RE: Has the port collection become to large to handle

2006-05-15 Thread Oliver Nevezi

To "fbsd":
Man,stop the trolling shit for good.
You have  /usr/ports/misc/porteasy,use it and leave us alone.
You are just too much.
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RE: New FreeBSD logo

2006-05-15 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Gary Hayers
>Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 10:14 PM
>Subject: Re: New FreeBSD logo
>Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
>>> No, the majority of people who have posted do not like it,
>>> thats not the
>>> whole community. Maybe you should do your research better.
>> It's probably a revelation to you but you do not have to poll
>> the entire community to find out if the majority of them don't
>> like something.  This is called "sampling"  The people who
>> have posted are a sample of the community.  The vast majority
>> of this sample don't like it.  Thus the majority of the community
>> doesen't like it.  (those who hold opinions one way or another,
>> that is, and the opinion holders are the only ones that matter
>> in this particular issue)
>> Ted
>I am well aware of what sampling means, your argument if
>flawed, you may
>have the sample of the community that does not like it, the people who
>do like it may not find it important enough to post about.

So then as others have said, let's open it to a vote of the
community as to whether or not it needed to be changed in the
first place.  That wasn't done because the people pushing this knew
they would lose.

>Quite frankly
>it is of no importance as the community were not the ones with a say
>about it, the FreeBSD management were and they did.

That is nothing more than the might-makes-right argument and it is
as flawed here as it ever was.  FreeBSD isn't a commercial product
in case you missed it, it's the sum total of everyone who contributes
to it and supports it.

The only part of FreeBSD that is under any kind of management is the
source repository itself and website, and the source code is much like
the tip of the iceberg, it is only the obvious embodiment of this
contribution.  Without the many users of that source, FreeBSD is nothing.
And you wouldn't have those users without the gargantum amount of
advocacy and support that goes on with that source.  If the "FreeBSD
management" was soley responsible for all tech support then FreeBSD
would not work.  If that management was solely responsible for
all promotion and all expenditures on promoting FreeBSD they would
go bankrupt in seconds.  Who are you to denegrate the emormous
amount of invisible work that occurs to keep FreeBSD viable, with
your ignorant comment "the community were not the ones with a say
about it"


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2006-05-15 Thread Ben Haysom

read the attached
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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Kyrre Nygard

At 20:28 13.05.2006, fbsd wrote:

To all question list readers;

Now with 14576 ports in the collection where do you
draw the line that its too large to be downloading
the whole collection when you just use 10 or 20 of them?
The port collection is growing at a ever increasing rate per month.
The mass majority of the ports are so special purpose that only a
very few people have need of them. Sure there are ways to limit
the categories you select to download, but still the size of
the most used categories is too large and loaded with ports not
commonly used by the general user.

So people them use the packages. But the problem with the
packages is they are not updated every time changes are
made to the port they were created from. Also packages that
have dependants like php4/php5 or mysql4/mysql5 are not being
updated to use the newer versions of those dependants as they come

I for one think the port/package collection has already grown to
large to handle in it's present state.
Users are consuming massive bandwidth to download and it
consumes a very large chunk of disk space. Saying nothing about
the wasted resources consumed to back it up repeatedly.

I have gone to using the package version for everything and
only downloading the ports config files for packages that
I need to compile from scratch to change some add on function.
This methodology has worked fine since FreeBSD version 3.0 as
I used each new release of FreeBSD up to 6.1.

Now in 6.1 there is problems with packages that have not been
recreated using the new system make file.
This problem is caused by there being no mandatory requirement on
the ports maintainers to recreate the packages any time one of the
dependants change or when changes are made to the canned make
or when dependants show up as broken. Yes I know what a large task
this is and that it requires a lot of run time to accomplish.

So my question is how do we users make our needs known
to the ports maintainer group so that will seriously address
the problem of the packages being outdated?

Are there other people on this list who are dissatisfied with the
packages and the problems associated with using packages and ports
mixed together?

What are your thoughts about requesting the ports group to create
a new category containing just the ports most commonly used
their dependents and making this general category the default
used to download. This would be a much smaller sized download
containing everything necessary to build the most used ports.
Many of the dependents are used over and over by many
different port applications.

This new category would them be given priority in keeping
their packages up to date. Could even take this idea one step
and say that only ports in this category will have packages
built and keep up to date. All ports not in this special
category will not have packages built at all. I think this
would help the port group to better manager their people resources
and serve the needs of the user community better.

Another idea I would like to throw out to the list is how about
requesting the ports group to add a function to packages so the
installer of the package can select what version of the dependent
components should be included in the install.
Much like "make config" does in the ports system?
The packages system already automatically launches the download
of dependent packages so why not give the installer the option to
select which version of the dependent to fetch.
Like in php4/5 or mysql4/5 or apache 13/20. This way the package
is more flexible and the port maintainer does not have to build
a different version of the parent package for each version of
the dependant which is available.

The whole idea behind this post is to give the general users who
reads this questions list an opportunity to brainstorm about ways to
make the ports/package collection better and easier to use.
This may help the ports group in understanding the needs and
direction we the users would like to see the management of
the collection to take.
If we don't speak up they will just think things are ok as they are
FreeBSD is a public project. The ports group are not the only
users who can give input about the direction and policies
concerning the future of the ports/package collection.

All feedback welcome.


I would just like to direct you to one of my previous threads:

It was not warmly welcomed though.

All the best,

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Help: Virtual Hosts and Email

2006-05-15 Thread Maan Jee

Hi Guys

I am trying to host couple of virtual hosts on my FreeBSD box...

1. How can I make Virtual Hosts, I mean what would be best structure and

2. What is the basic procedure in few lines?
3. How can I setup Email Server for example Qpopper? and is it better than
Sendmail or what?

4. How can I setup Virtual Emai for my virtual hosts?

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Steven Hartland

Chris wrote:

On 15/05/06, fbsd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Keep the ports tree how it is, as others have said the size is small
on modern hard drives and bandwidth trivial, once the initial ports
tree is in place keeping it up to date needs very little bandwidth and
its only distfiles that tend to be large, but you only download
distfiles for ports you install so this is a very good system.  If at
least one person uses a port it is justified and I very much like that
most tiny apps I search for in the ports tree do indeed exist.  How
would you define commonly used ports? we would end up with a
favouritism system in place and many arguments about which ports would
be included in the commonly used group, you also forget that many
ports that may look meaningless from where you sit are necessary as
dependants to other ports.

There would be not arguments as stats dont lie. Please read the entire
thread there are some good ideas in there which would speed up day to day
use of ports for everyone. Where you get the idea that ports is quick to
maintain is beyond me it takes a good 30mins to sync up if your a few
months out of date now a days. 30mins is not much if you have 1 machine
but add it all up for a large number of machines and its a significant
amount of time which we all could better spend doing other things instead
of waiting for a cvsup to complete.

Is php4 out of date? no its still been maintained and is more suitable
for many people, likewise with mysql 4.1.  Openssl 0.9.7 all are older
branches but not out of date.  The ports system is very clever in how
it is so adaptive eg. Ruby needs openssl and if you have 0.9.7 it sets
that as the dependency rather then 0.9.8.  No hacking of makefiles

No ones saying they are, we use mysql 4.0 here but as what's being
suggested would:
1. use real world usage stats
2. provide a much faster way of obtaining just the ports you want

Then there are now down falls that I can see, only the benefit of being
able to update from ports much much quicker than is currently possible.


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RE: New FreeBSD logo

2006-05-15 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John Birrell
>Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 11:29 PM
>To: Gary Hayers
>Subject: Re: New FreeBSD logo
>Those people who want to influence decisions like the selection of a new
>logo really only have _one_ way to have a say. Ranting on a mailing list
>is *not* that way.

Wrong.  I think you have this idea that the committers think that all
have to do is wave their wands and every FreeBSD user will instantly
march in lockstep to what they want.

This is only true for the FreeBSD source code.  If the committers in
change the source to FreeBSD then the users all pretty much have little
choice but to accept it.  Oh sure they can patch the system if they want,
but the changes are usually good so why would they?  And when the changes
are bad and break things, then if a proper PR is filed that documents
everything, then the committers change it back, or fix the bug.

But not so with the logo change.  Logos only have value when they are
used.  Yes the committers can delete Beastie from FreeBSD's main
website and replace it with the sex toy - although in view of the
and varied statements by many committers that the sex toy logo is
merely an addition and not displacing Beastie I don't see how they will
be able to do this in the future without losing a lot of public face for
going back on their promises.

But the committers have zero control over what the users use for their
preferred logo.  Most people are going to use the logo they feel best
FreeBSD, only a few misguided people will just blindly use the logo that
the committers tell them to use.  Since most of the userbase preferrs
Beastie they will continue to use Beastie.  The people making castings of
Beastie aren't going to see sales of a casting of the sex toy displace
if they even offer it, the people making stuffed Beasties aren't going to
sales of a stuffed sex toy outselling Beastie, etc. etc. etc.

The -only- way the committers can get a lot of people to use the new logo
is to put out a new logo that is better than Beastie.

>If you contribute to FreeBSD and earn the right to a commit
>bit, then you
>get a chance to vote on who becomes a member of the core group
>and things
>like the selection of a new logo.

No, you get to vote on the selection of various bits of code changes.
But no amount of your voting is going to instantly change the recognized
logo of FreeBSD from Beastie to the sex-toy.  Ranting on questions has
far more ability to make or break use of the sex-toy logo by the FreeBSD
userbase than voting on current.

>So people can "huff and puff and try to blow the house down" in this
>thread, but the only thing that makes any difference is what the people
>who have earned a vote think.

No, the only thing that makes a difference when it comes to the logo is
what the people choose to use who are normally using the FreeBSD
logo in their work every day.  And those folks are what you would term
the sales and marketing arm of FreeBSD, not the developers.  And
they are paying attention to what people are saying about the new
sex-toy logo.  The sex-toy logo has very little recognition and
with FreeBSD.  The few places that you might -want- to use it is
like the cover of a magazine, because if you use a recognized logo like
Beastie then prospective purchasers of that magazine are going to think
"ho hum another article about FreeBSD" and pass it by, whereas since they
don't know what the sex-toy represents, they might pick up the mag and
read it.  But, in that case your selling a magazine, not an operating

In instances like the cover of a CD or a business card or a website
where your wanting to use a very instantly recognizable logo denoting
FreeBSD, your going to use Beastie.  And this reason is what is
the reason for most of the areas that have a need for a FreeBSD logo.


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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Adrian Pavone

Spadge wrote:

fbsd wrote:

fbsd wrote:

*  so working with in that same procedure the  maintainer
passes the packages to the audit people and they pass it on.
No problem with this at all.

Thus removing any kind of streamlining to speed up releases of new 

 the port make method will still be there for all ports with
limited usage history, it will just not have a package for it
it has limited usage.

And this is the crux of the matter. Would phpmyadmin have a 
php5/mysql4 version? Or do the majority of users use php4 still? And 
are there more test boxes than there are production servers?

Is it fair to say the most commonly used ports are not the most 
commonly used packages? I would imagine that something like KDE would 
be a hugely popular package, on account of the sheer size of the 
beast, but that it wouldn't be the most popular port due to the number 
of people who don't run a GUI on their system.

There is also the fact that you could fairly easily abuse this system 
if you wanted your software to be included in the 'most commonly used' 
list, by just hammering the server.

 There is no privacy issues. Passing cookies is normal and
done as matter of fact by most commercial websites and any website
uses php session control makes cookies by default.
This is a no-issue issue.

Every browser on the planet has the option to disable cookies (in the 
same way that email clients have the option of indenting quoted text - 
it's a standard required feature). This is because it is a privacy 
issue. Different people have different views on what privacy is or 
isn't, and that's nine tenths of the entire point: we don't get to 
decide what their privacy levels are, they do.

I can totally understand why you think this system would be better for 
you. I just hope you can understand why it wouldn't be better for 
everyone, nor even for the majority of people.

Now, Marc G. Fournier's dynamic personalised ports tree suggestion ... 
that's a *real* idea.

Agreed in full.

Cookies and similar are, in my opinion, invasive, and this is why I have 
my browser set to ask me each time, and get rid of anf I accept when I 
close the browser. But other people love the benefits of cookies. Choice 
is the only real power.

And, Marc G. Fournier definitely had something with his description of 
how the port system should work, when I read his post I was thinking 
that is exactly how I would have designed it as well (admittedly, when 
it was designed, it wasn't the size it is now).

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Help: Mounting USB Mass Storage

2006-05-15 Thread Maan Jee

Hi Guys

I have few questions?

1. How can I mount a Mass Storage USB drive on my FreeBSD Box?

2. Which I could also be able to plug to a Windows machine?

3. Which type of formating I should do, i.e. NTFS, FAT32 or FAT16?

4. How can I make it automatic mounted on a reboot?

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Panagiotis Astithas

Mark Linimon wrote:

On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 02:04:55PM +0300, Panagiotis Astithas wrote:
I believe that one solution to the scalability problem of creating and 
maintaining updated packages, would be to decentralize it more. Each 
time I submit an update for one of the ports I maintain, I've already 
build the relevant packages, as a QA measure. There should be no need to 
wait for the ports cluster to build the official version, instead of 
using my own, modulo perhaps the higher quality assurance you'd get from 
Kris's build infrastructure.

You have built the package for one build environment (buildenv).  There
are 12.  See

Quite right. But I think that would still be helpful to the majority of 
users (of packages). If a maintainer can't build a package for a 
particular build environment due to lack of resources, we can always use 
the regular cluster builds for these architectures. We just gained a 
more timely release of the most wanted package(s), no?

Frankly, the availability of up-to-date packages is the only issue from 
this thread I really care about. I've been contemplating about graphical 
package installers for FreeBSD for some time and most ideas fall short 
since there would not be much point in using a package installer 
without... er... packages :-)


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Re: makeworld FAILURE on 5.4-STABLE

2006-05-15 Thread Kyrre Nygard

At 18:16 14.05.2006, Donald J. O'Neill wrote:

On Sunday 14 May 2006 07:31, Kyrre Nygard wrote:

> >I believe it should be:
> >
> >chflags -R noschg /usr/obj/usr
> >rm -rf /usr/obj/usr
> >cd /usr/src
> >
> >
> >Yes, the 'make cleandir' statement is run twice.
> >
> >--
> >Gerard Seibert
> Once or twice, it is still irrelevant.
> Thank you so much though.
> -- Kyrre

Ah, Kristian, I see you're back. And you still can't get
past 'buildworld'. And you're still giving kind of flip answers,
although with a thank you at the end. What processor are you using?

You know, your best bet might be to blow off the 5.4 and do a new
install with a 6.1-RELEASE disk. At least then you could get upgraded.

Ok, I saw an error in your beginning procedure:
cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile
cd /usr/obj
chflags -R noschg

It's right here. You need to use this:
chflags -R noschg *

rm -rf *
cd /usr/src
make clean

Also, Instead of 'make clean' , run 'make cleandir', twice, as was

Try that and be sure to keep it out of a script.


Hello Don, good old friend :)

Yes I am back. I had to change my alias because too many people
were after me. And also I'm still stuck on the same problem. I did make
a clean 6.1-RELEASE blow at my Pentium 120mhz firewall which needed
the buildworld the most. Now it's my Pentium III 3,2ghz workstation that
needs it, however it's got too much data on it that I'm currently in no
position to back up, not even temporarily, so I'm not sure what to do other
than this buildworld. Any suggestions?

Oh yeah, I accidentally left the `*' out in chflags -R noschg.

Take care,

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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Adrian Pavone

Steven Hartland wrote:

Chris wrote:

On 15/05/06, fbsd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Keep the ports tree how it is, as others have said the size is small
on modern hard drives and bandwidth trivial, once the initial ports
tree is in place keeping it up to date needs very little bandwidth and
its only distfiles that tend to be large, but you only download
distfiles for ports you install so this is a very good system.  If at
least one person uses a port it is justified and I very much like that
most tiny apps I search for in the ports tree do indeed exist.  How
would you define commonly used ports? we would end up with a
favouritism system in place and many arguments about which ports would
be included in the commonly used group, you also forget that many
ports that may look meaningless from where you sit are necessary as
dependants to other ports.

There would be not arguments as stats dont lie. Please read the entire
thread there are some good ideas in there which would speed up day to day
use of ports for everyone. Where you get the idea that ports is quick to
maintain is beyond me it takes a good 30mins to sync up if your a few
months out of date now a days. 30mins is not much if you have 1 machine
but add it all up for a large number of machines and its a significant
amount of time which we all could better spend doing other things instead
of waiting for a cvsup to complete.

This is why there are options in place that would allow you to download
the cvsup to one of you computers, likely a server of some sort, and
your other computers all retrieve the CVSup from this local server,
significantly speeding up the retrieval time and decreasing the load on
the primary servers, a win for everyone. If you have computers of
varying architectures or in seperated geographical locations this would
not work as worded, but from your wording it sounded like you had a
local LAN of computers.

Ohh, and for your informations, statistics do lie, that is the point of
statistical analysis, which I spent 1 1/2 years of my life studying
before changing into my current Software Engineering/Computer Security

And, the arguements would arise from the "common" ports/packages
directory, a suggestion of fbsd's I believe, whereby common ports that
would not be built often primarily due to their size, and so wouldn't
show up in statistics (such as Gnome, KDE, OpenOffice, and a number of
others), would be placed into a common directory of the ports/packages
tree, and would be exempt from these statistics. The arguements would
arise over what should be placed into this "common" directory.

And what about the case of a port that would be built many times over
its lifetime, mainly due to program version changes? The first one that
springs to mind would be Firefox. Firefox has had a number of version
changes in the same space of time that Exim, a very commonly used mail
server application, has been updated, and assuming an even distribution
of mail servers and desktop users with firefox, firefox would appear to
be 10-20 times more active over it's lifetime.

It is also common for people with a desktop computer to format their HDD
every 3 months or so, and every time this occured, the desktop PC ports
(Xorg, Firefox, KDE/XFCE/GNOME,, etc.) would get a
rebuild/redownload, again throwing the stastics out of whack.

Just my $0.02.


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Re: asda

2006-05-15 Thread Adrian Pavone

Ben Haysom wrote:

read the attached

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I see no attached, and more importantly, there are only certain 
documents which you can attach.

As it is something you want us to read, it is much more appropriate to 
paste it into an email document

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Re: strange on 'man' command...

2006-05-15 Thread Adrian Pavone

Tang Ho Yim wrote:

Hi everyone,
 I am running FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE-p7. When I type "man xxx" will show the manual twiceis it strange ?

 I remember that it will show only once before
 So anyone can help ? Thanks !

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Could you be a little more specific about "it will show the manual 
twice'? Does it show the manual once and once you close that it shows it 
again? Or does it split it horizontally/vertically on your screen? Or 
does it run, one after the other, so that you have the "See also" and 
similar right before a new manual page at the bottom? Or something else 
that I have not described?

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Linux distro with ports/package type system?

2006-05-15 Thread Nikolas Britton

I have an older 440MX based laptop that I'm fairly sure FreeBSD won't
like, I don't want to run windows on this box... so I'm looking for a
Linux distro that has a ports like system.

I need KDE,, and a 2.6 kernel installed by default... dammit...
I don't want to #$%! with Linux, maybe I'll give FreeBSD another try
first, anyways, thanks for the suggestions guys.

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pptpd with mpd

2006-05-15 Thread Oliver A. Rojo


I have a running mpd on my freebsd-5.2.1 linux fw but whenever I connect 
my windows client it says "port is closed"

my mpd.conf

   load pptp
   new -i ng0 pptp pptp
   set iface disable on-demand
   set iface enable proxy-arp
   set bundle disable multilink
   set bundle authname traxx
   set bundle enable encryption
   set link yes acfcomp protocomp
   set link disable pap
   set link enable chap
   set link keep-alive 10 60
   set ipcp enable vjcomp
   set ipcp ranges
   set ipcp dns
   set bundle enable compression
   set ccp enable mppc
   set ccp enable mpp-e40
   set ccp enable mpp-e128
   set ccp yes mpp-stateless
   set bundle enable crypt-reqd


set link type pptp
set pptp self
set pptp enable incoming
set pptp enable originate

on my /var/log/messages, I can't see any mpd logs on it but mpd is running:

ps -fax|grep mpd

42496  ??  Is 0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/mpd -b

Did I missed something?


Oliver A. Rojo


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Re: Linux distro with ports/package type system?

2006-05-15 Thread Olivier Nicole
> Linux distro that has a ports like system.

I heard that gentoo has a port like system.

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2006-05-15 Thread sai shu

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Please explain make -j to my little brain

2006-05-15 Thread Ashley Moran

I've read the following snippet out of the handbook hundreds of times and 
still don't understand it.  I even asked one of the developers I work with 
and he was baffled too.

> It is now possible to specify a -j option to make which will cause it to
> spawn several simultaneous processes. This is most useful on multi-CPU
> machines. However, since much of the compiling process is IO bound rather
> than CPU bound it is also useful on single CPU machines.

What I want to know is, if compiling is IO bound, and you increase the number 
of simultaneous processes compiling your world, where do the extra processes 
get data from if the IO bandwidth is all used.

Have I misunderstood the term IO bound?  Please help, I feel like a right 

Just as a side line... does anybody know the best -j value to build world on a 
4-core box?


"If you do it the stupid way, you will have to do it again"
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Re: Please explain make -j to my little brain

2006-05-15 Thread Richard Collyer

Ashley Moran wrote:


I've read the following snippet out of the handbook hundreds of times and 
still don't understand it.  I even asked one of the developers I work with 
and he was baffled too.

It is now possible to specify a -j option to make which will cause it to
spawn several simultaneous processes. This is most useful on multi-CPU
machines. However, since much of the compiling process is IO bound rather
than CPU bound it is also useful on single CPU machines.

What I want to know is, if compiling is IO bound, and you increase the number 
of simultaneous processes compiling your world, where do the extra processes 
get data from if the IO bandwidth is all used.

Have I misunderstood the term IO bound?  Please help, I feel like a right 

Just as a side line... does anybody know the best -j value to build world on a 
4-core box?

The way I understand it is that 1 core would do this...

compile  read disk  compile  read disk ... compile

It wont be reading when it is compiling and cant compile when its 
reading so if you do -j 2 even on a single core machine it could do:

compile  read disk  complile  read disk ... compile
read disk  complile  read disk ... compile  read disk

Which means neither the CPU or the disks are idle resulting in faster 

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Re: pptpd with mpd

2006-05-15 Thread Nikos Vassiliadis
On Monday 15 May 2006 12:17, Oliver A. Rojo wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a running mpd on my freebsd-5.2.1 linux fw but whenever I connect
> my windows client it says "port is closed"
> my mpd.conf
> default:
> load pptp
> pptp:
> new -i ng0 pptp pptp
> set iface disable on-demand
> set iface enable proxy-arp
> set bundle disable multilink
> set bundle authname traxx
> set bundle enable encryption
> set link yes acfcomp protocomp
> set link disable pap
> set link enable chap
> set link keep-alive 10 60
> set ipcp enable vjcomp
> set ipcp ranges
> set ipcp dns
> set bundle enable compression
> set ccp enable mppc
> set ccp enable mpp-e40
> set ccp enable mpp-e128
> set ccp yes mpp-stateless
> set bundle enable crypt-reqd
> mpd.links
> pptp:
> set link type pptp
> set pptp self
> set pptp enable incoming
> set pptp enable originate
> on my /var/log/messages, I can't see any mpd logs on it but mpd is running:
> ps -fax|grep mpd
> 42496  ??  Is 0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/mpd -b

you can use "mpd -a -b" and "telnet 5005"
to see what's going on or you can use "mpd -s syslog_ident" to
enable logging.

> Did I missed something?

mpd does not use syslog by default.
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RE: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread fbsd

Keep the ports tree how it is, as others have said the size is small
on modern hard drives and bandwidth trivial, once the initial ports
tree is in place keeping it up to date needs very little bandwidth
its only distfiles that tend to be large, but you only download
distfiles for ports you install so this is a very good system.  If
least one person uses a port it is justified and I very much like
most tiny apps I search for in the ports tree do indeed exist.  How
would you define commonly used ports? we would end up with a
favouritism system in place and many arguments about which ports
be included in the commonly used group, you also forget that many
ports that may look meaningless from where you sit are necessary as
dependants to other ports.

Is php4 out of date? no its still been maintained and is more
for many people, likewise with mysql 4.1.  Openssl 0.9.7 all are
branches but not out of date.  The ports system is very clever in
it is so adaptive eg. Ruby needs openssl and if you have 0.9.7 it
that as the dependency rather then 0.9.8.  No hacking of makefiles


** The point being made by the OP is the packages are
being kept up to date and the usage of packages & ports don't work
because of the overall size of the collection.
How does what you posted address the packages? ***

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Re: pptpd with mpd

2006-05-15 Thread idzuwan

Nikos Vassiliadis wrote:

On Monday 15 May 2006 12:17, Oliver A. Rojo wrote:


I have a running mpd on my freebsd-5.2.1 linux fw but whenever I connect
my windows client it says "port is closed"

my mpd.conf

   load pptp
   new -i ng0 pptp pptp
   set iface disable on-demand
   set iface enable proxy-arp
   set bundle disable multilink
   set bundle authname traxx
   set bundle enable encryption
   set link yes acfcomp protocomp
   set link disable pap
   set link enable chap
   set link keep-alive 10 60
   set ipcp enable vjcomp
   set ipcp ranges
   set ipcp dns
   set bundle enable compression
   set ccp enable mppc
   set ccp enable mpp-e40
   set ccp enable mpp-e128
   set ccp yes mpp-stateless
   set bundle enable crypt-reqd

have you try to change the "enable" to "yes" for this option? maybe it 
will work

   set ccp yes mppc   
   set ccp yes mpp-e40
   set ccp yes mpp-e128

   set ccp yes mpp-stateless
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Problem with media(CDROM and FTP), 6.1, IBM Netfinity 5000

2006-05-15 Thread Klaus Friis Østergaard


I am trying to install 6.1 on a IBM Netfinity 5000.

It is willingly booting up I on the cdrom, but when I select the minimal
install and media CDROM, it says that it can't find cdrom drive.

The I tried to do both ftp and passive ftp to both the primary and secondary
danish ftp sites, both with the standard ftp and anonymous logon, both with
and email and with out an email as password, every time it says name ok but
missing password.

The I tried burning a copy of the disk and mount it in my laptop, setup ftp,
I can only from the lap top it self check that it responds to ftp

I can see in the xferlog that a connection is made from the Netfinity
server, but it still says
that password is missing

When a connection fails on the second screen "alt+f2" I can se the rl0 (the
network interface is downed, and second time I try to connect I get no route
to host, the I have to restart the server.

What have I missed.



I have disabled the original build in network card, as it seems not
supported, I have added a Realtek pci card.

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Re: a

2006-05-15 Thread Gerard Seibert
sai shu wrote:

> a


Gerard Seibert

 "Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken."

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Rebuilding Man database

2006-05-15 Thread Andrew Carton
Disturbingly, some of my man pages are not working, i.e. man man comes up 
with nothing is there a way to rebuild the man database to fix this?


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Link not giving Access

2006-05-15 Thread Abdul Basit Afzal
Dear Sir,


I wanted to download Unix Free BSD Hand book from thorough you link



This, and other documents, can be downloaded from


But it is giving me no access message can you please kindly help me how
can I download this doc.


Best Regards

Abdul Basit Afzal


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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Steven Hartland

Adrian Pavone wrote:

Steven Hartland wrote:

This is why there are options in place that would allow you to
download the cvsup to one of you computers, likely a server of some
sort, and your other computers all retrieve the CVSup from this local
server, significantly speeding up the retrieval time and decreasing
the load on the primary servers, a win for everyone. If you have
computers of varying architectures or in seperated geographical
locations this would not work as worded, but from your wording it
sounded like you had a local LAN of computers.

You couldnt be more wrong there even though the cvsup source might
as well be on the local LAN we have such a quick connection to it.
The shear volume of files that have to be checked adds a significant
amount of time to any method to syncing them, from cvsup local rsync
to tar I've tried them all.

Ohh, and for your informations, statistics do lie, that is the point
of statistical analysis, which I spent 1 1/2 years of my life studying
before changing into my current Software Engineering/Computer Security

Your just being pedantic, you know quite well what was ment.

And, the arguements would arise from the "common" ports/packages
directory, a suggestion of fbsd's I believe, whereby common ports that
would not be built often primarily due to their size, and so wouldn't
show up in statistics (such as Gnome, KDE, OpenOffice, and a number of
others), would be placed into a common directory of the ports/packages
tree, and would be exempt from these statistics. The arguements would
arise over what should be placed into this "common" directory.

The suggestion was capable of registering either when installed by
ports or packages so a mute point.

And what about the case of a port that would be built many times over
its lifetime, mainly due to program version changes? The first one
that springs to mind would be Firefox. Firefox has had a number of
version changes in the same space of time that Exim, a very commonly
used mail server application, has been updated, and assuming an even
distribution of mail servers and desktop users with firefox, firefox
would appear to be 10-20 times more active over it's lifetime.

And your point being?

It is also common for people with a desktop computer to format their
HDD every 3 months or so, and every time this occured, the desktop PC
ports (Xorg, Firefox, KDE/XFCE/GNOME,, etc.) would get
a rebuild/redownload, again throwing the stastics out of whack.

No its still being used isnt it which is what we are interested in.

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Re: panic: userret: Returning with 1 locks held.

2006-05-15 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 11:35:01PM -0700, Malachi de ?lfweald wrote:
> Has anyone found a solution to the problem reported here:
> >From what I can tell, unionfs is compiled into my kernel (said YES in the
> kernel config file)...
> I can consistently cause this to happen within a couple seconds if I use the
> man pages from within a jail that is on unionfs.

Don't do that then (see the manpage).  The patches floating around may
help you, but maybe not.


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Re: makeworld FAILURE on 5.4-STABLE

2006-05-15 Thread Donald J. O'Neill
On Monday 15 May 2006 04:03, Kyrre Nygard wrote:
> Hello Don, good old friend :)
> Yes I am back. I had to change my alias because too many people
> were after me. And also I'm still stuck on the same problem. I did
> make a clean 6.1-RELEASE blow at my Pentium 120mhz firewall which
> needed the buildworld the most. Now it's my Pentium III 3,2ghz
> workstation that needs it, however it's got too much data on it that
> I'm currently in no position to back up, not even temporarily, so I'm
> not sure what to do other than this buildworld. Any suggestions?
> Oh yeah, I accidentally left the `*' out in chflags -R noschg.
> Take care,
> K*

I was hoping it be as simple as a missing '*', but I would think there 
would be error messages  showing up about that. Oh, well.

Ok, you're stuck in the same place as before, and by that I mean you are 
failing the 'make buildworld' part of the sequence, correct?. That 
means that there's something you're either doing or not doing, prior to 
starting the buildworld that's causing a problem.

What's in your /etc/make.conf?

Try doing 'make buildworld' with the GENERIC conf file rather than your 
NINJA one. The problem may be there. If you can get through the upgrade 
using the GENERIC you've got the upgrade in place and you can find out 
what's wrong with NINJA. That's the best I can suggest for now. And do 
the 'make cleandir' twice, as Gerard suggested. It's not irrelevant.

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2006-05-15 Thread Howard Jones
Moving on with my automated installs, I want to build some additional 
packages into the FTP area of my install server, which was seeded from 
the 6.1-RELEASE ISOs.

The "FreeBSD Release Engineering for Third Party Software Packages" 
document on the FreeBSD website says that the release-building process 
uses a script called to produce the list of 
packages to build. However, my source tree doesn't have this script, and 
a look in CVS suggests that it's no longer in use, and hasn't been since 
March 2005 (Revision 1.71, Mon Mar 21 19:19:24 2005 UTC - Retire as it has been replaced.).

Is there any current documentation for how the package building process 
is done? Or am I looking at the wrong URL?

Ultimately, I'll want to rebuild all the packages, so just getting the 
few extras I need right now doesn't really help. I intend to use 'make 
release' to keep a 6_RELENG install with fairly current packages 
available for new servers, so I don't need to do so much rebuilding 
immediately after a fresh install.

Thanks in advance for any pointers, or even any "don't do that, do this 
instead"-type advice.

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Overwite problem

2006-05-15 Thread Maan Jee


I have installed ProFTP on my computer. And have following settings in the
proftpd.conf file. But I am unable to overwrite on a file? What is the

# Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.

   AllowOverwrite on


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FreeBSD-Update and 6.1

2006-05-15 Thread Matt Bostock
A couple of questions regarding FreeBSD-Update:

1. How do I update from 6.0-RELEASE to 6.1-RELEASE or 6-STABLE using
FreeBSD-Update? I've tried downloading the ISO and doing it that
way but 'uname' remains unchanged.
2. How does FreeBSD-Update know which branch to follow
3. I tried upgrading to 6.1 using the ISO method, and am getting this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]freebsd-update fetch
Fetching updates signature...
Fetching hash list signature...
Examining local system...

The following files are affected by security
fixes, but have not been updated because they
have been modified locally:


No updates available

...AFAIK I haven't altered these files. How can I force
the update? I have a feeling this is related to
the above questions ;)

Many thanks,
Matt Bostock

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Re: Rebuilding Man database

2006-05-15 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2006-05-14 23:30, Andrew Carton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Disturbingly, some of my man pages are not working, i.e. man man comes
> up with nothing is there a way to rebuild the man database to fix
> this?

Try to remove any stale "cat pages" (preformatted manpage files):

 # /usr/share/man
 # find cat* -type f | xargs rm -f

Repeat the same for any other directories in your MANPATH, and see if
that fixes the problems you are seeing...

- Giorgos

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Re: Mail Replication

2006-05-15 Thread Chuck Swiger

Vampire D wrote:

Any advice / suggestions would be great.  We are trying to build a
completely automated fail over solution for two servers using Apache, 

PHP, and Postfix within a small monthly budget.

If your budget is less than $10K, don't even bother to try to set up a 
fault-tolerant cluster; you're better off spending more on a 
high-quality single machine with RAID-1 or -10 disk config, hot spare 
drive, and dual power supplies...and tape backup, most importantly.

Trying to implement a highly reliable cluster on cheap hardware is 
almost certainly going to prove futile or even counterproductive.  How 
are you going to handle a split-horizon condition?


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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Adrian Pavone

And what about the case of a port that would be built many times over
its lifetime, mainly due to program version changes? The first one
that springs to mind would be Firefox. Firefox has had a number of
version changes in the same space of time that Exim, a very commonly
used mail server application, has been updated, and assuming an even
distribution of mail servers and desktop users with firefox, firefox
would appear to be 10-20 times more active over it's lifetime.

And your point being?

It is also common for people with a desktop computer to format their
HDD every 3 months or so, and every time this occured, the desktop PC
ports (Xorg, Firefox, KDE/XFCE/GNOME,, etc.) would get
a rebuild/redownload, again throwing the stastics out of whack.

No its still being used isnt it which is what we are interested in.

I'm sorry, but when I read the continual posts on this topic, all stated 
that the count would occur while installing, not in usage. If the 
suggestion was that the FreeBSD system would report what packages where 
being used on a regular basis (the only way to properly record what 
ports/packages were being used), then that is an entirely seperate 
discussion, and one that I have not addressed to this point. However, If 
that was your suggestion, then I am extremely glad that is not how the 
ports system currently operates, for the same reason I am glad that 
spyware is not installed on my computer.

If you do not have a regular reporting to home base mechanism in place, 
then how would you be able to monitor what is "still being used .. which 
is what we are interested in"?

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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Jim Stapleton

maybe this is a bit off target, but it seems to me the ports tree is
not too large:

I've found stuff I've wanted that wasn't on the ports tree.

I think it's too small. Unless you are on a 56k, but then everything
ports related will be painful.

However a reoganization could be in order... Currently we have:

Each category could have hundreds of ports that are related in the
category, but clutter a search, especially in categories with over 100

My suggestion, why not add another level:

As well as some "virtual" categories, such as all "perl", "python",
"php", and "c_c++" will be put under lang as sub-categories, with
_all_ modules for these languages, and then if you are thinking "mysql
access for python" while doing your ports search, you'll go to the
databases/mysql/ subcategory, and see a symlink to the python module
to access mysql.

And then there would be a dependancy translation table: it if a
dependancy isn't found, it'll look on the table, which will convert
from the current structure to the new structure within the port make
system, and hopefully prevent most/all change issues.

Sorry if this suggestion is too farr off the topic (or already been
posted, I got about half way through, and found I need to get to

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Re: Please explain make -j to my little brain

2006-05-15 Thread Bill Moran
On Mon, 15 May 2006 11:12:33 +0100
Ashley Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> I've read the following snippet out of the handbook hundreds of times and 
> still don't understand it.  I even asked one of the developers I work with 
> and he was baffled too.
> > It is now possible to specify a -j option to make which will cause it to
> > spawn several simultaneous processes. This is most useful on multi-CPU
> > machines. However, since much of the compiling process is IO bound rather
> > than CPU bound it is also useful on single CPU machines.
> What I want to know is, if compiling is IO bound, and you increase the number 
> of simultaneous processes compiling your world, where do the extra processes 
> get data from if the IO bandwidth is all used.
> Have I misunderstood the term IO bound?  Please help, I feel like a right 
> tool.

The key to that quote is the placement of the term "much".  As in "much of
the compiling process" ... not all of it.

Generally, while one process is waiting on disk IO, another can be using
the CPU.  As a result, you can get closer to 100% usage of the machine,
which won't happen if you batch the whole thing.

> Just as a side line... does anybody know the best -j value to build world on 
> a 
> 4-core box?

I generally quadruple the # of cores, so I'd use -j16.  I couldn't tell you
authoritatively what is _best_, though.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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Re: Overwite problem

2006-05-15 Thread Bill Moran
On Mon, 15 May 2006 14:21:24 +0200
"Maan Jee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hej
> I have installed ProFTP on my computer. And have following settings in the
> proftpd.conf file. But I am unable to overwrite on a file? What is the
> wrong?
> # Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
> AllowOverwrite on
> AllowAll
> AllowAll

I think if you research the following questions, you'll discover your own
answer.  If not, feel free to post again, but provide more details:
1) Is there anything in the FTP server's logs about this?  (look in
2) Will the actual file permissions allow this (ls -l)
3) If #1 isn't helpful, increase ProFTP's logging verbosity and try again.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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Re: strange on 'man' command...

2006-05-15 Thread Tang Ho Yim
For example: man ipf, it runs normal.
  and then it jump to the first ipf man page again, then space bar until last 
page, it quit to the shell.
  So why ? Thanks !
Adrian Pavone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Tang Ho Yim wrote:

>Hi everyone,
> I am running FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE-p7. When I type "man xxx" 
> will show the manual twiceis it strange ?
> I remember that it will show only once before
> So anyone can help ? Thanks !
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Could you be a little more specific about "it will show the manual 
twice'? Does it show the manual once and once you close that it shows it 
again? Or does it split it horizontally/vertically on your screen? Or 
does it run, one after the other, so that you have the "See also" and 
similar right before a new manual page at the bottom? Or something else 
that I have not described?

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auth error squirrelmail

2006-05-15 Thread justin


I have squirrel mail installed only i can not log in.
The error message i recieve is like this:

Bad request: The IMAP server is reporting that plain text logins are 
disabled. Using CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD5 authentication instead may work. 
Also, the use of TLS may allow SquirrelMail to login. Please contact your 
system administrator and report this error.

I`m using imap-uw server and i have no idee where to change these options.
Maybe someone can help me where to look.


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Re: auth error squirrelmail

2006-05-15 Thread albi
On Mon, 15 May 2006 15:21:12 +0200 (CEST)
justin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have squirrel mail installed only i can not log in.
> The error message i recieve is like this:
> Bad request: The IMAP server is reporting that plain text logins are 
> disabled. Using CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD5 authentication instead may
> work. Also, the use of TLS may allow SquirrelMail to login. Please
> contact your system administrator and report this error.
> I`m using imap-uw server and i have no idee where to change these
> options. Maybe someone can help me where to look.

if your imap-server is supporting SSL or TLS, then you can re-run the
configure-script for squirrelmail and enable that for squirrelmail

(there's also an option in the config-script to choose the
specific imap-server you're using, that might be useful to use anyway
if you didn't do that already)

grtjs, albi
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How to make sound (Realtek Alc260) working?

2006-05-15 Thread Andreas Burghardt
Hello everybody,

I'm kindly new to FreeBSD (6.1) and want to configure sound. I already
tried every driver, but if I "cat /dev/sndstat" its still empty.

Is there anybody who already made a Realtek Alc260 working under FreeBSD
6.x or is there anybody who can help me with an advice?

I'm very thankful for your attention.



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Re: Please explain make -j to my little brain

2006-05-15 Thread Ashley Moran
On Monday 15 May 2006 11:23, Richard Collyer wrote:
> The way I understand it is that 1 core would do this...
> compile  read disk  compile  read disk ... compile
> It wont be reading when it is compiling and cant compile when its
> reading so if you do -j 2 even on a single core machine it could do:
> compile  read disk  complile  read disk ... compile
> read disk  complile  read disk ... compile  read disk
> Which means neither the CPU or the disks are idle resulting in faster
> performance.

Thanks Richard + Bill I get it now.

Presumably with faster disks, the lower the number of make processes you 


"If you do it the stupid way, you will have to do it again"
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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Jim Stapleton

Just remember it has to be a
/better/ mousetrap.

wouldn't it be a peopletrap in this case, since it's for people?
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Re: Linux distro with ports/package type system?

2006-05-15 Thread vayu

On May 15, 2006, at 2:15 AM, Nikolas Britton wrote:

I have an older 440MX based laptop that I'm fairly sure FreeBSD won't
like, I don't want to run windows on this box... so I'm looking for a
Linux distro that has a ports like system.

I need KDE,, and a 2.6 kernel installed by default... dammit...
I don't want to #$%! with Linux, maybe I'll give FreeBSD another try
first, anyways, thanks for the suggestions guys.

I've heard that Gentoo's package management system "Portage" is  
inspired by FreeBSDs ports, but I believe it's a bit of work to  
install and compile a working system.

I've been using Debian based Kubuntu on my laptop, and find the  
package management excellent. The installation and maintenance is  
easy.  It's my choice when I want to install and go.

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Re: fetch, pkg_fetch, wget from behind firewall

2006-05-15 Thread Lowell Gilbert
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael A. Koerber) writes:

> For FreeBSD 5.x through 6.1 (the limit of my experiance w/ FreeBSD) 
> FETCH'ing from behind our fire wall only works most of the time.  
> The problem, when it occurs, is at the end of the file transfer when
> fetch hangs forever (i.e., 30 minutes to 24+hours when I finally kill
> the process).  The site for which this always happens is
> I have tried
>   setting FTP_PASSAVE=YES
>   setting FTP_TIMEOUT=5
>   setting HTTP_TIMEOUT=5
> and none have worked...any ideas

Well, the first of those has two different spelling errors, but I'll
just assume you didn't cut-and-paste it.

If that one host is the only one that has problems, then don't use it;
I'm pretty sure everything that's there is available elsewhere too...
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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Reko Turja
I do use the ports mechanism on my FreeBSD systems exclusively due the 
possibility of making the system components meshing and working in 
unison instead of version and "dll-hell". And now and then I find some 
obscure port that fits the current needs - And again the ports system 
makes the whole process painless.

As such I see and feel very little need making the ports system smaller 
or more lightweight as there are other way to make downloading and using 
the ports in larger setups minor bindwidth or resource eater.

However a reoganization could be in order... Currently we have:

Some kind of reorganization could be in order, if a good way doing it 
could be found. At one point I tended to drop the language and some 
other catergories from cvsup fetch, but it made building the INDEX next 
to impossible causing me reverting to full ports fetch again.

I dont know if indexing in separate categories or some such solution 
would be feasible, but of course fetchindex target makes the indexing of 
partial port trees feasible. Then of course there has to be good reasons 
for creating separate trees for non-english ports, but one thing I've 
thought is that if those could be put into main port build directory and 
enabled with a build knob or maybe making them some kind of metaports 
without needing their own directory hierarchy.

All in all the ports sytem, even as it is nowadays, in its present size 
is one of the reasons which make FreeBSD for me a unixish OS of choice.

An all packaging solution would be a major pain to maintain. I'm running 
Apache, PHP, Postgres etc. in my web server setups these days and there 
is no way I'd go to MySQL. There are just too many combinations of 
different "components" used in similar setups to make packages only 
solution feasible *without* limiting the choice the present system gives 
us in building the machines to suit our needs.


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how to enble bootverbose in freebsd

2006-05-15 Thread william wallace

hello ,everyone
  i need to get the trace of the booting kernel in detail
,but i found i cannot turn the trigger== bootverbose==
on to 1 ,even when i " define  bootverbose 1 " in dev/bktr/bktr_reg.h
any kind-hearted would help me out

we who r about to die,salute u!
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Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Maan Jee


Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory

Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
devfs   1   1   0 100%/dev
/dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
/dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
/dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var

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Re: how to enble bootverbose in freebsd

2006-05-15 Thread Kevin Kinsey

william wallace wrote:

hello ,everyone
  i need to get the trace of the booting kernel in detail
,but i found i cannot turn the trigger== bootverbose==
on to 1 ,even when i " definebootverbose 1 " in dev/bktr/bktr_reg.h
any kind-hearted would help me out

From /boot/defaults/loader.conf:

verbose_loading="NO"# Set to YES for verbose loader output


Kevin Kinsey

You probably wouldn't worry about what people
think of you if you could know how seldom they do.
-- Olin Miller

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Re: [freebsd-questions] Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Howard Jones

Maan Jee wrote:

Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory

Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
devfs   1   1   0 100%/dev
/dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
/dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
/dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var

cd /home
df -h .

I believe the default is that /home is a symbolic link to /usr/home, so 
it's on /usr.

Best Regards,

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Re: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Andy Greenwood

On my system at least, /home is a symlink to /usr/home. I belive this
is the default.

On 5/15/06, Maan Jee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory

Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
devfs   1   1   0 100%/dev
/dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
/dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
/dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var

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Re: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Bill Moran
On Mon, 15 May 2006 17:20:33 +0200
"Maan Jee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory
> located?
> Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
> devfs   1   1   0 100%/dev
> /dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
> /dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
> /dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var

Not reliably.  Folks could guess.

Post again and include the output of "ls -l /" this time.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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Re: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2006-05-15 17:20, Maan Jee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory
> located?
> Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
> devfs   1   1   0 100%/dev
> /dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
> /dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
> /dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var

You can find for yourself:

# ls -ld /home

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Re: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Fabian Keil
"Maan Jee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory
> located?

> Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
> devfs   1   1   0 100%/dev
> /dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
> /dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
> /dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var

It most likely is part of /usr.
Try: ls -l /home


Description: PGP signature

NDISulator vs Linksys WMP54G BCM4306

2006-05-15 Thread Joao Barros


I was trying NDISulator for the first time and it didn't go well, I
can't get the driver to detect the card.

pciconf -l -v :
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8:0: class=0x028000 card=0x00131737 chip=0x432014e4 rev=0x02 
   vendor   = 'Broadcom Corporation'
   device   = 'BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller'
   class= network

from the .inf file:

   %BCM430G.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XG, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4320&SUBSYS_041714E4
   %BCM430G.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XG, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4320&SUBSYS_041814E4
%BCM430G.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XG, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4320&SUBSYS_00131737
%BCM430G.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XG,  <<< I take it it's this one

When I load if_ndis nothing happens
When downloading the drivers from Linksys site I noticed there are 3
versions of the WMP54G (v1,v2,v4) so I tried all three drivers with no

This is all on 6.1-RELEASE

Any advice is very appreciated :-)

Joao Barros
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Re: FreeBSD-multi-boot

2006-05-15 Thread Danny Butroyd
Vlad GURDIGA wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have these slices on my HDD:
> - /dev/ad0s1 - Windows XP
> - /dev/ad0s2 - FreeBSD/i386
> - /dev/ad0s3 - FreeBSD/amd64
> and I want them all in my boot.ini.
> Till now I succeeded with FreeBSD/i386 (first did "dd if=/dev/ad0s2
> of=boot.bsd bs=512 count=1" from FreeBSD/i386, then copied the
> resulted "boot.bsd" file to Windows C:\)
> I did the same trick with FreeBSD/amd64 (first did "dd if=/dev/ad0s3
> of=boot64.bsd bs=512 count=1" from FreeBSD/amd64, then copied the
> resulted "boot64.bsd" file to Windows C:\) so, my boot.ini looks like
> this:
> ---cut here--
> [boot loader]
> timeout=3
> default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS
> [operating systems]
> multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP
> Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
> C:\boot.bsd="UNIX FreeBSD/i386"
> C:\boot64.bsd="UNIX FreeBSD/amd64"
> ---cut here--
> Now, the problem is that when I choose "UNIX FreeBSD/amd64" from the
> boot menu, it boots "UNIX FreeBSD/i386"!!!
> What did I missed?
this page may help:-

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Re: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread albi
On Mon, 15 May 2006 17:20:33 +0200
"Maan Jee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory
> located?
> Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
> devfs   1   1   0 100%/dev
> /dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
> /dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
> /dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var

in FreeBSD /home is normally a symbolic link to the real /usr/home
so your real /home should be on /dev/ad0s1f mounted as /usr

grtjs, albi
gpg-key: lynx -dump | gpg --import
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6.1RC2 regression and a BIG question.

2006-05-15 Thread Denis R Michailov
Hello. This is first time I write to you, so I beg you pardon if
something goes wrong.
We bought HP Proliant DL 320 G4. I tried to install FreeBSD and all
the attempts failed. 5.4 cannot see my SATA Raid controller and says
that I have no hard disks. 6.1RC2 told me the same. But 6.0i386 &&
6.0amd64 was installed successfully but server hang up on loggin in
(when i see a login message I cannot type anything my keyboard doesn`t
respond at all (except Num, Scroll and Caps Lock)) but I see that if I
push the power button I get a lot of messages shutting down the system
(as if I typed CTRL+ALT+DEL) acpi is surelly on. Safe Mode and so on
didn help except single user mode. But I don`t know what to do in
single mode to bring the whole system up.
If you can suggest anything I will humbly thank you.

Brief: 6.0 recognizes Intel 82808FR SATA controller with 2 Maxtor SATA
drives, 6.1RC2 didn do that.

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Re: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Atom Powers

On 5/15/06, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 15 May 2006 17:20:33 +0200
"Maan Jee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory
> located?

Not reliably.  Folks could guess.

Post again and include the output of "ls -l /" this time.

It's so much easier than that.

cd ~

Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
--Atom Powers--
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RE: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread fbsd

  Look in /usr/home

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Maan Jee
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 11:21 AM
Subject: Newbie File system


Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory

Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
devfs   1   1   0 100%
/dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
/dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
/dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var

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Re: NDISulator vs Linksys WMP54G BCM4306

2006-05-15 Thread Fabian Keil
"Joao Barros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was trying NDISulator for the first time and it didn't go well, I
> can't get the driver to detect the card.
> pciconf -l -v :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:8:0: class=0x028000 card=0x00131737 chip=0x432014e4 
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
> vendor   = 'Broadcom Corporation'
> device   = 'BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller'
> class= network
> from the .inf file:
> %BCM430G.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XG, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4320&SUBSYS_041714E4
> %BCM430G.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XG, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4320&SUBSYS_041814E4
> %BCM430G.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XG, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4320&SUBSYS_00131737
> %BCM430G.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XG,  <<< I take it it's this one
> PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4320&SUBSYS_00141737
> When I load if_ndis nothing happens
> When downloading the drivers from Linksys site I noticed there are 3
> versions of the WMP54G (v1,v2,v4) so I tried all three drivers with no
> luck.
> This is all on 6.1-RELEASE
> Any advice is very appreciated :-)

You didn't use ndisgen, did you?


Description: PGP signature

Smile in the terminal prompt

2006-05-15 Thread Salvatore
my terminal (bash) prompt is:

PS1='\e[0;31m\]\e[7m[\h - \u] [\w]\e[m\]\e[27m\n[\!]$ '

After upgrading to freebsd 6.1, the prompt looks different:
- it shows two smiles at both end of the first line and the red
background is white.

Does that happens to you too if you set the prompt above?
I know that the prompt is wrong (it lacks the start invisible chars \[;
a better version could be PS1='\[\e[1;37m\]\[\e[41m\][\h - \u]
[\w]\[\e[0m\]\n[\!]$ '),
but WHY before the upgrade it looked right and now it shows these smiles?

At first, I worried that some hackers have made me a joke... (I hope not!)


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Re: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Gerard Seibert
Maan Jee wrote:

> Hi
> Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory
> located?
> Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
> devfs   1   1   0 100%/dev
> /dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
> /dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
> /dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var
> thanks/mj

Your 'home' directory is usually located under '/usr'.

Gerard Seibert

A: Because it reverses the natural flow of a dialog.
Q: Why is top posting undesirable when replying?

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Re: Smile in the terminal prompt

2006-05-15 Thread Atom Powers

On 5/15/06, Salvatore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

my terminal (bash) prompt is:

PS1='\e[0;31m\]\e[7m[\h - \u] [\w]\e[m\]\e[27m\n[\!]$ '

After upgrading to freebsd 6.1, the prompt looks different:
- it shows two smiles at both end of the first line and the red
background is white.

The smile face is the graphical representation of one of the special
ascii characters (characters #00 through #30); I don't remember
exactly which one. So it seems your prompt is printing the the graphic
of the special character instead of printing the character's function.

Does that happens to you too if you set the prompt above?
I know that the prompt is wrong (it lacks the start invisible chars \[;
a better version could be PS1='\[\e[1;37m\]\[\e[41m\][\h - \u]
[\w]\[\e[0m\]\n[\!]$ '),
but WHY before the upgrade it looked right and now it shows these smiles?

Maybe your shell changed, or your term setting, or your font? My first
guess would be the term setting. For some reason or another your
teminal is reading a special character from your PS1 setting and
printing the graphic of that character.

Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
--Atom Powers--
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RE: Cvsup verses Portsnap

2006-05-15 Thread Zimmerman, Eric
> The FreeBSD ports system + portsnap + portupgrade is a truly awesome
> combination, much better than any other package management system I've
> ever
> used on other systems.
> I'm currently working on a little port configuration tool to make
> all
> the port Make knobs more convenient.

Portmanager already has this I believe.  You can add config options to
the portmanager config file and it will use them when building things.
For example:

# custom settings   #
# remove "#" to use #
#textproc/libxml2|THREADS=off SCHEMA=on MEM_DEBUG=off XMLLINT_HIST=off
##do not let portmanager update the following ports

www/horde|WITHOUT_WV=yes WITHOUT_XL=yes WITHOUT_X11=yes WITH_MAGICK=yes|

works well for me so far.
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Re: NDISulator vs Linksys WMP54G BCM4306

2006-05-15 Thread Fabian Keil
"Joao Barros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 5/15/06, Fabian Keil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "Joao Barros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I was trying NDISulator for the first time and it didn't go well, I
> > > can't get the driver to detect the card.

> > > When I load if_ndis nothing happens
> > > When downloading the drivers from Linksys site I noticed there are 3
> > > versions of the WMP54G (v1,v2,v4) so I tried all three drivers with no
> > > luck.

> > You didn't use ndisgen, did you?

> No I didn't, I used the instructions from here:
> Basically I just used ndiscvt.
> When I tried ndisgen per your recomendation it worked! :-)
> ndis0:  mem 0xe691-0xe6911fff irq 10 at
> device 8.0 on pci0
> ndis0: NDIS API version: 5.0
> ndis0: Ethernet address: 00:0c:41:12:ab:c4
> With ndiscvt:
> 48813 May 15 14:35 /usr/src/sys/modules/if_ndis/if_ndis.ko
> With ndisgen:
> 313921 May 15 16:57 bcmwl5_sys.ko
> So something went wrong with ndiscvt as the file is way smaller.
> I'm going to try and find out what went wrong (or I did wrong) and if
> someone can shed light on this...

There was a change in ndis a while ago, and the documentation
isn't up to date.

You no longer just have ndis.ko and if_ndis.ko,
the windows driver is now built into an additional module.
> Either way, many thanks for the hint :-)

You're welcome. 


Description: PGP signature

Re: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Wojciech Puchar


Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory

at /

Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
devfs   1   1   0 100%/dev
/dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
/dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
/dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var

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Re: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Andy Greenwood

or even easier...


On 5/15/06, Atom Powers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/15/06, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 15 May 2006 17:20:33 +0200
> "Maan Jee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory
> > located?
> >
> Not reliably.  Folks could guess.
> Post again and include the output of "ls -l /" this time.

It's so much easier than that.

cd ~

Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
--Atom Powers--
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RE: after upgrade from 6.0 to 6.1

2006-05-15 Thread Zimmerman, Eric
> If you followed those instructions, you used the wrong cvsup tag.  Set
> tag to:
> *default release=cvs delete tag=RELENG_6_1
> in your cvsupfile, and rebuild everything again.
>  -Derek


You used my page ( to upgrade. =)

Notice the comment in the standard-supfile says:

# use 'RELENG_6' for STABLE or 'RELENG_6_0' for RELEASE

As others have mentioned, you would use:

*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_6_1

To get FreeBSD 6.1. 

I added a note to make it a little clearer:

NOTE: Change the cvs tag as appropriate for what you are trying to do!
IE if you want FreeBSD 6.1 RELEASE, use *default release=cvs
tag=RELENG_6_1 and so on.

The good news is the instructions worked =) Sorry for the confusion


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Re: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Jerry McAllister
> Maan Jee wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory
> > located?
> > 
> > 
> > Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
> > /dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
> > devfs   1   1   0 100%/dev
> > /dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
> > /dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
> > /dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var
> > 
> > thanks/mj
> Your 'home' directory is usually located under '/usr'.

Not necessarily, in fact, no, not at all.

Your home directory is where-ever you put it.
>From the 'df' information you show, it is impossible to tell
where it's data actually resides.

Technically "/home" is in root (eg '/') because that specifically is
what you asked for.   But, it is possible for you to have some data
that looks like it is in /home, but have that living somewhere else
and have a link in root that is named 'home' pointing to it.

Now, if you mean your login home directory, that is where-ever your
passwd file entry says it is.   As the system administrator creating 
the account, you can specify that.

Note: as far as namimg goes, that really depends on the mountpoint you
create and use for the filesystem.

On many of our systems I create a file system and mounted is as /home and 
use it to hold users' home directories.   On my desktop running FreeBSD,
I name the mountpoint for that filesystem '/hom' just to be lazy by one 

So, to answer your own question for yourself, do two things.
First, do:ls -l /
That will tell you if there is something named '/home' or not
and if it is symlinked anythere. 
Then do:grep yourid /etc/passwd 
 or finger yourid

Of course, put your own login id in for 'yourid' 

In the first, the next to last field is your login home directory
In the second it tells your home directory and just called it 'Directory:'


> -- 
> Gerard Seibert

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Re: Newbie File system

2006-05-15 Thread Matthew Seaman
Wojciech Puchar wrote:
>> Hi
>> Can someone explane that at which filesystem is my "/home" directory
>> located?
> at /
>> Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
>> /dev/ad0s1a50763055002   412018  12%/
>> devfs   1   1   0 100%/dev
>> /dev/ad0s1e507630  12   467008   0%/tmp
>> /dev/ad0s1f  34336100 1564298 30024914 5%/usr
>> /dev/ad0s1d   150619024892  1360804  2%/var
>> thanks/mj

Plenty of answers in this thread, not at all bad ones either, but none of
them actually give you a definitive answer.  Try this:

df -k ~



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
  Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
  Kent, CT11 9PW

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Linux distro with ports/package type system?

2006-05-15 Thread Garrett Cooper

vayu wrote:

On May 15, 2006, at 2:15 AM, Nikolas Britton wrote:

I have an older 440MX based laptop that I'm fairly sure FreeBSD won't
like, I don't want to run windows on this box... so I'm looking for a
Linux distro that has a ports like system.

I need KDE,, and a 2.6 kernel installed by default... dammit...
I don't want to #$%! with Linux, maybe I'll give FreeBSD another try
first, anyways, thanks for the suggestions guys.

I've heard that Gentoo's package management system "Portage" is 
inspired by FreeBSDs ports, but I believe it's a bit of work to 
install and compile a working system.

I've been using Debian based Kubuntu on my laptop, and find the 
package management excellent. The installation and maintenance is 
easy.  It's my choice when I want to install and go.

That would be in fact Gentoo Linux.
It's the only Linux distro I know that has a collection of files which 
describe the packages to install, sources, etc like FreeBSD's ports 
makefiles (they call them ebuilds), and compiles programs based on a 
local distfiles repository, like FreeBSD. The thing that's different 
about Gentoo than most OSes though is that it is a Linux distro where 
EVERYTHING (unless you specify a location to find binary packages) 
compiles and installs from scratch. So I'm not sure if you want to go 
that route, and I'm not saying it's a perfect system by any means, but 
in the event that Windows breaks (or I get tired of Windows (;..) I 
always have something to go back to, Unix wise, that has a lot of 
software functionality and is pretty stable. The best piece of advice 
regarding Gentoo that I can give is don't go for the hype, but rather 
for the options (software options that is), because you have the ability 
to greater customize your OS-for better or for worse-depending on what 
compile options you choose and the software you install.

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Re: Mail Replication

2006-05-15 Thread Marc G. Fournier

In response to the subject, check out the cyrus-imapd23 port ... it 
support master->slave replication ...

On Mon, 15 May 2006, Chuck Swiger wrote:

Vampire D wrote:

Any advice / suggestions would be great.  We are trying to build a
completely automated fail over solution for two servers using Apache, 

PHP, and Postfix within a small monthly budget.

If your budget is less than $10K, don't even bother to try to set up a 
fault-tolerant cluster; you're better off spending more on a high-quality 
single machine with RAID-1 or -10 disk config, hot spare drive, and dual 
power supplies...and tape backup, most importantly.

Trying to implement a highly reliable cluster on cheap hardware is almost 
certainly going to prove futile or even counterproductive.  How are you going 
to handle a split-horizon condition?


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Marc G. Fournier   Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Yahoo!: yscrappy  ICQ: 7615664
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Connecting to CISCO Devices

2006-05-15 Thread Yousef Raffah
Hello FreeBSDiers,

What kind of tools are there to connect to CISCO devices' console on
FreeBSD using the COM port? I'm sure there are a lot of you on the list
managing CISCO devices!

Yousef Raffah
Senior Systems Administrator

Aren't you using Firefox? Get it at

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Re: Connecting to CISCO Devices

2006-05-15 Thread Joao Barros

On 5/15/06, Yousef Raffah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello FreeBSDiers,

What kind of tools are there to connect to CISCO devices' console on
FreeBSD using the COM port? I'm sure there are a lot of you on the list
managing CISCO devices!

Yousef Raffah
Senior Systems Administrator

I use minicom:

Joao Barros
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RE: Connecting to CISCO Devices

2006-05-15 Thread Brock, Anthony - NET
I would try the "screen" port:



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Yousef Raffah
> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 10:28 AM
> To:
> Subject: Connecting to CISCO Devices
> Hello FreeBSDiers,
> What kind of tools are there to connect to CISCO devices' console on
> FreeBSD using the COM port? I'm sure there are a lot of you 
> on the list
> managing CISCO devices!
> --
> Sincerely,
> Yousef Raffah
> Senior Systems Administrator
> --
> Aren't you using Firefox? Get it at
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Re: Connecting to CISCO Devices

2006-05-15 Thread Charles Swiger

On May 15, 2006, at 1:27 PM, Yousef Raffah wrote:

What kind of tools are there to connect to CISCO devices' console on
FreeBSD using the COM port? I'm sure there are a lot of you on the  

managing CISCO devices!

tip and cu come with the base system, I believe, otherwise look for  
something such as Kermit, perhaps...?


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Ethernet cnet ProG-2000s problem

2006-05-15 Thread César Amaya
Hello, I just installed freeBSD 6.1 on a HP Compaq dc5100 MT and I added 
a Ethernet adapter Cnet ProG-2000s to the system but when I connect the 
UTP cable to the ethernet card its status says no carrier. I know the 
ethernet adapter is fine, I even tried with another adapter of the same 
brand and model, but the result is always the same: no carrier.

could some body help me, please?
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Re: Connecting to CISCO Devices

2006-05-15 Thread Atom Powers

On 5/15/06, Yousef Raffah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello FreeBSDiers,

What kind of tools are there to connect to CISCO devices' console on
FreeBSD using the COM port? I'm sure there are a lot of you on the list
managing CISCO devices!

I just "cu"; but on my Mac laptop I had to install kermit.

Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
--Atom Powers--
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Re: New FreeBSD logo

2006-05-15 Thread Henry Lenzi

It was, I am sorry to say.  The core developer that pushed for all
this said he was tired of when presenting FreeBSD to have to field
a bunch of questions by people hung up over the devil image, it
distracted from the presentation of the operating system's features.


You're kidding, right? Say you're kidding.
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Re: mpd4 does not want to work at all

2006-05-15 Thread a
On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 08:49:57AM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
> On 5/14/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have istalled mpd4 Version 4.0b4 on FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE.
> >I have mpd.conf,, mpd.secret.
> >When I run a mpd4, the next is printed:
> >
> >Multi-link PPP for FreeBSD, by Archie L. Cobbs.
> >Based on iij-ppp, by Toshiharu OHNO.
> >mpd: pid 1773, version 4.0b4 ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 13:49 14-May-2006)
> >[ukrtelecom] ppp node is "mpd1773-ukrtelecom"
> >tcpmss node is "mpd1773-mss"
> >[ukrtelecom] using interface ng0
> Write in shorter lines, mutt can help.
> mpd4 is not suitable for production use yet. mpd3 works
> fine, read the manual carefully and/or google for correct
> configurations
Thank you for advice.
I have searched the google and found that this is not the problem in my
configurations, but a bug in mpd.
Will be it corrected?

Elisej Babenko
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Re: New FreeBSD logo

2006-05-15 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On May 15, 2006, at 11:57 AM, Henry Lenzi wrote:

It was, I am sorry to say.  The core developer that pushed for all
this said he was tired of when presenting FreeBSD to have to field
a bunch of questions by people hung up over the devil image, it
distracted from the presentation of the operating system's features.


You're kidding, right? Say you're kidding.

Ted says lots of things.

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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Re: New FreeBSD logo

2006-05-15 Thread Adrian Pavone

Henry Lenzi wrote:

It was, I am sorry to say.  The core developer that pushed for all
this said he was tired of when presenting FreeBSD to have to field
a bunch of questions by people hung up over the devil image, it
distracted from the presentation of the operating system's features.


You're kidding, right? Say you're kidding.
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If only he was.

I say don't be ashamed of Beastie, and if anyone asks, tell them "Hey, 
it's our logo. Deal with that how you want to." If anyone still keeps 
asking, tell them they are ignorant and kick them out. Should shut up 
the rest.

Altough I have been known for being rather blunt with my techniques ... 
Blunt but effective though ;)

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Re: mpd4 does not want to work at all

2006-05-15 Thread Adrian Pavone


On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 08:49:57AM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:


I have istalled mpd4 Version 4.0b4 on FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE.
I have mpd.conf,, mpd.secret.
When I run a mpd4, the next is printed:

Multi-link PPP for FreeBSD, by Archie L. Cobbs.
Based on iij-ppp, by Toshiharu OHNO.
mpd: pid 1773, version 4.0b4 ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 13:49 14-May-2006)
[ukrtelecom] ppp node is "mpd1773-ukrtelecom"
tcpmss node is "mpd1773-mss"
[ukrtelecom] using interface ng0

Write in shorter lines, mutt can help.

mpd4 is not suitable for production use yet. mpd3 works
fine, read the manual carefully and/or google for correct

Thank you for advice.
I have searched the google and found that this is not the problem in my
configurations, but a bug in mpd.
Will be it corrected?

Elisej Babenko
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As the issue was that it was not yet suitable for production, I would 
say that issues are currently being corrected. If the bug that you are 
stating has been brought to the attention of the publisher (which it 
likely has if it is a known bug), then they will fix it before release. 
Otherwise, they will fix it after release when someone complains ;)

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Write kernel modules

2006-05-15 Thread Jose Luis Alarcon Sanchez

I am thinking about begin learn to write FreeBSD kernel modules. I know
this Architecture HandBook chapter:

but, do you know other "places" or documents where a beginner can start
learn this stuff?.

My system is 6.1-RC1.

Thanks very much, in advance.




Not Registered GNU/Hurd User.
Registered BSD User 51101.
Registered Linux User #213309.
Memories. You are talking about memories. 
Rick Deckard. Blade Runner.

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RE: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread fbsd

The best indicator that the ports collection has become to large is
that it took me 2 hours to download the complete port-all collection
using A DSL internet connection. To compile the ports I use took
another 11 hours. This is the reason I went to using packages in the
first place.

Downloading the complete port collection when I had a dial up
connection would go maybe 35 min and them get suspended by the cvs
site. I would rerun the job over and over again sometimes taking a
week or better to finally get it completed. This makes the download
of the complete port collect almost impossible for dial up users.

On 6.0 I installed all the ports I use by the package method in less
than 10 min. In 6.1 release changes were made that no longer allow
packages to work with ports as dependents.

Packages have to have the ability to give the installer the ability
to select the dependents versions for such primary applications as
php3/4/5 mysql3/4/5. Also the ports and packages have to return to
being able to work together like in FreeBSD versions older than 6.1.
Or more versions of certain ports that interface with other primary
application have to be carried in the collection.

The design of the working collection needs to be made more user
friendly for everybody including the dial up users. Some very good
ideas have been put forth and should get serious attention by the
FreeBSD foundation management.

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Re: Write kernel modules

2006-05-15 Thread Joao Barros

On 5/15/06, Jose Luis Alarcon Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am thinking about begin learn to write FreeBSD kernel modules. I know
this Architecture HandBook chapter:

but, do you know other "places" or documents where a beginner can start
learn this stuff?.

My system is 6.1-RC1.

Thanks very much, in advance.



I asked myself the same question some time back.
Beside the link you already got you can take a look at
But I think best of all is looking at real drivers.

Joao Barros
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php5 port error

2006-05-15 Thread fbsd
After a complete port-all download on fresh 6.1 system the 
distro size and md5 specified in the php5 make config files
does not match any of the download sites the port looks at. 

Is this a error in the php5 port???
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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Paul Schmehl

fbsd wrote:

The best indicator that the ports collection has become to large is
that it took me 2 hours to download the complete port-all collection
using A DSL internet connection. To compile the ports I use took
another 11 hours. This is the reason I went to using packages in the
first place.

And installing it from the same CD that you installed the OS from would 
take about 1 minute.  If you choose a method to install the ports that 
take several hours, should the FreeBSD folks take the blame for your 
choice?  A 33.bKbps dialup connection should download the entire ports 
collection in under 3 hours.  And DSL connection should do it in 
significantly less time.  Even a 270Kbps down DSL connection should be 
able to snatch the whole thing in just over 20 minutes.

If I had a dialup connection or the uncredibly slow DSL connection you 
mention, I don't think I'd make the same choice that you made.  I'd 
install from the CD.  Updating through cvs might take 45 minutes then.

Downloading the complete port collection when I had a dial up
connection would go maybe 35 min and them get suspended by the cvs
site. I would rerun the job over and over again sometimes taking a
week or better to finally get it completed. This makes the download
of the complete port collect almost impossible for dial up users.

And yet, not once did you ever try to install from the CD?  Why would 
you beat your head against the wall like that?

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: New FreeBSD logo

2006-05-15 Thread Henry Lenzi

BTW, I entirely apologize for singling out a religious group. Perhaps
I've should've phrased it as "I hope this didn't have to do with any
concern or discomfort related to religious groups". Maybe I'm reading
much too many polls...

Anyways, I still find it hard to believe it...Although I mentioned
this because I sem to remember having read something a long time ago
about a FreeBSD developer that ran into some trouble because of the
"Devil t-shirt." So, you know, I apologize but try to see where I was
coming from, if I offended anyone.
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2006-05-15 Thread Gary Kline

Can anybody offer some insights about an IM suite (ports/net-im)
called jwchat?  It looks like a useable way to chat, but I'm
having lots of troubles wiht getting it set up correctly.

My test setup is on  An immediate problem is that 
when I point mozilla at " it takes quite
awhile to load, then all  that shows is an empty page.



PS:  From looking at the apache logs, it looks like things are 
 going nuts  FWIW.

   Gary Kline [EMAIL PROTECTED] Public service Unix

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Re: FreeBSD-Update and 6.1

2006-05-15 Thread Pietro Cerutti

On 5/15/06, Matt Bostock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A couple of questions regarding FreeBSD-Update:

1. How do I update from 6.0-RELEASE to 6.1-RELEASE or 6-STABLE using
FreeBSD-Update? I've tried downloading the ISO and doing it that
way but 'uname' remains unchanged.

You just didn't get the point. freebsd-update is not aimed to upgrade
a box from one version to another, but to apply security updates to a

Make sure you read and understand the following:
- man freebsd-update

2. How does FreeBSD-Update know which branch to follow

freebsd-update works only on RELEASEs

3. I tried upgrading to 6.1 using the ISO method, and am getting this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]freebsd-update fetch
Fetching updates signature...
Fetching hash list signature...
Examining local system...

The following files are affected by security
fixes, but have not been updated because they
have been modified locally:


No updates available

...AFAIK I haven't altered these files. How can I force
the update? I have a feeling this is related to
the above questions ;)

Yes, it is.

Many thanks,

Things will get pretty clear once you read the above mentioned...

Matt Bostock

Pietro Cerutti
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Re: Cvsup verses Portsnap

2006-05-15 Thread Aren Olvalde Tyr
> Portmanager already has this I believe.  You can add config options to
> the portmanager config file and it will use them when building things.
> For example:
> #
> # custom settings   #
> # remove "#" to use #
> #
> #textproc/docproj|JADETEX=no|
> #java/jdk14|-DMINIMAL|
> #textproc/libxml2|THREADS=off SCHEMA=on MEM_DEBUG=off XMLLINT_HIST=off
> #
> #
> ##
> ##do not let portmanager update the following ports
> #IGNORE|editors/openoffice-1.1|
> #IGNORE|java/jdk14|

But does it dynamically generate an editable list of all available 
configuration knobs for all ports that can be set?

If it doesn't, it doesn't have what I am ideally looking for, since you still 
have to manually poke around in the appropriate Makefile[s] to determine what 
(if any) knobs you want to set in the first place. The general concept was 
discussed on one of the other lists (freebsd-ports I think), but basically it 
consisted of having a tool that would generate a set of dynamically created 
configuration files that list _all_ available knobs for all ports and make it 
very easy to set/unset them by simply editing the appropriate config file. 
When you update your ports tree, there would be a way to get the tool to 
dynamically update (whilst preserving your settings where they are still 
applicable) all the configuration files to reflect any changes.

I want a tool that will very easily allow me to see what knobs are available 
for many different ports, without having to manually grep around in the 

So, for example, you might have a master configuration file:

# ports.master.conf
# Global ports configuration file

# Define global build options:

all {
IPVG = no
X11 = no

accessibility {

graphics {

foobar {

Then, under the particular port category config file - say - you would have the configuration knobs for all those 
ports in that category.

gimp {
WITH_MP = no


Selecting a knob then becomes as simple as setting the knob = yes in the 
config file. You would then simply use the tool to install the port (it would 
probably call another tool, such as portupgrade or portmaster to actually do 
the install), and it would automagically set the appropriate -DKNOB 
settings .

My intention is to write such a tool entirely in /bin/sh so that no extra 
dependencies are required.

I'm still currently deciding how best to design it, but I'm inclined towards 
integrating it with portmaster since that it a very nice well designed sh 
tool for port management tasks.

So far I've only just started, at the moment it just generates a basic config 

And if it turns out that portmanager can do something similar to the above, I 
will probably still create the tool as an interesting shell programming 
exercise :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: php5 port error

2006-05-15 Thread Gerard Seibert
fbsd wrote:

> After a complete port-all download on fresh 6.1 system the 
> distro size and md5 specified in the php5 make config files
> does not match any of the download sites the port looks at. 
> Is this a error in the php5 port???
> ___
I had that exact same problem this morning when I did a fresh install of
PHP5. However, after trying what seemed like a dozen or so sites, it
finally found one that it liked. I have the log file of the build if it
is of any use to anyone.

Gerard Seibert

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Re: Problem with media(CDROM and FTP), 6.1, IBM Netfinity 5000

2006-05-15 Thread Klaus Friis Østergaard

On 5/15/06, Klaus Friis Østergaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to install 6.1 on a IBM Netfinity 5000.

It is willingly booting up I on the cdrom, but when I select the minimal
install and media CDROM, it says that it can't find cdrom drive.

I managed to install 6.0 on this server, but not via cdrom, only ftp.

Is this a bug in the install script with 6.1?

Klaus F. Østergaard, 
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Re: Linux distro with ports/package type system?

2006-05-15 Thread Bakki Kudva

I have  built both Gentoo and FreeBSD on an old laptop (Pentium II
400MHz with 384MB of RAM). The down side of both Gentoo and Ports,
especially if you want to build a desktop env like Gnome plan on a
week or more of build time. My latest experience with the ports was 2
weeks for the total build. It built 330 packages, skipped 200 and 77
failed. I had originally installed 6.0 binaries and after the build
gdm is broken, wireless networking is broken. Haven't had time to
troubleshoot yet.

On 5/15/06, Garrett Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That would be in fact Gentoo Linux.
It's the only Linux distro I know that has a collection of files which
describe the packages to install, sources, etc like FreeBSD's ports
makefiles (they call them ebuilds), and compiles programs based on a
local distfiles repository, like FreeBSD. The thing that's different
about Gentoo than most OSes though is that it is a Linux distro where
EVERYTHING (unless you specify a location to find binary packages)
compiles and installs from scratch. So I'm not sure if you want to go
that route, and I'm not saying it's a perfect system by any means, but
in the event that Windows breaks (or I get tired of Windows (;..) I
always have something to go back to, Unix wise, that has a lot of
software functionality and is pretty stable. The best piece of advice
regarding Gentoo that I can give is don't go for the hype, but rather
for the options (software options that is), because you have the ability
to greater customize your OS-for better or for worse-depending on what
compile options you choose and the software you install.
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Re: "The Complete FreeBSD": errata and addenda

2006-05-15 Thread Kyrre Nygard

See the beauty of


I have found a problem.

I find the design / typesetting to be very unprofessional.
It looks like a teenager wrote it, in Microsoft Word, but no offense.

You just used the wrong typesetting system.

Please check out the LaTeX Project as well as the Memoir class.

It will do the typesetting for you, and your book will become a lot 
more comfortable for all of us to read.

Let us know what you think!

Good luck,

At 19:02 05.05.2006, Greg Lehey wrote:
The trouble with books is that you can't update them the way you can 
a web page

or any other online documentation.  The result is that most leading edge
computer books are out of date almost before they are printed.  Unfortunately,
The Complete FreeBSD, published by O'Reilly, is no exception.  Inevitably, a
number of bugs and changes have surfaced.

"The Complete FreeBSD" has been through a total of five editions, 
including its
predecessor "Installing and Running FreeBSD".  Two of these have 
been reprinted

with corrections.  I maintain a series of errata pages.  Start at to find out how to get the errata

Note also that the book has now been released for free download in PDF
form.  Instead of downloading the changed pages, you may prefer to
download the entire book.  See
for more information.

Have you found a problem with the book, or maybe something confusing?
Please let me know: I'm no longer constantly updating it, but I may be
able to help

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newly installed apps not in path?

2006-05-15 Thread Atom Powers

I've noticed this behavior since 4.3, but it's just now starting to
get really annoying.

Whan I install a new application (from ports) I have to execute it
with the full path until I start a new shell. (in sh, tcsh, and bash)

What causes this behavior, and how can I fix it (cause newly installed
apps to be executable without a full path)?

DIT793# which sudo
sudo: Command not found.
DIT793# portinstall sudo
DIT793# ll /usr/local/bin/sudo
---s--x--x  2 root  wheel  89020 May 15 13:31 /usr/local/bin/sudo
DIT793# which sudo
sudo: Command not found.
DIT793# tcsh
DIT793# which sudo
DIT793# exit
DIT793# which sudo
sudo: Command not found.

Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
--Atom Powers--
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