Re: Quick survey: upcoming release of FOP 0.94

2007-08-08 Thread Nicol Bolas

This ought to be pretty fast to implement (maybe?):

2up and 4up. That is, generating PDF files that conceptually use the page
size of the XSL-FO document, but render their contents to half or a quarter
of an actual page (of a size specified in the command-line).

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
 Hi all
 As some of you may already know, the fop-dev team is currently in the  
 process of preparing a new release. With this post, we would like to  
 gather some ideas on what the user community would like to see  
 incorporated in FOP 0.94.
 Note that the release will already contain some cool new features  
 compared to 0.93, like support for border-collapse=collapse, auto- 
 detection and -registration of available custom fonts and  
 improvements in handling internal destinations...
 What we are currently looking for are not large improvements (like  
 table-layout=auto, which we are well aware is still missing), but  
 more the elimination of small annoyances, little things that could  
 mean a great deal to you.
 So, shoot away, and we'll see what we can do. No suggestion will be  
 dismissed without consideration. Even if we do not implement the  
 suggestion immediately, if it's interesting enough, we will  
 definitely keep it in mind as a possible priority for the next release.
 We would also like this to be an opportunity for users who are in a  
 position where they are able to check out and build the 0.94 release  
 branch that has been created (*), to see if we have overlooked  
 anything in our testsuites. If any bugs or unexpected results turn up  
 in your real-time scenarios, we would of course appreciate it very  
 much if these are uncovered before the actual release.
 As always, we value your input and feedback.
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Fop 0.93 SVG issue

2007-05-08 Thread Nicol Bolas

OK, so I've got an SVG file. It has an explicit size (5inx7.77in), which
should be sufficient to fit within the page's margins (8.5x11).

I use the following FO block: 

fo:block id=d4e16 text-align=center
width=5in height=auto content-width=scale-to-fit

However, it always comes out clipped with this FO. It's clipped on botht he
bottom and the sides.

Now, if I change the size of the SVG file, without changing anything
internal to it, then I can remove some of the cropping. Except then, the SVG
file flows off the page, because it's too big.

I loaded the SVG up in InkScape to test to see if the drawing size extends
beyond the [i]actual[/i] size, and it does, but not by nearly as much as the
cropping I'm seeing.

What is going wrong here? It looks like it's simply not scaling the SVG down
to fit in the region.

Any ideas? I could send a set of test documents, if you need them.
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Re: XSL FO newbie question - Hide overflow page content

2007-01-17 Thread Nicol Bolas

This is pretty easy, though it won't get you any warnings.

Make a 1-length page-sequence-master. That is, make a regular
page-sequence-master and then use it in a repeatable-page-master, but only
with 1 repetition. That will force the output to be one page.
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Re: Error using TTFReader

2007-01-10 Thread Nicol Bolas

That's strange. My Java version (java -version) reads 1.4.2, and I installed
Java on this machine from the latest SDK last year.

But in any case, it worked. Thanks.

That means you're probably still on old JDK 1.3 which doesn't contain
JAXP. Please add Xerces and Xalan to the classpath.

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Error using TTFReader

2007-01-09 Thread Nicol Bolas

I'm attempting to import some fonts into FOP 0.93, but I'm running into
trouble. I keep getting this error whenever I try to run TTFReader:

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
at org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader.main(

I don't really know what that means or why it's happenning. The command line
I'm using is:

C:\fop-0.93java -cp

It doesn't matter what parameters I use; it always gets that error.
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Re: Error using TTFReader

2007-01-09 Thread Nicol Bolas

OK, I've gotten past that error using this command line:

java -cp

However, I get the following:

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/w3c/dom/Node

Is there something else I'm missing?

cbowditch wrote:
 Nicol Bolas wrote:
 I'm attempting to import some fonts into FOP 0.93, but I'm running into
 trouble. I keep getting this error whenever I try to run TTFReader:
 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
 at org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader.main(
 Its a classpath problem.
 I don't really know what that means or why it's happenning. The command
 I'm using is:
 C:\fop-0.93java -cp
 The commons-logging.jar file that you've referenced in the classpath is 
 actually called commons-logging-1.0.4.jar. Take a look in the lib sub 
 folder to check the names of JAR files that you are referencing in your 
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Bug with region-body margins and page-seqeunces

2006-10-10 Thread Nicol Bolas

I'm finding some really strange behavior dealing with page-sequence-masters,
page-sequences, and the margins of the region body in FOP 0.92beta.

If you have a page-sequence master that has an initial page that is unique,
then has a repeated page choice (even and odd pages), then certain things
start to happen. I'm not even sure I can fully explain what all the
wierdness is.

So, the situation looks something like this in FO:

fo:page-sequence-master master-name=chapter
fo:conditional-page-master-reference odd-or-even=even
fo:conditional-page-master-reference odd-or-even=odd

First, you can't control margin-right on one of the pages after the first
unique one (in this case, none of the pagest except chapter-start-pg). You
can control margin-left, but that just causes the region body to shift to
the right, sliding content off the right side of the page.

However, if you change the margin-right on the unique first page
(chapter-start-pg), then it works... excpet that it changes it for all of
the pages in that page sequence. If you change margin-left on the unique
first page, then margin-RIGHT gets applied to the subsequent pages.

Also, the layout itself seems a bit peculiar. The left-hand edge of the
heading (in a region-begin) on the subsequent pages is lined up with the
text, but it isn't aligned with the right side of the text. For some reason,
the region-begin seems to hang over the edge of the region body. Which is
how I found the margin-right wierdness; I was trying to adjust the
margin-right so that they would match up. Obviously, it didn't work.

Is this some known screwyness with FOP? Or is this something recent?
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Re: Bug with region-body margins and page-seqeunces

2006-10-10 Thread Nicol Bolas

Vincent Hennebert-3 wrote:
 Hi Nicol,
 I'm finding some really strange behavior dealing with
 page-sequences, and the margins of the region body in FOP 0.92beta.
 If you have a page-sequence master that has an initial page that is
 then has a repeated page choice (even and odd pages), then certain things
 start to happen. I'm not even sure I can fully explain what all the
 wierdness is.
 So, the situation looks something like this in FO:
 fo:page-sequence-master master-name=chapter
 fo:conditional-page-master-reference odd-or-even=even
 fo:conditional-page-master-reference odd-or-even=odd
 First, you can't control margin-right on one of the pages after the first
 unique one (in this case, none of the pagest except chapter-start-pg).
 can control margin-left, but that just causes the region body to shift to
 the right, sliding content off the right side of the page.
 However, if you change the margin-right on the unique first page
 (chapter-start-pg), then it works... excpet that it changes it for all of
 the pages in that page sequence. If you change margin-left on the unique
 first page, then margin-RIGHT gets applied to the subsequent pages.
 That's a known issue: in a given page sequence, the ipd (width) of the
 first page is used for all of the other pages, whatever you specify for
 them. So if on subsequent pages the margin settings are different, only
 the left margin will be taken into account, and its value + the forced
 value of the content width will constrain the value of the right margin.
 That is because Fop uses the Knuth breaking algorithm to optimize the
 page breaks over a whole page sequence, and is currently unable to deal
 with differing page widths. There is ongoing work to fix that, but as
 the changes are quite important no result should be expected before some
 time. The only workaround is to ensure that you specify identical widths
 for all the pages of a page sequence.

Yeah, didn't think about that. That explains everything.

Vincent Hennebert-3 wrote:
 Also, the layout itself seems a bit peculiar. The left-hand edge of the
 heading (in a region-begin) on the subsequent pages is lined up with the
 text, but it isn't aligned with the right side of the text. For some
 the region-begin seems to hang over the edge of the region body. Which is
 how I found the margin-right wierdness; I was trying to adjust the
 margin-right so that they would match up. Obviously, it didn't work.
 Not so sure here, but I guess that for region-before the actual page
 width is taken into account, unlike for region-body. Specifying
 identical widths should solve the problem.

The width of the region-before is not directly specified; it is inferred
from the page region dimensions. And I'm not (knowingly) giving the
region-body a right margin.
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Re: Bug with region-body margins and page-seqeunces

2006-10-10 Thread Nicol Bolas

Nicol Bolas wrote:
 Vincent Hennebert-3 wrote:
 That's a known issue: in a given page sequence, the ipd (width) of the
 first page is used for all of the other pages, whatever you specify for
 them. So if on subsequent pages the margin settings are different, only
 the left margin will be taken into account, and its value + the forced
 value of the content width will constrain the value of the right margin.
 That is because Fop uses the Knuth breaking algorithm to optimize the
 page breaks over a whole page sequence, and is currently unable to deal
 with differing page widths. There is ongoing work to fix that, but as
 the changes are quite important no result should be expected before some
 time. The only workaround is to ensure that you specify identical widths
 for all the pages of a page sequence.
 Yeah, didn't think about that. That explains everything.

BTW, one thing I forgot to mention. You should make a note of this on the
conformance page, so that others don't get tripped up by it.
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Re: Strange FOP error

2006-10-08 Thread Nicol Bolas

Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
 You're missing some JAR files in the classpath. Judging from the error
 message at least avalon-framework.jar is missing. Please tell us how you
 start FOP. Are you using the fop.bat script that comes with FOP? Are you
 using java -jar fop.jar? Or are you setting up the classpath yourself?

I'm using fop.bat.

Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
 The method Main.startFOPWithDynamicClasspath() is only called if some
 dependencies FOP needs are missing on the classpath. In this case, FOP
 tries to find the dependencies itself. But that only works if the
 current directory (the directory where you start the JVM from) is the
 root directory of your FOP installation.
 If you start FOP using fop.bat from the root directory of your FOP
 installation, it should work. Would you please test that?

Running fop.bat from the FOP directory gives the second error message I

On 08.10.2006 07:57:34 Nicol Bolas wrote:
 I'm getting some strange errors with the 0.92beta release of FOP. I'm able
 use 0.91beta just fine, but 0.92beta gives me the following errors:
 Unable to start FOP:
 java.lang.RuntimeException: fop.jar not found in directory: G:\ (or below)
 at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.getJARList(
 at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.main(
 If I'm in the FOP directory when I run it, I get different errors:
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.main(
 Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
 at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.startFOP(
 I'm running on WinXP.
 Any ideas?

Jeremias Maerki

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Strange FOP error

2006-10-07 Thread Nicol Bolas

I'm getting some strange errors with the 0.92beta release of FOP. I'm able to
use 0.91beta just fine, but 0.92beta gives me the following errors:

Unable to start FOP:
java.lang.RuntimeException: fop.jar not found in directory: G:\ (or below)
at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.getJARList(
at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.main(

If I'm in the FOP directory when I run it, I get different errors:

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.startFOP(

I'm running on WinXP.

Any ideas?
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