FLUXLIST: water, water everywhere

2005-06-15 Thread Chris Paul
Press Release June 2005

In an uninspired and dull art performance environmentally stupid, and just
plain stupid, like real fucking stupid, artist Mark McGowan is intending
to turn on a cold water tap in the House Gallery in Camberwell, London and
leave it running for one year wasting 15 million litres of water.

The event will start on Tuesday 28th June 2005 at 10am.

On average 2 litres are dispersed every 10 seconds from the gallery tap.

If bottled and stacked from floor to ceiling it would be enough water to
fill several supermarket megastores.

McGowan says, 'Basically its an art piece for people to come and look at
and enjoy aesthically, though of course they could stay at home and watch
the tap as they fill their kettle, it is also an attempt to get people to
notice me because I've never got enough attention at other times in my
life. In my work, I'm heavily influenced by that other publicity monkey,
David Blaine.'

The 'Running Tap', can be viewed most days from 1pm-6pm or by appointment.

For more info and images

idea - a catalyst for art and ideas


07976 949853

FLUXLIST: calling NorthAmerica®

2004-05-31 Thread chris paul
Hello fluxlist
Out of lurk mode to see if Cali-forni-folk on this list are
interested in responding to this request from the
daughter of one of my oldest friends.
I imagine interesting invitations from elsewhere
in NorthAmerica® might also be considered.
Roshana recently threw up a music conservatoire route for
visual/audio art - in particular video/film -
her mum my friend is ex dancer/actor/perf-arts-curator
and R's dada (oops) is a live artist of some renown,
currently in China on business.
Don't know Jessica but wouldn't bet against her
being an interesting young woman also.
Best w
Chris P
> Hello everyone,
> My partner Jessica and I are planning
> a trip to the states and were wondering if you know, or know of anyone
> who could accommodate us in San Francisco and/or LA? Or if you know of
> anywhere cheap and safe we could stay? It will be for approximately one
> week (in each place) in August. Gay friendly is imperative.
> Thank You,
> Roshana and Jessica
Chris Paul
idea - a catalyst for art and ideas
44 7976 949 853

FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST-digest V4 #74

2003-02-10 Thread chris paul
> Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:22:55 -
> From: "Sol Nte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: priceless.
> Fabrice wrote:
> >Just come back from Manchester yesterday . Pretty cool show. Bidded for
> lots of stuff, + really enjoyed Zoe's piece but, unfortunately, not a single
> fluxlister in sight... Boo-hoo. Any of you guys going to be around for the
> auction. next Wednesday?<

Hope to be there for that. Perhaps get some bids in meanwhile.

> I was going to go to Priceless for the auction and then they changed it to
> the middle of the week, presumably forgetting that some of us have to engage
> with wage slavery during the week. So needless to say I'm not going now.

Going to Hyde Park instead??? I'll be there. On the Whalley Range "Green"
coach. We have a whole rainbow of coaches from our area. 60 or more
from the county. And now they've chartered a train too ...

> Anyway on Saturday I was at the Tate in Liverpool and heartily recommend the
> current Shopping show there which includes new Fluxus work by Ben Vautier
> (The Bizarre Bazaar), plus Bob Watts postage stamps and the recreation of De
> Ridder's European Mail Order Fluxshop from the Silverman's collection, and a
> Beuys piece (I forget the title). Also new photos by Gursky (very cool)
> and other stuff from Warhol, Duchamp etrc. etc..all in all an
> excellent day out which I recommend to anyone who will be near Liverpool.
> It's on till 23rd March.

Thanks Sol for tip, will try to catch this.

Best w

Chris P

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: priceless on 15.02.03]

2003-01-29 Thread chris paul
Please note - change of "sale" date for Priceless :

--- Begin Message ---
dear chris we have already changed the end give away
date as we are all going to the demo !

The end date is now 12 th feb and those would have
contacted us already have been told could you inform
anyone that you have mailed to 


this is the final call out 


A call for submissions

You are invited to donate artwork for this exhibition.
You can submit ANYTHING (a piece of your work whatever
it may be – a performance, a sound piece, a photograph
etc, something of value, something of no value) to

Is the art world becoming increasingly commercialised
to a degree where the art and the artist are left
behind in a whirl of agents, style gurus and corporate
whores? We invite you to cock a snook at this by
taking part in an exhibition where the only money
changing hands will be between the organisers and the

This exhibition examines our attitudes to current
trends in the contemporary art world, to the status of
the object, alongside monetary and personal value. Is
value granted to art works because of the prominence
of its creator? Are prices arbitrarily placed on it by
agent/ gallery to make a profit? Or can a works value
exist independently of these factors?

All work of art in PRICELESS are to be auctioned off
at the end of the exhibition to the highest bidder.
The catch is that no money will change hands. The
currency here is the personal value you feel the
bidder places on your work. Throughout the running of
the exhibition viewers will be asked to make a bid by
writing down WHY they feel they should receive the

Any reason can be given, the only judge will be the
creator of that work, YOU . You will be asked at the
end of the exhibition to choose whom you feel most
deserves the piece from those who have bid. You can be
as arbitrary or as deliberate as you like in your
decision. You will go away at least knowing that your
piece will be in the hands of someone who values it.

Ovalproductions will charge 0% commission each work
disposed of in this manner.

If you want to be involved in the event please contact
Ovalproductions on the telephone number below. We are
accepting works until 1st February. Works can be
posted to:
Studio Undercover 44 Edge St Manchester 
or delivered by hand to the exhibition space on 
Saturday 1st between 11am and 4pm
The location of the exhibition is as follows:
23 Withy Grove, Manchester (above Wicked). Entrance is
via the shop.
The exhibition opens on the 6th February and will run
until 12th February, with works given away on Wed 12th
The gallery will be open 11am - 4pm each day 

For more details please contact 
by telephone on  07733 227335

Ovalproductions are Adele Myers, Eleanor Bullen and
Janet Griffiths, practitioners of art, dedicated to
questioning the systems in which we and the art world

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

--- End Message ---

FLUXLIST: priceless on 15.02.03

2003-01-28 Thread chris paul
Zoe, Sol and anyone else contributing or going to Priceless

This date clashes with what could be the biggest ever
anti war demo in London (Hyde Park)

I'm going to be in London ... it would be good if the
organisers either included coverage of the demos in
London (and sister events round the world) or changed
their schedule by one day ...

... even though they are a parallel event to manchester art
show at Urbed.

Best w

Chris P

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: Shopping Scrabble]

2003-01-26 Thread chris paul

--- Begin Message ---
JANUARY WHIRLS: a month of not-shopping sprees on both sides of the Atlantic

As a part of the series of actions taking place in the US and the
UK called 'January Whirls', a group of not-shoppers will be
taking their consumption awareness performance to the glittering, blinking
heart of consumerism, Times Square, New York.

On Sunday, January 26 at 2:00 PM they will begin by whirling with empty
trolleys  Later using special interactive surveillance-attracting
headgear and participatory spelling tactics the group will be playing
shopping 'SCRABBLE' at TOYS R US in Times Square NYC.

During a Whirl-Mart event, a group of people gather
and perform a not-shopping intervention in a cathedral
of consumption, such as Wal-Mart, Toys R Us, or Asda.
The group creates a whirling train of empty trolleys
as they meander through the aisles of the store.

The locations for January Whirls were...

January 5 - Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania USA
January 12 - Nottingham UK | Brighton UK | Germany
January 19 - Glasgow UK
January 26 - New York City, USA

More events planned for February/ March. If you would like to participate in
a whirl or create a non-shopping event in your area contact:

 me@mydads stripclub.com

Images from the Nottingham event Praise the Product

more info on whirling: http://www.breathingplanet.net/whirl
"We believe that convenience is not convenient"
Reverend Billy Church of Stop Shopping

--- End Message ---

FLUXLIST: virtual show - works on paper

2003-01-20 Thread chris paul

Open Exhibition

We are putting together an Open Exhibition called "Works On Paper". The
subject can be anything just so long as the work is on paper - any
any size, any subject. All works will be displayed there will be no
judges, but be prepared for viewers comments. In short, if you send us
your work, we will display it in one of ImageSpeak's virtual galleries.

For more details click this link






PS - Sol. The Priceless Show is at a venue close to Manchester's URBIS
Museum; will advise when this is finalised.

Chris Paul mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.idea.org.uk

Slam Ariel Sharon for war crimes. http://www.petitiononline.com/warcrime

They seek 1,000,000 signatures and now have about 915,000.
Also women for peace http://www.PetitionOnline.com/waw2002/petition.html

And stop the war http://www.PetitionOnline.com/cndstwc/petition.html.

FLUXLIST: The War Effort

2003-01-17 Thread chris paul
please feel free to forward this invite

you are invited to the opening of
The War Effort
Holden Gallery
Faculty of Art & Design
Manchester Metropolitan University
Cavendish Street
Manchester M15 6BR

{Bill Drummond is ex KLF and John Hyatt a Three John}

Opening  Thursday 23 January 5 - 7 pm
with a presentation by Bill Drummond

This ad-hoc coalition of artists makes no claim to a fixed strategy or
singular voice and offers no universal observations. Rather, the group
been brought together by the artists' shared conviction that in the
of September 11, the 'War Against Terrorism', the need for an
cultural reaction to war is acute. Rejecting the idea that art should be

neutral, they engage from individual positions with the reality, rituals
symbols of what they see as a 'new barbarism'and question militarism as
failed response to social inequality.
Among the participating artists are lecturers from Hull School of Art
Design - Clare Charnley, the designer Andy Edwards, the photographers
Orr and 24449753, an ex-serviceman - alongside John Hyatt, a painter and
of the Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and
Design at
MMU. They are joined by the London-based sculptor, multimedia performer
radio DJ Tracey Sanders-Wood, the artist and writer on art and politics
Drummond, and Disinformation, a creative duo whose repertoire covers
every conceivable artform'.

Chris Paul mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.idea.org.uk

This petition could help the lawyers in Belgium who are suing that
Ariel Sharon for war crimes. http://www.petitiononline.com/warcrime
They need 1,000,000 signatures and have 901,682 (10.09.02).
Please sign and forward the web address to all your contacts.

FLUXLIST: Re: priceless

2003-01-14 Thread chris paul
Fluxlisters may like to consider this one. I guess the
exhibition with be physically centred in Manchester
England but that electronic and faxed and described
works will be accepted.

I'll get a fax number and check the physical location.

Off licence is liquor store, and one of Adele's previous
productions was Opening Night (name?) which consisted
mostly of the sponsors' spirits in piles and clusters
around the space with various colouring and mixers.

Many of the opening nighters scarcely noticed the
lack of other art objects as they tucked into the art liquor.

adele myers wrote:

> hi
> please can you circulate this to all the artists that
> you know or have on your database
> thanks adele
> ___
> A call for submissions
> You are invited to donate artwork for this exhibition.
> You can submit ANYTHING (a piece of your work whatever
> it may be ? a performance, a sound piece, a photograph
> etc, something of value, something of no value) to
> Is the art world becoming increasingly commercialised
> to a degree where the art and the artist are left
> behind in a whirl of agents, style gurus and corporate
> whores? We invite you to cock a snook at this by
> taking part in an exhibition where the only money
> changing hands will be between the organisers and the
> off-licence.
> This exhibition examines our attitudes to current
> trends in the contemporary art world, to the status of
> the object, alongside monetary and personal value. Is
> value granted to art works because of the prominence
> of its creator? Are prices arbitrarily placed on it by
> agent/ gallery to make a profit? Or can a works value
> exist independently of these factors?
> All work of art in PRICELESS are to be auctioned off
> at the end of the exhibition to the highest bidder.
> The catch is that no money will change hands. The
> currency here is the personal value you feel the
> bidder places on your work. Throughout the running of
> the exhibition viewers will be asked to make a bid by
> writing down WHY they feel they should receive the
> work.
> Any reason can be given, the only judge will be the
> creator of that work, YOU . You will be asked at the
> end of the exhibition to choose whom you feel most
> deserves the piece from those who have bid. You can be
> as arbitrary or as deliberate as you like in your
> decision. You will go away at least knowing that your
> piece will be in the hands of someone who values it.
> The exhibition opens of the 6th February and will run
> until 12th February 2003, with works given away on
> Saturday 15th February 2003
> If you want to be involved in the event please contact
> Ovalproductions by January the 19th
> Ovalproductions will charge 0% commission each work
> disposed of in this manner.
> For details please contact
> by telephone on  07733 227335
> Ovalproductions are Adele Myers, Eleanor Bullen and
> Janet Griffiths, practitioners of art, dedicated to
> questioning the systems in which we and the art world
> operate.

FLUXLIST: paint can debate

2003-01-10 Thread chris paul

can within a can within a can


2003-01-06 Thread chris paul
> Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 13:56:52 -0800
> From: "Alex Cook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST Box #2
> then there's always ziploc freezer bags.
> you can get 50 for about $5, Holds a gallon of art with no spills and you
> can affix a sticker lable to the outside.
> in fact it seems rather "fluxus" to make our second box a plastic bag.
> Alex
> NP: Cat Power - Moon Pix

Could get either the sort of plastic bag which all the air is sucked out
of once the contents are in; or the sort which is inflated with the contents
in an inner compartment; or indeed both nested?

A bit most costlyu. IDEA could source and fund these if logistics allow that.

FLUXLIST: meanwhile, the Thatcher decapitator is in court in London

2002-12-17 Thread chris paul
Art Student Admits Planting Boxes In Subway Station


  An art student has confessed to planting dozens of suspicious boxes
that led to the evacuation of the Union Square subway station last

Clinton Boisvert, 25, a student at the School of Visual Arts, turned
himself in to the Manhattan district attorney's office Monday. He
admitted he placed the 38 black boxes, labeled with the word "fear,"
around the busy station last Wednesday.

Boisvert said the stunt was part of a assignemnt to study reactions
to art in public places. His lawyer said it was "an innocent art
project gone awry."

Police evacuated the subway station and trains skipped the stop for
about five hours as the bomb squad investigated the boxes, which were
attached to walls, benches and floors. The boxes, some painted black
and others wrapped in electrical tape, were determined to be empty
and the station was reopened.

Boisvert was charged with aggravated harassment and reckless

FLUXLIST: Treacle, in Manchester, UK

2002-12-10 Thread chris paul
Distributed on behalf of the artist John Hyatt.

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: Whirl-Mart Consumption]

2002-11-25 Thread chris paul

--- Begin Message ---
On Saturday, Nov. 30th at 1pm, there will be a Whirl-Mart Consumption
Awareness Ritual in recognition of Buy Nothing Day.  Groups will gather to
push empty carts through the aisles of supermarkets for an hour of
contemplative resistance
to the post-thanksgiving consumer binge.

for more information on Whirl-Mart and documentation of past events visit:

The event will be taking place in the U.S. and abroad,
such as, Austin TX, Scranton PA, Kansas City, San Francisco, and also in the
UK and Canada.

if you are interested in organizing a Whirl-Mart event in the UK  email this
address direct


Whirl Mart http://www.breathingplanet.net/whirl
Fanclub shopping actions: http://www.fanclubbers.org
Reverend Billy:  http://www.revbilly.com

--- End Message ---


2002-10-25 Thread chris paul

Bristol anti war activists take to the streets.

Campaigners in Bristol have taken to the streets armed with a pot of
yellow paint and a large brush. They are adding a large H at the end of
the word Bus, to all the BUS STOP signs painted on the road.

Bristol now has a number of  "BUSH STOP" painted on their streets.
...Just a suggestion

FLUXLIST: event this evening - early hours worldwide

2002-06-12 Thread chris paul

  Event invitation
  Tue, 11 Jun 2002 10:50:13 +0100

the-phone-book invites you to join us in person at TheCircle or live
via http://www.the-phone-book.com for the launch of a new discussion

and our first live spoken word event, performed by authors from
the-phone-book's North of England collection.

Wednesday June 12th 2002
Part One ~ 7pm (British Summer Time)
Part Two ~ 9pm (British Summer Time)


Part One ~
This chat is the first of a series of discussions that will follow the
developments of the-phone-book Limited to the end of the year as we
three of our main commissions utilising the limitations - and potentials

of wireless interfaces across the world.

Chatters' include:
Brian Crawford (ifone, UK)
Nick Crowe (artist, UK)
Derek Hales (Huddersfield University, UK)
Tom Holley (Creative Director, Huddersfield Media Centre, UK)
Kathy Rae Huffman (Cornerhouse Creative Director, UK)
Haruo Ishii (ISEA2002, Japan)
Nickie Hirst (Pogo, UK)
Stephan Meyers (Nokia, USA)
Stuart Nolan (needleworkTV, UK)
Sadie Plant (writer of Motorola's 'On The Mobile' report)
Douglas Rushkoff (American cyber journalist)

Join us here, live and online, at the following international times:
7pm ~ UK (British Summer Time/Daylight Saving Time)
8pm ~ Central Europe
8pm ~ Johannesburg, Africa
9pm ~ Jerusalem, Israel
11am ~ Vancouver, Canada
12pm ~ Banff, Canada
2pm ~ Montreal, Canada
11am ~ Los Angeles, USA
2pm ~ New York, USA
3pm ~ Sao Paolo, Brazil
11.30pm ~ Calcutta, India
3am ~ Tokyo, Japan (13th June 2002)
4am ~ Sydney, Australia (13th June 2002)
6am ~ Auckland, New Zealand (13th June 2002)

Part Two ~
The Circle Club RSVP only Doors open at 8pm for a 9pm performance.
Unit 13 Barton Arcade, Barton Square, Manchester M3 2BB.

With readings of Mini, Micro and Short Micro Stories, both published and

unpublished from writers based in the North of England, webstreamed live

our international audiences:

Ken Barlow | v2.0, v3.0, v6.0
David Bateman | v1.0, v2.0, v4.0, v5.0, v6.0
David Gaffney | v3.0, v4.0, v5.0, v6.0
Cath Staincliffe | v2.0, v3.0, v4.0, v5.0, v6.0

To confirm your desire to attend in person, email
or call 07801 837281, or join us here, live and online, at the following

9pm ~ UK (British Summer Time/Daylight Saving Time)
10pm ~ Central Europe
10pm ~ Johannesburg, Africa
11pm ~ Jerusalem, Israel
1pm ~ Vancouver, Canada
2pm ~ Banff, Canada
1pm ~ Los Angeles, USA
4pm ~ New York, USA
5pm ~ Sao Paolo, Brazil
5am ~ Tokyo, Japan (13th June 2002)
1.30am ~ Calcutta, India (13th June 2002)
6am ~ Sydney, Australia (13th June 2002)
8am ~ Auckland, New Zealand (13th June 2002)

-   -   -   -   -   -   -   ->

fee plumley, producer

http://www.the-phone-book.com - the world's shortest fiction, brought to

wherever you want it.

Check out our new look for the sixth version!

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: do it (home version)]

2002-05-04 Thread chris paul

--- Begin Message ---

thought some people might be interested in this.


From: "e-flux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 08:30:23 -0700
Subject: do it (home version)

May 2, 2002

Dear Friends,

We are very pleased to present the first installment of Do It (home
version), an online project curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist at our site >>>
http://www.e-flux.com  Do It is the third participatory online project
presented by e-flux. We hope you enjoy it.

Do It is an exhibition of artist's instructions to be executed by you.
Should you decide to take part in it, segments of the show can materialize
in your home, office or any other place you may find appropriate. Once you
have realized an instruction by an artist of your choice, please send us a
picture and your name, we will include it on the site. This practical
utopian exhibition, then, becomes a collaboration between the artists and
you. Do It at e-flux is also an online compendium of artists’ writings; a
'webzine' containing fascinating essays on the peculiar subject of
artworks in the form of instructions and experimental exhibitions, as well
as an informal community for people interested in such subjects. Starting
with this first installment of works by over 50 artists, many new
instructions, essays and interviews, as well as your participation and
feedback will be added to the site, so please visit us often!

Throughout its duration at e-flux, the contents of do it will grow
exponentially. The initial list of participants includes:
Marina Abramovic, John Baldessari, Matthew Barney, Dara Birnbaum, John
Bock, Christian Boltanski, Louise Bourgeois, Joan Brossa, Lygia Clark, Amy
A. Cohen & Francisco J. Varela, Jimmie Durham, Diller + Scofidio, Maria
Eichhorn, Cerith Wyn Evans, Ayse Erkmen, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Yona
Friedman, Liam Gillick, Dan Graham, Gilbert & George, Dominique
Gonzalez-Foerster, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Douglas Gordon, Joseph Grigely,
Tomislav Gotovac, Ulrike Grossarth, Mona Hatoum, Fabrice Hybert, Carsten
Holler, Shere Hite, Ronald Hoffmann, Joan Jonas, Gulsun Karamustafa, Mike
Kelley, Ben Kinmont, Alison Knowles, Jeong-A Koo, Surasi Kusolwong,
Bertrand Lavier, Lee Lozano, Paul McCarthy, Christian Marclay, Annette
Messager, Jonas Mekas, Eileen Myles, Bruce Nauman, Yoko Ono, Pepón Osorio,
Damian Ortega, Nam June Paik, Steven Pippin, Michelangelo Pistoletto,
Cesare Pietrousti, Marjetica Potrc, Jason Rhoades, Pipilotti Rist, Martha
Rosler, Andreas Slominski, Michael Smith, Nancy Spero, Rirkrit Tiravanija,
Rosemarie Trockel, Uri Tzaig, Lawrence Weiner, Erwin Wurm, and many more
artists to come soon.

Site architecture and design by FDTdesign, New York.

To enter do it please click here: http://www.e-flux.com

do it began in 1993, with a discussion amongst Christian Boltanski,
Bertrand Lavier and Hans Ulrich Obrist, concerning works of art that
contain written instructions. The first do it took place in 1994, at the
Ritter Kunsthalle in Klagenfurt, Austria. The exhibition has since been
realized in more than 40 venues worldwide, including 25 institutions in
the United States and Canada from 1997 through 2002 in a tour organized by
Independent Curators International (ICI), New York. The initial do it
project was financed by AFAA, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paris,


For more information go to: http://www.e-flux.com

--- End Message ---


2002-04-22 Thread chris paul

Dear all

Personally I'd have called this journal Perspectives on
Human Evil and Wickedness (PHEW). An opportunity
missed in my opinion. Anyhow, this seems a timely
opportunity to reason about Terrorism which is the
theme for volume 2.

The first volume evidences an open book.

Best wishes

Chris P


Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness  (PEHW)
ISSN: 1471-5597
Volume 2. : July 2002  (themed issue:  Terrorism)

http://www.wickedness.net/ej.htm (main ejournal page)

For further details and information regarding the upcoming issue, please
contact Rob Fisher at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
or Salwa Ghaly at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: 52 Events by Ken Friedman [Digital edition]]

2002-02-28 Thread chris paul

Hi there

I know this publication has been mentioned here before; but now there's
more info, a URL to download, and a review.

Best www

Chris P

--- Begin Message ---

Dear Colleagues,

Those who are interested in Fluxus and intermedia may
be interested a new digital edition of my event scores
from Heart Fine Art. A published last month in
Scotland on Sunday appears below.

The publisher has also produced a free digital edition.
The digital edition contains the complete contents of the
paper edition.

In true Fluxus spirit, Paul Robertson of Heart Fine Art
has made the digital edition freely available for artistic or
educational use.

With best regards,

Ken Friedman

52 Events
Ken Friedman

REVIEW BY sb kelly
Show and Tell Editions, £25

Scotland on Sunday
January 27, 2002


THIS book was initially due to appear in Spring 1967, designed by George
Maciunas, founder of the Fluxus art movement. Maciunas's untimely death
meant the project was effectively mothballed, although it toured as a
series of exhibitions during the 1970s. It is therefore a pleasure to
possess, 35 years after its conception, Ken Friedman's 52 Events. The book
at last exists, and in three formats: as a desk diary, beautifully designed
by Paul Robertson; as a free internet version
and as a £195 deluxe edition in a hand-crafted box, painted by the artist
and containing various artefacts required to stage the Events.

Fluxus, whose membership famously included Yoko Ono, can be seen in
retrospect as one of the key postwar art movements; a continuation of
Surrealism and Dadaism, and the launching pad for Conceptual, Installation
and Anarcho-dandyist Art. Indeed, Turner Prize-winner Martin Creed's work
is barely conceivable outside of the Fluxus perspective; and Tate Modern
are currently showing an exhibition of Friedman's work. The pieces of the
Fluxus Group were minimal, provocative and witty - famously described as
"Zen Vaudeville" - and were preserved as 'scores' that could be re-enacted
by others. Most importantly, Fluxus spanned Europe, America and Asia;
drawing on traditions as diverse as Norse Sagas and Japanese Noh-plays.
That very internationalism goes some way towards explaining the endurance
of this genre of avant-garde art.

Perhaps the best way to illustrate Fluxus is in their own words, with two
of Friedman's Events. "Flow System: Anyone may send an object or a work of
any kind to the exhibition. Everything received is displayed. Any visitor
to the exhibition may take away an object or work." "Deck: Collect playing
cards found in the street until a complete deck of found cards is

Fluxus was, as these examples show, a two-pronged attack; a debunking of
the spaces where art is displayed, and a celebration of the possibilities
of normal locations. If you could put urinals into galleries, conversely
you could find art in the street. Whereas the Situationists, almost exact
contemporaries, were railing against everyday life, Fluxus wanted to turn
the everyday into an ongoing art-work. Of course, one might level the
accusation that it's all rather self-indulgent. Nonetheless, I tried one of
the events (sending a postcard a day to a friend, with just one letter on
it, until it spelt a phrase; then receiving a reply in like fashion) and
the effect was weirdly charming. There is a certain innocence in the sense
of participation. Actually following the suggestions each week may be
impractical, but I would strongly advise any reader to try one or two.

Although with some of the other Fluxus artists, such as Ay-O or Ben
Vautier, the mischief teeters over into cruelty - audiences locked in
theatres - the overwhelming feel of Friedman's 52 Events is a gentle
melancholy. The notes offer not only some valuable insights into the
history of the movement, but a delightful sketch of his genuine
bewilderment about the separation of 'art' and 'life', musings on
publishing, and personal explication of the meaning of the works.
Robertson's typography for the diary is beguiling; a non-linear ebb and
flow of days, rather than the strict and regimentalised schedule.

My only regret about the book is that it doesn't include one of my
favourite Events from the previous "30 Events" exhibition: "Explain Fluxus
in five minutes or less, using a few simple props." Shoes, ice-cubes and
telephones would be my choice. I look forward to the diary for 2003.


Heart Fine Art Web site



Scotland on Sunday Web site


--- End Message ---

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: RHIZOME_RAW: In One Year and Out the Other]

2001-12-31 Thread chris paul

In One Year and Out the Other 
may be a familiar exercise
for many here

CP in 2001 still

 Original Message 
Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: In One Year and Out the Other
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 18:54:56 +0100
From: Ken Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Ken Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In One Year and Out the Other

On New Year's Eve, make a telephone call
from one time zone to another so that you
are conducting a conversation between people
located in two years.


I have been performing this event every year
since 1975. I invite you to join me this year using
telephone, telefax, or email to send New Year's
greetings across the shifting time boundary
between 2001 and 2002.

Ken Friedman

+ not all at the same time
-> Rhizome.org
-> questions: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-> subscribe/unsubscribe: http://rhizome.org/subscribe.rhiz
-> give: http://rhizome.org/support
Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
Membership Agreement available online at http://rhizome.org/info/29.php3

FLUXLIST: bush's new rules, fw from cybermind, fw from washington post

2001-11-26 Thread chris paul

Here's an amusing letter, sent by one F. F. Martin to the editor of the
Washington Post:

/ / skip

---forwarded message follows

 If President Bush decides to try any terrorist suspects by military
 commission, he should reconsider in light of the fact that he himself
 would be subject to criminal prosecution under the U.S. War Crimes Act of
 1996 for committing a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

 Grave breaches include willfully depriving a person of war of the right
 to a fair and regular trial, which means the right to an impartial and
 independent tribunal. Section 2(a)(1) of President Bush's military order
 in conjunction with Section 4(c)(8) violates the right to an independent
 and impartial tribunal by making him both prosecutor and final judge -- a
 grave breach of the Geneva Convention (article 147) and a clear violation
 of the War Crimes Act. And, by the way, a violation of the War Crimes Act
 may be punishable by death.


 Saskatoon, Canada


FLUXLIST: Let's drop the big one now .. but make it butter, rice and information

2001-09-24 Thread Chris Paul

Greetings fluxlisters

Randy Newman once wrote :

No one likes us
We don't know why
Let's drop the big one now

(or words to that effect, please excuse memory lapses)

Let's make the big one butter, rice and information 
as suggested below. (I don't really like the 'civilization'
line however).

And let's work up the answer to Randy's riddle. Having
seen Colin Powell interviewed on BBC TV by Jeremy
Paxman I believe that Powell understands why there
should be no almighty CNN war, why there are grievances
with US/West actions down the years, why no fuel should
be added to that, and why as much as possible taken away
from the coal holes/wood piles etc. Even perhaps why
continued and continuous humanitarian support is vital.

I think he said something along the lines that US had
provided the most aid to Afghanistan and would in future.
Implying a hiatus. That would be a mistake IMO.

I hope what Powell understands (if I'm right) and keeps
other forces in America and the West under control.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the UN World Food programme
is commanded by US to cease shipping food to the Afghan/
Pakistan borders. I hope this is overturned in time for
winter. It would be a big mistake to starve millions
of wholly innocent people to catch a handful.

Best wishes

Chris P

> -Original Message-
> From: Andrew Hund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 1:20 PM
> Subject: [AEDF] Bomb Them With Butter
> Something to consider --
> by Kent Madin
> A military response, particularly an attack on Afghanistan, is exactly what
> the terrorists want. It will strengthen and swell their small but fanatical
> ranks.
> Instead, bomb Afghanistan with butter, with rice, bread, clothing and
> medicine. It will cost less than conventional arms, poses no threat of US
> casualties and just might get the populace thinking that maybe the Taliban
> don't have the answers. After three years of drought and with starvation
> looming, let's offer the Afghani people the vision of a new future. One
> that includes full stomachs.
> Bomb them with information. Video players and cassettes of world leaders,
> particularly Islamic leaders, condemning terrorism. Carpet the country with
> magazines and newspapers showing the horror of terrorism committed by their
> "guest". Blitz them with laptop computers and DVD players filled with a
> perspective that is denied them by their government. Saturation bombing
> with hope will mean that some of it gets through. Send so much that the
> Taliban can't collect and hide it all.
> The Taliban are telling their people to prepare for Jihad. Instead, let's
> give the Afghani people their first good meal in years. Seeing your family
> fully fed and the prospect of stability in terms of food and a future is a
> powerful deterrent to martyrdom. All we ask in return is that they, as a
> people, agree to enter the civilized world. That includes handing over
> terrorists in their midst.
> In responding to terrorism we need to do something different. Something
> unexpected. Something that addresses the root of the problem. We need to
> take away the well of despair, ignorance and brutality from which the Osama
> bin Laden's of the world water their gardens of terror.
> --
> http://www.zacha.org/mailman/listinfo/cyberculture
> http://www.cyberculture.zacha.org/

Chris Paul - IDEA   @   @
Innovation in  Digital and Electronic Arts   \ /
Grosvenor Building, Manchester, M15 6BR   @ - @ - @ 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   / \
0161 273 4414 fax 0161 273 4432 @   @
http://www.idea.org.uk/go  A Catalyst For Art and Ideas

FLUXLIST: stop drugged driving now with fluxus scripts, and feel good

2000-08-03 Thread Chris Paul

> from the BBC (in London)
> "Drivers will have to perform roadside tests if police suspect them of
> taking drugs.
> The tests include making drivers stand on one leg and touching their noses
> with their eyes closed. "

standing on one leg and touching nose _at one time_?
this really is a brutal police state we live in.

once it's established that you're "a bit wobbly" it
seems that the police then intend to carry out a 
further battery of top-notch scientific tests to
determine (beyond a shadow of doubt, bang to rights,
it's a fair cop, hello hello sunshine etc) which
substances have been ingested by the accused.

the police have made it clear that the possible
effect of alcohol will have been eliminated by
the well-established "walking the 10 yard line" test.

the fluxus section of the metropolitan police
have recently put out a request for a series of
diagnostic scripts for different substances;
no mention was made of commission fees however so I 
suspect that any responses used will be considered 
to have been in the line of public duty.

if scripts are posted to the list I will make
sure they reach the correct officers ...

Chris Paul - IDEA   @   @
Innovation in  Digital and Electronic Arts   \ /
Grosvenor Building, Manchester, M15 6BR   @ - @ - @ 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   / \
0161 273 4414 fax 0161 273 4432 @   @
http://www.idea.org.uk/go  A Catalyst For Art and Ideas


2000-06-27 Thread Chris Paul

fluxlisters may enjoy these sites ...

 Original Message 
Subject: SERVICE 2000
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 01:05:06 +
From: mailerbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

29 Uncommissioned Web Sites

Available Now From the Following Locations:-

 http://www.anthonydoffay.co.uk  http://www.annelyjuda.co.uk
   http://www.turnerprize.org.uk http://www.thenationalgallery.org.uk
http://www.tategallery.org.uk http://www.halesgallery.co.uk

http://www.rhodesmann.co.uk http://www.vilmagold.co.uk


If you do not wish to recieve futher emails from the SERVICE 2000 list
just return this email with "Remove" as the subject line.
Your record will be automatically deleted.

FLUXLIST: from collab-l : moo theatre

2000-05-23 Thread Chris Paul

Date:Mon, 22 May 2000 04:57:20 -1000
From:Juli Burk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Performance at ATHEMOO

*** apologies for cross-posting ***

_Scheherazade's Daughters_ by Karen Wheatley

Friday 26 May  7pm GMT(3pm EDT, noon PDT, 9am HST, 8pm BST)
Thursday 1 June5pm GMT(1pm EDT, 10am PDT, 7am HST, 6pm BST)
a discussion will follow each performance

During a recent routine @dig in ATHEMOO, a hole appeared in an office
wall.  There behind the wall was found four women - sisters suspended in
time and space.  Each sister living under a curse to endlessly tell
endless tales in hypertext.  These are the daughters of Scheherazade.
Visit them, hear their stories, experience theatre online!

ATHEMOO is at http://moo.hawaii.edu:7000 or moo.hawaii.edu 
If you need assistance or more information, please do not hesitate to
contact Juli Burk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*** please forward as you wish ***

Chris Paul - IDEA   @   @
Innovation in  Digital and Electronic Arts   \ /
Grosvenor Building, Manchester, M15 6BR   @ - @ - @ 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   / \
0161 273 4414 fax 0161 273 4432 @   @
http://www.idea.org.uk/go  A Catalyst For Art and Ideas

FLUXLIST: Re: [Fwd: autoparts launch]

2000-05-17 Thread Chris Paul

Sorry, should have been Spring 2001. Life's a blur.

Chris Paul wrote:
> See below. IDEA's "before" show in our new building - due
> to open as art-media-IT incubator workspace, Spring 2000.

Chris Paul - IDEA   @   @
Innovation in  Digital and Electronic Arts   \ /
Grosvenor Building, Manchester, M15 6BR   @ - @ - @ 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   / \
0161 273 4414 fax 0161 273 4432 @   @
http://www.idea.org.uk/go  A Catalyst For Art and Ideas

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: autoparts launch]

2000-05-17 Thread Chris Paul

See below. IDEA's "before" show in our new building - due
to open as art-media-IT incubator workspace, Spring 2000.

There is also a performance - Autoconversion :

"A family car transformed into a series of audio CDs by
power tools. A durational performance. Spencer HW Marsden 
with Municipal Constructions."

That's 29 May 00, 12 noon to 7 pm.

There is webstuff at http://www.idea.org.uk/autoparts

 Original Message 
Subject: autoparts launch
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 21:22:27 +0100




on Saturday 20th May - Beer and Jam from 6pm - 9pm

May 20th - July 7th 2000
Thursday - Saturday 12 - 6pm
10 Irwell Street (At Chapel Street and Trinity Way), Salford

Jenna Collins  Chara Lewis  Greg Lock  David MacKintosh  Jim Medway  
Spencer HW Marsden with Municipal Constructions  Kristin Mojsiewicz  
Graham Parker  Gary Peploe  Anneke Pettican   Marc Provins  Andrew Robinson

Ten temporary interfaces to a building and an area which has a history of
build and re-build, use, disuse and re-use, of shifting populations and
changing fortunes. 

Idea has recently bought the old Brown Bothers Building in Salford which
will be renovated in the early months of the year 2000. IDEA is adapting the
building for more flexible use in training and by new businesses and artists
whose working practice and physical needs are changing radically due to the
use of new creative technologies. The building was originally built in 1878
as a brewery by Watson & Woodhead brewers. In 1927 the building became
Mackie & Sons Fruit Preservers until 1955. In 1957 Brown Brothers auto parts
moved in and stayed until 1986. 

Idea has commissioned 12 artists to make 10 new works for the old Brown
Brothers Building with a particular focus on site-specific work which
reflects an interest in transitional spaces and technologies.

FLUXLIST: Live, on vinyl

2000-02-23 Thread Chris Paul

Came across this today :

LIVE, Pavel Buchler 'Live' is composed from almost 400 live recordings
from Pavel Buchler's record collection, spanning a variety of music 
styles over 40 years and bringing together the sounds of audiences 
from all over the world. Each record was digitised, then the sound of 
the music deleted leaving only bursts of applause, separated by 
periods of silence. Following its inauguration as a sound installation 
at the Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art, 'Live' has been 
released on limited edition vinyl LP.

Produced by FACT with financial assistance from Manchester 
Metropolitan University Price #19.99 (plus #1.00 p&p Europe, #2.00 p&p 
outside EU)

Pavel is Research Professor at MMU Fine Arts ...


FLUXLIST: Signs of the Times

2000-02-22 Thread Chris Paul

Hi all

If anyone is in London tomorrow and would like
to go to the Private View of the above
(Posters from Central and Eastern Europe)
6.30-8.30 at The Imperial War Museum then
send your address *now* and I'll pop an invite
in the post first class. Sneak preview on
the website http://www.idea.org.uk/posters.

Best www

Chris P

Re: FLUXLIST: Winter Break

2000-02-18 Thread Chris Paul

Roger Stevens wrote:
> Hiyall,
> (snip)
> Very interesting reading it this way. It
> would be nice to condense it into a document or book. Maybe I'll make that a
> project of mine. Would anyone object?

There was a debate on Liveart (a mailbase academic list in
the United Kingdom) a few years ago about
moving a list dialogue into printed form. The objections
were pretty fierce and several members promised to never
write again if this was implemented ... I may have the
archive somewhere. Tim Etchells of Forced Entertainments
(innovative theatre company and now multimedia producers)
who makes his living producing words for the stage, the
page, the gallery and the rom was among the correspondents.

Although the plan was not carried forward I think there
may have been some effects on the frequency and type of
postings to that list.

It's an interesting topic, and I'm looking forward to 
reading some of the answers.

Re: FLUXLIST: V-I-P in Manchester

2000-02-04 Thread Chris Paul

sorry, the middle URL was wrong in the V-I-P footer,
this one's right ...

Chris Paul wrote:
> http://www.idea.org.uk/cinemaconcret
> http://www.idea.org.uk/splitshift
> http://www.idea.org.uk/archive

Chris Paul - IDEA   @   @
Innovation in  Digital and Electronic Arts   \ /
c/o DADI 135, Manchester, M1 7HE, UK  @ - @ - @ 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   / \
0161 273 4414 fax 0161 273 4432 @   @
http://www.idea.org.uk  A Catalyst For Art and Ideas

FLUXLIST: V-I-P in Manchester

2000-02-04 Thread Chris Paul

>>>>>>>>>>  Reminder <<<<<<<<<<<<

IDEA/Switchboard is hosting a presentation by artist Lucy Kimball tommorow
night at CUBE

Need something to tickle your fancy? Come and find out about V-I-P, the next
generation of sexy toy.

What: V-I-P product launch event in Manchester
When: Saturday 5th February, 7pm
Where:  CUBE, 113-115 Portland Street, Manchester
Supported by IDEA.

An exciting British e-commerce venture has announced what it calls a new
kind of networked product
- the Vibrating Internal Pager. It's an ergonomically designed internal sex
toy that vibrates when
it receives pages, like regular pagers. 

V-I-P owners can use it in one of two ways - you either subscribe to the
group page, triggered by
callers into the V-I-P Vibration Line; or you can have your own private
number to distribute
personally. Callers can leave messages on the Vibration Line, or, in the
future, personal
information and even photos on the web site.

 "The V-I-P is the first non-sleazy sex toy," says V-I-P product manager
Lucy Kimbell. "It's more
designer object than Soho brown paper bag. We're expecting enormous demand
and it will only be
available over the web."

V-I-P Group - the company behind the pager - is urging customers to reserve
theirs early at the
company web site. (Reservation is free and does not constitute an order
until confirmed.) The pager
toy is designed for use by both women and men.

The V-I-P will be available for Valentine's Day 2000, while the company
finalises its rigorous
safety tests. Until the full launch, the company is keeping under wraps what
the V-I-P pager toy
actually looks like. "The whole point is that it's fun to wear - it's not
something that'll be on
display," says Kimbell. 


<<<<<<<< also >>>>>>>>


Chris Paul - IDEA   @   @
Innovation in  Digital and Electronic Arts   \ /
c/o DADI 135, Manchester, M1 7HE, UK  @ - @ - @ 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   / \
0161 273 4414 fax 0161 273 4432 @   @
http://www.idea.org.uk/go  A Catalyst For Art and Ideas