Re: Board of Directors Elections 2015 - Candidacy - Tobias Mueller

2015-05-22 Thread Oliver Propst
On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Tobias Mueller wrote:
 I still enjoy my duties.
What do you conciser is your board duties?

-mvh Oliver Propst
foundation-list mailing list

Re: More questions for Board candidates

2015-05-22 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Karen,

Thanks for your questions!

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:

 I have a few questions for the candidates too. I agree with what has been
 said by Jeff and Josh that it's important that people on the board have a
 diverse skillset, so I wouldn't expect all board members to answer yes on
 these, but I think it's good to know if at least a few people on the board
 have some background in these areas...

 Have you ever done any fundraising?

Not really; I have only marginally been exposed to this aspect during my
work so far.
I have some small experience participating in the organization of local
events from when I was in university.

Are you comfortable asking sponsors for money?

I believe I would feel comfortable doing this, despite not being something
I have a lot of experience with.
My level of comfort also would probably depend on the purpose of the
sponsorship and how closely I can relate to it.

Have you ever been in a manager role?

That has never been my job title, though in more recent years I started
taking on project/team lead responsibilities.

Do you have any experience talking to reporters?

Only very little, mostly related to some PR efforts I participated to in my
work experience at Endless.

Have you ever talked to a group of people about why software freedom is

Yes. In addition to presenting to free software conferences like GUADEC, I
have been involved in initiatives from local user groups in Italy, even
though not in recent times.
I pitched the importance of free software many times and to very different
audiences, both in professional and personal settings.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2015 - Candidacy - Ekaterina Gerasimova

2015-05-22 Thread Oliver Propst
On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 12:06 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about what
 I would bring to the board.
Are you interested in continue severing as the Foundation treasurer
and in general doing work to keep the foundations finances in order?

-mvh Oliver Propst
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2015 - Candidacy - Carlos Soriano

2015-05-22 Thread Carlos Soriano Sanchez
- Original Message -
| Hello Carlos,

Hello Sebastien

| On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 12:13:10AM +0200, Carlos Soriano Sánchez wrote:
|  - New developers (aka newcomers): How many people do you think are
|  searching for nice projects to be involved with, live new experiences and
|  learn at the same time?
|  We need to reach those people (I was one of them), and the first step is
|  lowing the barrier to contribution and understanding of the platform. Some
|  of the most important projects I want to push here are GnomeLove initiative
|  and gnome-builder as a developer tool for Gnome.
| Good initiative.

Thanks :)

| But why do you need to be on the Foundation board to achieve that goal?

Not necessarily need, I'm already doing it. But being in the board you have a 
stronger voice an you can make the board take some decisions to
improve this as well.
But of course, I could just send an email to the board saying hey, can you 
take into account this?. But I think
that could apply for everything.

|  - Platform reaproachment: I think the current platform around Gnome is a
|  little hidden and difficult to contributors. Initiatives like a Github
|  mirror have been taken, but they are only partly good or not enough. We
|  need to think about how to be more approachable by the people who are
|  already used to other workflows from other open source projects that are
|  using famous tools like Github for code, issues, and contribution or
|  Wikimedia for the wiki, toolkits like Node.js, etc. without giving up on
|  Gnome vision and goals.
| Ditto.

Same answer as before.

|  - Focus: We need to focus more and more on the important issues that can
|  make Gnome have a bigger impact. Luckily, what I saw on the last years, is
|  that Gnome is focused and we are doing well here. But I think there is room
|  for improvement, taking some decisions to encourage people to do certain
|  things or for example using more projects from outside Gnome with well
|  established maintenance and community around it.
| Seems like a good job for the Engagement team.

Not all of what I have in mind, but yeah, most part could be delegated to 
teams, and hope we can help from the board as well
taking some decisions on those points.

|  - Community: They want to be listen. They want communication. They want to
|  know how we take decisions. We need to improve that communication while
|  being focused and loyal to Gnome goals and vision. Example of specific
|  solutions I have in mind are:
| *Encouraging maintainers to create short blog posts communicating
|  important changes.
| You can write a blog post or start a thread on the desktop-devel list to
| try to convince other maintainers.

Yep, in my previous blog post on planet Gnome I tried to do that, but hope we 
can have an agreement
on the board for a maintainer guideline recommendations for a wider approach, 
that could help us to improve this issue.

It will be more to answer maintainers questions like How should I communicate 
this? If I do this change, should I do something
to not make the community or users unhappy on the next release? It's okay 
answer an user like this?, questions that I had
myself and I failed to do them the first time, and I already received the 
backslash... so I hope that
developers take them into account to have a better experience with the 
community and avoid the bad after-feel.

| *Reach an agreement and explain the way we take decisions both in the
|  projects and in the foundation.
| For the Foundation, I think everything is well explained in the bylaws:

I was thinking on something more approachable that could answer some specific 
questions like:
- How do you decide to spend the money?
- Why you don't spend money on developers?

How the board take those kind of decisions and why.

| *Reach an agreement and explain how to have a voice on Gnome decisions
|  in the projects and foundation as well.
| To have a voice for the Foundation, discussions can happen on the
| foundation-list, every member can run for the elections to have a much
| stronger voice during one year. Or discuss things at conferences and
| other places (blog, IRC, …). Does it need more explanation? Or does it
| need to be changed? for example the Foundation members currently only
| vote for candidates, why not also vote for some of the decisions? Is it
| that kind of things that you would like to improve?

I discussed this in #engamement, and probably I didn't explain well here.

My intention is reach an agreement on how decisions are taken for our projects 
and what to expect
from them. A few examples: explain if the designers has a strong voice and 
maintainers are expected to take them into account, or
how we decide when there is a decision that clash between distros or with other 
DE's, explain to users how they can be part of those decisions, etc.


Re: More questions for Board candidates

2015-05-22 Thread Alexandre Franke

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 11:25 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:
 Have you ever done any fundraising?

Only a little, trying to get local sponsors for various local events.
For GUADEC this turned into getting a small local company to pay for
the pastries. I wouldn't say it's something I'm good at.

 Are you comfortable asking sponsors for money?

Not really.

 Have you ever been in a manager role?

Yes, both at work and in a volunteer environment.

 Do you have any experience talking to reporters?

A little, mostly talking to local press when I was manning a booth at
various events or when I was advertising an event I was organising.

 Have you ever talked to a group of people about why software freedom is

Yes, I have had several occasions to do that, for instance with groups
of students at the University where I have taught, or at some
non-software related events where I was at the booth of my local LUG.
This is also a topic I like to bring up when I meet new people and
they ask me what I do for a living, which happens quite often.

Alexandre Franke
foundation-list mailing list

Re: More questions for Board candidates

2015-05-22 Thread Carlos Soriano Sanchez
Hi Karen,

- Original Message -
| I have a few questions for the candidates too. I agree with what has
| been said by Jeff and Josh that it's important that people on the board
| have a diverse skillset, so I wouldn't expect all board members to
| answer yes on these, but I think it's good to know if at least a few
| people on the board have some background in these areas...
| Have you ever done any fundraising?


| Are you comfortable asking sponsors for money?

I think it would be challenging for me, given that I never did it.

| Have you ever been in a manager role?


| Do you have any experience talking to reporters?


| Have you ever talked to a group of people about why software freedom is
| important?

Only socially, like I guess most of us sometime did :)

| karen
| ___
| foundation-list mailing list

As you can see, I wouldn't be the best in this role on the board, although I 
to learn and improve my skills and I would like to try this as well.

Carlos Soriano
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2015 - Candidacy - Ekaterina Gerasimova

2015-05-22 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 22 May 2015 at 10:40, Oliver Propst wrote:
 On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 12:06 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about what
 I would bring to the board.
 Are you interested in continue severing as the Foundation treasurer
 and in general doing work to keep the foundations finances in order?

Yes, I will run for treasurer again this year.

I would do my best to help keep the Foundation finances in order,
regardless of whether I was on the board or not. I also hope that all
board members would work actively towards maintaining the Foundation's
finances, be it by fundraising, regulating spending or in some other
ways too.

 -mvh Oliver Propst
 foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: More questions for Board candidates

2015-05-22 Thread Magdalen Berns
Hi Karen,

Thanks for your questions. Responses inline:

Have you ever done any fundraising?

Yes, although not on such a scale as I would expect a GNOME director will
have to take on. More like a few small fundraisers for various charities
and perhaps more recently, some of you may remember that I managed to raise
funds to attend the GSoC summit in San Jose from Edinburgh. I had initially
accepted that invitation with absolutely no idea whatsoever how I would be
able finance any of it, but I never doubted for a second that things would
fall to place - which they did :D

I am fairly confident that the demands of fundraising for GNOME are not
likely to be a big a learning curve, as long there is a strong team of
motivated people involved. Overall, I am very keen to work with others to
develop fundraising strategies, so we can better support the work of the
GNOME community and I would be keen to do my bit to ensure we make
measurable progress on this front.

Are you comfortable asking sponsors for money?

Absolutely. We at GNOME all work hard, collectively investing the skills
and ideas which build this project into something which sponsors are
desperate to be associated with. If elected, then I feel it would be my
duty to work on behalf of those contributing members who form GNOME and I
would feel very comfortable negotiating favourable terms on behalf of the

Have you ever been in a manager role?

I won't list out my CV ;-) but the short answer is: in various ways, yes…
Mostly through charity, campaigns and advocacy volunteer work, but I also
freelanced professionally in events before I came to Edinburgh which had me
supervising others at times, as well as going through all the fun of having
to be responsible for my own accounts.

I could probably go on about this but I am reluctant to overdo it without
further prompting. Just to say, I have a fair understanding of where my
skills, abilities and interests lie. Please free to ask me to elaborate or
clarify anything if you are particularly interested in finding out about,

Do you have any experience talking to reporters?

A little bit: I was interviewed by the BBC for news at 6 when Nicola
Sturgeon was elected leader of the SNP and also recently quoted in the
student newspaper regarding wellbeing at the College of Science and
Engineering. Overall, I probably still need to polish up for this sort of
thing but I am quite lucky in that I am able to access some relevant
training, where I am.

Have you ever talked to a group of people about why software freedom is

Yes, a quite few times now. The most recent one was a presentation at EdLUG
about GNOME accessibility. Again, I still feel like I need to practice but
that last talk went pretty well by all accounts and people seemed to be
really engaged, asking lots more questions than I had expected they might,
which was very encouraging.

Thanks again for these questions!

foundation-list mailing list