[flexcoders] Flex 2b3: Application domains, Cairngorm and event bubbling

2006-06-29 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello Flexcoders;


I’m working on getting on Cairngorm application to
load another Cairngorm application. In order that the various singletons don’t
conflict, each swf is loaded into a separate application domain. 


I was surprised to find that a Cairngorm event dispatched
from an swf loaded at runtime into its own application domain bubbles to the FrontController
instance in the swf file that loaded it. I thought that because the two swf
files occupied different application domains, the view hierarchies would not


I guess I was wrong. Is it the case that the application
object of an swf file loaded at runtime is contained by the application object
of the swf that loaded it? If so, I’m surprised to find that the
parentApplication property of the loaded application is null. Where is the
reference in the contained application that allows the event to bubble to the
containing application?


BTW: To work around this difficulty, I’ve change org.nevis.cairngorm.control.FrontController:::executeCommand



function executeCommand( event : CairngormEvent ) : void


commandToInitialise : Class = getCommand( event.type );

commandToExecute : Command = new commandToInitialise();


// Add this line

event );



If anyone thinks this a dangerous change, I’d like to




Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700 ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 



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RE: [flexcoders] Calling one Flex app from another

2006-06-30 Thread Tobias Patton

You can use the SWFLoader class to load a
Flex application from a URL and add it as a child of your application. 


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of mthielman11
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 9:05
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Calling one
Flex app from another


OK let me see if I can explain this :)

I have a website that i have set up with 2 frames. The left frame contains a
application that is basically just an accordian for navigating. Each accordian
option is 
considered a different module in our system. So for example I have one called 
"Administration" its canvas has 6 different buttons that will link to
different components in 
the Administration module.

So when the Administration accordian panel is selected it also needs to load
administration Flex application into the right hand frame on the page. The
reason I want 
to do this is each Module will be rather large so I do not want one VERY big
flex file that 
would take forever to load up. Each module will be its own app and users
typically will 
spend the whole day iin one module so only a single load time.

Anyway what i need to happen is if someone clciks one of the buttons from the
canvas it needs to open a cooresponding state in the other application file.
For axample in 
the Administration module there is a button for Users, this needs to open the
User state in 
the Administration Application in the right frame. Clickiing CLients button
needs to open 
the clients state in the right frame. 

So my question is, is this even possible?? Can I open a certain state in
another flex 
application from a different flex application?? 

IF so how would the paths look?

IS there another way to accomplish this goal. Another reason for this layout is
so the 
accordian can easily be hidden when we don't want/need to use it.

Hope I explained this well, thanks.


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RE: [flexcoders] Re: Calling one Flex app from another

2006-06-30 Thread Tobias Patton

The LocalConnection class allows one Flex
application to invoke methods in another. If you load the “inner”
application into the same Application Domain as the “outer”
application, you may be able to call functions and methods in the “inner”
application directly, but I’m not sure how.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of mthielman11
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 10:44
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Calling
one Flex app from another


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com,
"Tobias Patton"
...> wrote:
> You can use the SWFLoader class to load a Flex application from a URL
> and add it as a child of your application. 

THanks. I think what I was getting at in my original question was how do I call
a certain state 
that exists in another flex app in another HTML frame from a different flex app

However I may be able to accomplish what I want with the SWLoader command. I
created a new app with a HDIvdeBox container. The left container holds the
Accordian, the 
right I want to hold different MXML files depending on the accordian chosen.
Each accodian 
panel has several buttons that I want to change states in the loaded SW file.
How do I do 


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RE: [flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm Responder interface changes

2006-07-04 Thread Tobias Patton

Hi Steven;


Although I risk being accused of hijacking
this thread, I can suggest one change to Cairngorm:




function executeCommand( event : CairngormEvent ) : void


var commandToInitialise : Class = getCommand( event.type );

var commandToExecute : Command = new commandToInitialise();


event.stopPropogation(); //         ß change is here

commandToExecute.execute( event );



In the case where application A
dynamically loads application B into a separate application domain that is not
a child of application A’s domain, the FrontController of application A
will get events from application B. Since an event from application B cannot be
coerced into the event class with the same name in application A, a run-time
error will occur unless propagation of the event is halted in application B’s
front controller.


I mention this now because I’m in
the process of converting our Flex 2B3 application to Flex 2 (final) and am
copying the change in FrontController.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Steven Webster
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 3:03
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re:
Cairngorm Responder interface changes




I'd love for you to share the
modifications you're making to Cairngorm, and to understand the rationale
behind these changes.  It's not our intention that developers would
typically  need to change the framework locally, and doing so certainly makes
it more difficult for folks to follow us on any upgrade paths as time rolls
by.  Different strokes for different folks though.


But if you can share your motives for
changes, and the changes themselves, then we can consider rolling them into the
framework if they satisfy general concerns.  







Steven Webster
Practice Director (Rich Internet Applications)
Adobe Consulting
Westpoint, 4 Redheughs Rigg, South Gyle, Edinburgh, EH12 9DQ,
p: +44 (0) 131 338 6108

m: +44 (0) 7917 428





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of JesterXL
Sent: 03 July 2006 20:13
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re:
Cairngorm Responder interface changes

Don't have Flex 2 open in front of me ( client hearts
1.5 ), but you can I 
think do:

public function onResult(event:* = null):void
// or...
var yourEvent:ResultEvent = event as ResultEvent;

I can't remember if you can cast in the function signature as:

public function onResult ( event:* as ResultEvent = null )

...but, either way, you can also do what I do; keep your own build of 
Cairngorm locally! I've yet to work on a project where the team didn't 
modify their build of Cairngorm to suit their needs.

- Original Message - 
From: "ben.clinkinbeard" 
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com>
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 3:00 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm Responder interface changes

Ah ha. Actually, I had to change them to

public function onResult(event:* = null):void
public function onFault(event:* = null):void

so that they matched the signature exactly. I guess my confusion was
in that I was viewing the :* as meaning the developer could specify
whatever type they wanted. I was seeing * as a kind of superclass when
that is in fact not the case. I have to agree with Jester; I don't
really see the point of this change.

Thanks for your help,

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com,
"Clint Modien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you need to change these lines
> public function onResult(event:ResultEvent):void
> public function onFault(event:FaultEvent):void
> to this...
> public function onResult(event:*):void
> public function onFault(event:*)void
> On 7/3/06, ben.clinkinbeard ...> wrote:
> >
> > Can someone explain why it is telling me I've implemented the
> > Responder methods with an incompatible signature?
> >
> > public function onResult(event:ResultEvent):void
> > public function onFault(event:FaultEvent):void
> >
> > The signatures shown in the docs are
> >
> > public function onResult(event:* = null):void
> > public function onFault(event:* = null):void
> >
> > What am I missing here?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ben
> >
> >
> > --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com
> > "der_kotty"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I was just wondering why the com.adobe.cairngorm.business.Responder
> > > interface has been changed since it has been released on Adobe
> > > In Cairngorm 2.0 alpha (org.nevis.cairngorm.business.Responder)
> > > parameters of the onFault and onResult handlers were typed
> > > (Res

[flexcoders] Flex 2: Debugger annoyance

2006-07-05 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello Flexcoders;


Sometimes when I’m in a debugging session, one or more
variables in the Variables windows refuses to close. If I click “-“
next to the row it closes, but then immediately opens up again. This is
irritating because the debugger seems to slow down the more variables are open
for inspection.


Anyone else have this problem? Anyone know how to fix it?




Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700 ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 



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RE: [flexcoders] How to properly subclass a component using mxml

2006-07-06 Thread Tobias Patton

This is just a shot in the dark:


Does your subclass of DataGrid have any
children defined? I’ve never come across this myself, but I’ve read
in various places that if a component has children in its definition, it’s
not possible to add children when instantiating it.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of hank williams
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 7:50
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] How to
properly subclass a component using mxml


I want to
create a subclass of DataGrid. So far what I have done is to create a new MXML
component that is based on DataGrid.

The problem is that if I try to use the new component as if it was a dataGrid,
certain things dont work. For example: 


in the above example, it doesnt like me using the columns construct to define
the columns. In order to define columns in this way I need to put then in the
actual BetterDataGrid component as opposed to in this instance. This makes it
doggone hard to use BetterDataGrid as a generic "better dataGrid"
since I cannot define its behavior on an instance by instance basis. 

I am sure what I am doing wrong here is simple, but I dont know what.

Any insight appreciated.



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[flexcoders] Flex2: Problem with list item renderers in a popup title window

2006-07-10 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello Flexcoders;


I have a TitleWindow whose only child is a List. The List
uses a custom itemRenderer that just draws an HBox with a TextLabel inside. This
all works as expected. However, if I use PopupManager to create a popup using
the TitleWindow sublass, there are problems.


When scrolling the list down, an extra itemRenderer is drawn
above the bounds of the list. Likewise, when scrolling up, an itemRender is
drawn below the bottom bounds of the List. I tried setting clipContents on the
TitleWindow to “true”, but that made no difference. 


This problem only occurs when the TitleWindow is “popped
up”. Does anyone have an idea what I can do to fix this?





Here’s a simple application that reproduces the








































Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700 ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 



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RE: [flexcoders] Re: Package with internal class problem

2006-07-12 Thread Tobias Patton

Should this: 

// -- CursorDepot.as :
package cursors {
    public class CursorDepot {
        public static var cross:Cross = Cross;



// -- CursorDepot.as :
package cursors {
    public class CursorDepot {
        public static var cross:Cross = new Cross();

I’d be a little surprised if the
original compiles, which is why I think it might just be a typo in your email.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Bart Wttewaall
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006
4:22 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Package
with internal class problem


I guess I'm not permitted to delegate an internal
class' public static variable through the public class' public static variable.
Too bad, I had to create a lot of small classes for each cursor for the
application to work. Still, I'm wondering if there's a way to package those
classes to keep the amount of files to a minimum. 

Anyone with a bright idea?

Bart Wttewaall

2006/7/11, Bart Wttewaall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi list,

I'm trying to combine multiple small classes into one package, but to no
Could someone help me with this?

The error I get is:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a
property or method of a null object reference.

// -- CursorDepot.as :
package cursors {
    public class CursorDepot {
        public static var cross:Cross = Cross;

internal class Cross {
    public static var icon:Class;
    public static var offsetX:int = 0;
    public static var offsetY:int = 0;

// -- in the application:
public function init():void {

public function setCursor(cursorClass:*):void {
    trace(cursorClass) //
outputs: null !!! why?
    var cursorID:int = setCursor(cursorClass.icon,
cursorClass.offsetX, cursorClass.offsetY);

Thank you in advance,

Bart Wttewaall



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[flexcoders] Flex2: Bizarre binding problem

2006-07-18 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello Flexcoders;


I’m hoping someone can help me understand what’s
going on here.


I have a custom component that subclasses Canvas. It works
much list a List in that it uses a dataProvider to pass a data object to child
object (item renderer). The child objects render the data object in some
appropriate manner. One of the item renderers is very simple – an image
with some text below it. The image displayed is chosen from a number of
embedded images based on a property of the data object.


The image object looks like:



And there is a function in the Script section:


private function GetImage( kind : uint ) : Class


 if( kind == 0 )


return image1;

 else …


This does not work. The source parameter of the Image object
is never populated. In fact, the GetImage() function is never called with a non-null


There is a workaround, but I’m truly at a loss to
explain why it works. If the GetImage() function is changed to return Object
instead of Class, everything works as expected. Since Class is a subclass of
Object, the up-cast is automatic and no other changes are required.  With
this change in place, the GetImage() function is called initially with null,
but later with a real value. 


How could the return value of a function change the way
binding operates?


I’ve attached some simple code at the end of this
email that reproduces the problem with the minimal work. If someone has an
explanation for what’s going on here, I’d be very grateful.





Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 

- ImageBinding.mxml -











- ImageBox.mxml -








- MyData.as -




public class MyData


Bindable ]

    public var num : Number;





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RE: [flexcoders] What is the difference between an Array and an ArrayCollection?

2006-07-25 Thread Tobias Patton

You can also supply  sorting and filtering
criteria to an array collection.


This would be like a chest of drawers that
folds your socks and tosses the ones that have holes in them.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Pan Troglodytes
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:11
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] What is
the difference between an Array and an ArrayCollection?


To add to Jester's imaginative response,
ArrayCollection actually wraps an Array.  So inside, there is an Array,
which can be accessed through the source property.  But if you directly
access the array, you don't get the cool events the make data binding work. 

On 7/25/06, JesterXL

A drawer from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" that
goes, "Dude, you just put something in me!".


It does this by emitting an event, collectionChanged, when
this happens.  Controls can listen for this event and know when the
array is updated in order to redraw themselves, like the DataGrid,
List, etc.


An Array is like a drawer in the real world.  You can
put something in it, but it doesn't talk to you.


- Original Message - 

From: Bill Brown

To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Tuesday, July 25,
2006 5:59 PM

Subject: [flexcoders] What
is the difference between an Array and an ArrayCollection?


This is a pretty newbie programming question, but
coming from an AS1/AS2 background I'm not familiar with the difference between
an Array and an ArrayCollection.
Could someone please explain the difference, or suggest a URL
that explains the difference? 

When I learned about arrays through Phillip Kerman's Actionscript
book, he suggested that a "variable" was like a drawer that could
hold data and an "array" was like a chest of drawers where you could
reference each drawer with an index. What would an "arrayCollection"
be in this analogy? 




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[flexcoders] Flex2: Question and SecurityPolicy.loadPolicyFile()

2006-08-02 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello Flexcoders;


Is there a way to know when SecurityPolicy.loadPolicyFile( )
has completed?


A little background: our Flex application needs to
communicate with another application running on the same machine. We are using
an XML socket to host the communication. When the user clicks the buttons that
exposes this functionality, a Cairngorm command is executed that does the


1)   Call
SecurityPolicy.loadPolicyFile(). The server responds with a
 XML document.

2)   Create an
XML socket on the same IP address and port as specified in the loadPolicyFile()

3)   Send a small
XML file to the socket.

4)   The server
closes the socket.


I’m running into a problem where the send() operation
on a socket returns successfully, but fails to send any data. This only happens
if I call SecurityPolicy.loadPolicyFile() immediately before calling
socket.connect(). If I use a timer to delay the send() call 500ms after the loadPolicyFile(),
there is no problem.


The docs state: 


When considering a request that requires a policy
file, Flash Player always waits for the completion of any policy file downloads
before denying a request


But this had not been my experience.  Well, I guess the
send() operation is not denied, it’s just never executed.


My solution right now is to use a timer to delay the send()
operation, but this feels like a nasty hack. Is there a better way?



Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700 ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 



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RE: [flexcoders] selectedindex and change event

2006-08-04 Thread Tobias Patton

As far as I know you can’t. Change
events are only fired when the selectedIndex is changed by a user action.


My solution to this problem was to attach
a changeWatcher to the selectedIndex. The changeWatcher’s callback will
be invoked when the value is changed programmatically. It’s also invoked
when the change is from a user action, but the event kind is different, so you
can distinguish between the two.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Douglas Knudsen
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006
2:31 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders]
selectedindex and change event


Ok, I'm
stuck on this.  How to set the selctedIndex on say a List and have it fire
the change event?  

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it? 


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RE: [flexcoders] fundamental logout problem...

2006-08-04 Thread Tobias Patton

You could store all the user’s data
in a singleton object, like a Cairngorm data model. The data model has “Reset()”
method that returns all the data to its initial state. The Logout handler could
call dataModel.Reset().


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Doug Arthur
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006
5:36 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] fundamental
logout problem...


I've built a system that utilizes a login/logout process. The login portion
works great. I realize now that my app is 95% complete, that when logout is
executed, all it really does is change states, clear the user singleton
instance, but what I didn't realize was going to be a challange is how to
globally log them out so that data throughout the app is wiped clean slate, and
when another user logs in, they won't get the previous users data. 


I've tried all the initialize,creationComplete,updateComplete,
and oher methods and they don't do the trick.




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RE: [flexcoders] how do I get the "type" or "class" of an object in AS3

2006-08-11 Thread Tobias Patton

The “is” keyword is probably
good enough for your purposes, but if you need more information, e.g. the name
of the class, it’s superclass, interfaces it implements, etc. you can use
describeType() to get an XML document with all that information.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Claus Wahlers
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006
9:54 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] how do I
get the "type" or "class" of an object in AS3


williams wrote:

> I have an object that is either a TextArea or a TextInput.
> I want to find out which one it is. How do I do that?

if(o is TextArea) { .. }



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RE: [flexcoders] any way to catch application exit?

2006-08-11 Thread Tobias Patton

The technique is described in a bit more
detail here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/45858



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Johannes Nel
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006
12:13 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] any way
to catch application exit?



On 8/11/06, Pan

Is there any way to tie an event to the application exiting?  I
know this is a longshot, but it should would make my settings-saving code a lot
nicer.  I have a few ways to work around it, so don't worry about
suggesting an alternative.  I just thought I'd check to see if there
really was a way to tie into the application exit. 




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RE: [flexcoders] Re: Problem with List in TitleWindow

2006-08-14 Thread Tobias Patton

I reported this as a bug to Adobe, and was
told that the workaround is to set cacheAsBitmap for the PopUpWindow to false.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Doug Lowder
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 4:51
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Problem
with List in TitleWindow


like TitleWindow has some issues with lists.  Here's a workaround. 
If you want to see even more weirdness, try setting headerHeight="0"
for the DataGrid in the below code.

     headerHeight="20" alternatingItemColors="[0xFF,
0xFF]" >

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com,
"gotgoose09" ...> wrote:
> Yes, you're right, I should've given some code.
> http://www.thegoosmans.com/flexlistintitlewindow/TitleWindowListState.sw\
> f
> This is a simplified version of my project. You can right click on the
> SWF and select "View Source" to see the code.
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com,
"Tim Hoff" TimHoff@ wrote:
> >
> > If you could provide the TitleWindow code, it would be easier to see
> > what is causing the problem.
> >
> > -TH
> >
> > --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com,
"gotgoose09" thegoosmans@
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I guess no one has tried this yet?
> > > --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com,
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I have a TitleWindow that has a List with cfm pages in it
> > items. The
> > > > TitleWindow also has a state that adds TextField to create
> > edit a
> > > > list item. The first time I popup this TitleWindow and
> > are more
> > > > items than the List's height, a strange display issue
> > You can
> > > > see it here:
> > > > http://img102.imageshack.us/my.php?
> > image=titlewindowlistbugsm2.jpg
> > > > Notice the white bar on the top of the List.
> > > >
> > > > Now, when I click the create button I go to another state
> > > >
> > http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/3317/titlewindowlistbug2vs4.jpg
> > If I
> > > > now scroll through the list the display issue in the
previous> > image does
> > > > not occur, even after I cancel out of that state.
> > > >
> > > > Anyone have a solution to this?
> > > >
> > >
> >


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[flexcoders] Flex2: Error: VideoPlayerNetStream was unable to invoke callback onLastSecond

2006-08-14 Thread Tobias Patton

Has anyone seen this error? I’m writing a control that
displays an FLV file, allowing the user to pause, start, seek, etc. I sometimes
get this error right before the FLV movie finishes.






Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:.
text=Error #2095: VideoPlayer.as$317.VideoPlayerNetStream was unable to invoke
callback onLastSecond. error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property onLastSecond
not found on VideoPlayer.as$317.VideoPlayerNetStream and there is no default




  at mx.controls::VideoDisplay/play()[C:\dev\GMC\sdk\frameworks\mx\controls\VideoDisplay.as:1405]





  at mx.core::UIComponent/set initialized()[C:\dev\GMC\sdk\frameworks\mx\core\UIComponent.as:1161]







Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700 ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 



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[flexcoders] Flex2: Trouble with BaseListData.rowIndex

2006-08-15 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello Flexcoders;


I’m trying to write a list item renderer that alternates
its background color based on its position in its parent list’s data
provider. I know I could use the alternatingItemColors style on the list, but I
don’t like the way it’s implemented. (Even rows with no content get
the alternating colors. IMHO, empty rows should look like empty rows.)


My item renderer implements IDropInListItemRenderer and
caches the rowIndex parameter of the list data in a bindable attribute. However,
if you run the test application included at the bottom of this email, you’ll
see that the rowIndex parameter is incorrect when the list is scrolled. When
scrolling down, items added to the bottom of the list get the same rowIndex as
the item above them. When scrolling up, items added to the top of the list
always get rowIndex 0. 


The rowIndex parameters can be re-established with the
correct values by making some change to the list that forces it to redraw. For
instance, changing the rowHeight parameter.


Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?




Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 










































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RE: [flexcoders] Re: How to subclass a singleton class ---- cairngorm issue --- Please help!!

2006-04-27 Thread Tobias Patton

Hi Larry;

When you create an mxml file you really are creating a subclass. The
mxml is converted to AS before compiling. If you tell the compiler to
keep generated files, you can see exactly what this looks like, and
convince yourself that it's true.

I think what happens with ServiceLocator is this: you create an instance
of your subclass of ServiceLocator (call it MyLocator) as a child of
your application. When the application is instantiated, the Flex
framework creates an instance of MyLocator by invoking its constructor.
Since MyLocator does not define a constructor, the constructor of its
superclass, ServiceLocator, is invoked. If you look at ServiceLocator's
constructor, you'll see that it assigns 'this' to the class member
serviceLocator. The important thing to realize here is that 'this' is an
instance of MyLocator, not ServiceLocator. So, subsequent calls to
ServiceLocator.getInstance() returns an instance of MyLocator.

Some fancy footwork here, to be sure.


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Larry Liang
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 5:22 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: How to subclass a singleton class 
cairngorm issue --- Please help!!

Thanks a lot michael.

A step by step example would be extremely helpful. I'm sure it will 
help me clarify a few things.

Please email the code to this email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I re-think about the whole issue again and guess the thing that I 
would like to figure out here is what exactly happens in flex when 
you do this:

 mxml" xmlns:cairngorm="org.nevis.cairngorm.business.*" >
  result="event.call.resultHandler( event )"
  fault="event.call.faultHandler( event )">

This is the way that you subclass a class in flex. but does flex 
really create a class that inherits from ServiceLocator class or does 
it create something else which "somehow" copies the code from 
ServiceLocator class and create a new class with a property of 
RemoteObject ?

if it is really subclassing, then in your code, when you do

public function CustomerListDelegate ( responder : Responder )
   this.service = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getService("
   this.responder = responder;

ServiceLocator.getInstance() should return a reference to the parent 
class, not child class. Then how can you use getService() function to 
return a reference to the remoting object? the Parent class "
ServiceLocator" defined in cairngorm does not have a property of 
RemoteObject. It's the child class that we created using MXML has a 
property of remoteObject.

I'm sorry for making this confusing and complicated. I just want to 
know how the framework really works.

Thanks for the help again,


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Are you creating a business delegate class to handle the service 
call?  In
> the cairngorm framework, the actual work of getting the 
remoteObject and
> making a request is inside a delegate.  Consider, for example a
> remoteObject service which returns a list of customers with the id:
> "roCustList".  Create a business delegate class called
> 'CustomerListDelegate' having this function:
> public function CustomerListDelegate ( responder : Responder )
> {
>   this.service = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getService("
>   this.responder = responder;
> }
> the call is made here:
> public function getCustList(): void
> {
>   var call : Object = service.getCustList();
>   call.resultHandler = responder.onResult;
>   call.faultHandler = responder.onFault;
> }
> Obviously there is much more to creating a successful request/
response to a
> service call than this.  You have to create a cairngorm event and 
> that event with is handled in a command class that places the 
result in a
> model.  I can send you a step-by-step bare bones example of all the
> required steps if you think you might benefit.  I don't mind 
admitting that
> I found it a bit bewildering at first, but when you get the hang of 
it, it
> is a great framework.


>  "Larry Liang" To: flexcoders@
>  Sent by:  Subject:  [
flexcoders] How to subclass a singleton class  
>  flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  cairngorm issue --
- Please help!!   
>  04/27/2006 12:36 

>  Please respond 




> I'm new to Flex and have been spending a lot of time trying to 
> out how is part of cairngorm framewor

[flexcoders] Flex 2b2: Performance of XML api

2006-04-27 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello flexcoders;


Has anyone else experienced terrible performance building
nested XML trees?


I wrote a test ActionScript app that builds a nested XML
document with the structure:










I wrote two functions to generate the XML. One using
recursion (ToDeepXML), and one using only iteration (ToDeepXMLNoRecurse). (I
also wrote ToWideXML which builds a balanced tree). The timing results for 200
terms are as follows:


343 ms

434213 ms

31 ms


There is a performance penalty to paid for using recursion,
but I don’t think this could account for an exponential difference in
performance, like what we’re seeing here. If XML object are represented
internally as strings, then the performance difference could be explained by
the fact that the recursive algorithm does insertions, while the non-recursive
algorithm only ever appends. The insertions would involve a lot memory copying,
which never helps performance.


Here’s the code I used for testing:






Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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[flexcoders] Flex 2b2: Creating HTML wrapper outside of Flexbuilder

2006-05-01 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello flexcoders;


Does anyone know a way of processing index.template.html outside
of Flexbuilder to create an html wrapper for a Flex application?


Maybe there’s a Java class in
Flex/libs that could do this?




Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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[flexcoders] Flex 2B2: Can't connect a Socket() on Mac OS X

2006-05-03 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello flexcoders;


I’ve written a small Flex
application that connects to a server running on localhost:50007 using a flash.net.Socket.
The user can send text to the server and view the response. My main goal in
this was to determine if a SWF file hosted on a website can communicate to an
application running on localhost using a Socket. (The answer is “yes”,
provided the server running on localhost is prepared to serve up a crossdomain.xml


The server running on localhost is
written in Python and is a simple echo server that can also respond to the “”


This all works fine when running on my
Windows XP machine, but when I try the application on my Mac, the socket fails
to connect. I know that the server is working as expected because I can connect
succesfully to it using a Python client. When running on a Mac, the OnSocketConnect()
event handler is never invoked. The problem persists regardless of whether the
client SWF file is hosted on a web-server on on the local filesystem. I.e. I don’t
think this is a sandbox security issue. 


If anyone can see something that I’m
doing wrong, I’d appreciate being straightened out.





Here’s the server code (Python):


# Echo server program

import re

import socket


# Symbolic name meaning the local host

# Arbitrary non-privileged port

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,

s.bind((HOST, PORT))


while 1:


    conn, addr =

    print 'Connected by',


    data = "">

    if not data: break

    print 'In: ', '"'
+ data + '"'


    outData = data


    if re.search(
'', data ):

outData = ( '' +

'' +

'' +

'' )


    print "Out:
", '"' + outData + '"'

outData  );




And here’s the client:


















Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2B2: Can't connect a Socket() on Mac OS X

2006-05-03 Thread Tobias Patton

Hi Weyert;

I tried switching Socket to XMLSocket, but have exactly the same
problem. It works on Windows, but not Mac.

I should have noted in my previous email that on the Mac, the server
receives the "" data and sends the appropriate
response, but that's when things stop working. This happens regardless
of whether or not I call loadSecurityPolicy() explicitly.


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Weyert de Boer
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:47 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2B2: Can't connect a Socket() on Mac OS X

What if you use XMLSocket will it work locally then? I haven't any
problems to connect to a local xmlsocketserver in MacOSX using Flash.
can use XMLSockets too, when you only want to echo things, or when you
aren't really traffic/binary minded.


Weyert de Boer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


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[flexcoders] Flex 2B2: Cross-platform bug in XMLSocket?

2006-05-04 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello flexcoders (and Adobe, I hope);


I’ve been working on getting a Flex application to
talk to an application on the local machine through an XML socket. Getting this
to work using the Windows Flash player was trivially easy. Getting it to work
using the Mac OS X Flash player has so far proven impossible. 


I’m using the SimpleServer Java code shown at: http://livedocs.macromedia.com/labs/1/flex20beta2/2515.html


The client code is very simple. It
basically calls socket.connect( “localhost”, 8080) and socket.send(…).
I will paste it into the email below my signature.


For these initial tests, the client is
running from the local filesystem and the server is hosted on the same machine.


When running using the Mac Flash Player,
the socket is never connected on the client side. However, as soon a the client
calls m_socket.connect(…), the server’s call to socket.accept()
returns. So the server thinks the socket is connected, but the client does not.
When I kill the client by closing the browser window, the server echoes the
text “” to the console which means
that this text was received on the incoming socket. 


The security policy request is strange,
in that when both client and server are running on the local file system under
Windows, no such request is made. However, I think it’s tangential to the
main problem – it does not seem possible to connect a socket when running
under the OS X Flash Player.


I would be very gratefull is someone
could look at my code and tell me that I’ve made a stupid mistake.




Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 
















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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2 - i18n

2006-05-08 Thread Tobias Patton


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Devis
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 5:30 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2 - i18n

we are develop a beta PDM program with Flex 2, into a J2EE architecture.
I wish to use I18n for message and UI Label component client side, i have
read that flex 2 support i18n but i have not found documentation about this,
can you help me.

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Chiverton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2 - i18n

>>> On Mon, May 8, 2006 at 12:21 PM, in message
> hi,
> sorry for this post again... but can you give me some docs or examples
> please

Of what ?
i18n is a big subject - what are you trying to do ?

Tom Chiverton

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[flexcoders] Beta2 and Beta3 Mac OS X browser crash

2006-05-23 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello Flexcoders;


I’ve come across a problem where the Safari browser
will crash when loading an SWF file. This affects some computers, but not
others. I’ve not been able to isolate what’s different about the
computers where the crash occurs compared to those where it doesn’t. I’ve
created two SWF files that trigger the crash. The similarity between these two
files is that they both access the network. One uses XMLSocket, the other
WebService. In both cases, the stack trace is very similar. I’ve appended
the stack trace from the crash when loading the SWF file that uses XMLSocket.


This crash affects Flash Player 8.5b2 and Flash Player 9b3.


Has anyone else seen this problem? Anyone know if there’s
anything I can do to work around it?


More importantly, anyone at Adobe know if it will be fixed
in a future release?



Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700 ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 

Date/Time:  2006-05-23
10:50:53.627 -0700

OS Version: 10.4.6 (Build

Report Version: 4


Command: Safari


Parent:  WindowServer [27040]


2.0.3 (417.9.2)

Build Version:  7

Project Name:   WebBrowser

Source Version: 4170902


PID:    29107

Thread: 0


Exception:  EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (0x0002)

Code[0]:    0x0002

Code[1]:    0x093dc768



Thread 0 Crashed:

0   <<>>     0x093dc768
0 + 155043688

1   ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x052bb834
native_ShockwaveFlash_TCallFrame + 1117932

2   ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x052db688
native_ShockwaveFlash_TCallFrame + 1248576

3   <<>>     0x08fefcbc
0 + 150928572

4   <<>>     0x08ffb3e0
0 + 150975456

5   ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x052bb834
native_ShockwaveFlash_TCallFrame + 1117932

6   ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x052db688
native_ShockwaveFlash_TCallFrame + 1248576

7   <<>>     0x08ff88ac
0 + 150964396

8   ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x052bb834
native_ShockwaveFlash_TCallFrame + 1117932

9   ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x052db858
native_ShockwaveFlash_TCallFrame + 1249040

10  ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x052bbbc0
native_ShockwaveFlash_TCallFrame + 1118840

11  ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x05234838
native_ShockwaveFlash_TCallFrame + 564976

12  ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x0523f558
native_ShockwaveFlash_TCallFrame + 609296

13  ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x0523ee88
native_ShockwaveFlash_TCallFrame + 607552

14  ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x051275c4
Flash_EnforceLocalSecurity + 901608

15  ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x050552b8
Flash_EnforceLocalSecurity + 40668

16  ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin   0x0504d164
Flash_EnforceLocalSecurity + 7560

  0x952a55bc -[WebBaseNetscapePluginView
sendEvent:] + 280

  0x952a738c -[WebBaseNetscapePluginView
sendNullEvent] + 144

  0x92934f5c __NSFireTimer + 116

com.apple.CoreFoundation     0x907efaec
__CFRunLoopDoTimer + 184

com.apple.CoreFoundation     0x907dc464
__CFRunLoopRun + 1680

com.apple.CoreFoundation     0x907dba18
CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268

  0x931d8980 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 264

  0x931d8014 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 380

  0x931d7e80 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
+ 96

  0x936ba104 _DPSNextEvent + 384

  0x936b9dc8 -[NSApplication
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 116

  0x6e74 0x1000 + 24180

  0x936b630c -[NSApplication run] + 472

  0x937a6e68 NSApplicationMain + 452

  0x0005cbec 0x1000 + 375788

  0x0005ca94 0x1000 + 375444

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RE: [flexcoders] Image scale 9 having fun

2006-05-25 Thread Tobias Patton

Here’s a little application I wrote
to test 9-slice scaling. Replace the .png image with one of your own and see if
it works for you.




















'resources/DSHB_But_search_up.png' )"/>









flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stacey Mulcahy
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 2:55
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Image scale
9 having fun


Alrighty, I'll take one for
the team and post the stupidest question of the day, in fact its Stacey++ since
I accidentally posted this to the Flashcoders list….


- I have the following (flex


[Embed(source='assets/header.png',scaleGridTop='20', scaleGridLeft='10',

scaleGridBottom='30', scaleGridRight='20')] [Bindable] var headerImage:Class;





Basically it should be a
header that expands width wise use the scale grid. 

Its definitely NOT working
for me regardless of how I set it up. Does it need to be within a container (
tried that, didn't get the results I wanted)


Ultimately the left has to
be like 200 pixels in rather than those numbers, but whatever.


Also the docs are
inconsistent, some examples show the scale properties assigned to strings, some
show numbers..


Anyone got a simple example of this that I could try
using, this is driving me nuts, just trying to get an expanding header...

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RE: [flexcoders] Re: flex2 Beta3 - slow to non existent document delivery

2006-05-26 Thread Tobias Patton



Maybe you’re not looking in the
right place. From the Flex Builder IDE, choose “Help Contents” from
the “Help” menu. I think that all the documentation and tutorials
available online can be found here.




flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of p b
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 7:53 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: flex2
Beta3 - slow to non existent document delivery



There is virtually no documentaion as part of the flex2 Beta download.
There are samples, sure, but not documentation. None. There are
"documentation" links embedded within the readme.html that point
back to various macromedia sites but they don't work.


rama satoskar

Well there are samples for each and evry concept in the help
documentation with some tutorials too. Try ur hand at it.
Best of luck.
-- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, p b <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alistair,
>   Yes I have also tried this. I can't get one document to save,
one. It's very odd. I'm at my wits end.
>   Another gentlemen suggested that there is documentation w the
download. While I have the download, I haven't looked there yet to see
what's available. That's a good idea! Does anyone know, are the
tutorials and the like there?
>   I really want to get up to speed on this but I'm currently
>   Thanks to both of you,
>   PB
>   Alistair McLeod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hi PB,
>   Have you tried to save the pdf to your local file system,
than downloading and reading it over the internet every time?
>   Regards,
>   Alistair
> -
>   From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of p b
> Sent: 26 May 2006 14:25
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] flex2 Beta3 - slow to non existent document
>   I'm trying to get up to speed and participate in the Flex2
programme, but 'm having a difficult time doing so. Please forgive me
if I'm bothering the group, but this is incredibly frustrating. I'm
wondering if the folks at Adobe/Macromedia are up to speed on this
document delivery issue?
>   Whenever I try to access any of the Flex2 beta documentation I
into problems. Say for example I'd like to peruse the
"flex2_gettingstarted_pdf" docs. I click on the appropriate link from
within the release notes section at the "labs" site and it takes
forever to load. When the document finally does come back I get a few
pages, that's it. When I try to scroll to a new page it takes
literally 3 minutes to perform a page down if it occurs at all. Often
the "document" just hangs.  If I try to print the document, the
process also hangs, w/o fail. I've tried printing perhaps 10 times
over the last week at various times to no avail. The LiveDocs are no
better. Thus the whole learning exercise becomes moot.
>   While I have a 3mb broadband connection, I'm in the East near
Toronto, and I
fear, I'm doomed since I'm not at all proximal to
"your" pops on the West coast. I'm about ready to bail on the beta,
it's just too time consuming to tough it out.
>   Any insight would be appreciated. 
>   (As an aside I can access literally thousands of pages of
documentation at the Oracle site in a flash, (pardon aside). Their
document delivery system works. If you Adobe folks wanna get the word
out about your flex software, this has certainly got to improve
quickly, IMHO.
>   Thanks for your time.
>   PB
> -
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[flexcoders] Flex2b3: Buttons with cornerRadius look nasty

2006-05-30 Thread Tobias Patton

When I set the corner radius of a Button to 16 pixels
(giving the button an oval appearance), the button looks nasty when rendered. Above
the button, there is a shadow that looks to be in the shape of the normal  trapezoidal
button. Any ideas?


Here’s the code:





    cornerRadius   : 16;

    fillColors       :

    fillAlphas      :

    color    :

    textRollOverColor  :









Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Namespace hell

2006-06-06 Thread Tobias Patton

Hi Ben;


You can get this to work using the
labelFunction property of the DataGridColumn.
















flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ben.clinkinbeard
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 10:43
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Namespace


OK, I have posted several times now about problems
caused by having
namespaces in XML in Flex (specifically Beta 3), and have gotten
virtually no responses. Please, someone respond, even if to say "I
have the same problem" or "this can't be done". I am beginning
think that Flex is simply not very capable in this area. I seriously
hope this is not the case.

Default namespaces seem to be the most problematic, as they seem to
prevent the XML from even being used as a DataProvider. Take this
simple setup.

var entries:XML = 

5/5/2006 9:56:30 AM

5/3/2006 3:07:27 PM


namespace d = "http://site.com/Back/DocMetadata";
var list:XMLListCollection = new XMLListCollection(entries.d::Entry);
myDataGrid.dataProvider = list;



This results in the DataGrid being populated with 2 items, but there
is no text displayed. You simply have empty rollovers. However, if you
remove the namespace from the xml and update the AS accordingly,
everything works correctly, with text being displayed as expected. Is
this really a shortcoming of Flex or am I missing something really simple?



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RE: [flexcoders] Re: The namespace that won't die

2006-06-14 Thread Tobias Patton

I think you do have to specify the
namespace for each component. Unless a child node explicitly specifies a
namespace, it inherits the namespace of its parent node.


It makes your code a bit more verbose, but
shouldn’t cause any real problems.




flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ben.clinkinbeard
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006
1:38 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: The
namespace that won't die


Anyone? I shouldn't have to use the namespace
qualifier for every
level I go down, should I?


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com,
...> wrote:
> Hello, part 6735 in the namespace hell series... Shouldn't code like
> XML(obj_data).ns_dmws::Plans.PlanNumber
> successfully access any and all PlanNumber nodes in a chunk of XML
> like this?:
> http://site.com/Back/DocMetadata">
> RPRe>
> 78167r>
> 78168r>
> InProgress
> It doesn't. In cases where there is only one PlanNumber node, I have
> to do this to get to it, because the namespace seems to attach itself
> to every child node even when accessed with the namespace:
> XML(obj_data).ns_dmws::Plans.ns_dmws::PlanNumber
> In cases where there are multiple PlanNumber nodes I can only access
> the node contents using square brackets because, again, the namespace
> attaches itself to each PlanNumber node. When there are multiple
> PlanNumber nodes, this code:
> XML(obj_data).ns_dmws::Plans.ns_dmws::PlanNumber
> outputs
> http://site.com/Back/DocMetadata">78167>
> http://site.com/Back/DocMetadata">78168>


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FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
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RE: [flexcoders] Please Help With MXMLC Compile Error

2006-06-20 Thread Tobias Patton

Hi Lance;


I had a similar problem and the solution
was to remove all the comments from the mxml file that was failing in the


Yes. That’s right. Remove all the
comments. It made no sense to me either.


I’ve been assured by Adobe that this
is a known bug that will be fixed in the next release.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Lance Linder
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 12:48
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Please Help
With MXMLC Compile Error


I posted
this a few days ago with no response. I am still hoping that I can resolve this
or at least feel comfortable in believing that the error might go away with the
next release of Flex.


I might feel
this error is my fault but what I can’t get around is the fact that it
compiles fine from FlexBuilder but not MXMLC compiler. I thought FlexBuilder
uses MXMLC as its compiler?


I have tried
reproducing the problem with smaller applications but it works just fine. The
error only comes up on a much larger application I am working on.


Here is the
entire error:


[exec] Starting 'mxmlc.exe ( -load-config tt3-flex-config.xml
TimeTracking3.mxml)' in 'flex'

[exec] Loading configuration file tt3-flex-config.xml, root element

[exec] Initial setup: 296ms

[exec] Loaded 9 SWCs: 936ms

[exec] Compiling...

[exec] Files: 630 Time: 7454ms

[exec] Error: Compilation unit had no type info and after parsing
has no syntax tree


[exec] java.lang.AssertionError: Compilation unit had no type info
and after parsing has no syntax tree

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.as3.binding.TypeAnalyzer.analyzeClass(TypeAnalyzer.java:175)

[exec]  at

[exec]  at

[exec]  at macromedia.asc.parser.ClassDefinitionNode.evaluate(ClassDefinitionNode.java:86)

[exec]  at

[exec]  at

[exec]  at flash.swf.tools.as3.EvaluatorAdapter.evaluate(EvaluatorAdapter.java:910)

[exec]  at

[exec]  at

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.as3.Compiler.parse(Compiler.java:313)


[exec]  at

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.mxml.Compiler.parse(Compiler.java:89)


[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.parse(API.java:1631)

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.parse(API.java:1592)

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.batch2(API.java:285)

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.batch(API.java:764)

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.compile(API.java:889)

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.compile(API.java:796)

[exec]  at flex2.tools.Compiler.main(Compiler.java:194)

[exec] Total time: 8686ms

[exec] Peak memory usage: 72 MB (Heap: 49, Non-Heap: 23)


I can only
hope that this will be resolved in the next release!




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[flexcoders] Flex 2B3 - Feature request: smooth scrolling list

2006-06-23 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello Flexcoders;


The current behavior of the list control is to scroll in
increments of the tallest (or widest for horizontal lists) item currently
visible. When the list is small and the items big, this provides a fairly “chunky”
scrolling experience. I would like to be able to set the scroll increment
manually to provide a smoother scrolling experience.


If anyone has any ideas how to work around this problem, I’d
love to hear them. I’ve tried using a repeater, but when there are a
large number of items this can become very slow, even when the “recycleChildren”
flag is set to “true”.



Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700 ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 



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RE: [flexcoders] Re: Flex2.0 Beta BUG: cellRender/cellEditor

2006-03-16 Thread Tobias Patton
You need to put:


in the declaration of your MXML component.


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of t_msreddy
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 10:28 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex2.0 Beta BUG: cellRender/cellEditor

I not implementing a cellRenderer as AS class instead i do it in the 
mxml. In mxml I have set and get listData methods. I no where 
specify that I am implementing the interface. Ss it not implicit in 
MXMLs that if it has set and get listData methods that it is 
implementing the IDropInListItemRenderer interface? 

Creating a cellrenderer in AS is a big mess, which I want to avoid. 
Can you please tell me how can i implement a interface in mxml?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "thunderstumpgesatwork" 
> I have implemented this interface in Beta1 and it works just fine 
> me... did you specify "implements IDropInListItemRenderer" in your
> class declaration? For example, mine looks like this:
> public class PivotTableCellRenderer extends mx.containers.HBox
> implements IDropInListItemRenderer
> The rest (the getter/setter methods) were a cut and paste from the
> docs with the exception of TWO things... the internal variable in 
> documentation has two underscores (__listData vs _listData) I make
> mine all use one underscore. I believe that is better practice. 
> Also, the documentation references "FlexEvent.DATA_OBJECT_CHANGED"
> which doesn't exist, so I've just called it this way:
> this.dispatchEvent(new Event("dataObjectChanged"));
> Hope this helps... I always hate the "It works for me" answer, but 
> does =)
> good luck,
> Thunder
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "t_msreddy"  wrote:
> >
> > So I understand that editorProperty and cellEndEdit are mutually
> > exclusive. They both do the same but for complicated stuff we 
have to
> > use cellEndEdit event hook.   But the bug is really in the 
> > listData object which is never set. When the datagrid is 
rendered for
> > the first time, it cannot depend on cellEndEdit. It will depend 
> > dataObject in cellRenderer to render values. And since 
dataObject cannot
> > help in getting the cell indices, we need listData. And the
> > documentation says that the cellRenderer has to implement
> > IDropInListItemRenderer  interface. But it looks like this set 
and get
> > methods are never called and so my listData object is always 
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Stephen Gilson" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > There is an example of returning multiple results from a cell 
> > > in the Beta 1 doc at:
> > > http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/20beta1/docs/1110.html
> > >
> > > Basically, you have to handle the cellEndEdit event, extract 
the data
> > > from the cell editor, and write it directly to the control. 
Please let
> > > me know if this example is helpful.
> > >
> > > Stephen
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
> > On
> > > Behalf Of t_msreddy
> > > Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:59 AM
> > > To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> > > Subject: [flexcoders] Flex2.0 Beta BUG: cellRender/cellEditor
> > >
> > >
> > > I have posted this question many times in the group, but this 
time I
> > > want to put it very clearly so that people notice this problem
> > >
> > > The BUG is if you cellRenderer implements 
> > (where
> > > you implement set and get listData methods, refer
> > >
> > http://livedocs.macromedia.com/labs/1/flex/langref/index.html?
> > > etail.html&mxml-tags.html), its set and get listData methods 
are never
> > > invoked. So you cellRenderer's listData local var is always 
> > >
> > > There are couple of issues here. The problem on hand is 
related to
> > > cellRenderer/cellEditor for a DataGrid. I really see no value 
> > > editorProperty attribute in datagrid, becuase most of times 
when you
> > > implement a cellRenderer/cellEditor it will have more than one
> > editable
> > > property. So what will you set the editorProperty. They dont 
> > about
> > > this in the documentation. They only talk about simple 
examples which
> > > has only one editable property. Manish suggested that we use a
> > composite
> > > label of all the editable properties in cellRenderer to set to 
> > > editorProperty. I am not sure how this works. When the 
datagrid sets
> > the
> > > editorProperty, it will set the composite label and how does 
> > > cellRenderer know how to split this label to set the values to
> > > appropriate textInput fields in my cellRenderer.
> > >
> > >
> > > My cell renderer implements
> > > mx.controls.listclasses.IDropInListItemRenderer interface and
> > implements
> > > set and get listData methods (see code 

[flexcoders] compc and Unicode properties files

2006-03-17 Thread Tobias Patton

The documentation (http://download.macromedia.com/pub/documentation/en/flex/2/flex2_appdev.pdf)
for localization states that property files can be encoded as Latin-1 or
Unicode (\u). However, when I try to compile a UTF-16 property file, I get
the error:


[compc] DSHB_Strings_properties(14): col: 23 Error: End of
input reached before closing quote for string literal


[compc] __propObj["■ 

[compc]   ^


[compc] DSHB_Strings_properties(17): col: 2 Error: Expecting
rightbrace before end of program


[compc] package


I thought perhaps the BOM was getting in the way, so I
removed it in a hex editor, but this made no difference. It looks as though the
compiler is choking on the double-byte characters.


If I encode the properties file as UTF-8, I get a runtime
error stating that the resource could not be found. I think this is due to the
BOM. If I put the string on the second line of the file, I don’t get the
runtime error, but the string is corrupted (Japanese characters rendering as
garbage Latin-1 characters.)


Any ideas?




Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


Flexcoders Mailing List
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RE: [flexcoders] compc and Unicode properties files

2006-03-20 Thread Tobias Patton
I figured out late on Friday that there is no support for double-byte
characters in property files. I had to check my calendar to confirm
that, yes, this is the 21st century. I come from the land of C++, and
have had very little exposure to Java.  This is my only excuse.

My plan is to use a TMX database to store localized strings. We have a
number of hand-rolled tools to extract, merge and manipulate TMX files.
I suspect it won't be too hard to write a tool to export TMX to
properties files, now that I know about escaped Unicode.


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Paul Hastings
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 7:14 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] compc and Unicode properties files

Tobias Patton wrote:
> for localization states that property files can be encoded as Latin-1
> Unicode (\u). However, when I try to compile a UTF-16 property

no, that should be "escaped" ASCII unicode or as sun calls it
as used in java style resource bundles (rb) NOT utf-anything.

> I thought perhaps the BOM was getting in the way, so I removed it in a
> editor, but this made no difference. It looks as though the compiler
> choking on the double-byte characters.

shouldn't be *any* "double-byte characters", it should be "escaped"
unicode. what are you using to create/manage the property files? if you
have the
JDK installed someplace & your resource bundles are utf-8 or whatever,
try using
the command-line native2ascii tool to convert the these into proper rb.
otherwise get an rb tool.

frankly for anything even mildly complex you *should* be using an rb
tool like
ibm's rbManager (part of the icu4j project). trying to handle what's
translated, managing changes, interfacing w/3rd party translation
agencies, etc.
with something like notepad will ruin your day.

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[flexcoders] The @Resource compiler directive

2006-03-20 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello list;


I’m working on developing a localization strategy for
our Flex application.


I have successfully used the @Resource directive to set the
text attribute of mx:Label components to a localized value:




But I have not been able to do the same with an mx:XML
component that is used as the data provider for a popup menu. The following code
results in the label attribute having the literal value “@Resource…”.




I’ve resorted to building the XML data provider
programmatically, but was wondering if there are any plans to support the
@Resource directive in XML components.






Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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[flexcoders] Beta 2: ListEvent.itemRenderer is always null?

2006-03-21 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello List;


I’m going through the process, as many of you are, of
updating my project to Beta 2. I have an event handler for the
ListEvent.ON_CLICK event. In Beta 1, I would examine the event’s cell
property which contained a reference to the item renderer for the clicked item.
But, in Beta 2 there is no cell property. There is, however, an itemRenderer
property described in the docs as: The data provider element for
the item being edited, clicked, or pressed.


Sounds promising, right? But unfortunately, this property of
the event always seems to be null.


Anyone know what’s going on here?




Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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[flexcoders] Changes to mxmlc in Beta 2?

2006-03-22 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello list;


Since I upgraded to Beta 2, my mxmlc compilations have been
problematic. Specifically, I get the runtime error: “Error: Key
outOfBounds was not found in resource bundle SharedResources”


I only get this error when I set the –library-path
switch to point to the directory that contains corelib.swc. The relevant part
of the command line looks like this:




If I remove the library-path element that points to
corelib\bin (and also remove the code that depends on corelib), I can compile
and run successfully. 


Also, I can compile and run from the IDE where I just added
corelib.swc to the list of libraries in the “Flex Build Path” tab
of the project properties dialog.


The same command line worked in Beta 1.


Can anyone help?




Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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[flexcoders] Flex 2.0: mxmlc question

2006-03-22 Thread Tobias Patton

Can someone explain the difference between the “-include-libraries”
and “-library-path” compiler options?


The documentation states that “-include-libraries”
is commonly used to link in an .swc file containing localized resources. But what
about .swc file containing other .swc files used by the application? The
documentation for “-library-path” implies that this option should
be used to link in custom components. What is the difference? When I add a
library in Flex Builder, does this translate to an “-include-libraries”
option of a “-library-path” option?


Also, the documentation states that the Flex compilers do
not use a config file by default. However, unless I specify the “-load-config”
option, I get the error: defaults: Error: unable to open './flex-config.xml'. Is
this flag required or not?





Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2.0: mxmlc question

2006-03-23 Thread Tobias Patton

Hi Roger;


So, to link corelib.swc into my
application, you’d supply the path to corelib as an argument to the –library-path
option? Here’s the command-line I’m using:




This compiles, but I get the following
runtime error when I launch my application:


Error: Key outOfBounds was not found in
resource bundle SharedResources











This used  to work in Beta 1.


If I remove the reference to corelib.swc
from the command line (and comment out any code that depends on corelib), I can
compile and run the application. 


Can you suggest what might be wrong with
the way I’m building the application?





BTW: The reason flex-config.xml couldn’t
be found was that I was running mxmlc with ‘java –jar mxmlc.jar’


flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roger Gonzalez
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006
8:09 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Flex
2.0: mxmlc question


library-path makes SWCs available for
resolving class dependencies.  This is normally what you want.

include-libraries forces all symbols in
the SWCs to be included in the application, whether they are needed or not.



I don't know why you'd get that error
unless you're not using mxmlc or Flex Builder.  By default, the compiler
tries to load flex-config.xml out of ${flexlib}, which for mxmlc.exe is
relative to the bin directory, and I suspect is set explicitly by Flex Builder.


I don't know what the "does not use a
config file by default" means.  mxmlc certainly loads a
flex-config.xml file by default.  I'm not positive what Flex Builder does,


In beta 2, you should be able to use
-load-config+=otherfile.xml to overlay your config on top of the default


In other words, the config file isn't
required, but there are some default settings that are trying to load it. 
Something about your setup sounds broken.




flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tobias Patton
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006
4:38 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex 2.0:
mxmlc question

Can someone
explain the difference between the “-include-libraries” and
“-library-path” compiler options?

documentation states that “-include-libraries” is commonly used to
link in an .swc file containing localized resources. But what about .swc file
containing other .swc files used by the application? The documentation for
“-library-path” implies that this option should be used to link in
custom components. What is the difference? When I add a library in Flex
Builder, does this translate to an “-include-libraries” option of a
“-library-path” option?

the documentation states that the Flex compilers do not use a config file by
default. However, unless I specify the “-load-config” option, I get
the error: defaults: Error: unable to open './flex-config.xml'. Is this flag
required or not?



Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 

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[flexcoders] Bug in list.selectedIndices

2006-03-23 Thread Tobias Patton

Just a quick note to Adobe:


I reported a bug in Flex 2 Beta 1 where the selectedIndices
property of a list control would not contain the correct values if the user
selected multiple entries using the shift key. The problems is still in Beta 2.





Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2.0: mxmlc question

2006-03-23 Thread Tobias Patton

The only swc I’m adding is corelib,
which was downloaded from http://labs.macromedia.com/wiki/index.php/ActionScript_3:resources:apis:libraries#corelib.
I guess it’s safe to assume that it was built with the Beta 1 compiler. I
would have thought this was the problem except for the fact that I can build
the same project through Flex Builder. The very same corelib.swc is added as a
library in the project properties.


When a library is added to a project using
Flex Builder, is that the same as adding a –library-path option to mxmlc?
There are options available in Flex Builder for added .swc files (Source attachment,
link type, RSL URL, auto extract swf) that don’t seem to translate
directly to the command line.




I don’t think the “copy the
en_US directory” would work here. en_US  is my current system
locale, and it’s also the folder pointed to by the flex-config.xml file.
The people who found this hack to work for them were all in a different locale.


flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roger Gonzalez
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006
2:10 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Flex
2.0: mxmlc question


First, make certain you don't have any Beta1 SWCs
being loaded by Beta2.  That will break.


If you add corelib.swc (or its parent directory) to
your library path, it will make it available to be linked in.


Its choking in the ResourceBundle code, which
implies to me that ListCollectionView isn't getting something it needs. 
Have you done the same sort of "copy the en_us directory" locale hack
that has worked for other people?




flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tobias Patton
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006
8:15 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Flex
2.0: mxmlc question

Hi Roger;

So, to link corelib.swc into my application, you’d
supply the path to corelib as an argument to the –library-path option?
Here’s the command-line I’m using:

mxmlc -actionscript-classpath=D:\PerforceDepot\galiano\Galiano.Tobias_Patton\Client\classes

This compiles, but I get the following runtime error when I
launch my application:

Error: Key outOfBounds was not found in resource bundle

at mx.resource::ResourceBundle/getObject()

at mx.resource::ResourceBundle/getString()

at mx.collections::ListCollectionView$/::loadResources()

at mx.managers::SystemManager$/registerInitCallback()

at mx.collections::ListCollectionView$cinit()

at global$init()

at global$init()

at _DashboardJobsView_FlexInit$/init()

at mx.managers::SystemManager/::frameEndHandler()

This used  to work in Beta 1.

If I remove the reference to corelib.swc from the command
line (and comment out any code that depends on corelib), I can compile and run
the application. 

Can you suggest what might be wrong with the way I’m
building the application?



BTW: The reason flex-config.xml couldn’t be found was
that I was running mxmlc with ‘java –jar mxmlc.jar’

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Roger Gonzalez
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006
8:09 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Flex
2.0: mxmlc question

library-path makes SWCs available for resolving class
dependencies.  This is normally what you want.

include-libraries forces all symbols in the SWCs to be included in
the application, whether they are needed or not.

I don't know why you'd get that error unless you're
not using mxmlc or Flex Builder.  By default, the compiler tries to load
flex-config.xml out of ${flexlib}, which for mxmlc.exe is relative to the bin
directory, and I suspect is set explicitly by Flex Builder.

I don't know what the "does not use a config file by
default" means.  mxmlc certainly loads a flex-config.xml file by
default.  I'm not positive what Flex Builder does, though.

In beta 2, you should be able to use
-load-config+=otherfile.xml to overlay your config on top of the default config.

In other words, the config file isn't required, but there
are some default settings that are trying to load it.  Something about
your setup sounds broken.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Tobias Patton
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006
4:38 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex 2.0:
mxmlc question

Can someone
explain the difference between the “-include-libraries” and

RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2.0: mxmlc question

2006-03-23 Thread Tobias Patton
Thanks Mike;

Including the up-to-date source for corelib in my actionscript classpath
did the trick.

The mystery remains, however, as to why I could link against the old
corelib.swc in FlexBuilder but not from the command line.


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mike Chambers
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 3:21 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2.0: mxmlc question

Yes. We have not rebuilt those SWCs for beta 2 yet (trying to track down

one bug).

In the meantime, you can link against the source which has been updated.


Sorry about the hassle.

mike chambers


Tobias Patton wrote:
> The only swc I'm adding is corelib, which was downloaded from 
> I guess it's safe to assume that it was built with the Beta 1
> I would have thought this was the problem except for the fact that I
> build the same project through Flex Builder. The very same corelib.swc

> is added as a library in the project properties.
> When a library is added to a project using Flex Builder, is that the 
> same as adding a -library-path option to mxmlc? There are options 
> available in Flex Builder for added .swc files (Source attachment,
> type, RSL URL, auto extract swf) that don't seem to translate directly

> to the command line.
> Tobias.
> I don't think the "copy the en_US directory" would work here. en_US
> my current system locale, and it's also the folder pointed to by the 
> flex-config.xml file. The people who found this hack to work for them 
> were all in a different locale.

> *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> *On Behalf Of *Roger Gonzalez
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 23, 2006 2:10 PM
> *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2.0: mxmlc question
> First, make certain you don't have any Beta1 SWCs being loaded by 
> Beta2.  That will break.
> If you add corelib.swc (or its parent directory) to your library path,

> it will make it available to be linked in.
> Its choking in the ResourceBundle code, which implies to me that 
> ListCollectionView isn't getting something it needs.  Have you done
> same sort of "copy the en_us directory" locale hack that has worked
> other people?
> -rg

> *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Tobias Patton
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 23, 2006 8:15 AM
> *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2.0: mxmlc question
> Hi Roger;
> So, to link corelib.swc into my application, you'd supply the path
> to corelib as an argument to the -library-path option? Here's the
> command-line I'm using:
> mxmlc
> -library-path
> --
> This compiles, but I get the following runtime error when I launch
> my application:
> Error: Key outOfBounds was not found in resource bundle
> at mx.resource::ResourceBundle/getObject()
> at mx.resource::ResourceBundle/getString()
> at
> at mx.managers::SystemManager$/registerInitCallback()
> at mx.collections::ListCollectionView$cinit()
> at global$init()
> at global$init()
> at _DashboardJobsView_FlexInit$/init()
> at mx.managers::SystemManager/::frameEndHandler()
> This used  to work in Beta 1.
> If I remove the reference to corelib.swc from the command line
> comment out any code that depends on corelib), I can compile and
> the application.
> Can you suggest what might be wrong with the way I'm building the

[flexcoders] Format of UIDUtils.createUid() string is incorrect

2006-03-24 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello list;


My application makes a web-service call to a .NET server
that requires a UUID parameter which the client must generate. The call was
failing and I was at a loss to figure out why until I looked in the WSDL and
noticed that the GUID is defined a string of hex digits in groups of 8, 4, 4,
4, and 12.


However, the GUID generated by UIDUtils has groupings of 8,
4, 4, and 16 (e.g. DC3ADAA2-5E84-9977-33BDDC55). I don’t think this is
correct. In fact, the documentation for the createUid function claims: 

has the form "----"
where X is a hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F).    

Does anyone from Adobe know if this will be fixed in
subsequent version of the framework?


Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


Flexcoders Mailing List
FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
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RE: [flexcoders] Re: Format of UIDUtils.createUid() string is incorrect

2006-03-25 Thread Tobias Patton
That should work, since the fourth grouping represents two different
bytes. If it represented a short word, then there would be endian issues
to consider.

-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Doug Lowder
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 4:30 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Format of UIDUtils.createUid() string is

I also had to do conversion between UUIDs in 8-4-4-4-12 and 8-4-4-16 
formats.  The workaround is trivial: since these are strings, I just 
removed or inserted the final dash character as needed.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Tobias Patton" 
> Hello list;
> My application makes a web-service call to a .NET server that 
requires a
> UUID parameter which the client must generate. The call was 
failing and
> I was at a loss to figure out why until I looked in the WSDL and 
> that the GUID is defined a string of hex digits in groups of 8, 4, 
4, 4,
> and 12.
> However, the GUID generated by UIDUtils has groupings of 8, 4, 4, 
and 16
> (e.g. DC3ADAA2-5E84-9977-33BDDC55). I don't think this is
> correct. In fact, the documentation for the createUid function 
> The UID has the form "----" where 
X is a
> hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F).
> Does anyone from Adobe know if this will be fixed in subsequent 
> of the framework?
> Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak
> Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700 ext: 
5148 |
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |
> http://www.creo.com <http://www.creo.com>

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Flexcoders Mailing List
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[flexcoders] Flex 2: WebServervice call sometimes swaps parameters

2006-03-27 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello list;


My application invokes a .NET web service that takes two
string parameters (SessionID and Query). On occasion, I get an error. When I
look at the RPC debug information, the SOAP envelope shows that the values for
two parameters have been swapped (ie. SessionID gets the value intended for
Query and vice-versa). 


The truly weird thing is that this only happens sometimes. If
I get the error, the very next run of the application may or may not show it,
with no code changes. This sounds like the kind of bug that would result from a
race-condition, but I don’t see how that could be the case in mapping
function parameters to SOAP parameters.


I think I remember seeing this problem posted to the list
before, but can’t find it in the archives.


Can anyone help?



Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2: WebServervice call sometimes swaps parameters

2006-03-27 Thread Tobias Patton
Hi Tim;

Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure that we're experiencing exactly the
same problem. As far as I know, our web server (ASP .NET) does not rely
on the order of parameters in the SOAP envelope. 

The problem for us is that the values passed to the server are being
placed in the wrong SOAP parameters. 

For example, here is the incorrect SOAP envelope that results in a web
service fault:


And here is the correct envelope (no code changes -- just a different
run of the application  ):


Look at the  and  parameters. In the first example,
 is blank, and  contains a UID. In the second example,
 contains a UID, and  is blank. 

While it's true that the order of the parameters has been swapped, it's
the fact that the values for the parameters were not also swapped that
is causing the trouble.

I suppose I could change the web-service prototype to take a single,
complex object, but I'd rather not have to alter the server
implementation to fix what seems to be a bug in the client framework.

Is there a different way of defining the parameters and values for a
SOAP web service invocation? Ideally, I would create a dictionary with
SessionID and Query attributes, set the value of those attributes and
attach it to the web service call. I don't see anything in the
WebServices APIs that would let me do that though.


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tim Sawyer
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 9:32 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2: WebServervice call sometimes swaps

Yep, we have that too.  We were told that doc/lit support was a bit
flaky in 
Flex 2.  We solved it by changing our webservice (we use jibx-soap to a
back end) to be unordered.

Search for the mail below for full details of the problem.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of p_b_kennedy
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 5:33 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex 2 - Problem with order of webservice


On Monday 27 Mar 2006 18:15, Tobias Patton wrote:
> Hello list;
> My application invokes a .NET web service that takes two string
> parameters (SessionID and Query). On occasion, I get an error. When I
> look at the RPC debug information, the SOAP envelope shows that the
> values for two parameters have been swapped (ie. SessionID gets the
> value intended for Query and vice-versa).
> The truly weird thing is that this only happens sometimes. If I get
> error, the very next run of the application may or may not show it,
> no code changes. This sounds like the kind of bug that would result
> a race-condition, but I don't see how that could be the case in
> function parameters to SOAP parameters.
> I think I remember seeing this problem posted to the list before, but
> can't find it in the archives.
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks.
> Tobias.
> Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak
> Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700 ext: 5148 |
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |
> http://www.creo.com <http://www.creo.com>

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RE: [flexcoders] List Component Bug!!

2006-03-27 Thread Tobias Patton

I think that the objects in your dataProvider
must implement the IUID interface for selection to work.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Lance Linder
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 1:08
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] List
Component Bug!!




I was just converting a project from Beta1
to Beta2 and noticed a problem with all my List components that were bound to
data providers which are collections of custom objects.


The problem is that the List selection
highlight is stuck on the last item in the list.  Changing the provider to
be an array collection made up of plain instances of the Object class fixes the
problem.  The problem seems to effect anything that uses the List
component (ComboBox, DataGrid…)


Has anyone else seen this and found a
fix?  Using plain old Object instances are not an option.


Here is some sample code that shows the









//-- MyObject.as -


package {


public class MyObject extends Object {

public var name:String;



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[flexcoders] How to get the XML of a SOAP fault

2006-03-27 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello list;


I’m trying to extract SOAP exception information in
the fault handler of my web service call. Using tcpflow on my Mac, I can see
the that the raw SOAP response looks like this:




I would like to be able to get the  node from
the XML stream, but can’t find the XML anywhere in the FaultEvent sent to
my event handler. I would have expected to see it in event.message.body, since
this is where it would be in a ResultEvent. However, the debugger shows that
this object, though not null, has no contents. 


Any ideas?



Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] How to get the XML of a SOAP fault

2006-03-28 Thread Tobias Patton

I should have put it in the subject line
that I am using Flex 2 and FP 8.5.


Is there a way to get the XML  using Flex
2 without a proxy?


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Carson Hager
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 5:02
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] How to
get the XML of a SOAP fault


You simply can't get it unless you use the
proxy. There is no way around this without using FP8.5 and Flex 2. We've been
through this issue thoroughly with support and engineering.





Carson Hager 
Cynergy Systems, Inc. 

Office:  866-CYNERGY 



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Tobias Patton
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 4:16
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] How to get
the XML of a SOAP fault

Hello list;


I’m trying to extract SOAP exception information in
the fault handler of my web service call. Using tcpflow on my Mac, I can see
the that the raw SOAP response looks like this:




I would like to be able to get the  node from
the XML stream, but can’t find the XML anywhere in the FaultEvent sent to
my event handler. I would have expected to see it in event.message.body, since
this is where it would be in a ResultEvent. However, the debugger shows that
this object, though not null, has no contents. 


Any ideas?



Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] dispatching an event from an itemRenderer

2006-03-29 Thread Tobias Patton
Does your event listener listen for events dispatched by the DataGrid?
Make sure that the event your item renderer dispatches has
"bubbles=true". That way, the DataGrid will dispatch the event after the
renderer dispatches it.

-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Chris Scott
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:44 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] dispatching an event from an itemRenderer

OK, this has been giving me trouble for 2 hours now. Flex 2 Beta 2,  
btw. So I have a component with a dataGrid in it. For one of the  
dataGridColumns I have itemRenderer set to another component, in  
which I have a few text fields. I would like to dispatch an event  
when one of those text fields is clicked, and add an event listener  
for it in the component containing the dataGrid. But this will just  
not happen for me. Does anyone have any examples of doing something  
like this? Imagine hyperlinks in the dataGrid cells. Of course I will  
need to access the data for that cell, but one step at a time, perhaps!

Chris Scott

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[flexcoders] Flex 2b2: Localization question

2006-03-30 Thread Tobias Patton



Does anyone know the contexts in which the “@Resource”
directive can used in MXML?


This works:



But this:



Generates a compiler error: “Access of possibly
undefined property 'get' through a reference with static type





Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] TIMER CONTROL

2006-03-31 Thread Tobias Patton

It’s in the documentation:





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Madhuri Chamarty
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 4:00
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] TIMER




Is there a timer control in flex builder how can
i implement a timer  in my application??




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[flexcoders] Flex 2b2: Double click troubles

2006-04-04 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello List;


I have a couple questions/problems with double click events.


 When the user double-clicks an
 object, two events are fired. The first click fires a Click event. The
 second click fires a DoubleClick event. This is problematic when a control
 needs to implement different behaviors for click and double-click. Whenever
 the user double-clicks, the click handler is invoked before the
 double-click handler. How can the click handler know it should ignore the
 event because it’s actually part of a double-click event. 


 Label controls don’t seem
 to every get a DoubleClick event. Even when the doubleClickEnabled
 property is set to “true” for the entire containment
 hierarchy. Is this a bug?


Here’s the application I’m using to test click
and double click events:

















'Label Click' )"

'Label DoubleClick' )"/>





'Button Click' )"

'Button DoubleClick' )"/>




Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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[flexcoders] Question about mx.Resource.Locale

2006-04-04 Thread Tobias Patton

Does anyone know how this class works?


Specifically, does Locale.getCurrent() return run-time or
compile-time locale information? 


Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2 on Mac OS X

2006-04-05 Thread Tobias Patton

You can avoid the “java –jar”
stuff if you download the Flex 2 SDK from labs.adobe.com. They provide shell
scripts (“mxmlc” and “compc”) that wrap all that stuff
up very nicely. Also, because the scripts run from the bin/ directory, they
will find the default flex-config.xml without you having to specify it on the 
command line.


Your command would change to:


mxmlc helloas3.as


Much simpler.




flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bolo Michelin
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006
4:44 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex 2 on
Mac OS X


Hello everyOne :)

i try to follow this post to setup Flex 2 on my
mac (with tiger)

when i did that
4) Verify that
everything is working by copying the "HelloAS3.as" included with flCompile
to your home directory, and executing the following command in the Terminal:
java -jar flex/lib/mxmlc.jar -flexlib
flex/frameworks -file-specs helloas3.as
It should give you compiling messages, and
generate a "HelloAS3.swf" file in your Home directory. 

i have this error

Can u help me


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RE: [flexcoders] F2B2: Namespaces breaking E4X

2006-04-05 Thread Tobias Patton
Try putting this in your function before making any e4x calls

default namespace = "http://www.example.com/xml/";


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of ben.clinkinbeard
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 12:06 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] F2B2: Namespaces breaking E4X

The title pretty much says it all. Using the example code here you can
see what I mean.

If you change the root node to something like http://www.example.com/xml/";>, none of the e4x expressions will
work anymore. Am I missing something really simple here?


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2 on Mac OS X

2006-04-05 Thread Tobias Patton

What do you have on your Mac now? If you
copied over the FlexBuilder installation from a Windows machine, you can just
take mxmlc and compc from the bin directory of the sdk and copy them into the
FlexBuilder bin directory. 


If you run mxmlc from the bin directory,
it will automatically find flex-config.xml. It will also automatically find the
frameworks folder for linking. All that’s left to specify is the file to
compile. Since the –file-specs argument is the default argument, you can omit it.


flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bolo Michelin
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006
2:05 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2
on Mac OS X


Hello Tobias,

i am not sure to understand all :)

>You can avoid the
"java –jar" stuff if you download the Flex 2 SDK from labs.adobe.com. They provide
shell scripts ("mxmlc" and "compc") that wrap all that
stuff up very nicely.

must dowload The Flex 2 SDK so I delete my folder with my last version of Flex

 Also, because the scripts run from
the bin/ directory, they will find the default flex-config.xml without you
having to specify it on the  command line.


Your command would change to:


mxmlc helloas3.as


Much simpler.

Before it was 
java -jar flex/lib/mxmlc.jar -flexlib
flex/frameworks -file-specs helloas3.as

and now only that

 mxmlc helloas3.as





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RE: [flexcoders] Cell Renderer for List

2006-04-06 Thread Tobias Patton
Here's my take. I might be wrong on some details since I figured this
out through discovery, not documentation, but I think it's generally

The problem lies in how the list uses renderers. Regardless of how many
items there are in your list, there are only as many renderers created
as there are *visible* rows in the list. As you scroll the list, these
renderers are re-used to display new content. In other words, as you
scroll, each renderer's setData() method is called with a new data
object for it to render.

The solution is to keep the selected state attribute in the data object
which your renderer encapsulates. Bind some visible aspect of the
renderer (background color, eg.) to the selected state attribute in the
data object.

-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of im_sean_s
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 11:15 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Cell Renderer for List

I was wondering if somone could help me with a cell renderer for a
list.  Basically, I am trying to create a multi-select list where the
user would simply click to select or not select an item.  I have set
the selectable attribute to false for the list and am using a custom
renderer with a mouseDown event.  Then, if the option is selected, I
set the background color of cell renderer.  everything works fine, but
the cell renderer seems to repeat itself, meaning if the list scrolls
and one of the selections are highlighted, then the corresponding row
on the next "page" is also highlighted.  For example, if the list
shows 5 rows and you select row 1, then row 6 will also be
highlighted.  I've listed the code bellow.  If someone could help me
avoid this behavior, it would be much apprecited.

Thank you,


height="100%" width="100%" hScrollPolicy="off"
verticalAlign="middle" borderStyle="none" backgroundAlpha="0"> 


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[flexcoders] Flex 2: How to get the hand cursor?

2006-04-06 Thread Tobias Patton

Hopefully this is an easy one.


The cursor manager only seems to have one built-in cursor:
the busy cursor. 


Is there a way to get a hand cursor, like what you would use
is a mouse-over effect for a hyperlink? Or do I have to load find an icon and
embed it?




Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2: How to get the hand cursor?

2006-04-06 Thread Tobias Patton

Thanks for the reply.


Sadly, this works for some UI components
but not others. It works for mx.controls.Button, for example, but not for
mx.controls.Label, which is where I need it to work.


LinkButton would work for me, but it’s
got some problems. Links are generally place in-line with other text. When I
place a LinkButton next to a other text in a Label control in an HBox, two things
become clear: 1) the baseline for the LinkButton is sunken wrt to the Label and
2) the mouse-over effect is too “loud” for an in-line link.


Guess I’ll roll my own hyperlink



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of JesterXL
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006
1:57 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2:
How to get the hand cursor?


Set a displayobject's buttonMode to true, and useHandCursor
to true.  That'll use the built-in hand cursor.


For everything else, look into using your own via


- Original Message - 

From: Tobias

To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Thursday, April
06, 2006 4:43 PM

Subject: [flexcoders] Flex
2: How to get the hand cursor?


Hopefully this is an easy one.


The cursor manager only seems to have one built-in cursor:
the busy cursor. 


Is there a way to get a hand cursor, like what you would use
is a mouse-over effect for a hyperlink? Or do I have to load find an icon and
embed it?




Creo Inc., a subsidiary of Kodak

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 2: How to get the hand cursor?

2006-04-06 Thread Tobias Patton
Thanks Manish;

That works great.


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Manish Jethani
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 4:24 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 2: How to get the hand cursor?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Tobias Patton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Sadly, this works for some UI components but not others. It works for
> mx.controls.Button, for example, but not for mx.controls.Label, which
> where I need it to work.



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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2 on Mac OS X

2006-04-13 Thread Tobias Patton

Try replacing “–load-config
flex/frameworks” with “-load-config ”


You really should download the SDK and use
the Mac shell scripts that do all the messy java stuff for you. Also, when you
use the shell scripts you don’t have to specify the framework path or
default config file. They get included automatically.




flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bolo Michelin
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006
10:10 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2
on Mac OS X


Nobody Can help me with
flcompile ?

2006/4/12, Bolo Michelin

:) It was my fist link. I sais was problem with
this point.

When i test it, i have this problem



Last login: Wed Apr 12 10:22:13 on ttyp1
java -jar flex/lib/mxmlc.jar -load-config flex/frameworks
-default-background-color '#FF' -default-frame-rate 25 -optimize
-default-size 550 400 -file-specs
Welcome to Darwin!
Ordinateur-de-Bolo-Michelin:~ bolomichelin$ java -jar flex/lib/mxmlc.jar
-load-config flex/frameworks -default-background-color '#FF'
-default-frame-rate 25 -optimize -default-size 550 400 -file-specs
null: /Users/bolomichelin/flex/frameworks (No such file or directory)

java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/bolomichelin/flex/frameworks (No such
file or directory)
java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method) 
    at flex2.compiler.io.LocalFile.getInputStream(LocalFile.java:93)
Ordinateur-de-Bolo-Michelin:~ bolomichelin$ 


I change flCompile and Test.workflow with the good command


if fileExtension is "as" then 
        set myScript to "java -jar
flex/lib/mxmlc.jar -load-config flex/frameworks " & cmdLineParams
& " -file-specs '" & filePath & "'"
    else if fileExtension is "mxml" then 
        set myScript to "java -jar
flex/lib/mxmlc.jar -load-config flex/frameworks -file-specs '" &
filePath & "'"


2006/4/9, John Barrett < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:



I hope you like it`-`

Bolo Michelin <


> I also tried the fCompile, but never got it
working. I think that it was an
> applescript that called the terminal, but who
> I use ANT to compile, which works great. 

What is it ? Can u give me a url ?



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Martinique Sans Fil

Martinique Sans Fil

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[flexcoders] Flex 2b2: Cairngorm SequenceCommand question

2006-04-17 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello list;


SequenceCommand contains the executeNextCommand()


        public function
executeNextCommand() : void


       var isSequenceCommand :
Boolean = ( nextEvent != null );

       if( isSequenceCommand )


nextEvent ); 




I found that when executing this method in
the result handler of a SequenceCommand subclass, the FrontController’s
event handler was never invoked. I changed:


  dispatchEvent( nextEvent ); 



nextEvent ); 


And then the FrontController’s event
handler was invoked as expected. This makes sense to me, since the
SequenceCommand object was not part of the application’s display list,
the event would never bubble up to the application.


Has anyone come across this problem
before? Is there a different solution that doesn’t involve modifying the
Cairngorm source?






Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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[flexcoders] Flex2b2: Problem casting super to an Interface

2006-04-17 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello List:


Given the following classes and interfaces:





package {


interface IInterface 


InterfaceMethod() : void;







package {


class Base implements IInterface


function InterfaceMethod() : void


"Base::InterfaceMethod" );








package {


class Derived extends Base 


public function InterfaceMethod() : void


"Derived::InterfaceMethod" );

super ).InterfaceMethod();






What would you expect as the output of the following?


var derived : Derived = new Derived();   

IInterface( derived ).InterfaceMethod();


I would expect:





But instead I get:






... (repeats for


It seems the the cast: IInterface( super )
is returning ‘this’ and not the base object for ‘this’.
Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding something. (Please note that I’m
a C++ programmer and have had little exposure to Java-style interfaces, so I
could be making a very naïve mistake and not know it.)



Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex2b2: Problem casting super to an Interface

2006-04-18 Thread Tobias Patton

Then it works as expected.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Matt Chotin
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 5:23
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Flex2b2:
Problem casting super to an Interface


What happens if you don’t try
casting and just call super.InterfaceMethod()?  




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Tobias Patton
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 9:38
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex2b2:
Problem casting super to an Interface


Hello List:


Given the following classes and interfaces:





package {

import flash.util.trace; 

public interface IInterface 


function InterfaceMethod() : void;







package {

import flash.util.trace; 

public class Base implements IInterface


public function InterfaceMethod() : void


trace( "Base::InterfaceMethod" );








package {

import flash.util.trace; 

public class Derived extends Base 


override public function InterfaceMethod() : void


trace( "Derived::InterfaceMethod" );

IInterface( super ).InterfaceMethod();






What would you expect as the output of the following?


var derived : Derived = new

IInterface( derived ).InterfaceMethod();


I would expect:





But instead I get:






... (repeats for


It seems the the cast: IInterface( super )
is returning ‘this’ and not the base object for ‘this’.
Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding something. (Please note that I’m
a C++ programmer and have had little exposure to Java-style interfaces, so I
could be making a very naïve mistake and not know it.)



Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2 on Mac OS X

2006-04-18 Thread Tobias Patton

That’s right.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Bolo Michelin
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 6:36
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2
on Mac OS X


You really should download the SDK and use the Mac shell
scripts that do all the messy java stuff for you. Also, when you use the shell
scripts you don't have to specify the framework path or default config file.
They get included automatically.

So i don't need to use java stuff ? i can do
something like that 
mxmlc -file-specs


2006/4/13, Bolo Michelin


really should download the SDK and use the Mac shell scripts that do all the
messy java stuff for you.

I am not
a flash guru, It's my first mac. So what is " he Mac shell scripts" ?





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Bolo
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 10:10 AM

To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2 on Mac OS


Nobody Can help me with flcompile ?

Bolo Michelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

:) It was my fist link. I sais was problem with this point.

When i
test it, i have this problem



login: Wed Apr 12 10:22:13 on ttyp1
java -jar flex/lib/mxmlc.jar -load-config
flex/frameworks -default-background-color '#FF' -default-frame-rate 25
-optimize -default-size 550 400 -file-specs
Welcome to Darwin!
Ordinateur-de-Bolo-Michelin:~ bolomichelin$ java
-jar flex/lib/mxmlc.jar -load-config flex/frameworks -default-background-color
'#FF' -default-frame-rate 25 -optimize -default-size 550 400 -file-specs
null: /Users/bolomichelin/flex/frameworks (No such
file or directory)

/Users/bolomichelin/flex/frameworks (No such file or directory)
java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method) 
Ordinateur-de-Bolo-Michelin:~ bolomichelin$ 


I change
flCompile and Test.workflow with the good command


fileExtension is "as" then 
        set myScript
to "java -jar flex/lib/mxmlc.jar -load-config flex/frameworks "
& cmdLineParams & " -file-specs '" & filePath
& "'"
    else if fileExtension is
"mxml" then 
        set myScript
to "java -jar flex/lib/mxmlc.jar -load-config flex/frameworks -file-specs
'" & filePath & "'"


John Barrett < [EMAIL PROTECTED]



I hope you
like it`-`


Bolo Michelin <


> I also tried the fCompile, but never got it
working. I think that it was an
> applescript that called the terminal, but who
> I use ANT to compile, which works great. 

What is it ? Can u give me a url ?



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Martinique Sans Fil

Martinique Sans Fil

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[flexcoders] Flex2b2: Question about controls and mouse events

2006-04-19 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello List;


One of the panels in my appliction has a
check box immediately to the left of a text input field. I noticed that when I
would click and drag (right to left) to select all the text in the text input,
sometimes the value of the check box would change. It turns out that to change
the value of the check box, all that is required is that a mouse-up event occur
with the mouse above the control. I was a bit sloppy with my drag select, and
was releasing the mouse beyond the left bounday of the text input, over the
check box control, and thereby changing its value.


Is this behavior by design? In every UI
framework I’ve worked with, both Windows and Macintosh, for a control to
change its value there must be a mouse down within the control’s click
region, followed by a mouse-up also in the click region. This allows the user
to change his mind. If the user presses the mouse button over the control, he
can move the pointer away from the control before releasing the button to avoid
activating the control. In Flex 2b2, this is not the case. This same sequence
of events activates the control. Also, in Flex 2b2, pressing the mouse button
when the pointer is not over the control, then moving the pointer over the
control before releasing the button changes the control’s value (as in
the example above). 


Am I the only one that thinks this
behavior is non standard, and perhaps a bit unintuitive the the typical user?


Here’s a small application that
demonstrates what I’m describing.












event )"

event )"

event )"

event )"

event )"/>





Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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[flexcoders] Flex 2b2: [repost] Cairngorm SequenceCommand question

2006-04-19 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello list;


SequenceCommand contains the
executeNextCommand() method:


    public function executeNextCommand() : void


   var isSequenceCommand : Boolean = (
nextEvent != null );

   if( isSequenceCommand ) 


  dispatchEvent( nextEvent




I found that when executing this method in
the result handler of a SequenceCommand subclass, the FrontController’s
event handler was never invoked. I changed:


dispatchEvent( nextEvent ); 



Application.application.dispatchEvent( nextEvent ); 


And then the FrontController’s event
handler was invoked as expected. This makes sense to me, since the
SequenceCommand object was not part of the application’s display list,
the event would never bubble up to the application.


Has anyone come across this problem before?
Is there a different solution that doesn’t involve modifying the
Cairngorm source?






Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Best way to set component height based on size of parent container?

2006-04-20 Thread Tobias Patton

To have the width of the panel be calculated in relation to the parent
container, you could do something like:

-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of flexabledev
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 2:48 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Best way to set component height based on size of
parent container?

I have two simple scenarios that I need help with.

1.  I have a Canvas that scales with the Browser window.  On that
Canvas, I have a panel with a "top" and "bottom" layout constraint,
but I need the width to be dynamically calculated based on the width
of the Canvas - X.  

2. I have a VBox on the same Canvas. The VBox has a fixed width but
scales scales vertically with the Canvas.  Inside the VBox I have an
embeded Image.  Ideally, I'd like the Image to be vertically cropped
(assuming it's taller than the current height of the VBox) to the
height of the VBox.  Alternately (if it's easier) it could scale to
fill the VBox.  Right now the VBox's height seems to be determined by
the Image, so if I shrink the Browser window to less than the height
of the Image I get Scroll Bars, which I don't want.  

ANY help would be greatly appreciated!

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[flexcoders] Flex2b2: Top-level exception handler

2006-04-20 Thread Tobias Patton

Hello flexcoders;


Does anyone know of a way to intercept all uncaught errors
in a Flex application? The default behavior is for the Flash Player to display
a simple dialog with the error text (the debug player also shows a stack
trace.) I’d like to change this behavior to display a dialog of my own.




Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company

Tobias Patton | Software Developer | Tel: +1.604.451.2700
ext: 5148 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.creo.com 


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex2b2 - DataGrid bug - using ArrayCollection of ValueObjects as data provider

2006-04-25 Thread Tobias Patton

Hi Andi;

Your TestVO class needs to implement the IUID interface.


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andrea Varga
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 6:03 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex2b2 - DataGrid bug - using ArrayCollection of
ValueObjects as data provider


Here is my vrey simple test:

View Source is enabled. Conains 2 very simple files.
You can see that the first DataGrid works well, the second does not.
The only difference between them is the structure of the dataprovder. 
The first one is an ArrayCollection of Objects, the second one is an 
ArrayCollection of TestVO, which is a very simple value object class 
with one single property.
How could I make the DataGrid to accept my VO-s?


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 2 B 2 + Cairngorm 2 - Simple Question

2006-04-25 Thread Tobias Patton

IMHO, it makes no difference where the object is defined. In general, if
the object returned by a function call or accessor is not the type you
think it is, then you must cast it to the correct type before calling
methods or accessors defined in that type.

It gets a little bit complicated, but the crux of the problem is that
every object has two types: its static (compile-time) and its dynamic
(runtime) type. For instance I can say:

var o : Object = new String( "Hello World" );

The static type of o is Object, but its actual runtime type is String. I
can do this because String derives from Object. It's always possible to
assign an object to an instance of a class from which that object

Casting tells the compiler that you want to ignore the static type of an
object, and treat it as its dynamic type.

For example:

var myArray : Array = [ 1, 2.0, "Hello World" ];
var s : String = String( myArray[ 2 ] );
var l : int = String( myArray[ 2 ] ).length;
var o : Object = myArray[ 1 ];
var n : Number = Number( o );

Arrays can hold any object. Because of this, when you get an element out
of an Array, it is returned to you as an Object regardless of its actual
type. Casting tells the compiler that you, the programmer, know that the
returned Object is actually some other type. In the example above, I can
successfully cast Objects to String and Number.

The compiler will generate an error if the class of the object being
cast is not a super-class of the class your casting it to. Since String
and Number both derive from Object, the examples above work. But this
would generate a compiler error:

var b : VBox = new VBox();
var s : String = String( b );

because String does not derive from VBox.

Casting can generate runtime errors as well. The compiler can only check
static type information. If the actual type of the object being cast
does not derive from the type it's being cast to, you will get a
run-time error. For example:

Var s : String = String( myArray[ 1 ] );

Because the element at position 1 in the array is a Number, and because
Number does not derive from String, this command will generate a
run-time error. (This might actually not generate an error -- I haven't
tried it --  but only because there's some voodoo going on behind the
scenes that coerces between unrelated types.)

This is a very round-about way of saying that I think the Cairngorm
example is wrong. There is no need to cast model.loginVO to LoginVO
before accessing the username property. In the ViewLocator class, the
loginVO property is typed as LoginVO, so no casting is necessary. It's
runtime type matches its static type.


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Suresh Akula
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 2:05 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2 B 2 + Cairngorm 2 - Simple Question

LoginVO is user defined object and where as Date is 
System defined object, no need to type the these


--- Darren Houle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But when?  Why?  In every case?  If that was a
> generic, universal rule and 
> you're supposed to cast everything as it's original
> object type then a 
> little further in the line we should see:
> ' at ' + Date(model.loginDate) }" />
> I'm just curious why the LoginVO is cast here.  Is
> there some rule like "you 
> don't have to cast an object when simply accessing
> an attribute of that 
> object, but you do have to cast an object if it
> contains other objects with 
> an attributes you need to access."  That sounds
> kinda silly to me, that's 
> why I'm asking :-)
> Thanks!
> Darren
> >From: Suresh Akula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> >To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> >Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 2 B 2 + Cairngorm 2
> - Simple Question
> >Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 12:59:59 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >Hello Darren,
> >
> >    its good partice to typecast with orginal
> object
> >and invoke the object members.
> >
> >--Suresh Akula.
> >
> >
> >--- Darren Houle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I'm fairly new to Flex and really new to
> Cairngorm
> > > and am trying to break
> > > Cg2 down and understand it (I'm not trying to
> > > understand Cg.99 and then
> > > learn Cg2, I'm just jumping into 2.)  I have a
> quick
> > > question:
> > >
> > > In the Cg2 sample CairngormLogin.mxml theres a
> Label
> > > in the "loggedIn"
> > > VBox...
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > This seems to still work fine when changed to...
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > Is there some reason why the first form must be
> used
> > > over of the second
> > > form?  If I were writing this code myself from
> > > scratch it would seem more
> > > intuitive to bind directly to the
> > > model.loginVO.username.  Am I missing
> > > something?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Darren
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >__
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