Re: FLUXLIST: Re:BG Trousers

2006-06-22 Thread badgergirl
I reach the ground by telephone.  Unless there's a power outage, in which case 
I use a hanger with a bit of chewing gum at the end.

Thanks for asking!


BadgerGirl writes:
I'm 5'3 if I stand up straight (and I never do).

Only 5'3!?!  How do you reach the ground?  You *definitely* look taller!


  Melissa McCarthy
  Hours: whimsical or by appointment
  Adult, maybe; grown-up, never!

Re: RE: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-21 Thread badgergirl
I don't want to look at a fish.  They make me look smaller.  Smaller than my 
trousers.  And Allison's trousers, too.

AND it wasn't only one time at band camp.  It was at least two.  That's what 
the fish said, anyway. I'm 5'3 if I stand up straight (and I never do).

So there.


I remember this one time... band camp

No wait-a-minute...

Yes the fish definitely makes me hook roller.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of JJ
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

the fish

--- Rod Stasick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2006 Jun 20, at 3:01 PM, badgergirl wrote:
  I have a question:  Do these trousers make me look
 My question: Do her trousers make me look taller?
 Now playing: AMM - Coffin Nor Shelf

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

2006-06-20 Thread badgergirl
I have a question:  Do these trousers make me look taller?


From: Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue Jun 20 02:25:58 CDT 2006
Subject: FLUXLIST: Fw: Madame Hulot sez - A Message from Alison Knowles

Dear all,

Here is a note to Fluxlist from Alison.  Hannah arrives today (or tomorrow) 
perhaps I can get direct questions to her too.  She may not have time to 
answer but I'll ask..anyone?

Oh Odin's Underpants its a B(owman)LOG

Visit the Freeformfreakout Organisation Online:

Re: RE: FLUXLIST: desiring books, there is no

2006-04-18 Thread badgergirl
Why Roger, you, of all people, should know that spurned love is delicious!  
Particularly with marmalade.  It's a shame to think of all that spurned love 
going to waste If only you'd had some toast.


I once wrote Karen Eliot a love letter andshe spurned my love.
She is a teaser. Have nothing to do withher.
  are you THE Karen Elliot of Neoist fame?
 Aren't we all?

Re: FLUXLIST: hello

2006-04-03 Thread badgergirl
I remember you. Hullo.



i am new to the group and just wanted to say hello.


LSD makes you crazy.

FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST: nyc  not fluxus / list related!

2006-03-24 Thread badgergirl
How odd that you should talk of moving to NY

Just the other day, I saw your doppelganger.  In fact, I very nearly bonked him 
on the head with a rolled up magazine (why, playfully, of course), until I 
realized how unlikely it was that you should suddenly turn up walking down 23rd 
street.  I briefly considered giving him a good-natured thump anyway, but I had 
a bus to catch

La Badger Sans Merci

today my partner nic started looking for international schools in new york.  
this is a dangerous sign - last time she started looking for a job we ended up 
selling just about everything we owned, giving the cats away and moving to 

does anyone know of any such schools in the ny area, i know that there's a UN 
one, but others...?

dunno what i'd do though...


FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST: nyc  not fluxus / list related!

2006-03-24 Thread badgergirl
On a more utilitarian note:  There's something called The International 
College, although I know nothing about it. It's at 

850 3rd Street
New York, NY 10022

212 758 2327

Also, there are a number of what are being touted as International Schools 
that seem to reside within NYC public schools.  A Google search of 
international high schools new york will bring you information on these 

If you need more specific information let me know. I am right here, after all.


today my partner nic started looking for international schools in new york.  
this is a dangerous sign - last time she started looking for a job we ended up 
selling just about everything we owned, giving the cats away and moving to 

does anyone know of any such schools in the ny area, i know that there's a UN 
one, but others...?

dunno what i'd do though...


FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST: nyc  not fluxus / list related!

2006-03-24 Thread badgergirl
On a more utilitarian note:  There's something called The International 
College, although I know nothing about it. It's at 

850 3rd Street
New York, NY 10022

212 758 2327

Also, there are a number of what are being touted as International Schools 
that seem to reside within NYC public schools.  A Google search of 
international high schools new york will bring you information on these 

If you need more specific information let me know. I am right here, after all.


today my partner nic started looking for international schools in new york.  
this is a dangerous sign - last time she started looking for a job we ended up 
selling just about everything we owned, giving the cats away and moving to 

does anyone know of any such schools in the ny area, i know that there's a UN 
one, but others...?

dunno what i'd do though...


Re: FLUXLIST: Score for my mother

2006-01-12 Thread badgergirl
My best condolences to you, Melissa.

The father of a very dear friend of mine passed on 1/10.  He was a screamingly 
funny fellow, so perhaps she's still laughing (an activity that I believe makes 
breathing seem overated).


Be born.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Repeat for 72 years.

In memory of my mother, Dolores Simmons, June 3, 1933 to January 11,2006.

  Melissa McCarthy
  Hours: whimsical or by appointment
  Adult, maybe; grown-up, never!

Re: FLUXLIST: An Historical Atlas of Fluxlist - Proposal

2005-11-07 Thread badgergirl

Never one to be able to withstand peer pressure, I too will scribble for the 

And what's all this about a mouldering badger?!  Probably a member of my 


Date: Wed Nov 02 07:12:46 CST 2005
Subject: FLUXLIST: An Historical Atlas of Fluxlist - Proposal

An Historical Atlas of Fluxlist

Fluxlist has effectively evolved into a small community, an example of the 
'global village' at its most, well villagy (sp?).  Village elders and village 
idiots, friends and vague acquaintances, over the back fence chatters, curtain 
twitchers, the odd recluse and a whole host of folks who just go about their 
daily business, minding their own and showing up at the odd parish meeting to 
put their two pennerth in.  On occasion itinerant travellers wander through 
offering wares varying from the delightful to the downright dubious. Sometimes 
the circus turns up and erects its big-top in the carpark, sometimes hooligans 
from neighbouring villages show up and cause fights in the pub.  People pass 
away and are mourned, people get married, have babies and their neighbours 
raise their glasses in acknowledgement.  Sometimes new villagers turn up out 
of the blue and others up sticks and move away to the city.

The strange thing is that most of the villagers live thousands of miles away 
from each other, many have never met any of the others, some have met but a 
handful, many can not put a face to the name and most a probably quite unaware 
of the existence of some of the remainder.

The idea is this:

To construct an historical and geographical atlas of fluxlist, past and 

Each current member of Fluxlist is invited to write about another - a 
biographical piece placing that person geographically, historically and 
contextually into the story of Fluxlist.

These biographical pieces may be based on truth or complete fantasy.  Pieces 
may vary in length, there being no maximum or minimum enforced and may be 
written in any language deemed appropriate by the author.  Anecdotes and 
stories of bravery, stupidity or particularly successful dinner parties, 
artworks and animals, music and missing weekends.  When and how they joined 
Fluxlist, motives and mysterious sudden disappearances.  Notable contributions 
to Fluxlist, faux pas and folly.  Place of birth, date of birth, date of first 
date and outcome.  Famous/noted/ignored for...  Place of abode, distance 
travelled by bicycle, bravelled by tricycle and amount of interest in % of 
learning to unicycle.

Information on place of abode, including address, city, state, country etc.

Participants may produce as many 'biographies' as they wish.

Or you could write something completely different.

The aim is document Fluxlist to date, to produce something which records 
Fluxlist membership at various levels, not just names but information about 
the person, a short biography (as stated) and information about their 
geographical location (and their location in time if you so wish).

Entries may be duplicated.  In fact duplicate entries, especially about 
'active' members, are to be encouraged thus building up a broader view of the 

Eventually the biographies will be used to build up a 'map' of Fluxlist.

The aim is to publish this 'atlas', eventually, as an actual book if costs are 
not too prohibitive, and in digital format (PDF and HTML)

Those interested in contributing are kindly requested to let me know within 
the next week or so.



Re: FLUXLIST: speling misteaks (take 100 lines bowman!)

2005-10-07 Thread badgergirl
Nonsense! Virtually none of the authors I work with do, so why should you?  
That's what copyeditors and proofreaders are for.  (Many of them also make 
wonderful ottomans and footstools, too!  Fun for the whole family!)


Subject: FLUXLIST: speling misteaks (take 100 lines bowman!)

i must check my spelling carefully before hitting send

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i must check my spelling carefully before hitting send

i must check my spelling carefully before hitting send


Re: FLUXLIST: Happy Birthday today to--

2005-09-12 Thread badgergirl
And 4 is such a fine age to be, too.  At 3 no one takes you seriously, but 
you're not yet burdened with the heavy responsibilites of the 5-year-old. 


Happy  Birthday Today!


   Carson David

  son of S.---   David Chirot

 4 years old today

 may you walk always with and in

peace, love and understanding

Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee? 

FLUXLIST: I are a commodity!

2005-08-11 Thread badgergirl

so many emails to read.  so many

Anyway - you can, if you've a mind to, view several of my fine works of art 

There's other stuff there too.  None of which has much to do with me.

I have also been commodified.  To wit:

Only the tarot stuff is mine (natch).  All questions cheerfully answered.  No 
monies refunded.  Yes, I am very ashamed.



Re: Re: FLUXLIST: RE: Phew! fluxbox II too (2)

2005-08-05 Thread badgergirl
I sent stuff, and I sent cash.  But box, I have received none.


From: Crispin Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed Aug 03 06:59:43 CDT 2005
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: RE: Phew! fluxbox II too (2)

If you sent shipping money or stamps for your box you should have recieved it 


should be recieving theirs soon
sorry for delay life has gotten the best
of my attention..
Those of you who participated in the cd
i have no adresses for and no money 
i never recieved the 7dollars from you


--- Owen Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am still waiting as well since I never got mine either. . . .
 So Crispin what is up with this? If you can not or will not finish them 
 maybe you should turn
 the contents over to someone who will (finish the boxes that is).
 Owen writes:
 I didn't get one.
 Cecil Touchon
 Potter, Nick (Spotswood) wrote:

 Yeah Roger I?m still waiting for my box II too. Crispin?s email below said 
 that Carol  I were
 next a year ago..
 Hi Crispin ;)
 -Original Message-
 From: Crispin Webb [[ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, 11 August 2004 5:50 PM
 Subject: TWO BOXES 


Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: roger's backlit

2005-05-10 Thread badgergirl
My runner up was Your Love Drives Me Apeshit

The best one I saw this month was Dirt First!

On May 9, 2005, at 11:13 AM, badgergirl wrote:

 (The best T shirt I've seen (being worn)this month said Lucky You, 
 You Fucking Fuck)And so close to Mothers day, too.

Re: FLUXLIST: blogger's racklog

2005-05-09 Thread badgergirl
Why, gosh, do you really think so?

i think he''l probably lose the will to go on after a while

Oh Odin's Underpants its a B(owman)LOG

Re: FLUXLIST: ridger's blackclock

2005-05-09 Thread badgergirl
Just because we keep adding these wee bitty little emails?

or wimp out and swear blind a virus wiped his mail

Oh Odin's Underpants its a B(owman)LOG

Re: FLUXLIST: roger's backlit

2005-05-09 Thread badgergirl
The devil you say!  He's a game fellow. Why I bet he'll slog through the entire 
unholy mess.  And then issue a stamp. 

Or maybe a T shirt.


(The best T shirt I've seen (being worn)this month said Lucky You, You Fucking 
Fuck)And so close to Mothers day, too.

Re: FLUXLIST: monkey spanks

2005-04-21 Thread badgergirl
I am fully prepared not only to subtitle, but to sub-subtitle, supertitle, 
super-subtitle, sub-supertitle, sabertoothtitle, and, of course, submarine 

But not necessarily in that order.

References upon request.

Kiss Kiss,


re written by roger stevens and michael leigh with plastic models by sol nte 
and backdrop painted by carol starr, subtitles - meryl, calligraphieded by ms 

soundtrack by rod stasik

probbly better if i stop eh?


Re: FLUXLIST: Joyeux Anniversaire Isidore Lucien Ducasse/Comte de Lautreamont!

2005-04-04 Thread badgergirl
Happy Birthday to Isidore Lucien Ducasse--Comte de Lautreamont!Born today, 
1846 in Montevideo, UruguayThe imagnation soars in thinking what one might do 
to celebrate! 

something involving an umbrella, a sewing machind, and a disecting table, I 
should think.


Re: Re: Re: FLUXLIST:six lousy names for girls

2005-04-01 Thread badgergirl

1. Feebie

2. LaTrina

3. Advil

4. Yeller

5. Broomhilda

6. Mud

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: whut fluxus means to me#65440;

2005-03-24 Thread badgergirl
It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing.  (It's true!  You can look it 


Re: FLUXLIST: Also NYC, but later

2005-03-18 Thread badgergirl
I'm in NYC daily.  And haven't seen any of you mugs since whenever that meeting 
of the glands happened a few years ago. You remember, the vegetarian dim sum 

Melissa!  You were there, and Kathy F. so were you, and at least two Allens, 
(Bowman, I think I'll miss you most of all...), and Fabrice, and then it gets a 
little dim

Let me know, Ann, as your arrival time approaches. I'm sure something can be 


So, let me see if I understand this:  Suze was told to pipe down by Madawg?!   
By Madawg, who has to respond to each and every posting, no matter what?  
That's too funny for words (if it's true). 

I'll also be in NY, but later this month and into the next--will visit from
March 31-April 4. Who is there? Could we meet?

Ann Klefstad

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: Shameless gulp

2005-03-04 Thread badgergirl
It doesn't seem that the wine is working for you.  You would most likely 
benefit from a large amount of Vodka.  Twice daily, at least.

 Date: 2005/03/03 Thu PM 08:42:11 EST
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Shameless gulp
 sorry--I HAVE HAD TOO MUCH WINE--oops didnt mena to capitalize-Dawg

FLUXLIST: Shameless Plug

2005-03-02 Thread badgergirl
Have a look why doncha?

It's my cohorts little shop.  He wrote the books, I designed the jackets.  The 
T-shirt is a different story.

And, to Crispin, regarding your litte shop:  I urge you to produce an I Hate 
Art messenger bag.  It'll sell here in NYC, what with it being so ironical and 

Gosh, but I do love CafePress.  We really are a nation of shopkeepers aren't we?



Re: Re: FLUXLIST: a fluxus experience

2005-02-24 Thread badgergirl
I'm tellin ya!  George Herriman, Don Marquis, wotthehell...wotthehell
 From: Ann Klefstad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2005/02/23 Wed PM 07:33:28 EST
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: a fluxus experience
 On 2/23/05 5:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a message dated 2/16/05 4:22:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Stoot a tipee witt a weegwom
   i would love to know a little (a lot) more about this book...
  sorry about the delay-been gone- the book is called Hiawatta   witt no 
  poems by Milt Gross-the book states he is the creator of Nize Baby- it was
  printed in 1928- which is interesting since that was the surrealism era-but 
  can't figure out if its influenced by that or not. Dawg
 Sounds more like it is influenced by Krazy Kat, or the other humorous lit
 etc inspired by Yiddish and other immigrant accents. Krazy has much the same
 utterly homey mamaloschen charm mixed with antic wit.

Re: FLUXLIST: weegwom/wig warm

2005-02-24 Thread badgergirl
A few years ago, I saw a production of The Mikado by the only surviving Yiddish 
theatre company in New York.

It was beyond belief.  I think all of Gilbert and Sullivan would benefit from 
Yiddishazation.  And Verdi, too.  And for super-uber-surreal effect: Wagner in 

Now, that's opera, Doc.

 From: David-Baptiste Chirot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2005/02/24 Thu AM 11:02:56 EST
 Subject: FLUXLIST: weegwom/wig warm

Ann is right that this book comes out of the Krazy Kat tradition--it also reminds me a bit of the Hyman Kaplan stories by Leo Rosten--
and as wel the adverstsing jingles and slogans of the time period--burma Shave, too--there is even a William Carlos Willaims poem from the early 20's with the lush adverstsing re pastoral haunts for susburban living--it wa s time of the big real estate booms which went bust by end of the decade
there is an older American humor traditon with the misspelling and mispronunciation of words--Artemus Ward was the most famous, writing in the 1860-70s--was one of th best known popular writers of his time period--
he played on the fact that even with the Webster's Dictionary out, the American language had not been widely standardized in its spellings and pronunciations--i wish i still had his book! you can find his pieces stlil in anthologies of american humor--just amazing!--one i recall story where the mix up comes from kids trying to understand a book on various exotic anaimals--
they are reading about a creature called the Boy Constructor--who lives in the jungles--they are trying to figure out what the heck the Boy Constructor does there--it turns out what they are reading is Boa Constrictor!--the stories are all in that vein--Mark twain also used this a lot--the use of dialects and local spellings, totally arbitrary many of them--Ring lardner did later as well--into time period of the "weegwom"--
but there is long fascination with these mixups with language and surreal plays on words--seem to "be as American as apple pie"--
after all, the _expression_ "OK" is supposed ot have come from our own President Jackson--the mighty backwoodsman--he would sign documents "OK" which he thought was short for "all correct"!--so you can see that the Boy Constructor not such a stretch in that world!nor the weegwom for as Ann pointed out, Yiddish speaking immiigrants and neighborhoods--playijng a very large new role in American culture--this was where Mr Kaplan comes from in the Leo Rosten stories--is how he is going to night school in english Second language--i would highly recommend Mr Kaplan's version of MacBeth!
and i have seen out now the dictionary of Yiddish terms employed in the American legal system today-!
as "wol" woul write it in Winie the Pooh "bakson"! (wol being how the supposedly wise owl spells his name--)
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: a fluxus experience
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 18:04:29 EST

In a message dated 2/16/05 4:22:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Stoot a tipee witt a weegwom
 i would love to know a little (a lot)more about this book...

sorry about the delay-been gone- the book is called "Hiawatta witt no odder
poems" by Milt Gross-the book states he is the creator of Nize Baby- it was
printed in 1928- which is interesting since that was the surrealism era-but I
can't figure out if its influenced by that or not. Dawg
 Find files on your PC instantly with the new MSN Toolbar Suite beta – FREE! 

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: a fluxus experience

2005-02-18 Thread badgergirl
Yes, indeed, I realize it's a parody of Hiawatha (which, as you plainly 
understand, borders on parody all by itself).  But it seems to have been 
improved by someone writing very much in the style of Don Marquis, writing as 
Archy the cockroach (Ah, little scatter-footed scarab!).

 From: David-Baptiste Chirot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2005/02/18 Fri AM 08:32:24 EST
 Subject: Re: Re: FLUXLIST: a fluxus experience

It's in part a parody of Longfellow's famous poem "Hiawatha"--and the romatnic ideas of the wilderness, freedom. (let alone Indians) etc--now settled by suburbs--up for sale
From: badgergirl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Re: FLUXLIST: a fluxus experience
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 15:24:00 -0500

That sounds remarkably like Don Marquis (of Archy and Mehitable fame).Who is the author of this poetic gem?
  Date: 2005/02/16 Wed PM 05:54:45 EST
  Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: a fluxus experience
  there is (sadly) a wonderful used book store closing its doors and everything
  drastically reduced. I was perusing the shelves and found this incredibly
  fluxy poetry book. The title :Hiawatta . The first few pages go like this: On de
  shurrs from Geetchy Goony,
 Stoot a tipee witt a weegwom
 Frontage feefty fitt it mashered
  Hopen fireplaze---izzy payments
  On de muggidge izzy payments
  For one femily a weegwom
  In de liss a cluzz"no cheeldren"
  Stoot a warning "Hedults honly"
  I'll spare you the rest--unless of course you want me to go on the book
  was printed in 1928

 Try the new Beta version of MSN Messenger - it's FREE! 

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: a fluxus experience

2005-02-17 Thread badgergirl
That sounds remarkably like Don Marquis (of Archy and Mehitable fame).  Who is 
the author of this poetic gem?
 Date: 2005/02/16 Wed PM 05:54:45 EST
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: a fluxus experience
 there is (sadly) a wonderful used book store closing its doors and everything 
 drastically reduced. I was perusing the shelves and found this incredibly 
 fluxy poetry book. The title :Hiawatta . The first few pages go like this: On 
 shurrs from Geetchy Goony,
Stoot a tipee witt a weegwom
Frontage feefty fitt it mashered
   Hopen fireplaze---izzy payments
   On de muggidge izzy payments
   For one femily a weegwom
   In de liss a cluzzno cheeldren
   Stoot a warning Hedults honly
 I'll spare you the rest--unless of course you want me to go on the book 
 was printed in 1928

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: what did you sip today?

2005-02-04 Thread badgergirl
David B/C:

As you bear a striking resemblance to Serge Gainsbourg, I'm quite taken aback 
to hear you grew up in Vermont.

Vermont must be more louche than I imagined.

 From: David-Baptiste Chirot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2005/02/04 Fri PM 02:51:12 EST
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what did you sip today?

home made blue flame coffee
home squeezed grapefruit juice
i have a hankering to drink in some of thew snow melt trickling gaily down the streets towards pooling puddles-
yet is the city--
so --better no to to! yet the desire doesn't go away--
growing up in vermont we'd drink freely of this melt, so cool and fesh and smelling slightly of pine . . .
From: Cecil Touchon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what did you sip today?
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 22:57:45 -0600


tequila tonic

port wine and cavier

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 MSN Premium helps protect against viruses, hackers, junk e-mail & pop-ups. 

Re: RE: FLUXLIST: Re: Stewart Home

2005-01-24 Thread badgergirl
Was it Stewart Home who wrote The Night They Invented Shampoo and Beat Your 
Relatives to a Bloody Pulp, or am I thinking of someone else?

 From: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2005/01/24 Mon AM 04:46:33 EST
 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Re: Stewart Home
 I love Stewart Home's stuff.
 I've got various odds and ends and a very good book which I can't find
 at the moment but I'll have a hunt for. Or it might be Joe's. He did a
 series of Smile magazines donkeys years ago which were excellent.
 Worth searching out. Try a search for Neoism.
 It's a blog!
 Buy a book
 Visit The Poetry Zone
 -Original Message-
 Sent: 22 January 2005 19:43
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: stewart home
 In a message dated 1/22/05 9:24:24 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Jan 20 2005, at 15:14, David-Baptiste Chirot wrote:
 i was wondering if any one else has read Stewart Home's book THE
 ASSAULT ON CULTURE  From Letrrisme to Neoism and Class War
 no- but I just saw Foster's Home of Imaginary Friends on TV last
 night-by Madawg


2005-01-24 Thread badgergirl
I give you this.  Because I care.


Re: Re: FLUXLIST: just wondering

2005-01-20 Thread badgergirl
That depends.  Is the person facing the oncoming train or facing away?

 Date: 2005/01/20 Thu PM 01:26:50 EST
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: just wondering
 when a person is hit by a freight train does he or she feel like they have 
 the flu?


2005-01-19 Thread badgergirl
I emerge from hibernation (temporarily) to say hurrah for Sol!

Back to sleep now...

 Hi all,
 In order to redress the loss of Allen Bukoff's Fluxlist companion site:
 Yesterday evening I purchased as well as 100Mb of web space to
 go with it. My plan is to build a new fluxlist companion site as well as
 reinstate all the fluxlist sites that I and others have made in the past but
 consolidate them in one place. This is something I would have done before
 buy I never wanted to upset Allen Bukoff since he ran the list companion
 My plan is to provide the following on
 1) A list of fluxlist members and any other Fluxus artists who wish to be
 listed. The name listing will link to your website.
 2) A list of Fluxus documents: essays, texts interview etc.  I hope those
 who've published on Fluxus will be generous enough to allow me to reproduce
 some of that material on the web.
 3) Interviews: Begin an interview program with new and old Fluxus artists.
 Many of you will no doubt be able to help with that.
 4)Website archive: I will archive all Fluxlist websites. This means that all
 the pages here and there we've had over the years can be collected together
 in one place, of course they can still remain in their original location
 Okay, well that's the start. If you have any more ideas let me know.

Re: FLUXLIST: rap star

2004-09-17 Thread badgergirl
I don't believe you.

 From: brian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/09/16 Thu PM 11:35:29 EDT
 Subject: FLUXLIST: rap star
 I own a Nintendo Gamecube.


2004-09-14 Thread badgergirl
Emo is more like young and depressed.
 From: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/09/14 Tue PM 02:08:31 EDT
 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Avast
 No - it is an emo band.
 Stuart did tell me what it was - but I've already forgotten.
 It was something young and modern.
 It's a blog!
 Buy a book
 Visit The Poetry Zone
 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of michael leigh
 Sent: 14 September 2004 17:04
 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Avast
  --Roger, just looked at you excellent rabbit press
 website and noticed Stuart is in an emo band. What
 is this?
 I imagine it's a typo and it should be an emu band -
 a homage to Rod Hull?
 - Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  I'm at a school in November that's having a
  pirate-themed book week.
  So - a useful site for me.
  It's a blog!
  Buy a book
  Visit The Poetry Zone
  -Original Message-
  On Behalf Of Sol Nte
  Sent: 14 September 2004 11:53
  Subject: FLUXLIST: Avast
  So I saw this mentioned elsewhere and felt it needed
  sharing. I would
  however question the authenticity of this particular
  analysis of pirate
  September 19 - International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
 It's another blog!
 Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!

Re: FLUXLIST: you're welcome

2004-09-02 Thread badgergirl
knot wit meow Kant
 From: Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/09/02 Thu PM 12:26:46 EDT
 Subject: FLUXLIST: you're welcome
 ewe canned ghetto whey weave nodding Noah daze!
 You're welcome.  Contraction of you are.

Re: FLUXLIST: the art world

2004-08-31 Thread badgergirl
February 18, 1979.  I believe it was a Thursday.  Eight twenty-two a.m.

I hope this answers your question.

 From: brian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/08/30 Mon PM 03:03:10 EDT
 Subject: FLUXLIST: the art world
 i need to get his out of my OCD side
 i'm not too hip on what is going on in the 
 art world magazines, and present day 
 movements, but when did  outsider art , 
 become a label someone affixes to their
 own work?
 i need a precise day and time.  
 also a lunar phase table.
 welcome to my parlor.

Re: FLUXLIST: windex

2004-08-31 Thread badgergirl
It's never clear.  Don't worry about it.

 From: brian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/08/30 Mon PM 06:32:46 EDT
 Subject: FLUXLIST: windex
 i never know how clear it is...or was.
 welcome to my parlor.

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: Brian's list

2004-08-31 Thread badgergirl
  Had a cell phone for three days once.  Returned it.  I don't want to 
  be that accessible.
 I have one - but it never rings...

Have you plugged it in?
  I have a driver's  license but almost never drive.  I walk or take 
  mass transit.
 Hmmm - lived in the US and got into the car habit. Ameliorating factor - 
 it's a very small car (Renault Clio 1.2).

We have a gold and black Mini Cooper, but would have certainly gotten a Renault if one 
could A) still get 'em in the US B) get a mid-sixties model of the type that used to 
be sold in the US.
   I don't like the idea of E-books.  Too clean.
 Agreed. Used to work in publishing, and there's nothing quite like the 
 smell of a new book.

I still work in publishing.  Coincidence, or what?


Re: RE: FLUXLIST: Baltimore Fluxlist/Museum you see em experiences

2004-08-10 Thread badgergirl
doesn't Blaster Al Ackerman work in a bookstore in Baltimore?  Or am I halucinating 
again (bother!)

 From: John M. Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/08/10 Tue AM 11:12:24 EDT
 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Baltimore Fluxlist/Museum you see em experiences
 And there's also the first rate bookstore known as
 425 E 31st St.
 Balto 21218
 and at
 At 09:37 AM 8/10/2004 -0500, you wrote:
 There sure seem to be so many fluxlist people in Baltimore!--I have been 
 forwarding the mails to friends in Baltimore--(non-Fluxus though one very 
 involved in Mail Art, visual poetry, poetry and painting)--
 Baltimore has the only sports team named for a poetry figure--The Ravens, 
 from Poe!--with their superstar accused formerly of murder Ray Lewis--
 A few days ago a friend forwarded a piece in the Washinton papers--re zines--
 again!--in Baltimore!--
 a bookstore and site highly recommended for finding lot of zines:
 atomic books  their site
 also mentioned
 maybe we all live in Baltimore and just don't know it!
 i spent once a very happy afternoon with John Waters--was to be an 
 interview--having tea--we decided to go walk about so i cd show him some 
 alleys and so forth--(this was in Cambridge, MA)--talked about crazy 
 vintage, junk and antique stores in baltimore, all the characters in that 
 scene--(my mom long involved with that in Vermont so he wanted to hear of 
 the people there)--
 last week a friend took myself and another fella to see immense egyptian 
 exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum--spectacular exhiit here for many 
 months--the final stage of the journey is to be inside a huge multi somber 
 hued tomb-coverd with hieroglyphs--mainly texts form THE BOOK OF THE DEAD--
 exiting this, you
 move along a slwoly sloping corridor--and emerge--into the giftshop!
 so this was the journey of the soul into the afterlife!
 immortality for sale!souvenirs!--postcards! 
 keychains!--statuettes--pens--cds--an explosin of light and glitter!--what 
 a relief-- that long journey through darkness-and here we are!--in the 
 gift shop of immortality--
 in a way i suppose this is also a Visionary Museum Experience--
 the Art Museum here is free on Mondays and Saturdays--before noon 
 entrances--if you live in the County--wander among the excellent American 
 Folk Art rooms, the rooms of Haitian paintings-
 and inspiring indeed to me with these is the Papua New Guinea diorama at 
 Public Museum--free all day on Mondays--the beings in 
 it--seem--uncannily--to be whom i am part of i some way!--i want to move 
 in!--and there are no gifts stores among the Head Hunters!--those heads 
 are not for sale!--
 art for the people!--though some heads ARE for sale-- Paco, Puerto Rican 
 street person alcoholic friend of mine--had emerged form among 
 alleys--needed some cash--and produced for me a head looking like King 
 Kong'!--carved out of a cocont--with great carvings for nose mouth eyes, 
 painted, the teeth immense rows gleaming white--the hair made of cocunut 
 my duagher and i had just been speaking of coconuts--her name is covay so 
 sometimes called coconut--so of course, i had to bring her a cocout head!
 -- pop-up blocking with the 
 new MSN Toolbar – get it now!
 Dr. John M. Bennett
 Curator, Avant Writing Collection
 Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
 The Ohio State University Libraries
 1858 Neil Av Mall
 Columbus, OH 43210 USA
 (614) 292-3029

Re: FLUXLIST: Being bitchy

2004-08-09 Thread badgergirl
Of course she's bitchy.  She's a dawg.


 From: secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/08/07 Sat AM 01:26:43 EDT
 Subject: FLUXLIST: Being bitchy
 I was speaking for myself, not for Secret Fluxus. Your comment suggest that 
 Don has been whining on his site.
 I didn't think you were whining. I thought you were being bitchy. It has 
 been my impression that many of your comments to Fluxlist are complaints 
 about the projects and activities of other Fluxlisters.
 That feeling came through in your note to Don.
 Osman Bey
 Secret Fluxus
 I wasnt whining -well maybe I was whining about whiners and oddly enough 
 retfluxus took slight offense-hmmm-Madawg//P.S. the last of the addenda 
 It's fast, it's easy and it's free. Get MSN Messenger today!

FLUXLIST: virtual art terrorism

2004-07-27 Thread badgergirl
It seems that my sig. other has discovered one of these virtual interactive 
universes.  It's like the Sims, but this one is called Second Life.  Anyone else 
familiar with this?  Personally, I think it's idiotic.  All they seem to do there is 
shop and nearly sort of pick each other up (as far as I can tell, no one has any 
virtual genitalia,  so they can't be getting up to much naughtiness).

However, it made me think that if a group of people from this list were to join en 
masse, much hilarity could ensue.  Just thinking of what could be done with the 
avatars (the virtual people you get to put together and move around through the 
landscape)makes me go all woozy. One can also build peculiar and confusing things.

If nothing else, we could have a contest to see which one of us gets banned for life 
first. It costs ten bucks to join up.

What a world, what a world


Re: Re: FLUXLIST: A fascinmating test

2004-07-20 Thread badgergirl
I did notice the mispellink of fascinatmating, but I thought it a rather endearing 
mispellink, and so let it be.

(I confess, my day job is editing at a NYC publishing company.)
 From: michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/07/19 Mon PM 04:26:59 EDT
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: A fascinmating test
 ---Give the girl a cigar!  Yes, I must admit that
 spellink insnt wun of my ggod points and doubled with
 a tendency to rush my tip tapping  well errr..
 quadruples my abilty to spell a maximum of worms.
 You will notice also that fascinmating is also
 spellt wrongly, or didnt you notice that one?
 In a big cup.
  badgergirl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  6 and
 you mispelled experience.
   From: michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: 2004/07/18 Sun AM 08:42:41 EDT
   Subject: FLUXLIST: A fascinmating test
   -Here's a fascinating test someone sent me
  recently. I
   expect you all know it but how many Fs are in
   Answers please
   to Michael
   who awaits your e-mails with
   baited breath
  Yahoo! Messenger - so many all-new ways to
  express yourself
 ___ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger 
 - so many all-new ways to express yourself

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: A fascinmating test

2004-07-20 Thread badgergirl
Snuck is a word.  It's the past tense of sneak.  It's considered a casual usage, but 
a legit one.  He snuck up behind the rhino, a pumpkin hidden in his parka.  See?

 Date: 2004/07/19 Mon PM 06:28:01 EDT
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: A fascinmating test
 In a message dated 7/19/04 10:00:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Shouldn?t that be wrongly?
 I think that might be a bit old english and when did snuck become a word?

Re: FLUXLIST: A fascinmating test

2004-07-19 Thread badgergirl
6 and you mispelled experience.
 From: michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/07/18 Sun AM 08:42:41 EDT
 Subject: FLUXLIST: A fascinmating test
 -Here's a fascinating test someone sent me recently. I
 expect you all know it but how many Fs are in the
 Answers please
 to Michael
 who awaits your e-mails with
 baited breath
 ___ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger 
 - so many all-new ways to express yourself

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: Reading Matters

2004-07-16 Thread badgergirl
Ah, Soseki!  Have you read Kokoro?  That was my first Soseki.  If you have any 
interest in Japanese youth literature (of about 20 years ago, admittedly) I recommend 
Almost Transparent Blue by Ryu Murakami.  It was touted as the Japanese Clockwork 
orange.  It wasn't quite that good, but still very interesting and worth a look.

Recent (worthwhile) reading:

Wilson by David Mamet (intentionally confounding, but worth the effort - quite 

Imaginative Qualities of Actual Things by Gilbert Sorrentino

Americana by Don Delillo

Life Turns Man Up and Down: High Life, Useful Advice, and Mad English - African Market 
Literature, edited by Kurt Thometz (This is out of print but still findable -  it's 
too wonderful to describe.)

 From: aliceklar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/07/15 Thu PM 12:22:44 EDT
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Reading Matters
 i am reading dharma punx - noah levine and middlesex -
 jeffery eugenides. plus man and his symbols - jung, a
 beginner's guide to constructing the universe -
 michael s. schneider. i switch a lot when i get bored
 of it. some good ones i liked this year are i am a cat
 by natsume soseki as well as botchan. i like the
 japanese way of thinking in literature. great sense of
 --- Ann Klefstad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've been reading Christopher Logue's really
  fantastic retellings of the
  Iliad, lots sexier than Troy by many powers of 10.
  The Husbands is one,
  All Day Permanent Red the most recent. There are
  Also lately anything by any Roth seems great. Most
  recently Joseph Roth's
  Radetzky March and his Holy Drinker (may have
  the title askew--)
  The Furies by Fernanda Eberhardt.
  Butcher's Wife by Louise Erdrich, not all great
  but w/ great passages.
  Of course and always Trilce and Posthumous Poems
  by Cesar Vallejo.
  And a spate of mid-20th century stuff, poems by
  Williams, Olson, Berryman.
  Pound's Cantos.  And even some Patchen! Who can be
  skinmeltingly lovely.
  And that sweet man John Clare. Some kind of
  cultural salvation there, if
  only we could get at it--I've got some essays on his
  work if anyone would
  care to read them. Send me offlist message and I'll
  forward, if you wish.
  On 7/13/04 2:41 AM, michael leigh
   I was wondering what the other members of the
   were reading at the moment(besides this e-mail)-
   especially, that they recommend or they have
   reading just lately.
   I used to read quite a lot but these days I find
   quite tough going to plough through a novel but
   enjoyed this book and passed it onto me. It's
   The Curious Incident of the Dog In the
   Night-time(Don't let the long winded title put you
   off!) by Mark Haddon. Published in the u.k., by
   It's about a 15 year old boy who suffers from
   Aspergers Syndrome and his quest to find out who
   killed the neighbours dog. It's quite funny and
   sometimes quite sad and written in an engaging
   dead-pan style with helpful diagrams and pictures.
   Messenger - so many all-new ways to express
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: old Address book listings - and new ones

2004-07-12 Thread badgergirl
Did I respond to this or not?  I don't remember. (The mind is going...going)


Meryl Gross
11 Barry Drive
West Orange, New Jersey

I'll get the cover out to you ASAP.

 From: aliceklar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/07/08 Thu PM 06:16:15 EDT
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: old Address book listings - and new ones
 sorry. forgot.
 c/o D.A.P.
 155 6th Avenue
 2nd Floor
 New York, NY  10013
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Alice-Im sending you another one thats uncut so you
  can cut it down to 
  size-please post your address again-thanks Dawg
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish. 

FLUXLIST: Wasted Paper Badgers

2004-07-12 Thread badgergirl
Just received truly splendid black badger notepad (and other assorted dainties)from 
Michael Leigh. He's now my best friend forever and ever! Or at least until the end of 
the day. 

I will be sending oddness to your mailbox any day now. Thanx again!


Re: FLUXLIST: Please define kitsch

2004-07-02 Thread badgergirl
I once spent an entire evening (with two other people) trying to come up with a good 
working definition of kitsch.  The conclusion we arrived at was overwrought, 
sentimental, and (generally) inexpensive.

By our definition, particularly since there are lawyers among you (there goes 
inexpensive!), I very much doubt that you're kitsch.

At least not in New Jersey, anyway.


 From: secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/07/01 Thu PM 03:40:42 EDT
 Subject: FLUXLIST: Please define kitsch
 Dear Madawg,
 Could you please define what you mean by kitsch?
 We can't tell you if we feel we are doing kitsch until
 we know what you mean by kitsch.
 Secret Fluxus
 Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 12:30:40 EDT
 Subject: FLUXLIST: question for secret fluxus
 do you feel that what you are doing is Kitsch? If not, why not?   Madawg
 Stay in touch with absent friends - get MSN Messenger

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: Kitsch

2004-07-02 Thread badgergirl

musicians who play works of long ago artists arent 
 considered Kitsch. 

Are you joking?!  There's nothing more kitsch than Wagner.  Nothing on the planet.


Re: Re: FLUXLIST: Kitsch

2004-07-02 Thread badgergirl
For shame!   Don't you know it's terribly rude to kitsch and tell.

tsk, tsk

 Date: 2004/07/02 Fri PM 05:04:25 EDT
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Kitsch


You know they gonna gang up on you. They gonna take 
your words, swirl 'em around in them little limelicked lips, and spit 'em 
back at you so fast and so hard that you gonna fall right over.

Oh my.

3 entries found for kitsch.

kitsch  (P)Pronunciation 
Sentimentality or vulgar, often pretentious bad taste, especially in 
the arts: When money tries to buy beauty it tends to purchase a kind of 
courteous kitsch (William H. Gass). 
An example or examples of kitsch.adj. 
Of, being, or characterized by kitsch: The kitsch kitchen... has 
aqua-and-white gingham curtains and rubber duck-yellow walls painted in 
a fried-egg motif (Suzanne Cassidy). 
  [German, probably of dialectal origin.]
  kitschify v. kitschy adj.[Download or Buy 

  The American Heritage Dictionary of the English 
  Language, Fourth EditionCopyright  2000 by Houghton Mifflin 
  Company.Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights 
kitsch was Word of the Day on June 21, 

Source: Word of the 
adj : of a display that is tawdry or vulgar [syn: ostentatious, 
pretentious] n : 
art in pretentious bad taste

  WordNet  1.6,  1997 Princeton 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 12:24 
  Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Kitsch
  In a message dated 7/2/04 6:52:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To make something kitsch is to render worthless, to 
affect withsentimentality and vulgarity.Now that Ive answered 
your question, Id like to turn the question aroundto ask you something, 
Madawg.Do you feel that the work of artists like Dick Higgins, 
Alison Knowles,George Brecht, Mieko Shiomi, Ken Friedman, or Robert 
Watts is kitsch? Do youfeel that their work is characterized by 
worthless pretentiousness?I dont know that I agree with 
  that definition of Kitsch. Certainly the people making Kitsch dont see it as 
  worthless. People who make Kitsch generally arent being pretentious-they are 
  being authentic. It's the cultural elite who judge it 
  so. No I wouldnt say the above mentioned artists 
  were making Kitsch and you are right in that musicians who play works of long 
  ago artists arent considered Kitsch. However Kitsch seems to be reserved for 
  visual artists.  

Re: FLUXLIST: a box of crayons

2004-07-01 Thread badgergirl
Now you're talking
 From: brian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/07/01 Thu AM 11:26:24 EDT
 Subject: FLUXLIST: a box of crayons
 a box of Crayola Crayons

Re: FLUXLIST: machine

2004-06-29 Thread badgergirl
Yee!  Tin Huey!  Contents Dislodged During Shipment!


(I was finally able to get the CD and give my poor, old, vinyl copy a rest.)

 From: allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/06/28 Mon PM 11:51:12 EDT
 Subject: FLUXLIST: machine
 I always miss the good stuff.  My friend Chris Butler (who once wrote a song called 
 I could rule the world if I could only get the parts) just sent me this URL to an 
 ebay auction.  Only it's over.  Damn.  Damn.  Damn.

Re: RE: FLUXLIST: ----- Fake Message -----

2004-06-29 Thread badgergirl
It was a real fake message. Possibly.

 From: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/06/29 Tue AM 05:35:46 EDT
 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: - Fake Message -
 Come on, now.
 This never was a fake message was it?
 Visit The Poetry Zone
 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of brian
 Sent: 29 June 2004 03:17
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: - Fake Message - 
 RE: FLUXLIST: - Original Message -
 -Fake Message-
 Behalf Of Allan
 Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 3:35 PM
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: - Fake Message - 
 - Fake Message 

Re: RE: FLUXLIST: bands and things

2004-06-29 Thread badgergirl

Yes.  Yes, you should send me all things Badgeroid.  Many things.  Lots and lots of 
things.  Badgery things. (Not to be confused with Budgerigars.)  Send them.  Send them 
all.  To me.

I am sending you a copy of Vinyl Junkies (long may it wave).  Any glaring typos are 
probably my fault.


To Carol S:  I'm going to try and scare up another copy for you.  I'll warn you before 
I mail it.


Dear Badgergril: Thank you always for your deovted ness to all things Badger!
I should send you some Wisconsin Badgers things!--
Oh yes i would love a copy of that book--illiterate--how punk!--
Monoman was a good friend of mine for many years--
yes back then i was a hard core vinyl junkie for sure!
even used to rent booth at record conventions and hustle for gems--
myself and another man were the most fanatic coilectors of james brown in town for some time--we would even be going door to door to houses in the various neighborhoods asking about old records people had sitting around--he eventually became a minister in a church there and gave up record collecting as it was listening to devil music--would only hear gospel music--(like Little Richard in many of his incarnations--)
a very fascinating sub culture--i got in to it via working/co-managing a new/used/rare record store right at edge of Harvard Square in Cambridge, MA, right on MASS. AVE--
i really got into collecting sixties punk/garage music and is part of friendship i had with Monoman--saw the very first show he ever did of The Lyres after DMZ broke up--they opened for Lou Reed at the Paradise club--blew me away and i was hooked-- MSN Toolbar provides one-click access to Hotmail from any Web page – FREE download! 

Dear Georg:
If it is a punk band is often better to have just one or two words in name--
i used to play in a hard core punk band we were Junkyard Angels--then decided that sounded too much like a bunch of junkies, so then was Depth Charge, and finally someone said let's just call it ATTACK!--
which abt summed it up!
i used to contribute to lot of little punk/hard core zines--and even had a band named after one of my little "Leisure Books", 4 pp collaged zines--the name was BIG DAY--
they were in the classic punk tradition going back to Sixties bands like the Troggs ("Wild Thing") and the Seeds ("Pushin too Hard")--two chords! NOT the obligatory three!
there are hundreds of compilations and reissues now of the great great true garage punk greats/unknowns greater than knowns out now--in the Eighties there was Sixties revival of both the punk and psyche sounds and lot new great bands out of that--
if you come across them check out DMZ which then became The Lyres, from Boston, with Jeff Connolly ("Monoman" for his obsession with record collecting only mono lps  45s)--a truly great singer and organ player raving away on ancient creaky Farfisas--
or even earlier punk like the Sonics from Seattle who had one of the all time greatest screaming singers, Gerry Roslie i think was his name-- way ahead of their time--("Psycho", "She's A Witch")--or the Johnny Burnette Trio--another awesome screaming singer--Punkabilly from late fifties--and great great guitarist, James Burton--
 From ‘will you?’ to ‘I do,’ MSN Life Events is your resource for Getting Married. 

Re: RE: FLUXLIST: bands and things

2004-06-29 Thread badgergirl
If you decide you can no longer resist the compulsion to send badger artifacts my way 
(and I strongly suggest you cease all resistance), you should send it here:

Meryl Gross
11 Barry Drive
West Orange, NJ

or, if you prefer:

Meryl Gross
c/o St. Martin's Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010

The book and assorted smalls are on their way to you, even as I type.

 From: David-Baptiste Chirot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/06/25 Fri PM 07:45:04 EDT
 Subject: Re: RE: FLUXLIST: bands and things

Dear Badgergril: Thank you always for your deovted ness to all things Badger!
I should send you some Wisconsin Badgers things!--
Oh yes i would love a copy of that book--illiterate--how punk!--
Monoman was a good friend of mine for many years--
yes back then i was a hard core vinyl junkie for sure!
even used to rent booth at record conventions and hustle for gems--
myself and another man were the most fanatic coilectors of james brown in town for some time--we would even be going door to door to houses in the various neighborhoods asking about old records people had sitting around--he eventually became a minister in a church there and gave up record collecting as it was listening to devil music--would only hear gospel music--(like Little Richard in many of his incarnations--)
a very fascinating sub culture--i got in to it via working/co-managing a new/used/rare record store right at edge of Harvard Square in Cambridge, MA, right on MASS. AVE--
i really got into collecting sixties punk/garage music and is part of friendship i had with Monoman--saw the very first show he ever did of The Lyres after DMZ broke up--they opened for Lou Reed at the Paradise club--blew me away and i was hooked-- MSN Toolbar provides one-click access to Hotmail from any Web page – FREE download! 

Dear Georg:
If it is a punk band is often better to have just one or two words in name--
i used to play in a hard core punk band we were Junkyard Angels--then decided that sounded too much like a bunch of junkies, so then was Depth Charge, and finally someone said let's just call it ATTACK!--
which abt summed it up!
i used to contribute to lot of little punk/hard core zines--and even had a band named after one of my little "Leisure Books", 4 pp collaged zines--the name was BIG DAY--
they were in the classic punk tradition going back to Sixties bands like the Troggs ("Wild Thing") and the Seeds ("Pushin too Hard")--two chords! NOT the obligatory three!
there are hundreds of compilations and reissues now of the great great true garage punk greats/unknowns greater than knowns out now--in the Eighties there was Sixties revival of both the punk and psyche sounds and lot new great bands out of that--
if you come across them check out DMZ which then became The Lyres, from Boston, with Jeff Connolly ("Monoman" for his obsession with record collecting only mono lps  45s)--a truly great singer and organ player raving away on ancient creaky Farfisas--
or even earlier punk like the Sonics from Seattle who had one of the all time greatest screaming singers, Gerry Roslie i think was his name-- way ahead of their time--("Psycho", "She's A Witch")--or the Johnny Burnette Trio--another awesome screaming singer--Punkabilly from late fifties--and great great guitarist, James Burton--
 From ‘will you?’ to ‘I do,’ MSN Life Events is your resource for Getting Married. 

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: Address book new projects

2004-06-28 Thread badgergirl
You don't have coasters in California?!
 Date: 2004/06/25 Fri PM 09:22:33 EDT
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Address book  new projects
 you can send me a beer pad-we dont have them in California-Dawg/P.O.Box 
 916/Pacific Grove, CA 93950 USA

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: the Toy Box

2004-06-25 Thread badgergirl
We were non-super and totally not great.  In fact, we sucked.  We did, however, have a 
great deal of presence.  Well, at least I did.

 From: Kathy Forer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/06/24 Thu PM 02:56:01 EDT
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: the Toy Box
 There was once this super-great, some say legendary band, we danced to 
 it a lot, called the Zobo Funn Band. Their music still jump-starts me 
 in my studio.
  Bobo's Supermarket of Sound

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: the Toy Box

2004-06-24 Thread badgergirl
 something else: my little sister (she's sixteen) play in a kind of 
 proto grunge guitar band. and they're looking for a name. 

I hereby bequeath to you (and/or your sister) the name of one of my old (old) bands:

Bobo's Supermarket of Sound

Always remember, the better the name, the worse the band. IE: The Big Fat Pet Clams 
From Outer Space.


Re: RE: FLUXLIST: Get into the spirit ?

2004-06-21 Thread badgergirl
Allow me to be of assistance.  They work with butter and eggs.  They are short-order 
cooks at the International House of Pancakes.

Ask about their orange crepes!  A delight!

 Date: 2004/06/19 Sat PM 01:50:58 EDT
 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Get into the spirit ?
 Dear Mr. And Mrs. Secret Fluxus,
 Re: As we've said before, we are not pretending to be Fluxus artists.
 Perhaps you would care to explain exactly who or what it is that you ARE
 pretending to be? I am not quite certain. Some of my guesses;
 - Grown-ups
 - Histrionicians (Practitioners of histrionics)
 - Historians
 - Comedians
 - Members of a secret society like Skull and Bones of Yale U
 - Art Students
 - Experts on ethics
 - Killjoys
 - Pompous little twerps
 - Little children with big mouths
 - Whiners
 - Wankers
 - Toy soldiers
 - Life guards
 - Nail clippers
 Please note that no offence is intended. If any of my guesses are either
 correct or incorrect it would be most helpful if you would share that
 information on the flixlist.
 Thank you ever so much!
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of secret fluxus
 Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2004 8:10 AM
 Subject: FLUXLIST: Get into the spirit ?
 Mr. Bowman,
 Why don't YOU get into the spirit of things?
 If you read the correspondence of such artists as George Maciunas and Dick 
 Higgins, you will see that they were quite careful to attribute works to the
 right artists, and they made a great point from time to time about clearing 
 up confusions and misattributions. On many occasions, both Mr. Maciunas and 
 Mr. Higgins were quite blunt in criticizing the liberties others took when 
 they recast Fluxus artists and Fluxus work into a form it never had. Other 
 Fluxus artists have also made a point of clarifying such mistakes. Ben 
 Vautier has often done so, and so has Ken Friedman.
 As we've said before, we are not pretending to be Fluxus artists. We have 
 our own views and our own interests. One of these is peforming and learning 
 from the work of other artists. This involves knowing something about who 
 did the work -- and it also involves knowing the work well enough to clear 
 up these issues. For us, attributing work correctly is a matter of simple 
 respect for the artists who created it.
 Unless you claim some special standing as a Fluxus artist, we can't see why 
 your interpretation of the Fluxus spirit has priority over ours.
 Secret Fluxus
 Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 21:30:38 +0200
 From: Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: FLUXLIST: secret fluxus' pianoforte Drop
 That's it Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. Secret Fluxus
 get into the spirit of things!
 - - Original Message -
 From: secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 8:52 PM
 Subject: FLUXLIST: Al Hansen's Piano Drop
   Dear Friends,
   As we understand it, Al Hansen's first piano drop works began in Germany
   where Mr. Hansen served in the US Army after the Second World War.
   This was long before Mr. Hansen had ever heard of Yoko Ono and long 
   Ms. Ono began working as an artist.
   We have never seen this work titled Yoko One Piano Drop. We might be
   of course, and Mr. Hansen may have created a new title later. As far as 
   know, however, this is Mr. Hansen's work, and it has nothing to do with
   Secret Fluxus
 Express yourself with cool new emoticons

Re: Re: FLUXLIST:Stepford Wives recipes

2004-06-16 Thread badgergirl
A pitcher of martinis, five bottles of valium, and a can of spray cheeze.


Oops!  Sorry, the above is for a Valley of the Dolls party.  My bad.
 Date: 2004/06/15 Tue PM 04:03:24 EDT
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST:Stepford Wives recipes
 I'm having a Stepford Wives party this week and am looking for recipes from 
 the sixties or seventies. Anyone have anything? Dawg

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: Mail Art??? hey Jay

2004-06-10 Thread badgergirl
If you're a dawg, wouldn't that make you Pointer of Dark?  Although I suppose you 
could be CockerSpaniel of Dark, or Sheepdog of Dark, or even Yorkshire Terrier of Dark.


 my address: Madawg Painter of Dark/ P.O.Box 916/Pacific Grove, CA 

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: Mail Art???

2004-06-09 Thread badgergirl
Perhaps he means ChainMail art.  You keep adding links until you've knitted yourself a 

 From: michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/06/09 Wed AM 09:37:26 EDT
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Mail Art???
  ---I havent heard of that either. Mule Art rings a
 bell though?
  Allan Revich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  He
 means male art.
  - Original Message - 
  From: michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 3:37 AM
  Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Mail Art???
   Never heard of it!
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
Anyone on this list into Mail Art? Anyone know
to get started in it?


jay marvin
   Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly...Ping 
   your friends today! Download Messenger Now
 Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly...Ping 
 your friends today! Download Messenger Now

Re: RE: FLUXLIST: Man Blurts Dog - call for entries

2004-05-28 Thread badgergirl

 From: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/05/28 Fri AM 04:52:30 EDT
 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Man Blurts Dog - call for entries
 Man Bites Dog
 42-page book made of fur, teeth, skin and bones
 Kathy Forer, Roger Stevens
 story so far: 14 wolverines and one lap dog chase a badger. But the 
 badger is too fast and burrows beneath a paintbrush stuck in a stone. 
 In the burrow are mushrooms and grain. The badger makes a badger 
 ambrosia of the grain and mushrooms and is soon asleep. Hours later, 
 the badger is awakened by the noise of wood against stone. It is night 
 and the lap dog is yapping. The wolverines have surrounded the stone 
 and are chanting an incantation. The badger doesn't breathe, not a 
 whisker moves.
 It was a dense night. Stumble patterns and brave yapping set apart the
 party of owl elves and gnome mimics as they writhed and chased and
 spurned the undergrowth around the latest beige badger silting. In the
 brave distance behove the strange and incandescent foreshadows of
 wolverines and greenish melon lights upon the substantial forest fare.
 Young Zonograph, the tallest owl elf snuffed his warps harp and muttered
 I can hear a badger. The badger is in trouble. I scents wolverines.
 Hurry there is no stone unready ton roll upturned in this lackadaisical
 pre-momentary of the word fandango.


What's all this, then! Uncle Walt awoke with a tart.  Carefully smearing the remains 
of his last bottle of bright orange nail varnish into his hair, he feebly crawled out 
of the hole. Lulu, meanwhile, disappeared into a cravat.

There's badgers in there, I tells ya.  I don't want to go to the steak house no 
more!  Several of the badgers loitering around the enormous bonfire giggled loudly.  
A wolverne chuckled quietly to himself.

Later that same day, 3,000 red-headed women converged on the small appliance 
department at Macy's.  There was a sale, you see.  Yousee left the apartment in a 
shambles.  Tucking it under her badger, she moved the entire affair slightly to the 
south of Turkey.  What's all this then?! shouted Blarney the turkey buzzard.  This 
doesn't look like a chestnut to me 

Re: RE: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?

2004-05-27 Thread badgergirl
Ominous, I would say.  Although, some days I'm just really easy to invoke.  Other 
days, well, less so.

 That's twice I've thought of you in the last week. Weird, eh?
 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: May 24, 2004 4:12 PM
 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?
 Hey Badger Girl
 With all the hoo ha going on I was only thinking this morning - haven't
 heard from badger girl for a while
 And here you are
 Hi! How's it going?
 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of badgergirl
 Sent: 24 May 2004 18:37
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?
 No, no!  That goes down stairs Alone or in pairs.
 -Original Message-
 From: jonah hex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: May 23, 2004 8:23 PM
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?
 I thought Fluxus was a slinky...or, um...

Re: FLUXLIST: Wolverines and badgers. Holy Toledo, Batman!

2004-05-27 Thread badgergirl
Nonsense!  Wolverines are just bigger than badgers.  Wolverines are simply 
bad-tempered, while badgers are bad-tempered and cunning (and, being closer to the 
ground, more cthonic).  Of course, there is the honey badger kills for sport, just 
like people do.  

Badger also pops up as a trickster figure from time to time, though not nearly as 
often as coyote.  Of course, the American south has Brer Rabbit (rabbit appears as a 
trickster figure in both African and Amer Indian cultures). And, although I'm somewhat 
arachniphobic, Anansi is one of my favorite trickster figures.

Wolverines more interesting? The very idea!  Feh.


 I think we can all agree that Wolverines are a lot  more interesting and exotic than 

Re: Re: FLUXLIST: re: ambrosia salad

2004-05-27 Thread badgergirl

Have a look at The Gallery of Regrettable Food by James Lileks (you can find a scaled 
down version at his web site under the Institute of Official Cheer 

 if i can find some images of ambrosia will send --i found recently a 1952 
 Borden's Eagle Brand Recipe Book--the photos, in color, are beyond 
 surrealism--of the various cakes, fruit bearing concoctions--they look 
 like pure plastic, in horrendous off-colors--some look like the colors on 
 old De Sotos--and the post 1956 Nash Ramblers-
  From: Amy Baylaurel Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: re: ambrosia salad
  Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 16:44:15 -0700 (PDT)
  can i buy THAT at the deli? maybe thats what we
  need..some alcohol fluxus art..i'd like to get drunk
  and run around re-arranging lawn
  animals/gnomes/ornaments on lawnsis it considered
  criminal trespass if it's art? amy baylaurel casey
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 5/25/04 7:01:43 PM,
 anyone done any ambrosia salad art?

i made an ambrosia with apricot brandy for a party
once-we were all drinking
out of the bowl by the end.
  Do you Yahoo!?
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 Dr. John M. Bennett
 Curator, Avant Writing Collection
 Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
 The Ohio State University Libraries
 1858 Neil Av Mall
 Columbus, OH 43210 USA
 (614) 292-3029

Re: FLUXLIST: badgers!.

2004-05-27 Thread badgergirl
Why Mr. Bowman!  Are you suggesting that I am taxing?  (Honestly, you wouldn't be 
the firstOr the last, I dare say.)


 From: Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/05/27 Thu PM 02:02:46 EDT
 Subject: FLUXLIST: badgers!.
 in italian the word for badger is the same for that as tax
 bum doo de dum dum do, 
 bum doo de dum dum do, 
 bum doo de dum dum do, 
 cos i'm teh badgerman, yeah he,
 the badgermaa-aa-n
 we found  a badger  in a tree once in Alpago - it's true!

Re: RE: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?

2004-05-26 Thread badgergirl
Oh, yes please!!  I've got a slew of badgers I owe letters to.  Perhaps I'll send them 
the omlettes as well (although I know they prefer Oreo cookies smeared with jam, as do 

I will send you something useless and flat in return.

 From: michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/05/25 Tue PM 02:55:33 EDT
 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?
  ---Are the omlettes badger shaped? I only ask because
 I've just discovered a badger shaped notebook made
 especially for the National Trust( I think its made
 from recycled badger hair) and possibly they would buy
 the badger shaped omlettes from you for use as
 bathmats, coasters or doilies? Its worth thinking
 about. Anyway, the badger shaped notebook is yours,
 Badgergirl, if you want it? I don't know why I've kept
 hold of it for so long because the chances of me ever
 writing to a real badger are very slim.
  badgergirl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hullo
  Well, you know, all this is you am or is you ain't
  my fluxus stuff bores me silly.  Besides, I've been
  spending a lot of time working with butter and eggs.
   Now, I've got an entire room filled with omlettes
  that I don't know what to do with.  I'm thinking
  insulation.  Or possibly Ebay. Perhaps a bathmat.
  Also, I've just changed my email address,
  and I've been trying to get majordomo to accept my
  new application.  Oh Mr. Bukoff... can you give us a
  little help in this direction?
  And you, Roger Dodger?  Are you well?
  Kiss Kiss
  -Original Message-
  From: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: May 24, 2004 4:12 PM
  Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?
  Hey Badger Girl
  With all the hoo ha going on I was only thinking
  this morning - haven't
  heard from badger girl for a while
  And here you are
  Hi! How's it going?
  -Original Message-
  On Behalf Of badgergirl
  Sent: 24 May 2004 18:37
  Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?
  No, no!  That goes down stairs Alone or in
  -Original Message-
  From: jonah hex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: May 23, 2004 8:23 PM
  Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?
  I thought Fluxus was a slinky...or, um...
 Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly...Ping 
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Re: RE: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?

2004-05-26 Thread badgergirl
Ah...something to go with Al Ackermans Vienna sausage suit!

We could even cook up a food-based fashion show.  Sure, it would probably smell pretty 
bad Or better yet, we could waste a lot of time planning it, but never quite 
accomplish anything!  Hands up those of you who remember the Miss General Idea 


 From: John M. Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2004/05/25 Tue PM 12:49:49 EDT
 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?
 How about sewing all those omlettes together to make a suit?
 At 12:35 PM 5/25/2004 -0400, you wrote:
 Hullo RS!
 Well, you know, all this is you am or is you ain't my fluxus stuff bores 
 me silly.  Besides, I've been spending a lot of time working with butter 
 and eggs.  Now, I've got an entire room filled with omlettes that I don't 
 know what to do with.  I'm thinking insulation.  Or possibly Ebay. Perhaps 
 a bathmat.
 Also, I've just changed my email address,
 and I've been trying to get majordomo to accept my new application.  Oh 
 Mr. Bukoff... can you give us a little help in this direction?
 And you, Roger Dodger?  Are you well?
 Kiss Kiss
 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: May 24, 2004 4:12 PM
 Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?
 Hey Badger Girl
 With all the hoo ha going on I was only thinking this morning - haven't
 heard from badger girl for a while
 And here you are
 Hi! How's it going?
 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of badgergirl
 Sent: 24 May 2004 18:37
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?
 No, no!  That goes down stairs Alone or in pairs.
 -Original Message-
 From: jonah hex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: May 23, 2004 8:23 PM
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?
 I thought Fluxus was a slinky...or, um...
 Dr. John M. Bennett
 Curator, Avant Writing Collection
 Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
 The Ohio State University Libraries
 1858 Neil Av Mall
 Columbus, OH 43210 USA
 (614) 292-3029

RE: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?

2004-05-25 Thread badgergirl
Hullo RS!

Well, you know, all this is you am or is you ain't my fluxus stuff bores me silly.  
Besides, I've been spending a lot of time working with butter and eggs.  Now, I've got 
an entire room filled with omlettes that I don't know what to do with.  I'm thinking 
insulation.  Or possibly Ebay. Perhaps a bathmat.

Also, I've just changed my email address,


and I've been trying to get majordomo to accept my new application.  Oh Mr. Bukoff... 
can you give us a little help in this direction?

And you, Roger Dodger?  Are you well?

Kiss Kiss


-Original Message-
From: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: May 24, 2004 4:12 PM
Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?

Hey Badger Girl

With all the hoo ha going on I was only thinking this morning - haven't
heard from badger girl for a while

And here you are

Hi! How's it going?


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of badgergirl
Sent: 24 May 2004 18:37
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?

No, no!  That goes down stairs Alone or in pairs.


-Original Message-
From: jonah hex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: May 23, 2004 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?

I thought Fluxus was a slinky...or, um...

Re: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?

2004-05-24 Thread badgergirl
No, no!  That goes down stairs Alone or in pairs.


-Original Message-
From: jonah hex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: May 23, 2004 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: what is Fluxus?

I thought Fluxus was a slinky...or, um...

Re: FLUXLIST: Twelve Fluxus Ideas Revisited

2004-05-24 Thread badgergirl should read that paragraph again dawg. Carefully.

BG-Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: May 23, 2004 9:34 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Twelve Fluxus Ideas Revisited In a message dated 5/23/04 12:49:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The cast of characters on Fluxlist has probably changed a great deal sinceI left. I don't know Madawg, but I value your projects and the work youhave been doing. Some might say that I have this view because I am one ofthe artists to whom you have been extremely generous. I'd like to believethat my appreciation for your approach goes beyond this. I have alwaysgiven much time and attention to the work of other artists I admire, and Ivalue your dedication to their work as well. It always seemed to me thatFluxlist would benefit from a little more discussion of Fluxus and Fluxusideas. If you are sharing your projects on Fluxlist, you are doingsomething to make the list better.
wow! thanks Ken and Secretfluxus--thats nice 

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxus and Sex

2004-05-04 Thread badgergirl

Indeed, it's the damper, stickier, squishier end of the line (because sometimesconcrete poetry just isn't enough).

Incidentally, I believe the Cosmodemonic Telegraph Company owns my local cable franchise. Or possibly the Bavarian Illuminum Company. It's difficult to tell.

BadgerrrGrill-Original Message- From: David-Baptiste Chirot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: May 3, 2004 2:52 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxus and Sex 

oh yes
THE ROSY CRUCIFICTION: Sexus-Plexus-Nexusin TROPIC OF CAPRICORN there is the "Ovarian Trolley"--(and the Cosmodemonic/Cosmococic
Telegraph Company)--and very much logopoeia!-
kind of the opposite end of the line from fluxus!
From: badgergirl [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxus and Sex 
Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 11:46:28 -0400 (GMT-04:00) 
Long live Sexus! 
No, that's Henry Miller. 

MSN Toolbar provides one-click access to Hotmail from any Web page  FREE download! 

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxus and Sex

2004-05-03 Thread badgergirl

Long live Sexus!

No, that's Henry Miller.


Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxus is Dead! Long live Weetabix!

2004-04-14 Thread badgergirl

'Fluxus is Dead! Long live Weetabix!'

We must give this serious thought at our
next meeting.

Just try to avoid the vegemite.  You're far better off sticking to your butter and 
eggs.  And safer.


Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger?Not the first.

2004-04-14 Thread badgergirl
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger?Not the first.


vegemite is bad. very bad.
so is marmite. very bad.

you are dangerously close to being excommunicated (assuming I decide to accept you as a Weetabix Group member in the first place).


Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger? Not the first.

2004-04-09 Thread badgergirl

Reading American art magazines, though, we'd have wonder whether Kinkade
is really 'the most famous artist in America today.' That's not yet an 
fact. He is the most famous artist in a special niche, but this niche is 
credited in the museums, professional art galleries, or magazines.

If there is no history, then we could call ourselves 'Weetabix' 

I assure you, Thomas Kinkade is not the most famous artist in America today.  He is 
particularly famous among people who spend much of their time watching Cable TV 
shopping channels, but that's about it.  Oh, I tell a lie.  He's also very popular 
with those who buy art in shopping malls. 

I've heard that an actual Kinkade condo project was in the works somewhere (shades of 
Disney's Celebration village).  Scary, eh?

Also, I would very much like to officially found the Weetabix Group.  Details to 
come (if any).


Re: FLUXLIST: Asthma was:

2004-02-23 Thread badgergirl
More worried about Roy Rogers.

-Original Message-
From: jonah hex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Feb 22, 2004 3:34 PM
Subject: FLUXLIST: Asthma was:

always worrying about triggers.

Re: FLUXLIST: Sid - 25 years on

2004-02-04 Thread badgergirl
Oh dear... I saw the pistols when they played the infamous 20 minute set at Irving 
Plaza back in, what could it have been? 1980? 79? 81?  Can't remember, all too blurry. 
 It was quite a scene though, hilarious I thought.  But I kept to the sides and thus 
avoided most of the gobbing and beer flinging.

Also, my beau was a resident of the Chelsea when poor Sid checked out (for good).  He 
told me Sid used to bum cigarettes off him (no surprise there) and looked to weigh 
about 80 pounds (no surprise there, either).

I feel ancient.  Just call me Grandma Goth (although I'm probably slightly more 


PS: Back in the day, anyone worthy of their punk biscuits on the east coast knew of  
(and very often, worshipped) Nina Hagen.  

-Original Message-
Sent: Feb 3, 2004 9:13 AM
Subject: FLUXLIST: Sid - 25 years on

Hi all,

It's 25 years today since Sid Vicious died and I wanted to listen to some
classic Sid and lo did Google yield and so I thought I'd share this link
with the list

Sid doing My Way  (real audio format)

and this one with info about Sid Vicious

Whilst Sid was no great talent he did exemplify the have-a-go spirit which
was so vital to punk and which arguably could be traced back to those
fifties avant-garde currents which declared that everbody is an artist.

Anyway, if you've not heard it Sid's version of My Way is fantastic, much
better than Sinatra's IMHO.



Re: FLUXLIST: Only 169 to go

2004-01-14 Thread badgergirl

Or, try,

Why Mr. Bowman!  You're beautiful!




Hullo, can I borrow twenty dollars?


Ying tong iddle i po

 Has anyone any suggestions as to what my actual first words should be
 when we meet for the first time?


We meet at last Mr.Bowman


They said you'd be taller


This isn't Wyoming


It is I, LeClair


Good Moaning

(actually forget the last twosorry, this is what happens when they
repeat allo allo



Re:FLUXLIST: NYC 11-16-03

2003-11-12 Thread badgergirl
She would be if she were not scheduled to the teeth with things she'd rather not do 
and people she'd rather not see.  I must hire an antisocial secretary or stop writing 
things down in my Filofax so diligently.

One would think West Orange, New Jersey would be happier to see the back end of me 
more often.

Badger (living in booshwa splendor) Girl

-Original Message-
Sent: Nov 12, 2003 8:05 AM
Subject: Re:FLUXLIST: NYC 11-16-03

 I'm going to be in New York on the 16th (this coming Sunday) for the 

 Postcards from the Edge show to benefit the VisualAIDS project. The show is
 from 3-6pm at Galerie Lelong at 528 West 26th (between 10th and 11th).
 Anyone interested in meeting?

me me me me me ! ! ! ! !

however though but - i shall be stuck here in ol' venice town, trying desperately to 
catch the flu or anything that would warrant a week off work.

and fretting over the fact that
i/ i won't be able to meet melissa in ol' NYC.  (which in times past  proved to be a 
most enjoyable thing (until bukoff showed up!))
ii/ roger stevens is coming to venice on his jollies

darlink melissa have a pint of bass for me and a jolly good time too

is meryl the peril going to be there?


FreeformFreakout Organisation

driven by apathy