Re: need C help, passing char buffer[] by-value....

2009-10-20 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 08:24:49PM -0700, Patrick Mahan wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:09:19AM -0700, Patrick Mahan wrote:
> >>See comments interspaced below -
> >
> >
> > You've got it exactly right, Patrick.  There were no "C" classes in 
> > 1978--I taught myself.  Obviously, not that well because I have 
> > already dreaded pointers.  ---Well, usually.
> You are welcome, glad to help.
> [examples snipped]
> >
> >
> > Your examples help a lot!   Everything works except when there are 
> > two or more tags on one line such as:
> >
> >  > SIZE="4">
> >
> >
> > I think I see where is your skiptags--pointer arithematic 
> > function--this can be
> > caught.  Thanks much!
> >
> If I might make a suggestion.  Make use of a case (switch) statement:
> switch(buf[c]) {
> case '<': /* start of tag, skip it if requested */
>  if (skiptags) c = skiptag(&buf[c]);
>  ...
> default: /* handle normal stuff */
>   ...
> }
> Inside your while() statement.

It took me over half an hour of fumbling, until i understood that you 
meant the 
"while (fgets(buf, sixeof buf, fpin))" if that's right.  then i fumbled 
ball because i used your pointer example rather than the indexing-into 
case 'B'.

Just a  FWIW, But for middle-involved cases like this program--what? a 
couple k lines
long--when i get wedged like this, i almost always break it down into 
like a


i didn't figure this 'keep it simple, Sire' paradigm until a few 
[7-9,10] years ago.
that's godawful late to learn new tricks.  it's hard to understand 35 
lines of code 
in the midst of 2400 :_)


> Good luck,
> Patrick
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: need C help, passing char buffer[] by-value....

2009-10-20 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 05:42:41AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> Just a little and quite formal side note:
> On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 11:09:19 -0700, Patrick Mahan  wrote:
> >while (*tp != '\0' && *tp++ != '<');
> It's often a good choice, especially for increasing readability
> of code, to code the "empty statement" on a line on its own (as
> you usually put any statements on an own line for clarity), so
> the reader doesn't accidentally take it as and "end of command"
> notification, e. g.
>   while(1)
>   ;
> instead of
>   while(1);
> which could be confused with the syntactical meaning of
>   whatsthis(1);
> I'm just mentioning this because I saw this in a programming
> project when I was at university. A young programmer who was
> given the task to look at code a very skilled programmer gave
> him. Somewhere in the code, an endless loop caused the program
> not to work properly. The student could not find this endless
> loop because it was coded in the manner as given above. It was
> not the polite form of for(;;); :-)

yeah; i already fixed this in the pointer version that patrick 

that's the one nice thing about perl; you gotta use braces even for a 

if  foo

while bar

can't get away with while ();



> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: need C help, passing char buffer[] by-value....

2009-10-19 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:09:19AM -0700, Patrick Mahan wrote:
> See comments interspaced below -
> Gary,
> Let me restate your problem: You want to read through a file containing tags
> delimited by "<>" and to skip these tags if the user has run your command 
> with
> the "-N" flag.
> In C any thing passed by address is "by reference".  For a your static 
> buffer
> of 1024 characters: you can pass it by reference as:
>skiptags(buf); /* passes in the starting address of the buffer */
>skiptags(&buf[0]); /* passes in the starting address of the 
>buffer */
>skiptags(&buf[10]); /* passes int the starting address of the 
>   at the 11th character position. */
> Arrays and pointers are always by reference.  Individual data types "int",
> "char", etc are by value unless passed in as a pointer.  I think this is 
> where
> your confusion is around.

You've got it exactly right, Patrick.  There were no "C" classes in 
taught myself.  Obviously, not that well because I have already dreaded 
pointers.  ---Well, usually.
> A couple of things to keep in mind:
>1. Remember how fgets() works.  It is entirely possible that you might 
>   tags that span multiple lines.  You will need to take that into 
>   account.
>2. You can manipulate the fixed buffer two different ways:
>   A. You can use pointer arithemtic, eg.
>  char buf[1024];
>  char *cp;
>  while ((cp = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp_in))) {
>if (skiptags) cp = skiptag(buf);
>/* If NULL, end of line reached */
>if (!cp) continue;
>  }
>  char *skiptags(char *buf)
>  {
> char *tp = buf;
>   /* find the start of a tag */
>   while (*tp != '\0' && *tp++ != '<');
>   /* if no tag is found return start of buffer */
>   if (*tp == '\0')
>  return buf;
>   /* Start of tag, find the end of tag */
>   while (*tp != '\0' && *tp != '\n' && *tp++ != '>');
>   /* if end of line reached return NULL */
>   if (*tp == '\0' || *tp == '\n')
>  return NULL;
>   /* return the next character start after the end tag */
>   return ++tp;
>  }
>B. Using indexing, eg.
>  char buf[1024];
>  int  i, bsize;
>  while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp_in)) {
>i = 0;
>bsize = strlen(buf);
>if (skiptags) i = skiptag(buf);
>/* If NULL, end of line reached */
>if (i >= bsize) continue;
>  }
>  int skiptags(char *buf)
>  {
> int c = 0;
>   /* find the start of a tag */
>   while (buf[c] != '\0' && buf[c] != '<')
>  c++;
>   /* if no tag is found return start of buffer */
>   if (buf[c] == '\0')
>  return 0;
>   /* Start of tag, find the end of tag */
>   while (buf[c] != '\0' && buf[c] != '\n' && buf[c] != '>')
>  c++;
>   /* if end of line reached return NULL */
>   if (buf[c] == '\0' || buf[c] == '\n')
>  return strlen(buf);
>   /* return the next character start after the end tag */
>   return ++c;
>  }
> Both methods should allow you to skip past any tags found in the file 
> (provided
> you handle the case of a tag spanning more than one line).
> Hope this clears up your confusion and gets you on your way.

Your examples help a lot!   Everything works except when there are two 
or more 
tags on one line such as:

I think I see where is your skiptags--pointer arithematic 
function--this can be
caught.  Thanks much!



> Patrick
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: need C help, passing char buffer[] by-value....

2009-10-19 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 01:48:42AM -0400, Brad Mettee wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >Guys,
> >
> >maybe this can't be done reading in a file with fgets(buffer[128], fp),
> >then calling skiptags(), conditionally, to while () past ',' and '>'.
> >
> >I know I need to calll skipTags with its address, skipTags(&buffer);, but 
> >then how to i
> >handle the variable "s" in skipTags?  Anybody?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >// redo, skip TAGS
> >skipTags((char *)&s)
> >{
> >if (*s == '<')
> >{
> >while (*s != '>')
> >{
> >s++;
> >}
> >s++;
> >}
> >}
> >  
> Your function may not work exactly as you think it will. Your basic idea 
> runs on the assumption that the tag will never be broken during the file 
> read. It's possible that you'll read "some data read will have ">more data here", or some variation thereof. 
> If you know for a fact that the string you read in will always be 
> complete, then what's below should work fine:
> // where *s is the address of a string to be parsed
> // maxlen represents the maximum number of chars potentially in the string 
> and is not zero based (ie: maxlen 256 = char positions 0-255)
> // *curpos is the current position of the pointer (this prevents bounds 
> errors)
> skipTags(char *s, long maxlen, long *curpos)
> {
>if (*s == '<')
>while (*s != '>' && && *s && *curpos < maxlen)
>   (*curpos)++;
>   if (*curpos < maxlen)
>   {
>   s++;
>   (*curpos)++;
>   }
> }
> When you read in the next line of the file, reset curpos to zero, set 
> maxlen to number of bytes read. As you process each char after the 
> function is called, you'll need to increment curpos as well.
> Depending on the size of the files you are reading, you may be able to 
> read the entire file into memory at once and avoid any possible TAG 
> splitting.
> If you explain exactly what you're trying to accomplish, we may be able 
> to come up with an easier/cleaner solution.
> (warning: none of the above code is tested, but in concept it should 
> work ok)

It didn't core dump, but neither work.  Basically, I'm doing a read via 

"while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp_in)) {"

an HTML or other file with .  Optionally, say, given the switch 
the program would NOT progress any of the HTML tags; It would only 
touch other
stuff in the file.  Simply put, I have a fixed buffer, buf[1024], that 
I want to
change --i think by-reference-not certain-by calling 

skiptags(*&buf); and skiptags() would read past the 
and return the buffer to the place after fgets() where skiptags(&buf) 
is called
missing all markup .

I'm better at by-refernce with ints that chars, so I don't know how far 
off I am
here.  That's why I;'m asking you guys.


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: need C help, passing char buffer[] by-value....

2009-10-19 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 04:19:11PM +0200, Erik Trulsson wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 09:03:22AM -0500, David Kelly wrote:
> > On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 11:30:49PM -0400, Robert Huff wrote:
> > > 
> > > Glen Barber writes:
> > > >  
> > > >  "//" comments are recognized by both C and C++.
> > > 
> > >   How about "... are recognized by both C++ and more recent versions
> > > of C."?
> > 
> > I think gcc++ and gcc use the same preprocessor? Comments are stripped
> > in the preprocessor.
> > 
> > The only thing we can really say is that gcc accepts // as a comment. Is
> > becoming an accepted convention in other C's but I doubt one can
> > universally state that its accepted in all "recent versions".
> It is accepted in recent versions of C, but not necessarily by all C
> compilers, depending on which version of C they support.  "//" comments were
> added to C in the 1999 revision of the C standard, and was already then a
> very common extension that was supported by many compilers.
> If gcc supports "//" comments or not depends on which mode it is running in.
> If you run it in strict C89 mode, then it will not support "//" comments,
> but if you run it in C99 mode (or as a C++ compiler), it will support them.

This is my FWIW, but I use the std "/*" and "*/" in C programs and
often in C++ also.  It's only when I'm [1] lazy, or [2] have severe 
pains that I'll use the "//" for comments -- anywhere.  

This is a bit quirky, but even in my prose I'll use #ifdef/#endif and 
std C comments.  Very handy for sidebar comments, thoughts, 
work-arounds or
"write-around" in early drafts.

just my $0.02-worth,


> -- 
> Erik Trulsson
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: need C help, passing char buffer[] by-value....

2009-10-18 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 04:02:29AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Oct 2009 18:33:43 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > Guys,
> > 
> > maybe this can't be done reading in a file with fgets(buffer[128], fp),
> > then calling skiptags(), conditionally, to while () past ',' and '>'.
> > 
> > I know I need to calll skipTags with its address, skipTags(&buffer);,
> > but then how to i
> > handle the variable "s" in skipTags?  Anybody?
> It's quite complicated. Soes it need to be? :-)
> > // redo, skip TAGS
> Is this C or C++ source code? I always thought // was C++
> specific...
> > skipTags((char *)&s)
> Where's my return datatype? And when (int) is the default,
> where is my return statement? :-)
> > {
> > if (*s == '<')
> > {
> > while (*s != '>')
> > {
> > s++;
> > }
> > s++;
> > }
> > }
> If you need type conversion, you can't do this in the
> function's declaration. You need to perform this with
> the call. The function would rather start as
>   void skipTags(char *s)
> and then be called with the correct pointer
>   char *bla;
>   ...
>   skipTags(bla);
> Instead of pointer arithmethics, which is one of the
> ultimate skills in C, you could use an iterator from 0
> to strlen(s).
> I think the code above is just part of a bigger mechanism.
> Looks like you want to "shift" the character pointer to
> override any <...> segments, and then let some other
> parts do something more, right?

i hadn't thought of this approach, but counting the number of bytes 
in a  might wwork!!


> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 7.31a release of Jottings:

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Re: need C help, passing char buffer[] by-value....

2009-10-18 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 05:43:44AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Oct 2009 22:23:43 -0500, David Kelly  wrote:
> > When not using a count to indicate how much data is in a char* you  
> > should always test for null. Testing for null is not a sure fire way  
> > to prevent buffer over runs but its better than nothing.
> There are means like
>   #include 
>   ...
>   assert(s);
> to make sure s is not NULL, or testing for it explicitely like
>   if(!s)
>   ... error handling here ...
> is possible. Furthermore, it is a proven way to give a length
> argument along with the (char *) argument, such as the "new"
> l-functions for strings, e. g. strlcat() and strlcpy(), do.
>   char *skiptags(char *s, int l);
> You can even double-check for l begin != 0. Or you employ a
> test with strlen() function-internally.

right; i will add error checking once i've got things working.
but i think i meant to say that i was calling by-reference, sing 
fgets was reading the file from a 

char buffer[256];

or whatever.  so, given this, shouldn't i need to step past some N 
bytes of 

i'll experiement and see, again, but in my one compile that worked, 
left in the  


> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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need C help, passing char buffer[] by-value....

2009-10-18 Thread Gary Kline

maybe this can't be done reading in a file with fgets(buffer[128], fp),
then calling skiptags(), conditionally, to while () past ',' and '>'.

I know I need to calll skipTags with its address, skipTags(&buffer);, but then 
how to i
handle the variable "s" in skipTags?  Anybody?

// redo, skip TAGS
skipTags((char *)&s)
if (*s == '<')
while (*s != '>')

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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using split, can i break up a huge txt file using a regex

2009-10-16 Thread Gary Kline


I have the ASCII files of my novel, JOURNEY, in 66 textfiles.
[Named 00 - 66].  I have my word-processor version is the (urp) DOC 
fmt to submit places and for me, when i play around with formatting and 
typefaces and so in, in open format, ODT.  I would like to put back the 
huge text file into its 66 smaller files using split.  Can I break this 
very large journeyTowardtheDawn.txt using the regex
"Chapter [:digit:]{1,2}" ??

Or maybe just "Chapter " ?

thanks for ideas,


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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music file in /tmp/XXX/

2009-10-11 Thread Gary Kline

is there a freebsd app that will take my music file, 18 of them in /tmp/XXX,
all named ogg files, and burn them to a CD?

i've got like


all are names so i figure they have the internet-title/siong-named
database tags.  not sure.  i cant figure out howto use k3b to copy these 
files; i've tried.  is there anything simpler that will burn files from
/tmp/XXX/ to an audio CD?  I surrender.  (*)


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 7.31a release of Jottings:

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Re: for perl wizards.

2009-10-11 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Oct 09, 2009 at 12:26:25PM +0200, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Gary Kline  wrote:
>  > 
>  > Whenever I save a wordpeocessoe file [OOo, say] into a
>  > text file, I get a slew of hex codes to indicate the char to be
>  > used.  I'm looking for a perl one-liner or script to translate
>  > hex back into ', ", -- [that's a dash), and so forth.  Why does
>  > this fail to trans the hex code to an apostrophe?
>  > 
>  > perl -pi.bak -e 's/\xe2\x80\x99/'/g'  
> You need to escape the inner quote character, of course.
> I think sed is better suited for this task than perl.
>  > If there any another other tools, I'm interested!
> That "hex code" rather looks like UTF-8.
> For conversion between character encodings I recommend recode
> from the ports collection (ports/converters/recode).
> For example, to convert file.txt from UTF-8 to ISO8859-15:
> $ recode utf8..iso8859-15 file.txt
> To preserve the previous file contents, do this:
> $ recode utf8..iso8859-15 new.txt

recode works just fine, thanks.  i'm not sure if openoffice asks
to use 8859-1 or utf8, but yes, the text is interspersperced with
bits of utf8.  

FWIW, I  did check this on google before my post; still couldn't
find anything that worked.  and of course, above, with the " ' "
i did try escaping the punctuation.  my shell gave me problems
regardless.  dunno ... so i asked here:-)

thanks to everyone,


> Best regards
> -- 
> Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
> Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606,  Geschäftsfuehrung:
> secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün-
> chen, HRB 125758,  Geschäftsführer: Maik Bachmann, Olaf Erb, Ralf Gebhart
> FreeBSD-Dienstleistungen, -Produkte und mehr:
> "Python tricks" is a tough one, cuz the language is so clean. E.g.,
> C makes an art of confusing pointers with arrays and strings, which
> leads to lotsa neat pointer tricks; APL mistakes everything for an
> array, leading to neat one-liners; and Perl confuses everything
> period, making each line a joyous adventure .
> -- Tim Peters

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: text2html ?

2009-10-10 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Oct 09, 2009 at 08:50:22PM -0500, Paul Schmehl wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of stan
> Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 6:20 PM
> To: Free BSD Questions list
> Subject: text2html ?
> I had a contractor uppgrade a freebsd machine a while back. Now I am
> finding things that did not get done corectly.
> The latest is that I have some other machines that create text files copy
> them over to this machine, and put them iin the webservers space. Looks
> like in the past, these files were procesed by /usr/local/bin/text2html,
> which O would almost certainly have installed from a port.
> But, I cannot seem to find this port. 
> Can anyone sugest either where I can find this utlity, or what I might use
> as an alternative? The text files to process are very simple reports of
> system statistics.
> Thanks for any ideas.

My ascii-to-markup [atom] was ported a few months ago.  It was ported 
as v1.0 but I have been working on it since 1994.  It maybe overkill,
but maybe not... .



> pa...@utd65257# cd /usr/ports/
> pa...@utd65257# make search name=text2html
> pa...@utd65257# make search name=txt2html
> Port:   txt2html-2.51
> Path:   /usr/ports/textproc/txt2html
> Info:   Convert raw text to something with a little HTML formatting
> Maint:
> B-deps: p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.24 p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.19
> p5-Getopt-ArgvFile-1.11 p5-Module-Build-0.30 p5-YAML-0.68 p5-YAML-Syck-1.05
> perl-5.8.9
> R-deps: p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.24 p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.19
> p5-Getopt-ArgvFile-1.11 p5-Module-Build-0.30 p5-YAML-0.68 p5-YAML-Syck-1.05
> perl-5.8.9
> WWW:
> Paul Schmehl (
> In case it isn't already obvious, my opinions
> are my own and not those of my employer
> ___
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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for perl wizards.

2009-10-09 Thread Gary Kline

Whenever I save a wordpeocessoe file [OOo, say] into a
text file, I get a slew of hex codes to indicate the char to be
used.  I'm looking for a perl one-liner or script to translate
hex back into ', ", -- [that's a dash), and so forth.  Why does
this fail to trans the hex code to an apostrophe?

perl -pi.bak -e 's/\xe2\x80\x99/'/g'  

If there any another other tools, I'm interested!

    tia, guys,


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 5.67a release of Jottings:

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Re: way to check an email without sending it??

2009-10-06 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 07:13:30AM +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> > write and say HI, Howzit hanging... or whatever.  Anyway, the 
> > sendmail -bv ploy
> > indicates that this person is still at the address i have.  no big 
> > deal; i was just
> > wondering.
> Uh -- sendmail -bv doesn't do what you think it does.  It only shows you 
> what your
> local sendmail would do with the message as it tries to deliver it.  If 
> it's not
> for a local user, then all it says is 'send it to the SMTP server 
> responsible'
> and nothing at all about what the other machine would do with it. 
> The only way to find that out is by connecting to the remote sendmail, 
> either
> by telnet or by actually sending an e-mail.
>   Cheers,
>   Matthew

Yes, indeed.  The only other thing is to mess with the whitepages, but 
now.  The future is coming too quickly, and I'm pretty sure that we'll
all have some sort of ID tags embedded ... _somewhere_.

thanks for the clue,


> -- 
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
>  Flat 3
> PGP: Ramsgate
>  Kent, CT11 9PW

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 5.67a release of Jottings:

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Re: way to check an email without sending it??

2009-10-05 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 01:59:24PM -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
> In response to Gary Kline :
> > 
> > Hey Guys,
> > 
> > Is there a way I can tell that an email address, say
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > is still valid without joe knowing that I am curious?  --And,
> > yes, this isn't a FBSD-specific question... .
> > 
> > thanks for any insights,
> Sure.  Telnet to the service and start a SMTP transaction, but then abort it:
> $ telnet 25
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 ESMTP If you spam me I will bounce you
> helo
> 250
> mail from: 
> 250 2.1.0 Ok
> rcpt to: 
> 450 5.7.0 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown 
> in local recipient table
> quit
> 221 2.0.0 Bye
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> If you don't get a rejection after the "rcpt to:" line, then you know the
> server will accept the mail and you can close the connection without
> completing the transaction.
> Note, that this is no guarantee.  Some spam catching nonsense may accept
> the mail right up to end, then throw it away without delivering it.

telnet couldn't connect for unknown reason but thabks for the tip.  I 
usually just
write and say HI, Howzit hanging... or whatever.  Anyway, the sendmail 
-bv ploy
indicates that this person is still at the address i have.  no big 
deal; i was just

thanks, people,


> -- 
> Bill Moran

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Re: NO ONE knows??

2009-10-05 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 12:37:54AM +0200, Bernt Hansson wrote:
> Gary Kline skrev:
> > What I'm looking for is how to use the ``better than the 
> > default voices''; there are several english languages that
> > are fairly natural sounding.  Nothing I've googled explain
> > using the quality voices for FreeBSD.
> >
> > gary

Tried/found this before at least once.   The cmdline:

% espeak mb-en1 "hello"

outputs the string data that "hello" is composed on.  Following further 
the linux example is difficult because there is no 
--neither file nor directory.  I did locate  the 796-byte data file:
/usr/local/share/espeak/espeak-data/mbrola_ph/en1_phtrans but don't 
have a clue.

From what I've been able to glean, this mbrola stuff is > ten years 
old.  Whoever
was laboring away just  dropped it.  I've dug into this computer 
generated speech 
just a tiny bit.  Yes, it is possible to have Very real-sounding 
voices, nearly 
human-sounding.  But the complexity is extreme.  No wonder the 
high-quality voices 
cost $thousands.



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way to check an email without sending it??

2009-10-05 Thread Gary Kline

Hey Guys,

Is there a way I can tell that an email address, say 

is still valid without joe knowing that I am curious?  --And,
yes, this isn't a FBSD-specific question... .

thanks for any insights,


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Re: Voting for a native i386/amd64 flash player

2009-10-04 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 10:01:14PM +0200, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Leandro F Silva  wrote:
>  > Hey guys,
>  > 
>  > Let's vote to have a native i386 / amd64 flash player \o/ ..
> The latest Linuxulator works quite well on -current with
> the Linux flash binary + pluginwrapper port, doesn't it?
> Works for me, at least.
>  > We just have to create an account and voting on the link below =D
>  > 
>  >
> There's no way I'm going to create an account at Adobe
> and give them my personal data.  No thanks.
> Best regards
sorry if this is just a ``me too'', but i cannot wait for flashit to
die [an overdue death]


ps i'll sign up wherever i can!

> -- 
> Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
> Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606,  Geschäftsfuehrung:
> secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün-
> chen, HRB 125758,  Geschäftsführer: Maik Bachmann, Olaf Erb, Ralf Gebhart
> FreeBSD-Dienstleistungen, -Produkte und mehr:
> "And believe me, as a C++ programmer, I don't hesitate to question
> the decisions of language designers.  After a decent amount of C++
> exposure, Python's flaws seem ridiculously small." -- Ville Vainio
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: NO ONE knows??

2009-10-03 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 08:35:46PM -0700, Chris wrote:
> On Oct 2, 2009, at 8:48 AM, Gary Kline wrote:
> >On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 12:07:58PM +0200, DA Forsyth wrote:
> >>On 2 Oct 2009 , entreated about
> >>"freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 278, Issue 10":
> >>
> >>>Message: 28
> >
> > What I'm looking for is how to use the ``better than the
> > default voices''; there are several english languages that
> > are fairly natural sounding.  Nothing I've googled explain
> > using the quality voices for FreeBSD.
> >
> > gary
> Gary,
> You should post this on the sourceforge forum for eSpeak.
> I looked and it appears the developer himself responds to
> questions people have.
> Chris

i did look this up several hours ago.  by the time i set up my
account And figured out howto use the forum site i found there 
were several involving espeak and mbroloa, but none answered 
the question.  they all involved linux--this probably wasn't 
that important to my question.  

while i will continue poking around.



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Re: NO ONE knows??

2009-10-02 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 12:07:58PM +0200, DA Forsyth wrote:
> On 2 Oct 2009 , entreated about
>  "freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 278, Issue 10":
> > Message: 28
> > Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 12:22:45 -0700
> > From: Gary Kline 
> > Subject: NO ONE knows??
> > To: FreeBSD Mailing List 
> > Message-ID: <>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> > 
> > 
> > so ==nobody== know how to get espeak working with the high-quality
> > voices?  hard to believe on this list...
> I use espeak, but have never tried to use any other than the stock 
> voice, it works just fine.  I suspect most other folks have the same 
> experience.
> I use espeak to verbalize warnings and errors from XYMON on the main 
> server which sits next to me, since I'm not always looking at email.

What I'm looking for is how to use the ``better than the 
default voices''; there are several english languages that
are fairly natural sounding.  Nothing I've googled explain
using the quality voices for FreeBSD.


> > gary
> --
>DA Fo rsythNetwork Supervisor
> Principal Technical Officer -- Institute for Water Research
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NO ONE knows??

2009-10-01 Thread Gary Kline

so ==nobody== know how to get espeak working with the high-quality
voices?  hard to believe on this list...


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2009-09-29 Thread Gary Kline


Can anybody clue me in on using eSpeak with OOo?  Be greak to have a plugin for 
OO?  Also, how do I choose different Voices than the default?

thanks much,


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firefox and evolution (&c) get hung up...

2009-09-26 Thread Gary Kline

Hey guys,

Anybody know why "shmctl" is undefined?  I keep bumpiing into the 

/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ Undefined symbol 

I'm running 7.1 and want to wait for 8 to reach Stable before I do that 
Meanwhile, I'm looking for what to build or portupgrade to fix the 

any clues?



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Anybody hear of the ASuS ebook reader??

2009-09-20 Thread Gary Kline

Michael Hart, the guy who invented ebooks back in 1971, send a URL from
somewhere about ASUS soon coming out with a low-low cost ebook reader.

I don't know what format, but it won't do a Kindle on you.  [Swipe books
off your reader: Zip.]  I only heard/read online that this reader is 
soon.  Know nothing else.  Anybody onlist know anything more?  [[oh, 
what formats do ebooks come in anyway?  i only know of ASCII and my 
markp. [xh]ml.]]

anybody hear anything else?


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Re: warning, 100pc Ot... almost

2009-09-17 Thread Gary Kline
On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 07:39:20PM +0100, Chris Whitehouse wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >this is only to the few hundred of you guys who read the slice of my 
> >novel.  before i invest
> >another twenty minutes in it, i'd be much obliged how many of you would 
> >actually buy th ebook.
> >WEll, either ebook of pod. please answer only offlist; i'm asking here 
> >because this is where most of you guys know me.  
> >
> >real question:  anybody know when the latest OOo package will be 
> >available? by sheer
> >carelessness i blew mine away.  the only pkg on good-day is the amd
> >
> >can anybody build me  a cp of OOo.311. i'm still running i386 7.1.   on 
> >ubuntu, only 2.4, :(
> you could _try_ one from here 
> it's 3.1.0 and FreeBSD 7.2 but it might do the trick.
> Chris

i've got the page bookmarked, thanks.  and thanks to glenn for making 
site available.  (just a small fwiw, but i must've blown part of evo 
away because ir
fails.  kmail still works, tho.  )


ps: i must really be tutrning into a feed; time for 
freebsd-for-dummies.  =sigh=

pps.  thank for all 2 of you re my soon-to-be best selling novel 

> >
> >
> >tx in advance,
> >
> >gary
> >
> >:wq

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warning, 100pc Ot... almost

2009-09-16 Thread Gary Kline

this is only to the few hundred of you guys who read the slice of my novel.  
before i invest
another twenty minutes in it, i'd be much obliged how many of you would 
actually buy th ebook.
WEll, either ebook of pod. please answer only offlist; i'm asking here because 
this is where most 
of you guys know me.  

real question:  anybody know when the latest OOo package will be available? by 
carelessness i blew mine away.  the only pkg on good-day is the amd

can anybody build me  a cp of OOo.311. i'm still running i386 7.1.   on ubuntu, 
only 2.4, :(

tx in advance,


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Re: podcast on google? Or other?

2009-09-14 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:26:27PM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Sep 2009 14:02:18 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > 
> > hey guys, i'll deny i ever wrote this because i *should* know already...
> > but don't.  i've clicked on several podcast sites and they show links to 
> > yahoo and a couple
> > others.  does google have this [POD] icon?  OR what do i install here on 
> > freebsd-7.1 that i
> > can use to listen to podcasts or otherwise play old/archived streams?  
> What format are those podcasts in? In OGG/Vorbis or MP3 format,
> you can use your favourite music player (mine is xmms) and use
> it for the specific media type; the browser's configuration
> editor should allow you to do so.
> The xmms program is able to play streamed media content, but
> mplayer should be fine, too.

i usually use kmplayer because i can kill it o r click-on to kill/stop.

i was looking at a particular show on national public radio [NPR] nd 
wound up
at the podcast section.  i think, am not certain, that if i select the 
thing, this show will show up daily or weekly, whatever   rather 
than me having to
spent minutes of finding Show, finding archive place, and then 
Stream or Podcast.

if i'm not making enough sense, i'll wait until i've had  a good 
night's sleep!


PS:  DEfinite offtopic but i may have found a legit ebook publisher ... 
they pod 
publish in us, canada, and in europe.  [[i had no idea it'd be this 
hard just 
finding the right place. =sigh=]]

> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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podcast on google? Or other?

2009-09-14 Thread Gary Kline

hey guys, i'll deny i ever wrote this because i *should* know already...
but don't.  i've clicked on several podcast sites and they show links to yahoo 
and a couple
others.  does google have this [POD] icon?  OR what do i install here on 
freebsd-7.1 that i
can use to listen to podcasts or otherwise play old/archived streams?  


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Re: are there any notebooks with mouse-sticks?

2009-09-10 Thread Gary Kline
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:51:29AM -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:29:25AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> > On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 14:08:36 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > > 
> > > I'm looking for a small computer, 7-10" screen that has a ThinkPad-like 
> > > stick
> > > to act as the mouse. 
> > 
> > This "stick" is called a TrackPoint, as far as I remember. It has been
> > common in portable computers built by IB and Toshiba.
> I assume that IB was meant to be IBM.  Lenovo bought IBM's PC division a
> few years ago, and now produces ThinkPads -- which come with trackpoints.

> > 
> > > Pref'ly, no touch-pad. 
> > 
> > Sadly, you will find mostly that (crap) in "modern" devices...
> I just turn off the touchpad in my ThinkPad's BIOS/CMOS settings.  That's
> pretty much the *first* thing I do with a new ThinkPad, before I even
> install a halfway decent operating system on it.  I have a tendency to
> accidentaly move the mouse around while typing, otherwise.

BIOS.  That's what i couldn't remember.  so you still *can*
toggle the laptop pointer on/off.  in my long-defunt 600E 
i could plug in an external mouse and off the t'point.  good to
know you can turn off the pad and still use the other pointing 


> > 
> > > The ASUS and just about every other
> > > notebook-size device has this kind of scratch-n-sniff pad; [...]
> > 
> > Nice name. Other names: Fingerprint sensor and coffee cup warmer. :-)
> Yeah . . . how warm the touchpad gets is a pretty good heuristic measure
> of how hot the laptop is running, at least on my ThinkPad.
> > 
> > > Any clues?
> > 
> > Look for IBM / Lenovo, maybe they still employ this fantastic and
> > easy to use pointing device. Allthough it would completely make sense
> > to use a Trackpoint for netbook class computers (litte real estate
> > consumption, minimal moving from "hand in typing position" to "hand
> > in pointing position"), it seems that the worst solution always
> > prevails. I haven't seen Trackpoints on "modern" stuff yet, and I'm
> > quite about thinking that it doesn't exist anymore.
> Unfortunately, the OP was asking about netbook-sized computers, and last
> I checked the only netbooks offered by Lenovo are IdeaPads -- which are
> exactly like ThinkPads, except the construction is a little cheaper and
> the pointing device is always a touchpad.

hm.  if i can go into the bios of this ideapad and disable the
t'pad; then use a wireless mouse, that would work.  my plans are
to build a text-to-speech computer.  kde has a bunch of tools
that are very useable.  vi has -- or used to have -- the ability 
to store abbrv that would expand as typed.  you type "tht"; vi 
outputs "that"


> Otherwise, however, I second the motion: ThinkPads are generally held to
> a higher standard of quality than the rest of the laptops in the PC
> world, tend to be well-supported by open source operating systems, and
> come with trackpoints.
> -- 
> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
> Quoth Philip Machanick: "caution: if you write code like this,
> immediately after you are fired the person assigned to maintaining your
> code after you leave will resign"

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Re: are there any notebooks with mouse-sticks?

2009-09-10 Thread Gary Kline
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:29:25AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 14:08:36 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > 
> > I'm looking for a small computer, 7-10" screen that has a ThinkPad-like 
> > stick
> > to act as the mouse. 
> This "stick" is called a TrackPoint, as far as I remember. It has been
> common in portable computers built by IB and Toshiba.

i think you're right.  ibm came up with some advertising name 
that fit.  better than "clit" , :-), lol, .  LOL.  yes, i 
do laugh at my own jokes now and then.

> > Pref'ly, no touch-pad. 
> Sadly, you will find mostly that (crap) in "modern" devices...

it's on my wife's new dell laptop.  last time i tried to use it
i couldn't get the hang of it.  at any rate, it is in the way of 
where my hand would be.  ---this, fwiw, is why i bought the last
thinkpad, 3.0GHZ with just the trackpoint and the three
horizontal bars.  those work.  well, for me. ...

> > The ASUS and just about every other
> > notebook-size device has this kind of scratch-n-sniff pad; [...]
> Nice name. Other names: Fingerprint sensor and coffee cup warmer. :-)

:-) damn small coffee cup, eh?

> > Any clues?
> Look for IBM / Lenovo, maybe they still employ this fantastic and
> easy to use pointing device. Allthough it would completely make sense
> to use a Trackpoint for netbook class computers (litte real estate
> consumption, minimal moving from "hand in typing position" to "hand
> in pointing position"), it seems that the worst solution always
> prevails. I haven't seen Trackpoints on "modern" stuff yet, and I'm
> quite about thinking that it doesn't exist anymore.

i thought i saw the red bottom [top] of the trackpoint in the
newer thinkpads.  the chinese probably went with the deafault
[t'pad].  but the pointer dev would take up the least realestate.
and especially on the notebook-sized laptops that would seem

oh::: how about the $100 laptops for kids?  what was it?
one-laptop-per-child?  did ``the market'' force them to go
belly-up?  i'll google around and see if they got skrewd.


> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: are there any notebooks with mouse-sticks?

2009-09-09 Thread Gary Kline
On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 05:27:12PM -1000, Al Plant wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >
> Aloha,
> I dont use the keypad at all. Keys and Mouse only.
> The HP Mini touchpad is centered below the keyboard, but the keyboard 
> had regular sized keys which is good. I think if you have a wireless 
> mouse on any of them you could cover the touchpad with something like 
> card stock or plastic so the pressure or proximity of a hand would not 
> set it off.
> It is really bad that you cant turn off the feature that causes the 
> false clicks etc.

well, i'd be willing to cut the wire to the touchpad--or have somebody 
do it.
thing is, getting the schematics might just about be impossible... .

> Have fun...

yup; life is a bowl of yuks, right?


> ~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
>   + + +
>   +   - Supporting - FreeBSD 6.* - 7.* - 8.* +
>   < email: >
> "All that's really worth doing is what we do for others."- Lewis Carrol

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Re: are there any notebooks with mouse-sticks?

2009-09-09 Thread Gary Kline
On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 02:50:01PM -1000, Al Plant wrote:
> Chad Perrin wrote:
> >On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 02:08:36PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> >>I'm looking for a small computer, 7-10" screen that has a ThinkPad-like 
> >>stick
> >>to act as the mouse.  Pref'ly, no touch-pad.  The ASUS and just about 
> >>every other
> >>notebook-size device has this kind of scratch-n-sniff pad; unfortunately, 
> >>it looks
> >>as tho my palm would go there.  (I *did* see a separate mouse [and other 
> >>add-ons]
> >>for the EEE; that might be a work around.)
> >
> >I sympathize with your desire for a trackpoint (instead of a touchpad),
> >and this is one reason I keep getting ThinkPads for my laptops.
> >Unfortunately, I don't know of any "netbooks" that come with trackpoints.
> >I hope you get an answer on this list so I'll get one as well (with the
> >obvious preference for FreeBSD, or at least *some* BSD Unix,
> >compatibility).
> >
> Aloha Gary,
> The HP Mini 1000 has a pad and it is not good. If I accidentally brush 
> it with a finger it acts as a click same as the mouse buttons do. I 
> think this is a terrible feature. ( No way to kill it either I checked. 
> )I thought it was because I have large hands, but Julie has trouble too 
> so she brought out a USB wireless logitech mouse from her stash of stuff 
> and it works fine.

Aloha Al [and Chad also],

I fat-finger any of these mico-telephone keys[!]; it's worse yet if 
my finger spasms or even twitches.  Really, with one hand, my hand 
has to go smack in the middle of these small computers.  Which is 
where the touch pads are according to the pix.  

Are you saying that you can use your HP with the wireless mouse and
still miss the pad most of the time?

I checked out the ASUS extras, including the mouse and optical drive.
Anybody on-list know if the EE touchpad can be completely disabled 
via the hardware setup/config?  


> Good Luck...
> ~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
>   + + +
>   +   - Supporting - FreeBSD 6.* - 7.* - 8.* +
>   < email: >
> "All that's really worth doing is what we do for others."- Lewis Carrol
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are there any notebooks with mouse-sticks?

2009-09-09 Thread Gary Kline

I'm looking for a small computer, 7-10" screen that has a ThinkPad-like stick
to act as the mouse.  Pref'ly, no touch-pad.  The ASUS and just about every 
notebook-size device has this kind of scratch-n-sniff pad; unfortunately, it 
as tho my palm would go there.  (I *did* see a separate mouse [and other 
for the EEE; that might be a work around.)

Any clues?


ps: just thought i'd ask here first... .

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Re: how to get rid of a character, 0x80?

2009-09-08 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Sep 08, 2009 at 08:02:06AM -0500, Jim White wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 7:43 AM, Jon Radel  wrote:
> > Mark Stapper wrote:
> >
> >  besides.. 0x80!=0200
> >> it's 0200 octal which is 128 decimal...
> >> Might be why it doesn't work for you.
> >>
> >
> > Don't mess with his head.  ;-)
> >
> > 0200 = 0x80 = 128
> >
> > 200 octal = 80 hex = 128 decimal
> >

Yup :-)
> >
> > --Jon Radel
> >
> >
> You may want to check if your char type is signed.  If it is (and it just
> happens to be 8 bits wide), (char)128 is a negative value.

I used 

int ch, not char ch;

Also, just found some throwaway code that [of course] never gets 
pitched, and
found the for chars >= 128, it's a wide character.   

while (( ch = getwc(stdin)) != WEOF)

if (ch == L'\xe2')
if ((ch1 = getwc(stdin)) == L'\x80')

/* check for and swallow last of the 
trio */
if ((ch2 = getwc(stdin)) == L'\x90')
putchar (ch);

I wrote the above to get rid of openoffice TXT that was still cluttered 
with the
trio of wide characters that output one apostrophe.

Last night I used pdftotext to translate a pdf file; it was cluttered 
with a slew of
^L's, which == '\014', and wound up with a greater slew of  in 
more [less]
and vi.  Nutshell, the file was fubar'd.


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how to get rid of a character, 0x80?

2009-09-07 Thread Gary Kline

anybody know why getchar() doesn't see 0x80 == 0200?  if getchar()
is limited to 7-bit characters, what then?

% od -c file 

shows me that every character fits into 8 bits, so getwchar() is the 
next thing.
but doesn't getwchar grab wide-chars only: 16 bits?

tia, guys,


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Re: difficult-to-phrase question...

2009-09-07 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Sep 08, 2009 at 01:56:12AM +0100, RW wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Sep 2009 16:43:30 -0700
> Gary Kline  wrote:
> > 
> > i can use grep to find "S" and grep gives me the file[s] that
> > have the string.  now, is there any easy way of reading that
> > file, or deleting or otherwise munging that file?
> > 
> > nutshell is that every time i reboot (into kde), kde wastes
> > time/cpu spawning unwanted whatever: versions of konqueror,
> > kttsd, ksayit, 
> Wouldn't you be better-off just turning-off session management, and
> using autostart instead

sounds like a good idea; how do i accomplish this?  also, what if i 
a  konqueror running and sites running and the power goes out.
sometimes i want the apps to restart, not usually.  is it possible to
save Some programs state and let others go?


ps:  i'm new to kde/gnome, but here on tao [freebsd] have mostly kde[3]
 going.  some cli tools, like mutt, are almost sacred. 
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Re: is there a way of usinf greo to find 3 or 4 blank lines?

2009-09-07 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 08:55:44AM +0200, Kalle M?ller wrote:
> I know its not in commandline, but in vim (maybe even vi) you could just
> /\n\n\n
> This would find new lines... And you could jump between them with n..
> and :set ruler so you can find linenumber

DIdn't think of this, but it doesn't seem to work in vi or vim.  i think i've 
vim set to vi-mode.  anyway, the awk script that mark willson posted works.  

next time i'll put in something like XBREAKX  for my v-breaks.


> On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 2:36 AM, Gary Kline  wrote:
> >
> >in my manuscript, i have many places where i'ved used several
> > newlines to indicate a
> >jump in time, or topic, or mood, or <>.  i have lost these
> > vertical spacing
> >in all but my original draft.  can i use grep somehow to find these
> > extra newlines?
> >
> >    if not grep, then sed, ed, or what?!
> >
> >tia,
> >
> >gary
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >  Gary Kline  Public Service
> > Unix
> >
> >The 5.67a release of Jottings:
> >
> > ___
> > mailing list
> >
> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "
> >"
> >
> -- 
> Med Venlig Hilsen
> Kalle R. Møller

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Re: is there a way of usinf greo to find 3 or 4 blank lines?

2009-09-07 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 08:06:51AM +0100, Mark Willson wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >>Yes, this works just fine.  I findthat there are about 130 places 
> >>that I need to
> >>track...  --yeah, i did over-do it in the time-breaks in my story.  
> >>
> >>Is there a way of printing the string/line in the `manuscript' file 
> >>along with the line
> >>number?  I'm well into a copyedit of the manuscript and would rather 
> >>not start over!
> >>
> >>thanks for this.
> >>
> >:wq
> >
> > Sorry:: sounds a bit moronic:: not print the blank line/newline!  
> > but print the
> > NR-1-th line.
> Gary,
> The following version should do what you want:
> ncnt = 0
> prev = "BOF"
> }
> /^ *$/ {
>   ncnt++;
>   if (ncnt > 3) {
>   print "Emphasis at " NR ": " prev;
>   prev = "-multiple-"
>   ncnt = 0;
>   }
>   next;
> }
>{ncnt = 0; prev = $0}
> -mark

It does! outstanding

thanks again,


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Re: is there a way of usinf greo to find 3 or 4 blank lines?

2009-09-06 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 04:23:01PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 08:11:48PM +0100, Mark Willson wrote:
> > Gary Kline wrote:
> > >in my manuscript, i have many places where i'ved used several
> > >newlines to indicate a jump in time, or topic, or mood, or
> > ><>.  i have lost these vertical spacing in all but my
> > >original draft.  can i use grep somehow to find these extra newlines?
> > >
> > >
> > >if not grep, then sed, ed, or what?!
> > >
> > >tia,
> > >
> > >gary
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > Gary,
> > 
> > If I understand your question correctly (by no means certain), the
> > following may help.  This is an awk script, which will print out the
> > lines in the source file at which it finds more than three consecutive
> > empty lines.
> > 
> > BEGIN {
> > ncnt = 0
> > }
> > /^ *$/ {
> > ncnt++;
> > if (ncnt > 3)
> > {print "Emphasis at: " NR;
> >  ncnt = 0;}
> >  next;
> > }
> >{ncnt = 0;}
> > 
> > You can invoke this (assuming the awk source in is a file called
> > "em.awk" and your original manuscript is in a file called "manuscript") by:
> > 
> > $ awk -f em.awk manuscript
> > 
> > -mark
>   Yes, this works just fine.  I findthat there are about 130 places that 
> I need to
>   track...  --yeah, i did over-do it in the time-breaks in my story.  
>       Is there a way of printing the string/line in the `manuscript' file 
> along with the line
>   number?  I'm well into a copyedit of the manuscript and would rather 
> not start over!
>   thanks for this.

Sorry:: sounds a bit moronic:: not print the blank line/newline!  but 
print the
NR-1-th line.
 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: is there a way of usinf greo to find 3 or 4 blank lines?

2009-09-06 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 03:44:13PM -0500, Mak Kolybabi wrote:
> On 2009-09-05 17:36, Gary Kline wrote:
> > in my manuscript, i have many places where i'ved used several newlines to
> > indicate a jump in time, or topic, or mood, or <>. i have lost 
> > these
> > vertical spacing in all but my original draft. can i use grep somehow to 
> > find
> > these extra newlines?
> >
> > if not grep, then sed, ed, or what?!
> Sed has the ability to pull into the current line the next line, appended and
> separated by a "\n" character. It's hard to use correctly, I've found, and my
> simple demo:
> sed -e '/^$/{N;N;N; s/^\n\n\n$/===4 blank lines==/; }'
> Does not quite work as I'd hoped. But hopefully it's enough to get you 
> started.

Thanks, Mak.  iT really *is* more difficult that grep can handle.  I 
could catch the 
three newlines in C, but the string/line above the break would be 
painful unless i
kept a linked list of linenumbers.  too much like work:-)


> --
> Matthew Anthony Kolybabi (Mak)
> () ASCII Ribbon Campaign | Against HTML e-mail
> /\  | Against proprietary extensions

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: is there a way of usinf greo to find 3 or 4 blank lines?

2009-09-06 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 08:11:48PM +0100, Mark Willson wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >in my manuscript, i have many places where i'ved used several
> >newlines to indicate a jump in time, or topic, or mood, or
> ><>.  i have lost these vertical spacing in all but my
> >original draft.  can i use grep somehow to find these extra newlines?
> >
> >
> >if not grep, then sed, ed, or what?!
> >
> >tia,
> >
> >gary
> >
> >
> >
> Gary,
> If I understand your question correctly (by no means certain), the
> following may help.  This is an awk script, which will print out the
> lines in the source file at which it finds more than three consecutive
> empty lines.
> ncnt = 0
> }
> /^ *$/ {
>   ncnt++;
> if (ncnt > 3)
>   {print "Emphasis at: " NR;
>ncnt = 0;}
>   }
>{ncnt = 0;}
> You can invoke this (assuming the awk source in is a file called
> "em.awk" and your original manuscript is in a file called "manuscript") by:
> $ awk -f em.awk manuscript
> -mark

Yes, this works just fine.  I findthat there are about 130 places that 
I need to
track...  --yeah, i did over-do it in the time-breaks in my story.  

Is there a way of printing the string/line in the `manuscript' file 
along with the line
number?  I'm well into a copyedit of the manuscript and would rather 
not start over!

thanks for this.


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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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is there a way of usinf greo to find 3 or 4 blank lines?

2009-09-05 Thread Gary Kline

in my manuscript, i have many places where i'ved used several newlines 
to indicate a
jump in time, or topic, or mood, or <>.  i have lost these 
vertical spacing
in all but my original draft.  can i use grep somehow to find these 
extra newlines?

if not grep, then sed, ed, or what?!



 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: difficult-to-phrase question...

2009-09-03 Thread Gary Kline
On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 02:05:57AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Sep 2009 16:43:30 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > i'm looking for a file what contains string "S".  the filename
> > in this case has a zillion letters, but that beside the point.
> > 
> > i can use grep to find "S" and grep gives me the file[s] that
> > have the string.  now, is there any easy way of reading that
> > file, or deleting or otherwise munging that file?
> I would suggest one of my favourite tools, the Midnight Commander,
> available via ports as misc/mc or misc/mc-lite - or from a
> package.
> First you run the find dialog, Meta-? (Esc, ?, if you don't have
> a Meta key). Enter file mask if needed, starting directory (usu-
> ally .) and "S" for the search string. Then a list with the items
> found will come up.
> In order to view a file from this list, press PF3 on a file. The
> viewer will automatically skip to where "S" has been found in the
> file. If you press ENTER on the file, it will be selected in one
> of the panels, and you can move or delete it.
> > ps: if scripting this is too grizzly i'll do it in C and do an
> > inline post of src and example use.
> If you exactly know what to do with the file, scripting might be
> the easiest solution. The more interaction, the less optimum it
> is. :-)

you're right.  originally, i was thinking of simplr /bin/rm.  find a 
string, and move that file into some junk file or just remove it. 
then i thought about viewing it with more|vi.  or cp'ing the file.
    etc.  mv seems to have already been invented!!


> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 5.67a release of Jottings:
  10% slice of my latest novel:

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Re: difficult-to-phrase question...

2009-09-03 Thread Gary Kline
On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 08:02:18PM -0400, Jon Radel wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >
> > guys, (of either gender)
> >
> > here's one that is a bit difficult to figure out how to ask, but
> > here's my first shot:
> >
> > i'm looking for a file what contains string "S".  the filename
> > in this case has a zillion letters, but that beside the point.
> >
> > i can use grep to find "S" and grep gives me the file[s] that
> > have the string.  now, is there any easy way of reading that
> > file, or deleting or otherwise munging that file?
> >
> > nutshell is that every time i reboot (into kde), kde wastes
> > time/cpu spawning unwanted whatever: versions of konqueror, kttsd,
> > ksayit, &c.  [[i found these files in
> > ~/.kde/share/config/session, about  20, dated may, 09 to oct 08.
> > rm'ing the bunch would get rid of the instantiate problem, but
> > having a script to diddle with a found string "S" would be
> > useful esp'ly if the filename of pathname were long.
> >
> > i'll mouse swipe the string and fname to prove my point.
> > thanks for any help.  
> >
> > gary
> >
> > ps: if scripting this is too grizzly i'll do it in C and do an
> > inline post of src and example use.
> >
> Do you mean something like
> rm `grep -l S *`

Or, more specifically, maybe 

$ cmd `grep -lr "S" *`  [??]  I'll try that on the string I was looking

Polytropon, I have only the vaguest clue what your suggestion was, 
To Adam, yeah, I have indeed removed these surplus kde apps, but the
    session file is still there each time.  So the apps are reinstantianted 
every time.  --I'm going to blow them away.  


> or am I completely missing the point of what you're trying to do?
> -- 
> --Jon Radel

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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  10% slice of my latest novel:

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difficult-to-phrase question...

2009-09-02 Thread Gary Kline

guys, (of either gender)

here's one that is a bit difficult to figure out how to ask, but
here's my first shot:

i'm looking for a file what contains string "S".  the filename
in this case has a zillion letters, but that beside the point.

i can use grep to find "S" and grep gives me the file[s] that
have the string.  now, is there any easy way of reading that
file, or deleting or otherwise munging that file?

nutshell is that every time i reboot (into kde), kde wastes
time/cpu spawning unwanted whatever: versions of konqueror, kttsd,
ksayit, &c.  [[i found these files in
~/.kde/share/config/session, about  20, dated may, 09 to oct 08.
rm'ing the bunch would get rid of the instantiate problem, but
having a script to diddle with a found string "S" would be
useful esp'ly if the filename of pathname were long.

i'll mouse swipe the string and fname to prove my point.
thanks for any help.  


ps: if scripting this is too grizzly i'll do it in C and do an
inline post of src and example use.

p4 16:18  [5058] rgr www.h-online  ~/.kde/share/config/session

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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  10% slice of my latest novel:

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Re: mutt screen output...

2009-08-31 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 11:48:20PM +0200, Roland Smith wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 12:52:00PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 08:09:49PM +0200, Roland Smith wrote:
> > > On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 10:21:43AM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > In recents months many if not all of my text messages displayed
> > > > thru mutt include things like "\240" and other octal chars.
> > > > 
> > > > anybody know why and how to fix this?
> > >  
> > > What terminal emulator are you using, and what are your locale settings? 
> > > With
> > > urxvt and LANG and LC_ALL set to en_US.UTF-8 It works fine. Mind you, I 
> > > think
> > > that the console doesn't support UTF-8 (yet).
> > > 
> > 
> > Konsole ... up from xterm.  
> > 
> > i thought it was my LC settings for a moment, but I just checked:
> > 
> > % setenv |gr LC
> > 11:LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
> > 12:LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
> > 17:LC_LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> > 
> > Any other settings to grep for?
> Check if Konsole/KDE have any settings regarding fonts and character sets. I'm
> not a KDE user so I can't help you much with that. According to
>, the
> View->Set Character Encoding might be of use, or one of the submenus
> in the Settings menu?

not found. BUT changing the Settings -> Encoding  [long list] to UTF8
may be working.

are they are kde/konsole wizards out there who can point me to just ONE 
place in ~/.kde3/*/* and to the konsole* file where things live?
i'll change everything byhand if i have to, but would think that the
default is set somewhere centrally.

thanks very much, Roland.


ps: i'll 2- and 3-ck to be sure!!

> Roland
> -- 
> R.F.Smith
> [plain text _non-HTML_ PGP/GnuPG encrypted/signed email much appreciated]
> pgp: 1A2B 477F 9970 BA3C 2914  B7CE 1277 EFB0 C321 A725 (KeyID: C321A725)

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Re: mutt screen output...

2009-08-31 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 08:09:49PM +0200, Roland Smith wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 10:21:43AM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > 
> > In recents months many if not all of my text messages displayed
> > thru mutt include things like "\240" and other octal chars.
> > 
> > anybody know why and how to fix this?
> What terminal emulator are you using, and what are your locale settings? With
> urxvt and LANG and LC_ALL set to en_US.UTF-8 It works fine. Mind you, I think
> that the console doesn't support UTF-8 (yet).

Konsole ... up from xterm.  

i thought it was my LC settings for a moment, but I just checked:

% setenv |gr LC

Any other settings to grep for?


> Roland
> -- 
> R.F.Smith
> [plain text _non-HTML_ PGP/GnuPG encrypted/signed email much appreciated]
> pgp: 1A2B 477F 9970 BA3C 2914  B7CE 1277 EFB0 C321 A725 (KeyID: C321A725)

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mutt screen output...

2009-08-31 Thread Gary Kline

In recents months many if not all of my text messages displayed
thru mutt include things like "\240" and other octal chars.

anybody know why and how to fix this?


ps: be great in kmail or evo had a reply option that used vi/vim!

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: howto alias a stty erase?

2009-08-30 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 08:59:27AM +0530, Saifi Khan wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Aug 2009, Gary Kline wrote:
> > 
> > is there a way of setty'ing "stty erase" to [backspace key"?
> > pretty sure that is the delete key.  i'm tired of having to hand
> > set it every time when i use the Konsole term.
> > 
> > thanks,
> > gary
> > 
> to set this you need to specify command and key combination
> command is : stty erase
> keycomb is : CTRL+v then press backspace key once
> overall it looks like
> # stty erase ^? 
> Hope this helps.

What worked was a simple alias:

alias se="stty erase ^\?"

but while this does save several keysttokes [ and hitting the ctrl key
with "v" ], now I often forget to type ``se'' before i use vi or vim...


oh well... .


> thanks
> Saifi.
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howto alias a stty erase?

2009-08-25 Thread Gary Kline

is there a way of setty'ing "stty erase" to [backspace key"?
pretty sure that is the delete key.  i'm tired of having to hand
set it every time when i use the Konsole term.



 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: duplex printing with OOo.

2009-08-19 Thread Gary Kline
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 08:28:34PM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 11:05:19 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > 
> > Well, after umch mucking around, the Brother 5250DN works with 
> > OO and prints in Duplex only if I turn the dialog to OFF where is
> > say
> > 
> > Duplex  __ [arrows]
> Do I understand this correctly? Duplex works in OO when duplex
> is set to OFF = no duplex? Oh joy of modern software!

that should have been::

Duplex  _OFF_ [arrows]
> This reminds me to a POS program with a very creative
> error handling, it went like this:
>   switch error
>   case 1: "printer not connected";
>   case 2: "scanner not connected";
>   case 4: "keyboard not connected";
>   case 8: "some other error";
>   ...
>   default: "file not found"; (without mentioning which file)

LMOA! man, that's rich...  sounds like some seriously lazy hacking
to me... .

> Maybe OO should add something like "In order to activate a
> feature, deactivate it". :-)

i'm actually starting a ~/.helpOOo file with tricks and tips about the 
program, mostly swriter.  there are some pretty sharp folks over on  luckily:_)

> > Now that that's resolved, I can change the printer web page
> > config back to Simplex and everything will be fine.  The King
> > will be in his heaven; God will be in his Counting_House, &c.
> I hope both are well, "up and running". :-)
> By the way, long time that I saw someone write "&c.".
    not sure if easier to type "etc." or "&c", given the shift-7 == '&'
... but it's different.


> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: duplex printing with OOo.

2009-08-19 Thread Gary Kline

Well, after umch mucking around, the Brother 5250DN works with 
OO and prints in Duplex only if I turn the dialog to OFF where is

Duplex  __ [arrows]

Now that that's resolved, I can change the printer web page
config back to Simplex and everything will be fine.  The King
will be in his heaven; God will be in his Counting_House, &c.


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: duplex printing with OOo.

2009-08-19 Thread Gary Kline
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 05:40:50PM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 07:23:07 -0400, Bill Moran  
> wrote:
> > It works for me, using 3 steps:
> > 
> > 1) Use CUPS instead of lpd
> CUPS brings its own lpd, so in fact you're still using a lpd,
> even if it's not the system one's. :-)

It's been years since I tried CUPS; it gives me fits.  In
short, it has never worked. 

> > 2) Install a PPD for the printer that knows about duplex printing
> It seems that this Brother printer does not come with an "operator
> panel" where you can set default modes. As an example, you can
> tell a HP laserjet 4000 duplex to be duplex by default, so you
> don't need additional configuration.
> For "modern" printers, PPD files are needed to make printer spoolers
> and filters aware of what capabilities the printer has. This is
> needed if the printer does not conform to standard printer
> languages, such as PS or PCL.

My networked 5250 does come with a configuration panel.
Simplex or Duplex.  That lets me do  % lpr  single-
or double-sided.  Regardless, my OpenOffice only prints on
one-sided. [?]

> > 3) Install OOo with CUPS support
> There are some printer settings available in OO, but maybe they
> do not cover all the printer's capabilities.

Might help if I knew how to get CUPS working... 

Anyway, I'll try CUPS again  



> > I don't know if it's possible to do through lpd, though.
> With a real printer, it works by default. :-)
> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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duplex printing with OOo.

2009-08-18 Thread Gary Kline
Well, this one was/is bizarre.  I finally got my Brother 5250 networked
printer to print duplex (AKA noth sides :) using 

% lpr file

but from OpenOffice, no matter what I do, it only prints on one side.  
anybody runn ito this before and know how to get it to print 

Note that in a day or three I will *finally* be printing off two copies 
my thesis, and this will be "single-sided-only" according to the rules. 
So really, it's a dontcare well, other than I would like to know 
and where and why to change this in the OO config.

thanks guys,


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Re: script to send out a dozen letters?

2009-08-17 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 03:44:04PM -0700, Chris Cowart wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:

[[ ... ]]

> Here's a script I whipped up a year or two ago that sends out e-mails.
> You could definitely tweak it to find/replace a LaTeX template and send
> it directly to the printer (circa the `| sendmail` line). See the
> included readme (excuse the twiki formatting). While it was written for
> bash, it may run under /bin/sh (but I make no claims).
> It's really straightforward. I would die a little inside if it were used
> to send HTML e-mail, but there's nothing to stop you from writing HTML
> (by hand) into the template (or saving a message out of your GUI MUA of
> choice into a flat file and using that as your template).
> -- 
> Chris Cowart
> Network Technical Lead
> Network & Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
> UC Berkeley

[[ saving :-) ]]

>;Keenan;Parms;Ice Cream
>;Jeremy;Weinstein;Rabbit Food
> Call this file ~/email_data.
> *Note:* The only column title with special meaning is "EMAIL" and it *must*
> appear in the data file. All other columns follow brain-dead substitutions
> and do not affect the behavior of the automailer.
> ---++ The Template File
> Here, you compose your e-mail. Note you must conform to RFC822 (Here's a
> summary of the relevant points):
>* You must include the To, From, Cc, and Subject headers.
>* Headers must be properly formatted (=Name: Contents Can Have Spaces=)
>* The headers end with a blank line. There must be a blank line before
>  you begin your message.
> *Example:*
> From: The Party Planning Committee 
> Subject: The Potluck
> Hello FNAME,
> Please remember to bring FOOD to the potluck.
> Thanks,
> The Party Planning Committee
> Call this file ~/email_template.
> *Note:* 
>* Column titles (see The Data File section) will be substituted with the
>  current record's column contents. The address in the EMAIL column will
>  receive a copy of the message. 
>* Including a Cc or Bcc header in the template will *NOT* affect who
>  receives a copy of the message.
> *Warning:* The recipient will receive the message AS-IS. 
> __Bcc Headers will not be filtered__.
> ---++ Sending the Message
> After you declare the data file and template file (in that order), you may
> add e-mail addresses to the command line (e.g.,
> Note that other than the recipient address, no addresses (Bcc or Cc) are
> parsed from your message's headers. As such, if you have cc or bcc recipients,
> you must declare them here. Note also that declaring recipients here does
> *not* affect the To/From/Cc/Bcc headers in the actual e-mail message.
> =automail ~/email_data ~/email_template cc_address1 bcc_address2=

Thanks to my friends amd fellow nerds who have come thru with this.  
It turns out that there were only Seven people/firms for what I 
wanted.  [ it had to do with sellinf my book ].  --well, actually there
were 8 but the last one seemed like a stuffed shirt, so i passed on that

where these kinds of scripts will be useful is when i look for a job as 
ethicist.  (I know, I know; wall street doesn't know what ethics is... 
still, there are other places where the discipline is essential.  

later on, people,


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 5.67a release of Jottings:

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Re: script to send out a dozen letters?

2009-08-16 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 02:43:03AM -0400, Tim Kellers wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 10:07:15PM -0500, Adam Vande More wrote:
> >  
> >>On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Gary Kline  wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>   if there are tools to do this, please point me at them, but i
> >>>   want to send out a snail and/or email|HTML|whatever to a handful
> >>>   of companies that i hope to find online.
> >>>
> >>>   I'm guessing the inside address would me something like
> >>>
> >>>   Company Name
> >>>   Address
> >>>   Company Email
> >>>
> >>>   Attn Mr. Smith:
> >>>
> >>>   [my canned letter]
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>   i forget if the inside address is before the recipient
> >>>   address--I *think* so.   is there a way of having date output
> >>>   the format "15 August, 2009" rather than my usual, 15aug09?
> >>>
> >>>   I am pretty sure these people are most accustomed to GUI/html
> >>>   mail, so is there a way of invoking evo with html capability?
> >>>
> >>>   if there are web pointers on this, puleeze clue me in!
> >>>
> >>>   thanks much,
> >>>
> >>>   gary
> >>>
> >>>--
> >>> Gary Kline  Public Service
> >>>Unix
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Not entirely clear on you goal here, but if this is a repetitive thing 
> >>>any
> >>>  
> >>of the major scripting lang Perl,PHP,Python etc is easily up to the task.
> >>Otherwise OpenOffice merge works great too once you get the hang of it.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > i'm thinking of a /bin/sh script.  if $1@ caputures a whole line,
> > that would grab, say 
> >
> > 123 Main Street
> >
> > and $2@ would grab
> >
> > York, PA 12345-6789
> >
> >
> >
> > Actually, I'm trying to figure out something I can reuse if and
> > when necessary, including applying for a JOB!!  whatever
> >
> > tx,
> >
> > gary
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >>-- 
> >>Adam Vande More
> >>
> >
> >  
> t may be a bit of overkill, but you might want to take a look at a 
> customer relationship manager (CRM).  Both vtiger and sugarcrm are in 
> ports (the lastest version of vtiger 5.1 is not yet in the ports, but it 
> is a snap ti install, anyway).  You have the ability to maintain 
> Contacts and Leads, create merged e-mail templates and other custom 
> templates in vtiger, and it is so flexible you can hack up the code to 
> make it do just about anything you can think of without going nuts 
> trying to figure out how the program does what it does.  You need 
> Apache, php5 with some simple extensions, and MySQL (PostgresQL is 
> coming soon). vtiger 5.1 also has an html e-mal editor built in and 
> produces very servicable output.
> Leads would be your job prospects, Contacts would be your Leads that 
> actually produced a dialogue.  I've adapted it to handle Student 
> marketing enquiries and do customized bulk e-mailings where I work and 
> it is very easy to set-up and use.
> Tim Kellers

This really looks interesting for when I've finished my book and have
customers and feedback; need to track my ideas to promote novel, deal 
returns and resales.  And yes, then finding a job and my third career! 

vtiger looks interesting and if the docs are readable, then all the more
so.  i'm familiar with everything but mysql.  I know it, but am far from
expert.  ...Hm.  

thanks much for the insight!


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 5.67a release of Jottings:

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Re: script to send out a dozen letters?

2009-08-15 Thread Gary Kline
On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 10:07:15PM -0500, Adam Vande More wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Gary Kline  wrote:
> >
> >if there are tools to do this, please point me at them, but i
> >want to send out a snail and/or email|HTML|whatever to a handful
> >of companies that i hope to find online.
> >
> >I'm guessing the inside address would me something like
> >
> >Company Name
> >Address
> >Company Email
> >
> >Attn Mr. Smith:
> >
> >[my canned letter]
> >
> >
> >i forget if the inside address is before the recipient
> >address--I *think* so.   is there a way of having date output
> >the format "15 August, 2009" rather than my usual, 15aug09?
> >
> >I am pretty sure these people are most accustomed to GUI/html
> >mail, so is there a way of invoking evo with html capability?
> >
> >if there are web pointers on this, puleeze clue me in!
> >
> >thanks much,
> >
> >gary
> >
> > --
> >  Gary Kline  Public Service
> > Unix
> >
> >
> > Not entirely clear on you goal here, but if this is a repetitive thing any
> of the major scripting lang Perl,PHP,Python etc is easily up to the task.
> Otherwise OpenOffice merge works great too once you get the hang of it.

i'm thinking of a /bin/sh script.  if $1@ caputures a whole line,
that would grab, say 

123 Main Street

and $2@ would grab

    York, PA 12345-6789

Actually, I'm trying to figure out something I can reuse if and
when necessary, including applying for a JOB!!  whatever



> -- 
> Adam Vande More

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix

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Re: script to send out a dozen letters?

2009-08-15 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, 2009-08-16 at 02:39 +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Am 2009-08-15 16:49:24, schrieb Gary Kline:
> > i forget if the inside address is before the recipient
> > address--I *think* so.   is there a way of having date output
> > the format "15 August, 2009" rather than my usual, 15aug09?
> date "+%d %B %Y"

Yup!   super, dank,

> Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
> Michelle Konzack
> Systemadministrator
> Tamay Dogan Network
> Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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script to send out a dozen letters?

2009-08-15 Thread Gary Kline

if there are tools to do this, please point me at them, but i
want to send out a snail and/or email|HTML|whatever to a handful
of companies that i hope to find online.

I'm guessing the inside address would me something like

Company Name
Company Email

Attn Mr. Smith:

[my canned letter]

i forget if the inside address is before the recipient
address--I *think* so.   is there a way of having date output
the format "15 August, 2009" rather than my usual, 15aug09?

I am pretty sure these people are most accustomed to GUI/html 
mail, so is there a way of invoking evo with html capability?

if there are web pointers on this, puleeze clue me in!

thanks much,


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix

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Re: KDE3 --> KDE4

2009-08-07 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 02:23:20PM +0100, RW wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Aug 2009 17:33:38 -0700
> Gary Kline  wrote:
>   i'd be interested in Paul's question.  it may be that kde3
> > is sopping up wy to much disc space.  only have 6.5g 
> > left
> KDE4 makes  KDE3 look like Fluxbox.
> I can't remember  the exact figures on /usr, but I maintain my ccache
> by timestamp, and it rose from 3.2GB to 7.9GB after adding KDE4. And
> that 3.2GB figure included kde3 (including KOffice), xfce, fluxbox,
> windowmaker, icewm and numerous gui and server applications.

Ah, thanks for the clue!  Good that I only use the tts stuff.
i also like AmaroK; not sure what that's part of, tho.  Other
than OOo and the GUI browsers, I'm a CLI type.


PS:  I would go back to CTWM, but I lost my .ctwmrc and it was huge...

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Re: not dead [yet].

2009-08-06 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 10:37:46PM +, b. f. wrote:
> Roland Smith  wrote:
> >What you can do is make a list of all installed ports with 
> >ports-mgmt/portmaster:
> >  portmaster -L >ports.list
> >
> >Looking through this list, you'll see four categories;
> >- Root ports (No dependencies, not depended on)
> >- Trunk ports (No dependencies, are depended on)
> >- Branch ports (Have dependencies, are depended on)
> >- Leaf ports (Have dependencies, not depended on)
> >
> >Basically, you can delete any of the leaf and root ports, because
> >they're not depended on. E.g. if you have the following in your list as
> >a leaf port:
> >  ===>>> qemu-0.10.6
> >you can execute 'pkg_delete -d qemu-0.10.6' as root, and it is gone.
> If you're only interested in deletion, "-l" should be preferred to
> "-L".  And portmaster with these flags does not always account for
> build dependencies. so with this method you may occasionally remove a
> port that is only used to build other ports, but is not a runtime
> dependency of any other port.  Also, occasionally a port Makefile
> doesn't properly account for some dependencies, and removing them will
> break the port.  So there may be some breakages that you'll have to
> fix, but this shouldn't happen often.
> When removing ports, I sometimes use pkg_deinstall -vR, sometimes also
> with -i.   because it can clean out the now-unneeded dependencies of
> the port I'm removing, which speeds up this process. Provided your
> pkgdb and portsdb are up-to-date, it's a little better than portmaster
> -s, which relies on +REQUIRED_BY to detect stale dependencies, and may
> occasionally fail.
> b.

Hmm.  here is the output from df:

Filesystem  1K-blocks Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a507630   363386  10363478%/
devfs   11   0   100%/dev
/dev/ad0s1e507630   107700  35932023%/tmp
/dev/ad0s1f  32816996 24508992 568264681%/usr
/dev/ad0s1d   2007598   862818  98417447%/var
linprocfs   44   0   100%/usr/compat/linux/proc

Since this box was a give and top qual, a Dell running a  2.4GHz, no complaints.
I asked and the gifter installed two optical drives and a new secondary hard

'07, i think.  so do i really have > 300G?  the thing i don't understand is: 
could be using up 80% of /usr?  

For as much as I use things-gui, i like both KDE and Gnome.  Hate to have all 
electrons weighing things down with, say, koffice, when i don't use it.


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 5.67a release of Jottings:

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Re: KDE3 --> KDE4

2009-08-06 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 02:37:26AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Aug 2009 19:15:18 -0500, Andrew Gould  
> wrote:
> > Unless things have changed very recently, KDE4 is in its own directory
> > folder. 
> Terminology: the directory (is not a folder, and not a directory folder).
> FreeBSD has directories, not folders. :-)

Absolutely!  I don't want to sound like *that* much of a unix-bigot; but
here, i guess i am.  Isn't the word "directory" part of graphy theory?
Or is it just "K&R theory" :-)


> -- 
> Polytropon
> >From Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: FreeBSD for the common man(or woman) (was: > upgrade 7.2

2009-08-06 Thread Gary Kline
On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 09:25:38PM -0600, Modulok wrote:
> [snip]
> > Once taken the time to set things up, they make you happy running for
> > a lifetime. :-)
> [/snip]
> It's nice to be able to go on vacation, without worrying about the
> servers back home craping out :)
> -Modulok-

Really.  Just one reason why I don't travel that far from home:-)
Really, tho, since I set up FreeBSD on my HP Kayak, then turned one 
my sole server 0.0 crashes in 7 years.  The only fret is a power-out.
My surge-protector kicks in and protects things.  

Yeah, there are UPS devs, but it's 3/2 bear getting *that* right


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 5.67a release of Jottings:

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Re: KDE3 --> KDE4

2009-08-06 Thread Gary Kline
On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 11:21:14PM +, Paul Schmehl wrote:
> Can someone who has already done this upgrade suggest the best way to go 
> about it?  Do I need to completely uninstall kde3 first?  Is there an 
> upgrade path that's not fraught with gotchas?

i have a "me-too" here.  i don't use very many of the KDE 
things.  mostly the text-to-speech tools.  last time things
in kde4 were broken  i think the kttsd failed.  

i'd be interested in Paul's question.  it may be that kde3
is sopping up wy to much disc space.  only have 6.5g 


> -- 
> Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
> As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
> are my own and not those of my employer.
> ***
> "It is as useless to argue with those who have
> renounced the use of reason as to administer
> medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 5.67a release of Jottings:

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Re: foot-shot?

2009-08-06 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 12:14:15AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Aug 2009 19:51:00 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > Been thinking over what someone said recently about restricting or
> > dropping further ports.  BSD is the best opensource system around.  But
> > keeping everything current is painful. 
> If you're not running a public or mission critical server - then
> don't do it. I've used a 5.4 installation for many years without
> any problems, and without the need to update something. But I'm
> crazy anyway. :-)

well, is public, but i just have the basics.
it is a Server, period.  
> > Does anybody know if PCBSD is as
> > pushbutton as, say, Ubuntu is? 
> Quite. You won't have major problems because English already is
> your native language. If you're comfortable with KDE and will be
> using the PBI installer (read: "Push Button Installer"), it can
> be a fine system. Even OS updates are distributed in PBI format.

Super!  just offhand, can i install PCSD *over* thius FBSd
--7.1--? Keep /usr/home and so on?  Or is PCBSD a 
do-it-from-scratch?  (I'm pretty much OS agnostic [[so long
as it's somethng like UNIX]], but here I know where things
live...   With ubuntu, diff't story.)

> > I'll always use FreeBSD on my DNS,
> > apache22, and mail server side.  Zero crashes in 7 years.  But if I want
> > to play music or watch a DVD--or do serious web video stuff--I use 
> > Ubuntu.
> "Serious web video stuff" - how many contradictions does this
> statement include? :-) No, seriously: Especially if you rely on
> "Flash", Linux doesn't seem to be as... well... problematic? as
> FreeBSD.

hm, not sure how much flash is used, really.  i just avoid as
much of it as I can.  if i can  watch a public broadcasting 
stream i usually KVM over to my Ubntu box.  .
Hope the just-works PCBSD just-works here.

> > I'd like to say kilowatts by having one "tao" that can handle everything
> > from hacking code to playing a movie.
> That's FreeBSD to me since 4.0, but I have to admit that my needs
> haven't yet grown to all the "modern web media" stuff...

i am not that into the-tube... but for science broadcasts,
yep.  especially things i've missed and are somewhere online.

thanks for the datapoints!


> -- 
> Polytropon
> From Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 5.67a release of Jottings:

___ mailing list
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Re: foot-shot?

2009-08-05 Thread Gary Kline
On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 10:40:38AM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
>   Hm.  Last night mutt began to fail to sent mail; it exited with a
>   127.  When I tried to rebuilt mutt, turns out that I'm missing
>   GNU m4... .  I'll paste the build snafus after my sig here on my 
>   server.  Ideas how things got hosed?  anybody?
[[ ... ]]

> ===>  Configuring for mutt-
> /usr/local/share/aclocal/soup.m4:7: warning: underquoted definition of

foo, bar, baz ...

Well, gents [*],

Somehow my installed world got partially deleted and to save myself
further grief, I rebuilt everything.  *Then* rebuilt mutt.  portmaster 
gets stuck on the java stuff because we still hasta fetch it ourselves.
I thought Sun was going to fix that.  In any case, my diablo-jdk16
timezone file is MIA, so I'm wedged  as far as further upgrading goes.

Been thinking over what someone said recently about restricting or
dropping further ports.  BSD is the best opensource system around.  But
keeping everything current is painful.  Does anybody know if PCBSD is as
pushbutton as, say, Ubuntu is?  I'll always use FreeBSD on my DNS,
apache22, and mail server side.  Zero crashes in 7 years.  But if I want
to play music or watch a DVD--or do serious web video stuff--I use 
I'd like to say kilowatts by having one "tao" that can handle everything
from hacking code to playing a movie.

There is the talent here to fix the fixable ...  at the same time, we've
all got real lives, jobs, school, families, etc.  And a limited 
base.   ...That's my dime's worth.


[*] to spare raging replies, no, i am not a sexist/chauvinist.  Only
30 years ago about a third of my computer class was female.  Not to
mention some drop-dead blondes in my ckt theory class... .
I mean, some serious female EE talent there! :-)  ...  Now?? dunno.


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 5.67a release of Jottings:

___ mailing list
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2009-08-05 Thread Gary Kline

Hm.  Last night mutt began to fail to sent mail; it exited with a
127.  When I tried to rebuolt mutt, turns out that I'm missing
GNU m4... .  I'll paste the build snafus after my sig here on my 
server.  Ideas how things ggot hosed?  anybody?

  Gary Kline  Public Service Unix


===>  Configuring for mutt-
/usr/local/share/aclocal/soup.m4:7: warning: underquoted definition of
  run info '(automake)Extending aclocal'
  or see
/usr/local/share/aclocal/oaf.m4:4: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/linc.m4:1: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/libglade.m4:7: warning: underquoted definition
/usr/local/share/aclocal/libfame.m4:6: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/libart.m4:11: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/libIDL.m4:6: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/imlib.m4:9: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/imlib.m4:167: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/gtkgl.m4:4: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/gtk.m4:7: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/glib.m4:8: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/gdk-pixbuf.m4:12: warning: underquoted
definition of AM_PATH_GDK_PIXBUF
/usr/local/share/aclocal/gconf-1.m4:4: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/gconf-1.m4:71: warning: underquoted definition
/usr/local/share/aclocal/audiofile.m4:12: warning: underquoted definition
/usr/local/share/aclocal/aalib.m4:12: warning: underquoted definition of
/usr/local/share/aclocal/ORBit.m4:4: warning: underquoted definition of
autom4te-2.62: need GNU m4 1.4 or later: /usr/local/bin/gm4
aclocal-1.9: /usr/local/bin/autom4te-2.62 failed with exit status: 1
*** Error code 1

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not dead [yet].

2009-08-04 Thread Gary Kline

Until late Sunday night I was here at keyboard/computer virtually
24/7 working on thesis.  So was my advisor, but then that's his
*job*.  Anyway, now it's wait and see.

Meanwhile: how do I get rid of a truckload of old binaries that I
rarely/never use?  Most show a list of dependencies that's about
70 lines long, and I don't want to break things.

--To give a ferinstance, last spring I installed every OCR port
we've got.  Not came close; all can go.

thanks for some lights!


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 5.67a release of Jottings:

___ mailing list
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Re: The question of moving vi to /binHi,

2009-06-28 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 06:11:57AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 12:03:21 +0800, Erich Dollansky  
> wrote:
> > What kind of editor do you need for rescue? Just edit one or two 
> > lines in some config file to allow the full system to start 
> > again.
> > 
> > Rescue does not need an editor programmers are used to edit their 
> > source files.
> I won't say anything different. For the usual "maintenance and
> get the damn thing working again" tasks the /rescue editor,
> especially vi, should be enough. Commands are i, a, and :wq.
> >From my experience, I can't remember to have used anything
> else.

what about j, k [down, up].  and h,l  [left, right]?
why reach over for the arrow keys!  oh, and o, and O
[open line below/Above], and 


and that's 97 and 44/100ths of what you'll ever need.  


ps:  when bill j. dies and meets st. pete at the pearly
 gate, pete'll say: "So what did you do--"  And bill
 will say, "I wrote vi."  red-carpet is rolled out

> -- 
> Polytropon
> >From Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
> ___
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: The question of moving vi to /bin

2009-06-28 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 08:01:02AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 22:23:17 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > what about j, k [down, up].  and h,l  [left, right]?
> > why reach over for the arrow keys!  oh, and o, and O
> > [open line below/Above], and 
> > 
> > \search
> > 
> > and that's 97 and 44/100ths of what you'll ever need.  
> Well, I'm not good at vi. As a lazy guy (TM) I honestly prefer
> ee, as long as the cursor keys work. If they don't, well, I
> have a "vi keyboard reference" in my "extremely important
> documentation folder" - and yes, it is a real folder, not a
> directory. :-) So if everything fails, there's still vi and
> the content of /rescue to get you back working.
> Maybe this is because vi scared me when using WEGA (which is
> the GDR's equivalent of UNIX System III, run on the P8000
> multi-user workstation). Well, we were all young, many many
> years in the distant past. :-)

Ah yes true words, never spoken, etc.  And I had 
(past tensed) one of those reference cards ... come to think 
of it.   There're still tricks of vi I don't know.  Or, to
be correct, nvi, which was said to be a "feature for feature, bug
for bug" clone.  Yes, i am a geek, just not an extremist:)

> > ps:  when bill j. dies and meets st. pete at the pearly
> >  gate, pete'll say: "So what did you do--"  And bill
> >  will say, "I wrote vi."  red-carpet is rolled out
> >  :_)
> When Bill G. arrives at the pearly gate, ol' Pete won't ask
> him what he did do, instead send him to MICROS~1 C:\HELL.EXE
> with the advice to click on the devil to start the everlasting
> pain. :-)



> -- 
> Polytropon
> From Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: apache22: "Can't access startfile"

2009-06-27 Thread Gary Kline
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 07:23:33PM -0400, Glen Barber wrote:
> >
> ... especially since rebooting (ideally) shouldn't _fix_ apache22
> problems.. If that works, it is only masking the real problem.
> Do you remember any other major changes to your system or apache22
> since your last reboot or apache update?

other that editing my php files, i touch the computer very little.  
the last thing i did was to upgrade the hp kayak to 7.2.  but this
was technically "sage".   the kayak is a SCSI box and dmesg spat out 
unusual GEOM_LABEL strings, then rm'd several ufsid labels.  [?]

i don't want to break anything, nor have hardware problems since this 
    an Old, 1998 box.

> -- 
> Glen Barber

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
The 4.98a release of Jottings:

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Re: apache22: "Can't access startfile"

2009-06-27 Thread Gary Kline
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 07:38:35PM -0400, Glen Barber wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 7:32 PM, Gary Kline wrote:
> >
> >        :-) [above].   no the reboot got things launched.  my server is
> >        "", but the mail, web, and dns stuff are all in
> >        a jail, "", so my guess is that things were
> >        blocked at sage.  i realize that's a really LAME excuse... :-)
> >
> I'm confused.  Everything works now?

still checking, but seem to.  i'll check my /var/log/httpd/* files next.
That excuse was my best SWAG, and nothing more.  sometimes, 
everything, the OS turns out to be smarter than the rest of us... 

> >        if ever i find somebody out here in the seattle area to help me, 
> > i'll buy
> >        a Dell and built as; no mo' 
> > jails.
> >
> >        meanwhile, if anybody else has some clues re wha' happened, Pulleze 
> > clue
> >        me in. there was nothing in the error log; it was dated
> >
> Perhaps the logs didn't rotate?  When was the last time that the
> access log was 'touch'ed?

where do i check, glen?  my favoite place to grep around is /var/logs,
and the httpd-error.log has some potentially serious [warn]ing messages,
but i'm not familiar with apache22.  until my network began falling 
in dec, 2007, i was happy as a clam with apache13.  jon horne installed 
22 and things just-worked.  

can you or anybody else make sense of any of this::

[Sat Jun 27 15:50:12 2009] [notice] SIGHUP received.  Attempting to restart
[Sat Jun 27 15:50:12 2009] [warn] (2)No such file or directory: Failed to enable
 the 'httpready' Accept Filter
[Sat Jun 27 15:50:13 2009] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `aristo' does NOT match server name!?
[Sat Jun 27 15:50:14 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authent
ication ...
[Sat Jun 27 15:50:14 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Sat Jun 27 15:50:15 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.6 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.6 OpenSSL
/0.9.8e DAV/2 PHP/5.2.6 with Suhosin-Patch configured -- resuming normal operati
[Sat Jun 27 15:51:13 2009] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Sat Jun 27 15:51:15 2009] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `aristo' does NOT match server name!?
[Sat Jun 27 15:51:17 2009] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `aristo' does NOT match server name!?
[Sat Jun 27 15:51:18 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authent
ication ...
[Sat Jun 27 15:51:18 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Sat Jun 27 15:51:19 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.6 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.6 OpenSSL
/0.9.8e DAV/2 PHP/5.2.6 with Suhosin-Patch configured -- resuming normal operati
[Sat Jun 27 16:10:54 2009] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Sat Jun 27 16:13:52 2009] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `aristo' does NOT match server name!?
[Sat Jun 27 16:13:54 2009] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `aristo' does NOT match server name!?
[Sat Jun 27 16:13:56 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authent
ication ...
[Sat Jun 27 16:13:56 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Sat Jun 27 16:13:57 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.6 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.6 OpenSSL
/0.9.8e DAV/2 PHP/5.2.6 with Suhosin-Patch configured -- resuming normal 
httpd-error.log: unmodified, readonly: line 48148 of 48148 [100%].

i dont think it is Urgent that this is fixed instantly-if-not-sooner
but if time, once some network wizard can drop by, sure...

> >
> > 2 drwxr-xr-x   3 www  www  1024 Jan 13  2008 error
> > 4 drwxr-xr-x   3 www  www  3584 Jan 13  2008 icons
> > p0 16:29  [5061]                          
> > /usr/local/www/apache22
> >
> >
> >        um, for apache22, the http.conf no longer has any of the virtual 
> > stuff.
> >        it's all in Include/httpd-local.conf.  Meanwhile, this newest apache 
> > is
> >        getting to be a religion in its own right.   like emacs vs vim/vi, 
> > etc,
> >        etc..
> >
> True, true.  I don't _need_ vhosts on my FreeBSD box because it's
> overkill for what I use apache for.  When I ran my site off of my own
> hardware, I did need vhosts -- I had forgotten this.
> Thanks for reminding me about how much I don't remember. ;)

oh, man, same here; and i was doing this stuff on my own until november,

i'm adding a clue to my ~/.HowTo file.   if httpd stuff w/ virt dirs 

Re: apache22: "Can't access startfile"

2009-06-27 Thread Gary Kline
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 06:54:33PM -0400, Glen Barber wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 6:41 PM, Glen Barber wrote:
> > On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Gary Kline wrote:
> >>
> >>        Can anybody remind me what all I need to do to create a new virtual
> >>        website?  (Or move /usr/local/www/foo to /usr/local/www/bar/ and 
> >> have
> >>        "bar" be my new website?  I've seen this lynx error:
> >>        "Can't access startfile" before and can't remeber what I'm doing 
> >> wrong.
> >>
> >>        thanks for some clues here,
> >>
> >
> > Take a look at the error log for apache, as I suspect the following:
> > usually, apache wants to look in /usr/local/www/apache22/* for its
> > information.  If you have changed , could you give us
> > snippets (if not all) of your httpd.conf ?
> >
> >
> >>
> >>        PS: yes, i edited the apache22/Includes/httpd-local.conf and 
> >> restarted the
> >>        etc/rv.d/apache script... .
> >>
> >
> > Is this apache13, 20, or 22 by the way?
> Wow... I must really be loosing it... Forget I asked that last question. ;)
> Gary, if the problem persists after my previous suggestions, could you
> also include info from the error log?

:-) [above].   no the reboot got things launched.  my server is
"", but the mail, web, and dns stuff are all in 
a jail, "", so my guess is that things were 
blocked at sage.  i realize that's a really LAME excuse... :-)

if ever i find somebody out here in the seattle area to help me, i'll 
a Dell and built as; no mo' jails.

meanwhile, if anybody else has some clues re wha' happened, Pulleze clue
me in. there was nothing in the error log; it was dated 

2 drwxr-xr-x   3 www  www  1024 Jan 13  2008 error
4 drwxr-xr-x   3 www  www  3584 Jan 13  2008 icons
p0 16:29  [5061]  

um, for apache22, the http.conf no longer has any of the virtual stuff. 
it's all in Include/httpd-local.conf.  Meanwhile, this newest apache is
getting to be a religion in its own right.   like emacs vs vim/vi, etc,



> -- 
> Glen Barber

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
The 4.98a release of Jottings:

___ mailing list
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Re: apache22: "Can't access startfile"

2009-06-27 Thread Gary Kline
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 06:41:22PM -0400, Glen Barber wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Gary Kline wrote:
> >
> >        Can anybody remind me what all I need to do to create a new virtual
> >        website?  (Or move /usr/local/www/foo to /usr/local/www/bar/ and have
> >        "bar" be my new website?  I've seen this lynx error:
> >        "Can't access startfile" before and can't remeber what I'm doing 
> > wrong.
> >
> >        thanks for some clues here,
> >
> Take a look at the error log for apache, as I suspect the following:
> usually, apache wants to look in /usr/local/www/apache22/* for its
> information.  If you have changed , could you give us
> snippets (if not all) of your httpd.conf ?

This is the first change in 18 months.  The logs in
/usr/local/www/apache22/ haven't been touched for months.

I did remember to edit my named/* files, update the Date and restart.
Then I restarted other apache related scripts and binaries.  The next 
"trick" is a reboot.  That won't tell me too much.

> >
> >        PS: yes, i edited the apache22/Includes/httpd-local.conf and 
> > restarted the
> >        etc/rv.d/apache script... .
> >
> Is this apache13, 20, or 22 by the way?



> -- 
> Glen Barber

  Gary Kline  Public Service Unix

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apache22: "Can't access startfile"

2009-06-27 Thread Gary Kline

Can anybody remind me what all I need to do to create a new virtual
website?  (Or move /usr/local/www/foo to /usr/local/www/bar/ and have
"bar" be my new website?  I've seen this lynx error:
"Can't access startfile" before and can't remeber what I'm doing wrong.

thanks for some clues here,


PS: yes, i edited the apache22/Includes/httpd-local.conf and restarted 
    etc/rv.d/apache script... . 

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
The 4.98a release of Jottings:

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Re: Editor in minimal system (was Re: The question of moving vi to /bin)

2009-06-26 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 09:59:28AM +0200, Jonathan McKeown wrote:
> This whole thread only really got started because I questioned Manish Jain's 
> assertion that there was no editor available in /bin.
> To summarise:
> There are several editors available ranging from ed (49604 bytes) and ee 
> (60920 bytes) (both with two library dependencies) to emacs (in ports; 
> 5992604 bytes and 50 library dependencies in my installation) and probably 
> beyond.
> One of them, ed, is available in /bin and therefore in single-user mode.
> Two of them, ed and vi, are available in /rescue and therefore in single-user 
> mode even when something horrible happens and libraries are broken (although
> /rescue/vi is currently slightly broken itself due to the termcap issue which 
> is being fixed in -CURRENT and I hope will be MFC'd).
> Anyone who wants /usr/bin/vi available in single-user mode can install 
> FreeBSD 
> with one large partition; or mount /usr once in single-user mode.
> The original poster suggested that the fix for not having vi in /bin was not 
> to have any editor at all in /rescue, which comprehensively misses the point 
> of /rescue.
> The only argument that's been advanced for moving vi seems to be ``vi should 
> be in /bin because that's how I want it''. I find that argument unconvincing, 
> but it's not up to me. I'm open to a sensible argument, if anyone has one.
> Jonathan

What about making it be a build option?  Or at least symlink the
static vi in /rescue to /bin...?  I mean we have 1.5TB drives
now! 3700 blocks is a burp.  A small burp.

For that matter, why not have the option of moving the majority
of /rescue to /bin?  I've only had to use the rescue floppy a few
times, but did so only because i needed grep and vi to edit
/etc/fsck ...  And major, irksome desl using cat and ed to look
at that file.  And a few others in /etc.


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: The question of moving vi to /bin

2009-06-25 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 12:31:37PM +0800, Erich Dollansky wrote:
> Hi,
> On 26 June 2009 pm 12:19:32 Gary Kline wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 09:50:31AM +0800, Erich Dollansky wrote:
> > >
> > > On 26 June 2009 am 09:06:49 Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> > > > On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:20:19 +0800, Erich Dollansky
> > >
> > >  wrote:
> > > > >On 25 June 2009 pm 19:13:14 Konrad Heuer wrote:
> > >
> > > Of course, only for VT-100 Terminals.
> >
> > This is interesting.  I learned vi on an ADM-3A, late-70's.
> this was the dream terminal of mine during those days. It has had 
> a decent keyboard with an acceptable screen.
> I really forgot the names of the terminals I have had to use 
> before.

my first was just the "3", the "3A" had the addressible cursor so
vi could move around.  the whole thing was one unit; kybd builtin
to the screen/CRT.  i thought the ADM-3A was severely cool:_)


ps: yes, i is a nerd... .

> Later I could move to Esprit 6310 models.
> Erich

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: The question of moving vi to /bin

2009-06-25 Thread Gary Kline
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 09:09:56PM -0400, John L. Templer wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> wrote:
> >> ed is an interactive program, and it has always been considered as
> >> such, at least since BSD 4.2.  Way back then there were three main
> >> editors, ex, vi, and ed.
> > 
> > ed goes back at least as far as the Bell Labs 6th Edition (PDP-11),
> > where it was the only editor in the distribution.  ex and vi (and
> > termcap, without which there would be no vi) were written later, at
> > UC Berkeley.
> > 
> >> If you had a nice video terminal then you used vi.  But if you
> >> were stuck using a hard copy terminal like a Decwriter, then you
> >> used ex.  And ed was the simplified (dumbed down) editor for
> >> newbies.
> > 
> > More like, ed was the "original" Unix editor; ex and vi presumably
> > were inspired, at least in part, by a desire to improve on ed's
> > limitations.  I doubt I'm the only one who muttered about the bother
> > of horsing around with ed, back when there was nothing else.
> > 
> Ah, I didn't know that.  When I started using Unix (on a BSD 4.2 system)
> vi was the editor of choice.  It wasn't until much later that I learned
> about the ATT side of Unix.

Back in 1978, Bill Joy used to walk around with a fan-fold
printout of vi and/or csh.  He'd pull up a chair and sit at a
term a few feet away.  (This was when I was first learning
FORTRAN-IV and [ick] Pascal.  )  He probably fixed dozrns of bugs
that way, walking thru the code.  --Yes, I'm sure he was trying
to impress the girls too.  (About a third of the intro
programming classes were female, then.  And not many uglies, 
either! (I'm not sexist or anything, just telling it like
it was:)   Today I'm hearing there are fewer women students into 
programming... dunno why.)   Ken Arnold hacked the first curses
and termcap.   Anyway, this is the BErkeley side of Unix.

ed was my first editor on the ADM.  It was the next thing to
magic.  vi blew it out of the water.

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: The question of moving vi to /bin

2009-06-25 Thread Gary Kline
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 09:50:31AM +0800, Erich Dollansky wrote:
> Hi,
> On 26 June 2009 am 09:06:49 Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> > On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:20:19 +0800, Erich Dollansky 
>  wrote:
> > >On 25 June 2009 pm 19:13:14 Konrad Heuer wrote:
> > >> Maybe you're right, maybe not.
> > >>
> > >> 20 years ago, I've written and edited voluminous fortran
> > >> code on a silly rs232 terminal using ed. So, it is possible,
> > >> and one
> > >
> > > I do not believe you. This must have been 30 years back.
> >
> > As far as 16 years back, VT220/VT320 terminals were in wide use
> > in universities.  Some of us learned our first regexp stuff by
> not only there, but ed was not the editor of choice even those 
> days anymore.
> > reading the source of ed(1) and typing small programs in those
> > terminals.  vi(1) was available for a long time before 1993,
> > but this doesn't mean other editors had died out by then :)
> If I remember right, I used something like ed only in the 
> Seventies.
> A collegue programmed then even a WordStar clone for RSX to have a 
> nice editor.
> Of course, only for VT-100 Terminals.

This is interesting.  I learned vi on an ADM-3A, late-70's.  
And, *YES*, it is in /rescue!   :-D

Would not just a symlink work on build?  Or since it's < 3700
blocks, why not default build in in /bin too?  I mean, come on,
you guys... .


> Erich
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: you're not going to believe this.

2009-06-24 Thread Gary Kline
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 11:48:00AM -0700, Charlie Kester wrote:
> On Wed 24 Jun 2009 at 02:32:24 PDT wrote:
> >
> >The lifetime and reliability of SSDs are less-than-or-equal-to the
> >lifetime and reliability of spinning magnetic drives, so don't buy an SSD
> >for that. Whether SSDs use less power is an open question. There's a lot
> >of data going either way. The last comparison I saw suggested spinning
> >drives average less power than their SSD counterparts. In any event, it's
> >not clear-cut yet. SSDs probably do generate less heat (but I've not seen
> >data on that). Of course, the access time on an SSD is order(s) of
> >magnitude less than for a spinning drive, and that's cause enough for
> >lots of people to buy one.
> SSD's are/should also be favored in devices that are prone to mechanical
> shocks.  E.g., tablet PC's, and handheld devices like cellphones, music
> players or game players.

Interesting details.  I was a hardware logic major, not software,
but I got shunted into software and went withthe flow.  To all
the comments, pro/con, it looks that my earlier projection was
right.  It will indeed be awhile before there are reliable
solid-state devs that can replace the spinning disk.  And even
then, cross-backups and even having a tape backup of critical 
data is a must.  

That said, I still want to buy one of these sub-mini notebooks
this summer.  
 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: you're not going to believe this.

2009-06-23 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 03:59:44PM -0500, David Kelly wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 01:10:41PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > 
> > battery-backed ram sound great for the time being!
> > 
> > if not now [this minute], then relatively soon, i'm guessing
> > within a few years somebody will have a solid-state device that emulates
> > the current mechanical technology.  it will wind up being considerably 
> > faster than the current drives and suck Much less juice.  
> We are already there. SSDs are not slower than mechanical disk drives,
> they are faster. The only detriments are 1) cost, 2) limited write life.



YOU were right about the cost.  i thought it was half the $220.
the 10k r/w cycle isn't that bad  

> -- 
> David Kelly N4HHE,
> ====
> Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: you're not going to believe this.

2009-06-23 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 12:30:25PM -0500, Gary Gatten wrote:
> If it's fast enough to allow one to work unimpeded, has acceptable
> lifetime/reliability, and uses less power/generates less heat than
> traditional platter HD - I'd say it's a good solution.  It's not a one
> size fits all world.
hm.  but then, the rhetorical question might be: Does any one thing 
fit everyone?

seriously, i did check the specs sheet for this flavor of SSD.  the most
noteworthy thing was the statement that this device lasts ten years
before it fails to hold state.  the youtube video demo'd the narrator
using windoze XP and editing a video, then task-switching and browsing 
net.  it showed some girl talking; her voice was audible.  

i'll post the site if i ever find it, but i gather it was from dec, '08.


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: you're not going to believe this.

2009-06-23 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 12:22:19PM -0700, Kurt Buff wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 16:07, Gary Kline wrote:
> For a small unit like this, SSD is really nice.
> But, for my workstations/servers, I'm wondering if a pure
> battery-backed RAM disk, in RAID1 with a regular hard drive, might be
> the real screamer.

battery-backed ram sound great for the time being!

if not now [this minute], then relatively soon, i'm guessing
within a few years somebody will have a solid-state device that emulates
the current mechanical technology.  it will wind up being considerably 
faster than the current drives and suck Much less juice.  

oh yeah, and in a few years *every* computer will have a battery back up
--not just our laptops.  after some N minutes everything will be saved.
much less lost data due to sudden power outtages.


> Kurt

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: you're not going to believe this.

2009-06-23 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 09:31:06AM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> > you guys aren't going to believe what i just found on the web for
> > the ASUS Eee-901 [or is it the "900"].  it was for the 9- and
> > 10-inch screens.  i was using konq which just segv'd so i am
> > taking a break and thought i'd share this.
> >
> > last night, i could barely believe the ten-inch with a 40GB SSD.
> > these mini-notebooks take two memory chips. they just plug in.
> > i was googling around and found they have 32's and even 128's.
> > so you can get 64 or up to 256Gigs of solid state disk ...
> > not in a year or two (or five or six), but now.
> today we have huge flash disks for really cheap, but still don't have 
> native flash filesystem in any OS, be it FreeBSD or windoze or mac os x or 
> whatever.
> This flash chips have to emulate hard drive, which slows them down 
> manyfold

so is there any best guess regarding what timeframe a filesystem
for freebsd might exist?  on the you-tube demo they were using
[i think] XP.

i'll see if i can find the site.


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: you're not going to believe this.

2009-06-22 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 06:21:33PM -0500, Gary Gatten wrote:
> How fast is it though?  Fast enough, or will the r/w/access times make
> everything slow?  Not all SSD is created equal.

Ah, yes, that was the key to this site, then.  it said that with
their newer, faster speed--i think at least double--the response
time moved from a slow crawl to a walk.  i use konq because it
has festival as a builtin.  --after a hard day, there are times
when the last thing i want to do is read-with-eyes some dense,
boring document or man page.  solution is to mouse-swipe and
have it read to me.  o/wise, i'd use firefox3 like most people

i'll post this page if i ever find it again; share the good news.

> There's a "new" SD format too - up to 2TB Prolly within a couple
> years, or maybe someone will get some federal stimulus funds and
> manufacture it sooner!  After all, it could help us solve the "Climate
> Change" issue, that's always a good way to get money

man, truer words never spoken!   do you have a url with this
new SSD info.  this really would help save energy since there are
so many hard drives spinning  [[Everywhere]] just burning up the

this could very well go-viral  no stim money needed.  but
then i dont know, honestly, because i dont know what these guys
need.  but, for sure, i'm going to have a min of a 64G SSD in
some notebook this year.  probably this summer.



> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Gary Kline
> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 6:08 PM
> To: FreeBSD Mailing List
> Subject: you're not going to believe this.
>   you guys aren't going to believe what i just found on the web
> for
>   the ASUS Eee-901 [or is it the "900"].  it was for the 9- and
>   10-inch screens.  i was using konq which just segv'd so i am
>   taking a break and thought i'd share this.
>   last night, i could barely believe the ten-inch with a 40GB SSD.
>   these mini-notebooks take two memory chips. they just plug in.
>   i was googling around and found they have 32's and even 128's.
>   so you can get 64 or up to 256Gigs of solid state disk ...
>   not in a year or two (or five or six), but now.
>   i'll double and triple check to make sure this isn't a sham, but
>   they had a thing on you-tube...  Oh, and next time i see the
>   speech therapist, i'll lug my hugmongous thinkpad and demo what
>   i've done with my scripts and flite  
>   8 kilobux for a Doze speech dev my butt. with berkeley unix and
>   open source tools, you can have it for a few hundred bux.
>   gary
> -- 
>  Gary Kline  Public Service
> Unix
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> The 4.98a release of Jottings:
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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you're not going to believe this.

2009-06-22 Thread Gary Kline
you guys aren't going to believe what i just found on the web for
the ASUS Eee-901 [or is it the "900"].  it was for the 9- and
10-inch screens.  i was using konq which just segv'd so i am
taking a break and thought i'd share this.

last night, i could barely believe the ten-inch with a 40GB SSD.
these mini-notebooks take two memory chips. they just plug in.
i was googling around and found they have 32's and even 128's.
so you can get 64 or up to 256Gigs of solid state disk ...
not in a year or two (or five or six), but now.

i'll double and triple check to make sure this isn't a sham, but
they had a thing on you-tube...  Oh, and next time i see the
speech therapist, i'll lug my hugmongous thinkpad and demo what
i've done with my scripts and flite  

8 kilobux for a Doze speech dev my butt. with berkeley unix and
open source tools, you can have it for a few hundred bux.


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: questions on the "ASUS Eee Pc 1000 40G"

2009-06-22 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 06:23:37PM +0200, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día Monday, June 22, 2009 a las 08:45:47AM -0700, Gary Kline escribió:
> > On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 07:26:59AM +0200, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> > > El día Sunday, June 21, 2009 a las 05:35:14PM -0700, Gary Kline escribió:
> > > 
> > > > i found two at  both are the "Eee PC"; both come 
> > > > with
> > > > linux.  this one is the subject line seems to come with 40G of
> > > > flash/solid state memory.  Is this even possible for $400 given
> > > > current technology?
> > > > 
> > > > is there any FBSD version available? since it has an rj-45 lan
> > > > jack, i will be able to download the text-to-speech software 
> > > > i'll
> > > > need.
> > > > 
> > > > any feedback? suggestions for fbsd-capable subnotebooks, etc??
> > > > 
> > > > gary
> > > 
> > > You might want to check this page:
> > > 
> > > I run 8-CURRENT on an EeePC 900 (with 20 GByte SSD);
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > i have that page open [in another room].  all the asus Eee's
> > look nice, but i'd like more meaty info on these computers.
> > since you're already running 8 on the 900, maybe you can clue
> > me in.  what's the speed of your Atom CPU?  CAn you run anything
> > X--(X Window System)?  also, how far can you go before you max 
> > out your computer?  RAM, SSD?  I only want todemo that a freebsd
> > computer w/ keyboard can be used with the KDE accessibility
> > apps.  tts primarily.  something i could use with the festival
> > speech tools.  
> As I said, mine is the Asus EeePC 900 which has a 1 GHz Intel CPU, 1
> GByte RAM and 20 GByte SSD; I run 8-CURRENT and KDE 3.5.10 on it, which
> all run fine and fast. The battery (6600 mAh) last around 4.5 hours.

Sounds impressive.  The Eee series are definitely worth checking into
to see if they--or one of them--is right for what I'm thinking of.

> You may fetch my older (RELENG_7) installation guide frome here to get
> more details:
> HiH

YEs indeed!


>   matthias
> -- 
> Matthias Apitz
> t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
> e  - w
> People who hate Microsoft Windows use Linux but people who love UNIX use 
> FreeBSD.

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: questions on the "ASUS Eee Pc 1000 40G"

2009-06-22 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 07:26:59AM +0200, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día Sunday, June 21, 2009 a las 05:35:14PM -0700, Gary Kline escribió:
> > i found two at  both are the "Eee PC"; both come with
> > linux.  this one is the subject line seems to come with 40G of
> > flash/solid state memory.  Is this even possible for $400 given
> > current technology?
> > 
> > is there any FBSD version available? since it has an rj-45 lan
> > jack, i will be able to download the text-to-speech software i'll
> > need.
> > 
> > any feedback? suggestions for fbsd-capable subnotebooks, etc??
> > 
> > gary
> You might want to check this page:
> I run 8-CURRENT on an EeePC 900 (with 20 GByte SSD);

i have that page open [in another room].  all the asus Eee's
look nice, but i'd like more meaty info on these computers.
since you're already running 8 on the 900, maybe you can clue
me in.  what's the speed of your Atom CPU?  CAn you run anything
X--(X Window System)?  also, how far can you go before you max 
out your computer?  RAM, SSD?  I only want todemo that a freebsd
computer w/ keyboard can be used with the KDE accessibility
apps.  tts primarily.  something i could use with the festival
speech tools.  

i almost choked when i saw the windows touchscreen [heavy]
device for 8000-9000 dollars!   i thought,, um, will
the electrons would melt if i told my thoughts!  in civil
language, it blew me away.  given all the brilliant, open-source
stuff plus reasonably-sized (and *affordable*) hardware, it
seems like i should be able to cobble something together at my
non-profit paradigm for MUCH less than 8K



>   matthias
> -- 
> Matthias Apitz
> t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
> e  - w
> People who hate Microsoft Windows use Linux but people who love UNIX use 
> FreeBSD.

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?

2009-06-22 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 07:01:21AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 21:25:23 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > one q, polyt.  am i mis-reading the timestamp on your mail?
> > it reads 05:24 which is getting pretty late.  i admit to not
> > sacking out until 04:09 this morning, but hey, it's sunday!
> Actually, it's Monday morning in Germany:
>   % date
>   Mon Jun 22 06:59:58 CEST 2009
> I'm up since 2:00 in the "morning" (night).

ok, sorry.  "Brain fault: Core dump"  :-)


> -- 
> Polytropon
> From Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
The 4.98a release of Jottings:

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Re: questions on the "ASUS Eee Pc 1000 40G"

2009-06-21 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 05:35:14PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
>   i found two at  both are the "Eee PC"; both come with
>   linux.  this one is the subject line seems to come with 40G of
>   flash/solid state memory.  Is this even possible for $400 given
>   current technology?
>   is there any FBSD version available? since it has an rj-45 lan
>   jack, i will be able to download the text-to-speech software i'll
>   need.
>   any feedback? suggestions for fbsd-capable subnotebooks, etc??

not to be a stickler for information, but it looks like i've
been living in a cave.  i WAS going to post somethiing like:

``in 3 to 5 years when they have flash/SS drive
with 64G...'' blah, blah 

and already this one with the intel Atom processor claims to'
have 40 gigs now [!].  it doesn't seem that credible.  the last 
time i checked the 2G sticks were common.


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Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?

2009-06-21 Thread Gary Kline
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 05:24:18AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 12:42:00 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 09:18:55AM -1000, Al Plant wrote:
> > > HP Tech Support gave me advice to replace it with FreeBSD 7.2. Try it 
> > > from a flash drive first to test everything then replace the Ubunto.
> > > 
> > > I hear some people on the list have FreeBSD on Asus Eee net books and it 
> > > is working well.
> > > 
> > 
> > is there a particular url[s], or should i just google?
> Thre's an excellent article:
> Don't be scared because of .de - it's in English. :-)

dank.  i'll check it out when i havw evo up.  rt now i'm
still using mutt. (until/if they have a gvim plugin for evo,
i'm staying with mutt and my Beloved: vi ;-)

one q, polyt.  am i mis-reading the timestamp on your mail?
it reads 05:24 which is getting pretty late.  i admit to not
sacking out until 04:09 this morning, but hey, it's sunday!


> -- 
> Polytropon
> From Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
The 4.98a release of Jottings:

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questions on the "ASUS Eee Pc 1000 40G"

2009-06-21 Thread Gary Kline
i found two at  both are the "Eee PC"; both come with
linux.  this one is the subject line seems to come with 40G of
flash/solid state memory.  Is this even possible for $400 given
current technology?

is there any FBSD version available? since it has an rj-45 lan
jack, i will be able to download the text-to-speech software i'll

any feedback? suggestions for fbsd-capable subnotebooks, etc??


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
The 4.98a release of Jottings:

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Re: Small notebook platforms. [was: Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?]

2009-06-21 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 10:16:40PM +0100, Chris Whitehouse wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 12:42:00PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> >>On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 09:18:55AM -1000, Al Plant wrote:
> >
> There's a wiki devoted to FreeBSD on Asus eee
> last edited 2009-05-31

outstanding; i'm looking at the top-of-page rt now:)

> I personally think Asus desktop motherboards are going downhill, based 
> on my very small sample of two old ones going strong and one recent one 
> defunct, plus that funny marketing smell that creeps in - "Rock Solid, 
> Heart Touching" geez.

my asus days date pre-2000 when there was a builtin asus-SCSI
controller.  and at the time anything scsi was a must.

marketing folks rate somewhere _beneath_ used-car salesmen, IMHO.
there is some saying about needs vs wants, and it's the marketing
guys who get us to need <>.   .

> On the other hand the guys in the component level 
> laptop repair shop I had to take my HP laptop to recently, told me they 
> get fewer Asus laptops in for repair than anything, even thinkpads. 
> (They get mostly HP :-< )

ouch!  i've got two critical hp kayaks from 1998.  been praying
to the hp-gods:)  ---well, until i can get a real live human nerd
over here to help me replace them.  

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Re: Small notebook platforms. [was: Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?]

2009-06-21 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 04:53:37PM -0400, wrote:
> 2009/6/21 Gary Kline :
> >        anyway, i see only wireless, and i'm cat5 only.  i've got a
> >        13-yr-old people here who would love for me to go wireless so
> >        said people could take her apple macbook into her bedroom and so
> >        on.  well, said people need to be not hiding-in-room, in my
> >        opinion as said people's father.
> Faraday cage?
> Also, netbook, schmetbook.  IBM thinkpad x40: 150-180$ on craigslist.

tx; i've got the info on an e-sticky

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?

2009-06-21 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 10:15:31AM -1000, Al Plant wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 09:18:55AM -1000, Al Plant wrote:

[[ save the electrons ]]

> There was a big discussion on this list about a month back about laptops.
> You can search for answers on our FreeBSD list or on Google.
> Consumer reports also had a discussion in their magazine last month. 
> Many of the net book sellers are now putting Linux OS on them. But not 
> all models. New Egg, Comp USA (on line) Tiger Direct etc.

thanks for the datapoints, al.  my thought was that if i [or a
small group of us] could get this typing-to-speech capability 
working for even $500, it would make headlines globally.  freebsd
--or maybe pcbsd, or whatever--even linux, since i'm not
hard-core religiously opposed to linux.  if this could work on
portable computer with freebsd's *stability* it would be a win
for the millions who do not have a lethal diseases but whose
speech is too garbled for most people to understand.  (( but
then, for these many/most/some? of these neurological disorders
degrade so that there is a window where people Can type for
awhile before they get too bad.))

i finally read the glossy promo sheets on this windose device.
it's got a hard drive, 256meg ram, 800mhz processor.  rips you
off for 8000 bux.  that's for the basic touchscreen with a 

i'll poke around the rest of the weekend and see what i can

if this is too far OT, please write me offlist.


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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Small notebook platforms. [was: Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?]

2009-06-21 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 12:42:00PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 09:18:55AM -1000, Al Plant wrote:

> > >i have another issue that has more to do with freebsd on the new and
> > >lost cost notebook computers i had heard of.   how many and which ones
> > >work best with our flavor of BSD.  turns out that sometimes things-ubuntu
> > >fail, and i need something failsafe and with a keyboard.  i'll explain
> > >later, but if i can use a lightweight computer that has audio with the
> > >kde apps, i can create a reasonably priced tts or speech synthesizer that
> > >would be accessible to a great many people.  instead of the $8-9 kilobuck
> > >windose devs.
> > >
[[ munch ]]

> > >
> > I hear some people on the list have FreeBSD on Asus Eee net books and it 
> > is working well.
> > 

[[ munch ]]

okay. i'm on the site. but don't see much info on
the spec.  i bot asus once years ago and the motherboard crapped
out on me after a year.  but by now, should be more reliable.

anyway, i see only wireless, and i'm cat5 only.  i've got a
13-yr-old people here who would love for me to go wireless so
said people could take her apple macbook into her bedroom and so
on.  well, said people need to be not hiding-in-room, in my 
opinion as said people's father.  so is there any other cute
notebooks like this "EEe Pc" that have cable?

oh, and this tiny thing doesn't look big enough to have any
speakers.  since the main point of this experiment is to allow
typing onthe kde tts apps and have voice output, a speaker is a

feedback, you guys?


ps: the 7" deal is serious cute, but the kybd is tiny and while i
have no hand tremor or anything, i'd probably fat-finger most
keys.  anybody have the small asus?

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?

2009-06-21 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 09:18:55AM -1000, Al Plant wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >for the dedicated nerds on-list now on the weekend, i just edited [[ this
> >is my LAST edit ]] of  ``slicejourney.php''.  it goes away in ten days. 
> >
> >i have another issue that has more to do with freebsd on the new and
> >lost cost notebook computers i had heard of.   how many and which ones
> >work best with our flavor of BSD.  turns out that sometimes things-ubuntu
> >fail, and i need something failsafe and with a keyboard.  i'll explain
> >later, but if i can use a lightweight computer that has audio with the
> >kde apps, i can create a reasonably priced tts or speech synthesizer that
> >would be accessible to a great many people.  instead of the $8-9 kilobuck
> >windose devs.
> >
> >
> >anybody know?
> >
> Aloha Gary,
> Agree that that any Ubunto OS is bad on notebooks. I have an HP Mini 
> 1000 that I have network issues with because Ubunto barfs up any static 
> network settings.
> HP Tech Support gave me advice to replace it with FreeBSD 7.2. Try it 
> from a flash drive first to test everything then replace the Ubunto.
> I hear some people on the list have FreeBSD on Asus Eee net books and it 
> is working well.


is there a particular url[s], or should i just google?

lots of miscellaneous questions that the websites may be
able to answer.  


> -- 
> ~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
>   + + +
>   +   - Supporting - FreeBSD 6.* - 7.* - 8.* +
>   < email: >
> "All that's really worth doing is what we do for others."- Lewis Carrol

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?

2009-06-21 Thread Gary Kline
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 08:12:12AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Jun 2009 22:52:39 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > i'll explain
> > later, but if i can use a lightweight computer that has audio with the
> > kde apps, i can create a reasonably priced tts or speech synthesizer that
> > would be accessible to a great many people.  instead of the $8-9 kilobuck
> > windose devs.
> "Lightweight computer" and "KDE apps"? You must be joking. :-)

sorry.  that's the trouble with english.  weight as in 
mass, not power.  if they've got something with the "Hz-horsepower"
that is something cheap/inexpensve, and WITH KYBD, and small
screen, *if*, then if it runs freebsd, yo! i'm go for that 

the app the speech therapist showed me was a heavy (like > 2Kg)
clumsy, touchscreen dud that used some kind of M$ opsys.  if i
can roll my own with bsd that ought to make headlines.  
a few hundred bux compared to $8,000: whoa:-)


> -- 
> Polytropon
> From Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
The 4.98a release of Jottings:

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self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?

2009-06-20 Thread Gary Kline

for the dedicated nerds on-list now on the weekend, i just edited [[ this
is my LAST edit ]] of  ``slicejourney.php''.  it goes away in ten days. 

i have another issue that has more to do with freebsd on the new and
lost cost notebook computers i had heard of.   how many and which ones
work best with our flavor of BSD.  turns out that sometimes things-ubuntu
fail, and i need something failsafe and with a keyboard.  i'll explain
later, but if i can use a lightweight computer that has audio with the
kde apps, i can create a reasonably priced tts or speech synthesizer that
would be accessible to a great many people.  instead of the $8-9 kilobuck
windose devs.

anybody know?

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
   For FBSD list:
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Re: radio-buttons and PHP; may be a bit OT.

2009-06-18 Thread Gary Kline
On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 04:56:34PM -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
> In response to Gary Kline :
> > After a lot of trial and error I have a PHP version of radio buttons
> > working in a test.php.  It asks the user to rate the article/story 
> > in standard Lykert (5-way) methodology.  1) Liked ... to 5) Disliked.
> > 
> > The code works; still polishing for errors.  I need a way to store the
> > results, tho.  So, for story baz.php, say, should I save the count of
> > times rated, then average [%f] the ratings?  Or is there a more swift
> > algorithm?
> In my experience, you're best off storing the raw data, then generating
> statistics in a separate step.  That way, if you decide that you want to
> generate different statistics (mean vs. mode, for example) you still have
> the raw data to do so.
> If you're storing the results in a flat file, just have have the script
> append the new results to the end of the file, then have another process
> that comes along and reads the file, and generates a different file with
> the statistics.
> Of course, this is even easier if you're using a database.
You're right about saving the raw data.  I know how to do that in a flat
file, but other than having used mysql for PHPBB, no idea.  Shouldn't i
only need that name of the file and that rating for mysql?  I do know 
to create a database in mysql, but no more.  Can you show me what is
required to grab from i need from the radiobutton data?


> -- 
> Bill Moran

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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