Re: FLUXLIST: Napster/ArtsJournalArticle/ArtistsRights

2000-05-11 Thread Sol Nte

BP  writes:

"<< > What are good paintings ?

What good are paintings ! >>

a good painting is without sin"

Let he who is a good painting cast the first stone!

Re: FLUXLIST: Winkle Club

2000-05-11 Thread Sol Nte

Roger wrote:

>But for winkle fans
and winkler fans<

The Fonz on Fluxlist? Hee!

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread Sol Nte

Hi all,

To be honest I expected some sort of response to my post yesterday about the
box. I got one reply offlist.

I still want to know who did what if they didn't sign it.

Are we still waiting for some people to receive their boxes before we talk
about it? I thought I was one of the last to get mine, certainly the others
in England have theirs and in mainland Europe too. Although Bernice hasn't
got hers yet.

Maybe we can discuss them anyway?

Can anyone who hasn't yet received their box let me know. Thanks.

Actually I got the box out again last night to look at. It's very like a
mail art box project I participated in that many boxes were made,
one a month for a year. Each subsequent box responded to elements of the
previous box. Maybe we could do that? Although not once a month. Maybe 2 a

Realised that yesterday I should have thanked Owen for the time and trouble
he took to assemble and mail all the boxes so thank you Owen :-)



RE: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread Ceyda Karamürsel (CUSTOMER TECH-Uzm.)

hi sol and all,
i didn't get my box yet. as i told owen before, if the turkish
postal system works as usual, i might never get my box or at least get it
late. so sad. you shouldn't wait for me at least to start discussing. i keep
my mail anyway, i will join with my belated comments later on. in case i
don't get my box (very very sad), will the items be exhibited on the web, in
the i/eye-zone galleries for example?

FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread // - - \\ bern-o-matic

hey folks,

yeah, sol definately go ahead and discuss the box... pictures of the box is a good 
idea to inform those who don't have the box... 

don't know what the deal is with canada post... 

Visit, your free web-based communications center. Life on the Dot.

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

> in England have theirs and in mainland Europe too. Although Bernice hasn't

Not yet arrived here.

Re: FLUXLIST: Napster/ArtsJournalArticle/ArtistsRights

2000-05-11 Thread Lord Hasenpfeffer

> Let he who is a good painting cast the first stone! 

Let he who is good and stoned paint my cast.


Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread Sol Nte

Hi all,

Well thanks Ceyda and Bernice for responding I'm sorry that you haven't got
your boxes yet. Mine took a while to arrive too..only got it at the end of
last it took a few weeks more than other boxes to the UK.

Ceyda asks:
>in case i
don't get my box (very very sad), will the items be exhibited on the web, in
the i/eye-zone galleries for example?<

Well, I think Owen was planning to catalogue the items in the box for a CD
catalogue of the box contents so if he's already photographed all the
objects etc. this could be put on the web. Owen?

If not I can photograph the box contents for the web, I agree that they
should be online, especially so that those who didn't take part or joined
the list after it had all happened can see what we did.

You may remember that I said originally I would try and show the box. Well
as I said yesterday I'm currently trying to get a stall for the London
Artist's Book Fair in the autumn. If I get it I shall show the box there
(the fair is in the Barbican Art Gallery in central London, unless the
organisers are changing plans this year), apart from that I'm not too sure
where else will be suitable. Also Owen only sent me one box so at the moment
I'm not willing to send my only box for someone to show unless I can be sure
that it is not damaged in transit etc. Perhaps the best thing is to show it
on the web too. Really Owen needs to tell us how far he's got with the
catalogue or I could just go ahead and set up some pages for it linked from
the Eye Zone which seems appropriate.

Owen, do let us know how far you've got with everything. Thanks.

As for discussing the box: First of all some people who contributed to the
box are no longer on the list. Rich J.Galpin and Joe Decie are no longer on
and Adrian Glew was never on in the first place although he is the Fluxus
archivist at the Tate Gallery in London and he was interested to contribute
so..  Rich Galpin asked me to let him know about any box discussions so
I shall pass on comments to him so if you wish to address a comment to him
please do so and I shall pass it on. Similarly I'm sure that Roger wouldn't
mind passing on comments addressed to Joe Decie (some of you may not know
that Joe is Roger's step son).

Okay, first of all if you didn't sign your work can you please say which
piece was your, some unsigned ones I know already but it would be nice to
make up a little list that I can include with my box for future reference to
know who did what. That's the first task.

The second task is harder because I think we should began to consider what
we've achieved with the box. Is this the beginning of a series? Do we want
to make another box in this way? Was this box a success? Did we achieve what
we set out to do?

I think the box took on a life of its own in some ways. It started as a plan
to make a Fluxus box but the result isn't really a Fluxus box, in fact even
just comparing it with photos of original Fluxboxes there are a number of fact I think this is a good thing and that perhaps
originally we should have set out to explore the box form in our own way as
oppose to planning to make a "Fluxus box". However I think the fact that we
all worked together with a lot of discussion to agree on aspects of the box
such as the label has led us to an interesting way of working as a
group..surprisingly we all came to an agreement on most things quite
easily...I had expected far more disagreement, especially about the name.

So what else do we consider? The main thing I suppose is do we want to do
another one: To give people who didn't get a chance to contribute to the
first one a chance to contribute now and to work out what we can improve
upon in the second one. Clearly there is one obvious improvement and that is
the time factor..unfortunately various things have conspired to delay this
first box..many of which were beyond Owen's or my controlhaving to wait
2 weeks for the labels to come in stock, Owen's family emergency etc. etc. I
have some ideas about how we can produce these boxes quicker but I'll wait a
while before sharing those.

Okay, well I'd love to here people's comments.  A lot of people must have
had their boxes by now but only a few people have said anything about it.
What about the others did you like it? Did you dislike it? If so why? Please
be honest, I'm sure no-one will be offended if people are honest even if
this involves criticism. As an artist one expects to have one's work
examined in this way. Anyway I expect that most people will be interested to
question each other about their pieces, motivations, choices of materials
etc. It would be nice to explore the way each other works.

Anyway, I've said enough. Let's hear from someone else who has received
their box.



Re: FLUXLIST: Napster/ArtsJournalArticle/ArtistsRights

2000-05-11 Thread Sol Nte

>> Let he who is a good painting cast the first stone! 

>Let he who is good and stoned paint my cast.

Let he who is painting stones first cast good.

(purification mantra for stone painters!)

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread ann klefstad

Sol Nte wrote:

> Hi all,
> To be honest I expected some sort of response to my post yesterday about the
> box. I got one reply offlist.
> I still want to know who did what if they didn't sign it.

I did the pair a ceramic dice wrapped in text. Sorry I didn't sign it--I was not
thinking of attribution when I did it, sort of that the dice were their own
author. But you're right--after receiving the box I realized it would be nice to
have names to attach to things.

Sol, your image is very charming! I write when stuck in the car; I've got a
series of things called "In the Car: 1" and so on.

The CD is quite extraordinary. I would like to know more background on it--who
what when where why.

Are Kathy Forer's beautiful little reliefs each unique? Or all they all
elephants? I'm struck by the fact that the synchronic experience of the box
elides the diachronicity of each series, to counterfeit a phrase--

My son's very favorite (of many favorites) is the stone/water experiment. He's a
person of subtle wit.

We plan on stamping any number of things w/ the official fluxmark.

By the way, in stamp art news, did you know our most Wonderfully Absurd
Governor, Jesse Ventura, vetos bills with the rubber stamp of a pig? (for pork,
you know--is that expression current in the UK as well, pork for goverment
projects of dubious necessity?)


Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread ann klefstad

Also, Sol, the label works very well, I think. My son carefully chose a name from all 
listed and wrote it in (Fluxedo is his choice).

It struck me, seeing his response to the box (he's 10), that this would be an 
excellent pedagogical tool. I mean the construction of
such boxes by a class, say. Roger, you work with kids, yes? What do you think? In the 
US there are these "artist in schools" programs
and artists can get on rosters to be sent around to schools to work with kids for a 
week or so. Doing a box could be a great project,
coupled with making of various kinds of multiples, prints, stamps, clay rollers, etc 
etc--and a good way to teach about art "outside
the box" so to speak.


Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread Alex Cook

I'll go -

I've had mine for a couple weeks now, and I am very pleased with the box. 
The quality of the contributed pieces is much higher than I expected. I like 
how it comes across as an activity kit, rather than simply an artifact, or a 
small collection of multiples. I too would like to know who did some of the 
unsigned pieces. My biggest amazement is how well all the pieces fit in the 
box together, especially since there wer no clearly definied size guidlines 
put forth. This is the best executed collaborative art thing I've had the 
pleasure to be involved with, and I think we should do more of them.

If I had to pick a favorite, it would be Owen's map piece.

Also I'd be curious to know if anyone is planning to perform or has 
performed any of the scores put in the box.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: FLUXLIST: Napster/ArtsJournalArticle/ArtistsRights

2000-05-11 Thread Lord Hasenpfeffer

> Let he who is painting stones first cast good.

Let he who is first in the cast paint stones for good.


Re: FLUXLIST: Napster/ArtsJournalArticle/ArtistsRights

2000-05-11 Thread BestPoet

In a message dated 05/11/2000 11:46:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< > Let he who is painting stones first cast good.
 Let he who is first in the cast paint stones for good. >>

Let good she who is cast repaint the stones.

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread Owen Smith

[EMAIL PROTECTED],.Internet writes:

>Well, I think Owen was planning to catalogue the items in the box for a
>catalogue of the box contents so if he's already photographed all the
>objects etc. this could be put on the web. Owen?

To Sol and all others - the catalog is all done, at least in a web
ready version 
(the CD version still has a few other things to work out). I will try
to get it 
up in the next few days - if not on my server here I will at least put
it up on 
one of the free hosting sites ASAP.


FLUXLIST: Full coverage : sfmoma/pavu webby reward...and the winner is...

2000-05-11 Thread []

[international special !]

full coverage of the sfmoma/pavu webby reward :
Special thanks to all of you who take part to this poll
-/ welcome in a plining world ! /-

FLUXLIST: tate modern

2000-05-11 Thread mlore

hallo all.

i'm wondering if anyone shall be going to the tate modern in the next
little while.

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread cecil touchon

Dear Owen,
If you don't have enough space on your server I will happily host the site
on mine which has ample space and speed. You can directly upload the site to
my server even if you like. The free ones are so slow and with popup ad
boxes... yuk

Owen Smith wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED],.Internet writes:
> >Well, I think Owen was planning to catalogue the items in the box for a
> >CD
> >catalogue of the box contents so if he's already photographed all the
> >objects etc. this could be put on the web. Owen?
> To Sol and all others - the catalog is all done, at least in a web
> ready version
> (the CD version still has a few other things to work out). I will try
> to get it
> up in the next few days - if not on my server here I will at least put
> it up on
> one of the free hosting sites ASAP.
> Owen

FLUXLIST: no Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread alan bowman

i haven't got mine yet over here in eetaahlee!!

FLUXLIST: net affects closing chat event on sunday may 14th

2000-05-11 Thread []

This invitation is for you - hope to meet many of you on this occasion!

[ nET affEcTs closing chat event ] - ce n'est qu'un au revoir

" Pline Bulldozing and Grading sells sand for traction on roads.
Pline also sells high quality gravel.
Pline Bulldozing and Grading also sells fine or smooth stone.
Their hours are 8-5 "

Today, the nET affEcTs Next.route is about to be plined.
Within a few days, you will be able to use it to travel
the next prairies.

Now that it is time for the numerous net.artists who have fertilized the
nET affEcTs fields to take the road again, Peter Luining and
are pleased to invite you to the last chat and JAMCHAT event of this pop THE
e-corn sEason.

--- DATE ---
Sunday May 14 th
14:00 -16:00 [GMT +2]

online chat event connection and informations will be here :

- special Jamchat machine expected (special thanks to Andrew Forbes of

- Live chat beaming at kunstvlaai4 - Amsterdam

thank you for you support.
nETaffEcTs - 100% storm resistant

Peter Luining - art curator - online promotion and web event design

 | - nET affEcTs - | -

in cooperation with planet art (hengelo)
kunstvlaai 4 artfair - 6 - 14 may 2000 - westergasfabriek, amsterdam
location: machinegebouw

in cooperation with

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=subscribe-netaffects-mailing-list
*note: this mailinglist will close at the end of may


FLUXLIST: RE: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread Ronsen, Josh

The box is amazing! All the people I've shown it to have been impressed and,
dare I say, coveted it with a malicious gleam in their eyes.

I have been thinking about having a display of it somewhere in town (Austin,
Texas), just to have people look at it and touch it. I've been too lazy/busy
to get around to organizing this.

Laura Poll (of New Jersey?), sometime in the last 5 years, had a popcorn box
project where she had people send in 100 things, and then everyone got a box
(I assumed it was like a Crackerjack box). I was going to do this, but
didn't. It would be interesting to see the differences between the two
projects. I liked all of the 3D objects: I didn't think there would be that
many. To be honest, I haven't looked at everything in the box yet, maybe
when I'm displaying it and waiting for people to come and look at it...

I plan on doing most of the projects in it. I don't want to rip open the
plastic bag that contains all of the little performance scores! I will
someday. I am going to listen to the other piece of magnetic tape in the

So, when is the next box?

-Josh Ronsen

FLUXLIST: Chris Rowland - Fishion

2000-05-11 Thread chris

New Media Scotland and The Collins Gallery present:

Chris Rowland - Fishion

13 May to 10 June 2000, Collins Gallery, Glasgow

A new interactive artwork, which takes the form of a shallow circular pool
of water that can be approached from all sides. The surface of the water is
continually rippling gently, its depth is imperceptible due to its colour.
As the viewer approaches the pool a sequence of animated images are seen
fleeting across the surface. The viewer looks into the pool and the images
change, the viewers reflection mingles with animated reflections that
cascade across the rippling water.

Sometimes a face looks back, then a shoal of fish-like people swim just
beneath the surface. The sky is reflected in the pool and the viewer can
see the clouds form as a storm begins. The sound of the water changes
depending on where the viewer stands or kneels. A voice can be heard
telling a secret or offering a warning. The images and sound are different
depending on the time of day that the viewer experiences the work. A lone
viewer will see and hear something different to a group of three or four.

'Fishion' explores memory and secrets. The artist is using new computer
graphics techniques to elicit responses from the viewer. The work is also
concerned with humanity's attempts to organise or regiment nature.
'Fishion' creates an environment where the inhabitants seem to be waiting,
only coming near as the viewer approaches them. The inhabitants apear to be
composed from natural phenomenon such as smoke, water and fire. Chris
acheived these effects using advanced computer animation systems and layers
of digital video.

A web cam will convey the experience on the New Media Scotland website.
'Fishion' is the first of ten Digital Art Commissions supported by New
Media Scotland. Further commissions will occur across Scotland throughout
the year.

For further information, and to view the web cam, visit:

Or contact:

New Media Scotland  Collins Gallery
P.O. Box 25065  University of Strathclyde
Glasgow G1 5YP  22 Richmond Street
Glasgow  G1 1XQ
Tel: 0141 564 3010
Fax: 0141 564 3011  Tel: 0141 548 2558
Fax: 0141 552 4053


New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UK

Re: FLUXLIST: Mesostic for Patricia

2000-05-11 Thread Don Boyd

Roger Stevens wrote:

> can I put it in the book, Don?
> Why, yes, Roger, I'd be flattererd. -Don

(P.S. you could line up the capital letters
better than I did perhaps?)

Re: FLUXLIST: Winkle Club

2000-05-11 Thread Don Boyd

Roger Stevens wrote:
Did I spell it right?
I think it was "pee" or did you mean it hat way? -Don

Re: FLUXLIST: Fwd: Catalogues on request:

2000-05-11 Thread Don Boyd


> >Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 07:42:54 +0200
> >Subject: Catalogues on request:
> >From: "Juan J. Agius" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >

Yes, I'd like catalogues, please.
I will soon lose my e-mail privileges so send them after June 2nd, 2000
to: Don Boyd
P.O. Box 349
Fredericktown, Ohio 43019

I will see if I can get computer privileges at the library
or at the next college where I'll be teaching
Sure will miss Fluxlist. I teach here until June 2.
My children offered to help get me a cheap
(until those "thousands of Fluxlist dollars" show up soon. Ha!)

Secondly, would the person from Oberlin please repost
the offer to print a poster? That sounded good to me.
What was the deadline? --Don

FLUXLIST: in my email

2000-05-11 Thread Patricia

Yippeee, my email is back up : ) after 4 days off and spending
$29 on Netscape tech support : (.  This in email today

Dear Friends,

Here's a teaser-entizer-appetizer from my last project with ten
school students at SFMOMA.

It will be up for about six months. I hope you'll get a chance to

Minna and Natoma Streets (between 3rd and New Montgomery)
Open for viewing 24 hours a day

Also, watch for its debut on my website soon!!




(Can't forward the graphic on fluxlist, and this particular work
isn's on site yet, but Seyed's website is well worth checking

Best, PK

Re: FLUXLIST: Daniel Spoerri: May 11, NYC

2000-05-11 Thread Patricia

Did you ever hear back re. the catalogue?  I'm very interested, faxed them,
yet didn't hear a thing.


Don Boyd wrote:

> Emily Harvey Gallery, 537 Bway, NYC
> > ---
> >
> > Dear Emily. What does the Spoerri catralog cost plus shipping?
> Please send email answer and forms of payment accepted. -Thanks, Don Boyd

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

> The CD is quite extraordinary. I would like to know more background on it--who
> what when where why.

I havent seen it yet, but maybe there is some cgi webstuff on it, you
would need an unix box (linux etc) to really see it working. And some
mp3s.. What else ?

Re: FLUXLIST: Winkle Club

2000-05-11 Thread Roger Stevens

>Roger Stevens wrote:
>Did I spell it right?
>I think it was "pee" or did you mean it hat way? -Don

hat way?
Turn left at the coats
and admire the sheep
lead free who is hooded, Stan, it's a wrap

FLUXLIST: Tate Modern

2000-05-11 Thread Roger Stevens

Opening on TV all day
A big media event...



Gosh and golly
Whatever next?

And everyone seems to like it!

ooo er

I'm off for a few days...

See you Monday!


Children's poetry in The Poetry Zone

RE: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread narvis & ...pez

At 02:27 pm +0300 11/5/00,
=?iso-8859-9?Q?Ceyda_Karam=FCrsel_=28CUSTOMER_TECH-Uzm=2E=29?= wrote:
>   hi sol and all,
>   i didn't get my box yet. as i told owen before, if the turkish
>postal system works as usual, i might never get my box or at least get it
>late. so sad. you shouldn't wait for me at least to start discussing. i keep
>my mail anyway, i will join with my belated comments later on. in case i
>don't get my box (very very sad), will the items be exhibited on the web, in
>the i/eye-zone galleries for example?
>   regards,
>   ceyda

i did not received mine. i'm afraid the venezuela post office is like
turkish one.
in our kind of socialism we all are under suspicion.


FLUXLIST: fluxnoise

2000-05-11 Thread Patricia


You can hear the fluxlister (albeit a quiet one listwise) Ron
Thompson this Saturday - check out "The Sixth Day of Noise" esp.
"The Manufacturing of Humidifiers meets Spirit Park (plus Matthew
Sperry)"  10:30 p.m. West Coast USA time.  Sounds moistly
heated...and slightly Pythonesque.  Actually, the entire day's
events sounds quite the steamy treat.

Fan, fan,

Re: FLUXLIST: Napster/ArtsJournalArticle/ArtistsRights

2000-05-11 Thread ddyment

great, thanks leah. 



-Original Message-
From: { brad brace } <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 8, 2000 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Napster/ArtsJournalArticle/ArtistsRights

>I only wish that there was a visual-image equivalent to Napster. (Record
>companies don't pay the majority of 'their artists' much at all. The Net
>will eventually provide a much better income/audience for artists.)
>Check-out the following message; these folks project my 12hr-images in
>UK music-clubs!
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> Got one today (1st May)
>> Glad to have you back.
>> If you check out my website (url at bottom) you will see that my
>> colleague (Ian - Blahulah) has used some of your jpegs in an animated
>> gif
>> Hope you don't mind
>> I would like to mention you and your project on my web pages, alongside
>> Ian's Blahulah animation, and put a link or links to your stuff. If you
>> would like this tell my which url(s) to link to.
>> I've been collecting your pics since number 01227.
>> We both love your stuff and use it for slide shows. Everyone that sees
>> our stuff loves it and we always take the opportunity to tell people
>> about where we get our material, so your name, the 12hr project and what
>> you do is mentioned regularly to anyone interested enough to come and
>> talk to us during our performances.
>> As well as keeping a copy of all 12hr jpegs in your original order I
>> also keep a second set that I have categorised.
>> My collection is currently:
>> 79 recent ones that I haven't sorted yet plus 971 sorted into the
>> following categories:
>> 20  animals
>> 151 blurs
>> 118 buildings
>> 75  faces
>> 27  fairground centrifuge
>> 17  fireworks
>> 22  food
>> 31  landscapes
>> 33  landscapes industrial
>> 18  mass production (bottles)
>> 95  misc
>> 25  misc domestic icons
>> 41  misc modern icons
>> 31  patterns (including dry earth)
>> 42  people
>> 57  people parts (inc. 20 ears, 6 feet, 19 hands)
>> 42  reflection mixes (mostly trees through a window?)
>> 51  roads
>> 20  statues
>> 25  trains
>> 30  water
>> We've made some wonderful avi movies with both solely your stuff and
>> also mixed with other stuff.
>> I'd be happy to cut a CD-ROM for you and post it to you FOC as a
>> thankyou for your excellent project.
>> Your newsgroup is the only one I stay permanently subscribed to.
>> Keep up the excellent work.
>> Many thanks
>> Regards and Respect,
>> Aero
>> :)
>> inFINitE ART, Huddersfield,UK
>> Phone:  00 44 (0) 1484 303737
>> Love & Respect, Richard Herrero
>> _.aERo._.aERo._.aERo._.aERo._
>On Mon, 8 May 2000, Patricia wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm interested in thoughts out there about Napster.  I downloaded
>> it just to check it out yesterday, the download actually asked me
>> if I wanted to upload all of the MP3 files on my hard drive!!
>> While I don't like paying high cd prices, what appears to be a
>> tempting free buffet at Napster, seems to me to be a HUGE ripoff
>> of artists' rights.  I would be outraged at others taking my work
>> without my permission and sharing it.  Let alone the loss of
>> income.
>> I'm interested in opinions on this.
>The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project   since 1994   
>+ + + serial
>+ + +  eccentric
>+ + + continuous
>+ + +hypermodern
>+ + +imagery
>  News:// ://a.b.p.fine-art.misc
>  Mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / subscribe 12hr-isbn-jpeg
>  Reverse Solidus:
> { brad brace }    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ~finger for pgp

Re: FLUXLIST: Winkle Club

2000-05-11 Thread Patricia

Roger Stevens wrote:

> >
> >Roger Stevens wrote:
> >Did I spell it right?
> >I think it was "pee" or did you mean it hat way? -Don
> hat way?
> Turn left at the coats
> and admire the sheep
> lead free who is hooded, Stan, it's a wrap

hoo ded it?

on the mattress, I mean?
not the coated sheep, admirable though they be
lead free
and hooded



2000-05-11 Thread SHERRY

look i finally scanned in the snow event!
well sort of its a lazy attempt
but its ok cause im graduating on sunday! woohoo! hey, anyone want to give
me a job?
oh, and if you were wondering my fluxfashions resulted in a maciunas
micheal jackson jacket that said flux you, a bunch of red tshirts that
were rude andpunk rock, some armbands with george on it that said
detournement turnicate,a few skirts with yoko on the ass  and a nude dress
with reversable genders. it wasok but i got too busy to do the spring
 fashion show. :(
I guess the big world awaits so i must go and prostitute myself for a
sensible income to pay the rent on an apartment i don't have yet. h...

***   ***
***  ***
***  Revolution: It's a good way to revolt!   ***
??? *   * 000

Re: FLUXLIST: fluxnoise

2000-05-11 Thread Patricia

uh oh, forgot the website...

Patricia wrote:

> Hey!!
> You can hear the fluxlister (albeit a quiet one listwise) Ron
> Thompson this Saturday - check out "The Sixth Day of Noise" esp.
> "The Manufacturing of Humidifiers meets Spirit Park (plus Matthew
> Sperry)"  10:30 p.m. West Coast USA time.  Sounds moistly
> heated...and slightly Pythonesque.  Actually, the entire day's
> events sounds quite the steamy treat.
> Fan, fan,
> PK

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread ann klefstad

"i did not received mine. i'm afraid the venezuela post office is like

> turkish one.
> in our kind of socialism we all are under suspicion.
> ...pez

It is too bad you haven't gotten it--I loved your matchbox piece, by the way.
Very nice!


Re: FLUXLIST: fluxnoise

2000-05-11 Thread ann klefstad

Patricia wrote:

> Hey!!
> You can hear the fluxlister (albeit a quiet one listwise) Ron
> Thompson this Saturday - check out "The Sixth Day of Noise" esp.
> "The Manufacturing of Humidifiers meets Spirit Park (plus Matthew
> Sperry)"  10:30 p.m. West Coast USA time.  Sounds moistly
> heated...and slightly Pythonesque.  Actually, the entire day's
> events sounds quite the steamy treat.

But where, where?

Re: FLUXLIST: Civil Disobedience 2000

2000-05-11 Thread Patricia


The Top 15 Ways to Tell Your Parents
That You're Not Graduating

  [  The Top 5 List  ]
  [   Copyright 2000 by Chris White]

11> "I was detained by Metallica for listening to their music
 without express written consent."

allen bukoff wrote:

> As an act of civil disobedience, this 48 year old man downloaded and
> installed a copy of Napster today and immediately downloaded a Metallica
> song.  I don't intend to listen to it.

Re: FLUXLIST: Napster/ArtsJournalArticle/ArtistsRights

2000-05-11 Thread Patricia


> In a message dated 05/11/2000 11:46:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << > Let he who is painting stones first cast good.
>  Let he who is first in the cast paint stones for good. >>
> Let good she who is cast repaint the stones.

Often it is best to post a notice that the painting is on loan.

Marcel Broodthaers did this, in, I believe, Musee des Aigles - all
the paintings were on loan, thus, there was no painting displayed,
but the suggestion of such.


Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread { brad brace }

On Thu, 11 May 2000, // - - \ bern-o-matic wrote:

> don't know what the deal is with canada post... 

At one point, I remember reading that Canada Post had the second-worst
mail-service in the 'industrialized world' -- after Italy. It's still
remarkably slow...

The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project   since 1994   

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Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread Ffunction

In a message dated 5/11/00 8:07:51 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>My son's very favorite (of many favorites) is the stone/water experiment.

Ann -

It's nice to hear that your 10-year-old son is enthusiastic about the box 
contents. I am responsible for the box's Stone and Water Game. I was a little 
hesitant about signing my name since the pieces should stand on their own 
merit/demerit despite the signature. But I confess, one of the first things I 
did with the box was draw up lists of the contents and the contributors and 
try to connect the two.

I will try to post a longer message soon. Right now my mind is on fire.

Your friend in Seattle

Tom Grothus / Frank Function

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread Carol Starr

hi owen,
now that we are all talking about the box i have taken it out to look at
its contents again. such fun. i did your score this evening and taos is
16.75 inches from bangor, maine which on my map scale is 2010 miles. love
the pins with little flags. 
best, c :)

carol starr
taos, new mexico, usa

Re: FLUXLIST: Napster/ArtsJournalArticle/ArtistsRights

2000-05-11 Thread { brad brace }

> The Concept of Copyright Fights for
> Internet Survival 
> While American courts struggle over the recording industry's
> challenge to digital music swapping, Ian Clarke, a 23-year-old
> Irish programmer, is moving on to the next battleground. He is finishing a
> program that he says will make it impossible to control the traffic in any
> kind of digital information -- whether it is music, video, text or software. 
> His program, known as Freenet, is intended to make it possible to
> acquire or exchange such material anonymously while frustrating any
> attempt to remove the information from the Internet or determine its
> source. 
> Mr. Clarke and his group of programmers have deliberately set
> themselves on a collision course with the world's copyright laws. They
> express the hope that the clash over copyright enforcement in cyberspace
> will produce a world in which all information is freely shared. In any case,
> the new programs could change the basic terms of the discussion about
> intellectual property. 
> The swapping of music files over the Internet, through services like
> Napster and, has already raised the hackles and mobilized the
> lawyers of the recording industry and some musicians, who say the
> practice amounts to piracy. They hope either to halt the services or to
> collect royalties on the digital works being swapped. 
> But programs now emerging make it possible to find
> and acquire files without reference to a central
> database, and thus provide no single target for
> aggrieved copyright holders. And methods being
> developed to protect such works -- like scrambling
> the data and requiring a key to decode it -- may
> wind up being trumped by similar encryption that
> covers the tracks of those doing the swapping. 
> "If this whole thing catches on," Mr. Clarke said, "I
> think that people will look back in 20 to 40 years
> and look at the idea that you can own information in
> the same way as gold or real estate in the same way
> we look at witch burning today." 
> The groups and companies pursuing the new distribution technologies --
> programs that in effect create vast digital libraries spread across
> potentially hundreds of thousands of large and small computers -- do not
> necessarily share Mr. Clarke's ideological viewpoint. They range from
> iMesh, an Israeli-American start-up company that aspires to become an
> international commercial digital distribution system, to several small
> groups of free-software developers intent on building new systems for the
> sharing of any kind of digital information. 
> Some contend that if their software lends itself to copyright infringement,
> it is the user's responsibility, not theirs. Mr. Clarke, putting into practice a
> view expressed by many in the free-software movement, takes the more
> extreme position that copyright protection is simply obsolete in the
> Internet era. 
> A test version of his Freenet program -- written in England and now
> distributed free to many countries around the world -- was posted on the
> World Wide Web in March. 
> Mr. Clarke, who lives in London and works for a small electronic
> commerce company, said last week in a telephone interview that there
> had been more than 15,000 downloads of the early versions of his
> product, indicating that hundreds or perhaps thousands of network
> servers on the World Wide Web are already running the program. Any
> file that any user wants to offer to others can be made available through
> the system. So far, that includes software programs, video pornography
> and a copy of George Orwell's "1984." 
> Mr. Clarke said he was confident that
> corporations trying to develop complex
> technologies to encrypt information or otherwise
> halt the free sharing of computer data would
> ultimately fail. "I have two words for these
> companies: give up," he said. "There is no way
> they are going to stop these technologies. They
> are trying to plug holes in a dam that is about to
> burst." 
> That attitude, plus the fact that millions of users have come to rely on
> easy access to digital information via the Internet, suggests that the issue
> may quickly outstrip the current debate over copyright infringement
> between the recording industry association and a variety of Internet music
> distributors. 
> "I have no shortage of gray hairs from worrying about these programs,"
> said Talal G. Shamoon, a Silicon Valley executive who heads a working
> group of the Secure Digital Music Initiative, a technology and
> entertainment industry working group. 
> Some legal experts believe that the intellectual property laws are being
> used in an effort to grapple with technologies they were never intended to
> address. 
> "Copyright law is not the right tool in the case of many of the new
> technologies," said Pamela Samuelson, a digital technology and copyright
> expert at the law school of the University of

Re: FLUXLIST: Napster/ArtsJournalArticle/ArtistsRights

2000-05-11 Thread Terrence J Kosick

He who paints good gets stoned first.


FLUXLIST: Re: Fluxlist Box

2000-05-11 Thread allen bukoff

1.  I did the FLUXLIST rubber stamp.  Had the rubber part made and then had 
to cut them out and mount them myself (on curtain-size dowel rods)...which 
is why they happen to have that homemade, "unprofessional" look.

2.  I would love to work on a project like Ann describes.  I've had a 
similar notion of putting together a Fluxus kit (with a blend of old and 
new Fluxus self-performance activities--contributed by a bunch of different 
people) that grade school teachers/art teachers could use to inspire Fluxus 
thinking and perceiving among their adolescent students.  Using this as a 
springboard of examples for getting them to create/design/perform their own 
fluxus activities/boxes/projects could be the natural 
follow-through.  Working through "artist in schools" programs seems like a 
genius way to do it, too.  Although a lot of work, I think something like 
this could be really fun and make a real raising the 
general level of creativity in the world.  Not that I'm grandiose...

>It struck me, seeing his response to the box (he's 10), that this would be 
>an excellent pedagogical tool. I mean the construction of
>such boxes by a class, say. Roger, you work with kids, yes? What do you 
>think? In the US there are these "artist in schools" programs
>and artists can get on rosters to be sent around to schools to work with 
>kids for a week or so. Doing a box could be a great project,
>coupled with making of various kinds of multiples, prints, stamps, clay 
>rollers, etc etc--and a good way to teach about art "outside
>the box" so to speak.