FLUXLIST: Tragedy (Not the Bee Gees Song)

2001-09-22 Thread Roger Stevens

Hi -

Well, the Fluxlist has been very quiet recently. Not surprising, I guess.
I wonder what the response of the artist is to events and times such as

A few thoughts, for what they're worth, from this side of
the Pond -

1 Nice one, Meryl! Had to agree.

2 I object to the coming war on the following grounds -

More innocent people are about to die.

I can't see what it will achieve. The Taliban aren't going
to surrender bin Laden.

Despite what Bush and Blair say about it not being an attack on
Muslims (and I'm sure it's not) ordinary, and ill-informed people
the world over will think it is - that causing more unrest and trouble.

On a lesser note, historic buildings will be destroyed.

Surely there MUST be a better way to rid the world of
terrorism. This is what the debate should be about.

Hey ho -

Peace and Love


FLUXLIST: Princess Petal

2001-09-22 Thread Roger Stevens

Hi -

Anyone heard from Patricia lately?
I've had some empty e-mails with attachments recently
which I've deleted.

I wondered if maybe she'd caught this new virus.

Or, if not her, then her computer.
You know what I mean.


BTW Some interesting poems from teenagers about the
Tragedy on my kids' website, if anyone's interested.
From the home page go to the Gallery
and from there to Teen Scene.

The Poetry Zone offers young people the chance
to publish their poetry on the web. It also has interviews
with famous poets and resource material for teachers.

Re: FLUXLIST: Princess Petal

2001-09-22 Thread Patricia

My attachments should never be deleted!!
Exclamation point!!
Viruses are not allowed (according to Norton)!!
Princess Petal!!
aka Princess Petal, Jr.!!
(whose isp has mucked up her rather dated website, since she
has no glimmer of how to switch servers, but not for long, if
she has anything to do with it, and she does, she does...heh

Roger Stevens wrote:

 Hi -

 Anyone heard from Patricia lately?
 I've had some empty e-mails with attachments recently
 which I've deleted.

 I wondered if maybe she'd caught this new virus.

 Or, if not her, then her computer.
 You know what I mean.


 BTW Some interesting poems from teenagers about the
 Tragedy on my kids' website, if anyone's interested.
 From the home page go to the Gallery
 and from there to Teen Scene.

 The Poetry Zone offers young people the chance
 to publish their poetry on the web. It also has interviews
 with famous poets and resource material for teachers.

Re: FLUXLIST: Tragedy (Not the Bee Gees Song)

2001-09-22 Thread meryl

Roger and all,

It seems to me that the answer is education. Education as broad based and
even handed as possible.

The more people know about the planet they occupy, how they got where they
are, etc. the happier they'll be.  You know, the basics of hard science, a
non-biased overview of as many arts and cultures as is possible, etc.

The more knowledge people aquire the less likely they are to depend on god
to tell them what to do with their lives.  Surely it comes as no surprise to
any of you that more people have died in the name of god than for any
other reason.  When you leave all of life's important decisions to a
nebulous idea of omnipotence personified, well... it's not good.

(nostalgic for the old left)

From: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: Tragedy (Not the Bee Gees Song)
Date: Sat, Sep 22, 2001, 5:11 AM

 Hi -

 Well, the Fluxlist has been very quiet recently. Not surprising, I guess.
 I wonder what the response of the artist is to events and times such as

 A few thoughts, for what they're worth, from this side of
 the Pond -

 1 Nice one, Meryl! Had to agree.

 2 I object to the coming war on the following grounds -

 More innocent people are about to die.

 I can't see what it will achieve. The Taliban aren't going
 to surrender bin Laden.

 Despite what Bush and Blair say about it not being an attack on
 Muslims (and I'm sure it's not) ordinary, and ill-informed people
 the world over will think it is - that causing more unrest and trouble.

 On a lesser note, historic buildings will be destroyed.

 Surely there MUST be a better way to rid the world of
 terrorism. This is what the debate should be about.

 Hey ho -

 Peace and Love



Re: FLUXLIST: Tragedy (Not the Bee Gees Song)

2001-09-22 Thread John Blower

At 08:39 AM 9/22/01, you wrote:
Roger and all,

The more knowledge people aquire the less likely they are to depend on
to tell them what to do with their lives. Surely it comes as no
surprise to
any of you that more people have died in the name of god than
for any
other reason. When you leave all of life's important decisions to
nebulous idea of omnipotence personified, well... it's not 
(nostalgic for the old left)
Well said, Badgergirl. 
You - and others - may find the following of interest:
Religion's misguided missiles 
Promise a young man that death is not the end and he will willingly cause
John Blower
- another
old leftist 

FLUXLIST: re badgergirl

2001-09-22 Thread jason pierce

  And what's more wearisome still is using this situation
to propagate anti-Israeli sentiment among the under educated and
ill-informed.  Speaking of which, I'm very curious as to the sources of your
FACTs.  There are many ways to spin a  piece of info, friend, (but clearly
you already have this talent).

i posted the sources of my facts..clearly you didn't even read them
i will post some more even though you posted no facts to dispute
anything i said.

To refer to Israel's policies (of which you seem to know very little) as
ethnic cleansing, state terrorism, and apartheid (for god's sake!) is
reactionary and rabble rousing in the extreme.

jeez even Ted Koppel has questioned isreali policy in the occupied territories
where have you been the past 35 odd years?

fair enough i will give examples of each situation

apartheid: currently under isreali law it is illegal for palestinians
even ones that are also isreali citizens (and i use that term loosely
because they're not allowed to vote, so maybe second class citizens
is a more accurate term) and currently living in isreal
to own land or own a business. in terms of isreali law palestinians are
not even human. in violation of UN 242 in the occupied territories
palestinian arabs are resticted access to the majority of roads, making it
difficult for the palestinian inhabitants to even obtain water.

for your amusement i will provide some interesting quotes:

 There is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here
  to neighboring countries, not one village, not one tribe should be left (Joseph 
Weitz, 1940).
there is not such thing as Palestinians; they never existed (Golda Meir, 1969)

We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of
  woodcutters and waiters. (David Ben Gurion).

Zionist colonization must either be terminated or carried out against the wishes of 
the native population.. It is important to speak Hebrew, but it is even more
  important to be able to shoot - or else I am through at playing with colonizing 
(Vladimir Jabotinsky, 1939).
and this one i think sums it up best

In Jerusalem, land expropriation, ID confiscations, home demolitions, withholding of 
building permits, and the importation of settler colonies within and around
  the city have become constant elements of Israel's demographic engineering 
through ethnic cleansing. Hanan Ashrawi, pretty much confirmed in reports by amnesty 

Note: Ashrawi is the only palestinian i have quoted the rest are from various
govt zionist officials

a good article with some interesting facts:


2001 amnesty international report on isreal in the occupied territories:


2000 amnesty international report:


1999 report


these are the only amnesty reports i could find on the web

several articles, with many facts.

even more facts

STATE TERRORISM: always called retaliation ... initially contrary to popular
belief isreal wias infact the one who introduced terrorism to the middle east. the 
incidents of the highjacking of planes and so forth was done by the isreali military 
during the first
arab isreali war. the isreali military highjacked civilian palestinian airplanes to 
trade for
soldiers captured during the war. a speciic example of state terrorism in 1985:

the sequence is as follows: first came a PLO attack in Lanarca, Cyprus, where 3 
where killed. The killers were immediately caught and placed on trial; they're now in 
About a week later came the isreali bombing of Tunis in which, according to isreali
correspondants, about 75 people where killed , 20 Tunisians, 55 palestinians,
mostly civilians...
[Chomsky, Chronicles of Dissent page 58]

chomsky goes on to say and i'll just paraphrase, that the origionl lanarca attack was
called retaliation for oft suppressed fact, for the isreali navy was using agents 
based in cyprus
that were high jacking boatsisreali agants highjacking boats. all of that is fine 
well EXCEPT the bombing of Tunis by ISREAL wasn't directed against the people
who carried out the terrorist attack..ISREAL even conceded that the people they 
an easy target. when the people that did the attack probably came from Syria, but Syria
can fight back. so isreal didn't retaliate against syria it bombed a defenseless 
that's the way it's done.of course with FULL U.S. COMPLICITY.

and that's pretty typical, the norm, the status quo,  definate state terrorism

the origion of the word terrorism and i'm refering to the same article by noam 

Re: FLUXLIST: re badgergirl

2001-09-22 Thread meryl

Gee, guess you sure told me!

I did, in fact, look at your sources.  Not exactly the most unbiased sources
of info on the middle east (yes, even Amnesty International!) in my opinion.
Noam Chomsky?! Oh the pain.  But of course I always take as gospel whatever
Ted Koppel says...

Look, I'm not going to argue with you.  I've been down this road before. Why
waste my time and the time of the Fluxlist folk?  Arguing with people like
you is like trying to argue with a drunk, there's no point.  Clearly the
Palestinians (who are technically Jordanian) are nobel victims, innocent
dupes,incapable of wrong doing and the Israelis are the schoolyard bullies
of the Middle East, picking fights without provocation and stealing
everyones lunch money.

Reading the accounts of people you haven't met is not really helpful.  I've
known many people (both Israeli AND Arab) who live, work, and survive in
that difficult terrain.  They would all find your opinions (and much of your
source material) dubious if not actually laughable.

Here's a fact for you: Jews and Arabs are both Semitic peoples and see the
world somewhat differently then the West. Their values and methods of
communications are organized rather differently then those of Europe et al.
Perhaps the answer is to leave them to it and stop trying to inflict our
Western morals and values on two peoples who probably don't need the

But the real solution, of course, is to air-condition and carpet the entire
region, then watch the tensions melt.

That's my final answer.

(Begging you to take a refresher course in English composition and use your
spell check program, for mercy's sake.)

From: jason pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: re badgergirl
Date: Sat, Sep 22, 2001, 11:49 AM


Re: FLUXLIST: re badgergirl

2001-09-22 Thread burningclown

 Noam Chomsky?! Oh the pain.

I don't want to drag this out, but (in a pure desire for knowledge) I
would be interested in any refutation of Chomsky that doesn't resort to
*ad hominem* remarks ... because I haven't seen one (a refutation, that
is) that hews to the same level of rigor he employs. The usual line is to
refer to him as a corrupting influence, or as a traitor, or somesuch,
which doesn't really cut it, for me.

Just looking to broaden my horizons ... I'm not drunk ... not at the
moment, anyhoo ...


Glenn Becker

Everyone's Portal to Nothing At All