[flexcoders] help with using Matrix() to skew an Image -- not skewing the right amount

2007-10-31 Thread tddclare
I'm trying to skew an Image object to a varying amount, right down the
center.  I'm using the example math that I found in the help and in
examples online, but for some reason the math doesn't seem to be working
out.  A cookie for anyone who can help me figure it out.

I published the sample of my problem here
and the source is here

The general gist is that I have the blue canvas (100x100), and am
rendering both halves of it ( A and B ) (each 50x100) on the right:

--- ---
|   | |  A  |  B  |
|   | |   |   |
--- ---

The slider sets how far the right half (B)  is translated down (or up)
-- as a percentage of the height of B.  So a setting of 1 moves B down
100% of it's height.  The left half (A) should stay at its original
position (working!), but it's right half should skew (down or up) 
(working!) to match the left edge of B.

But the edges are not matching up.  My suspicions are that I'm messing
up with radians, PI or something else I slept through in Trigonometry...

Could anyone shed some light as to what's missing?

[flexcoders] Container backgroundImage aligned to top left?

2007-10-22 Thread tddclare
Hey everyone,

I'm trying to set a backgroundImage for a Container (well, a Canvas,
but it looks like the BGimage stuff is handled in Container).  I'd
like the image to align itself to the top left, not the center which
is the framework default.

Has anyone come up with a good way to do this?  Thanks!

-- TC

[flexcoders] Re: embed image assets in a Source Path folder?

2007-06-07 Thread tddclare
What kind of hackery is needed?  It seems silly to not be able to use
common resources across projects -- what's the point of all this great
OOP practice if I can't reuse my items across projects?

By the in windows I assume you mean that if I were (say) on a Mac [I
WISH!] and tried this it would work?

[flexcoders] Re: embed image assets in a Source Path folder?

2007-06-06 Thread tddclare
I think my issue is much more fundamental.

I read about linking to common resource folders here:


I created a linked folder in my project to a folder called TEST that
has one .png file in it.

My project Navigator looks like this:

- views
-- MyView.as
-- add.png

...and TEST has the little shortcut folder icon next to it as I would

Inside MyView.as, I tried to embed the png file:

but it could not find it.

Can you not use Flex Builder's own linked folders to embed files?

[flexcoders] How to put MXML example into ASDOC?

2007-06-05 Thread tddclare
I'm trying to be a good boy and AsDoc my new class that I wrote.

I wanted to put in an example of using it, embedding a complete MXML
document in the @example tag.  My MXML document has a CDATA tag in it
(for the script tag) which generated an error from the AsDoc
executable until I removed it:   

Error#1085: The element type example must be terminated by a
matching end-tag /example

Once I took out the CDATA tag, the AsDoc ran, but the file it
generated does not render the MXML tags, since I suspect the browser
is seeing them as true tags, thus not showing them.  If I view source
I see them, but not in the visual rendering of the help file.

Tried to wrap ALL the code (inside my listing tag) with a CDATA tag,
but it brought back the same error.

Any idea how to get MXML tags to show in the @example and listing
tags?  DO I need to escape ALL of the tags?  That seems like it would
be a giant pain in the you know what.


-- TC

Here's a sample of the comment:

* Intro comment here
* @example Description of the example here
* listing

[ ... ]

* /listing

[flexcoders] list itemrenderer rollover without backgroundColor / alpha?

2007-05-15 Thread tddclare
I have an component (HBox) that I'm using for a List's itemRenderer. 
I added handlers for rollOver and rollOut to try to make a delete
this item button appear and disappear for each item as you roll over
/ out of it.

The button was fizzling on and off until I set the background color
and alpha of the HBox (to 0x0 and 1.0)... then the button appeared
and disappeared as expected.  Changed the color to 0xFF to make it
look better and thought I was home free.  

Only issue is that the list's selection highlight doesn't show thru
the backgroundColor.  

Is there any other way to get the HBox's rollover handler to see the
rollOver without setting the background color/alpha?  Or am I doing
something wrong?


-- TC

[flexcoders] custom drag events for List -- how NOT to have scrollbar drag an item?

2007-04-20 Thread tddclare
I have a list showing a variety of items.  I use a custom ItemRederer to
diplay the list items, which I want to be able to drag from the list as

When the user drags an item, I want the DragProxy to be a different look
than the ItemRenderer.

I couldn't figure out how to override the built in drag functionality,
so I went with the roll your own technique shows in the Docs.

Problem is, when there are enough items in the list to make a scrollbar
visible (policy is set to automatic), when I drag the scrollbar, I also
end up starting a drag of the item that is under (?) the scrollbar where
I clicked.

Below is the code I'm using to initiate the drag.  All the handlers are
for the List.  The renderer class is SongRenderer, and the proxy class
is SongProxy (there's also a Song class, which is what the items in the
List are).

Anybody suggest a way to do this, either by overriding the built in drag
events, or by somehow saying Yeah, unluess you're cliciking on the
List's scrollbar(s)?


private function handleMouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void {
mouseIsDown = true;

private function handleMouseUp(e:MouseEvent):void {
mouseIsDown = false;

private function handleMouseMove(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (!mouseIsDown ) { return; }
var dragInit:List = e.currentTarget as List;
var song:Song = dragInit.selectedItem as Song;
var ds:DragSource = new DragSource();
ds.addData(song, song);
var proxy:SongProxy = new SongProxy();
proxy.song = song;
proxy.width = proxy.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth();
proxy.height = proxy.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight();
mouseIsDown = false;
var offsetX:Number = -dragInit.contentMouseX + proxy.width/2;
var offsetY:Number = -dragInit.contentMouseY;
DragManager.doDrag(dragInit, ds, e, proxy, offsetX, offsetY);

[flexcoders] player and debug player produce different results!!

2007-04-19 Thread tddclare
I have written what I thought was a simple function which produces
different results when I RUN the code versus when I DEBUG the code (with
no breakpoints).  Here's the code:

private var songs:ArrayCollection;

private function getSongIDs():String {
var songStr:String = ;
for each(var song:Song in songs.source) {
songStr += song.songID.toString() + ,;
songStr = (songStr.length == 0) ? songStr :
songStr.substring(0,songStr.length - 1);
return songStr;

songs is an ArrayCollection of Song instances.  The Song class has a
public Number variable called songID which IS set for all songs.
The purpose of this function is to quickly grab a comma delimited list
of the songIDs in the ArrayCollection of Songs.

Once I use the function, I am sending this info as a parameter to a PHP
script, and was having all sorts of issues.  Trying to solve the
problem, I now have the script just parrot back the parameters it was
passed (it is echo-ing the parameter from the $_REQUEST array directly).

When I run the code normally (with 2 Songs in the collection, with IDs
of 23 and 24) I get this for songStr:

WHOA!  Where did that null come from?

When I DEBUG the code with no breakpoints (just using the debug player)
I get this for songStr:

which is what I expected the code to do...
What in the holy hell is going on?  I think I am losing my mind.


[flexcoders] Re: player and debug player produce different results!!

2007-04-19 Thread tddclare
Fabulous.  I decided to restart Builder and whammo, it worked like a

I'm suspecting that sending my XP laptop to Hibernate while running
Eclipse may have honked something up?  I've been doing it for months,
and this is the first time I've run into any problems.

Anyone else have any issues with running the Eclipse plugin (or
Builder) for extended times and producing nonsense errors?

-- Todd

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tddclare [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have written what I thought was a simple function which produces
 different results when I RUN the code versus when I DEBUG the code (with
 no breakpoints).  Here's the code:
 private var songs:ArrayCollection;
 private function getSongIDs():String {
 var songStr:String = ;
 for each(var song:Song in songs.source) {
 songStr += song.songID.toString() + ,;
 songStr = (songStr.length == 0) ? songStr :
 songStr.substring(0,songStr.length - 1);
 return songStr;
 songs is an ArrayCollection of Song instances.  The Song class has a
 public Number variable called songID which IS set for all songs.
 The purpose of this function is to quickly grab a comma delimited list
 of the songIDs in the ArrayCollection of Songs.
 Once I use the function, I am sending this info as a parameter to a PHP
 script, and was having all sorts of issues.  Trying to solve the
 problem, I now have the script just parrot back the parameters it was
 passed (it is echo-ing the parameter from the $_REQUEST array directly).
 When I run the code normally (with 2 Songs in the collection, with IDs
 of 23 and 24) I get this for songStr:
 WHOA!  Where did that null come from?
 When I DEBUG the code with no breakpoints (just using the debug player)
 I get this for songStr:
 which is what I expected the code to do...
 What in the holy hell is going on?  I think I am losing my mind.

[flexcoders] Upload file along with other associatred data?

2007-04-03 Thread tddclare
I'm in the process of making a small form to upload a file to my PHP

I'm using a FileReference and was following the examples in the AS3
documentation.  It's working well.  

But I'd like to send additional information along with it (basically
equivalent to hidden fields in an HTML form) like my user's ID, and
the id of an associated item in the database.

Does anyone have an example/code to do this?  All the examples I see
assume the file is the ONLY thing being uploaded.

If possible, I'd like to get the same feedback as the
myFileReference.upload() events, such as progress, complete, etc if
possible, but that's secondary.


-- TC

[flexcoders] upload multiple FileReferences without FileReferenceList?

2007-04-03 Thread tddclare
I have an area of my app where the user can make a new Thing and can
upload 2 files against it (1 is an image, the other is a text file).

I'd like to have the user interface show a TextInput for the title of
the Thing, and then have 2 Browse buttons, one for the image and
another for the text file.  I'm essentially creating 2 FileReference
instances, each with its own FileFilter.

In order to upload the info to my (php) server, I'll have to make 3
round trips, each with a hit to the server, database, etc.:

1.  Create the Thing in the database and respond with a success.
2.  Assuming Success in 1, upload the Image, responding with a success.
3.  Assuming Success in 2, upload the text file.

I thought of using a FileReferenceList (seemed logical) but the
fileList property is read only!  I thought I could PUSH my 2
FileReferences onto it, but apparently not.  So i either have to have
one browse button where the user can pick BOTH the image and the text
file (not very intuitive) or else do my round trips above.

Does anyone know of another technique to upload two files with one
round trip?  I thought about trying to extend FileReferenceList and
add a setter for fileList, but can't figure out how to find the source
files in the flash package?  I'll take any input on that as well.


-- TC 

[flexcoders] constructor like arguments in MXML components?

2007-03-23 Thread tddclare
I'm working on an app that has the need for several popup item
editor kind of windows.  

Example:  there are people in a list, and when you double click one of
them, you get a popup (TitleWindow) with a form with fields for (and
populated with the selected person's) FirstName, LastName, ... and
save and cancel buttons.

I'm also trying to use the same popup for entering a NEW person, so
that the popup comes up with blank form items.

My first approach was to make an MXML component based off of
TitleWindow, since I have a lot of form elements and layout to add.

But then I ran into the problem.  I want to pass in a Person instance
to populate the form (if I'm in edit mode) or else not pass in
anything (null) if I'm in create-new mode.  In AS, I'd have the
contructor accept a p:Person = null parameter and that would be that.

So.. my question finally.  Is there a way / technoque to pass in
contructor types of parameters to an MXML component, or do I need to
suck it up and write the class in AS and deal with all the addChild's
necessary to create the layout (oh, and it has states)?


-- TC

[flexcoders] Re: constructor like arguments in MXML components?

2007-03-23 Thread tddclare
I talk to myself all the time, so why not do it on FlexCoders?

I was thinking more about my problem:  I had tried to do something
like this:

//code here to create new popup of my TitleWindow form, then...
myTitleWindow.person = myPerson;

But I was getting errors and/or nothing because myTitleWindow was not
done creating its children before I set its person variable.

So I did this:

var myTitleWindow = //code to create the popup using my mxml extension
//of TitleWindow with the set person() function in  
var myFunc:Function = function():void {myTitleWindow.person = myPerson}

myTitleWindow.addEventListener(creationComplete, myFunc);

Seems to work, and is finally gives me a reason to understand why one
would ever create a variable of type Function.

Comments or concerns are welcome... but I thought I'd share

[flexcoders] null pointer exception when creating DragProxy and assigning value?

2007-03-22 Thread tddclare
I'm trying to create a custom DragProxy and assign a property of it
that controls its appearance, but am getting a null pointer
exception...  ugh! 

I have a list that is driven by an arraycollection of Document objects.

I want the items on the list to be draggable, and when they are
dragged, to use a custom DragProxy that shows a paper image if the
Document is available on paper, and some sort of electronic image if
it is available electronically.  So if you drag a document that is
available in both formats, you'll see both images and the title.  If
it is only available hardcopy, you'll see the title and the paper
image only.

I made a DocumentDragProxy class (mxml), that has a Label to show the
title, and two 50x50 images (one for paper, one for electronic).

I also gave it a public setter to accept an instance of Document:

public set document(theDocument:Document):void {
if (!theDocument.electronic) {
electronicIcon.visible = false;
if (!theDocument.paper) {
paperIcon.visible = false;
titleLabel.text = theDocument.title;

and I have the label, and the two icon (Images) in the MXML.

In my main app, I trap the MouseMove over the list, make sure the
mouse is down, and try to start the drag:

var doc:Document = myList.selectedItem as Document;
var proxy:DocumentDragProxy = new DocumentDragProxy();
proxy.document = doc;

and that's where it goes bad.

I'm suspecting it's because the DocumentDragProxy has not finished
creating all of its children, so they're still null?  

How would I go about letting the set happen from the main app, but
waiting inside the DocumentDragProxy to make sure all the kiddies are
in the pool before assigning something to them?

Thanks a lot.  I read lots of things, but none made too much sense.

-- TOdd

[flexcoders] E4X descendent operator return type?

2007-03-19 Thread tddclare
I'm trying a simple test, and either it's monday or my brain is
broken... maybe both...

I'm writing a login component, and fire off a HTTP service that
returns XML as E4X.  The response XML is a response tag with either
a user tag or a fault tag inside of it.

All I want to do is test if there is a user or fault in the response!

I'm trying this:
private function handle(e:ResultEvent):void {
   if (e.result..user) {
   if (e.result..fault) {

The event is firing, but I always get Yippee even when I point at a
file that has NO user tag.

I've replaced the conditional with everything I can think of:
e.result..user != null
e.result..user != 

but it seems to fire no matter what.

If the E4X parser does NOT find the descendant, what does it return? 
Is this documented anywhere in the (not so good) Flex/AS3 documentation?


-- TC

[flexcoders] Re: using itemRenderer with List, how can I set the icon?

2007-03-19 Thread tddclare
I think by using an itemrenderer you are taking away the default
ability for the list's default renderer to show the icons.

How about taking your icon function code and move it into your item
renderer.  You can do conditionals inside the item renderer code based
on the data parameter, which is the single item being rendered in
the renderer.  

if (data.isThing1) { thing1icon.visible = true };
if (data.isThing2) { thing2icon.visible = true };

or something like that?  I'm sure there's a more elegant way, but I
don't want to hear you whine anymore (kidding... the least they could
do was help other than just reply back uselessly)

-- TC

[flexcoders] Re: The complete component communication solution for Flex. ALON DP.

2007-02-27 Thread tddclare
Hey Sean,

This is cool. Thanks for putting it out there.

A question:  In this part of the writeup:

For example, the following line of code will show ( trace ) the
instance name of the dispatching orangeBall object from within the
scope of the whiteBall listening component.

public method showSomething(event:EventsGlobals):void {

you type event as EventsGlobals, which is just the class that holds
the constants.  Shouldn't the type be ObjectDataEvent, which is the
class that IS the event that gets passed?  Seems that way from the
rest of the following text, but I wanted to make sure (and it might
confuse someone (me))

-- TC  

[flexcoders] webservice wsdl parsing error? help?

2006-12-05 Thread tddclare

I haven't worked with webservices much, but am needing to test out a
service that was produced by a software package my company is
evaluating.  I'm building the flex front end to show the results.

When I run what I have, I get errors when the application launches:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert  to
at mx.rpc.xml::SchemaContext/::httpResultHandler()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at mx.rpc::Responder/result()
at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/acknowledge()
at ::DirectHTTPMessageResponder/completeHandler()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at flash.net::URLLoader/flash.net:URLLoader::onComplete()

My application is relatively simple:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

public function handleResult(e:ResultEvent):void {
trace( Result:  + e.result );

public function handleFault(e:FaultEvent):void {
trace( Error:  +  e.fault.faultString );
mx:WebService id=mmWebService

mx:Button id=getDataButton
click=mmWebService.getVmdbHrrsJoin(63458); /

and I suspect I'm not doing something right with setting up the
webservice, as the error occurs after the app starts, before I push
the button.

Here's the WSDL of the web service (I suspect my answer is here, but
again, I'm dumb):
definitions name=MetaMatrixDataServices
xsd:schema targetNamespace=http://com.metamatrix/NasaVDBjoin;
Input message for operation
Output message for operation
portType name=VmdbHrrsIntegration_VmdbHrrsJoin
operation name=getVmdbHrrsJoin
binding name=VmdbHrrsIntegration_VmdbHrrsJoin
soap:binding style=document
operation name=getVmdbHrrsJoin
soap:operation style=document
soap:body use=literal/
soap:body use=literal/
service name=MetaMatrixDataServices
port name=VmdbHrrsIntegration_VmdbHrrsJoin
soap:address location=http://quest3:8000/NasaVDBjoin/services/service/

[flexcoders] Re: e4x with XMLListCollections?

2006-10-04 Thread tddclare
Thanks for the reply.  I'm wondering why I can't?

According to the docs, myCollection.source gived an XMLList, and the
XMLList docs say that This class (along with the XML, Namespace, and
QName classes) implements powerful XML-handling standards defined in
ECMAScript for XML (E4X) specification (ECMA-357 edition 2).

I'm unfortunately in the process of trying to figure out how to use
XML as a datasource (from a PHP page) and effectively use it to manage
data throughout my Flex app.

I thought the whole point of e4x was to NOT have to iterate through

Let me go about this a different way and see if anyone has a better
idea for how to handle all of this information.

I have XML coming down from php.  The PHP is grabbing itfrom a
relational database, where there is a table of
trainingEvents (with unique keyID's) and a table of
trainingEventInstances, which are many to 1 with the events.  Some of
the instances can override certain properties like price...

trainingEvent keyID=1 title=Programming 101 eventCost=499.99
trainingEventInstance keyID=1 location=Houston
eventDate=02/11/2007 instanceCost=499.99 /
trainingEventInstance keyID=2 location=Houston
eventDate=04/19/2007 instanceCost=499.99 /
trainingEventInstance keyID=3 location=Las Vegas
eventDate=04/19/2007 instanceCost=299.99 /
trainingEvent keyID=2 title=Miter Saw Safety eventCost=300.00
trainingEventInstance keyID=4 location=Houston
eventDate=12/25/2006 instanceCost=300.00 /
trainingEvent keyID=3 title=How to Fly The Shuttle
trainingEventInstance keyID=5 location=Florida
eventDate=09/01/2007 instanceCost=1499.99 /
trainingEventInstance keyID=6 location=Nevada
eventDate=12/10/2006 instanceCost=499.99 /
trainingEventInstance keyID=7 location=India
eventDate=11/24/2006 instanceCost=19.99 /

I want to do the following things with it:
1.  Display the structure in a tree, where there are trainingEvents at
the topmost level, with their instances below them.  (I'm doing this
currently by putting the XML into an XMLListCollection and using it as
the source for a tree, with label and icon functions.  Works well).
2.  Be able to drag and drop trainingEventInstances onto a Person
(items in a listbox ) and have those trainingEventInstances assigned
to them.
3.  Show a datagrid of the titles, locations, and dates for any
person's assignments.

The problem I keep hitting is when I want to display the titles.  The
title is a property of the trainingEvent, not the
trainingEventInstance...  I could solve it by adding the title to the
instances, but that seems like a lot like duplicating data to me.  I
would have assumed that I could, at any time, find the instance I need
in the structure, go to its parent, and grab the title?

The traverse all nodes method will work, but what when I have 1000
items in my catalog and the person is assigned to 100 of them.  My
label function in the datagrid would be going 100,000 loops to print
the titles, which seems wrong.

Can anyone tell me of a way to work with data coming from a relational
database so that I can display relevant info as I need it? 


-- TC

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Prakaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not sure if you will be able to directly access the trainingEvent
 title using the return statement you have given below.   Looking at the
 structure of the XML, it seems inevitable that you'll have to iterate
 through each and every node to search for the KeyID you are looking for
 and when you find one grab the title from the parent node.Here is a
 code that works:   the XML:   mx:XML id=theCatalog
 trainingEvent keyID=1 title=Programming 101 eventCost=499.99
 trainingEventInstance keyID=1 trainingEventID=1
 location=Houston eventDate=02/11/2007 instanceCost= 499.99 /
 trainingEventInstance keyID=2 trainingEventID=1
 location=Houston eventDate=04/19/2007 instanceCost=499.99 /
 trainingEventInstance keyID=3 trainingEventID=1 location=Las
 Vegas eventDate=04/19/2007 instanceCost= 299.99 /
trainingEvent keyID=2 title=Miter Saw Safety eventCost=300.00
 trainingEventInstance keyID=4 trainingEventID=2
 location=Houston eventDate=12/25/2006 instanceCost= 300.00 /
 trainingEventInstance keyID=5 trainingEventID=2
 location=Houston eventDate=12/25/2006 instanceCost=300.00 /
 trainingEventInstance keyID=6 trainingEventID=2
 location=Houston eventDate=12/25/2006 instanceCost= 300.00 /
 trainingEventInstance keyID=7 trainingEventID=2
 location=Houston eventDate=12/25/2006 instanceCost=300.00 /
   /mx:XML public function getCourseTitle(instanceID:Number){
 // Iterate through each Node of the XML
 for each(var parentNodes:XML in 

[flexcoders] Object oriented / design pattern / application design books?

2006-08-31 Thread tddclare
I've seen the light and am sold on the object oriented world.  I'm
smart enough about it to sound smart and do some good things, but
still dumb enough not to know the right way to do things or the best
way to apprach the problem.  I'm confortable working with Flex,
controls, data, components, etc.

Where I'm falling short is the vision and strategy on designing the
app and its objects to play nicely, communicate with each other, and
provide the best flexibility.

Can anyone recommend a list of books (or videos, etc.) for learning
OOP, Design Patterns, Application Design, etc?  

I'd really like something that will help me in Flex, although I know
php, vb, and a few others (not Java).  Most of the books I see are
either completely generic theory, so it's hard to tell one is better
than another (hence my question), or they're targeted to a languange I
don't use (Java, C++), so I won't get as much out of them as I'd like.
 Some are targeted at Flash, which is better, but is still Flash
focussed, so not ideal?

I have links to:

Head First Design Patterns

Programming Flex 2: The Comprehensive Guide to Creating Rich Media
Applications with Adobe Flex

which looked good, but I wanted to see if anyone else had better
options or knew anything about those (the 2nd one is due out in January).


-- Todd

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[flexcoders] approach question: how to handle lookup table data?

2006-08-29 Thread tddclare
I'm working to architect an app using Flex Data Services.

As a simple example, let's consider the office management application.

I have a Person class, who has all the normal properties, one of which
is Level indicating the code for their level of seniority (A 1
2 ... 5 P -- for partner).

These designators have changed in the past, and may change / be added
to in the future.  And we'll definitely want to use them to drill down
for reports, metrics, etc.

From my database background, I would have my People table have a field
called levelID, which points to the Levels table having the ID and
Name fields.  My reports would be something like Select * from people
where levelID = 3, etc.

What about Flex and Data Services?  

I'll want to show that Person X has a level of P but also let them
edit that person and pick off from a list of levels (comboBox), so I
need a way to get that list (and add to it, in case somebody gets
promoted to Y (yoda))

Should I have my Person class contain an instance of the Level class
which has id and title properties?  THat sounds easy, but with the
number of parameters I'm dealing with, it sounds like a lot of effort.
 I'd also have to parse ALL the People to create my pick list of

Or should I have the server FILL a collection of People (with their
levelIDs) and another collection of Levels and use cursors, finds,
etc. to match up the data?

Or go totally uncoupled and just pass the level NAME to the client and
have the server back end deal with the ID matching?

I think my brain hurts.  Any thoughts?  Thanks!

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FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
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[flexcoders] Re: Flex Builder 2, getting slower as code grows

2006-08-29 Thread tddclare
I've seen similar things with much smaller file sizes that are
developed continuously or run over and over again (a.k.a. developed).

Shutting down Builder and the browser that the app has been launched
in repeatedly (we're using the Eclipse plugin and firefox, but
whatever) seems to help out.  We've had to reboot a few times when ig
got really bad.   

It almost seems like a memory leak on our part.  You hit some unknown
threshold, and suddenly your... typing ... appears ... one ... l .. e
... t ... t ... e ... r (sorry) at a time.

Can't wait for the mac version...

Processor thing is weird...

-- TC

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, j_sevlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there some kind of coding limitation on how much Flex Builder can
 handle before it gets completely unusable?
 I'm currently working on a rather complicated project that's sitting
 at about 1,700 lines of code, and the code editor in Flex Builder is
 getting painfully slow to work with.  If I just start typing anything
 I can watch my CPU spike to 100% and sit there until I'm done typing.
 I still need to use Design mode because it's *awesome* for lining
 everything up.  Is this a case where I'm just going to have to find a
 way to break everything up into smaller components?  About 70% of the
 1,700 lines is all Actionscript.
 I've got a P4 with 2 GB of RAM and Flex Builder will routinely consume
 400-600MB of memory while I'm working.
 Thanks, Jacob

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[flexcoders] changing state of all itemrenderer instances?

2006-08-24 Thread tddclare
I have a list using a custom MXML item renderer:
mx:List id=personList  itemRenderer=PersonRenderer

I'd like the user to have a checkbox in the main application to decide
if they want to see the people's pictures in the list or not.  On
change of the checkbox, I'd like to be able to say Hey list (or
list's item renderer class), change all your items from the base state
to a state called withPhoto.

I tried to make a static function changeState for PersonRenderer,
but then I can't access the currentState property... makes sense.

I was thinking of looping through each item in the list and changing
it's specific instance of PersonRenderer's state?  But I'm not too
sure how to do that.  Or is there a better way to do it?
I currently have the base and withPhoto states defined in the
renderer, and would like to keep it in that one renderer.  I
considered just changing the list's itemRenderer to
PersonRendererWithPhoto but then I'd lose any pretty transitions,
fades, etc. as the photo is displayed...  that's no good.


-- TC

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[flexcoders] add additional data to list-based drag and drop?

2006-08-24 Thread tddclare
I have a few lists whose items I want to drag and drop to another

I can roll my own and code the entire drag/drop operation, but I'm lazy.

I looked at the list-based drag and drop features, which look cool:
mx:List id=personList dragEnabled=true /
mx:List id=eventList dragEnabled=true /

but when I drop items on my eventual drag and drop target, I'd like
the target to know a little more, like which list it came from (or
more loosely coupled, what type of data it is (person or event).  

Is there a way to add a format to the list-based drag and drop
dragSource, like iAmAPerson or iAmAnEvent?  

Or is this the line I cross and have to move into the DragDropManager?

-- TC

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[flexcoders] custom component: how to tap into resize?

2006-08-23 Thread tddclare
I'm creating a custom component extending UIComponent.

Much of the component is drawn by the Drawing API during the updateDisplayList 
settings calculated during the commitProperties.  Works great.

The problem arises when the end developer USING the component changes the size 
of it 
manually (example: the height and width are 150, and they create a button whose 
changes the component's width to 300).

My commitProps and updateDispList are VERY conditional - only redrawing the 
elements that 
NEED to be redraws to increase performance.  

What I can't find / missed is how to know the component itself resized and to 
set a flag that 
will tell my commitProps and updateDispList to redraw everything.  What is that 
event / how 
do I tell they resized me?


-- TC

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[flexcoders] Re: Functionality Between Components and the Main Application

2006-08-23 Thread tddclare
i completely agree with Jeff - using the events is the best way to go.

If, for some reason that doesn't work for you, you can always reference the 
using mx.core.Application.application, which is a reference to the top top 
(even if your swf is loaded inside another application's swf.

You can also traverse the parent application(s) for nested apps with any 
parentApplication property:


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Battershall, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Your custom component should dispatch its events. The parent application
 which should be listening for them. 
 Something like this might work:
 comp:MyComp itemClicked=popUpWindow(event)/
 -Original Message-
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Megan
 Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 1:15 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Functionality Between Components and the Main
 Hi! I've been trying to figure out how to do this sort of thing, and
 thought I'd ask before messing with it anymore.
 I have a toolbar that's in its own component, and it has some buttons on
 it that will open new windows/popups. What I need to have happen is,
 when one of the buttons gets clicked, the window pops up inside a
 container that's on the main application. Right now they show up at the
 top corner of the toolbar.
 I gave the VBox in the middle of the main application an ID, but when I
 try to tell the toolbar to open the window there, it gives me an error
 because that ID doesn't exist inside the toolbar...
 I've also tried telling the button to run a function in the main
 application to open the popup but it tells me that I'm calling a
 possibly undefined method through a reference with static type Class.
 I hope that makes sense. Any ideas?
 Thank you!
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[flexcoders] Easy way to publish flex app as standalone EXE?

2006-07-26 Thread tddclare

In Flash you used to be able to publish a Projector (exe) file for

I know there are a bunch of SWF to EXE apps out there (Zinc, etc), but
I don't need any of the filesystem APIs, etc, I just need to put my
app on a workstation with no internet access and no flash player
install possible (gotta love the government)...

Is there any Projector capability in Flex or any easy/cheap way to
make it work?

-- TC

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[flexcoders] concise explanation of sizing (measured, explicit, preferred) custom components

2006-07-20 Thread tddclare
Does anyone know of a good (reasonably plain language) writeup of how
(and why and when) to use the various sizing properties when extending

I've read the documentation in Help, but it hasn't fully sunk through
my thick head yet.

I'd like to understand enough to know not only WHAT they are, but WHY
I'm setting them and HOW Flex uses them:

( ... means Height or Width.  I DO understand that those mean! : ))
- measured...
- measuredPreferred...
- explicit...
- ...

Thanks for any leads or any explanations you can give me!


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[flexcoders] Extending ComboBox loses part of the skin?

2006-07-13 Thread tddclare
I'm still using Beta 3 (stupid slow procurement department)...

I'm working on extending framework components, and am playing with the

When I run my version, it functions as expected, but the arrow on the
combo box (what you click to deop it down) does not display.  I put a
generic combo next to it, and it looks fine.

Here's my main app code:
bah:StateComboBox id=todd x=30 y=30 rowCount=9
displayType={StateComboBox.NAMEABBREV} /
mx:ComboBox x=30 y=90 dataProvider={todd.dataProvider}
labelFunction=test /

and the constructor of StateComboBox (which extends ComboBox):
public function StateComboBox()
// let combobox do its thing
//add our dataprovider
this.dataProvider = _data;
this.labelFunction = labelFormatter;

I've got an array in there and a label function, but that's it.

Other than super()-ing the ComboBox, is there somthing else I'm
supposed to be doing?

Or is this a bug in B3? (I'm using Player 9,0,16,0)


-- TC

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[flexcoders] strategery help: how to make crosshair on AreaChart

2006-07-11 Thread tddclare
I have an area chart.  As the user mouses around over it, I'd like a
hirzontal and vertical crosshair (one horiz, one vert gridline, sort
of) to track the mouse pointer.

I see the annotationelements, and am already using it for my
gridlines.  I'm wondering if anyone has ideas of how to implement the

I'm guessing a canvas that I can use the drawing API on to draw the
lines as the mouseMoves.  But how to tie the position of the mouse
over  JUST the chart area showing the actual data (not over the axes
labels, etc) to the X and Y to draw the lines?  And how to get it to
work in the annotationElements array?

I'm assuming I need to make whatever I create a ChartElement, but I
haven't ever actually cracked open the existing objects and tried to
tie into them at such a low level.

If anyone has any thoughts or guidance, even just for general ways to
get into the source code and create a new class from them, I'd
appreciate it.


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[flexcoders] Help?: Fill not working in AreaSeries?

2006-06-30 Thread tddclare

I'm making an AreaChart with 3 AreaSeries and a ColumnSeries to show my data.I didn't like the nasty orange,green,blue,tan color scheme, so have set offf to customize it.Here's what I have:mx:AreaChart dataProvider="{todd}"  mx:series   mx:Arraymx:AreaSeries name="total" displayName="Total" yField="total"  mx:stroke  mx:Stroke color="0x9A9A00" weight="2"/  /mx:stroke  mx:fill  mx:SolidColor color="0x00" alpha=".3"/ /mx:fill/mx:AreaSeriesmx:AreaSeries name="pass" displayName="Passed" yField="pass"/mx:AreaSeriesmx:AreaSeries name="fail" displayName="Failed" yField="fail"/mx:AreaSeriesmx:ColumnSeries name="vv" displayName="In Vamp;V" yField="vv" mx:fill  mx:SolidColor color="0x00" alpha=".3"/  /mx:fill  /mx:ColumnSeries   /mx:Array  /mx:series /mx:AreaChartThe ColumnSeries IS looking the way I tell it to (faded black) but the AreaSeries is NOT (still orange and solid). I copied the stroke and fills right out of the Help system's example on how to use alphas in chart fills (Flex 2.0 Developer's Guide 
 Charting Components
 Formatting Charts  Using fills) I tried removing the ColumnSeries, wondering if that was having a bad effect on it somehow, but no change.Any thoughts? 


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[flexcoders] Re: Help?: Fill not working in AreaSeries?

2006-06-30 Thread tddclare
Excellent.  Thanks, Ely.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ely Greenfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 use areaFill instead of fill.  fill/stroke always apply to the
 individual items (i.e., on area and line series, the individual points).
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of tddclare
 Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 8:15 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Help?: Fill not working in AreaSeries?
 I'm making an AreaChart with 3 AreaSeries and a ColumnSeries to show my
 I didn't like the nasty orange,green,blue,tan color scheme, so have set
 offf to customize it.
 Here's what I have:
 mx:AreaChart dataProvider={todd}
 mx:AreaSeries name=total displayName=Total
 mx:Stroke color=0x9A9A00 weight=2/
  nbs! p;  /mx:stroke
 mx:SolidColor color=0x00 alpha=.3/
 mx:AreaSeries name=pass displayName=Passed
 mx:AreaSeries name=fail displayName=Failed
 n! bsp;   mx:ColumnSeries name=! vv disp layName=In
 Vamp;V yField=vv
 mx:SolidColor color=0x00 alpha=.3/
 The ColumnSeries IS looking the way I tell it to (faded black) but the
 AreaSeries is NOT (still orange and solid).  I copi! ed the stroke and
 fills right out of the Help system's example on how to use alphas in
 chart fills (Flex 2.0 Developer's Guide
 _DevApps.html  Charting Components
 110.html   Formatting Charts
 142.html   Using fills)
 I tried removing the ColumnSeries, wondering if that was having a bad
 effect on it somehow, but no change.
 Any thoughts?

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