On 25.06.2011 01:31, Vivian Meazza wrote:
>> But isn't this a function of libsvn and we are talking about external
>> svn and libsvn not present?
>> I'm currently testing another fix without libsvn functions.

Thanks, Torsten - well done.

> This is true. But using Fred's MSVC9 solution files as provided it is not
> possible to switch off the libsvn stuff AFAIKS.

That's not good, of course. libsvn should be optional, but no idea how 
we do such options for MSVC9. But it's certainly optional for any other 
build system - and it's good that it is.

> As I said way back - we seem
> to have at least 3 overlapping scenery download methods. I'm not entirely
> clear on the relative merits of the internal and external svn options.

D'oh. I'm giving up... Tired of repeating.

> I think we also need svn_path_uri_encode() in the internal path to allow
> download directories paths to have spaces.

Usually, white-spaces are a particular issue when calling external 
command-lines utilities. The entire command-line is constructed as 
single string - and then needs to be parsed by the command-line 
processor into separate parmeters. That's where things go wrong with 
white-spaces in paths - since such paths get split into several 
parameters (rather than one parameter with a white-space). No one has 
reported any issues with white-spaces with libsvn. I remember reports 
that white-spaces were even working with internal SVN on Windows (it 
certainly does for the other OS).


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