Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there a CSS parser in FPC?

2015-03-03 Thread dev . dliw

you might also want to take a look at

It's still actively developed, so the CSS parser should be more advanced than 
the one of TurboPower IP.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Automatically exporting C++ API using SWIG??

2013-08-01 Thread dev . dliw
 FYI, created wiki page to bundle

It would of course be very welcome if somebody got the current version into
main SWIG so it is more easily usable

The wiki page is a good idea, things have to be clarified though.

I don't know in how far others dealt with the code in the meantime - so this 
is my personal view:

When I ported the patch to 2.0.8 things looked quite good, the changes needed 
were very straightforward - and in the end the result was quite usable.

But IMO the code itself is / was a big mess and far from being clean  
readable - which is no bigger problem if 'it simply works' :D

Now - I tried a port to latest swig (2.0.10) some months ago [even made a fork 
on github...], but never released, the reason: it doesn't work any more.
I didn't search for the relevant changes in their changelog, but I didn't 
managed to get it even compiled - too many functions simply were missing.

Even worse, the Fortran module (upon which the Delphi module is based) 
although being in trunk also didn't compile - exactly the same missing 

In short: IMHO the patch is too much bitrotten to be further used, I think a 
clean and new implementation from scratch would be the much better way.

Maybe this can do the trick, too:
I mean, h2pas does a decent job...

And if it's allowed to dream: one time fpc will simply link against C++ 
directly :)


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Automatically exporting C++ API using SWIG??

2013-08-01 Thread dev . dliw
 @dliw: wasn't the Object Pascal module based on the Modula 3 module?
 IIRC recent posts on the swig mailing lists did indeed indicate the
 Modula 3 module was buggy in current SWIG.

Sorry, you're right - it was based on Modula - I did mix it up.
Thanks for this correction.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Automatically exporting C++ API using SWIG??

2013-08-01 Thread dev . dliw
 Important point for variant 2: less overhead.
Right, that's the biggest plus in my eyes.

Or is this meanwhile standardized ?
Unfortunately not. It starts in different name mangling - as already said here 
- and other (small) differences.
So working on a cross-platform project in C++ with different compilers 
involved - is still quite an adventure :D

then you could work on that by improving the cppclass code in the compiler
Hm, I will at least take a look.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: fcl-xml

2013-03-16 Thread dev . dliw
 If you need xpath, you might also want to look at my Internet Tools (
 (, they contain a basically
 complete XPath 2 implementation

I already implemented all I need with fcl-xml, but thanks for the hint anyway. 


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] fcl-xml

2013-03-12 Thread dev . dliw
working with fcl-xml some questions came together. Every hint is appreciated.

No matter what I do and which (short  valid) xml file I use - getElementById 
is always nil (tested with trunk and latest stable 2.6.2) and the same applies 
to TXMLDocument.IDs.
I tried with ReadXMLFile and TDOMParser with different options - but the 
result is always the same.

Is getElementById supposed to work properly or is it something that needs to 
be implemented?
Trying to understand what the parser does (not that easy), I got the feeling 
that no Hashtable for the IDs is created  - can someone with more insight 
comment on that?

Is there a way to tell WriteXMLFile *not* to use indentation?

What is the state of XPath?
The readme says 'Should be fairly completed' - can I assume it works for 
simple tasks?

Many thanks for any hint,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-xml

2013-03-12 Thread dev . dliw
 The XMLTextReader creates the map, and passes it on to the final document.

// Trunk
procedure TLoader.ProcessXML(ADoc: TDOMDocument; AReader: TXMLTextReader);

  doc.IDs := reader.IDMap;
  reader.IDMap := nil;

// 2.6.2
=== snip ===

  doc.IDs := FIDMap;
  FIDMap := nil;


Just rechecked again...
The debugger clearly says, that reader.IDMap / FIDMap is nil...
[Before the second assignement - of course :) ]

It seems to be started, but not finished.
If so, what needs to be done?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-xml

2013-03-12 Thread dev . dliw
 Maybe the bug is that it checks case sensitive:
 procedure TXMLTextReader.ParseAttlistDecl;
   Found := FSource.Matches(AttrDataTypeNames[dt]);

ParseAttlistDecl isn't called a single time...
- to me it sounds like Parse Attribute *declaration* - and I don't have a 
DTD (the file is actually HTML).

When switching Validate *on*, there are lot of DoError calls - but don't know 
if this is related...

From what I see: (trunk)
AddId is only called from ValidateAttrValue
ValidateAttrValue is only called from ValidateCurrentNode
and this is only when the parser does validation...

For me there is missing something in ParseAttribute(ElDef: TElementDecl);

  if Assigned(ElDef) then
AttDef := ElDef.GetAttrDef(attrName);
// mark attribute as specified
if Assigned(AttDef) then
  FAttrDefIndex[AttDef.Index] := FAttrTag;
AttDef := nil;

ElDef is not assigned, so AttDef is nil...
AttDef holds TAttrDataType which should be recognised as dtId...

I hope I got it right so far - but still don't know what the actual problem 


That't what I'm currently testing with:

=== test.xml ===

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  div id=testTest/div

=== test.pas ===

program test;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  Classes, XMLRead, DOM;

  Doc : TXMLDocument;
  Parser : TDOMParser;
  Source : TXMLInputSource;
  List   : TStringList;

  List := TStringList.Create;

  Parser := TDOMParser.Create;
Parser.Options.IgnoreComments := true;
//Parser.Options.Validate := true;

Source := TXMLInputSource.Create(List.Text);
  Parser.Parse(Source, Doc);

  WriteLn(assigned(Doc.IDs));  // output: false


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-xml

2013-03-12 Thread dev . dliw
A little side note to my statement:
 and I don't have a DTD

In this case the behaviour of the parser is even right...

Note: Attributes with the name ID or id are not of type ID unless so 

But that's not the solution to my problem... :(
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-xml

2013-03-12 Thread dev . dliw
  Using Xpath I believe would be something like this:
 I was missing an If:
 function ElementById(id: string; doc: TXMLDocument): TDOMElement;
v: TXPathVariable;

This does indeed work - thank you :)
It's an acceptable solution for me, as I will need XPath anyway.

Still I think that TDOMDocument.getElementById is better performance-wise - 
and I don't see a reason why it shouldn't work if TDOMDocument is created by 
the XMLParser - even if no definition is given...

Is this worth a feature request / bug on mantis?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-xml

2013-03-12 Thread dev . dliw
  Is this worth a feature request / bug on mantis?

Issue #24032

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Does FPC 2.8.0 can actually still be called Pascal ?

2013-03-01 Thread dev . dliw
 We were only joking around with the name. :)
Fully understood, but just to be sure :D

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Does FPC 2.8.0 can actually still be called Pascal ?

2013-02-28 Thread dev . dliw
first of all: no matter what - stay with 'Free Pascal' - I don't think there 
would be any advantage renaming a project - except for the whole project 
loosing its identity.
My experience is that most people don't even know Pascal - I wouldn't say 
Pascal as a language has a bad reputation.
[Every time a program crashes with segfault or similar, I wish it had been 
written in Pascal... :) ]

 But the syntax is Pascal-ish, case did not changed, only expanded, and
 it actually have a good use.
+1 from my side, too.

I wouldn't see it as closely. Only dead languages are static - there is no 
good reason to hinder well thought out features to be added, as long as they 
support the IMO most important two goals of Pascal:
readability, and type safety.

BUT: the sheer amount mustn't be decisive - feature bloat can have very 
negative effects...

Optimisation is a topic which really needs to be discussed - maybe when fpc 
reaches a (temporary) state of temporary 'feature completeness'.
[lets 2.X be the feature version, 3.X the optimised version :D ]
Especially for mobile targets well optimised / efficient programs have great 
advantage, but the problem mostly is not speed, but energy consumption.
[Btw. big thanks for merging the android branch +100]

Nice to hear, that the option to 'detach' from Delphi is considered here as 
well, as I'm sure there will be no other option sooner or later...

Last OT:
I wouldn't mind the hell not freezing over [...]
It's pretty damn cold in this area (almost at my front door) for this time of 
the year, so that's really a valid wish... :)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
 Well, I have planned a inline-to-external conversion for fpdoc for exactly
 this reason.
That's nice to hear...
[Sorry for late reply]

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
concerning the string topic, for me (using fpc since 2.0.4 on a regular basis; 
TP experience ~ average user) there really should be an decision what way to 
go as early as possible.
I'm not ranting and I know, that I'm not in the position to demand anything...
[I would really like to help, but unfortunately studies take all my time - at 
least for one more year - but time will come... :D ]

Nonetheless I would like to make a suggestion:

Make a general String type, with no statement what the internal structure is 
Users can define the internal type with e.g. {$STRING UTF8} for their *whole* 
project. On compilation now the defined type is used and there should be no 
problems as long as the source code does not make any assumptions, what the 
internal structure looks like and uses a general string unit (e.g. Sysutils).
External libraries (no source) define their string type accordingly in their 
import header [sorry :) ] for their scope, strings are converted based on 
this information, if necessary.

If you make it possible for users to define their own string unit (as 
override of the general one), many string types are possible.
To clarify (an example; the main program file, not a unit):

{$STRING *user defined*}
{$USESTRINGUNIT *some user unit which implements all string ops for the own 
string implementation*}

The advantage is, that anything compiled from source within a project 
(external libraries, too) uses the user defined (=preferred) string type and 
no conversion is needed (assuming there is no direct string access, which 
should be good programming style nowadays).
[You see, I'm not a friend of the idea, that a string itself contains the 
information about its internal type...]

With this design (and most users never thinking about their own string type) 
there still should be a defaul fpc string type. This is at least necessary for 
string conversions. Any custom string type *must* provide a function to 
convert to and from the default fpc string type, but *may* also provide such 
to/from other string types.
Now any string can be (automatically) converted to any other, in the worst 
case like this:
*user defined* - fpc default - *any other, maybe Ansistring*

There is still the problem, that conversions should be lossless, so the 
default string type must be able to handle any character [but that should 
obviously be possible anyway]...
... and I really hope that explicit conversions won't be necessary in future 
(have I to use GetFilenameUTF8 or GetFilname or ...?? - you know)...

I can't say how much work this would be to implement, but in my eyes a more 
complex but flexible solution should be worth it, thats not something you 
change everyday...
... with {$STRING ANSI} it would work for any old project, so no problems in 
backwards compatibility, although IMO a cut in compatability for the new 
string type (supported defines, etc.) - if its necessary and makes things 
cleaner - is definitely no problem and even the way to go...

Now, what string type to use as default?
No suggestion from my side, but an suggestion how to quickly and 
constructively find the right one.

Make a wiki page e.g. new string type suggestions where within a certain 
time, everyone can describe his preferred string type, the best would be a 
table with pros/cons...
... the core devs than can decide based on this.
[Basically summarized info of all the posts floating around in the mailing 

- So, don't waste your energy one more time, to fight each other in response 
to this post, just fill the wiki page :)
[IMHO nobody will ever read all the postings about strings in the mailing 
list, there *must* be a summarized overview somewhere]
[Sorry if this wiki page already exists...]

And a last thought from my side:
Please, don't try to stay Delphi compatible no matter what.
IMHO its time for fpc to move forward, not sticking to any (bad) Delphi design 
change. Even now its almost impossible to use (modern) Delphi code 1:1 in 
fpc, and it certainly won't be better in future. It would be much better to 
define a last almost supported Delphi version and then go an own way.
Fpc (and Lazarus even more) shouldn't be reduced to make any Delphi(!) 
project crossplatform - and doing the difficult (not to say dirty) work for 
Embarcadero to make a Windows-oriented design work on many platforms - it 
should be an independant implementation of ObjectPascal (and not Delphi!), in 
the optimal case being compatible to Delphi, as long as its possible and makes 

With the above suggestion, it would be even possible to make an own Delphi 
compatible string type for Delphi mode.
- And, if the Delphi design really is superior to any other - then lets use it 
(unfortunately its not).

Uff, a long post, hopefully at least a little helpful - and constructive.
Certainly many wait for the final decision (including me) - let's hope it will 
come in near future... :D


Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
  Users can define the internal type with e.g. {$STRING UTF8} for their
  *whole* project.
 Should that (*whole* project) include also the 3rd party units (with
 available sourcecode)?

Yes, that's the idea...
... the only problem is, that many still use old style hacking, this of 
course does only work with {$STRING ANSI} to stay in my example.

and uses a general string unit (e.g. Sysutils).
should be (e.g. strutils) :)
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
thanks for the quick reply.

So the direction seems to be quite clear...
... unfortunately this seemingly wasn't communicated clearly enough to the 

Because of the requirement for backwards compatibility with FPC itself, 
we'll make 2 RTLs: one backwards compatible, one with the new unicode string.
Do you mean really seperated sources or a comiler switch?

What's the problem to use the new RTL with Ansistring? I can't see a 
problem, if it doesn't use direct string access...
... of course you have to compile it accordingly..

so you can choose which string type you need per unit
Can a project wide choice override this for *any* unit (3rd party) or will 
there be conversion going on between the different units?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
thx, got it...

 There will always be conversion if
 1) a unit specifies a string type by itself.
 2) the unit comes in compiled form.

One more question:
If a particular unit (maybe 3rd party) does not define its string type, what 
string type is used:
(a) the type defined in project,
(b) a fpc default type?

In other words, can I force *all* sources in my project to use the same string 
type, provided that I know, they don't do direct access?

The wiki says [], that
- shortstring
- ansistring
- widestring
- utf8string
- utf16string
- utf32string
- ucs2string (?)
- ucs4string (?)
may be supported.

So in future I will be able to define any of these for my source (and switch 
between them), without changing code?
Any function with string as param will be automatically overloaded for all 
supported string types?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Strings - suggestions

2012-12-22 Thread dev . dliw
that's great news...

Thanks for the effort to clarify,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Documentation

2012-12-17 Thread dev . dliw
as the question whether inline or external source docs are the way to go 
(again?) came up, here are my thoughts (currently searching for the best 
solution :) ):

I personally prefer external docs (and thus started to use fpdoc);
reasons are uncluttered source, less scrolling and (if you strictly limit 
oneself to 80 chars per line) readability on small screens (mobile).
At the same time, I use short single (!) line comments to functions, very much 
the way pasdoc would use them.

For sources in an early state (moving code around etc.) external documentation 
is really annoying, for the detailed documentation of mature source inline 
docs are simply unsuitable IMHO.

Therefore I would really like to see a feature that combines both approaches,
small inline comments, e.g. for IDE tooltips and overview documentation 
together with the possibility to have more detailed infos in external files.

Don't get me wrong, that's not an complaint...
... I don't how much work it would be to extend fpdoc, but I really would like 
to contribute if I knew where to start [and had some more time...] :)

Btw. I really like the lazarus fpdoc GUI...

Just my 2 cents,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Automatically exporting C++ API using SWIG??

2012-11-02 Thread dev . dliw
Hm, this really doesnt look good.. :(

I did run make maintainer-clean before packing - and hoped this would remove 
all this autogenerated stuff - apparently this wasn't the case [although the 
size of the whole thing went down from ~16MB to ~4MB].

Maybe there is a even stricter make ...-clean, does anybody know?

If I find time, I will do this again on trunk and make a proper patch, but I 
cannot promise and it certainly won't be very soon; if so, I will report it 
here, anyway.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Automatically exporting C++ API using SWIG??

2012-10-31 Thread dev . dliw
here it is:

Unfortunately I made the mistake and did the work on a non version controlled 
folder - therefore it is whole swig and not just a patch :(

Feel free to move the file to any other - possibly more central - place and 
hopefully there will be a working version in swig trunk someday.


fpc-pascal maillist  -