Re: Issue with textproc/docbook-xsl - known issue?

2009-01-25 Thread Garrett Cooper
On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 7:26 PM, bf wrote:
 A simple mistake (repeated) in the port Makefile.  Known? -- well, thanks to
 your message, it is now:


Thanks :).
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Re: FreeBSD Port: nagios-3.0.6

2009-01-25 Thread Per olof Ljungmark

Jarrod Sayers wrote:

On Sat, 24 Jan 2009, Karl Friesen wrote:


If you are able to reproduce the error, the kdump.out file generated 
below would be helpful though mail it off-list as it will contain copies 
of your Nagios configuration files, at a minimum.

ktrace -dit+ /usr/local/bin/nagios /usr/local/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
kdump  kdump.out

Same problem here -
7.1-RELEASE i386, Nagios 3.0.6, upgraded Perl to 5.8.9, rebuilt all 
ports depending on Perl.

Will try to get a trace tonight.

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Re: FreeBSD Port: nagios-3.0.6

2009-01-25 Thread Per olof Ljungmark

Jarrod Sayers wrote:

On Sat, 24 Jan 2009, Karl Friesen wrote:


Hi Karl,

I just to report that nagios-3.0.6 when build with the EMBEDDED_PERL 
option dies with a segmentation fault when perl-5.8.9 is installed.  
It runs fine when run from the command line with the -v or -s options 
(to check the configs), but dies when one attempts to run for real 
in the foreground or as a daemon.

Hmm, that is interesting, what process did you use to upgrade perl-5.8.8 
on the machine?

The production boxes I have done thus far are running FreeBSD 7.1 i386 
and had perl-5.8.8 upgraded to perl-5.8.9 via portupgrade.  To mass-fix 
the file locations, perl-after-upgrade was run and then nagios-3.0.6 
rebuilt as per its warning.

I built a version with debugging symbols and ran it under gdb and it 
said that there nagios received a segmentation fault from perl.  There 
was something in there about the perl taint check as well.

It would be interesting to know how far into the startup process it is 
getting before it barfs, sounds like one of the plugins is throwing the 
fault - not Nagios itself.  Does nagios.log give any indication to this?

Unfortunately, I didn't save the exact message that I saw.  The 
software is in use on a production machine.  If you really need the 
exact message, I can take the machine out of service to reproduce the 
error, but I don't want to if I don't have to.

If you are able to reproduce the error, the kdump.out file generated 
below would be helpful though mail it off-list as it will contain copies 
of your Nagios configuration files, at a minimum.

ktrace -dit+ /usr/local/bin/nagios /usr/local/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
kdump  kdump.out

I saw one other report of this problem on the net

Sorry for the sketchy report,

Any other details you can provide me would be helpful, FreeBSD version, 
architecture, list of installed ports.

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Here is what nagios.log tells me:

[1232880371] Local time is Sun Jan 25 11:46:11 CET 2009
[1232880371] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1232880371] Error: file required for embedded Perl interpreter is 
[1232880371] Bailing out due to errors encountered while initializing 
the embedded Perl interpreter. (PID=59302)

[1232880958] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
[1232880958] Successfully shutdown... (PID=7489)

Perhaps it's built but not installed properly?

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2009-01-25 Thread Robert Huff
bf writes:

  Just a note to those of you who helped to integrate the Gnome,
  X11, and Fortran updates in Ports: thank you very much for the
  work that you have put in, and for your efforts to find and solve
  any remaining problems.

Hear, hear.

Robert Huff

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All of kde4, qt4, etc build fine except kdenetwork4 on my FreeBSD Current laptop.

2009-01-25 Thread eculp
I have both kde3, kde4 and gnome on this laptop running up to date  
current i386.  I normally use kde3 but kde4.1.1 is functional but I  
was never able to get kdenetwork4 to build so I gave up and installed  
a package.  Now I am upgrading to kde4.1.4 and have the same problem  
but there isn't a package solution so now I am forced to find a  
solution ;)

Of course for kdenetwork4.1.4 I also followed the UPDATING:

  pkg_delete -f kdebase-runtime-4.1\*
  portmaster -a

I have tried everyway that I can think of.  Port by port, with  
portupgrade and with portmaster.  I have even tried portmaster -r  
net/kdenetwork4 - portupgrade -rf net/kdenetwork4 and all generate the  
exact same results:

/libiris/iris/xmpp-im/xmpp_task.cpp:21:27: error: qplatformdefs.h: Noº
such file or directory
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/net/kdenetwork4/work/kdenetwork-4.1.4/build.
*** Error code 1

with no change.

I would use a package but there isn't one.  I would build without  
jabber but don't find an option in the make file.

Any suggestions appreciated.

The laptop specifics follow:

# uname -a
FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT #137: Tue Jan  
20 13:09:07 CST 2009  i386

The qt4 and kde4 packages installed follow.

# ls -d /var/db/pkg/k*|egrep 4

# ls -d *qt4*

Please let me know if you need more information.

Thanks for any help or suggestions,


BTW, is there a date for kde4.2 yet?
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Why are the Zionist leaders in Israel so happy about the new President?

2009-01-25 Thread Lawrence Auster
Why is the President of Israel, the terrorist who just oversaw the Zionist mass 
murder and maiming of thousands of Palestinians so happy
that Obama is President of the USA?
by David Duke

Read the excerpt from the Israeli News about how President Perez and Israel 
think that Obama’s becoming U.S. President is great day
for Israel.

Israel’s President Shimon Peres ecstatic over the election of Obama
Ronen Medzini Israel News Jan. 21

“Today is a great day not only for the United States of America, but for the 
entire world,” President Shimon Peres wrote in a letter
addressed to Barack Obama on the day of his inauguration as president of the 
United States.

“Obama was elected by the United States, but as a matter of fact, he was chosen 
by the whole of humankind,”

Why is Peres so ecstatic?

Why shouldn’t he be, he knows that Obama is completely in the grip of the 
extremist Jewish Zionists in America, and he knows that the
greater Obama’s popularity and idol worship, the more Obama can do for the 
International Zionist Cause.

Any thinking and caring human being who realizes that the Zionist-controlled 
American foreign policy has been a disaster for the robbed
and murdered people of Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and a catastrophe for the 
50,000 American wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well
as an economic catastrophe for the hardworking Americans who pay trillions to 
finance these wars for Israel — must wake up the fact that
supporting Obama and increasing his popularity  will only aid Zionist 
terrorism, war, and their murder and oppression of the Palestinians. It
will also hasten the economic suffering of billions of people around the world 
as his popularity enables him to more easily aid the Zionist
International Bankers steal the wealth of the United States, Europe and the 
world.  Obama is totally in the bloodstained and green ink-
stained hands of the Zionists. The hard truth is that the more good will and 
support Obama has also gives more power to support the
Zionist agenda!

Mark my words. The Obama Presidency will be disaster for America and for the 

Obama was put into office by the Zionists. His top two cohorts for years have 
been the radical Jews David Axelrod and Rahm
Emmanuel. Both have long records of radical Zionism and have been attack dogs 
against anyone perceived as having the slightest
opposition to Israel. One such victim was Sen. Charles Percy, who both men 
worked to defeat and destroy because he dared to only be
99 percent rather than 100 percent pro-Israel. Rahm Emmanuel, a dual citizen of 
Israel who went to fight for Israel, he has a long
pedigree of Jewish extremism. His father served in the Irgun Terrorist Gang and 
he himself is named after an Irgun terrorist.

Zionist leaders in Chicago actually call Obama “the first Jewish President” and 
boast that Jews were key players in Obama’s every step
up the ladder to President.

from the very earliest days, extremist Jews were the largest contributors to 
his campaign. In the beginning of his Presidential bid, three
Hollywood Jews that constantly make movies about Jewish suffering, but never 
about the Zionist terrorism and theft against the
Palestinian people, Steven Spielberg, David Geffen, and Jeffrey Katzenberg 
raised 1.2 million for Obama in a single Hollywood party.

By the time Obama’s campaign was in full swing, he had huge support from the 
criminal Zionist International Banking firms such as
Goldman Sachs and Lehman brothers. Goldman Sachs was Obama’s biggest single 
contributor, and his vast war chest came not from
American manufacturing firms like GM or even American oil companies, (not one 
was in his top twenty) it was overwhelmingly dominated
by Zionist international bankers, the same ones whose thievery and fraud are 
giving the world this economic depression.

For those looking for meaningful social and political change, do you really 
think it will come from this man who has already been bought
heart, head and soul by the most powerful czars of the international financial 
establishment and the biggest globalists in the world?

I know that many are desperate for change, so desperate that you want to 
believe anything. But in the face of these facts can’t you see
that Obama will be even more dangerous to freedom and justice than even George 
Bush and his band of Neocons were. What better
way to wipe out George Bush’s hated legacy and make the world believe that 
America has really changed than with the election of
Obama. But, all the real Zionist power, Zionist media power, and Zionist 
financial power in America is still in place, even stronger than

Many Americans and others around the world who want to do good are now telling 
us how wonderful Obama will be as president. What
a great change it will be from the old policies. This is because of the 
Zionist-Controlled media hype, promoting Obama. The fact is that
these poor sods are ignorantly helping the radical Zionist agenda in Israel and 1.5.3, hald(8), and ability to use misc/compat6x

2009-01-25 Thread David Wolfskill
After upgrading to 1.5.3, I created a new xorg.conf, compared it
to the old one, and decided that the differences were consistent with
the warning in UPDATING, so I installed the newly-generated one.

It took me a while after re-starting X to realize that the comment
about hald in UPDATING probably was intended to imply that absent
appropriate evasive action, it was rather expected that a system
running 1.5.3 would also actually have hald(8) running, vs.
merely installed as a dependency.  And that led to starting dbus(8)

So after dealing with that for most of yesterday -- rebuilding all
of the X-related stuff on a laptop can take a while -- and then
updating a handful of X drivers again this morning (which was
mercifully brief -- thank you!), I actually had time to reboot from
the RELENG_7 slice to update it.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that X came up OK, with no loss
of function.  (I've been fighting an issue that pops up frequently,
but not quite always, where starting X locks the system up so tight
in RELENG_7 that it requires a power-cycle to change state.  When
this happens, the laptop's screen generally does not (completely?)
switch to graphics mode.  It also happens in HEAD, but there I can
break into the debugger from a serial console.  So far, the only
circumvention found is to disable DRI in xorg.conf.  I've been
providing the information I can to rnol...@.)

I held out a (small) hope that perhaps the update to (including
dri-7.3,2) might have addressed the issue with DRI.  But it also
seemed to indicate that running ports -- all built under RELENG_6
-- while running a RELENG_7 system (with the compat6x port installed
as the only port built under RELENG_7) was (still) OK.

After updating FreeBSD on the RELENG_7 slice, I rebooted, and was
quickly disabused of both notions:

* I had a recurrence of the lockup during transition to graphics
  mode again.  Hacking xorg.conf to disable DRI circumvented that,
  only to yield:

* Once xdm started, I had no use of the keyboard or mouse for the
  xdm login screen.  I was, however, able to switch to an alternate
  vty.  So these symptoms were identical to thise I had under
  RELENG_6 before I started hald(8).

  As a circumvention for this, I added:

Section ServerFlags
Option AllowEmptyInput   False  # [bool]
Option AutoAddDevicesFalse  # [bool]

  to xorg.conf.  (I expect that one of those is likely overkill,
  but it works.)

So is a hald(8) (and dbus(8)) built under RELENG_6 supposed to work
in a RELENG_7 environment that has the misc/compat6x port installed?

(In case it isn't apparent, I have the laptop sliced up so that I
can boot  run FreeBSD from any of the 4 slices; in doing so, certain
things will be the same regardless, as they will actually refer to
the same locations on disk:

* swap space
* /var
* A file system for repositories (CVS  SVN)
* A file system for miscellaneous common stuff, such as home directories.

For each slice, /usr/local is actually a symlink to a (single)
directory in that last file system listed, so /usr/local is effectively
shared across all environments.  This is something I would much
prefer to retain, as going through that upgrade for each slice
is quite enough to give one significant pause.  And so far, I've
been able to avoid changing the default installation locationj for
any ports.)

[No need to Cc: me if you write to the list.]


David H. Wolfskill
Depriving a girl or boy of an opportunity for education is evil.

See for my public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [patch] net-p2p/deluge port improvement - startup scripts + update to 1.1.1

2009-01-25 Thread Victor Popov

Hash: SHA1

Hello everyone,

Replying to myself, sorry.

Victor Popov wrote:

| Deluge bittorrent client is great, and has a flexible architecture, which
| allows user to run a downloading daemon, only occasionally launching an
| user interface to manage downloads; all the other time daemon can work
| unattended.
| net-p2p/deluge port is missing startup scripts for daemon, and this is
| what I want to be fixed.
| The attached patch adds two rc scripts, for launching the daemon, deluged,
| and for launching deluge in webui mode. Ideally, this should be several
| separate ports, like net-p2p/transmission-*, but deluge is installed by
| own installer, so dividing port into several would require a lot of work.
| Some comments about why I wrote these startup scripts in this way:
| - First of all, I don't at all like the idea of running p2p client as
| usual desktop user for security reasons - desktop users may store
| sensitive information in their mailboxes, browser configs and other
| places, so it is better to dedicate different uid for peering task. This
| is why _user and _home configuration variables are introduced.
| I wonder, should we assign an uid in the UIDs file? What default homedir
| should this user have? I've set default to /home/deluge, and maybe there
| are better places?
| - Minor bug in launching command-line: it should be --logfile=${logfile},
| not a redirection, but unfortunately it does not work now. Could not
| investigate and fix it, sorry.
Fixed in new version and handled in updated patch.

| - run_rc_command is called with environment variable HOME set to ${home},
| because deluged can't determine homedir from user, and it does not accept
| -c switch.
| - Bug in deluge-webui script: when it is time to stop deluge, script has
| to find process due to lack of pidfile. If at that time you are running
| deluge with gtk UI, script will find your instance, and will try to kill
| it. If deluge_webui_user is not you, it's ok, your deluge is safe, but
| after that script will not be able to start webui, because it would think
| it is already running. This is because deluge program does not accept
| --pidfile parameter. There is already a feature-request in deluge
| bug-tracker for adding pidfile [],
| so maybe soon it would be possible to improve this script.
| Can this patch be commited, please? If something is wrong, comments would
| be very appreciated.

I've updated my patch to deliver new version of deluge - 1.1.1. In
addition to portversion bump and distfile changes, I've changed
MASTER_SITES to official download site, although it has the same IP now,
it can change in future. Also, some plist fixes related to new version.

- --
Best regards, Victor Popov
Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (FreeBSD)

diff -urN net-p2p/deluge.orig/Makefile net-p2p/deluge/Makefile
--- net-p2p/deluge.orig/Makefile2009-01-19 07:18:08.0 +0300
+++ net-p2p/deluge/Makefile 2009-01-25 20:16:45.647549998 +0300
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 PORTNAME=  deluge
 CATEGORIES=net-p2p python
 COMMENT=   A Bittorrent client, using Python, GTK+2 and Rasterbar 
@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@
@${ECHO_CMD} Keep in mind, choice WITHOUT_PYGTK still will installing 
a lot of GUI files that are for pygtk. The installation tool does not provide 
option to disable install the GUI files. These GUI files are harmless as long 
as you do not touch these or it won't work because it needs pygtk. | ${FMT} 75 
+USE_RC_SUBR=   deluged deluge-webui
+SUB_FILES= deluged deluge-webui
diff -urN net-p2p/deluge.orig/distinfo net-p2p/deluge/distinfo
--- net-p2p/deluge.orig/distinfo2009-01-19 07:18:08.0 +0300
+++ net-p2p/deluge/distinfo 2009-01-25 19:38:04.190129856 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (deluge-1.1.0.tar.gz) = 22d8016934cc891da4e0b75949681703
-SHA256 (deluge-1.1.0.tar.gz) = 
-SIZE (deluge-1.1.0.tar.gz) = 3055618
+MD5 (deluge-1.1.1.tar.gz) = e4d00f24b94d33e3f02c99361bec57dc
+SHA256 (deluge-1.1.1.tar.gz) = 
+SIZE (deluge-1.1.1.tar.gz) = 3088901
diff -urN net-p2p/deluge.orig/files/ 

Re: 1.5.3, hald(8), and ability to use misc/compat6x

2009-01-25 Thread David Wolfskill
On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 08:36:34AM -0800, David Wolfskill wrote:
 After upgrading to 1.5.3...
 So is a hald(8) (and dbus(8)) built under RELENG_6 supposed to work
 in a RELENG_7 environment that has the misc/compat6x port installed?

Nevermind.  :-{

A RELENG_6-build dbus  hald work fine when RELENG_7 or HEAD has the
misc/compat6x port installed:

X.Org X Server 1.5.3
Release Date: 5 November 2008
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: FreeBSD 6.4-STABLE i386 
Current Operating System: FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 
8.0-CURRENT #928: Wed Jan 21 07:46:38 PST 2009 i386
Build Date: 24 January 2009  06:31:47PM
(II) config/hal: Adding input device AT Keyboard
(II) config/hal: Adding input device PS/2 Mouse

I had some order- and timing-of-operations issues.

In particular, I found that augmenting the begining of my xdm
start-up script with:

until hald=$(check_process hald-addon-mouse-sysmouse); [ -n ${hald} 
]; do
sleep 1
# Stupid hack -- the above check is evidently insufficient to
# ensure that can actually initialise context: (null) ((null))
sleep 7

seems to allow things to work.  (The value 7 seconds was determined
empirically.)  I had started checking for hald, then checked for
hald-addon-mouse-sysmouse; when that was still insufficient, I
added the 7-second sleep.

(My xdm start-up script is invoked via init(8), out of /etc/ttys.)

David H. Wolfskill
Depriving a girl or boy of an opportunity for education is evil.

See for my public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [kde-freebsd] All of kde4, qt4, etc build fine except kdenetwork4 on my FreeBSD Current laptop.

2009-01-25 Thread Max Brazhnikov
I've replied to k...@freebsd maillist, duplicating here:

On Sat, 24 Jan 2009 00:32:15 +0300, Max Brazhnikov wrote:
 On Fri, 23 Jan 2009 13:17:32 -0600, eculp wrote:
  I have tried everyway that I can think of.  Port by port, with
  portupgrade and with portmaster.  I have even tried portmaster -r
  net/kdenetwork4 - portupgrade -rf net/kdenetwork4 and all generate the
  exact same results:
  /libiris/iris/xmpp-im/xmpp_task.cpp:21:27: error: qplatformdefs.h: Noº
  such file or directory
   *** Error code 1
   Stop in /usr/ports/net/kdenetwork4/work/kdenetwork-4.1.4/build.
   *** Error code 1
  with no change.

 Could you start verbose build (make -DCMAKE_VERBOSE) and show failed

  Please let me know if you need more information.

 Output of pkg_info -g qt4-corelib\* qt4-qmake\*

  BTW, is there a date for kde4.2 yet?


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2009-01-25 Thread Garrett Cooper

On Jan 25, 2009, at 5:18, Robert Huff wrote:

bf writes:

Just a note to those of you who helped to integrate the Gnome,
X11, and Fortran updates in Ports: thank you very much for the
work that you have put in, and for your efforts to find and solve
any remaining problems.

   Hear, hear.

I definitely third that. Thanks guys for all the hard work and beers  
are on me if you come down to South Bay area :).

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Re: FreeBSD Port: nagios-3.0.6

2009-01-25 Thread Philip M. Gollucci
It ended up being a problem with 64 bit ints in perl. I changed the 
setting inadvertedly. Anyway I had to rebuild both perl and the ports 

PERL_64BITINT   Use 64 bit integers (on i386) on  \

That port KNOB doesn't affect amd64 or any 64bit arch, only i386.
It translates directly to a CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-Duse64bitint


1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70  3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C
Philip M. Gollucci ( c: 703.336.9354
Consultant  - P6M7G8 Inc.
Senior Sys Admin- RideCharge, Inc.
Contractor  - PositiveEnergyUSA
ASF Member  - Apache Software Foundation
FreeBSD Committer   - FreeBSD Foundation

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.
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2009-01-25 Thread Ajtim Civolvap
FreeBSD 7.1, KDE 3.5.10

I installed opera-9.63.20081215_1 from ports and I got:

===  Checking if www/opera already installed
usr/local/share/opera/ini/pluginpath.ini FAILED md5 check: 
c5b66b8c5ce9f14bdd7b6a5c34f456a8 != ee5c425fba376571c6ef81631e9623b5

Opera is installed and works but there are no plugins. I have mplayer-plugins 
installed and java too but there are nothing.

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Re: FreeBSD Port: nagios-3.0.6

2009-01-25 Thread Jarrod Sayers

On Sun, 25 Jan 2009, Guido Falsi wrote:
I had a similar problem, with nagios segfaulting and dumping core after 
perl upgrade.

It ended up being a problem with 64 bit ints in perl. I changed the 
setting inadvertedly. Anyway I had to rebuild both perl and the ports 

Interesting, what architecture was that machine, i386 or amd64?  Also, do 
you recall whether you inadvertently enabled or disabled the PERL_64BITINT 

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An upgrade to xorg-server-1.5.3_1,1/libxcb-1.1.93

2009-01-25 Thread Alex Goncharov
I upgraded my X Window system today, with these instructions in mind:

  # /usr/ports/UPDATING 
sysutils/hal has been updated and should now properly detect
mice for use in Xorg.  Use of AllowEmptyInput should no longer
be needed for most users and moused should now work fine.
Server 1.5.3 also really wants to configure its input devices
via hald.  This is causing some issues with moused and

My system is 7.1-STABLE, and I did a full rebuild of relevant ports;
my window manager is `twm'.

Based on my experience, I have a few questions:

1. Up until this upgrade, I have always avoided using HAL, setting
   WITHOUT_HAL = yes in my /etc/make.conf file.
   Today's rebuild with this setting resulted in the mouse (and I
   think keyboard, too) not working in X.  Following the 20090123
   note, I commented out the WITHOUT_HAL option in /etc/make.conf and
   rebuild everything again, modified `etc/rc.conf' appropriately --
   and the X input is working fine again.

   So, is HAL a mandatory component (from the X11 perspective) now?

   If so, these lines in `x11-servers/xorg-server/Makefile' don't
   really make sense:
  OPTIONS= HAL Compile with HAL config support...
  .if !defined(WITHOUT_HAL)

   (not having HAL is not an option) -- right? 

2. As soon as my new X was up, I started to notice consistent
   appearances of garbage in my `xterm's -- the garbage that is easily
   removed by redrawing a window.

   More than a year ago, I switched my workstation (not this computer)
   from Debian to FreeBSD, where my primary motivation was to try to
   get rid of the sporadic and quite often garbage in the work windows
   -- after I switched to FreeBSD, I have never seen that garbage

   The essential point here is that Debian used HAL, and FreeBSD

   Does anybody know if HAL can be a plausible cause of this

It would be great if it were possible to switch to the new X without
bringing in HAL, at least for some time -- too many variables changed
in this transition and I am not sure what configuration variation to
try next to identify the source of the garbage.

-- Alex -- --

 * There are no emotional victims, only volunteers.
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xdm no longer included in X.Org 7.4 port

2009-01-25 Thread John Marshall
I made the mistake of upgrading ports on my notebook just after X.Org
7.4 had hit the ports tree (on top of a few other significant updates in
recent days).  When things started looking increasingly messy, I decided
my quickest way out was to start again from scratch.

- drop to single-user
- pkg-delete -a
- install required ports (including x11/xorg)
- exit single-user
- No xdm


The x11/xorg-apps Makefile has been completely re-worked and no longer
includes a RUN_DEPENDS= x11/xdm, so presumably the change is
intentional.  Perhaps a config option to prompt for installation of a
favourite display manager might be helpful?  A warning of this changed
behaviour of the meta-port in UPDATING?

I guess I just go ahead now and install x11/xdm - and then discover the
next thing missing that has always been there.

Thanks to all who have worked on this X.Org 7.4 port.  I'm grateful for
all the work you put in to this.  It's just that the missing display
manager was more than a bit of a surprise.

John Marshall

Description: PGP signature

Re: An upgrade to xorg-server-1.5.3_1,1/libxcb-1.1.93

2009-01-25 Thread Robert Noland
On Sun, 2009-01-25 at 21:54 -0500, Alex Goncharov wrote:
 I upgraded my X Window system today, with these instructions in mind:
   # /usr/ports/UPDATING 
 sysutils/hal has been updated and should now properly detect
 mice for use in Xorg.  Use of AllowEmptyInput should no longer
 be needed for most users and moused should now work fine.
 Server 1.5.3 also really wants to configure its input devices
 via hald.  This is causing some issues with moused and
 My system is 7.1-STABLE, and I did a full rebuild of relevant ports;
 my window manager is `twm'.
 Based on my experience, I have a few questions:
 1. Up until this upgrade, I have always avoided using HAL, setting
WITHOUT_HAL = yes in my /etc/make.conf file.

Today's rebuild with this setting resulted in the mouse (and I
think keyboard, too) not working in X.  Following the 20090123
note, I commented out the WITHOUT_HAL option in /etc/make.conf and
rebuild everything again, modified `etc/rc.conf' appropriately --
and the X input is working fine again.
So, is HAL a mandatory component (from the X11 perspective) now?

Xorg is moving more in that direction... Using hal for device
configuration is now the default.  However, you can still statically
configure devices.  See xorg.conf(5), AllowEmptyInput, AutoAddDevices,

So, yes you can still configure it without HAL support, it just isn't
the preferred method.

If so, these lines in `x11-servers/xorg-server/Makefile' don't
really make sense:

   OPTIONS= HAL Compile with HAL config support...
   .if !defined(WITHOUT_HAL)
(not having HAL is not an option) -- right? 

It is still an option.

 2. As soon as my new X was up, I started to notice consistent
appearances of garbage in my `xterm's -- the garbage that is easily
removed by redrawing a window.
More than a year ago, I switched my workstation (not this computer)
from Debian to FreeBSD, where my primary motivation was to try to
get rid of the sporadic and quite often garbage in the work windows
-- after I switched to FreeBSD, I have never seen that garbage
The essential point here is that Debian used HAL, and FreeBSD
Does anybody know if HAL can be a plausible cause of this

I'm pretty confident that HAL can not be blamed for this...


 It would be great if it were possible to switch to the new X without
 bringing in HAL, at least for some time -- too many variables changed
 in this transition and I am not sure what configuration variation to
 try next to identify the source of the garbage.
 -- Alex -- --
  * There are no emotional victims, only volunteers.
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Re: An upgrade to xorg-server-1.5.3_1,1/libxcb-1.1.93

2009-01-25 Thread Wes Morgan

On Sun, 25 Jan 2009, Robert Noland wrote:

On Sun, 2009-01-25 at 21:54 -0500, Alex Goncharov wrote:

Xorg is moving more in that direction... Using hal for device
configuration is now the default.  However, you can still statically
configure devices.  See xorg.conf(5), AllowEmptyInput, AutoAddDevices,

So, yes you can still configure it without HAL support, it just isn't
the preferred method.

I've been avoiding HAL like the plague as well. It frobs my ath wireless 
card when it tries to probe it. Disabling it works, but KDE runs like 
garbage with hal running, and I get zombie processes of 
hal-storage-cleanup--all-mountpoints when I try to shut it down... In 
short, I avoid it wherever possible!

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Re: FreeBSD Port: nagios-3.0.6

2009-01-25 Thread Guido Falsi

Jarrod Sayers wrote:

On Sun, 25 Jan 2009, Guido Falsi wrote:
I had a similar problem, with nagios segfaulting and dumping core 
after perl upgrade.

It ended up being a problem with 64 bit ints in perl. I changed the 
setting inadvertedly. Anyway I had to rebuild both perl and the ports 

Interesting, what architecture was that machine, i386 or amd64?  Also, 
do you recall whether you inadvertently enabled or disabled the 
PERL_64BITINT option?

i386. I disabled it, it used to be enabled, which is the default.

Now it is enabled and I also rebuild nagios, I'm not sure if simply 
reenabling it solved the problem.

Guido Falsi
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Re: FreeBSD Port: nagios-3.0.6

2009-01-25 Thread Philip M. Gollucci

PERL_64BITINT option?

i386. I disabled it, it used to be enabled, which is the default.

Now it is enabled and I also rebuild nagios, I'm not sure if simply 
reenabling it solved the problem.

Yeah, you definitely can _not_ mix apps / CPANS particularly anthing in XS or C 
with perls that used different options here.


1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70  3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C
Philip M. Gollucci ( c: 703.336.9354
Consultant  - P6M7G8 Inc.
Senior Sys Admin- RideCharge, Inc.
Contractor  - PositiveEnergyUSA
ASF Member  - Apache Software Foundation
FreeBSD Committer   - FreeBSD Foundation

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.
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Re: FreeBSD Port: nagios-3.0.6

2009-01-25 Thread Guido Falsi

Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

PERL_64BITINT option?

i386. I disabled it, it used to be enabled, which is the default.

Now it is enabled and I also rebuild nagios, I'm not sure if simply 
reenabling it solved the problem.
Yeah, you definitely can _not_ mix apps / CPANS particularly anthing in 
XS or C with perls that used different options here.

As I said I inadvertedly disabled that option. As soon as I noticed I 
understood that was the problem.

I reported it here because I thought it could be of some help to the 
original poster. Sometimes one just does not notice this kind of little 

Guido Falsi
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