FOP 0.20.2

2001-09-21 Thread Jess Holle and Wendy Vidlak

>From reading the 0.20.1 sources it appears that the StreamHandler (or
whatever, I must confess I forgot the exact name) in the Driver's
FOPTreeBuilder will not be initialized if one uses the results of
getContentHandler() to drive the Driver with SAX messages.

I note in the latest sources this has been addressed.

I know there has been 0.20.2 discussion as of late -- I'd like some guess as
to when it is due -- lest I have to determine a workaround that will only
muddy the waters once 0.20.2 *is* available.

Jess Holle

-Original Message-
From: Shkuro, Yuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 9:57 AM
Subject: RE: Generating PDF on Fly

Yes.  See attached JSP.  Without a parameter it reads
static XML file and displays it in HTML format, with
'fo' parameter it reads the .fo file and displays PDF,
and also has a link to display static XML as PDF.  It's
easy to modify this to read external XML file and output
PDF.  It used to work with FOP 0.19 - you may need to tweak
it a little for FOP 0.20 due to API changes (namely, comment
out driver.render() and driver.format()).


-Original Message-
From: Semprini Davide [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 10:34 AM
To: fop-dev
Subject: Generating PDF on Fly


I have a question:

Is possible to generate and VISUALIZE
with a common Browser with Acrobat Reader plug-in
a PDF using a JSP that take in input a Dynamic XML?



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RE: Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread Arved Sandstrom

Absolutely, +1.

At 05:12 PM 9/21/01 -0400, Art Welch wrote:
>I was not sure if we were actually taking a vote yet... Anyhow my vote is:
>+1 to change the minimum required JVM version to 1.2.
>As has been mentioned previously, FOP already does not work with JDK 1.1
>anymore (since Batik).
>I am one of the poor souls stuck with JDK 1.1 (at least until next year
>anyway). We have been able to make a version of FOP that works under JDK 1.1
>using some 0.20 code and some old SVG stuff, but it was a royal pain.
>(Actually Badri R did most of the work on this for me). But I agree that at
>this point FOP needs to move ahead.
>(works for EastPoint Technologies - what a joke)
>-Original Message-
>From: Karen Lease [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 5:19 PM
>Subject: Re: Performance and java 1.1
>Keiron Liddle wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have been doing some performance testing so we can get an idea of how
>> things might be improving (or getting worse) with changes to the code.
>> So the question is: can we drop java 1.1 support and use better data
>> structures?
>Interesting results!
>With java 1.4 just around the corner, I think we can and should "byte"
>the bullet and stop trying to keep FOP compilable with Java 1.1. I know
>there are a few loyal Fop users out there whose corporate structures are
>still several versions behind. It's too bad for them, but FOP _is not_
>legacy software and should be able to move quickly.
>It's also hard for us to keep the code compatible since I suppose almost
>all of us are developing on at least Java 1.2.
>So +1 for me.
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Re: Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread Peter B. West

Keiron Liddle wrote:

 > Hi All,


 > Some recent changes have improved the times by about 1 - 2% but one 
 > that I have tried has made about a 60% improvement with the threaded 
 > This is by simply using HashMap instead of Hashtable. This is very
 > significant for cocoon and others who may be using fop in a threaded
 > environment. The time is changed from being twice as slow as serial to
 > faster than serial.
 > So the question is: can we drop java 1.1 support and use better data
 > structures?


Sounds good to me.

I have been assuming the Collections framework in the tinkering that I 
have been doing.  There had been some discussion earlier, and the only 
contributor to that discussion who was actually stuck on 1.1 (Alex) had 
encouraged FOP to move on.

One point though: when you changed the HashTable to a HashMap, you lost 
synchronization.  In the new design, there are going to be threads, so 
all shared access structures will need to be synchronized.  It would be 
interesting to see how much of the improvement disappears when the 
HashMap accesses are synchronized.

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 1724] - Text alignment in table cells

2001-09-21 Thread bugzilla


Text alignment in table cells

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2001-09-21 14:58 ---
The keywords left and right now (CVS 0.20.1+) work for text-align (on any block
Concerning the second issue, there is no direct inheritance from table-columns.
You must use the from-table-column function (XSL 5.10.4), but that doesn't yet
work in FOP.

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 1723] - Text alignment in table cells

2001-09-21 Thread bugzilla


Text alignment in table cells

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2001-09-21 14:54 ---
The keywords left and right now (CVS 0.20.1+) work for text-align (on any block
Concerning the second issue, there is no direct inheritance from table-columns.
YOu must use the from-table-column function (XSL 5.10.4), but that doesn't yet
work in FOP.

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cvs commit: xml-fop/src/codegen properties.xsl

2001-09-21 Thread klease

klease  01/09/21 14:42:08

  Modified:src/codegen properties.xsl
  Add support for mapping multiple keywords to the same constant in enumeration/value. 
Remove commented out stuff.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.12  +17 -21xml-fop/src/codegen/properties.xsl
  Index: properties.xsl
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/src/codegen/properties.xsl,v
  retrieving revision 1.11
  retrieving revision 1.12
  diff -u -r1.11 -r1.12
  --- properties.xsl2001/03/04 21:23:35 1.11
  +++ properties.xsl2001/09/21 21:42:08 1.12
  @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  @@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
   public Property checkEnumValues(String value) {
  -  if (value.equals("")) { return s_prop; }
return super.checkEnumValues(value);
  @@ -62,12 +64,6 @@
   protected String checkValueKeywords(String keyword) {
 String value = (String)s_htKeywords.get(keyword);
 if (value == null) {
return super.checkValueKeywords(keyword);
  @@ -442,17 +438,6 @@
  @@ -535,8 +520,6 @@
listprop = (ListProperty)propertyList.getExplicit("");
if (listprop != null) {
  // Get a parser for the shorthand to set the individual properties
  ShorthandParser shparser = new (listprop);
p = shparser.getValueForProperty(getPropName(), this, propertyList);
  @@ -593,5 +576,18 @@
  +  if (value.equals("")) { return 
s_prop; }

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cvs commit: xml-fop/src/codegen foproperties.xml

2001-09-21 Thread klease

klease  01/09/21 14:40:09

  Modified:src/codegen foproperties.xml
  Add support for values left and right in the text-align property. Fixes bugs 1723, 
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.24  +4 -2  xml-fop/src/codegen/foproperties.xml
  Index: foproperties.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/src/codegen/foproperties.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.23
  retrieving revision 1.24
  diff -u -r1.23 -r1.24
  --- foproperties.xml  2001/08/06 09:17:24 1.23
  +++ foproperties.xml  2001/09/21 21:40:09 1.24
  @@ -1127,10 +1127,12 @@
  +end right
  +start left

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RE: Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread Art Welch

I was not sure if we were actually taking a vote yet... Anyhow my vote is:

+1 to change the minimum required JVM version to 1.2.

As has been mentioned previously, FOP already does not work with JDK 1.1
anymore (since Batik).

I am one of the poor souls stuck with JDK 1.1 (at least until next year
anyway). We have been able to make a version of FOP that works under JDK 1.1
using some 0.20 code and some old SVG stuff, but it was a royal pain.
(Actually Badri R did most of the work on this for me). But I agree that at
this point FOP needs to move ahead.

(works for EastPoint Technologies - what a joke)

-Original Message-
From: Karen Lease [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Performance and java 1.1

Keiron Liddle wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have been doing some performance testing so we can get an idea of how
> things might be improving (or getting worse) with changes to the code.
> So the question is: can we drop java 1.1 support and use better data
> structures?

Interesting results!
With java 1.4 just around the corner, I think we can and should "byte"
the bullet and stop trying to keep FOP compilable with Java 1.1. I know
there are a few loyal Fop users out there whose corporate structures are
still several versions behind. It's too bad for them, but FOP _is not_
legacy software and should be able to move quickly.

It's also hard for us to keep the code compatible since I suppose almost
all of us are developing on at least Java 1.2.
So +1 for me.


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Re: Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread Karen Lease

Keiron Liddle wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have been doing some performance testing so we can get an idea of how
> things might be improving (or getting worse) with changes to the code.
> So the question is: can we drop java 1.1 support and use better data
> structures?

Interesting results!
With java 1.4 just around the corner, I think we can and should "byte"
the bullet and stop trying to keep FOP compilable with Java 1.1. I know
there are a few loyal Fop users out there whose corporate structures are
still several versions behind. It's too bad for them, but FOP _is not_
legacy software and should be able to move quickly.

It's also hard for us to keep the code compatible since I suppose almost
all of us are developing on at least Java 1.2.
So +1 for me.


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Re: Another servlet problem

2001-09-21 Thread Rajagopal. V

Its a IE bug. Look at the for how
to open PDFs from IE. IE expects ur command line to
end with a .pdf so that it will opn the PDF. I could
not find a solution ot the problem.

--- Carmelo Montanez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks!!!
> Actually I changed the servlet to use the
> "getOutputStream()" and it works
> fine even
> for non-binary data.  My new problem is the IE6 do
> not properly displays the
> PDF data, I get what seems to be PDF internal stuff
> (what you will see if
> you try to edit a PDF file in an editor).  I think
> IE6 should be able to
> read
> PDF data correctly.  Anyone aware of any details I
> need to set?
> Carmelo
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Re: Another servlet problem

2001-09-21 Thread Carmelo Montanez


Actually I changed the servlet to use the "getOutputStream()" and it works
fine even
for non-binary data.  My new problem is the IE6 do not properly displays the
PDF data, I get what seems to be PDF internal stuff (what you will see if
you try to edit a PDF file in an editor).  I think IE6 should be able to
PDF data correctly.  Anyone aware of any details I need to set?


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Re: Another servlet problem

2001-09-21 Thread Karen Lease

You could try using getOutputStream and then building your own Writer by
putting on an encoding. The IllegalState is because you can't use the
Writer and the OutputStream in the same servlet.
But it seems to me if you've already written something to the output and
the FOP output is appended on to that, it won't be a legal PDF file...


Carmelo Montanez wrote:
> Hi All:
> Thanks for the help yesterday.  I am doing a similar thing as AMIT,
> however my servlet
> gets the writer before it gets to the PDF stuff (I need it for other
> reasons) and
> I get the Exception:
> "java.lang.IllegalStateException: getWriter() has already been called for
> this response"
> Any way around that?
> Carmelo
> -
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Re: FOP support for number-rows-spanned property

2001-09-21 Thread Karen Lease


I don't think it was in 0.19.0, which is consistent with the error
The reason for the infinite loop may well be that some group of rows
which are held together by spans is too big to fit on the page. This is
a known bug, and I'm not currently working on it, as it's not that easy
to do. Like many difficult layout issues, we hope to attack this in the
However, just to make sure that there isn't some other wierd reason for
this problem, I'd be happy to look at your .fo file.


"David S. Dixon" wrote:
> Karen,
> Was number-rows-spanned support in 0.19.0?  I have an .fo file that turns into a
> .pdf file under 0.19.0 but complains of
> WARNING: Number of cell columns under table-row not equal to number of
> table-columns
> for the two rows corresponding to the spanned rows.  Under 0.20.1, fop goes into
> an infinite loop on this file.
> -dd
> Karen Lease wrote:
> > Hi Amit,
> >
> > The number-rows-spanned property is now implemented in FOP, but it
> > wasn't yet in 0.18.1. If you want to use it, you should download the
> > latest version of FOP from the website - that's 0.20.1.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Karen
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask such a question... if not, I
> > > would appreciate some information on where to find a solution to this
> > > problem :-
> > >
> > > I've been trying to use the "number-rows-spanned" property to generate
> > > tables in my PDF file using FOP 0.18.1. However, I keep getting errors - is
> > > the "number-rows-spanned" property not implemented in FOP yet?
> > >
> > > Thanks for your help
> > > amit
> > >
> > > -
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> > > For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > -
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> > For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
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Another servlet problem

2001-09-21 Thread Carmelo Montanez

Hi All:

Thanks for the help yesterday.  I am doing a similar thing as AMIT,
however my servlet
gets the writer before it gets to the PDF stuff (I need it for other
reasons) and
I get the Exception:

"java.lang.IllegalStateException: getWriter() has already been called for
this response"

Any way around that?

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FOP - Servlet Problem

2001-09-21 Thread Amit

Hi all,
I am using FOP 0.20.1 to generate PDFs from xml and
xsl files. I can generate pdfs fine on command line
however when I try using a servlet
This is the error I get:

WARNING: Unknown formatting object ^root


I first thought it might be a namespace issue but
since it works on command line that's ruled out(??)
Here is my code for the servlet:

ByteArrayOutputStream out = new
  InputHandler inputHandler = new
XSLTInputHandler(xmlFile, xslFile);
  XMLReader parser = inputHandler.getParser();

Driver driver = new
Driver(inputHandler.getInputSource(), out);;

byte[] content = out.toByteArray();

Hopefully someone can help me out...before I pull all my hair out


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Re: FOP support for number-rows-spanned property

2001-09-21 Thread David S. Dixon


Was number-rows-spanned support in 0.19.0?  I have an .fo file that turns into a
.pdf file under 0.19.0 but complains of

WARNING: Number of cell columns under table-row not equal to number of

for the two rows corresponding to the spanned rows.  Under 0.20.1, fop goes into
an infinite loop on this file.


Karen Lease wrote:

> Hi Amit,
> The number-rows-spanned property is now implemented in FOP, but it
> wasn't yet in 0.18.1. If you want to use it, you should download the
> latest version of FOP from the website - that's 0.20.1.
> Regards,
> Karen
> >
> > I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask such a question... if not, I
> > would appreciate some information on where to find a solution to this
> > problem :-
> >
> > I've been trying to use the "number-rows-spanned" property to generate
> > tables in my PDF file using FOP 0.18.1. However, I keep getting errors - is
> > the "number-rows-spanned" property not implemented in FOP yet?
> >
> > Thanks for your help
> > amit
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
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Re: [PATCH] Enhanced FOP Ant Task

2001-09-21 Thread Jeremias Maerki

Hi foppers

As promised, here's the new diff for the FOP Ant Task. I've changed the
format designators to MIME types (although the other output types are
supported, too) and added support for filesets. I didn't include support
for "-awt" and "-print", though. "-awt" IMHO makes not much sense in
this context, does it? As for "-print" I was simply too lazy. Maybe you
want to look at this yourself, Ralph. Sorry.

Some usage samples:

This simply creates a PDF from a FO file.

This generates a file in a format defined by the "format" attribute.

Please notice, that I changed the "renderer" attribute (from the first
diff) to "format". Default is still "application/pdf". You can also use
short format types:

application/pdf = pdf
application/postscript = ps
application/vnd.mif = mif
application/vnd.hp-PCL = pcl
text/plain = txt
text/xml = at = xml


This converts all FO files in a directory to PostScript and puts the
newly generated files in the directory specified by the outdir attribute.

Some remarks:
- "docs/examples/runtests newAT" produces NPEs in the XMLRenderer.
- Output by the FOP task is currently not so beautiful.

Nice weekend to all!
Jeremias Märki


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Re: Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread Christian Geisert

Alex McLintock wrote:


> PS What are the rules for an "official vote". I have been told off before
> for voicing my opinion about a vote in another Apache project. Basically
> I was told I couldn't vote because I hadn't contributed any source.
> Shockingly enough this is true for FOP too.


So you are allowed to vote but it won't count ;-)


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RE: Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread COFFMAN Steven

Committers only get votes on the projects they're comitters for.
Non-committers are encouraged to provide input without voting.

Loose projects with a lot of committers get upset when non-committers
confuse the tally by using "+1" in their input, so if you preface your
comments with, "I don't get a vote, but I'd be +1 because I think..." no one
will be confused.

The PMC can step in an overrule a wayward project full of committers, but
that's almost unheard of.

-Original Message-
From: Alex McLintock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: Performance and java 1.1

> Keiron Liddle wrote:
> [..]
> > So the question is: can we drop java 1.1 support and use better data
> > structures?

 --- Christian Geisert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> +1   (I think we should make this an "official vote")

I think that FOP is not really usable in Applets which is the only sensible 
reason for supporting JDK 1.1

PS What are the rules for an "official vote". I have been told off before
for voicing my opinion about a vote in another Apache project. Basically
I was told I couldn't vote because I hadn't contributed any source.
Shockingly enough this is true for FOP too.


Alex McLintock[EMAIL PROTECTED]Open Source Consultancy in London
OpenWeb Analysts Ltd, 
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Re: Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread Alex McLintock

> Keiron Liddle wrote:
> [..]
> > So the question is: can we drop java 1.1 support and use better data
> > structures?

 --- Christian Geisert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> +1   (I think we should make this an "official vote")

I think that FOP is not really usable in Applets which is the only sensible 
reason for supporting JDK 1.1

PS What are the rules for an "official vote". I have been told off before
for voicing my opinion about a vote in another Apache project. Basically
I was told I couldn't vote because I hadn't contributed any source.
Shockingly enough this is true for FOP too.


Alex McLintock[EMAIL PROTECTED]Open Source Consultancy in London
OpenWeb Analysts Ltd, 
SF and Computing Book News and Reviews:
Get Your XML T-Shirt  at

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Re: Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread Christian Geisert

Keiron Liddle wrote:


> So the question is: can we drop java 1.1 support and use better data
> structures?

+1   (I think we should make this an "official vote")

and AFAIK at the moment fop does not work with jdk1.1 anyway...


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Re: Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread rob

I would add to the consensus here ... I believe that requiring Java 2
collection classes is more than reasonable, particularly for this project.
I'm not sure that anyone is going to have much success deploying bleeding
edge technologies like XSL:FO if they are trapped in a 2-3 year old Java

All customers I am working with who are doing PDF rendering with FOP
are all on 1.3, 1.3.1 JVMs ... they are early adopters and technophiles by
definition.  The other guys are still using TeX  ;-)

Besides, 1.1 users can work around the use of Java 2 collection classes if
they absolutely have to, by using Sun's collections.jar and changing the
package imports in the source code.

- Rob

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RE: Generating PDF on Fly

2001-09-21 Thread Shkuro, Yuri

Yes.  See attached JSP.  Without a parameter it reads
static XML file and displays it in HTML format, with
'fo' parameter it reads the .fo file and displays PDF,
and also has a link to display static XML as PDF.  It's
easy to modify this to read external XML file and output
PDF.  It used to work with FOP 0.19 - you may need to tweak
it a little for FOP 0.20 due to API changes (namely, comment
out driver.render() and driver.format()).


-Original Message-
From: Semprini Davide [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 10:34 AM
To: fop-dev
Subject: Generating PDF on Fly


I have a question:

Is possible to generate and VISUALIZE
with a common Browser with Acrobat Reader plug-in
a PDF using a JSP that take in input a Dynamic XML?



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Generating PDF on Fly

2001-09-21 Thread Semprini Davide


I have a question:

Is possible to generate and VISUALIZE
with a common Browser with Acrobat Reader plug-in
a PDF using a JSP that take in input a Dynamic XML?



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[GUMP] Build Failure - Fop

2001-09-21 Thread Sam Ruby

This email is autogenerated from the output from:

Buildfile: build.xml



 [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/rubys/jakarta/xml-fop/build/src/codegen

 [echo] --- Fop 0.20.1 [1999-2001] 

 [echo] Preparing the build directories
[mkdir] Created dir: 
[mkdir] Created dir: 
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/rubys/jakarta/xml-fop/build/src/org/apache/fop/svg
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/rubys/jakarta/xml-fop/build/classes/conf
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/rubys/jakarta/xml-fop/build/classes/hyph
 [copy] Copying 3 files to /home/rubys/jakarta/xml-fop/build/classes/conf

 [echo] Resetting codegen directory
 [copy] Copying 35 files to /home/rubys/jakarta/xml-fop/build/src/codegen
 [echo] Generating the java files from xml resources
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/allprops.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/genconst.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/fo/properties/
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/foproperties.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/properties.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/fo/properties/
 [xslt] file:///home/rubys/jakarta/xml-fop/build/src/codegen/properties.xsl; Line 
12; Column 14; Do colorkw.xml
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/foproperties.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/propmap.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/fo/properties/
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/foproperties.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/enumgen.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/fo/properties/
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/extproperties.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/properties.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/fo/properties/
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/extproperties.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/propmap.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/fo/properties/
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/extproperties.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/enumgen.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/fo/properties/
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/charlist.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/code-point-mapping.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/render/pdf/
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/Courier.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/font-file.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/render/pdf/fonts/
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/Courier-Oblique.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/font-file.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/render/pdf/fonts/
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/Courier-Bold.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/font-file.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/render/pdf/fonts/
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/Courier-BoldOblique.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/font-file.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/render/pdf/fonts/
 [xslt] xslt 
 [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/Helvetica.xml
 [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/font-file.xsl
 [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/render/pdf/fonts/
 [xslt] ==

RE: Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread Jim Wright

Hey Keiron:

If you're trying to build a consensus on this issue, I'd certainly vote for
dropping 1.1 support here -- especially as FOP moves forward with new design
and layout initiatives.


-Original Message-
From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 3:36 AM
Subject: Performance and java 1.1

Hi All,

I have been doing some performance testing so we can get an idea of how
things might be improving (or getting worse) with changes to the code.
There are three types of tests. I have used 6 fo documents that are
generated 500 times.
- for each document a new jvm is started, so 3000 documents in 3000 jvm's
in serial (about 344m)
- use only one jvm for all documents and create them all in serial (about
- use one jvm and a thread for each document, each thread then does that
document 500 times (a long time)

The actual numbers will depend on the documents size, complexity and
inclusion of certain elements such as graphics. The threaded test will also
depend on how many threads are using fop at the same time. This is mainly
to give a general idea.

Some recent changes have improved the times by about 1 - 2% but one change
that I have tried has made about a 60% improvement with the threaded test.
This is by simply using HashMap instead of Hashtable. This is very
significant for cocoon and others who may be using fop in a threaded
environment. The time is changed from being twice as slow as serial to
faster than serial.

So the question is: can we drop java 1.1 support and use better data

These numbers are for 6 documents 8 times each.
With Hashtable
6 documents x 8

One JVM in serial
user  1m2.040s
user  1m2.560s

user  1m54.780s
user  1m56.580s

With HashMap

One JVM in serial
user  0m59.260s

user  0m44.780s
user  0m45.660s
user  0m45.700s

This is the user time using unix "time" which is actual processor time for
the process.

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Re: [Patch] Bug 3497

2001-09-21 Thread Keiron Liddle

This patch will fix the problem described but it may cause other problems.
The id references really need to be handled properly as part of the

This patch may cause some links, page references to not work properly in
certain situations.

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001 00:44:19 Oliver Schulz wrote:
> I already posted this fix (on friday). However, it seems
> to have been lost in the great void, because i can't find
> it in the archive (
> Sorry, if this should be a double.
> Bug 3497: "id already exists error" when using span="all" attribute
> Reason: if a BodyAreaContainer is not balanced, Block.layout(...)
> is called a second time for the same Block due to the rollback:
> ---
> [in src/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/]
> if (bac.isBalancingRequired(fo)) {
> // reset the the just-done span area in preparation
> // for a backtrack for balancing
> bac.resetSpanArea();
> this.rollback(markerSnapshot);
> // one less because of the "continue"
> i = this.marker - 1;
> continue;
> }
> ---
> Block.layout checks if the block-id already exists (which it
> does, of course, from the first time) und fails with the error.
> (Might this be broken in similar places too?)
> I've attached a diff with the fix.
> cu
> Oliver

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Re: Avalon?

2001-09-21 Thread Keiron Liddle

One area where we could make good use of avalon framework is the
configuration, currently we have our own implementation of some
configuration classes. Using their implementation would mean it is better
tested and used and should be a help.
Some of the other interfaces/classes may not be as useful.

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 23:08:53 COFFMAN Steven wrote:
> FOP needs at all levels the ability to log errors and messages.
> System.out
> is fine for CLI applications, but not for most embedded applications or
> servers. We could have used Log4J instead, but the rest of Apache XML is
> using LogKit and it suited our needs.
> Avalon is the place where common Design Patterns are implemented as a
> common
> component repository. With the combined might of all our projects, we can
> have confidence that every component is the best designed and best
> implemented possible, where no one project would have the resources to do
> so.
> You are correct that it is theoretically possible to make FOP faster and
> lighter without using any extra libraries like Avalon. If we made our own
> custom XML parser optimized for FO, that would also be true, but we still
> use Xalan and Xerces. We just don't have the resources or interest in
> pursuing it.
> -Steve
> -Original Message-
> From: Christopher Burkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 4:34 PM
> Subject: Avalon?
> Hi,
>   In CVS we have org.apache.fop.apps.Driver implementing the
>   org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.Loggable interface.
>   Is there a good reason we are dragging Avalon into our core code
> base?
>   Maybe someone should extend the Driver class with AvalonDriver so
> that us 
> client side developers do not have to get involved with the extra server 
> side libraries.

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2001-09-21 Thread Beer, Christian


Are you using iExplorer? If yes, then the thing is, that the
does give a damn about mime-types. For the iexplore only the url counts.
So try to add a ".pdf" to your url:



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Semprini Davide [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 21. September 2001 11:09
An: fop-dev

Hi at all,

I have two important question:

1) I have a jsp page that call a java function of my external class.
I pass at this object dynamic xml and stylesheet xsl
and then I have to pass some parameter at my stylesheet
that are stored in HttpSession object.
If I use XSLTransform from fop there isn't
a possibility passing parameter! Is this True??
I have utilized instead of it the class: javax.xml.transform.Transformer
With this class I can pass parameter to stylesheet and perform the 
getting out InputSource that I pass at Driver.

2) When the render process end in my JSP
return ByteArrayOutputStream that I convert
setting the contentType:

1) response.setContentType("application/pdf");
2) ByteArrayOutputStream ris_pdf = ((XMLTransform) 
(ParamXSL[]) request.getAttribute("ParamXSL"), formato);
   3) byte[] content = ris_pdf.toByteArray();
4) response.setContentLength(content.length);
5) response.getOutputStream().write(content);
6) response.getOutputStream().flush(); 

At this point appear the browser form that call
me If I want to save or open the result
why if I have set the content type?? and If I choose
acrobat I can view the PDF File!

(I use Struts and the file my output file is called


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cvs commit: xml-fop/docs/examples/markers

2001-09-21 Thread keiron

keiron  01/09/21 02:11:21

  Added:   docs/examples/markers
  an example to demonstrate another use of markers
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.1  xml-fop/docs/examples/markers/






Page ( / )

  WARNING: Page sequence contains:   pages.



  This example shows how it is possible to have a message that appears
  only on the first page (in a page sequence) only if there is more
  than one page.


  This page sequence only has one page so you will not see the message.

 "; width="15cm" height="1cm" 





Page ( / )

  WARNING: Page sequence contains:   pages.



  This page sequence has more than one page so you will see the message
  only at the top of the first page.


  Some text.


  Some text.

  Some more text on last page.

 "; width="15cm" height="1cm" 



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cvs commit: xml-fop/src/org/apache/fop/fo/flow

2001-09-21 Thread keiron

keiron  01/09/21 02:08:38

  gets around a possible npe
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.21  +6 -3  xml-fop/src/org/apache/fop/fo/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/src/org/apache/fop/fo/,v
  retrieving revision 1.20
  retrieving revision 1.21
  diff -u -r1.20 -r1.21
  ---   2001/08/20 11:19:22 1.20
  +++   2001/09/21 09:08:38 1.21
  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
  - * $Id:,v 1.20 2001/08/20 11:19:22 keiron Exp $
  + * $Id:,v 1.21 2001/09/21 09:08:38 keiron Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
* For details on use and redistribution please refer to the
* LICENSE file included with these sources.
  @@ -234,11 +234,14 @@
   public void addMarker(Marker marker) throws FOPException {
   String mcname = marker.getMarkerClassName();
  -if (!markers.containsKey(mcname) && children.isEmpty())
  +if (!markers.containsKey(mcname) && children.isEmpty()) {
   markers.put(mcname, marker);
  +} else {
  +log.error("fo:marker must be an initial child,"
  +   + "and 'marker-class-name' must be unique for 
same parent");
   throw new FOPException("fo:marker must be an initial child,"
  + "and 'marker-class-name' must be unique for 
same parent");
   public boolean hasMarkers() {
  1.6   +4 -3  xml-fop/src/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/src/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
  ---   2001/08/20 11:19:23 1.5
  +++   2001/09/21 09:08:38 1.6
  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
  - * $Id:,v 1.5 2001/08/20 11:19:23 keiron Exp $
  + * $Id:,v 1.6 2001/09/21 09:08:38 keiron Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
* For details on use and redistribution please refer to the
* LICENSE file included with these sources.
  @@ -45,8 +45,9 @@
   try {
   } catch (FOPException fopex) {
  -log.error("marker cannot be added to '" + parent
  - + "'");
  +// log is null in constructor
  +//log.error("marker cannot be added to '" + parent
  +// + "'");

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2001-09-21 Thread Semprini Davide

Hi at all,

I have two important question:

1) I have a jsp page that call a java function of my external class.
I pass at this object dynamic xml and stylesheet xsl
and then I have to pass some parameter at my stylesheet
that are stored in HttpSession object.
If I use XSLTransform from fop there isn't
a possibility passing parameter! Is this True??
I have utilized instead of it the class: javax.xml.transform.Transformer
With this class I can pass parameter to stylesheet and perform the 
getting out InputSource that I pass at Driver.

2) When the render process end in my JSP
return ByteArrayOutputStream that I convert
setting the contentType:

1) response.setContentType("application/pdf");
2) ByteArrayOutputStream ris_pdf = ((XMLTransform) 
(ParamXSL[]) request.getAttribute("ParamXSL"), formato);
   3) byte[] content = ris_pdf.toByteArray();
4) response.setContentLength(content.length);
5) response.getOutputStream().write(content);
6) response.getOutputStream().flush(); 

At this point appear the browser form that call
me If I want to save or open the result
why if I have set the content type?? and If I choose
acrobat I can view the PDF File!

(I use Struts and the file my output file is called


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Re: Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

> So the question is: can we drop java 1.1 support and use better data
> structures?

+1 for this:

-even switching to a 1.2 JVM (+hotspot) without code changes often brings big 
performance improvements compared to 1.1, so IMHO forcing users to 1.2 is a 
good thing for FOP in general

-the perspective of 60% performance improvements is certainly enticing...

 -- Bertrand Delacrétaz,
 -- web technologies consultant - OO, Java, XML, C++

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Performance and java 1.1

2001-09-21 Thread Keiron Liddle

Hi All,

I have been doing some performance testing so we can get an idea of how
things might be improving (or getting worse) with changes to the code.
There are three types of tests. I have used 6 fo documents that are
generated 500 times.
- for each document a new jvm is started, so 3000 documents in 3000 jvm's
in serial (about 344m)
- use only one jvm for all documents and create them all in serial (about
- use one jvm and a thread for each document, each thread then does that
document 500 times (a long time)

The actual numbers will depend on the documents size, complexity and
inclusion of certain elements such as graphics. The threaded test will also
depend on how many threads are using fop at the same time. This is mainly
to give a general idea.

Some recent changes have improved the times by about 1 - 2% but one change
that I have tried has made about a 60% improvement with the threaded test.
This is by simply using HashMap instead of Hashtable. This is very
significant for cocoon and others who may be using fop in a threaded
environment. The time is changed from being twice as slow as serial to
faster than serial.

So the question is: can we drop java 1.1 support and use better data

These numbers are for 6 documents 8 times each.
With Hashtable
6 documents x 8

One JVM in serial
user  1m2.040s
user  1m2.560s

user  1m54.780s
user  1m56.580s

With HashMap

One JVM in serial
user  0m59.260s

user  0m44.780s
user  0m45.660s
user  0m45.700s

This is the user time using unix "time" which is actual processor time for
the process.

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Re: "[ERROR]: Logger not set" message

2001-09-21 Thread Keiron Liddle

The logging used by fop has been changed to use a more common logging
library, logkit.
You just need to set the logger on the Driver, ie.

To see how to create a logger look at the getLogger method in the Driver,
and read up at
This information will be on the website eventually.

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 09:35:16 "Beer, Christian" wrote:
> Hi all!
> Using version 0.20.1 I used 
> MessageHandler.setOutputMethod(MessageHandler.EVENT);
> MessageHandler.addListener(this);
> to recieve the messages of FOP. 
> But now as I am trying to use the cvs-version (because 
> of the improvement with JPGs) I get the following output
> on the console:
> [ERROR]: Logger not set
> [INFO]: building formatting object tree
> setting up fonts
> [INFO]: [1]
> [INFO]: [2]
> [INFO]: Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
> But no messages any more!
> Did anything change that I didn't recognize??
> Christian

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Compound datatypes

2001-09-21 Thread Peter B. West


I find the definition of compound datatypes very confusing.  Fom an
implementation point of view, I find myself treating the compound
types not as datatypes but as another form of shorthand, whose major
difference from the existing shorthand properties is in the handling
of inheritance.

"Shorthand properties do not inherit from the shorthand on the
parent. Instead the individual properties that the shorthand expands
into may inherit." 5.2

On the other hand, 5.11 has: "Compound values of properties are
inherited as a unit and not as individual components."

In other respects, compounds parallel shorthands.  "The compound
datatypes, such as space, are represented in the result tree as
multiple attributes."  In other words, the compounds expand into
individual properties, like the shorthands.

It seems to me that when talking about a datatype, one expects to be
specifying the kind of data that may be assigned to particular
attributes/properties.  Compounds are not datatypes in that sense.
They partially specify the name of the attribute, and specify the type
of data which may be assigned to those attributes.  In my limited
experience, I have never encountered such a datatype before, and I was
very confused by them.

I have a few specific questions about this compound.  It occurs in
association with the relative edge width specifications for border and
padding, and in a few other places.

When the compounds are discussed, the examples of  and 
are used.  In those cases, a single assignment to the compound implies
a series of assignments to each of the component properties.  So


is equivalent to a specification of


Similarly with .

What about border-before-width?  The legal values for
border-before-width are specified as

 is defined in 7.7.21 "border-top-width" to have the
possible values "thin", "medium", "thick" or .

, as is explained in 7.7.9 "border-before-width",
has .length and .conditionality components, with an initial value for
.conditionality of "discard".  However, according to Appendix C, the
initial value for border-before-width is "medium".  There is no
mention of .conditionality.

Given these definitions, what am I to make of an assignment like
border-before-width="10pt"?  Is this a  or a
?  To what do I assign the "10pt"?
border-before-width or border-before-width.length or both?  Does any
such assignment to border-before-width imply an assignment to
border-before-width.length and border-before-width.conditionality as

This question is more involved because of corresponding properties.
In an lr-tb environment, border-top-width is a corresponding
property.  But  is not defined for
border-top-width.  Does the fact that computed values percolate to
corresponding properties imply that


will have the effect of setting computed values of



Similar questions may well arise in respect of other compound

Yours faithfully,
Peter West

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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