Re: 0.90alpha1: content-width="scale-to-fit" creates damaged PDF

2005-12-13 Thread JBryant
Hi, Jeremias,

> Jay, if you'd like to help systematic testing here that would
> be fantastic. Please note that quite a few test cases already
> exist in test/layoutengine/standard-testcases (everything that
> starts with "external-graphic" and "instream-foreign-object").
> Please note that the size calculations for both formatting
> objects use the same code (AbstractGraphicsLayoutManager) which
> means that fixing one, fixes the other, too. Having more test
> cases like the existing ones would be great and is the first
> important step towards fixing all remaining problems.

Well, I wrote some XSLT code that produced 124 test files. Here's a 
typical file:";>






Here's the XML file I used to define the testing:


(tooNarrowGraphic and tooWideGraphic are just simple images that are, 
respectively, narrower or wider than the content area.)

I wound up with 124 files rather than 20736 files because I blocked any 
test that had more than one value that wasn't "auto". I could generate the 
other files, but 124 is about my limit for visually checking PDF files to 
see if I got the proper output.

The good news is that I got the output I expected in all cases (though I 
had to check the spec pretty carefully to be sure of that in some cases).

I figure I'll skip checking them all into your testing system, as it would 
be massive overkill, but I thought you might want to know the results of 
my testing. If you do want them (or some subset of them), let me know.

Also, if you'd like me to programatically generate test files for other 
elements or properties, let me know. It's not hard to do.

> Concerning your suggestion of a "scale-down-to-fit" I'd say that
> this is not necessary provided I've understood your requirement.

I can certainly get by without it, but it seems like a nice convenience 
feature. It's in the 1.1 spec, so maybe I'll get to use it someday.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: 0.90alpha1: content-width="scale-to-fit" creates damaged PDF - workaround found

2005-12-09 Thread JBryant
An additional update to my testing:

After reading the spec, I thought of trying to make the image a fixed 
width, so I tried

That makes images less than 5.5 inches wide be 5.5 inches wide, but the 
PDF file created by FOP still blows up when it encounters images larger 
than 5.5 inches wide.

Then I tried it with content-width="396px", and that worked. Yay!

I still think there's a bug in there somewhere, but at least there's a 


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: 0.90alpha1: content-width="scale-to-fit" creates damaged PDF

2005-12-09 Thread JBryant
Hi, Andreas,

> Try 396 (= 5.5in at 72dpi), unless you're overriding the
> default resolution of course...

Yup. I caught that right after I posted that message. I used to use 96 dpi 
screen captures (at a previous job), but I use 72 dpi these days.

> See above: If you're not overriding the default resolution,
> this is caused by the fact that 528px is 7.33in in the
> default resolution.

I don't think that's the issue. The algorithm in that template is "if the 
image is more than 396 pixels wide, scale the image". It doesn't try to 
scale the image to 396 pixels. So, the line in the FO file is

When FOP hits that line, whether the image's actual width is 2 pixels or 
2000 pixels, it should be scaled to fit the available space, right? (Of 
course, I'd have a bug somewhere on my side if I thought an image with two 
pixels was more than 396 pixels wide, but that's a separate problem.)

Also, I have tried simply setting all the images to 
content-width="scale-to-fit" with the following line:

It still goes boom.

I have done some additional testing by setting 
content-width="scale-to-fit" on images that are much smaller than the 
available area. In those cases, FOP doesn't produce the error and does 
produce a working PDF file, but it also does NOT scale the image to fill 
the area. It's my understanding that content-width="scale-to-fit" should 
shrink larger images and expand smaller images to fill the width of the 
content area. 

At this point, I suspect that content-width="scale-to-fit" is not working 

If you or any of the other developers would like to look into this issue, 
I can provide test files (both FO files and images that cause problems).


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: [POLL] Your experience with FOP 0.90alpha1 so far???

2005-12-09 Thread JBryant
> so I'll let you know more detail soon (later today).

I had to add width="100%" to my fo:table instructions to avoid a warning 

I'm more than a bit of a purist (and a perfectionist, too), so I don't 
think I'm done coding until I get 0 warnings. So, 0.90alpha1 worked on 
most of my files (the ones that don't involve large images), but I had to 
tweak my transforms to clean up warnings from tables.

I am pleased to report that bookmarks work perfectly.

Also, the new keeps are a huge code reducer for me. For example,















That's a tremendous gain in readability (and hence maintainability next 
year) and must do at least something to improve memory usage and 
processing speed.

So, as soon as I can get past the image scaling problem, I'll be set to 
use the new FOP. I can scale the images by hand in an image editor if need 
be, but I'd like to see if I can get content-width="scale-to-fit" to work 

To sum up, the new FOP is VERY nice and will soon do good things for my 
document production system.

Thanks large.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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0.90alpha1: content-width="scale-to-fit" creates damaged PDF

2005-12-09 Thread JBryant
I wrote an extension function in Java for Saxon that gives me the width 
(and height, but that's less relevant) of an image. Then, if the width is 
greater than 5.5 inches (the space I have available for screen shots in 
this document format), the XSLT adds the content-width="scale-to-fit" 
attribute to the external-graphic instruction, thus:




That all works fine and produces lines such as the following:

But when I run FOP against the resulting FO file, I get the following 
error message:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Some content could not fit into a line/page 
after 50
 attempts. Giving up to avoid an endless loop.

I also get a PDF file that is "damaged and could not be repaired."

I've tested the extension function on several images by having it print 
the width in xsl:message instructions, so I know that works. Also, the 
transform is properly creating external-graphic instructions with 
content-width="scale-to-fit" attributes. So I'm a bit stumped at this 

Any idea why  makes a PDF file that goes boom?


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Scaling images (was Re: [POLL] Your experience with FOP 0.90alpha1 so far???)

2005-12-09 Thread JBryant
Well, now I'm investigating how to get the content-width of the image and 
see if that exceeds the content-width of the content rectangle that will 
hold the image.

Support for the scale-down-to-fit value for the content-width property 
would work nicely. If I were to request an enhancement, that one would be 
high on my list.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services

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Re: [POLL] Your experience with FOP 0.90alpha1 so far???

2005-12-09 Thread JBryant
I did read the upgrading page. It doesn't mention scaling.

> 1. A content-width="scale-to-fit" will do what you want.

Well, no, it won't, actually. The trouble is that I don't want images that 
are less than the width of the page to be expanded to the width of the 
page. The old behavior of scaling images that exceeded the size of the 
container to fit the container and leaving smaller images as is worked 
perfectly. It may not have met the spec, but I regarded it as a feature of 
FOP, as it saved me time I would otherwise spend scaling images by hand. 
Anyway, that won't stop me from using the new version. I'll just scale all 
the images and go merrily onward.

> 2. The XSL 1.1 bookmarks are implemented and produce PDF bookmarks.

A message between developers that went by around the time of the 0.90alpha 
release made me think they weren't yet implemented. I can't readily find 
the message now, and I don't want to spend a lot of time looking for it. 
Anyway, I guess I had a mistaken impression, so I'll try out the new 
bookmark toys and see what I get. Also, the compliance page doesn't list 
the three bookmark instructions.

> What I don't understand is what you mean by "tinkering with
> transforms". Would you please explain?

The day you released 0.90alpha, I tried it against some of my documents 
and found that I had to adjust some of my XSLT transforms to meet the 
requirements of the new version. I don't recall exactly what I had to 
adjust at this point. If memory serves, they were small changes caused by 
0.90alpha's tighter conformance to the spec. I'm about to do it again to 
test the new bookmark instructions, so I'll let you know more detail soon 
(later today).

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: [POLL] Your experience with FOP 0.90alpha1 so far???

2005-12-09 Thread JBryant
Hi, Jeremias,

I have run 0.90alpha1 on a couple of my larger documents, and I have 
bumped into only two issues (one of which causes real trouble for me):

1. Images are not scaling to fit the space in which they are placed. I can 
live with that, because I can go scale the images by hand before FOP picks 
them up. I'm just lazy and would rather not need to do that.

2. The other issue is my showstopper: No bookmarks. My readers are 
spoiled, and I'll hear some very serious howling if I take away their 
bookmarks. I either need an extension like fox or support for the 1.1 
draft bookmark, bookmark-tree, and bookmark-title instructions. I could 
cut over to the new version right now if I could create bookmarks with it.

Other than that, I had to do some tinkering with transforms to get the 
right output with the new version, but it was no big deal and is to be 
expected with a major new version. (I pretty much think of FOP 0.20.* and 
FOP 0.90 as two different processors, so I expected some differences.)

Thanks for asking.


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2005-11-23 Thread JBryant
(I'm posting again to remove the spam tag, in case Mike's system will 
block the message because of it. My client's spam filter throws that in 
just often enough that I forget to check for it. My apologies to the 

Hi, Mike,

src="$logo_path" makes the XSLT processor look for a path that is 
literally $logo_path, and I bet you don't have a path like that.

Try src="{$logo_path}"

The {} indicate an attribute value template (AVT for short), which means 
that the processor will expand the value of $logo_path rather than use the 

literal string.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Sent by: news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/23/2005 10:21 AM
Please respond to


Spam:"; version="1.0"




I've checked the value of logo_path and it is correct.
Maybe there's another way to do it ... Any idea?



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Re: Spam:

2005-11-23 Thread JBryant
Hi, Mike,

src="$logo_path" makes the XSLT processor look for a path that is 
literally $logo_path, and I bet you don't have a path like that.

Try src="{$logo_path}"

The {} indicate an attribute value template (AVT for short), which means 
that the processor will expand the value of $logo_path rather than use the 
literal string.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Sent by: news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/23/2005 10:21 AM
Please respond to


Spam:"; version="1.0"




I've checked the value of logo_path and it is correct.
Maybe there's another way to do it ... Any idea?



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Re: Signature Positioning.

2005-11-17 Thread JBryant
Hi, Hari,

One approach to this problem is to put that line of text and the signature 
block into two rows in a table and then specify keep-together="always" on 
both rows.

You could also set break-before="page" on that line, so as to always have 
that line and the signature block on its own page (a common practice in 
legal documents, in my experience).

Those possibilities sidestep your actual question, but I'm assuming that 
your goal is to keep a leader paragraph with the signature block.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Hariprasad Davanagere" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
11/17/2005 10:52 AM
Please respond to


Signature Positioning.

Hi All,
I am facing problems positioning the signature block in my PDF. I have a 
line of text right above the signature block in the PDF. Is it possible 
me search for this text, get its co-ordinates and then place the signature 

relatively ??

The contents of the PDF may vary and hence i cannot use any absolute 
coordinates, e.g from the bottom of the page.
Need some guidance in this regard,

Thanks in advance,

~Contribution is not by invitation but by initiative 
Hariprasad N Davanagere 19929 Sweetgum 
#23Germantown, MD - 20874
C - (757) 348 3647 H - (???) !!! 

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Re: Pagination handling in FOP

2005-11-17 Thread JBryant
Hi, Leon,

If you've got elements (paragraphs, headings, or other document pieces) 
that must remain together, you can put them in a table and specify 
keep-together="always" on each row. Of course, if the elements are larger 
than a page, FOP has to put a page break in there anyway.

Note: The solution described above works for 0.20.5. The new version 
(coming in a week or two, I believe) has much better keep handling and 
won't require a table to achieve the same solution.

I hope that's enough info to get you started. If not, let us know.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: Saxon8

2005-11-11 Thread JBryant
I have tried to implement Saxon8.6 in place of Xalan but am getting 
errors. Are there other libraries I require? 


Hi, Daniel,

The Saxon distribution is self-contained, so you should need no other 
libraries. It requires Java 1.5 (or Java 1.4 and some additional package 
from Sun, but I just use 1.5, so I forget the details of that bit).

For questions like this, I recommend subscribing to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mike Kay is VERY good about answering 
questions, often within just a few minutes (remember that he lives in 
England, though, so don't expect much late in the day).

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: Large PDF - Performance

2005-11-11 Thread JBryant
> In this respect, it may prove worthwhile to track down whether
> this difference is really caused by the XSLT processor itself,
> or merely by the fact that Saxon comes bundled with its own
> XML parser (AElfred).

>From the Aelfred web site on Sourceforge:

"Saxon versions from 7.2 onwards no longer include a built-in XML parser. 
This decision was taken because Saxon is now dependent on JDK 1.4, which 
includes its own XML parser, and therefore the original reason for 
bundling a parser with Saxon has disappeared."

That listing is a bit out of date, as the last couple versions (8.5 and 
8.6) of Saxon use the 1.5 JDK.

So, versions 7 & 8 of Saxon (which provide access to XSLT 2.0) use 
Crimson. Version 6.x uses Aelfred. I believe the OP mentioned using Saxon 
8, so the parser in question is Crimson.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: Convert HTML to PostScript or PDF

2005-11-01 Thread JBryant
Your best bet is to use XSLT to go from your source XML to XSL:FO and skip 
trying to convert HTML into XSL:FO.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

11/01/2005 11:08 AM
Please respond to


Re: Convert HTML to PostScript or PDF

My HTML's source is XML, I use Xalan to transform XML to HTML. Is the
result HTML ok for FOP? Or there is other shortcut to generate
PostScript or PDF from XML directly?

Thanks for your reply.

Best regards,

--- Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This article may be of help:
> Glen
> Jimmy Dixon wrote:
> > no - you would need to have your HTML in XHTML format so you can
> convert 
> > it to XSL-FO using XSLT, FOP can then be used to convert XSL-FO to
> PDF 
> > or (I think) Postscript.
> > 
> > Leon Pu wrote:
> > 
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> is it possible to use FOP to convert a HTML file to PostScript or
> PDF?
> >>
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Leon
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >> 
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> >> Choice 2005
> >>
> >>
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Re: Spam:number-rows-spanned problem

2005-10-27 Thread JBryant

One (untested) idea would be to use a table within a table.

The outer table would consist of one row with two columns. In the 
left-hand cell, you have the image. In the right-hand cell, you have the 
inner table.

The inner table would consist of one column with four rows. Those cells 
contain your text.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Rymasz Jacky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
10/27/2005 10:05 AM
Please respond to



Spam:number-rows-spanned problem

Hello everyone ;)

I have a wee problem concerning the height of rows when using the
number-rows-spanned property.

Here my document:

I have a table with 2 columns.
On the first column, I have a image of a certain size (lets say
On the right column, I have X rows depending of my data (lets say 1 row
My rows contains text.
I have using number-rows-spanned=X on the first column.

The problem is that if I got not enough rows on the right column, I have
the first rows of height 100 and the last one height equls to the
remaining height of the image.

If I've got 4 rows, I'll get 3 rows with 100 height and the last one
will be 200 height.

What I want is 4 colums of 125 each on my right column.

What can I do to obtain X rows of same height size? 
I'm not fixing any height on the rows.



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Re: height of instream-foreign-object

2005-10-18 Thread JBryant
This sounds much like a problem I had some time back, wherein I needed to 
make a small-caps font without using an actual small-caps font. Recalling 
that a typographer friend once told me that the small caps is really an 
all caps font with the lower-case letters set to 5/8 the size of the 
upper-case letters, I wrote a recursive template in XSLT 1.0 to produce 
the desired effect. For that project, I was working in HTML, so I used 
span elements. I didn't want to use a span element for each character, so 
I grouped them by case (upper or lower).

I suspect you have an application that would benefit from something 
similar, with the i-f-o elements replacing the span elements.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Andreas L Delmelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
10/18/2005 11:15 AM
Please respond to


Re: height of instream-foreign-object

On Oct 18, 2005, at 14:08, robert frapples wrote:

> On 10/17/05, Andreas L Delmelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The effect you get right now is that of a different block being
>> created for each i-f-o, the default height of which is always the
>> line-height (1.2em IIC). AFAICT, the only way to manipulate the
>> height would be to specify a different font-size/line-height for each
>> created block --but then again, this seems somewhat suboptimal. I
>> think you'll fare far better with putting all of the characters
>> inside one single instream-foreign-object.
> I can't use a single instream-foreign-object because I have no idea
> how many letters there are, so I have no idea what the height should
> be. Using line-height="0.8em" is giving me good results though.

I see. Still, even if you don't know how many letters there will be, 
you can still use one instream-foreign-object. I'd even say that you 
*do* now the number of characters, since you start from a full string 
which you split into separate chars. All you'd need to do is 
determine the string-length and set content-height/block-progression- 
dimension accordingly.




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Re: marking some elements by same @id

2005-10-13 Thread JBryant
(Jay's suggestion just rolled in --I'm not 100% sure, but I think FOP 
will complain if it encounters attributes in the fo: namespace that are 
not properties as defined in the Rec. FOP 0.20.5 may turn out to be 
forgiving... Just to be on the safe side, I'd use a separate 


I hadn't thought of that because I always do all my processing against 
some other XML dialect and generate FO as the last step. A separate 
namespace would be the way to go, for sure.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: marking some elements by same @id

2005-10-13 Thread JBryant
The fix for this is to not use "id". You should use an attribute named 
"id" only when you plan to assign a unique identifier to that attribute. 
Otherwise, lots of XML- and XSL-based systems (including but certainly not 
limited to FOP) will break. So, use some other name instead: "myid", 
"groupid", "tableid", "Oscar", whatever.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Systems
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Thomas Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
10/13/2005 10:33 AM
Please respond to


marking some elements by same @id


I am designing a table with the trunk version of FOP.
The table must be configurable.

For example : it depends on the order if the
"Position" should appear or not.

So I created a xsl-fo stylesheet like this :





If I want to remove the "Position", then the following
template did that for me :

Luckily, Xalan does not complain about the non-unique
values of id.

However; if I want the "Position" in the table then
FOP will correctly complain "... id values must be
unique in document."

My question : is there any possibility to mark several
elements with the same attribute name so that I can
run such a "remove-template" ?

Or : how can I turn off the unique-id checking of FOP

Thanks in advance !




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Re: Any update on the following issues?

2005-10-11 Thread JBryant
> I read the post from Jbryant on the 21st of Sep that provided
> a workaround - but we are not running XSLT 2.0 yet, so that
> option is out for now.

Anything (well, almost) that can be done in 2.0 can be done in 1.0. It 
just takes more arcane weirdness and tends to be much more verbose. If you 
can create representative samples of the kind of input you have to process 
and the kind of output your users want, I can try to help you create a 1.0 
solution to it. Those kinds of questions are also welcome at the Mulberry 
XSL list, to which you can subscribe from this page:

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: more than one fo:flow in fo:page-sequence

2005-09-27 Thread JBryant
> I guess I'm missing something from your problem
> that Jay is apparently picking up.

I doubt that, Glen. I used static-content areas, as you suggest.

I have observed that many folks have trouble with the mapping from the 
names in the simple-page-master to the areas defined within the page 
sequences. So I thought an example from an actual working file might help.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: more than one fo:flow in fo:page-sequence

2005-09-27 Thread JBryant
Ok, i want to make a head, a body  and a foot part of my site! So i have 
implement a xsl-region-before, xsl-region-body and xsl-region-after part 
my site! You understand?!?
But i can only implement a  or  a 
 but not both! So what should i do in 

that case?!


Here's how (a trimmed down portion of one of my XSL files that I use to 
produce a data dictionary):";>



















Notice the ways names map from the simple-page-masters to the named 
portions within page-sequences.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: more than one fo:flow in fo:page-sequence

2005-09-27 Thread JBryant
> Where *is* my head at...? :-S

Where it belongs - in the code for the new version. :D

My 2 cents: Until 1.1 is a rec (rather than a draft), the FOP team should 
hold off on supporting it. So, until then, FOP should support only one 
flow per page sequence.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: determine if block is before page-break

2005-09-27 Thread JBryant
There's no way to detect it, but there is a way to prevent it from 
happening: Wrap those middle three blocks in a table, with each block 
going into its own row (and cell). Then specify keep-together on all the 
rows. Depending on your XSLT code, this can take some extra effort. 
Sometimes, you'll need to use predicates such as [position()=last()] to 
get the blocks you want to put in the table.

I understand that the upcoming version will support keeps on blocks, which 
will provide a simpler solution.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Services)

09/27/2005 04:07 AM
Please respond to


determine if block is before page-break

I have the following fo:



I want to put the leader only if it is not followed by
a page break. Is there a way to determine if fo:leader
is followed by page break?

Thank you.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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RE: FOP improvement up to 3000%.

2005-09-23 Thread JBryant
No offense meant. I've seen lots of messages about performance differences 
when the test conditions were largely responsible.

In this case, I suggest making more memory available to Xerces. Perhaps 
Xerces makes less efficient use of memory than Crimson. Of course, if 
memory is a sensitive issue, perhaps you should just use Crimson. For that 
matter, even if Xerces does approach the performance of Crimson when you 
give Xerces more memory, why not use Crimson (assuming you get the output 
you want)?

Fourteen months ago, I wanted to use XSLT 2.0, so I went to Saxon as the 
XSLT processor for FOP. So long as you are willing to prepare the FO file 
with other tools, you do not need to use the tools shipped with FOP.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Xaus, Jaume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
09/23/2005 10:03 AM
Please respond to



RE: FOP improvement up to 3000%.

Dear Jay,

We expended a lot of time in many test about this two libraries. :-)

Two test was performed in the exactily same conditions.

This is the code used in test :

public class TestFop {
  public TestFop() {
String[] clo = {"-d", "-pdf", "/test/prova.pdf", "-xml", 
"/test/per.xml", "-xsl","/test/ReportGeneric.xsl"};

try {
  long heapSize = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
  long heapMaxSize = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
  long heapFreeSize = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
  Date ini = new Date();
  System.out.println("Tamany heap : "+heapSize);
  System.out.println("Maxim heap : "+heapMaxSize);
  System.out.println("LLiure heap : "+heapFreeSize);


  heapSize = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
  heapMaxSize = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
  heapFreeSize = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
  System.out.println("Tamany heap : "+heapSize);
  System.out.println("Maxim heap : "+heapMaxSize);
  System.out.println("LLiure heap : "+heapFreeSize);
  Date fin = new Date();
  long sec = (fin.getTime()-ini.getTime())/1000;
  String hola = "Temps = "+sec+" segonds.";
catch (Exception ex) {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
TestFop testfop = new TestFop();

Parametres JVM : -Xms128m -Xmx512m
Size of file per.xml : 501 kb
Lines of file per.xml : about 4.000 lines
Pages generated in file prova.pdf : 117 pages

Time with Xerces  : 1637 seconds
Time with Crimson : 66 seconds

Everybody could test yourself if he would !



-Mensaje original-
Enviado el: viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2005 16:56
Asunto: Re: FOP improvement up to 3000%.

Were the conditions of the two runs exactly the same? For example, if you 
were timing the first run of the Xerces parser and the second run of the 
Crimson parser, caching could account for much of the difference.

Also, such items as configuration differences can have a large impact. If 
you were using the default amount of memory, perhaps Xerces would benefit 
from a change in that setting while Crimson may be more efficient in its 
use of memory and not suffer from using the default. Thus, changing 
configuration could account for at least some of the difference. Your 
mention that "This library give very poor performance where xml file is 
large" makes me think memory may be part of the difference.

I'm sure other issues could factor into it as well.

Of course, Crimson may simply be a much faster parser. I have heard good 
things about Crimson from a number of quarters.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Xaus, Jaume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
09/23/2005 05:50 AM
Please respond to



FOP improvement up to 3000%.

Dear friends,
We are using FOP api in order to build PDF documents from large Xml files.
The FOP package distribution contains Xerces as xml parser. ([Debug] Using 

org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser)
This library give very poor performance where xml file is large.
We improved up to 3000% the performance simplement changin Xerces for 
Crimson library.([Debug] Using org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl as 
SAX2 Parser)
Does anyone know the reason off this performance difference ?

Jaume Xaus
Director Departament Java

“La confianza, como el arte, nunca proviene de tener todas las respuestas, 

sino de estar abierto a todas la preguntas.” 
Earl Gray Stevens.



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Re: FOP improvement up to 3000%.

2005-09-23 Thread JBryant
Were the conditions of the two runs exactly the same? For example, if you 
were timing the first run of the Xerces parser and the second run of the 
Crimson parser, caching could account for much of the difference.

Also, such items as configuration differences can have a large impact. If 
you were using the default amount of memory, perhaps Xerces would benefit 
from a change in that setting while Crimson may be more efficient in its 
use of memory and not suffer from using the default. Thus, changing 
configuration could account for at least some of the difference. Your 
mention that "This library give very poor performance where xml file is 
large" makes me think memory may be part of the difference.

I'm sure other issues could factor into it as well.

Of course, Crimson may simply be a much faster parser. I have heard good 
things about Crimson from a number of quarters.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Xaus, Jaume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
09/23/2005 05:50 AM
Please respond to



FOP improvement up to 3000%.

Dear friends,
We are using FOP api in order to build PDF documents from large Xml files.
The FOP package distribution contains Xerces as xml parser. ([Debug] Using 
org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser)
This library give very poor performance where xml file is large.
We improved up to 3000% the performance simplement changin Xerces for 
Crimson library.([Debug] Using org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl as 
SAX2 Parser)
Does anyone know the reason off this performance difference ?

Jaume Xaus
Director Departament Java

“La confianza, como el arte, nunca proviene de tener todas las respuestas, 
sino de estar abierto a todas la preguntas.” 
Earl Gray Stevens.



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Re: table-layout

2005-09-21 Thread JBryant
FOP only supports table-layout="fixed". If you don't mind adding some code 
to your XSL file, there's a work-around. The trick is to discover all the 
things a fixed-layout table needs to know before creating the necessary FO 
elements. Here's how:

Here's a stylesheet that determines the number of rows, determines the 
average number of characters, creates the corresponding number of columns, 
and assigns the width of each column based on the average length of 
strings in that column versus the row with the largest strings.

It's a little arcane, and it's done in XSLT 2.0. I stuck in a cell that 
spans two columns, to show that it can be done, but then I blocked 
calculating averages against such rows, as I ran out of time that I could 
dedicate to an example.

Still, it illustrates one way to work around this limitation of FOP. I do 
similar things in my stylesheets, as I sometimes have no way to know what 
an incoming table will look like.

Here's the XML source I used:

some text
lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and 
lots of text
more and more and more and more and more and more and more and 
more text
lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and 
lots of text
some text
more and more and more and more and more and more and more and 
more text
lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and 
lots and lots of text
more and more and more and more and more and more and more and 
more text

Here's the stylesheet:"; 
xmlns:fo=""; exclude-result-prefixes="fo">";>






















And here's the output from Saxon 8 (ready to be run through FOP):";>

 some text
 lots and lots and lots and lots and lots 
and lots and lots and lots of text
 more and more and more and more and more 
and more and more and more text
 lots and lots and lots and lots and lots 
and lots and lots and lots of text
 some text
 more and more and more and more and more 
and more and more and more text
 lots and lots and lots and lots and lots 
and lots and lots and lots of text
 more and more and more and more and more 
and more and more and more text

(I tested that and got the PDF I expected.)

It may be more of a solution than it's worth, and it may be too arcane to 
be something many people would want to maintain, but I thought I'd post it 
to show that one can get around most of FOP's limitations with XSLT.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Guzandrov Andriy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
09/21/2005 03:28 AM
Please respond to




I have a question concerning FOP support of the
table-layout="auto". Does
FOP support this property?

I use FOP 0.20.5 to convert dynamically created xml file to
PDF. I don`t know in advance how much columns will be in the
xml table, and how wide columns will be. I use this property
to build dynamic fo table but it doesn`t work properly,
though there are no errors in the log. The table space
simply is distributed equally among columns with no respect
of the text width in those.

I`ve been googling for a couple of days and still have no
clear answer on my question. Some people wrote that this
property is not supported but it was FOP 0.20.4. So how it
is with 0.20.5??? Or how one can build dynamic table under
condiotions I have?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: compressing pdf response

2005-09-19 Thread JBryant
J.Pietschmann wrote:

Also, most of the PDF parts are already compressed (and re-encoded
as ASCII85). A secondary compression will probably gain something
between 15% and 20% for typical PDF files. Significant improvements
are only to be expected in case of large embedded BMP images and in
some cases if there are large embedded fonts.

I use FOP to prepare some documents that contain no images and use only 
the standard fonts. The other day, I thought I'd zip one of those files 
before sending it to a customer, and I got a 4% gain. I sent the unzipped 
PDF file rather than make the customer unzip the file.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: Poor quality when printing

2005-09-07 Thread JBryant
One possibility is that your printer is substituting fonts. If your 
printer's fonts are very different from those specified in the PDF, the 
change can be very noticeable (and often very unattractive). If your 
printer has a setting to not substitute, try that. If the printer has such 
a setting, it will (usually) treat all the text as graphics, which will 
adversely effect speed, but you may get the output you want.

Of course, it could be many other things, too.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: .FO outout

2005-08-25 Thread JBryant
Hi, Anil,


To get the .fo file, run Xalan rather than FOP. For example:

xalan -in mysource.xml -xsl mystylesheet.xsl -out

Then, to turn the FO file into PDF, you can use:

fop -fo -pdf mypdf.pdf

You can also use this feature to separate FOP from Xalan. I use Saxon 8.5, 
so that I can use XSLT 2.0 and the run FOP against the resulting FO file.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Anil Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
08/25/2005 01:12 PM
Please respond to


.FO outout

Hi all,

Is it possible to see the .fo output that FOP uses once it accepts the xml
and xsl to create the pdf from the command line ?

Thanks in advance.
Anil Pinto.

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Re: build dynamic tables with FOP

2005-07-26 Thread JBryant
Hi, Jens,

That's one way to handle it. If you don't want to pass a parameter to your 
transformation process, though, you can also have the XSLT count the 
number of columns in the source document and generate the correct number 
of columns. I don't like having to examine a file and set a parameter 
(whether I do it myself or with some other process), so I tend to make my 
XSLT figure out such things.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

07/26/2005 11:40 AM
Please respond to


build dynamic tables with FOP

i am trying to build dynamic tables using FOP 0.20.50 within a CMS. 
It seems to be a bit awkward building dynamic tables, cause i dont really 
know, how many columns this table is going to have. 
As i found out at the apache website, FOP does not support the 
table-layout='auto' attribute within the fo:table tag. 
Does this mean, that you would have to count the possible table-columns ? 
And how is this supposed to work ? 
Considering this XML, where the maxCols attribute shows you the number of 
columns, this table is supposed to have: 
and you are inside the fo:table element, could one do something like this: 



or is there a better way to cope with this ?!? 
Anyhow, if i got quite a complex table, my Tomcat is tremendously busy .. 
Many thanks 4 your help + kind regards from Hamburg 

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] last week

2005-07-26 Thread JBryant
"I think we should start a FOP users/Success stories wiki page"

I could contribute to that. I use FOP for all the document production 
needs of a small software company. The documents are as large as 2000 
pages, with as many as 25,000 internal links, all fully bookmarked.

If you get such a thing going and post a link, I'll stop by and provide 
more depth about what I do with FOP here.

Also, I know of some other successes for FOP. For example, the DITA group 
chose FOP for their PDF engine. Consequently, all those DITA users will be 
using FOP to produce all kinds of documents. As it happens, I live in the 
same city as Don Day (who chairs the DITA Technical Committee), and I've 
seen his demonstrations and chatted with him over lunch about it. I 
strongly suspect that DITA will gain substantial momentum, and FOP is part 
of its toolkit, so FOP will see increasing use. I assume the same is true 
of various other open source efforts that need to produce printable 

One of the things I look forward to is DITA's toolkit including FOP 1.0 
(and XSLT 2.0, but that's another matter).

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: PDF Header alignment

2005-07-20 Thread JBryant
You can set the alignment properties on the blocks within the table cells, 


 Left footer stuff here
 Center footer stuff here
 Right footer stuff here


The footer definition I actually use for most of the documents for this 
client is:



Date prepared: 

Confidential and Proprietary




Copyright , 
. All Rights Reserved



Then I define the alignment in the named attribute set (which I keep in a 
separate XSL file and import into several kinds of documents).

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: Fonts in inline elements in a single block

2005-06-29 Thread JBryant
I got good output from your file when I set the line height on that block 
to the size of the largest font in the block, thus:

This is a multifont 
text and it is incorrectly handled by 


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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2005-06-23 Thread JBryant
The Compliance page (at says 
space-before.optimum is supported, so you could try changing space-before 
to space-before.optimum.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"H. krishna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
06/23/2005 09:43 AM
Please respond to



Hi All,

The "space-before" attribute is not working on my 
stylefile. Anybody advise me?

Thanks in advance.


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RE: Overlapping Data?

2005-06-14 Thread JBryant
> Too many lists to handle, ay Jay? :-)

Yup, combined with too much to do. My bad. Sorry for any confusion that 
may have arisen.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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RE: Overlapping Data?

2005-06-14 Thread JBryant
The XSL List does not accept attachments (something I like personally).

You'll need to communicate with Andreas off the list to be able to send 

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies).

06/14/2005 02:01 PM
Please respond to


RE: Overlapping Data?

Hi Andreas,

I hope it is not a problem. Here are my files.

1. My xsl file (full)
2. My data xml file (full)

I wrote comments that I want in those files.

Thanks a lot.


> > -- My problem --
> > In my case, if xml data tags are overlapped each
> other
> > in xsl(i.e GUI), I want to display
> itself(overlapped
> > data) in pdf.
> > In order to do that, I think it should be able to
> be
> > used wherever data are displayed. Is there any
> other
> > way?.
> > (For example, template --> template -->template ..
> > overlapped data..)
> I think your problem shouldn't be a problem at all
> --in theory, but I don't
> know *exactly* what your FO code looks like...

1. My xsl file (full)"; 





















































Re: Header margins

2005-06-14 Thread JBryant
Hi, Ryan,


(or whatever the values should be).

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Ryan Ackley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
06/14/2005 10:39 AM
Please respond to



Header margins

I can't get header margins to work. 

I am using FOP 20.5. I can't figure out how to make the header margins the
same as the body margins. FOP always starts my text in the upper left 
of the page regardless of what I set for the margin values in the header. 
also tried using padding but it didn't work. Here is the xml I am using 
the region:


Then here is the content just the single word "blah"


Am I doing something wrong? Any ideas?


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Re: XML2PDF formatting progress

2005-06-02 Thread JBryant
> You can do XSLT processing separately, with xsltproc.  It's a
> pretty quick process, compared to the FOP step.  The xsltproc
> step will produce the single FO file you want, which FOP will
> accept.

I haven't been following this conversation in full, but the above 
paragraph caught my eye.

You can also use Xalan (included in the FOP distribution) or Saxon or a 
number of other XSLT processors. I use Saxon 8.4 (to get XSLT and XPath 
2.0 features) to produce all my FO files, which I then send to FOP to get 
PDF output.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Warren Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
06/02/2005 03:39 PM
Please respond to


Re: XML2PDF formatting progress

Glen Mazza wrote:

> The problem with that would seem to be that the "file" is not usually a
> single input FO document, but the combination of an XSL stylesheet with 
> XML data file being fed into the XSL processor, 

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Re: Dynamic table rows?

2005-05-26 Thread JBryant
Hi, Nathan,

XSL documents are XML documents, so they must be well-formed. Thus, you 
can't do:


You must do:


The trouble is, of course, that that's not what you want.

To get each row to have two cells, you need to back up a notch to whatever 
template calls the row-making template and use the mod trick in the 
apply-templates (or for-each or whatever) statement you have there.

So, for example, if I have input data like this:


And I want my  values two to a row in a table, I could do:













match="y[following-sibling::*[1]/self::y]" means, in English: match the y 
nodes where the next sibling is also a y node. The template with the not() 
function means the reverse, of course. You can't just just 
match="y[following-sibling::y] because you might have another set of y 
nodes to render in a different table later on (or maybe not, since I don't 
know your data). Also, if you ALWAYS have an even number of nodes, you can 
just use the first template and change it to match="y".

I just tested those three templates with 4 and 5 y values and got the 
results I expected.

Let us know if you have other troubles. Also, this was a generic XSL 
question rather than a FOP question. The Mulberry XSL list will get you 
more help for this kind of thing (I hang out there, too, for what it's 
worth). That list is at

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Nathan Maves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
05/26/2005 01:54 PM
Please respond to


Dynamic table rows?

Here is what I have so far.  What I need is a have a two column table 
based on a list of category elements.  So in a list 
 I want a table like.

Cat1 - Cat2
Cat3 - Cat4

The logic seems right to me but I get the following error.

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The element type "fo:table-row" must 
be terminated by the matching end-tag "".







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Re: page border

2005-05-19 Thread JBryant
Hi, Chris,

You can get a line down the right side by putting all the rest of the 
content in a single-cell table and specifying the height and border-right 
properties of the cell, thus:";>





  Your content here




When I tested it, I get a warning message, but I also get the PDF file I 
wanted, so I'm ignoring the warning for now.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Chris Faulkner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
05/19/2005 02:29 PM
Please respond to


page border


I need a vertical line to appear a certain distance from the right
hand edge of my page. I have experimented with region-end  but Ican't
get anything to appear and none of the examples appear to use it. Is
this implemented and how can I use it to draw a vertical line from the
top to the bottom of the page ?



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Re: Getting Screen Output while Processing?

2005-05-18 Thread JBryant
Hi, Luke,

If I gather correctly, the fellow with the problem is looking for a way to 
customize the output of the [INFO] tags or (more precisely, I think) 
generate his own [INFO] tags. He's processing a large number of tables, 
which is going very slowly (tables being FOP's slow spot, after all) and 
he wants to know how far through the generation process FOP has gotten. If 
he had a way to spit out an [INFO] that told him how many tables had been 
processed so far (and thus number the tables), he could tell how far along 
the process is. He'd like to do that on the console (standard error, the 
screen, the command line, or whatever other not-quite-right synonym people 
use), so that he can see the progress as it goes.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

05/18/2005 11:51 AM
Please respond to



Re: Getting Screen Output while Processing?

I'm not sure I totally understand, but if it is in the realm of Java I 
found log4j to be very useful for outputting messages. It can be 
to output data for specific classes to the console, to files (html, xml,
txt) or to a DB.

Check out the articles section of the page below for further details:

Luke Shannon
Web Design/Development
Java Programmer
phone: 416-570-1984

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 10:57 AM
Subject: Getting Screen Output while Processing?

> Hi, gang,
> A fellow sent me a private message this morning because government 
> won't let him post a message to a public group such as this one. So I'm
> going to rephrase his question and then send your answer back to him.
> How can I get my own messages on the screen as FOP processes a file? 
> XSLT, I can use the message instruction. Is there a similar instruction
> that I can use with FOP? Or some other way to get messages?
> Thanks.
> Jay Bryant
> Bryant Communication Services
> (presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)
> -
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Re: conditional-page-master-reference and last()

2005-05-18 Thread JBryant
Hi, Lou,

I got nowhere with my idea, unfortunately, because there's no element that 
wraps the page sequences that call on the different masters. However, I 
had another thought:

You must have a page-sequence that references the mainSequence master. 
Have you tried adding a special at the end of that?



Then you can get the last page number with 

I did this in the stylesheet I wrote for the XSLT spec a while back, but I 
wasn't using conditional masters. You can find that project at if you want to look at the stylesheet.

As you can tell, I'm pretty much just "thinking out loud", so any given 
idea I have may not work out well.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

05/17/2005 06:31 AM
Please respond to


Re: conditional-page-master-reference and last()


The union of the two page sets sounds interesting - if you have an 
could you please post it.  I would like to take a look at implemting it.

Right now, I'm trying to convince the requestor to accept that only the
last page will have a message (something like "end of pages") and then
simply putting either a text block or a footnote at the end of the flow.
If they don't accept this, I'll be posting again for more help.


  05/16/2005 18:02 Subject: Re: 
conditional-page-master-reference and last()  
  Please respond   
  to fop-users   

Hi, Lou,

last() is working correctly (getting the last node in a node set), but
that's not much comfort.

My only thought on this one is to apply last() to the union of the two
page sets. Unfortunately, I don't have time to generate a test case and
fiddle with it. Maybe you can use the idea, though.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Getting Screen Output while Processing?

2005-05-18 Thread JBryant
Hi, gang,

A fellow sent me a private message this morning because government policy 
won't let him post a message to a public group such as this one. So I'm 
going to rephrase his question and then send your answer back to him.

How can I get my own messages on the screen as FOP processes a file? With 
XSLT, I can use the message instruction. Is there a similar instruction 
that I can use with FOP? Or some other way to get messages?


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Correct legal wording for mentioning FOP?

2005-05-17 Thread JBryant
Hi, gang,

I'm writing a case study about how I produced a 1700-page PDF description 
of a database with FOP (and 1300+ HTML files with Saxon 8). Naturally, I 
want to get the legal bit at the bottom of the page right. My editor can 
probably deal with it, but I'd rather help her out than make her puzzle it 
out herself (and I'd rather clear these small roadblocks that will slow 
the article being published). Besides, I don't want to trample the 
intellectual property of one of my favorite organizations

So, what is the proper way to cite FOP? Sun requires "JavaHelp is a 
trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries." (I'm 
adding JavaHelp output to the system, too, by the way). Does FOP require 
something similar? If so, what is the approved wording?

Thanks much.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: vertical align of table columns

2005-05-17 Thread JBryant
Hi, Jon,

According to the FOP compliance page (at, 
that's only partially implemented. However, you might fiddle and see if 
the partial implementation will handle what you need.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Jon Steeves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
05/16/2005 03:01 PM
Please respond to


vertical align of table columns


  Is it possible to use vertical aligning for table columns?


-Original Message-
From: Sachin Kulkarni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 3:14 AM
Subject: xml to rtf

Is it possible to convert xml to rtf 
by useing FOP.
if  there is any setting please tell me.

thanks & regards
Sachin Kulkarni

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Re: conditional-page-master-reference and last()

2005-05-17 Thread JBryant
Hi, Lou,

last() is working correctly (getting the last node in a node set), but 
that's not much comfort.

My only thought on this one is to apply last() to the union of the two 
page sets. Unfortunately, I don't have time to generate a test case and 
fiddle with it. Maybe you can use the idea, though.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: How to force a page break between tables

2005-05-09 Thread JBryant
Hi, Richard,

No worries on the usage pattern. I did similar things with even longer 
breaks between until my current project.

Try  break-before="page" on your table elements (though perhaps not the 
first one). If that doesn't work, try wrapping the table in a block and 
setting  break-before="page" on the block.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Richard Mixon (qwest)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
05/09/2005 04:58 PM
Please respond to


How to force a page break between tables

Sorry for the sudden flurry of FOP questions over the last two days.
That's just my pattern of usage - I implement something new using FOP,
then its six months before I have to do something again. I think that's
a good thing, but makes me a stranger in between.

Anyway, I am generating a series of tables and need each one to begin on
a new page. I am only using an ".fo" file as input, i.e. not using an
XSL file and doing a transform.

I've searched and read and searched and read and not come up with an

Please tell me its something simple or obvious. Or if its not so simple
still tell me how.
Below is a representative FO file (simplified in that I've taken out my
JSP tags that are used to generate).

Thank you - Richard";>












Group of Rows #1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
Group of Rows #2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,




Group of Rows #1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
Group of Rows #2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,



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RE: Specifying styles or attribute sets in an FO document

2005-05-09 Thread JBryant
Hi, Richard,

> What I would like is a way to specify the
> attribute-set inline at the top of the .fo
> file and then reference them further down
> in fo layout statements.

That won't work in an FO file because FO doesn't know anything about 
transformation. You are right in thinking that you'll have to get the 
information through one of your Java-based steps in the process.

I think the "standard" solution is to use XSLT to produce the FO file, 
which you indicate you are not doing. Given what little I understand of 
your processing model, I would apply the styles in the JSP layer. That 
would let me follow the general rule of applying style as late as possible 
so that I can produce different output formats with as few "upstream" 
changes to the process as possible.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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RE: Specifying styles or attribute sets in an FO document

2005-05-09 Thread JBryant
> Can you point me to an example
> that shows how to do this somewhere?

SpecToPDF.xsl uses xsl:include (right at the top of the file) to include 
the styles specified in pdfstyles.xsl.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: Only getting one page of a multi-page output

2005-05-02 Thread JBryant
Assuming that you really want just a page (or more) with the content of 
your one element in a block that has a border, the FO can be as simple as 





Adjust the margins and border width to suit and you're good to go. Of 
course, you CAN add all kinds of things (a font other than the default, 
page number in the footer, etc.), but this file will produce a simple 
document that has a border around the content. I tested this file with FOP 
and a largish element and got four pages, each with a border around the 
page's content.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Bill Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
05/02/2005 02:26 PM
Please respond to


Only getting one page of a multi-page output

Hello all,

I have a simple stylesheet that outputs the contents of a single tag to 
a page.  When the contents of the tag fit on a single page, everything 
is fine.  When the tag contents are too much to fit on one page, the 
output contains only the first page.  How can I get multipage output? 
My stylesheet follows:";>






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Re: problems with docbook

2005-04-28 Thread JBryant
Hi, Luis,

I have not bumped into the situation of a null value causing this error, 
so I can't offer any direct advice about that.

However, I can think of a fix for it that you can do in your XSLT - 
something on the order of:





That template catches xrefs that have no value in the linkend attribute 
and inserts a space (so that your elements won't collapse, which can cause 
other troubles).

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

04/28/2005 12:06 PM
Please respond to


Re: problems with docbook 

El jue, 28-04-2005 a las 09:51 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
> Hi, Luis,
Thanks for your quick reply.
> The error indicates that something is too big to fit in its allocated 
> space. Since it's the result of a cross-reference, I'd guess that the 
> reference is picking up some word that is too long to fit in the 
> space.
Well, I tried to simplified the file. The original file is a book
chapter and the references aim at null because I compiling it without
its targets. For instance, I compile chapter4 and it has xrefs aim at
chapter3 and 2 but I only want to compile chapter4 without any

My target is to compile a Docbook book chapter by chapter. Is there
anyway to avoid this error?
"[INFO] area contents overflows area in line" :_(

The book I'm trying to compile chapter by chapter has a lot of xrefs and
when I'm compiling chapter by chapter there are a lot of xrefs which aim
at null and there is no problem. The consequence is the generated text
for this ref which was "???" or something like that.

> I get this all the time when I'm doing database descriptions and have to 

> fit Really_Long_Table_Name_From_Some_Database into a table or when I'm 
> doing API documentation and have to fit 
> reallyLongClassNameThatOughtToBeTrimmed into a table.

Thank you very much.

> Luis Cañas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 04/28/2005 09:28 AM
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> problems with docbook 
> Hi!
> I'm trying to compile this valid[1] docbook[2] document with
> fop.
> But I'm having troubles with this part: (line 92)
> "...
> hola 
> .."
> When I try to insert and xref in term, it throws this error:
> "[INFO] area contents overflows area in line"
> Thank you very much. luis.
> [1] "onsgmls -wxml -s chapter.xml" returns no error
> [2]
> -
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Luis Cañas Díaz - URJC(Madrid)
Edukalibre project:

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Re: problems with docbook

2005-04-28 Thread JBryant
Hi, Luis,

The error indicates that something is too big to fit in its allocated 
space. Since it's the result of a cross-reference, I'd guess that the 
reference is picking up some word that is too long to fit in the allocated 

I get this all the time when I'm doing database descriptions and have to 
fit Really_Long_Table_Name_From_Some_Database into a table or when I'm 
doing API documentation and have to fit 
reallyLongClassNameThatOughtToBeTrimmed into a table.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

04/28/2005 09:28 AM
Please respond to


problems with docbook 

I'm trying to compile this valid[1] docbook[2] document with
But I'm having troubles with this part: (line 92)



When I try to insert and xref in term, it throws this error:
"[INFO] area contents overflows area in line"
Thank you very much. luis.
[1] "onsgmls -wxml -s chapter.xml" returns no error
Luis Cañas Díaz - URJC(Madrid)
Edukalibre project:

Description: Binary data
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RE: Basic help needed

2005-04-21 Thread JBryant
It usually is silly, but it's these silly things that keep money in our 
bank accounts.

Anyway, if you want to break the line at the space closest to 80 (but not 
after 80), this stylesheet will do it:"; 
























I tested it on this oddball file:

a ab abc abcd abcde abcdef abcdefg abcdefgh abcdefghi 
abcdefghij abcdefghijkl abcdefghijklm abcdefghijklmn abcdefghijklmno a ab 
abc abcd abcde abcdef abcdefg abcdefgh abcdefghi abcdefghij abcdefghijkl 
abcdefghijklm abcdefghijklmn abcdefghijklmno a ab abc abcd abcde abcdef 
abcdefg abcdefgh abcdefghi abcdefghij abcdefghijkl abcdefghijklm 
abcdefghijklmn abcdefghijklmno

And its output is:";>
 a ab abc abcd 
abcde abcdef abcdefg abcdefgh abcdefghi abcdefghij abcdefghijkl 

abcdefghijklmn abcdefghijklmno a ab abc abcd abcde abcdef abcdefg 

abcdefghi abcdefghij abcdefghijkl abcdefghijklm abcdefghijklmn 
a ab abc abcd abcde abcdef abcdefg abcdefgh abcdefghi 
abcdefghijkl abcdefghijklm abcdefghijklmn abcdefghijklmno

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Ashley Martens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/21/2005 01:23 PM
Please respond to



RE: Basic help needed

It's really silly. I'm creating this software to interface another 
company. That company returns a report as a text file, however, my client 
does not want his employees to be able to change the text file so he wants 
it converted to a PDF.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thu 4/21/2005 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: Basic help needed
Well, FO doesn't have any sense of breaking at an arbitrary number of 
characters. The FO idiom is to fill the line until the end of the line or 
the end of the text is reached.

If you really want to break the text every eighty lines, you can do it 
with XSLT and then put each chunk in its own block. Getting the line break 

to be at the last space before 80 characters will be a bit more 
interesting, but not impossible.

I'm curious why you would want to create a PDF representation of what is 
usually a pure-text representation method. Why not let PDF do what PDF 
does well (make paragraphs, have bold for emphasis, and so on)?

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Ashley Martens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/21/2005 12:50 PM
Please respond to


Basic help needed

I trying to convert a simple text document, with no line feeds, into a 
simple PDF that is wrapped at 80 characters. Can anyone suggest the FO 
syntax to do this? 

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Re: Basic help needed

2005-04-21 Thread JBryant
Well, FO doesn't have any sense of breaking at an arbitrary number of 
characters. The FO idiom is to fill the line until the end of the line or 
the end of the text is reached.

If you really want to break the text every eighty lines, you can do it 
with XSLT and then put each chunk in its own block. Getting the line break 
to be at the last space before 80 characters will be a bit more 
interesting, but not impossible.

I'm curious why you would want to create a PDF representation of what is 
usually a pure-text representation method. Why not let PDF do what PDF 
does well (make paragraphs, have bold for emphasis, and so on)?

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Ashley Martens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/21/2005 12:50 PM
Please respond to


Basic help needed

I trying to convert a simple text document, with no line feeds, into a 
simple PDF that is wrapped at 80 characters. Can anyone suggest the FO 
syntax to do this? 

E-Mail Confidentiality Notification


This e-mail message (and any associated files) contains information from 
Associated Software Consultants (ASC), Inc. and is intended only for the 
use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain 
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Re: How to transform a block or inline in uppercase

2005-04-21 Thread JBryant
If you use XSLT 2.0, you could use the upper-case() function. (It's 
actually an XPath 2.0 function.)

What is there about your problem that prevents the translate() function 
from being sufficient? Please post your input and desired output.

If you want small-caps, I wrote an XSLT 1.0 solution to do that for HTML 
some time ago. Here it is:














Replace the span elements with fo:inline elements (with suitable font 
specifications) to get a small-caps string in FO. By the way, a book 
designer once told me that the small capitals in a small-caps string 
should be 5/8 the size of the large capitals.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Willy Reinhardt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/21/2005 03:17 AM
Please respond to



How to transform a block or inline in uppercase


I would set a text in uppercase I have no problem if I would use 
small-caps but all characters in capitale with the same size I don't found 
a clean solution (the solution xsl function translate isn't enough).

text-transform="uppercase" can't be use with block or inline and 
font-variant hasn't value for full capitale.

How may I solve that issue with FOP ?

Thanks for any suggestions


Cambridge Technology and Partners
Willy Reinhardt
Air Center
Ch. des coquelicots 16
CH-1214 Vernier
Phone: +41 22 306 47 24
Fax: +41 22 306 47 47

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Re: Generating table of contents using FO and FOP?

2005-04-20 Thread JBryant
Hi, Mike,

I decided to give a non-mode method a go. I also decided to use XSLT 1.0. 
Here's the result:

Given this toy XML source file:























And applying this XSL file:";
















Produces this FO fragment:"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="6pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify">
  Known and 
Suspected Contributors"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="6pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify">
Frombotzers"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="3pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".25in">
  Using a 
Deteronic Frombotzer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="0pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".5in">
  Warming up a 
Deteronic Frombotzer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="0pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".5in">
  Applying a 
Deteronic Frombotzer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="3pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".25in">
  Using a 
Widgetizing Frombotzer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="0pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".5in">
  Warming up a 
Widgetizing Frombotzer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="0pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".5in">
  Applying a 
Widgetizing Frombotzer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="6pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify">
Natwoozers"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="3pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".25in">
  Using a 
Deteronic Natwoozer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="0pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".5in">
  Warming up a 
Deteronic Natwoozer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="0pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".5in">
  Applying a 
Deteronic Natwoozer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="3pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".25in">
  Using a 
Widgetizing Natwoozer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="0pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".5in">
  Warming up a 
Widgetizing Natwoozer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="0pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify" text-indent=".5in">
  Applying a 
Widgetizing Natwoozer"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="6pt" 
space-after.optimum="3pt" text-align-last="justify">
  Attorneys with 
Frombotzer and Natwoozer Experience"; font-size="12pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" line-height="16pt" space-before.optimum="6pt" 

Re: Generating table of contents using FO and FOP?

2005-04-19 Thread JBryant
Take a look at the author of that message - proof that what goes around 
comes around.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Mike J Boyersmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/19/2005 11:43 AM
Please respond to


Re: Generating table of contents using FO and FOP?

Thought I'd share this with the list, I found another way to render a 
TOC using fo:page-number-citation tags. 

heres a semi example I found on this idea. 

- Mike 

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Re: FOP - external-graphic in absolutely positioned block container.

2005-04-18 Thread JBryant
The first block container's width is approximately 11 inches, and it's 
height is approximately 8 inches. Did you mean to make a landscape 
presentation? If so, is the rest of the FO file set up for it?

Also, the first block container has no content. I guess it's there to draw 
a border around the page. If someone prints the document on the average 
office printer, the border won't print, since it will be in the printer's 
"dead spot".

As for your region-after problem, try it without the block container. I 
never use block containers, and I never need to set negative values on 
margins to get anything to appear. In fact, you might try the whole thing 
without the block containers.

(If it were me, I'd also make the units of measure and quotation marks be 
consistent, but I'm fussy about such things.)


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: Generating table of contents using FO and FOP?

2005-04-18 Thread JBryant
The only trouble is that tables of contents aren't generally rendered as 
tables. Each is generally rendered as a series of paragraphs.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Luke Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/18/2005 01:27 PM
Please respond to



Re: Generating table of contents using FO and FOP?

Fop comes with some example files.
Check out:
There are several fo files that you can look at in this directory.
Also these link(s) may be of use:
- Original Message - 
From: Mike J Boyersmith 
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 1:44 PM
Subject: Generating table of contents using FO and FOP?


I'm looking for the best way to generate a table of contents. 

The impression I have is that XSL and mode is the way to do this. 

Can this also be done with XSL-FO tree and FOP? 

If so, Is there any good "free" examples on how to do this? 


- Mike

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Re: Generating table of contents using FO and FOP?

2005-04-18 Thread JBryant
Hi, Mike,

It may be a larger example than you would like, but I used the first 
method you mention to create the stylesheet that lets FOP produce a PDF 
version of the XSLT 1.0 spec.   You can find it at:

Search for the following content and you'll run right into the templates: 

Search for the first instance of  
to see where in the document the ToC gets inserted.

That example uses the same trick and the Fox extension to produce 
bookmarks, if you're interested in those, too.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Mike J Boyersmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/18/2005 12:44 PM
Please respond to


Generating table of contents using FO and FOP?


I'm looking for the best way to generate a table of contents. 

The impression I have is that XSL and mode is the way to do this. 

Can this also be done with XSL-FO tree and FOP? 

If so, Is there any good "free" examples on how to do this? 


- Mike

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Encryption and bookmarks (was RE: FOP - -noannotations)

2005-04-18 Thread JBryant
> I went through the same ordeal, and when I finally got
> the encryption to work I discovered that my pdf
> bookmarks became unreadable. So, if you have bookmarks
> in your pdf that you want to keep, you may want to skip
> trying to get the encryption installed.

Me, too. It'd be very nice if encryption wouldn't trash the bookmarks.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: Can tables be nested within one another...

2005-04-15 Thread JBryant
No worries. I'm enough of a control freak to not rely on automatic layout 
of anything, even in systems that let me do it.

Besides, I'm making plenty fine documents with FOP as it is, so anything 
more is just a bonus anyway.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Syngergistic Solution Technologies)

"J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/15/2005 02:03 PM
Please respond to


Re: Can tables be nested within one another...

> fo:table-column being optional is yet more reason to look forward to the 

> new version. Ah, spring, when we await new software growth

Automatic table layout is unlikely to happen soon. It is
a *hard* problem, and usually involves backtracking.
Note that "fast table reflow" was one of the top three
design goals of the gecko HTML rendering engine, and it
took a lot of manpower to get it right.

Also, I have no real good idea what specific goals a "good"
automatic table layout actually implies. Only two immediately
come to mind:
1. A column should be at least as wide as the area minimal width
  return by the child areas
2. The columns should be as balanced as possible.
With automatic hyphenation and downscaling of images, there is not
much which enforces a minimal column width, i.e. there are quite
a few cases where goal 1 is not much of a help :-(


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Re: Need info

2005-04-15 Thread JBryant
I can think of three ways, each one successively more painful than the 

1. Draw it in a drawing applications and pick it up with 

2. Create an SVG.

3. Create a table.

More about doing this as a table. Provided your data is pretty simple, you 
can create a bar chart by coloring cells in a largish table, thus:

|   | |   | |   |
| X | |   | |   |
| X | |   | |   |
| X | |   | |   |
| X | |   | |   |
| X | |   | | X |
| X | |   | | X |
| X | | X | | X |
| X | | X | | X |
| X | | X | | X |
(where X marks a cell you should color)

The table trick will very quickly become hard to implement if you have 
much data or if you have fine gradation within the data (for example, 
where the difference between 88% and 89% matters).

This kind of thing is called a "text illustration" and comes from the days 
when technical writers had nothing but typewriters (just before my time - 
I got started with the first generation of word processing software, 
fortunately for me). Some of those old text illustrations were quite 
effective. A good grasp of the data and what needs to be communicated goes 
a long way, regardless of how spiffy the end result appears.

(By the way, I've drawn boundaries here to show the table structure. 
However, graphics should generally minimize boundaries - reducing what 
Edward Tufte calls "chart junk" - and focus on the data. Of course, Tufte 
would also tell you that a bar chart is a pretty poor means of presenting 
data and that a good table would work better. But now we are off on a 
whole 'nother subject: information design, which fascinates me but isn't 
on topic here.)

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Seshamma Venkata C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/15/2005 03:45 AM
Please respond to


Need info

I am working with FOP and new to this.Can u please tell me how can i 
create a bar chart using FOP.
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Re: Can tables be nested within one another...

2005-04-14 Thread JBryant
Not enough caffeine

My bad. I was actually thinking of something else (an element wthin each 
cell). I DO use fo:table-column ALL the time. And the present FOP 
definitely goes BOOM without it.

fo:table-column being optional is yet more reason to look forward to the 
new version. Ah, spring, when we await new software growth


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

The Web Maestro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/14/2005 03:30 PM
Please respond to


Re: Can tables be nested within one another...

The spec might not require it, but I believe FOP does... (at least 
until FOP 1.0 is released...)

On Apr 14, 2005, at 11:14 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> In addition, they musts also include fo:table-column,
>> and all the normal stuff that's required.
> Just FYI: The spec says table-column is optional (it has the 0-or-more
> marker on it). I don't think I've ever used fo:table-column, and my 
> tables
> work.
> Jay Bryant

Web Maestro Clay
My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
- HH The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

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RE: fo:inline issue

2005-04-14 Thread JBryant
> Thanks for the information. I am really looking forward
> for the next release.

Me, too. Today's revelations about fixes that are already in the new 
version really whet the appetite.

BIG thanks for all the work, folks.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: Can tables be nested within one another...

2005-04-14 Thread JBryant
> In addition, they musts also include fo:table-column,
> and all the normal stuff that's required.

Just FYI: The spec says table-column is optional (it has the 0-or-more 
marker on it). I don't think I've ever used fo:table-column, and my tables 

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: fo:inline issue

2005-04-14 Thread JBryant
Hi, Kumar,

It's not that the inline element takes the line height from the parent 
element but rather that the inline element takes the line height from the 
containing block. In this case, that is the block. I make the distinction 
because it's important to realize which properties go with which objects. 
fo:inline doesn't have a line-height property because it is supposed to be 
contained by a block-level element (not necessarily fo:block, though).

Personally, I wouldn't fix it in the FOP source code. I would instead 
adjust the FO code to be this:

 This text is in font 10pt. 
Now we will switch to a Bigger font on the same line  This text is in bigger font but the spacing between the 
lines still remains at 10pt because of which this text will overflow with 
the line above. !!! 

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Puppala, Kumar (LNG-DAY)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/14/2005 10:43 AM
Please respond to


fo:inline issue

I am encountering an issue with fo:inline. Consider the following tags:
 This text is in font 10pt. Now we will switch 
to a Bigger font on the same line  This text 
is in bigger font but the spacing between the lines still remains at 10pt 
because of which this text will overflow with the line above. !!! 

I think the problem here is that fo:inline takes the line-height value 
from its parent element and hence when there is an increase in font-size, 
it does not update the line-height of its rendering area and results in 
text overflowing. Does anyone know how I can fix this in the fop source 
code? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Kumar Puppala

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Re: Fitting the text content in ONE page

2005-04-13 Thread JBryant
How did you count lines, Clay?

Just curious 'cause it might be handy someday.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

The Web Maestro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/13/2005 04:24 PM
Please respond to


Re: Fitting the text content in ONE page

On Apr 13, 2005, at 2:16 PM, Gang Li wrote:
> Thanks, this is something close to my approach, but what I really 
> wanted
> is some way to dynamically resize or scale the whole text area into one
> page. Similar to "fit in page" when you print an image.
> Thanks,
> Gang

This feature does not currently exist in FOP 0.20.5, nor do I believe 
it is being planned for the 1.0 re-design effort. I don't think this 
feature exists in the XSL-FO 1.0 or 1.1 spec.

I had a similar need, and resolved it by counting the number of line(s) 
to be output in the region-before & region-after sections, and growing 
or shrinking those areas (and the corresponding margin-top & -bottom 
attributes) to suit. It worked pretty well for my needs.

Web Maestro Clay
My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
- HH The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

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Re: image running off the page

2005-04-13 Thread JBryant
The only thought I've had on this subject is to add up the heights of the 
images (with a fudge factor for padding - say 25%) and move images that 
exceed the page height to the next page (perhaps by wrapping them in a new 
block). So, if you're usable page height is nine inches, you'd end up with 
something like this:



That kind of thing is nasty to implement in XSL, but it might work. Also, 
I have no idea of what other content you might be managing with the 
images, so this solution could rapidly become very complex. Still, it's a 
thought. Maybe it'll trigger a better thought on your part.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"Luke Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/13/2005 10:08 AM
Please respond to



Re: image running off the page

Ok. I have created a legal option for clients creating PDF files with long
images. But one of them still doesn't fit. The images runs through the
footer and off the page on legal size. I don't know what to do from here.

Any suggestions would be welcomed.



- Original Message - 
From: "The Web Maestro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: image running off the page

> On Apr 12, 2005, at 1:13 PM, Luke Shannon wrote:
> > Hi Clay;
> >
> > I made the following changes:
> I would try making them the same:
>  page-width="8.5in" margin-top="2cm" margin-bottom="1cm"
> margin-left="2cm"
> margin-right="2cm">
>  margin-top="2.67cm" margin-bottom="2.5cm"/>
>  extent="2.67cm"/>
> Do you have any keeps? It could be that some sort of keep-together
> attribute might be getting in the way.
> > Seems the image is still running off the page. Is there some way I can
> > detect if this will happen? I think I could leave to the users to
> > recognize
> > a group of images are too large for a page. They could have an option
> > to
> > choose a legal size page. But this is a lot of work and my manager may
> > not
> > like the idea. I would love to make the current system smart enough to
> > manage this.
> >
> > Luke
> I remember my previous boss always wanted the programmer to do the
> work, and not the end user... :-)
> Web Maestro Clay
> -- 
> My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
> - HH The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet
> -
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Re: Specification Stylesheet Ready

2005-04-13 Thread JBryant
Hi, Chris (and other folks),

I fixed that link. I also corrected a comment in the main stylesheet and 
put in a workaround for an odd bug I found.

Thanks for catching the problem.


Chris Bowditch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/12/2005 03:20 AM
Please respond to


Re: Specification Stylesheet Ready

Jay Bryant wrote:
> Hi, gang,
> As we discussed a few months back, I have created a stylesheet that 
> the XSLT 1.0 spec into a PDF via FOP (0.20.5). I've stored the thing on 
> web site at, where you can get all the files 
> you're interested.

Hi Jay,

thanks for taking the time to do this. I just tried to download the files 
got all of them except foplogo.gif which fails. Looking in the xsl file it 

seems to be referencing foplogo.jpeg. So perhaps you made a mistake in the 

download HTML??



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Re: Best Practices for Images and FOP 0.20.5

2005-04-13 Thread JBryant
Hi, Dave,

I can't point you to a guide, but I can share my experiences. Being a 
technical writer, I've had occasion to embed lots of screen shots in lots 
of documents and then render PDF versions of those documents with FOP. In 
the process, I've learned a couple things.

Naturally, you need to do all the things that help when working with any 
image: Use an uncluttered image. Use an image with good contrast. Try not 
to scale it too drastically.

For FOP in particular, you can help yourself out by using its native image 
formats: GIF and JPEG. Ever since some fellow decided to start suing 
companies that use GIFs, I mostly use JPEGs. You can get other image 
formats to work with FOP, but that's more overhead. Other than that, it's 
better to make a big image small than it is to make a small image big. 
That's true in general, of course, but it seems to be even more true in 
PDF (note that this isn't especially a FOP thing - it's a PDF thing).

Good thread to start.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

David 'Dox' Shevitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/13/2005 10:18 AM
Please respond to


Best Practices for Images and FOP 0.20.5

Hello all,

I know that the topic of images and FOP has been addressed numerous 
times, but the information I've been finding seems very specific to 
certain situations or image types.

I'm hoping to find some sort of "guidelines" or "best practices" 
document that describes how to use images in FOP. Two examples: are 
certain image types better than others? What is the best way to control 
the size of the image so it looks consistent throughout a pdf?

Again, I'm sorry if these questions have been addressed before, and I 
just missed it. But I do appreciate any help!


Dave Shevitz

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Re: FOP 20.5 with jdk1.3 and SVG

2005-04-12 Thread JBryant
What is the exception? Perhaps someone can give you a pointer if they see 
the error message.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

04/12/2005 12:02 PM
Please respond to


FOP 20.5 with jdk1.3 and SVG


I am trying to get FOP 0.20.5 working under jdk 1.3, but my SVG docs keep
throwing an exception.  I can get it to work with JDK 1.4 because the 1.4
rt.jar contains a subset of Xalan.  However, my current business
requirements dictate that I stay on jdk 1.3 so I am stuck.  I tried
manipulating different version of batik, Xalan, Xerces, etc., but I am
having no luck.

So, is there anyone out there who is running FOP 0.20.5 under jdk 1.3 and
has SVG embedded in their docs?  If so, could you please post your
classpath (and any specific versions of Xalan, Xerces, etc).


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Re: Specification Stylesheet Ready

2005-04-12 Thread JBryant
> thanks for taking the time to do this. I just tried to
> download the files and got all of them except
> foplogo.gif which fails. Looking in the xsl file it
> seems to be referencing foplogo.jpeg. So perhaps you
> made a mistake in the download HTML??

Too much cut and paste after midnight there. I'll fix it when I get home 
this evening. In the interim, if you really want the file, just go to and save the image.

Sorry about that.


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Re: More than one XML-file?

2005-04-11 Thread JBryant

> Than you can access the elements with this XPATH: $lookup/root.

That'll work if file.xml has a top-level element named root. The actual 
root node of the result tree fragment contained in the $lookup variable is 
just $lookup/

A nit pick but it does sometimes matter.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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RE: More than one XML-file?

2005-04-11 Thread JBryant
> I'm thinking in the direction of using the dynamic XML-stream as
> principal input to the XSL Transformation, and use the document()
> function to access the static XML with the questions...

I would try to use the document function as few times as possible, so I'd 
want whichever source has the most elements to be the input to the 
transformation. You could also read the entire second document into a 
variable, to have much faster access to it. That way, you'd hit the 
document function just once. If you have a small amount of static content 
and a large amount of dynamic content that must frequently read from the 
static content, you should get substantial speed benefits from writing the 
static content into a variable with just one call to the document() 

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

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Re: Spam:HTML tags in XML with XSL-FO

2005-04-07 Thread JBryant
Bear in mind that, when you put HTML tags into XML source files, those 
tags aren't HTML tags. They are XML elements, same as everything else in 
the document. By coincidence, they happen to have the same names as some 
HTML tags. In other words, HTML tags are just like other elements until an 
HTML parser gets them.

Consequently, you can write templates to handle these source elements just 
as you would any other source elements.

For FO output, those three could be:




Note: You should use apply-templates rather than value-of for situations 
like this because you may get another embedded element within the current 
element, as in Some Text

For HTML output, you can use copy-of, thus:




Personally, I generally use one XML file and two XSL files (one for PDF 
and one for HTML). (In one weird case, I had eight XSL files against one 
DTD, but it's usually just two.)

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

04/07/2005 07:49 AM
Please respond to


Spam:HTML tags in XML with XSL-FO


I have one XML for generating HTML with XSL and for generating PDF with
XSL-FO. What would be the easiest and most convenient way to have HTML
tags such as ,  or  inside XML and still could pars it to PDF
with XSL-FO.

The end result would have to be the same. In HTML and PDF...something in
bold, italic...or what ever I defined with HTML tag in XML.

Is this the right way to do it anyway?

Regards, V.

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Re: FOPException: The id "N1056F" already exists in this document

2005-04-05 Thread JBryant
Hi, Peter,

Is the ID assigned in the source file or generated (perhaps by 
generate-id) at run time? If the former, then I would guess that your 
problem arises from one or more index terms not having unique IDs in the 
source file.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

Peter Bittner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
04/05/2005 10:52 AM
Please respond to


FOPException: The id "N1056F" already exists in this document

Hi there!

I am using DocBook/XML for a while to create HTML and PDF documents from 
DocBook source file. A colleague of mine now has added a whole bunch of
index terms (such as "MyTerm" to
enrich the document's index) in the whole document.

What now results when I try to compile the document using FOP (that is, 
0.20.5) to create a PDF document is a strange error I have never come
across before:

[ERROR] org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException: The id "N1056F" already exists 
this document

The *really* strange thing about this is that Saxon runs without any
problems and creates an HTML version of my DocBook document. So there is
obviously no real error, mistake or whatsoever in the source itself.

I have run FOP in debug mode (using the -d parameter) which yielded the
output attached to this message. It contains the Exceptions generated -
obviously - by the Xalan classes.

Does anybody know a solution to this problem?

Cheers, Peter
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[DEBUG] Input mode: 
[DEBUG] xslt transformation
[DEBUG] xml input file: fs_v1.xml
[DEBUG] xslt stylesheet: C:\Programme\DocBook\docbook-xsl\TWDocBook-fo.xsl
[DEBUG] Output mode: 
[DEBUG] pdf
[DEBUG] output file: fs_v1.pdf
[DEBUG] no user configuration file is used [default]
[DEBUG] debug mode on
[DEBUG] dump configuration
[DEBUG] quiet mode on
[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
[INFO] base directory: file:/c:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/bittner/Eigene 
[INFO] FOP 0.20.5
[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
file:///C:/Programme/DocBook/docbook-xsl/fo/docbook.xsl; Zeile #241; Spalte 
#16; Making portrait pages on A4 paper (210mmx297mm)
[INFO] building formatting object tree
[INFO] setting up fonts
[ERROR] property - "background-position-horizontal" is not implemented yet.
[ERROR] property - "background-position-vertical" is not implemented yet.
[INFO] JAI support was not installed (read: not present at build time). Trying 
to use Jimi instead
Error creating background image: Error creating FopImage object 
( : Jimi image library 
not available
[ERROR] property - "background-position-horizontal" is not implemented yet.
[ERROR] property - "background-position-vertical" is not implemented yet.
Error creating background image: Error creating FopImage object 
( : Jimi image library 
not available
[ERROR] property - "background-position-horizontal" is not implemented yet.
[ERROR] property - "background-position-vertical" is not implemented yet.
Error creating background image: Error creating FopImage object 
( : Jimi image library 
not available
[ERROR] property - "background-position-horizontal" is not implemented yet.
[ERROR] property - "background-position-vertical" is not implemented yet.
Error creating background image: Error creating FopImage object 
( : Jimi image library 
not available
[ERROR] property - "background-position-horizontal" is not implemented yet.
[ERROR] property - "background-position-vertical" is not implemented yet.
Error creating background image: Error creating FopImage object 
( : Jimi image library 
not available
[ERROR] property - "background-position-horizontal" is not implemented yet.
[ERROR] property - "background-position-vertical" is not implemented yet.
Error creating background image: Error creating FopImage object 
( : Jimi image library 
not available
[ERROR] property - "background-position-horizontal" is not implemented yet.
[ERROR] property - "background-position-vertical" is not implemented yet.
Error creating background image: Error creating FopImage object 
( : Jimi image library 
not available
[ERROR] property - "background-position-horizontal" is not implemented yet.
[ERROR] property - "background-position-vertical" is not implemented yet.
Error creating background image: Error creating FopImage objec

RE: How can I rotate text for a 90o sidebar?

2005-04-04 Thread JBryant
I hadn't really looked at this because the huge indentations put me off, 
but now I've gotten around to it.

You can do this without disabling escape characters and by using literal 
result elements. I'm inserting the whole stylesheet because the named 
template needs to be called with certain parameters rather than just the 
string you want rendered in stacked blocks (though you could write a 
template that would take just the string). Here's the whole stylesheet 
(tested on Saxon 8):";







The only change to the algorithm is to wrap the block around the result 
rather than to insert it into a variable. Other than that, I removed all 
the variables, as they were getting used only once. Instead, I put the 
values that were going into the variables into the parameters. I also 
moved the selects into the parameters and reduced the choose to an if, 
since the otherwise was empty anyway.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

03/30/2005 07:25 AM
Please respond to


RE: How can I rotate text for a 90o sidebar?

Nice.  I'll check this out.

  Rymasz Jacky   
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED] To:>   cc: 
   Subject: RE: How can I 
rotate text for a 90o sidebar?  
  03/29/2005 03:39
  Please respond   
  to fop-users   

Here a bit of code which scatter each letter of a string into a vertical
of blocks (ie: vertical string):





I hope this could help ;)


-Message d'origine-
Envoyé : lundi 28 mars 2005 15:57
À :
Objet : RE: How can I rotate text for a 90o sidebar?

The following code prints top to bottom, but the letters are stacked. It's
a starting point.



  "Andreas L.


  <[EMAIL PROTECTED] cc:>Subject: RE: How can I
text for a 90o sidebar?

  03/27/2005 06:30

  Please respond

  to fop-users

> -Original Message-
> From: Tommy Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


> I'm trying to insert some text into "xsl-region-start" and I'd like it
> rotated 90-degrees to you'd have to tilt your head sideways to read
> it.  I think the "reference-orientation"
> property is the right approach but it isn't implemented in FOP.
> Is there a work-around?

The only workaround I know of would be to use SVG to draw the rotated




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