Re: PNG transparency renders as black - urgent

2007-01-02 Thread Martin Zak
...just to keep the track - I applied your patch as you posted it, 
worked nice for all my PNGs (but I didn't explicitly tested various png 

Thanks for the help!

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Actually, this is so simple, I've created a patch. I'm hesitant to apply
it without much testing with various PNGs for which I have no time right
now. But maybe one of you can take a look. If it's good JAIImage and
JimiImage could be similarly patched.

On 19.12.2006 23:01:36 Jeremias Maerki wrote:

It turns out the following revision is responsible for the regression:

Putting the Commons codec before the ImageIO variant in ImageFactory is
a quick fix for this. I originally switched because of speed reasons but
obviously I didn't test PNGs with alpha channel.

The reason why Martin's PNG doesn't work with the ImageIOImage class is
the lack of support for java.awt.Transparency.TRANSLUCENT. If it were a
BITMASK it would work. The same problem exists for JAIImage and
JimiImage, BTW. Again, this is something a complete redesign of the
image package would have addressed. It's on my higher priority list but
I still haven't got to it, yet. If someone wants to try to implement
that little code that is missing as a temporary fix, please do. It
shouldn't be difficult. You can maybe use XmlGraphicsCommonsImage for

On 19.12.2006 20:30:35 Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

On Dec 19, 2006, at 19:56, Peter wrote:

When working on the patch I certainly can not remember coming  
anywhere close

to code that could have an influence on how png's get into the pdf.

I was also a bit puzzled, since in the patch there are no explicit  
references to anything png-related (IIC, png-related stuff is already  
put in Commons for that matter, so it couldn't have been touched  
directly by the patch)

OTOH, this was the only significant change to the codebase between  
13.11 and now, so one can reasonably assume that the cause is in  
there somewhere... I'd expect something which has an impact on the  
interaction with the commons-lib?



Jeremias Maerki

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: PNG transparency renders as black - urgent

2006-12-19 Thread Martin Zak
...just to point out that I used the same image with the FOP binary from 
November 13th, and the result was *ok*.

What changed between these versions???

Also I tried to convert to indexed colors with transparency (in 
photoshop) and it also works.
But full PNG (RGB, 24-bit) with transparency doesn't. 
We updated fop (for various reasons) on the client server and got to 
this bad situation :((

it's urgent otherwise they will chop my head off :|

Martin Zak wrote:

Hi all,
really I'm the only one who came to this issue??
Any feedback is welcomed...

 Original Message 
Subject: PNG transparency renders as black
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 16:09:18 +0100
From: Martin Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Ginger Alliance

Hi all,
I had to go for a trunk version of FOP due to some fixes available in 
this version.
Unfortunately it seems I came to the bug which was introduced in some 
of the new versions.

When including PNG image containing transparent areas (using 
fo:external-graphic), the image is corrupted.
The transparent area is rendered in black and also the image itself 
seems to doubled while shifted down (see the sample).
I used the same image with the FOP binary from November 13th, and the 
result was ok.
Also the size of the resulting pdf differs a lot (141kB with 
old/correct version against 37kB with new/wrong).

(BTW how do I find the build version when fop says FOP Version 
svn-trunk ?? Where to look for the version info?)

Any idea what could change?
(we use fop in production and got to troubles after the update :| )

png_transparency_good.pdf   [pdf generated with fop trunk of November 
png_transparency_wrong.pdf[pdf generated with fop trunk of today 
(December 7th)]


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Re: absolutely positioned block-container issue

2006-07-20 Thread Martin Zak
I just would like to remind this issue - I created the bug report under 

Would it be difficult to fix it?
It would be great to have it soon (otherwise you will
loose one FOP user as my client will chop my head off :|  ).
Thanks  cheers
Martin Zak

Chris Bowditch wrote:

Martin Zak wrote:

... I evaluated the conditional spacing, but when I retain the 
space-before, the blocks will have the spacing which doesn't match 
the strict client requirements.
(e.g. title has a 9pt space-after and following block 6pt 
space-before, which would - of course - lead us to 15pt of total 
space between, which is bad. I can't simply remove the space-before 
(or after), as the document structure is so complex it would lead to 
wrong results in certain combination of blocks)

It seems I'll have to wait for your fix...

So this bug isn't forgotten can you raise a bug report in Bugzilla 
please? Following the link below to do it:




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Re: absolutely positioned block-container issue

2006-06-21 Thread Martin Zak
... I evaluated the conditional spacing, but when I retain the 
space-before, the blocks will have the spacing which doesn't match the 
strict client requirements.
(e.g. title has a 9pt space-after and following block 6pt space-before, 
which would - of course - lead us to 15pt of total space between, which 
is bad. I can't simply remove the space-before (or after), as the 
document structure is so complex it would lead to wrong results in 
certain combination of blocks)

It seems I'll have to wait for your fix...

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Not sure if it'll fit into this week. I'm leaving for Ireland on
Thursday and won't have much time for hacking until 2006-07-08.

But did you look at Chris' suggestion about conditional spacing? Doesn't
that help you for the moment?

On 19.06.2006 18:12:21 Martin Zak wrote:

...thanks Jeremias,
I thought the reason to be like that.
But there is a question (as always :) )
- would you care to fix it ? (with respect to importance you assigned to 
it mentally)

In case it would not be so big change, when do you expect it?

[just to provide some background of this issue:
I render the book without side-notes in 'normal' mode
and with side-notes in 'review' mode (where side-notes contain
the link for editing paras.
Obviously it is VERY bad these two pages doesn't look the same.
I was trying to find some workaround, but no luck till now.
I'm stuck with big project :(( ]

anyway, thanks for the amazing work!

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

On 16.06.2006 15:07:25 Chris Bowditch wrote:

Martin Zak wrote:

Hi all,
I'm using the absolutely positioned block-container for a side-note.
The page body has left margin defined while block-container has 
start-indent set to 0pt.
(so the block-container is rendered in a column left to the rest of 
the text on page like this:



  fo:page-sequence format=1 master-reference=sequence-chapter
fo:flow font-family=Times font-size=12pt flow-name=xsl-region-body 

  fo:block-container margin=0pt padding=0pt width=30pt start-indent=0pt 

  fo:block space-before=9ptlorem ipsum dolores.../fo:block
Whats happening here is the rules of conditional spacing. If a space is 
the first in the reference area (fo:flow in your example) then the 
default is to discard the space. If the space is not the first thing in 
a reference area then its is retained. It seems the block-container 
fools FOP into thinking that there is something before the space in the 
reference area and it is therefore retained.

Indeed, the BlockContainerLayoutManager creates a KnuthBox (w=0) in the
element list for the absolutely positioned block-container which is
currently interpreted by the SpaceResolver as a fence. And a fence makes
the SpaceResolver believe that there's content before the space. Looks
like we should find a solution to indicate to the SpaceResolver which
boxes are no fences. Another example would be the often-used empty block
at the end of the flow for page x of y which probably creates a fence,

Without knowing the full context of your application I'm not sure of a 
wrokaround. Specifying space-before.conditionality=retain will ensure 
the space is always shown, regardless of whether there is a block 
container or not.



Jeremias Maerki

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Martin Zak
project manager, developer

Ginger Alliance, s.r.o.
Otakarova 15
140 00 Prague
Czech Republic

Office: tel +420  241 741 406
 : fax +420  241 740 398
YM ID : zakmart

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absolutely positioned block-container issue

2006-06-16 Thread Martin Zak

Hi all,
I'm using the absolutely positioned block-container for a side-note.
The page body has left margin defined while block-container has 
start-indent set to 0pt.
(so the block-container is rendered in a column left to the rest of 
the text on page like this:

  Page Heading

[side-note]page text sample page text sample page text
  sample page text
  and more page text more page text

It works nice, until following situation occurs:
the block following the absolutely positioned block-container has 
space-before property defined.
Then this property applies and the (second) block is shifted down from 
the block-container.

When I remove the block-container, this property doesn't apply any more...

It seems the absolutely positioned block-container affects the layout in 
normal text flow.

Is it a bug or I just miss something in layout rules?
I would be happy for any help as my big project is stuck due to this 
issue :(

Martin Zak

fop 0.92beta
code snippet:

fo:flow font-family=Times font-size=12pt 
flow-name=xsl-region-body margin-left=1.37in

   fo:block-container margin=0pt padding=0pt width=30pt 
start-indent=0pt absolute-position=absolute


   fo:block space-before=9ptlorem ipsum dolores.../fo:block




Martin Zak
project manager, developer

Ginger Alliance, s.r.o.
Otakarova 15
140 00 Prague
Czech Republic

Office: tel +420  241 741 406
 : fax +420  241 740 398
YM ID : zakmart

Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Adobe PDF document
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
fo:root xmlns:fo=;

fo:simple-page-master margin-right=0.5in margin-left=0.5in margin-bottom=0.5in margin-top=0.5in page-width=8.5in page-height=11in master-name=chapter-page
  fo:region-body margin-left=0.5in margin-right=0.5in margin-top=0.5in margin-bottom=0.5in/

fo:page-sequence-master master-name=sequence-chapter
fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-reference=chapter-page/
  fo:page-sequence format=1 master-reference=sequence-chapter
fo:flow font-family=Times font-size=12pt flow-name=xsl-region-body margin-left=1.37in

  fo:block-container margin=0pt padding=0pt width=30pt start-indent=0pt absolute-position=absolute

  fo:block space-before=9ptlorem ipsum dolores.../fo:block


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Re: Unresolved id reference on bookmarks

2006-06-07 Thread Martin Zak

...sorry, fingers ahead of my head...
it's 0.92beta and example is attached:

Example contains single page with two block with 'id' attribute.
When the bookmark id reference doesn't match any block with such id, no 
bookmarks are produced at all.
When you change the id of second block or bookmark ref id to match each 
other, everything works ok.

sample files: - generates pdf with no bookmarks (wrong bookmark 
ref id)

bookmarks_bug_wrong.pdf - corresponding pdf
bookmarks_bug_correct.pdf - pdf with matching bookmark ref ids and block ids

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

FOP version? Example? Thanks.

On 06.06.2006 14:09:44 Martin Zak wrote:

Hi all,
I'm generating bookmarks bind to different elements in text while using 
the xsl generate-id() function to get unique id.
When it comes to the situation one bookmark can't resolve the reference 
id (as such element with corresponding id

doesn't exists - may occur in very complex document),
FOP displays the warning:
WARNING: Bookmarks: Unresolved id reference N10001 found.

and _no_ bookmarks are produced to output PDF.
IMHO when the doc contains hundreds of bookmarks and one is not valid,
it may be skipped (or left with no reference?), but other bookmarks 
should be produced to output...

I'm not sure whether it's just a sort of bug or desired behavior.
If you know about some workaround, it would be welcomed!

Jeremias Maerki

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Martin Zak
project manager, developer

Ginger Alliance, s.r.o.
Otakarova 15
140 00 Prague
Czech Republic

Office: tel +420  241 741 406
 : fax +420  241 740 398
YM ID : zakmart

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
fo:root xmlns:fo=;
fo:simple-page-master margin-right=1in margin-left=1in margin-bottom=1in margin-top=1in page-width=8.5in page-height=11in master-name=single-page
  fo:region-body margin-right=0in margin-left=0in margin-bottom=0in margin-top=0in/
fo:page-sequence-master master-name=single-sequence
  fo:single-page-master-reference master-reference=single-page/

fo:bookmark internal-destination=dest_001
  fo:bookmark-titledest_001 block/fo:bookmark-title
fo:bookmark internal-destination=dest_002
  fo:bookmark-titledest_002 block/fo:bookmark-title

  fo:page-sequence master-reference=single-sequence
fo:flow flow-name=xsl-region-body
  fo:block id=dest_001Block with id='dest_001'/fo:block
  fo:block id=dest_003Block with id='dest_003'/fo:block

Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Adobe PDF document
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Unresolved id reference on bookmarks

2006-06-06 Thread Martin Zak

Hi all,
I'm generating bookmarks bind to different elements in text while using 
the xsl generate-id() function to get unique id.
When it comes to the situation one bookmark can't resolve the reference 
id (as such element with corresponding id

doesn't exists - may occur in very complex document),
FOP displays the warning:
WARNING: Bookmarks: Unresolved id reference N10001 found.

and _no_ bookmarks are produced to output PDF.
IMHO when the doc contains hundreds of bookmarks and one is not valid,
it may be skipped (or left with no reference?), but other bookmarks 
should be produced to output...

I'm not sure whether it's just a sort of bug or desired behavior.
If you know about some workaround, it would be welcomed!


Martin Zak
Ginger Alliance, s.r.o.

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FOP/Cocoon performance tips?

2006-06-02 Thread Martin Zak

Hi all,
I'm running quite complex XML  XSL-FO  PDF transformation generating 
book packages.

One package consists of:
- 2 full books (Student Guide, Instructor Guide) of approx 200 pages each
- separate handouts in 3 booklets (each of 30-40 pages)

All targets are generated from the same XML source.
Average book contains 80-150 images.

To generate the package takes about 10 minutes.
I need to push this value down, as a client is not quite happy with it :|

I'm looking for possible optimization in area of Cocoon/FOP config.
(I know there can be also some 'resources' in xslt part of the job, but 
IMHO it would not bring too much
at this point - I measured the time Xalan needs to transform xml to 
xsl-fo and it is just a fraction

of time FOP needs to generate its output...)

*Linux (Debian or Fedora)
Cocoon (2.1.9) as part of Tomcat webapp;
FOP 0.92beta with embed Xalan

I hope there is many of you far more experienced with given set and you 
could give me some hints :)

(FOP/Java environment, cocoon cache - what is worth to cache?)

Thanks in advance

Martin Zak
project manager, developer

Ginger Alliance, s.r.o.
Otakarova 15
140 00 Prague
Czech Republic

Office: tel +420  241 741 406
 : fax +420  241 740 398
YM ID : zakmart

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Re: FOP/Cocoon performance tips?

2006-06-02 Thread Martin Zak

hi Christian,
thanks for useful tip - it's nice overview.
I'll focus on the part re image formats now, which surprised me a lot
- I didn't expect so big differences between formats in processing!
Anyway it may be worth to post this presentation somewhere in FOP 
resources/links section...


Christian Geisert wrote:

Martin Zak schrieb:

Hi all,
I'm running quite complex XML  XSL-FO  PDF transformation generating
book packages.
One package consists of:
- 2 full books (Student Guide, Instructor Guide) of approx 200 pages each
- separate handouts in 3 booklets (each of 30-40 pages)

All targets are generated from the same XML source.
Average book contains 80-150 images.

Which image format are you using?
If you aren't using jpegs you might try it this format because those
will be directly embedded in (PDF and PS) documents which is faster than
decoding the images.

Do you know Jeremias' presentation Apache FOP: Optimizing speed and
memory consumption[1]?
Seems we have no link on the FOP website ...


Martin Zak
project manager, developer

Ginger Alliance, s.r.o.
Otakarova 15
140 00 Prague
Czech Republic

Office: tel +420  241 741 406
 : fax +420  241 740 398
YM ID : zakmart

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Extra space between following tables

2006-05-30 Thread Martin Zak

Hi all,
I'm rendering several simple tables one by one and experiencing the 
extra space between them.
This space has no (IMHO) any reason, as tables has no space before/after 
or margin defined.
I attached the simple example - two tables with one row and one cell, 
border defined on the table element to see the table block.

When tables are placed as direct children of fo:flow, the output is 
correct - no space between.
When I enclose these two tables to single fo:block, suddenly there is 
extra space rendered.

I would appreciate any help...

FOP version: 0.92beta
- (source to render table_bug_wrong.pdf)
- tables_wrong.pdf (tables with extra space between)
- tables_correct.pdf (correct output after removing the enclosing fo:block)

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
fo:root xmlns:fo=;

fo:simple-page-master margin-right=0.5in margin-left=0.5in margin-bottom=0.5in margin-top=0.5in page-width=8.5in page-height=11in master-name=chapter-page
  fo:region-body margin-left=0.5in margin-right=0.5in margin-top=0.5in margin-bottom=0.5in/

fo:page-sequence-master master-name=sequence-chapter
fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-reference=chapter-page/
  fo:page-sequence format=1 master-reference=sequence-chapter
fo:flow font-family=Times font-size=12pt flow-name=xsl-region-body
  fo:block!-- remove this element to get correct output -- 
fo:table table-layout=fixed width=100% border=0.2pt solid green border-collapse=separate
  fo:table-column column-width=proportional-column-width(1)/
fo:blockTable 1 Cell/fo:block
fo:table table-layout=fixed width=100% border=0.2pt solid green border-collapse=separate
  fo:table-column column-width=proportional-column-width(1)/
fo:blockTable 2 Cell/fo:block
  /fo:block!-- remove this element to get correct output -- 

Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Adobe PDF document
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wrong width of region-body in sequence with first page different

2006-05-29 Thread Martin Zak

Hi all,
I have a sequence of pages for a book chapter with first page different.
First page (it's always odd page) uses the end-region to show the short 
chapter TOC thus the region-body is narrowed (by the width of region-end).
Following pages are alternatively even/odd pages with normal 
region-body (full width).
When I render the sequence, first page looks ok (narrow body and toc on 
the right side).

Unfortunately all other pages have _also_ narrowed region-body.
In fact even/odd pages from sequence are used (as there is no region-end 
rendered), but the region-body of these pages gets the wrong width 
(which is the same as on first page).

When I manually place the page-break to text flow, the following pages 
(after the break) are rendered OK (in full width)!

I think I didn't miss anything and it seems to me as the FOP bug.
Anyway I would like to ask the List prior posting a report...
Any help welcomed :)
FOP version: 0.92beta
- (source to render sequence_bug_wrong.pdf)
- sequence_bug_wrong.pdf (wrong region-body on second and following pages)
- sequence_bug_correct.pdf (correct sequence after adding the page-break 
to text flow)

-the .fo snippet is simplified and works only with page sequence as 
[first/all others]. There are no even/odd pages.
- the red border shows the topmost fo:block to highlight the region-body 


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
fo:root xmlns:fo=;

fo:simple-page-master margin-right=0.5in margin-left=0.5in margin-bottom=0.5in margin-top=0in page-width=8.5in page-height=11in master-name=chapter-page-first
  fo:region-body margin-left=0.5in margin-right=3in margin-top=1.5in margin-bottom=0.5in/
  fo:region-end extent=2.75in region-name=chapter-TOC/
fo:simple-page-master margin-right=0.5in margin-left=0.5in margin-bottom=0.5in margin-top=0.5in page-width=8.5in page-height=11in master-name=chapter-page
  fo:region-body margin-left=0.5in margin-right=0.5in margin-top=0.5in margin-bottom=0.5in/

fo:page-sequence-master master-name=sequence-chapter
fo:conditional-page-master-reference page-position=first master-reference=chapter-page-first/
fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-reference=chapter-page/
  fo:page-sequence format=1 master-reference=sequence-chapter

fo:static-content flow-name=chapter-TOC
  fo:block border-left=0.2pt solid #99 padding=0pt 0pt 20pt 10pt
fo:block padding-top=1.5in + 10pt padding-bottom=10pt font-size=14ptIN THIS CHAPTER/fo:block
fo:blockTopic 1/fo:block
fo:blockTopic 2/fo:block
fo:blockTopic 3/fo:block
fo:blockTopic 4/fo:block

fo:flow font-family=Times font-size=12pt margin-left=0in flow-name=xsl-region-body
  fo:block width=100% border=1pt solid red
fo:block space-before=0mm font-family=Helvetica font-size=24pt font-weight=bold text-align=end color=#99 margin-left=0in1/fo:block
fo:block space-before=5mm space-after=0.75in font-family=Times font-size=24pt font-weight=normal text-align=end color=black margin-left=0inIntroduction/fo:block
fo:block space-before=15pt font-size=16pt font-weight=boldTopic 1/fo:block
fo:blockLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla sollicitudin ligula et leo. Duis dictum tempor nunc. Aliquam eros enim, fringilla ultrices, venenatis vel, egestas id, arcu. Nam non neque. Nunc vitae mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla sollicitudin ligula et leo. Duis dictum tempor nunc. Aliquam eros enim, fringilla ultrices, venenatis vel, egestas id, arcu. Nam non neque. Nunc vitae mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla sollicitudin ligula et leo. Duis dictum tempor nunc. Aliquam eros enim, fringilla ultrices, venenatis vel, egestas id, arcu. Nam non neque. Nunc vitae mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla sollicitudin ligula et leo. Duis dictum tempor nunc. Aliquam eros enim, fringilla ultrices, venenatis vel, egestas id, arcu. Nam non neque. Nunc vitae mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla sollicitudin ligula et leo. Duis dictum tempor nunc. Aliquam eros enim, fringilla ultrices, venenatis vel, egestas id, arcu. Nam non neque. Nunc vitae mauris./fo:block
fo:block space-before=15pt font-size=16pt font-weight=boldTopic 2/fo:block
fo:blockLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla sollicitudin ligula et leo. Duis dictum tempor nunc. Aliquam eros enim, fringilla ultrices, venenatis vel, egestas id, arcu. Nam non neque. Nunc vitae mauris. Lorem