FLUXLIST: is under new management

2004-12-25 Thread allen bukoff
Dear Fluxlisters, I am un*subscribing from Fluxlist to do other things.  Alan 
Bowman is now in charge of Fluxlist (succession by initials).  Jon van Oast 
continues to provide hosting for the list.  Thanks to so many people here for 
so many things!  Happy new year!  Happy new list!  Allen Bukoff

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Art Guys collaborate with Houston Symphony

2004-12-15 Thread allen bukoff
--- Original Message ---
From: The Art Guys [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 10:45:50 -0600
Subject: Art Guys collaborate with Houston Symphony

 The Houston Symphony

 Bela Bartók's
 Duke Bluebeard's Castle
 conducted by
 Hans Graf
 with lighting design by


 Bartók's riveting opera, Duke Bluebeard's Castle, comes to life
 through innovative lighting design conceived by The Art Guys of
 Houston. The Art Guys have worked hand-in-hand with Music Director
 Hans Graf to develop an illumination scheme that will enhance the
 opera's dramatic storyline. This groundbreaking program uses the
 musicians' chairs as the lighting medium which, through washes of
 color, captures the intense psychological nature of the Bluebeard

 In the tale, Duke Bluebeard's new wife, Judith, learns that the
 seven doors of his castle hide the secrets of his loneliness.  
 Demanding access to the hidden corners of her husband's soul,
 Judith has the doors opened one by one, revealing far more than she
 wanted to know.

   -The Houston Symphony


 The Houston Symphony will also perform Brahms' Symphony No. 3.

 Performances on
 Saturday, January 15, 8:00 p.m.
 Sunday, January 16, 2:30 p.m.
 Monday, January 17, 8:00 p.m.

 Jones Hall
 615 Louisiana Street
 Houston, Texas

 For more information contact The Houston Symphony at 713-224-7575
 or visit The Houston Symphony website at http://HoustonSymphony.org
 For tickets and information call (713) 224-7575 or visit
 http://houstonsymphony.org.    Tickets: $21-$90


 Thank you!


FLUXLIST: I love this

2004-12-07 Thread allen bukoff
I think it is finally time for me to kick myself off FLUXLIST.

This is all prompted by the irony of the posts below.  Owen Smith (a Fluxus art 
historian and artist) and Ken Friedman (Fluxus artist, theoretician, and 
general academic) have both declined in the past in their writings, activities, 
and emails (on and off this list) to definitively declare or promote (with 
specific examples) the fact that Fluxus has continued to grow, mutate, and 
flourish way past the original Maciunas-connected group. They will talk about 
the continuation of the work of the original Fluxus artists and the 
continuation of the spirit of Fluxus, etc, IN A POSITIVE AND ABSTRACT WAY but 
don't seem to have the inclination to actually declare or promote any new 
members or new real estate as being bona fide Fluxus.   I'm talking about 
naming names and championing work.  Although neither one has ever supported the 
Fluxus-died-with-Maciunas school of thought, they have also never extended the 
she's a a fluxus artist to anyone or any projects outside the original 
historical group.  This is not difficult.  Can you say ART GUYS? Or 
KLONDIKE--http://www.nutscape.com/klondike/?  There are a lot more examples.   
So they have taken the weaselly (in my humble opinion) position that yes 
Fluxus, oh the spirit of Fluxus, could continue and does in some amorphous 
abstract way (but am not going to stick my neck out and really include any one 
or any new activity to be Fluxus...or I am going to be anal and withhold 
judgment).  So now we learn that Owen and Ken have written an article about 
ongoing Fluxus INFLUENCE...sounds to me like just another way to try to keep 
attention on OLD Fluxus going...and to use Fluxlist (and some of the great and 
truly-Fluxus projects that have been done here) and others to do it.  Oh, the 

One last time (maybe):  I have always felt that the Fluxus sense/spirit was 
very open and inclusive and outward directed.  When I first started learning 
about Fluxus it was just one big invitation to play.  It was energizing.  It 
still is.  Almost everything and everyone having to do with Fluxus and its 
place in the Art World has been the opposite of that--e.g., Jon Hendricks, Eric 
Anderson, Ken Friedman's Fluxus Chronology:  Key Moments and Events 
(1960-1996) in the Fluxus Reader.

Fluxus in the art world eats itself instead of feeding others.

The worst thing that ever happened to Fluxus was calling it Art.

Allen Bukoff, PhD

P.S. I sound like Brad Brace.  I think I need a vacation.

 I did that analysis for an article I wrote about Fluxlist that
 Owen and Ken were going to use. I did hear that it was finally
 going to be published but this was some months ago and I've not
 heard from Owen since so I assume it's not going to happen.

 Sol (and the rest of the list) - it is still going to happen - it
 just all keeps getting pushed back, now it seems that it will be
 the end of spring or summer of next year (2005). It will be a
 special issue of Visible Language on Fluxus today as an
 ongoing artistic form of expression such as that on the fluxlist
 (not just the historical stuff).  Since the issue has come up here
 as a discussion item let me ask you all a question - I am still
 looking for a few women artists that see their work
 as part of the direct heritage of Fluxus. If you know of anyone or
 want to suggest yourself please email me off list at



FLUXLIST: more fundamentalism

2004-12-05 Thread allen bukoff
From 1988 to 1993, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences sponsored an 
interdisciplinary study known as The Fundamentalism Project, the largest such 
study ever done. More than 100 scholars from all over the world took part, 
reporting on every imaginable kind of fundamentalism. And what they discovered 
was that the agenda of all fundamentalist movements in the world is virtually 
identical, regardless of religion or culture.

The five characteristics are

1) Men rule the roost and make the rules. Women are support staff and for 
reasons easy to imagine, homosexuality is intolerable.

2) all rules must apply to all people, no pluralism.

3) the rules must be precisely communicated to the next generation

4) they spurn the modern, and want to return to a nostalgic vision of a golden 
age that never really existed. (Several of the scholars observed a strong and 
deep resemblance between fundamentalism and fascism. Both have almost identical 
agendas. Men are on top, women are subservient, there is one rigid set of 
rules, with police and military might to enforce them, and education is tightly 
controlled by the state. One scholar suggested that it's helpful to understand 
fundamentalism as religious fascism, and fascism as political fundamentalism. 
The phrase 'overcoming the modern' is a fascist slogan dating back to at least 

5) Fundamentalists deny history in a radical and idiosyncratic way.

Go read the rest at 

FLUXLIST: moving right along (political)

2004-11-26 Thread allen bukoff
US Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia Rejects Separation of Church and State
Scalia is a darling of the religious right in the US.  He is an increasingly 
bold rightwing extremist who led the unusual Supreme Court intervention that 
assigned the US presidency to Bush in 2000.  Scalia is widely feared to be 
Bush's likely appointment to head the Supreme Court when Chief Justice 
Rehnquist (another piece of righwing work) goes.  
I don't intend to continue posting about this topic on Fluxlist.  Just wanted 
to add one more reinforcing post just from today's news.  
And one more quote from a founding father:
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, 
appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave 
mankind, and monopolize power and profit. -Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason, 

Re: FLUXLIST: RE: Happy Thanksgiving

2004-11-25 Thread allen bukoff
Bertrand and the rest of the list,

George Bush.  I can barely talk about this subject.  It is such an unimaginably 
awful thing that he has managed to get re-elected.  I am very disappointed in 
my country and very very worried about the future.  I think things may be even 
much worse here (where the politics and culture are going) than anyone really 
knows.  George Bush got people to vote for him in the 2000 election by 
pretending to be part compassionate and part conservative.  It became clear 
very early on in his illegitimate presidency that he (and his crowd) are a 
dangerous bunch of religious and political extremists the likes of which have 
never before had so much power in this country.  Because these people are 
extremely out of touch with reality and blinded by their own ideologies, they 
launched a number of radical and disasterous projects that are undermining the 
constitution, the economy, and the security of the United States (let alone the 
rest of the world).  The military attack on Iraq is one of the most sad and 
obvious monunmental blunders this group has made.  The fact that George Bush 
could actually get re-elected AFTER everyone in the US could SEE how dangerous 
and incompetent and extremely radical he is, is the most chilling thing I have 
witnessed in my lifetime.

I grew up in the aftermath of World War II and we always wondered how the nice 
German people let the ugly Nazi's come to power.  Now I look at my nice 
affluent and privledged neighbors with their Bush signs on their lawns and I 
am worried I now know.

There are very ugly forces as work in the US and in the world today.  Primary 
among the evils on this planet are, in my humble opinion, the rightwing 
religious extremists...

I believe in God.  I believe in a higher Power.  I believe much of my life on 
this earth is on a spiritual path.  I believe it is a completely personal, 
private and unique journey that needs no religious dogma or organized religion 
to guide it. I also believe the ugliest force at work throughout the world 
today is politicized rightwing religious fundamentalism--including but not 
limited to the rightwing Christian fundamentalists, the rightwing Islamic 
fundamentalists, and the rightwing Jewish fundamentalists...the religious 
extremists who seek political power and who want to tell us all how to live 
(and eat and drink and dress and work and play and make art) and ultimately how 
to pray.  This is the real evil in the world today.  George Bush and his group 
act as a catalyst and as an exponent on this evil formula.

It is ironic and sad really.  Part of the wonderful mythology we used to tell 
ourselves here in the US is that many people immigrated here to get away from 
religious persecution--which always seems to happen when organized dogmatized 
religions get or cooperate with political power and begin persecuting the 
heathens.   One of the wonderful founding principles of the US constitution 
is the clear separation of Church and State--the removal of religion from 
political power and its exercise. There are major forces at work in the US now 
to overturn this and weld a rightwing Christian fundamentalist view of the 
world (which is truly ugly and uncompassionate) to the political, military, and 
economic power of the US.  I believe we are now seeing the beginnings of a 
massive project to clean up culture and advance Christian fundamentalist 
oppression in the US.

God help us ALL.

Allen Bukoff

simply expressing apologies to the world is too cute for me

Bertrand Clavez:

 Funny how this subject didn't appeared on the list since his
 brilliant election...
 All my sympathy to all of you compelled to live under the low of

Re: FLUXLIST: RE: Happy Thanksgiving

2004-11-25 Thread allen bukoff
Bertrand Clavez:

 Funny how this subject didn't appeared on the list since his
 brilliant election...
 All my sympathy to all of you compelled to live under the low of

Bertrand and the rest of the list,

George Bush.  I can barely talk about this subject.  It is such an unimaginably 
awful thing that he has managed to get re-elected.  I am very disappointed in 
my country and very very worried about the future.  I think things may be even 
much worse here (where the politics and culture are going) than anyone really 
knows.  George Bush got people to vote for him in the 2000 election by 
pretending to be part compassionate and part conservative.  It became clear 
very early on in his illegitimate presidency that he (and his crowd) are a 
dangerous bunch of religious and political extremists the likes of which have 
never before had so much power in this country.  Because these people are 
extremely out of touch with reality and blinded by their own ideologies, they 
launched a number of radical and disasterous projects that are undermining the 
constitution, the economy, and the security of the United States (let alone the 
rest of the world).  The military attack on Iraq is one of the most sad and 
obvious monunmental blunders this group has made.  The fact that George Bush 
could actually get re-elected AFTER everyone in the US could SEE how dangerous 
and incompetent and extremely radical he is, is the most chilling thing I have 
witnessed in my lifetime.

I grew up in the aftermath of World War II and we always wondered how the nice, 
normal German people let the ugly Nazi's come to power.  Now I look at my 
nice affluent and privileged neighbors with their Bush signs on their lawns 
and I am worried I am starting to see how.

I also believe the ugliest force at work throughout the world today is 
politicized rightwing religious fundamentalism--including but not limited to 
the rightwing Christian fundamentalists, the rightwing Islamic fundamentalists, 
and the rightwing Jewish fundamentalists...the religious extremists who seek 
political power and who want to tell us all how to live (and eat and drink and 
dress and work and play and make art) and ultimately how to pray.  This is the 
real evil in the world today.  George Bush and his group act as a catalyst and 
as an exponent on this evil formula.

I believe in God.  I believe in a higher Power.  I believe much of my life on 
this earth is on a spiritual path.  I believe it is a completely personal, 
private and unique journey that needs no religious dogma or organized religion 
to guide it (and will in fact be hurt by that).

It is an ironic and sad Thanksgiving really.  Part of the wonderful mythology 
we used to tell ourselves here in the US is that many people immigrated here 
(like the Puritans of the first Thanksgiving) to get away from religious 
persecution--which always seems to happen when organized dogmatized religions 
get or cooperate with political power and begin persecuting the heathens.   
One of the wonderful founding principles of the US constitution is the clear 
separation of Church and State--the removal of religion from political power 
and its exercise. There are major forces at work in the US now to overturn this 
and weld a rightwing Christian fundamentalist view of the world (which is truly 
ugly and uncompassionate) to the political, military, and economic power of the 
US.  I believe we are now seeing the beginnings of a massive project to clean 
up culture and advance Christian fundamentalist oppression in the US.

God help us ALL.

Allen Bukoff

simply expressing apologies to the world is too cute for me

FLUXLIST: Fwd: More Thanksgiving

2004-11-25 Thread allen bukoff
History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining 
a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which 
their political as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for 
their own purpose.
-Thomas Jefferson, 1813 (primary author of the Declaration of Independence)


FLUXLIST: mail art day

2004-11-18 Thread allen bukoff
mail art day december 5 

FLUXLIST: The backs of things

2004-11-15 Thread allen bukoff
Very interesting idea  display, Michael Leigh.  Would seem to have nearly 
infinite Fluxus potential.  Thanks for sharing.

 Backs of things at Obscure-


Re: FLUXLIST: Emily Harvey

2004-11-15 Thread allen bukoff
This is a very sad and huge loss for Fluxus...for all of us.  Emily was very 
enthusiastic about Fluxus and very open.  Emily is the only person in 
old-school Fluxus I know of who was able to remain friendly with and could 
bring together all the various warring factions of Fluxus.  She also didn't 
seem to have a strong ideology about whether Fluxus was dead or not (i.e., 
ended with Maciunas death or not) and encouraged me (and others) to keep doing 
things under that banner if our hearts were in it.  She seemed to be one of the 
few to try to keep putting her arms around the whole thing.  The Emily Harvey 
Gallery in New York has to be the longest running Fluxus-dedicated gallery in 
the world (it was one of George Maciunas' early renovations in SoHo) and there 
will be a big whole in my cosmology of Fluxus without it.  And without Emily 

Sail on Emily.

A photo of Emily at 

 Dear all,

 I've just found out that Emily Harvey died in Venice on Tuesday 9th
 after a long illness.

 I'd kind of lost touch with Emily over the past year which was sad
 in itself.

 We didn't always see eye to eye but Emily was a great help to me
 and provided me with opportunities I'd otherwise only been able to
 dream of.

 I shall never forget her.


FLUXLIST: Fwd: Kaprow/Happening photos for website

2004-10-18 Thread allen bukoff
If you can help Kate Ogden, please do.

--- Original Message ---
Sent: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 8:22:21 EST
Subject: Kaprow/Happening photos for website

 Dear Colleagues,

 I’m creating a new web site, “Art  Architecture of New Jersey,”
 hosted at The Richard Stockton College in Pomona, NJ (near Atlantic
 City).  You can see the site at www.artofnewjersey.net.

 I’m writing to ask if you have, or know of, any photographs of
 Allan Kaprow’s happening “Tree, A Yam Festival,” which took place
 in South Brunswick, New Jersey, in May 1963.

 I know that photographs of that event have been reproduced in Joan
 Marter’s book Off Limits: Rutgers University and the Avant-Garde,
 and I may contact the publisher to ask about using them.  I’m
 writing to you, however, because I thought there might be other
 usable photographs of the event that would be easier to obtain.

 Any help along these lines would be greatly appreciated.

 With all best wishes,
 Kate Ogden

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Kate Nearpass Ogden
 Associate Professor of Art History
 The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
 PO Box 195
 Pomona, NJ  08240-0195
 Phone (with voicemail):  609/652-4406
 Phone (home):  609/561-2174
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

 This message powered by EMUMAIL. -- http://www.EMUMAIL.com

Re: FLUXLIST: Calling All Fluxworkers: The Birdwatchers Corner

2004-09-22 Thread allen bukoff

I can't download alan bowman's mp3 but I am sure this is just as good if not better:  
a recording of me raking early fall leaves outside this afternoon and intermittently 
saying Dick Higgins (2 minutes and 50 seconds).  Get it hear:  

I believe this is the only sound thing I have ever done.

Allen B

On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 02:50:34 -0400, Eryk Salvaggio wrote:
 Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

 A Call For All Audio Artists or Artists Who Have Audio and Audio
 That Has Artists

 WSCA - FM of Portsmouth, NH presents:

 The Birdwatchers Corner

 hosted by Eryk Salvaggio
 Thursday Nights: Midnight to Two AM

 We are calling for any interested artists to submit soundscapes,
 sound design, radio documentaries, dj mixes, found sound, spoken
 word etc for on air broadcast

 Tedium is Tolerated and Excess is Embraced

 Help Us Fight Money Broadcasting Banality!

 email: eryk at salsabomb dot com

 feel free to point us toward mp3s
 (but please don't email us with them!)


FLUXLIST: I've got your ray johnson bunny display

2004-09-19 Thread allen bukoff
Set of 100 buttons  poster I made for Tin Huey band
Those of you using Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser,
please click on lower right hand corner of image
to expand to full size.

Re: FLUXLIST: The Birdwatchers Corner

2004-09-14 Thread allen bukoff
Eryk, is this radio station/your show going to be available online?  AB

 Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

 A Call For All Audio Artists or Artists Who Have Audio and Audio
 That Has Artists

 WSCA - FM of Portsmouth, NH presents:

 The Birdwatchers Corner

 hosted by Eryk Salvaggio
 Thursday Nights: Midnight to Two AM

 We are calling for any interested artists to submit soundscapes,
 sound design, radio documentaries, dj mixes, found sound, spoken
 word etc for on air broadcast

 Tedium is Tolerated and Excess is Embraced

 Help Us Fight Money Broadcasting Banality!

 email: eryk at salsabomb dot com

 feel free to point us toward mp3s
 (but please don't email us with them!)


FLUXLIST: Fwd: Group Carnage/Art Guys

2004-09-10 Thread allen bukoff
--- Original Message ---
From: The Art Guys [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 19:05:35 -0500
Subject: Group Carnage

 The Art Guys frolic in the Carnage

 Summer of Carnage

 an exhibition curated by Paul Horn

 Deborah Colton Gallery
 2500 Summer Street
 Houston, Texas


 (show continues through September 18)

 STARRING The Art Guys, Scott Burns, Bill Davenport, Jeremy Eilers,
 Sharon Engelstein, Mark Flood, Francesca Fuchs,
 Rachel Hecker, I Love You Baby, Aimee Jones, Anthony Liberto,
 Teresa OConnor, Aaron Parazette, Jenny Schlief, Jason Villegas

FLUXLIST: Fwd: open call, 'The Public Building', W. Bromwich, UK

2004-09-07 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today

--- Original Message ---
Sent: 7 Sep 2004 12:15:02 -
Subject: open call, 'The Public Building', W. Bromwich, UK


The Public Building, happening in West Bromwich in late 2005, will
be the largest community arts development in Europe. Designed by
Alsop Architects, the building will house an innovative new gallery
which takes the form of a spiralling walkway descending through the
building with attached pod-like exhibiting spaces. The gallery aims
to offer each visitor a sense of the creative process through
active engagement using interactive and digital artworks.

more information on The Public Building http://www.thepublic.com

Submissions are invited for the following:

The Drawers - a wall of curiosity - a flexible structure housing
various interface and display devices in a number of different

The Wunderkammern - a beautiful, intriguing or playful non-
technological exhibit that will reflect the ethos of the experience
within a unique display structure.

The Sound Corridor - a 20m long, 3D digital sound environment for
visitors to walk through and interact with.

All commissions are open to individuals or groups. The Sound
Corridor is an exclusive opportunity for artists and musicians
working within the West Midlands.

The deadline for receipt of submissions is 29 October 2004. For a
brief and more information, please contact Jo Ford: Email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel: +44 (0) 121 525 6861.

FLUXLIST: rock paper scissors fluxus

2004-09-06 Thread allen bukoff

Re: FLUXLIST: August and Summer

2004-08-31 Thread allen bukoff
your welcome

 i would like to thank you for a beautiful August and an extremely
 wonderful Summer.

 thanks super.


FLUXLIST: Ben Patterson

2004-08-17 Thread allen bukoff
I haven't had any contact with Ben Patterson in more than 5 years, and last time I 
checked he still didn't use email, but you might try this phone number: [011] 
49-611-74508 or this address:

Ben Patterson
Wanpermannstr. 2B
65205 Wiesbaden


Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 09:28:41 -0400
From: gordon bearn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: Ben Patterson

Does anyone know how to contact Ben Patterson


And the following is one of the best examples of the psychological phenomenon known as 
projection I have seen in a long time:


Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 10:42:09 +0200
From: Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: Bet Panterson

 Does anyone know how to contact Ben Patterson

wearing a gaudy tie, a borrowed jacket and carrying a traffic cone, climb to
the highest point in the town.

shout the following as loud as you can through the traffic cone.

Free drinks for Ben Patterson!


alan bowman 2004

FLUXLIST: more moshboy

2004-08-13 Thread allen bukoff

Sol, this is fun stuff.  I have always loved the intersection of Toys and Art 
(like the objects that originally drew me to Fluxus) or toys/art/creativity so I 
really like where figurepunk is playing.

Why for ages 15 and up only when it can be a bath toy (for kids)?  Legal reasons, I 

Fluxlisters might also enjoy this Sol-as-Batman graphic I found on the site:  



FLUXLIST: not bukoff vodka

2004-08-06 Thread allen bukoff
I have this odd hobby.  I work with rock bands.  I'm not a manager.  I don't handle 
PR.  I'm not sure what to call it but  I've been doing it since about 1980.  I make 
little novelty items, wearable pins, weird promotional stuff (sometimes with ideas or 
creative energy stolen from Fluxus).  It also fits with some of my work in advertising 
(developing and managing brands).  So I've been working with this interesting band 
of mothers (not to be confused with a band of brothers), Candy Band, who turn nursery 
rhymes and kid songs into hard rockers.  I've been doing their website for them since 
they started ( www.candyband.com ) and also have started managing some of their 
backdrops and stage settings (I have mentioned this on fluxlist before).  Mostly I 
have tried, through the medium of their daily blog and little email manifestoes to get 
them to think of themselves as being more than just a rock band, but a larger project 
about EVERYDAY LIFE.  So far so good.  Today they were featured on a 10-minute segment 
on NBC's Today Show (big morning time news/events program here in US).  You might find 
it amusing.  Your humble servant also appears in this clip for about .35-seconds, in 
front of a stage  backdrop that the kids had just spray painted (I'm the tall kid with 
a big blue dot on the back of his black t-shirt).  While the mom's were unpacking and 
setting up their equipment, I got their kids (aged 3 - 9) to grab a bunch of spray 
paint cans and graffiti up the backdrop.  Came out pretty cool, but was definitely 
dicey letting kids that young operate spray paint cans. 

See a replay of the clip at:


NBC is all in cahoots with Microsoft (MSNBC) so it requires you to use a MS 
Intrernet Explorer browser to view.

FLUXLIST: Fwd: soundtoys invite

2004-07-29 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today...

Sent: 29 Jul 2004 15:44:24 -
Subject: soundtoys invite

 hi Allen Bukoff


 Soundtoys has secured a series of exhibitions for interactive audio
 visual art and net art for later in the year. These venues include
 The Watershed Media Centre in Bristol and Dana Centre London.

 A cd is planned to be produced (subject to funding) representing
 audio visual art and media 1998-2004 so please send in your work.

 We are looking for contributions of audio visual interactive works,
 net art, music and art software, generative music, interactive
 environments, essays.

 Work will be featured on the website and selected works made into
 offline presentations at selected galleries.

 We are seeking new work for the 2004 series of events and for the

 1. Internet. New online audio visual experiences and interfaces.
 Works for the website. We are interested audio visual work by
 artists using the internet as a medium using internet friendly
 programming technologies e.g. shockwave, flash, vrml, java etc. So
 send in via email.

 2. Installations. If you make interactive installations send in 400
 words about the work and four images of the work. i.e. responsive
 environments, soundspaces, new interfaces navigation control, new

 3. Software. Artists and musicians software. This year we are
 particularly interested in applications by artists who make their
 own software.

 If you work in any of the areas above we would like to hear from
 you. Either you could make something special or send in previous
 work that would be featured on the site and at galleries.

 Zip up your work and send all info about it.

 Don't forget to include relevant details i.e. your name, project
 title, year created, brief bio, text info about the work, and also
 send the work. Please send all of the work including the html
 files. If your files are too big send in a cd-rom version.

 Do not just send us a link and say check it out.

 Application form online

 web and info... www.soundtoys.net


 atty (on behalf of Soundtoys)

FLUXLIST: Fwd: soundtoys invite

2004-07-29 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today...

Sent: 29 Jul 2004 15:44:24 -
Subject: soundtoys invite

 hi Allen Bukoff


 Soundtoys has secured a series of exhibitions for interactive audio
 visual art and net art for later in the year. These venues include
 The Watershed Media Centre in Bristol and Dana Centre London.

 A cd is planned to be produced (subject to funding) representing
 audio visual art and media 1998-2004 so please send in your work.

 We are looking for contributions of audio visual interactive works,
 net art, music and art software, generative music, interactive
 environments, essays.

 Work will be featured on the website and selected works made into
 offline presentations at selected galleries.

 We are seeking new work for the 2004 series of events and for the

 1. Internet. New online audio visual experiences and interfaces.
 Works for the website. We are interested audio visual work by
 artists using the internet as a medium using internet friendly
 programming technologies e.g. shockwave, flash, vrml, java etc. So
 send in via email.

 2. Installations. If you make interactive installations send in 400
 words about the work and four images of the work. i.e. responsive
 environments, soundspaces, new interfaces navigation control, new

 3. Software. Artists and musicians software. This year we are
 particularly interested in applications by artists who make their
 own software.

 If you work in any of the areas above we would like to hear from
 you. Either you could make something special or send in previous
 work that would be featured on the site and at galleries.

 Zip up your work and send all info about it.

 Don't forget to include relevant details i.e. your name, project
 title, year created, brief bio, text info about the work, and also
 send the work. Please send all of the work including the html
 files. If your files are too big send in a cd-rom version.

 Do not just send us a link and say check it out.

 Application form online

 web and info... www.soundtoys.net


 atty (on behalf of Soundtoys)

FLUXLIST: Anti-Social Behavior Orders

2004-07-29 Thread allen bukoff
working up to clockwork orange



2004-07-27 Thread allen bukoff
in the mail today...

From: Keith Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 15:13:41 +0100
Subject: MAILART fonts

 Dear Mailartist,

 Please take a look at the Mailart Typeface


 There are a few other fonts associated with this project also
 available for free download.

 Best wishes

 Keith Bates



FLUXLIST: fluxus not fluxus: found object

2004-07-19 Thread allen bukoff
So I was at a vintage race-car weekend at a race track in Wisconsin last weekend.  
Racing and race cars are pretty much the opposite of Fluxus in my own subjective 
topology of experiences...but there it was, hanging there, for sale in a vendor's 
booth:  a little fluxus-like joke (from roughly the same era as the original Fluxus).  
Novelties, fluxus, humor, retail-like objects/games.  Find it for yourself at 

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Marketing Alcoholic Drinks

2004-07-14 Thread allen bukoff
Our own Alan Bowman is headlining this year's conference!

--- Original Message ---
From: Sarah Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 July 2004 16:44:49
Subject: Marketing Alcoholic Drinks (327904)

 Tuesday 28 September 2004
 Radisson Marlborough Hotel, Lodon. WC1
 Book before end of August and save £100!
 Increases in binge drinking, drink-related unsociable behaviour and
 crime ensure that drinks marketing remains under the spotlight –
 with pressure groups pushing government for legal controls on
 The last Admap Alcoholic Drinks conference focused on this mounting
 pressure on marketers: this year’s event will put forward
 practical, innovative ideas for marketers seeking responsible
 promotion approaches.
 Attend the 2004 conference to hear new ideas for changing drinking
 habits, examine consumer attitudes in depth, and understand how
 marketing can work to benefit brands, without detriment to
 consumers and without increasing the threat of legislative action.
 Chaired by Rita Clifton, Chairman of Interbrand, this years topics
 will cover how the on-trade and brand marketers can work together
 to promote responsible drinking how marketers can target two
 audiences successfully – government and consumers how drinking
 habits and attitudes to alcoholic consumption develop with age
 where the big, new advertising ideas are that create and develop
 brands successfully and responsibly
 how to structure promotional activity to build brands without
 encouraging binge drinking how to use sponsorship to target your
 audience, convey brand strengths and emphasise social leadership

 Speakers include: Alan Bowman, O, Ltd., Stephen Thomas,
 Managing Partner, Synetics; Paul Flatters, Chief Executive, The
 Future Foundation; Maggie Collier, Joint MD, Flamingo
 International; Jamie Lister, Director, Drink Works; Richard Storey,
 Planning Director, MC Saatchi; Rooney Anand, MD, Greene King
 Brewery and Chris Searle, Executive Director, Bacardi-Martini Ltd.
 Admap conferences are developed with the assistance of strategic
 decision-makers working in the industry to ensure that speakers
 cover the key issues. Your attendance at the event will ensure that
 you are fully briefed and inspired to address old problems in new
 ways – book now.
 To book your place please contact Sarah Miller on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or click here Tickets cost £595 + VAT =
 £699.13. BUT if you book before August 31st you will get £100 off,
 ie your ticket will only cost you £495 + VAT = £581.63 Can you
 afford to miss this event? Customer Service  Click here if you do
 not want to receive further email promotions from WARC

FLUXLIST: Fwd: I am a fluxist.

2004-07-14 Thread allen bukoff
--- Original Message ---
From: matt board [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 19:10:17 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: I am a fluxist.

FLUXLIST: bulgaria checks in

2004-07-13 Thread allen bukoff
rail art, Christo Vladimirov Javacheff, fluxus  (tie those three together)

in the email today...

--- Original Message ---
From: Rail Friends Association [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 14:38:55 +0300 (EEST)

We are one and only organization like this in Bulgaria, that make
rail art. with best regards, Varujan Apelian Chairman of Bord

Railway Transport Friends Association

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Fluxus but not fluxus

2004-07-13 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today...

I do like their logo...the little box around the x and all

--- Original Message ---
From: Mag.iur. Thomas JC Rudow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 09:59:08 +0200
Subject: link


 Hallo Allen!

 We are one of the fluxux but not fluxus guys. Fluxus is Fluxus is
 Fluxus! Sure the difference is we are comercial but we are
 different. Take for instance our approach on a fashion label.
 Starting out with work gear for our crew (Building Rock’n’roll
 Shows as Stagehands etc.) we put on a label (fluxus Rock’n’roll
 Wear) to sell them to targetgroups having the money to buy it just
 for fun. This way we offer it at Rock’n’Roll price to people
 actually working in Rock’n’Roll. A little Robin Hood : Steal it
 from the rich, give it to the poor. If I am not mistaken a pricipal
 of fluxus is to take the elite aspect out of art. Real art is not
 dependent on factors as beeing presented in a museum or an elite
 environment as art galleries.
 To us it sounds we are working in the same direction. This was
 afterall the reasoning behind the companyname fluxus.
 This beeing said we would like to offer some of the income of the
 clothes business to support you and to get a prominent link on your
 If you are not maintaining the site we would be interested in
 reviving it. If you think there is something to it please let us
 know.   Greetings from Salzburg- Austria   Dan.x, Rocket Thomas
 J C Rudow  
 Fluxus Event GmbH www.FLUXUS.at

 Ing. A. Rudow Strasse 1
 A-4800 Attnang Puchheim

FLUXLIST: Fwd: July Event Listings for Museum of Sex

2004-07-08 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today...

Sent: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 14:20:17 -0400
Subject: July Event Listings

 + museum of se[x]
 + july event listings

 A crowning achievement!  Ralph Whittington, retired curator of the
 Library of Congress' Main Reading Room, and affectionately known as
 the king of porn, shares intimate thoughts on his extensive
 collection of pop culture porn memorabilia.  Thirty years in the
 making, Ralph's renown porn collection now permanently housed at
 MoSex.  Evening includes audience QA and cocktail reception.

 Wednesday, July 21st  7:00pm (Doors open 6:30pm)
 Tickets $12; $10 members/students
 Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance by calling
 212.689.6337 x115. Seating is limited.  Reservations highly

 +ASIANEROTIC 07.17.04
 Sexually provocative nightclub producers Chi Chi Valenti and Johnny
 Dynell (Jackie Factory), and event co-producer Abby Ehmann, give
 you Asianerotic, presented in celebration of Sex Among the Lotus:
 2500 Years of Chinese Erotic Obsession, the second major
 exhibition now on view at MoSex. Their erotic happening at CroBar
 will feature an Asian bondage installation from photographer Steven
 Speliotis, multimedia projections from Xris (Smack! Video Lab), DJ,
 dancing, and more.  Rooms also sport AsianErotic method go-go, from
 Hollywood Shanghai to the postapocalyptic geisha. Best known for
 their long-running weeklies Jackie 60 and Click  Drag events,
 Jackie Factory has produced the best sexually provocative nightclub
 outings in Gotham for nearly two decades.

 Saturday, July 17th Doors open 10:00pm
 Event held 11:00pm-1:00am
 Reed Room at Crobar
 530 W. 28th Street (between 10th  11th Avenues), NYC

 Tickets $25, $15 reduced admission before Midnight with copy of
 notice. Asian-inspired fetishwear attire suggested. You must be age
 21 or over to be admitted.

FLUXLIST: it's that time of year again

2004-07-03 Thread allen bukoff
Civil disobedience that is more fun than political has always struck my fluxus fancy:  

Here's to more civil disobedience of all types!  That's the America I live in.

FLUXLIST: portrait of/fake message

2004-06-29 Thread allen bukoff
Is alan bowman playing the fake message game here?

--- Original Message ---
From: Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 17:09:06 +0200
Subject: FLUXLIST: portrait of secret fluxus update VII

 we've just added david baptiste-chirot, gruppo sinestetico (who
 appear to be secret fluxus!) and an extra pic from michael leigh
 what we had forgot about!

FLUXLIST: machine

2004-06-28 Thread allen bukoff
I always miss the good stuff.  My friend Chris Butler (who once wrote a song called I 
could rule the world if I could only get the parts) just sent me this URL to an ebay 
auction.  Only it's over.  Damn.  Damn.  Damn.


FLUXLIST: The distance from my eye to Ken Friedman's instructions

2004-06-25 Thread allen bukoff
 Dear Fluxlisters,

 We passed the query about the Yoko Ono Piano Drop on to Ken
 Friedman. His answer follows:

 'The quickest way to learn more about Al Hansen's Yoko Ono Piano
 Drop is to type the phrase Yoko Ono Piano Drop into Google for a
 web search. Use quotation marks to ensure that the search engine
 seeks the entire phrase in actual word order.

Ken Friedman giving instructions on how to google.  THAT is Fluxus.

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Height Like Mike diaries

2004-06-24 Thread allen bukoff
I love the art guys.  They always make me feel like Fluxus is stil alive and well and 

From: The Art Guys [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 17:50:35 -0500
Subject: Height Like Mike diaries

 Follow the Art Guys on the

 Go here:


 Height Like Mike is a year-long project to equalize the altitude
 disparity between America's Greatest Artists


 The Art Guys believe in 'equal heights'.
 - The Houston Press

 Height Like Mike is The Art Guys' attempt to see eye to eye.  
 Mike stands 6 feet 3.875 inches tall.  Jack stands 5 feet 10.625
 inches tall -  a diffrence of 5.25 inches!

 Follow along with The Art Guys on their latest excapades through
 the Height Like Mike Diaries
 Go here:

 Most people look up to Mike.  Jack is tired of that.  That
 difference will be made up for the period of one year (begun on
 April 1, 2004) as Jack  began wearing a pair of custom made
 elevator cowboy boots that give Jack an added 5.25 inches, or the
 same stature as Mike!  Whenever The Art Guys are seen in public,
 Jack will have ³Height Like Mike².


 Go To http://TheArtGuys.com/current.html for the latest Art Guys

 Thank you!

Re: FLUXLIST: re: first prize is a wine colored smoking jacket

2004-06-14 Thread allen bukoff
I already have a wine-colored smoking jacket:  

 in honor of alan and his lawn salad, ambrosia salad, lawn gnomes
 and pink flamingos..I would like to introduce The Crazy Lawn
 Display Project...the winner with the most creative display gets a
 wine colored smoking jacket..its from a california costume shop and
 has been dry cleaned..send a photo to the list or post on a site so
 all can see!! (if you don't have a lawn any setting outside is ok)
 Amy Baylaurel Casey

FLUXLIST: another number series

2004-06-12 Thread allen bukoff
would any of you know why the www.fluxus.org homepage has received a dramatic increase 
in visitors since Friday?

monday - 133 visitors
tuesday - 206 visitors
wednesday - 184 visitors
thursday - 148
friday - 1,892 visitors
saturday - 2,282

do you suppose Fluxus is suddently the subject of every end-of-semester term paper 
in every art history class in the world?
or that people driven mad by the ridiculous Reagan funeral have suddenly turned to 
Fluxus for sanity and escape?

FLUXLIST: 89, 144...

2004-06-10 Thread allen bukoff


2004-06-03 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today...

--- Original Message ---
From: CAE Legal Defense Fund [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: allen-fluxus.org [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 20:43:46 -0400 (EDT)

 June 2, 2004

 Contact: Beatriz da Costa, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Feds STILL unable to distinguish art from bioterrorism Grand jury
 to convene June 15


 Three artists have been served subpoenas to appear before a federal
 grand jury that will consider bioterrorism charges against a
 university professor whose art involves the use of simple biology

 The subpoenas are the latest installment in a bizarre investigation
 in which members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force have mistaken an
 art project for a biological weapons laboratory (see end for
 background). While most observers have assumed that the Task Force
 would realize the absurd error of its initial investigation of
 Steve Kurtz, the subpoenas indicate that the feds have instead
 chosen to press their case against the baffled professor.

 Two of the subpoenaed artists--Beatriz da Costa and Steve Barnes--
 are, like Kurtz, members of the internationally-acclaimed Critical
 Art Ensemble (CAE), an artists' collective that produces artwork to
 educate the public about the politics of biotechnology. They were
 served the subpoenas by federal agents who tailed them to an art
 show at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. The third
 artist, Paul Vanouse, is, like Kurtz, an art professor at the
 University at Buffalo. He has worked with CAE in the past.

 The artists involved are at a loss to explain the increasingly
 bizarre case. I have no idea why they're continuing (to
 investigate), said Beatriz da Costa, one of those subpoenaed. It
 was shocking that this investigation was ever launched. That it is
 continuing is positively frightening, and shows how vulnerable the
 PATRIOT Act has made freedom of speech in this country. Da Costa
 is an art professor at the University of California at Irvine.

 According to the subpoenas, the FBI is seeking charges under
 Section 175 of the US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of
 1989, which has been expanded by the USA PATRIOT Act. As expanded,
 this law prohibits the possession of any biological agent, toxin,
 or delivery system without the justification of prophylactic,
 protective, bona fide research, or other peaceful purpose. (See
 http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/18/175.html for the 1989 law and
 http://www.ehrs.upenn.edu/protocols/patriot/sec817.html for its USA
 PATRIOT Act expansion.)

 Even under the expanded powers of the USA PATRIOT Act, it is
 difficult to understand how anyone could view CAE's art as anything
 other than a peaceful purpose. The equipment seized by the FBI
 consisted mainly of CAE's most recent project, a mobile DNA
 extraction laboratory to test store-bought food for possible
 contamination by genetically modified grains and organisms; such
 equipment can be found in any university's basic biology lab and
 even in many high schools (see Lab Tour at http://www.critical-
 art.net/biotech/free/ for more details).

 The grand jury in the case is scheduled to convene June 15 in
 Buffalo, New York. Here, the jury will decide whether or not to
 indict Steve Kurtz on the charges brought by the FBI. A protest is
 being planned at 9 a.m. on June 15 outside the courthouse at 138
 Delaware Ave. in Buffalo.


 Financial donations:
 The CAE Defense Fund has so far received over 200 donations in
 amounts ranging from $5 to $400. This is a wonderful outpouring of
 sympathy, but a drop in the bucket compared to the potential costs
 of the case. To make a donation, please visit

 Letters of support:
 Letters and petitions of support from biologists, artists, and
 others, especially those in positions of responsibility at
 prominent institutions or companies, could be very useful. See
 http://www.caedefensefund.org/ for a sample letter of support.

 Legal offers and letters of support:
 If you are a lawyer, offers of pro bono support or offers to write
 amicus briefs would be very helpful.


 Early morning of May 11, Steve Kurtz awoke to find his wife, Hope,
 dead of a cardiac arrest. Kurtz called 911. The police arrived and,
 after stumbling across test tubes and petri dishes Kurtz was using
 in a current artwork, called in the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

 Soon agents from the Task Force and FBI detained Kurtz, cordoned
 off the entire block around his house, and later impounded Kurtz's
 computers, manuscripts, books, equipment, and even his wife's body
 for further analysis. The Buffalo Health Department condemned the
 house as a health risk.

 Only after the Commissioner of Public Health for New York State had
 tested samples from the home and announced there was no public

FLUXLIST: Wolverines and badgers. Holy Toledo, Batman!

2004-05-26 Thread allen bukoff
No, MIchigan is the Wolverine state.  More on Wolverines at 
http://www.wolverinefoundation.org/.  More on Badgers at 
http://www.badgers.org.uk/links/.  I think we can all agree that Wolverines are a lot  
more interesting and exotic than badgers.  Indian mythology describes the wolverine as 
a trickster-hero, and a link to the spirit world.  Perhaps unrelated, or perhaps not, 
is the historical fact that Michigan (the trickster Wolverine) in a deal with Ohio 
(the Buckeye State whose official animal is the White-Tailed Deer) took the upper part 
of Wisconsin (the Upper Peninsula) away from Wisconsin in exchange for giving Toledo 
to Ohio. If you badger someone in Wisconsin about this, they usually just shrug their 

Should Fluxlist have an official trickster-hero?

 i like iin the Badger State--Wisconsin, usa--

 I thought it was Michigan???

On Wed, 26 May 2004 17:26:38 -0500, David-Baptiste Chirot wrote:
 Esteemed Ones:
 with all the tlak of badgers--
 i like iin the Badger State--Wisconsin, usa--
 the mascot/image of the sports teams (formidable ones i may add--
 including 3 Rose Bowl wins in last ten years and several Big Ten
 Championships in american college football)--are called The Badgers-
 -and the mascot is Bucky Badger--for his buckteeth--ferocious
 forward strolling on two legs badger--!
 once wrote to ask badger girl if she was from Wisconsin--but isn't--
  i grew up in Vermont, the Catamount being our mascot--a wild cat
 that is supposedly extinct yet occaisionally still claimed to be
 sighted-- i live in Milwaukee --the mascot/symbol of the University
 of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is a black panther--and Marquette, in a very
 controversial decision, changed from being the Warriors, which
 offended American Indian groups, to the Golden Eagles-- the State
 Motto is:  forward have always liked that one--in which of the four
 directions moving forward?--towards where?--
 well, as the song says, On Wisconsin--!follwoing our Badger

 From: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To:
 FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus? Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 22:47:04 +0100

 Badgergirl asks - And you, Roger Dodger?  Are you well?

 I am indeed, thank you. I was visiting an infant school in
 Shoeburyness today and saw a road sign which said Beware of
 Badgers. Well, actually it was a red triangle which simply said
 Badgers. I would have stopped to photograph it but I was in a
 stream of medium to slow moving traffic at the time.

 That's twice I've thought of you in the last week. Weird, eh?


 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: May 24,
 2004 4:12 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: FLUXLIST:
 what is Fluxus?

 Hey Badger Girl

 With all the hoo ha going on I was only thinking this morning -
 haven't heard from badger girl for a while

 And here you are

 Hi! How's it going?


 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of badgergirl Sent: 24 May 2004
 18:37 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what is

 No, no!  That goes down stairs Alone or in pairs.


 -Original Message-
 From: jonah hex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: May 23, 2004 8:23 PM
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?

 I thought Fluxus was a slinky...or, um...

 Get 200+ ad-free, high-fidelity stations and LIVE Major League
 Baseball Gameday Audio!

Re: FLUXLIST: non arriving posts

2004-05-24 Thread allen bukoff
alan (misspelling) as you know, no one around here has the energy to censor anything 
(unless we get really really pissed off).  Is it possible that you were sending email 
messages from an email address that is not subscribed to FLUXLIST? Majordomo isn't 
smart enough to recognize you in any other guise than your officially-subscribed 
address (although if we had a breathalyzer function, then you'd be set).   I used to 
cull the bounce emails for these kind of mistakes and then post them back to the 
list (with the secret approval process that is forgotten more than it is cherished), 
but there is just so much goddamn spam these days that I have given up.  All bounced, 
funny/irregular emails go to the trash, never to see the light of day.  There is also 
another possibility...sometimes my own junk/trash mail filters put a legitimate post 
TO fluxlist into my junk mail folder (which theoretically I should review before 
deleting to catch these glitches but do not).  This actually happened with the secret 
fluxus/what-is-the-purpose emails.  The only reason I figured out I was not getting 
those posts in my IN box here (and went looking for them and found them in my junk 
email folder) is because the replies to them made me realize I hadn't seen the 
originals.  So there.

I have been one of the most patient people I know about email spam...but the recent 
explosion has introduced noticeable error into my email-catchingreading world and it 
is starting to wear me down.

Now, back to your missing emails to fluxlist, alan.  I am really eager to read them so 
please repost.  I can only imagine that they are better than the ones we've been 
getting from you lately.  More time at work and all that.

 dear admin

 recently i have send messages to the fluxlist which have not shown

 am i being censored? (anyone remember that old chestnut?)

 the mails were sent from work and therefore from the cwazy.co.uk
 address are there filters in actio which may hinder things?

 sorry to post this to the list direct, but i'm not sure who deals
 with stuff any more, allen, sol, jim-bob, john boy, mary


FLUXLIST: Fwd: Fluxus Query

2004-05-14 Thread allen bukoff
Can anyone here help this guy?

--- Original Message ---
From: Tom Weller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 14 May 2004 14:33:27 +
Subject: Fluxus Archive Query

 Dear Sir/Madam,

 Hello. I'm writing from Associated-Rediffusion Television, a
 production company in the UK who specialise in the making of music
 documentaries. At present we are making a programme for the BBC
 about 1960s Experimental Music.

 I came across a couple of Fluxus images in a publication by Art 
 Design magazine 1993. One photo features “Emmett Williams, George
 Maciunas, Dick Higgins, and Benjamin Patterson in Philip Corner's
 “Piano Activities”, Wiesbaden 1962”.

 The other image is a Perpetual Fluxfest poster, featuring Vagina
 Painting! and Yoko Ono's name at the top of the listing. I think
 it's from 1965.

 I was wondering if you were able to point me in the direction of
 the copyright holders of these images, as we are interested in
 featuring them in our documentary, and would like to get the owners

 We are up against a very tight deadline with this project, so I
 would be very grateful if you could make contact with me at your
 earliest convenience.

 Many thanks

 Tom Weller

 Associated-Rediffusion Television Productions Ltd

 Tel: +44 (0) 20 7403 2255
 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7403 5777

FLUXLIST: Absolutely nothing next 22 miles

2004-05-09 Thread allen bukoff
or try http://www.sillyweek.com/NOTHING.html instead

 If you go here http://www.sillyweek.com/NOTHING.html its probably
 worth clicking on everything ... then again maybe not!

 Ray _from  way out on the edge
 eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

FLUXLIST: Fwd: George Maciunas Tapes

2004-05-07 Thread allen bukoff
The guy who interviewed George Maciunas on KRAB radio in 1977, William Woods, checks 
in.  Interview at http://www.fluxus.org/FLUXLIST/maciunas/

--- Original Message ---
Sent: Fri, 7 May 2004 16:30:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: George Maciunas Tapes

 Hi there,

 Just wanted to thank you for putting this show on the web.  I had
 completely lost track of my tape, so it was fun running across it
 again.  George was such a remarkable fellow, enthusiastic
 throughout the interview process even though he was suffering from
 the stomach cancer that would eventually kill him.

 William Woods (the interviewer)

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Museum of Sex is proud to co-sponsor THE 2nd ANNUAL NEW YORK BURLESQUE FESTIVAL

2004-04-26 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today...

Question:  why does SEX/sensuality/eroticism and Fluxus seem to be in opposite corners 
(or is it just me)?  Are/were historical Fluxus performances/objects/games/activities 
devoid of sexuality--even the ones that seemed to address gender or sexuality issues  
(or is that just a misreading on my part)?  Don't get me wrong, I love Fluxus, I not 
saying here that it's missing anything.  It's just that of all the things I love a 
lot, Fluxus seems to have the least sex or sexuality in its soul.  Or am I missing 
something?  Allen

--- Original Message ---
Sent: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 11:37:35 -0400
Subject: Museum of Sex is proud to co-sponsor THE 2nd ANNUAL NEW YORK BURLESQUE 

 Thirsty Girl  Pontani Productions Proudly Present

 May 14th - May 16th

 3 Days of Glitter  Glamour in Gotham

 Starring over 40 of Today’s Premiere Burlesque Performers in 4 hot
 NYC Venues.  Some of 2004 Festival highlights will include
 performances by, The World Famous Pontani Sisters (NYC), Dirty
 Martini (NYC), Torchy Taboo (At), Erochicha Bamboo (Japan),  Ginger
 Goldmine (LA),The World Famous *BOB* (NYC), Skin Tight Outta Sight
 (Canada), Lavender Cabaret (Chicago) and many more.

 Friday, May 14th, The Premiere Party @ The Pussycat Lounge, 36
 Greenwich St, 9pm-close Celebrate the premiere of the 2nd Annual NY
 Burlesque festival at the ever-titillating Pussycat Lounge with
 host, Scotty the Blue Bunny!
 Saturday May 15th: This or That - America's Favorite Game Show @
 Sideshows by The Seashore in Coney Island. Hosted by the Great
 Fredini and Julie Atlas Muz, This or That! is America’s first
 Burlesque TV game show!

 *Saturday, May 15th:The Saturday Spectacular! @ Avalon, 47 W 20th
 Street, 7pm-12am Don't miss the spotlight event of this year's
 festival.  We will be hosting an all-star line up of over 40
 accomplished performers from across the nation.  The legendary
 Murray Hill will emcee this fabulous main event!

 Sunday, May 16th: Burlesque Brunch  The Goldern Pastie Awards @
 The Cutting Room, 19w 24th Street, 1pm-3pm Join us and saucy
 hostess Miss Astrid, for the ever-entertaining Burlesque Brunch and
 the 1st Annual Golden Pastie Awards at The Cutting Room.

 NYBF Fabulous Sponsors include:  Sylk Cream, Rheingold Beer, The
 Museum of Sex, GO-NYC Magazine, The Onion, Bust Magazine  Lola

 For a complete lineup  tickets visit

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Artforumclassifieds.com

2004-04-19 Thread allen bukoff
Isn't this begging for a fluxus/fluxlist project?

--- Original Message ---
Sent: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 12:51:05 -0700
Subject: Artforumclassifieds.com

 Artforum Magazine introduces Artforumclassifieds.com A free
 classifieds website devoted to the international art community

 Artforumclassifieds.com, a classifieds website designed
 specifically for the international art community, is now free of
 charge. People can post ads under a wide range of art-related
 categories, including:

 Jobs: Galleries, museums, freelance work, and internships

 Grants and Prizes: Scholarships, prizes, grants, fellowships, and
 juried exhibitions

 Real Estate: Rent, swap, or buy

 Academia: Faculty, executive, and administrative positions and
 program information

 Art Services: Shipping, printing, framing, digital services, and

 Travel: Tours, vacation shares, and getaways

 Marketplace: Buy or sell artwork, prints, photography, and equipment

 People: Personals and events

 Postings are easy to create and designed to meet the needs of every
 user. Click on the link below and visit today. Again, this is a
 FREE service.


 If you have any feedback or comments, please send e-mail to

 350 Seventh Ave, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10001

FLUXLIST: What I did today - I went in circles

2004-04-15 Thread allen bukoff
I viewed an email on Fluxlist from David-Baptiste Chirot responding to a Fluxlist 
email from Philippe Monfouga who had found David-Baptiste Chirot's entry on the What 
did you do today website at http://phmonfouga.online.fr/whatdidyoudotoday/

Re: FLUXLIST: Your message to kory.dillman@siricomm.com #225494763#

2004-04-12 Thread allen bukoff
On Mon, 12 Apr 2004 12:26:20 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you don't want to read all this:

 Your email with subject
 Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger? Not
 the first. has been blocked because your email address
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not recognized as a regular

 The email system has saved a copy of your message
 and will deliver it to me once you are registered as a
 correspondent.  To be automatically registered,
 simply reply to this message, leaving the
 subject line intact.

 I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm sure you
 appreciate the need to do something about SPAM

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Exhibition and concert in London

2004-04-10 Thread allen bukoff

From: Ken Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 13:02:12 +0200
Subject: Exhibition and concert in London

 Dear Friend,

 This month, you will find an exhibition of my work on show at the
 Centre of Attention in London. The exhibition opened last Saturday
 and runs through May 2.

 You can see the show and download a complete catalogue at


 At the opening, we performed a concert of my events.

 The concert scores and photographs are available at


 On some browsers the concert seems to require you to scroll
 horizontally rather than vertically.

 Pierre Coinde and Gary O'Dwyer are the founders and curators of
 Centre of Attention. It was a great pleasure to work with them. If
 you ever have the chance, I recommend it highly!

 Warm wishes for easter.


Re: FLUXLIST: NYTimes.com Article: Circuit Benders Unlock the Long Riffs in Short-Circuits

2004-04-09 Thread allen bukoff
Thanks for posting this, Kathy.  I just spent part of my morning having fun online 
exploring the creative world and culture of Circuit Breaking.  You been to any of the 
festival, Kathy (or anyone else on Fluxlist?).  Report!   Report!


 Circuit Benders Unlock the Long Riffs in Short-Circuits

 April 8, 2004

 A DARTH VADER voice changer. A small library of educational Touch 
 Tell toys. A battery of Happy Rock drum machines.

 Thomas Uliasz came to play. But in his hands, those toys were not
 meant to amuse a roomful of unruly preschoolers. Mr. Uliasz had

 For information on advertising in e-mail newsletters or other
 creative advertising opportunities with The New York Times on the
 Web, please contact
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit our online media kit at

 For general information about NYTimes.com, write to

 Copyright 2004 The New York Times Company

Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger? Not the first.

2004-04-09 Thread allen bukoff
Fluxus is dead!  Long live Weetabix!  http://www.weetabix.co.uk/frameset.asp

Fwd: FLUXLIST: The Stairway at St. Paul's

2004-04-02 Thread allen bukoff
Stairway to heaven sung backwards, then played forward, see a 30 second 
clip at http://www.jeroenofferman.com/stairway/index.html  (it just makes 
you want to see the whole thing!)

The artist behind The Stairway at St. Paul's movie that I recently posted 
about contacted me and has filled in some more information about this 
movie. Cool.  His website also says he had to practice singing the song 
backwards for 3 months before being able to make his film.


Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 05:33:33 -0800 (PST)
Subject: FLUXLIST: The Stairway at St. Paul's
Dear Allen, greetings from the guy from Holland. I found your message on
the web after Google-ing. The St.Paul's Cathedral we talk about in my
video is in London, UK. And yes, I agree with you that the video is funny
but actually is more than just that. It did indeed all start with the idea
of subliminal, backmasked messages in rock-and-roll recordings. It was
quite a serious and crazy project, which meant I needed to approach it
with humour in order to make it watchable for people. I am still very
proud of the project.
Check my website if you are interested: www.jeroenofferman.com
ps. i am not too technical and unfortunately the site still doesn't show
up when people type my name in google. If you know how to change this and
how to be of help, please do so.
Also, if you would like to make a link to your Fluxus-website, do so.
Yours sincerely,

Jeroen Offerman

FLUXLIST: The Stairway at St. Paul's

2004-03-22 Thread allen bukoff
Okay, this isn't exactly traditional Fluxus, BUT...I saw a really cool film 
at the Ann Arbor Film Festival winners review last night (The Stairway at 
St. Paul's). It was one of those brilliant ideas that is extra brilliant 
because it is a simple idea (like some of my favorite Fluxus objects and 

Some Dutch guy, Jeroen Offerman, filmed himself singing Stairway to Heaven 
in front of the public steps to a St. Paul's Cathedral (in the 
Netherlands?).  He does a really good and sincere job of singing the 
song.  Only he recorded himself singing it BACKWARDS (in time to the Led 
Zeplin accompanying track which is also being played backwards). Ok, so far 
so good.  Now follow this:  he plays his 8 minute movie backwards...meaning 
that in the movie the the guy sounds like he is singing the song forwards 
only everything else in the movie (mostly curious pedestrians walking 
behind him on the sidewalk) are all moving backwards.  It produces a really 
captivating effect.  Most people seemed to find it humorous and film did 
get one of the festival awards for Funniest Film, but I found it much more 
interesting than that.  I watched it intently for it's entire 8 
minutes.  Seeing someone moving and talking backwards is an amusing effect 
we have all seen before.  But this guy manages to be in sync with a rhythm 
and sound track that is flowing perfectly forward...yet there are plenty of 
subtly odd movements and clipped words and expressions (and a backward 
Dutch accent!) that kept my attention quite riveted.  AND OF COURSE IT IS A 
(e.g., http://www2.memlane.com/jmilner/stairwaybackwards.htm ) ...only he 
manges to turn it all perfectly on its head.

Okay, I just googled this film and it appears, as usual, I am late to the 
party.  This film has already gotten some coverage in the Village Voice and 
elsewhere.  Nevermind.  But do see it when you get a chance.

Historical note:  I believe Maciunas sent some of the earliest Fluxus films 
in to the Ann Arbor Film Festival ... so there is this thin connection here.


Re: FLUXLIST: mail art

2004-03-20 Thread allen bukoff
I have received no mail art this week...even though I eagerly signed up for 
this project...so I assume that you mistakenly got mine...because you 
received two...and I didn't receive any...and our first names sound 
similar...or maybe they were both intended for me.  And it isn't fair 
because I KEPT the relevant emails and information.

sorry to post this to the list...
who is it that's organising this student mail art thing?  is it amy?

sorry i deleted the relevant mails (good eh!?) and i would like some more
i recieved 2 very nice things in the post this week



FLUXLIST: And those of you who still want to participate...I have some space.

2004-03-17 Thread allen bukoff

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 10:32:26 -0600
Subject: Obsessive Consumption: The Death of Market Research
Well Hello Happy Shoppers!

So much, so much, so much has been going on...and I have so much, so much,
so much to tell.
First I am proud to announce that the site is updated and ready to be
Some highlights for the past weeks...lots of airport imagery and just the
start of featuring ridiculous thesis show material purchases (astroturf!
Faux wood contact paper, pink air fresheners!).
Obsessive Consumption: The Death of Market Research
April 19th - 28th
Opening reception: April 23rd - 6-8
Eistentrager€Howard Gallery
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
I am making fancy invites.
If you would like to receive one in the mail please send me your mailing
address so you can celebrate this special day in your own personal way.
I mean it.  I want to send out  mail.
Please attend if you can, but if you can't still ask for an invite!
+++Obsessive Consumption is  also participating in the semi-permanent design
conference/ yen magazine/Curvy exhibition in Sydney Australia.
More details here: http://www.yenmag.net/dev/article.php?iss=9art=73
This one I won't be able to attend.  Because I live in Nebraska. And that is
far away from Sydney.  But I am super honored to have been invited.
Obsessive Consumption is stopping the documentation on April 22nd, 2004.
I know.  I said it. I am doing it.
April 22nd seems like a good stopping point.  It is the day before my thesis
opening.  And that day is exactly 28 months from when I first started.  And
grad school is over for me.
I have a job.  Next fall I will be an assistant professor of Graphic Design
at Mississippi State.
But don't think you have heard the last of me.
I have big plans for new projects and I will make sure to keep all of you in
the loop.  That is if you want to be.  I would be sad if you left at this
The site will still remain up for a while.
I will update it with photos from my thesis show.
And I will be selling new work on it after my thesis show.
Hot, cool, awesome work that you will desperately want and need.
SO you haven't heard the last of obsessive consumption yet.
And those who participated in the What Did You Buy Today Catalog project
will be getting catalogs soon as well. And those of you who still want to
participate...I have some space.  Details on site.  E-mail me if you want to
still join the party.
But yes, April 22nd, 2004.  Last Day.
Oh my, I am getting a little misty here.
Okay, no, not really.

Shop and Awe!
What Did You Buy Today?

FLUXLIST: Sally Timmis Dissertation Hi-Red Center Fluxus

2004-03-17 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today ...

From: Sally Timmis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 17:47:05 +

You asked to know a little bit about my Fluxus research.  I've only just 
started out really, but what I'm trying to find out more about is the 
Japanese Fluxus people  and their work - what sort of 'art' or not art was 
going on in Japan at the time, what the Japanese Fluxus people were 
involved with apart from Fluxus, what they might have been informed by, 
artistic or non-artistic and how this fitted in to or with Fluxus as a 
whole. I'm trying to find out some more about Hi-Red Center at the moment, 
if anybody can tell me anything about their actual Fluxus involvement, I'd 
be very glad to hear from them.

You might be wondering why I want to spend a lot of time thinking about 
Fluxus?  Ever since I discovered Fluxus through a Yoko Ono exhibition in 
1996, I just loved how interactive the work could be, how I could be 
involved with works like the Wish Tree where everyone just wrote a wish 
and tied it to a tree, how I could make up my own versions of Events, how 
the work was quite often funny and didn't seem to mind me laughing at 
it.  Since I found out more about other Fluxus people and their work, I 
really liked the attitude of participation and non-exclusiveness.  Even 
though this didn't work with everyone all of the time, it seems to be an 
attitude that most if not all Fluxus people aspired to at least in some 
ways, and I like it a lot.

Does anybody know of any Fluxus performance things or get-togethers of 
people that like Fluxus that are taking place anytime soon?  It would be 
really lovely to meet some other people that like Fluxus too.

Sally Kawamura
Glasgow University

FLUXLIST: Re: information

2004-03-16 Thread allen bukoff

hi, im wondering if someone could tell me about any really good Fluxus 
websites or websites containing actual Instructions from the live 
performances. thanks

Try some of these websites for Fluxus:
http://www.ben-vautier.com/  other individual Fluxer websites at 

Fluxus Performance Workbook at
Recent Fluxus performance and actions by original Fluxus artists (and 
others) at http://www.4t.fluxus.net/

Contact Secret Fluxus in UK--group recently formed to perform Fluxus 
scripts and actions:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also contact Josh Rosen [EMAIL PROTECTED] for information about 
recent Flux Cafe performances in Austin, Texas slide show at 

Cheers, Allen Bukoff

Re: FLUXLIST: viruseless

2004-03-08 Thread allen bukoff

My concern is that I have a problem
Admitting you have a problem (and that you don't know what to do about it) 
is the first step.

Re: FLUXLIST: viruses

2004-03-05 Thread allen bukoff
oh you big kidder...

i recieved a contaminated email today, one from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

anyone else?

Spazio ILLIMITATO per la tua Email, Scanner Antivirus,
Antispam, Backup e POP3. Prova la nuova Email di superEva:

FLUXLIST: viruses really!

2004-03-05 Thread allen bukoff
If it really came from @fluxus.org I will need to contact the hosting 
service and make them check it out (although they are supposed to keep this 
from happening).

It is possible that even though it said it was from [EMAIL PROTECTED] it 
might have really been sent from elsewhere.  IF YOU STILL have the email, 
can you look at the extended header information to see if you can tell 
where it really originated fromOR carefully cut and paste the extended 
header info and email it to me (sans virus attachment, of course) for 
investigation.  Some email clients (MS Outlook Express?) hide this header 
info garbage, so you might need to click on a button or two to reveal this 

There is a lot virus email going around these days.  One of the strategies 
that some virus-creators use is to try to produce incoming email that the 
receiver will think is friendly or from a known source.

Here is what the extended header info looks like from the email you just 
sent to Fluxlist:

Received: from sub26-150.member.dsl-only.net (
	by mail14b.sanjose14-verio.com (RS ver 1.0.91vs) with SMTP id 2-0418798592
	for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri,  5 Mar 2004 12:43:12 -0500 (EST)
Received: from majordom by scribble.com with local (Exim 3.35 #1 (Debian))
	id 1AzJ2p-s7-00
	for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 05 Mar 2004 09:23:31 -0800
Received: from [] (helo=vsmtp4.tin.it)
	by scribble.com with esmtp (Exim 3.35 #1 (Debian))
	id 1AzJ2p-E4-00
	for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 05 Mar 2004 09:23:31 -0800
Received: from fffomainframe ( by vsmtp4.tin.it (7.0.019)
id 402CD2F0004389ED for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 5 Mar 2004 
18:33:54 +0100
From: Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
References: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: FLUXLIST: viruses really!
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 18:33:49 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
Precedence: bulk
X-URL: http://www.fluxus.org/FLUXLIST

FLUXLIST: Performers needed for upcoming Fluxus Performance at Wesleyan University (CT)

2004-03-03 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today

Subject: Upcoming Fluxus Performance at Wesleyan University (CT)
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 10:06:08 -0500 (EST)
Dear Fluxus.org,

I am organizing a peformance of Fluxus event scores to take place at Wesleyan
University (Past and present faculty: Alvin Lucier, Anthony Braxton, John 
Ron Kuivila) in about one month.

I am actively seeking performers and would love for interested parties to
contact me ASAP.
Addmission will, of course, be free.  Wesleyan is located 30 minutes north of
New Haven CT, which has a cheap train line to and from Grand Central 
If needed, I will run a car shuttle between the train station and the campus.

So, please pass this information along to as many people as possible.
Encourage anyone to email me for further information.

Rob Lake


2004-03-02 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today...

From: Smith, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Weef
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 19:32:57 -
My name is David Smith but I use the pen name Weef on all my work. I work as
a newspaper designer to pay my bills. And draw cartoons and illustrations to
feed my soul. I got involved with mail art about two years ago and have
contributed about 250 pieces. Type 'weef mail' into Google to see some my
contributions. I also paint, make etchings, lino cuts and artists books.

FLUXLIST: plain text emails only, please

2004-02-29 Thread allen bukoff

Please submit all of your posts to FLUXLIST only in PLAIN TEXT 
EMAIL.  Although YOU may see your html/styled-emails from FLUXLIST come 
back looking okay to you, they will look like a mess to others not using an 
html email viewer AND THEY ARE A MESS TO EVERYONE subscribing to the 
FLUXLIST-DIGEST version...see example below of how two of your recent 
non-plain-text emails to Fluxlist look in digest version (notice the 
message repetition and the format text that comes out in these emails in 
the Digest version).  Okay?  Thanks.

Wish we were hipper and it didn't matter how or what format one uses (or if 
one sent attachments, too) to Fluxlist, but this is the level of technology 
at which we currently reside.


FLUXLIST-digest   Sunday, February 29 2004   Volume 04 : Number 328

In this issue:
   Re: FLUXLIST: re: who would like mail art from my students?
   Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Spam Dada
   Re: FLUXLIST: owed re woven
   Fw: FLUXLIST: plastic words

Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 13:03:07 EST
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: re: who would like mail art from my students?
- --part1_1ca.1acafdf6.2d73835b_boundary
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Madawg Painter of Dark
P.O.Box 916
Pacific Grove, CA 93950 USA
- --part1_1ca.1acafdf6.2d73835b_boundary
Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Madawg Painter of Dark
P.O.Box 916
Pacific Grove, CA 93950 USA
- --part1_1ca.1acafdf6.2d73835b_boundary--

Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 13:09:38 EST
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Spam Dada
- --part1_6.2381205b.2d7384e2_boundary
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
maps ad ad

- --part1_6.2381205b.2d7384e2_boundary
Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
maps ad ad
- --part1_6.2381205b.2d7384e2_boundary--

Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 13:21:24 EST
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: owed re woven
- --part1_b7.3d1c1b30.2d7387a4_boundary
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
gulls gulls by gallows fly
ralphing bob
hanging body to dry waves
gush among trash and wind the cry
brilliant of gulls
and unseeing eye
poem by David Chirot and Madawg woven together to make one poem. I rewove it
to include all the words-sometimes words will hide behind other words when
actually weaving. If anyone has a poem- the longer the better- I will write a
response and then weave it- Madawg
- --part1_b7.3d1c1b30.2d7387a4_boundary
Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
gulls gulls by gall= ows fly
ralphing bob
hanging body to dry waves
gush among trash and wind the cry
brilliant of gulls
and unseeing eye
poem by David Chirot and Madawg woven together to=20= make one poem. I 
rewove it to include all the words-sometimes words will hid= e behind other 
words when actually weaving. If anyone has a poem- the longer= the better- 
I will write a response and then weave it- Madawg
- --part1_b7.3d1c1b30.2d7387a4_boundary--


FLUXLIST: Fwd: My essay on Allan Kaprow

2004-02-25 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today...

Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 19:38:59 +0100
Subject: My essay on Allan Kaprow
The Link no longer seems to work.

Can I send you the article for re-installation directly on your site?

Or, link it to:


Warm regards,

Linda Cassens Stoian
Elsässerstr. 248
4056 Basel

FLUXLIST: plain text emails, please

2004-02-25 Thread allen bukoff
Ray, please do not send emails to Fluxlist in anything other than plain 
text format.  I wish we had the software to handle htm-text but we don't 
and it creates havoc with the Digest versions.  SO PLEASE, plain text 
only.  Sorry.  hanks.

FLUXLIST: It's you

2004-02-24 Thread allen bukoff

Has something untoward happened to FLUXLIST's mail  Like I'm getting
none , either direct or by relay ... OR ... Is it just me
Ray FLUXUStasmania

Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 01:09:24 -0800
Subject: more scribble excitement!
scribble blew up its motherboard this morning.  i have an appt
to swap its guts tomorrow (tues) afternoon.  cross your fingers!

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Re: fluxlist archive

2004-02-23 Thread allen bukoff
Udo Noll, our long suffering archivist, checks in:

Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 12:21:19 +0100
From: udo noll [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: fluxlist archive
hello allen,
emails to the list are  processed once a month.
no disruption so far.
however, within he next week i have to rebuild my server.
could be that there will be some problems for a while.
tons of things to transfer. just FYI,
best, udo
allen bukoff:
 Dear Udo Noll,

 It has been a long time since I have emailed you!  I hope you are happy 

 THANK YOU so much for continuing to archive the Fluxlist email discussion
 group.  You have provided many years of service with no reward.  Fluxlist
 is flattered and honored for you doing this.

 Why I am contacting you now:  sometime around January 31, 2004, the 
 on http://aporee.org/fluxus/list/  stop.  There is either a delay between
 Fluxlist issuing emails and these emails showing up on
 http://aporee.org/fluxus/list/  (some sort of scheduled batch processing?)
 OR sometime around January 31, 2004 there was a disruption to
 http://aporee.org/fluxus/list/  or to its receiving emails from Fluxlist.

 Please let me know what you think.

 Thank you.

 Allen Bukoff

Re: FLUXLIST: Problem

2004-02-19 Thread allen bukoff
We had some weird problem that knocked out the digests (from 295 to 
306).  I am working with Jon Van Oast to see if we can get those Digests 
reissued.  I just checked the current FLUXLIST ARCHIVE 
(http://king.dom.de/fluxus/list/  click on date index)and see that it is 
only up to Jan 31, 2004 right now...either it got screwed up by our recent 
glitches or it is just behind in its archiving.  I'll have to contact Udo 
Noll and see if I can get an answer.  Too many mysteries.

Anyone care to go through all the FLUXLIST ARCHIVES and put together a 
best of FLUXLIST?


I didn't received the fluxlist digests from number 295 to 306.
What's happening?
Can someone please send me the missing pieces?
Thank you,

Fwd: Re: FLUXLIST: Problem

2004-02-19 Thread allen bukoff

Wow. I swear I didn't know there was another archive of
FLUXLIST...and it is up to the minute. Wow. Who set this
up? How far back does it go (I can't seem to find the beginning)? 

So those of you who are FLUXLIST-DIGEST subscribers who want to see what
you missed when digests from 295 to 306 weren't sent out, go to
and skim all the individual emails from 
FLUXLIST: stoke's answer to blurt 
From: Alan Bowman 02/07/2004 
From: John M. Bennett 02/17/2004 
or not.

To: allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: rod stasick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Problem
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 15:47:58 -0600

People can go here: 

Now playing: The Fall - I Am Damo Suzuki 

The politician is trained in the art of inexactitude. His words tend 
to be blunt or rounded, because if they have a cutting edge they may 
later return to wound him. 
--Edward R. Murrow, American journalist, speech, 1959 /blockquote/x-html 

FLUXLIST: random acts of kindness and love

2004-02-19 Thread allen bukoff
cool idea

FLUXLIST: not fluxus

2004-02-16 Thread allen bukoff
One of my current projects is working with Candy Band, a rock band of four 
suburban Detroit mothers who have put nursery rhymes  kids' theme music to 
rock.  I recently created a blog or daily diary for them to capture 
snippets from their various lives.  It seems to have some charm (or is it 
only me?).


visit here to see photo of this strange 52-year old man who was promoting 
this blog at their Saturday concert

FLUXLIST: Fwd: What happened to Fluxlist ?

2004-02-15 Thread allen bukoff
Oh, boy, another fluxus mystery!

From: secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: What happened to Fluxlist ?
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 11:42:12 +
Dear Allen,

Something seems to have happened to
Nothing in a week now.

Have we been dropped ?

Secret Fluxus

FLUXLIST: Fwd: FLUXLIST-digest V4 #294

2004-02-15 Thread allen bukoff
I had forgotten that you were on the DIGEST version.  So I looked up the 
DIGEST versions I have received (which I ignore because I generally read 
the individual posts as I am subscribed both ways) AND YOU ARE RIGHT...this 
is the last FLUXLIST DIGEST that went out.  Something must be wrong because 
we have had more than enough individual posts to produce at least several 
more DIGESTs since then.  Next step for me:  contact Jon Van Oast founder 
and long-suffering hoster of FLUXLIST (who lives in Portland, Oregon) and 
ask him to check this out.  One of my favorite stories about Fluxlist and 
Jon is that Jon first surreptitiously hosted Fluxlist on computers he was 
overseeing at University Hospitals at the University of Michigan, in Ann 
Arbor.  Fluxlist began life in the basement of a hospital...and has been in 
an interesting medical condition ever since.

Subject: FLUXLIST-digest V4 #294
Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 01:57:40 -0800
FLUXLIST-digest   Saturday, February 7 2004   Volume 04 : Number 294

In this issue:
   Re: FLUXLIST: gateshead's answer to foetus
   FLUXLIST: usterdoids asterbium
   Re: FLUXLIST: Happy Birthday William S. Burroughs!
   Re: FLUXLIST: lightning hitting a tree
   Re: FLUXLIST: observances of a dead Puritanism
   Re: FLUXLIST: Happy Birthday William S. Burroughs!
   Re: FLUXLIST: The Economist
   Re: FLUXLIST: out at Pt. Lobos today
n=?ISO-8859-1?B?sA==?= 3


FLUXLIST: a basement theng

2004-02-15 Thread allen bukoff

another basement, eh?
We could probably have a whole Fluxus and basements thread.

John Lennon (or John  Yoko) organized a tour of the basements of famous 
NYCity buildings one time and I believe it was labeled as a Fluxus activity 
or event.  Anyone have more accurate recollection/facts about this?

FLUXLIST: Don't look here!

2004-02-14 Thread allen bukoff

 a very charming story.  thanks.

Erm, I pressed send without actually saying what this was.  (It's Saturday
evening and all the stall are at the bingo, so I'm having to do this myself)
Anyway the fffo oh dear the camera's still next to the telephone but we're
already on the bus division present...
doo diddle doo doo doo deee!

The FFFO meet Roger Stevens 2004


FLUXLIST: Fluxlist helped

2004-02-09 Thread allen bukoff

Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 15:37:21 +0100 (CET)
From: Petra Lange-Berndt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Thank you!!
Thank you very much for sending my e-mail
to the Fluxlist - it really helped me a lot, now I
have digital pictures to look at and can continue
writing!! All the best from Hamburg, Petra

responses to your query from FLUXLIST.
 hope this helps.

 Date: Sun,  8 Feb 2004 19:24:02 -0500
 Subject: FLUXLIST: Re: Fwd: Fluxmouse Maciunas
 X-URL: http://www.fluxus.org/FLUXLIST


 at the bottom (#191) there are pictures,
 if digital ones are part of what she meant of

 You might try contacting the Getty Museum to get
 larger photos and a better
 copy of the text.

 From: Bertrand Clavez
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Fwd: Fluxmouse Maciunas
 Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 22:27:32 +0100
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
 X-URL: http://www.fluxus.org/FLUXLIST
 she may try to contact Larry Miller or Barbara
 Moore, as they were so close
 to Maciunas at that time?

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Fluxmouse Maciunas

2004-02-08 Thread allen bukoff
Can anyone on Fluxlist help this art historian?

Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 14:12:42 +0100 (CET)
From: Petra Lange-Berndt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fluxmouse Maciunas
Dear Fluxus Bulletin Board,
I'm writing my ph. d. dissertation on Preserved
Animals in Contemporary Art. In this context I found
out that George Maciunas made a multiple called
Fluxmouse in 1972/73, a bottle with a dead mouse
preserved in an antiseptic liquid (see Jon Hendricks:
Fluxus Codes, New York 1988, page 343). Now I'm
desperately searching for a picuture of this work and
I'm also very curious about a text with the account
of the mouse's death written on it that was attached
to the bottle. I found your address in the internet on
the Fluxus Portal - maybe you have heard of this
work or know somebody, who owned / ownes it? I would
be happy about any help you could provide me with.
Thank you very much!!!
All the best from Hamburg,
Petra Lange-Berndt
Missundestrasse 36
22769 Hamburg

Mit schönen Grüßen von Yahoo! Mail - http://mail.yahoo.de

FLUXLIST: Geoffrey Hendricks mailing

2004-02-02 Thread allen bukoff
in the postal mail today...

Year End Mailings for 2002 and 2003
from Geoffrey Hendricks and Sur Rodney (Sur)
available now online as pdf files at
best viewed at 200%, apologize for poor copy quality on my part

FLUXLIST: not nice

2004-01-29 Thread allen bukoff
a new low?

Subject: Need to host child porn, illegal content, Spam advert site?
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 06:24:18 -0400 (EST)
Need to host child porn, illegal content, Spam advert site?
Try http://www.volga.ruwww.volga.ru you will be able to host anything 
you desire.
Example of our word to host illegal content: http://www.cvv.ruwww.cvv.ru
Hacked Credit Cards: 
Fresh stolen dumps here: 
As you can see from above we can host ANYTHING.
Do you want to offer such items to aid terrorists like counterfeit drivers 
Or counterfeit credit cards with your victim's information already encoded 
on it
ready for you to go shopping and ruin the credit of thousands of fools in 
the USA?
Contact us below and we can get you started. Spam night and day we ignore all
spam complaints and promise 100% uptime or money back!
Contact mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] for pricing.

FLUXLIST: Fluxboxes

2004-01-28 Thread allen bukoff

Did someone say Fluxbox?


We FLUXLISTers have produced a number of collaborative projects.  Perhaps 
the most ambitious have been our two Fluxbox projects--a bunch of 
Fluxlisters send 50 or more identical (?) objects to an 
organizer/distributor who sorts them into 50 containers (Fluxboxes) and 
sends the mix back out to the original contributors and others. Sort of in 
form if not the spirit of the early Maciunas Fluxbox Editions ... which I 
have always thought were very cool.

The first FLUXLIST Fluxbox was organized and distributed by Owen Smith  
Sol Nte and can be viewed 
here:  http://www.fluxus.org/FLUXLIST/box1/boxfram.html .

The second Fluxbox project was initiated last year (?) and organized by 
Crispin Webb and Don Boyd (yes?), and is being manufactured distributed by 
Crispin Webb.  Chris, do we have a website showing the items in this box or 
any plans for such a site?


And as long as we're at it, I am still intrigued by this ad for a 
commercial version of an avant-garde box from the 
60's:  http://www.nutscape.com/60s/  Anybody on the list ever run across 
one of these?

FLUXLIST: Send Bush to the Moon in 2004

2004-01-27 Thread allen bukoff
Make your own t-shirt.

Re: FLUXLIST: Send Bush to the Moon in 2004

2004-01-27 Thread allen bukoff
Owen, I don't think I should do Cafepress because the idea/slogan isn't 
mine.  I picked the idea/phrase up somewhere on the internet a couple of 
weeks ago and can't remember where (I read a lot of political 
blogs).  Also, I suspect most FLUXLISTERS tend to be good Do-It-Yourself 
folks about stuff like this.  I've also been making nice little 
refrigerator magnets of the same text graphic (again, ink-jet printable 
magnet paper is not difficult to find, although somewhat expensive) and 
have now uploaded the 8-inch x 10-inch master image to my Send Bush To The 
Moon webpage if anyone wants to make little magnet posters, too.

FLUXLISTER Bibiana Padilla Maltos sent me their anit-Bush t-shirt image and 
you can now find that at

Make your own t-shirt.

Allen this is great! - you should also set up an account with cafepress ( 
http://www.cafepress.com/cp/info/ )
for those who are not DIY people so that they can buy a pre-made one you 
could also throw in a nice graphic
of this event in process (yea). If anyone else out there does not know of 
them it is a great way to get art/multiples
out there with a minimum amount of front end cost. I have two accounts 
with them ( http://www.cafeshops.com/rhouse
and http://www.cafeshops.com/helpken ) and am planing more. . . .


FLUXLIST: Fwd: Henry Flynt The Insurrections

2004-01-24 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today...

From: rod stasick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Henry Flynt  The Insurrections
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 13:50:02 -0600
To: allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, Allen!

Another goodie release for you to know about (and pass on to others if you 
like). This is available from Forced Exposure:

Flynt shatters the categories once again with this surprise collection of 
his short lived basement rock protest band, The Insurrections, from 1966. 
Let there be no doubt in anyone's mind: Flynt's version of protest music 
isn't your cultural-commissar school of folk posturing. It's agro and 
Flynt is an unhinged showman on helium induced vox and the electric guitar 
(his teacher was none other than Lou Reed). Imagine a mix of Sky Saxon (of 
Seeds fame) with a dash of Roky Erickson thrown in on vocals, a little bit 
of the Cramps' scary monster dramatics thrown in for good measure  the 
swamp chugalug laziness of vintage Pussy Galore and you get an idea what 
Flynt was up to at this phase in his non-career. Features legendary 
sculptor Walter De Maria on drums, confirming our hidden suspicion that in 
every great artist there's a desire to rock  beneath every fine gallery, 
there is a basement. Photos by George Maciunas. $14.00


Now playing: Smart Went Crazy - A Good Day
Three days after his burial in 1809, Haydn's head was stolen from his 
grave by two Viennese officials, one of them the secretary of Haydn's 
longtime employer Prince Esterhzy. Though the Esterhzy family later tried 
to bring the grave robbers to justice, police pursued the matter only 
halfheartedly, and one of the thieves even exhibited the skull in his 
salon. At the time, skull shape was thought to be closely related to 
genius in some way. The skull was not reunited with the rest of Haydn's 
body until 1954.


2004-01-23 Thread allen bukoff

Welcome, allan!

I guess there's hardly another place on the web with a higher percentage of
allans (or alans)

Let's change the list name to AL(L)[(E)or(A)or(Y)]NLIST ...and change 
Fluxus forever. 

FLUXLIST: fluxlistless

2004-01-21 Thread allen bukoff
FLUXLIST has been down since last Friday.  I subscribed more than 30 new 
people...all at once...and appear to have broken it.  Either that or it's 
another fluxus mystery.  Jon Van Oast, our long suffering patron and 
hoster, is working on it.  Let's see if this email goes out.

From: Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: fluxlistless
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 10:41:32 +0100
hi allen,

is the flluxllist down or is it that just no-one is writing?

kind of eerie this sillence



FLUXLIST: New Subscriber Mirtes Marins

2004-01-21 Thread allen bukoff

Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 00:05:11 -0200
Subject: Re:Welcome to Fluxlist or Fluxlist-Digest
From: mmarins_ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-XaM3-API-Version: 2.4 R3 ( B4 )
My name is Mirtes Marins. Head of visual arts department at
Santa MArcelina, São Paulo Brazil. My interest is
contemporary art, discussion on the possibilities outside the
formal professional field.

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Welcome to Fluxlist or Fluxlist-Digest

2004-01-21 Thread allen bukoff
I just approved 32 recent subscription requests to Fluxlist and sent the 
new subscribers the following email:

Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 19:35:29 -0500
From: allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Welcome to Fluxlist or Fluxlist-Digest
Welcome.  My apologies in being so slow to get your subscription request 

You are coming to Fluxlist at a good time.  We need new new blood, new 
direction, new ideas, new projects.

Please introduce yourself to the list.  Please tell us who you are and why 
you are joining.

Please send all emails to FLUXLIST in plain format.  Please do not send 
emails to list in HTML format.  Please do not send attachments with your 
emails.  If you have something you want us to see or hear, please post it 
on the internet and give us the URL/address in your email.


Allen Bukoff
the lazy admin of FLUXLIST

FLUXLIST: resend your messages

2004-01-21 Thread allen bukoff
Fluxlisters, if you've sent a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the last 
few days and it has not gotten out to the list, please resend it now.  Thanks.

Re: FLUXLIST: RE: Meeting Alan Bowman

2004-01-15 Thread allen bukoff
That's what I'm talking about...

Alan: You must be Melissa -- would you like to go for a drink?

Re: FLUXLIST: RE: Meeting Alan Bowman

2004-01-15 Thread allen bukoff

you know, if roger where going to meet allen bukoff, none of this would be
necessary - in fact it would be pointless.
on my last meeting with 'dad', we met, he said 'hello again', i opened my
mouth to reply and bukoff carried on talking, chiefly about himself, this
continued for several hours, and then we went home!
and was it not the most enlightening episode in your besotted life? 

Re: FLUXLIST: Only 169 to go

2004-01-14 Thread allen bukoff

Jilly and I are going to Venice soon and will be meeting Alan there.

Has anyone any suggestions as to what my actual first words should be when 
we meet for the first time?

How about Have you been drinking? 

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Billy Kluver RIP

2004-01-13 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today...

From: rod stasick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Billy Kluver RIP
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 01:50:06 -0600
Hi, Allen!

Thought that you and the list may want to know about this:


best to you,


Now playing: Reuben Wilson - Stormy

Fwd: Re: RE: FLUXLIST: Okay, fess up!

2004-01-02 Thread allen bukoff
We have apparently moved into a time when there will be great fluxus 
mysteries...or am I trying to give meaning to confusion?

To: allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Timothy Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: RE: FLUXLIST: Okay, fess up!
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2004 18:48:31 -0500
Sounds to me as if the Mix-it-up-chappie could be at work, what with things
appearing here and there. Do not be alarmed about the fluxus in my
basement--no worry no blame, and certainly no one could be guilty--why the
opposite--I thank whoever left the fluxus, if not the sly Mix-it-up-chappie
then who or whatever. Of course, it was quite a shock finding it there,
propped by the plumbing in such an innocuous way. I plan to return to the
basement this evening and try again to photograph--it just keeps fluxing.
Also -- I keep feeling the sense that it is communicating something. I will
update you upon my return.
Please, let any fluxster you know that I am not at all upset at this--I do
not intend to sue for instance for storage fees or what have you. It is
actually good timing because I have a few days off from work and can direct
proper attention to it.
From: allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 6:06 PM
Subject: Fwd: RE: FLUXLIST: Okay, fess up!
 Suse, if there really is SOMETHING Fluxus in your basement, I will be
 surprised if any of the Fluxlist subscribers really had anything to do
 it...but who knows...small world, six degress and all that.

 I've got my own recent Fluxus
 mystery.  http://www.fluxus.org/FluxusMidwest/mystery/  I don't suppose
 know anything about this do you?

 Allen Bukoff

 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Okay, fess up!
 Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2004 15:23:16 -0500
 Is this serious or did I leave a box of junk somewhere? Anyone else
 guilty? -Don

Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2004 15:53:56 -0800 (PST)
From: Crispin Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Okay, fess up!
X-URL: http://www.fluxus.org/FLUXLIST
no non onononono

@no 7no
snf no
#$  no
no nononononononononononononono
how to no
see to no
bees no
we onno   no

I know i do. Why do we insist on making this stuff.


http://www.angelfire.com/blog/crispin3d/AN ARTIST NETWORKCRISPIN WEBB 
http://www.angelfire.com/blog/crispin3d2003/ CRISPIN WEBB CRISPIN 

Reply-To: suse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Timothy Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: RE: FLUXLIST: Okay, fess up!
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2004 16:59:21 -0500
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
Aha! I am fishing in a good place. The fluxster who left the fluxus in the
basement--came forth after a single broadcast to the proper source! It will
be interesting to discover how your fluxus got in my basement! Was it
through some association? Or did you leave it here while spying on my arts?
Did someone act as intermediary unbeknownst to either of us?As I have
experienced the 6-degrees on several occasions, if not 1-degree, I am sure I
can track down the culprit. Still working on the photos, quite difficult to
capture. Of course, if you wouldn't mind telling me why your fluxus is in my
basement, I'd be satisfied to know.
- Original Message -
From: allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 10:54 PM
Subject: Fwd: RE: FLUXLIST: Okay, fess up!

From: bibiana padilla maltos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Okay, fess up!
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 19:31:24 -0800
X-URL: http://www.fluxus.org/FLUXLIST

I am truly sorry, I sware it will never happend again. I do recognize my
fault and will accept any consecuence this might cause. (Happy New Year!!)

AVTEXTFEST general coordinator
Paseo de Vista Hermosa #625
Mexicali, B.C., 21240
233 Paulin Ave. PMB. 7263
Calexico, Ca., 92231-2646
+ 52 686 206 5478

Original Message Follows
From: allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: Okay, fess up!
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 19:09:48 -0500

Okay, which one of you fluxlisters left some fluxus lying around in this
person's basement?  It is such a rare and precious thing, and then to just
leave it lying around unattended is hardly excusable.  Happy New Year.

Reply-To: suse [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FLUXLIST: Fwd: In One Year and Out the Other

2003-12-31 Thread allen bukoff

Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 12:32:22 -0800
From: Ken Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: In One Year and Out the Other
In One Year and Out the Other

On New Year's Eve, make a telephone call from one time zone to another so 
that you are conducting a conversation between people located in two 
years. You may also send a telefax or an email message between two years.

-- Ken Friedman

December 31, 1975


This event has been performed every year since 1975.

I first performed this event on New Year's Eve 1975-1976, calling from 
Springfield, Ohio forward to Dick Higgins, Christo, and Nam June Paik in 
New York, then back to Tom Garver and Natasha Nicholson in California. I 
have performed this work every year since then, frequently calling Tom 
Garver, Peter Frank, Newton and Helen Harrison, Abraham Friedman and the 
late Dick Higgins. For New Year's of 1992-1993 I used telefax for the 
first time in performing this work. I sent telefax messages with the score 
to Christo and Jeanne-Claude Christo, Peter Frank, Abraham and Shirley 
Friedman, Dick Higgins, Hong Hee Kim-Cheon, Choong-Sup and Yeong Lim, 
Karen and David Moss.

Over the past decade, increasingly large numbers of people have been 
performing this event using email.

FLUXLIST: Okay, fess up!

2003-12-31 Thread allen bukoff
Okay, which one of you fluxlisters left some fluxus lying around in this 
person's basement?  It is such a rare and precious thing, and then to just 
leave it lying around unattended is hardly excusable.  Happy New Year.

Reply-To: suse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: eureka
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 11:55:42 -0500
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
I think I found some fluxus in my basement

Can you direct me to any current fluxus activity in the world

Thank you,

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: greetings

2003-12-23 Thread allen bukoff
Let me add my season greetings by inviting you to visit (what else!) a 
recently created web page featuring my and my wife's official eChristmas 
Cards (from 1997 to present) and various other out takes.  merryhappy, 
allen bukoff



2003-12-22 Thread allen bukoff
in the email today...

From: Gilles Balmet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 21:30:02 +0100

My name is Gilles Balmet. I am a French artist graduated from L'école 
supérieure d'art de Grenoble.

 I would like to present to you my art works.

You can see them on my website at 
:  http://gillesbalmet.free.frhttp://gillesbalmet.free.fr

You just have to click on the colored points on the top of the page to 
discover my videos, my installations, my paintings, my drawings, my works 
on the net etc ...

Each page contains a french and an english text which help the viewer to 
understand my works.

I am searching professional contacts with galleries, curators, etc ...

You can contact me at : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't hesitate to tell me your appreciation about my works

Gilles Balmet

FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Cookbook - How to boil water

2003-12-17 Thread allen bukoff
Here's a submission I would like to make to the Fluxus Cookbook:

How to Boil Water: A Simple Recipe

1.  Fill large pot 1/2 full with water
2.  Put pot on a large burner on your stove.
3.  Turn burner knob to high.
4.  Wait until water boils (water boiling when large bubbles are rapidly 
coming to the top of the water).
5.  It's ready!

Actual recipe from How To Boil Water 

I've been exploring the whole Do-it-yourself/how-to-do-it realm lately and 
have become enamored with the instructions and recipes that exist for doing 
the simplest things...vibrates my Fluxus tuning fork.  Also remarkable how 
difficult (if not impossible) it is to give complete and fool-proof 
instructions for even the simplest things (e.g., lots of situational 
variations or complications not covered in above recipe...like not having a 
stovelike altitude...like what exactly are large: bubbles?).

I haven't forgotten the Fluxlist Cookbook. Hopefully next
year.sorry for the drag-on factor :)


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