Re: PDFName.getName() returns escaped name?!

2012-03-29 Thread J.Pietschmann
Am 29.03.2012 01:24, schrieb Craig Ringer:
 I'd also like to have getEncodedName() return a byte[] not a
 String, since an encoded PDF name isn't actually text data.

Sounds like a reasonable idea.

 BTW, is there any reason Fop's PDF library uses java.lang.String when
 working with sequences of PDF data bytes?

I'd chalk this up to historical reasons, as usual. Fell free to
provide a patch which cleans this up.


Re: svn commit: r1234877 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk: examples/embedding/java/embedding/ examples/embedding/java/embedding/atxml/ src/java/org/apache/fop/cli/ src/java/org/apache/fop/render/ src/java/

2012-01-28 Thread J.Pietschmann
Am 25.01.2012 15:59, schrieb mehdi houshmand:
 This would mean deprecating
 o.a.f.apps.FOUserAgent.setRendererOverride(...) since (if I'm not
 mistaken) this is legacy code to bind a MIME type to IF output.

AFAIR it was meant as a hook for users providing their own renderer,
overriding built-in renderers for the same MIME type. E.g. some
hacked-up AFP-renderer or something.
I wish Jeremias would come forward and provide some more background.


Re: Static main methods

2012-01-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
Am 27.01.2012 16:35, schrieb mehdi houshmand:
 There seem to be an awful lot of static main methods around the fonts
 and hyphenation packages, I was wondering if anyone had any objections
 to moving all these methods into classes under a single package i.e.

AFAIR all of these are there to facilitate development and testing,
the font metrics and the hyphenation class generator being the only
exceptions. They are not meant for the average user. Most if not all
could probably be deleted, or a least moved into the test tree. I'm
not sure what to do with the metrics generator, as the metrics file
is deprecated anyway. The hyphenation class generator is already
a class for itself (which ist overly complicated and could probably
share more code with the ant task). Another possibility would be to
get rid  of explicitely building serialized hyphenation classes and use
a caching mechanism for processed hyphenation patterns, somewhat
similar to fonts.

 (FOURIResolver, FontResolver, HyphenationTreeResolver,
 DataURIResolver, DTDEntityResolver) which I think we can all agree is
 a little excessive.
Unfortunately, there are at least two different APIs involved, and
there are still reasons users should be able to set different resolvers
for different purposes. Using an underlying unified API makes sense,
however I remember unifying DTDEntityResolver and the other Resolvers
run into difficulties (maybe related to XML catalogs).


Re: svn commit: r1234877 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk: examples/embedding/java/embedding/ examples/embedding/java/embedding/atxml/ src/java/org/apache/fop/cli/ src/java/org/apache/fop/render/ src/java/

2012-01-23 Thread J.Pietschmann

Hi Mehdi!

Am 23.01.2012 17:15, schrieb
 This breaks the public API but for good reasons:
Good reasons or not, there are a few guidelines when it comes
to changing public interfaces:
- There has to be a discussion of the change. Alternatively,
  open a bugzilla ticket and provide reasons and the proposed
  solution/patch for inspection (yes, even committers should
  do that)
- It's good practice to call a vote after the pros and cons
  of the change have been laid out.
- It's also good practice to deprecate functionality which is
  going to be removed, in order to maintain compatibility for
  at least one release cycle and give users time to adapt.
Please revert the commit.


Re: not letting me put xsl:tempate inside fo:root

2011-05-04 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 04.05.2011 20:15, Brian wrote:

Are we not allowed to put xsl:template inside fo:root?

No. According to the XSLT spec, xsl:template must be an immediate child
of xsl:stylesheet, see and 
other parts of the spec.

  Outside fo:root it works fine, but this doesn't help me in this particular

The xsl:template element is a declaration, so your statement makes me
think you are seriously confused about how XSLT works. The best way to
clean this up is usually to send a problem description to the XSL list,
where the gurus tend to hang out. Guidelines and subscription advice


Re: FindBugs exclusion policy proposal

2011-02-27 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 27.02.2011 02:46, Glenn Adams wrote:

My expectation (not hope) was that once we eliminated the pre-existing
findbugs, that new commits would not add new issues. Otherwise, it is a
pointless exercise. My conclusion is that since findbugs does indeed
identify some real and potential bugs, that it is worth using and that a
zero findbugs policy should apply.

Well, while findbugs indeed finds real issues and improves
maintainability of the code, I don't think I'd have enough
time to commit myself to examine each and every findbugs
complaint carefully, rather then just plaster it over with
an exception, and I think it's the same with Jeremias.

This doesn't mean we throw it out. As of now, anybody is free
to run the findbugs target and fix issues which come up. Installing
a zero findbugs issues policy is a rather drastic step, which will,
believe it or not, raise barriers for contributions, divert
resources and possibly have some other undesirable effects, like
name calling on public lists. Unless we all are convinced we have
the resources to lead by example and that the positive effects of
a zero findbugs issues policy outweigh any possible drawbacks,
running findbugs should be voluntary.

However, saying all of the above, the largest barrier I see to fixing bugs
in FOP and improving its quality is the reticence of the clique of FOP
committers to accept new committers.

Uh oh. As a PMC member I'm certainly guilty of not following
contributions closely enough. Nevertheless, rest assured this
has nothing to do with some elitist attitude but rather with a
I hope someone else will deal with this kind of aspects stance,
aka a sort of laziness. I do not expect you to show sympathy for this
now, but in case you get the possibility to recruit someone else, and
realize the procedures necessary for this, you'll understand it
better (I might get some fun out of reminding you of this message


Re: TODO tag [was: Re: svn commit: r990148 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop: area/ fo/ fo/flow/ fo/flow/table/ fo/pagination/ fo/properties/ hyphenation/ layoutmgr/ layoutmgr/inline

2010-09-02 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 02.09.2010 12:14, Glenn Adams wrote:

also the doclet options to permit use of @todo without warnings. I could try
to experiment some to see if that is feasible, then we could return to the
former usage of @todo.

Javadoc 1.5 or later can be passed a command line option defining 
additional tokens to accept:

I vaguely remember to have had it working in my local build.xml some
times ago.


Re: findbugs results

2010-08-23 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 18.08.2010 15:01, Simon Pepping wrote:

FOP committers, interested in having our code analysed there?


BTW Sonar is Open Source, installing it for local use is easy.


Re: Font Glyph?

2010-07-17 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 15.07.2010 22:44, Eric Douglas wrote:

Then I pass a text value of #x2611; in my XML.  When the transformer
uses FOP to translate the XML into output, this prints a square.

Have a look at
U2611 is BALLOT BOX WITH CHECK, i.e. not a square (U2610 should be a
square, are you sure about the entity?)
If FOP couldn't find the glyph, it would have printed a # instead.
You could use one of the font editors to check whether your font
actually has a glyph for the U2611 character (try

I tried replacing my fop.jar with one that I compiled from the Trunk,
and instead of printing the square it printed an error message to the
Java Console that the font doesn't contain the specified glyph.

That's mildly odd, I'd guess your method for telling FOP about your font
doesn't work as in Trunk.


Re: SEVERE: Couldn't find hyphenation pattern en_US

2010-06-23 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 23.06.2010 18:08, Tom Browder wrote:

I'm trying to understand how the distributable packages on the fop
download site are assembled, by hand or by script?  If by script,
where is it?

It's the build.xml file. You'll need ant ( to
run it, the target dist will generate tgz and zip archives for
both a binary and a source package. It will not generate a package
which can be used by the Ubuntu package system. They wont contain
the jar with the hyphenation classes either.


Re: SEVERE: Couldn't find hyphenation pattern en_US

2010-06-22 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 22.06.2010 19:02, Tom Browder wrote:

I have tried to explicitly point to the fop-hyph.jar file with the
FOP_HYPHENATION_PATH environment variable but that doesn't seem to

The fop-hyph.jar must be in the classpath, putting it into
the fop/lib directory should be sufficient if FOP is run using
one of the scripts as they pick up any jar there.

I'm not sure whether the fop-hyph.jar from the OFFO project
contains an en_US hyphenation class, maybe there is only
an en_UK class there. Check using jar -tvf lib/fop-hyph.jar


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 48108] Special Characters are not rendering

2009-11-03 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 03.11.2009 08:45, wrote:


Hi Devs,

I want to get an opinion: Should we start to emit error
messages if there is no glyph for a character in the current
font set? Of course, the user shouldn't be drowned in
essentially the same message over and over again, perhaps
by deferring the message to the end of processing and trying
to compressing multiple missing characters to ranges or
something like mulitple characters from unicode block
NNN didn't have a glyph in font ...


Re: TTF Fonts in FOP v0_20_5

2009-09-04 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 04.09.2009 10:55, JPee wrote:

I'm working with FOP embedded in a CMS and using verdana (referenced as
verdanattf.tff) and georgia (referenced as georgia.ttf), also with bold and
italic fonts of it.

When I generate a PDF and copy a word, everything i get is 
 and not the correct letters, searching in the document is because of
that problem also not possible.

FOP 0.20.5 doesn't generate CID maps which are necessary to copy or
search text associated with user defined fonts.

Is there a way how it works correctly with
true type fonts?

The PDF generated by FOP 0.20.5 allows copying and searching
only for texts rendered with built-in PDF fonts. Either you'll
have to use Times or Courier, or upgrade to FOP 0.95.


Re: FOP Version v0_20_5 linkproblem

2009-09-04 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 04.09.2009 10:49, JPee wrote:

If I use a basic link and the external-destination is linked to a pdf, all /
(slashes) turn into \ (backslashes).

As a wild guess: if you generate the PDF with the backslashes on
Windows, try on a UNIX/LINUX system and check whether the problem
goes away.
Other than that, you'll either have to upgrade FOP to a more recent
version or hack the URL resolver from 0.20.5 yourself.


Re: [VOTE] Merge branch for new Intermediate Format into Trunk

2009-02-16 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 16.02.2009 17:11, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

As mentioned earlier, I would like to start a vote for merging the
Intermediate Format branch [1] (revision 744946) into Trunk.

+1 from me too, looks good.


Re: [VOTE] Merge Temp_AFPGOCAResources branch into trunk

2008-11-27 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 27.11.2008 16:33, Max Berger wrote:

The recent amount of discussion shows that your branch should be
integrated into trunk as soon as possible, since it touches other areas
as well, and these issues need to be resolved before 1.0beta.

I got the same impression, but I don't know anything about
the code itself.
So +0.5 from me too.


Re: Remove FAQ Entries Related to 0.20.5

2008-11-18 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 18.11.2008 12:14, Vincent Hennebert wrote:


What do you think of removing entries in the FAQ section that are
specific to 0.20.5 and earlier versions? This would make it shorter, so
less likely to scare people away, and in the same time easier for them
to find the answer to their question. Plus it would stress the fact that
we no longer support 0.20.5.

+1 from me. Reminds me that FAQ work is still on my agenda.


Re: Fwd: FOP with Hebrew/Arabic

2008-11-02 Thread J.Pietschmann

On 31.10.2008 18:53, Andreas Delmelle wrote:

a) inherent directionality (Unicode BIDI embedding) is not implemented

The good news: We can now use the Java 1.4 BIDI stuff. Maybe
something from Oleg Tkachenko's patch can be resurrected.


Re: Website: Areas of Expertise

2008-08-05 Thread J.Pietschmann

Luis Ferro wrote:

I'm no hacker of svn, but it should be possible to generate the table based
on the commits only... and a date threshold for the last commit by each

Just an idea to automate it...

All the good ideas are already taken!


Re: svn commit: r677648 - /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/

2008-07-20 Thread J.Pietschmann

Andreas Delmelle wrote:

I understand... I still think it's a nice showcase for
character-by-character font-selection added by Max, so I'm wondering, if
the AFPRenderer is the only exception, we should be looking at a way to
fall back with a warning, rather than disabling the feature for all
other output formats as well (?)

I think we could ask the renderer about available fonts. How should the
API look like?


Re: svn commit: r665699 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop: fo/flow/table/ layoutmgr/ layoutmgr/inline/ layoutmgr/list/ layoutmgr/table/

2008-06-09 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Frankly, I'm less than thrilled. I appreciate the good will behind this
but I'd have appreciated some advance warning, too. My concern is that:
-ListElement last = (ListElement)contentList.getLast();

is much easier to read and write than:

+ListElement last = (ListElement) contentList
+.get(contentList.size() - 1);

It may even be faster, unless LinkedList specifically optimizes
get(contentList.size() - 1).

Well, I think a List should be used if only List methods are needed,
and a specialized subclass should be used if methods of the subclass
have to be used.
Years ago, while I replaces Java 1.1 collection classes with 1.2 I
learned that replacing unnecessary use of specialized subclasses with
more generic classes without a tool is rather difficult. I vaguely
remember of a commercial tool which can report unnecessary use of
specialized subclasses (in general), as well as unnecessary broad
access control (i.e. public when protected is sufficient).
Does anybody of an open source tool which does this too?


Re: Switching to Java 1.5

2008-06-07 Thread J.Pietschmann

Max Berger wrote:

I have to disagreee. AAMOF, java 1.5 is ONLY supported on a select
number of plattforms, mainly the ones Sun provides the JDK for (or is

Well, gcj claims 1.5 compatibility and can be compiled on
almost anything. My personal experience on a Debian AMD64
platform is that they still have a rather long list of
problems to resolve, in particular I wasn't even able to
build FOP trunk.


Re: Can not check out Trunk with SVN

2008-05-22 Thread J.Pietschmann

bonekrusher wrote:

Speak to your network administrators about fixing up their proxy
configuration. - this will never happen.

Alternatively, try HTTPS, which should go through the proxy:
  svn co


Re: svn commit: r653202 - /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/inline/

2008-05-05 Thread J.Pietschmann


  kern = font.getKernValue(previous, c) * 
font.getFontSize() / 1000;
  if (kern != 0) {

Uh, oh. Something went wrong with autoindentation?


Re: Processing Feedback: How to handle things like Batik's user agent?

2008-03-20 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Something like that. The only problem with creating this is a static
context: I don't know for which processing run I create the user agent.

I didn't have alook at the actual code, but I thought the Batik User
Agent can be created once the first SVG is processed. (Same for user
agents for other extensions) The current FOP user agent might be passed
to the foreign-extension element which ought to be responsible to
create the extension specific user agent, and might provide a context.
The FOP user agent might have to get methods to store and retrieve
extension specific user agents for use for rendering other extension
elements of the same kind.


Re: Processing Feedback: How to handle things like Batik's user agent?

2008-03-19 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

2. I could also build a hook of some sort so the caller/user can control
the creation of the SVG user agent


Option 1 sounds more straight-forward but somehow 2 feels better even
though it's probably more complex and takes a little experimenting to do
right. It also means that the user has more work and needs to learn
about more than just FOP's event system.

I also like the second option more than the first. Maybe the two
can be combined: let FOP provide an user agent which funnels Batik's
messages into FOP's event system and which is used by default, but
allow for an override. I'd think of a service mechanism, so that
applications which want to consume Batik messages directly just
have to drop their jars before the FOP jar into the classpath, and
use lazy creation of the user agent.


Re: Update: XML JARs

2008-02-20 Thread J.Pietschmann


FWIW: running FOP out-of-the-box to me is also a much more important
concern than removing those JARs, so I'm in favor of keeping the
status quo for now.



Re: Q: What should happen when an image is not found?

2008-02-20 Thread J.Pietschmann

Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Adrian made the suggestion some time ago of using the fo:declarations
element to override configuration on a per-document basis:


It’s not as fine-grained as a PI (no
means to say “from now on, do this”), but I share Jeremias’ feeling
about PIs.

From my experience, a mechanism saying “from now on, do this” is
likely to confuse a non-trivial amount of users.

I think there should be the following hierarchy (which is already
complex enough)
- config file
- overridden by command line arguments
- overridden on a per document basis by extension elements in the
  fo:declarations section
- overridden on a per element basis by extension attributes on the
- overridden by specific force command line arguments (force
  all warnings/problems to be fatal may be the only one of this kind)


Re: Remove deprecated methods in outer API for 0.95?

2008-02-15 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

For some time now we have a number of methods in our outer API that are
deprecated. I think we should remove them now. Anyone against my doing
that as part of the preparations for the release?

They've been deprecated for long enough time now. So +1.


Re: What to do with the XML JARs?

2008-01-31 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

That means that as long as we have Batik as a mandatory dependency [1]
on our core we also have a dependency on DOM Level 3 and Xalan-J which
means we cannot remove any of the 4 JARs, except xerces.jar probably
which doesn't really have a big effect in itself. Hehe. We're back to my
solution 2 (or the status quo). And it would mean we can simply use
javax.xml.xpath as we like.

Whoa! Pull that tail end hanging out of the foliage and you get
an elephant!


Re: What to do with the XML JARs?

2008-01-30 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

- Our test code has a (useful) dependency on Xalan's XPath API. Java 1.4
provides an old JAXP version without XPath support (javax.xml.xpath,
available with Java 1.5). So we've got a problem here for the time being.

Although it is valuable that users can run the test cases, I don't
see it as a production activity, and we could just require them
to use Java 1.5 in this case.

2. Move the 4 JARs to a lib/endorsed directory and adjust our scripts to
insert them into the bootclasspath


- User might wonder why the JARs are suddenly in a different place.

Even worse, this might affect unrelated code for no obvious (to
the user) reason.

I guess it's clear that only solution 2 makes sense if we want to change

I'm not really fond of this idea. I think the simplest solution is to
remove the jars, and require developers and curious users who want to
run tests to use a 1.5 or newer environment for this. An ant trap
testing for the critical JAXP classes can prevent running the tests
in older environments.


Java 1.4 compatibility

2008-01-05 Thread J.Pietschmann

Hi devs,

I just started to import a FOP project into my brand new shiny
Eclipse installation on Debian Etch, and quickly found out that
I unexpectedly signed up for checking FOP's 1.4 compatibility.
There are numerous assert statements in files related to table
layout. Should I just comment them out?


Re: Closing bugs in bugzilla.

2007-10-23 Thread J.Pietschmann

Vincent Hennebert wrote:
 Pascal Sancho wrote:
 Sorry for the noise, I end with the bug #20950.
 I hope this will save some time to FOP team.

Great and important work, no need for excuses!

 Indeed! Our bug database has been needing a serious cleanup for a 
long time anyway. So thanks for taking care of this!


 Just asking: did you make sure that the bugs were actually corrected 
by making a proper test? For example, bugs said to be solved on version 
0.20.5 might still exist in the Trunk, since the fork was made from 
version 0.20.2.

It is plausible that most if not all of the layout and border/margin
related bugs disappeared during the rewrite.


Re: More about the effects of the PropertyCache

2007-07-30 Thread J.Pietschmann

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
The CommonBorderPaddingBackground is still a memory eater, but I'll have 
to take a look at LengthRangeProperty and CondLengthProperty first for 

The trick is probably to split it BPBs in a set of
specified data which can be cached and the resolved

Another idea I pursued (without success) in 0.20: some
properties can only have a very limited set of values,
in particular text-decoration, keeps, and a few others,
which can probably implemented as singletons instead of
using a cache. For properties like hyphenation-ladder-count
which are likely to have only a few values from a potentially
unlimited domain, a mix of pre-fabricated singletons for the
most likely used values and a list in case another value
is specified, without pruning during rendering, might provide
the best balance between memory efficacy and performance.



2007-07-18 Thread J.Pietschmann

Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Shall we launch a poll on fop-user about abandoning support for 1.4 and
require 1.5 as a minimum? :-]

A poll: maybe. Abandoning 1.3: Not yet.
If the usage of those hash maps is only in a few places, we could
provide JDK dependent code and tell people that FOP runs faster
on JDK 1.5.


Re: Remove Useless Comments

2007-07-16 Thread J.Pietschmann

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
The javadocs build with only one small warning concerning @todo tags 
somewheres (which I don't take to be a major issue)

The @todo is a custom tag, which are available with Java 1.4. I thought
I added a definition for this to the javadoc task in build.xml.
In principle we could use @todo tags to generate a todo document for
the web site, if we hadn't already a wiki page for this.


Re: svn commit: r556112 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop: fonts/truetype/ util/

2007-07-16 Thread J.Pietschmann

Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Addition of a general-purpose int-to-int map ...


This change makes me a bit uneasy. No doubt that this class is clever
and efficient and working, but that's something more to maintain.

Jakarta Commons Collections has all kind of clever implementation.
Don't they have already something similar, and if not, would it make
sense to donate this implementation to Collections?


Re: Severe : Exception. Cannot Load Font. No font URI's available.

2007-07-13 Thread J.Pietschmann

Chris Bowditch wrote:
Although changing configuration files in a backwards incompatible way is 
not likely to be popular with the users!

Given that not embedding fonts never really worked (except for
fonts specifically installed using the Acrobat font manager),
there is not really an incompatibility.


Re: Remove Useless Comments

2007-07-13 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Yes, inheritDoc would be the right way, as long as we're on Java 1.4.2
and later (feature not available in 1.3, severly buggy in 1.4.0/1.4.1. I
would have switched a long time ago if we weren't still on 1.3.

I think of JavaDoc as a sort of compile time feature. I don't think
there's still a reason to generate the JavaDocs with a JDK version
older than 1.5. It's the byte code which should run in an 1.3
environment, not the HTML'd docs.


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 42162] - hyphenation inside block in FOP works only for pure alphabetical characters

2007-07-10 Thread J.Pietschmann

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
Seems to me the reporter is wrong to expect that sequence of 80+ digits 
to be hyphenated under any circumstance, and even the comma-case... Easy 
enough to come up with such oddities, but when would you ever really 
need that? And more importantly: Is it really hyphenation you would need 

No, it's more of either wrapping, or alternative line breaking (as
in the case of long URLs). Hyphenation applies to words, and words
contain letters and in some languages also various punctuation
Nevertheless, giving the user some higher level possibilities
(i.e. other than inserting ZWS) to control wrapping or alternative
line breaking for certain long character sequences where UAX#14
gives unacceptable results is something worth thinking about.
Reusing the hyphenator for this might help keeping the necessary
code short.


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 42162] - hyphenation inside block in FOP works only for pure alphabetical characters

2007-07-09 Thread J.Pietschmann

a_l.delmelle wrote in a bugzilla entry:

Hyphenation is, in fact, only applicable to pure alphabetical characters.

Well, no. The pattern based hyphenator can deal with any Unicode
characters (apart from digits, whitespace and the dot, which have
a special meaning in the pattern definitions). If the word parser
would use the character classes from the active pattern file for
parsing words, basically anything could be used. This would only
need a proper interface for retrieving the character classes. The
class canonicalization could even be folded into the parsing process
for better performance.


Re: Could someone please clarify the spec for alignment-adjust

2007-07-06 Thread J.Pietschmann

Max Berger wrote:

I am now a little confused about the spec on alignment-adjust.

Me too.

Well my interpretation is as follows: a positive (percentage or length)
value shifts the alignment point down *on the box*, which raises the
box. This seems to be consistent.

BTW I really like this part of the spec: 'The computed value of the
property is this percentage multiplied by ... the font-size if the
area was generated by an fo:character, and the line-height otherwise.'
This just thwarts treating the fo:character easily.


Re: Cannot Build the Apache fop trunk

2007-06-17 Thread J.Pietschmann

Shlomi Fish wrote:

I cannot build the Apache fop trunk:


/home/shlomi/Download/unpack/graphics/fop/trunk/build.xml:458: Could not 
create type serHyph due to java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:

The import cannot be resolved

This means the task can't find the ant libraries. That's a bit of an
oddity, but not unheard of. It might have something to do how ant
resolves the access to its own libraries on Mandriva, every Linux
distro seems to come up with its own way to deal with CLASSPATH hell.

Your can try various solutions
- add the ant jars to your CLASSPATH variable.
- move/copy the ant jars to your personal jar repository, create a in your fop/trunk directory, and point the
  property optional.lib.dir to the jar repository directory
- do some similar magic in your .antrc file


Re: svn commit: r515217 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/documenta tion/content/xdocs: ./ conf/ dav/ db/ db/revprops/ db/revs/ db/transactio ns/ hooks/ locks/

2007-03-07 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I've reverted the two strange revisions. I wonder what happened.

Jay's password hash is still in one of the commit mails,
now irrevocably spread all over the mail archives of the
world. I recommend changing the svn password immediately.


Re: Unicode issues

2007-01-15 Thread J.Pietschmann

Manuel Mall wrote:

Font selection in combination with character substitution. Ligatures
and character shaping.

Joerg, can you elaborate on this for me please. 

Fonts may contain glyphs for precomposed Unicode characters, or they
may not. If a list of fonts is searched for a glyph of a character,
it may be useful to look for
- glyphs for the encoded value (which needs the Grapheme Cluster
  Boundaries stuff from UAX#29)
- glyphs for the fully decomposed form (UAX#15 NFD)
- glyphs for maximal composition (UAX#15 NFC)

As for Ligatures and character shaping: an algorithm for automatically
detecting ligature points may use a pattern lookup similar to the
pattern based hyphenation. The pattern dictionary should store only
either NFD or NFC forms, for the same reason this is advisable for

In unicode an 'umlaut' can be 
represented as 1 or 2 codepoints. What in your opinion should fop do 
either a codepoint which can be split into two or vice versa?

We should choose either NFD or NFC as a canonical representation for
hyphenation patters (and, in the future, for similar things), so that
hyphenation patterns containing umlauts can be found regardless of
the representation of the umlaut in the source file. Currently, we
don't care much, which works but may break suddenly.
There is obviously a slight space vs. run time tradeoff (NFC ought to
be more compact but NFC'ing the source text may be more expensive
than NFD'ing).

I noticed that PDF prints a # for a word joiner for example.


That's why I 
thought that most Cf code points should be dealt with in layout and not 
be passed to the renderers.

It depends on the features of the target format. After all, PDF viewers
do kerning and some paragraph typesetting (e.g. line centering) by
themselves if properly instructed. The SVG flow text also has some
somewhat higher level functionality, which users might prefer to be
used. Unfortunately, all this has potential to complicate the FOP


Re: Initial soft hyphen support

2007-01-15 Thread J.Pietschmann

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
BTW: I took a very quick look, and does anyone know if there is a good 
reason why Hyphenation.word is a String?

The hyphenator  interface goes through several wrapping layers,
probably due to the usual take working code and wrap it to fit
the caller method.
This which always seemed to be overly complicated for me. I tried
to come up with a comprehensive API for hyphenation (which would
also be applicable to spelling and other similar tasks). Unfortunately,
there doesn't seem to be any usable standard, all APIs I've seen
are very specific or simply horrible. Any simplification is certainly


Re: FOP Memory issues (fwd from fop-users)

2007-01-14 Thread J.Pietschmann

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
Based on Jörgs statistics, I'd say that the number of children will most 
likely never reach the level where using direct index-based access 
(ArrayList) has its benefits over traversing a tree of references 

There may be FOs, specifically fo:flow and fo:table-body, which may
have hundreds of children in real documents.

If the FOs use access functions for the children, even for adding,
each FO can implement a mechanism which suites its purposes best. In
particular, page masters and tables can store the regions in typed
fields, FOs which don't have children can get rid of the field

I'm not sure whether the layout engine places any restrictions on the
access to FO children. Is it possible that access is not random?


Re: Unicode issues

2007-01-14 Thread J.Pietschmann

Manuel Mall wrote:
2. Unicode text boundaries (UAX#29) especially word boundaries. Do we 
need this? It does not determine the word breaks to which the word 
spacing property is applied to as this is determined by the 
treat-as-word-space property. It could be used to determine the words 
for hyphenation.

Probably not worth the trouble. If the pattern based hyphenator is used,
words for hyphenation are determined by the character classes declared
there. Well, unless someone changes this.

3. Normalisation (UAX#15): Do we need this? Do we need to feed words in 
some normalised form to the hyphenation.

Yes, most definitely. This is a major factor in keeping the pattern
based hyphenator both reasonably robust and small for languages which
use combined characters, obviously.

Other uses for this?

Font selection in combination with character substitution. Ligatures
and character shaping.

There are libraries which already implement UAX#15 properly, e.g. icu4j,
but especially icu4j is a rather large blob of a jar. I think Unicode
normalization should be handled like PDF encryption: do it if the
library is available, otherwise emit a warning and simply skip the

Maybe BIDI can be done the same way, using the Java 1.4ff libs  while
keeping some 1.3 compatibility (just without BIDI).

4. Treatment of combining forms: What should / must we do with those 
character combinations?

5. Formatting control: Word joiners etc.. These need at least be 
discarded and not given to the renderers.

This depends on the renderer. I'm not sure what PDF would do with it,
but RTF definitely should get them. While the RTF spec doesn't
mention anything about this topic, I'd say RTF visualization is done
using advanced renderers, which should take care of character shaping
etc. itself.


Re: Initial soft hyphen support

2007-01-14 Thread J.Pietschmann

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
The SHY character will be presented to the 
hyphenator simply as a character of the word it appears in. The 
hyphenator should then be smart enough to recognize this as a special 
character, and do something like: create a hyphenation point for the 
SHY, ...

Unfortunately, the hyphenator currently isn't as nearly as smart,
and it's a major job to push it in this direction. E.g. it means
major API changes.


Re: CommonBorderPaddingBackground

2007-01-11 Thread J.Pietschmann


Is there any good reason why CommonBorderPaddingBackground
and BorderInfo are Cloneable yet don't implement a clone()

They were cloned in the more ancient parts of the code based, but
this seemed to have been removed already some time ago. Thanks
for bringing this inconsistency to light.


Re: FOP Memory issues (fwd from fop-users)

2007-01-11 Thread J.Pietschmann

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
Which brings us to another important piece of information that would be 
interesting to know: how big are each of those instances?

Quite some time ago I did some statistics on number of children
of FOs, using the FOP examples and FO files from bug reports.
The breakdown was roughly the following
 ~50% no children, mostly FOText nodes and FOs like region-body
and page-number-citation
 ~40% one child, mostly blocks and inlines (fo:wrapper) having
exactly one FOText node as child
 10% 2..10 children
 1% more than 10 children, mostly fo:flow, table and table-body
and a few blocks, usually wrapping other blocks.

Real world documents with more tables and inline formatting might
have more multi-child FOs.

I haven't checked whether FOText still inherits the children field
on trunk. If so, it is certainly a good idea to get rid of this
(in the maintenance branch, this had widespread implications).
The case of exactly one child might be worth optimizing too.

Two possible solutions:
A) all FO node implement a FOContainer interface, for example
 FONode childAt(int)
 int numberOfChildren()
where FOText for example would hardcode return values of null and 0.
B) Use a FOChildrenIterator interface with specific implementations
for FO nodes which can have none or exactly one child.

Furthermore, in the maintenance branch most of the more specific
FOs copied children from the generic children list into properly
typed fields before starting layout, in many cases the generic
children list could have been deleted afterwards if this wouldn't
have broken a few generic recursive algorithms like the one adjusting
available space due to footnotes. The discussion then had Keiron said
he'd even get rid of the generic children list in favour for properly
typed fields, thereby giving up some flexibility needed for
extensions. This could be implemented with either of the approaches
above too (FOContainer interface or FOChildrenIterator interface).


Re: Announcements refused

2007-01-10 Thread J.Pietschmann

Florent Georges wrote:

  I can take care of that, if you want.

I sent it to the XSL list just a minute ago. Thank you for the
offer anyway.


Re: text-decoration inheritance

2007-01-07 Thread J.Pietschmann

Manuel Mall wrote:
I was just looking at some inline handling stuff and came across the 
inheritance behaviour of the text-decoration property.

IIRC one of the problems is merging the various decoration values:
 fo:wrapper text-decoration=underlinetext1
  fo:wrapper text-decoration=overlinetext2
I'd say text 2 should be both underlined and overlined. I
text-decoration were inherited, the decoration of the inner
wrapper would already override underlining.
In order to turn off underlining, one should use
 fo:wrapper text-decoration=underlinetext1
  fo:wrapper text-decoration=overline no-underlinetext2


Re: LineBreaking - looking for design idea

2006-12-30 Thread J.Pietschmann

Manuel Mall wrote:
should do hyphenation at the same time as it iterates over Knuth 
elements in the LineLM and looks pretty 'ugly' as it modifies the Knuth 
elements retrospectively. 

I'm not sure this will pay off. One note in the TeX book about the
Knuth paragraph filling algorithm mentions that it called the
expensive hyphenation algorithm less often than the naive line
filling algorithm (and therefore run faster!).

If we do it in the whitesspace loop we would need a means of adding 
break opportunities to the data structures at this point. One possible 
solution would be to simply add a ZWSP char at each normal break 

I'd go for a Java break mark object, just to avoid any confusion.

and a soft hyphen char at every hyphenation point.

This sounds *very* expensive, see above.

The other idea Andreas suggested, that is to give each Inline LM the 
last and first character of the their preceeding/following LM when 
constructing the LM from the FO is also worth a look.

Certainly, but it looks somewhat odd to modify semi-high level
APIs to cater for a much more low level algorithm. I find access
methods more attractive.


Re: LineBreaking - looking for design idea

2006-12-30 Thread J.Pietschmann

Manuel Mall wrote:
However, what about markers. Their content is only known at layout time 
isn't it?

That's an OOPS factor. However, wouldn't this also be a problem
for the current whitespace handling?


Re: [VOTE] Release of FOP 0.93

2006-12-27 Thread J.Pietschmann

Simon Pepping wrote:

Herewith I start a vote on this release. The vote will end in 72
hours, that is, on Saturday 30 December 2006 at noon UTC.

+1 from me.


Re: LineBreaking - looking for design idea

2006-12-27 Thread J.Pietschmann

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
Maybe there's a possibility to re-use the existing CharIterators in the 
fo package?

I'd think so.
The problem Manuel faces blocked me too from implementing UAX14,
because I wanted to avoid another pass using a CharIterator over
the text, similar to how whitespace handling was implemented then.
Unfortunately I lost track how whitespace normalization and
collapsing is handled now. Perhaps setting break marks can be
folded into the whitespace handling loop.


Re: UAX#14 implementation

2006-12-20 Thread J.Pietschmann

Luca Furini wrote:
After making the appropriate adjustment to the checks in that testcase 
ALL testcases are now passing!


Me too!
text-align=center .conditionality=retain 


Does this happens because that space is just before a .?

The dot (FULL STOP) has property IS and prevents break after
any character, also even after a space. Interesting, I didn't
remember this.

Another doubt: why aren't the - signs in text-align and 
linefeed-treatment possible breaks?

They should be, the dash in Unicode 5.0 has the property HY, which
allows for a break after. The tables I generated were for 4.1 (or
even 4.0) and might have to be updated, I haven't checked.
The UAX14 has been updated too, which might have changed the pair
table (cahp. 7.3), which is, oddly enough, part of the report instead
of a data file.



Re: Could I prepare font metrics file for a font like Webdings (i.e. without Unicode cmap table inside)?

2006-12-12 Thread J.Pietschmann

Andrejus Chaliapinas wrote:

When I run TTFReader (from 0.92 beta) over Webdings.ttf - I get this output:

Parsing font...
Reading c:\windows\fonts\webdings.ttf...
Number of glyphs in font: 227
2 cmap tables
Unicode cmap table not present
Unsupported format: Aborting

Question - is it possible then to prepare metrics file for this font as well
in the same way as for let say Arial?

You can try to use the -enc ansi switch and see if it helps.


Re: Problem with FOP-0.20.5 -watermark position

2006-12-11 Thread J.Pietschmann

Imran Khan wrote:

I am using FOP-0.20.5 for xml to pdf conversion.
I am facing problem while creating a watermark. For creating a watermark i
am using background property of a block .
Now problem is that i want the image as the background place centrally. But
when i use background-position=center it does not work
.I also have tested with background-position-horizontal,
background-position-vertical but everything goes in vain.

FOP 0.20.5 doesn't support positioning background images well
(the image is scaled to fit the whole area, which should look
like a centered position in most cases).

Also, 0.20.5 is no longer maintained. Please try a more recent


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 41044] - [PATCH] FOP memory usage patches.

2006-12-07 Thread J.Pietschmann


Interesting. This reminds me that quite some time ago I
tried to get the text decoration property flyweighted
(still in the maintenance code), there are only 8 possible
values. Unfortunately, it failed to pay off, apparently
there is no advantage in using a pointer compared to three

I'm sure using the flyweight pattern on font properties could
reduce the memory footprint, the property bundle is large enough,
and documents rarely use more than two dozen or so of
combinations (e.g. two fonts, one a single variant (normal) and
size, the other three variants (normal, bold, italic), the normal
variant in 4 sizes, for a total of 7 different font property
bundles). BorderAndPadding might be another case, for example by
using a static immutable instance for the empty case.


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 41019] - Left-align oddness with long, unbreakable strings following

2006-12-05 Thread J.Pietschmann

Simon Pepping wrote:

Would this be a good moment to make these features of the breaking
algorithm user configurable, like they are in TeX? This allows people
to play with the various possibilities without having to modify the

Probably, if this can be combined with implementing UAX14.


Re: Problems with display-align

2006-12-01 Thread J.Pietschmann

Bradley Harrington wrote:

However, I got that warning even though the image I embedded in the header
is smaller than the before-extent (0.5in vs. 0.45in).  I am assuming the
table is creating the extra space to cause the overflow.

FOP puts images into lines, like everything else, and adds additional
space (the half-leading) before and after the line. The half-leading
is calculated from the line height, which is in turn calculated from
the font size in effect at the beginning of the block, unless
explicitly overridden. If you want to take the line exactly as much 
height as the image set the line-height or font-size to 0. (if you put

text in such lines, they will look glued together)


Re: svn commit: r474218 [1/5] - in /xmlgraphics/fop/branches/Temp_Floats: ./ src/documentation/content/xdocs/trunk/ src/foschema/ src/java-1.4/org/apache/fop/image/ src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/ src/jav

2006-11-13 Thread J.Pietschmann

Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Comments are welcome, of course.

I'm quite impressed. The layout improvements are very exciting.


Re: Any thoughts on something like fo:tab support?

2006-11-13 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Just be prepared that they may wrinkle their noses.

I'd expect them to do exactly this. How should tabs mix with, say,
centered text, or BIDI stuff? I'm not convinced it's worth the
additional complexity of the spec.


Re: Removing deprecated stuff in the High-level API

2006-11-13 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

If nobody objects I'm going to remove the deprecated elements in the
apps package later this week.

Umm, couldn't this wait until after the 0.93 release? Well, that's
a question, not a veto. If you think it's a good idea, go ahead.


Re: XSL-FO 2.0 workshop in Heidelberg next week

2006-10-10 Thread J.Pietschmann

Simon Pepping wrote:
  Block content in inline content is the natural organization of

displayed formulas and tables. Demanding that FO generating
stylesheets separate them is moving the burden back to them. I am not
in favour of that.

Ah, I start seeing the point. You might have add images as well.
However, I have to agree with Peter about the clarification of the
expected behaviour. In particular, is the line before the block
adjusted according to text-align or to text-align-last? It could be
argued both ways.
And I still think that mixing inlines and blocks significantly
complicates the FO processor implementation. :-P


Re: PATCH for Arabic/Persian Text, and Bidi-override!

2006-10-10 Thread J.Pietschmann

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
I was thinking to use an approach analogous to the current refinement 
white-space handling: one BidiProcessor stored in the FOEventHandler. 

This may have inindented consequences: some output formats expect the
ultimate user client to do BIDI formatting, which means the renderer
has to undo some of the mirroring done while constructing the FO tree.


Re: XSL-FO 2.0 workshop in Heidelberg next week

2006-10-09 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

If anyone has any requirements for XSL-FO 2.0 which I should bring up at
the workshop in Heidelberg next week, please let me know.

Some rough ideas, unpolished, and without even having had a look at
both 1.1 and the current 2.0 proposals:
- Generalize headers/footers for every block FO, with some control
  of behaviour:
  - render at the start resp. end of each (normal) area generated
by the FO
  - render only at page breaks, not at start of first resp. end
of last area
  - render only at start of first resp. end of last area, not at
page breaks (complement of previous behaviour)
  Needed for the dreaded continued next page stuff, which can
  then be used for lists and other blocks too.
- Blocks with multicolumn layout like for body regions (difficult
  to implement if BPD isn't easily determined from external
  constraints, needs probably a memory consuming branch  bound
  algorithm for layout). Needed for newspaper-like and journal
  layouts, for side boxes and such.
- Text floating around areas absolutely positioned on a page.
  This means, among other things, that line areas may be split.
  In multicolumn layouts, the fixed area may affect more than
  one column. Needed for some journal layouts, for focus text
  and images, side boxes and such.
- An element to get the total number of pages in a page sequence
  or for the whole document (instead of formatted page numbers).
  There are probably some generalizations in there, perhaps the
  number of pages which are plastered with normal areas from an
  arbitrary FO. Needed for some legal documents, namely contracts.
- more color models
- Doing something about the subtotals on this page and number
  of foo stuff on this page problems, preferably without plugging
  a complete spreadsheet language into XSLFO. Perhaps a fo:calculate
  refer=page/fo-id select=xpath expression/ with a possibly
  slightly restricted XPath expression, which selects from the
  referenced page. In case of subtotals, the values to be processed
  should probably be in FO properties (XML attrs) in a canonical
  lexical representation instead of using the formatted content. This
  avoids reparsing the formatted, possibly localized content. XSLT can
  easily generate the additional, redundant data.
- Clarify the hyphenation-char stuff. Is it a char or a string? A
  FO property expression or a shorthand with a special syntax?
- Fix the kludge which allows page-number-format=01 to be
  processed according to common expectations. If done properly,
  this may fix some other problems like the problem with
  hyphenation-char above as well.
- Recommendations on metadata, references to appropriate standards
- Recommendations and/or (non-)contracts on how to handle external
  ressources if they are used multiple times (e.g. images in static
  content). Useful to know how the processor may or must not behave
  if the ressource is dynamically generated on access.

More radical thoughts:
- Deprecate both list and table elements and replace by a single
  unified element set for grid layouts. A content flow is a series
  of blocks, which may contain in a blocks, inlines or a grid of other
- Deprecate mixing inlines and blocks :-P
- Invent controls so that blocks can be broken both in IPD and BPD
  for pagination. This may solve the break wide tables horizontally as
  well as the parallel flow text problems, unless it is already solved
  this way in 1.1
- Automatic page master switching in case of IPD overflow. This is the
  switch to landscape for wide tables/images problem. The difference
  to explicitely switching page masters is that some other content
  before/after the wide FO may flow onto the page, thereby avoiding
  unpleasant white areas on the page before and on the last page of the
  wide element.

Please tell me if you need clarifications on any of the points.


Re: Do we have Area Tree construction also via getNextKnuthElements methods or mostly via addAreas?

2006-10-04 Thread J.Pietschmann

Simon Pepping wrote:

No UML diagrams for FOP available. Would be nice though.

As soon as I get some spare time, I'll try
I suspect the diagrams to be somewhat unwieldy.


Re: Configuration file problems

2006-09-13 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Ok, I consider myself defeated concerning the way we handle the
configuration file (See recent threads on fop-users). The Avalon
configuration approach is very nice for the developer but obviously
bullshit in terms of end-user-friendlyness.

Back from vacation, a few quick thoughts:
The problem seems to be the unexperienced users who *have* to fiddle
with the config file for getting basic features working.

Possible solutions:
- Reduce the need to fiddle with config settings. Some options
  - Use conventions instead of explicit values
  - Autodetection and other rule base approaches
  This concerns probably mainly the baseStuff* settings
- Provide a GUI application for changing commonly changed settings
- Get commonly changed settings from a file with an easier format,
  like Java properties

Did I get the problem right?


Re: start-indent for line-areas

2006-08-03 Thread J.Pietschmann

Vincent Hennebert wrote:

A line-area is a block-area

I doubt this. Last time I read the spec, I got the impression
that lines are not explicit block areas.


Re: Implementing OpenType font support, how hard?

2006-08-03 Thread J.Pietschmann

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Doesn't kerning cause the same problem as smart font features (like
automatic ligatures)? It also causes the total width of a group of
character to change when the group is split between two lines.

AFAICT kerning rarely applies to character pairs which may be subject
to line breaks, at least for western alphabets. So I wouldn't worry
all that much, except for proper adjustments in case of hyphenation.
Arabic, thai and various indian scripts are another matter, but then
there are a lot of more basic features for handling these scripts
properly missing anyway.


Re: Memory leak?

2006-07-28 Thread J.Pietschmann

Simon Pepping wrote:

IMHO we create a number of circular references in our trees.

Circular references in itself aren't a problem for the garbage

I've found that code inspection is of limited value for detecting
memory leaks. A memory profiler like DrMem (or any more professional
tool) is better.


Re: Invitation to Cocoon's GetTogether

2006-07-13 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Anyone else?

No way. Sorry, family and the day job take all the time.


Re: Images in FOP 0.92beta

2006-07-13 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

remember this thread on fop-users? I've just found out what's wrong.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with the PDFRenderer or the PDF library
concerning reference freeing. It does it so as soon as each image is
written to the PDF which always happens immediately.

Hm. I'm pretty sure in 0.20.5 a PDF object held a pointer, and the
object was using some data while writing a dictionary structure into
the PDF stream after all the real content was written.

I ended up in the image cache and in the Javadocs for WeakHashMap where
I found that little detail that the weak reference is on the key, not
the value.

Oops, my fault.


Re: When to release 1.0?

2006-06-21 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

 We had a vote in March about merging back the API Finalization
branch back into Trunk. You voted +1 back then knowing the the branch
had the word Finalization in it.

Some things just need time to sink in.

I don't want style issues block further progress. I brought this
topic up only because this seems to be the very last chance for
changes. If everybody is ok with as is, then just go forward.


Re: When to release 1.0?

2006-06-20 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Ok, if we want that 1.0 won't be out before September.

Too bad. As already mentioned, changing IPD page masters worked
reasonably well in 0.20.5 and I think people will expect this to
work in a 1.0 release too.

OTOH, if the frequency of questions on the lists are taken into
account, support for collapsing table borders, even if only partial,
has a much higher priority. I don't see any of the other mentioned
features as a show stopper for 1.0.

That remark comes pretty late, but yeah, if anyone else think this
should be fixed, we should do it SOON.

Well, someone should have looked at this before (I made some style
related notes during the API discussion).
The guide lines are
- consistency with the Java RTL identifier guide lines, in particular
 the rule that common acronyms in identifiers are all upper case
- internal consistency
- avoiding redundancy
We can restrict this to the essential user visible API, i.e.
the packages o.a.fop.apps and o.a.fop.cli.

My suggestions
- Rename o.a.fop.apps to o.a.fop.api. This is a major change breaking
  everything, and should have been done in the same step when the
  Driver was replaced by the Fop class. I wont insist on this change.
- If the Fop in FopFactory is the acronym for FO processor, the
  class should be named FOPFactory instead. Same for Fop -- FOP
  (precedent is the class).
- If it's the other way around FOPException should be renamed as
- MimeConstants should be renamed as MIMEConstants.
- FOURIResolver should probably be renamed as plain URIResolver (the FO
  prefix may be deemed redundant because of the package), or as
  FOPURIResolver. Two consecutive acronyms in an identifier are awkward
  in any case.
- Same for FOUserAgent -- UserAgent or FOPUserAgent
- The method applyHttpBasicAuthentication should be renamed
- Rename the CLI parameter -param to -xsltparam or something (too
We could keep and deprecate the unrenamed classes in order to ease the
transition. If the API is really declared stable, the beta tag can
be dropped from the release number even for a pre 1.0 release.

Should we hold a formal vote on the API style issue? Either way, I'd
even volunteer to do the changes (it's easy enough :-).


Re: Media or paper tray selection in FOP

2006-05-10 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

We can throw exceptions if no mapping is found, or the stuff is simply
printed on the default paper and people will quickly figure out that
they've done something wrong.

Well, having printed large documents on partly manually fed
special paper I know that even small errors can be expensive
in both wasted time and raw material. Raising a warning which
can be upgraded to an error after analyzing the the
layout-master-set in case some mappings aren't found seems to
be prudent (some simple may be left unused).

Well, I've been persuaded that output media control should be
done on the page master level. I'm still somewhat uneasy with
the chain of indirections/mappings necessary, these things tend
to break unexpectedly. But I don't have a better solution either.


Re: Media or paper tray selection in FOP

2006-05-09 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Attention: long post. :-)

[snip stuff which reminds me on reinventing TeX/DVI]

Using the page master name to map onto output media suggests that
different page flows could be printed on different media. Is this
I don't like the idea of using the name of single-page-masters
all that much: people with complicated  page sequence masters
may easily forget to map one of the used single page masters
properly. I'd rather go for declaring the desired output directly
on the flow (using an extension attribute), on fo:root for providing
a default or in a fo:declarations (extension element). PIs are
also an option, they may enhance portability (ignored by other
software than the target processor) but may confuse users about
the scope where they apply and may provide surprises if read
too late in a streaming processing mode.


Re: svn commit: r397562 [2/6] - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/sandbox: META-INF/services/ org/apache/fop/render/afp/ org/apache/fop/render/afp/apps/ org/apache/fop/render/afp/exceptions/ org/apache/fo

2006-05-09 Thread J.Pietschmann


Added: .../fop/render/afp/exceptions/

Ow. Don't we have that already somewhere else in the code?


Re: How about a release?

2006-04-09 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

+1 to a new beta release, even if the whitespace still isn't
resolved completely.


Re: [VOTE] Finalized API - Merge Temp_API_Finalization branch back into Trunk

2006-03-26 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

1. I'd like to propose merging back the Temp_API_Finalization branch
back into Trunk.


2. ... 
+1 from me for deprecating all Fop constructors,



Re: Unicode Alphabetic characters

2006-02-28 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Yep, that's exactly what I need. But hey, adding a 3MB library just for
this method, that is a little much.

If all else fails, do the same as for the line breaking properties.


Re: Unicode Alphabetic characters

2006-02-28 Thread J.Pietschmann

Simon Pepping wrote:

It aims to be _the_ Java access library to Unicode. As FOP becomes
more Unicode aware, can we do without it? Perhaps it also has anything
on UAX#14, line breaking?

It has the tables, but not the algorithm.

Java has already the BreakIterator as algorithm implementation, but
no direct access to the line breaking properties itself, which thwarts
attempts to have an alternative implementation based on already
available data :-(
Same for BIDI :-(, although Java's interface to the BIDI related
algorithms are better than the BreakIterator attempt, fortunately.

Is there a way to make it an optional extension to java's Unicode
support, to be installed by those users who want to use Unicode
features in FOP that go beyond the ordinary? Most such users may
already have it installed.

I'd go for a pluggable algorithm providers, as already proposed
several times for various purposes. Algorithms based on ICU presence
could be preferred, while falling back to a more crude implementation
if ICU is not presend.

BTW ICU has lots of other interesting features relevant for I18N,
look for example at the calender section or the number formatting.


Re: Unicode Alphabetic characters

2006-02-28 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

On 28.02.2006 21:48:27 J.Pietschmann wrote:

If all else fails, do the same as for the line breaking properties.

Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean.

Generate the necessary data tables directly from the Unicode
source, automatically or manually. Yes, NIH appears to raise
its ugly head...


Re: Unicode Alphabetic characters

2006-02-28 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Did you see that there's a BreakIterator in ICU4J?

Ooops, missed that. Thank you for the correction.

If you guys tell me that it would be
worthwhile to take this library (or parts of it) aboard, I'm fine with

Well, for line breaking I don't see an advantage over using the Java
BreakIterator (other than the latter not being available in Java 1.3).
I'd prefer to have a more pull style interface to the line break
finder though.


Re: Removing the character area tree object

2006-02-27 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I'm considering removing the character area tree object and instead
map an fo:character to a normal text area with one word child.

Looks ok: +1


Re: [Xmlgraphics-fop Wiki] Update of ApiDesign by JeremiasMaerki

2006-02-15 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I've addressed your concern and deprecated the use of
PDFEncryptionParams in FOUserAgent (D15).

Darn quick reaction. I'm impressed!

You proposed using a Properties object. The problem I see here is that
non-String values cannot be used whereas with the existing renderer
options Map this is possible.

No problem. I just had a vague memory that properties can automatically
convert strings into boolean values.


Re: Parsing foreign XML

2006-02-15 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Among other things, I'm currently implementing support for XMP metadata


I introduced the concept of a ContentHandlerFactory (util
package). This could also be used when building the FO tree instead of
dealing with XMLObj-descendants which are discarded after the DOM
element they generate is added to the Document on one of its ancestors.

I'm somehow reminded of commons digester, which implements a rule based
approach of building a Java object network from XML. Maybe its worth
taking a look at its source, or even evaluate the option of using
digester to build the FO tree including metadata and embedded foreign


Re: [Xmlgraphics-fop Wiki] Update of ApiDesign by JeremiasMaerki

2006-02-14 Thread J.Pietschmann

Sorry for the delay.

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Do you mean something like setOutputProperty(name, value) in the JAXP

No, rather something like setParam(name,value), but on the renderer.

Note that PDF encryption parameters are specific to a rendering run
while the character encoding is probably more of a
environmental/factory-level config value.

After some thinking, I'd say I mean a mechanism for setting or
overwriting configuration values from the command line.
Something like
  fop -fo -pdf foo.pdf -r noprint=yes -r filters=''
(oops, convoluted example), and the name/value pairs after the -r
switch would be passed to the renderer by whatever means, for example
by mangling the configuration or, as I tried to suggest, as a Properties

I'm bothered with having a very renderer specific data class in the
UserAgent, and no obvious way to pass command line values to the
BTW: encryption options like noprint should as well be configurable,
and there are arguments that even the user password for encryption
could benefit from being read from the XML configuration data.


Re: PDF optimization / linearization AKA web-enabled PDFs

2005-12-01 Thread J.Pietschmann

Parker, Les wrote:

I am looking for a java class to web-enable PDF files.
Does anyone know of such an animal that is Open Source?

Check SourceForge. IIRC iText and PDFBox both can be configured
to generate linearized PDF.


Re: Issues with layout engine test framework

2005-11-24 Thread J.Pietschmann

Manuel Mall wrote:
Personally I would prefer the other way around - people behind non 
transparent proxies can disable the testcase.

The problem is that it appears the whole testsuite to hang, until the
connection times out.
We could probably exchange arguments ad infinitum. Maybe a solution is
to create another category of tests, tests unsafe for people without
internet connection or so.


Re: Issues with layout engine test framework

2005-11-24 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Given that this has come up a number of times in the past, that's not a
bad idea. I'll add it to the Wiki.

Design idea: create an URL resolver which uses j-c-httpclient and is
optionally built. This should resolve all other problems regarding
HTTP URLs, including other authorization and session problems.


Re: svn commit: r348437 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/documentation: content/xdocs/knownissues.xml content/xdocs/site.xml resources/stylesheets/disabled-testcases2document.xsl sitemap.xmap

2005-11-23 Thread J.Pietschmann



Nice to see this!


+  xsl:if test=boolean(name)xsl:text (/xsl:textxsl:value-of 

The current names are generated from the file names. I'd welcome any

+  xsl:template match=reference
+See also: a href={.}xsl:value-of select=.//a

The references have been generated too, and there are two
invalid references now. I was unable to locate the specific bugs
(dind't try hard though), can somebody please correct them?


Re: Issues with layout engine test framework

2005-11-23 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

- There is no easy notification if a disabled test case really is a

Well, we don't have to add safety checks for every little detail, do we?

I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't already been bitten by

- The external-graphics_src_url testcase

Suggestions? Should we just remove it?

I've disabled it. People without restrictions could reenable the
testcase for themselves. Alternatively, we could add FOP extensions
allowing for proxy authentification.


Re: svn commit: r345474 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk: ./ test/fotree/ test/java/org/apache/fop/layoutengine/ test/layoutengine/

2005-11-18 Thread J.Pietschmann

Manuel Mall wrote:
Ooops, that wasn't very efficient as I did more or less the same thing. 

Oops, sorry. After several weeks of inactivity I thought
I could polish up the old sketch and commit. There's still
enough work to do though, see the separate post.


Re: Linebreaks around e-g and i-f-o

2005-11-09 Thread J.Pietschmann

Manuel Mall wrote:
What's the opinion around the group on how external-graphics / 
instream-foreign-objects are suppose to be handled with respect to 
determining linebreak opportunities.

FOP 0.20.5 implemented b). I read the UAX14 catch all rule LB20 the way
that it also recommends b).


Re: Leading/trailing space removal in LineLM

2005-11-04 Thread J.Pietschmann

Luca Furini wrote:
note that a word with a soft hyphen in its middle would not be 
hyphenated, unless we ignore this character when collecting word fragments

Well, in order to prepare for hyphenation, other characters
like joiners has to be removed too. We should probably also
use Unicode normalization.


Re: zero width space

2005-11-04 Thread J.Pietschmann

Manuel Mall wrote:

What about character composition/decomposition?

Good question? Where is the answer?

Lets clarify the problem first. Let's say the input contains
the sequence U+0061 U+0308 (latin small a, combining diaresis),
the font has a glyph for U+00E4 but not U+0308. Obviously,
putting the precomposed character U+00E4 into the output is
a smart move. Where should this transformation occur: output
generation, renderer, layout stage? A slight problem is that
the width of U+00E4 may be different from U+0061.


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