Re: [Flightgear-devel] MSFS2k2 MDL file format documented?

2002-05-23 Thread Wolfram Kuss


I have looked into the EULA, but not yet the docu iteself.

The EULA says:

1.  GRANT OF LICENSE. This EULA grants you the following rights:
Software Product. You may install and use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on an
unlimited number of computers, including workstations, terminals or
other digital electronic devices ("COMPUTERS") to design, develop, and
test software application products that are designed to operate in
conjunction with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 and subsequent
versions thereof, ("Application").  
All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Microsoft.

Bye bye,

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Boeing 747 preview

2002-05-23 Thread Jim Wilson

The moon looked so good tonight, I couldn't help posting a shot.  This is the
747-400 model still quite rough.  You can't tell yet but I've got the flaps
(10 of them, did I miss any?) done.  The engine is done, just waiting to hang
'em on the wings last.  You also can't tell that I haven't done the hstabs yet :-)

Anyone know how big the gear wheels are?  Got some nice close pictures of
gear...and I'd guess about 1m diameter...but it'd be nice if someone happened
to know.



P.S. any other 747-400 trivia, measurements would be appreciated also...been
"winging it" (pardon the pun) for a lot of this.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] MSFS2k2 MDL file format documented?

2002-05-23 Thread Cameron Moore

I haven't looked at this yet, but thought any plib guys might be
interested in this news item:

  The Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 Development Team has released yet
  another SDK component, this time the MDL SDK.Among the
  documents in the SDK are the MDLFMT.doc. This file is described as "An
  introductory document that describes the file format details
  (including file layout, the standard parameter block, and the
  parameter dictionary GUIDs) for aircraft model files used by Microsoft
  Flight Simulator 2002."


The download is a .EXE, so I haven't downloaded it yet (I'm a linux
guy).  If you look at it, feel free to report back any findings.  Thanks
Cameron Moore
[ If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know? ]

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 takeoff roll: partial solution

2002-05-23 Thread Ralph Jones

At 02:47 PM 5/22/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>David Megginson wrote:
> > 1. According to the author, at least, differential braking is bad form
> >while taxiing the DC-3; you should use differential power instead
> >except for very tight turns.
>I'll buy that.  But working dual throttles during the takeoff and
>landing rolls can't possibly be a good idea, right?  In that regime,
>you're still stuck with rudder and braking only.  During the landing
>roll (with no significant prop wash), you're stuck with braking only.
> > 2. Maintaining a straight heading is hard during the early part of the
> >takeoff roll, but the text describes S-curves rather than violent
> >spinning as the problem for inexperienced pilots.
>Is that with or without braking being applied?  I can confirm that I
>execute lots of S curves during takeoff in the DC-3 when using the
>brakes method.  It only spins violently when you try to correct yaw
>divergence with a flapping rudder.
>Just to clarify what I said earlier: the reason that it looks like a
>rudder problem is that turning the plane a "little bit" with the
>rudder is possible.  But once it is pointed little bit away from the
>velocity vector, it begins turning *farther* away very rapidly.  If
>you don't correct this immediately, the aircraft will rapidly be so
>far out of whack that the rudder is incapable of correcting the yaw.
>Thus, what started out as a tiny rudder input diverges into a ground
>loop.  But it's caused by a *lack* of rudder authority to correct the
>problem, not by too much authority causing it.  Does that make more

Differential braking should be kept to a minimum in any airplane, for two 

(1) An airplane is a really lousy automobile. It has about as little 
undercarriage as it can get away with (one has only to look at pictures of 
an airplane and a truck scaled to the same size to realize this), and every 
brake application is hard on its pitiful little brakes.

(2) Differential braking tends to scrub rubber off some very expensive tires.

So differential power becomes the steering method of choice in airplanes 
that have it available.

Light taildraggers generally have steerable tailwheels, and being 
single-engined, they always have some prop blast over the tail; 
consequently they're not very hard to steer in the takeoff roll. Larger 
taildraggers don't have steerable tailwheels because the steering forces 
would require powered controls which were not in use when they were 
designed. In the Gooney Bird one must line up on the runway, lock the 
tailwheel, and hold the wheel firmly back until there is full tail surface 
control. Prior to that point, you aren't really steering a heading: you're 
just holding yaw rate to a minimum. The airplane will turn somewhat in a 
crosswind; this can be dealt with to some extent by judiciously positioning 
and aiming the airplane before starting the roll.

The divergence you mention is present in a real taildragger; it's just a 
basic instability in the yaw axis resulting from most of the weight being 
supported in front of the cg. When the fuselage is misaligned with the 
direction of motion, the side force on the wheels is destabilizing.

I don't know exactly how the tailwheel lock is implemented in the DC-3; in 
the AT-6, the last couple of inches of aft stick travel center and lock the 
wheel. It's an ideal arrangement, because if you don't have the stick back 
the tailwheel won't do you any good anyway.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 ground handling. Fixed?

2002-05-23 Thread C. Hotchkiss


I'm really just exploring near stall modeling issues so that our simulation
can be improved. Anyway you can get a bird in the air is reasonable,
especially if it shows up weaknesses in modeling.

So, just for discussion's sake and noting that nobody with detailed
knowledge of and experience with this aircraft has weighed in, I have
questions. Isn't the L/D ratio at high angles of attack different (poorer)
when in ground effect? If you can accelerate to above stall speed rolling on
all three wheels, what happens when you start to lift. Wouldn't you expect
the aircraft tend to nose up into stall?


Charlie H.

Cameron Moore wrote:

> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Megginson) [2002.05.23 13:59]:
> > Andy Ross writes:
> > The tech drawings at
> >
> >
> >
> > (especially the big one at the bottom) suggest to me an angle of
> > incidence of 2-3 degrees, but I haven't printed them out and measured.
> As far as measuring aircraft dimensions and such, I use Gimp's measuring
> tool to measure things.  Measure a known distance and record the length
> in pixels, then you can measure whatever else you want and do the pixel
> to feet conversions without haven't to print anything out.  Pythagoras
> is your friend.  :-)
> --
> Cameron Moore
> [ Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? ]
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list

"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows
away your whole leg." - Bjarne Stroustrup

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 ground handling. Fixed?

2002-05-23 Thread Cameron Moore

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Megginson) [2002.05.23 13:59]:
> Andy Ross writes:
> The tech drawings at
> (especially the big one at the bottom) suggest to me an angle of
> incidence of 2-3 degrees, but I haven't printed them out and measured.

As far as measuring aircraft dimensions and such, I use Gimp's measuring
tool to measure things.  Measure a known distance and record the length
in pixels, then you can measure whatever else you want and do the pixel
to feet conversions without haven't to print anything out.  Pythagoras
is your friend.  :-)
Cameron Moore
[ Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? ]

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 ground handling. Fixed?

2002-05-23 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > Now, that number comes ruler and protractor work on a 3-view diagram.
 > It's possible that I missed a measurement, and that the ground AoA
 > should be much larger.  It also assumes a build in wing incidence of
 > 0, which may not be true on the real aircraft (I couldn't find data on
 > this stuff).  But if it's really 10 degrees, then the behavior is
 > pretty much correct.

The tech drawings at

(especially the big one at the bottom) suggest to me an angle of
incidence of 2-3 degrees, but I haven't printed them out and measured.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 ground handling. Fixed?

2002-05-23 Thread Major A

> OK, I found an explosion case in the propeller code which could be
> triggered by a propeller turning backwards very slowly.  That's pretty
> much consistent with a aircraft with a stopped engine, so I'm
> hopefully this is it.  It's been checked in (this was obvious enough
> to check in based on code inspection only), so see if this fixes your
> problem.

It does.

> I make no promises about actually getting off the ground successfully
> on one engine, however. :)

I managed to do it (once), but I wouldn't like to be a passenger on
that plane.

Also, I can't reproduce the spinning problem, seems like your prop
patch did the job. Thanks a lot!


Major Andras

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] DC-3 flies again (thanks, Andy)

2002-05-23 Thread David Megginson

With today's changes from Andy, the YASim DC-3 now flies, beautifully.
Rudder corrections do work during the later part of the takeoff roll
(after you've lifted the tailwheel), but they have to be small and
anticipatory -- i.e. if you hold the correction until you see its
effect, you've held it too long (I stole that from a writeup by a real
DC-3 pilot, but it seems to apply here as well).  I let the plane
weave a bit, but it wasn't too bad.  The real challenge will be taking
off in a crosswind, but I haven't tried that yet.

I flew a circuit around KSFO at 1000ft ASL, and the plane handled
beautifully.  I extended the crosswind and downwind slightly, but
otherwise flew the circuit exactly as I would in a C172 except that I
kept my inputs small and started them well in advance.  I was amazed
at how easy the plane was to handle and at how smooth and graceful its
responses were -- either Andy's model is too simple, I'm a better
pilot than I think (unlikely), or the DC-3 really deserves all the
affection it gets from fliers.

On final, I was so busy worrying about flaps, MP, RPM, gear, etc. that
I didn't notice the plane climb back up to circuit altitude until I
was fairly close to the runway.  I pulled the throttle to idle,
applied full flaps, and lowered the gear, and the plane practically
flew itself down.  The flare was beautiful -- the plane seemed to
glide forever just above the surface, and it was still easy to control
after the mains made contact (thank god for long jet runways).

Nice work, Andy.  For anyone else who wants to try this, the tailwheel
is now locked by default, and you'll have to use 'l' (small L) to
unlock it for taxiing.  I'll have to start work on the 3D interior.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 ground handling. Fixed?

2002-05-23 Thread Andy Ross

Charlie Hotchkiss wrote:
> Perhaps I'm showing some ignorance here (I'm certainly not a pilot,
> much less an expert), but isn't the induced drag in that situation so
> large as to preclude reaching flying speed? The wings acting at that
> angle much like a drag brake? I read somewhere that pilots
> deliberately pushed forward on the column to lift the tail at a
> specific speed in order to reduce drag and allow speed to build up.

In the DC-3 as modelled, the pitch angle of the wings while resting on
the ground is only something like 10 degrees.  That's high, but
significantly lower than the stall angle of 14 degrees*.  If the
aircraft can fly at that AoA under its own power, it can certainly
accelerate to that speed.  It won't get there very quickly, and will
use more runway doing it (a big problem, unless you happen to be at
SFO), but it definitely works.

Now, that number comes ruler and protractor work on a 3-view diagram.
It's possible that I missed a measurement, and that the ground AoA
should be much larger.  It also assumes a build in wing incidence of
0, which may not be true on the real aircraft (I couldn't find data on
this stuff).  But if it's really 10 degrees, then the behavior is
pretty much correct.

I suspect the real reason that this isn't done in practice is the
runway length issue, along with the fact that the tail wheel isn't as
strong as the mains and probably doesn't like being dragged along as
much.  Anyone have a good reference?

* This number is a guess, too.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 ground handling. Fixed?

2002-05-23 Thread C. Hotchkiss

Andy Ross wrote:

> [I combined a bunch of responses...
> Once the tailwheel leaves the ground, it's squirrely but controllable.
> This is not doubt bad form, but I found that holding the stick back to
> keep the wheel firmly on the ground during the takeoff roll until the
> aircraft took off on its own was the safest way to take off.


Perhaps I'm showing some ignorance here (I'm certainly not a pilot, much
less an expert), but isn't the induced drag in that situation so large as to
preclude reaching flying speed? The wings acting at that angle much like a
drag brake? I read somewhere that pilots deliberately pushed forward on the
column to lift the tail at a specific speed in order to reduce drag and
allow speed to build up.


Charlie H.
"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows
away your whole leg." - Bjarne Stroustrup

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 ground handling. Fixed?

2002-05-23 Thread Andy Ross

I wrote:
> Major A wrote:
> > I think the main problem really is the rapid increase in airspeed,
> > which is unnatural, and doesn't occur if both engines are used.
> Bingo.  This is a bug in the propeller code [...] (I'm pretty sure it
> used to work -- I remember doing hammerhead stalls in the A-4 when
> testing).

Don't say it.  I know.  The A-4 doesn't have a propeller.

OK, I found an explosion case in the propeller code which could be
triggered by a propeller turning backwards very slowly.  That's pretty
much consistent with a aircraft with a stopped engine, so I'm
hopefully this is it.  It's been checked in (this was obvious enough
to check in based on code inspection only), so see if this fixes your

I make no promises about actually getting off the ground successfully
on one engine, however. :)


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 takeoff roll: partial solution

2002-05-23 Thread Andy Ross

I wrote:
> Attached is the DC-3 file I was using last night, which maps the
> castering bit to /controls/tailwheel-castering.

I lied again.  Now it's attached.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)











Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 takeoff roll: partial solution

2002-05-23 Thread Andy Ross

David Megginson wrote:
>> Note that I set castering="0" rather than removing the attribute
>> completely.
> I saw it in a slow, taxiing turn at around 10kt or less, but I had
> done the modification myself before you posted yours.  I'll try it
> with exactly your suggestion.

Ah; this is my fault.  You got faked out by the dumb YASim parser.  It
looks (well, looked, it uses the more robust 
mechanism now) only for the *presence* of the castering attribute, not its
value.  So specifying castering="0" told YASim that the wheel *is*
castering.  Like I said, it's fixed now; don't yell at me. :)

Attached is the DC-3 file I was using last night, which maps the
castering bit to /controls/tailwheel-castering.  I'm going to check
the patch in right now, so give it whirl and see if it works for you.

> For now, perhaps locking the tailwheel could automatically snap it
> to 0 deg steering angle.  We could even handle that in the input
> bindings, if there were a pseudo-steering property for the
> tailwheel.

Sorry, I wasn't clear.  That's exactly what happens right now.  The
way it works is that "castering" causes the gear to ignore the whole
issue of steering direction and simply ignore all force along the
ground plane.  This is nice and simple, and generally has the right
effect (even for the DC-3 tail wheel, excluding the "falling into
place" feature).  But it makes the falling-into-place feature harder
to implement.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 ground handling. Fixed?

2002-05-23 Thread Major A


> Bingo.  This is a bug in the propeller code; I apparently introduced a
> FPU explosion when the thing is going backwards.  It has nothing to do
> with the aero or ground modelling, so I was looking in the wrong
> place.  I'll get this fixed.  (I'm pretty sure it used to work -- I
> remember doing hammerhead stalls in the A-4 when testing).

Sorry I only realized this just before I actually mentioned it. I used
to test in a from-the-back view, in which the window goes black when
the divergence happens, I had to test it again with the normal
out-of-the-cockpit view to see the 1000kt+.

> Really?  When I tried it, I couldn't turn against the tail wheel at
> all, even with full braking applied.  The tail wheel didn't move until
> 50 kts or so when it lifted; then the plane became squirrely, as might
> be expected.  Under what conditions did you see that behavior?  If
> it's sliding at speed, are you absolutely sure that's wrong?

I can confirm this, the plane moves straight whatever you do as long
as the tailwheel stays on the ground. This is definitely far closer to
reality than the free swinging we had before. Modeling skidding and
sliding friction would be more realistic, but not that important.

Thanks for sorting this out so quickly, I will investigate the
problems more thoroughly next time...


Major Andras

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 ground handling. Fixed?

2002-05-23 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > > I tried that, and it's an improvement, but the tailwheel seems to
 > > slide sideways too easily.
 > Really?  When I tried it, I couldn't turn against the tail wheel at
 > all, even with full braking applied.  The tail wheel didn't move until
 > 50 kts or so when it lifted; then the plane became squirrely, as might
 > be expected.  Under what conditions did you see that behavior?  If
 > it's sliding at speed, are you absolutely sure that's wrong?

I saw it in a slow, taxiing turn at around 10kt or less, but I had
done the modification myself before you posted yours.  I'll try it
with exactly your suggestion.

 > I noticed that too -- this will be harder to implement.  There's no
 > "feedback" for the steering direction right now -- castering is
 > implemented by simply assuming that steer == velocity.  The code would
 > need to calculate a steer angle, test for "forward", and set the
 > castering bit to false only if that is true *and* the wheel lock is
 > on.  That ties a bunch of code sections together in a kinda messy way.

For now, perhaps locking the tailwheel could automatically snap it to
0 deg steering angle.  We could even handle that in the input
bindings, if there were a pseudo-steering property for the tailwheel.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] DC-3 ground handling. Fixed?

2002-05-23 Thread Andy Ross

[I combined a bunch of responses to avoid repeating myself.]

Just for an "I told you so" moment: the gear and aero modelling (but
sadly not the propeller, see below) in YASim was doing everything
properly.  The plane was being modelled perfectly,and (almost) all the
effects reported were physically justified and quantitatively
correct.  Thbbt!

I was just modelling a plane that doesn't exist. :)

The tail wheel lock, to me, seems to fix all the problems with DC-3
runway handling.  David still has an outstanding complaint that I
haven't reproduced yet (I'm hopeful it's a miscommunication and not
another bug), but everything else seems to be working great.  I did
about 5 pattern circuits last night in it.  My flying wasn't pretty,
but the plane stayed on pavement the whole time.

Once the tailwheel leaves the ground, it's squirrely but controllable.
This is not doubt bad form, but I found that holding the stick back to
keep the wheel firmly on the ground during the takeoff roll until the
aircraft took off on its own was the safest way to take off.
Likewise, 3-point landings worked better than trying to get the mains
down first.  YMMV.

OK, on to the responses:

Alex Perry wrote:
> Andy Ross wrote:
> > You started up the engines, firewalled the throttle, let the RPMs
> > stablize, released the brakes, and the aircraft pitched *up*???
> > That's clearly unphysical.
> Why ? The nose pitches down with power and brake application.  So,
> releasing the brakes makes the nose pitch up.

Touche.  I should have qualified. :)

The bug report was of a pitch up strong enough to force the tailwheel
into the ground and cause a crash.  That's far stronger than the mild
pitch effects you get from engine/gear forces causing a torque about
the CG.  Actually, the DC-3 doesn't show this effect very well -- the
tricycle planes have nosewheels with light spring constants that can
compress a lot.  The DC-3 tail gear barely compresses at all, and the
mains have much higher spring constants and compress less for the same

Major A wrote:
> Not immediately, the aircraft pitches up after rolling for a few
> seconds. I think the main problem really is the rapid increase in
> airspeed, which is unnatural, and doesn't occur if both engines are
> used.

Bingo.  This is a bug in the propeller code; I apparently introduced a
FPU explosion when the thing is going backwards.  It has nothing to do
with the aero or ground modelling, so I was looking in the wrong
place.  I'll get this fixed.  (I'm pretty sure it used to work -- I
remember doing hammerhead stalls in the A-4 when testing).

Just a hint for everyone's future bug reporting: if you see a problem
like "accelerated to 1000 kts", the please YELL ABOUT THIS VERY
LOUDLY.  I was chasing a "pitch up", which is a rather milder
condition that I thought was due to a gear configuration weirdness.
Radically unphysical behavior just Shouldn't Happen.

David Megginson wrote:
> Andy Ross wrote:
> > You can lock the tailwheel by simply removing the castering="1" bit
> > from the gear definition.  This could be pretty easily made settable
> > at runtime via a property.
> I tried that, and it's an improvement, but the tailwheel seems to
> slide sideways too easily.

Really?  When I tried it, I couldn't turn against the tail wheel at
all, even with full braking applied.  The tail wheel didn't move until
50 kts or so when it lifted; then the plane became squirrely, as might
be expected.  Under what conditions did you see that behavior?  If
it's sliding at speed, are you absolutely sure that's wrong?

> One peculiar property of the DC-3 tailwheel I read about is that it
> can be locked only when aligned with the longitudinal axis of the
> plane.

I noticed that too -- this will be harder to implement.  There's no
"feedback" for the steering direction right now -- castering is
implemented by simply assuming that steer == velocity.  The code would
need to calculate a steer angle, test for "forward", and set the
castering bit to false only if that is true *and* the wheel lock is
on.  That ties a bunch of code sections together in a kinda messy way.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 takeoff roll: partial solution

2002-05-23 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:
 > OK, if anyone wants to try it before I get home, the following 5-line
 > patch adds support for a settable "castering" attribute for gear
 > objects.  Apply it to the YASim directory, and then replace the tail
 > wheel definition in dc3.xml with this:
 > Then bind a key to toggle it, and we're set.  Hopefully I haven't
 > broken anything.  I'll test it this evening.

That sounds like an excellent start.  One peculiar property of the
DC-3 tailwheel I read about is that it can be locked only when aligned
with the longitudinal axis of the plane.  If you activate the lock
when the tailwheel is turned, it will not engage until the wheel
passes through the longitudinal axis, at which point it will snap on.
That way, there's no risk of locking the wheel at an oblique angle,
but you can engage the lock early while turning onto the runway.  If
that's too fancy, we could just have the lock instantly snap the wheel
to position for now.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 takeoff roll: partial solution

2002-05-23 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > > 2. Maintaining a straight heading is hard during the early part of the
 > >takeoff roll, but the text describes S-curves rather than violent
 > >spinning as the problem for inexperienced pilots.
 > Is that with or without braking being applied?  I can confirm that I
 > execute lots of S curves during takeoff in the DC-3 when using the
 > brakes method.  It only spins violently when you try to correct yaw
 > divergence with a flapping rudder.

As far as I can tell, that's without braking.  Braking during a
takeoff roll would be so unusual for typical pilots that stories about
flying the DC-3 aimed at a modern audience would be sure to mention
it.  One of the narratives specifically mentioned just tapping the
rudder pedals rather than making large rudder inputs during the early
part of the takeoff roll (i.e. at slower speeds) to avoid the

 > Hey, now that's really good information.  This would *definitely*
 > help with directional stability.  You can lock the tailwheel by
 > simply removing the castering="1" bit from the gear definition.
 > This could be pretty easily made settable at runtime via a
 > property.

I tried that, and it's an improvement, but the tailwheel seems to
slide sideways too easily.  You can see it most clearly from external
view, where applying only a light differential brake causes the tail
to rotate sharply.  Could there not be enough weight on the wheel?
Note that I set castering="0" rather than removing the attribute

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 takeoff roll: partial solution

2002-05-23 Thread Major A

> > You started up the engines, firewalled the throttle, let the RPMs
> > stablize, released the brakes, and the aircraft pitched *up*???
> > That's clearly unphysical.
> Why ? The nose pitches down with power and brake application.
> So, releasing the brakes makes the nose pitch up.

Not immediately, the aircraft pitches up after rolling for a few
seconds. I think the main problem really is the rapid increase in
airspeed, which is unnatural, and doesn't occur if both engines are
used. Actually, it diverges for some reason, I just made another test
and ended up with an aircraft at 35 deg, some roll to the right, and
1346kt! This is a few seconds after turning one engine on, running it
at full speed, and releasing the brakes. No flaps, all controls


Major Andras

Flightgear-devel mailing list