Re: block rendering problem with 0.20.5rc2

2003-03-25 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis
Sorry, I didn't see it.  It's not particularly easy to keep up with all 
the known defects.
As to mixing block elements and text, it may not be the best style, but 
from our point of view is more practical -- the old form vs function 
debate and in my case function wins every time.
Thanks for the reference.  I'll try not to bore you in the future.
matthew l. avizinis

J.Pietschmann wrote:

Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:

The following fo apparently causes the last line of text from the 
text area of the parent fo:block to be rendered twice, once before 
the child fo:block and once after it.

See Bugzilla #17472. Either don't mix block elements and text (bad style
anyway), or get CVS code.
This is mentioned a few times a week meanwhile, and it gets bring.

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block rendering problem with 0.20.5rc2

2003-03-24 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis
The following fo apparently causes the last line of text from the text 
area of the parent fo:block to be rendered twice, once before the child 
fo:block and once after it. That is, supposing that deducted as an 
itemized deduction is the last line of the parent block, this same text 
will be repeated after the child block element.

fo:leader leader-length=6.0mm leader-pattern=space/
fo:inline font-weight=boldDISCUSSION:/fo:inline his/her employer 
for the expenses and the expenses equal the reimbursement. All other 
business expenses incurred by employees (except those incurred by a 
qualified performing artist) are deducted from adjusted gross income 
[Sec. 62(a)]. Justins gross income was $31,500 ($30,000 salary + $1,500 
expense allowance). When the employee receives an allowance and does not 
account to the employer for the expenses, the expense allowance is 
included in gross income, and the expenses are deducted as an itemized 
fo:block line-height=1em + 1pt space-after=0mm 
space-before=0mmfo:leader rule-style=none 
leader-length=5mm/Therefore, Justins adjusted gross income is 
$31,500, and his travel, lodging, and entertainment expenses are 
deductible from adjusted gross income./fo:block

The same behavior occurs if the child element is an fo:table as well. 
This did not occur with version 0.20.4.
Any help with this will be appreciated,
matthew l. avizinis
Gleim Publications, Inc.

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RE: handling patches (how about fop 2)

2002-11-04 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis
Here is one other point to consider:  if you expect the redesign when
complete to perform at at least the same level, i.e. with the same coverage
of the specification and as many or fewer defects, when it comes online
and replaces the current maintenance release,  then I imho the project
should continue on as it currently is.
However, if you expect there to be a significant number of bugs to be
discovered and performance to be initially lower, then the project should
move to perhaps fop2 so that users could more easily know that there could
be problems when they upgrade to a new version of fop.  Does this make any

   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:mla;
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606

 -Original Message-
 From: Victor Mote [mailto:vic;]
 Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 11:27 AM
 Subject: RE: handling patches (how about fop 2)

 Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

  and contributors efforts. Maintenance branch, as you correctly noted, is
  in production at many sites therefore making it a project on its own
  will lead to a strengthening of its meaning and this way we'll encourage
  many existing and future contributors to work on it, instead of helping
  us to get HEAD up.

 This is a fair point, but I think it weighs only in the decision about
 whether we have a rewrite or not. In other words, it might weigh into the
 economics of whether it is worth it for us to merge the sections of code
 that can be merged. We might be willing to spend more time and effort
 getting the two branches pulled back together than we would be if
 the above
 were not true. If we really do have a rewrite, then I think it
 will clarify
 everything to split into two projects, and I don't begrudge folks from
 working on the old one instead of the new one any more than I
 would begrudge
 the RenderX guys working on their product instead of FOP, or the
 Batik guys
 working on Batik instead of FOP. The problem that Oleg mentions is already
 the status quo.

 Victor Mote

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FW: Fopping 1-12 to Jan-Dec

2002-10-28 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis
Can anyone please tell me why I received this message?  There doesn't seem
to be anything in the header information to tell me who sent it and he/she
certainly seems either irritated, has a hair up their yingyang, or  don't
really know what they're doing in the first place.  In any case, why would a
message like this be coming to me?  Anybody recognize it?
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:mla;
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 5:05 AM
 Subject: Fopping 1-12 to Jan-Dec

 All I wanted to do was convert a month number 1-12 to month name.

 I have the Beginning XSLT Wrox book, and Kay's XSLT 2nd Ed.

 I'm enthused about learning this stuff, and yet there
 are some major turnoffs being encountered.

 Generating documents with FOP is what I'm trying to
 do. I know TeX, so the XSL:FO is not too strange.
 I have the ORA book for XSL:FO.

 I've received an XLST-FO source to maintain, and when I
 saw the enumerated if-test sequence to choose a month
 name from 1-12, I thought, There's got to be a shorter

 Page 95 of Kay's book:

 xsl:variable name=months

 xsl:value-of select=name($months/*[position()=2]) /

 I've hard-coded February in this example.
 Result: [ERROR] No flow found for region-body in page-master 'first'

 The code is in the header part of the document-code, in a
 'fo:static-content...'. But I tried in a non-static flow,
 and tried a template version. Nogo.


 I'd like to say how utterly disgusted I am at the error messages
 coming out of my XSLT (FOP) compiles/transformations.

 Kay's book erroneously shows that last line above as:

 xsl:value-of select=name($months/*[position()=$mm /

 FYI, his Wrox book's errata page is 404.

 When I have the erroneous line in the source, I get over 800
 lines of error messages.

 What, did a 12-yo kid write XSLT-FOP?

 For bleep's sake get a hold of a professional compiler writer
 and put in the necessary structures for normal error msgs.

 Can you imagine the outcry if GNU's gcc did the same thing
 when one line of code had a syntax error?

 Apparently I have to type in a few lines of code and see if
 it compiles before entering more code, because otherwise there's
 no way to figure out what's wrong! As in, 'The error messages
 are so bad I have to resort to commenting out code just to have
 a freakin' clue as to where I went wrong.'

 What kind of way to develop is that?

 Yes, I recognize this as Java-style throwing an exception, or
 in this case, FOPException(). Not an excuse.

 No, I am not volunteering my time, and I can't code Java.

 Recently I came up to speed on perl, compiled 8.0 on my
 Sun SPARC Solaris 8 boxen, and found perl even has a
 verbose error message mode that will give you a paragraph
 or two on what the error msg (always for a given line#)
 might be about and how to fix. Sometimes FOP doesn't even
 cough up a line number.

 FOP's non-existent implementation of error reporting is
 wasting a lot of programmer time and no doubt retards its use.

 It should be a top priority for upgrading.


 A newbie hunting and pecking through books and Google results...

 I tried xmlns:date=;, but
 that URL is 404. (I emailed Tennison, and also Wrox about
 their 404.)

 So, FOP doesn't have EXSLT functions?

 I downloaded from and added it to the
 stylesheet declaration, and an 'xsl:import'.

 Now it says it can't find a string padding function.

 Hunt...okay, downloaded and unzipped the '' deal.

 Updated the source...damn, same error.

 Apparently the 'date' routines are referring to the 'str' routines
 underneath the 'date' subdir 'functions.'

 Okay, I tar the 'str' functions directory to overlay the 'date' one.

 Nogo. Gave up this approach.

 Hmmm, the web pages say the newest 'xalan' has EXSLT built-in.
 Can I load its jars into the FOP lib directory and get them?
 FOP 0.20.4
 *  FOP should now work with any JAXP1.1 compliant parser/transformer.
It has been successfully tested with Xerces/Xalan, Saxon and JDK1.4
(which includes Crimson and Xalan).
 *  The following JARs have been updated: Xerces to version 2.0.1,
Xalan to version 2.3.1 and Batik to version 1.5beta2.


 Downloading 'xalan-j_2_4_0-bin.tar.gz' from

 Gunzip, no problem. But the untar...

 TransformerImpl.html, 55055 bytes, 108 tape blocks
 tar: directory checksum error

 Just fabulous.

 I successfully do the zip version

OK never mind ignore my last message

2002-10-28 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

RE: problem with EURO symbol

2002-10-25 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis
Use:  #x20AC; for the Euro   and  #x0022; for the   (you can use #x201C;
and #x201D; if you want left and right double quotes)

   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:mla;
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606

 -Original Message-
 From: Sergio Hernández [mailto:shernand;]
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 9:44 AM
 Subject: problem with EURO symbol

 Hí, sorry for my English.

 I'm rendering from XSLFO (using data from SqlServer database) to PDF

 The problem is that some characters, like EUR (Euro), or  , are into
 the DataBase, are not seen correctly. At the position of this characters
 are replaced by ? or # symbol.

 Can anyone help me?



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RE: Problem

2002-10-25 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis
Well it looks like if your base directory is C:/TEMP/FOP/test/  and you're
attempting to compile test\ FOP won't find anything there.  Try just and story.pdf

   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:mla;
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606

 -Original Message-
 From: Curtis A. Weyant [mailto:dylan38;]
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 10:48 AM
 Subject: Problem

 I seem to be having a problem creating my PDF from a FO document.
  I'm using a Windows 2000 machine (under the DOS command prompt).
  Can somebody please help me figure out what's wrong?

 Here's the output below:

 C:\TEMP\FOPjava -cp
 logkit-1.0.jar;lib\jimi-1.0.jar org.apache.fop.apps.Fop -d
 test\ test\story.pdf
 [DEBUG] Input mode:
 [DEBUG] fo input file: test\
 [DEBUG] Output mode:
 [DEBUG] pdf
 [DEBUG] output file: test\story.pdf
 [DEBUG] no user configuration file is used [default]
 [DEBUG] debug mode on
 [DEBUG] dump configuration
 [DEBUG] quiet mode on
 [DEBUG] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
 [DEBUG] base directory: file:/C:/TEMP/FOP/test/
 [INFO] FOP 0.20.4
 [DEBUG] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
 [INFO] building formatting object tree
 [DEBUG] setting up fonts
 [ERROR] null

   at Source)
   at org.apache.fop.apps.Fop.main(Unknown Source)


 n Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at org.apache.fop.apps.StreamRenderer.render(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
 org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(AbstractSAX, Compiled Code)
 org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNamespaceBinder.handleEndElement(XMLName, Compiled Code)
 org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLDTDValidator.handleEndElement(XMLDTD, Compiled Code)
 ment(, Compiled Code)
 entDispatcher.dispatch(, Compiled Code)
 (, Compiled Code)
   at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(
   at org.apache.fop.apps.Driver.render(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at org.apache.fop.apps.Fop.main(Unknown Source)

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RE: problem with EURO symbol

2002-10-25 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis
You could use a template to exchange the Euro character in your database for
the Unicode number.  Here's one I use that works for escaping apostrophe's
when for data I insert to MySQL databases.  This template borrows heavily
from one in Mike Kay's XSLT Reference 2nd ed.  You could probably modify it
for your particular requirement for multiple characters.  Then you wouldn't
have to change the data source.

  xsl:template name=TextOut
 xsl:param name=text/
 xsl:variable name=aposapos;/xsl:variable
 xsl:variable  name=ntext select=$text/
  xsl:when test=contains($text,$apos)
xsl:variable name=first
xsl:variable name=rest-of-it
xsl:value-of select=concat($first,'\',$apos)/
xsl:if test=$rest-of-it
name=TextOutxsl:with-param name=text
 xsl:value-of select=$text/
matthew l. avizinis

-Original Message-
From: Sergio Hernández [mailto:shernand;]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: problem with EURO symbol

This is not the solution,
because the data is stored in the database with the euro symbol, and I'm not
going to search for all the DB to change this strange characters ...

There's not any special tag that can escape this characters ?

 [CDATA[€]]  not runs ...

Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:

Use:  #x20AC; for the Euro   and  #x0022; for the   (you can use
#x201C;and #x201D; if you want left and right double quotes)   Matthew L.
Avizinis mailto:mla;gleim.comGleim Publications, Inc.   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
Gainesville, FL 32606(352)-375-0772
-Original Message-From: Sergio Hernández
[mailto:shernand;]Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 9:44 AMTo:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: problem with EURO symbolHí, sorry for my
English.I'm rendering from XSLFO (using data from SqlServer database) to
PDFdinamicaly.The problem is that some characters, like EUR (Euro), or  ,
are intothe DataBase, are not seen correctly. At the position of this
charactersare replaced by ? or # symbol.Can anyone help
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2002-10-08 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

are some threads in the archives which describe using Barcode fonts. I'm 
sure if you search in the archives for "barcode" you'd come up with something 
relevant to your needs.

  -Original Message-From: Surov Maxim 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 10:34 
  Is it possible to embed barcodes 
  into PDF using FOP? 
  Thanks in advance, 
  Maxim Surov 

RE: FOP defect when rendering rotated grouped text and path objects

2002-10-02 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

OK, thanks for your assessment.
Now all I have to do is figure out how to use Bugzilla...

 This could be a bug in the PDF renderer. You'll have to wait
 for Keiron to reappear for comments. Perhaps you should open
 a bug in bugzilla.
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FOP defect when rendering rotated grouped text and path objects

2002-10-01 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Hello all
I have found that when attempting to render an SVG to pdf if the image
contains mixed text and line objects such as paths, rect's, etc. which are
grouped, if the group is rotated [by either rotate() or matrix()] by an
angle =±8°, the text is transformed correctly while the path remains
unrotated.  If the angle of rotation is =±9° the path (or rect, line, etc.)
is rotated correctly.
for example,

svg width=1395 height=1747
  g transform=rotate(-9) translate(-13.5791 189.397) translate(-10.6777
text x=145px y=209px transform=translate(-86.6667 -48)
font-size=116 font-family=Arial font-weight=boldP/text
text x=607px y=289px transform=translate(-602.667 -166.667)
translate(612.111 247.356) scale(0.965631 1) translate(-612.111 -247.356)
scale(0.964408 1) fill=rgb(0,0,0) font-size=116 font-family=Arial
path d=M52.7692 81.1538 L1113.88 82.1267 transform=translate(1113.88
81.6403) scale(0.988691 1)  fill=none stroke=rgb(0,0,0)
path transform=translate(0.992548 0.121852) scale(1.01556 1)
fill=none stroke=rgb(0,0,0) stroke-width=4 d=M1164 -6 L1164 1569 L-3
1569 L-3 -6 z/

The image is correctly displayed by the current version of Batik.  So I'm
wondering if this is still a problem with Batik or with FOP or both.  Anyone
have any ideas about this and is there any workaround available?  If this a
new defect, should I report it further than this?  If so, point me to
instructions for Bugzilla.

thanks in advance,
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606

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FOP defect when rendering rotated grouped text and path objects

2002-09-26 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Hello all
I have found that when attempting to render an SVG to pdf if the image
contains mixed text and line objects such as paths, rect's, etc. which are
grouped, if the group is rotated [by either rotate() or matrix()] by an
angle =±8°, the text is transformed correctly while the path remains
unrotated.  If the angle of rotation is =±9° the path (or rect, line, etc.)
is rotated correctly.
for example,

svg width=1395 height=1747
  g transform=rotate(-9) translate(-13.5791 189.397) translate(-10.6777
text x=145px y=209px transform=translate(-86.6667 -48)
font-size=116 font-family=Arial font-weight=boldP/text
text x=607px y=289px transform=translate(-602.667 -166.667)
translate(612.111 247.356) scale(0.965631 1) translate(-612.111 -247.356)
scale(0.964408 1) fill=rgb(0,0,0) font-size=116 font-family=Arial
path d=M52.7692 81.1538 L1113.88 82.1267 transform=translate(1113.88
81.6403) scale(0.988691 1)  fill=none stroke=rgb(0,0,0)
path transform=translate(0.992548 0.121852) scale(1.01556 1)
fill=none stroke=rgb(0,0,0) stroke-width=4 d=M1164 -6 L1164 1569 L-3
1569 L-3 -6 z/

The image is correctly displayed by the current version of Batik.  So I'm
wondering if this is still a problem with Batik or with FOP or both.  Anyone
have any ideas about this and is there any workaround available?  If this a
new defect, should I report it further than this?  If so, point me to
instructions for Bugzilla.

thanks in advance,
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606

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RE: forward references related design issues

2002-07-31 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

This issue is at least partially addressed when I posted the code earlier
today for my FOP extension element fop:WritePageNumber which currently I use
to create a Table of contents and index for pdf books.
The books are processed through FOP one section, e.g. Introduction,
Preface, Chapter 1, at a time.  In each section numerous WritePageNumber
elements are inserted with associated id's.  When FOP encounters these
elements, an XML file is created or appended to which has a series of
elements, their id's, and the page numbers they occur on.

After all sections are processed, I can then generate the Table of Contents
and Index from information in the XML file just created.

With other references across sections a two pass system would work, wherein
if see page x in Document B is encountered, a dummy value is inserted to
keep the formatting relatively stable during the first pass.  Then after all
sections are processed, a second pass could grab the page number values from
the xml file with the page numbers.  This process could be made better in
the case where Document B has been processed before the current reference
to it, if I could figure out how to create a valid xml file from the start
and merely insert the child elements into it.  You could then check to see
if the id already exists and, if so, insert the page number and if not wait
until the second pass.

This process works for TOCs and indexes so I don't see why it could be
generalized some more.
Anyhow, that's my 2¢ for what it's worth,
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606

 -Original Message-
 From: Victor Mote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 3:23 PM
 To: mailing list fop-dev
 Subject: forward references  related design issues

 FOP Developers:

 Seeing all of the posts about performance issues, esp. related to forward
 references, has brought to mind some design musings I had on a
 related topic
 several months ago, a subset of a bigger issue that is important for work
 that one of our clients does. They publish several related documents in a
 collection, with cross-references between them -- for example, document A
 might say See page x in document B. Now if document A references 20 such
 documents, one could conceivably end up with 21 documents in memory at the
 same time, each being processed, and lots of fun dealing with dependencies
 between them. I realize that FOP doesn't handle this scenario,
 but thinking
 through the solution to this problem might provide a general solution for
 both issues.

 FrameMaker handles this issue very nicely. You actually have to
 have all 21
 documents open at the same time (although I doubt that the entire document
 is loaded into memory). However, FrameMaker lives in a state where its
 layout is already computed and stored, so all it has to do is lookup the
 page object related to a target. It seems that what is needed for FOP (and
 probably XSL-FO in general) is an XML document that contains this target
 information (and perhaps other formatting-specific information as
 well). FOP
 would have to run once to compute the targets  write this XML
 target file,
 then run again to use it. This XML document can be serialized and persist,
 so that it can be used in the rendering of other documents that
 might point
 to its parent. The user would have to be responsible to make sure that the
 XML document containing the targets is properly updated before being used.
 (FOP would need a mode that, instead of rendering the document, merely
 recomputed the target file -- thus a series of documents could be
 before any of them are rendered).

 Obvious issue #1: The content of the target can change the layout of the
 document, and thereby change the location of the target. The
 layout manager
 must explicitly or implicitly estimate the size of the text so that it can
 continue with the layout work on subsequent pages. This issue
 exists whether
 the information is stored in memory or written to a file, so this is not
 really an issue with the proposed solution.

 Obvious issue #2: Some (perhaps most) documents will not benefit from a
 2-pass solution and persistent layout information. This could be
 handled in
 a configuration option (for defaults), and a command-line option (for

 Obvious issue #3: Development time. I am not up to speed on the FOP
 implementation yet, so I don't have a good feel for this issue. However, I
 see that performance is one of the goals of the redesign, and this might
 help with that in some cases.

 Obvious issue #4: Standards compliance / extensions. This or something
 similar that addresses cross-document references is probably
 needed as part
 of the XSL-FO standard, but I do not know whether or when it will be
 addressed at that level, or how far ahead of that process FOP
 wants to get

RE: FOP extension elements

2002-07-24 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

 -Original Message-
 From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 2:27 AM
 To: FOP
 Subject: Re: FOP extension elements

 On Tue, 2002-07-23 at 22:20, Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:
  Hello all,
  The following is stated on the FOP website:
  These extension are available by default. They are
 automatically loaded and
  you only need to provide the correct namespace for your embedded xml
  OK, so fop:outline and fop:label are loaded by default
 without needing
  to do the other stuff described in Adding Your Own.  What is
 the mechanism
  that allows this?  In other words, if I have an extension
 element(s) of my
  own, what do I have to do in order for them work the same as outline and
  label and not have to load my own jars.

 The mechanism is that there is code that sets it all up.
 What exactly do you want to do, there are different types of extensions.

I have an extension element that emits output to an alternate file than the
one FOP is mainly processing for, i.e. FOP is humming along spitting out to
a certain file, then when a certain element is encountered it emits a page
number to another file that the element specifies so I can use it later.

 What do you mean load my own jars.

What I mean is that when I run FOP and use my own extension element I do not
want to have to have extra jar files hanging around.  I would like the class
for my own element contained in the fop.jar just like outline and label.
So what I want to know is how to package up my own element with the rest of
fop when I build it and have it accessible like outline and label.
If this would be more hassle than it's worth, than perhaps you could explain
the following in a little more detail (with maybe example code or

Create a jar file with your classes, it must also include the following file
/META-INF/services/ In this file you need
to put the fully qualified classname of your element mappings class. This
class must implement the interface.

Hopefully, when I am done I can donate some code or at the least spruce up
the extension element instructions so that they are easier to follow when
implementing a new element.  For instance, nowhere does it indicate that if
the element has attributes that you have to include them in the
codegen/extproperties.xml file in order for fop to even compile correctly.

thanks for your time and help,
matthew l. avizinis

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FOP extension elements

2002-07-23 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Hello all,
The following is stated on the FOP website:

These extension are available by default. They are automatically loaded and
you only need to provide the correct namespace for your embedded xml

OK, so fop:outline and fop:label are loaded by default without needing
to do the other stuff described in Adding Your Own.  What is the mechanism
that allows this?  In other words, if I have an extension element(s) of my
own, what do I have to do in order for them work the same as outline and
label and not have to load my own jars.

I am assuming, of course, that the documentation listed is still accurate.
If it is not, can anyone provide the most recent information for include
extension elements?

thanks for helping,
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606

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RE: table-cell wrapping

2002-06-26 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

fo:block space-before={$spc-b4} text-indent={$indent}
space-after={$spc-after} margin-right=0mm
wrap option is default unless otherwise set to 'nowrap', unless my
understanding is incorrect and nowrap _is_ the default, which sounds

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Bowditch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 9:22 AM
 Subject: Re: table-cell wrapping

 What other properties have you set on fo:block? What about wrap-option?

 From: Matthew L. Avizinis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: table-cell wrapping
 Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 18:42:43 -0400
 Hello FOP developer type folks,
 When I put content, just a simple text sentence, inside a table cell
 fo:block it does not wrap properly unless I put in a margin-right=0mm
 attribute.  Is this a defect or is that the way it's supposed to be?  Or
 could there be something else going on that I should look for?
 I am using
 Helpful hints appreciated,
 Matthew L. Avizinis
 XML/XSL Software DeveloperGleim [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: table-cell wrapping

2002-06-26 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

 -Original Message-
 From: J.Pietschmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 3:57 PM
 Subject: Re: table-cell wrapping

 Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:
  fo:block space-before={$spc-b4} text-indent={$indent}
  space-after={$spc-after} margin-right=0mm
  wrap option is default unless otherwise set to 'nowrap', unless my
  understanding is incorrect and nowrap _is_ the default, which sounds

 Default is to wrap.

2¢]--That's what I thought.

 Is there a margin inherited from an enclosing block?
 I've bitten several times by this. In this case, put
 margin=0mm right on the fo:table element.

2¢]--Inheritance -- that's what got me.  You're right on that one.  Thanks
matthew l. avizinis


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Extension property mapping

2002-04-09 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Where is
I'm not following precisely how extension properties are mapped in

  Matthew L. Avizinis
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

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RE: Extension property mapping

2002-04-09 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Yes, thanks.
I needed to write some page-numbers, block id's, and number of pages
generated to alternate output text files for later use and I want to create
extensions to do this.

 -Original Message-
 From: J.Pietschmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 5:38 PM
 Subject: Re: Extension property mapping

 Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:
  Where is
  I'm not following precisely how extension properties are mapped in

 It is generated during the build, presumably from
 src/codegen/extproperties.xml. Look into build.xml for details.

 Are you working on implementing your own extensions?


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RE: Linebreaks inside of tables etc.

2002-04-03 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Is it a requirement for you to use the empty fo:block?  If not, try using
fo:block space-after=XXpt or space-before=XXpt (or use whatever
measuring system you want) to get the spacing you need.
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

 -Original Message-
 From: Cory McNeely [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 4:20 PM
 Subject: Linebreaks inside of tables etc.

 Hey gang,

 I have a few potentially table related issues that I'm trying to work

 I seem to be having a problem getting some of the formatting
 tactics to work
 with FOP 0.20.3.

 1) How do I insert a blank line into a cell in a table object? I
 have tried
 adding a new fo:block with no success, inserting a block, does seem to
 terminate the existing line and start a newline, but in the case
 of no data
 (or whitespace data) it seems to be ignored. So for instance if I
 have this:
 1. fo:table width=8in table-layout=fixed column-number=1/ column-number=1
 7.Section 1: This is section 1 text.   /fo:block
 10.   Section 2: This is
 section 2 text.
 11.   /fo:block
 12.   /fo:block
 13.   /fo:table-cell
 14.   /fo:table-row
 15.   /fo:table-body
 16. /fo:table

 I get the following in my PDF

 Section 1: This is section 1 text.
 Section 2: This is section 2 text.

 When I was hoping for :

 Section 1: This is section 1 text.

 Section 2: This is section 2 text.

 2. How do I format text (bold etc) with different formats in a
 fo:block. For
 instance if I want to make the sections of the previous example
 bold. I can
 accomplish this by wrapping them in their own fo:blocks, but that
 an unwanted newline.

 Thanks all for your help!!


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RE: Linebreaks inside of tables etc.

2002-04-03 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

or even margin-top, margin-bottom.

 -Original Message-
 From: Cory McNeely [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 4:20 PM
 Subject: Linebreaks inside of tables etc.
 Hey gang,
 I have a few potentially table related issues that I'm trying to work
 I seem to be having a problem getting some of the formatting 
 tactics to work
 with FOP 0.20.3.
 1) How do I insert a blank line into a cell in a table object? I 
 have tried
 adding a new fo:block with no success, inserting a block, does seem to
 terminate the existing line and start a newline, but in the case 
 of no data
 (or whitespace data) it seems to be ignored. So for instance if I 
 have this:
 1. fo:table width=8in table-layout=fixed column-number=1/ column-number=1
 7.Section 1: This is section 1 text.   /fo:block
 10.   Section 2: This is 
 section 2 text.
 11.   /fo:block
 12.   /fo:block
 13.   /fo:table-cell
 14.   /fo:table-row
 15.   /fo:table-body
 16. /fo:table
 I get the following in my PDF
 Section 1: This is section 1 text.
 Section 2: This is section 2 text.
 When I was hoping for :
 Section 1: This is section 1 text.
 Section 2: This is section 2 text.
 2. How do I format text (bold etc) with different formats in a 
 fo:block. For
 instance if I want to make the sections of the previous example 
 bold. I can
 accomplish this by wrapping them in their own fo:blocks, but that 
 an unwanted newline.
 Thanks all for your help!!
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RE: FOP Example

2002-04-03 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis
Title: FOP Example

what's so confidential about this message and who's the specific individual it's 
intended for?

  -Original Message-From: Cai, Jenny (US - Dallas) 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 6:11 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: Cai, Jenny (US - 
  Dallas)Subject: FOP Example
  I just started researching on how to use FOP and am 
  trying to find some existing sample example to run and see how it works. 
  I have downloaded two files:
  1. fop-0.20.3-bin.tar.gz 2. fop-0.20.3-src.tar.gz 
  What is the diference between these two and how to 
  run the examples? 
  This message (including any attachments) contains 
  confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and 
  is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should 
  delete this message. Any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this 
  message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly 

RE: [Understanding] FO Tree [3]

2002-02-23 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

The question is, How are extension element properties mapped?  I new
element seems to be recognized by FOP just fine, but any properties I
include are ignored by FOP, i.e. an exception is raised stating that the
property in question is ignored and/or no maker found.
matthew l. avizinis

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter B. West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 6:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [Understanding] FO Tree [3]

 Keiron Liddle wrote:

  By using element mappings it is possible to read other XML and either
  - set information on the area tree
  - create pseudo FO Objects that create areas in the area tree
  - create FO Objects
  ** Mapping elements to classes?
  I'm not sure what the question is.

 The post below is from the fop-user list.


 Hello all,
   I have read the extension element writing document and examined the
 label and outline extension elements code, but I don't see
 precisely how
 element properties are mapped.  I have followed the pattern of
 the examples
 in the code and mapped the element correctly but the properties are
 ignored when FOP runs.
   Any help is appreciated.  Please be as detailed as possible --
 I am not a
 veteran FOP developer, so what may be patently obvious to you might not be
 to me.
Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gleim Publications, Inc.

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extension element properties

2002-02-20 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Hello all,
  I have read the extension element writing document and examined the
label and outline extension elements code, but I don't see precisely how
element properties are mapped.  I have followed the pattern of the examples
in the code and mapped the element correctly but the properties are
ignored when FOP runs.
  Any help is appreciated.  Please be as detailed as possible -- I am not a
veteran FOP developer, so what may be patently obvious to you might not be
to me.
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

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1. n the art of calculating how much time you wasted and money you spent in
a doomed attempt to master a machine with a mind of it's own. --from

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extension property mapping

2002-02-18 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Hello all,
  I was looking in the ExtensionElementMapping and noticed that it


I cannot find this class.  Am I missing something?
How do I map extension element properties so that they are not ignored by

thanks for any help in advance,
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

com·put·ing (kum' pyoot ing)
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a doomed attempt to master a machine with a mind of it's own. --from

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RE: default print legal page

2002-02-13 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

fo:simple-page-master master-name=first-page page-height=356mm
fo:simple-page-master master-name=first-page page-height=14in

   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

com·put·ing (kum' pyoot ing)
1. n the art of calculating how much time you wasted and money you spent in
a doomed attempt to master a machine with a mind of it's own. --from

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 4:47 PM
 Subject: default print legal page


 I am using FOP to create pdf file in window environment.  Is
 there anyway to
 set printing Legal page in FOP properties, instead of keeping changing the
 Adobe printer
 properties settings to get print outs in right size?  Any
 suggestion will be


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RE: Seeking Comments on Status of Project

2002-02-07 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

 -Original Message-
 From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 4:05 AM
 Subject: Re: Seeking Comments on Status of Project

 So what is your point?

 - that we need a whole lot more people working on this. We already know,
 either people will volunteer or they won't.
 - that you don't know how to help. You said you can see problems. Tell us
 you are going to fix those problems. Then do it.

Well, now that I consider it more, I have to say that I guess I am just used
to a corporate way of developing software that has a definite
administrative structure and plan of action with people assigned specific
tasks.  Since I've never worked on an Open Source project, it justs seems
sort of anarchistic to me.  Maybe it'll be fun -- it justs seems like a lot
of code, documentation, and examples to just jump into.

 - that we need: coders, project coordinator, documenters, testers,
 examples etc.
 - we need deadlines, timetables, that only works when the other
 things are
 in order
 - upto date progress on everything. I would estimate that would take 60%
 of the time under the current circumstances, do you want things to take
 2.5 times longer.

 The only conclusion I can make is that I made the website look too good
 (or inappropriate). People seem to think that we have the resources of
 projects with 20-500 times the people.
 Since we cannot manage the resources then we should manage user
 expectation better.

 Here is what you will do over the next week:
 go to -
 in cvs - docs/xml-docs/fop/todo.xml
 and update it to reflect the current priorities
 work out what other people will do
 what people need
 how and in what order
 you can use the archives and the mailing list (if you want me to answer
 questions I need to see that you are making a net positive contribution)

 On 2002.02.06 19:36 Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:
  OK, so how can I help?
  I am not what could be called by most standards a professionally
  Java programmer yet.  However, I agree that documentation is
 lacking -- I
  noticed that many, or at least some, of the Help documents in the
  distribution have not been updated since 1999 (or if they have been,
  edited- date and by whom have not been).
  I am attempting to use FOP for my company's publishing work
 flow - source
  content to pdf, html, and mySQL database text blobs.  It's a great
  considering that XEP costs =$5,000, but frustrating in that Help is not
  always (or has ever been?) up to date with the current release.
  I might be able to squeeze in an hour or two a week for something deemed
  useful by someone in charge.
  Btw, who's in charge?  It doesn't seem clear to me.
  And reluctantly, but while I'm at it, what the hey (certainly Keiron's
  always very patient comments didn't provoke the following), (everyone is
  entitled to a little ranting now and then, yes?):
  And why does it seem that those folks working on this project seem so
  against stating what their goals for when they want to complete certain
  stages of development, i.e. it'll be done when it's done is
 frankly not
  what I'd expect to here from a professional, even if they are only
  programming on their free time.  If you expect users to use the
  not just hobbyist's or programming guru's, then you've got to be more
  forthcoming with what the development plan is.  At least then, if you
  meet it, you can identify why and then set a new, more realistic goal.
  Finally, one thing FOP should have is an upto date page identifying all
  elements, attributes, and attribute values that are supported.  For
  instance, how long is keep-with-next going to remain (broken) on the
  website, when it clearly is implemented at least partially with tables?
  you need someone to do it, just tell me how and I'll get about it.
  As to feature requests -- not everyone is a programmer, in fact most
  are users, so not everyone can volunteer to implement something.
  it's not the best example, but when I use MSWord and it has a defect, I
  don't volunteer to fix it; I expect MS to do it.  I just want to use the
  product (commercial or not) to make my other development efforts easier.
  the other hand, I know the active developers have much to do.
 So rather,
  than brush people off with do I here you volunteering, create a public
  wish list or to-do list or whatever you want to call it.
  I know the type of comments this will probably generate around
 here about
  this being Open Source, and there being too few developers.  Sure, I
  understand all that.  But a plain 'ol user has certain performance
  expectations.  I doubt that mySQL would enjoy the popularity it does
  if developers didn't meet user expectations (granted, there are far more
  people working on it, but I hope you get my point).
  Well, I've had my sayso, and I feel

RE: Seeking Comments on Status of Project

2002-02-06 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

OK, so how can I help?
I am not what could be called by most standards a professionally competent
Java programmer yet.  However, I agree that documentation is lacking -- I
noticed that many, or at least some, of the Help documents in the
distribution have not been updated since 1999 (or if they have been, -last
edited- date and by whom have not been).
I am attempting to use FOP for my company's publishing work flow - source
content to pdf, html, and mySQL database text blobs.  It's a great product,
considering that XEP costs =$5,000, but frustrating in that Help is not
always (or has ever been?) up to date with the current release.
I might be able to squeeze in an hour or two a week for something deemed
useful by someone in charge.
Btw, who's in charge?  It doesn't seem clear to me.

And reluctantly, but while I'm at it, what the hey (certainly Keiron's
always very patient comments didn't provoke the following), (everyone is
entitled to a little ranting now and then, yes?):
And why does it seem that those folks working on this project seem so
against stating what their goals for when they want to complete certain
stages of development, i.e. it'll be done when it's done is frankly not
what I'd expect to here from a professional, even if they are only
programming on their free time.  If you expect users to use the product,
not just hobbyist's or programming guru's, then you've got to be more
forthcoming with what the development plan is.  At least then, if you don't
meet it, you can identify why and then set a new, more realistic goal.
Finally, one thing FOP should have is an upto date page identifying all the
elements, attributes, and attribute values that are supported.  For
instance, how long is keep-with-next going to remain (broken) on the
website, when it clearly is implemented at least partially with tables?  If
you need someone to do it, just tell me how and I'll get about it.
As to feature requests -- not everyone is a programmer, in fact most people
are users, so not everyone can volunteer to implement something.  Maybe
it's not the best example, but when I use MSWord and it has a defect, I
don't volunteer to fix it; I expect MS to do it.  I just want to use the
product (commercial or not) to make my other development efforts easier.  On
the other hand, I know the active developers have much to do.  So rather,
than brush people off with do I here you volunteering, create a public
wish list or to-do list or whatever you want to call it.
I know the type of comments this will probably generate around here about
this being Open Source, and there being too few developers.  Sure, I
understand all that.  But a plain 'ol user has certain performance
expectations.  I doubt that mySQL would enjoy the popularity it does today,
if developers didn't meet user expectations (granted, there are far more
people working on it, but I hope you get my point).
Well, I've had my sayso, and I feel better.  Now I can calm down again.  :-)

thanks all for your consideration,
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

com·put·ing (kum' pyoot ing)
1. n the art of calculating how much time you wasted and money you spent in
a doomed attempt to master a machine with a mind of it's own. --from

 -Original Message-
 From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 9:55 AM
 Subject: Re: Seeking Comments on Status of Project

 As far as using FOP it is still in the early development stages. So you
 can evaluate it and use it if it is good enough for your needs.
 Due to the
 missing features and bugs etc. it is harder to evaluate and may be a
 problem if you want to extend how you use it.

 In terms of the current development status. I would say that there needs
 to be more people invloved and at the current progress it is still a long
 way from being completed. Part of the problem seems to be that to
 implement even a simple fo feature there is still a lot of other code to
 do. Another problem is the lack of effort around all the other important
 areas: website, docs, images etc.

 The only thing that will improve FOP is more people doing something
 positive even if it is small.

 Keiron Liddle

 On 2002.01.25 00:12 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  First off, thank you for what looks like a fantastic effort. I admire
  am envious of) each of you who have found the time to contribute to such
  valuable project.
  I am involved with the approval process for bringing new technology into
  our company.  We have several development groups who have seen the FOP
  engine and would like to include it their applications. The requirements
  are pretty much the same across applications. They need to generate lots

RE: 0.20.3rc bug

2002-01-31 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

To paraphrase Columbo, Just one more thing
[WARN]: Sum of fixed column widths 507400 greater than maximum specified IPD
what does IPD refer to?  Although, I'm now no longer getting the
table-layout warning, I'm still getting this one.
matthew a

 -Original Message-
 From: Matthew L. Avizinis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:10 AM
 Subject: RE: 0.20.3rc bug

 thank you

  -Original Message-
  From: Scott Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 5:11 PM
  Subject: Re: 0.20.3rc bug
  Place the attribute 'table-layout=fixed' on all your fo:table
  The default without the attribute is auto, which is not
 supported in FOP
  yet.  Just another change in the latest release.
  - Original Message -
  From: Matthew L. Avizinis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 4:49 PM
  Subject: RE: 0.20.3rc bug
   OK.  I've read the CHANGES file and I see the error of my ways.
   but now what's this?  I don't see anything about it and
 didn't get this
   before either.  My fo file doesn't have this any in it at all,
  so why the
   warning now?  All the table column widths are measured in mm, btw.
   [WARN]: table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
   [WARN]: Sum of fixed column widths 507400 greater than
 maximum specified
  Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Gleim Publications, Inc.
  4201 NW 95th Blvd.
Gainesville, FL 32606
   (352)-375-0772 ext. 101
   com·put·ing (kum' pyoot ing)
   1. n the art of calculating how much time you wasted and
 money you spent
   a doomed attempt to master a machine with a mind of it's own. --from
-Original Message-
From: Scott Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: 0.20.3rc bug
Change master-name to master-reference on your fo:page-sequence.  In
case, the error is correct and your FO is wrong.  The previous
versions were
written to the Candidate Recommendation and not the Oct 15th
which had that change.
- Original Message -
From: Matthew L. Avizinis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 3:09 PM
Subject: 0.20.3rc bug
 Hello all,
   I have not posted any bugs before and don't really know
 the formal
 procedure yet, and I haven't seen this brought up by anyone else
 I have a stylesheet which produces an fo file with two
 It produces pdf's correctly with version =0.20.2rc.
 With 0.20.3.rc
 produces the message:
   master-reference for fo:page-sequence matches no

 It seems that there is something wrong with the new
 version since I
 have two page-sequence-master s with the same names as the two
Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gleim Publications, Inc.
4201 NW 95th Blvd.
  Gainesville, FL 32606
 (352)-375-0772 ext. 101

 com·put·ing (kum' pyoot ing)
 1. n the art of calculating how much time you wasted and money you
 a doomed attempt to master a machine with a mind of it's
 own. --from

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RE: 0.20.3rc bug

2002-01-30 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

lol -- smack forehead
thanks much,
matthew a

 -Original Message-
 From: Elliotte Rusty Harold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 3:19 PM
 Subject: Re: 0.20.3rc bug

 Hello all,
I have not posted any bugs before and don't really know the formal
 procedure yet, and I haven't seen this brought up by anyone else either.
 I have a stylesheet which produces an fo file with two fo:page-sequences.
 It produces pdf's correctly with version =0.20.2rc.  With 0.20.3.rc it
 produces the message:
master-reference for fo:page-sequence matches no simple-page-master or
 It seems that there is something wrong with the new version
 since I clearly
 have two page-sequence-master s with the same names as the two

 No. There is something wrong with your stylesheet. Specifically, you
 are using the syntax from the XSL Proposed Recommednation rather than
 the syntax from the XSL 1.0 Recommmendation. The name of this
 attribute changed between the two. 0.20.3 supports the final syntax,
 not the earlier draft syntax. YOu need to change a master-name
 attribute to a master-reference attribute on the fo:page-sequence.

 | Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
 |  The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (Hungry Minds, 2001)   |
 |  |
 |   |
 |  Read Cafe au Lait for Java News:  |
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RE: 0.20.3rc bug

2002-01-30 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

OK.  I've read the CHANGES file and I see the error of my ways.
but now what's this?  I don't see anything about it and didn't get this
before either.  My fo file doesn't have this any in it at all, so why the
warning now?  All the table column widths are measured in mm, btw.
[WARN]: table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
[WARN]: Sum of fixed column widths 507400 greater than maximum specified IPD
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

com·put·ing (kum' pyoot ing)
1. n the art of calculating how much time you wasted and money you spent in
a doomed attempt to master a machine with a mind of it's own. --from

 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 3:28 PM
 Subject: Re: 0.20.3rc bug

 Change master-name to master-reference on your fo:page-sequence.  In this
 case, the error is correct and your FO is wrong.  The previous
 versions were
 written to the Candidate Recommendation and not the Oct 15th
 which had that change.


 - Original Message -
 From: Matthew L. Avizinis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 3:09 PM
 Subject: 0.20.3rc bug

  Hello all,
I have not posted any bugs before and don't really know the formal
  procedure yet, and I haven't seen this brought up by anyone else either.
  I have a stylesheet which produces an fo file with two
  It produces pdf's correctly with version =0.20.2rc.  With 0.20.3.rc it
  produces the message:
master-reference for fo:page-sequence matches no simple-page-master or
  It seems that there is something wrong with the new version since I
  have two page-sequence-master s with the same names as the two
 Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Gleim Publications, Inc.
 4201 NW 95th Blvd.
   Gainesville, FL 32606
  (352)-375-0772 ext. 101
  com·put·ing (kum' pyoot ing)
  1. n the art of calculating how much time you wasted and money you spent
  a doomed attempt to master a machine with a mind of it's own. --from
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multiple output files

2002-01-28 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Anyone want to take a stab at this?
thanks much,

Hi all,
  A whole lotta help needed please:  I need to write to a file all the 1)
page-number-citations page numbers along with their corresponding ref-id's
also the 2) last page of the pdf file being currently generated by FOP along
with it's corresponding file name.  If multiple pdf's are processed in
sequence then, the page-number-citations/ref-id and last page/file name
pairs for each file should be appended to the file.
I am not a Java expert by any stretch of the imagination, but it seems to me
that I should be able to do at least #1 each time the PageNumberCitation
Status method is used.  Am I mistaken in this?
Where would be the best location to modify the fop src in order to achieve
these results?
I have no clue as to how to get #2.
I am looking to spit out a file that looks something like:

   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   file name=goo.pdflast-page#/file

   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   file name=goo.pdflast-page#/file

much thanks in advance,
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

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RE: refocusing fop-dev and fop-user?

2002-01-25 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

I noted this a couple times several months ago.

 -Original Message-
 From: Bertrand Delacretaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 4:35 AM
 Subject: Re: refocusing fop-dev and fop-user?

 On Friday 25 January 2002 10:26, Jens von Pilgrim wrote:
 . . .
  On is only the fop-dev listed - is there
  also a user list?

 This is probably the cause - AFAIK fop-user is alive and kicking,
 just not
 listed in the proper places.

 Can anyone clarify the situation and/or make sure fop-user is
 listed in the
 right places?

 - Bertrand

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RE: Merge PDF Documents

2002-01-25 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Try using two page-sequences in your fo document.  Process the first xml
file in the first and the second xml file in the second.  This way you could
render only once.  You'd probably have to make use of the document()
function somewhere along the way.
In my work, I usually have an outline xml file and a questions xml file that
are combined to form a single chapter pdf and this is the way I do it.  I am
not using Xalan or FOP programmatically but calling them from a command
line, so I tell the XSL processor what the first file is on the command
line, then grab the second using the document() function later in the
transform as needed.
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

 -Original Message-
 From: Troy Bottger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 10:24 AM
 Subject: Merge PDF Documents


 I'm hoping to get some help using XSL and FO converting to PDF.
 I currently
 the conversion happening correctly for a single XML to PDF, but
 what I have
 need to do is take two XML's that have already been rendered into PDF and
 put them
 into one PDF document.  I don't have the luxury of being able to
 combine the
 XML together
 to allow me to just rendor it once.  Any ideas?

 Troy W. Bottger
 CommercialWare Inc.

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multiple output files

2002-01-25 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Hi all,
  A whole lotta help needed please:  I need to write to a file all the 1)
page-number-citations page numbers along with their corresponding ref-id's
also the 2) last page of the pdf file being currently generated along with
it's corresponding file name.  If multiple pdf's are processed in sequence
then, the page-number-citations/ref-id and last page/file name pairs for
each file should be appended to the file.
I am not a Java expert by any stretch of the imagination, but it seems to me
that I should be able to do at least #1 each time the PageNumberCitation
Status method is used.  Am I mistaken in this?
Where would be the best location to modify the fop src in order to achieve
these results?
I have no clue as to how to get #2.
I am looking spit out a file that looks something like:

   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   file name=goo.pdflast-page#/file

   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   x-ref id=###pg#/x-ref
   file name=goo.pdflast-page#/file

much thanks in advance,
   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

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internal destination positioning off

2001-11-01 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Hello all,
  I am using fop 0.20.2 and it seems like positioning of all the basic-link
internal destinations are about 5mm to the North of the targeted area in the
result pdf.

I am using it thus:
fo:basic-link color=black internal-destination={$id}some

I haven't seen any discussion on this, so I'm wondering if I am doing
something incorrectly or if this is a defect in  fop.

I also asked a short time ago about the use of named destinations but I have
seen no response to it.  Did it get posted?
thanks much,

   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

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insertion of named destinations into pdf's

2001-10-29 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

I saw a brief discussion several (probably about six) months ago about this
topic and the outcome didn't seem clear to me whether or not fop supports
insertion of name destinations in pdf's (not bookmarks) so that it would
be possible to open a pdf to a specific location from either another program
or another pdf.

As far as I can tell with the examples, and, it is
possible to bounce around within a document and to link to another document.
However, it looks like it only links to the top of the file, not to some
destination in the middle of the file.  If it is possible, how would you
specify it?  Is there some functionality to fo:basic-link that I am missing
or is there something undocumented I am not aware of, or is this just not
implemented yet?

Thanks ahead for any creative suggestions.

   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

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like marriage, through the use of this email.

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passing parameters to Xalan

2001-10-25 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

  Is it possible to pass parameters to the XSLT stylesheet that Xalan uses
when running fop from a command prompt (or a batch file)? If so, what is the
form the command?  I don't see anything in the docs or examples to indicate
that this is possible.
thanks much,

   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

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insertion of named destinations into pdf's

2001-10-25 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

I also noticed that the basic-links are inserted about 10-15mm _above_ the
text of link itself.  Is this a known defect or is there some other setting
to be made to put the link in the same location as the text you want
thanks again,

I saw a brief discussion several (probably about six) months ago about this
topic and the outcome didn't seem clear to me whether or not fop supports
insertion of name destinations in pdf's (not bookmarks) so that it would
be possible to open a pdf to a specific location from either another program
or another pdf.

As far as I can tell with the examples, and, it is
possible to bounce around within a document and to link to another document.
However, it looks like it only links to the top of the file, not to some
destination in the middle of the file.  If it is possible, how would you
specify it?  Is there some functionality to fo:basic-link that I am missing
or is there something undocumented I am not aware of?

I never thought I'd need this particular functionality, but it has been
thrown at me for put-everything-else-aside implementation.

Thanks ahead for any creative and positive suggestions.

   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

Information in this email and any attachments are confidential, and may
not be copied or used by anyone other than the addressee, nor disclosed to
any third party without my permission, however keg parties are ok.  There is
no intention to create any legally binding contract or other commitment,
like marriage, through the use of this email.

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RE: passing parameters to Xalan

2001-10-25 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

Yep. thanks much.  that's what i'm currently doing.  i just wanted to know
if there was that shortcut.
matthew a

 -Original Message-
 From: Alistair Hopkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 5:23 AM
 Subject: RE: passing parameters to Xalan

 Do a two step, first to fop then to pdf
 It's easier to debug anyway as you get the .fop file to inspect
 xalan has well-documented parameter passing at with the -PARAM flag


 -Original Message-
 From: Matthew L. Avizinis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 9:33 PM
 Subject: passing parameters to Xalan

   Is it possible to pass parameters to the XSLT stylesheet that Xalan uses
 when running fop from a command prompt (or a batch file)? If so,
 what is the
 form the command?  I don't see anything in the docs or examples
 to indicate
 that this is possible.
 thanks much,

Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gleim Publications, Inc.
4201 NW 95th Blvd.
  Gainesville, FL 32606
 (352)-375-0772 ext. 101

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passing parameters to Xalan

2001-10-24 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

  Is it possible to pass parameters to the XSLT stylesheet that Xalan uses
when running fop from a command prompt (or a batch file)? If so, what is the
form the command?  I don't see anything in the docs or examples to indicate
that this is possible.
thanks much,

   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

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insertion of named destinations into pdf's

2001-10-24 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

I saw a brief discussion several (probably about six) months ago about this
topic and the outcome didn't seem clear to me whether or not fop supports
insertion of name destinations in pdf's (not bookmarks) so that it would
be possible to open a pdf to a specific location from either another program
or another pdf.

As far as I can tell with the examples, and, it is
possible to bounce around within a document and to link to another document.
However, it looks like it only links to the top of the file, not to some
destination in the middle of the file.  If it is possible, how would you
specify it?  Is there some functionality to fo:basic-link that I am missing
or is there something undocumented I am not aware of?

I never thought I'd need this particular functionality, but it has been
thrown at me for put-everything-else-aside implementation.

Thanks ahead for any creative and positive suggestions.

   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

Information in this email and any attachments are confidential, and may
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like marriage, through the use of this email.

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insertion of named destinations into pdf's

2001-10-24 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

I also noticed that the basic-links are inserted about 10-15mm _above_ the
text of link itself.  Is this a known defect or is there some other setting
to be made to put the link in the same location as the text you want
thanks again,

I saw a brief discussion several (probably about six) months ago about this
topic and the outcome didn't seem clear to me whether or not fop supports
insertion of name destinations in pdf's (not bookmarks) so that it would
be possible to open a pdf to a specific location from either another program
or another pdf.

As far as I can tell with the examples, and, it is
possible to bounce around within a document and to link to another document.
However, it looks like it only links to the top of the file, not to some
destination in the middle of the file.  If it is possible, how would you
specify it?  Is there some functionality to fo:basic-link that I am missing
or is there something undocumented I am not aware of?

I never thought I'd need this particular functionality, but it has been
thrown at me for put-everything-else-aside implementation.

Thanks ahead for any creative and positive suggestions.

   Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101

Information in this email and any attachments are confidential, and may
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any third party without my permission, however keg parties are ok.  There is
no intention to create any legally binding contract or other commitment,
like marriage, through the use of this email.

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RE: should fop fail when xml file contains DOCTYPE?

2001-10-19 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

OK, I've found it -- fop doesn't like the URL's I put in there file://
whereas if I use this in an XSLT file, Xalan doesn't seem to mind when I
process other things that don't involve fop.  If I take that off the front,
fop doesn't complain any longer.  But, correct me if I'm wrong, file://etc.
is a correct URL isn't it?
matthew a

Hello Keiron (please forgive my familiarity even though we've never actually

Actually, that was the full error message.  That's the only thing it emits;
then stops.
xhtml-lat1.ent is actually an absolute path on our network as below so it
really doesn't have any bearing, I would think.
!DOCTYPE section [

Also, yes I have declared the fo namespace in the xslt file as follows:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
xsl:stylesheet version=1.1

since that is the only place it is needed not in the .xml source files.

I have since found, however, that if I define the three entities above in a
separate file by themselves and then declare a _single_ entity reference to
that new external file fop runs normally and character references are
inserted properly.
I appreciate your current and future effort.
matthew a

 -Original Message-
 From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:39 AM
 Subject: Re: should fop fail when xml file contains DOCTYPE?

 I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work.
 Are the files (eg. XHTML-DTD/xhtml-lat1.ent) available relative to where
 fop is being run or relative to the document (depends on how it is being

 I hope you have declared the namespace for fo (unlike in the sample).

 Can you turn on debugging (-d on the command line) and see what the full
 error message is?

 On Fri, 19 Oct 2001 00:44:32 Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 standalone=no?
  !DOCTYPE section [
  !ENTITY % XHTML-special PUBLIC -//W3C//ENTITIES Special//EN//XML
  Is fop 0.20.2 or 0.20.1 supposed to fail when the above DOCTYPE is
  in an xml file?  That is, are DOCTYPES allowed in xml files processed
  fop?  It works without it and generates [ERROR] R when it's included.
  Xerces and Xalan don't seem to have any problems with it, so I'm
  it to be fop.
 Matthew L. Avizinis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Gleim Publications, Inc.
 4201 NW 95th Blvd.
   Gainesville, FL 32606
  (352)-375-0772 ext. 101

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RE: TXTRenderer

2001-10-12 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

didn't provide many other details, so if assuming your using a stylesheet 
of some kind,

have you tried
xsl:output method="text" indent="yes[or no]"/
rest of the stylsheet...

have more control over the output.
this helps,

Matthew L. AvizinisGleim 
Publications, Inc.4201 NW 95th 
Blvd.Gainesville, FL 32606(352)-375-0772 ext.

  -Original Message-From: Brian T. Wolf 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 
  7:52 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  Is anyone else using the 
  TXTRenderer? It seems that when I try it my pages all appear twice as wide as 
  they are supposed to and the letter spacing is all funky.
  Is that already documented? If not, 
  does anyone have any workarounds or ways to fix this?

RE: TXTRenderer

2001-10-12 Thread Matthew L. Avizinis

What I 
meant was have you tried the following in place of using the fop text renderer 
option. If text output is what you want, then you really wouldn't need fop 
at all; your XSLT engine would produce the output you want.

didn't provide many other details, so if assuming your using a stylesheet 
of some kind,

have you tried
xsl:output method="text" indent="yes[or no]"/
rest of the stylsheet...

have more control over the output.
this helps,

Matthew L. AvizinisGleim 
Publications, Inc.4201 NW 95th 
Blvd.Gainesville, FL 32606(352)-375-0772 ext.

  -Original Message-From: Brian T. Wolf 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 
  7:52 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  Is anyone else using the 
  TXTRenderer? It seems that when I try it my pages all appear twice as wide as 
  they are supposed to and the letter spacing is all funky.
  Is that already documented? If not, 
  does anyone have any workarounds or ways to fix this?