Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
 Well, I have planned a inline-to-external conversion for fpdoc for exactly
 this reason.
That's nice to hear...
[Sorry for late reply]

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
concerning the string topic, for me (using fpc since 2.0.4 on a regular basis; 
TP experience ~ average user) there really should be an decision what way to 
go as early as possible.
I'm not ranting and I know, that I'm not in the position to demand anything...
[I would really like to help, but unfortunately studies take all my time - at 
least for one more year - but time will come... :D ]

Nonetheless I would like to make a suggestion:

Make a general String type, with no statement what the internal structure is 
Users can define the internal type with e.g. {$STRING UTF8} for their *whole* 
project. On compilation now the defined type is used and there should be no 
problems as long as the source code does not make any assumptions, what the 
internal structure looks like and uses a general string unit (e.g. Sysutils).
External libraries (no source) define their string type accordingly in their 
import header [sorry :) ] for their scope, strings are converted based on 
this information, if necessary.

If you make it possible for users to define their own string unit (as 
override of the general one), many string types are possible.
To clarify (an example; the main program file, not a unit):

{$STRING *user defined*}
{$USESTRINGUNIT *some user unit which implements all string ops for the own 
string implementation*}

The advantage is, that anything compiled from source within a project 
(external libraries, too) uses the user defined (=preferred) string type and 
no conversion is needed (assuming there is no direct string access, which 
should be good programming style nowadays).
[You see, I'm not a friend of the idea, that a string itself contains the 
information about its internal type...]

With this design (and most users never thinking about their own string type) 
there still should be a defaul fpc string type. This is at least necessary for 
string conversions. Any custom string type *must* provide a function to 
convert to and from the default fpc string type, but *may* also provide such 
to/from other string types.
Now any string can be (automatically) converted to any other, in the worst 
case like this:
*user defined* - fpc default - *any other, maybe Ansistring*

There is still the problem, that conversions should be lossless, so the 
default string type must be able to handle any character [but that should 
obviously be possible anyway]...
... and I really hope that explicit conversions won't be necessary in future 
(have I to use GetFilenameUTF8 or GetFilname or ...?? - you know)...

I can't say how much work this would be to implement, but in my eyes a more 
complex but flexible solution should be worth it, thats not something you 
change everyday...
... with {$STRING ANSI} it would work for any old project, so no problems in 
backwards compatibility, although IMO a cut in compatability for the new 
string type (supported defines, etc.) - if its necessary and makes things 
cleaner - is definitely no problem and even the way to go...

Now, what string type to use as default?
No suggestion from my side, but an suggestion how to quickly and 
constructively find the right one.

Make a wiki page e.g. new string type suggestions where within a certain 
time, everyone can describe his preferred string type, the best would be a 
table with pros/cons...
... the core devs than can decide based on this.
[Basically summarized info of all the posts floating around in the mailing 

- So, don't waste your energy one more time, to fight each other in response 
to this post, just fill the wiki page :)
[IMHO nobody will ever read all the postings about strings in the mailing 
list, there *must* be a summarized overview somewhere]
[Sorry if this wiki page already exists...]

And a last thought from my side:
Please, don't try to stay Delphi compatible no matter what.
IMHO its time for fpc to move forward, not sticking to any (bad) Delphi design 
change. Even now its almost impossible to use (modern) Delphi code 1:1 in 
fpc, and it certainly won't be better in future. It would be much better to 
define a last almost supported Delphi version and then go an own way.
Fpc (and Lazarus even more) shouldn't be reduced to make any Delphi(!) 
project crossplatform - and doing the difficult (not to say dirty) work for 
Embarcadero to make a Windows-oriented design work on many platforms - it 
should be an independant implementation of ObjectPascal (and not Delphi!), in 
the optimal case being compatible to Delphi, as long as its possible and makes 

With the above suggestion, it would be even possible to make an own Delphi 
compatible string type for Delphi mode.
- And, if the Delphi design really is superior to any other - then lets use it 
(unfortunately its not).

Uff, a long post, hopefully at least a little helpful - and constructive.
Certainly many wait for the final decision (including me) - let's hope it will 
come in near future... :D


Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Rainer Stratmann
Am Saturday 22 December 2012 12:26:09 schrieb
 Users can define the internal type with e.g. {$STRING UTF8} for their
 *whole* project.

Should that (*whole* project) include also the 3rd party units (with 
available sourcecode)?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, wrote:

concerning the string topic, for me (using fpc since 2.0.4 on a regular basis;
TP experience ~ average user) there really should be an decision what way to
go as early as possible.

- We'll implement the capacity to have a code-page aware string type, as Delphi 
  (well, it is there already).

- The {$H } directive will be extended so you can choose which string type you 
need per unit.
  This is different from Delphi, where you don't have this choice: 

- The necessary conversions will be inserted by the compiler.
  (in fact, they are there already)

- Supplying the type on the command-line will make it the project default.
  We can think about a directive that can be specified in a project file.

Because of the requirement for backwards compatibility with FPC itself, 
we'll make 2 RTLs: one backwards compatible, one with the new unicode string.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
  Users can define the internal type with e.g. {$STRING UTF8} for their
  *whole* project.
 Should that (*whole* project) include also the 3rd party units (with
 available sourcecode)?

Yes, that's the idea...
... the only problem is, that many still use old style hacking, this of 
course does only work with {$STRING ANSI} to stay in my example.

and uses a general string unit (e.g. Sysutils).
should be (e.g. strutils) :)
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
thanks for the quick reply.

So the direction seems to be quite clear...
... unfortunately this seemingly wasn't communicated clearly enough to the 

Because of the requirement for backwards compatibility with FPC itself, 
we'll make 2 RTLs: one backwards compatible, one with the new unicode string.
Do you mean really seperated sources or a comiler switch?

What's the problem to use the new RTL with Ansistring? I can't see a 
problem, if it doesn't use direct string access...
... of course you have to compile it accordingly..

so you can choose which string type you need per unit
Can a project wide choice override this for *any* unit (3rd party) or will 
there be conversion going on between the different units?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, wrote:

thanks for the quick reply.

So the direction seems to be quite clear...
... unfortunately this seemingly wasn't communicated clearly enough to the

Because of the requirement for backwards compatibility with FPC itself,
we'll make 2 RTLs: one backwards compatible, one with the new unicode string.

Do you mean really seperated sources or a comiler switch?

A bit of both :-)

What's the problem to use the new RTL with Ansistring? I can't see a
problem, if it doesn't use direct string access...

For obvious reasons, the RTL uses direct string memory access in many places.

... of course you have to compile it accordingly..

You can use ansistring, no problem.

The problem are classes. If I define

TComponent = Class(TPersistent)
  Property Name : String;

Then name will be of the string type as declared in the unit where TComponent is defined. 
For properties this is not so much of a problem but if you try to override something like

Procedure(Arg : String); virtual;

Then the string type must match the original string type as in the original declaration, 
no matter what the string type in your particular unit.

so you can choose which string type you need per unit

Can a project wide choice override this for *any* unit (3rd party) or will
there be conversion going on between the different units?

There will always be conversion if
1) a unit specifies a string type by itself.
2) the unit comes in compiled form.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
thx, got it...

 There will always be conversion if
 1) a unit specifies a string type by itself.
 2) the unit comes in compiled form.

One more question:
If a particular unit (maybe 3rd party) does not define its string type, what 
string type is used:
(a) the type defined in project,
(b) a fpc default type?

In other words, can I force *all* sources in my project to use the same string 
type, provided that I know, they don't do direct access?

The wiki says [], that
- shortstring
- ansistring
- widestring
- utf8string
- utf16string
- utf32string
- ucs2string (?)
- ucs4string (?)
may be supported.

So in future I will be able to define any of these for my source (and switch 
between them), without changing code?
Any function with string as param will be automatically overloaded for all 
supported string types?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, wrote:

thx, got it...

There will always be conversion if
1) a unit specifies a string type by itself.
2) the unit comes in compiled form.

One more question:
If a particular unit (maybe 3rd party) does not define its string type, what
string type is used:
(a) the type defined in project,
(b) a fpc default type?

That depends. See below.

In other words, can I force *all* sources in my project to use the same string
type, provided that I know, they don't do direct access?

Yes, *if* the units are recompiled.

The wiki says [], that
- shortstring
- ansistring
- widestring
- utf8string
- utf16string
- utf32string
- ucs2string (?)
- ucs4string (?)
may be supported.

They will just be pre-defined string types.

So in future I will be able to define any of these for my source (and switch
between them), without changing code?
Any function with string as param will be automatically overloaded for all
supported string types?

a) you recompile everything

b) The unit does not specify a string type
the answer seems yes.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Martin Schreiber
On Saturday 22 December 2012 12:55:12 Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 - The {$H } directive will be extended so you can choose which string type
 you need per unit. (ansi/wide/utf16/utf8...)
    This is different from Delphi, where you don't have this choice:

You probably mean String = UnicodeString = reference counted utf-16 encoded 16 
bit string?

 Because of the requirement for backwards compatibility with FPC itself,
 we'll make 2 RTLs: one backwards compatible, one with the new unicode

UnicodeString or codepage aware cpstrnew?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Saturday 22 December 2012 12:55:12 Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

- The {$H } directive will be extended so you can choose which string type
you need per unit. (ansi/wide/utf16/utf8...)
   This is different from Delphi, where you don't have this choice:

You probably mean String = UnicodeString = reference counted utf-16 encoded 16
bit string?


Because of the requirement for backwards compatibility with FPC itself,
we'll make 2 RTLs: one backwards compatible, one with the new unicode

UnicodeString or codepage aware cpstrnew?

'codepage aware' just means that you can specify a charsize/codepage. 
A unicode string is just one type of codepage aware string.

(unless the compiler guys now tell me otherwise).

So, string will mean Unicode string.

The effect is that
etc. will be a unicode string.

In the backwards compatible RTL,
will be an ansistring, i.e. as it is now.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Paul Ishenin

22.12.12, 22:58, Martin Schreiber пишет:

That was so in the beginning but Delphi later changed it. So a Delphi
UnicodeString variable currently allways is utf-16 encoded.

The same in FPC.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread luiz americo pereira camara
Em 22/12/2012 09:55, Michael Van Canneyt

 Because of the requirement for backwards compatibility with FPC itself,
we'll make 2 RTLs: one backwards compatible, one with the new unicode

It will be possible to compile a utf8 rtl?

There will be a RtlString ?


 fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Reinier Olislagers
On 22-12-2012 12:55, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Dec 2012,
 concerning the string topic, for me (using fpc since 2.0.4 on a
 regular basis;
 TP experience ~ average user) there really should be an decision what
 way to
 go as early as possible.
 - We'll implement the capacity to have a code-page aware string type, as
 Delphi has.
   (well, it is there already).
 - The {$H } directive will be extended so you can choose which string
 type you need per unit.
   This is different from Delphi, where you don't have this choice:
So how would the patch in e.g.
fit in?
That uses widestrings to support non-ASCII characters for ODBC and
should be in the fcl-db.
I suppose chosing any string type that is convenient in various fcl
units could lead to a lot of useless conversions.
How will this be avoided?

 - The necessary conversions will be inserted by the compiler.
   (in fact, they are there already)
 - Supplying the type on the command-line will make it the project default.
   We can think about a directive that can be specified in a project file.
 Because of the requirement for backwards compatibility with FPC itself,
 we'll make 2 RTLs: one backwards compatible, one with the new unicode

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

Em 22/12/2012 09:55, Michael Van Canneyt escreveu:

 Because of the requirement for backwards compatibility with FPC itself, we'll 
make 2 RTLs: one backwards compatible, one with the new unicode string.

It will be possible to compile a utf8 rtl?


There will be a RtlString ?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Michael Van Canneyt said:
 - The {$H } directive will be extended so you can choose which string type 
 you need per unit.

This is different from Delphi, where you don't have this choice: 

unicodestring, actually.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, said:
 Users can define the internal type with e.g. {$STRING UTF8} for their *whole* 

This is technically impossible. Both FPC and Lazarus don't have a complete
overview of all units and includefiles in a project, and compiles can also
be parts of program.

Rule of thumb: anything global must be passed on the cmdline everytime, and
directives are only for unit level. (a few special ones for library units
like $libsuffix excluded)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 22-12-2012 12:55, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012,

concerning the string topic, for me (using fpc since 2.0.4 on a
regular basis;
TP experience ~ average user) there really should be an decision what
way to
go as early as possible.

- We'll implement the capacity to have a code-page aware string type, as
Delphi has.
  (well, it is there already).

- The {$H } directive will be extended so you can choose which string
type you need per unit.
  This is different from Delphi, where you don't have this choice:

So how would the patch in e.g.
fit in?
That uses widestrings to support non-ASCII characters for ODBC and
should be in the fcl-db.
I suppose chosing any string type that is convenient in various fcl
units could lead to a lot of useless conversions.
How will this be avoided?

That remains to be seen.

I suspect that we'll add a .AsAnsiString version to TField, in addition to 
.AsWideString, and add a field type: ftAnsiString.

The low-level dataset driver will have to decide what to do with data coming in:
- AnsiString
- WideString

The .AsString will then pick the one that corresponds to the type of RTL.
ftString will be an alias to ftAnsiString or ftWideString, depending on the RTL.

This is different from what Delphi does, which simply says that 
.AsString is now equal to .asWideString.

This way, you can decide what to do if you have a Unicode RTL:

Use .AsString and go with the conversions in case of unicode RTL.
Use .AsAnsiString and use ansistring if you know the database has ansi data.
Use .AsWideString.

But that remains still all to be decided.

Like I said: Trunk will most likely become rather unstable once we get started 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, said:

Users can define the internal type with e.g. {$STRING UTF8} for their *whole*

This is technically impossible. Both FPC and Lazarus don't have a complete
overview of all units and includefiles in a project, and compiles can also
be parts of program.

Rule of thumb: anything global must be passed on the cmdline everytime, and
directives are only for unit level. (a few special ones for library units
like $libsuffix excluded)

While this is correct, I think it is possible to construct a (new) directive that 
can be inserted in a program/library file only, and which will have the same 
effect as the command-line argument: for all units that will be compiled as 
part of the normal run, the string type is set.

Whether or not this is desirable, is another matter.

(personally, I think we have enough with the command-line version)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 22-12-2012 17:50, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 22-12-2012 12:55, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012,

concerning the string topic, for me (using fpc since 2.0.4 on a
regular basis;
TP experience ~ average user) there really should be an decision what
way to
go as early as possible.

- We'll implement the capacity to have a code-page aware string type, as
Delphi has.
  (well, it is there already).

- The {$H } directive will be extended so you can choose which string
type you need per unit.
  This is different from Delphi, where you don't have this choice:

So how would the patch in e.g.
fit in?
That uses widestrings to support non-ASCII characters for ODBC and
should be in the fcl-db.
I suppose chosing any string type that is convenient in various fcl
units could lead to a lot of useless conversions.
How will this be avoided?

That remains to be seen.

Thanks, I've updated

Maybe a bit premature.

Tomorrow I may decide to change my mind, depending on how well I slept after watching 
The hobbit ;)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Michael Van Canneyt said:
  Rule of thumb: anything global must be passed on the cmdline everytime, and
  directives are only for unit level. (a few special ones for library units
  like $libsuffix excluded)
 While this is correct, I think it is possible to construct a (new) directive 
 can be inserted in a program/library file only, and which will have the same 
 effect as the command-line argument: for all units that will be compiled as 
 part of the normal run, the string type is set.
 Whether or not this is desirable, is another matter.

Exactly. In theory you can lift a directive to global state for that
compiler invocation (as done with linker related switches atm)

But it can cause so much confusion (e..g other project that uses partially
the same units) that it causes more problems than it solves.

During the unicode discussions I thought about this, and even thought of a
mitigation (though not complete solution) of that problem:

1. if such directive is in a normal unit, mark the PPU as such.
2. if such a PPU is loaded, make it global.
3. if that causes a conflict (multiple such units with different 
  directives), abort.   

This way putting some directive in an unit that is at the top of the
dependency graph will cause it to quickly pull it in on independent

It mainly fixes the case where one users generally uses only one style. It
does require some restraint though, which I think the solution is only

So either go to a mandatory project system (but not even Delphi does that),
or not. This will also allow to throw errors when using an unit not compiled
with the same project file etc.

Delphi seems to go in that direction though, I found it is hard to quickly
compile FPC programs on the cmdline with XE3, since then it misses the namespace
prefixes and complains it can't find sysutils because it wants

There are backwards compat aliases (actualy, already since D7, and the
winprocs,wintypes unit aliases are even older), but with XE3 they are less

 (personally, I think we have enough with the command-line version)

Yes. And even if not, I would go for a mandatory project file, not in
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Accessing low-level Firebird facilities

2012-12-22 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Can somebody please lend me a hand making three sets of calls to (I 
think) ibase60dyn.pp please. I've written functions to make and poll 
asynchronous notifications for PostgreSQL, but I need the corresponding 
code for Firebird.

If somebody could point me at (Pascal) examples I'd appreciate it, 
otherwise I could post my existing fragments here if somebody was 
prepared to look at them and tell me what needs changing.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: Accessing low-level Firebird facilities

2012-12-22 Thread Reinier Olislagers
On 22-12-2012 19:00, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
 Can somebody please lend me a hand making three sets of calls to (I
 think) ibase60dyn.pp please. I've written functions to make and poll
 asynchronous notifications for PostgreSQL, but I need the corresponding
 code for Firebird.
 If somebody could point me at (Pascal) examples I'd appreciate it,
 otherwise I could post my existing fragments here if somebody was
 prepared to look at them and tell me what needs changing.

Perhaps the fb events code Ludo Brands wrote could be useful?

- Example code:
- The source
- the equivalent for PostgreSQL:

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread Reinier Olislagers
On 22-12-2012 18:07, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
 On 22-12-2012 17:50, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
 On 22-12-2012 12:55, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Dec 2012,
 So how would the patch in e.g.
 fit in?
 That uses widestrings to support non-ASCII characters for ODBC and
 should be in the fcl-db.
 I suppose chosing any string type that is convenient in various fcl
 units could lead to a lot of useless conversions.
 How will this be avoided?

 That remains to be seen.
 Thanks, I've updated
 Maybe a bit premature.
I don't think so - I quoted your mail selectively - was just interested
in final decisions ;)

Have fun tonight!

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Accessing low-level Firebird facilities

2012-12-22 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 22-12-2012 19:00, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Can somebody please lend me a hand making three sets of calls to (I
think) ibase60dyn.pp please. I've written functions to make and poll
asynchronous notifications for PostgreSQL, but I need the corresponding
code for Firebird.

If somebody could point me at (Pascal) examples I'd appreciate it,
otherwise I could post my existing fragments here if somebody was
prepared to look at them and tell me what needs changing.

Perhaps the fb events code Ludo Brands wrote could be useful?

- Example code:
- The source
- the equivalent for PostgreSQL:

Thanks Reinier, I'll dig into that later (I might be back). What I'm 
trying to do is use PostgreSQL as the primary backend for something, but 
allow for Firebird as a local cache since it's generally considered to 
be a bit lighter-weight.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Accessing low-level Firebird facilities

2012-12-22 Thread Martin Schreiber
On Saturday 22 December 2012 19:00:14 Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
 Can somebody please lend me a hand making three sets of calls to (I
 think) ibase60dyn.pp please. I've written functions to make and poll
 asynchronous notifications for PostgreSQL, but I need the corresponding
 code for Firebird.

 If somebody could point me at (Pascal) examples I'd appreciate it,
 otherwise I could post my existing fragments here if somebody was
 prepared to look at them and tell me what needs changing.

MSEgui has code for Firebird and PostgreSQL server notifications.

Low level code is in mpqconnection.pp and mibconnection.pas, backend 
independent code in msedbevents.pas.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Accessing low-level Firebird facilities

2012-12-22 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Martin Schreiber wrote:

MSEgui has code for Firebird and PostgreSQL server notifications.

Low level code is in mpqconnection.pp and mibconnection.pas, backend 
independent code in msedbevents.pas.

Thanks. I must say that Firebird appears to make extremely heavy going 
of this when compared with Postgres.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
that's great news...

Thanks for the effort to clarify,
fpc-pascal maillist  -