Unable to get jail paramters values

2017-10-24 Thread Andrew Hotlab
Sorry for the stupid question, but I just realised that I'm unable
to know the real value of a specific parameter. For example,
I know that the allow.raw_sockets is set to "1" for the jail "jtest01",
because I set so in the /etc/jail.conf file, but when I type the sysctl
command inside the jail, it tells me that the value is "0" (which
I guess is the default value).

root@jtest01:~ # sysctl security.jail.jailed
security.jail.jailed: 1

root@jtest01:~ # sysctl security.jail.param.allow.raw_sockets
security.jail.param.allow.raw_sockets: 0

root@jtest01:~ # ping -c2
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=55 time=11.310 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=9.525 ms

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 9.525/10.418/11.310/0.892 ms

I noticed the same behaviour on both FreeBSD 10.3 and 11.1.

How can I get real jail.param values for a specific running jail?


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Re: setfib (ez)jails and wierd routing

2017-10-24 Thread Andrew Hotlab

From: Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2017 1:58 PM
To: Andrew Hotlab
Cc: freebsd-jail@freebsd.org
Subject: Re: setfib (ez)jails and wierd routing

> On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 15:17:16 +
> Andrew Hotlab <andrew.hot...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > root@BSD11:~ # cat /etc/jail.conf
> > exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
> > exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";
> > exec.clean;
> > mount.devfs;
> > jtest01 {
> >   host.hostname = "jtest01.test.lab";
> >   path = /usr/jails/jtest01;
> >   ip4.addr = "em0|";
> >   persist;
> >   allow.raw_sockets;
> >   exec.fib = "1";
> > }
> Andrew,
> do you have the ability to remove allow.raw_sockets line from jtest01
> jail and try to ping it while tcpdumping icmp on em1? You should see
> reply packets leaving em1.

So sorry: I didn't notice that my own transcript shown exactly the
behaviour you are describing... in fact you can see "echo request"
packets, but no "echo reply" on em0 interface!!

And I can confirm you that the problem does not happen in the same
topology with a FreeBSD 10.3 host.

At this point I guess that all responses to ICMP requests received on
IP addresses assigned to jails linked to specific FIB on FreeBSD 11.x
are not influenced by the FIB, while in FreeBSD 10.x they are.

(No problem from ICMP traffic generated from the jail itself: I saw packets
leaving and coming back through the right interface).

Unfortunately I haven't the competence to point you to the right direction
to solve, but I think it is a jail-related issue, thus this should be the right
mailing list to discuss about this.

I'll come back if I'll be able to understand something more.

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Re: setfib (ez)jails and wierd routing

2017-10-17 Thread Andrew Hotlab

From: Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs>
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:18 PM
To: Andrew Hotlab
Cc: freebsd-jail@freebsd.org
Subject: Re: setfib (ez)jails and wierd routing

> On Sat, 30 Sep 2017 10:38:58 +
> Andrew Hotlab <andrew.hot...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm running releng/10.3. Which release are you working on?
> sorry for late reply. I'm running 11.1-RELEASE-p1. I am definitely
> seeing packets with source addresses of my DMZ jails (fib2) exiting
> through interface on local LAN. Those are mostly icmp echo replies that
> should be coming from jails but are not due to the fact that jails
> don't have raw sockets enables. So, echo replies are returned from
> host (and not jails), whose default gateway is on internal network.

I just setup a similar scenario on a FreeBSD 11.1 host. It seems that
all is working fine ( is the DMZ, while
is the LAN). Please see the following transcript:

root@BSD11:~ # uname -msr
FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE amd64

root@BSD11:~ # ifconfig | egrep '^[a-z]|inet '
em0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast 
inet netmask 0x broadcast 
em1: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast 
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff00

root@BSD11:~ # netstat -rnfinet
Routing tables

DestinationGatewayFlags Netif Expire
default192.168.1.254  UGS em1  link#3 UH  lo0 link#1 U   em0  link#1 UHS lo0  link#1 UHS lo0   link#1 U   em0 link#2 U   em1  link#2 UHS lo0

root@BSD11:~ # setfib 1 netstat -rfinet
Routing tables (fib: 1)

DestinationGatewayFlags Netif Expire
default172.21.10.254  UGS em0
localhost  link#3 UH  lo0 link#1 U   em0   link#1 U   em0 link#2 U   em1

root@BSD11:~ # cat /etc/jail.conf 
exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";
jtest01 {
  host.hostname = "jtest01.test.lab";
  path = /usr/jails/jtest01;
  ip4.addr = "em0|";
  exec.fib = "1";

root@BSD11:~ # jls
   JID  IP Address  Hostname  Path
 8   jtest01.test.lab  /usr/jails/jtest01

root@BSD11:~ # ssh 'sysctl net.my_fibnum'
Password for r...@jtest01.test.lab:
net.my_fibnum: 1

root@BSD11:~ # tcpdump -i em0 -n -p icmp
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on em0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
17:07:19.524839 IP > ICMP echo request, id 65315, 
seq 0, length 64
17:07:20.539686 IP > ICMP echo request, id 65315, 
seq 1, length 64
17:07:21.551653 IP > ICMP echo request, id 65315, 
seq 2, length 64
17:07:22.562764 IP > ICMP echo request, id 65315, 
seq 3, length 64
4 packets captured
12 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

> Would freebsd-net be more appropriate list for this problem?

Maybe, but I would double check your jail configuration before ask to that list.
My guess is that your jail might not be associated to the right fib.
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RE: setfib (ez)jails and wierd routing

2017-09-30 Thread Andrew Hotlab
Hi Marko. I'm running an almost identical setup, but I do not have this issue: 
ICMP echo reply packets are sent from the right interface.
The only difference is that I didn't defined additional lo1 and lo2 interfaces, 
but I guess it shouldn't be the cause.

I'm running releng/10.3. Which release are you working on?


From: owner-freebsd-j...@freebsd.org [owner-freebsd-j...@freebsd.org] on behalf 
of Marko Cupać [marko.cu...@mimar.rs]
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 10:32 AM
To: freebsd-jail@freebsd.org
Subject: setfib (ez)jails and wierd routing


I notice wierd routing in my setfib (ez)jails setup.

I have a server with multiple NICs. setfib should ensure that LAN jails
(setfib 1) can not talk to DMZ jails (setfib 2) over loopbacks, but
need to go through firewalls as though they were physical boxes.

pacija@warden3:~ % sudo setfib 1 netstat -rn
Routing tables (fib: 1)

DestinationGatewayFlags Netif Expire
default10.30.19.190   UGSbce0  US bce0  lo0UHS lo0   lo1US  lo1

pacija@warden3:~ % sudo setfib 2 netstat -rn
Routing tables (fib: 2)

DestinationGatewayFlags Netif Expire
default193.53.106.254 UGSbce1  lo0UHS lo0   lo2US  lo2  US bce1

Host has the same default route as fib 1:

pacija@warden3:~ % sudo netstat -rn
Routing tables

DestinationGatewayFlags Netif Expire
default10.30.19.190   UGSbce0

If I ssh from the Internet into DMZ jail, everything works as expected.
But if I ping DMZ jail from the Internet, I see reply packets leaving
not the interface they came from (bce1, public address space, DMZ), but
another one (bce0, private address space, LAN). This is kinda
understandable, because jail on fib2 does not have ICMP enabled, so
it is not DMZ jail, but the host (which is in fib 0) who replies to
packets via its default gateway (router on a private LAN).

Is there an easy and elegant way to solve this? Like binding IP address
to fib? I wouldn't like to have to fire up pf on host and meddle with
reply-to rules in order to achieve this, I'd rather revert to old setup
of separate physical servers for each network.

Thank you in advance,
Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać
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Re: jailed process listening on host addresses

2012-01-04 Thread Andrew Hotlab
-Original Message- 
From: Nikos Vassiliadis

Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 9:54 AM
To: Andrew Hotlab
Cc: FreeBSD-Jail
Subject: Re: jailed process listening on host addresses

On 1/4/2012 3:10 AM, Andrew Hotlab wrote:
 I noticed a strange behavior some days ago, but I can't say how much
 long it have been happening for. Some processes which are running in
 different jails on the same host seems to be listening on all host IPs.

 It's happening on several host right now (all are running FreeBSD/amd64
 8.2-RELEASE-p5), with both UDP and TCP listeners. Any jail is using a
 single unicast IP address. I really hope to miss something important...
 or should I guess that these processes are escaping from the jails?! 

Could you share more about your setup?
ifconfig, jls, ps in the jail, commands given to create the jail...
I tried to reproduce the problem on a amd64 8.2-RELEASE, without

Thank you Nikos, the following commands are executed on the host:

# ifconfig xl0
xl0: flags=8843UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST metric 0 mtu 1500
   ether 00:01:02:aa:9f:c2
   inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX 

   status: active

# jls | grep
   5 rjpbx01/usr/jails/rjpbx01

# jexec 5 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/asterisk start
Starting asterisk.

# sockstat -4l | grep asterisk
931  asterisk   91780 11 udp4  *:*
931  asterisk   91780 12 tcp4  *:*
931  asterisk   91780 18 tcp4  *:*
931  asterisk   91780 19 udp4  *:*
931  asterisk   91780 22 udp4  *:*
931  asterisk   91780 23 udp4   *:*   *:*
931  asterisk   91780 24 udp4  *:*

I think there might be a problem with specific processes (in this case, 
asterisk), because if I run several other commands (for example the nc(1) 
you showed me), all is working as expected.
Until now, I noticed this behavior with these processes: unfsd, rpcbind, 
asterisk, transmission-daemon, mDNSResponderPosix.

I'll try to test the same daemons in a jail with another version of FreeBSD 
as soon as possible. I will also verify whether these daemon are really 
listening on all IP addresses, by analyzing some traffic with tcpdump(1).


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Re: jailed process listening on host addresses

2012-01-04 Thread Andrew Hotlab
-Original Message- 
From: Eirik Øverby

Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 11:35 AM
To: Andrew Hotlab
Cc: FreeBSD-Jail
Subject: Re: jailed process listening on host addresses

On 4. jan. 2012, at 02:10, Andrew Hotlab andrew.hot...@hotmail.com 

 I noticed a strange behavior some days ago, but I can't say how much 
 long it have been happening for. Some processes which are  running in 
 different jails on the same host seems to be listening on all host IPs.

 It's happening on several host right now (all are running FreeBSD/amd64 
 8.2-RELEASE-p5), with both UDP and TCP listeners. Any
 jail is using a single unicast IP address. I really hope to miss 
 something important... or should I guess that these processes are

 escaping from the jails?! :S

Did you try to actually connect to any of those listeners? I see the same 
here, but I cannot actually connect to the ports on anything  but the 
jail IP..

I've just tried to connect to the TCP port 2049 (the unfsd daemon is running 
in a jail), and actually I can only telnet to the address assigned to the 
jail where the daemon is running, even if sockstat(1) tells me that the 
process is listening on all IP addresses.

Thus the sockstat(1) command might not be able to display correctly the 
actual sockets used by some jailed processes?! It sounds pretty strange to 
me... maybe these processes are sharing something with the host because they 
are using SysV IPC or something else I ignore?


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jailed process listening on host addresses

2012-01-03 Thread Andrew Hotlab
I noticed a strange behavior some days ago, but I can't say how much long it 
have been happening for. Some processes which are running in different jails 
on the same host seems to be listening on all host IPs. Here is an example:

#sockstat -4l | grep 4   \*:
root mDNSRespon 69801 3  udp4   *:45258   *:*
root mDNSRespon 69801 4  udp4   *:5353*:*
root unfsd  69761 3  udp4   *:2049*:*
root unfsd  69761 4  tcp4   *:2049*:*
root rpcbind69703 7  udp4   *:111 *:*
root rpcbind69703 8  udp4   *:732 *:*
root rpcbind69703 9  tcp4   *:111 *:*
921  transmissi 29851 10 udp4   *:*   *:*
931  asterisk   29805 25 udp4   *:*   *:*

It's happening on several host right now (all are running FreeBSD/amd64 
8.2-RELEASE-p5), with both UDP and TCP listeners. Any jail is using a single 
unicast IP address. I really hope to miss something important... or should I 
guess that these processes are escaping from the jails?! :S

Thank very much for any explanation anyone would be so kind to give me.


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RE: Jail hot migration

2010-09-10 Thread Andrew Hotlab

 Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 16:28:15 +1200
 From: free...@snap.net.nz
 To: freebsd-jail@freebsd.org
 Subject: Jail hot migration

 Hi guys,

 I was lately thinking around jail hot-migration feature where one jail
 could be moved from one host to another without
 shutting it down, something like vmotion in VMware world.

 The storage layer should be easy with zfs send and receive or some form
 of shared storage. The tricky part would
 be a memory copy from one node to another and also the CPU handling.

 Anyone has an idea how this could be achieved? I guess it would require
 a kernel module which could take care of memory
 reservations and a daemon to copy and incrementally sync the jails
 memory across.

 Then also there is the CPU problem..

 Sounds like a fair amount of work and development.

 All comments are welcomed!

Well, I'm not a developer, but I think that the jail framework surely 
deservestobe evolved in something more friendly from a sysadmin's point of 
The architecture is great, and that's just enough to consolidate a lot of 
workloads,but for some applications there are features (resource containers, 
offline andonline migration of jails, etc.) that need to be improved to be 
affordable in aproduction environment.
I think that a lot of work is getting done (resource container and 
virtualizationstack projects have ben just sponsored by the FreeBSD 
Foundation), I do not knowhow much time will take to reach a complete 
business-ready virtualizationframework, neither if they are on the right 
path, but I'm quite confident, because I'msure that the simplicity of the 
FreeBSD solution will rule any other virtualizationframework out there.
As the feature you are asking for, I think that resource containers and 
offlinemigration should be considered first, because overall they'll have more 
impact onbusiness environments. Further, I believe that building a hot 
migration procedureworking with third-party running applications will be a very 
complex task to achieve,maybe too expensive at this time, compared to the 
amount of work required.
That's an interesting argument, I'll be glad if more member of the Community 
willcontribute with their considerations.

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RE: Jail hot migration

2010-09-10 Thread Andrew Hotlab

 Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 19:45:20 +
 From: k...@7he.at
 To: freebsd-jail@freebsd.org
 Subject: Re: Jail hot migration
 On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 04:28:15PM +1200, Peter Toth wrote:
  Hi guys,
  I was lately thinking around jail hot-migration feature where one jail
  could be moved from one host to another without
  shutting it down, something like vmotion in VMware world.
 I implemented a working prototype of a container-style virtualization
 for FreeBSD, capable of live/hot migration. It has nothing to do with
 jail, but it makes use of vimage/vnet.
 I am going to do a presentation at the EuroBSDCon in October,
 but a paper and a demo video (no sources yet, sorry) are already
 online at:

I was really impressed by the live migration demo video and I wish to ask you a 
few questions about your solution...
At this time VPS technology lacks resource limiting capability, do you think it 
could be compatible with the resource container project sponsored by the 
FreeBSD Foundation?
Multiple virtual instances of FreeBSD running as VPS are required to share the 
same kernel, as in the Jail paradigm, or they may run different kernels, as in 
NetBSD (http://www.NetBSD.org/docs/rump/)?
How many resources do you estimate in order to complete your project?
It seems that it will be far more difficult to implement the live migration 
feature on the Jail framework than in VPS, but how about offline migration and 
resource control? Some work has been done to achieve that with the current Jail 
paradigm, do you think that VPS will be able to do a better job in these areas 
Sorry if any question sounds stupid: I do not know much on the internals of the 
technologies I mentioned.
Thank you very much for your work.
P.S. I'm sorry for the format of the e-mail, I'm using this awful Hotmail web 
interface. :(

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RE: Strange things happening with jails?? Not starting up on boot or services not running inside!

2010-06-03 Thread Andrew Hotlab

 Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 22:15:21 +0300
 From: samank...@netscape.net
 To: freebsd-jail@freebsd.org
 Subject: Strange things happening with jails?? Not starting up on boot or 
 services not running inside!

 I have managed to create 4 and migrate many services in them already.
 The only issue is that one Jail containing the Postfix MTA which I use
 as an SMTP mail relay agent for my mail servers is not starting up when
 the OS has been rebooted or booted for that matter??

 I can't give any error logs as there are none but I can post the config
 which is here:

 JID IP Address Hostname Path
 1 ns1.optiplex-networks.com /var/jail/named_1
 2 ns2.optiplex-networks.com /var/jail/named_2
 3 proxy.optiplex-networks.com /var/jail/squid
 4 relay.optiplex-networks.com /var/jail/postfix

 jail_list=named_1 named_2 squid

These lines are in the file /etc/rc.conf on the jail host?  If you created all 
jails with ezjail, there should be nothing like that: all jail_ vars would have 
been written in files stored in /usr/local/etc/ezjail/ (by default).  If you 
are managing all jails with ezjail you can safely delete all these entries in 
the host's rc.conf (only remember to leave ezjail_enable=YES if you want 
automatic startup of all jails at boot time)

 Now another few issues related to the services inside is that I'm trying
 to start Squid for my reverse proxy inside a Jail. However, the service
 won't start on it's own as I'm needing port 80 and there seems to be a
 block against normal users using ports 1024. I tested this by getting
 Squid to run on it's default port 3128 and it works.

 However the logs or screen readout just tells me that the service cannot
 connect to port 80??

 May 31 17:47:11 proxy squid[4360]: Cannot open HTTP Port
 May 31 17:47:11 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4360
 exited due to signal 6
 May 31 17:47:14 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4364 started
 May 31 17:47:15 proxy squid[4364]: Cannot open HTTP Port
 May 31 17:47:15 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4364
 exited due to signal 6
 May 31 17:47:18 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4367 started
 May 31 17:47:18 proxy squid[4367]: Cannot open HTTP Port
 May 31 17:47:18 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4367
 exited due to signal 6
 May 31 17:47:21 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4370 started
 May 31 17:47:21 proxy squid[4370]: Cannot open HTTP Port
 May 31 17:47:21 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4370
 exited due to signal 6

 I tried adding the user's Proxy and Squid to the group Wheel however
 again no such luck :-(

I've never had to make Squid listening on port 80, but referring its startup 
script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/:

# squid_user:   The user id that should be used to run the Squid master
#   process. Default: squid.
#   Note that you probably need to define squid_user=root if
#   you want to run Squid in reverse proxy setups or if you want
#   Squid to listen on a privileged port  1024.

So you only need to write the following line in /etc/rc.conf to have Squid 
listening on this privileged port:

I've just tried that with Squid 3.0 and it works (check the output of the 
command sockstat -4l).

This is obviously a Squid-related issue, the fact that it's running in a jail 
is not relevant here.


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RE: Creating jails to run Squid and multiple Bind services - Newbee

2010-05-29 Thread Andrew Hotlab

 Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 23:46:31 +0300
 From: samank...@netscape.net
 To: freebsd-jail@freebsd.org
 Subject: Creating jails to run Squid and multiple Bind services - Newbee


 am attempting to create a set of Jails for the first time!!

Welcome to the club! :)  If you are coming from Solaris Zones it won't take you 
much time to feel at home with FreeBSD Jails.

 So far what I've done is this:

 cd /usr/src
 make buildworld

 I straight away then get an error saying:


 ***error code 2

 Stop in /usr/src

 ***error code 1

 Basically what I want to do is something very similar to how I use
 Solaris Zones; create a directory structure which will run 1 specific
 service only on a specific IP address

 I am not certain if I can run 2 instances of Bind in two different Jails
 but would be cool if I could.

 I just have no idea how to start!! :-(

 I really appreciate if someone could give me a hand getting started as
 I'm totally lost on creating the jails as I can configure the services
 that I need to run in them easily!!

 Am on BSD 8.0 RELEASE 'current' edition x64.

If you are a newcomer to FreeBSD, I suggest you to use a -RELEASE or errata 
branch. -CURRENT is for developers and hardcore users.

To make a so-called service jail actually seems the way to get what you are 
looking for, but I think you will feel much better by using a full jail 
management framework such ezjail 
(http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/sysutils/ezjail/pkg-descr).  It will 
definitely help you to get a working environment in minutes, enabling you to 
manage it with a more Zones-like approach.
This tool is also interesting because it makes all jails use a single read-only 
userland, thus keeping both disk space consumption and administrative efforts 

That's the easy way, just to make you feel the power without spend too much 
time... but I strongly suggest you to make your hands dirty by following the 
official way to build jails, to really understand how this great OS 
partitioning system works!  The better source is obviously the Handbook 
When I was a newcomer to jails, I wrote something about my first experiences, 
maybe it might be agreeable to have a look at it:

Hoping that these little suggestions will be somewhat useful to you.



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RE: Creating jails to run Squid and multiple Bind services - Newbee

2010-05-29 Thread Andrew Hotlab

 Date: Sun, 30 May 2010 02:23:05 +0300
 From: samank...@netscape.net
 To: andrew.hot...@hotmail.com
 CC: 000.f...@quip.cz; freebsd-jail@freebsd.org
 Subject: Re: Creating jails to run Squid and multiple Bind services - Newbee

 Many thanks Miroslav and Andrew,

 Am on BSD 8.0 RELEASE 'current' edition x64.

 If you are a newcomer to FreeBSD, I suggest you to use a -RELEASE or errata 
 branch. -CURRENT is for developers and hardcore users.

 I am using the -RELEASE branch, it's just that I can't post the output
 of uname -a as am in Windows 7 currently running Cygwin to SSH into my box.

If you are still working on Windows, you definitely should take a look at PuTTY 


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RE: 32-bit jails on a 64-bit system?

2010-01-21 Thread Andrew Hotlab

 Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 10:12:20 +0100
 From: 000.f...@quip.cz
 To: sp...@bway.net
 CC: freebsd-jail@FreeBSD.org; freebsd-sta...@freebsd.org
 Subject: Re: 32-bit jails on a 64-bit system?

 The jail(8) subsystem has been updated. Changes include:

 Compatibility support which permits 32-bit jail binaries to be used on
 64-bit systems to manage jails has been added.

 I know prior to 8.0 with some fancy footwork you could do some
 interesting things (for example, I have a jail running a bunch of 32-bit
 4.11 stuff on a 7.2 amd64 box), but it was not easy.

 Looking at the jail manpage and handbook entries, I'm not seeing
 anything that further explains the changes. I've been able to get some
 things working in a test setup, but not everything. Any pointers to what
 exactly that blurb in the release notes actually means? Google is
 getting me nowhere.

 (freebsd-jail@ was added in to Cc:)

 I think it is nothing new to 8.0, it is the same as release note for 7.2.

 I didn't test it, but I think you can install (copy) i386 jail (or whole
 system) in to amd64 host and just run it as any other jail.

It might be useful this thread about 32-bit jail on 64-bit host:



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RE: ezjail.flavour

2009-12-28 Thread Andrew Hotlab

Thank you so much Philipp, I'll get the CVS version as soon as possible. In the 
I tried to add support for FIBs to the ports version and (that's incredible!) 
it seems
to function!  Excuse my enthusiasm, but it's not my job, and I really need 
routing table support, since I maintain a few host running multiple jails in 
IP subnets (and each subnet has a different default gateway). Until now I have
manipulated traffic to/from jails using a couple of simple PF rules, but these
rudimentary patches (see the attachments) finally let me leverage the multiple 
feature on my FreeBSD RELENG_7_2 hosts.

I assume the ROUTETABLES kernel options has been included, and I make
ezjail-admin to insert the variable jail_${jailname}_fib to 0 in each new 
definition file under ${ezjail_prefix}/etc/ezjail/.An administrator has to 
the correct FIB number to this variable, and both the scripts ezjail.sh and
ezjail-admin read its value before starting or creating a console session
for the registered jail.

I can't wait to test all new ezjail features from the current CVS release!



 Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 17:41:19 +0100
 From: cryx-free...@h3q.com
 To: andrew.hot...@hotmail.com
 CC: b...@ipt.ru; freebsd-questi...@k-moeller.dk; freebsd-jail@freebsd.org
 Subject: Re: ezjail.flavour

 Andrew Hotlab wrote:
 I think ezjail urgently needs some updates in order not to remain behind the 
 features in FreeBSD which can dramatically improve the jail system usage 
 ZFS, multiple FIB support, etc). I'm not a shell script expert, but my 
 work gives me the chance to have a pretty high-level view on what is needed. 
 I'll be
 glad to be contacted off-list by someone with some shell scripting skills 
 and a few
 hours of spare time to spend with me on this very useful tool.

 The ezjail ports version is heavily outdated, the CVS version is much
 more up-to-date. The cvs version has support for jails in dedicated
 ZFS-datasets etc. Currently I'm working on support for zfs jail in
 ezjail as well as support for FIBs and cpusets.

 I commited your patch to the CVS.


 PS: there is a dedicated ezjail mailinglist
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RE: ezjail.flavour

2009-12-20 Thread Andrew Hotlab

It seems that FreeBSD 8 does not like to start rc scripts named *.sh. Here is a 
patch for the script ezjail-admin which seems to fix the problem.

--- ezjail-admin2009/12/20 23:28:09 1.1+++ ezjail-admin 
2009/12/20 23:28:26
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@

     # If a config is found, make it auto run on jails startup
     if [ -f ${ezjail_rootdir}/ezjail.flavour ]; then
-      ln -s /ezjail.flavour ${ezjail_rootdir}/etc/rc.d/ezjail-config.sh
+      ln -s /ezjail.flavour ${ezjail_rootdir}/etc/rc.d/ezjail-config
       chmod 0700 ${ezjail_rootdir}/ezjail.flavour
       echo Note: Shell scripts installed, flavourizing on jails first 

I think ezjail urgently needs some updates in order not to remain behind the new
features in FreeBSD which can dramatically improve the jail system usage (vnet,
ZFS, multiple FIB support, etc).  I'm not a shell script expert, but my everyday
work gives me the chance to have a pretty high-level view on what is needed.  
I'll be
glad to be contacted off-list by someone with some shell scripting skills and a 
hours of spare time to spend with me on this very useful tool.


 To: freebsd-questi...@k-moeller.dk
 From: b...@ipt.ru
 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 11:35:51 +0300
 CC: freebsd-jail@freebsd.org
 Subject: Re: ezjail.flavour

 Kalle Møller  writes:

 I've got the same behaviour. Seems that the script ezjail.flavour
 is not executed because it uses old rc rules and so it is ingored
 at startup.
 What are the new rc rules, because it looks fair simple to correct, went
 through the code yesterday.

 Well, I'm not an rc guru. But seems that RC(8) may be a good start.

 WBR, bsam
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How to better update a jail host system

2007-12-19 Thread Andrew Hotlab
Hi to all.
That's my first post to this list, and I want to tanks all the guys who spend 
their time helping the FreeBSD Community to obtain the most from this wonderful 
OS, and I'll be glad to grow my experience as fast as possible to be able to 
donate my modest contribute too.
Coming from a MSFT professional experience, I've been particularly impressed by 
the FreeBSD jail system, and I'm using the ezjail framework to manage some 
jails on a FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE host in a pre-production environment.
To track the security branch both on the host and the jails I'm using the 
update from source method: I synchronize the source tree with csup(1), build 
and install the kernel, build and install the userland for the host first and 
then for the jails (using the ezjail-admin(1) update -i switch).
All that is working fine now, but I wonder if I could speed up the whole 
process, by switching to the binary update method. By using the 
freebsd-update(8) utility on the host I think to maintain the system cleaner 
(this utility only updates the installed distributions) and to reduce the 
administrative effort (no mergemaster(8) required, I'm right?).
Do you think my thinking is right, or there are some aspects I'm missing? (As I 
said, I'm not a very experienced FreeBSD sysadmin) :)
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