Re: markers in redesign

2003-03-03 Thread J.Pietschmann
Peter B. West wrote:
More heart-in-the-mouth stuff for me, as I have coded the pre- and 
post-order iterators in Node according to another interpretation, and I 
have just had a mad search to try to justify it.

 From the DOM Level 2 Traversal and Range spec glossary:

document order
The term document order has the same meaning as depth first, 
pre-order traversal, which is equivalent to the order in which the start 
tags occur in the text representation of the document.

Ouch, I mistakenly used in-order traversal, instead of
pre-order traversal. This clears up quite a few mysteries!
Does spec reading cause temporary brain damage?
This means if there are FOs generating nested areas with
markers with the same marker-class in nested FOs, the
outermost marker will be retrieved unless a isFirst()
or isLast() preference kicks in.
This still leaves the question: Does a block with a
break-before=page or a break-after=page span two pages,
or will it always be the first/last area on the page its
content is rendered on?
 fo:block id=A
   fo:marker marker-class=I id=m1/
   fo:block id=B break-after=page
 fo:marker marker-class=I id=m2/
Does last-ending-within-page retrieve m1 or m2?
I'd think m2.
 fo:block id=A break-after=page
   fo:marker marker-class=I id=m1/
   fo:block id=B
 fo:marker marker-class=I id=m2/
Does last-ending-within-page retrieve m1 or m2?
Probably m1, but where in the spec can I find backing for this

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-03-03 Thread Tony Graham
J.Pietschmann wrote at  3 Mar 2003 21:58:55 +0100:
  This still leaves the question: Does a block with a
  break-before=page or a break-after=page span two pages,
  or will it always be the first/last area on the page its
  content is rendered on?

One page (assuming it fits within one page).

7.19.1, break-after

   Specifies that the first normal area generated by formatting the
   next formatting object, if any, shall be the first one placed in a
   particular context (e.g., page-area, column-area).

7.19.2, break-before

   Specifies that the first area generated by this formatting object
   shall be the first one placed in a particular context (e.g.,
   page-area, column-area).

fo:block id=A
  fo:marker marker-class=I id=m1/
  fo:block id=B break-after=page
fo:marker marker-class=I id=m2/
  Does last-ending-within-page retrieve m1 or m2?
  I'd think m2.

So do I.

fo:block id=A break-after=page
  fo:marker marker-class=I id=m1/
  fo:block id=B
fo:marker marker-class=I id=m2/
  Does last-ending-within-page retrieve m1 or m2?
  Probably m1, but where in the spec can I find backing for this

I think m2, since B follows A in a pre-order traversal order.

7.23.3. retrieve-position


  Specifies a preference for retrieving the children of an
  fo:marker attached to an area that is within the containing page
  whose is-last trait is set to true and that follows in the
  area tree any other similarly constrained area that is attached
  to an identically named fo:marker, using pre-order traversal


Tony Graham

XML Technology Center - Dublin
Sun Microsystems Ireland Ltd   Phone: +353 1 8199708
Hamilton House, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3x(70)19708

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-03-03 Thread Keiron Liddle
 This still leaves the question: Does a block with a
 break-before=page or a break-after=page span two pages,
 or will it always be the first/last area on the page its
 content is rendered on?
   fo:block id=A
 fo:marker marker-class=I id=m1/
 fo:block id=B break-after=page
   fo:marker marker-class=I id=m2/
 Does last-ending-within-page retrieve m1 or m2?
 I'd think m2.

The area from block A will always be a parent of the area from block B. So surely 
that after block B ends then the containing block A will end. The forced break only 
tells us that we should force a break at that position otherwise it is the same as a 
normal break.

   fo:block id=A break-after=page
 fo:marker marker-class=I id=m1/
 fo:block id=B
   fo:marker marker-class=I id=m2/
 Does last-ending-within-page retrieve m1 or m2?
 Probably m1, but where in the spec can I find backing for this

Look in 4.2.5 Stacking constraints.
In the diagram case 2, A is before B. So that in your example the after edge of 
block A is after the after edge of block B, so m1.


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Re: markers in redesign

2003-03-02 Thread J.Pietschmann
I reexamined the marker problematic again.
There are a few issues not yet mentioned. First some odd wording:
The properties of the fo:retrieve-marker impose a hierarchy of
 preference on the areas of the area tree...
Unfortunately, they don't define this hierarchy directly but
instead define how preferences are derived from this hierarchy.
Every area in the hierarchy is considered preferential to, or
 better than, any area below it in the hierarchy.
I suppose the 'hierarchy' mentioned here is the marker preference
hierarchy rather than the area tree hierarchy. Further:
When comparing two areas to determine which one is better, the
 terms first and last refer to the pre-order traversal order
 of the area tree.
It's hard to see what purpose the marker preference hierarchy
serves, as the real definition of the preferences is still done
in terms of the area tree hierarchy.
The quote above shows another problem: I'm used to the term
pre-order in context of binary trees, where it means that
first the first/left subtree is visited, then the node
itself, then the last/right subtree. Unfortunately, the
area tree is hardly a binary tree. How should the term be
interpreted in this context?
Let's take an example:
 fo:block id=A
   fo:marker marker-class=I id=m1/
   fo:block id=B
 fo:marker marker-class=I id=m2/
Block B is, according to my interpretation of pre-order
before block A, therefore retrieving class I with
first-starting-within-page would get marker 2. Also,
retrieving with either last-starting-within-page or
last-ending-within-page should return marker m1.
A common sense approach should probably yield
first-starting-within-page: m1
last-starting-within-page: m2
last-ending-within-page: m1
The last one is of course debatable, there are arguments
(using a glossary example) in favor of resulting in m2.
If hierarchy in
Every area in the hierarchy is considered preferential to, or
 better than, any area below it in the hierarchy.
is interpreted as area tree hierarchy, always m1 would be
retrieved, because the area generated by block A has both
isFirst() and isLast() and is always above the area from
block B. This interpretation is a bit better than the to
the letter interpretation for first-starting-within-page
and last-ending-within-page but doesn't really fit well for
Another interesting example
 fo:block id=A
   fo:marker marker-class=I id=m1/
   fo:block id=B break-after=page
 fo:marker marker-class=I id=m2/
I interpret this that the area block A creates two areas,
one of the first and one zero size area on the second page.
Mind you, this is not at all clear from the spec, I more or
less grabbed this out of the blue.
The common sense result for the first page would mean
last-ending-within-page returns m2.
On the second page, every retrieve-position retrieves m1,
of course.

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-03-02 Thread Peter B. West
J.Pietschmann wrote:
I reexamined the marker problematic again.
When comparing two areas to determine which one is better, the
 terms first and last refer to the pre-order traversal order
 of the area tree.
The quote above shows another problem: I'm used to the term
pre-order in context of binary trees, where it means that
first the first/left subtree is visited, then the node
itself, then the last/right subtree. Unfortunately, the
area tree is hardly a binary tree. How should the term be
interpreted in this context?
Let's take an example:
 fo:block id=A
   fo:marker marker-class=I id=m1/
   fo:block id=B
 fo:marker marker-class=I id=m2/

More heart-in-the-mouth stuff for me, as I have coded the pre- and 
post-order iterators in Node according to another interpretation, and I 
have just had a mad search to try to justify it.

From the DOM Level 2 Traversal and Range spec glossary:

document order
The term document order has the same meaning as depth first, 
pre-order traversal, which is equivalent to the order in which the start 
tags occur in the text representation of the document.

In such an ordering, A precedes B.

Block B is, according to my interpretation of pre-order
before block A, therefore retrieving class I with
first-starting-within-page would get marker 2. Also,
retrieving with either last-starting-within-page or
last-ending-within-page should return marker m1.
Lord, to whom shall we go?
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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-27 Thread Keiron Liddle
Hi all,

I think I am getting an idea of the markers with Peter's and others points but I don't 
fully understand how it should work or be implemented.

Anyway I have committed the code of how it might roughly work and hopefully it 
is correct for the containing page. It isn't that much code anyway, it is mainly a 
matter of getting the logic right.

When we know how it definitely should work then we can adjust it if necessary.


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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-27 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:
Hi all,

I think I am getting an idea of the markers with Peter's and others points but I don't 
fully understand how it should work or be implemented.

Anyway I have committed the code of how it might roughly work and hopefully it 
is correct for the containing page. It isn't that much code any-way, it is mainly a 
matter of getting the logic right.

When we know how it definitely should work then we can adjust it if necessary.

I have a couple of notes concerning markers in my posting on 
integration.  What helped me in coming to terms with them was 
considering the simple usage of dictionary headings.  The static-content 
will be the same on every page, extracting the first and last words 
defined on the page.  On every page, though, the result will be different.

I don't have the imagination for use cases for other situations, but one 
can easily envisage a case where page n and page n+1 retrieve the same 
marker; page n from the containing-page, and page n+1 from the previous 
Lord, to whom shall we go?

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
Keiron Liddle wrote:
How do you jump from the first sentance to the second one. The containing 
page refers to the page where the marker is first formatted not where the 
retrieve-marker occurs.
A marker generates areas after being retrieved by a retrieve-marker.
The containing page is the page where the first, and indeed all areas
generated by the marker after such a retrieval will occur.
There is no such concept of a page where a certain FO occurs, in particular
if static content is involved, which is necessarily the case if the FO
is a retrieve-marker.
I vote for a clarification and a re-write, the containing page is defined by the 
retrieved marker, the marker to retrieve is defined by the containing page.
The formulation is indeed most contrived, but there is only one reasonable
possibility to get out of the circle.
I admit I have no really good idea how to reformulate the whole mess.

BTW there are attempts on EXSLFO to muddy this issue further by
allowing retrieve-marker in the normal flow...

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-26 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:
Keiron Liddle wrote:

How do you jump from the first sentance to the second one. The containing 
page refers to the page where the marker is first formatted not where the 
retrieve-marker occurs.
A marker generates areas after being retrieved by a retrieve-marker.
The containing page is the page where the first, and indeed all areas
generated by the marker after such a retrieval will occur.

Do you mean the page where the current retrieve-marker will retrieve the current 
marker and add the area(s). Which we could call the current page for 
Yes.  But really we should call it the containing page.  Conceptually, 
the fo:marker and its children replace the invoking fo:retrieve-marker. 
 The point of a particular fo:retrieve-marker is fixed, so the point of 
expansion of the retrieved fo:marker is fixed, whereas the actual 
fo:marker that will be retrieved is not fixed.

So what happens if there is no marker on the current page but there was a 
marker on the previous page. This marker on the previous page generated or 
retruned the first area from the retrieved marker and therefore is the containing 
page in some context.

But the marker subtree from the previous page is tranposed into the same 
containing page.

Another point, why have this statement:
A qualifying area within a page is better than any qualifying area within a 
preceding page,
Unless it is possible that if there is no qualifying marker on the current page then it 
is possible to retrieve a marker from a preceding page.
Yes, it is possible, but again, the qualifying marker on a previous page 
will be transposed to the containing page - the page whose 
fo:retrieve-marker started all the trouble.

The rest of the above-quoted sentence, following the comma, is:
...except that areas do not have a position in the hierarchy if they 
are within pages that follow the containing page.  In my reading, the 
implication is that the containing page is an absolute point of 
reference - the page in which the fo:retrieve-marker accurs.
Lord, to whom shall we go?

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-26 Thread Keiron Liddle
 But the marker subtree from the previous page is tranposed into the same 
 containing page.

Where do you get that from, how is it transposed, I have not seen any information 
about this?
Considering all the retrieve positions refer to areas in the containing page then 
these markers transposed from a previous page are not attached to areas in the 
containing page.

Are you agreeing then that if it cannot find it on the current page it should look an 
the previous page and so on, or does this transposing do something else.

  Another point, why have this statement:
  A qualifying area within a page is better than any qualifying area within a 
  preceding page,
  Unless it is possible that if there is no qualifying marker on the current page 
then it 
  is possible to retrieve a marker from a preceding page.
 Yes, it is possible, but again, the qualifying marker on a previous page 
 will be transposed to the containing page - the page whose 
 fo:retrieve-marker started all the trouble.
 The rest of the above-quoted sentence, following the comma, is:
 ...except that areas do not have a position in the hierarchy if they 
 are within pages that follow the containing page.  In my reading, the 
 implication is that the containing page is an absolute point of 
 reference - the page in which the fo:retrieve-marker accurs.

Yes, one of the many contradictions. I presume you mean where the fo:retrieve-
marker is replaced with the retrieved marker (since it occurs on every page with 
that static content).

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-26 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:
But the marker subtree from the previous page is tranposed into the same 
containing page.

Where do you get that from, how is it transposed, I have not seen any information 
about this?
I was thinking of
6.11.4 fo:retrieve-marker
The fo:retrieve-marker does not directly generate any area. It is 
(conceptually) replaced by the children of the fo:marker that it retrieves.

Considering all the retrieve positions refer to areas in the containing page then 
these markers transposed from a previous page are not attached to areas in the 
containing page.

Are you agreeing then that if it cannot find it on the current page it should look an 
the previous page and so on, or does this transposing do something else.
I agree.  In that case, the transposition is from the fo:marker subtree 
on a previous page.

Another point, why have this statement:
A qualifying area within a page is better than any qualifying area within a 
preceding page,
Unless it is possible that if there is no qualifying marker on the current page 
then it 

is possible to retrieve a marker from a preceding page.
Yes, it is possible, but again, the qualifying marker on a previous page 
will be transposed to the containing page - the page whose 
fo:retrieve-marker started all the trouble.

The rest of the above-quoted sentence, following the comma, is:
...except that areas do not have a position in the hierarchy if they 
are within pages that follow the containing page.  In my reading, the 
implication is that the containing page is an absolute point of 
reference - the page in which the fo:retrieve-marker accurs.

Yes, one of the many contradictions. I presume you mean where the fo:retrieve-
marker is replaced with the retrieved marker (since it occurs on every page with 
that static content).
Yes.  It occurs on every page, but for every page the replacement 
fo:marker has to be recalculated.  The process is particular to each 
fo:retrieve-marker on each page.

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-25 Thread Peter B. West
J.Pietschmann wrote:
Arved Sandstrom wrote:

The thing that bugs me is, when there is no qualifying area in the
containing page (Note to spec editors: try saying currently-formatted
page), after filtering, then it becomes anarchy. It seems like user
preferences based on retrieve-position lose all relevance. In other 
there is an elaborate set of definitions based on the current page, 
with a
hierarchy defined by retrieve-position, but as soon as one establishes
that there is no such qualifying area on the current page, than it's just
the first qualifying area one can find, moving back in the document.

Exactly. All definitions regarding retrieve-position exclusively
refer to the current page. There is not a single word on what should
happen if there is no matching marker on the current page but several
on the previous page which are eligible. FOP picks the last, but there
is absolutely nothing in the spec which backs this, and I searched
thoroughly last weekend.
It's a worry.  I think the decision is a sensible extrapolation from the 
fact that, where pages are concerned, nearer is better.  However, it is 
clearly an oversight by the editors.  Has anyone written to them on this 

BTW for the page sequence retrieving scope there is a current page
sequence casually mentioned but definition of the term is left to
imagination, in contrast to the meticulous definition of current page.
Additionally, some oddball examples for discussion and fun:

   fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/stuff/fo:block
   fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/stuff
Which one is the last?
Because the relevant context is the area tree, I would think that the 
footnote would be the last.
Similarly for
fo:block-container position=absolute top=10cm left=0cm
 width=5cm height=5cm
 fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/fo:blockstufffo:block
fo:block-container position=absolute top=0cm left=0cm
 width=5cm height=5cm
 fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/fo:blockstufffo:block
This one is trickier. It seems to me that the fact that out-of-line 
areas are defined to have no impact on the layout of normal areas might 
imply that such areas occupy a position in the area tree which is 
independent of their eventual position on the page.  That aspect is 
determined by the particular positioning properties of the fo, 
independently of the normal layout flow.  In that case, it would be 
tempting to assume that such areas are regarded as occurring in the area 
tree at the point of their definition.

If so, then, even though the second area with top of 0cm will precede 
the first on the page, it follows the first in the area tree.  This 
interpretation would help with the case in which the markers are defined 
in both absolutely positioned and normal areas.

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-25 Thread Keiron Liddle
 Looking at it again, I disagree.  The containing page is the page 
 containing the first area generated or returned by the children of the 
 retrieved fo:marker.  That is, the page on which the fo:retrieve-marker 
 occurs in the static-content.  This will only vary if the retrieval 
 forces a re-layout.

How do you jump from the first sentance to the second one. The containing 
page refers to the page where the marker is first formatted not where the 
retrieve-marker occurs.

I vote for a clarification and a re-write, the containing page is defined by the 
retrieved marker, the marker to retrieve is defined by the containing page.

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RE: markers in redesign

2003-02-25 Thread Arved Sandstrom
 -Original Message-
 From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: February 25, 2003 9:16 PM
 Subject: Re: markers in redesign

  Looking at it again, I disagree.  The containing page is the page
  containing the first area generated or returned by the children of the
  retrieved fo:marker.  That is, the page on which the fo:retrieve-marker
  occurs in the static-content.  This will only vary if the retrieval
  forces a re-layout.

 How do you jump from the first sentance to the second one. The
 page refers to the page where the marker is first formatted not
 where the
 retrieve-marker occurs.

That's now my opinion also, after my re-read. I made the other assumption
based on the obfuscated language.

 I vote for a clarification and a re-write, the containing page is
 defined by the
 retrieved marker, the marker to retrieve is defined by the
 containing page.

I think we can all agree on asking for a rewrite. :-)


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RE: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Arved Sandstrom
Hi, Keiron

I interpret 6.11.4 as follows. Number one, the names have to match -
marker-class-name and retrieve-class-name. This is straightforward. It
defines qualifying areas.

Number two, qualifying areas are excluded if they follow the page being
formatted, regardless of retrieve-boundary. So retrieve-boundary
essentially defines the backward limits. Finally, retrieve-boundary also
restricts qualifying areas in the backward direction: page says that if
it's not on the currently being-formatted page, it isn't up for

For last-starting-within-page, is-first is clear enough I think. An FO
is generating and returning areas on the containing page, and the first one
is...well, the first one. :-) So it is the optimal candidate if its parent
FO has qualifying markers. With reference to your [2], return to the def'n
of qualifying area: name-matching, period. I assume last in this context
means last geometrically, as opposed to some other last. Eg, immediately
preceding as one normally reads a document.

I think whoever wrote this portion (markers) made the spec too abstruse. I
finally just broke my rule of adhering to the law, and considered the use
cases, and decided what made sense. :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: February 23, 2003 6:49 PM
 Subject: Re: markers in redesign

 Hi all,

 Is it correct that it should look for markers on the current page
 and if page
 boundary is current page then stop there. If boundary is
 page-sequence then
 keep going backwards on each page until a marker is found or
 reaches the start
 of the page-sequence and similarly for the document boundary.

 I'm trying to work out exactly how the markers should work.
 For the first starting within page and last ending I am fine
 with. First including
 carry-over seems okay.

 Last starting within page is a bit confusing. A statement [1] in
 the spec suggests
 that it shouldn't really find the last starting in the page but
 rather find the closest
 node to the root in the area tree that is the last starting area.
 Another statement [2]
 seems confusing but maybe this is if it is searching previous pages.

 So if this was in a page then block a would be the last
 starting in the page.

 block id=a
   block id=b
   block id=c

 But if there is a column break in pos1 the last starting in page
 will become
 block c as block a is not starting in that part of the area tree.

 If this is the case then there are two possible cases when
 starting an area: isfirst
 and other. When finishing an area there are: islast, (had)
 isfirst and both. This will
 supply enough information to add only the needed markers to the
 area tree. These
 markers can then be kept for later retrieval.

 [1] Every area in the hierarchy is considered preferential to,
 or better than, any
 area below it in the hierarchy.

 [2] If there is no such area, then the last qualifying area in
 the containing page is
 better than any other area.

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:
Hi all,

Is it correct that it should look for markers on the current page and if page 
boundary is current page then stop there. If boundary is page-sequence then 
keep going backwards on each page until a marker is found or reaches the start 
of the page-sequence and similarly for the document boundary.

I'm trying to work out exactly how the markers should work.
For the first starting within page and last ending I am fine with. First including 
carry-over seems okay.

Last starting within page is a bit confusing. A statement [1] in the spec suggests 
that it shouldn't really find the last starting in the page but rather find the closest 
node to the root in the area tree that is the last starting area. Another statement [2] 
seems confusing but maybe this is if it is searching previous pages.

So if this was in a page then block a would be the last starting in the page.

block id=a
  block id=b
  block id=c
But if there is a column break in pos1 the last starting in page will become 
block c as block a is not starting in that part of the area tree.

I haven't looked at markers too closely, but I would tend to think that, 
in the first case, block c is the last-starting-within-page.  Blocks a, 
b and c all qualify; they all have an is-first trait of true.  So 
which one follows all others in the area tree, *in pre-order traversal 
order*?  Pre-order traversal gives us a, b, c.  So c follows in the 
area tree any other similarly constrained area.

Then the column break would have no impact on the selection.

It seems to me that the hierarchy is not the same as the area tree or 
fo tree hierarchy.  It is a unique hierarchy constructed by applying the 
constraints on the qualifying areas.  The boundary conditions impose 
absolute constraints - violate one and you are out.  But the other 
conditions are not absolute, and they, along with actual page for 
multi-page boundaries, are used to construct the hierarchy.

I think.


If this is the case then there are two possible cases when starting an area: isfirst 
and other. When finishing an area there are: islast, (had) isfirst and both. This will 
supply enough information to add only the needed markers to the area tree. These 
markers can then be kept for later retrieval.

[1] Every area in the hierarchy is considered preferential to, or better than, any 
area below it in the hierarchy.

[2] If there is no such area, then the last qualifying area in the containing page is 
better than any other area.
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RE: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Arved Sandstrom
Comments below.

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter B. West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: February 24, 2003 6:53 AM
 Subject: Re: markers in redesign

[ SNIP ]

 It seems to me that the hierarchy is not the same as the area tree or
 fo tree hierarchy.  It is a unique hierarchy constructed by applying the
 constraints on the qualifying areas.  The boundary conditions impose
 absolute constraints - violate one and you are out.  But the other
 conditions are not absolute, and they, along with actual page for
 multi-page boundaries, are used to construct the hierarchy.

Yes, that's my interpretation. Precisely so. It is tempting to confuse
hierarchy for tree. But the language of the spec in regard of markers
defines a different hierarchy, one which happens to map closely to the area
tree, but is highly filtered.

I re-assert that in the case of this particular section of the spec, we can
fall back on common sense, although normally I am loath to do so (it may
sound funny to hear that, but I am a professional software developer, and
I'd rather follow the letter than the spirit. That approach usually assures
better code, and better specs). That means to me that in this case we use
the use cases in the spec to identify what makes sense. Markers are amenable
to this, as opposed to reference-orientation, because the latter is an
artificial concept, and several interpretations may apply.

That means, to me, first, that we use the naming to identify qualifying

Two, we use retrieve-boundary to filter out qualifying areas. I make that
distinction, because qualifying areas are defined by the naming alone.

Three, we use retrieve-position coupled with area traits (and the traits
are easy to establish) to figure out the best qualifier on the _current_

The thing that bugs me is, when there is no qualifying area in the
containing page (Note to spec editors: try saying currently-formatted
page), after filtering, then it becomes anarchy. It seems like user
preferences based on retrieve-position lose all relevance. In other words,
there is an elaborate set of definitions based on the current page, with a
hierarchy defined by retrieve-position, but as soon as one establishes
that there is no such qualifying area on the current page, than it's just
the first qualifying area one can find, moving back in the document.


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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Peter B. West

Arved Sandstrom wrote:


That means, to me, first, that we use the naming to identify qualifying
Two, we use retrieve-boundary to filter out qualifying areas. I make that
distinction, because qualifying areas are defined by the naming alone.
Three, we use retrieve-position coupled with area traits (and the traits
are easy to establish) to figure out the best qualifier on the _current_
The thing that bugs me is, when there is no qualifying area in the
containing page (Note to spec editors: try saying currently-formatted
page), after filtering, then it becomes anarchy. It seems like user
preferences based on retrieve-position lose all relevance. In other words,
there is an elaborate set of definitions based on the current page, with a
hierarchy defined by retrieve-position, but as soon as one establishes
that there is no such qualifying area on the current page, than it's just
the first qualifying area one can find, moving back in the document.
I suppose that one way of looking at this is that retrieve-position is 
inherently this-page based, and that to try to extend the 
retrieve-position logic in a consistent way to, say, previous page, 
would add a layer of some complication.  The easy solution is to declare 
that, if you blew it with the retrieve-position properties, all bets are 
off, and we go into emergency mode.

Lord, to whom shall we go?
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RE: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Tony Graham
Arved Sandstrom wrote at 24 Feb 2003 08:01:40 -0400:
  Comments below.
   -Original Message-
   From: Peter B. West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: February 24, 2003 6:53 AM
   Subject: Re: markers in redesign
  [ SNIP ]
   It seems to me that the hierarchy is not the same as the area tree or
   fo tree hierarchy.  It is a unique hierarchy constructed by applying the
   constraints on the qualifying areas.  The boundary conditions impose
   absolute constraints - violate one and you are out.  But the other
   conditions are not absolute, and they, along with actual page for
   multi-page boundaries, are used to construct the hierarchy.
  Yes, that's my interpretation. Precisely so. It is tempting to confuse
  hierarchy for tree. But the language of the spec in regard of markers
  defines a different hierarchy, one which happens to map closely to the area
  tree, but is highly filtered.

It's not just areas.  fo:wrapper 'does not generate any areas', but
also 'may always have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its
initial children.'

  The thing that bugs me is, when there is no qualifying area in the
  containing page (Note to spec editors: try saying currently-formatted
  page), after filtering, then it becomes anarchy. It seems like user

I wasn't there when the spec was written, but it seems to me that
'currently-formatted page' presupposes making pages on the fly and
doesn't quite describe pages that are unbounded in one or both
directions (i.e. where there is only ever one page) and also doesn't
describe the possible processing model of making all the pages from
the fo:flow and then going back and fixing up the static content.


Tony Graham

XML Technology Center - Dublin
Sun Microsystems Ireland Ltd   Phone: +353 1 8199708
Hamilton House, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3x(70)19708

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RE: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Arved Sandstrom
Comments inline.

 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: February 24, 2003 10:26 AM
 Subject: RE: markers in redesign

 Arved Sandstrom wrote at 24 Feb 2003 08:01:40 -0400:
   Comments below.
-Original Message-
From: Peter B. West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: February 24, 2003 6:53 AM
Subject: Re: markers in redesign
   [ SNIP ]
It seems to me that the hierarchy is not the same as the
 area tree or
fo tree hierarchy.  It is a unique hierarchy constructed by
 applying the
constraints on the qualifying areas.  The boundary conditions impose
absolute constraints - violate one and you are out.  But the other
conditions are not absolute, and they, along with actual page for
multi-page boundaries, are used to construct the hierarchy.
   Yes, that's my interpretation. Precisely so. It is tempting to confuse
   hierarchy for tree. But the language of the spec in regard
 of markers
   defines a different hierarchy, one which happens to map
 closely to the area
   tree, but is highly filtered.

 It's not just areas.  fo:wrapper 'does not generate any areas', but
 also 'may always have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its
 initial children.'

No, you're quite right, Tony, fo:wrapper does not generate areas. But it
_returns_ areas, assuming that its children do (there are presumably some
pathological cases), and those areas are what markers act on. wrapper is

I may have missed your point on this.

   The thing that bugs me is, when there is no qualifying area in the
   containing page (Note to spec editors: try saying currently-formatted
   page), after filtering, then it becomes anarchy. It seems like user

 I wasn't there when the spec was written, but it seems to me that
 'currently-formatted page' presupposes making pages on the fly and
 doesn't quite describe pages that are unbounded in one or both
 directions (i.e. where there is only ever one page) and also doesn't
 describe the possible processing model of making all the pages from
 the fo:flow and then going back and fixing up the static content.

OK, you've got me here. :-) I fall into the trap of ignoring media-usage
too frequently. So the point is well taken.

Regarding the second point, that processing model ignores an
error-if-overflow value for overflow; process a thousand pages and then
only afterwards find out that you ought to have aborted with a message?


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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread J.Pietschmann
Arved Sandstrom wrote:
I assume last in this context
means last geometrically, as opposed to some other last.
I'd think it's the last area generated and inserted in the area
tree by the parent FO of the marker, if applicable. This is of
course usually the last, geometrically, for some reasonably
intuitive definition of geometrically. Odd things may happen
if the marker is attached to a footnode body of a footnote broken
across several pages...
I think whoever wrote this portion (markers) made the spec too abstruse. I
finally just broke my rule of adhering to the law, and considered the use
cases, and decided what made sense. :-)
Heresy! :-)

If we are discussing odd stuff, is it really true that the
blocks in a footnote body inherit the start-indent of the
block which contains the footnote? Actually, FOP does
this, and I can't find anything in the spec providing for
the contrary.
Same applies to side floats, thereby perhaps leading to
nice circularity problems...

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread J.Pietschmann
Arved Sandstrom wrote:
The thing that bugs me is, when there is no qualifying area in the
containing page (Note to spec editors: try saying currently-formatted
page), after filtering, then it becomes anarchy. It seems like user
preferences based on retrieve-position lose all relevance. In other words,
there is an elaborate set of definitions based on the current page, with a
hierarchy defined by retrieve-position, but as soon as one establishes
that there is no such qualifying area on the current page, than it's just
the first qualifying area one can find, moving back in the document.
Exactly. All definitions regarding retrieve-position exclusively
refer to the current page. There is not a single word on what should
happen if there is no matching marker on the current page but several
on the previous page which are eligible. FOP picks the last, but there
is absolutely nothing in the spec which backs this, and I searched
thoroughly last weekend.
BTW for the page sequence retrieving scope there is a current page
sequence casually mentioned but definition of the term is left to
imagination, in contrast to the meticulous definition of current page.
Additionally, some oddball examples for discussion and fun:

   fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/stuff/fo:block
   fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/stuff
Which one is the last?

Similarly for
fo:block-container position=absolute top=10cm left=0cm
 width=5cm height=5cm
 fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/fo:blockstufffo:block
fo:block-container position=absolute top=0cm left=0cm
 width=5cm height=5cm
 fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/fo:blockstufffo:block

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Keiron Liddle
 I haven't looked at markers too closely, but I would tend to think that, 
 in the first case, block c is the last-starting-within-page.  Blocks a, 
 b and c all qualify; they all have an is-first trait of true.  So 
 which one follows all others in the area tree, *in pre-order traversal 
 order*?  Pre-order traversal gives us a, b, c.  So c follows in the 
 area tree any other similarly constrained area.

So does b and c follow a, what is the definition of follows.
I agree with your reasoning but we are talking about the spec. Just that off-hand 
statement about every area being better than an area below.
I think they need to explain the implications of what the definitions are.

If you think of last-starting as sort of the opposite of first-including-carryover 
(which doesn't need to have an is-last), then the parent a actually comes first. 
But that is only wild speculation.

 Then the column break would have no impact on the selection.
 It seems to me that the hierarchy is not the same as the area tree or 
 fo tree hierarchy.  It is a unique hierarchy constructed by applying the 
 constraints on the qualifying areas.  The boundary conditions impose 
 absolute constraints - violate one and you are out.  But the other 
 conditions are not absolute, and they, along with actual page for 
 multi-page boundaries, are used to construct the hierarchy.
 I think.

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Keiron Liddle
 Exactly. All definitions regarding retrieve-position exclusively
 refer to the current page. There is not a single word on what should
 happen if there is no matching marker on the current page but several
 on the previous page which are eligible. FOP picks the last, but there
 is absolutely nothing in the spec which backs this, and I searched
 thoroughly last weekend.

For the current page or containing page I take it to mean like so (assuming doc or 
page-sequence boundary):
If we are on the third page of a document and we want to retrieve a first-starting-
within-page then it will look on page 3, if it finds the marker then fine. If not 
there is no such area (on the current page) and it should look at page 2. Page 2 is 
now the containing page and it looks for a marker that is first-starting-within-
page on page 2. Then page 1...
Admitedly it doesn't actually say that, but I can't interpret the wording otherwise.

 BTW for the page sequence retrieving scope there is a current page
 sequence casually mentioned but definition of the term is left to
 imagination, in contrast to the meticulous definition of current page.
 Additionally, some oddball examples for discussion and fun:
 fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/stuff/fo:block
 fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/stuff

Isn't the footnote in an area that is after the main-reference area and hence last.

 Which one is the last?
 Similarly for
 fo:block-container position=absolute top=10cm left=0cm
   width=5cm height=5cm
   fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/fo:blockstufffo:block
 fo:block-container position=absolute top=0cm left=0cm
   width=5cm height=5cm
   fo:marker marker-class-name=foo/fo:blockstufffo:block

Ordering stays, regardless of where it is drawn.


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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Keiron Liddle
 I haven't looked at markers too closely, but I would tend to think that, 
 in the first case, block c is the last-starting-within-page.  Blocks a, 
 b and c all qualify; they all have an is-first trait of true.  So 
 which one follows all others in the area tree, *in pre-order traversal 
 order*?  Pre-order traversal gives us a, b, c.  So c follows in the 
 area tree any other similarly constrained area.
 Then the column break would have no impact on the selection.

I re-read that part and what you say makes sense now. It's all very confusing.

 It seems to me that the hierarchy is not the same as the area tree or 
 fo tree hierarchy.  It is a unique hierarchy constructed by applying the 
 constraints on the qualifying areas.  The boundary conditions impose 
 absolute constraints - violate one and you are out.  But the other 
 conditions are not absolute, and they, along with actual page for 
 multi-page boundaries, are used to construct the hierarchy.
 I think.

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RE: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Arved Sandstrom
Comments below.

 -Original Message-
 From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: February 24, 2003 10:59 PM
 Subject: Re: markers in redesign

  Exactly. All definitions regarding retrieve-position exclusively
  refer to the current page. There is not a single word on what should
  happen if there is no matching marker on the current page but several
  on the previous page which are eligible. FOP picks the last, but there
  is absolutely nothing in the spec which backs this, and I searched
  thoroughly last weekend.

 For the current page or containing page I take it to mean like so
 (assuming doc or
 page-sequence boundary):
 If we are on the third page of a document and we want to retrieve
 a first-starting-
 within-page then it will look on page 3, if it finds the marker
 then fine. If not then
 there is no such area (on the current page) and it should look at
 page 2. Page 2 is
 now the containing page and it looks for a marker that is
 page on page 2. Then page 1...
 Admitedly it doesn't actually say that, but I can't interpret the
 wording otherwise.

[ SNIP ]

I re-read the spec so exhaustively that my eyes are burning. :-) I think
Keiron is right.

Boy, it would be cool if they could rewrite that section, though. :-)


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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-23 Thread Keiron Liddle
Hi all,

Is it correct that it should look for markers on the current page and if page 
boundary is current page then stop there. If boundary is page-sequence then 
keep going backwards on each page until a marker is found or reaches the start 
of the page-sequence and similarly for the document boundary.

I'm trying to work out exactly how the markers should work.
For the first starting within page and last ending I am fine with. First including 
carry-over seems okay.

Last starting within page is a bit confusing. A statement [1] in the spec suggests 
that it shouldn't really find the last starting in the page but rather find the 
node to the root in the area tree that is the last starting area. Another statement 
seems confusing but maybe this is if it is searching previous pages.

So if this was in a page then block a would be the last starting in the page.

block id=a
  block id=b
  block id=c

But if there is a column break in pos1 the last starting in page will become 
block c as block a is not starting in that part of the area tree.

If this is the case then there are two possible cases when starting an area: isfirst 
and other. When finishing an area there are: islast, (had) isfirst and both. This will 
supply enough information to add only the needed markers to the area tree. These 
markers can then be kept for later retrieval.

[1] Every area in the hierarchy is considered preferential to, or better than, any 
area below it in the hierarchy.

[2] If there is no such area, then the last qualifying area in the containing page is 
better than any other area.

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markers in redesign

2003-02-18 Thread Keiron Liddle
Hi all,

Since the topic is being discussed why don't we look at implementing markers in 
the redesign.

I'll try to do what is obvious, getting the markers from the fo, adding when adding 
areas and retrieving when needed.
I think some areas need changing so that the layout manager type is resolved 
after resolving markers, for example with tables it shouldn't make any 
assumptions about the type of child.

I don't understand the boundaries etc. so I might need some help there.


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