXTo=1 id=irisBack  
mx:Move xFrom=0 xTo=50 id=move1 target={img}/
mx:Move xFrom=50 xTo=0 id=move2 target={img}/
mx:Panel width=50% height=50% horizontalAlign=center 
verticalAlign=middle backgroundColor=black

mx:Image id=img initialize=imageInit()/

mx:Button label=fade click=fadeIn.play
mx:Button label=rotate click=rotate.play
mx:Button label=rotate Back 
mx:Button label=iris1 click=iris1.play
mx:Button label=iris Back 
mx:Button label=move1 click=move1.play
mx:Button label=move2 click=move2.play


RE: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

2008-04-03 Thread matt wicks
Adobe (certainly UK) does do campus days and there is considerable interest
in Flex.. They also do on site lectures .. I'm doing a 3 hr session on Flex
at Stafford next week for them - 
generally students are pretty keen : unfortunately they have also not any
idea that Flex even exists until we get there


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of krishna Raj
Sent: 03 April 2008 09:18
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

There is lot of scope for Adobe Technologies in Universities towards higher
education worldwide.
This idea can further their technologies for their(Universities) course
offerings to the great extent.  
I wish, it comes true.
krishna Raj

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Rick Winscot rick.winscot@
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] zyche.com wrote:

At this pace we won't (generally) see RIA technologies in course offerings
for 4 - 5 years at least. It would be awesome to see higher education
quicken their pace and open the door to innovators like Adobe - but the fact
is. that in its current state, higher education, is ill suited to embrace
them. To be frank. I don't blame Adobe for not wanting to participate in the
higher education debacle.


Rick Winscot



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com ups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com ups.com] On
Behalf Of yigit boyar
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:52 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com ups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!


Yesterday, Microsoft was in my department to present silverlightajax
Although silverlight is currently a bullshit compared to flex, and in my
department (METU computer engineering)
many people use linux; there were quite many people attending to the

Tomorrow, I'll do give a seminar about AIR technology,which will be hosted
by METU Computer Club.
 who am I? Just a 3rd year computer engineering(~=science) student.

So i ask to adobe; microsoft comes to our lessons for their primitive
technology, but adobe does nothing for flex the great? why?
you do europe tour, it's great but you better do some more local event (no
need to bring your developers, just use
your local partners).

just a suggestion to adobe guys, maybe because of feeling bad with
microsoft's integration efforts...

info :  METU = middle east technical university / ankara/ turkey

Thanks and Regards,
Read my blogs
http://flashactions http://flashactions.wordpress.com .wordpress.com
http://stockthought http://stockthoughts.wordpress.com s.wordpress.com
Live Messenger: krishna.rajs
Skype: krishna.rajs
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin http://www.linkedin.com/in/krishnarajs
Cellular Contact: 0091.998.5013.316
Cellular Contact: 0091.924.8763.069


RE: [flexcoders] Question on calling multiple Functions in sequence

2008-04-03 Thread Mike Anderson
Thank you Rick - I will take a peek at this, and see if I can integrate
this into my app.
Again, thank you everybody else - I appreciate it :)

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rick Winscot
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 2:55 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Question on calling multiple Functions in

You could create an 'event chain' to prevent collisions... I've attached
a sample for reference.


Rick Winscot



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mike Anderson
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 7:54 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Question on calling multiple Functions in sequence


Hello All,

I was wondering how things work, when calling multiple functions in
sequence. For example, in this function:

private function doThisFunction():void

When I execute doThisFunction, does it literally run the 3 functions
one-two-three, or does it execute the first function, waits for it to
finish, then runs the second function, waits for it to finish, then
finally runs the third function. How could doThisFunction possibly
know when myFunctionOne even finishes?

My end goal, is to create a way for a function (containing more
functions within) to stop and wait for each function to run 
complete, before executing the next one. I know Events are used quite
often when things must happen in a sequence, but when it comes to things
like Scaling or Sizing a Component, how could I possibly know when
something like that finishes?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can all throw my way :)


RES: [flexcoders] Question on calling multiple Functions in sequence

2008-04-03 Thread Luciano Manerich Junior
if you just need to start and finish a function before the next one
execute, i'll have no problems, thats the default behavior.
private function doThisFunction():void
myFunctionOne(); // execute and wait for it returns
myFunctionTwo(); // execute and wait for it returns
myFunctionThree(); // execute and wait for it returns
Think this way, if you need a return for variable, you need the complete
execution of the function before it goes for the next one
private function doThisFunction():void
var a:String = myFunctionOne(); // execute and wait for it returns
myFunctionTwo(a); // a isnt null

De: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Em
nome de Mike Anderson
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 3 de abril de 2008 13:35
Para: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Assunto: RE: [flexcoders] Question on calling multiple Functions in

Thank you Rick - I will take a peek at this, and see if I can integrate
this into my app.
Again, thank you everybody else - I appreciate it :)

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rick Winscot
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 2:55 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Question on calling multiple Functions in

You could create an 'event chain' to prevent collisions... I've attached
a sample for reference.

Rick Winscot

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mike Anderson
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 7:54 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Question on calling multiple Functions in sequence

Hello All,

I was wondering how things work, when calling multiple functions in
sequence. For example, in this function:

private function doThisFunction():void

When I execute doThisFunction, does it literally run the 3 functions
one-two-three, or does it execute the first function, waits for it to
finish, then runs the second function, waits for it to finish, then
finally runs the third function. How could doThisFunction possibly
know when myFunctionOne even finishes?

My end goal, is to create a way for a function (containing more
functions within) to stop and wait for each function to run 
complete, before executing the next one. I know Events are used quite
often when things must happen in a sequence, but when it comes to things
like Scaling or Sizing a Component, how could I possibly know when
something like that finishes?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can all throw my way :)



Re: [flexcoders] Export release build copying PHP files

2008-04-03 Thread Troy Gilbert
  Did you log a bug yet ? What was the number ?

Dmitri did:



Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3.0 + Artificial Intelligence

2008-04-03 Thread VELO
Non US resident can't register.

Zip code is required.  Any alternative?


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 12:18 PM, navice32 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We recently launched a second generation job search portal and sure
 enough, we are using Flex as a front-end to our artificial
 intelligence engine.

 You can see a demo at:  www.vitruva.com
 - click on the demo screenshot

 We are currently porting this to Flex 3 and naturally this
 is the time for us to make some improvements. I would appreciate your
 feedback on this component look-and-feel and overall layout,
 especially from an information organization perspective. If you have
 any new features you would like to see please share those as well.

 The website runs on ColdFusion using the Mach II  ColdSpring frameworks.

 Many thanks for your feedback.


[flexcoders] Re: Where is adobe? Come to universities!

2008-04-03 Thread Mark Piller
Certainly deep financial pockets help when it comes to promoting and
evangelizing a technology. What Adobe has consistently failed to do is
tapping into its user base to get some help with marketing and
evangelism. Lots of people are excited about Flex/AIR. Those who can
and is willing to talk about it need help from Adobe. I have yet to
see any signs from Adobe that they get it. They are spending lots of
 on various marketing programs like onAIR tour, MAX, etc, which is
great. However, they are falling short on many others fronts. If
you're curious, try to contact them to find out the requirements for
doing a local FlexCamp, you'll know what I mean.

One other thing that Adobe needs to learn is how to guard their most
important asset - developers. I have seen Flex User Groups sites
cheering about the fact that Microsoft would host their next monthly
meeting to talk about Silverlight. I have yet to see a single MS .NET
user group to have a meeting dedicated to Flex (believe me I tried
really hard to setup a talk on Flex to .NET connectivity).


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Merrill, Jason

 So Microsoft is presenting at Universities, and Adobe isn't.  Well,
 unfortunately for Adobe, Microsoft has huge financial pockets, which is
 the greatest threat to the Flash platform in my opinion.  I'm not saying
 Adobe can't promote Flash/Flex at universities, but it's certainly true
 they don't have anywhere near the amount of resources Microsoft has to
 promote products.  I think Adobe will have to use some creative
 marketing strategies to better compete with the massive Silverlight push
 Microsoft is developing.
 Jason Merrill 
 Bank of America 
 GTO and Risk LLD Solutions Design  Development 
 eTools  Multimedia 
 Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community 
 Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
 ideas and technologies?
 Check out our internal  GTO Innovative Learning Blog
 ts%2FPosts%2FArchive%2Easpx . 
   From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of krishna Raj
   Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 4:18 AM
   To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!
   There is lot of scope for Adobe Technologies in Universities
 towards higher education worldwide.
   This idea can further their technologies for their(Universities)
 course offerings to the great extent.  
   I wish, it comes true.
   krishna Raj
   On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Rick Winscot
   At this pace we won't (generally) see RIA technologies
 in course offerings for 4 - 5 years at least. It would be awesome to see
 higher education quicken their pace and open the door to innovators like
 Adobe - but the fact is... that in its current state, higher education,
 is ill suited to embrace them. To be frank... I don't blame Adobe for
 not wanting to participate in the higher education debacle.

   Rick Winscot


   From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com ] On Behalf Of yigit boyar
   Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:52 PM
   To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to

   Yesterday, Microsoft was in my department to present
 silverlightajax technologies. 
   Although silverlight is currently a bullshit compared to
 flex, and in my department (METU computer engineering)
   many people use linux; there were quite many people
 attending to the seminar.
   Tomorrow, I'll do give a seminar about AIR
 technology,which will be hosted by METU Computer Club.
who am I? Just a 3rd year computer
 engineering(~=science) student.
   So i ask to adobe; microsoft comes to our lessons for
 their primitive technology, but adobe does nothing for flex the great?
   you do europe tour, it's great but you better do some
 more local event (no need to bring your developers, just use
   your local partners).
   just a suggestion to adobe guys, maybe because of
 feeling bad with microsoft's integration 

[flexcoders] Re: How can I stop/kill a running SWF which was loaded with SWFLoader ?

2008-04-03 Thread helihobby
I will try it.
Sean - HeliHobby.com

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, mickaelairial [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 May be you can use the Loader class instead the SWFLoader.
 The Loader class have an unload() method...
 May be this can really unload your movie ?
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, helihobby helihobby@ wrote:
  Hi All,
  I have a swf which I loaded via SWFLoader.
  It runs fine however how can I kill it.
  I dont have the source FLA so I cant add actionscript inside the SWF.
  I must kill it from the outside.
  when I set the swfLoad.load(null) or swfLoad = null or even
  swfLoad.source = null after it has been running for a few seconds I
  can still hear the SWF sound playing in the backgound ...
  It just won't die 
  Is there anyway to terminate the running loaded swf ?

[flexcoders] Re: Flex PHP

2008-04-03 Thread David C. Moody

I'm using AMFPHP to perform all the database operations such as 
insert, update, delete, select, etc.

In the example I'm giving, I have a report that I need to show the 
user.  So I'm just directing them directly to the report page using 
the navigateToURL, but wanted a way to mask the variable being passed.

Doing this as a remoting call, I would have to create an iframe to 
show the report in, I just feel it is probably easier to take them in 
a new browser window directly to the resulting HTML that comes from 
the PHP script they are running.

Thanks for the help!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, aphexyuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey David,
 AMFPHP right? If I'm not mistaken, navigateToUrl isn't the best way 
 go about it. AMFPHP is Remoting...so maybe use it as such? I'd go at
 it this way:
 Step 1: Create your RemoteObject. Obviously this can be done in AS 
 mx:RemoteObject id=amfphpService showBusyCursor=true
 destination=amfphp fault=amfphpFaultHandler(event)
mx:method name=myAmfMethod
 Step 2: Set your endpoint  do imports
 //point to gateway
 amfphpServ.endpoint = http://www.myServer.com/amfphp/gateway.php;;
 //do your imports
 import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
 import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
 Step 3: Make the call
 private function callAmfService():void {
   var sendObj:Object = new Object();
   sendObj.name = me;
   sendObj.greeting = hello;
 Step 4: Handle the result / fault
 You can basically send any info (like the sendObj in above example),
 and it's not goint through as URL vars.
 If you want more security, you can serialize / deserialize your
 objects before you send'em.
 good luck...
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, David C. Moody davidm@ wrote:
  Hi guys,
  Using Flex 3  AMFPHP to do my database operations.
  I have a report that you specify all the options in flex, and 
  currently I'm just using a navigateToURL() function to open a web 
  I do not like this it is very unsecure as the variables are all 
  passed in the URL string.
  How can I get around this?  I've thought about creating an 
  intermediate database that houses all the variables and then have 
  random number generated and only pass that random number so that 
  PHP script can then pull that record from the database and get 
  variables it needs.
  There's got to be an easier way to do this though?  How can I 
  this where the user can't change the variables and run a 
  report.  Is there a way to share variables between Flex  PHP 
  putting them in the URL?  Cookies maybe?
  Thanks for any help!

RE: [flexcoders] Flex 3.0 + Artificial Intelligence

2008-04-03 Thread Merrill, Jason
The import from LinkedIn profile feature doesn't seem to work - says I
am missing title and summary data from my profile, even though I am not.

Jason Merrill 
Bank of America 
GTO and Risk LLD Solutions Design  Development 
eTools  Multimedia 

Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community 

Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
ideas and technologies?
Check out our internal  GTO Innovative Learning Blog
ts%2FPosts%2FArchive%2Easpx . 


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of navice32
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 11:19 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex 3.0 + Artificial Intelligence

We recently launched a second generation job search portal and
enough, we are using Flex as a front-end to our artificial
intelligence engine.

You can see a demo at:  www.vitruva.com http://www.vitruva.com

- click on the demo screenshot

We are currently porting this to Flex 3 and naturally this
is the time for us to make some improvements. I would appreciate
feedback on this component look-and-feel and overall layout,
especially from an information organization perspective. If you
any new features you would like to see please share those as

The website runs on ColdFusion using the Mach II  ColdSpring

Many thanks for your feedback.



Re: [flexcoders] Embedded fonts + modules = weirdness

2008-04-03 Thread Ben Clinkinbeard
I guess fontWeight/fontName was indeed the problem, though the whole issue
is still a mystery to me. Especially the part about the problem only
affecting certain button instances. Anyhow, I changed the font embeds from

src: url(assets/fonts/Gotham-Medium.otf);
fontFamily: GothamMedium;
fontWeight: normal;

src: url(assets/fonts/Gotham-Bold.otf);
fontFamily: GothamBold;
fontWeight: bold;

to this:

src: url(assets/fonts/Gotham-Medium.otf);
fontFamily: GothamMedium;
fontWeight: normal;

src: url(assets/fonts/Gotham-Bold.otf);
fontFamily: GothamMedium;
fontWeight: bold;


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Ben Clinkinbeard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I suppose modules may not be the culprit but I've started suspecting them
 first lately based on my experiences with them thus far. (Bizarre problem
 after bizarre problem.) I will try your method and if that doesn't work will
 try to come up with a simpler test case. Will report back after some more
 independent digging.


 On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 12:13 AM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm still lost on where modules fit in.  In theory, you shouldn't
  have gotten any text since the fontWeight didn't match up, so I feel like I
  don't have the whole story.  Your custom selector had a . In it?
  A reduced test case might help.
  The way I debug this stuff is to remove as many text displaying widgets
  from the UI, then break on validateNow in UITextField, check the parent to
  see if it is the one you want and follow its logic through for how it
  calculates its TextFormat and embedFonts.  The rule for embedded fonts is
  that the code that calls new UITextField must be in the same SWF as the
  font.  Flex 3 has a whole bunch of logic that should take care of that via
  moduleFactory and the embeddedFontRegistry.
  If the CSS is in a runtime CSS module, there might be a timing issue as
  to when the font becomes available and when the TextFields get re-factory'd.
  *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
  Behalf Of *Ben Clinkinbeard
  *Sent:* Wednesday, April 02, 2008 8:08 PM
  *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Embedded fonts + modules = weirdness
  I added fontWeight: normal and nothing changed. I still don't understand
  why the deferred creation from being on a subsequent tab prevents this
  issue. Any other ideas?
   On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 7:33 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The button will essentially call getStyle(fontWeight) and pull the
  value from the Button type selector if fontWeight is not set elsewhere
  -Original Message-
  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com [mailto:
  flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
  Ben Clinkinbeard
  Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 3:25 PM
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Embedded fonts + modules = weirdness
  Shouldn't it use whatever font I tell it to?
  And why would it work on one instance of the same button and not
  another? It is definitely related to being on a non-deferred tab because it
  only happens on the first tab, no matter how many there are.
  Sent via BlackBerry by ATT
  -Original Message-
  From: Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] aharui%40adobe.com
  Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 14:52:26
  To:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
  Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Embedded fonts + modules = weirdness
  I'm not sure how modules got involved.
  Most buttons use bold fonts for their labels and I don't see that
  fontWeight specified in this snippet
  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com [mailto:
  flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
  Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 2:21 PM
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [flexcoders] Embedded fonts + modules = weirdness
  CSS file in main app:
  src: url(assets/fonts/Gotham-Medium.otf);
  fontFamily: GothamMedium;
  skin: Embed(skinClass=Button_BlueButtonOutline_skin);
  fontFamily: GothamMedium;
  font-size: 14;
  color: #FF;
  text-roll-over-color: #FF;
  text-selected-color: #FF;
  I then have a component in a module that has a child button with
  styleName=BlueButtonOutline, simple enough. That component is then a
  child of a 2 TabNavigator children. The button that is a descendant of
  the first tab has a mystery font to begin with, and then the text
  disappears completely on rollover. The button that is a descendant of
  the second tab works perfectly.

[flexcoders] Re: FLEX Images sandbox error

2008-04-03 Thread Todd
I believe Facebook will need to have a crossdomain.xml policy file on
their servers.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, noam.malter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to write a simple application that retrieves my pictures 
 from my Facebook account and then displays the images and run some 
 effects on it, e.g. fade, move, iris etc. Everything seems to work 
 except for the iris effect. I have done some research and found that 
 when I import pictures from another domain and want to work on their 
 bitmap data I need to set the checkPolicyFile property on the loader. 
 I did that and then I get an error 'No policy files granted access'. 
 The code is provided below. Any help is appreciated.
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 
   private var loaderContext : LoaderContext;
   private function imageInit() : void
   loaderContext = new LoaderContext();
   loaderContext.checkPolicyFile = true;
   img.loaderContext = loaderContext;
   mx:Fade alphaFrom=0 alphaTo=1 id=fadeIn 
   mx:Rotate angleFrom=0 angleTo=90 id=rotate 
   mx:Rotate angleFrom=90 angleTo=0 id=rotateBack 
   mx:Iris scaleXFrom=1 scaleXTo=0.01 id=iris1  
   mx:Iris scaleXFrom=0.01 scaleXTo=1 id=irisBack  
   mx:Move xFrom=0 xTo=50 id=move1 target={img}/
   mx:Move xFrom=50 xTo=0 id=move2 target={img}/
   mx:Panel width=50% height=50% horizontalAlign=center 
 verticalAlign=middle backgroundColor=black
   mx:Image id=img initialize=imageInit()/
   mx:Button label=fade click=fadeIn.play
   mx:Button label=rotate click=rotate.play
   mx:Button label=rotate Back 
   mx:Button label=iris1 click=iris1.play
   mx:Button label=iris Back 
   mx:Button label=move1 click=move1.play
   mx:Button label=move2 click=move2.play

[flexcoders] repeater with TextArea -- TextArea not sizing to internal text?

2008-04-03 Thread grimmwerks
I'm using a Repeater to loop through chunks of text and toss them in a  
VBox. Trouble is all the text boxes are the same = there doesn't seem  
to be a way to set a box to it's own internal text size? I'd like the  
boxes to be all different heights, just enough to view the text.


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Where is adobe? Come to universities!

2008-04-03 Thread João Fernandes

regarding the FlexCamp, I can tell you that they will do what they can. 
We setup in February our FlexCamp here in Portugal and it was a very 
successful event and Adobe ( Portugal and International ) helped a lot.
As you can imagine, Portugal might not be the most interesting market 
and no less, they came here.


João Fernandes

Portugal Adobe User Group (http://aug.riapt.org)

[flexcoders] Re: Simple Image Rotator

2008-04-03 Thread Amy
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, byte.sensei [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I'm trying to implement a simple image rotator that just rotates 
 among 5 different images.  I have it working except that I want a 
 smooth fade out/in between each image.

 The problem I'm having is that the image source is getting replaced 
 before the transition starts, so the image pops to the next image 
 and then the new image does a fade in/out.  I understand why it's 
 doing this, what I don't know is how to change it so that the fade 
 out happens *before* the image source is changed, and then the fade 
 in happens *after* the image source is changed.
 I can think of way(s) this might be done by scrapping the 
 states/transitions approach and just writing ActionScript, but I 
 wondering if there's any easy way to modify what I've already got 
 instead of scrapping it and going in a new direction.
 Thanks in advance for any feedback.

You could try simply putting a Fade effect on the complete event of 
button_image.  I've used this in a similar application and I've found 
it to look pretty similar to what you seem to be trying for.



[flexcoders] Re: FLEX Images sandbox error

2008-04-03 Thread noam.malter
Hi Tod,

2 things:

1. There is a crossdomain.xml at the following address: 
http://api.facebook.com/crossdomain.xml but I'm not sure if this is 
the same server
2. If the crossdomain file does not exist, why isn't the error 'A 
policy file is required, but the checkPolicyFile flag was not set 
when this media was loaded.'?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Todd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I believe Facebook will need to have a crossdomain.xml policy file 
 their servers.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, noam.malter noam.malter@ 
  I am trying to write a simple application that retrieves my 
  from my Facebook account and then displays the images and run 
  effects on it, e.g. fade, move, iris etc. Everything seems to 
  except for the iris effect. I have done some research and found 
  when I import pictures from another domain and want to work on 
  bitmap data I need to set the checkPolicyFile property on the 
  I did that and then I get an error 'No policy files granted 
  The code is provided below. Any help is appreciated.
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 
  private var loaderContext : LoaderContext;
  private function imageInit() : void
  loaderContext = new LoaderContext();
  loaderContext.checkPolicyFile = true;
  img.loaderContext = loaderContext;
  mx:Fade alphaFrom=0 alphaTo=1 id=fadeIn 
  mx:Rotate angleFrom=0 angleTo=90 id=rotate 
  mx:Rotate angleFrom=90 angleTo=0 id=rotateBack 
  mx:Iris scaleXFrom=1 scaleXTo=0.01 id=iris1  
  mx:Iris scaleXFrom=0.01 scaleXTo=1 id=irisBack  
  mx:Move xFrom=0 xTo=50 id=move1 target={img}/
  mx:Move xFrom=50 xTo=0 id=move2 target={img}/
  mx:Panel width=50% height=50% horizontalAlign=center 
  verticalAlign=middle backgroundColor=black
  mx:Image id=img initialize=imageInit()/
  mx:Button label=fade click=fadeIn.play
  mx:Button label=rotate click=rotate.play
  mx:Button label=rotate Back 
  mx:Button label=iris1 click=iris1.play
  mx:Button label=iris Back 
  mx:Button label=move1 click=move1.play
  mx:Button label=move2 click=move2.play

Re: [flexcoders] Flex Webcam Recorder

2008-04-03 Thread Bob Wohl
You will need to have FMS installed and attach the camera to the netStream
with a param record here's some really awesome code to help you get


(props to the owner of this blog for converting the code to AS3/mxml!)


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 6:13 AM, sims.jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am new to Flex and I am currently developing a prototype webcam
 recorder using Flex Builder 3. I'm having trouble recording the actual
 I can access the webcam by attaching it to a VideoDisplay.

 var camera:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
 if (camera) {
 } else {
 Alert.show(You don't seem to have a camera.);

 However I do not know how to record the video being captured. Also, I
 would like to store the videos on my localhost.

 Any help will be appreciated.



[flexcoders] Re: FLEX Images sandbox error

2008-04-03 Thread Todd
I don't have specifics for #2 right now, but regarding #1, the
cross-domain file will need to exist for the servers t hat are
actually serving the images.  I seem to remember something similar
happening over at Flickr 6 minths ago where the API had a
cross-domain, but none of the image farms did.  They (Flickr)
eventually rectified the situation.

For #2, try reading this blog article, or teh comments off of it for

There's some sample code (in response to my question about something
very similar):
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
context.checkPolicyFile = true;
loader.load(URLRequestToFlickr, context);

Hope this points you in the right direction

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, noam.malter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Tod,
 2 things:
 1. There is a crossdomain.xml at the following address: 
 http://api.facebook.com/crossdomain.xml but I'm not sure if this is 
 the same server
 2. If the crossdomain file does not exist, why isn't the error 'A 
 policy file is required, but the checkPolicyFile flag was not set 
 when this media was loaded.'?
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Todd tprekaski@ wrote:
  I believe Facebook will need to have a crossdomain.xml policy file 
  their servers.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, noam.malter noam.malter@ 
   I am trying to write a simple application that retrieves my 
   from my Facebook account and then displays the images and run 
   effects on it, e.g. fade, move, iris etc. Everything seems to 
   except for the iris effect. I have done some research and found 
   when I import pictures from another domain and want to work on 
   bitmap data I need to set the checkPolicyFile property on the 
   I did that and then I get an error 'No policy files granted 
   The code is provided below. Any help is appreciated.
   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
   mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 
 private var loaderContext : LoaderContext;
 private function imageInit() : void
 loaderContext = new LoaderContext();
 loaderContext.checkPolicyFile = true;
 img.loaderContext = loaderContext;
 mx:Fade alphaFrom=0 alphaTo=1 id=fadeIn 
 mx:Rotate angleFrom=0 angleTo=90 id=rotate 
 mx:Rotate angleFrom=90 angleTo=0 id=rotateBack 
 mx:Iris scaleXFrom=1 scaleXTo=0.01 id=iris1  
 mx:Iris scaleXFrom=0.01 scaleXTo=1 id=irisBack  
 mx:Move xFrom=0 xTo=50 id=move1 target={img}/
 mx:Move xFrom=50 xTo=0 id=move2 target={img}/
 mx:Panel width=50% height=50% horizontalAlign=center 
   verticalAlign=middle backgroundColor=black
 mx:Image id=img initialize=imageInit()/
 mx:Button label=fade click=fadeIn.play
 mx:Button label=rotate click=rotate.play
 mx:Button label=rotate Back 
 mx:Button label=iris1 click=iris1.play
 mx:Button label=iris Back 
 mx:Button label=move1 click=move1.play
 mx:Button label=move2 click=move2.play

Re: [flexcoders] Loading XML in preloader/ before application onComplete

2008-04-03 Thread Rico Leuthold
Extend the DownloadProgressBar Class (name it e.g myPreloader) and  
override the preloader:

override public function set preloader(value:Sprite):void

FlexInitComplete); // I added my download function to the  


Write sometihing like this as the event handler:

private function FlexInitComplete(event:Event):void

Security.loadPolicyFile([you'll need a policy file I guess]);
var getXMLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(http:// 

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);

try {
} catch (error:Error) {
 trace(Unable to load requested document.);
Alert.show(Security error  + error.errorID.toString());


Then sth. like this ...

private function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void

var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(event.target); 

var theXML:XML = new XML(loader.data);


Check the DownloadProgressBar doc for some more events to complete the  

In the Application tag set your preloader

. /

Hope that helps somehow ... for me it works.

On 03.04.2008, at 17:28, Varun Shetty wrote:


I am creating a flex application that has its UI elements and some  
basic data that are dependent upon a config.xml.

Loading the config.xml on application preinitialize/initialize/ 
onComplete would not be appropriate as my application preloading  
would be complete and I still dont see any UI elements on the screen.

Creating second preloader on initialize would not look that great.

I am pretty sure we can load the XML in the preloader and delay/ 
deffer the application instantiation.

Just not sure how to go about it and what API's should I look for or  
where exactly should I use them.

Appreciate a lead on how to go about it.

Thank you,
Varun Shetty

[flexcoders] Menu System

2008-04-03 Thread David C. Moody
Hi guys,

I'm developing a pretty large multi-user application.  I need a good 
menu system for and was looking for some help, maybe someone has come 
up with something they'd like to share or at least has some ideas.

The general menu will be the same for everyone.  But some users will 
have access to certain features while others will not.

I'm thinking of using a menuBar.  But this isn't necessary, I'm just 
trying to come up with the best way to accomplish this.

What i was thinking now is have 2 databases:

Menu  UserMenu

Menu would hold all menu options, and then UserMenu would hold access 
rights to each menu?

But the only way I can think of doing this is:
Loop through menu and then for each menu item, check Usermenu for 
access rights.

Can anyone else think of a better way to do this?  Or maybe have a 
menu they'd like to share?


Re: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

2008-04-03 Thread Matt Chotin
Hi all,

We definitely hear you.  Adobe is definitely interested in making larger impact 
in education when it comes to our developer offerings.  We just hosted an event 
for universities here in San Francisco that had very good attendance.  
Additionally we are beginning to reach out to a number of universities to try 
to get Flex into the curriculum.  Admittedly, we are starting small.  We have 
targeted about 10-15 places to start, and if we are able to find success there 
we will be able to scale this to be a much larger effort.  It's not easy, but 
we do have dedicated people who are really working on thinking about the best 
ways to spread the Flex message into higher ed.

I also encourage folks to strike out on their own.  Go back to your alma mater 
and talk about Flex.  Get interns as Sam mentioned in one of his responses, and 
have them take the technology back.  We have done everything we can to make 
Flex available to students, faculty, and staff (FB Pro is free!) so it's really 
about getting folks informed and excited.  I'm not sure what kind of experience 
Mark had with a Flex Camp, but we really have tried to fund camps all over, and 
there's nothing saying that it can't be done at a university.

Feel free to contact me directly if you have an idea for how we can reach out 
to education more, and I will put you in touch with the marketing folks who are 
running things.


On 4/3/08 8:33 AM, matt wicks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Adobe (certainly UK) does do campus days and there is considerable interest in 
Flex.. They also do on site lectures .. I'm doing a 3 hr session on Flex at 
Stafford next week for them -


generally students are pretty keen : unfortunately they have also not any idea 
that Flex even exists until we get there


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of krishna 
Sent: 03 April 2008 09:18
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

There is lot of scope for Adobe Technologies in Universities towards higher 
education worldwide.
This idea can further their technologies for their(Universities) course 
offerings to the great extent.
I wish, it comes true.
krishna Raj

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At this pace we won't  (generally) see RIA technologies in course offerings for 
4 - 5 years at least.  It would be awesome to see higher education quicken 
their pace and open the  door to innovators like Adobe - but the fact is... 
that in its current state,  higher education, is ill suited to embrace them. To 
be frank... I don't blame  Adobe for not wanting to participate in the higher 
education  debacle.

Rick Winscot

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of yigit  
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:52 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject:  [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

Yesterday, Microsoft was in my department to present silverlightajax  
Although silverlight is currently a bullshit compared to  flex, and in my 
department (METU computer engineering)
many people use  linux; there were quite many people attending to the seminar.

Tomorrow,  I'll do give a seminar about AIR technology,which will be hosted by 
METU  Computer Club.
 who am I? Just a 3rd year computer  engineering(~=science) student.

So i ask to adobe; microsoft comes  to our lessons for their primitive 
technology, but adobe does nothing for flex  the great? why?
you do europe tour, it's great but you better do some more  local event (no 
need to bring your developers, just use
your local  partners).

just a suggestion to adobe guys, maybe because of feeling  bad with microsoft's 
integration efforts...

info :  METU = middle east technical university / ankara/  turkey

Re: [flexcoders] Menu System

2008-04-03 Thread justSteve
I have similar needs - my menu items' skin depend on each user's
completion status. I've been generating the menu at the back-end after
the login validation - but mine isn't a large, multi-user app.

Looking forward to how other approach it.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 11:17 AM, David C. Moody [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi guys,

  I'm developing a pretty large multi-user application. I need a good
  menu system for and was looking for some help, maybe someone has come
  up with something they'd like to share or at least has some ideas.

  The general menu will be the same for everyone. But some users will
  have access to certain features while others will not.

  I'm thinking of using a menuBar. But this isn't necessary, I'm just
  trying to come up with the best way to accomplish this.

  What i was thinking now is have 2 databases:

  Menu  UserMenu

  Menu would hold all menu options, and then UserMenu would hold access
  rights to each menu?

  But the only way I can think of doing this is:
  Loop through menu and then for each menu item, check Usermenu for
  access rights.

  Can anyone else think of a better way to do this? Or maybe have a
  menu they'd like to share?



[flexcoders] Re: Problem with DataGrid itemFocusIn event

2008-04-03 Thread Stephen More
Is there anyway to get the selected row from a DataGrid without it
being editable ?

It seems others have had this problem also:

Flex newbie

Re: [flexcoders] Loading XML in preloader/ before application onComplete

2008-04-03 Thread Varun Shetty
Wow, that is pretty descriptive... thank you very much Rico...!

umm.. so Extending the downloadprogressbar class is the way...

I will try it out in sometime. Thank you very much for your help..

Varun Shetty

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Rico Leuthold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Extend the DownloadProgressBar Class (name it e.g myPreloader) and
 override the preloader:

 override public function set preloader(value:Sprite):void

 value.addEventListener(FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE, FlexInitComplete);
 // I added my download function to the INIT_COMPLETE event


 Write sometihing like this as the event handler:

 private function FlexInitComplete(event:Event):void

 Security.loadPolicyFile([you'll need a policy file I guess]);
 var getXMLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(http://

  var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

  xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);

  try {
  } catch (error:Error) {
   trace(Unable to load requested document.);
  Alert.show(Security error  + error.errorID.toString());


 Then sth. like this ...

 private function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void
   var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(event.target);

  var theXML:XML = new XML(loader.data);


 Check the DownloadProgressBar doc for some more events to complete the

 In the Application tag set your preloader

 . /

 Hope that helps somehow ... for me it works.

 On 03.04.2008, at 17:28, Varun Shetty wrote:


 I am creating a flex application that has its UI elements and some basic
 data that are dependent upon a config.xml.

 Loading the config.xml on application preinitialize/initialize/onComplete
 would not be appropriate as my application preloading would be complete and
 I still dont see any UI elements on the screen.

 Creating second preloader on initialize would not look that great.

 I am pretty sure we can load the XML in the preloader and delay/deffer the
 application instantiation.

 Just not sure how to go about it and what API's should I look for or where
 exactly should I use them.

 Appreciate a lead on how to go about it.

 Thank you,
 Varun Shetty


[flexcoders] Re: Menu System

2008-04-03 Thread David C. Moody
OK guys,

in my example I'm returning XML to set as the dataProvider for my 

Example of what's being returned:
rootmenuitem label=Retail data=topmenuitem label=Current 
Year Reservation data= /menuitem label=Next Year Reservations 
data= //menuitem/root

But when I set this string as the dataprovider, the button on the 
menubar is what you see above, then it actually has the menu items 
when you click on the button.

Not exactly what I wanted, so I figured, OK lets take off the root 
tags.  When I do this I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1088: The markup in the document following the root 
element must be well-formed.

So I could possibly be headed on a track that will work, but need a 
little help.

Or a completely different idea.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, David C. Moody [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hi guys,
 I'm developing a pretty large multi-user application.  I need a 
 menu system for and was looking for some help, maybe someone has 
 up with something they'd like to share or at least has some ideas.
 The general menu will be the same for everyone.  But some users 
 have access to certain features while others will not.
 I'm thinking of using a menuBar.  But this isn't necessary, I'm 
 trying to come up with the best way to accomplish this.
 What i was thinking now is have 2 databases:
 Menu  UserMenu
 Menu would hold all menu options, and then UserMenu would hold 
 rights to each menu?
 But the only way I can think of doing this is:
 Loop through menu and then for each menu item, check Usermenu for 
 access rights.
 Can anyone else think of a better way to do this?  Or maybe have a 
 menu they'd like to share?

[flexcoders] Re: Partial result from HTTPService call

2008-04-03 Thread Dmitri Girski
Hi Tracy,

I can assure you, that it is exactly the same. I use it everywhere in
AS and never had a problem - it is always the same as event.result.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is in the docs somewhere, but I couldn't find it when I looked now.
 Maybe it isn't exactly the same.
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Dmitri Girski
 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 4:05 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Partial result from HTTPService call
 Why not to use lastResult? It is absolutely the same as event.result.
 Even better - you can bind to it :)
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
 , Tracy Spratt tspratt@ wrote:
  First, don't use lastResult. It is intended for binding
 expressions. Use event.result. Change that an see if it helps.

[flexcoders] Re: How to Clear/Reset Item Renderers When the Data Provider Changes?

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Whitelock
After a bit more investigation it appears that it might be a redraw
issue since the last cell that is clicked is the one where the ghost
data appears. 

Is there a way to force the DataGrid and all custom renderers to
redraw? I've tried calling validateNow() on the DataGrid but it did
not have an effect.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Paul Whitelock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a single row DataGrid with a typed object bound as a data
 provider. When data is entered in all columns the handler for
 itemEndEvent updates another DataGrid and creates a new empty object
 that replaces the previous data provider for the DataGrid.
 Even though the data in the new object that replaces the old data
 provider is empty, the data that was previously entered in the
 DataGrid columns randomly fills one or two of the five columns that
 should be empty (it most often happens with two DateFields that are in
 custom item renderers). Though data appears in the column cell, if you
 try to get the data it comes back as null.
 Somehow the DataGrid or the custom item renderer is caching the
 previous data and randomly re-displaying it. I've tried setting the
 DataGrid data provider to null, then attaching the new empty object as
 the data provider, but the ghost data still comes back.
 Any ideas how I can clear this old data when I replace the data
 provider for the DataGrid so it doesn't reappear in columns that
 should be empty? Thanks.

[flexcoders] Re: How To Refresh the Date Field...

2008-04-03 Thread Dmitri Girski
Hi Ganesh,

If you talking about DateChooser class, then you have to reset hours,
mins, seconds and ms to 0 in source Date object.
Otherwise it won't display the current date.

NB I wonder why this is a undocumented feature.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ganesh Suyampirakasam

 I have to Select the Expiry of the card Date..At first time when i
run the application it is Showing the Current Date..
 And i select some Future date and save it .After if i move to some
oter page and if i selected again then it is showing that date which i
already selected..but the date has to refresh and the current date
have to to be displayed
 Thanks in Advance 
   Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to

[flexcoders] Re: Partial result from HTTPService call

2008-04-03 Thread Dmitri Girski
Hmmm, I just re-read your post and realised that you are getting the
binary data via the HTTPService. 
I am not sure if you can do this. 

If I were you I would save the generated image as .jpg file on server
in some temp location and then return the path+name of it to the
client. And then just set the source property of Image object.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, p_repetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thanks to everyone who replied, but nothing changed.
 It looks like the problem is in the result byte array, that is
_before_ the
 loader actually gets in.
 Is my way of creating the ByteArray correct ?
 How can I inspect the length and contents of lastResult via the
debugger ?
 Dave Cragg wrote:
  Isn't using URLLoader a better way to download binary data such as  
  jpeg files? It has a dataFormat property that can be set to binary,  
  which delivers the data as a byteArray.
  My understanding of httpService is that it will try to parse the  
  result depending on the setting of the resultFormat property.
There is  
  no binary option for this.
  I don't know if that's the cause of your problem, but it may be
  On 2 Apr 2008, at 18:04, p_repetti wrote:
  I'm retrieving a JPEG from the server side to display it in an  
  mx:Image. The
  image raw bytes are served by a plain Java Servlet. The content
  correct. If I call the servlet from a common browser it all works  
  fine. The
  image is 400KB big.
  PROBLEM: when I call the servlet from Flex 3, it looks like the  
  contains only the first bytes of the image, not all.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the FlexCoders mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[flexcoders] Re: How to group the displayObjects

2008-04-03 Thread Amy
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't really take the time to walk you through this.  Hopefully 
 can help.  The dragImage is basically a copy of an item, or a 
 that contains multiple copies of an item.  You can draw just about
 anything as your dragImage.

There's a good example in Flex 2 Training from the Source (not sure if 
the Flex 3 version is out yet) that shows creating a dragImage.



[flexcoders] Re: Export release build copying PHP files

2008-04-03 Thread Dmitri Girski
Hi Troy,

My *.jpgs/gifs went haywire as well.


 You're telling me. And its not all files, it's only PHP files.

[flexcoders] repeater

2008-04-03 Thread Willy Ci
did anyone ever see this error message?

Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: repeater.
[Generated code (use -keep to save): Path: repeater-generated.as,
Line: 205, Column: 14]

the repeater just not working, and this error message show up all the
time, even I delete the repeater code.


[flexcoders] Re: How to Clear/Reset Item Renderers When the Data Provider Changes?

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Whitelock
I just tried removing the DataGrid from the display list and then
immediately re-adding it. The ghost data did not go away, so perhaps
it's not a redraw issue.

I can't understand why the last item edited in the grid sticks around
when the data provider is changed.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Paul Whitelock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After a bit more investigation it appears that it might be a redraw
 issue since the last cell that is clicked is the one where the ghost
 data appears. 
 Is there a way to force the DataGrid and all custom renderers to
 redraw? I've tried calling validateNow() on the DataGrid but it did
 not have an effect.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Paul Whitelock paul@ wrote:
  I have a single row DataGrid with a typed object bound as a data
  provider. When data is entered in all columns the handler for
  itemEndEvent updates another DataGrid and creates a new empty object
  that replaces the previous data provider for the DataGrid.
  Even though the data in the new object that replaces the old data
  provider is empty, the data that was previously entered in the
  DataGrid columns randomly fills one or two of the five columns that
  should be empty (it most often happens with two DateFields that are in
  custom item renderers). Though data appears in the column cell, if you
  try to get the data it comes back as null.
  Somehow the DataGrid or the custom item renderer is caching the
  previous data and randomly re-displaying it. I've tried setting the
  DataGrid data provider to null, then attaching the new empty object as
  the data provider, but the ghost data still comes back.
  Any ideas how I can clear this old data when I replace the data
  provider for the DataGrid so it doesn't reappear in columns that
  should be empty? Thanks.

Re: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

2008-04-03 Thread Daniel Freiman
All of the on-campus Microsoft events I remember were official Microsoft
events.  Even if it was just an alumn coming back for a visit and deciding
to take the extra hour to talk about their current project, Microsoft would
still give them some official backing. If I visit school and want to talk
about flex, I'm just a guy (that they know) asking for time.  I understand
that Adobe probably doesn't want to deputize random developers.  But if
there was a way to create an event with explicit Adobe endorsement (I
thinking of an endorsement on the level that users groups get, or even less
than that, maybe little more than just free t-shirts to give out), then it
might be easier for alumni developers to get time and student interest.  I'm
sure if a marketing inclined person thought it out, they'd be better able to
fully form whatever thought I'm trying to express.

- Daniel Freiman

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi all,

 We definitely hear you. Adobe is definitely interested in making larger
 impact in education when it comes to our developer offerings. We just hosted
 an event for universities here in San Francisco that had very good
 attendance. Additionally we are beginning to reach out to a number of
 universities to try to get Flex into the curriculum. Admittedly, we are
 starting small. We have targeted about 10-15 places to start, and if we are
 able to find success there we will be able to scale this to be a much larger
 effort. It's not easy, but we do have dedicated people who are really
 working on thinking about the best ways to spread the Flex message into
 higher ed.

 I also encourage folks to strike out on their own. Go back to your alma
 mater and talk about Flex. Get interns as Sam mentioned in one of his
 responses, and have them take the technology back. We have done everything
 we can to make Flex available to students, faculty, and staff (FB Pro is
 free!) so it's really about getting folks informed and excited. I'm not sure
 what kind of experience Mark had with a Flex Camp, but we really have tried
 to fund camps all over, and there's nothing saying that it can't be done at
 a university.

 Feel free to contact me directly if you have an idea for how we can reach
 out to education more, and I will put you in touch with the marketing folks
 who are running things.


 On 4/3/08 8:33 AM, matt wicks [EMAIL PROTECTED]matt%40thewebforge.co.uk

 Adobe (certainly UK) does do campus days and there is considerable
 interest in Flex.. They also do on site lectures .. I'm doing a 3 hr session
 on Flex at Stafford next week for them -

 www.adobe.co.uk/campusdays http://www.adobe.co.uk/campusdays

 generally students are pretty keen : unfortunately they have also not any
 idea that Flex even exists until we get there


 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com [mailto:
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
 krishna Raj
 Sent: 03 April 2008 09:18
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

 There is lot of scope for Adobe Technologies in Universities towards
 higher education worldwide.
 This idea can further their technologies for their(Universities) course
 offerings to the great extent.
 I wish, it comes true.
 krishna Raj

 On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL 

 At this pace we won't (generally) see RIA technologies in course offerings
 for 4 - 5 years at least. It would be awesome to see higher education
 quicken their pace and open the door to innovators like Adobe - but the fact
 is... that in its current state, higher education, is ill suited to embrace
 them. To be frank... I don't blame Adobe for not wanting to participate in
 the higher education debacle.

 Rick Winscot

 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com [mailto:
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
 yigit boyar
 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:52 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Where is adobe? Come to universities!

 Yesterday, Microsoft was in my department to present silverlightajax
 Although silverlight is currently a bullshit compared to flex, and in my
 department (METU computer engineering)
 many people use linux; there were quite many people attending to the

 Tomorrow, I'll do give a seminar about AIR technology,which will be hosted
 by METU Computer Club.
 who am I? Just a 3rd year computer engineering(~=science) student.

 So i ask to adobe; microsoft comes to our lessons for their primitive
 technology, but adobe does nothing for flex the great? why?
 you do europe tour, it's great but you better do some more local event (no
 need to bring your developers, just 

[flexcoders] Does the defaultValue parameter in the LCDS getItem call work?

2008-04-03 Thread Kevin
I am trying to use the defaultValue parameter in the DataServices
getItem call in actionscript.  

public function getItem(identity:Object, defaultValue:Object =

As far as I can tell from the docs it should persist a new object if
the id that the getItem searches for is not found.  The call seems to
return correctly, but nothing persists to the database.  Am I
understanding this feature correctly?

- Kevin

[flexcoders] Does the defaultValue parameter in the LCDS getItem call work?

2008-04-03 Thread Kevin
I am trying to use the defaultValue parameter in the DataServices
getItem call in actionscript.  

public function getItem(identity:Object, defaultValue:Object =

As far as I can tell from the docs it should persist a new object if
the id that the getItem searches for is not found.  The call seems to
return correctly, but nothing persists to the database.  Am I
understanding this feature correctly?

- Kevin

Re: [flexcoders] File upload to amazon S3 from Flex

2008-04-03 Thread Peter Connolly
Have you taken a look at the Salsa Air application?


It uploads files to Amazon S3.

[flexcoders] How to set the datetime format in datagrid?

2008-04-03 Thread markflex2007

I have a program the read datetime fields for SQL Server and show in

I do not know how to set the date format in datagrid (mx:DataGridColumn),

Please help me.

Please let me know if you have demo link.


[flexcoders] Need help to recreate a Flash layout/component in Flex

2008-04-03 Thread oneproofdk
I'm currently looking into converting a existing Flash app into a Flex
In this Flash app, there is a specific layout that I would like to
Have a look at   http://koalit.dk/flex/flex_component.jpg

The object is something like a filemanager, where the user can see what
status each page in a file has.

So I have a datasource looking something like:
file name=File number 1 id=1
page id=100 pageno=1 status=Approved/
page id=101 pageno=2 status=Approved/
etc. etc.
file name=File number 2 id=1233
lots of pages in this file, lets say 30 pages

So I need a way, where the (datagrid was my first thought) dataholder
will adapt to the number of rows needed, so it is always fully expanded.
Allowing the user to use a scrollbar in the main window to scroll down.

Is this possible (I suspect yes - but how?) and can anyone point me in
the right direction. Should I create a new component, is there a
commercial componen available that could do this ?

Thanks for your time :-D


[flexcoders] Re: Export release build copying PHP files

2008-04-03 Thread Dmitri Girski
I think that I know why it is happening - when I do the Export release
build this smart thing also copies ./php directory from bin-debug.

There is no setting for that or warning. And why not to copy ./config,

Good idea, but implemented in Apple way - we know better what you need


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Dmitri Girski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Troy,
 My *.jpgs/gifs went haywire as well.
  You're telling me. And its not all files, it's only PHP files.

[flexcoders] Question regarding FLex JVM termination

2008-04-03 Thread cool buddy

Hello all,

I am running eclispe and Flex builder on local machine. Suddenly Flex builder 
got terminated\
and gave the following message

JVM terminated . Exit code=1
C:\ProgramFiles\Adobe\FlexBuilder 3\jre\bin\javaw.exe

Does any one has any idea.If so please post it..



You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.  

Re: [flexcoders] Question regarding FLex JVM termination

2008-04-03 Thread cool buddy
i got it working..i was trying to embed a flash movie in the main 
application.so the flex builder got terminated. When i removed the movie it was 
working fine...

So anyinsights into it. why this happens??

- Original Message 
From: cool buddy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2008 3:17:38 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Question regarding FLex JVM termination

Hello all,
I am running eclispe and Flex builder on local machine. Suddenly Flex builder 
got terminated\
and gave the following message
JVM terminated . Exit code=1
C:\ProgramFiles\ Adobe\FlexBuilde r 3\jre\bin\javaw. exe
-XX:MaxPermSize= 256m
-XX:PermSize= 64m
-Djava.net.prefrIPv 4Stack=true
Does any one has any idea.If so please post it..

You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost. 


You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.  

[flexcoders] can you translate keyCode or charCode from number into letter?

2008-04-03 Thread blc187
Is it possible to capture a keyboard event and tell which letter key 
was pressed?
The KeyboardEvent has a charCode and keyCode but these are numbers, is 
there a way to associate them with the specific letter they represent?

For example, I want to trace out which letter was pressed on key_down 
however I can only trace the numerical equivalent.  If I press a Q, the 
keyCode prints 81 when I would like to see Q.

[flexcoders] Re: Menu System

2008-04-03 Thread David C. Moody
Here's the XML the script returns:

  menuitem label=Retail data=top
menuitem label=Current Year Reservation data=/
menuitem label=Next Year Reservations data=/
  menuitem label=Charter data=top
menuitem label=Charter Contact Information data=/
  menuitem label=Utilities data=top
menuitem label=Time Management data=load: empTime/

This is what I have in my function to assign the dataprovider:

var resultXML:XML = new XML(evt.result);
mainAppMenuBar.dataProvider = resultXML.menuitems.menuitem;

But all I get with this is a blank menubar, I've also tried:

And that still gave me just a blank menubar.

Thanks for the help!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, David C. Moody [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 OK guys,
 in my example I'm returning XML to set as the dataProvider for my 
 Example of what's being returned:
 rootmenuitem label=Retail data=topmenuitem label=Current 
 Year Reservation data= /menuitem label=Next Year 
 data= //menuitem/root
 But when I set this string as the dataprovider, the button on the 
 menubar is what you see above, then it actually has the menu items 
 when you click on the button.
 Not exactly what I wanted, so I figured, OK lets take off the 
 tags.  When I do this I get this error:
 TypeError: Error #1088: The markup in the document following the 
 element must be well-formed.
 So I could possibly be headed on a track that will work, but need a 
 little help.
 Or a completely different idea.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, David C. Moody davidm@ 
  Hi guys,
  I'm developing a pretty large multi-user application.  I need a 
  menu system for and was looking for some help, maybe someone has 
  up with something they'd like to share or at least has some ideas.
  The general menu will be the same for everyone.  But some users 
  have access to certain features while others will not.
  I'm thinking of using a menuBar.  But this isn't necessary, I'm 
  trying to come up with the best way to accomplish this.
  What i was thinking now is have 2 databases:
  Menu  UserMenu
  Menu would hold all menu options, and then UserMenu would hold 
  rights to each menu?
  But the only way I can think of doing this is:
  Loop through menu and then for each menu item, check Usermenu for 
  access rights.
  Can anyone else think of a better way to do this?  Or maybe have 
  menu they'd like to share?

[flexcoders] Need some help with charts

2008-04-03 Thread Phill B
I'm trying to make a chart that will show a total for each month. I'm trying
to do this with Flex 3 Pro and CF 8 Enterprise. I have a CFC that can return
the data for the chart in a 2D array or XML by using it as a remote object.
The CFC works fine but I cant get the results of the CFC into a chart.

I've been all over the O'reilly safari site, searched the archive and
Google. I just cant seam to find anything that will work. I'm still really
new to Flex so I'm sure the answer is right in front of me.



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