Re: SIGSEGV when running Fop

2001-10-11 Thread Carlos Villegas

That's a problem with the JVM not FOP. Java should not core dump in any 
case. That version of Linux SDK is known to be buggy. It seems that 
1.3.0 is ok or any of the blackdown versions (




>I use Fop-0.20.1. Java SUN SDK-1.3.1 on Linux and always got a SIGSEGV
>when running
>'java org.apache.fop.apps.Fop outfile.pdf. I'm not too stron in
>Java, but it seems to me strnge to get SIGSEGV when running Java app. Does
>anybody know the solution?
>Libor Sakmary
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2001-10-01 Thread Carlos Villegas

As Keiron said that performance increased with just using HashMap 
instead of Hashtable. How about using ArrayList instead of Vector? Well, 
it depends on how much Vector is used in FOP.
Another thought is the way the FO tree and area trees are implemented. 
There will be probably some changes with the redesign. However, the 
approach taken by Xalan may also be useful in FOP. In Xalan 2, the DOM 
has been replaced by DTM (Document Table Model) which uses tables of 
integers to represent the document, reducing all comparisons (of node 
names, etc.) to integer comparisons. Of course, Xalan benefits mostly 
with the faster XPath axis iterators of this implementation which are 
not relevant to FOP. Nevetherless, if not performance, DTM or the 
appropiate for FOP offers a lot of savings on memory usage.
Just a few thoughts, it may trigger some ideas.


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Re: A C XSL-FO processor

2001-09-10 Thread Carlos Villegas


Well, I can contribute the hyphenation package. Same algorithm as FOP's. 
In fact, I first wrote the C++ version and then ported it to java for 
FOP. I'll fix it so it can read the same pattern files format as FOP, so 
we can share those.

I see there are no mailing lists defined yet, should do that first so we 
can move these discussions there.

Carlos Villegas

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Re: [PATCH] Page citations do not work in PSRenderer

2001-09-05 Thread Carlos Villegas

Last time I look at the code, I noticed that resolution of page 
references is left to the renderers. Shouldn't that be handled by the 
layout process. Shouldn't the job of the renderers just convert the 
resolved area tree to whatever format their target is? Is this being 
thought of in the new layout redesign?


COFFMAN Steven wrote:

>Done. Are other renderers similarly broken? (PCL?) I don't have a way to
>-Original Message-
>From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 1:35 PM
>Subject: [PATCH] Page citations do not work in PSRenderer
>Hi Darren
>>There is one problem, page-citations don't seem to work. The line
>> should put the page number of the
>>page on which a block with the attribute id="xref" first appears. In the
>>output from FOP -ps I get a ? instead.
>Ok, I fixed that. A diff is attached. Would one of the committers please
>apply it? Thanks.
>Jeremias Märki
>Postfach 3954 - Rhynauerstr. 15 - 6002 Luzern
>Fon +41 (0)41 317 2020 - Fax +41 (0)41 317 2029
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Re: Chinese characters line-breaking

2001-08-29 Thread Carlos Villegas

Frank Chen wrote:

>I found the line-breaking in FOP is based upon spaces between English words.
>But this is not major way for Chinese characters'
>line-breaking. Please see elcosed and big5test.pdf
>to see what happens.
>Is there any implementation-specific way in FOP to modify this?
>Or can you add support to Chinese rendering?

You need to set the language property to chinese (i.e. language="zh"),
you can add it as an attribute to  or to each fo you want to
format. Currently FOP checks if the language is ja, zh, ko or vi. If so
it will break in the middle of "words" (western concept of words).

Notice that this is not a complete solution to CJK line-breaking but
it's better not breaking at all, like in your sample. A more
sophisticated algorithm will try to keep together open punctuation marks
with the next character or closing marks with the previous character, so
you won't get a period or comma at the beginning of a line. This is
usually done with "kinsoku" tables (I think that's the japanese term),
that basically lists punctuation marks, whether they're open or close
type and some priority or penalty. I think that's the way TeX does it.


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Re: exceptions for hyphenation

2001-08-24 Thread Carlos Villegas


>  Hi,
> since Fops hyphenation algorithm (borrowed from TeX, right?) seems to 
> be not working perfect, i wonder whether there is a possiblility to 
> define exceptions:
> Example : the german word "Blumentopferde" would be hypenated to 
> "Blu-men-top-ferde" which is not correct.
> In TeX one could define an exceptionlist for such words.
> Is this possible in fop too?
> Or  - if not - is somebody thinking about implementing this in Fop ? 

FOP's hyphenation algorithm should produce the same results as TeX. If 
it doesn't, there's some error in FOP's implementation.  Exceptions are 
supported in FOP version, there's a 'exceptions' tag in the hyphenation 
DTD used for the pattern files. However, currently it has to be 
specified in the pattern file and FOP will only use one pattern file per 
language. If you specify a different one in the  user configuration, FOP 
will use that instead. So the current way to change the exceptions list 
is to copy the supplied hyphenation file for your language and 
add/replace them.
It's been my intention to add support so that you could give only an 
exception list and FOP will merge it with the base pattern file for a 
language in a given run. It's also possible to add some extension 
property or FO to add hyphentation exceptions in the xsl:fo input file, 
so you can add them to the stylesheet more like TeX.
However, I haven't had the time and nobody asked until now. For german, 
there's also a hyphen tag to allow you to specify exceptions for words 
that change spelling when hyphenated, for example, backen hyphenates to 
bak-ken in traditional german and you could specify it in the pattern 
file as baken, however, this doesn't work in 
FOP's version. That was also in my things to do list.
I guess since somebody asked, I should go back and fix these things! 
I'll take a look.


> Bodo Teichmann
> -
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Re: XMLRenderer

2001-08-14 Thread Carlos Villegas

Keiron Liddle wrote:
> The only xml diff utility I know of is the IBM one, which we can't use (not
> allowed to distribute).

There's a free one (with source code), albeit it's not as good as IBM's.
The diff generated is sometimes far less than optimum but it claims to
be correct. It used to be available at

but I tried to access it a while ago and the site doesn't respond. If
you can't get it, let me know and I send you a copy, I think I still
have it. It may work for our purposes.


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Re: logging

2001-08-03 Thread Carlos Villegas

Keiron Liddle wrote:
> On Thu, 02 Aug 2001 17:45:56 Carlos Villegas wrote:
> > I think it's possible to do in FOP what was done in Velocity. They have
> > a middleware that decouples Velocity from the specific logging toolkit.
> > So they have drivers for logkit and log4j and you can even write your
> > own one. This is a better choice when embedding FOP since you'd want to
> > use whatever logging system you've already have in place. I think it's
> > worth taking a look at the Velocity log package, we might be able to
> > reuse it.
> That would work, but I have a few problems with it.
> - We would need to copy their code (and hence create two diverging
> versions) because it has dependancies
> - It adds an extra 3 layers to every log call, also has extra logic
> - a logging system should do all of the targetting things itself (instead
> of having an interface with multiple targets to an interface with multiple
> targets that writes the logging)
> - I want to avoid having extra code that only adds complexity

Well, it was just an idea. I don't think it's that much extra code
anyway, or that extra code necessarily adds complexity. My post was
motivated from my experience with Velocity. We're using Velocity in a
servlet environment. Our system already had its own logging system.
Velocity as shipped, logs to its own file, but we wanted to use our same
configuration file to configure Velocity logging as well and to merge
logs onto a single destination. It was very easy, all you you to do is
implement a very simple interface, basically:

interface VelocityLog {

   void debug(String message);
   void info(String message);
   void error(String message);

and set a property in Velocity to point to your logging implementation

Yes, it adds an extra layer and notice that some nice features of
systems like log4j are not used, like categories. It all depends of
course on your needs. Velocity is intended primarily to be embedded, so
you'd want that flexibility.

Nevertheless, I don't neccessarily think it's the best choice for FOP.

This is also related to a recent post about FOP APIs, there were some
complains about how inflexible FOP is when trying to embed it. 


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Re: logging

2001-08-02 Thread Carlos Villegas

Keiron Liddle wrote:
> So between logkit and log4j I think logkit is the better option simply
> because cocoon uses it. (that's the only thing that tips the balance, I'd
> rather just choose than not go anywhere.)

I think it's possible to do in FOP what was done in Velocity. They have
a middleware that decouples Velocity from the specific logging toolkit.
So they have drivers for logkit and log4j and you can even write your
own one. This is a better choice when embedding FOP since you'd want to
use whatever logging system you've already have in place. I think it's
worth taking a look at the Velocity log package, we might be able to
reuse it.


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