Re: Spinner Function for Shell Scripts

2010-11-19 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Devin Teske wrote:

  So, just as the subject-line says, ... here's an efficient and robust
  spinner function compatible with many shells.
 DONE=$( /bin/sh -c 'read -t 0 DONE; echo $DONE' )
  Is this expected to be portable to other operating systems? The dash
  shell, used as /bin/bash in Ubuntu, does not acept the -t argument
  to the read builtin command. Using /bin/bash solves the problem.
 I was shooting for bourne-shell,

FreeBSD's /bin/sh is *not* a Bourne shell.

 It's rather unfortunate that bourne-shell has what we need but is not
 available on all operating systems since many OSes have started swapping
 out bourne-shell for it's younger cousin.

A traditional Bourne shell, such as Solaris's, does not implement
read -t at all.

Christian naddy Weisgerber

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Re: Checksum mismatch -- will transfer entire file

2010-06-15 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Gary Jennejohn wrote:

 csup already has a CVS mode, at least in 9-current.  I don't use older
 versions of FreeBSD so I don't know whether it supports CVS there.

It does at least down to 7.x.

Christian naddy Weisgerber

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Re: Checksum mismatch -- will transfer entire file

2010-06-14 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Victor Sudakov wrote:

 I see nobody is ever going to fix this? Cvsup mails me a bunch of
 Checksum mismatch errors on every run, with a risk of overlooking
 real errors.

It is particularly egregious when a tag is laid down, like today.
csup(1) ends up refetching a big chunk of the tree from scratch
because so many files have these spurious checksum mismatches.
Personally, I don't care too much, but quite a bit of mirror bandwidth
is wasted this way.

 How do others deal with this noise? Do you grep cvsup output or what?

I optimistically assume that there are no real errors and I run
csup without -s once a week or so, just in case.

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Re: patch for /usr/src/usr.bin/fmt/ (not 8 bit clean) for German French

2010-05-26 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Julian H. Stacey wrote:

 Problem: /usr/src/usr.bin/fmt/fmt.c is not 8 bit clean.
 (ie French or German etc text with accents in gets broken)

Can you provide an example where it fails?
It works fine for ISO 8859-1 and UTF-8 for me, *provided* the locale
is set correctly.

Christian naddy Weisgerber

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Re: nroff -man, .An Aq formatting

2010-03-22 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:

   It has come to my attention that whereas with LANG=C nroff -man
   formats .An name Aq email as name email, it uses different
   characters with LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 name ⟨email⟩. These characters
   are appropriate, but a lot of unicode fonts don't seem to have them.
 This is definitely a bug, since (as avg@ points out) you can no longer
 copy-paste the name  address into an email client.
 AFAIK (judging from the Unicode group they're in) these characters are
 intended mainly for writing things like ENTER and CTRL+F1 in
 technical documentation.

And we probably have that usage in other man pages.  It is not clear
to me if the problem is the use of these characters for angle quotes
or the use of .Aq for email addresses.

A few days ago, I switched my desktop to UTF-8, and I right away
noticed that there are issues with the nroff output.  Looking at,
say, the rc(8) man page, I see that the `...` shell backquotes have
been turned into pretty single quotes.  Again, you can't copy-n-paste
this any longer.

Christian naddy Weisgerber

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Re: [PATCH]: today highlighting in [n]cal

2009-04-20 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Roman Divacky wrote:

 after addressing Simon's concerns here's a new patch:

I'd simply use the so/se (standout) capability rather than
specifically asking for reverse video.  If you somehow end up on
an 1980s terminal where the two aren't synonymous, standout is what
you want.

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Re: lzo2 shows insane speed gap

2008-12-30 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Bruce Cran wrote:

 I'm running 8.0-CURRENT amd64 here on a Turion64 X2 machine. Without
 malloc debugging (malloc.conf - aj) 'make test' takes 25s; after
 removing malloc.conf thus turning on debugging, it takes over 10

Wow!  That.  Is.  It.

Toggling malloc debugging option J makes the slow machines fast
and vice versa.

  Athlon 64 X2 5200+ 2.6 GHz,  FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT amd64   ~60 min

19 seconds.

I guess that falls under the obvious configuration differences
to check, but since it usually doesn't cause a significant slowdown
I completely forgot about it.  Embarrassing.

But still.  Two orders of magnitude?  That is a pathological case.

Christian naddy Weisgerber

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lzo2 shows insane speed gap

2008-12-29 Thread Christian Weisgerber
The archivers/lzo2 port runs a series of regression tests after the
actual build.  These tests show extremely divergent behavior on
different machines.  There are two types of machines:

Type #1:
  Running the tests takes roughly the same time as configure and
  compile did, whether it's 30 seconds on a fast machine or 10
  minutes on an old slow one.

Type #2:
  Running the tests takes much, much, MUCH longer.

I've tried this across alpha, amd64, i386, and sparc64, partially
on FreeBSD, partially on OpenBSD.  The operating system doesn't
matter and there is no pattern related to endianness or 32/64 bits.

You can find machines that are the same architecture (e.g. amd64)
and are of similar overall speed (e.g. an Intel Xeon Xeon E5405 and
an AMD Phenom 9350e) and one of these machines will be type #1 and
the other will be #2 and take _a hundred_ times longer to run the
tests.  A hundred times.

I have never seen anything like this before.

On the slow machines, the tests also consume a lot of system time.
I've seen figures from 20 to 50%.  However, ktrace shows nothing
out of the ordinary.

My best guess at this time is that lzo2 somehow manages to induce
crazy cache thrashing on some CPU models.

Ideas and explanations welcome.

Christian naddy Weisgerber

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Re: lzo2 shows insane speed gap

2008-12-29 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Mel wrote:

 If the program itself doesn't directly cause the system time, do interrupt 
 rates give any hint as to what does?

systat -vmstat shows a conspicuously large number of traps, I think.
(I'm short on comparable FreeBSD machines.)

 And to rule out the obvious, you did check swapping?

No swapping.

Christian naddy Weisgerber

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Re: lzo2 shows insane speed gap

2008-12-29 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Nate Eldredge:

 It might be good first to rule out compiler / library differences.

Sure.  Let's cut this short:

Athlon 64 X2 5200+ 2.6 GHz,  FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT amd64   ~60 min
Phenom 9350e 2.0 GHz,OpenBSD 4.4-CURRENT amd64   ~80 min
UltraSPARC-IIe 500 MHz (Blade 100),  OpenBSD 4.4-CURRENT sparc64  10 h++

Pentium 4 3.0 GHz,   FreeBSD 6.4-RELEASE i386 36 s
Xeon E5405 2.0 GHz (PowerEdge 1950), OpenBSD 4.4-CURRENT amd6447 s
Alpha 21164A 500 MHz (AlphaPC164),   OpenBSD 4.4-CURRENT alpha 9 min

Let me draw your attention to the fact that the two amd64 systems
that run different operating systems are both slow, whereas the two
amd64 systems that run the same operating system (compiler, libraries)
diverge in speed.

Oh, and everybody is invited to run

$ cd /usr/ports/archivers/lzo2  make

and check for themselves.

PS: The Blade 100 is still crunching as I write this...
Christian naddy Weisgerber
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Re: VLAN offloads on FreeBSD 6.3 7.0

2008-11-16 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Yony Yossef [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Second, my NIC is capable of holding a vlan table on HW, filtering
 vlans on it's own, now I need to find a way to update that HW table
 with added/deleted VLANs in order to use that VLAN filtering offload.

If I may piggyback a question here: What is the use of a HW VLAN
filter? In what scenario do we receive significant traffic of frames
with our station address or multicast but not for any VLAN we have

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Introducing me!!

2008-04-24 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Julian Elischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  My name is Ryan French. I am a Google Summer of Code participant this
 year, and for my project I will be implementing MPLS in FreeBSD.

FWIW, OpenBSD has just started on this:

  Import MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching)
  MPLS support partly based on the (abandoned?) AYAME project.

 There has been a noted shortage in kuwus in freebsd.. for some reason.
Bed choice of word to dimonstrate the Kiwi accint, I thunk.  Kiwi
us pronounced wuth long e, not short i.

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: OS choice

2007-09-08 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Dag-Erling Smørgrav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What is the usual or minimum hardware requirement?  Is soekris box
  enough, or dual core or ASIC based platforms?
 A soekris box probably doesn't have the I/O bandwidth nor the CPU power
 to process a full BGP feed.

Henning and [Bob] holding up a running soekris, the significance
 of this is that this little box with 128 MB of ram and a 266 Mhz
 Geode CPU has a full BGP Feed and routing table happily running on

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: OpenCVS

2004-12-11 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Miguel Mendez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've seen the OpenBSD guys have come up with a BSD-licensed CVS[1] that
 should be focused on security as well as features. Is there any chance
 that this could make it into FreeBSD's tree as well?

OpenCVS is very much a work in progress at this point.  Development
has moved into the OpenBSD repository, but it is not hooked into
builds yet.  In fact, there hasn't even been a call for testing.

 it would help testing the code in another production environment.

Any talk of OpenCVS in a production environment is premature.

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: concurrent scp transfers (and a testing methodology ?)

2004-07-06 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Joe Schmoe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, I wonder how well this relates to how many
 ssh sessions (scp file transfers, specifically) that a
 FreeBSD server can handle.  Can anyone throw out some
 basic numbers for this ?  Assuming a 1ghz p3 and 2gigs
 of RAM, and assuming that everyone is transferring a
 totally different file.

In LAN environments, scp is conspicuously CPU limited.  A P3/1GHz
will be able to push out a file at about 6MB/s.  Divide by desired
number of files.  Just what transfer rates did you have in mind?

 I would think the major bottleneck would be disk

I don't think so.  If you have many concurrent transfers of different
files spread out wildly over the disk, you might get the disk to
thrash, but it isn't clear that it will still matter at this point.
Check some random reads benchmarks for your vintage of disk.

 (like, does SMP help a lot here, or just a little ?)

A lot, as far as SMP goes.

Alternatively, a lowly VIA C3 Nehemiah with its on-core AES engine
should happily beat your usual high-end P4/Athlon/etc at this task.
(I don't know whether FreeBSD integrates the AES engine in userland.
OpenBSD does.)

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Non-executable mappings now in NetBSD too

2003-08-31 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Tim Kientzle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The OpenBSD work on tightening up read/write/exec memory permissions
 looks interesting, but I wonder what impact it has on
 JIT technologies; do the current Java VMs or other incremental
 compilation engines require write+exec?

You can disable W^X for individual executables (ld -Z).

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: BSD-licensed gzip, grep and diff families in OpenBSD

2003-08-22 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Arjan van Leeuwen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It seems that OpenBSD now has BSD licensed versions of the gzip, grep and diff 
 families (see Wouldn't 
 it be a good idea to import them into FreeBSD?

Yes, maybe, no.

gzip should be fine.

grep is largely compatible with GNU grep but offers worse performance.
Apparently much worse in some corner cases.

diff lacks a lot of the extensions from the GNU version which
everybody takes for granted, e.g. no -p, -x, or -I, and there's no

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Replacing GNU grep revisited

2003-06-22 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Sean Farley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Reasons to consider for switching:

For whatever little it's worth, OpenBSD just switched to freegrep
(a somewhat modified version from NetBSD).  They also dumped the
GNU gzip implementation, after extending compress to substitute as

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: reachability

2003-02-10 Thread Christian Weisgerber
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lars Eggert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 for the last couple of days I've been unable to cvs update my sources, 
 because is unreachable:

There are at least two other machines that offer this service:*)

*) May see some service interruptions during the next couple of
   hours because I'm performing an OS update.
Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: FreeBSD's sh: local builtin

2002-08-29 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Eugene Ossintsev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 FreeBSD's sh has a builtin local for the functions. Is it a POSIX.2


 or Bash influence?

Korn Shell, more likely.

 It supposes that the classical shell doesn't have local at all.


Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: FreeBSD's sh: local builtin

2002-08-29 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Chet Ramey:

  Korn Shell, more likely.
 It's bash.  The Korn shell doesn't have it.

ksh88 has a pre-defined alias local=typeset.

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: is this character encoding or corrupted text?

2002-02-09 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Dan Langille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 In the log, the name Matthias Kvppe appears.  Is that the correct name? 

That is probably Matthias Köppe (ISO 8859-15) with the top bit
cut off.  Or Matthias Koeppe in transcription.

 My next question is how to properly handle these characters.

First you need to figure what the original character was.  Since
you can't tag CVS logs and such with character sets, you'll then
have to come up with an ASCII transcription according to the rules
of the originating language.

(Alternatively people could agree to use UTF-8, but FreeBSD support
for that is painfully weak.  And you'd still have to convert from
whatever original character set to UTF-8.)

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: tar and nodump flag

2001-11-29 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Harti Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Perhaps it makes sense to switch to star instead? The last version is
 Posix conform, supports extended headers and ACLs. According to the star
 developer (Joerg Schilling) GNU tar is severly broken.

Unfortunately, star has it's own share of problems:

- A highly idiosyncratic command syntax that is incompatible with
  traditional tar syntax.  I think this is a killer.
- It doesn't support incremental backups.  That isn't a problem in
  itself, but it's a feature our GNU tar currently has and people
  probably don't want to lose.
- An idiosyncratic build system.

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Status of Tekram DC-395 drivers

2001-11-10 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Gary Jennejohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 although I was using a Tekram 395 with the sym driver for a while.

I very much doubt that.  The DC-395 series are based on the Tekram
S1040 chip which is not compatible with the Sym53C8xx chips.  Maybe
you are confusing this with some other Tekram adapters that are

Christian naddy Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: fdescfs oddities

2001-02-02 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Chris Costello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've done some work on fdescfs in -CURRENT a while back [...]

While we are talking about fdesc(fs), how does it relate to devfs?
I.e. will devfs make fdesc useless, or require it, or...?

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: BSD dlopen and such

2001-01-02 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Rafael Barrero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 0) Are native binaries for OpenBSD different from FreeBSD? 


Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Optimal UFS parameters

2000-12-07 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Matt Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The default filesystem parameters are:
   newfs -f 1024 -b 8192 -i 8192 -c 16 ...
  -i 4096

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Anybody want to review vi patch?

2000-10-21 Thread Christian Weisgerber

There's a bug in nvi 1.79.  The options "noprint", "print", and
"octal" don't work properly.  When these options are changed, the
routine that evaluates them is called before the option has been

Do we have any people who know their way around the guts of nvi?
I've appended a patch, partly based on a change in nvi 1.81 where
this is fixed incompletely, and I'd like somebody to review this.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

diff -ur /usr/src/contrib/nvi/common/options.c nvi/common/options.c
--- /usr/src/contrib/nvi/common/options.c   Sat Apr 19 01:36:33 1997
+++ nvi/common/options.cSat Oct 21 13:06:06 2000
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
{"number",  f_reformat, OPT_0BOOL,  0},
 /* O_OCTAL   4.4BSD */
-   {"octal",   f_print,OPT_0BOOL,  0},
+   {"octal",   f_octal,OPT_0BOOL,  0},
 /* O_OPEN  4BSD */
{"open",NULL,   OPT_1BOOL,  0},
diff -ur /usr/src/contrib/nvi/common/options_f.c nvi/common/options_f.c
--- /usr/src/contrib/nvi/common/options_f.c Fri Nov  1 07:45:38 1996
+++ nvi/common/options_f.c  Sat Oct 21 13:11:14 2000
@@ -190,6 +190,34 @@
char *str;
u_long *valp;
+   /* Preset the value, needed for reinitialization of lookup table. */
+   if (o_set(sp, op-sp-opts, OS_STRDUP, str, 0))
+   return(1);
+   /* Reinitialize the key fast lookup table. */
+   v_key_ilookup(sp);
+   /* Reformat the screen. */
+   return (0);
+ * PUBLIC: int f_octal __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));
+ */
+f_octal(sp, op, str, valp)
+   SCR *sp;
+   OPTION *op;
+   char *str;
+   u_long *valp;
+   /* Preset the value, needed for reinitialization of lookup table. */
+   if (*valp)
+   O_CLR(sp, op - sp-opts);
+   else
+   O_SET(sp, op - sp-opts);
/* Reinitialize the key fast lookup table. */
diff -ur /usr/src/contrib/nvi/include/com_extern.h nvi/include/com_extern.h
--- /usr/src/contrib/nvi/include/com_extern.h   Fri Nov  1 07:45:31 1996
+++ nvi/include/com_extern.hSat Oct 21 13:05:53 2000
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@
 int f_msgcat __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));
 int f_paragraph __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));
 int f_print __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));
+int f_octal __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));
 int f_readonly __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));
 int f_recompile __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));
 int f_reformat __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));

Re: mergemaster RFC (long)

2000-09-18 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Brian Somers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  First, the things I am definitely going to do. Christian "naddy"
  Weisgerber has taken on the task of porting mm to openbsd.
 I think it would be nice to aim to keep the two scripts exactly the 
 same, using `uname` when it's really necessary.

If I have interpreted the noises Theo has made correctly, he wants
mergemaster in the base tree.  I don't think he'll keep a "case
`uname` ..." in there.

Most of the diff deals with two simple differences:
- mergemaster uses "read -p prompt" throughout.  That fails for
  OpenBSD's /bin/sh (pdksh), where "read -p" means something entirely
- On OpenBSD, "install" is synonymous to "install -c".  FreeBSD still
  has the old behavior where plain "install" deletes the source file.

If we can get rid of those, the actual differences become more

Oh, and changing every instance of "FreeBSD" into "${OPSYS}" or
some such would remove another few diff lines.

 I think having
   IGNOREFILES="a b c"
 isn't necessary when it's as easy to have
   rm a b c
 in your start script.  It seems like overkill to handle ignored files 

Well, I don't know.  Something like "IGNOREFILES=..." was the first
thing to come to my mind.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: truss -f, updated patch

2000-05-21 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Arun Sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Those gratuitous whitespace and formatting changes are a pain...

Related question:
Currently, truss does very little parsing of syscall arguments.
That table in syscalls.c looks anemic. Is there any interest in
expanding this? I guess that's something I could take on, as it
appears to be mostly grunt work.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: PR's and patches

2000-05-10 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Garance A Drosihn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, my dumb question is, how DO you pull patches out of a PR?

lynx -dump

vi to extract the relevant pre/pre part

#!/usr/bin/sed -f
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Double buffered cp(1)

2000-04-23 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Matthew Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -pipe makes a significant difference since without it every source
 file being compiled creates several files in /tmp.

Hasn't O'Brien recently said that in fact "-pipe" is already the
default for our cc, so explicitly specifying the option doesn't do

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: dutch keyboard map (+sort note)

2000-04-09 Thread Christian Weisgerber

(I think this should be taken to -questions.)


 As there isn´t a dutch keymap for syscons,
That's an acute accent (the same diacritic as in 'é'), not an

 First, how do I enable/use dead keys?

Take a look at some of the provided *.acc.kbd keymaps.

There are several "dXXX" dead keys, where XXX is an abbreviation
(first three letters of the name) for the diacritic in questions.
An example entry for a dead acute accent to provide 'é'--I think
that's a character used in Dutch--could look like this:

dacu 180 ('e' 233) ('E' 201)

This means:
- define _d_ead key for _acu_te accent,
- the accent on its own is character 180   (´),
- combined with 'e' it gives character 233 (é),
- combined with 'E' it gives character 201 (É).

 Secondly, the console screenmapping (iso88559-1- ibm) doesn´t seem to
 work properly (I´ve set it with /stand/sysinstall)

Works fine here, if you use the VGA default (or explicitly load a
CP437 font) and load the iso-8859-1_to_cp437 screen map. Of course,
the screen map facility is mostly a fallback for users of MDA/HGA/CGA
cards where the font is fixed. If you have EGA/VGA, you want to
load a proper font instead.

 E.g. if I enter the code 171 (« (guillemotleft)) then I actually see ½
 (one half) which has code 189. What´s going on?

You didn't activate the ISO 8859-1 - CP437 screen map.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Unicode on FreeBSD

2000-04-05 Thread Christian Weisgerber

I wrote:

 I also think the creating of a freebsd-i18n list is long overdue.
 I18N issues are largely lost among the traffic on -hackers and
 -questions, and it has become something of a specialty area

I just got a note from our dear postmaster that freebsd-i18n will
be created within the next couple of days.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Unicode on FreeBSD

2000-04-05 Thread Christian Weisgerber

G. Adam Stanislav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Of course, it still remains to be seen if having Unicode support on the
 console is a Good Thing(TM).
 I don't see how it would be even possible, due to hardware limitations.
 The console can only support an 8-bit font (I mean 8-bit encoding).

Actually, if you can spare an attribute bit you can handle 512
characters in text mode on a plain VGA card. pcvt(4) uses this to
keep all of CP437, ISO Latin 1, various DEC character sets, and a
range of definable characters available.

 I see the main way of supporting Unicode in providing libraries that
 programs can use to convert between Unicode and local display.

... and to handle UTF-8. Yes.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Unicode on FreeBSD

2000-04-05 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Alex Belits [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Not so. Unicode is a character map. One of many. It just happens to be
  the most inclusive one in existence.
   It is. However if you look at the current efforts of its "adoption", it
 is not used as one. It's touted as the solution to all language-related
 problems, as a replacement of language/charset labeling infrastructure

Who says so? Certainly not the Unicode enthusiasts I have met.
You are arguing against a strawman.

Unicode takes care of character repertoire, code points, and (with
UTF-*) encoding. In no way does it touch on language labeling.

 and as the necessary prerequisite for any multilingual text processing.

A claim that would be obviously absurd.
However, I do consider Unicode a sensible part of any new
implementation. ISO 2022 (and what other dinosaurs that may be
lurking in murky shadows) is a legacy solution that should die off.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Unicode on FreeBSD

2000-04-04 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Alex Belits [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have just asked, who will benefit from it. No one answered "I will" --


I want to be able to mention Henry Charri{e grave}re and
Stanis{l stroke}aw Lem in a single document and spell those names
correctly. Actually, that's a real world example. I already do on a web
page, and of course this is only possible because of the underlying
Unicode character set of HTML.

I want to be able to give a book title in Cyrillic or Greek.

I want to be able to quote from _Beowulf_.

I *desperately* want to use IPA rather than various ad-hoc ASCII

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Unicode on FreeBSD

2000-04-02 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Anatoly Vorobey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What do you think?

For what it's worth (me not being a committer and generally not on
the productive side of things), I morally support this idea.

To push certain buttons: what you are suggesting is to bring syscons
up to what the Linux console already supports in this respect.

 - in raster modes (SC_PIXEL_MODE on, etc.) more than 256 characters can
 now be trivially drawn. [...]

I should point out that what you have outlined is very limited
Unicode support. It's great for the primary European application
of Unicode, i.e. having an extended character set that combines a
character repertoire previously not available from 8-bit character
sets, e.g. the ability to write both French and Russian in the same
text. Without double-width and combining characters it won't be
nearly as useful for Asian users, though, so don't expect rampant
enthusiasm from that corner. Whether "full" Unicode support is
desirable in a console driver is another question.

 - the road is wide open for Unicode support in userland, through UTF-8. 

A UTF-8 capable xterm has been capable since, uh, last summer I
think. It's in XFree86 4.0. The road is wide open already. It would
be even more open, if the work done by the Linux people wasn't
consistently GPLed and could be reused sigh.

 - The format of screen font files must be changed.

Hardly an issue. You'll have an array of glyphs and an array which
associates a Unicode code point with each glyph. In fact, you just
might want to use the same format the latest Linux console tools
have already pioneered for this purpose.

 - some rendering routines are slowed down due to the fact that simple
 8-bit array lookups are no longer available for getting characters'
 information. This may be circumvented somewhat by smart searches/hash 

Linux uses some kind of hash tables. I don't know the implementation
details, but speedwise the overhead appears to be negligible.

Hint: For anybody interested in unicodification, the linux-utf8
mailing list is a must-read.

I also think the creating of a freebsd-i18n list is long overdue.
I18N issues are largely lost among the traffic on -hackers and
-questions, and it has become something of a specialty area since
most people appear to be served well by the existing non-solutions.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Proposed new Bourne shell init files

2000-03-31 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Doug Barton:

  export VAR=value
 The problem with that option is that it's not portable.

It's just as portable as "set -o" and "alias". None of them are
available in the original Bourne shell, all of them in the POSIX

  alias r='fc -s'
 Hrrmm... ok. I have no experience with that, but I wouldn't object to its

It's a pre-defined alias in ksh where the entire POSIX history
scheme is taken from. Roughly, it's the equivalent to the csh '!'
history substitution, although less powerful. Use "r" to repeat
the last command, "r cmd" to repeat the last command "cmd", and "r
foo=bar ..." to effect a substitution on the recalled command line.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Proposed new Bourne shell init files

2000-03-31 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Doug Barton:

   In my mind there is a difference between items that are
 freebsd-exclusive (like set -o and alias) and items that we have unique
 implementations of, like export. The latter are available on other
 platforms, and therefore, IMO we should follow the more generally accepted

You're arguing from mistaken assumptions. "set -o" and "alias" are
not in the least FreeBSD-exclusive. Nor do we have a unique
implementation with "export VAR=value". These three features don't
differ with respect to portability. To repeat:

* They aren't part of the "original" Bourne shell (which was itself
  a moving target).
* They were introduced with the Korn shell.
* Later they were specified for the POSIX shell.
* Every POSIX shell supports them.

Whatever way you want to argue, if you want to stay coherent you
have to treat these three features (and a bunch more) the same.

And, considering the subject, I'd like to point out that FreeBSD's
/bin/sh is not a Bourne shell clone but a POSIX shell.

 Extending that argument to either not take advantage of features
 unique to FreeBSD (silly and wasteful) or to doing everything FreeBSD'ish
 just because we can (teaches a bad lesson) goes too far in either
 direction for my taste. 

I think that's a bizarrely schizophrenic position, but anyway it
isn't applicable to the actual shell features discussed above.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Proposed new Bourne shell init files

2000-03-30 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Doug Barton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Commentary on my files. . . Using allexport instead of an explicit
 'export' for every variable makes the file easier to read, and gives a
 novice user one less thing to worry about.

I think Sue has a made a good argument against allexport.
Also, from your reply to her I suspect you didn't know about

export VAR=value

which is what I use and would like to suggest.

   I added 'set -o emacs' to dot.shrc, it makes life much easier,

FWIW, "set -E" does the same in fewer letters but is a FreeBSDism.

   I fully realize that treading in this area is likely to provoke lenghty
 arguments, goring of cows, etc. :)

I suggest we use nails with square heads for the south side of the
bike shed.

 # Search path for cd(1)


 # General aliases
 alias la='ls -A'
 alias lf='ls -AF'
 alias ll='ls -loaF'
 alias m=$PAGER
 alias g='egrep -i'

These are *very much* a matter of taste. I don't like a single one
of them, but then again I wouldn't want to force mine on anybody

One alias I think worth considering is

alias r='fc -s'

to provide ksh-style history access.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Unicode on FreeBSD

2000-03-25 Thread Christian Weisgerber


 Has anyone thought of Unicode support on FreeBSD? 

It has crossed my mind...

 I think that it is inevitable that eventually FreeBSD
 will *need* to support unicode if it wants to continue
 as a viable operating system in the future.

Probably. The demand for Unicode support is currently rather limited,
but I expect it to pick up somewhat once it is pervasive under
Linux and applications programmers come to expect its availability.

 This means that it probably will need to be modified from the
 ground up.

Not at all.

 Is there any way of implementing partial support,
 working in stages, untill it is fully supported?

Just that.

I suggest you read these documents:

"UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ" by Markus Kuhn

"The Unicode HOWTO" by Bruno Haible

"Unicode Fonts and Tools for X11" by Markus Kuhn

These are written for Linux but they are largely applicable to BSD
in general and FreeBSD in particular, too.

The practical relevance of Unicode has taken a huge leap forward
when Thomas Dickey made xterm became capable of displaying UTF-8
encoded Unicode character streams and Markus Kuhn coordinated the
creation of some suitable fonts. This work has been merged into
XFree86 4.0. For those of us still relying on an older release or
actually requiring an even newer version of xterm, I have made
ports available:

(Earlier versions of) these have been submitted in PRs #15545 and
#15840, but for some reason they have never been committed.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: empty lists in for

2000-03-06 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Max Khon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, under Solaris 2.6:
 clone$uname -a
 SunOS clone 5.6 Generic_105181-13 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1-Engine
 clone$for i in ; do echo $i; done
 /bin/ksh: syntax error: `;' unexpected

That's an old ksh88, which probably doesn't conform to POSIX anyway.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Onstream?

2000-03-05 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Alan Batie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just got an onstream scsi tape drive only to discover that I should've
 checked the archives because it don't work.

Depends on the drive. If you got an Echo drive (SCxx), you're right.
The ADR drives--yes, they all use ADR tape technology, but confusingly
there's also a model line called "ADR"--on the other hand, are
ordinary SCSI drives, according to the OnStream representative I
talked to at CeBIT. For instance, they're certified to work with
the plain Linux SCSI tape driver.

A few days ago I asked whether anybody's running an ADR50 successfully
off a FreeBSD box but received no response. Actually I'm not sure
the ADR50 is in the stores yet.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Localization and locale()?

2000-02-09 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Jason Simms [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Solaris, I can see what choices I have by running 'locale -a'.
 However, all my attempts to find a similar function on FreeBSD 3.4
 have failed.

Shrug There is no locale(1) command, true.
You can find the available locales under /usr/share/locale.


Those are available. It's ...ISO_8859-1, though. Notice the

 And within my program (Perl), I need to use the setlocale() function 
 imported from the POSIX module (actually, from the locale_h header file).  

Well, then do it.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Cool little 100BaseTX switch - they're coming down in price

1999-12-19 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Sergey Babkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At work I've got experience with 32-port D-Link 10/100 switched 
 hub. It works fine except that it hangs occasionally (can be
 reset by power-cycling). So we don't buy them any more. Also 
 at my pre-previous employer we had small 8-port 10Mpbs hubs from 
 D-Link and they had the same problem, so it seems to be a family 

I have a D-Link DSH-5 5-port 10/100 dualspeed hub here at home,
and I'm reasonably happy with it. It certainly doesn't hang. One
of the machines here has trouble negotiating a working 100Mbit/s
link, but that's just as likely a problem of the Linux tulip driver.
After a couple of months I put a drop of oil into the bearing of
the cooling fan, which strongly suggested that treatment by the
noises it was making.

Somebody mentioned power supplies: Since I ordered the hub from
the US but live in 230V-land, I had to experiment a bit with the
transformers I had lying around. Eventually I ended up feeding the
hub's power supply 120V/50Hz and it's happy with that. 100V/50Hz
didn't work.

This should move to -chat.
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: keeping termcap up to date

1999-09-22 Thread Christian Weisgerber


 In the past, it has been pointed out that some of the termcap entries
 needs updating.

Indeed. I just noticed that screen still has trouble in xterm, due
to a broken termcap entry. Would a committer please take care of
PR #12209?

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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PAPERSIZE in /etc/make.conf?

1999-09-18 Thread Christian Weisgerber

Should we have a PAPERSIZE variable (A4 vs. letter) in /etc/make.conf?

- groff has the paper size set as compile time option.

- Various ports that now exist in two versions or require the
  user to define the paper size at build time could automatically
  pull the value in.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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PAPERSIZE in /etc/make.conf?

1999-09-18 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Should we have a PAPERSIZE variable (A4 vs. letter) in /etc/make.conf?

- groff has the paper size set as compile time option.

- Various ports that now exist in two versions or require the
  user to define the paper size at build time could automatically
  pull the value in.

Christian naddy Weisgerber

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