[Flightgear-devel] Multiplayer ports

2005-10-15 Thread Jim Campbell

Hi guys,
Without wishing to start a flame war and perhaps starting another 
Anyone transmitting un-encrypted data across a world wide internet (as 
opposed to a private intranet) needs to think ahead a little. Every 
hacker will be rubbing their hands with glee before trying to hit you 
on these ports you have just announced. A server/client or even 
peer-to-peer client can implement TLS/SSL fairly easily. For those with 
restricted firewalls you can tunnel through SSH port 22 if you want to 
keep it simple. Firewall/NAT configurations are difficult enough for 
admins to configure without having to allow special FlightGear port 
rules to allow access to ports on machines in-the-clear which may then 
get hacked thus compromising the security of everyone behind the 
Maybe I am paranoid (well known for it in my previous job!) but a 
denial-of-service attack on your multi-player ports will soon wreck 
your response times!


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: jsclient and js_server

2005-07-11 Thread Jim Campbell

I notice that Plib library allows:
#define _JS_MAX_AXES 16
#define _JS_MAX_BUTTONS 32
#define _JS_MAX_HATS 4
so maybe we should stick to these limits.

I am also in discussions with Jon (JSB) about server/client 
communication to and from JSBsim for passing property values back and 
forth. XML-RPC looks interesting for heterogeneous 
multi-processor/process communications. General RPC can be used for 
passing any parameter and with XDR dont have to worry about 
endianness,packing, and general socketry etc. With RPC js_server 
wouldnt need to do wait and the jsclient bit could just overload the 
normal joystick reading with an RPC call. With XML-RPC we could just 
pass the property list /jsclient/axis[i] directly.
Extending this idea the js_server would be just one of a class of 
input/output servers eg engine_server - modelling engines,cockpit 
display server -for eg OpenGC,motion platform server etc.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] RFE for jsclient,js_server

2005-07-08 Thread Jim Campbell

Can the jsclient and the js_server code be extended to allow up to 
eight joystick axis and the jsclient.cxx code enhanced to accept the 
button bits? It looks like the js_server.cxx code is encapsulating 
the button word as long integer but it is not being decoded on 
jsclient.cxx side.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: code optimisation

2005-07-06 Thread Jim Campbell

One comment and some documentation has indicted that FDM doesnt consume 
much CPU.

I ask myself why?
The modelling of a generalised rigid body with six degrees of freedom 
in a rotating frame of

reference should max out anyones and everyones CPU!
Of course any model is only as good as the approximations used so we 
apply symmetry to
an aircraft (what happens if an engine drops off!) and various other 
restrictions. From my point

of view I would rather devote spare CPU to the accuracy of the FDM.
I notice that JSBSim uses a simple single step method for integration 
whereas LaRCSim uses
a multi-step method. Spare CPU could be utilised in doing a multi-step 
predictor/corrector integration
with variable step size especially for more esoteric aircraft types 
with high speeds and high altitudes

and even near orbital capability in JSBSim.
Anyone with any comments or advice or done anything similar?

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] optimisation of FlightGear code

2005-07-04 Thread Jim Campbell

Hi folks,
Hopefully I would like to start a discussion of Flightgear code 
My first thoughts are that fgfs divides logically into a number of 

a) Flight Dynamics Modelling (FDM)
b) Exterior View
c) Cockpit input and output ie joystick controls,switches and displays.
d) Motion system
but for time being I am going to disregard the last!!
These sub-systems could be physically separated into processes 
threads - whatever you like to call them) and inter-linked with IPC eg 

Unix sockets,etc.
This would enable:
1) a critical block analysis (CBA) to be run on each sub-system to 
identify the most
frequently used code which can then be optimised by any number of 
eg compiler optimisation,manual optimisation, re-writing in a more 
language (without wishing to start a flame war, C++ and Object 
languages may be ideal for code development but I know of no object 
hardware so they may not get the best out of the available 
2) running the different sub-systems on different inter-linked 
computers and indeed
 on different hardware (Intel is not famed for its floating point 
arithmetic so FDM may
 be better on PowerPC,UltraSPARC etc but there is a great range of 
graphics hardware

 which makes Linux/Intel flexible for view and cockpit).
3) tuning the frame rate of individual sub-systems (the FDM itself 
may benefit
from different and variable frame rate for the lateral and 
rotational elements

of the aerodynamical derivative integrations)

These are just my first thoughts without tracking through every line of 
code as yet so
maybe some of this has already been done? I dont want to repeat things 
that have already

been chewed over so any ideas would be welcome.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] keyboards etc

2005-06-20 Thread Jim Campbell

Someone once said that Britain and America are two countries only 
separated by a common language!!
To get away from keyboard I am cannabalising cheap USB gamepads to 
make switch
boxes. My first try is the Logic 3 JP260 which has 10 buttons I can 
use. However MACOSX reports unknown Vendor although the JP260 reports 
correctly a vendor id
and product id. Anyone any idea whether the vendor list is hard-coded 
in the driver or is there a property list somewhere.?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] carb-heat

2005-06-20 Thread Jim Campbell

On the Cessna 172/150 range of aircraft the carb-heat control is a 
knob as for mixture. The operators recommendation is indeed that only 
off should be used and it is represented as bool in flight gear but 
is this a correct
interpretation. If the actual aircraft panel is a variable control 
should the representation
be variable and up to the pilot to use in the recommended fashion. 
Anyone any opinions

on this point (maybe I am just being too pendantic!!)?
FGControls::set_carb_heat( int engine, bool val )
if ( engine == ALL_ENGINES ) {
for ( int i = 0; i  MAX_ENGINES; i++ ) {
carb_heat[i] = val;
} else {
if ( (engine = 0)  (engine  MAX_ENGINES) ) {
carb_heat[engine] = val;

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] diffs requested for joystick mods

2005-06-20 Thread Jim Campbell
Apologies guys for not providing diff files for previous suggestions 
on joysticks.

Wanted to see if anyone was interested before I did so!
Here we go:
For Nasal/controls.nas:
diff -up controls.nas.orig controls.nas
--- controls.nas.orig   Sat Jun 18 15:50:59 2005
+++ controls.nasSat Jun 18 16:02:44 2005
@@ -76,6 +76,12 @@ propellerAxis = func {
 if(size(arg)  0) { val = -val; }
 props.setAll(/controls/engines/engine, propeller-pitch, (1 - 

+carbheatAxis = func {
+val = cmdarg().getNode(setting).getValue();
+if(size(arg)  0) { val = -val; }
+props.setAll(/controls/anti-ice/engine, carb-heat, (1 - 


 # Wrapper around stepProps() which emulates the old flap behavior for

 For Input/Joysticks/Saitek/X45.xml:
diff -up X45.xml.orig X45.xml
--- X45.xml.origMon May 10 16:30:02 2004
+++ X45.xml Sat Jun 18 16:18:30 2005
@@ -10,16 +10,19 @@ Only a few stick controls have been mapp
  + Stick button A:Gear toggle
  + Stick button C:Reset view (hackish)

+Corrections here when Plib fixed to recognise dial
+([EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/6/2005)
 Linux/Windows/Mac Axis Numbers:
   0Roll (positive == right)
   1Pitch (positive == down/back/nose-up)
-  2/5/4 top rotary dial on the throttle (positive == CCW)
+  2/5/5 top rotary dial on the throttle (positive == CCW)
   3Rocker switch (rudder control) on the throttle (positive == 

   4/2/2 Throttle (positive == back/down/idle)
-  5/4/? Bottom rotary dial on the throttle (positive == CW)
+  5/4/4 Bottom rotary dial on the throttle (positive == CW)
Strange this axis doesn't seem to exist on Mac OS X!
-  6/6/5 Lower right hat horizontal axis (positive == right)
-  7/7/6 Lower right hat vertical axis (positive == down (Mac positive 
is UP))

+  6/6/6 Lower right hat horizontal axis (positive == right)
+  7/7/7 Lower right hat vertical axis (positive == down (Mac positive 
is UP))

 Button Numbers (Identical b/w Linux/Windows/Mac):
  0  Trigger
@@ -55,6 +58,7 @@ $Id: X45.xml,v 1.11 2004/05/06 16:12:32
  nameSaitek X45/name
  nameSaitek Saitek X45/name
  nameSaitek X45 Flight Controller USB/name
+ nameSaitek X45 Flight Control Stick /name

  axis n=0
@@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ $Id: X45.xml,v 1.11 2004/05/06 16:12:32
-   mac5/mac
+   mac6/mac
   descView Direction/desc
@@ -127,7 +131,7 @@ $Id: X45.xml,v 1.11 2004/05/06 16:12:32
-   mac6/mac
+   mac7/mac
@@ -163,6 +167,7 @@ $Id: X45.xml,v 1.11 2004/05/06 16:12:32
+   mac5/mac
@@ -175,11 +180,11 @@ $Id: X45.xml,v 1.11 2004/05/06 16:12:32
-!-- mac???/mac --
+   mac4/mac
-   scriptcontrols.propellerAxis(-1)/script
+   scriptcontrols.carbheatAxis()/script

   For  plib-1.8.4/src/js/jsMacOSX.cxx :
diff -up jsMacOSX.cxx.orig jsMacOSX.cxx
--- jsMacOSX.cxx.orig   Tue Sep 21 12:45:55 2004
+++ jsMacOSX.cxxMon Jun 20 17:14:46 2005
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ void jsJoystick::open()
plugin, score);

if (rv != kIOReturnSuccess) {
-   ulSetError(UL_WARNING, error creting plugin for io 
+   ulSetError(UL_WARNING, error creating plugin for io 


@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ void os_specific_s::enumerateElements(js
elementEnumerator, joy);

-static void os_specific_s::elementEnumerator( const void *element, 
void* vjs)

+void os_specific_s::elementEnumerator( const void *element, void* vjs)
if (CFGetTypeID((CFTypeRef) element) != 
CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
ulSetError(UL_WARNING, element enumerator passed 
non-dictionary value);

@@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ void os_specific_s::parseElement(jsJoyst
case kHIDUsage_GD_Ry:
case kHIDUsage_GD_Rz:
case kHIDUsage_GD_Slider: // for 
throttle / trim controls

+case kHIDUsage_GD_Dial:
//printf( axis\n);

/*joy-os-*/addAxisElement(joy, (CFDictionaryRef) element);



Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] newbee

2005-06-19 Thread Jim Campbell

Hi guys,
Just returning to flight simulation after many years abscence (well 
used to have a real job to do!!).

Flightgear looks like a really good project to get involved in.
I am hoping to look at code optimisation in the refresh loop of the 
bits that do sums.
I am more familiar with compiler optimisation in Fortran which as it 
has intrinsic functions
and arrays (and complex!!) you could let a decent compiler to a lot of 
the work. With C and
C++ (especially with overloading) I guess its back to the code writer 
to manually optimise arrays and sums!!

A few things I have fixed already in setting up MacOSX (10.3) with 
Saitek X45 joystick
are the Plib library routine jsMacOSX.cxx which didnt recognise one of 
the rotary dials

on the X45 as it doesnt recognise kHIDUsage_GD_Dial:

if (page == kHIDPage_GenericDesktop) {
switch (usage) /* look at usage to determine function */
case kHIDUsage_GD_X:
case kHIDUsage_GD_Y:
case kHIDUsage_GD_Z:
case kHIDUsage_GD_Rx:
case kHIDUsage_GD_Ry:
case kHIDUsage_GD_Rz:
case kHIDUsage_GD_Slider: // for throttle / trim 

case kHIDUsage_GD_Dial:
//printf( axis\n);
/*joy-os-*/addAxisElement(joy, (CFDictionaryRef) 


case kHIDUsage_GD_Hatswitch:
//printf( hat\n);
/*joy-os-*/addHatElement(joy, (CFDictionaryRef) 


ulSetError(UL_WARNING, input type element has 
weird usage (%lx)\n, usage);


an addition to Nasal/controls.nas to allow this dial to be used as 
carb-heat (was specified as propellor-advance in original X45.xml but I 
dont remember C172 having variable pitch!?):

# Joystick axis handlers (uses cmdarg).  Shouldn't be called from
# other contexts.
throttleAxis = func {
val = cmdarg().getNode(setting).getValue();
if(size(arg)  0) { val = -val; }
props.setAll(/controls/engines/engine, throttle, (1 - val)/2);
mixtureAxis = func {
val = cmdarg().getNode(setting).getValue();
if(size(arg)  0) { val = -val; }
props.setAll(/controls/engines/engine, mixture, (1 - val)/2);
propellerAxis = func {
val = cmdarg().getNode(setting).getValue();
if(size(arg)  0) { val = -val; }
props.setAll(/controls/engines/engine, propeller-pitch, (1 - 

carbheatAxis = func {
val = cmdarg().getNode(setting).getValue();
if(size(arg)  0) { val = -val; }
props.setAll(/controls/anti-ice/engine, carb-heat, (1 - val)/2);

and of course the X45.xml now needs to cater for extra axis (so no need 
for comments on MacOSX not having this dial!!):

?xml version=1.0?
Only a few stick controls have been mapped here:
 + Rocker switch: Rudder
 + Top rotary dial: Mixture
 + Bottom rotary dial:  Prop Advance
 + Top stick hat:   Elevator  Aileron trim
 + Bottom stick hat:View direction
 + Top throttle hat:Flaps  Rudder trim
 + Stick button A:Gear toggle
 + Stick button C:Reset view (hackish)

Corrections here when Plib fixed to recognise dial
([EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/6/2005)

Linux/Windows/Mac Axis Numbers:
  0   Roll (positive == right)
  1  Pitch (positive == down/back/nose-up)
  2/5/5 top rotary dial on the throttle (positive == CCW)
  3   Rocker switch (rudder control) on the throttle (positive == 

  4/2/2 Throttle (positive == back/down/idle)
  5/4/4 Bottom rotary dial on the throttle (positive == CW)
  Strange this axis doesn't seem to exist on Mac OS X!
  6/6/6 Lower right hat horizontal axis (positive == right)
  7/7/7 Lower right hat vertical axis (positive == down (Mac positive 
is UP))

Button Numbers (Identical b/w Linux/Windows/Mac):
 0  Trigger
 1  Stick top A switch
 2  Stick top B switch
 3  Stick top launch/fire switch
 4  Throttle D switch
 5  Throttle mouse switch (tiny black thumb button)
 6  Stick pinkie switch
 7  Stick front C switch
 8  -+left position   (M1)
 9   +- Throttle mode 3-way switch: middle position (M2)
10  -+right position  (M3)
11  -+left position
12   +- Throttle Aux 3-way switch:  middle position
13  -+right position
14  Upper left hat in up position
15  Upper left hat in right position
16  Upper left hat in down position
17  Upper left hat in left position
18  Throttle forefinger hat in up/back position
19  Throttle forefinger hat in right position
20  Throttle forefinger hat in down/forward position
21  Throttle forefinger hat in left position
22  Throttle thumb hat in up position
23  Throttle thumb hat in right position
24  Throttle thumb hat in down position
25  Throttle thumb hat in left position

$Id: X45.xml,v 1.11 2004/05/06 16:12:32