Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread Buchanan, Stuart
--- Steve Hosgood <> wrote:

> I propose then that every single instrument on the cockpit has the
> ability to be double-clicked, and if so then a separate draggable window
> appears containing a magnified view of that same instrument. 

Hi Steve,

Personally I think this is a fine idea, and indeed gets around the
challenge of having generic dialog boxes that don't match specific
instruments. I'm not sure whether it would need to be magnified, it would
be sufficient just to display them at "normal" resolution (e.g. 128X128
for most round gauges, 256x60 (ish) for radio stacks).

However, I don't know whether we can easily display the gauges in windows
by themselves - I'm not familiar with the graphics routines we have, but I
suspect that we are stuck with a single rendered window (as opposed to
dialogs created using GUI widgets), unless we want to take huge perf hits.

I think the main issue here is with the radios, GPS and autopilot. One
simple solution would be to create a "radio" panel for the plane
containing these components, the visibility of which could be toggled
either from the menu, or from a keypress.

The downside to this approach are:
- each plane would need to have the panel created specifically (unless
someone wants to write a generic routine to pick up all the appropriate
controls and automagically generate a panel on the fly)
- The panel couldn't be dragged and dropped - though it could be shifted
using the normal controls.
- I don't think we'd be able to use the double-click idea, as that
normally causes two increments/decrements.  

On the plus side:
- I think this is quite easy to implement using the existing code, so is
fairly "safe" for v1.0.0
- Just about anyone could do it - it's just a bit of messing around with
panels, so we can all pitch in.
- You can bind the key normally used for the radio dialog to displaying
this specific panel.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread Vassilii Khachaturov
> Flightgear (and any other flight sim) is trying to reproduce the
> experience of flying, both in terms of the flight dynamics and (to a
> limited extent) "the whole experience".
> As such, many of the instruments in the virtual cockpit can be
> configured with mouse-clicks on the instruments themselves. Some can
> also be configured through dialog boxes.
> If FG wants to try and model the "flight experience", these alternative
> dialog-box UIs must go. There are no pull-down menus on a real plane,
> and no dialog-boxes. Providing them therefore breaks the "flight
> experience".
I disagree with the fact that it breaks the flight experience.
On the real plane, you extend your hand and twist a knob. Unless
you're building an external hardware to augment your flight simulation
experience (i.e., actual radio stack panel with the knobs to twist
that will interface the PC), you will not have the same experience.
Touchscreen might be smth, but most of us don't have a touchscreen either.
Doing a mouse click on a radio knob (that is rendered to a tiny circle
less than the natural size as the whole screen is less than 1:1 at the
default zoom where you see both the window and the radios) is thus
significantly more difficult and a more time consuming task.
BTW, I am comparing it to real flight experiences. Mostly
you even twist these knobs BLIND in the real life, only occasionally
glancing at the frequency displays when you make the approximately
correct amount of clicks, and look outside. No way to model that w/o
a real knob. There is a concept of "flow" in real flying, referring
to the flow of your hands around the cockpit, and the only way to
train these is to do it in 1:1 scale 3D physical environment. Clicking
will not give you the correct flows, because your hand doesn't move the

Therefore, a way to do it via keyboard shortcuts/dialogs is a reasonable
compromise --- you want to be able to make it with an approximately
same ease. If, however, you want to do the clicking, that's all right,
too --- but please back off from the idea that everything but the clicking
must go.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread Joacim Persson

I just struck me that it's already possible to get a better look at the
instruments, both 2D and 3D, in a very simple way: I think all OS's and
windowmanagers have a "magnifier tool". It can't magnify beyond the screen
resolution of course (640x480 would still be 640x480), but it solves the
problem with blurred tiny characters on small weathered monitors, like

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread Josh Babcock
Steve Hosgood wrote:

> Makes me wonder whether there's an excuse for some new thinking on the
> subject of UI design, regardless of whether a cockpit is 3D or 2D.
> Here's what I propose - please be kind with your comments, I'm not
> trying to dictate terms or tread on anyone's toes:

> I propose then that every single instrument on the cockpit has the
> ability to be double-clicked, and if so then a separate draggable window
> appears containing a magnified view of that same instrument. Obviously,
> it will be a *lot* easier to click on buttons and knobs on this
> magnified instrument, though some people with colossal screens won't
> need to bother and can carry on with the normal-size instruments.

Just as a note, this functionality already exists. You can use the mouse
to look around and zoom in. Zoom in, click, zoom out. I do it all the time.

> Just my $0.04
> Now just off to don fireproof suit

Heh, I'll try to keep the temperature down :)

My personal view is that clicking on a little box on the screen is
nothing at all like reaching out and touching/feeling a knob or switch.
I don't think that the mouse can come anywhere close to providing a real
experience, nor is it capable of even supplying the kind of
effectiveness that a ergonomically designed (real) cockpit can provide.

This is not to say that I am against making everything in the cockpit
clickable, I think it's great that the functionality is there and I try
to provide it when I am designing a cockpit, but I also recognize that
there are a lot of people out there (myself included) that would much
rather use the keyboard, dialog box or pulldown menu.

In short, It's all well and good to add a functionality, but talking
about taking away a functionality that someone wanted enough to go to
the trouble of creating is not productive. If you don't like it, don't
use it. If you want something that doesn't already exist, add it.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread Steve Hosgood
On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 11:56, Buchanan, Stuart wrote:
> > I propose then that every single instrument on the cockpit has the
> > ability to be double-clicked, and if so then a separate draggable window
> > appears containing a magnified view of that same instrument. 

> Personally I think this is a fine idea, and indeed gets around the
> challenge of having generic dialog boxes that don't match specific
> instruments. I'm not sure whether it would need to be magnified, it would
> be sufficient just to display them at "normal" resolution (e.g. 128X128
> for most round gauges, 256x60 (ish) for radio stacks).

On my screen I can just about read the round gauges and radios and can't
read the compass (on the 3D Cessna). The 2D cockpit is much more
legible. Hence the comment about magnification.

> However, I don't know whether we can easily display the gauges in windows
> by themselves - I'm not familiar with the graphics routines we have, but I
> suspect that we are stuck with a single rendered window (as opposed to
> dialogs created using GUI widgets), unless we want to take huge perf hits.

I was thinking of using the machine's underlying windows system for
these popup per-instrument displays. So that would be GTK or similar on
X-Windows and native MS Windows API on M$Windows machines.

Alternatively, FlightGear could standardise on GTK for writing the
things, and use the fact that there already are "GTK-on-M$Windows" and
"GTK-on-MacOS" libraries out there that would take care of the
> I think the main issue here is with the radios, GPS and autopilot. One
> simple solution would be to create a "radio" panel for the plane
> containing these components, the visibility of which could be toggled
> either from the menu, or from a keypress.

I would leave the OpenGL engine to display the panel as it does now, but
some instruments (at the users' discretion) may get duplicated in their
draggable, scalable windows.

> - The panel couldn't be dragged and dropped - though it could be shifted
> using the normal controls.

It could, if it was written to employ the ordinary windows-system
windows, not be part of the OpenGL main display window.

> - I don't think we'd be able to use the double-click idea, as that
> normally causes two increments/decrements.  

Double-click is normally detected as such really low down and doesn't
normally get confused with two single-clicks.

> - You can bind the key normally used for the radio dialog to displaying
> this specific panel.


And there's another possible plus side. There was a thread here a few
weeks back about the serious flightsim-heads who like to build physical
cockpits and have "real" instruments. Apparently, one way to get the
effect of real instruments on a budget is to fit an LCD panel behind
cutouts in a fascia plate and display the instruments on that LCD panel.

Well, doing this gets a load easier if we've already written the code
for every instrument to be able to render itself (magnified) in
photo-realistic style in individual windows. The builder of a fake
cockpit can then drag all the magnified instruments to wherever they're
needed behind the cutouts in the fascia, and hey presto! Job done
(pretty much).

FlightGear would need to be able to remember at start-up how the user
wants to display any instruments that have to start in this "windowed"
mode: i.e their magnification (or window-size) and window location (X
and Y coords on which physical screen).


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread Steve Hosgood
On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 14:15, Josh Babcock wrote:
> Just as a note, this functionality already exists. You can use the mouse
> to look around and zoom in. Zoom in, click, zoom out. I do it all the time.

That's a very good trick (just tried it). Never thought of that one, and
yes, I can even read the buttons on the autopilot by doing that.

The only trouble with that approach is that you can't both look out of
the window *and* read the autopilot without quite a few mouse-clicks and
some x/X keypresses.

I'll grant you that it does allow you read small buttons and things,
it's a great workaround for my main gripe.

> I also recognize that
> there are a lot of people out there (myself included) that would much
> rather use the keyboard, dialog box or pulldown menu.
> In short, It's all well and good to add a functionality, but talking
> about taking away a functionality that someone wanted enough to go to
> the trouble of creating is not productive.

Yeah, OK. Several people have said the same thing now, so obviously the
dialog-box option is regarded as a must-have. As you say, let's not
throw out something that works.

However, can the implementation be changed so that repeats of the
autopilot snafu "can't happen"? I suggested in a different reply that
maybe the "instrument object" should be in charge of all its related
displays - whether that's the OpenGL one, the dialog box or (if it was
accepted as a good idea) my separate pop-up window alternate-view idea.

>  If you don't like it, don't
> use it.

I get the message!
(And I have no problems with that.)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread Vassilii Khachaturov
> windowmanagers have a "magnifier tool". It can't magnify beyond the screen
> resolution of course (640x480 would still be 640x480), but it solves the
> problem with blurred tiny characters on small weathered monitors, like

is it not the same effect as if the characters are rendered w/o
antialiasing? Is it possible to do from within flightgear (to render them
in this way)?

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Steve Hosgood wrote:

The only trouble with that approach is that you can't both look out of
the window *and* read the autopilot without quite a few mouse-clicks and
some x/X keypresses.

Heh, I'd like to see you looking at the Autopilot _and_ out of the 
window in a real plane. ;-)

As was mentioned, the nearest you could come to the "flow" in the 
cockpit IRL - not looking at the instrument and still changing its 
setting - is probably using the least as far as I see that 
as a pure simulation pilot ;-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread Curtis L. Olson

Ralf Gerlich wrote:

Heh, I'd like to see you looking at the Autopilot _and_ out of the 
window in a real plane. ;-)

As was mentioned, the nearest you could come to the "flow" in the 
cockpit IRL - not looking at the instrument and still changing its 
setting - is probably using the least as far as I see 
that as a pure simulation pilot ;-)

This touches on one of the *big* differences between a 'toy' and a real 
pilot training tool.  Having the entire instrument panel available at 
it's correct scale and location as well as having all the cockpit 
controls in their right location with the right amount of force feedback 
is a *huge* thing in terms of making the simulator realistic.

This is why all those oddball home/hobby cockpit builders aren't as far 
off their rockers as it might first appear.  They are taking a huge step 
towards a more realistic simulation environment.  And I'm sure all these 
people have spouses who understand the importance of a realistic flying 

You could have *perfect* flight dynamics that nailed all the numbers and 
all the nuances of the model exactly right, but if you are sitting at 
your desk, holding a $20 joystick in one hand and typing on your 
keyboard with another, while peering at a 17" monitor ... it's just not 
going to ever be all that realistic of an 'experience.'

I will even go so far as to assert that when creating a 'realistic' 
flying experience,  having the flight model right exactly on, is less 
important than having a full scale cockpit with controls that have the 
right amount of force feedback at the right times.  An enclosure is a 
huge addition because it blocks out many of the real world distractions 
that can snap you back to reality.  In addition, assembling a wrap 
around visual system that projects a field of view that exacatly matches 
the field of view covered by your display device is also very helpful.

All of this is said from the perspective of creating a realistic flying 
experience.  If you are using flightgear for other purposes (such as an 
engineering simulator or visualization tool, running it on a desktop PC 
or laptop may be exactly what is needed.)



Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
Unique text:2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread John Wojnaroski

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

Ralf Gerlich wrote:

Heh, I'd like to see you looking at the Autopilot _and_ out of the 
window in a real plane. ;-)

As was mentioned, the nearest you could come to the "flow" in the 
cockpit IRL - not looking at the instrument and still changing its 
setting - is probably using the least as far as I see 
that as a pure simulation pilot ;-)

You could have *perfect* flight dynamics that nailed all the numbers 
and all the nuances of the model exactly right, but if you are sitting 
at your desk, holding a $20 joystick in one hand and typing on your 
keyboard with another, while peering at a 17" monitor ... it's just 
not going to ever be all that realistic of an 'experience.'

One of the knocks from the May show ( which is totally my fault) was the 
cheezy joystick.  So here we were with a full scale 747 glass cockpit 
with a large screen plasma OTW display running top of the line flight 
dynamics (JSBSim), world class scenery (FlightGear), high fidelity 
subsystem models (Mathworks), and a "noodle" for control.

If we had had a decent control system, we could have faked the rest ;-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread Curtis L. Olson

John Wojnaroski wrote:

One of the knocks from the May show ( which is totally my fault) was 
the cheezy joystick.  So here we were with a full scale 747 glass 
cockpit with a large screen plasma OTW display running top of the line 
flight dynamics (JSBSim), world class scenery (FlightGear), high 
fidelity subsystem models (Mathworks), and a "noodle" for control.

If we had had a decent control system, we could have faked the rest ;-)

Come on Jack, when are you going to drive up to Mojave with your 
hacksaw?  I can get you past the fence, the rest is up to you. :-)


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
Unique text:2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread Josh Babcock
Steve Hosgood wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 14:15, Josh Babcock wrote:
>>Just as a note, this functionality already exists. You can use the mouse
>>to look around and zoom in. Zoom in, click, zoom out. I do it all the time.
> That's a very good trick (just tried it). Never thought of that one, and
> yes, I can even read the buttons on the autopilot by doing that.
> The only trouble with that approach is that you can't both look out of
> the window *and* read the autopilot without quite a few mouse-clicks and
> some x/X keypresses.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I can do it without any key presses because of
I bound my scroll wheel to zoom in look mode. It takes me at most two
mouse clicks, two mouse movements and two scroll wheel movements to get
there and back. I also changed the head motion bindings a bit.

Also, have you considered looking into OpenGC? It won't give you the
MSFS like functionality of dragable sub windows, but I think it would
allow you to make arbitrary windows to display instruments in cutouts.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-01 Thread John Wojnaroski

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

John Wojnaroski wrote:

One of the knocks from the May show ( which is totally my fault) was 
the cheezy joystick.  So here we were with a full scale 747 glass 
cockpit with a large screen plasma OTW display running top of the 
line flight dynamics (JSBSim), world class scenery (FlightGear), high 
fidelity subsystem models (Mathworks), and a "noodle" for control.

If we had had a decent control system, we could have faked the rest ;-)

Come on Jack, when are you going to drive up to Mojave with your 
hacksaw?  I can get you past the fence, the rest is up to you. :-)

I hear you.  There is also a boneyard at El Mirage which has some hulks 
that go back to WWII.  I understand the tv series LOST got some of the 
props from that site.  I ought to give Tom a call now that the daytime 
temps up there have become bearable.

Just a question of time and energy.  The design issue is how to keep it 
portable so we can haul the gear around to shows like Scale4x coming up 
in Feb 06. Same problem with putting everything into a shell,  fantastic 
for a fixed installation
but kind of like the old story of the fellow who builds the 30 foot 
sailboat in his cellar

John W.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-02 Thread Steve Hosgood
On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 22:47, Josh Babcock wrote:
> Steve Hosgood wrote:
> Also, have you considered looking into OpenGC? It won't give you the
> MSFS like functionality of dragable sub windows, but I think it would
> allow you to make arbitrary windows to display instruments in cutouts.

I was deliberately thinking that you **don't** want to use OpenGL for
that sort of thing. The GPU has enough work to do rendering the view out
of the windows, it would be a waste of its time rendering instruments
for the fascia - they're always going to be displayed "straight on" with
flat lighting. It's just a simple animation job for a normal window.

I see that a "cockpit building" discussion has kicked off in a parallel
part of this thread...


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-02 Thread Christian Mayer
Hash: SHA1

Steve Hosgood schrieb:
> I was deliberately thinking that you **don't** want to use OpenGL for
> that sort of thing. The GPU has enough work to do rendering the view out
> of the windows, it would be a waste of its time rendering instruments
> for the fascia - they're always going to be displayed "straight on" with
> flat lighting. It's just a simple animation job for a normal window.

That's why the future of the 2D desktops will be rendered by the 3D
hardware (Windows Vista, the OpenGL based X-Server, ...).

A while ago 2D desktops would profit from the graphic accelerator
graphic cards. They had chips that could draw very fast lines, etc. pp.

But today we've got 3D accelerators that can do even more. They are even
programmable. So the new OSes use that functionality for a fast visual

So it doesn't make sense to pass the rendering of some instruments back
to the OS. It will just give it back to the graphics adapter - with the
aditional overhead of going through the OS.

The only alternative to reduce the load on the GPU is to draw it with
the CPU "by hand" (note: this is really CPU intensive!). But if the CPU
idles too long (what I really doubt) we could easily increase the FDM
resolution, AI traffic, ...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-02 Thread Steve Hosgood
On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 20:23, Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> This is why all those oddball home/hobby cockpit builders aren't as far 
> off their rockers as it might first appear.  They are taking a huge step 
> towards a more realistic simulation environment. 

Dead right. I'd never knock them - more like admire their enthusiasm.
And as you say, an open source sim like FlightGear is much more likely
to be able to interface to all these home-made instruments.

>  And I'm sure all these 
> people have spouses who understand the importance of a realistic flying 
> experience.

Yeah, right! :-)

> having the flight model right exactly on, is less 
> important than having a full scale cockpit with controls that have the 
> right amount of force feedback at the right times.  An enclosure is a 
> huge addition...

Not sure about whether FlightGear currently allows for force feedback,
but of course, if anyone's flight sim could do it, FlightGear could.
Does FlightGear provide output data that would allow you to tip a
cockpit on hydraulic rams (or any other system) to try and model
changing G forces for the pilot?

I've mentioned the possibility in other mails on this thread for a
revamped future FlightGear instrument model to cater for separate
windows (maybe on other display heads of course) which would help
implement fascias using LCD panels behind cutouts. I'd have thought that
the cockpit-builder types would be clamouring for such an addition, yet
no-one's apparently all that enthusiastic.

Do the current crop of cockpit builders happen to use real simulated
physical instruments wired to USB or something? I read elsewhere that
the 747 guys were simulating a glass cockpit, so maybe they didn't have
any "physical instrument" scenarios to cope with. Hasn't anyone tried a
cockpit-build for a WWII plane with FlightGear yet?


BTW, nearly unrelated - one of the Discovery channels in the UK recently
ran a documentary on recreating the Dambusters raid on the Ruhr in 1943.
They had a (rather crude looking) mockup of a Lancaster bomber and a
crew of modern RAF types who tried to simulate reproducing the raid.

Whose flightsim was that? Unlikely to be FlightGear, unless the TV
people commissioned their own Lancaster FDM. Did anyone apart from me
see it?

It looked like the instruments panel for the Lancaster was simulated
with the old "lcd panel behind holes cut in plywood" trick. Actually,
I'm not even sure they bothered with the plywood. They certainly didn't
appear to bother with putting a skin on the fuselage of the fake plane -
they just ran it in a darkened warehouse.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-02 Thread Josh Babcock
Steve Hosgood wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 22:47, Josh Babcock wrote:
>>Steve Hosgood wrote:
>>Also, have you considered looking into OpenGC? It won't give you the
>>MSFS like functionality of dragable sub windows, but I think it would
>>allow you to make arbitrary windows to display instruments in cutouts.
> I was deliberately thinking that you **don't** want to use OpenGL for
> that sort of thing. The GPU has enough work to do rendering the view out
> of the windows, it would be a waste of its time rendering instruments
> for the fascia - they're always going to be displayed "straight on" with
> flat lighting. It's just a simple animation job for a normal window.
> I see that a "cockpit building" discussion has kicked off in a parallel
> part of this thread...
> Steve
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list
> 2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d

No, OpenGC


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-02 Thread Steve Hosgood
On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 14:28, Josh Babcock wrote:
> No, OpenGC
>  ^

Oops. Sorry.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible new thinking for 2D/3D cockpit instruments

2005-12-02 Thread Dan Lyke
Steve Hosgood writes:
> Do the current crop of cockpit builders happen to use real simulated
> physical instruments wired to USB or something?

There are several vendors out there who have simulated instruments
with needles and the like, often driven by RC servos. Granted, this
runs your price up $20 an axis, probably on the order of $65-100 per
instrument if you're not good enough with the styrene to build them
yourself, but if you think about how much LCD panel space it'd take to
cover a real-sized keyboard, I think it starts to look like a
reasonable trade-off.

Especially since external instruments can be driven with almost zero
main CPU. if I had the budget to go hardcore (I've only built pedals,
a full-length stick and a collective lever, but I've been looking at
the USB joystick spec 'cause I'm starting to think about 10 bits and
the ability to do some stuff on microcontrollers) I'd want that extra
LCD to be dedicated to view, not instruments.

Admittedly, though, I'm interested in aircraft that have a limited
instrument set. Folks interested in comercial airliner cockpits have
it harder than those of us who are into helicopters that just because
of stability and the difficulty of removing hands from the primary
controls to diddle with knobs would need a copilot to do any IFR.


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