Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Manager...

2011-06-25 Thread Mathias Fröhlich

Hi Gene,

On Wednesday, June 15, 2011 21:43:36 Gene Buckle wrote:
 In thinking about it a bit and being reminded of the existing HLA
 interface that FlightGear has, I'm leaning toward proposing something
 built with Python and the PyQT4 GUI library.  Both components are
 cross-platform and there is a Python binding for the CERTI HLA library

Well you can use PyHLA - That should just work with any RTI-1.3 library.

But, did you try OpenRTI?

There is a python binding included for the newer rti1516 standard. And in fact 
I have some python glue code that makes it easy to do python clients with that 
binding. We have run all this at LinuxTag. Including a small python script 
that prvides an ogle doing cirgles around a fixed point just as a demo how this 
could be achieved. Also a very simple radar application using pyside (qt 
binding) was running there. I have not published yet, this stuff since I do not 
think that the interfaces to the glue are already settled and because I wanted 
to avoid that backwardcompatibility problems at this time.
I can provide this to you if you want.

 The idea here is to create a stand-alone application that replaces all the
 built-in GUI functionality and communicates with FlightGear via the HLA
 interface.  When the manager application meets that goal, the existing GUI
 can be either removed completely or simply unbound at compile time so
 it's not available.

Yes, in the long term this could be kind of a plan.
I can see several components in this area:

The viewer. That was the original reason I started fgviewer. I want to have a 
pure viewer application that does not do any simulation.

The simulated aircraft. This includes *all* subsystems that belong to this 
particular aircraft. This must be done in a way that you can run several of 
these in a single federation.

The weather module. That needs to provide wind and atmosphereic parameters for 
all simulation entities.

The AI module. Provides all the AI traffic that is around.

A manager. Probably without any gui. Is responsible to give unique startup 
positions and such. Using the unique object names that are owned by exactly 
one federate this will be easy to do.

A multiplayer gateway. Currently I am talking about a local federation that 
should help runnning in a paralell environment and for things like the 
LinuxTag booth. Components might need to be coupled with a hard time 
syncronization. At least carefully selected components. Since this would just 
hang the whole federation if one of the federates hangs, this is impossible to 
do for the multiplayer part over the wide internet. Therefore the multiplayer 
server needs to be coupled loosely into the local federation. That is what 
this is for in the longer term.

And many more that make sense to move into its own component.
The above additional AI ogle with a nice, easy to adapt may be python scripted 

Here we need to start thinking carefully. And this is the reason I ask for 
OpenRTI. I have started this project, because I found that setup of the usual 
rti libraries is way to complex. So OpenRTI provides one mode where you can 
just access a process local federation from multiple threads. There is no 
network configuration needed and you do not setup any server in this operation 
mode (sure it also provides the usual networking mode). So the plan is to use 
this mode as an aid to parallellize flightgear on a local machine. The basic 
advantage is that each federate is strictly programmed single threadad. All 
the thread syncronization is handled by the rti library and hidden in that 
thing. The trick is that each of these threads must be done in a way that you 
can just compile that alternatively in a single standalone binary and run the 
same component in a networked rti - the LinuxTag booth for example.

Now I start returning to your initial question. From my point of view, such a 
gui manager application must be included somehow in the basic set of 
functionality that is still running in the threaded mode. You would just 
control your simulation with that component. May be restart with a different 
aircraft by just shutting down the running federate and start up a new one 
with a different fdm.
And as such, doing this core component in python is something I am not sure 
So, python in the area of *optional* rti components, is a great tool.
If I remember well, you do have some bigger install at home that might benefit 
from such components very much! And in fact this is one reasons I am pushing 
this direction.

Python also has one major problem with threads. There is the big interpreter 
lock in python which makes python essentially single threaded. While this is 
not a problem when such a component runs in its own process, python in core 
components that need to run in threaded mode is essentially a no go.

OTOH, I am very curious what creative people will do with that easy python 
stuff once we can easily integrate that 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Heads up: scenery download /built-interrasync

2011-06-25 Thread ThorstenB
On 25.06.2011 01:31, Vivian Meazza wrote:
 But isn't this a function of libsvn and we are talking about external
 svn and libsvn not present?

 I'm currently testing another fix without libsvn functions.

Thanks, Torsten - well done.

 This is true. But using Fred's MSVC9 solution files as provided it is not
 possible to switch off the libsvn stuff AFAIKS.

That's not good, of course. libsvn should be optional, but no idea how 
we do such options for MSVC9. But it's certainly optional for any other 
build system - and it's good that it is.

 As I said way back - we seem
 to have at least 3 overlapping scenery download methods. I'm not entirely
 clear on the relative merits of the internal and external svn options.

D'oh. I'm giving up... Tired of repeating.

 I think we also need svn_path_uri_encode() in the internal path to allow
 download directories paths to have spaces.

Usually, white-spaces are a particular issue when calling external 
command-lines utilities. The entire command-line is constructed as 
single string - and then needs to be parsed by the command-line 
processor into separate parmeters. That's where things go wrong with 
white-spaces in paths - since such paths get split into several 
parameters (rather than one parameter with a white-space). No one has 
reported any issues with white-spaces with libsvn. I remember reports 
that white-spaces were even working with internal SVN on Windows (it 
certainly does for the other OS).


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Heads up: scenery download /built-interrasync

2011-06-25 Thread Frederic Bouvier

- ThorstenB a écrit :

  This is true. But using Fred's MSVC9 solution files as provided it is not
  possible to switch off the libsvn stuff AFAIKS.
 That's not good, of course. libsvn should be optional, but no idea how 
 we do such options for MSVC9. But it's certainly optional for any other 
 build system - and it's good that it is.

Simple, build your win32 binaries yourself. This is the only thing possible
as long as it is a build option


Frédéric Bouvier   Videos

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Manager...

2011-06-25 Thread Gene Buckle

On Sat, 25 Jun 2011, Mathias Fröhlich wrote:

Hi Gene,

On Wednesday, June 15, 2011 21:43:36 Gene Buckle wrote:

In thinking about it a bit and being reminded of the existing HLA
interface that FlightGear has, I'm leaning toward proposing something
built with Python and the PyQT4 GUI library.  Both components are
cross-platform and there is a Python binding for the CERTI HLA library

Well you can use PyHLA - That should just work with any RTI-1.3 library.

But, did you try OpenRTI?

I haven't tried anything yet.  I'm still tossing the idea around in my 
head and trying to decide if I want to learn yet _another_ toolkit (PyQT4, 
PyGUI or whatever else).  My main issue is that I'm primarily a Windows 
developer and I don't have much interest in cross-platform anything. :)

There is a python binding included for the newer rti1516 standard. And 
in fact I have some python glue code that makes it easy to do python 
clients with that binding. We have run all this at LinuxTag. Including a 
small python script that prvides an ogle doing cirgles around a fixed 
point just as a demo how this

What's an ogle?

The idea here is to create a stand-alone application that replaces all the
built-in GUI functionality and communicates with FlightGear via the HLA
interface.  When the manager application meets that goal, the existing GUI
can be either removed completely or simply unbound at compile time so
it's not available.

Yes, in the long term this could be kind of a plan.
I can see several components in this area:

The viewer. That was the original reason I started fgviewer. I want to have a
pure viewer application that does not do any simulation.

I've never used fgviewer so I'm not sure what it does.

The simulated aircraft. This includes *all* subsystems that belong to this
particular aircraft. This must be done in a way that you can run several of
these in a single federation.

The management application wouldn't be running any of the sub-systems, 
just observing them.  One of the issues that caught me up short was the 
requirement to sift through the chosen aircrafts configuration and Nasal 
files in order to take into account all the little custom menu items and 
controls that would have to be replicated on the manager interface.  That 
was pretty discouraging all by itself.

I think the scope of what you've got in mind and what I've got in mind are 
widely seperated. :)

My initial concept would essentially perform the same functions as the 
instructor console in a commercial FFS.  You could tweak any parameter of 
the simulator from that point, including aircraft selection, position, 
configuration, etc.  This app wouldn't be running on the same machine as 
the simulator  scene generator itself.  (What would be neat is a three 
machine setup - one for the scene generator, one for the flight/systems 
model and one for the instructor/manager console.)

I think I need to sit down and do a proper outline of what I see going 
into this and where it could go.  I'd rather not create something like 
this organically.  It could get ugly quick that way.

Thanks for the detailed info Mathias!


Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007 - The only one of its kind. - The Me-109F/X Project
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All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Heads up: scenery download /built-interrasync

2011-06-25 Thread Vivian Meazza

 Am 24.06.11 23:59, schrieb Torsten Dreyer:
  Is this built-in function:
  any help?
  Yup, does the trick - no need for fancy formatting.
  I'll see if I can do a damned merge request this side of Monday.
  But isn't this a function of libsvn and we are talking about external
  svn and libsvn not present?
  I'm currently testing another fix without libsvn functions.
 Here you go: simgear commit d36170879c9394064b37fc9acb3d12d451f2be82
 makes whitespaces in the command _and_ the target directory work for me.
 Tested on Linux, MacOS and WinXP/VS2008.
 Please pull simgear and rebuild simgear+flightgear and test if it works
 for you.

All options work exactly as they should: Internal and External, with / or \
and with or without white spaces.

I would never have guessed that double double quotes would do the trick, but
they clearly do. svn_path_uri_encode() also does the trick, but this is a
more robust solution.

Thanks for all your effort in clearing this bug.


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[Flightgear-devel] Shaders and ATI Radeon HD 4670

2011-06-25 Thread Jari Häkkinen
Hi all,

I cannot use material shaders on my iMac (late 2009 model) equipped with 
an ATI graphics card (ATI Radeon HD 4670 256 MB VRAM). I only get a few 
fps standing on ground at an isolated airfield. There is almost no 
objects. Every 10 times I get 60 fps in cockpit view with no changes 
except restarting flightgear. Toggling through different view gives 
different frame rates where the tower views always gives around 60 fps 
and the others give 2-5 fps (except the occasional 60 fps I get in the 
cockpit view).

In cases when I get 60 fps in cockpit view my computer maintains 60 fps 
with 3D clouds and skydome scattering turned on. The frame rate is 
stable even flying through the magnificently rendered clouds.

If I turn of material shaders I always get 60 fps in all different 
views. (Is 60 fps a maximum reading, I never seem to get higher readings?)

On my Macbook Pro (early 2008) model, I always get 60 fps staying away 
from the 3D clouds but the frame rate drops to 20 fps when I fly through 
clouds. The MBP has a GeForce 8600M GT 256 MB VRAM.

The test on my iMac was done on yesterdays source from the various 
repositories and everything is compiled with -g -O3 (-O2 gives the same 
numbers). I have also tested a couple of Tat's git snapshots from the 
macflightgear site and they give similar negative shader effect.

I read through many posts on flightgear and shaders on the web but 
nothing has resolved my issue. Is the above a flightgear issues or is it 
my hardware? I haven't noticed anything strange with my iMac and Apples 
extended hardware test does not report anything.



All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shaders and ATI Radeon HD 4670

2011-06-25 Thread Vivian Meazza
 I cannot use material shaders on my iMac (late 2009 model) equipped with
 an ATI graphics card (ATI Radeon HD 4670 256 MB VRAM). I only get a few
 fps standing on ground at an isolated airfield. There is almost no
 objects. Every 10 times I get 60 fps in cockpit view with no changes
 except restarting flightgear. Toggling through different view gives
 different frame rates where the tower views always gives around 60 fps
 and the others give 2-5 fps (except the occasional 60 fps I get in the
 cockpit view).
 In cases when I get 60 fps in cockpit view my computer maintains 60 fps
 with 3D clouds and skydome scattering turned on. The frame rate is
 stable even flying through the magnificently rendered clouds.
 If I turn of material shaders I always get 60 fps in all different
 views. (Is 60 fps a maximum reading, I never seem to get higher readings?)
 On my Macbook Pro (early 2008) model, I always get 60 fps staying away
 from the 3D clouds but the frame rate drops to 20 fps when I fly through
 clouds. The MBP has a GeForce 8600M GT 256 MB VRAM.
 The test on my iMac was done on yesterdays source from the various
 repositories and everything is compiled with -g -O3 (-O2 gives the same
 numbers). I have also tested a couple of Tat's git snapshots from the
 macflightgear site and they give similar negative shader effect.
 I read through many posts on flightgear and shaders on the web but
 nothing has resolved my issue. Is the above a flightgear issues or is it
 my hardware? I haven't noticed anything strange with my iMac and Apples
 extended hardware test does not report anything.

The most _likely_ cause is the ATI Radeon HD 4670/256 MB VRAM. The GeForce
8600M GT is known to be better at handling shaders. 256 Mb VRAM is in both
cases a bit small for FG nowadays. There are other possible contributors to
a low framerate - AI traffic is one. 

60 fps could be a maximum if you are using this option - 


It might well be on by default.


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shaders and ATI Radeon HD 4670

2011-06-25 Thread Gene Buckle
On Sat, 25 Jun 2011, Vivian Meazza wrote:

 The most _likely_ cause is the ATI Radeon HD 4670/256 MB VRAM. The GeForce
 8600M GT is known to be better at handling shaders. 256 Mb VRAM is in both
 cases a bit small for FG nowadays. There are other possible contributors to
 a low framerate - AI traffic is one.

Wow.  That's an incredibly small amount of video RAM for a video card that 
new.  Can you upgrade it to something with more RAM?


Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007 - The only one of its kind. - The Me-109F/X Project
Some people collect things for a hobby.  Geeks collect hobbies.

ScarletDME - The red hot Data Management Environment
A Multi-Value database for the masses, not the classes. - Get it _today_!

Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical
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holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd
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All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shaders and ATI Radeon HD 4670

2011-06-25 Thread Jari Häkkinen
On 2011-06-25 17.34, Gene Buckle wrote:
 On Sat, 25 Jun 2011, Vivian Meazza wrote:

 The most _likely_ cause is the ATI Radeon HD 4670/256 MB VRAM. The GeForce
 8600M GT is known to be better at handling shaders. 256 Mb VRAM is in both
 cases a bit small for FG nowadays. There are other possible contributors to
 a low framerate - AI traffic is one.

 Wow.  That's an incredibly small amount of video RAM for a video card that
 new.  Can you upgrade it to something with more RAM? has two options; ATI Radeon HD 5670/512MB 
(USD180) and ATI Radeon HD 5750/1GB (USD400). 400 is a lot, will the 
cheaper 512MB card make a noticeable difference? And, opening an iMac 
isn't for the faint-hearted.


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shaders and ATI Radeon HD 4670

2011-06-25 Thread Jari Häkkinen
On 2011-06-25 16.06, Vivian Meazza wrote:
 The most _likely_ cause is the ATI Radeon HD 4670/256 MB VRAM. The GeForce
 8600M GT is known to be better at handling shaders. 256 Mb VRAM is in both
 cases a bit small for FG nowadays. There are other possible contributors to
 a low framerate - AI traffic is one.

 60 fps could be a maximum if you are using this option -


 It might well be on by default.

I am not using the frame-rate-throttle option but I tried it with a 
lower limit. This will naturally decrease the frame rate so it seems 
like 60 is a limiting number.

I have to decide if the 3D clouds are worth a graphics card upgrade. 
Thanks for the response.


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shaders and ATI Radeon HD 4670

2011-06-25 Thread HB-GRAL
Am 25.06.11 17:59, schrieb Jari Häkkinen: has two options; ATI Radeon HD 5670/512MB
 (USD180) and ATI Radeon HD 5750/1GB (USD400). 400 is a lot, will the
 cheaper 512MB card make a noticeable difference? And, opening an iMac
 isn't for the faint-hearted.


Hi Jari

I have a ATI Radeon 5750 with 1 GB and the only difference is that 
(still remaining) shader issues on OSX with ATI are rendered faster.

Cheers, Yves

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Manager...

2011-06-25 Thread Alasdair Campbell
On Sat, 2011-06-25 at 05:48 -0700, Gene Buckle wrote:
 On Sat, 25 Jun 2011, Mathias Fröhlich wrote:
  Hi Gene,
  On Wednesday, June 15, 2011 21:43:36 Gene Buckle wrote:
  In thinking about it a bit and being reminded of the existing HLA
  interface that FlightGear has, I'm leaning toward proposing something
  built with Python and the PyQT4 GUI library.  Both components are
  cross-platform and there is a Python binding for the CERTI HLA library
  Well you can use PyHLA - That should just work with any RTI-1.3 library.
  But, did you try OpenRTI?
 I haven't tried anything yet.  I'm still tossing the idea around in my 
 head and trying to decide if I want to learn yet _another_ toolkit (PyQT4, 
 PyGUI or whatever else).  My main issue is that I'm primarily a Windows 
 developer and I don't have much interest in cross-platform anything. :)
  There is a python binding included for the newer rti1516 standard. And 
  in fact I have some python glue code that makes it easy to do python 
  clients with that binding. We have run all this at LinuxTag. Including a 
  small python script that prvides an ogle doing cirgles around a fixed 
  point just as a demo how this
 What's an ogle?
An ogle is very similar in many respects to the aircraft of which you
are the proud owner. Major difference is that it is assembled out of
platic bricks made by a famous Danish manufacturer (hint: anagram ogle)
Try fgfs --aircraft=ogle. :)

Regards, Alasdair

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shaders and ATI Radeon HD 4670

2011-06-25 Thread Hal V. Engel
On Saturday, June 25, 2011 09:04:30 AM Jari Häkkinen wrote:
 On 2011-06-25 16.06, Vivian Meazza wrote:
  The most _likely_ cause is the ATI Radeon HD 4670/256 MB VRAM. The
  GeForce 8600M GT is known to be better at handling shaders. 256 Mb VRAM
  is in both cases a bit small for FG nowadays. There are other possible
  contributors to a low framerate - AI traffic is one.
  60 fps could be a maximum if you are using this option -
  It might well be on by default.
 I am not using the frame-rate-throttle option but I tried it with a
 lower limit. This will naturally decrease the frame rate so it seems
 like 60 is a limiting number.
 I have to decide if the 3D clouds are worth a graphics card upgrade.
 Thanks for the response.

The 60 FPM limit is probably because the diver is syncing to the vblank signal 
from the monitor.  For most LCD type monitors with will either be 60Hz or 
120Hz.  For the nvidia X11 drivers you can turn sync to vblank on and off.  I 
generally have mine on since there is no reason to have the video card produce 
a frame rate higher than the monitor refresh rate.  I don't know if this is 
configurable in the OS/X video drivers.


 --- All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains
 a definitive record of customers, application performance, security
 threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
 sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..
 Flightgear-devel mailing list
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Manager...

2011-06-25 Thread Alasdair Campbell
On Sat, 2011-06-25 at 17:25 +0100, Alasdair Campbell wrote:
 On Sat, 2011-06-25 at 05:48 -0700, Gene Buckle wrote:
  On Sat, 25 Jun 2011, Mathias Fröhlich wrote:
   Hi Gene,
   On Wednesday, June 15, 2011 21:43:36 Gene Buckle wrote:
   In thinking about it a bit and being reminded of the existing HLA
   interface that FlightGear has, I'm leaning toward proposing something
   built with Python and the PyQT4 GUI library.  Both components are
   cross-platform and there is a Python binding for the CERTI HLA library
   Well you can use PyHLA - That should just work with any RTI-1.3 library.
   But, did you try OpenRTI?
  I haven't tried anything yet.  I'm still tossing the idea around in my 
  head and trying to decide if I want to learn yet _another_ toolkit (PyQT4, 
  PyGUI or whatever else).  My main issue is that I'm primarily a Windows 
  developer and I don't have much interest in cross-platform anything. :)
   There is a python binding included for the newer rti1516 standard. And 
   in fact I have some python glue code that makes it easy to do python 
   clients with that binding. We have run all this at LinuxTag. Including a 
   small python script that prvides an ogle doing cirgles around a fixed 
   point just as a demo how this
  What's an ogle?
 An ogle is very similar in many respects to the aircraft of which you
 are the proud owner. Major difference is that it is assembled out of
 platic bricks made by a famous Danish manufacturer (hint: anagram ogle)
 Try fgfs --aircraft=ogle. :)
 Regards, Alasdair
Apologies, please change all my references to ogle by ogel
 All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
 definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
 threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
 sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..
 Flightgear-devel mailing list

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Manager...

2011-06-25 Thread Gene Buckle
On Sat, 25 Jun 2011, Alasdair Campbell wrote:

  in fact I have some python glue code that makes it easy to do python 
  clients with that binding. We have run all this at LinuxTag. Including a 
  small python script that prvides an ogle doing cirgles around a fixed 
  point just as a demo how this
 What's an ogle?
 An ogle is very similar in many respects to the aircraft of which you
 are the proud owner. Major difference is that it is assembled out of
 platic bricks made by a famous Danish manufacturer (hint: anagram ogle)
 Try fgfs --aircraft=ogle. :)

Hehe.  Neat. :)


Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007 - The only one of its kind. - The Me-109F/X Project
Some people collect things for a hobby.  Geeks collect hobbies.

ScarletDME - The red hot Data Management Environment
A Multi-Value database for the masses, not the classes. - Get it _today_!

Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical
minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which
holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd
by the clean end.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposal: Move airplanes to an SVN repository

2011-06-25 Thread David Slocombe

Currently I do not even have a working fg on my machine, but I continue
to peek at the flightgear-devel list occasionally. Today I saw this
discussion of moving the aircraft directories to individual SVN repos
instead of git.

My experience with both svn and git is both minimal and old, and I
may be misinterpreting what the problem is that needs solving.
However, if you're going to consider creating separate repos in SVN
for each aircraft, when everything else has been converted to git now,
perhaps you should consider instead using fossil, which is very
git-like in some ways (clone,push,pull) but also like a traditional
centralized VCS in some other ways.

In particular, fossil's repository is a single, sqlite file.
Although cloning is the normal method for copying it, you can
copy that file just fine (as long as no one else is updating it
at that instant) and it works fine. Afterwards, updating a local repo,
using pull, involves an rsync-like protocol so it's fast.

Fossil repositories can be converted to/from git repositories
with a one-liner. (However I don't know how you would isolate,
say, just the c172p directory from all the rest of the stuff
in git.)

If anyone thinks this might be relevant, just take a look at

This is a living instance of a fossil repository, BTW: the
fossil binary, statically-linked except for libz, is ~900KB.
Yet it includes a simple wiki, a *very* nice issue-tracking
system, and a tiny web-server(!).

Normally a developer interacts with fossil from the commandline,
but the built-in web-server makes *exploring* what is in the
repository, as well as creating bug reports and some documentation,
a joy.

Just for fun, and understanding that this would have to be
done properly by someone with access to the full git repo with
all its history, I yum-installed FlightGear-data on my Fedora
system, and then did
cp -r /usr/share/FlightGear/Aircraft /tmp

and created Fossil repos for each of the included directories:

shrdlu tmp $ ls Aircraft
777-200  bo105  dhc2   Generic j3cub ufo
A6M2 c172p  Dragonfly  Instruments SenecaII  UIUC
b1900d   CitationX  f-14b  Instruments-3d  sopwithCamel  ZLT-NT
shrdlu tmp $ mkdir Repos
shrdlu tmp $ cd Aircraft
shrdlu Aircraft $ for i in *
 echo $i:
 fossil new ../Repos/$i.fossil
 cd $i
 fossil open ../../Repos/$i.fossil
 fossil add .
 fossil commit -m Initial checkin
 fossil close
 cd ..

#Five times it paused to ask a question like this:
#  ./Models/Liveries/KLM.xml contains CR/NL line endings; commit anyhow 
#Otherwise it would have taken perhaps 30 seconds for all 18 repositories,
#on my 5-year-old machine.

shrdlu Aircraft $ cd ..
shrdlu tmp $ du -sh Aircraft
12M Aircraft/777-200
17M Aircraft/c172p
23M Aircraft/f-14b
14M Aircraft/Instruments
11M Aircraft/Instruments-3d
22M Aircraft/sopwithCamel
shrdlu tmp $ ls -lh Repos
total 68M
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 7.5M Jun 25 13:43 777-200.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 1.6M Jun 25 13:43 A6M2.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 3.3M Jun 25 13:43 b1900d.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 1.4M Jun 25 13:43 bo105.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns  11M Jun 25 13:43 c172p.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 3.4M Jun 25 13:43 CitationX.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 3.2M Jun 25 13:43 dhc2.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 836K Jun 25 13:43 Dragonfly.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns  11M Jun 25 13:44 f-14b.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 464K Jun 25 13:44 Generic.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 3.9M Jun 25 13:44 Instruments-3d.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 5.4M Jun 25 13:44 Instruments.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 457K Jun 25 13:44 j3cub.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 2.4M Jun 25 13:44 SenecaII.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 8.7M Jun 25 13:44 sopwithCamel.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns  96K Jun 25 13:44 ufo.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 2.8M Jun 25 13:44 UIUC.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 1.4M Jun 25 13:44 ZLT-NT.fossil
shrdlu tmp $ file Repos/777-200.fossil
Repos/777-200.fossil: SQLite 3.x database
shrdlu tmp $ du -sh Aircraft Repos
68M Repos
shrdlu tmp $

Of course this is equivalent to just the tip of the git repository.
Fossil uses deltas for versions internally, so it ought to be
competitive on the full history, but only an experiment will prove that.

Perhaps this is of some interest. If not, just ignore me.


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposal: Move airplanes to an SVN repository

2011-06-25 Thread Ron Jensen
On Saturday 25 June 2011 12:28:14 David Slocombe wrote:

 Currently I do not even have a working fg on my machine, but I continue
 to peek at the flightgear-devel list occasionally. Today I saw this
 discussion of moving the aircraft directories to individual SVN repos
 instead of git.

The major drawback of GIT over CVS and SVN in this instance is GIT treats the 
repository as an atomic whole. CVS and SVN have the ability to provide 
partial checkouts, that is you could update a single directory or even just a 
single file without updating the whole thing. This becomes important when the 
repository grows into the multigigabyte size range.


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposal: Move airplanes to an SVN repository

2011-06-25 Thread Alex Perry
On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 6:51 AM, Scott wrote:
 Using SVN so you can download stuff on the fly is ridiculous,

The most popular and platform agnostic way to do downloading from
multiple locations, with caching and automatic updates, is HTTP these
days.  Does anybody know offhand how much trouble it would be for our
source code to have all loaders of aircraft files go through a library
that understands what a relative URL is?  If we can cut that over,
anybody can develop and host an airplane simply by sticking some
static files on the web somewhere.  Which can reference components of
other airplanes.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposal: Move airplanes to an SVN repository

2011-06-25 Thread Alex Perry
Putting map data on SVN made incremental updates feasible.  Both for
maintainer uploads, and user caches.  A similar argument applies to
the aircraft, with the complications that (a) there are more
maintainers with less coordination, and (b) the dependency graph
between directories is not trivial.  On the other hand, we don't need
streaming on-demand retrieval since few pilots are expected to change
aircraft in mid-flight.  8-)

Those two complications mean that either we have to do a whole
checkout (in which case we might as well use GIT) or maintainers have
to mark up their directories with dependency metadata to support
automated update tools (in which case SVN would work but not be
ideal).  I think the critical question is whether maintainers are
willing to do that.  Suppose they are.

A post-commit hook collects all the dependency data, sprinkled across
the directories, into a single self-consistent file.  The client side
utility does a single update to get that file, and then whatever
additional updates it specifies for the desired aircraft.  SVN would
work well enough.  We would know the total bandwidth cost for each
aircraft (before caching).

Supposing we continue to use GIT for development and whole-repository
replication, and replace SVN with HTTP for people who want to do quick
and incremental aircraft downloads.  We can easily prototype the HTTP
version by selecting a 1GB subset of the archive for demonstration
using AppEngine free quota ... while the community evaluates that

The replica of GIT head in appengine is about $2/month.  Add about $1
for any user who chooses to use HTTP to replicate the entire
repository instead of using GIT (but we can discourage that).
Assuming most individual aircraft are a tiny fraction of the
repository (especially after allowing for texture reuse), the true
expenses are probably quite manageable.
There are probably cheaper static web hosting options out there, but I
figured these numbers are a useful starting point.

Personally, I don't see a value in offering HTTP per-file instead of
SVN per-directory, but others may do.  Hence the discussion above.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposal: Move airplanes to an SVN repository

2011-06-25 Thread Vivian Meazza
Alex wrote
 Putting map data on SVN made incremental updates feasible.  Both for
 maintainer uploads, and user caches.  A similar argument applies to
 the aircraft, with the complications that (a) there are more
 maintainers with less coordination, and (b) the dependency graph
 between directories is not trivial.  On the other hand, we don't need
 streaming on-demand retrieval since few pilots are expected to change
 aircraft in mid-flight.  8-)
 Those two complications mean that either we have to do a whole
 checkout (in which case we might as well use GIT) or maintainers have
 to mark up their directories with dependency metadata to support
 automated update tools (in which case SVN would work but not be
 ideal).  I think the critical question is whether maintainers are
 willing to do that.  Suppose they are.
 A post-commit hook collects all the dependency data, sprinkled across
 the directories, into a single self-consistent file.  The client side
 utility does a single update to get that file, and then whatever
 additional updates it specifies for the desired aircraft.  SVN would
 work well enough.  We would know the total bandwidth cost for each
 aircraft (before caching).
 Supposing we continue to use GIT for development and whole-repository
 replication, and replace SVN with HTTP for people who want to do quick
 and incremental aircraft downloads.  We can easily prototype the HTTP
 version by selecting a 1GB subset of the archive for demonstration
 using AppEngine free quota ... while the community evaluates that
 The replica of GIT head in appengine is about $2/month.  Add about $1
 for any user who chooses to use HTTP to replicate the entire
 repository instead of using GIT (but we can discourage that).
 Assuming most individual aircraft are a tiny fraction of the
 repository (especially after allowing for texture reuse), the true
 expenses are probably quite manageable.
 There are probably cheaper static web hosting options out there, but I
 figured these numbers are a useful starting point.
 Personally, I don't see a value in offering HTTP per-file instead of
 SVN per-directory, but others may do.  Hence the discussion above.

The main problem right now is that Git cannot cope with the size of the
data, and it's getting worse by the day. The Git data repo on Gitorious is
no longer fit for purpose as currently configured.

Streaming was mentioned (perhaps as a nice-to-have) in the context of
Multiplayer. If you didn't have a particular model then it might be streamed
instead of showing the rocket propelled blue and yellow glider.


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposal: Move airplanes to an SVN repository

2011-06-25 Thread Alex Perry
On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 4:01 PM, Vivian Meazza wrote:
 Personally, I don't see a value in offering HTTP per-file instead of
 SVN per-directory, but others may do.  Hence the discussion above.

 The main problem right now is that Git cannot cope with the size of the
 data, and it's getting worse by the day. The Git data repo on Gitorious is
 no longer fit for purpose as currently configured.

I'm not trying to defend staying on single-Git, but I think the first
step is to implement on-demand loading of individual aircraft (and
dependencies) and prove that it works.  Otherwise we'll be exposing
end users to a lot of breakage.  Once we can demand load reliably,
breaking the repo into many pieces is relatively trivial.

 Streaming was mentioned (perhaps as a nice-to-have) in the context of
 Multiplayer. If you didn't have a particular model then it might be streamed
 instead of showing the rocket propelled blue and yellow glider.

That's an excellent point, thank you.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a 
definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..
Flightgear-devel mailing list