Re: Architectures with strict alignment?

2008-01-04 Thread Marco van de Voort
On Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 03:43:30AM +0100, Ivan Voras wrote:

 Which of the architectures FreeBSD supports (if any) have strict memory
 alignment requirements? (in the sense that accessing a 32-bit integer
 not aligned on a 32-bit address results in a hardware trap/exception).

I do know that older PPCs (PowerPC603) have a requirement on aligning of

IIRC the e.g. Linux the kernel hooks an exception handler that makes it
transparent for apps (at the cost of some performance), and NetBSD does not
I never ran FreeBSD on PPC, so I wouldn't know that one.
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Re: hello world but not in 32bit x86 but in amd64 for amd64 platform

2005-08-18 Thread Marco van de Voort
  Could you inform me if there exist somewhere such a program
  cfr the 32bit hello world example in
  Chapter 11 
  x86 Assembly Language Programming
  FreeBSD Developers' Handbook
 The procedure should be the same no matter what architecture you are
 using.  Just use AMD64 assembly...
 You can also generate an assembly hello-world program yourself:
 $ cat  EOF  test.c
 int main(void)
   write(1, Hello world\n, 12);
   return 0;
 $ gcc -S test.c
 $ cat test.s

This doesn't lead you to the minimal program, simply because it is still
linked to gcc. It should be static, and with no standard libs.
However afaik this is not possible with the current CSU. 

I patched the CSU of (iirc -CURRENT somewhere close before 5.2)  for the FPC
x86_64 port (which isn't fully completed for time reasons)

I just changed that adapted CSU to a hello world program and retested it on
our only freebsd/x86_64 machine (which runs 6.0, probably compat_5
installed) and it works.

The program patched to hello world is at:

which is adapted from

to assemble the first program:

as -o prt0.o

and link with

ld prt0.o -o helloworld

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ARG_MAX increase

2005-02-23 Thread Marco van de Voort

I saw ARG_MAX was increased in 6.0. Recently I noticed that the
lang/fpc-devel port currently hits the old limit in certain (though rare)
cases), and this is annoying.

(some testing revealed that half the increase of 6.0 to 131k params is also

Any chance ARG_MAX will be upped in -STABLE too?

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Re: USB developer please look at cdce driver -- (Was: Driver for Yopy PDA)

2004-11-29 Thread Marco van de Voort
 On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 11:09:59AM +0100, Marco van de Voort wrote:
  I'm also in need for a cdce device. 
  I had the below URL running with 5.2 (and some currents from mid-summer),
  but it fails to compile with 5.3
 When did you pull down that tarball?  I updated the driver at that
 location a few days ago to make it compile on 5.3 (though I haven't
 tested it with a real device yet).
 Thanks to Dave Smith for pointing out to me last week that it wasn't

I tested it in RC1 times. Thanks for fixing! 
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Re: USB developer please look at cdce driver -- (Was: Driver for Yopy PDA)

2004-11-23 Thread Marco van de Voort

[ cdce device, amongst others for zaurus]

 not even a nibble from [EMAIL PROTECTED]   thinking that hackers@ might be a
 more appropriate venue.  i know that everything is hectic now with 5.3,
 so perhaps when the dust settles a bit...

I'm also in need for a cdce device. 

I had the below URL running with 5.2 (and some currents from mid-summer),
but it fails to compile with 5.3

 Begin forwarded message:
 Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 16:14:49 -0400
 From: epilogue [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Raphael Langerhorst [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: USB developer please look at cdce driver -- (Was: Driver for
 Yopy PDA)
 hello again,
 i just noticed this driver turn up in the openbsd code.  i'm suspecting
 that it might resolve pc-pda connectivity issues for some users. 
 would really appreciate it if a committer glanced at the code.
   (...and, if meritorious, eventually ported this piece over)
 hopefully, this will scratch someone's itch.  in the meantime, knoppix
 it is.=]
 many thanks,
 On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 09:05:16 +0200
 Raphael Langerhorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm also still very interested in this driver, so far I haven't
  received any response. I hope someone takes care that it is included
  in FreeBSD 5.
  PS: I'm not registered to the freebsd-questions list, please cc me on
  On Wednesday 18 August 2004 04:04, you wrote:
   hello all,
   i recently received a yopy 3500 pda ( and
   and have been trying very much in vain to get it to speak 'ethernet
   over usb' with my fbsd 4.10 install.
   the only promising *bsd related threads i have been able to locate
   i am hoping to learn whether:
   a) the 5.x driver mentioned in these messages is on its way into
   the source tree (i did not come across any if_saue entries in
   cvsweb.cgi/src/sys/dev/usb) ?
   b) i can help test a version designed for 4.x ?  my yopy awaits your
   command  =]
   hopefully someone will get back to me regarding these questions.  in
   the meantime, linux already has driver support for the yopy, so i'm
   going to give knoppix a try.
   thanks for reading,
   p.s. comms/birda appears to be another option for connecting to the
   machine, but i haven't yet made any headway with that tool set.
  G System, the evolving universe -
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x86-64 syscall ABI conventions

2004-05-12 Thread Marco van de Voort

To start with the FPC port for x86-64, I've objdumped an empty C prg on an
x86-64, and read the abi document on, but don't understand the
move rcx,r10 before each syscall.

Why is this done? What is exactly saved? If it is a save, where is it
restored from r10?

00402094 __sys_sigaction:
  402094:   48 c7 c0 a0 01 00 00mov$0x1a0,%rax
  40209b:   49 89 camov%rcx,%r10- This one
  40209e:   0f 05   syscall
  4020a0:   72 01   jb 4020a3 __sys_sigaction+0xf
  4020a2:   c3  retq

I did notice that the x86-64 linux abi mentions rcx as being destroyed by
the kernel.

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-11 Thread Marco van de Voort
 I also don't think it's the issue that needs to be dealt with - 
 distribution is much, much, MUCH bigger an issue than shall we get rid 
 of floppies? I sent this to the list before, but it got ignored, so 
 I'll send it again, where Jordan points out we have bigger issues to 
 deal with when discussing the floppy disk problem whilst discussing 
 libh:- (
 As I mentioned in Section 2.3, one of the more annoying problems with
 FreeBSD's current distribution format is the dividing line between
 distributions and packages. There should really only be one type of
 distribution format and, of course, it should be the package (There Can
 Be Only One). Achieving this means we're first going to have to grapple
 with several problems, however:
 First, eliminating the distribution format means either teaching the
 package tools how to deal with a split archive format (they currently do
 not) or divorcing ourselves forever from floppies as a distribution
 medium. This is an issue which would seem an easy one to decide but
 invariably becomes Highly Religious(tm) every time it's brought up. In
 some dark corner of the world, there always seems to be somebody still
 installing FreeBSD via floppies and even some of the fortune 500 folks can
 cite FreeBSD success stories where they resurrected some old 386 box (with
 only a floppy drive and no networking/CD/...) and turned it into the star
 of the office/saved the company/etc etc. That's not to say we can't still
 bite that particular bullet, just that it's not a decision which will go
 down easily with everyone and should be well thought-out.
 And I have to say, I agree. If abondoning floppies is part of some
 well-thought-out and well-planned package management strategy, I'm all for
 it. Otherwise, let sleeping dogs lie?

It isn't as far as I can understand from that link. JKH is talking about
doing floppy only install

(some old 386 box (with only a floppy drive and no networking/CD/...) and
turned it into the star of the office/saved the company/etc etc...)

not loading an installation kernel and /stand from floppy and then transfer to
network/cd later.

This because when then base/packages need to fit on floppy. This isn't necessary
for the current two-flop, then CD install which is discussed now. 

P.s. for the record, I prefer Slackware's approach to floppy booting.
Multiple cut down bootsets (SCSI, NET etc) with the ability to simply
extract extra kernel modules from CD to a floppy (on a separate machine) and
load them from floppy while still in the initial system ramdisk (before
mounting CD). The loading/mounting etc must be done by hand, no extra
new functionality required.

Maybe the basic idea should be to forget the equivalence of floppy and cd
boot, and deliver a set of kernel modules on CD, and a few basic boot/root
floppies, and for the rest let users create their own custom driver discs,
and do some extra work to keep their floppy boot running.

That ends the one boot/root for all idea, but is maybe more flexible, ( didn't
have to make something with custom kernel to install my Proliant 1500, but
only select the right kernel disc and copy some extra kernel moduless to an empty
flop) and at the same time decrease release engineering on the floppies.

I think this is a good compromise:  Keep floppy option open, but shift some
burden to the users.

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ABI Compliance FreeBSD syscalls

2003-11-08 Thread Marco van de Voort

Are FreeBSD syscalls (on x86) x86 ABI compliant? IOW do they save the
required registers (IIRC ebx,esi,edi) ?

I tried to derive it from the sources, but my gcc pragmaese is not on a
high enough level for that.

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Re: Kylix in FreeBSD

2003-11-07 Thread Marco van de Voort

Hmm, and to the list :)

 Rod Person + Terry Lamber wrote:  
  On Thursday 06 November 2003 09:09 am, It was written:
   If you futs with getting Kylix to run under FreeBSD, don't forget the
   special glibc requirements that some versions of Kylix have. Maybe you
   should probably simply replace the entire /compat userland with the
   userland of a distro that Kylix supprorts _with_ kylix extra patches


  Have you tried this? 

No, I only needed the commandline compiler at the time. It is also only
a suggestion for something to look into.   I don't have Kylix anymore
(it was my employers) 

  Since Kylix came out I have tried to get it to run on FreeBSD and
  various Linux distros. A few days ago I got kylix to run on SuSE 8.2
  (from the kylix newsgroups this seems to be the best distro for it).
  NetBSDs Linux emulation is based on SuSE, isn't it? But, I found no
  postings related to Kylix on NetBSD. My next wondering is would NetBSD
  Linux emu run under FreeBSD and would this run kylix?

No idea.
 Since all new developement in Kylix is apparently officially
 stalled, now would be a good time to do the porting work, since
 it's no longer a moving target...

Not me, IMHO the fpc (+lazarus) port is more important atm. It generates
much simpler apps, but it is native on every 4.x and 5.x with gtk12, and
connects to the free dbs without much fuzz :-)
Moreover it is not dead.

Kylix is dead. Probably both because Borland got in bed with Microsoft
because of .NET, and because it was no commercial success. 

Kylix is a bastard child compared to Delphi, but not _that_ bad, and being
the only similar tool in the market should have made up for that.
Productivity is apparantly not appreciated under Linux yet, or the demand
for small/medium custom client-server apps on linux is still too low.

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Re: Kylix in FreeBSD

2003-11-06 Thread Marco van de Voort
 * jasaorp [EMAIL PROTECTED] [031031 04:59]:
  Somebody uses Kylix in FreeBSD?
  What is the performance?
 The IDE doesn't run under FreeBSD.  I worked on it a bit over this
 summer when the most recent Kylix came out, and it appears to rely on
 too many Linux-isms.
 The command-line tools work just fine, and produce binaries that are on
 par with the ones you get from Linux.  If I remember from my testing,
 the compiler produces Linux-style ELF binaries.
 Getting the Kylix IDE to function on FreeBSD has been one of the ongoing
 hair-pulling tasks I undertake every few months.  The installer alone is
 a pain in the ass, since it performs compatibility checks in such
 Linux-centric ways as hard-coding /bin/bash into the shell scripts, and
 searching for shared libraries by name from hard-coded paths.  (GTK
 especially gives the installer fits because FreeBSD's gtk library has a
 -x11 at the end of the name.)  But once you work around those issues
 with some creative symlinking and script editing, the console tools
 install fairly painlessly.

For some projects, using lang/fpc (get a newer version from the website, the
1.9beta supports nearly the entire D6 language set) and lazarus
( as RAD might be of some use. It is native and open
source. See also the next more elaborate message.

Your mileage may vary depending on your skills and requirements, but it is
definitely worth a look.

If you futs with getting Kylix to run under FreeBSD, don't forget the
special glibc requirements that some versions of Kylix have. Maybe you
should probably simply replace the entire /compat userland with the userland
of a distro that Kylix supprorts _with_ kylix extra patches installed?

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Re: Kylix in FreeBSD

2003-11-06 Thread Marco van de Voort

 I do not know about the C++ part of Kylix, but about the Delphi part, maybe
 it could be replaced with FreePascal (  There
 are even some projects that try to produce an IDE similar to Delphi
 Has anyone gived a try to FreePascal?

I maintain it, the FPC on *BSD ports I mean. (but I'm  not the FreeBSD ports
tree entry maintainer).

I just uploaded the first public beta from the future 2.0.x branch to the FTP
FPC site last night.

Bindings for several database types included.

The GUI RAD project ( is gtk1.2 based and works with
FreeBSD, however the conversion of lazarus to the future 2.0.x branch was
only done a few days ago, so it might be wise to wait a month till the next
version, or obtain a snapshot when lazarus is stabilized. (there is some minor problem
in the pipe handling that connects the RAD to the compiler and debugger, which was 
in the old branch, but not yet in the new one,)

The new branch supports near the entire Delphi language set in principle
(and is threadsafe), the one major exception I know of are dispinterfaces.

Installation of the commandline compiler is very easy. Download the .tar,
run sh, and answer yes on everything. (which will install most
into /usr/local/lib/fpc, throw a few bins in /usr/local/bin, and some
manpages and docs where it hopefully should be). Compiling and installing
the RAD is somewhat more involved, but that is mainly because it is a moving
target. Should be doable for a freebsd-hacker ( :-) )

People interested in FPC on *BSD can always contact me.

German speakers: an article about installing lazarus + working (1.0.x) snapshots was
published in the most recent FreeX (the one from oct 1th)
 Matthew West added a compat_4 flag to the lang/fpc port. I would like to know what
 the reason for this is. (iow what do I have to change to make it FreeBSD native?)

P.s.3 The new branch is multi architecture, though due to the preparing and
debugging of the 1.9beta, all non-x86 archs (ARM,PPC,Sparc V8) are broken. 
However I did run Delphi code on NetBSD/macppc before it broke!

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Re: Assembly Syscall Question

2003-07-31 Thread Marco van de Voort
 When making a system call to the kernel why is it necessary to push the 
 syscall value onto the stack when you don't call another function? 

You have to push anything the size of an address. Because the call return
pushes the return adress on the stack. The 1st and 3rd both push 4 bytes,
so they work.

_why_ this is needed is probably because the routine that does the int 80h
can also check and process the int 80h returnvalue and errorcode, and people
wanted to avoid duplication of that code, at least that is my guess :-)

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ld: memory exhausted

2003-06-22 Thread Marco van de Voort

I'm trying to link a lang/fpc program, and ld bombs out with
ld: Memory exhausted when it reaches my physical memory limit. Worse,
it bombed when only one third of the .a's were loaded.

I tried to link with the most optimal deadcode elimination, by simply
creating a smartlinkable compilation unit per symbol and it seems
that ld needs about 100-120x the binary size in memory, which is
a bit steep. (so binary =1 MB, ld uses about 100-150 MB) 

The binary I'm trying to generate is about 8 MB. (,
a port recently requested on -ports that I'm looking into)

Does some binutils wizard know how to put a break on this behaviour, (e.g.
by custom building binutils, it's no problem if that slows down ld) ?

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Error in keyboard(4) manpage, off by one

2002-07-10 Thread Marco van de Voort

The keyboard(4) manpage is a bit vague about the numbering convention for
thefunction keys (that generate multi byte escape) SETFKEY ioctl and in the
keymap structure.

The problem is that the C-level routines (SETFKEY, GETFKEY macro's, indices
in the KEYMAP structure) are 0 based. (first function key is 0, last is 95),
while the kbdcontrol unit numbers them 1..96.

The manpage seems to imply that the numbering is 1..96 for both the C
programming interface as the kbdcontrol utility.
kbdcontrol seems to deal with this ok.

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Opinion asked: unicode encoding

2001-03-21 Thread Marco van de Voort


The fpc core team is currently working on unicode support for Free 
Pascal, a pascal compiler that runs on FreeBSD/i386, and I would 
like to ask your opinion about what encoding to choose for the 
default multibyte string type. (Delphi's WideString), choices are UTF-
8 , -16 or UCS4. 

Not only because you might have an opinion on what is going to be 
the dominant encoding over time on FreeBSD (and *nix in general), 
but also because our core members are mainly in countries which 
are covered by cp850, and therefore have relatively little experience 
with multibyte characters and their pitfalls.

Actually all three encodings and conversions will be implemented, 
but only one will get full support (with all string operations available), 
for the other two encodings, the compiler will insert automatic 
conversions for the routines not overloaded for the less important 

Any opinions?

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good book or other source about socket programming

2001-02-24 Thread Marco van de Voort

I'm searching for a good book (or site/tutorial) about Unix socket 
programming, preferably FreeBSD specific. 

Any hints?


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Re: FreeBSD Linux emulation / arla 0.34.6

2001-01-24 Thread Marco van de Voort

 I have discovered a rather interesting bug with this combination,
 and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction
 to help me track it down.
 The problem is that linux binaries which call getdirents on an afs
 directory do not report the last directory entry:

Hmm. Could it be getdirentries itself, or some oddity that is not 
documented, but worked around in libc? I also have some 
getdirentries (FreeBSD version, patched together I directly admit) 
based code that sometimes doesn't seem to be able to find certain 


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direct ports access from userland.

2001-01-21 Thread Marco van de Voort

As mentioned often before ( :-) ) I'm porting a compiler.

Currently, I'm working on the last bits, and one of the things left is 
the possibility to do port-access as root from userland under Linux.

Does FreeBSD have any possibility to this? 


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console.h mouse.h

2000-12-30 Thread Marco van de Voort

If you know little (or even larger ones)
 programs that could demonstrate console.h (consio,kbio,fbio) and/or
mouse.h could you mail/reply here?

I already found aumix.

(I'm writing a small article. I found out a lot myself and via the manpages,
but some things don't work (and a working duplicate would help to track the
problem in the translated headers), and for some functions I haven't been
able to find much.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: FreeBSD vs Linux, Solaris, and NT

2000-12-28 Thread Marco van de Voort

 Mr Kamps comments are also "Well documented". I would think that EVERYONE 
 on this list would be offended by his insinuation that anyone that uses 
 FreeBSD and doesnt contribute source to FreeBSD is stealing. Where is that 
 outcry on that ridiculous idea? If you are offended by people using your 
 code then you should get out of the free source business. (haha, " business 
 ", now thats a metaphor!)

Not really, it is *open* source. Not free source :-)

Free software, (to use), but not free source.

 There are other ways to contribute than to contribute source. 

Sure. You can work on docs, website, packaging etc.

How many 
 advertising dollars has Mr Kamp spent promoting the use of FreeBSD? 

Afaik, anybody can spend any amount of advertising dollars he 

 Thousands of users use FreeBSD enhanced with our "contributions".  We spend 
 tens of thousands of dollars advertising them, indirectly advertising 
 FreeBSD in the process.

Sure. And without FreeBSD, your "contributions" are worthless, so 
you already got your share.

 People buy products because they think that they are worth the price. The 
 fact that so many people are willing to pay for the enhancements we provide 
 is prima facia evidence of our contribution.

Sure, but at the moment it enters the system, we are supposed to 
support, test and let it evoluate with the system. How to do that 
without source?
 Im sorry so few of you understand.

You are being much to simplistic. It is easy to put it in the ports-tree, 
but after that the QA (which you think so high of) of FreeBSD as 
whole decreases. 

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Re: FreeBSD vs Linux, Solaris, and NT

2000-12-28 Thread Marco van de Voort

 Afaik, anybody can spend any amount of advertising dollars he
 Again, you miss the point. Spending dollars advertising is arguably a more 
 valuable contribution than altering a few line of code or submitting a 
 driver for some obscure card.

Well, I don't think so. Good quality and many drivers  are very 
important for an OS.  (think about e.g. win95 vs NT)

Where money is, there are 3rd party vendors. Wave a networking 
budget, and ten jump in your neck.
   Thousands of users use FreeBSD enhanced with our "contributions".  We 
   tens of thousands of dollars advertising them, indirectly advertising
   FreeBSD in the process.
 Sure. And without FreeBSD, your "contributions" are worthless, so
 you already got your share.
 That makes no sense. How can you "contribute" to something that doesnt 

You mean it is a Schrodingers cat problem? :-)
It is a simple dependancy thought experiment: A depends on B.

There is only 50% chance that B exists, and you can't determine if 
B exists exactly.

What is the status of A ...

 The existence of FreeBSD is a necessary condition to make a 
 contribution to it.

Yes, but without it existance this would be academical.
   People buy products because they think that they are worth the price. The
   fact that so many people are willing to pay for the enhancements we 
   is prima facia evidence of our contribution.
 Sure, but at the moment it enters the system, we are supposed to
 support, test and let it evoluate with the system. How to do that
 without source?
 Wrong again. WE support it. 

Then YOU distribute it.

 Windows has the driver for the intel ethernet card on their CD, but they 
 dont support it. At least TRY to grasp some concepts here, you might learn 

That is why you have to click sixteen licenses to install something. 
Not worth the hassle IMHO.
 Im trying to give analogies that even you can understand, but its very 
 difficult :-)

Stop being so childish.

Yes, you can do it perfect, but than you have a reviewing board that 
does QA for packages, and allow some to be distributed and some 

FreeBSD can't afford that, and it would be undemocratic, unclear 
So that is why the policy is no binary distribution parts, probably.

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RE: FreeBSD vs. Linux, Solaris, and NT

2000-12-26 Thread Marco van de Voort

 I ran into people at NASA who use Python because (beside being a good
 language) it isn't GPL. 

Pure paranoia. You don't have to share the code that is written IN 
Python.  Only modifications TO python (if it were GPL)

 For legal and security reason they cannot
 share changes to code they make, so anything GPL is unusable.

 So are programs that run on Linux required to be open source? I need
 to know.

You may only shared link to GPL'ed packages, and  the rest is up to 

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Re: FreeBSD vs Linux, Solaris, and NT

2000-12-22 Thread Marco van de Voort

[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
  Trouble is there is no consistency in the rulings.
 United States Code Title 17 Chapter 12 Section 1201 Subsection (f)
 My basic interpretation of this is, if you legally own a copy of the
 software (firmware is software), you can legally reverse engineer the
 software for the purpose of achiving interoperability.  Therefore, if you
 own a piece of hardware, and you have no driver for the hardware, or the
 driver provided is not acceptable, you have the right to reverse engineer
 the firmware in order to write your own driver, thereby achiving

Exactly the same in Europe, only the sharing parts are new for me.
The difference seems to be:
The problem is that in the US, it is legal to override this with the
licensing conditions. In Europe this right is inalienable.

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Text console programming on a low level.

2000-12-09 Thread Marco van de Voort

I've ported a Linux app, but am still having some problems with a 
fullscreen textmode editor to work with FreeBSD consoles. (I already 
use NCurses, but I don't think I'm doing it right)

The problems are many:
- Codepages. Is there anyway to force cp437, for linedrawing?
(or even better on the phys console, work in 512 character font 
mode, saving the original font) The fact that Midnight Commander 
doesn't use all linedrawing chars is worrying :-)

- Keyboard. mainly the extended keys. (alt, ctrl, F-keys)

- Mouse support (console, xterm)

Of course I want it to work on as many consoles as possible, but for 
now standard telnet between PCs (FreeBSD and Linux standard 
clients + some win32 clients like putty and dtelnet) 

The win32 clients are already working quite right, and I can even get 
the Linux and FreeBSD clients to work (by killing off some code for 
the linux console)

However the physical (the default one from FreeBSD 4.2 btw, I 
assume it is syscons) console hardly does anything. When I set the 
terminal to one of the vtxxx terminals I can get some life out of it, but 
cons25 totally messes up.

Are there some ((Free)BSD specific) docs about this? Or other 
"really" fullscreen textconsole programs (so with extended keys, 
mouse and codepage support) as examples?

I already went through Ncurses docs, but those are more generic in 


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Free Pascal compiler version 1.0.2 beta for FreeBSD is officially out !

2000-10-22 Thread Marco van de Voort


It is with great pleasure that the Free Pascal Development Team

Version 1.0.2 beta for FreeBSD 4.x +

of the Free Pascal compiler has been officially released.

This is a first beta version, commandline only, and not all packages
checked for FreeBSD compability.

If you have FreeBSD available, try to test to compile your sources
FreeBSD, so we can lift this beta status soon.

The Free Pascal Compiler/FreeBSD features:

- A Turbo Pascal and Delphi compatible compiler for the Intel
   family,  with some extensions to the Pascal and Object Pascal
   such as operator overloading.
- An OS independent Run-Time Library, equivalent to the Turbo 
   and Delphi Run-Time Libraries, not dependent on external libraries.
- An API allowing for OS-Independent screen, keyboard and mouse
   management. (we need a lot of fixes and help here!)
- Many units, interfacing to various API's: gtk, xforms, zlib,
   sockets, X, mysql, postgresql, Interbase, paszlib, opengl, libgdb.
- A Free Component Library, containing many base classes from the
   Delphi VCL.
- More than 800 pages of documentation in Adobe PDF format, 
   + User's guide
   + Programmer's guide
   + Reference guide
   + reference guide for all units in the Run-Time Library
   + More than 440 complete example programs.
   (Other formats include plain text, HTML and PostScript)
- Full sources to compiler, RTL, docs, packages.

The distribution is available from in directory /pub/fpc/dist/freebsd-1.0.2 and
and from FTP mirrors.

speaking for the whole Free Pascal Development Team


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ncurses+ full screen apps

2000-10-18 Thread Marco van de Voort

Is it possible to capture alt-x keys on the console? 

Prefer a ncurses solution, but a FreeBSD specific, or even a RAW 
freebsd console one will  do.


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misc freebsd-internal questions.

2000-09-28 Thread Marco van de Voort

(for the development of the Free Pascal compiler port):

- Is there a way to easily check FreeBSD version (3.x or 4.x+, because of
the different syscallnrs for signal functions) on syscall level?

- Can I use the assembler instruction ENTER ? E.g. Linux doesn't allow it, 
because it would complicate the stack overflow handler?


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Re: misc freebsd-internal questions.

2000-09-28 Thread Marco van de Voort

 If it is for a compile-time check, there's a __FreeBSD_version define in
 sys/param.h (the kern.osreldate sysctl returns exactly this).  If it is
 a configure- or run-time thing, use the sysctl as Maxime suggested.

No, it is runtime detection, and maybe it needs to be a very early 
one, therefore I requested the detection via syscall. (contrary to e.g. 
running uname or so). 

Compile time using C headers is totally impossible, since the 
compiler can't read C headers ;-)

The sysctl call is not in the man pages, which had confused me. 
After Maxime's hint I started searching again, convinced that 
something called sysctl had to exist on syscall level (in uname and 
libc sources/headers), and found it

The runtime checks would keep both versions binary compatible as it 

Even weirder is that if I generate binaries on Linux, using our 
FreeBSD runtime library, the generated binaries run perfectly on 
FreeBSD (no, no linux compat :-). No crosslinker  needed, and the 
ELF object file writer also works fine (eliminating AS)

Well, I hope to implement this tomorrow, and create the port files 
next week. Thanks to the hackers list for all support!

The ENTER part is interesting (since it is slightly tighter and on 
some processors faster), but not needed directly.


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ENTER allowed?

2000-09-13 Thread Marco van de Voort

On Linux, use of the Enter is not allowed because of the internals of 
stack page fault handlers. 

Is this also the case on FreeBSD (3.x + )?


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2000-09-07 Thread Marco van de Voort

What does this line (from clone.s linuxpthread port) do?

jmp PIC_PLT(HIDENAME(cerror))


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Re: file creation times ?

2000-05-27 Thread Marco van de Voort

 I know very little of filesystems, but I know that NTFS is extensible 
 (and supports several file strains). So probably that is not a limitation of NTFS,
 but of the NT implementation of it.
 E.g. Mac stuff is stored in an extra strain, extra attributes can be stored in 
 the MFS etc etc.  One could write a *nix NTFS driver that supported NFS 

Whoops, that should be MFT (Master File Table) not MFS. 
Probably got confused by all those MFS messages :-)

And btw there is afaik also no reason why a new NTFS driver couldn't be 
developped for NT (that supported NFS metadata). NTFS support is according
to the docs a separate module. (but that is the theory, not practice)

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Re: getdirentries() and /proc

2000-05-26 Thread Marco van de Voort

 The man page for getdirentries() says:
   getdirentries(int fd, char *buf, int nbytes, long *basep)
   "The nbytes argument must be greater than or equal to the block
   size associated with the file, see stat(2).  Some filesys-
   tems may not support these functions with buffers smaller than
   this size."
 So ... what are we supposed to use for this?  For special filesystems
 like /proc, is any old value that is sufficiently large enough to hold
 a few struct dirent's considered to be OK?  Should I not use
 'getdirentries()', and opt instead for 'opendir()' and 'readdir()'?
 Any advice is appreciated.

I also had this problem (when I created a readdir equivalent for a port of a 
non-libc using compiler).

I checked libc, and libc always seems to use 1024 bytes (constant called DIRBLKSIZ) 
for nbytes.  But I didn't try to
search /proc yet.

Also keep in mind that using getdirentries you could get duplicate entries
(libc readdir sorts and removes duplicates first).
I however don't know if this is just because of hardlinks (which most people 
don't use afaik) or also for regular filehandling. 

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Re: file creation times ?

2000-05-26 Thread Marco van de Voort

 That's not justification for putting a creation time into the UFS.
 Different filesystems store different information - depending on
 what the FS developers saw as important.  You could just as easily
 point out the deficiencies of NTFS based on it's inability to
 support all the metadata in NFS.

I know very little of filesystems, but I know that NTFS is extensible 
(and supports several file strains). So probably that is not a limitation of NTFS,
but of the NT implementation of it.

E.g. Mac stuff is stored in an extra strain, extra attributes can be stored in 
the MFS etc etc.  One could write a *nix NTFS driver that supported NFS 

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APJ Article

2000-05-06 Thread Marco van de Voort

 As a die-hard assembly language programmer, I was very pleased when recently
 someone posted a link to his Hello, World assembly language code here.

I did that as a die-hard pascal programmer: -) This is one of those things every
non C programmer runs into.

 I played with his code a bit, then wrote a very simple filter in assembly
 language. I then converted it to an article on System Calls in FreeBSD,
 and submitted it to Assembly Programming Journal, which is a bi-monthly
 on-line magazine.
 If anyone is interested, the text of the article (includes the code for
 the filter) is at
 I pose a question in it (where can an assembly language program find its
 command line): If anyone knows the answer, I'd love to hear it!

Locate directory csu (I believe it is in /usr/src/lib/csu), 
and compile crt0.c with -S and -O3 or so. (which simplifies the assembler)
(I believe this won't work with a recent compiler, I had to do it on a system
with a 2.7.x compiler)

You will find something like the following code in it like this:
(The U_SYSLINUX labels are Free Pascal variables that are loaded, I had to
'fix' crt0 for that)

movl %edx,%edx
leal 8(%ebp),%edi
mov -4(%edi),%eax
movl 4(%ebp),%ebx
leal 12(%ebp,%ebx,4),%esi
movl %esi,environ
testl %ebx,%ebx
jle .L2
movl 8(%ebp),%eax
testl %eax,%eax
je .L2
movl %eax,__progname
cmpb $0,(%eax)
je .L2

Well, argv, argc, the enviroment, what more can you want :-)

Anyway, the generated assembler source will also reveal how to parse that 
structure. You can also rip out all libc initialisation code (or I can sent you 
my version, in which you only have to comment those U_SYSLINUX lines) 
if you don't link to libc.

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: solicit hardware and/or testers for newbusified drivers

2000-05-04 Thread Marco van de Voort

  el: 3Com 3C501 ethernet card.

I can remember the Linux ethernet howto seriously discouraging using this 
card. It seems to be quite faulty.

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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fp statusword in sigcontext

2000-04-30 Thread Marco van de Voort

I want a signalhandler, which splits out sigfpe to the different copro 
signals. I found a linux example, which is based on the statusword field of the
sigcontext structure passed to the signalhandler set 

Problem is that the linux sigcontext has a field for the floatingpoint statusword,
while the BSD sigcontext (machine/signal.h) has only two arrays of int's:

(FPU part struct sigcontext
 * XXX FPU state is 27 * 4 bytes h/w, 1 * 4 bytes s/w (probably not
 * needed here), or that + 16 * 4 bytes for emulators (probably all
 * needed here).  The "spare" bytes are mostly not spare.
int sc_fpregs[28];  /* machine state (FPU): */
int sc_spare[17];

Does somebody know how to distille the FP statusword from this struct?

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: Multithreaded server performance

2000-04-25 Thread Marco van de Voort

 Linux runs into problems at less than 4000 threads because of a limit on
 the total number of processes, even if the thread stack size is decreased.

16xxx if you use a 2.3.99pre-x kernel? 

At least I thought that that was being mentioned as one of the major new things in 
2.4.x kernels.
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Clone in userland

2000-04-22 Thread Marco van de Voort

I have a Linux library based on the Clone() call which I want to port to native 

I checked the linux emulation, and it seems to do some internal kernel stuff.
Is this possible to emulate in userland?

p2 = pfind(p-p_retval[0]);

/* MvdV: check rfork's return value, and if clone, then load process info?  */

if (p2 == 0)
return ESRCH;

p2-p_sigparent = exit_signal;

p2-p_md.md_regs-tf_esp = (unsigned int)args-stack;

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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ktrace, syscalls and filehandles.

2000-04-11 Thread Marco van de Voort

OS: FreeBSD 4.0

I have a ported pascal compiler that doesn't work yet.

I use ktrace (great tool btw) to find the problem, mainly because the differences
between the linux and FreeBSD version are only in about 50 syscall calling 

Now the program terminates with the following sequence, which makes me 

- A fstat (handle,buffer)with handle = 0x4 and buffer the right value.
returns 0. (success). I checked, and the file does exist.
- then a lseek on the same handle (0x4, so not overwritten by a dangling pointer ), 
returns -1 (I forgot the errno, but ktrace says bad filedescriptor)

How can this happen? There is no call to close(or any other syscall) inbetween, 
and I guess that the actual data for filedescriptor 4 is in some protected space, 
which I can't have mutilated?

(p.s. Keep in mind I can't GDB yet, the plain GDB v4.18 don't seem to work on 4.0. 
and I need them for an OBJPAS patch. The problems have to do with solib.c )
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Syscall 198 __syscall, why??????? New port

2000-04-11 Thread Marco van de Voort

 OS: FreeBSD 4.0
 I have a ported pascal compiler that doesn't work yet.

It does now work now, except for some minor details, and haven't worked on
libc linking yet. Am already subscribing to ports :-)

 I use ktrace (great tool btw) to find the problem, mainly because the differences
 between the linux and FreeBSD version are only in about 50 syscall calling 
 Now the program terminates with the following sequence, which makes me 
 - A fstat (handle,buffer)with handle = 0x4 and buffer the right value.
   returns 0. (success). I checked, and the file does exist.
 - then a lseek on the same handle (0x4, so not overwritten by a dangling pointer ), 
   returns -1 (I forgot the errno, but ktrace says bad filedescriptor)

I replaced lseek with the asm code of an objdumped libc program, and found 
that  libc calls lseek via syscall 198 (___syscall), and NOT 199. (lseek self)

This probably has to do with lseek returning 64-bits values, but I don't see the 
exact humour here.

Can somebody explain this to me? (specially because I had to code a specific
assembler function for lseek this way, instead of using my generic interface 
routines, which increases asm%)
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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xfree 4.0 xvidtune

2000-04-09 Thread Marco van de Voort

Last weekend I dl'ed the Xfree4.0 distribution (for FreeBSD) from   
xvidtune gpf's on my machine (but seems to work when xf86Setup 
calls it)

Anyone has a similar experience?

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Re: Unicode on FreeBSD

2000-04-05 Thread Marco van de Voort

I'm sorry that I maybe missed part of the thread, but what parts that should get 
UNICODE support are we thinking of?
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: fork test

2000-04-05 Thread Marco van de Voort

  Well, after very short time, both boxes responded to console switchings
  and things like that, but trying to run something like "ps", "w",
  "uptime" put machine quite on hold (about 2 minutes). The thing is that
  Linux finished runnig commands about 3 times faster than FreeBSD.  What
  the heck does that suppose to mean?!  I thought FreeBSD whould kick linux
 FreeBSD spawned many more processes than Linux before it started being
 unable to fork and was thus running many more live copies of the program?
 You haven't really given/collected enough information to decide.

Linux 2.2.x still supports only 1024 processes I believe. Rumour goes that
2.4 supports 16384 processes, so poster should try a 2.3.99prex kernel.

P.s. this is one of the weirdest benchmarks I have ever seen :-)
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: GDB 5

2000-04-03 Thread Marco van de Voort

 The reason is that the patches against 4.18 you guys use were never
 assigned to the FSF.  Or so, that's the reason i was given when i asked
 the head maintainer.
 I'm not here to get into any fights. I just maintain C++ support for GDB,
 and use FreeBSD as my secondary platform, and my main gdb testing
 platform (Since BeOS is my first platform).

Not necesarily. The FPC team did send OBJPAS patches against 4.18 to the
GDB team, and they just "forgot" them. When we resubmitted, the freeze was 
already a fact.

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: Is FreeBSD dead? Well, not in theory...

2000-03-13 Thread Marco van de Voort comes to mind.  And when
  that is finished the manpages will follow.
  That's also why I am wasting my time slowly documenting the FreeBSD
  internals in my spare time.
  "slowly" is the key word here. Real products are documented before they are
  in commercial use. Plus by the time you're done they will be
  outdated...another common problem.
  Why are you arguing this point? Is there anyone that believes that Linux
  and FreeBSD are well documented? Please. The books are out of date before
  they hit the stores.
   This is completly pointless. The user side of the FreeBSD is very
 well documented. The kernel internals has more poor documentation. But if
 someone want or need to contribute kernel side code, he is expected to be
 clueful enough to understand kernel sources _and_ ideolgy. In fact, it is
 doesn't require too much time. When you're jump in to truck, it is not too
 hard to track related source code changes and keep your code synched up.

Sorry, but that is nonsense. It just limits developpers that don't daily work 
on the kernel.

I don't agree. Users might have to patch to get their own systems running, and
moderate docs will help. Specially in find the right source, and eliminating 
possibilities of what to look into.  Also developpers that go outside their normal 
territory, can use the docs.

I managed to patch the linux kernel once without even knowing C, so knowledge
of the kernel internals is not necesssary to make a patch which works. Since
a patch always has to pass through experts hands before being committed, I 
also see no dangers to users working on the kernel, specially not for own use.

(it was trivial though, the order of the ports for the soundblaster mixer is different 
on some clones)

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: inner workings of the C compiler

2000-03-11 Thread Marco van de Voort

   to try things out i create a static binary and coerce it to use my
   C library instead of the system's one.
   this is how i compile my program:
   cc -g -DYP -DFreeBSD -Wall -pedantic -ansi -c -I../../libc/include nss-test.c 
   cc -g -nostdlib -static -L../../libc -o nss-test nss-test.o \
 ../../csu/i386-elf/crt1.o ../../csu/i386-elf/crti.o -lc
  I'm no expert, but I tried something like this a few weeks back(to totally link 
  libc), and I was wondering, aren't you missing crtbegin and crtend ?
 YES! that took care of the double calling of the first function of the
 first file... 
 I still get the bus error at the end of my program in the atexit() call.
 this is because _fini is invalid.
 do you know the exact order in which I should link the objects? 

prt1 first,and crtbegin ownmodule crtend I believe, I added the others to
the end, and that worked. (But I didn't link libc or any other lib)


crt1 crtbegin myobject crtend crti crtn.

P.s. Could you sent me a minimal C program linking to libc, and the 
commandline to compile it with -nostdlib ?

I could throw all these experiences with non standard linking in a little tex doc.
( --nostdlib with and without libc, pure assembler instead of c (no gcc), some
small chapter about syscall conventions etc)
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: Is FreeBSD dead ?

2000-03-11 Thread Marco van de Voort

  Then, what are the benefits for both parties ?
  For the FreeBSD project :
  - many more supported platforms (Sparc, PowerPC, Arm ?)

Merced? .

I'm not sure if that is a good thing if it is pursued by the core team, at least not
for impopular or older targets.
 Access to the developer pool ?

Sure, and with that accesss to internal maillists (if they exist), cc's of bugreports
etc. Very important point I think. Generating quality feedback is always a problem, 
and now  the FreeBSD developpers will provide their own quality feedback, AND 
distille the high quality feedback from the large volume of feedback from news and 

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: inner workings of the C compiler

2000-03-10 Thread Marco van de Voort

 to try things out i create a static binary and coerce it to use my
 C library instead of the system's one.
 this is how i compile my program:
 cc -g -DYP -DFreeBSD -Wall -pedantic -ansi -c -I../../libc/include nss-test.c 
 cc -g -nostdlib -static -L../../libc -o nss-test nss-test.o \
   ../../csu/i386-elf/crt1.o ../../csu/i386-elf/crti.o -lc

I'm no expert, but I tried something like this a few weeks back(to totally link 
libc), and I was wondering, aren't you missing crtbegin and crtend ?

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: Can't write to stdout in assembly

2000-03-04 Thread Marco van de Voort

 From what I understand, the following should print "Hello, world." on
 stdout. I stole the code from the Linux HOWTO, but I think it should
 work on FreeBSD as well. Instead, the call to write returns 9 (EBADF).

I disassembled FreeBSD programs (create a small C prog, compile, and use
objdump), and it looks more like this: (I haven't tested this yet, but it is definitely
stack based, not register based, the part which I haven't tested is if the placing
the int $0x80 behind a call is required)

pusl $len
pushl $Msg
pushl $1
mov $4,%eax
call _basicsyscall
addl $12,%esp

_basicsyscall:  int $0x80   

 As a related question, can anyone point me to the source for the int
 0x80 handler? I've looked all over but can't find it.

On the libc side?   

It is very fragmented in several files using a lot of macro
code. If you wish I can look up the names for you (I did this some weeks ago)

I never searched for the kernel side. (the actual 0x80 handler)
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: yamaha japan relationships anyone?

2000-02-23 Thread Marco van de Voort

  Marco van de Voort wrote:
[cut again]
 If I have the drivers and disassemble them "real-time" directly from the
 files (dlls, etc) and view the 'source' on the screen what is the
 difference between this and viewing the 'source' on the printer? and how
 can you recognise the exact source when it is assembler and everything is
 so similar. And what about reading the hex dump :). What is 'a copy'?
 And what abot 'I don't know, it just worked. Really! cat /dev/random 
 ~/drivers.tgz' :)
 Anyway, how can one proof you've done something illegal?

Can't remember having said anything about how to practically implement it, just
said that it is illegal (as told to me by a Dutch Law professor when we had
copyright problems with partially reverse engineered Turbo Vision code)
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: yamaha japan relationships anyone?

2000-02-21 Thread Marco van de Voort

  I've heard nothing about that.
  Was this done in relation to the whole controversy about the DVD decrypt
 No, it was wrt to Playstation, Nintendo, Sega or something like that.
 M... I thinking it was probably wrt to SEGA, because there was also
 a trademark dispute related to a small string. :-) An american company
 tried to get a license to distribute games for the game console, but the
 japanese company only licensed under the terms "We'll hold exclusive
 distribution rights to all games you produce", which was deemed
 unacceptable. So, the company went ahead and did a straight clean-room
 reverse engineering. They were later sued for the following (roughly):
 * Trademark violation. Later versions of the console required the string
 with it's trademarked name to be located at a certain point in the
 game's memory; this string was then displayed for a couple of seconds on
 the string.
 * Copyright violation. The company used a some hardware to sniff the
 object code, then disassembled and produced printouts of it.
 They lost on a lower instance, but have just won on a higher instance
 under the merit of "fair use", since they had no legal alternative to
 obtain the specifications to the console (other than engaging in a
 contract deemed unacceptable). Unfortunately, the link with the ruling
 did not have the complete ruling for some reason. I don't know how the
 trademark thing was ruled.

Afaik, this story is illegal in Europe too. You may reverse engineer to create
a substitute, but you may not distribute, let alone sell it (as a gamecreator
will probably do)

This could be the case for reverse engineering drivers too. So probably drivers
which contain information collected with reverse engineering may not be distributed,
and are for personal use of the one that did the reverse-engineering (r-e) only.

Afaik the only way to circumvent this is, (and this is a wild guess, I'm not a lawyer)
is if the r-e is done within an organisation. (e.g. GNU), and all users donate a penny 
to GNU to become a member. And members may use the driver.
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: 64bit OS?

2000-02-17 Thread Marco van de Voort

  Which leads to my potentially ignorant question: Where is FreeBSD
  w/regards to running on the Itanium (or other 64bit chips)?
 Waiting for somebody at Intel to give us either hardware or simulator
 time.  Without either of those things, "working on" Itanium support
 is a pretty pointless exercise.

Just a thought:

One could use the released 64-bit Itanium gcc, create a i386-itanium 
crosscompiler, and start preparing some stuff?
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: how to compile without libc (so not static)

2000-02-07 Thread Marco van de Voort

 grep exit *.o 
 in /usr/lib doesn't find me that label.
 What am I missing? 
 Try this instead:
   nm /usr/lib/libc.a | grep exit

I'm aware of that! That is libc which I'm trying to avoid here!
(see man gcc, search for -nostdlib)

I was referering to excuting gcc with -nostdlib with a simple c file and 
startup code(search for a csu directory in /usr/src)

So gcc should support NOT linking to libc. So either 
-  the (ELF) initcode  (crt1.x) is not implemented well
-  the gcc (at least the FreeBSD version if it is modified) is buggy, and doesn't
select e.g. a correct crt1.o without the call to exit/atexit, or with other 
patched code. (which is unlikely since I can't find any other files).

which was the point. I was trying to make.

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Re: how to compile without libc (so not static)

2000-02-07 Thread Marco van de Voort

 I suspect that "gcc" isn't the standard FreeBSD C compiler in your
 case.  Try "which gcc" and find out.  It works fine for me on both
 -stable and -current with "cc":

It is an older one indeed.

 blake$ cc -v -nostdlib hello.c
 Using builtin specs.
 gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)
  /usr/libexec/cpp -lang-c -v -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=95 -Di386 -Dunix 
-D__FreeBSD__=4 -D__FreeBSD_cc_version=44 -D__i386__ -D__unix__ -D__FreeBSD__=4 
-D__FreeBSD_cc_version=44 -D__i386 -D__unix -Acpu(i386) -Amachine(i386) 
-Asystem(unix) -Asystem(FreeBSD) -Acpu(i386) -
Amachine(i386) -Di386 -D__i386 -D__i386__ -D__ELF__ hello.c /tmp/cciRD216.i
 GNU CPP version 2.95.2 19991024 (release) (i386 FreeBSD/ELF)
 #include "..." search starts here:
 #include ... search starts here:
 End of search list.
 The following default directories have been omitted from the search path:
 End of omitted list.
  /usr/libexec/cc1 /tmp/cciRD216.i -quiet -dumpbase hello.c -version -o 
 GNU C version 2.95.2 19991024 (release) (i386-unknown-freebsd) compiled by GNU C 
version 2.95.2 19991024 (release).
  /usr/libexec/elf/as -v -o /tmp/ccWvs216.o /tmp/ccbyU216.s
 GNU assembler version 2.9.1 (i386-unknown-freebsdelf), using BFD version 2.9.1
  /usr/libexec/elf/ld -m elf_i386 -dynamic-linker /usr/libexec/ 
-L/usr/libexec/elf -L/usr/libexec -L/usr/lib /tmp/ccWvs216.o
 /usr/libexec/elf/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 08048074
 /tmp/ccWvs216.o: In function `main':
 /tmp/ccWvs216.o(.text+0xf): undefined reference to `printf'

Still doesn't work though with the newer one :-)
(try some arithmetic to see if that works.
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: how to compile without libc (so not static)

2000-02-05 Thread Marco van de Voort

 According to Marco van de Voort:
  gcc -nostdlib empty.c /usr/lib/crti.o /usr/lib/crt0.o -o empty
 You mean crt1.o instead of crt0.o here right? crt0.o is the a.out version...

Yup, my fault.  

  grep exit *.o 
 nm(1) is your Dear FriendĀ® here. 

Grep and gcc -S also :-)

Anyway I manually patched the .s sources, and now I can compile an empty
gcc program. Never knew that that was so hard!

gcc -nostdlib crt1.o crtbegin.o empty.c crtend.o -o empty

was the final commandline I think. I manually patched crt1 to remove the 
libc init and the (two!) atexit calls.
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Spontaneous reboot

2000-02-05 Thread Marco van de Voort

I know this is not meant as a bug reporting list, but since I'm on it 
for other purposes, I thought I could sent it in anyway.

I trashed a FreeBSD (probably 3.4, I get the exact version mailed 
next week) by creating a bash script that contained 

ping  xxx.yyy.zzz.vvv 

line 15 times, and executing the script in the background several 
times (more like 10) from the commandline with


(we were trying to slow down my roommates win98 laptop from the 
FreeBSD dorm firewall machine,  over internal dorm network only). 
Needless to say the roommate wasn't impressed when the 
FreeBSD machine rebooted, and the win98 machine only slowed 
down minimally :-)

The machine was a p133 with 32 MB, and I started the script as 
user not as root.

I can access the machine for simple tests or configuration data if 
that is necessary. Since it was the firewall, so we didn't try to 
replicate the experiment

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2000-02-04 Thread Marco van de Voort

How can I disassemble ELF programs?

I need to create my own startup code for FPC programs. 
(copying some variables before pascal code startup)

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how to compile without libc (so not static)

2000-02-04 Thread Marco van de Voort

I finished the syscalls, so now I moved on the initialisation code.

To test that I try to create an empty binary, which doesn't link to libc:

I've put in an hour effort, and wrote the following C file:

int main (void) {
 return 0;

gcc -nostdlib empty.c /usr/lib/crti.o /usr/lib/crt0.o -o empty

results in:

/usr/lib/crt1.o: In function `_start':
/usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x4f): undefined reference to `atexit'
/usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x5c): undefined reference to `atexit'
/usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x6f): undefined reference to `exit'

with a 
grep exit *.o 

in /usr/lib doesn't find me that label.

What am I missing? 

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Re: porting linux app. Syscalls

2000-02-03 Thread Marco van de Voort

 what confuses me is that you don't support bootstrapping from the 
 system C compiler.

How do you propose to do that with an all pascal source?
Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: porting linux app. Syscalls

2000-02-03 Thread Marco van de Voort

 you can view linux syscalls from the slackware docs.

Thank you that seems to be a good lead to start with. The problem was that
I couldn't find any documentation :_)

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: porting linux app. Syscalls

2000-02-03 Thread Marco van de Voort

  The modula-3 port is about the same size as yours, and it
  bootstraps, but (like you said) it does it from C.
 Actually, the standard Modula-3 bootstraps contain assembly-language
 sources generated by a cross-compiler, not C.

Actually that is the first plan too for fpc. This because the port of the required
libraries and stubs probably will  be ready earlier than the actual compiler 
support (adding of a target in the compiler source), specially because we want
to redo the linux definitions to some unix-general and create linux and freebsd
as special cases.

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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porting linux app. Syscalls

2000-02-02 Thread Marco van de Voort

I'm new to the list (and to BSD development in general), and I'm developper
of the FreePascal project ( which is a bootstrapping 
compiler, completely written in Pascal.

Currently I started preparations for a port of the linux version to FreeBSD.

FreePascal (FPC) doesn't default link to libc for some reasons, and therefore
directly calls syscalls, about 60 of them.

I started translating the syscalls this week (peeking at the linux "emulator" 
code), and now I arrived at the "getdents" and readdir calls. (I want to create
a native port, the emulator already runs fine)

These are supported by the emulator, but actually are emulated (they don't
simply change parameters and do a FBSD syscall)

However when I looked into sys/syscall.h, I found out that the getdents call 
seems to exist? So I have a few questions:-) 

1. Is there documentation for the syscalls other than the code? I know there 
are some manpages, but these seem to be outdated (e.g. the named 
getdents call)

2. Can I use the getdents call to emulate the linux getdents? I use the base 
functionality, not all details have to be fully the same, just the principle. And
why does the emulator not use this call?

3. If I can't use the call, the emulator code seems to call VOP_ functions. Can
 I access these functions from the application?

--- not related to the other 3
4. In the rare event that I get it finished this week; The ports howto doesn't seems to
apply to bootstrapping stuff. (It assumes the apps are gcc based or created by 
a gcc compiled app (like perl).

Where does such an app fit into the BSD project?

- several megs of Pascal source (entire project + sideprojects + texdocs is 25 MB 
- gmake makefiles.
- binary required to start the compile(either native FBSD or linux)

. (compiling the bsd version with the linux 
compiler is also possible I think, if a linux binary can create an ordinary FBSD 

Marco van de Voort ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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