[flexcoders] Re: Loaded cairngorm swf will not remote

2009-04-12 Thread rob_mcmichael
Is this an AIR application? If so I don't think you can load them into a 
separate application domain but the same security domain, which will mean all 
remote calls will get blocked. You may have to route them through the main app 
(which is a pain).

Have a read up here if you think you are going to have to do that:


[flexcoders] browser resize event vs. application resize events

2009-04-12 Thread giladozer


I want to capture every time the browseris resized. 
the problem is that the resize event in flex is dispatched whenever the parent 
is resized.

is there a way to only listen to a "browser" resize event ?


[flexcoders] Re: Accordion "Button Header" Replacement?

2009-04-12 Thread carloscarvalhar
flexlib has a different accordion header, check it:

Re: [flexcoders] Help to finish flex project

2009-04-12 Thread thomas parquier
I think the app on alex harui's blog may help :
http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui/Flex360/zoomer.swf (source :


2009/4/12 Silva Developer 

> I need a help to finish a project in flex.
> The difficulty that I am taking are:
> 1) I have 2 images, one in jpeg thumbnail and other main vector for viewing
> receiving zoom.
> Must reflect the movement of the mouse model of the main image, but it must
> obey the same area being traveled the thumbnail image in the main, like a
> magnifying glass, but reflecting their movements in a particular area, but
> in another image, principal.
> 2) must also be exactly the same area because of marked objects will be
> placed on the main image, and will then be stored and repurados the
> positions, ie the positions of objects markers accompany the zoom.
> To have an better idea, see the prototype in:
> http://www.silvadeveloper.comoj.com
> Any help will be welcome, if it is in code, better.
> Regards,
> Silva Developer
> silva.developer @ gmail.com
> www.silvadeveloper.wordpress.com

msn : thomas.parqu...@web-attitude.fr
softphone : sip:webattit...@ekiga.net 
téléphone portable : +33601 822 056

[flexcoders] HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE !!!

2009-04-12 Thread sailorsea21
Just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER !!! :)

[flexcoders] Increasing the Panel scroll speed?

2009-04-12 Thread Sascha
In Flex if you wrap a component into a Panel (or Canvas) which is larger
than the Panel, by default the Panel will show scroll bars and can be
scrolled. However the default speed for this scrolling is very slow so I'm
wondering if there is any known workaround to make them faster? There seems
to be no property or style which could control the speed.


[flexcoders] Problem with LinearAxis on an horizontal axis

2009-04-12 Thread enriirne
For what I know, LinearAxis computes the *number* of samples, not a property on 
the data provider.

I would like to plot my samples linearly on the horizontal axis.
For example, I must plot with a LineChart these samples:
{day:3 value:1}
{day:5 value:4}
{day:6 value:8}

I'd like to put LinearAxis' min=1 and max=10, where 1 and 10 are day number.
Then I'd like to see value=1 in the first third of the area, 4 and 8 close 
together, then some space till the maximum day number, which is 10.

But, as I said, LinearAxis reasons on the number of samples, which in my case 
is 3. The only workaround I found is to artificially add empty samples for days 

Is there a bettere way?


[flexcoders] Solution: Port of (VERY Simple) Flash Animation Example to Flex ActionScript Project

2009-04-12 Thread Brad Bueche
Yahooo! (Yes, I might be a redneck).  With the help flex coders (i.e.
"y'all").  I was able to port a Flash ActionScript Project to a Flex
ActionScript project.  (Well, Joey Lott's ActionScript video class on
Lynda.com helped a lot too.  I highly recomend lynda.com for beginners -
like me).  The video mentioned that ENTER_FRAME does operate in Flex at a
default of 12fps.  (Where do you change that?).  So I did not have to resort
to Timer.

All of this is an effort to work through the book "Object Oriented
ActionScript 3.0" in Flex instead of Flash.  This is one of the first
examples in the book.   (Only the first few examples deal with animation,
but it was bothering me that I had to download and work with the Flash ide
simply because I wanted to learn advanced actionscript).  I *highly*
recomend the book. I actualy understand 4 patterns now! Now, I just have to
implement them in flex.

The book uses symbol's as MovieClip but I'm using my BasicShapes (extending
Sprite).  Yes, its probably stupidly simple but it has taken me a long time
to figure it out.  So I'm posting it in case somebody else needs something
like this.

Here is the main actionscript class:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import com.bueche.flex.graphics.BasicShapes;
import com.bueche.flex.graphics.Mover;

public class MoveShapes extends Sprite{

public function MoveShapes (){
   var testItem:BasicShapes = new BasicShapes();
   var testItemMover:Mover = new Mover(testItem, 2, 3);

}//end of Class
}// end of Package

-end of main class

Here is the BasicShapes class:
package com.bueche.flex.graphics
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.JointStyle;
import flash.display.LineScaleMode;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;

public class BasicShapes extends Sprite {
private var size:uint   = 80;
private var bgColor:uint   = 0xFFCC00;
private var borderColor:uint  = 0x66;
private var borderSize:uint   = 0;
private var cornerRadius:uint = 9;
private var gutter:uint   = 5;

public function BasicShapes() {

private function refreshLayout():void {
var ln:uint = numChildren;
var child:DisplayObject;
var lastChild:DisplayObject = getChildAt(0);
lastChild.x = gutter;
lastChild.y = gutter;
for (var i:uint = 1; i < ln; i++) {
child = getChildAt(i);
child.x = gutter + lastChild.x + lastChild.width;
child.y = gutter;
lastChild = child;

private function doDrawCircle():void {
var child:Shape = new Shape();
var halfSize:uint = Math.round(size/2);
child.graphics.lineStyle(borderSize, borderColor);
child.graphics.drawCircle(halfSize, halfSize, halfSize);

private function doDrawRoundRect():void {
var child:Shape = new Shape();
child.graphics.lineStyle(borderSize, borderColor);
child.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 0, size, size, cornerRadius);

private function doDrawRect():void {
var child:Shape = new Shape();
child.graphics.lineStyle(borderSize, borderColor);
child.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, size, size);
}//end class
}//end of package

-end of BasicShapes class

Here is the mover class:

package com.bueche.flex.graphics
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
import com.bueche.flex.graphics.BasicShapes;

public class Mover extends MovieClip {

public var targetShape:BasicShapes;
public var xVel:Number;
public var yVel:Number;

public function Mover(targetShape:BasicShapes, xVel:Number,
yVel:Number) {
this.targetShape = targetShape;
this.xVel = xVel;
this.yVel = yVel;

public function updatePosition(evtObj:Event):void {
this.targetShape.x += this.xVel;
this.targetShape.y += this.yVel;

public function startMoving():void{

[flexcoders] Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE !!!

2009-04-12 Thread markgoldin_2000
Just can't resist: HAPPY PASSOVER !!! :)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "sailorsea21"  wrote:
> Just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER !!! :)

[flexcoders] Flex alternative to Microsoft's Seadragon

2009-04-12 Thread Hyder
Is it possible to do this flex?


Re: [flexcoders] Flex alternative to Microsoft's Seadragon

2009-04-12 Thread Paul Andrews
- Original Message - 
From: "Hyder" 
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 8:26 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex alternative to Microsoft's Seadragon

> Is it possible to do this flex?
> http://livelabs.com/seadragon/

As I understand it, seadragon is a client and server technology requiring 
extensive server support to do it's magic. I Suspect you could implement the 
client in Flex, but whether you could under the licence terms, is another 


[flexcoders] swfObject and deep linking

2009-04-12 Thread azona26

I am using swfObject to embed my application and running into some
issues when trying to deep link via the BrowserManager class. I am able
to update the URL when needed via setFragment(), however the issue
occurs when the back/forward button is pressed. The application does not
update as expected. This ONLY occurs when using swfObject. If I use the
default HTML generated by Flex, everything works fine. I searched Google
and found that there have been some issues with deep linking when using
swfObject. I tried all suggestions without any luck. Here is the code
that I am using to embed as well as deep link:

 !--  BEGIN Browser History required section -->

 var flashvars = {};
 var params = {};
 params.menu = 'false';
 params.wmode = 'transparent';
 params.allowscriptaccess = 'sameDomain';
 var attributes = {};
 attributes.id = 'AllProperties';
'flashPropertyContent', '770', '400', '9.0.124', 'expressInstall.swf',
flashvars, params, attributes);

 function loadEventHandler() {

 BrowserHistory.flexApplication =

Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue is appreciated.


[flexcoders] Flash speed test - please participate - only 1 click required !

2009-04-12 Thread tom s
Hi All,

I'm doing some tests to see how 'fast' the Flash Player is in a variety of
Please click the link to take part: (you don't have to do anything other
than click the link)


It's totally malware free. If you're interested, see below for details.
Please hit it as many times as you like, from as many different environments
as you can :)
I'll share the results when I'm done.



The SWF:
1. attempts to set the frame rate to 1000
2. listens for enter_frame 10,000 times
3. records how long (2) takes
4. computes the actual FPS
5. send the data to a server, along with details on OS, Browser, FP version,

Any suggestions/improvements - let me know...

[flexcoders] Uploading file over HTTPS produces Error #2038: File I/O Error.

2009-04-12 Thread simonjohnriley

We're uploading and downloading medical files using flex, so it has to be over 
HTTPS. I've got the upload working correctly over simple HTTP but get the 
following error using HTTPS:

[IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 
text="Error #2038: File I/O Error. URL: 

I've looked everywhere for a solution but have had no luck so far. Was thinking 
perhaps it could be do do with my crossdomain.xml? it looks like this at the 



We're due to go live with this tomorrow and my boss is starting to get edgy, so 
any help or ideas, with this would be really apreciated!

Thanks in advance,

[flexcoders] Tile control: Border style and Zoom

2009-04-12 Thread Matthew A. Wilson
I'm using a tile control to display an image with a short description to the 
right of it. Basically everything is contained with in an HBox and the I'm 
programmtically adding that to the tile: 


I'd like to have some sort of visual indicator to let the user know which item 
they clicked on. Whether that be a red border, or a "glow" effect, or whatever.

My question is, how do I do that? I don't see an easy way of setting that in 
any sort of item clickevent. Also, I wanted to have some sort of Zoom or 
magnifier so that when they hovered over the image it would be bigger...but can 
I do that? If I set the width/height on my hbox to 300/100 and then add that as 
an item to my Tile...can I create some sort of zoom or magnify effect whereby 
that image would be larger than the confines of its parent?

Thanks in advance - you all are always so helpful!

RE: [flexcoders] swfObject and deep linking

2009-04-12 Thread Alex Harui
Get a Gumbo Prerelease build and see if those HTML templates use SWFObject and 

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Developer
Adobe Systems Inc.
Blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of azona26
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 3:16 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] swfObject and deep linking

I am using swfObject to embed my application and running into some issues when 
trying to deep link via the BrowserManager class. I am able to update the URL 
when needed via setFragment(), however the issue occurs when the back/forward 
button is pressed. The application does not update as expected. This ONLY 
occurs when using swfObject. If I use the default HTML generated by Flex, 
everything works fine. I searched Google and found that there have been some 
issues with deep linking when using swfObject. I tried all suggestions without 
any luck. Here is the code that I am using to embed as well as deep link:

!--  BEGIN Browser History required section -->

var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
params.menu = 'false';
params.wmode = 'transparent';
params.allowscriptaccess = 'sameDomain';
var attributes = {};
   ! ; attributes.id = 'AllProperties';
swfobject.embedSWF('AllProperties.swf', 'flashPropertyContent', 
'770', '400', '9.0.124', 'expressInstall.swf', flashvars, params, attributes);

function loadEventHandler() {

BrowserHistory.flexApplication = swfobject.! 
 ! ; & nbsp; }

Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue is appreciated.


RE: [flexcoders] browser resize event vs. application resize events

2009-04-12 Thread Alex Harui
If the HTML template is set up with relative sizes so that the Flex app is 
sensitive to browser size then the Flex app should get a resize event.  You 
could always add Javascript to the template and use ExternalInterface to be 
notified of browser size changes.

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Developer
Adobe Systems Inc.
Blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of giladozer
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 3:00 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] browser resize event vs. application resize events


I want to capture every time the browseris resized.
the problem is that the resize event in flex is dispatched whenever the parent 
is resized.

is there a way to only listen to a "browser" resize event ?


RE: [flexcoders] Uploading file over HTTPS produces Error #2038: File I/O Error.

2009-04-12 Thread Tracy Spratt
I recall reading that there can be problems uploading over https if the
application itself is not served over https.  Is this your situation?


Tracy Spratt,

Lariat Services, development services available


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of simonjohnriley
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:04 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Uploading file over HTTPS produces Error #2038: File
I/O Error.


We're uploading and downloading medical files using flex, so it has to be
over HTTPS. I've got the upload working correctly over simple HTTP but get
the following error using HTTPS:

[IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2
text="Error #2038: File I/O Error. URL: https://www.

I've looked everywhere for a solution but have had no luck so far. Was
thinking perhaps it could be do do with my crossdomain.xml? it looks like
this at the moment:




We're due to go live with this tomorrow and my boss is starting to get edgy,
so any help or ideas, with this would be really apreciated!

Thanks in advance,

[flexcoders] How to put a well-formatted SQL statement in a string?

2009-04-12 Thread Mic
I have to embed my SQL within Flex until I can work out how to call a SQLServer 
proc from within Flex (any pointers here would be much appreciated), and am 
writing functions:

private function sel_mrkt_pln_yrs(p_string:String = null):String{
   var sqlString:String = "select distinct issue_yr, cast(issue_yr as Int) as 
ID from MKT_PLN where (case when " + p_string + " is not null then case when 
mkt_pln_typ = " + p_string + " then 1 end else 1 end) = 1 order by 1 desc;";

return sqlString; 

I would like to format the SQL so I can read it:

select distinct
cast(issue_yr as Int) as ID
(case when @p_mkt_pln_typ is not null then
case when mkt_pln_typ = @p_mkt_pln_typ then
end) = 1
order by
1 desc;

but var sqlString:String = ... will not take the separate lines etc. How are 
people doing this? TIA,


[flexcoders] Re: Flash speed test - please participate - only 1 click required !

2009-04-12 Thread tom93438
One other test that would also be useful:
Please hit:


Does the same as before, but tests for 24 fps. 



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tom s  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm doing some tests to see how 'fast' the Flash Player is in a variety of
> environments.
> Please click the link to take part: (you don't have to do anything other
> than click the link)
> http://flatim3000.appspot.com
> It's totally malware free. If you're interested, see below for details.
> Please hit it as many times as you like, from as many different environments
> as you can :)
> I'll share the results when I'm done.
> cheers
> tom
> details
> =
> The SWF:
> 1. attempts to set the frame rate to 1000
> 2. listens for enter_frame 10,000 times
> 3. records how long (2) takes
> 4. computes the actual FPS
> 5. send the data to a server, along with details on OS, Browser, FP version,
> IP
> Any suggestions/improvements - let me know...

[flexcoders] Google in text area

2009-04-12 Thread senthilkumarirtt
Hi all, i want to load google page in text area(in flex application) using 
External interface(concept called as Iframe)..
give some idea to explore it..