Cross-reference oddity in FM 9

2012-02-21 Thread Rene Stephenson

I'm sorry, yes, I did miss that the angle had to be part of the font family 
name (mea culpa),? so I 
wasn't getting the fix right. 

You wrote:

> Rebecca's clarification is correct -- you need a font where the italic 
> variation is part of the font identity/name itself (i.e. Italic/Oblique 
> appears in the Family field in the Character Designer).

Schlomo, I'm sorry, I hope you can be patient as I am truly trying to follow 
your lead. I'm attaching an updated Sample.FM.? I created a new char tag for 
this situation called Italic Single, using the font family Eras Medium ITC, 
since that's the most similar obliqued font family to Arial Narrow (Italic) 
that? I have 
installed on this PC. (I don't have Univers fonts, and all the other obliqued 
or italic fonts that show in Windows > Fonts show as the standard family name 
in FM so that it would require italic as an angle setting within the Character 
Designer.) Doing this does work as you described, but the regular angle of Eras 
Medium ITC isn't quite enough of an angle to be distinguishable when applied to 
an "i" beside R900. 

However, since Swis721 Cn BT font family is more similar to Arial Narrow and 
also isn't used elsewhere, I could edit the maker.ini as you mentioned without 
causing difficult-to-manage ripple-effects. 
Previously you said:
> If you don't have such a similar font in your current font list, you can 
> instruct FrameMaker to treat the Italic variation of Arial Narrow as a 
> distinct font name through the maker.ini file (but then Italic will not be 
> displayed as an available angle for Arial Narrow in the Character or 
> Paragraph Designer, you will have to choose a different font -- Arial 
> Narrow Italic -- to get the Italic).

Would this be the correct change to make in the maker.ini?
Under [WindowsToFrameFontAliases]
Swis721 Cn BT, Italic, *=Swis721 Cn BT, Oblique, *, Regular

> Notice that in the context of generated files, <$paratext> retains all 
> character formatting if they are the result of a character tag (untagged 
> font properties are not retained) -- so your Product Name variable will be 
> displayed properly in the TOC without any change to its current definition.

I had noticed that, which is why I figured I must have done something wrong in 
my cross-reference definition. I didn't understand what looked to me like 
inconsistency in treatment of the same building block.

Thanks in advance for your guidance. 

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Re: Getting graphics out of a file

2012-02-20 Thread Rene Stephenson

A few years ago, I had a plug-in that does what you're needing. It would go 
through an entire FM file and extract all the graphics into a folder and 
replace them with linked graphics. The last time I used it was in FM 7.2, 
though, and I am having a hard time finding it again. I have gone through most 
of my bookmarks for FM plug-ins, and lots of the links are broken now; and some 
of the sites no longer offer English options. 

I'll keep digging, but maybe someone else on the list knows what that plug-in 
was and whether it's still available. If it was a Bruce Foster plug-in, it's no 
longer available since his unfortunate death.
Rene L. StephensonLynn Gold worte: I'd like to be
able to extract these graphics and have them as referenced files.  Is
there an easy way to do this (preferably all at once)? ___

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Cross-reference oddity in FM 9

2012-02-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

I am having some trouble getting character formatting to read through in a 
cross-reference. The challenge is that the character formatting is part of the 
trademarked product name, so we do need the single letter i at the end of the 
product name to always appear in italics. I have it working fine in the 
variable for the product name, but the one thing I can't seem to figure out is 
why it only shows default paragraph font for the x-ref, unless I include a char 
format tag in the x-ref definition...which then applies the char tag to the 
whole building block...but the single italic i is just one character within the 
building block.

Is there something that I am missing, or is this impossible to do in the way 
I'm attempting? I have attached a sample file stripped of all but the relevant 
formats involved with this issue, if someone could please take a look and tell 
me what I'm doing wrong.


Rene L. Stephenson
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Cross-reference oddity in FM 9

2012-02-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi Schlomo, 

Thanks for responding:? 
> However, in the context of cross-references, <$paratext> ignores all 
> character formatting present in the extracted paragraph text, except 
> superscript, subscript and font family properties - which are retained only 
> if implemented through a character tag.
> To preserve a property such as italic (or bold), you need to have a 
> different font name for the required variation (even though visually it is 
> the identical font); alternatively, use a different font. For example, I 
> have "Univers-Condensed Oblique" in my font list; text tagged with a 
> character format using this font preserves its italic property when it is 
> cross-referenced. Some font families are installed this way by default.

Schlomo, I think I'm missing something or doing it wrong. I'm attaching an 
updated Sample.FM.? I changed the font family for Italic char tag to 
HelveticaNeueLT Std Cn, since that's the most similar font to Arial Narrow 
that? I have installed on this PC. It shows fine in the variable definition, 
but when the variable is used in the heading, and then the heading text is 
xref'd via <$paratext>, it is still not picking up the angle. I don't 
understand why it works for you, but I'm not getting the desired result. Is it 
a bug in my FM file or something?

{Aside: It seems to me that either Adobe might want to consider adding another 
building block that does include the character formats applied to text for 
cross-references, so that writers have the choice of which standard to follow; 
or perhaps this is a limitation that doesn't exist in FM 10?}

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Getting graphics out of a file

2012-02-20 Thread Rene Stephenson

A few years ago, I had a plug-in that does what you're needing. It would go 
through an entire FM file and extract all the graphics into a folder and 
replace them with linked graphics. The last time I used it was in FM 7.2, 
though, and I am having a hard time finding it again. I have gone through most 
of my bookmarks for FM plug-ins, and lots of the links are broken now; and some 
of the sites no longer offer English options. 

I'll keep digging, but maybe someone else on the list knows what that plug-in 
was and whether it's still available. If it was a Bruce Foster plug-in, it's no 
longer available since his unfortunate death.
Rene L. StephensonLynn Gold worte: I'd like to be
able to extract these graphics and have them as referenced files. ?Is
there an easy way to do this (preferably all at once)? 
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Re: Anchored Frame/Pagination bug?

2012-01-10 Thread Rene Stephenson

You might check the paragraph format of whatever precedes the Figure Title 
paragraph. If it has Keep with Next turned on, then it may prevent the Figure 
Title from rolling with the page break.


 Lynn Gold wrote:
...When the Anchored Frame is larger than
the amount of space left on the page, instead of putting the frame below
the text on the next page, FM 10 puts the Figure Title on one page and
the Anchored Frame on the next page. 

Using Keep with next paragraph
on the Figure Title paragraph has no effect...___

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Non-responsive paragraph formats in FM9

2012-01-10 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

I have recently inherited a new library of FM docs. All of the docs were 
leveraged out of legacy FM files, meaning that many of the original projects 
were created way back in FM 5 and just got updated to whatever the current FM 
version was at the time that the product line changes necessitated a doc 
update. I am attempting to establish some basic unstructured FM discipline and 
create some templates along the way, so that I can move toward some basic 
unstructured single-sourcing (as a first step toward a goal of XML/DITA). Most 
of this is just the typical clean-up stuff, but there are two paragraph format 
issues that have me stumped:

1.??? Table footnotes: Is there some FM bug that is triggered by using a format 
name other than "TableFootnote" for the paragraph format for table footnotes?? 
The files have two paragraph formats for table footnotes: "tbl footnote" and 
"TableFootnote" ? with "TableFootnote" being the paragraph format listed in the 
Footnote Properties window for Table Footnotes. If I change that setting to 
point to "tbl footnote" the footnotes jump to superscript position, even though 
the Footnote Properties for Table Footnotes is still set to baseline position. 
Even if I delete the "tbl footnote" paragraph format, save the file, then 
rename "TableFootnote" as "tbl footnote" to create a new paragraph format for 
"tbl footnote" it still has the same problem. The footnotes below the tables 
only show the correct baseline position when "TableFootnote" is the paragraph 

2.??? Widow/orphan controls: In the generated files (TOC, LOT, LOF, IX/IOM, 
etc.) in my books I am finding that the *TOC, *LOT, *LOF, *IX, *IOM, etc., 
paragraph format settings for widow/orphan of 2 lines or 3 lines aren't 
working. Is it because FM ignores this setting for active paragraph formats 
used in generated files? Should I just do some crude manipulations via keep 
with previous/next? Am I missing some setting? Or is this why the TOC Breaker 
plugin was developed...? I'm attaching sample files of these as well.

I do have FrameScript (v5, I think?), Rick Quatro's TableCleaner plugin and 
several of his scripts including FindChangeFormatsBatch, Systec's Toolbox (free 
version), some of the CudSpan doc Tools, many of Silicon Prairie's Tools, [itl] 
scripts, several of Bruce Foster's and Karsten Natebus's plugins... These tools 
make FM so much more usable! So, if there is something that could leverage any 
of these tools (or some other plugin, just name it) to solve these riddles, 
please let me know. 


Rene L. Stephenson
eNovative Solutions Email: rinnie1 at
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Anchored Frame/Pagination bug?

2012-01-10 Thread Rene Stephenson

You might check the paragraph format of whatever precedes the Figure Title 
paragraph. If it has "Keep with Next" turned on, then it may prevent the Figure 
Title from rolling with the page break.


 Lynn Gold  wrote:
<...>When the Anchored Frame is larger than
the amount of space left on the page, instead of putting the frame below
the text on the next page, FM 10 puts the Figure Title on one page and
the Anchored Frame on the next page. 

Using "Keep with next paragraph"
on the Figure Title paragraph has no effect<...>
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Structured FM, DITA, and DOCX

2011-11-14 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

I have a new work situation that's pretty mixed. Very active product lines, 
selling millions of each product annually, tight deadlines with a solid 
customer base. They have distributed writing efforts where a lot of engineers 
do the writing and therefore Word is strongly entrenched. But, the marketing 
side is all for the FM/PDF workflow, especially since their user doc is either 
online (via RH) or printed materials (PDF preferred by their print company). 
So, the marketing writer and I have been using Adobe TCS (RH, unstructured FM, 
PDF review cycles) to meet the needs. However, the challenge that I now have is 
finding a way to create system-level documentation that can use the Word 
2007/2010 DOCX files as a source so that Engineering can keep it dynamic, 
fluid, and accurate, without going through some crazy conversion process to get 
it into FM.

I read the article at Adobe recently about how incrementally moving into a DITA 
workflow via using Structured FM is the only practical way to mix structured 
and unstructured files. Made sense to me. Someone else had mentioned that DOCX 
can be manipulated via XLST and DITA... so it seems maybe there's a way to get 
things going...??  Is there a plug-in for FM or some program that works with 
FM, or do I already have a solution in the TCS arsenal that I just don't know 
about yet?

Any direction that you could give me would really be appreciated!

Thanks in advance,
Rene Stephenson

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PowerPoint to Frame

2011-06-14 Thread Rene Stephenson
I agree with David about save-as-html ? that?s the route I?ve taken many times 
in similar situations, and it has proven a pretty efficient way to extract the 
graphics into something FM can use as a referenced graphic.

However, I?d like to add a bit about the graphics? Due to the way that 
Microsoft Office products handle graphics, it is best to attempt to get the 
graphics back to their original resolution before doing the save-as-html. To do 
this, you can use the Find feature in PPT (or Word when you have a DOC file), 
searching for any graphic. When Find locates a graphic, from the picture tool 
bar, choose the Reset Graphic button (looks like a curved   

arrow pointing at a picture), and then 
click the graphic. If the graphic was larger or higher resolution than what is 
presently displayed in the PPT/DOC file, it will enlarge to its original state 
at import. This will look messy, but just bear with the process. When you 
finish finding and resetting all the graphics, THEN do the save-as-html trick. 
The resulting graphics file will populate with a bunch of image* files.

One final alternative in this procedure: If you don?t want to go with another 
product, you can then open the HTML file you just created in Word, select all, 
copy, and then in FM paste as plain text into a body-style paragraph. Apply 
your headings as needed, insert the image* files, and Bob?s your uncle!

BTW: the ImpGraph plug-in is a great way to preconfigure your graphics import 
settings in FM.  ;-)



From: framers-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of David Spreadbury
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 7:53 PM
To: framers at; GillianFlato
Subject: Re: PowerPoint to Frame

One way would involve saving your powerpoint as html and then converting the 
html to text. There is a freeware utility called htmlastext 
( that I have used to strip the html 
code, resulting in a text file. The saveas html should create a separate folder 
of the graphic elements in your powerpoint.

Paste the text portions into your Frame paratags/elements, importing the 
graphics as needed. This should leave you with what you are looking for.

--- On Mon, 6/13/11, Flato, Gillian  wrote:

From: Flato, Gillian 
Subject: PowerPoint to Frame
To: "framers at" 
Date: Monday, June 13, 2011, 6:16 PM

I?ve got about 25 power point presentations of various sizes from which I have 
to create a manual. Does anyone know an easy and effective way to go from PPT 
to FM?

Thank you,

Gillian Flato

Senior Technical Writer (Software)


1550 Buckeye Dr. 

Milpitas, CA. 95035


7  408.232.5911

* gflato at

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RE: PowerPoint to Frame

2011-06-13 Thread Rene Stephenson
I agree with David about save-as-html – that’s the route I’ve taken many times 
in similar situations, and it has proven a pretty efficient way to extract the 
graphics into something FM can use as a referenced graphic.


However, I’d like to add a bit about the graphics… Due to the way that 
Microsoft Office products handle graphics, it is best to attempt to get the 
graphics back to their original resolution before doing the save-as-html. To do 
this, you can use the Find feature in PPT (or Word when you have a DOC file), 
searching for any graphic. When Find locates a graphic, from the picture tool 
bar, choose the Reset Graphic button (looks like a curved   

arrow pointing at a picture), and then 
click the graphic. If the graphic was larger or higher resolution than what is 
presently displayed in the PPT/DOC file, it will enlarge to its original state 
at import. This will look messy, but just bear with the process. When you 
finish finding and resetting all the graphics, THEN do the save-as-html trick. 
The resulting graphics file will populate with a bunch of image* files.


One final alternative in this procedure: If you don’t want to go with another 
product, you can then open the HTML file you just created in Word, select all, 
copy, and then in FM paste as plain text into a body-style paragraph. Apply 
your headings as needed, insert the image* files, and Bob’s your uncle!


BTW: the ImpGraph plug-in is a great way to preconfigure your graphics import 
settings in FM.  ;-)





[] On Behalf Of David Spreadbury
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 7:53 PM
To:; GillianFlato
Subject: Re: PowerPoint to Frame


One way would involve saving your powerpoint as html and then converting the 
html to text. There is a freeware utility called htmlastext 
( that I have used to strip the html 
code, resulting in a text file. The saveas html should create a separate folder 
of the graphic elements in your powerpoint.

Paste the text portions into your Frame paratags/elements, importing the 
graphics as needed. This should leave you with what you are looking for.

--- On Mon, 6/13/11, Flato, Gillian wrote:

From: Flato, Gillian
Subject: PowerPoint to Frame
Date: Monday, June 13, 2011, 6:16 PM

I’ve got about 25 power point presentations of various sizes from which I have 
to create a manual. Does anyone know an easy and effective way to go from PPT 
to FM?



Thank you,



Gillian Flato

Senior Technical Writer (Software)


1550 Buckeye Dr. 

Milpitas, CA. 95035


7  408.232.5911



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Frame on the Mac

2010-07-27 Thread rene stephenson
I use FM9 in an XP virtual machine (VMWare Fusion) on my MacBook Pro 
OS10.6. I run it in unity mode so that I can enjoy the Mac for so many 
things, but I can't do without FM for publishing my longer docs, 
especially those with overlapping content.

Rene Stephenson

On 7/24/10 11:52 AM, Whites wrote:
> Not the case. I use Frame 7 on a PC and a Mac for personal stuff. {...}
> On Jul 24, 2010, at 6:50 AM, Dr Rick Smith wrote:
>> In any case, let me ask how others are running PC versions of Frame on the 
>> Mac. For a while I wondered why so many people still use Frame 7, but I 
>> assume it's because lots of people still run it on a Mac.

Re: Frame on the Mac

2010-07-26 Thread rene stephenson
I use FM9 in an XP virtual machine (VMWare Fusion) on my MacBook Pro 
OS10.6. I run it in unity mode so that I can enjoy the Mac for so many 
things, but I can't do without FM for publishing my longer docs, 
especially those with overlapping content.

Rene Stephenson

On 7/24/10 11:52 AM, Whites wrote:

Not the case. I use Frame 7 on a PC and a Mac for personal stuff. {...}

On Jul 24, 2010, at 6:50 AM, Dr Rick Smith wrote:

In any case, let me ask how others are running PC versions of Frame on the Mac. 
For a while I wondered why so many people still use Frame 7, but I assume it's 
because lots of people still run it on a Mac.



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2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

We have a client who requires training materials to be SCORM 
compliant/conformant. I know there's software out there that can be bought to 
do this... however... we have ton of extant material in FM9 that's all 
single-sourced (in a disciplined, unstructured way), and we have TCS2, so I'm 
hoping there's a way to use the tools and content we have, to minimize rework 
and duplication of content (back to that single-sourcing concept). I searched 
the archives and for SCORM, came up empty handed here and a ton of 
completely irrelevant results at

I sure would appreciate some shared insight/experience. If you know of 
articles, etc., about using TCS2 to develop SCORM-compliant materials, that 
would be great, too.


Rene L. Stephenson


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Re: Customizing page numbering

2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson
Adam, logically if there's a 10 page document and the n / (n+1) formula were 
implemented, page 2 would say 2 / 3 ... page 3 would say 3 / 4 ... page 8 
would say 8 / 9 ...up to page 10, which would say 10 / 11 Is what you 
intend? I find that confusing. Or are you wanting page number of a total count 
of pages within a chapter, in which case the aforementioned 10 pager would be 
marked 2 /10...3 / 10... 8 / 10... 10 / 10...?


- Original Message 
From: Adam Schweitzer

We have some documents which need to have pages numbered in the
following way:
n / (n + 1)
where n is the page number.  (IE. on page 33, it needs to say 33/34).



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2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks I had read that article, but was having trouble figuring out whether RH 
was a good tool for the job. I haven't used RH since version X3 (last help 
systems I did were in WebWorks), and we only got TCS2 this quarter.

If this is going into a client's LMS, I would need to get the client to send me 
the LMS communications script, right? (Bear with me...) I'm thinking if we have 
our own LMS but it differs from the client's LMS, I'd need to make sure what I 
deliver to them is customized for their LMS...

- Original Message 
From: Bill Swallow

This should help you get started.

You can create a new project in RoboHelp to export content into the
required folder structure and group content into SCOs. You can add
reference to the js file to your output page templates in RoboHelp.
Then use title page templates for each SCO that contain the LMS
communications script you need in order for the LMS to recognize the
SCO. Finally, create the manifest for your SCORM package and zip it
all up.


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2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson
Bill, thanks for clarifying about the LMS and API.

(WebHelp isn't an option for us anymore, because the version we had doesn't 
work with anything higher than FM7.2; so when we chose TCS2, we did so with the 
understanding that WebHelp would be abandoned. The transition happened between 
product line life cycles, so it's a clean break.)

From an overall view of the library, if the content is sourced in FM at the 
chapter-per-file level, using text insets, variables, and conditional text for 
single-sourcing, is this going to cause problems vis-a-vis going through RH to 
get to SCO-conformant HTML? Would we be able to use frames in the HTML help 
and have the script referenced in the metadata of the mainframe? or is that 
something that has to be in the actual code of every single HTML file in the 


- Original Message 
From: Bill Swallow

You can certainly try
WebHelp but you will need to do a lot more work to get the output to
conform to the required folder structure.

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2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson

I think I should be setting it up from the Blank template so that I can use the 
HTML Help output from RH...and skip the idea of framesets and RH WebHelp for 
now. If I can get it working in simplified form, I can always add complexity 
later as part of continuous improvement processes. ;-)

When you say defining the first and end pages, could that be as 
straight-forward as the file name for the end page being called end_page.html? 
Or does it have to be in the text, the metadata, or pseudocode?


- Original Message 
From: Bill Swallow

As long as every HTML file contains the javascript reference and each
lesson (SCO) has a unique frameset, you're fine. Again, the more
complex you want your output to be, the more complex the need to
customize your Help project.

I did forget to mention that you also need to define the end page for
each SCO, like you do for the first page of each SCO. I've never used
framesets when creating SCORM courses, so I'm not sure how that would
exactly work, unless you have a progression like (pseudocode):

first SCO file/
   course files/
last sco file/



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Slightly OT: optimal PC for TCS2 / CS3 use

2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

We have PCs that at first blush look quite adequate to meet the system 
requirements spec'd by Adobe for TCS2: P4 (single core) 3.2GHz w/ 3GB RAM 
running WinXP. reality, dealing with TCS2 and docs that are 
hundreds of pages long and chock full of graphics, there is significant wait 
time even just to page-down through the file, generate the book, make a PDF, 
etc... and there are frequent crashes and lock-ups. I think the minimal specs 
usually are intended for the most basic ability to run the given program at 
all. However, I don't find anywhere any recommendations for optimal 
performance. Does anyone have any...?



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2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

We have a client who requires training materials to be SCORM 
compliant/conformant. I know there's software out there that can be bought to 
do this... however... we have ton of extant material in FM9 that's all 
single-sourced (in a disciplined, unstructured way), and we have TCS2, so I'm 
hoping there's a way to use the tools and content we have, to minimize rework 
and duplication of content (back to that single-sourcing concept). I searched 
the archives and for SCORM, came up empty handed here and a ton of 
completely irrelevant results at

I sure would appreciate some shared insight/experience. If you know of 
articles, etc., about using TCS2 to develop SCORM-compliant materials, that 
would be great, too.


Rene L. Stephenson

Customizing page numbering

2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson
Adam, logically if there's a 10 page document and the "n / (n+1)" formula were 
implemented, page 2 would say "2 / 3" ... page 3 would say "3 / 4" ... page 8 
would say "8 / 9" ...up to page 10, which would say "10 / 11" Is what you 
intend? I find that confusing. Or are you wanting page number of a total count 
of pages within a chapter, in which case the aforementioned 10 pager would be 
marked "2 /10"..."3 / 10"... "8 / 10"... "10 / 10"...?


- Original Message 
From: Adam Schweitzer 

We have some documents which need to have pages numbered in the
following way:
n / (n + 1)
where n is the page number.  (IE. on page 33, it needs to say 33/34).



2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks I had read that article, but was having trouble figuring out whether RH 
was a good tool for the job. I haven't used RH since version X3 (last help 
systems I did were in WebWorks), and we only got TCS2 this quarter.

If this is going into a client's LMS, I would need to get the client to send me 
the LMS communications script, right? (Bear with me...) I'm thinking if we have 
our own LMS but it differs from the client's LMS, I'd need to make sure what I 
deliver to them is customized for their LMS...

- Original Message 
From: Bill Swallow 

This should help you get started.

You can create a new project in RoboHelp to export content into the
required folder structure and group content into SCOs. You can add
reference to the js file to your output page templates in RoboHelp.
Then use title page templates for each SCO that contain the LMS
communications script you need in order for the LMS to recognize the
SCO. Finally, create the manifest for your SCORM package and zip it
all up.


2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson
Bill, thanks for clarifying about the LMS and API.

(WebHelp isn't an option for us anymore, because the version we had doesn't 
work with anything higher than FM7.2; so when we chose TCS2, we did so with the 
understanding that WebHelp would be abandoned. The transition happened between 
product line life cycles, so it's a clean break.)

>From an overall view of the library, if the content is sourced in FM at the 
>chapter-per-file level, using text insets, variables, and conditional text for 
>single-sourcing, is this going to cause problems vis-a-vis going through RH to 
>get to SCO-conformant HTML? Would we be able to use frames in the HTML help 
>and have the script referenced in the metadata of the mainframe? or is that 
>something that has to be in the actual code of every single HTML file in the 


- Original Message 
From: Bill Swallow 

You can certainly try
WebHelp but you will need to do a lot more work to get the output to
conform to the required folder structure.


2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson

I think I should be setting it up from the Blank template so that I can use the 
HTML Help output from RH...and skip the idea of framesets and RH WebHelp for 
now. If I can get it working in simplified form, I can always add complexity 
later as part of continuous improvement processes. ;-)

When you say defining the first and end pages, could that be as 
straight-forward as the file name for the end page being called end_page.html? 
Or does it have to be in the text, the metadata, or pseudocode?


- Original Message 
From: Bill Swallow 

As long as every HTML file contains the javascript reference and each
lesson (SCO) has a unique frameset, you're fine. Again, the more
complex you want your output to be, the more complex the need to
customize your Help project.

I did forget to mention that you also need to define the end page for
each SCO, like you do for the first page of each SCO. I've never used
framesets when creating SCORM courses, so I'm not sure how that would
exactly work, unless you have a progression like (pseudocode):



Slightly OT: optimal PC for TCS2 / CS3 use

2010-03-04 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

We have PCs that at first blush look quite adequate to meet the system 
requirements spec'd by Adobe for TCS2: P4 (single core) 3.2GHz w/ 3GB RAM 
running WinXP. reality, dealing with TCS2 and docs that are 
hundreds of pages long and chock full of graphics, there is significant wait 
time even just to page-down through the file, generate the book, make a PDF, 
etc... and there are frequent crashes and lock-ups. I think the minimal specs 
usually are intended for the most basic ability to run the given program at 
all. However, I don't find anywhere any recommendations for optimal 
performance. Does anyone have any...?


PDF setup for LOF links

2008-08-28 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks, Baruch!

Is there some reason why placing the G: series below the anchored frame
would prevent the PDF from displaying with the G: series below the
graphic in the uppermost position, rather than the anchored frame
contents showing in the desirable location...? Or should this G: series
occur as the format for the paragraph where the graphic is inserted? Thinking 
this through...

Since we use the same paragraph format for inserting tables as for anchored 
frames, I think we'd need to include a test to loop through and find the Spacer 
paragraphs, verify anchored frame insertion is present, convert that instance 
to G: series paragraph.

Then, to make sure the script could run before each PDF option, we'd need to 
have the script loop through the document and every time is finds a
series F: figure heading have it [verify G: series is an empty paragraph and if 
it is then] select and copy the text, then drop in
a series G: paragraph below the anchored frame, and paste the series F:
text into it.

Then, use the series G: format to generate your
LOF. Thus, LOF will be identical to what you would have if you
generated an LOF based on series F:, but the links will now all go to
the series G: format which is directly under each of the graphics.

Apparently there are two schools of thought in addressing this issue: either 
make the title precede the figure, or find a way to make PDF read some point 
preceding the figure.

Someone else mentioned Schlomo's TimeSavers as a possible solution? Anyone more 
familiar with TimeSavers, I checked the MicroType website, and it does look 
like a demo of the solution. But is it a one-time deal, or does it work on an 
ongoing basis, or is it something run at production time? 

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 

From: Baruch Brodersen 


A script is the way to go.

Here's what I would test.

Create two almost identical Figure title formats. In the Autonumbering tab set 
it up something like this:

F:Figure\t<$chapnum>. ---or whatever your current format is

Make the G: series Invisible, 2pt., 0 pt. above, and 0 pt. below.

Now, have your script loop through the document and every time is finds a 
series F: figure heading have it select and copy the text, then drop in a 
series G: paragraph below the anchored frame, and paste the series F: text into 

Then, use the series G: format to generate your LOF. Thus, LOF will be 
identical to what you would have if you generated an LOF based on series F:, 
but the links will now all go to the series G: format which is directly under 
each of the graphics.

Baruch Brodersen
Technitext Documentation 

Re: PDF setup for LOF links

2008-08-27 Thread Rene Stephenson
Sorry, all...I switched to digest version and somehow things were getting 
sucked into the spam folder... 

The figures presently are inserted in an anchor paragraph format, but it's the 
same format used for inserting tables. The figures are in an anchored frame 
(At Insertion Point) with an autonumbered figure title format immediately 
following the figure.

It looks to me like the choices I'm hearing amount to:
A. Precede the figure with the title.
B. Do a whole lot of extra stuff to compensate for the fact that the LOF links 
to the figure title paragraph that follows the figure to try to get it to show 
desirably/sensibly in PDF. We only have 1.5 writers, and there are about 4300 
pages in the library that we'd have to go through searching manually on all the 
figures and doing this manual work == lots of time == lots of money == hard 
C. Change output format...and they won't go for anything that isn't electronic 
delivery, but the users usually print the electronic stuff to carry out to a 
site, so that's why they went with PDF.

Would it be possible to embed some kind of scripting or macro in the anchor 
paragraph format that would check if the following paragraph format is Figure 
Title, and if it is, insert a cross-reference of specified format reading the 
contents of said Figure Title paragraph?

(Good tip on the invisible color definition...I was wondering how to get around 
the white copyable text.)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Lester C. Smalley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rene, you don't say how you have the figures inserted in the document,
but if you already use an anchor format then Art's answer may be the
best solution if your figure titles are autonumbered  But instead of
setting the anchor paragraph to white, I would set it to a color defined
as invisible (see View  Color Views) to ensure it does not print.
White text may still be seen/selected in the PDF, and I doubt you want

If the titles are not autonumbered (which I certainly do not recommend),
then I would just use the existing Figure Title paragraph and include a
few soft returns.  Place the image below the first line of the paragraph
(otherwise empty save the soft return), and enter the title as you
currently do after the image.  When you generate the LOF, you will just
need to delete the soft returns from the extracted text, which can
easily be automated even through FM's find tool - just be sure to leave
the hypertext marker!

On Tuesday, August 26, 2008 21:31, Art Campbell wrote:

| I always use an Anchor tag of some kind to hold the figure's anchored
| frame and have the properties set to Below the Current Line (of the
| Anchor tag).  The Anchor tag usually doesn't have any text.
| To solve your problem, you could either set the Anchor tag up with
| text that mirrors the Figure Title text, or maybe cross-refs to it.
| Or, probably better, set the Figure Title to cross-ref to the Anchor
| text string. Set the Anchor font to white, so it doesn't show.
| Don't make any changes to your Figure Titles.
| Then create your LOF using the Anchor tags as your targets instead of
| the Figure Titles.
| Art


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PDF setup for LOF links

2008-08-27 Thread Rene Stephenson
Sorry, all...I switched to digest version and somehow things were getting 
sucked into the spam folder... 

The figures presently are inserted in an anchor paragraph format, but it's the 
same format used for inserting tables. The figures are in an anchored frame 
("At Insertion Point") with an autonumbered figure title format immediately 
following the figure.

It looks to me like the choices I'm hearing amount to:
A. Precede the figure with the title.
B. Do a whole lot of extra stuff to compensate for the fact that the LOF links 
to the figure title paragraph that follows the figure to try to get it to show 
desirably/sensibly in PDF. We only have 1.5 writers, and there are about 4300 
pages in the library that we'd have to go through searching manually on all the 
figures and doing this manual work == lots of time == lots of money == hard 
C. Change output format...and they won't go for anything that isn't electronic 
delivery, but the users usually print the electronic stuff to carry out to a 
site, so that's why they went with PDF.

Would it be possible to embed some kind of scripting or macro in the anchor 
paragraph format that would check if the following paragraph format is Figure 
Title, and if it is, insert a cross-reference of specified format reading the 
contents of said Figure Title paragraph?

(Good tip on the invisible color definition...I was wondering how to get around 
the white copyable text.)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Lester C. Smalley 

Rene, you don't say how you have the figures inserted in the document,
but if you already use an "anchor" format then Art's answer may be the
best solution if your figure titles are autonumbered  But instead of
setting the anchor paragraph to white, I would set it to a color defined
as invisible (see View > Color Views) to ensure it does not print.
White text may still be seen/selected in the PDF, and I doubt you want

If the titles are not autonumbered (which I certainly do not recommend),
then I would just use the existing Figure Title paragraph and include a
few soft returns.  Place the image below the first line of the paragraph
(otherwise empty save the soft return), and enter the title as you
currently do after the image.  When you generate the LOF, you will just
need to delete the soft returns from the extracted text, which can
easily be automated even through FM's find tool - just be sure to leave
the hypertext marker!

On Tuesday, August 26, 2008 21:31, Art Campbell wrote:

| I always use an Anchor tag of some kind to hold the figure's anchored
| frame and have the properties set to Below the Current Line (of the
| Anchor tag).  The Anchor tag usually doesn't have any text.
| To solve your problem, you could either set the Anchor tag up with
| text that mirrors the Figure Title text, or maybe cross-refs to it.
| Or, probably better, set the Figure Title to cross-ref to the Anchor
| text string. Set the Anchor font to white, so it doesn't show.
| Don't make any changes to your Figure Titles.
| Then create your LOF using the Anchor tags as your targets instead of
| the Figure Titles.
| Art

PDF setup for LOF links

2008-08-26 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

I'm using FM 7.2 (unstructured) with Acrobat 7.0 on WinXP SP-2.

Our process is: FM generates the LOF from the Figure Title paragraph formats, 
and then we print the book to PS with Adobe PDF printer instance, which we 
double-click to distill to PDF. 

In the resulting PDF, whenever you click a link in the LOF, the PDF page 
displays with the Figure Title at the top of the window. Great...except that 
our captions follow the the figure title shows, but the figure 
itself requires scrolling back up the page to see.  I had proposed the 
(potentially offensive to some tech writers) alternative of the caption leading 
the figure rather than following it, but that solution was refused by the 
client, for various reasons. (Bummer...that could have been a quick scripted 

I don't think Acrobat can distinguish between paragraph formats, and I don't 
think it considers a graphic that has callouts as a single entity but rather as 
a composite of graphics and text—and this is as it should be for most and 
advanced applications, such as when we link between callouts and content 
relevant to the callout—so I can't think of a way to tell Acrobat to 'go to 
the point preceding the paragraph of the link pointer. (Does that even make 

I tried fiddling with the anchored frame by placing it in the Figure Title, but 
I couldn't come up with a way to get it to insert in the paragraph and display 
above the insertion point. 

What am I missing?


Rene L. Stephenson

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PDF setup for LOF links

2008-08-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

I'm using FM 7.2 (unstructured) with Acrobat 7.0 on WinXP SP-2.

Our process is: FM generates the LOF from the Figure Title paragraph formats, 
and then we print the book to PS with Adobe PDF printer instance, which we 
double-click to distill to PDF. 

In the resulting PDF, whenever you click a link in the LOF, the PDF page 
displays with the Figure Title at the top of the window. Great...except that 
our captions follow the the figure title shows, but the figure 
itself requires scrolling back up the page to see.  I had proposed the 
(potentially offensive to some tech writers) alternative of the caption leading 
the figure rather than following it, but that solution was refused by the 
client, for various reasons. (Bummer...that could have been a quick scripted 

I don't think Acrobat can distinguish between paragraph formats, and I don't 
think it considers a graphic that has callouts as a single entity but rather as 
a composite of graphics and text?and this is as it should be for most and 
advanced applications, such as when we link between callouts and content 
relevant to the callout?so I can't think of a way to tell Acrobat to 'go to" 
the point preceding the paragraph of the link pointer. (Does that even make 

I tried fiddling with the anchored frame by placing it in the Figure Title, but 
I couldn't come up with a way to get it to insert in the paragraph and display 
above the insertion point. 

What am I missing?


Rene L. Stephenson

Re: table heading on reference page

2008-07-24 Thread Rene Stephenson
Another to try is AutoText from Silicon Prairie 

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Reng, Dr. Winfried [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I believe that there is a plug-in that copies a paragraph
(with anchored frames/tables) from the reference page.
Try out Reficons from Cudspan whether it does what you want:

Best regards


 | Hi All,
 | I need to get a fairly complicated table heading on the reference
 | page so that the heading automatically populates when the specific
 | table is inserted on the body page. Can anyone refresh my foggy
 | memory on this?
 | Mollye Barrett

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table heading on reference page

2008-07-24 Thread Rene Stephenson
Another to try is AutoText from Silicon Prairie 

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: "Reng, Dr. Winfried" 


I believe that there is a plug-in that copies a paragraph
(with anchored frames/tables) from the reference page.
Try out Reficons from Cudspan whether it does what you want:

Best regards


> | Hi All,
> | 
> | I need to get a fairly complicated table heading on the reference
> | page so that the heading automatically populates when the specific
> | table is inserted on the body page. Can anyone refresh my foggy
> | memory on this?
> | 
> | Mollye Barrett

Re: question about usage

2008-07-23 Thread Rene Stephenson
The term alphanumeric characters avoids the slang alpha and also addresses 
numbers as individual characters, rather than things like 1.8956132 and 
218,555,123 and 1x10^6...all of which are numbers.


Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Shuttleworth, Roger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The term alphanumeric covers both alphabetical and numeric characters.

-Original Message-
From:Deirdre Reagan
Sent: July 23, 2008 3:38 PM
To: Framer's List
Subject: OT: question about usage

Hi all:

Those two phrases sound overly complicated to me -- numerical
characters sounds like a complicated way of saying numbers and
ditto alpha characters for letters.  (And isn't alpha just slang
for alphabetical? They aren't talking about the Greek character.)

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Re: question about usage

2008-07-23 Thread Rene Stephenson
Punctuation is typically referred to as special characters - whereas 
alphanumeric means it's alphabetic or numeric, e.g.: letter or number only.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Mike Wickham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Others have mentioned alphanumerics as including both letters and numbers, 
but doesn't it also include punctuation?

Mike Wickham

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question about usage

2008-07-23 Thread Rene Stephenson
The term "alphanumeric characters" avoids the slang alpha and also addresses 
numbers as individual characters, rather than things like 1.8956132 and 
218,555,123 and 1x10^6...all of which are numbers.


Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: "Shuttleworth, Roger" 

The term "alphanumeric" covers both alphabetical and numeric characters.

-Original Message-
From:Deirdre Reagan
Sent: July 23, 2008 3:38 PM
To: Framer's List
Subject: OT: question about usage

Hi all:

Those two phrases sound overly complicated to me -- "numerical
characters" sounds like a complicated way of saying "numbers" and
ditto "alpha characters" for "letters."  (And isn't alpha just slang
for alphabetical? They aren't talking about the Greek character.)

question about usage

2008-07-23 Thread Rene Stephenson
Punctuation is typically referred to as "special characters" - whereas 
alphanumeric means it's alphabetic or numeric, e.g.: letter or number only.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Mike Wickham 

Others have mentioned alphanumerics as including both letters and numbers, 
but doesn't it also include punctuation?

Mike Wickham

Re: Ignore all missing files and fonts... in book

2008-07-17 Thread Rene Stephenson
I have a .fsl installed that gives the option to Open All Files in Book 
Silently and it does exactly what you're describing. However...I don't have my 
laptop with me, and I can't remember which script it is or where I got it, but 
I'm thinking it may have come from [itl]...?  Sorry for the limited 
information, but maybe someone else on the list can provide the rest of the 
info. If not, I'll be able to get to my laptop sometime before noon tomorrow 
and will let you know then. :-)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
Yves Barbion [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked:  is there a plug-in or framescript 
available somewhere which allows you to open all files in book while 
ignoring all missing files and fonts in book?

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Re: Close all chapters without saving

2008-07-17 Thread Rene Stephenson
Perhaps if said plugin were activated by the Shift-Alt-F File menu, listed just 
below Close All Files in Book, the feared hate mail might be minimal.  ;-)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 


...Such a plug-in would be easy to write. It also sounds like a sure-fire  
way to get lots of hate mail when it performs exactly as designed. ...

Quoting John Sgammato [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Inspired by Yves'request: [...]
 I'd love to find a plugin that allows me to CLOSE all files in a book
 without saving them, essentially abandoning a book.


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Re: Question for the experts - a problem in Acrobat 3D that is not a problem in Acrobat 8 Pro

2008-07-17 Thread Rene Stephenson
We do it for one of your sister companies via master page. It's a rotated text 
line in an anchored frame, and the anchored frame is condition tagged with 
H2Omark_[watermarkText]. We have library level books that make deployment on 
all cover pages easy via ImportFormatsSpecial.dll (Rick Quatro). 

Just a thought, but if you think from a time-line perspective perhaps you could:

1. Put a double cover page in the FM file of affected books.
2. Generate one PDF per doc project.
3. Delete the watermarked cover from the one PDF and save as 
4. Go back to the one PDF, delete the non-watermarked cover from the 
PDF and save as X-with-watermark.PDF.
It may be a kludge in some folks' books, but it works for the situation.   ;-)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Diane Gaskill [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yeah, I know it sounds like a dumb problem, but we have a need to put a
watermark only on the cover of the manuals during a certain part of our doc
development cycle, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

To save some emails, here are some options and workarounds that we've
thought of but they all have drawbacks.

o  Putting a conditionalized title in the FM file is another option, but
also not productive because we'e have to generate two PDFs for each manual.
Time consuming and harder to manage.

Thanks lots.

Diane Gaskill
Hitachi Data Systems

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Ignore all missing files and fonts... in book

2008-07-17 Thread Rene Stephenson
I have a .fsl installed that gives the option to "Open All Files in Book 
Silently" and it does exactly what you're describing. However...I don't have my 
laptop with me, and I can't remember which script it is or where I got it, but 
I'm thinking it may have come from [itl]...?  Sorry for the limited 
information, but maybe someone else on the list can provide the rest of the 
info. If not, I'll be able to get to my laptop sometime before noon tomorrow 
and will let you know then. :-)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
Yves Barbion  asked:  is there a plug-in or 
framescript available somewhere which allows you to "open all files in book" 
while "ignoring all missing files and fonts in book"?

Question for the experts - a problem in Acrobat 3D that is not a problem in Acrobat 8 Pro

2008-07-17 Thread Rene Stephenson
We do it for one of your sister companies via master page. It's a rotated text 
line in an anchored frame, and the anchored frame is condition tagged with 
H2Omark_[watermarkText]. We have library level books that make deployment on 
all cover pages easy via ImportFormatsSpecial.dll (Rick Quatro). 

Just a thought, but if you think from a time-line perspective perhaps you could:

1. Put a double cover page in the FM file of affected books.
2. Generate one PDF per doc project.
3. Delete the watermarked cover from the one PDF and save as 
4. Go back to the one PDF, delete the non-watermarked cover from the 
PDF and save as X-with-watermark.PDF.
It may be a kludge in some folks' books, but it works for the situation.   ;-)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Diane Gaskill 

Yeah, I know it sounds like a dumb problem, but we have a need to put a
watermark only on the cover of the manuals during a certain part of our doc
development cycle, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

To save some emails, here are some options and workarounds that we've
thought of but they all have drawbacks.

o  Putting a conditionalized title in the FM file is another option, but
also not productive because we'e have to generate two PDFs for each manual.
Time consuming and harder to manage.

Thanks lots.

Diane Gaskill
Hitachi Data Systems

Re: conversion table and template

2008-07-16 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi Wim,

Rick Quatro sells a FrameScript solution called FindChangeSpecialBatch.fsl that 
I have found extremely helpful for remapping countless FM catalogs in docs to 
what's in newer templates. You create a mapping table, and you can run the 
script from the book level. This is particularly powerful if you can create 
books for maintenance purposes that group like kinds of FM files from multiple 
books. You can save the mapping table, or multiple flavors and iterations of 
mapping tables, and select which way to remap any given book, and it only takes 
a minute or so to run the script.

My 2¢EU

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Rick Quatro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The application of a conversion table can be scripted with FrameScript, so 
you could script the process of applying the conversion table then importing 
formats and element definitions.


 I'm using a conversion tabel to convert a lot of unstructured files to 
 Is there a way to automatically apply a template (and it's EDD rules) to 
 files when converting?

 Vriendelijke groet,

 Wim Hooghwinkel


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conversion table and template

2008-07-16 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi Wim,

Rick Quatro sells a FrameScript solution called FindChangeSpecialBatch.fsl that 
I have found extremely helpful for remapping countless FM catalogs in docs to 
what's in newer templates. You create a mapping table, and you can run the 
script from the book level. This is particularly powerful if you can create 
books for maintenance purposes that group like kinds of FM files from multiple 
books. You can save the mapping table, or multiple flavors and iterations of 
mapping tables, and select which way to remap any given book, and it only takes 
a minute or so to run the script.

My 2?EU

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Rick Quatro 

The application of a conversion table can be scripted with FrameScript, so 
you could script the process of applying the conversion table then importing 
formats and element definitions.

> Hi,
> I'm using a conversion tabel to convert a lot of unstructured files to 
> XML.
> Is there a way to automatically apply a template (and it's EDD rules) to 
> the
> files when converting?
> Vriendelijke groet,
> Wim Hooghwinkel

FM8 benefits

2008-07-09 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks for the great tips and assessment, Fred! I'll check out ABCM and Insets 

I did finally receive approval for FM 8.0, so when I upgrade my personal copy, 
I'll get the TCS for myself. That way I can truly investigate that option as 
well as retain the flexibility for other clients. I'll have to look at whether 
their project timeline would allow for moving to structured FM before I can 
pitch any cost/feasibility to them, but I do see some potentially great 

Thanks EVERYONE for your priceless input!!

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Fred Wersan 

If the primary reason to move to Frame 8 is to go structured and take 
advantage of conditions using attributes, then I suggest they go 
structured in 7.2 and use ABCM from West St. Consulting. Or go to FM8 
for other reasons (like track changes) and still use ABCM. The frame 
implementation of condition by attribute seems very clumsy to me. By 
comparison ABCM (or Sourcerer) is much easier to use (and free).  And 
for text insets, I suggest using Insets Plus (also from West. St. also 

The big issue is not moving to FM8, it is moving to structured 
FrameMaker. (which I think is a good thing, but will probably be more 
costly to them in time and effort than buying the fm8 licenses.)

FM8 benefits

2008-07-08 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

I am working up a justification for a client to move from FM 7.2 to FM 8.0. 
Theirs is an unstructured FM environment with a shared-file architecture that 
uses a lot of text insets and condition tags and variables. I have told them 
that FM 8 would greatly simplify their condition catalog due to the use of 
boolean expressions to show/hide conditions, which would eliminate a lot of 
their x+y tags. But, since they already got the unlimited undo (well, more or 
less) in FM 7, they're not convinced that just the boolean conditions would be 
sufficient to justify the expense. I'm wondering if there's something else I'm 
missing, like being able to apply conditions to a column at a time, rather than 
just complete rows or text within a table cell...? Maybe there's something 
better about how FM 8 handles text insets?

It would help, I think, if they were a structured shop, because it seems most 
of the FM 8 benefits are targeted to the structured use of FM...but I'm happy 
to be corrected!


Rene L. Stephenson

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Re: FM8 benefits

2008-07-08 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks, Matt. They already use WebWorks to get multiple help outputs using FM 
conditions for multiple versions and product-specific and market-specific 
versions, but I have mentioned the use of embedded 3D images and interactive 
drawings...until one of them went to the Adobe site and found out it's not as 
straight-forward as the marketing presentation made it seem, due to the need 
for a 3D graphic rendering program. And, RH in TCS doesn't work as 
transparently with the native FM files for single-sourcing as the old WWP, 
either. (As a matter of fact, I think it was someone on this list who pointed 
out that part...)  Personally, I think it's such a tight fiscal climate for 
them that any expenditure over about $200 is going to be a hard sell. I 
personally see the TCS value and will upgrade my personal copies, regardless of 
what the client does.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Matt Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are a ton of features related to the TCS integration.

embedded 3d
interactive simulations
output to Help with simulations 
using FM conditions to output to multiple help formats  versions

If applicable, these more than justify the upgrade, but you need to upgrade
to the TCS, not just FM8

-Matt Sullivan

GRAFIX Training, Inc.

An Adobe Authorized Training Center

888 882-2819 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rene Stephenson
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 12:18 PM
To: FrameUsers
Subject: FM8 benefits

Hi All,

I am working up a justification for a client to move from FM 7.2 to FM 8.0.
Theirs is an unstructured FM environment with a shared-file architecture
that uses a lot of text insets and condition tags and variables. I have told
them that FM 8 would greatly simplify their condition catalog due to the use
of boolean expressions to show/hide conditions, which would eliminate a lot
of their x+y tags. But, since they already got the unlimited undo (well,
more or less) in FM 7, they're not convinced that just the boolean
conditions would be sufficient to justify the expense. I'm wondering if
there's something else I'm missing, like being able to apply conditions to a
column at a time, rather than just complete rows or text within a table
cell...? Maybe there's something better about how FM 8 handles text insets?

It would help, I think, if they were a structured shop, because it seems
most of the FM 8 benefits are targeted to the structured use of FM...but I'm
happy to be corrected!


Rene L. Stephenson

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Re: FM8 benefits

2008-07-08 Thread Rene Stephenson
Book-level missing ja vous... like 5.5 all over again! Sounds 
like a job for (da-da-dahn) Super Frame Developer!  In fly the heroes from 
Silicon Prairie, FrameExpert, Systec, Cudspan, [itl], et al...!

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Linda G. Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm using the track edits feature so that my reviewers and I can see the
exact changes I make. It's a lot like Word's feature. Now, if only they'd
put all the controls at the book level, too.

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FM8 benefits

2008-07-08 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

I am working up a justification for a client to move from FM 7.2 to FM 8.0. 
Theirs is an unstructured FM environment with a shared-file architecture that 
uses a lot of text insets and condition tags and variables. I have told them 
that FM 8 would greatly simplify their condition catalog due to the use of 
boolean expressions to show/hide conditions, which would eliminate a lot of 
their "x+y" tags. But, since they already got the unlimited undo (well, more or 
less) in FM 7, they're not convinced that just the boolean conditions would be 
sufficient to justify the expense. I'm wondering if there's something else I'm 
missing, like being able to apply conditions to a column at a time, rather than 
just complete rows or text within a table cell...? Maybe there's something 
better about how FM 8 handles text insets?

It would help, I think, if they were a structured shop, because it seems most 
of the FM 8 benefits are targeted to the structured use of FM...but I'm happy 
to be corrected!


Rene L. Stephenson

FM8 benefits

2008-07-08 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks, Matt. They already use WebWorks to get multiple help outputs using FM 
conditions for multiple versions and product-specific and market-specific 
versions, but I have mentioned the use of embedded 3D images and interactive 
drawings...until one of them went to the Adobe site and found out it's not as 
straight-forward as the marketing presentation made it seem, due to the need 
for a 3D graphic rendering program. And, RH in TCS doesn't work as 
transparently with the native FM files for single-sourcing as the old WWP, 
either. (As a matter of fact, I think it was someone on this list who pointed 
out that part...)  Personally, I think it's such a tight fiscal climate for 
them that any expenditure over about $200 is going to be a hard sell. I 
personally see the TCS value and will upgrade my personal copies, regardless of 
what the client does.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Matt Sullivan <>
There are a ton of features related to the TCS integration.

embedded 3d
interactive simulations
output to Help with simulations 
using FM conditions to output to multiple help formats & versions

If applicable, these more than justify the upgrade, but you need to upgrade
to the TCS, not just FM8

-Matt Sullivan

GRAFIX Training, Inc.

An Adobe Authorized Training Center

888 882-2819 

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Rene Stephenson
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 12:18 PM
To: FrameUsers
Subject: FM8 benefits

Hi All,

I am working up a justification for a client to move from FM 7.2 to FM 8.0.
Theirs is an unstructured FM environment with a shared-file architecture
that uses a lot of text insets and condition tags and variables. I have told
them that FM 8 would greatly simplify their condition catalog due to the use
of boolean expressions to show/hide conditions, which would eliminate a lot
of their "x+y" tags. But, since they already got the unlimited undo (well,
more or less) in FM 7, they're not convinced that just the boolean
conditions would be sufficient to justify the expense. I'm wondering if
there's something else I'm missing, like being able to apply conditions to a
column at a time, rather than just complete rows or text within a table
cell...? Maybe there's something better about how FM 8 handles text insets?

It would help, I think, if they were a structured shop, because it seems
most of the FM 8 benefits are targeted to the structured use of FM...but I'm
happy to be corrected!


Rene L. Stephenson

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FM8 benefits

2008-07-08 Thread Rene Stephenson
Book-level missing ja vous... like 5.5 all over again! Sounds 
like a job for (da-da-dahn) Super Frame Developer!  In fly the heroes from 
Silicon Prairie, FrameExpert, Systec, Cudspan, [itl], et al...!

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Linda G. Gallagher 


I'm using the track edits feature so that my reviewers and I can see the
exact changes I make. It's a lot like Word's feature. Now, if only they'd
put all the controls at the book level, too.

Sideheads that won't go away

2008-07-02 Thread Rene Stephenson

I'm running FM7.2 on WinXP doing unstructured docs with text insets, using 
condition tags to control which insets show in this particular file, in a 
single-sourced, multiple-author environment. All the graphics are imported by 
reference, and all have callout applied within the anchored frame as a text 
frame (rather than a text line, because we used xrefs to hotlink the callout of 
the part to the table of part numbers). 

Somehow, one of the container FM files got some setting changed that made all 
the text frames in that one file have sideheads. Now, our templates for the 
container file do have sideheads on the master pages for the body text frames, 
but if that were the source of the problem, one would think that it would 
impact *all* the files, not just this one. I have been going through this file 
and selecting each individual text frame that's within an anchored frame and 
setting the Object Properties to disable Room for sideheads. But, then I 
noticed something odd...

Graphics (imported by ref) in the text inset files do NOT show the text frames 
within the anchored frames as having sideheads, but when I update now on the 
text inset, it puts room for sideheads on the graphics in the sideheads when I 
select to use the source formatting, but it shows NO room for sideheads when I 
use the container formatting...which completely puzzles me, since all the 
graphics in the container file are showing the undesired sideheads for the text 
frames in anchored frames.  So, this seems backwards/illogical to me.

Anyway, if someone can just tell me what the setting is at the doc properties 
or formatting level that switches sideheads on/off for all text frames in a FM 
file, I can just make sure it's set that way in both source and container docs 
and move on...

Rene L. Stephenson

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Re: Sideheads that won't go away

2008-07-02 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks for responding, Richard!

Sorry about the rather circular description. It's definitely one of those 1 
picture vs. 1000 words scenarios. You'd get it at a glance if you could see 
what I see.

I thought about that, but the Flow Tag A is set to .5 sideheads, and the 
sideheads in these text frames inside the anchored frames are all 1.5... wtc, 

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Combs, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm not even sure I understand the description of the text inset
behavior. :-} But maybe I can help with the side head setting issue. 

The Room for Side Heads check box is in the Customize Text Frame dialog
box, but it's not actually a text frame property. It's a _flow_
property; notice in the dialog, it's part of the Flow settings on the
lower right. 

Your main flow (body pages) is probably set to Flow Tag A. If you turn
on Room for Side Heads for any frame with a given flow tag, it's on for
_all_ frames with that flow tag (I'm not sure how FM behaves regarding
frames with no flow tag). 

So take a look at the flow tags for a few of the problematic text
frames. That might shed some light on what's happening. 



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Sideheads that won't go away

2008-07-02 Thread Rene Stephenson

I'm running FM7.2 on WinXP doing unstructured docs with text insets, using 
condition tags to control which insets show in this particular file, in a 
single-sourced, multiple-author environment. All the graphics are imported by 
reference, and all have callout applied within the anchored frame as a text 
frame (rather than a text line, because we used xrefs to hotlink the callout of 
the part to the table of part numbers). 

Somehow, one of the container FM files got some setting changed that made all 
the text frames in that one file have sideheads. Now, our templates for the 
container file do have sideheads on the master pages for the body text frames, 
but if that were the source of the problem, one would think that it would 
impact *all* the files, not just this one. I have been going through this file 
and selecting each individual text frame that's within an anchored frame and 
setting the Object Properties to disable "Room for sideheads." But, then I 
noticed something odd...

Graphics (imported by ref) in the text inset files do NOT show the text frames 
within the anchored frames as having sideheads, but when I "update now" on the 
text inset, it puts room for sideheads on the graphics in the sideheads when I 
select to use the source formatting, but it shows NO room for sideheads when I 
use the container formatting...which completely puzzles me, since all the 
graphics in the container file are showing the undesired sideheads for the text 
frames in anchored frames.  So, this seems backwards/illogical to me.

Anyway, if someone can just tell me what the setting is at the doc properties 
or formatting level that switches sideheads on/off for all text frames in a FM 
file, I can just make sure it's set that way in both source and container docs 
and move on...

Rene L. Stephenson

Sideheads that won't go away

2008-07-02 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks for responding, Richard!

Sorry about the rather circular description. It's definitely one of those 1 
picture vs. 1000 words scenarios. You'd get it at a glance if you could see 
what I see.

I thought about that, but the Flow Tag A is set to .5" sideheads, and the 
sideheads in these text frames inside the anchored frames are all 1.5"... wtc, 

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: "Combs, Richard" 
I'm not even sure I understand the description of the text inset
behavior. :-} But maybe I can help with the side head setting issue. 

The Room for Side Heads check box is in the Customize Text Frame dialog
box, but it's not actually a text frame property. It's a _flow_
property; notice in the dialog, it's part of the Flow settings on the
lower right. 

Your main flow (body pages) is probably set to Flow Tag A. If you turn
on Room for Side Heads for any frame with a given flow tag, it's on for
_all_ frames with that flow tag (I'm not sure how FM behaves regarding
frames with no flow tag). 

So take a look at the flow tags for a few of the problematic text
frames. That might shed some light on what's happening. 



Re: Formatting List of Figures/List of Tables

2008-06-26 Thread Rene Stephenson
I insert LOT and LOF (lists of tables and figures, respectively) as separate 
generated .fm files immediately following the TOC, as part of the front matter 
of the book. If it's an independent generated .fm file, you can either continue 
the pagination from the previous file in the book or use a completely different 
numbering format to distinguish  the lists from the rest of the book pagination.

You can format the TitreTableauLOT and LegendeLOF paragraph tags in the 
reference pages the same way that you would any paragraph format. To get the 
text on the LOT/LOF to show the Tableau #-n  or Legende #-n, you could type 
something similar to the following in the reference page:

Use tabs to get the desired indentation and alignment/spacing of the page 
number, just as you would on the reference page of the TOC. If you use the 
TitreTableauLOT paragraph tag on the aforementioned line of text on the 
reference page, $paratext will display the autonumber plus text contents of 
the TitreTableau paragraph tag, and $chapnum-$pagenum will display the 
chapter by folio page number. 

Hint: if you have problems getting the LOT/LOF to display as you have formatted 
on the reference page, check the reference pages in the file to be sure that 
you have only one instance of formatting for each paragraph tag you will be 
displaying in the LOT/LOF.


Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: mathieu jacquet [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When I generate the lists of Tables and Figures, how I am supposed to format 
the generated TitreTableauLOT and LegendeLOF paragraph tags in the reference 
pages so that they follow the right numbering?

Also, do you group your lists of tables and figures together with the Table of 
Contents? If yes, how do you proceed to have them automatically updated at the 
next book generation?

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Formatting List of Figures/List of Tables

2008-06-26 Thread Rene Stephenson
I insert LOT and LOF (lists of tables and figures, respectively) as separate 
generated .fm files immediately following the TOC, as part of the front matter 
of the book. If it's an independent generated .fm file, you can either continue 
the pagination from the previous file in the book or use a completely different 
numbering format to distinguish  the lists from the rest of the book pagination.

You can format the TitreTableauLOT and LegendeLOF paragraph tags in the 
reference pages the same way that you would any paragraph format. To get the 
text on the LOT/LOF to show the Tableau #-n  or Legende #-n, you could type 
something similar to the following in the reference page:

Use tabs to get the desired indentation and alignment/spacing of the page 
number, just as you would on the reference page of the TOC. If you use the 
TitreTableauLOT paragraph tag on the aforementioned line of text on the 
reference page, <$paratext> will display the autonumber plus text contents of 
the TitreTableau paragraph tag, and <$chapnum>-<$pagenum> will display the 
chapter by folio page number. 

Hint: if you have problems getting the LOT/LOF to display as you have formatted 
on the reference page, check the reference pages in the file to be sure that 
you have only one instance of formatting for each paragraph tag you will be 
displaying in the LOT/LOF.


Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: mathieu jacquet 

When I generate the lists of Tables and Figures, how I am supposed to format 
the generated TitreTableauLOT and LegendeLOF paragraph tags in the reference 
pages so that they follow the right numbering?

Also, do you group your lists of tables and figures together with the Table of 
Contents? If yes, how do you proceed to have them automatically updated at the 
next book generation?

Re: update file paths easyli?

2008-06-25 Thread Rene Stephenson
Yep...we use Archive at all client sites, love it, highly recommend it. It's a 
tremendous time saver and great for version control within a single-sourced 
environment, as well as a nifty way to make a project completely portable 
whenever necessary.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Mike Wickham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:05:13 AM
Subject: Re: update file paths easyli?

Bruce Foster's Archive plugin will do it for you easily, and for only 25 



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OT: Contract in Scranton, PA :: Sr. JDE Report Writer/Analyst

2008-06-25 Thread Rene Stephenson
With the economy as tight as it is, I hope you can forgive this OT post...

Rene L. Stephenson

- Forwarded Message 
From: Wanda A. Saxon 

From:Brian T Sharpless 
[mailto:brian at] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 11:28 

Do you know anyone that meets 
these requirements?  It?s for a project in Scranton, PA.

We have an immediate placement available for 3 resources with 
the following experience.  Let me know if you can find someone with that 
meets the criteria.

Sr. JDE Report Writer/Analyst 

It is the primary responsibility of the Senior Report 
Writer/Analyst to incorporate support existing development in writing custom 
Enterprise One reports. Modules include but are not limited to AR, Customer 
Service, and GL. 
?  Provide business knowledge/expertise to project 
  that are implementing, 
developing or modifying Enterprise One. 
?  Strong Technical knowledge with: 

OMW toolset 


Interactive Application 




8.12 experience 


UDC Analysis 

?  Desired Knowledge of: 


?  Assist in ensuring that E1 applications are 
properly scoped and mapped to business  
?  Provide technical/functional support as needed. 
?  Must have good documentation skills 
?  Define the detailed requirements, analyze business 
needs and validate solutions with the customer/user. 
?  Support delivery of solutions to the business 
through all phases of the SDLC. 
?  Develop, document and promote best practices. 
?  Utilize customer business knowledge and analytical 
skills to solve customer issues. 
?  Resolve trouble tickets. 
?  Ensure data consistency when appropriate. 
?  Provide support in interfacing JDE with other 
applications when required. 
?  Prepare communications and make presentations. 


T. Sharpless
Sharpless & Co.
Street Road
Greenwood Square
PA 19020
267.252.9343 (cell)

update file paths easyli?

2008-06-25 Thread Rene Stephenson
Yep...we use Archive at all client sites, love it, highly recommend it. It's a 
tremendous time saver and great for version control within a single-sourced 
environment, as well as a nifty way to make a project completely portable 
whenever necessary.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Mike Wickham 
To: studio at; framers at
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:05:13 AM
Subject: Re: update file paths easyli?

Bruce Foster's "Archive" plugin will do it for you easily, and for only 25 



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Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
I know what you mean. My largest client's IT UBER-POLICY  steers way too many 
decisions in my home computing due to our client relationship. If I had *time* 
to do it, I'd go pick up all the networking and Cisco certs I could get my 
hands on, just so that I could get this stuff jiving the way I need it to work. 
They're rolling out Office 2007 on site, and most of the workers initially 
gripe about the interface but then find that it's more like hopping into a tub 
of hot water: if you sit there long enough, it doesn't *feel* hot anymore.

When I was helping my manager at that site configure his user interface, I saw 
a setting to use the classic office menus rather than the 2007 ribbon 
menus, and using that setting plus changing his default file type for save 
operations has helped him a lot. Me? Oh, I bought Office 2007 when I could get 
it from a friend as an OEM offering, loving the discount. Of course, now I find 
out that OEM means you can't ever upgrade that copy, so I'm starting to feel 
like I got taken, but hey, it's buyer beware, I guess.

It's hard to  figure out what's really going to work for me from a cost and 
productivity standpoint with so many variables and dependencies in play, 
knowing that the wrong decision would be a permanent pain in the kiester.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 

 Our vehement petition for a stay of
execution may be ignored in favor of the IT UBER-POLICY, unless we can
come up with a compromise.

DJ Butler

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Re: degree symbol

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
Wow, where to start...(inserting tongue in cheek). Help's help isn't helpful 

1. The help author got boxed into using PDF output to try to 
demonstrate the power of PDF, when in reality it just reveals the extent of 
its limitations when you try to make a purse from a sow's ear.
2. The help author had too short of a timeline or too many overlapping 
deadlines or lack of access to the product in enough time to create the help 
content in time for delivery by frozen load deadline, because you can always do 
the same amount of work with fewer resources and never lose anything in the 

3. Perhaps the help author isn't a technical writer who has been 
trained in usability, audience analysis, etc., because anyone can write and 
anyone who can grasp technology and put together an email must be qualified to 
be a technical writer.

4. The help author's boss is more interested in saying yes to the 
project manager and product manager than in trusting what the qualified, 
well-trained, and seasoned help author advised would be the end result for the 

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Deirdre Reagan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Alan Litchfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Framer's List
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 5:59:31 PM
Subject: Re: degree symbol

Alt 0176 works indeed!  But I have to be on the number pad, not the
numbers across the top of the keyboard.

Anyone know why Help's help isn't helpful?


On 6/19/08, Alan Litchfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Deirdre you crack me up :D

 On a PC I think you hold down alt and press 0176 (on a Mac at the moment so
 can't test it).


 On 20/06/2008, at 9:38 AM, Deirdre Reagan wrote:

  quick question -- FM 8.0 XP
  I need to make the degree symbol.  Help tells me to hit CNTL + m ).
  Cntl + M gives me the paragraph design dialog box.
  Help also tells me to write \degree and hit return.
  \degree with return gives me \degree
  and a paragraph mark.
  Is there something I'm supposed to be doing here that I'm missing?
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 Alan Litchfield MBus(Hons), MNZCS
 PO Box 1941, Auckland, NZ. 1140


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Re: FrameMaker Internal Error -- Visio and ...lost image data

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
OK, so to tie in with another thread: if you go with a PC so you can run FM 
current version in native OS, stick with XP SP2...? Gotcha.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Art Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you search back through the archives and/or visit the Frame user's
forum on, you'll see that this has been a pretty common
topic since Microsoft released SP3 for XP. They included some security
fixes to OLE that have effectively broken it, at least as far as
managing objects in Frame go.

Only reported fix is backing out of SP3.


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Re: FrameMaker on Windows - Issues Discussed Today

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson

It never seems that thank you is sufficient for what you contribute.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Dov Isaacs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Framers E-mail List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:36:51 PM
Subject: FrameMaker on Windows - Issues Discussed Today

A number of issues associated with Windows have been discussed on this forum
today with relationship to FrameMaker on Windows, Windows itself, running
Windows on MacTel systems with either Bootcamp or Parallels, Vista, and Vista 

I was somewhat otherwise occupied when those messages came in and couldn't reply
at the time, but now that I have a few minutes, I thought I would try to kill a
few stones with one bird, so to speak:

(1) WRT/ running FrameMaker 8 (with all current updates) on Vista 64 ...
the system requirements for FrameMaker 8 are mute with regards to support
for 64-bit versions of Windows. It does not say we don't support Vista 64
or for that matter, XP 64. My main desktop system in my office is currently
a Dell Precision Workstation T5400 with dual Xeon 3 ghz quad core processors,
8 GB of main memory, 600 GB of 15000rpm SAS (serially attached SCSI) disk
storage, and a 30 Dell 3007 monitor (2560 x 1600 pixels). It is running
Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit with Service Pack 1. I have encountered no
problems running FrameMaker 8.0.4 in that environment that I would not have
encountered under Windows XP 32-bit. This is true with BOTH Acrobat Pro 8 and
Acrobat Pro Extended 9 (available soon to the public). In other words, not
only does save as PDF work under Vista 64-bit and Acrobat 8, but there are
no further compatibility problems with Acrobat 9!

Note that under Vista 64, FrameMaker runs as a 32-bit application. There is
absolutely no performance penalty for this (contrary to popular belief).
Although FrameMaker does not take advantage of any 64-bit optimizations
running in this mode, it does gain by (a) a full address space to run under
and (b) the system's ability to use much more real memory which results in
less paging operations to disk. This is especially important if when running
FrameMaker, you also have an e-mail window and few browser windows open and
perhaps are running Photoshop and/or Illustrator in parallel with FrameMaker.

(2) WRT/ Vista itself, I neither own stock in Microsoft nor do I have any
love for their products, but I personally think that Vista has gotten a
bummer rap than it deserves. In having used Vista on two desktop systems
(one 32-bit and the other 64-bit) and one notebook system, I have generally
found it to be quite robust and if you know how to make appropriate system
adjustments (both to the user interface and the infamous UAC - turn it off),
it is really no more quirky than Windows XP, just different quirks! Many of
the complaints are coming from enterprise users:

(a) Too many promises of OS improvements were promised by Microsoft
with Vista, but relatively few, except for security features, were 
delivered. Enterprise users were looking for sustentative improvements,
not fluff. Features such as Aero windows styles and XPS have zilch 
in terms of enterprise productivity.

(b) Enterprise users felt HAD by Microsoft's software maintenance
program introduced at the time of Windows XP that required enterprise
users to pay expensive maintenance fees every year for the right to
upgrade to the next version of Windows and Office that were delayed
several years beyond the point when expected.

(c) Many of the fixes in Service Pack 1, especially those related to
performance and file copying performance, should have been made 
at least six months earlier than they were. For that matter, those
problems should not have made it out the door.

(d) The Vista Ultimate versions never delivered on Microsoft's 
of extra goodies available on a regular basis.

(e) Microsoft spent too much time pressuring peripheral makers on 
such as forcing XPS, Microsoft's new color management system, the new
Microsoft image format, and Microsoft job tickets (none of which turned 
to be relevant to the vast majority of Windows or Vista users) down 
throats as opposed to simply providing Vista-compatible drivers. Thus, 
many cases, new drivers, especially for non-PostScript printers and 
scanners (and similar peripherals) were slow in coming if at all!

(f) Large enterprises are notoriously slow in changing their 
software configurations. Many such enterprises have only begun to no 
automatically load Windows 2000 on their computers, much less Vista. At 
we continually have to deal with large customers who are only beginning 
migrate their corporate 

Re: Import Formats - Document Properties List

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
I have been using Rick's ImportFormatsSpecial plugin for a couple of years now, 
and my clients liked it so much they bought it, too. It has really helped us be 
more efficient and accurate in this area of FM...can't say enough good things 
about it!!!

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Rick Quatro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jeff Schweiner [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 11:51:59 AM
Subject: Re: Import Formats -  Document Properties List

Hi Jeff,

See the screenshot at

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing


 I'm looking for a complete list of what gets imported when doing a File - 
 Import - Formats  - Document Properties.

 I'm running FM8 Windows.  I looked at the FM8 User Guide, but I don't 
 believe the list provided on page 417  is complete.  For example, 
 information set under File - File Info gets imported, but is not listed 
 in the User Guide.

 Thanks in advance,


 Jeff Schweiner

 Hardware Engineering Writer

 Cray Inc.

 (715) 726-4801


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Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
Am I correct to understand that anything more than 3GB of RAM is wasted unless 
you're running Vista?

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Dov Isaacs [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The 8710w is a fantastic system. Omit the BlueRay drive and the cost
isn't particularly bad. And if you take care of it and can get four
years of service out of it (typically what I get out of my notebook
systems), the extra cost per day compared to el'cheapo configurations
is really minimum. Oh, BTW, I would not recommend XP on the 8710w
given its fairly new peripherals that are not particularly well
supported under Vista. (Also, multiple core / multiple core processors
are better utilized by Vista than Windows XP!)

- Dov

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Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
Trialware/shovelware is a PITA, just one more thing to muddle through when you 
buy a computer, as if installing all the gobs of software and plugins that you 
really DO need and twiddling with all the UI settings isn't timeconsuming 
enough—which is precisely why my new desktop is still in the box a month after 
I bought it:  too many deadlines and obligations to fit into waking hours and 
still have time for PC configuration.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Mike Wickham [EMAIL PROTECTED]


\It'll eliminate the junk trialware, too.

Mike Wickham

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Re: newbie goof

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
If you haven't hit save since then, you might try renaming the file 
to a different name and open that as a way to get back to the pre-goof point. 
Alternatively, if you have ANY other documents or templates that have the new 
Code text tag, you can import it via CleanImport and map it to the old Code 

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Kelly McDaniel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FrameUsers List
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:54:45 AM
Subject: newbie goof

I made a newbie mistake this morning. I needed to change text that had
formatting from a deleted character tag. The old tag was Code. The new
tag is Code text. I opened the replace dialog and configured it. As
soon as I hit the button, I knew what happened. I had created a loop
that performed almost 2 million changes before I could get to the escape


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How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
I know what you mean. My largest client's IT UBER-POLICY  steers way too many 
decisions in my home computing due to our client relationship. If I had *time* 
to do it, I'd go pick up all the networking and Cisco certs I could get my 
hands on, just so that I could get this stuff jiving the way I need it to work. 
They're rolling out Office 2007 on site, and most of the workers initially 
gripe about the interface but then find that it's more like hopping into a tub 
of hot water: if you sit there long enough, it doesn't *feel* hot anymore.

When I was helping my manager at that site configure his user interface, I saw 
a setting to use the "classic" office menus rather than the 2007 "ribbon" 
menus, and using that setting plus changing his default file type for save 
operations has helped him a lot. Me? Oh, I bought Office 2007 when I could get 
it from a friend as an OEM offering, loving the discount. Of course, now I find 
out that OEM means you can't ever upgrade that copy, so I'm starting to feel 
like I got taken, but hey, it's buyer beware, I guess.

It's hard to  figure out what's really going to work for me from a cost and 
productivity standpoint with so many variables and dependencies in play, 
knowing that the wrong decision would be a permanent pain in the kiester.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: "Butler, Darren J CTR USAF AFMC 584 CBSS/GBHAC" 

 Our vehement petition for a stay of
execution may be ignored in favor of the IT UBER-POLICY, unless we can
come up with a compromise.

DJ Butler

degree symbol

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
I have found that using Ext ASCII  (ALT+numpad combos) is a surer way to get 
the desired symbol to show in multiple outputs, but there are a few Ext ASCII 
key combos that MS interprets differently than Adobe. 

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: "Owen, Clint" 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 5:46:17 PM
Subject: RE: degree symbol

Try ALT+ 0176 >>> ?


degree symbol

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
Wow, where to start...(inserting tongue in cheek). Help's help isn't helpful 

1. The help author got boxed into using PDF output to try to 
demonstrate the "power" of PDF, when in reality it just reveals the extent of 
its limitations when you try to make a purse from a sow's ear.
2. The help author had too short of a timeline or too many overlapping 
deadlines or lack of access to the product in enough time to create the help 
content in time for delivery by frozen load deadline, because you can always do 
the same amount of work with fewer resources and never lose anything in the 

3. Perhaps the help author isn't a technical writer who has been 
trained in usability, audience analysis, etc., because anyone can write and 
anyone who can grasp technology and put together an email must be qualified to 
be a technical writer.

4. The help author's boss is more interested in saying "yes" to the 
project manager and product manager than in trusting what the qualified, 
well-trained, and seasoned help author advised would be the end result for the 

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Deirdre Reagan 
To: Alan Litchfield ; Framer's List 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 5:59:31 PM
Subject: Re: degree symbol

Alt 0176 works indeed!  But I have to be on the number pad, not the
numbers across the top of the keyboard.

Anyone know why Help's help isn't helpful?


On 6/19/08, Alan Litchfield  wrote:
> Deirdre you crack me up :D
> On a PC I think you hold down alt and press 0176 (on a Mac at the moment so
> can't test it).
> Alan
> On 20/06/2008, at 9:38 AM, Deirdre Reagan wrote:
> >
> > quick question -- FM 8.0 XP
> >
> > I need to make the degree symbol.  Help tells me to hit CNTL + m ).
> >
> > Cntl + M gives me the paragraph design dialog box.
> >
> > Help also tells me to write \degree and hit return.
> >
> > \degree with return gives me \degree
> > and a paragraph mark.
> >
> > lol
> >
> > Is there something I'm supposed to be doing here that I'm missing?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Deirdre
> > ___
> >
> >
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> > for more resources and info.
> >
> --
> Alan Litchfield MBus(Hons), MNZCS
> AlphaByte
> PO Box 1941, Auckland, NZ. 1140

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FrameMaker on Windows - Issues Discussed Today

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson

It never seems that "thank you" is sufficient for what you contribute.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Dov Isaacs 
To: Framers E-mail List 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:36:51 PM
Subject: FrameMaker on Windows - Issues Discussed Today

A number of issues associated with Windows have been discussed on this forum
today with relationship to FrameMaker on Windows, Windows itself, running
Windows on MacTel systems with either Bootcamp or Parallels, Vista, and Vista 

I was somewhat otherwise occupied when those messages came in and couldn't reply
at the time, but now that I have a few minutes, I thought I would try to kill a
few stones with one bird, so to speak:

(1) WRT/ running FrameMaker 8 (with all current updates) on Vista 64 ...
the system requirements for FrameMaker 8 are mute with regards to support
for 64-bit versions of Windows. It does not say we don't support Vista 64
or for that matter, XP 64. My main desktop system in my office is currently
a Dell Precision Workstation T5400 with dual Xeon 3 ghz quad core processors,
8 GB of main memory, 600 GB of 15000rpm SAS (serially attached SCSI) disk
storage, and a 30" Dell 3007 monitor (2560 x 1600 pixels). It is running
Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit with Service Pack 1. I have encountered no
problems running FrameMaker 8.0.4 in that environment that I would not have
encountered under Windows XP 32-bit. This is true with BOTH Acrobat Pro 8 and
Acrobat Pro Extended 9 (available soon to the public). In other words, not
only does "save as PDF" work under Vista 64-bit and Acrobat 8, but there are
no further compatibility problems with Acrobat 9!

Note that under Vista 64, FrameMaker runs as a 32-bit application. There is
absolutely no performance penalty for this (contrary to popular belief).
Although FrameMaker does not take advantage of any 64-bit optimizations
running in this mode, it does gain by (a) a full address space to run under
and (b) the system's ability to use much more real memory which results in
less paging operations to disk. This is especially important if when running
FrameMaker, you also have an e-mail window and few browser windows open and
perhaps are running Photoshop and/or Illustrator in parallel with FrameMaker.

(2) WRT/ Vista itself, I neither own stock in Microsoft nor do I have any
love for their products, but I personally think that Vista has gotten a
bummer rap than it deserves. In having used Vista on two desktop systems
(one 32-bit and the other 64-bit) and one notebook system, I have generally
found it to be quite robust and if you know how to make appropriate system
adjustments (both to the user interface and the infamous UAC - turn it off),
it is really no more quirky than Windows XP, just different quirks! Many of
the complaints are coming from enterprise users:

(a) Too many promises of OS improvements were promised by Microsoft
with Vista, but relatively few, except for security features, were 
delivered. Enterprise users were looking for sustentative improvements,
not fluff. Features such as "Aero windows styles" and XPS have zilch 
in terms of enterprise productivity.

(b) Enterprise users felt HAD by Microsoft's software maintenance
program introduced at the time of Windows XP that required enterprise
users to pay expensive maintenance fees every year for the right to
upgrade to the next version of Windows and Office that were delayed
several years beyond the point when expected.

(c) Many of the fixes in Service Pack 1, especially those related to
performance and file copying performance, should have been made 
at least six months earlier than they were. For that matter, those
problems should not have made it out the door.

(d) The Vista Ultimate versions never delivered on Microsoft's 
of "extra goodies" available on a regular basis.

(e) Microsoft spent too much time pressuring peripheral makers on 
such as forcing XPS, Microsoft's "new" color management system, the new
Microsoft image format, and Microsoft job tickets (none of which turned 
to be relevant to the vast majority of Windows or Vista users) down 
throats as opposed to simply providing Vista-compatible drivers. Thus, 
many cases, new drivers, especially for non-PostScript printers and 
scanners (and similar peripherals) were slow in coming if at all!

(f) Large enterprises are notoriously slow in changing their 
software configurations. Many such enterprises have only begun to no 
automatically load Windows 2000 on their computers, much less Vista. At 
we continually have to deal with large customers who are only beginning 
migrate their corporate fleets 

How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
Am I correct to understand that anything more than 3GB of RAM is wasted unless 
you're running Vista?

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Dov Isaacs 

The 8710w is a fantastic system. Omit the BlueRay drive and the cost
isn't particularly bad. And if you take care of it and can get four
years of service out of it (typically what I get out of my notebook
systems), the extra cost per day compared to el'cheapo configurations
is really minimum. Oh, BTW, I would not recommend XP on the 8710w
given its fairly "new" peripherals that are not particularly well
supported under Vista. (Also, multiple core / multiple core processors
are better utilized by Vista than Windows XP!)

- Dov

How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
Or the old adage that to boil a frog, you put it in a pot of cold water and 
turn up the heat gradually, because the frog will pass out before it notices 
the increased temperature.
Not that frog soup is on my menu

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Stuart Rogers 

I'm reminded of a cartoon I saw many years ago:  A crowd of cannibals 
with bones through their nostrils, gathered round a huge cauldron set 
over a fire.  In the cauldron, three pith-helmeted white explorers 
lounging, elbows resting on the rim.  Says one to the other two, "The 
chief's right!  The first few minutes *are* very relaxing."

Welcome to Office 2007!  ;-)

How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
Trialware/shovelware is a PITA, just one more thing to muddle through when you 
buy a computer, as if installing all the gobs of software and plugins that you 
really DO need and twiddling with all the UI settings isn't timeconsuming 
enough?which is precisely why my new desktop is still in the box a month after 
I bought it:  too many deadlines and obligations to fit into waking hours and 
still have time for PC configuration.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Mike Wickham 


\It'll eliminate the junk trialware, too.

Mike Wickham

newbie goof

2008-06-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
If you haven't hit save since then, you might try renaming the file 
to a different name and open that as a way to get back to the pre-goof point. 
Alternatively, if you have ANY other documents or templates that have the new 
"Code text" tag, you can import it via CleanImport and map it to the old "Code" 

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Kelly McDaniel 
To: FrameUsers List 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:54:45 AM
Subject: newbie goof

I made a newbie mistake this morning. I needed to change text that had
formatting from a deleted character tag. The old tag was "Code." The new
tag is "Code text." I opened the replace dialog and configured it. As
soon as I hit the button, I knew what happened. I had created a loop
that performed almost 2 million changes before I could get to the escape


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Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks, Art. You're right, I'm still warped back in time to the concept that 
Vista is the new kid on the block with all the inherent don't buy it until 
they work the bugs out cloud.

My main client has UNIX/Linux servers, and I'll be setting up a server at home 
whenever the basement finish-out project is, well, finished. Whether I set that 
up as a Linux server or a Microsoft server is yet undecided, but I'm leaning 
toward Linux for cost and resource/overhead reasons. Regardless of the laptop 
OS, I'll still be using mostly PC desktops in our home network (currently 5 
PCs), so I was thinking Linux would be the more flexible server setup.

Seems like I have heard of FM for UNIX, but it seems a blue moon. Is that like 
the FM for Mac, also got end-life'd? If so, the idea of a Linux laptop would 
probably carry the same liabilities as a Mac laptop? 

Either way, does anyone have experience sharing currently active FM files 
between users who run FM in different operating systems?

I don't know why I had the impression that Macs are faster systems than PCs? Is 
that just some grassroots advertising campaign? The attractive thing to me 
about Macs is the graphics capabilities and the fact that I have kids in school 
who could benefit from it when I trade up again (which I typically do every 
couple of years at a minimum, to keep on the higher end of available 
performance). I don't really get into the music side of electronics at all.

I had not heard Dell had a next-day replacement. That is good to know. Of 
course, it usually takes about 2 weeks for me to get all the programs loaded up 
and user settings tweaked out anyway, and I wouldn't be able to just image a 
hard drive over if I have to move to Vista. For that matter, I have seen too 
many issues with Adobe products in general for me to use the old standby of 
keeping a recent drive image as a backup in case of catastrophic failure. Shame 
- that certainly was the fastest way to recover. Surely there's a faster way to 
config and tweak out FM... I guess I can just copy the maker.ini and fminit and 
plugins directories to a customization CD?

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Art Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]


You're sort of ignoring the fact that Vista is past the first ship
early adopter milepost. It's a relatively known quantity, and the
amount of twiddling ...

Last I heard, Mac's market share has crept up to about 3% of business
systems... so while you may be able to make it a viable solution, you're
going to spend more time twiddling a dual boot or emulation
environment to run Windows. And pay more for the processing power, but
it may be worth it to you.

So if you're looking recommendations for a Windows laptop, I'd go with
an upper level Dell with next-day replacement...
look at the ruggedized models put out by Panasonic, Dell, and some
other vendors, although I don't have any personal experience with
those models.


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Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks! July 2nd is closer to my funding availability than this week is.  :o)   
I have used Dell desktops, and I have borrowed a Dell Latitude from time to 
time. I also used to own an IBM ThinkPad (which I loved, although it was almost 
prohibitively proprietary and heavy as lead). I saw a Dell laptop recently that 
had a swivel screen and was purported to be drop-tested for durability, but I 
have no clue what model it was. My current laptop is an Alienware, because it 
was the most bang for the buck that I could get with a 10-key. (Yeah, 
accounting background plus tech writing vocation makes for a rather interesting 
keyboard usage...and about half the letters rubbed off inside of a year...)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Stuart Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't know how you feel about Dell hardware etc., and I have no 
experience with their laptops myself, but until July 2 you can still 
order the Vostro models with WinXP installed.


Stuart Rogers

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Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks, Peter. I was one of the daring few who jumped into the first version of 
the then newly available laptop dual core Intel chipset. Unfortunately, that 
chipset was discontinued after 6 weeks' production due to lack of support for 
power save features. If I had been more cunning, I would have negotiated a 
restock at the time. This idiosyncrasy has been the bane of my laptop 
usage...well, that and the fact that the battery doesn't last more than an hour 
or so. The video card is dedicated, but it also generates a TON of heat, and 
there have been a host of problems cropping up with that heat at the root of 
the issue. Plus, it doesn't help that it has been dropped and slung onto the 
floorboard due to sudden stops in traffic a few times.  :-\  So, I think I'd 
have to rebuild from the motherboard and graphics card all the way up.

I am heavily reliant on 10-key, so I'm afraid that forces me into looking at 
laptops with 17 screens...but I just hate having that size...almost a 
luggable, really.

I'm hearing Parallels and other solutions for Mac are the workaround for FM 
dependency; and SPARC+Solaris is the non-PC environment for FM. I would be fine 
without the Windows security updates. I keep auto-update disabled anyway and 
let my IT guru selectively install the ones that are truly needed and proven 
not to be a Pandora's box. (Color me paranoid, but I once lost too much time 
with a Windows update that interfered with stuff right before a deadline.)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Peter Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, Rene:

If the only problems on your current laptop are lack of resources, or
messed-upness from long use installing/uninstalling/updating, etc, you
could consider a new hard drive, more RAM, and deactivating the
necessary applications, then reinstalling XP on the new drive,
copying, reinstalling, activating. If the machine's resources are
maxed out, then a new PC or MacTel with XP while it's still available
is a logical choice.

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Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Cool! Definitely a viable solution. THANKS

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Art Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you use a 10-key a lot, why not use an external so you can go with
a smaller laptop?
Looks as if there are lots of options, including some that include a mouse...

Such as:


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Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks for your candid insight, Sarah. Are any bits of your litany addressed 
with Vista SP1?

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Sarah O'Keefe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's probably worth switching just to avoid Vista. If you can get XP, 
great, but if your choices are a) Vista or b) Mac, I'd definitely go 
with b, speaking from personal experience.

insert long litany of complaints here


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Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks for the CMS reminder, DJ, as well as the giggles. :o)  

I think the Wikipedia article Milan posted indicates  XP SP2 support through 
July 2010, even though new licenses aren't supposed to be available after June 
2008. Maybe over the next two years a better option will emerge from the fog.

Dual boot is an interesting idea, but it's my impression that  Vista matches 
hard drive serial number with OS serial number and snoops everything on the 
hard drive, which means I'd be surprised if that worked...and I'm also 
scratching my head about what the cost/benefit  in time/productivity would be. 
I'm sure I'm missing something...maybe it's in the bottom of my espresso cup.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Butler, Darren J CTR USAF AFMC 584 CBSS/GBHAC 

Make certain that you speak with your CMS Tech Support and NOT a sales rep.

Does anyone have any thoughts/experience on running a dual-boot machine with 
Vista and XP?

If you have an  XP machine, savor it like the last of the summer wine. 

DJ Butler

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Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
I sort of stubbed my toe on another issue that's going to affect this: I have 
to be able to synch my calendar, contacts, and tasks to a PDA/SmartPhone. I'm 
beginning to think the only choice remaining is wait and pay more total for a 
MacBook and next generation of iPhone; or jump right away to get an XP laptop 
so that I can use Outlook with both the mobile device and laptop.

So, maybe FM is only one part of the consideration. I'm just too PC-dependent.  

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: McCallister, Michael (GE Healthcare, consultant) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

One other possible (untested) solution: Has anyone tried running FM
under OpenSolaris? Conceivably that would work on an Intel/AMD box, and
could also work virtualized under Linux or MacOS.

FM 7.x apparently works reasonably well in Crossover Linux, the
commercial development of Wine:

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Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
You're right, Dennis. I checked with an IT guru buddy who has done a lot of 
reworks of Vista machines when his clients got bitten by one of its bugs and 
wanted to roll back to XP, and he said it was a complete nightmare, every 
single time, and a couple of times was such a colossal headache that he just 
told the client to return the computer for a refund and buy an XP machine. He 
said if I go to a Vista box, I'd better be prepared to do it come what may 
without looking back.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Dennis Brunnenmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Whatever you do, don't fall into the trap of buying a Windows-based
laptop with VISTA installed on it, hoping to *upgrade* to Windows XP. In
some cases, this is possible, but look into it first. With brand new
hardware designed for VISTA, you may not be able to find XP-suitable
drivers. Your best best (in the Windows arena) is to get one originally
designed for XP, assuming of course that you choose to avoid

Dennis Brunnenmeyer

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How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi All,

My PC laptop is beaten up so badly it's barely stable anymore, so it's getting 
time to start the process of identifying the next workhorse for me. (Yes, I am 
rough on a laptop and rely on it very heavily. Any testimonials of your laptop 
successes are more than welcome!) 

I have gotten rather irritated with Microsoft since Vista came out, and I 
really am reluctant to get a new PC laptop due to it shipping with Vista and 
all the exponentially increased hassle factor that will entail. Frankly, I 
don't have time to spend 30 minutes per product just to load the software and 
get it functional by jumping through all the hoops required now. I "get" that 
it's piracy protection, and I "get" the concept and am not trying to circumvent 
any copyright laws, but it really just feels like my time and purse are being 
taxed because of other people's lack of ethics. 

I have some friends who have moved to the Mac platform for their laptops, and 
they swear by them. All the IT gurus I know swear by Unix/Linux and open source 
development. But, then I get the cold water splashing in the face: the majority 
of my computer use is work related, and the majority of that work is done in 
FrameMaker, and FM seems viable only in PC world. 

Am I missing something, or is this really the trap it seems to be? If I'm going 
to continue working with clients whose environment, architecture, workflow, and 
staffing all revolve around FrameMaker, am I forced to concede to all the 
baggage that comes with the PC world? Or is there a viable way to use 
FrameMaker on a new Apple laptop/notebook/etc., or on a Linux laptop, 
seamlessly with FM files saved by and shared with FM PC users? I can't risk 
hosing anything in these single-sourced shared-file environments...!

Thanks in advance,

Rene L. Stephenson

How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks, Art. You're right, I'm still warped back in time to the concept that 
Vista is the new kid on the block with all the inherent "don't buy it until 
they work the bugs out" cloud.

My main client has UNIX/Linux servers, and I'll be setting up a server at home 
whenever the basement finish-out project is, well, finished. Whether I set that 
up as a Linux server or a Microsoft server is yet undecided, but I'm leaning 
toward Linux for cost and resource/overhead reasons. Regardless of the laptop 
OS, I'll still be using mostly PC desktops in our home network (currently 5 
PCs), so I was thinking Linux would be the more flexible server setup.

Seems like I have heard of FM for UNIX, but it seems a blue moon. Is that like 
the FM for Mac, also got end-life'd? If so, the idea of a Linux laptop would 
probably carry the same liabilities as a Mac laptop? 

Either way, does anyone have experience sharing currently active FM files 
between users who run FM in different operating systems?

I don't know why I had the impression that Macs are faster systems than PCs? Is 
that just some grassroots advertising campaign? The attractive thing to me 
about Macs is the graphics capabilities and the fact that I have kids in school 
who could benefit from it when I trade up again (which I typically do every 
couple of years at a minimum, to keep on the higher end of available 
performance). I don't really get into the music side of electronics at all.

I had not heard Dell had a next-day replacement. That is good to know. Of 
course, it usually takes about 2 weeks for me to get all the programs loaded up 
and user settings tweaked out anyway, and I wouldn't be able to just image a 
hard drive over if I have to move to Vista. For that matter, I have seen too 
many issues with Adobe products in general for me to use the old standby of 
keeping a recent drive image as a backup in case of catastrophic failure. Shame 
- that certainly was the fastest way to recover. Surely there's a faster way to 
config and tweak out FM... I guess I can just copy the maker.ini and fminit and 
plugins directories to a customization CD?

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Art Campbell 


You're sort of ignoring the fact that Vista is past the first ship
early adopter milepost. It's a relatively known quantity, and the
amount of twiddling ...

Last I heard, Mac's market share has crept up to about 3% of business
systems... so while you may be able to make it a viable solution, you're
going to spend more time twiddling a dual boot or emulation
environment to run Windows. And pay more for the processing power, but
it may be worth it to you.

So if you're looking recommendations for a Windows laptop, I'd go with
an upper level Dell with next-day replacement...
look at the ruggedized models put out by Panasonic, Dell, and some
other vendors, although I don't have any personal experience with
those models.


How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks, Peter. I was one of the daring few who jumped into the first version of 
the then newly available laptop dual core Intel chipset. Unfortunately, that 
chipset was discontinued after 6 weeks' production due to lack of support for 
power save features. If I had been more cunning, I would have negotiated a 
restock at the time. This idiosyncrasy has been the bane of my laptop 
usage...well, that and the fact that the battery doesn't last more than an hour 
or so. The video card is dedicated, but it also generates a TON of heat, and 
there have been a host of problems cropping up with that heat at the root of 
the issue. Plus, it doesn't help that it has been dropped and slung onto the 
floorboard due to sudden stops in traffic a few times.  :-\  So, I think I'd 
have to rebuild from the motherboard and graphics card all the way up.

I am heavily reliant on 10-key, so I'm afraid that forces me into looking at 
laptops with 17" screens...but I just hate having that size...almost a 
luggable, really.

I'm hearing Parallels and other solutions for Mac are the workaround for FM 
dependency; and SPARC+Solaris is the non-PC environment for FM. I would be fine 
without the Windows security updates. I keep auto-update disabled anyway and 
let my IT guru selectively install the ones that are truly needed and proven 
not to be a Pandora's box. (Color me paranoid, but I once lost too much time 
with a Windows update that interfered with stuff right before a deadline.)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Peter Gold 

Hi, Rene:

If the only problems on your current laptop are lack of resources, or
messed-upness from long use installing/uninstalling/updating, etc, you
could consider a new hard drive, more RAM, and deactivating the
necessary applications, then reinstalling XP on the new drive,
copying, reinstalling, activating. If the machine's resources are
maxed out, then a new PC or MacTel with XP while it's still available
is a logical choice.

How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Cool! Definitely a viable solution. THANKS

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Art Campbell 

If you use a 10-key a lot, why not use an external so you can go with
a smaller laptop?
Looks as if there are lots of options, including some that include a mouse...

Such as:


How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks for your candid insight, Sarah. Are any bits of your litany addressed 
with Vista SP1?

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Sarah O'Keefe 

It's probably worth switching just to avoid Vista. If you can get XP, 
great, but if your choices are a) Vista or b) Mac, I'd definitely go 
with b, speaking from personal experience.


How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
Thanks for the CMS reminder, DJ, as well as the giggles. :o)  

I think the Wikipedia article Milan posted indicates  XP SP2 support through 
July 2010, even though new licenses aren't supposed to be available after June 
2008. Maybe over the next two years a better option will emerge from the fog.

Dual boot is an interesting idea, but it's my impression that  Vista matches 
hard drive serial number with OS serial number and snoops everything on the 
hard drive, which means I'd be surprised if that worked...and I'm also 
scratching my head about what the cost/benefit  in time/productivity would be. 
I'm sure I'm missing something...maybe it's in the bottom of my espresso cup.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: "Butler, Darren J CTR USAF AFMC 584 CBSS/GBHAC" 

Make certain that you speak with your CMS Tech Support and NOT a sales rep.

Does anyone have any thoughts/experience on running a dual-boot machine with 
Vista and XP?

If you have an  XP machine, savor it like the last of the summer wine. 

DJ Butler

How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
I sort of stubbed my toe on another issue that's going to affect this: I have 
to be able to synch my calendar, contacts, and tasks to a PDA/SmartPhone. I'm 
beginning to think the only choice remaining is wait and pay more total for a 
MacBook and next generation of iPhone; or jump right away to get an XP laptop 
so that I can use Outlook with both the mobile device and laptop.

So, maybe FM is only one part of the consideration. I'm just too PC-dependent.  

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: "McCallister, Michael (GE Healthcare, consultant)" 

One other possible (untested) solution: Has anyone tried running FM
under OpenSolaris? Conceivably that would work on an Intel/AMD box, and
could also work virtualized under Linux or MacOS.

FM 7.x apparently works reasonably well in Crossover Linux, the
commercial development of Wine:

How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

2008-06-19 Thread Rene Stephenson
You're right, Dennis. I checked with an IT guru buddy who has done a lot of 
reworks of Vista machines when his clients got bitten by one of its bugs and 
wanted to roll back to XP, and he said it was a complete nightmare, every 
single time, and a couple of times was such a colossal headache that he just 
told the client to return the computer for a refund and buy an XP machine. He 
said if I go to a Vista box, I'd better be prepared to do it come what may 
without looking back.

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Dennis Brunnenmeyer 


Whatever you do, don't fall into the trap of buying a Windows-based
laptop with VISTA installed on it, hoping to *upgrade* to Windows XP. In
some cases, this is possible, but look into it first. With brand new
hardware designed for VISTA, you may not be able to find XP-suitable
drivers. Your best best (in the Windows arena) is to get one originally
designed for XP, assuming of course that you choose to avoid

Dennis Brunnenmeyer

Re: Paragraph Style in Header

2008-06-18 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi Mathieu: 

You could define the Heading1 autonumber as:
(using ALT+0151 for the —)

This would read the chapter number setting from the file, so it wouldn't 
increment when you use it multiple times in the same file. You could also do 
some series numbering settings, but I find this to be the simplest approach. 

However, from a readability perspective, it might confuse the reader, because 
conventionally the chapter number is presented with the chapter title, and this 
format would look like several different chapter titles assigned to the same 
chapter number. Collapsed heading levels go against certain well-established 
conventions (and with good reason).  One way around this is the technical-style 
numbered headings (1.1, 1.2, etc.) that provide at-a-glance chapter reference 
within the various heading levels. Another way to handle it is to display 
chapter info in the master page header as a point of reference. There are a lot 
of ways to address the same concern, is usually the case in life!

So, when you implement the layout the way you want it, regardless of your final 
solution, I would encourage you to present a sample document to a wide sampling 
of representatives of your target audience and ask some well-formed and 
open-ended questions about how they interpret/understand the headings and 
information hierarchy in the document. Regardless of the tack you take, 
usability feedback on templates is always helpful. :-)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: mathieu jacquet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Framers
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 6:52:54 AM
Subject: Paragraph Style in Header

Hi all,

I'd like my template header to be formatted this way: ChapterTitle - Heading1.

Imagine I have a Heading1 on page 2 (let's say Introducing the product) of my 
Chapter 1, then a second Heading1 on page 8 (Identifying the components). 

How do I get a header displaying Chapter 1 - Introducing the product from 
page 2 to 7, then  Chapter 1 - Identifying the components for the following 

So far I have Chapter 1 - Introducing the product on page 2, Chapter 1 -  
on pages 3 to 7, then Chapter 1 - Identifying the components on page 8, and 
again Chapter 1 -  on page 9 to ..

I'm using FM 7.2 on PC.

Thank you for your help !


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Re: Paragraph Style in Header

2008-06-18 Thread Rene Stephenson
Please disregard my off-mark post. I need to get back to my old rule of not 
doing anything that requires clarity of mind before ingesting a pot of coffee...

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: mathieu jacquet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Framers
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 6:52:54 AM
Subject: Paragraph Style in Header

Hi all,

I'd like my template header to be formatted this way: ChapterTitle - Heading1.

Imagine I have a Heading1 on page 2 (let's say Introducing the product) of my 
Chapter 1, then a second Heading1 on page 8 (Identifying the components). 

How do I get a header displaying Chapter 1 - Introducing the product from 
page 2 to 7, then  Chapter 1 - Identifying the components for the following 

So far I have Chapter 1 - Introducing the product on page 2, Chapter 1 -  
on pages 3 to 7, then Chapter 1 - Identifying the components on page 8, and 
again Chapter 1 -  on page 9 to ..

I'm using FM 7.2 on PC.

Thank you for your help !


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Re: Text insets

2008-06-18 Thread Rene Stephenson
With View  Text Symbols turned on, put your cursor before the pilcrow and 
after the text inset insertion marker, and add a space or a tab (or a character 
in same-as-background color). That should fix it.


Rene L. Stephenson

Lovin' coffee...would mainline it if I could find a way.

- Original Message 
From: Stephen O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 11:43:13 AM
Subject: Text insets

Hi all,

(Win XP, FM7.2)

In the Introduction section of each FM guide I 
list related documentation - each description in 
bullet form is a text inset. There may be from 1 
to 5 related docs. Then there follows a line of 
text in Body para format. When I update the text 
insets my double-clicking and pressing Update, 
that line of text is  formatted as bullet...NOT what I want..

This is one of several similar examples.

The only soln I have found is to import the last 
line as a text inset too and not setting Reformat using the current...

But this import method causes a script I have 
that converts TIs to text to fail when coming 
upon the text inset that does not use the Reformat using the current..

So the original problem remains.

Do any other of you have the problem?  Any 
soultions...this is a real pain and diminishes 
the practicality of using text insets IMHO.

Thanks for any comments you may have.

Stephen O'Brien
Rédacteur technique / Technical Writer
InnovMetric Logiciels inc. / InnovMetric Software Inc.
2014, Cyrille-Duquet, suite 310
Québec (Québec) Canada G1N 4N6

Tel.: (418) 688-2061
Fax: (418) 688-3001
PolyWorks, the Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform for Manufacturing (TM)

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Paragraph Style in Header

2008-06-18 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hi Mathieu: 

You could define the Heading1 autonumber as:
(using ALT+0151 for the ?)

This would read the chapter number setting from the file, so it wouldn't 
increment when you use it multiple times in the same file. You could also do 
some series numbering settings, but I find this to be the simplest approach. 

However, from a readability perspective, it might confuse the reader, because 
conventionally the chapter number is presented with the chapter title, and this 
format would look like several different chapter titles assigned to the same 
chapter number. Collapsed heading levels go against certain well-established 
conventions (and with good reason).  One way around this is the technical-style 
numbered headings (1.1, 1.2, etc.) that provide at-a-glance chapter reference 
within the various heading levels. Another way to handle it is to display 
chapter info in the master page header as a point of reference. There are a lot 
of ways to address the same concern, is usually the case in life!

So, when you implement the layout the way you want it, regardless of your final 
solution, I would encourage you to present a sample document to a wide sampling 
of representatives of your target audience and ask some well-formed and 
open-ended questions about how they interpret/understand the headings and 
information hierarchy in the document. Regardless of the tack you take, 
usability feedback on templates is always helpful. :-)

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: mathieu jacquet 
To: Framers 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 6:52:54 AM
Subject: Paragraph Style in Header

Hi all,

I'd like my template header to be formatted this way: "ChapterTitle - Heading1".

Imagine I have a Heading1 on page 2 (let's say "Introducing the product") of my 
Chapter 1, then a second Heading1 on page 8 ("Identifying the components"). 

How do I get a header displaying "Chapter 1 - Introducing the product" from 
page 2 to 7, then  "Chapter 1 - Identifying the components" for the following 

So far I have "Chapter 1 - Introducing the product" on page 2, "Chapter 1 - " 
on pages 3 to 7, then "Chapter 1 - Identifying the components" on page 8, and 
again "Chapter 1 - " on page 9 to ..

I'm using FM 7.2 on PC.

Thank you for your help !


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Paragraph Style in Header

2008-06-18 Thread Rene Stephenson
Please disregard my off-mark post. I need to get back to my old rule of not 
doing anything that requires clarity of mind before ingesting a pot of coffee...

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: mathieu jacquet 
To: Framers 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 6:52:54 AM
Subject: Paragraph Style in Header

Hi all,

I'd like my template header to be formatted this way: "ChapterTitle - Heading1".

Imagine I have a Heading1 on page 2 (let's say "Introducing the product") of my 
Chapter 1, then a second Heading1 on page 8 ("Identifying the components"). 

How do I get a header displaying "Chapter 1 - Introducing the product" from 
page 2 to 7, then  "Chapter 1 - Identifying the components" for the following 

So far I have "Chapter 1 - Introducing the product" on page 2, "Chapter 1 - " 
on pages 3 to 7, then "Chapter 1 - Identifying the components" on page 8, and 
again "Chapter 1 - " on page 9 to ..

I'm using FM 7.2 on PC.

Thank you for your help !


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Text insets

2008-06-18 Thread Rene Stephenson
With View > Text Symbols turned on, put your cursor before the pilcrow and 
after the text inset insertion marker, and add a space or a tab (or a character 
in same-as-background color). That should fix it.


Rene L. Stephenson

Lovin' coffee...would mainline it if I could find a way.

- Original Message 
From: Stephen O'Brien 
To: framers at
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 11:43:13 AM
Subject: Text insets

Hi all,

(Win XP, FM7.2)

In the Introduction section of each FM guide I 
list related documentation - each description in 
bullet form is a text inset. There may be from 1 
to 5 related docs. Then there follows a line of 
text in Body para format. When I update the text 
insets my double-clicking and pressing Update, 
that line of text is  formatted as bullet...NOT what I want..

This is one of several similar examples.

The only soln I have found is to import the last 
line as a text inset too and not setting Reformat using the current...

But this import method causes a script I have 
that converts TIs to text to fail when coming 
upon the text inset that does not use the Reformat using the current..

So the original problem remains.

Do any other of you have the problem?  Any 
soultions...this is a real pain and diminishes 
the practicality of using text insets IMHO.

Thanks for any comments you may have.

Stephen O'Brien
R?dacteur technique / Technical Writer
InnovMetric Logiciels inc. / InnovMetric Software Inc.
2014, Cyrille-Duquet, suite 310
Qu?bec (Qu?bec) Canada G1N 4N6

Tel.: (418) 688-2061
Fax: (418) 688-3001
E-mail: sobrien at
PolyWorks, the Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform for Manufacturing (TM)

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Re: Esc m p

2008-06-10 Thread Rene Stephenson
Huh. This Esc m p feature doesn't cause the anchored frame to change to At 
Insertion Point in my FM7.2 on XP SP2, and I do not have ShrinkWrapAsIs.dll.  
Does Bruce Foster's ImpGraph.dll fix the Esc m p problem, too?

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Art Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Kelly McDaniel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Frame Users
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 1:46:21 PM
Subject: Re: Esc m p

Do a quick google for shrinkwrapasis plugin -- and try it out --
it's available on several sites.


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Kelly McDaniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone found a fix for shrink wrap (Esc m p) that either leaves the
 anchored frame in place or has a config option so it can be changed from
 At Insertion Point to something else?...thanks, Kelly.

 Kelly M. McDaniel

... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
and a redheaded girl. -- Richard Thompson
No disclaimers apply.
DoD 358

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Esc m p

2008-06-10 Thread Rene Stephenson
Huh. This Esc m p "feature" doesn't cause the anchored frame to change to At 
Insertion Point in my FM7.2 on XP SP2, and I do not have ShrinkWrapAsIs.dll.  
Does Bruce Foster's ImpGraph.dll fix the Esc m p problem, too?

Rene L. Stephenson

- Original Message 
From: Art Campbell 
To: Kelly McDaniel 
Cc: Frame Users 
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 1:46:21 PM
Subject: Re: Esc m p

Do a quick google for "shrinkwrapasis plugin" -- and try it out --
it's available on several sites.


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Kelly McDaniel  
> Has anyone found a fix for shrink wrap (Esc m p) that either leaves the
> anchored frame in place or has a config option so it can be changed from
> At Insertion Point to something else?...thanks, Kelly.
> Kelly M. McDaniel

Art Campbell art.campbell at
"... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
No disclaimers apply.
DoD 358

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finding files when path is too deep

2008-06-06 Thread Rene Stephenson
Hello All,

We have a single-sourced architecture with the following basic path structure:


Since any given .book file can share several .fm files, we often end up with 
.book windows that look like:

|_ ..\_CommonText\
|_ ..\[DifferentProductFolder1]\FMfiles\
|_ ..\[DifferentProductFolder1]\FMfiles\
|_ ..\[DifferentProductFolder2]\FMfiles\
|_ ..\[DifferentProductFolder1]\FMfiles\
|_ ..\_CommonText\

Frequently, the names of the folders plus the file names in the path for a file 
in the book comprise so many characters that FM displays it in the book window 
|_ ..\[

This is annoying, but not altogether unworkable...UNTIL a couple of files go 
missing from a .book either because someone changed the file name via access 
from a different .book, or because the path structure somehow changed. Pressing 
F2 in the book window to get the original .fm file name is sometimes of limited 
assistance, but if the file name changed, what we would find most useful is the 
fully qualified path.

Granted, some rather strict naming conventions would help, and I have
preached it for several years now, explaining how keeping paths shallow
and filenames short and both free of spaces and special characters is
the best way to optimize FM file architecture, citing the known issues
and even demonstrating the difference first-hand. But, alas, you can
lead a horse to water but you can't lead a horticulture. g

Is there a way to:

1. Find via FM the fully qualified path that the .book file was using 
but that is truncated in the .book window?
2. Have the .book files in any given path automatically synch up if a 
file name shared by the .book files changes in one of the .book files?
3. Use some plugin prevent this or somehow manage this phenomenon?
Thanks in advance for your insight!


Rene L. Stephenson

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