> Mr Kamps comments are also "Well documented". I would think that EVERYONE 
> on this list would be offended by his insinuation that anyone that uses 
> FreeBSD and doesnt contribute source to FreeBSD is stealing. Where is that 
> outcry on that ridiculous idea? If you are offended by people using your 
> code then you should get out of the free source business. (haha, " business 
> ", now thats a metaphor!)

Not really, it is *open* source. Not free source :-)

Free software, (to use), but not free source.

> There are other ways to contribute than to contribute source. 

Sure. You can work on docs, website, packaging etc.

>How many 
> advertising dollars has Mr Kamp spent promoting the use of FreeBSD? 

Afaik, anybody can spend any amount of advertising dollars he 

> Thousands of users use FreeBSD enhanced with our "contributions".  We spend 
> tens of thousands of dollars advertising them, indirectly advertising 
> FreeBSD in the process.

Sure. And without FreeBSD, your "contributions" are worthless, so 
you already got your share.

> People buy products because they think that they are worth the price. The 
> fact that so many people are willing to pay for the enhancements we provide 
> is prima facia evidence of our contribution.

Sure, but at the moment it enters the system, we are supposed to 
support, test and let it evoluate with the system. How to do that 
without source?
> Im sorry so few of you understand.

You are being much to simplistic. It is easy to put it in the ports-tree, 
but after that the QA (which you think so high of) of FreeBSD as 
whole decreases. 

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