RE: FoxView 99.2.1 trends

2001-08-30 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi Tim,

  Another way of adjusting a trend is by right-clicking on the date/time
of a paused trend.  

  A dialog box should pop up that may give you the functionality you need
without the hassle of the large do-everything dialog.

  Of course if you have a lot of trends that don't include the date  time
at the bottom this won't work.

  Good Luck,


-Original Message-
From: Lowell, Tim: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 8:20 AM
To: 'Foxboro DCS Mail List'
Subject: FoxView 99.2.1 trends

We just got done upgrading all of our WP's to FoxView 99.2.1.  For some
reason, the on-line trend configuration tool was changed in this version to
add 2 more steps to the process of calling up a historical trend.  In
version 99.2, you right-clicked the trend, clicked on the week, day, or
hour button to set the time span of the trend, and hit OK, and you got the
trend.  In this version, you have to click on a Duration Settings...
button, click on the week, day, or hour, then click OK, then click on
a completely useless dialog box that offers the choice of the highest and
lowest possible Scan rate based on your selection of the time span, then
click OK again, and finally get the trend.

Is there any way to speed this process up with FoxView settings so that our
console guys can bypass all these steps and just get a historical trend
quickly?  Why does it ask you for scan rate now?  It used to be, whichever
time span you picked determined the scan rate.  This worked well, and nobody
ever requested a change in any of the International Users Groups I ever went
to.  Often times, there isn't even a valid lower scan rate, so that choice
is greyed out and you must select the upper scan rate anyway.  It seems to
me that if someone wanted a choice of scan rates, you could make a button
just for them, instead of forcing everyone to go through a separate dialog
box, which often only has one choice.  Any ideas out there, other than
re-installing FoxView 99.2?


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RE: FoxView 99.2.1 trends

2001-08-30 Thread Murray, Steve


  I meant to say LEFT-CLICKING on the date/time of a paused trend.


-Original Message-
From: Murray, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 10:30 AM
To: 'Foxboro DCS Mail List'
Subject: RE: FoxView 99.2.1 trends

Hi Tim,

  Another way of adjusting a trend is by right-clicking on the date/time
of a paused trend.  

  A dialog box should pop up that may give you the functionality you need
without the hassle of the large do-everything dialog.

  Of course if you have a lot of trends that don't include the date  time
at the bottom this won't work.

  Good Luck,


-Original Message-
From: Lowell, Tim: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 8:20 AM
To: 'Foxboro DCS Mail List'
Subject: FoxView 99.2.1 trends

We just got done upgrading all of our WP's to FoxView 99.2.1.  For some
reason, the on-line trend configuration tool was changed in this version to
add 2 more steps to the process of calling up a historical trend.  In
version 99.2, you right-clicked the trend, clicked on the week, day, or
hour button to set the time span of the trend, and hit OK, and you got the
trend.  In this version, you have to click on a Duration Settings...
button, click on the week, day, or hour, then click OK, then click on
a completely useless dialog box that offers the choice of the highest and
lowest possible Scan rate based on your selection of the time span, then
click OK again, and finally get the trend.

Is there any way to speed this process up with FoxView settings so that our
console guys can bypass all these steps and just get a historical trend
quickly?  Why does it ask you for scan rate now?  It used to be, whichever
time span you picked determined the scan rate.  This worked well, and nobody
ever requested a change in any of the International Users Groups I ever went
to.  Often times, there isn't even a valid lower scan rate, so that choice
is greyed out and you must select the upper scan rate anyway.  It seems to
me that if someone wanted a choice of scan rates, you could make a button
just for them, instead of forcing everyone to go through a separate dialog
box, which often only has one choice.  Any ideas out there, other than
re-installing FoxView 99.2?


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RE: AW: AW: Problems with concatenated and mirrored disks on AW51 B

2001-05-03 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi All,

  We have two AWs with mirrored concatenated drives.  

  I got curious yesterday and ran dft show_status  was amazed and
embarrassed to find one of the AWs had been un-mirrored for quite some time.

  I read HH745 and HH835, the entire section on mirrored drives in the
Foxboro System Admin Guide (BO193ND rev F), and was still a bit mystified.

  I then went to the Sun documentation web site at and found a
few manuals on the DiskSuite software.  I'm not sure what version of
DiskSuite we have but the manual for 4.0 looked pretty good.  The main thing
I was looking for was an explanation of Needs Maintenance, and I found the

Okay - The component is operating properly. 
Resyncing - The component is actively being resync'ed. 
Maintenance - The component has encountered an I/O error or an open error.
All reads and writes to and from this component have been discontinued. See
Replacing and Enabling Submirror Components on page 96 for information on
component replacement. 
Last Erred - The component has encountered an I/O error or an open error,
however, the data is not replicated elsewhere due to another component
failure. I/O is still performed on the component. If I/O errors result, the
mirror I/O will fail. See Replacing and Enabling Submirror Components on
page 96 for information on component replacement. 

  The entire manual can be viewed online or apparently downloaded as a pdf
file and is chock-full of information.

  On our AW  metastat -t showed one submirror needing maintenance on each
metamirror, and I tracked the date down to a day when we did a dump 0 on the

  I used the procedure in HH835 to metadetach each Nds_Maint submirror
from its metamirror, and then metattach it back.  The entire procedure took
about 45 minutes because I waited until each submirror was resynced before
doing the next one.

  Everything seemed to go well and the different status checks (dft
show_status, metastat -t, metadb -i) indicate everything is mirrored
and okay.

  I guess mirroring will be added to my list of gotchas to monitor from
now on!

  Thanks for tipping me off to a problem I had,

Steve Murray

-Original Message-
From: Warren Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: AW: AW: Problems with concatenated and mirrored disks on

I am surprised that Foxboro support did not tell you to do
a dft replace_sys ESPx SCSI3

this is a front end command to the metareplace command that is
mentioned in the output.


From: Weiss, Andreas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks a lot!!!

E5511U# metastat d0
d0: Mirror
 Submirror 0: d10
   State: Needs maintenance
 Pass: 1
 Read option: roundrobin (default)
 Write option: parallel (default)
 Size: 76000 blocks

d10: Submirror of d0
 State: Needs maintenance
 Invoke: after replacing Maintenance components:
 metareplace d0 c0t3d0s0 new device
 Size: 76000 blocks
 Stripe 0:
 Device  Start Block  Dbase StateHot Spare
 c0t3d0s0   0 NoLast Erred

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RE: Daylight Savings

2001-04-24 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi Bo,

  We live in Arizona so we don't HAVE dst!


Stephen Murray
Sunny Arizona

-Original Message-
From: Stear, Bo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 1:11 PM
To: 'Foxboro Mail Forum'
Subject: Daylight Savings

How many, if any, of you users either do NOT change to daylight savings time
or know some other company what does not.  We are considering not following
time changes for DST since there are still so many persistent problems with
I/A when moving the clock backwards.

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RE: Re[2]: Adding new AW51E to nodebus

2001-04-03 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi Daren,

  Thanks for the info on the CP rebooting.  I just re-read HH845 and ran
ckmacadr on our current system to see what our addresses are.  

  Using the cp_util to change the host MAC address looks like a much less
disruptive procedure than rebooting the CPs.  I guess a final test would be
to download an FBM afterwards.


Stephen Murray

-Original Message-
From: Daren Bishop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:02 AM
Subject: Re[2]: Adding new AW51E to nodebus 

 To change out the AW you do not have to reboot the CP's to get the 
 correct MAC address to them, but you do have to run a script on the 
 CP's. See HH845 to get the procedure. Also you might need QF 991316 
 for this. It does not register itself in /usr/fox/sp/lastinst/QF_INFO 
 so you have to look for these files :
 Hope this helps,
 Daren Bishop
 ASC Corp.
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Adding new AW51E to nodebus

2001-04-02 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi All,

  I am adding an AW51E to our existing 6.1 system.  Our current system
consists of four AW51Bs, four WP51Bs, and three X-terminals on three nodes
connected with a carrier band LAN.

  I have updated the System Definition and created a new committal disk,
installed the 6.1 software on the new AW51E, and created the reconcile disk.
I then installed FoxView 99.2.1. 

  I have done the installation in stand-alone mode (not connected to the
DNBI) and everything seems to be installed and working correctly.  I now
want to plug the DNBI into the nodebus and connect the new AW to the DNBI.

*** A few questions ***

1.  The Foxboro documentation covers installing or upgrading the entire
system, but I am just adding one AW.  When do I use the new committal disk
in the other existing AW/WPs?  Before or after I plug the new DNBI and AW
into the nodebus?

  The new AW will not host any CPs or WPs, so it might not matter. The
existing System Monitor that will be watching the new AW does not know about
it yet, so should I use the committal disk in at least that AW prior to
plugging in the new DNBI  AW?  Or plug in the DNBI and boot up the new AW

2.  Will I have to reboot each of the other AWs  WPs after running the
committal disk through them?  I am only adding a station and not upgrading
the I/A software, so I am unsure if I need to reboot the existing stations.

3.  What should I look for to indicate problems on the nodebus after
installing the new AW?  I would rather see a problem developing before the
nodebus just locks up!

4.  What is the likelihood of causing problems on the nodebus with a new

5.  After I get the bugs worked out of this new station I intend to replace
an existing AW51B with another AW51E.  That station WILL host CPs and WPs
and have a System Monitor.  Do I need to reboot each hosted CP during that

6.  Any other tips or suggestions?


Stephen Murray
(520) 356-4230
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RE: Adding new AW51E to nodebus

2001-04-02 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi Norm,

  The AW51B I plan to replace does not hold the CSA, but since the MAC
address will change I would want to make sure that the CP's will be able to
find and boot off the new AW51E.  I do not know if I have to reboot the CPs
right away or if they could stay on line for a few hours while I made sure
the AW was working properly.

  I should be able to do the load-all prior to connecting the new AW to the
node while I am loading the rest of the software and doing the loadh50 for
the historian.


Stephen Murray

-Original Message-
From: Tessier, Norm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 1:46 PM
To: 'Foxboro DCS Mail List'
Subject: RE: Adding new AW51E to nodebus

Yes, if you are replacing the 'B' box the CPs and Gateways will all have to
be rebooted.  The 'E' box will have 'Initialized' day0 images for all of the
hosted CPs and Gateways.  These should have a 'LoadAll' done on an off-line
test bed done for all of the CPs and Gateways. Do this with a SaveAll made
after an UpLoad done just before you wish to change out the Host.  If you
cannot do this, a LoadAll must be performed on the running system for the
Stations hosted by this 'E' box.  It will require significantly more down
time to do it on-line.  

CSA saves and merges may be required, as well. Especially if the 'B' box you
are replacing hosts CSA.  If it gets this complicated, you should get
assistance from Field Service.   

Norm Tessier
Regional Lifeline Specialist
District 7
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OAJ startup at boot

2000-11-17 Thread Murray, Steve


  I am trying to start the Operator Action Journal automatically at boot
time on I/A version 6.1 system and on a 4.3 system.  The docs for I/A
version 4.2 say to put them in the wp51_glbls file, but the I/A version 6.1
 6.2 docs say they belong in the init.users file.  There is a section in
the wp51_glbls file listing the variables, but there is nothing in the
init.users file.  Also, the wp51_glbls files shows the OJLOG variable on the
same line as gctsize=14 - but the 6.2  6.1 docs show OJLOG on the line
before gctsize.  Is gctsize the size of the OJLOG variable or the dmtlist?

  Does it matter whether the Operator Action Journal variables are listed in
the wp51_glbls file or the init.users file?  Is it a problem if they are
listed in both?

  Also, if I can get OAJ started automatically at boot, does each Display
Manager's OAJ automatically start as well?  Right now I have to start each
display manager's log, and if the DM is re-started the log needs to be
re-started as well. 

This is from our globals file:
#  @(#)35.1 wp51_glbls

#Operator Action Journal

#LP00,89-01-01 12:00,99-01-01 12:00,STATION89012,COMPOUND9012,BLOCK6789012

  This is what the FoxDoc for I/A version 6.2 says: 
Enabling the Action Journal at Boot Time
When the WP boots up, Action Journal reporting is disabled. To enable this
feature at boot time, you must change the OJLOG variable in the following
file depending on the platform:

 Station Type File 
AW51/WP51 /usr/fox/wp/data/init.user 
AW50/WP50 /usr/fox/wp/data/init.user 
WP70 /usr/fox/wp/data/init.user 
PW /usr/fox/hi/init.glbls 
WP30 /usr/fox/hi/gc4_glbls 
WP20 /usr/fox/hi/gc3_glbls 

For more information on the init.user or init.glbls file refer to the
Display Engineering for 50 Series (B0193MQ) document.

Add the following variables in the appropriate AW70 and PW file. The
variable OJLOG has the following format:





The FoxDoc for I/A version 6.1 says about the same thing, but also inlcudes
a blank dmtlist variable.  I don't know if that was a misprint or if it
needs to be there.  

Add the following variables in the appropriate file. The variable OJLOG has
the following format:






E == Enable

D == Disable

printer == name of the printer (for example, LP01)

historian == name of the historian (for example, hist01)

For example, to enable historian logging without printer logging, define
OJLOG as follows:


See Display Engineering for more information on modifying init.user. or


  Thanks for any information you might have - I just hate rebooting the AW
several times if I don't have to.

Stephen Murray
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RE: OAJ startup at boot

2000-11-17 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi Sean,

  The same /usr/fox/wp/data/DMNAME directory structure is on the 4.3  the
6.1 systems here, and I have heard that there are few differences between
4.3  6.1.  I did notice that the timestamp on both the glbls files are the
same as my last rebootation.

  Thanks for the clues,

Stephen Murray

-Original Message-
From: Sean Redmond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: OAJ startup at boot

I have seen the same thing also.  After a we bit of investigation,
it looks like /usr/fox/wp/data/wp51_glbls is being overwritten each time a 
reboot(ation) happens.  I am not sure what writes to it yet.  I did notice a

file called /usr/fox/wp/data/DMNAME/DNAME_glbls  And I can't recall 
seeing this on earlier releases.  After playing a bit i.e moving files and 
rebooting, I couldn't get a display manager up, so I gave up, and hid for a 
while in the corner.

I made the changes in init.user, but they didn't kick in.
In prevous version 4.2.x if you changed wp51_glbls you just needed to 
restart the display manager.  A change to init.user required a 

Not much help, but at least the new word rebootation got some air play.
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RE: find command ussage?

2000-09-26 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi John,

  I just removed a 13 MB core file from one of our root directories, core
file left courtesy of Fox Select .  .  .

  The root directory seems to be a popular place for all the Foxview stuff
to puke core files.

Stephen Murray

 -Original Message-
 From: Windle,John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 12:29 PM
 To: 'Foxboro DCS Mail List'
 Subject: RE: find command ussage?
 I would be very reluctant to start any 'find' command from 
 root (/).  You
 can never tell what may be mounted to your system via either rmount or
 mount.  You can go looking through a mounted cdrom looking 
 for a core file
 to delete if you want to (mounted on /cdrom) but it seems 
 like a waste of
 time to me.
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RE: Display Manager

2000-09-11 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi Noman,

  I can only partially help you with the script issue.  Alex Johnson wrote a
very good analysis of the problems that may occur when using applic on

  One of the key points was to always use the ampersand character after your
command line.

  QUOTED TEXT FROM ALEX JOHNSON's email of 3/23/00 

1) Put the  at the end of all commands that are invoked by applic. In your
example, you should
:C0WP04DMCMD := dmcmd applic /opt/home/frits/hello.scr ;
:C0WP04DMCMD := dmcmd applic /opt/home/frits/hello.scr ;
2) Use
dmcmd run /bin/rexec $TMHST pgm arg1 ... argn

I rather like the second one because I am quite likely to forget to add an
ampersand () to the end of 
ALL of my applics. This failure would result in a subtle error. I hate
subtle errors!

Whereas, the second approach does not lend itself to subtle errors. Only
major ones which are easy to find ones.


Hope this helps, (if not maybe Alex will let me re-send the entire email)

Stephen Murray

 -Original Message-
 From: Noman Abu-Farha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2000 7:54 PM
 Subject: Display Manager
 i have few questions about the foxboro I/A series :
 1- I wrote one small script for printing a file using the cat command
   cat filename  /dev/LP0X
 I want to configure this script in the display manger through 
 the display 
 configurator , so I draw one button , then I configured the 
 selecting of the 
 button as follows ,
 applic {my_script_filename} . But this is not working. Why ?
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RE: Capturing Data

2000-05-11 Thread Murray, Steve


  Check out the Foxboro product called Data for Windows.

  This allows you to extract data from the Foxboro I/A system in a variety
of ways including live data form the Object Manager and historical data from
the historian.

  This product does require a personal computer running Microsoft Windows
connected to your I/A system. 

  If you have to do your data extraction on the Foxboro machines you can use
omget in scripts to get live data or use isql in scripts to get historical
data from the Informix (legacy) historian.  

  omget example to dump just the value of some CBPs:

/opt/fox/bin/tools/omget ANALOG_IN:CALC_FULL.RO01 FDGRIN:RIN13.FDRIN2
PRODUCTION:SECT7_CU.RO03|awk '{print $3}' /opt/steve/data1.tmp

  You can get up to thirty values at a time from omget, but Alex Johnson
warns that this can be a problem on large systems because omget uses
broadcasts to read the values.  At one time I was omgetting around 75 values
with three different omgets in a script that runs every two minutes.  I
sleep for two seconds between omgets, and I never saw any problems, but I
have a small single node system. I have pared this list down to three calls
of 10 to 14 values apiece  it does not seem to cause any problems for me.

  Start small and see if this gets you the live data you need, but 100
values every one minute may get you into trouble!

  isql sample to get information from the Informix (legacy) historian.  This
fragment is from a script I wrote to put data back into a 24 hour reduction
group after the historian has been turned off (24 hour reduction groups come
up empty if you have the historian off for any reason during the day!).

#  (You will have to provide the times and the proper historian  table

isql histox -!
SELECT seq, MAX(time_tag) - 1620 AS time_tag, pt_id_key, status_tag, 
   MAX(halfhr_max) AS daily_max
   FROM halfhr_max WHERE time_tag BETWEEN $TIME3 AND $TIME4
   AND pt_id_key IN
 (SELECT DISTINCT pt_id_key FROM power)
GROUP BY seq, pt_id_key, status_tag
ORDER BY pt_id_key DESC;

  Or if you do programming the possiblities are endless! :-)

Stephen Murray

 -Original Message-
 From: Eudilson Núñez Cossio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 1:47 PM
 To: 'Foxboro DCS Mail List'
 Subject: Capturing Data
 Hi list,
 I looking for a way to capture data from historian or direct 
 from object
 manager in order to analize this information out of line.
 The requirementes are:
 Time sampling: 1 minute or less.
 Data type:  plain text
 Variables: aprox. 100
 Period of data:  aprox. 
 We are using the normal tools that comes with Foxboro I/A DCS:
   Data Display
 (choose current data, sample, fileter point name variables)
   ASCII File
 But this procedure only save four variables and we need so 
 many variables to
 save completed simultaneusly.  This procedure fails when we 
 specify more
 than four variables and take so many time doing in this way.
 In the past we tested a method using the crontab and prelude 
 s.s. on a PW-OE
 (PC Venix) but this procedure writes on hard disk frequently 
 (every minute)
 and the computer come slow and is dangerous because reduce 
 life of hard disk
 .  On the other hand today we do not use PW-OE any more.
 I would like to know other procedure to reach this purpose.
 Thanks in advance.

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Reboots, Patches, Stuff

2000-05-05 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi Stan,

What is the known Solaris bug  what is the Sun fix?  

Any idea what the patch might break if one applied it before Foxboro
evaluated it?  

I know Solaris is the operating system Foxboro used as a base for our I/A,
but I don't believe our software is the same as the Solaris you could buy
off the shelf.  Modifications to Solaris made by Foxboro for compatibility
with past versions of I/A can (I'm told) make regular Sun patches
dangerous to us.

Stephen Murray

 -Original Message-
 From: Stan Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 6:20 PM
   Now onto my soapbox.
   The reason that the AP rebooted this moring is because 
 of a known bug
   in Solaris 2.5.1. This bug is fixed in newer releases, 
 and there is a
   SUN patch for 2.5.1
   I am having a real problem with living with problems 
 that SUN has
   fixed, but Foxboro has not blessed the fix! What are 
 other peoples
   opinion on this?
 Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Charleston SC.

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RE: Re: Scripts to backup CP database and CSA to an alternate sta tion

2000-05-03 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi Ron,

  I have looked at the OFHA several times and never decided to implement it.
I would like to get a copy of your .pdf document if you can send it to me.

  Thanks in advance,

Stephen Murray


 -Original Message-
 From: Deen, Ron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 6:58 AM
 To: Foxboro DCS Mail List
 Subject: RE: Re: Scripts to backup CP database and CSA to an alternate
 sta tion

 For those interested in OFHA. I have compiled a PDF doc to setup the
 hardware and software.
 Drop me a line if anybody is interested

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RE: XVision on Win98

2000-05-02 Thread Murray, Steve

META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
META NAME=Generator CONTENT=MS Exchange Server version 5.5.2448.0
TITLERE: XVision on Win98 /TITLE

PFONT SIZE=2We use a combination of Exceed, Go Global, Windows 3.1 (yeah I know 
its old), Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT./FONT

PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; Depending on the operating system and video card, we can use 
either 256 colors or True Color settings.nbsp; They all act a little 
differently.nbsp; The most bizarre problem is using Exceed on a Windows 98 
machine.nbsp; If you open a Foxview display from one AW and then an old Display 
Manager from another AW, the old DM screen is completely black.nbsp; If you open the 
old DM first amp; then the Foxview, everything works fine.nbsp; Go Global does not 
have this problem (but it does have a few others), and the same machine using Windows 
NT (dual-boot) works fine with either Exceed or Go Global./FONT/P

PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; On the machine I am using right now, a Windows 98, Exceed 
behaves differently in 256 and True Color modes.nbsp; In the old DM the normal 
outline box that appears when the mouse cursor is over a quot;pickablequot; field 
only shows up in 256 color mode.nbsp; In True color you have to know which fields are 
pickable, and the yellow outline box appears only after you have selected the 

PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; In a Foxview session the outline box shows up all the time 
.nbsp; .nbsp; ./FONT

PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; Any of the Foxboro utility type programs like the ICC or the 
Historian have problems when run from the PCs, so I don't use them unless I really 
have too.nbsp; If you can remember where the disappearing fields in the ICC are it 
isn't TOO bad, but it still makes me nervous when I'm at home amp; I have to use 
it.nbsp; /FONT/P

PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; I guess there is no perfect PC access method!/FONT

PFONT SIZE=2Stephen Murray/FONT

PFONT SIZE=2gt; -Original Message-/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; From: Daren Bishop [A 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 1:43 PM/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Subject: Re: XVision on Win98 /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Duc, /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; I know this is no help to you, but 
I run Go-Global here /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; and our '95 /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; machines do fine. However, I have 
'98 SE on my home PC and have /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; similar problems. In ICC sometimes 
I have to repick all /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; the fields /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; (which are blank) to get data to 
appear and then it will /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; allow me to /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; enter values, the same happens in 
Select.nbsp; /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; We are looking at having remote PC 
displays, investigating /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; possibilities./FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Personal feelings anyone on this? 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Daren Bishop/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Process Engineer/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Ameripol/Synpol/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; [EMAIL PROTECTED]/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; __ Reply Separator /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Subject: XVision on Win98 /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Author:nbsp; quot;Foxboro DCS Mail Listquot; /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Date:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 5/1/00 11:37 AM/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Got a weird one/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Currently we use SCO XVision to show remote display managers 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; on our PCs /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; for engineering work. (XVision is equivalent to Hummingbird 
eXceed. /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Corporate IT dictates that we use XVision instead of eXceed.) 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; particulars are: XVision version 7.0 32-bit server running on 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Pentium 133 MHZ PC with 16 or 32 MB RAM./FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; In preparation for new desktop PCs being deployed this summer, 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; testing the same XVision software 

RE: Classic historian data location(s)

2000-05-02 Thread Murray, Steve

META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
META NAME=Generator CONTENT=MS Exchange Server version 5.5.2448.0
TITLERE: Classic historian data location(s)/TITLE


PFONT SIZE=2gt; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; How do the extended samples relate 
to what goes in the database?/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Oh, and where are they 
BRFONT SIZE=2nbsp; The SAM files are located in /opt/fox/hstorian/sample./FONT

PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; There is a very good write up in the Historian manual in the 
overview section on the relationship between the many parts of the Historian.nbsp; 
See section 2 in the manual B0193BL./FONT/P

PFONT SIZE=2gt; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; I don't think we are doing this. 
It's not the default /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; install to use/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; anything but raw partitons, 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; And thnaks for the info./FONT

PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; By default you get a tiny raw partition for the 
Historian.nbsp; You can make this initial raw partition much larger if you do it at 
the time of system installation, but afterwards it is too late.nbsp; So Informix can 
use a part of the filesystem as quot;simulatedquot; raw space to give you more room 
to store reduction data and other neat stuff in the Informix table spaces.nbsp; 

PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; You get this additional room by quot;cookingquot; a bit of 
the filesystem area so it can be used along with the initial raw space.nbsp; (hey I 
didn't think up these terms :-)/FONT/P

PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; See section 13 of the Historian manual B0193BL for a very brief 
mention of the cooking procedure.nbsp; There is a much better write up in the Helpful 
Hints number HH528./FONT/P


PFONT SIZE=2Stephen Murray/FONT


RE: XVision on Win98

2000-05-02 Thread Murray, Steve

Hi Alex,

  Excellent tip!  I have depended on memorizing the location of the Cancel
button in the ICC to get me out of trouble in Go Global when I have a block
open (Buffer is not available then).  To re-display disappeared menus I have
been going back and forth between View Compound List  View Blocks/ECBs.  I
can usually find this because it is the top menu item, and I just keep
easing down the screen as I click until I hit it.  I love operating the
computer by Braille! :-)

  It would be a lot easier to use the Buffer when the top menu is visible.


Stephen Murray

 -Original Message-
 From: Johnson,Alex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 4:41 PM
 To: Foxboro DCS Mail List
 Subject: RE: XVision on Win98 
 FYI, Many of the buttons on the ICC under GoGlobal can be 
 refreshed by going
 into and out of the Paste Buffer. (The BUFFER pick on the 
 ICC's menu bar.)

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RE: Control Between Different Nodes

2000-03-27 Thread Murray, Steve

META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
META NAME=Generator CONTENT=MS Exchange Server version 5.5.2448.0
TITLERE: Control Between Different Nodes/TITLE


PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; It is kind of a crude way of connecting - but could you just 
pull up another Display Manager (or FoxView) on one node?nbsp;nbsp; I don't do it 
very often between our two systems because one is FoxView amp; one is using the old 
Display manager, but it does work./FONT/P

PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; We are set up to run Exceed on our LAN PCs, and you just log 
one system's AW into the other system as user quot;iaquot;.nbsp; The .profile in 
the /opt/ia directory sets up the DM or FoxView./FONT/P

PFONT SIZE=2nbsp; I have no idea whether this can confuse the two nodes amp; I 
have never had them connected this way for more than a half hour.nbsp; The system 
using the old Display Manager gets its color palette whacked out if you start a 
FoxView on it, but there does not seem to be any other problem.nbsp; The FoxView 
system seems to run the old Display Manager just fine./FONT/P

PFONT SIZE=2gt; -Original Message-/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; From: D.B. Harris [A 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2000 11:05 PM/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; To: Foxboro ListServer/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Subject: Control Between Different Nodes/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Where I am working the plant has 2 nodes (only connected by 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; 2nd ethernet/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; port). These plant are each very different from the other, 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; but the Operators/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; have asked if they could see 2 blocks from the other node. 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Does anyone know/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; if there is a way to quot;writequot; this info. to the other 
node via /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; ethernet,/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; i.e., without having to connect the 2 via Carrierband LAN or 
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Thanks in advance for any assistance you might lend./FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Diane Harris/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Control System Services, Inc./FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; P.O. Box 12656/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2gt; Lake Charles, LA. 70612-2656/FONT
