FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-20 Thread Alan Bowman

Dear all,

Here is a note to Fluxlist from Alison.  Hannah arrives today (or tomorrow) 
perhaps I can get direct questions to her too.  She may not have time to answer 
but I'll ask..anyone?

Ladles and Jellyspoons, All is on Noel's:

-Messaggio Originale-

Da: Alison Knowles 

A: alan bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Data invio: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 13:09:33 -0400

Oggetto: Fw: Madame Hulot sez

Coming in from my longtime home in New York I arrived in Venice just in 

time to have an evening with Emmett Williams and Ann Noel. We had an 

endless night of long talk and tall drinks and his health though frail 

is better than any of my friends of his vintage. Salute Emmett and Ann 

Noel who are off to do her diaries in Venice with Francesco Conz.

The first event at the museo Fortuny was not possible without a friend 

Alan Bowman whom I located on the rolldeck at the Foundation Emily 

Harvey and seemed to remember having met  in New York. Everyone wants 

to help and is very kind here but some actually do  put the proverbial 

shoulder to the wheel and do it. That is Alan. We are very labor 

compatible and with wit and knowledge of the terrain (Venice) he has 

been indispensible. We  plan  to work together again. He actually rolls 

along over and under it all and comes out smiling,  so I call him 

Always Bowling and he calls me  with equal appropriateness, Owl and 


The performance went well with two of my own works: Loose Pages which 

papers the body in flax and crackles when walking, Onion Skin Song 

which turns a sandwich of onion skins in seran wrap into musical 

notation (played with toys, bean turners). We used the shadows on the 

crumbling lovely walls to play from, but then also the onion skin 

sandwich itself(which we created live on the floor) we could turn and 

use as well.

  The concert concluded with three Vintage Fluxus works full of 

significance but with no specific meaning: a Dick Higgins Constellation 

(three of them with audience participation), Shoes of Your Choice (with 

much audience participation) and Ay-O's Rainbow ( three performers 

blowing bubbles while I  lept about bursting  with pins). For whatever 

reason Lucio Pozzi said this made him weep!  It was lovely with bubbles 

floating about in marble halls.  The concert ended with Bob Watts Trace 

for Orchestra. We burned the Barber of Seville at the music stand. This 

is a fine piece.

The next day I left for the Villa Buttafava with Giovanni Orsini to put 

up an installation in the Villa and get out of Venice for three days. 

Putting instruments and artifacts, stones and beans plus his miracle 

fabric luminex into an old window with a plexi backing  which we  then 

hung on the wall. This installatain and in fact all I am doing here has 

the title Time Samples.  Let's keep it simple as Robert (filliou) would 


Signor Orsini is of a very old family. In fact his ancestor Felix 

invented the Orsin. this bomb relieved the world of Napoleon 111!

Now, back in Venice, Always Bowling and I have just the Exhbition Time 

Samples ahead next week. we have lizards here, ants a'plenty and now 

mosquitoes. We try to be friendly with these creatures, we are, 

afterall the intruders.

  Nice to talk to the Fluxlist again.


Alison (akijan)

Oh Odin's Underpants its a B(owman)LOG 


Visit the Freeformfreakout Organisation Online:


Re: FLUXLIST: -- Poonurse

2006-06-20 Thread Don Boyd

which town in Michigan, Ann Arbor?  -Buckeye Don


Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-20 Thread Ann Klefstad
Also, all, the Visible Language double issue on Fluxus is out, it's put out
by RISDe and available through them I think. Website as well. A very fun and
interesting article on games and art as well as a thing by me, and mmore
things by Owen and Ken and many others from this list. Thanks to all for
your lovely words. 


On 6/20/06 2:25 AM, Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear all,
 Here is a note to Fluxlist from Alison.  Hannah arrives today (or tomorrow)
 perhaps I can get direct questions to her too.  She may not have time to
 answer but I'll ask..anyone?
 Ladles and Jellyspoons, All is on Noel's:
 -Messaggio Originale-
 Da: Alison Knowles
 A: alan bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Data invio: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 13:09:33 -0400
 Oggetto: Fw: Madame Hulot sez
 Coming in from my longtime home in New York I arrived in Venice just in
 time to have an evening with Emmett Williams and Ann Noel. We had an
 endless night of long talk and tall drinks and his health though frail
 is better than any of my friends of his vintage. Salute Emmett and Ann
 Noel who are off to do her diaries in Venice with Francesco Conz.
 The first event at the museo Fortuny was not possible without a friend
 Alan Bowman whom I located on the rolldeck at the Foundation Emily
 Harvey and seemed to remember having met  in New York. Everyone wants
 to help and is very kind here but some actually do  put the proverbial
 shoulder to the wheel and do it. That is Alan. We are very labor
 compatible and with wit and knowledge of the terrain (Venice) he has
 been indispensible. We  plan  to work together again. He actually rolls
 along over and under it all and comes out smiling,  so I call him
 Always Bowling and he calls me  with equal appropriateness, Owl and
 The performance went well with two of my own works: Loose Pages which
 papers the body in flax and crackles when walking, Onion Skin Song
 which turns a sandwich of onion skins in seran wrap into musical
 notation (played with toys, bean turners). We used the shadows on the
 crumbling lovely walls to play from, but then also the onion skin
 sandwich itself(which we created live on the floor) we could turn and
 use as well.
 The concert concluded with three Vintage Fluxus works full of
 significance but with no specific meaning: a Dick Higgins Constellation
 (three of them with audience participation), Shoes of Your Choice (with
 much audience participation) and Ay-O's Rainbow ( three performers
 blowing bubbles while I  lept about bursting  with pins). For whatever
 reason Lucio Pozzi said this made him weep!  It was lovely with bubbles
 floating about in marble halls.  The concert ended with Bob Watts Trace
 for Orchestra. We burned the Barber of Seville at the music stand. This
 is a fine piece.
 The next day I left for the Villa Buttafava with Giovanni Orsini to put
 up an installation in the Villa and get out of Venice for three days.
 Putting instruments and artifacts, stones and beans plus his miracle
 fabric luminex into an old window with a plexi backing  which we  then
 hung on the wall. This installatain and in fact all I am doing here has
 the title Time Samples.  Let's keep it simple as Robert (filliou) would
 Signor Orsini is of a very old family. In fact his ancestor Felix
 invented the Orsin. this bomb relieved the world of Napoleon 111!
 Now, back in Venice, Always Bowling and I have just the Exhbition Time
 Samples ahead next week. we have lizards here, ants a'plenty and now
 mosquitoes. We try to be friendly with these creatures, we are,
 afterall the intruders.
 Nice to talk to the Fluxlist again.
 Alison (akijan)
 Oh Odin's Underpants its a B(owman)LOG
 Visit the Freeformfreakout Organisation Online:

FLUXLIST: The nodder, Peerc, O tar

2006-06-20 Thread John M. Bennett

The nodder

aim yr pustule log the sofa aim yr
posture spell the nodule aim yr usage
cash the needle aim yr cutesy page the
incher aim yr benzene fore the nabbing
aim yr computator clutch the sagging aim
yr fogborn drop the singer aim yr sinker lock



s leep nu t nor te ra jas ta nta col mena
nap r oof you creep but tales of skedaddle
doz ed h eel learning in the soup d rip a
slum ber see thed the giggling-shed ah cost a
so ñada leaned against la pier na moca nadar la
narco lepsia labial peel a ch eek a way ah teeth

O tar

rat o ,napkin hunching ,chew yr belt yr o
rat ,flapping lunch ,knew yr melted fur o
rat ,capping stunt yr few felt burrs o
rat ,rancid nut ,yr new welt learns o
rat ,antic butt yr blew world churns o
rat ,antsy bunching ,strew yr pelt o burns o

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029



RE: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-20 Thread Allan Revich
What a great letter from Alison Alan. Thank you for sharing it with the
list, and nice to know that she was so ammenable to sharing her thoughts
with us.

I would be very interested in hearing the thoughts of both Alison and Hannah
about the current status of Fluxus. If they are prepared to address the
Dead/Alive/Both question head-on that would be very interesting, however
their thoughts in a more general and less polemic format would also be
welcome. I.E. What do you think about contemporary Fluxus practice and
where do you see Fluxus going forward? 



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Alan Bowman
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 3:26 AM
To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
Subject: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

Dear all,

Here is a note to Fluxlist from Alison.  Hannah arrives today (or tomorrow)
perhaps I can get direct questions to her too.  She may not have time to
answer but I'll ask..anyone? Ladles and Jellyspoons, All is on Noel's:

RE: FLUXLIST: -- Poonurse

2006-06-20 Thread Allan Revich
You'll have to do some Googling research to figure that one out Don. I just
stumbled upon her accidentally - you might say I stepped in it when I wasn't
paying attention :-)

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Don Boyd
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 8:39 AM
To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: -- Poonurse

which town in Michigan, Ann Arbor?  -Buckeye Don

http://fluxuswest.blogspot.com/ http://fluxusmuseum.blogspot.com/

Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-20 Thread Owen Smith
FLUXLIST@scribble.com on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 9:58 AM -0500 wrote:

I would be very interested in hearing the thoughts of both Alison and Hannah
about the current status of Fluxus. If they are prepared to address the
Dead/Alive/Both question head-on that would be very interesting, however
their thoughts in a more general and less polemic format would also be
welcome. I.E. What do you think about contemporary Fluxus practice and
where do you see Fluxus going forward? 

Ann K mentioned her article in one of the issues of Visible Language in a prior 
post - if you are interested in the above you should really read it for the 
essay covers may important and related issues to the topic of fluxus as an 
concern/approach. It is titled What has Fluxus Created? (or did you mention 
this already Ann?)

My own point of view is that there is a historical Fluxus that is what it is 
(not dead, but more set or determined in a way) but there is also fluxus as a 
view and practice that is alive an well. This is another way Fluxus is like Zen 
- both have a
history and an ongoing praqctice that are related but not determined one 
(present, evloving and changing) by the other  (past, more set if not fixed) - 
I had a great conversation with George Brecht a number of years ago about this 
concept and he
agreed that this is a useful way of looking at Fluxus.


Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-20 Thread Owen Smith
FLUXLIST@scribble.com on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 12:10 PM -0500 wrote:

I think that the answers that I seek arise from two questions:

1) How to deal with critics, curators, and historians who insist that Fluxus
only existed at a particular time in history, and that it only involved the
group of atists who produced work that they called Fluxus within that time

I know that one could choose to either ignore or confront them - but what
about a middle way towards mutual understanding?

Yes, a middle way would seem the best - the curator types would have to admit 
that there is an ongoing tradition at least (and they are blind if they don't 
not see it) and the artists will have to admit that they are part of a 
tradition not the
original group. Now, yes this is separation of new and old seems counter to 
aspects of a Fluxus sensibility and, in fact, it is counter - at the same time 
historical distinctions are still valid and useful. The same way 
context/history is not only
necessary but central to how we make meaning in general it is valid in all 
aspects of understanding of the whole issue of Fluxus, what it is and what it 
is not. Fluxus' history and its current strains/traditions is a major focus of 
the two issue
that Ken and i did not Visible language. I have a section of artists statements 
on Fluxus and its influence on them from 12 current practitioners (and several 
on the Fluxlist) including Alan Bowman, David-Baptiste Chirot, mekal and,  Sol 
Nte, and
Walter Cianciusi. In the end I personally will come down to a different 
question and that is is it interesting? (there is plenty of stuff called Fluxus 
that is not very interesting and much stuff that is not Fluxus that is quite 

2) How to deal with issues within the current community of practitioners who
seem divided between those that feel they are producing new Fluxus work
and those who feel that they are producing new work, of no particular school
or movement, but in the Fluxus tradition?

Maybe these are both questions for which definitive answers can never be
found and for which the only solution is ongoing dialogue...

Well answers are always less interesting then good questions. As to how to 
address this - in part you have to let the artists speak for themselves, but 
also realize that the audience will also have their own voice in the matter. 
This way they the
answer of is it new work or part of a tradition will be answered collectively 
by both artist and audience, kind of like the art coefficient idea of Duchamp's 
but applied not to is it art?, but what kind of art is it?

By the way, could you or Ann post a link to a site from which issues of
Visible Language can be ordered?


The web site is a little out of date so it does not list the issues, but they 
are 39.3 Fluxus and Legacy and 40.1 Fluxus After Fluxus and there is contact 
information about getting copies, it should be abut 20.00 for the double issue.


FLUXLIST: Headline Haiku (cHaiku)

2006-06-20 Thread Allan Revich
Title: Message

Headlines: June 20, 

Woman finds bear 
Germany vaults into second 


Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-20 Thread badgergirl
I have a question:  Do these trousers make me look taller?


From: Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue Jun 20 02:25:58 CDT 2006
To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
Subject: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

Dear all,

Here is a note to Fluxlist from Alison.  Hannah arrives today (or tomorrow) 
perhaps I can get direct questions to her too.  She may not have time to 
answer but I'll ask..anyone?

Oh Odin's Underpants its a B(owman)LOG 


Visit the Freeformfreakout Organisation Online:


RE: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-20 Thread Allan Revich
Taller than what?

-Original Message-
Behalf Of badgergirl
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 4:02 PM
To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

I have a question:  Do these trousers make me look taller?


From: Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue Jun 20 02:25:58 CDT 2006
To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
Subject: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

Dear all,

Here is a note to Fluxlist from Alison.  Hannah arrives today (or 
tomorrow) perhaps I can get direct questions to her too.  She may not 
have time to answer but I'll ask..anyone?

Oh Odin's Underpants its a B(owman)LOG


Visit the Freeformfreakout Organisation Online:


RE: FLUXLIST: Difficulties with Visible Language

2006-06-20 Thread bibiana padilla maltos

I can order  one for you and one for me and you can pay me cash?

Original Message Follows
From: Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
Subject: FLUXLIST: Difficulties with Visible Language
Date: 20 Jun 2006 18:34:08 -

How do you work out that order form?!
And the you have to post it, .like with stamps and stuff.
way complicated.

If anyone can help me out here I'd be grateful.  It's also a little 
difficult as I don't have a checking account or a credit card (YES! we do 



By the way, could you or Ann post a link to a site from which issues of
Visible Language can be ordered?


The web site is a little out of date so it does not list the issues, but 
they are 39.3 Fluxus and Legacy and 40.1 Fluxus After Fluxus and there is 
contact information about getting copies, it should be abut 20.00 for the 
double issue.


Oh Odin's Underpants its a B(owman)LOG

Visit the Freeformfreakout Organisation Online:

Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-20 Thread Rod Stasick

On 2006 Jun 20, at 3:01 PM, badgergirl wrote:

I have a question:  Do these trousers make me look taller?


My question: Do her trousers make me look taller?


Now playing: AMM - Coffin Nor Shelf

Re: FLUXLIST: Difficulties with Visible Language

2006-06-20 Thread bibiana padilla maltos

are they Panchólares??
In the time of Pancho Villa he did his own money, it was called 

Thanks for the advice!


Original Message Follows
From: Rod Stasick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Difficulties with Visible Language
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 16:06:31 -0500

On 2006 Jun 20, at 3:47 PM, bibiana padilla maltos wrote:

I can order  one for you and one for me and you can pay me cash?

His cash is no good.


Now playing: AMM - Coffin Nor Shelf

Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-20 Thread Ann Klefstad
There is a sort of bit of a fashion for high school boys to wear girls'
trousers . . .

On 6/20/06 4:05 PM, Rod Stasick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2006 Jun 20, at 3:01 PM, badgergirl wrote:
 I have a question:  Do these trousers make me look taller?
 My question: Do her trousers make me look taller?
 Now playing: AMM - Coffin Nor Shelf

Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-20 Thread Rod Stasick

On 2006 Jun 20, at 5:10 PM, Ann Klefstad wrote:

There is a sort of bit of a fashion for high school boys to wear  

trousers . . .

...while they're still in them...

yeah, it was the same at *my* school!


Now playing: Charles Mingus - Theme For Lester Young (aka Goodbye  
Pork Pie Hat)