need help xalan-J images

2002-04-10 Thread Torsten Erler

I'm using XALAN Java 2 to translate "xsl" stylesheets to "fo" and the result
to "pdf"
I have to insert a graphic using URL from xml file

This works fine, but all images are scaled to the specified height and
If I remove this attributes, all images greater than page size
produce an infinite loop on translation.
I tried to use "max-height" and "max-width", but xalan ignores this and
tells me:
Warning: property - "max-height" is not implemented yet.
Warning: property - "max-width" is not implemented yet.

Can anyone tell me another solution to find out whether the image must be
scaled to fit the page size or not?

ThanX Torsten

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Printing Page Setup

2002-04-18 Thread Torsten Erler

Hi all

I've a problem with setup the printed page sizes.
In the Application the user (must have) has the possibility to change the
papar format of the printed documents. I'm using AWTRenderer to preview some
files on screen before printing.
My xsl templates have an  Page Master like this:

Manipulating page-width / page-height

2002-04-24 Thread Torsten Erler

Hi all

Is there any way to invoke the width and height property of the PageMaster
instance, to set this page properties from within the java code??? In my xsl
template no width and height is set, but the rendered page comes with
576000x792000 mpixels. Can I manipulate the properties with my data (and if
yes where!).

ThanX Torsten

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RE: Manipulating page-width / page-height

2002-04-24 Thread Torsten Erler

ThanX that is exactly what I need. I will check it out.
I've tried to overwrite AWTRenderer etc. [ for a lot of hours :( ], but no
usable result arose, because I had only the chance to scale the rendered
image into my format (thats not the right way for different page
geometries), for printing and print preview.

ThanX also to Jeremias Maerki, but I'm not so familiar with XSLT so that I
wasn't able to understand your suggestion correct.

cu all Torsten Erler

-Original Message-
From: J.Pietschmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Mittwoch, 24. April 2002 22:58
Subject: Re: Manipulating page-width / page-height

Torsten Erler wrote:
> Is there any way to invoke the width and height property of the PageMaster
> instance, to set this page properties from within the java code??? In my
> template no width and height is set, but the rendered page comes with
> 576000x792000 mpixels. Can I manipulate the properties with my data (and
> yes where!).

There are a lot of properties. The easiest way is probably
to use XSLT parameters.
Declare global parameters in the XSL file:

and use them in the page-master

Look up details in the XSLT spec:

You can set values for the parameters from your Java code
by using the setParameter() method of your transformer:
Lookup details in the JAXP documentation.


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external-graphic size

2002-04-26 Thread Torsten Erler

Hi all

I've a problem with external graphics, which can be greater than the page
size of the xsl-template. The properties max-height and max-width doesn't
work (not implemented). The result is an infinite loop on rendering the
(correctly) generated "fo"-file with the AWTRenderer to display the result.
Is there a workaround for that or have I omit an important setting (possible
in xsl) for a parent object.

cu Torsten

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RE: external-graphic size

2002-04-29 Thread Torsten Erler

Yes I'm using this as temporarily solution to avoid program crashes, but
even the image is scaled into the specified size, also if it has original
size of e.g. 10x15 pixel. This produces a unusable chequered print-preview.

Is there another way to force the scaling only if the image overflows the
dimension of the page body area???

P.S.: I've tried to overwrite AWTRenderers "renderImageArea(ImageArea
area)"to scale the image before painting, but it seems to be the loop
occures before on formatting the area tree (I'll debug this step by step, to
find the precise position).

ThanX Torsten

-Original Message-
From: J.Pietschmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Montag, 29. April 2002 01:21
Subject: Re: external-graphic size

Torsten Erler wrote:
> I've a problem with external graphics, which can be greater than the page
> size of the xsl-template. The properties max-height and max-width doesn't
> work (not implemented). The result is an infinite loop on rendering the
> (correctly) generated "fo"-file with the AWTRenderer to display the
> Is there a workaround for that or have I omit an important setting
> in xsl) for a parent object.

Try setting height and/or width on the fo:external-graphic
element. If you specify both, the graphic may be stretched,
of you specify only one, the aspect ratio is conserved.


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RE: external-graphic size

2002-04-29 Thread Torsten Erler

ThanX fred

After many hours of work for scaling the picture right (with attention for
margins and static areas etc.), now I've accidental changed the layout
master set "extend" attributes of the regions: before and after as well as
the top/bottom margin unit of measures from "mm" to "px" for space saving
and the problem ends up in smoke. The image is scaled correct and no
infinite loop occures. I think there is a rounding failure anywhere deep in
the program on translation different unit of measures into pixels, which
produces this failure.

By Torsten

-Original Message-
From: fred redf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Montag, 29. April 2002 10:23
Subject: RE: external-graphic size

Hi all,

I had the same prob in my project. I made a little
java class (based on some code i found on the
internet) that calculate the actual width of my image.
I call that class inside my xsl (thru xalan java
extension). Then, according to some rules, i configure
width="Xcm" inside external graphic tag.

Here is some example of my code :

-< snip

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RE: Font Metrics AWT

2002-05-10 Thread Torsten Erler

Hi all!

Now I've downloaded the sdk version 1.3.1_03 from sun but the result is the
same like before.
I've attached a screenshot to this mail.
My workflow:
I go to the Driver, set the Logger and my Renderer(extended from
AWTRenderer), and call render(XMLReader,InputSource) on the Driver,
After that I go to my Renderer and render each page in a loop and add the
result within a JLabel to a JPanel, which is showing for the User.

code piece:

driver.render( parser, inputHandler.getInputSource() );

for (int i = 0; i < renderer.getNumberOfPages(); i++)

JLabel label = new JLabel( new ImageIcon(
renderer.getLastRenderedPage() ) );

panel.add( label, new GridBagConstraints(0, i, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0
,GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(6, 6, 6,
6), 0, 0));

the result is below

Can anyone help me or tell me my mistake?

ThanX Torsten

Description: GIF image

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RE: Font Metrics AWT

2002-05-13 Thread Torsten Erler

I'm using fop v0.20.3, on WINNT 4.0 SP6, java v1.3.1 (required for the
project -> 1.4 not possible at this time)

Here are the results from command line awt rendering for java 1.3.1 and java
1.4 (looks better)

cu Torsten (ThanX for replies)

-Original Message-
From: Ralph LaChance [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Samstag, 11. Mai 2002 04:22
Subject: RE: Font Metrics AWT

Trying to place your results on a JLabel rings a bell but I can't
recall why

Could you try running the vanilla command-line fop   -awt and
see if you get better results ?

something like

java -cp 
 -xsl  -xml  -awt

Also, please give you fop version , os ? , the usual stuff

(hmmm, perhaps I'm showing my age in more ways than one; I cannot
recall if the current maintenance branch still has a command-line
Our production usage is based on fop 0.20.1)

 ' Best,
 -Ralph LaChance

Description: GIF image

Description: GIF image

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garbage collection on reset

2002-05-15 Thread Torsten Erler

Hi all!

Can I (and if yes, how can I) configure the MEM_PROFILE_WITH_GC variable on
StreamRenderer to run garbage collector every start and finish to save
memory on batch printing?

Additional, please take a look on FopImageFactory. This class holds strong
references to every loaded image.
No reload and recalculate the dimension of the image (which has modified
since the last loading) is possible at any time. This is the cause why
modified images are scaled to the size of the first loaded image on
awt/print rendering.
I've overriden the class to disable the caching complete (Batch printing
uses 500++ MB!!! memory usage after loading 20 to 30 images and it crashes
due to OutOfMemoryError).
I don't know whether this is fixed in your current project status, if yes
ignore this.

ThanX Torsten

P.S.: ThanX to all, who spend a lot of time to make this powerful program
more stable and more extensive. I think this and of course the other apache
projects, are a great contribution to bring java ( my favorite ) to the most
popular and most useful programming language.

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RE: dynamic table-column-width

2002-05-15 Thread Torsten Erler

I think you have to calculate the column-width in your java code and then
pass it to the xml or direct to the xslt transformer as parameter.

possibility 1:

create xml structure like this in your data source


in your xsl read out this values


possibility 2:

pass the values to the stylesheet at transforming process

Transformer transformer = =
TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer( xslSource );
transformer.setParameter( "table1-column1", yourValue1 );
transformer.setParameter( "table1-column2", yourValue2 );

in your xsl catch the parameters

and use it to set the columns

Note that all of this is untestet stuff and may not work.

cu Torsten

-Original Message-
From: Juergen Lippold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2002 11:17
To: >
Subject: dynamic table-column-width


does anybody know if there is a possibilty to let FOP-Managing the
The problem is that I've got some tables with String-attributes for each
column with a different width.
There is one possibiltity to calculate the width in the java application,
but I don't think that there will be very
good performance doing this because you have to check the length of all the
Thanks for help.

Juergen Lippold

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RE: dynamic table-column-width

2002-05-15 Thread Torsten Erler

Mistake discovered:

xml datasource should look like this 





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RE: garbage collection on reset

2002-05-15 Thread Torsten Erler


The workflow is following:

- I create many images like file://c:/a/1/temp.gif, file://c:/a/2/temp.gif
and file://c:/a/3/temp.gif
- I add the path's to my xml structured document
- I transform this document and an accordingly xsl to and file
- this fo-file will be rendered for print-preview via an AWTRenderer
- I call reset on Driver, my renderer and set new inputsource etc.

On batch printing this workflow repeats x-times and for every rendering
process the image-files will be created in the same way. That means,
independant on how many gifs I've to produce for the current preview, all
files are located in folder "a" and all files are named temp.gif. Only the
directory which holds the file is (incremetal) different, but starts for
each preview with "1". After the preview is done the directory file://c:/a
and all child files will be removed from the computer.

The first Preview works correct, but if I try to go the same way more than
one times, all following AWT-rendered Images are scaled to the size
calculated to the first loading of file://c:/a/1/temp.gif , but the size
and contents of the file has changed completely.

The FopImageFactory maps the String representation of the image URL to the
calculated FOPImage. On request it returns the wrong FOPImage, because of no
check for last modified date ore something is done. That means the ImageArea
which is constructed on rendering process has the wrong dimensions.
AWTRenderer's renderImageArea(ImageArea) method loads the correct (actual)
image from the URL and the direct drawing from Graphics2D will scale the
image into the shape-dimensions of the obsolete FOPImage.
The results are funny if the first picture has a dimesion of 100x800 points
and the second one (with exactly the same url) has 600x200 points.

Hope that helps

cu Torsten

> -Original Message-
> From: Arved Sandstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2002 12:29
> Subject: RE: garbage collection on reset
> Hi, Torsten
> All points are noted.
> I am not sure I understand what you want to see in the case
> of modified
> images. In the general case, as soon as you change the dimension of an
> image, you might potentially have to recalculate _all_
> layout. The rendering
> cannot independently start using a new image size.
> I think I am missing something. Can you describe this scenario in more
> detail? It sounds like a good use case.
> Regards,
> Arved Sandstrom
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Torsten Erler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: May 15, 2002 6:23 AM
> > To: Fop-Dev (E-mail)
> > Subject: garbage collection on reset
> >
> > Can I (and if yes, how can I) configure the MEM_PROFILE_WITH_GC
> > variable on
> > StreamRenderer to run garbage collector every start and
> finish to save
> > memory on batch printing?
> >
> > Additional, please take a look on FopImageFactory. This
> class holds strong
> > references to every loaded image.
> > No reload and recalculate the dimension of the image (which
> has modified
> > since the last loading) is possible at any time. This is
> the cause why
> > modified images are scaled to the size of the first loaded image on
> > awt/print rendering.
> > I've overriden the class to disable the caching complete
> (Batch printing
> > uses 500++ MB!!! memory usage after loading 20 to 30 images
> and it crashes
> > due to OutOfMemoryError).
> > I don't know whether this is fixed in your current project
> status, if yes
> > ignore this.
> -
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FW: Environment problem

2002-05-16 Thread Torsten Erler

Sorry for crossposting, but the problem occures, if I try to get the Parser
from FOInputHandler in the junit test case. inputHandler.getParser() throws
a FOPException:

org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser is not
a SAX driver
at org.apache.fop.apps.InputHandler.createParser(
at org.apache.fop.apps.FOInputHandler.getParser(

based on a ClassCastException:

at org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)  at
at org.apache.fop.apps.InputHandler.createParser(
at org.apache.fop.apps.FOInputHandler.getParser(

The SAX2 final version isn't correct set only in the test case (in the
application every thing works fine)!?

> -Original Message-
> From: Torsten Erler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2002 09:37
> To: Xalan-Dev (E-mail)
> Subject: Environment problem
> Hi all
> I've a incomprehensibly problem with the SAX environment.
> If I start my project and run EnvironmentCheck all is ok:
> # BEGIN writeEnvironmentReport($Revision: 1.10 $): Useful stuff
> found: 
> version.DOM.draftlevel=2.0fd
> java.class.path=>snip (too long)
> version.JAXP=1.1
> java.ext.dirs=D:\javasoft\jdk1.3.1\jre\lib\ext
> version.xerces2=Xerces-J 2.0.1
> version.xerces1=not-present
> version.xalan2_2=Xalan Java 2.3.1
> version.xalan1=not-present
> version.ant=not-present
> java.version=1.3.1_03
> version.DOM=2.0
> version.crimson=not-present
> sun.boot.class.path=D:\javasoft\jdk1.3.1\jre\lib\rt.jar;D:\jav
> asoft\jdk1.3.1
> \jre\lib\i18n.jar;D:\javasoft\jdk1.3.1\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;
> D:\javasoft\jd
> k1.3.1\jre\classes
> # BEGIN Listing XML-related jars in:
> xml-apis.jar-apparent.version=xml-apis.jar from xalan-j_2_3_0 from
> xml-commons-1.0.b2
> xml-apis.jar-path=f:\java\projects\star\beta\java\ext\tools\li
> b\xalan-2.3.1_
> xml-apis.jar
> #- END Listing XML-related jars in:
> -
> version.SAX=2.0
> version.xalan2x=Xalan Java 2.3.1
> #- END writeEnvironmentReport: Useful properties found: -
> # YAHOO! Your environment seems to be OK.
> Then, I have a test class and if I start this unit test with 100%
> identically classpath the result is:
> # BEGIN writeEnvironmentReport($Revision: 1.10 $): Useful stuff
> found: 
> version.DOM.draftlevel=2.0fd
> java.class.path=>snip (too long)
> version.JAXP=1.1
> java.ext.dirs=D:\javasoft\jdk1.3.1\jre\lib\ext
> version.xerces2=Xerces-J 2.0.1
> version.xerces1=not-present
> version.xalan2_2=Xalan Java 2.3.1
> ERROR.version.SAX=ERROR attempting to load SAX version 2 class:
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: setAttributes
> ERROR.=At least one error was found!
> version.xalan1=not-present
> version.ant=not-present
> version.SAX-backlevel=2.0beta2-or-earlier
> java.version=1.3.1_03
> version.DOM=2.0
> version.crimson=not-present
> sun.boot.class.path=D:\javasoft\jdk1.3.1\jre\lib\rt.jar;D:\jav
> asoft\jdk1.3.1
> \jre\lib\i18n.jar;D:\javasoft\jdk1.3.1\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;
> D:\javasoft\jd
> k1.3.1\jre\classes
> # BEGIN Listing XML-related jars in:
> xml-apis.jar-apparent.version=xml-apis.jar from xalan-j_2_3_0 from
> xml-commons-1.0.b2
> xml-apis.jar-path=f:\java\projects\star\beta\java\ext\tools\li
> b\xalan-2.3.1_
> xml-apis.jar
> #- END Listing XML-related jars in:
> -
> version.xalan2x=Xalan Java 2.3.1
> #- END writeEnvironmentReport: Useful properties found: -
> # WARNING: Potential problems found in your environment!
> #Check any 'ERROR' items above against the Xalan FAQs
> #to correct potential problems with your classes/jars
> #
> Can anyone help me? I don't understand the difference,
> because the classpath
> and the sequence of jar files is the same in both cases!
> ThanX Torsten

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RE: Environment problem (fixed)

2002-05-16 Thread Torsten Erler


just for information, for anyone, who gets in the same trouble!

I've found the problem with the obsoleter SAX-2 implementation. In my
classpath are 2 different xml-api's (I know about that, but I cannot avoid
that, because of foreign parts in our app are delivered with this api
contained in the jar file).
To solve this, the xalan/xerxes libraries are in front of my classpath and
it works fine, but JUnit uses two different classloader, the System
ClassLoader and for reloading classes in gui (swing) testing they are using
their own Class Loader. This loader seems to ignore the sequence of
libraries in the classpath and returns the wrong implementation class (SAX
Now I've disabled class reloading and all works perfect (May god be

cu Torsten :)


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RE: Font Metrics AWT

2002-05-17 Thread Torsten Erler

Hi all

Great work Ralph.
The results looks very good and I hope the next release contains your fix.

I've and additional wish for the AWTRenderer.
Can anyone make the 'graphic' variable protected, to enable sublasses to
draw on it?
In my case I have to divide between final print and test print (crisscross
the page and draw a test string on it). At this time I have to do it twice
(without patching original sources). Firtsly at renderPage(Page) where I
create my own Graphics2D instance after  super.renderPage(Page) has finished
and secondly on print with the passed in Graphics2D parameter.
I think programmer who subclass the original know that they have to work
with the graphics variable careful and are responsible for their own
mistakes. Therefore I don't see a reason to hold the instance restrictively
with private access.

ThanX a lot (especially to ralph for the fix)
cu Torsten

> -Original Message-
> From: Ralph LaChance [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2002 17:05
> Subject: RE: Font Metrics AWT
> I have found the problem and worked out its repair.
> The modified code is attached below.
> The problem stems from a bug in java's handling of drawing of
> AttributedStrings when a font attribute is specified.   Bug parade
> #4650042 describes a similar problem unique to jdk 1.4, but
> makes also suggests that there are other more general problems
> w/ fonts and AttributedStrings.
> In our case, calling
> drawString (string) instead of
> drawString (AttributedString...) solves the problem.
> The fix simply draws the text using the string version of
> drawString and then to draw the underline (if defined)
> separately.
> I have tested it on jre 1.3.0, jre 1.3.0_02 and jre/jdk 1.4.0 -
> all on WinNT4/sp5
> attached is the changed code -- it only affects one method
> in AWTRenderer.
> Will someone commit it ?
>  ' Best,
>  -Ralph LaChance

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eps preview - question

2002-05-24 Thread Torsten Erler

Hi all

I've a little(?) problem on previewing eps graphics in an awt-rendered

I know that acrobat reader doesn't preview emebedded postscript. But have I
misunderstood, I thought fop does the preview on screen!? I'm using
'external-graphic' for that. My rendered page does preserve the space
correct for the picture but it doesn't show everything of the picture.
I need this preview to give the user the possibility to cancel the
printerjob before printing.

Has anyone an idea what is going wrong or a way to do it?
cu Torsten

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RE: eps preview - question

2002-05-24 Thread Torsten Erler

Ok thanks! :(

cu Torsten

P.S. Is there another known way to make eps visible in java?

> -Original Message-
> From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Freitag, 24. Mai 2002 16:14
> Subject: Re: eps preview - question
> Neither Acrobat Reader not the AWT renderer can display an EPS image.
> EPS only works with the PDF renderer IF(!) the document is 
> printed to a
> PostScript printer, or with the PostScript renderer. No other renderer
> in FOP can do aynthing with an EPS.
--X snip

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RE: Could not compile

2002-07-01 Thread Torsten Erler


just an idea:

The error message suggests that there is a compiler switch [-classic]
anywhere in the build process, but AFAIK jdk 1.4 doesn't deliver a classic
compiler (JIT) anymore.

cu Torsten

> -Original Message-
> From: RamanaJV [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Montag, 1. Juli 2002 15:27
> Subject: RE: Could not compile
> Thanks for the reply Keiron,
>   I have the JAVA_HOME pointing towards the JDK and not
> the JRE. Just
> for confirmation, I have installed JDK 1.3 and changed the JAVA_HOME
> pointing towards the JDK 1.3 directory. Now, I'm able to successfully
> execute build.bat. It seems like to be a problem with the
> java version.  I'm
> using fop version 0.20.3. Is 0.20.3 not ready for JDK 1.4?
> -Original Message-
> From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 5:23 PM
> To: FOP
> Subject: Re: Could not compile
> You probably have your JAVA_HOME pointing to a jre directory. It needs
> to be a jdk directory that contains extra jars.
> On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 13:01, RamanaJV wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I'm trying to compile the source files through build.bat and it
> > fails saying the following error
> >
> > F:\fop-0.20.3-src\fop-0.20.3\build.xml:590: Cannot use
> classic compiler,
> as
> > it is not available A
> >  common solution is to set the environment variable
> JAVA_HOME to your jdk
> > directory.
> >
> > But, I have jdk installed here. I use JDK 1.4.  I'm new to this fop
> > development and want to work on this project. Any help please.
> >
> > Ramana.JV.
> -
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patch EPSReader (BoundingBox)

2002-08-01 Thread Torsten Erler


, I've a lot of (incorrect) ps-files produced from a foreign app. The files
have BoundingBox values like:

%%BoundingBox: 0.0 0.0 139.0 25.8239998

I know that it isn't conform with the spec, which requires
%%HiResBoundingBox for floating point values, but I think it is a little bit
to restrictive to ignore this file totally on rendering (Image Area has 0x0
I think we should warn the user, that the postscript file has a failure, but
we should preserve the space in the document with round off Integers.

Here is the modified code, which seems to be working fine.

// - code snip
private int readLongString(long[] mbbox, int i, int idx) {
while (idx < epsFile.length &&
   (epsFile[idx] == 32))

int nidx = idx;

while (nidx < epsFile.length &&
((epsFile[nidx] >= 48 && epsFile[nidx] <= 57) ||
(epsFile[nidx] == 45) || (epsFile[nidx] == 46) ))//here check
also for ANSI46(".") to identify floating point values

byte[] num = new byte[nidx - idx];
System.arraycopy(epsFile, idx, num, 0, nidx-idx);
String ns = new String(num);

if( ns.indexOf(".") > -1 )
//here do something like logging a warning

mbbox[i] = (long) Math.ceil( Double.parseDouble( ns ) );//then parse 
double and round off to the next math. Integer

return (1 + nidx - idx);
// - end code snip

It were great if any commiter can put this into the original file.

cu Torsten
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