cups raw printing - client print queue sticking

2009-01-27 Thread Graham North
I have cups set up on a FreeBSD server to receive raw queues from 
windows clients on my home network.  It is being used indepently of 
Samba.  Access is invoked directly with http -  
http://xx.yy.zz.ww:631/printers/lex312raw .   The printer is an elderly 
Lexmark 312L. 

The printer prints fine from 3 different WinXP clients - except the 
windows print queue does not clear properly. 

Basically, I set up the printer via the cups gui interface and all works 
well but the windows print manager queue sticks.  The queue permanently 
shows status of processing .  Interestingly, I can print multiple 
print jobs and only one job remains permanently stuck.  Which could/may 
mean that each new job clears the processing status of the last 
job..??  Each subsequent job prints fine, test pages, images, files all 
seem to work but the Windows print manager doesn't clear.   Seems like a 
final handshake going wrong..?

Could this be a client side setting?
Thanks for any advice out there.


Graham North
Vancouver BC

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Re: A good quiet power supply?

2007-05-01 Thread Graham North

Seasonic seems to make pretty good stuff.   The ones I looked at a 
couple of years ago were not passively cooled but had a load modulated 
cooling fan.  Check out the link below and browse around.



Graham North
Vancouver BC

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Re: normal mount points

2007-04-29 Thread Graham North

Hi Parv:
And also thanks to the other people who responded earlier.  I did not 
knowingly set up automounter - is this something I would have had to do? 
or part of a default install? 
I am still hoping that somebody can tell me what /net and /host are - 
inted?  samba??

Thanks again.

btw: My previous send seems to have bounced...
It read:
Hmmm.  My system is 4.11 so that would explain /proc.   Could /net and 
/host be related to running apache or samba?  I did not knowingly create 
these devices  I haven't been as vigilant as I could have been for 
security (one of my reasons for an upcoming reinstall), so there is a 
possibility of the server being hijacked...?  But I don't want to assume 
the worst on false concersns..


On 28/04/07, Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I ran the df command last night to check slice sizes in anticipation of
doing some backup and eventual tranfer to a new machine.
The output gave me not just normal slices that were created at install
but also three additional (mount points?)

The machine is a simple web server and print server with little else on
it.   Can some explain to me (or point me to) an explanation of mount

Filesystem  1K-blocks UsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a   101297436926   895012 4%/
devfs   110   100%/dev
/dev/ad2s1d   5616214   716542  445037614%/home
/dev/ad0s1e   101297422352   909586 2%/tmp
. . .

Mount points are merely directories where devices
are mounted as part of the filesystem.  These can be
automatically mounted by a listing in /etc/fstab or manually
mounted using /sbin/mount.  That they show up in df's
listing means that something is in fact mounted on it.

Typing mount at a command prompt will give you a listing
of mounted devices like so:

/dev/ad0s1a on / (ufs, local)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
/dev/ad2s1d on /home (ufs, NFS exported, local, nosuid, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s1e on /tmp (ufs, local, soft-updates)
. . .

As none of those above (/proc /net /host) are part of the
standard layout (Well, /proc was on 4.x and earlier) some-
one at some time has added them.

Parv wrote:

in message [EMAIL PROTECTED],
wrote Jerry McAllister thusly...

On Sat, Apr 28, 2007 at 11:21:20AM -0700, Graham North wrote:

I ran the df command last night to check slice sizes in
anticipation of doing some backup and eventual tranfer to a new
machine.  The output gave me not just normal slices that were
created at install but also three additional (mount points?)

No problem.   /proc is sort of a psuedo file system that enables
some routines such as top to look at certain pieces of

Probably /net and /host are also psuedo file systems, but I have
never seen them before.  If they are legit, they are for something
I do not run.

Could it be that /{ne,hos}t mount points are due to use of

  - Parv



Graham North
Vancouver BC

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Re: normal mount points

2007-04-29 Thread Graham North
I believe that they are mount points, not directories.   I shut the 
server down last night until I learn more.


Chris Slothouber wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 2007-04-29 02:00, Graham North wrote:
I am still hoping that somebody can tell me what /net and /host are - 
inted?  samba??

As mentioned previously, no part of FreeBSD (port or package included)
would ever create directories outside of hier(7), i.e. /usr/local would
be the place to find user-installed software.

What is the contents of these directories?

- --
Chris Slothouber ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -=- Mercenary Sysadmin
BIZ: -=- building.better.ideas
PGP: 7A83 F021 5AC3 4BD7 6738 21D8 B348 0B16 79C0 C27F
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -




Graham North
Vancouver BC

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Re: normal mount points

2007-04-29 Thread Graham North

Hi Chris:

I will fire it up again tomorrow or Monday and report back.
Thank you for your help.

Chris Slothouber wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 2007-04-29 03:17, Graham North wrote:

Chris Slothouber wrote:
On 2007-04-29 02:00, Graham North wrote:

I am still hoping that somebody can tell me what /net and /host are - 
inted?  samba??


As mentioned previously, no part of FreeBSD (port or package included)
would ever create directories outside of hier(7), i.e. /usr/local would
be the place to find user-installed software.
What is the contents of these directories?

I believe that they are mount points, not directories.   I shut the
server down last night until I learn more.

Hi Graham, thanks for your reply.

Just for reference a file system is mounted to a directory.  Before
anyone can answer your question about what these could be, some more
information would be very helpful, such as the contents of /net and
/host, the output of `mount` and the contents of /etc/fstab.

Hopefully then we can help further.  Thanks!

- --
Chris Slothouber ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -=- Mercenary Sysadmin
BIZ: -=- building.better.ideas
PGP: 7A83 F021 5AC3 4BD7 6738 21D8 B348 0B16 79C0 C27F
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -




Graham North
Vancouver BC

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Re: normal mount points

2007-04-29 Thread Graham North

Hi CyberLeo:

Thank you for such a full response!  - now as to my understanding..?
Does this mean that my Samba is likely to trigger this automount if I am 
sharing files with my windows box(es)? 

I will fire the machine back up and browse some documentation later 
tonight or tomorrow to see if I can understand better and try to come 
back with more refined questions.  I will also run a couple of your 
commands below and send in output as one of the other writers 
requested.  Thank you (and everyone) again.

In the meantime - every send to this mailing list generates a delivery 
failure notice.  It seems that my messagages are going out but each time 
this notice comes back to me:  Have you seen it before?  (framed in 
asterisks below)

Hi. This is the deliver program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

550 MI:SPF mx20,wKjR5bBbbQmyUTRGlc6+Pw==.1157S2 1177833906

--- Attachment is a copy of the message.

CyberLeo Kitsana wrote:

Graham North wrote:


/net and /host are populated by the NFS automounter daemon present in
freebsd 4.x. My (ancient) 4.11 dev server has the same, enabled by an
option in sysinstall.

Accessing hosts and shares within these directories will, in theory,
trigger the automounter daemon to mount the requested share, and link to it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ ps auxwww |grep 111
root   111  0.0  0.3  1160  360  ??  Is   14Apr07   0:01.25 amd -p
-a /.amd_mnt -l syslog /host /etc/ /net /etc/

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ mount -t nfs
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/net on /net (nfs)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/host on /host (nfs)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ showmount -e uzuri
Exports list on uzuri:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ ls -la /host/uzuri/usr
total 8
dr-xr-xr-x   3 root  wheel   512 Apr 29 15:42 .
dr-xr-xr-x   3 root  wheel   512 Apr 29 15:42 ..
drwxr-xr-x  43 cyberleo  wheel  1024 Oct 24  2006 www

After accessing a share:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ ls -la /host
total 4
dr-xr-xr-x   2 root  wheel  512 Apr 29 15:42 .
drwxr-xr-x  22 root  wheel  512 Apr 29 15:41 ..
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root  wheel   26 Apr 29 15:41 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root  wheel   20 Apr 29 15:42 uzuri - /.amd_mnt/uzuri/host

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ mount -t nfs
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/net on /net (nfs)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/host on /host (nfs) on /.amd_mnt/ (nfs, nodev,
uzuri:/usr/www on /.amd_mnt/uzuri/host/usr/www (nfs, nodev, nosuid)

Hope this helps!

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

Furry Peace! -



Graham North
Vancouver BC

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normal mount points

2007-04-28 Thread Graham North
I ran the df command last night to check slice sizes in anticipation of 
doing some backup and eventual tranfer to a new machine.
The output gave me not just normal slices that were created at install 
but also three additional (mount points?)


The machine is a simple web server and print server with little else on 
it.   Can some explain to me (or point me to) an explanation of mount 



Graham North
Vancouver BC

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common freebsd mount points?

2007-04-28 Thread Graham North
I ran the df command last night to check slice sizes in anticipation of 
doing some backup and eventual tranfer to a new machine.
The output gave me not just normal slices that were created at install 
but also three additional (mount points?)


The machine is a simple web server and print server with little else on 
it.   Can some explain to me (or point me to) an explanation of mount 



Graham North
Vancouver BC

Kindness is infectous, try it.

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Re: normal mount points

2007-04-28 Thread Graham North
Hmmm.  My system is 4.11 so that would explain /proc.   Could /net and 
/host be related to running apache or samba?  I did not knowingly create 
these devices  I haven't been as vigilant as I could have been for 
security (one of my reasons for an upcoming reinstall), so there is a 
possibility of the server being hijacked...?  But I don't want to assume 
the worst on false concersns..


On 28/04/07, Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I ran the df command last night to check slice sizes in anticipation of
doing some backup and eventual tranfer to a new machine.
The output gave me not just normal slices that were created at install
but also three additional (mount points?)

The machine is a simple web server and print server with little else on
it.   Can some explain to me (or point me to) an explanation of mount

Filesystem  1K-blocks UsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a   101297436926   895012 4%/
devfs   110   100%/dev
/dev/ad2s1d   5616214   716542  445037614%/home
/dev/ad0s1e   101297422352   909586 2%/tmp
. . .

Mount points are merely directories where devices
are mounted as part of the filesystem.  These can be
automatically mounted by a listing in /etc/fstab or manually
mounted using /sbin/mount.  That they show up in df's
listing means that something is in fact mounted on it.

Typing mount at a command prompt will give you a listing
of mounted devices like so:

/dev/ad0s1a on / (ufs, local)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
/dev/ad2s1d on /home (ufs, NFS exported, local, nosuid, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s1e on /tmp (ufs, local, soft-updates)
. . .

As none of those above (/proc /net /host) are part of the
standard layout (Well, /proc was on 4.x and earlier) some-
one at some time has added them.


Graham North
Vancouver BC

Kindness is infectous, try it.

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Re: Apache Lenya Contact management

2007-01-29 Thread Graham North

   Thank you Tuareg.  It looks promising and I will check it out further.
   Yours is the first response that I have seen on this query.
   Tuareg wrote:

 On 1/26/07, Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all:
 Maybe this should be going to Port or Java but I thought it might
 okay here?
 Does FBSD support Lenya?  I could not find it in Ports - but maybe
 I am
 missing something?
 I think it needs Java - could that be a problem?  FBSD supports
 Java RTE
 now, no?
 Lenya looks pretty solid, good pedigree and good security features.
 I was comparing it to Joomla and Wordpress (yes, I know it is blog
 If Lenya is not available does anyone have any favourite CMS to
 recommend?  Something that works with ssl?


   Jaws is a Framework and Content Management System for building
   dynamic web sites. It aims to be User Friendly giving ease of use and
   lots of ways to customize web sites, but at the same time is Developer
   Friendly, it offers a simple and powerful framework to hack your own

 Kindness can be infectious - try it.
 Graham North
 Vancouver, BC
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Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC


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Apache Lenya Contact management

2007-01-26 Thread Graham North

Hi all:
Maybe this should be going to Port or Java but I thought it might do 
okay here?
Does FBSD support Lenya?  I could not find it in Ports - but maybe I am 
missing something?

I think it needs Java - could that be a problem?  FBSD supports Java RTE 
now, no?

Lenya looks pretty solid, good pedigree and good security features.
I was comparing it to Joomla and Wordpress (yes, I know it is blog tool).

If Lenya is not available does anyone have any favourite CMS to 
recommend?  Something that works with ssl?


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: security certificates ssh

2006-08-23 Thread Graham North

Hi Martin:

Thank you for your help.   I wasn't sure whether it was Putty or FreeBSD 
that did the blacklisting.  I will take your suggestion and see what 


Martin Miedema wrote:

Graham North wrote:
I just tried to ssh into freebsd server using Putty (pocketputty 

I got a connection (sort of) but my Putty device put up the question 
...unknown you want to trust it... or words to 
that effect.   Due to  finger problems on the touchscreen I said 
NO.   OOPs - now putty gives me error messages about not being able 
to connect to server.   I think that my FreeBsd box is locking me out 
(or maybe it is the Windows Mobile??

Can anyone tell me how to unlock this situation ?
Presumably if it is FreeBSD locking me out then there is a black mark 
against my mobile's mac address???  Can I find and remedy?
Alternatively, perhaps my mobile device is not accepting the security 
certificate from the server in which case I need the FBSD server to 
issue a different one?

I feel a bit like the guy who left his key inside the car and locked 
himself out..!

Any help please?

I'm not to up to date with Windows Mobile, but this is an issue were 
putty has put the certificate from the FreeBSD server on the black 
list because it thinks you told it that it was wrong. Try to remove 
putty from your PDA, remove any files etc it might have left behind 
and reinstall.

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security certificates ssh

2006-08-22 Thread Graham North

I just tried to ssh into freebsd server using Putty (pocketputty actually).

I got a connection (sort of) but my Putty device put up the question 
...unknown you want to trust it... or words to that 
effect.   Due to  finger problems on the touchscreen I said NO.   OOPs - 
now putty gives me error messages about not being able to connect to 
server.   I think that my FreeBsd box is locking me out (or maybe it is 
the Windows Mobile??

Can anyone tell me how to unlock this situation ?
Presumably if it is FreeBSD locking me out then there is a black mark 
against my mobile's mac address???  Can I find and remedy?
Alternatively, perhaps my mobile device is not accepting the security 
certificate from the server in which case I need the FBSD server to 
issue a different one?

I feel a bit like the guy who left his key inside the car and locked 
himself out..!

Any help please?

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Re: Thunderbird and Firefox dead after portupgrade

2006-03-30 Thread Graham North
Okay - I'm  pretty close to newbie status, but could this be a needed 


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
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Re: Thunderbird and Firefox dead after portupgrade

2006-03-30 Thread Graham North
As said, I am pretty new to unix but is the rehash command not used for 
reorganized the userland directory iindexes after program upgrades?


Yuan Jue wrote:

On Friday 31 March 2006 14:02, Graham North wrote:

Okay - I'm  pretty close to newbie status, but could this be a needed

sorry, but what is your point?


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
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Re: Thunderbird and Firefox dead after portupgrade

2006-03-30 Thread Graham North

Hi Yuan:
I did not pose a question. My suggestion to do a rehash was in response 
to someone else having trouble after upgrading Firefox.
It may or may not have been a great suggestion but that is all it was. 
If you have a good understanding of that command and why it may or may 
not be appropriate then I would be open ears. One of my friends who runs 
Debian tells me that he finds it necessary after doing software upgrades 
- yes I know that is a different OS.

But sincerely, if you or someone else on this list has a good 
understanding of its function please enlighten, I love to learn.

Thanks, Graham/

Yuan Jue wrote:

On Friday 31 March 2006 14:20, Graham North wrote:

As said, I am pretty new to unix but is the rehash command not used for
reorganized the userland directory iindexes after program upgrades?

if what you mean is why firefox cannot start after upgrade, then this is 
maybe a mozilla known problem. what you should do is su change to 
root and start firefox there and then everything will be fine

Or, maybe you should make your question more clear ;)


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: How to clear userland?

2006-03-29 Thread Graham North

Hi Erik:

mtree eh?   I had to man that one... and I will obviously have to read 
it again - properly.   Any chance of asking for a bit of perspective on 
the command from you?   If not, no big deal I will do a bit some 
background reading.

Thanks,  Graham/

Erik Norgaard wrote:


On 3/28/06, Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a nice tidy way to clear my userland - CLEAN without
jeopardizing or reloading the OS?

pkg_delete -a
should get rid of anything not in the base system.
alternately, deleting /usr/local and /usr/X11R6 will
remove it pretty quickly, as well.  though one would
have to check for things started in /etc/rc.conf

Variables set in rc.conf refering to nonexistent programs have no 
effect. But if you delete /usr/local and /usr/X11R6 you'll mess up the 
package database. Clean it by deleting content of /var/db/pkg also. 
Recreate the /usr/local and /usr/X11R6 using mtree.

Cheers, Erik

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: How to clear userland?

2006-03-29 Thread Graham North

Hi Erik - thank you again.   I will explore.
Cheers,  Graham/

Erik Norgaard wrote:

Graham North wrote:

mtree eh?   I had to man that one... and I will obviously have to 
read it again - properly.   Any chance of asking for a bit of 
perspective on the command from you?   If not, no big deal I will do 
a bit some background reading.

you do something like this to rebuild the directory structure of  

  mtree -U -f /etc/mtree/bsd.local.dist -p /usr

Two things to note: I'm on 6.0, you may have a different -f argument. 
I don't if the -p argument should be /usr/local, I don't think so. 
Anyway, you can test and see what happens using -p /tmp that should 
create something in /tmp that you can then just delete.

I know on 6.x that mtree is run on 'make installworld' to update the 
directory base tree, but I'm not sure if it is run for /usr/local and 
/usr/X11R6 since these are not part of base. For 4.x I don't remember.

Cheers, Erik

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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How to clear userland?

2006-03-28 Thread Graham North
Is there a nice tidy way to clear my userland - CLEAN without 
jeopardizing or reloading the OS?

My 4.11 box is still stable - it started life as a webserver (my first 
learning experience with Unix), then added printserver and was still 
pretty light in junk.  Recently however, I decided to add a mail 
server - what with naivety and inexperience and looking at anti-spam and 
uncle virus etc I think I clogged up my HD with too many  extras.

I would like to take it back to a barebones OS and reinstall userland 
without having to re-install OS - can someone suggest safest and least 
painful options.

Thanks,  Graham/

BTW - I stayed with 4.11 mainly because it is stable, and it does what 
it is supposed to do - well, on fairly light hardware, IBM PIII-600 w. 
256MB.  If it ain't broke..   When the hardware breaks it will 
probably be time to upgrade the software and check out 6.x's new goodies 
- or maybe it will be 7.x or 8.x by that time.  ..;--)

Cheers, G/

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: How to clear userland?

2006-03-28 Thread Graham North

Hi illoai:
Thank you.


On 3/28/06, Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a nice tidy way to clear my userland - CLEAN without
jeopardizing or reloading the OS?

pkg_delete -a
should get rid of anything not in the base system.
alternately, deleting /usr/local and /usr/X11R6 will
remove it pretty quickly, as well.  though one would
have to check for things started in /etc/rc.conf

Unlike certain operating systems, the bloat doesn't
do much except take up drive space if you're not
actually running the stuff in the bloat.

Make the locate database build a tiny bit slower,
I suppose.

rock the bloat/don't rock the bloat

You can rebuild the base system from scratch by
following the whole cvsup, buildworld, kernel
business.  Note what can be not installed in
/etc/make.conf (I think you still have a partial
reference living in /etc/defaults/make.conf on 4.11,
though I may have forgotten.)



Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Tightening up ssh

2006-03-26 Thread Graham North

Hi Mark:
You recently wrote:

Users are encouraged to create single-purpose users with ssh keys
and very narrowly defined sudo privileges instead of using root
for automated tasks.

Does this mean that there is a way to run ssh, but only allow certain users to use it.   
My default seems to have been that if someone has a username and password they can access 
ssh (except root as PermitRootLogin no is the default).   The ssh port seems 
to be the most heavily attacked one on my machine and so I recently took to blocking port 
22.   My preference would be to enable it to only one user and give them an obscure 
username and strong password.  Root is not currently allowed access by default in the 

Is this the approach that you alluded to above?   Can you point me to some 
information or provide some tips.
Thanks,  Graham/


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: Tightening up ssh

2006-03-26 Thread Graham North

Hi Daniel
Thank you!  If I read the manpage correctly, invoking AllowUsers 
automatically changes the default behaviour and restricts access to only 
those users specificied.   That fits my needs exactly.   (or at least my 
current perceived needs :--))

Cheers, Graham/

Daniel Gerzo wrote:

Hi Graham,

Sunday, March 26, 2006, 9:52:11 PM, you wrote about:


Does this mean that there is a way to run ssh, but only allow
certain users to use it.   My default seems to have been that if
someone has a username and password they can access ssh (except root
as PermitRootLogin no is the default).   The ssh port seems to be
the most heavily attacked one on my machine and so I recently took
to blocking port 22.   My preference would be to enable it to only
one user and give them an obscure username and strong password. 
Root is not currently allowed access by default in the setup.

check the AllowUsers and AllowGroups directive in sshd_config(5)


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: Tightening up ssh

2006-03-26 Thread Graham North

Thank youi.

fbsd_user wrote:

The fact of life is there is no way to stop ssh logon attacks
as long as you have port 22 open to the public internet.

You all ready see ssh doing its job correctly by not
allowing unauthorized logons.

Review the questions archives, this subject has been beat
to death the last 3 weeks.

There are some port application that read the hosts.allow log and
auto creates firewall rules to block that attacking ip address.
But this is just busy work as it does not stop the packets
hitting your front door or really add any additional security
over what native ssh is providing you.

A more popular method is to change the port number ssh uses and
just have your remote ssh users use that port number when they
remote logon to ssh.

Now the mass majority of script kiddies  robots attackers will
find port 22 closed and lose interest in you.
Only an dedicated attacker who has it out for just you, and knows
your ip address all ready would make the special effort to scan all
the high order port numbers looking for a ssh response.

Read the end of this doc for more details on how to change ssh's
port number.

Direct link to Example of Host SSH  Win SSH Clients is

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Graham
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 2:52 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; questions freebsd
Subject: Tightening up ssh

Hi Mark:
You recently wrote:

Users are encouraged to create single-purpose users with ssh keys
and very narrowly defined sudo privileges instead of using root
for automated tasks.

Does this mean that there is a way to run ssh, but only allow
certain users to use it.   My default seems to have been that if
someone has a username and password they can access ssh (except root
as PermitRootLogin no is the default).   The ssh port seems to be
the most heavily attacked one on my machine and so I recently took
to blocking port 22.   My preference would be to enable it to only
one user and give them an obscure username and strong password.
Root is not currently allowed access by default in the setup.

Is this the approach that you alluded to above?   Can you point me
to some information or provide some tips.
Thanks,  Graham/


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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unfamiliar mount points /net /host

2006-03-18 Thread Graham North
I just noticed a couple of additional mount points after running df.
They are  /net and /hosts  .   
They were not there previously, I think they were created by automount 
which seems to have been added as a dependcy after doing a cvsup and 
ports upgrade.   Can someone confirm this and/or explain their purpose(s).

Thanks for the insights,  Graham/

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Broken apache after upgrade and addition of php4.

2006-03-18 Thread Graham North
I am running FBSD 4.11 with Apache 1.3.33-ssl, now upgraded to 
1.3.34-ssl after doing a cvsup plus portupgrade.   All continued to work 
well, with the new 1.3.34 (but not sure if I had done a reboot to put 
new program into play).   I then added php4 via the mod-php4 port.   
After rebooting, Apache would not run, claiming syntax error in the 
config file

I had added a couple of lines to httpsd.conf as per instructions at the 
end of the php4 install (have since commented them out again), but 
httpsd refuses to run.Cannot find any accidental changes to the 
config file and am stumped.


Thanks,  Graham/

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: unfamiliar mount points /net /host

2006-03-18 Thread Graham North

Hi Dan:
Thank you!  I do not have another machine set up as an NFS but may do so 
at some future time.   It also gives me comfort to know that they were 
not put there by someone else

Cheers, Graham/

Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Mar 18), Graham North said:

I just noticed a couple of additional mount points after running df.
They are /net and /hosts .  They were not there previously, I think
they were created by automount which seems to have been added as a
dependcy after doing a cvsup and ports upgrade.  Can someone confirm
this and/or explain their purpose(s).

Those are amd mount points; if you have another machine set up as an
NFS server, you can cd into /net/serverhostname and it will
automatically mount the remote server's shared filesystems and unmount
them when you cd out of the directory.  /hosts does the exact same
thing.  Amd is part of the base system, so is unaffected by port
upgrades.  Those directories were most likely always there; you just
never noticed them.


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Samba Print server

2006-02-21 Thread Graham North

This is supposed to be simple...?
My file shares work fine, I can browse and access files without 
problem.   But printer Access denied unable to connect  It is driving 
me bonkers!

My nobody account looks okay.  My hosts file is okay.
lpr works when on the print server machine - it will print.   Windows can't.
If anyone can give me some suggestions...?

Here is my smb.conf file.

# smb.conf20060220 - re-write - simplify   

# NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command testparm
# to check that you have not many any basic syntactic errors.
#=== Global Settings 


   workgroup = DELNORTE
   encrypt passwords = yes
   server string = www_server
   browseable = yes
   printing = bsd
#print command = lpr -s -P %p %s; rm %s
   hosts allow = #local network

   wins support = no

# Share Definitions 

   comment = Soleado WebServer
   path = /home/gn
   browseable = yes
   valid users = gn
   writeable = yes

   comment = WQS  WebServer
   path = /home/wqs
   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   valid users = gn wqs   

# NOTE: If you have a BSD-style print system there is no need to
# specifically define each individual printer
   comment = HP4L
   path = /var/spool/samba
   printable = yes
   public = yes
#valid users = nobody
#use client driver = yes
  Thanks to anyone who can help me out of my misery!

Cheers, Graham/

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: More questions on Samba Print server

2006-02-21 Thread Graham North

Hi Andreas and Questions to All:

Well, I took some of your advice and my system is now printing - thank you!
The BSD setup recommendations are much more complicated than a couple of 
other Samba references which I have been reading...?

I had already installed APSFilter last summer, and had a working 
configuration so I new the success was lurking about somewhere.  Trouble 
is, I have been labouring under the assumption that I should be able to 
use the print services WITHOUT logging on as a user first.  My previous 
attempts and this one, still require that I first log onto the network 
as a user.   I have been hoping to set it up to be self-logging at time 
of use.

Is it not possible for the printer to be setup using the nobody acount 
to essentially be a passwordless entry?  Does yours work that way?
If not - if any other users out there can share some secrets in this 

Finally, the printer share comments do not show  up anywhere in 
Windows.   My other shares display their comments, the lp on my server 
has for the comment field  ljet4l; r=300x300  Not laser ljet4l on 
www_server as per my share comment below. 
Any suggestions what might be going on here??

Thanks Andreas, or to anyone else who can step in with answers.

My new smb.conf as per most of your suggestions:
# smb.conf20060220 - re-write - simplify   

# NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command testparm
# to check that you have not many any basic syntactic errors.
#=== Global Settings 


   workgroup = DELNORTE
   encrypt passwords = yes
   server string = www_server
   browseable = yes
   printing = bsd
#print command = lpr -s -P %p %s; rm %s
   hosts allow =

   wins support = no

# Share Definitions 

   comment = Soleado WebServer
   path = /home/gn
   browseable = yes
   valid users = gn
   writeable = yes

   comment = WQS  WebServer
   path = /home/wqs
   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   valid users = gn wqs   

# NOTE: If you have a BSD-style print system there is no need to
# specifically define each individual printer

   comment = laser ljet4l on www_server
   path = /var/spool/samba
   browseable = yes
   printable = yes
   guest ok = yes
   create mode = 700
   public = yes
#valid users = nobody
   use client driver = yes

Andreas Rudisch wrote:

On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 18:49:28 +0100, Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andreas - thankyou, I will try something like it.
Are you using CUPS or APSFILTER on your BSD machine?
Thanks,  Graham/

Actually I was just using the handbook to set up my printer: 

I am using lpd, the standard spooler, and an input filter in printcap 
to  manage postscript
and the staircase effect, then the printing is done by Ghostscript  
(device=pxlmono). You
should be able to do it this way to, if your printer is supported by  
Ghostscript, which it

probably is.

You already got the smb.conf-part.
%cat printcap
Kyocera|lp|Kyocera mita FS-1010:\
%cat ifkyocera
#  Treat LF as CR+LF (to avoid the staircase effect on HP/PCL
#  printers):
printf \033k2G || exit 2

#  Read first two characters of the file
IFS= read -r first_line
first_two_chars=`expr $first_line : '\(..\)'`

if [ $first_two_chars = %! ]; then
#  It is PostScript; use Ghostscript to scan-convert and print it.
/usr/local/bin/gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pxlmono \
  -sOutputFile=- -  exit 0
#  Plain text or HP/PCL, so just print it directly; print a form feed
#  at the end to eject the last page.
echo $first_line  cat  printf \033l0H 
exit 0

exit 2

I hope this will help a bit.


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: Rootkit detection

2006-01-16 Thread Graham North

Hi Spyridon:

Thank you for your replies.   I was able to install the chkrootkit port 
and it seems to show the system as clean.

To all other replies, thank you for your help also.
Cheers,  Graham/


Hi again,

Well check this
the message in my /var/log/messages is:
kernel: arp: moved from 00:13:8f:4c:1b:41 to 00:11:2f:0c:b1:0a on 

So Hmm now that i am thinking of it again:

server /kernel: arp 00:11:43:4a:8d:18 is using my IP address  

This also looks like an IP conflict!! And it is not similar to mine, even if it 
can be the same...
Someone more experienced maybe can make this clear. To be honest i haven't seen 
the output you posted before...

Sorry for the inconvenience if i was wrong before..



-Original Message-
From: Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 12:23:08 -0800
Subject: Rootkit detection


I would like to determine if my server has had rootkit installed by a 

FBSD 4.11.   Main entrances are only http, ssh and also webmin.


My server went down sometime recently.   When I went investigate there 
was a somewhat nasty message saying:


server /kernel: arp 00:11:43:4a:8d:18 is using my
IP address  


The mac address 00:11:43:4a:8d:18 does not belong to any of my hardware.
(server is a pseudonymn for this email but is the machine name for the 
server on my home network - is the LAN addr on my router)


The auth log files have been rolled over several times in the last few 
weeks and I have not unzipped them yet to see if any entries were 
accepted but the most recent one is filled with unsuccessful attacks to 
sshd on high port numbers, ie sshd[86417].
My biggest concern is the message at the top of this email server 
/kernel: arp 00:11:43:4a:8d:18 is using my IP address, it 
sounds scary.


Can someone give please me some guidance as to how to determine whether 
my machine is comprimised?

Thanks,  Graham/


Kindness can be infectious - try it.


Graham North
Vancouver, BC


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Rootkit detection

2006-01-15 Thread Graham North
I would like to determine if my server has had rootkit installed by a 

FBSD 4.11.   Main entrances are only http, ssh and also webmin.

My server went down sometime recently.   When I went investigate there 
was a somewhat nasty message saying:

server /kernel: arp 00:11:43:4a:8d:18 is using my IP address  

The mac address 00:11:43:4a:8d:18 does not belong to any of my hardware.
(server is a pseudonymn for this email but is the machine name for the 
server on my home network - is the LAN addr on my router)

The auth log files have been rolled over several times in the last few 
weeks and I have not unzipped them yet to see if any entries were 
accepted but the most recent one is filled with unsuccessful attacks to 
sshd on high port numbers, ie sshd[86417].
My biggest concern is the message at the top of this email server 
/kernel: arp 00:11:43:4a:8d:18 is using my IP address, it 
sounds scary.

Can someone give please me some guidance as to how to determine whether 
my machine is comprimised?

Thanks,  Graham/

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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2005-10-16 Thread Graham North

Can someone please explain what this is.
I ran df to look at my directory/filesystem and 2 of the devices were:

I have not noticed these before.
Thanks for any help.

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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[Fwd: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/host]

2005-10-16 Thread Graham North
To clarify - on my home network the server machine is named www so that 
is probably where the www comes from in the device names below:



 Original Message 
Subject:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/host
Date:   Sun, 16 Oct 2005 00:21:11 -0700
From:   Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: questions freebsd

Can someone please explain what this is.
I ran df to look at my directory/filesystem and 2 of the devices were:

I have not noticed these before.
Thanks for any help.

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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2005-10-16 Thread Graham North

Thank you for the enlightenment!
Cheers, G/

Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Oct 16), Graham North said:

Can someone please explain what this is.
I ran df to look at my directory/filesystem and 2 of the devices were:

You have amd enabled.


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Cool 'n quiet and other AMD stuff

2005-09-30 Thread Graham North
Two questions related to AMD motherboards and drivers. 

1)  Is the AMD Cool 'n quiet feature (PowerNow) feature supported while 
running i386 FBSD on this AMD64 processor? (Assuming MB support).
2)  Does anyone have experience with whether the K8M800 (includes 
unichrome graphics) is supported in i386 - it does not appear to be 
supported in AMD64 FBSD.  It seems to be quite a different animal from 
the K8t800 whch apppears to have solid support.

Thanks,  Graham/

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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i386 on AMD64 architecture

2005-09-25 Thread Graham North
It is my understanding that the AMD 64 family supports 32-bit i386 code 
completely...can someone confirm this.

I would like to stay with 32 bit for the time being but run it on a new 
MB using an AMD64 architecture.  Should I therefore be simply installing 
an i386 iso as though it is on an Intel machine? Will the i386 iso then 
have full support for AMD specific drivers such as the k8t800?  I 
noticed from this link THAT the the 
VIA K8T800 and K8T890 seem to be reasonably supported whereas not many 
other current AMD Northbridges are (note however that  this support is 
for AMD64 iso).

Any pearls of wisdom much appreciated. No I do not wish to install as 64 
bit at this time...

Thanks, Graham/

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: i386 on AMD64 architecture

2005-09-25 Thread Graham North

Thanks Micah!

Which version of FBSD are you using?   Your choice of MB looks pretty 
solid.   Can you recommend a good, supported (and cheap) video card as 
the A8V-E does not seem to have video.

Thanks again, Graham/

Micah wrote:

Graham North wrote:

It is my understanding that the AMD 64 family supports 32-bit i386 
code completely...can someone confirm this.

I would like to stay with 32 bit for the time being but run it on a 
new MB using an AMD64 architecture.  Should I therefore be simply 
installing an i386 iso as though it is on an Intel machine? Will the 
i386 iso then have full support for AMD specific drivers such as the 
k8t800?  I noticed from this link THAT the the 
VIA K8T800 and K8T890 seem to be reasonably supported whereas not 
many other current AMD Northbridges are (note however that  this 
support is for AMD64 iso).

Any pearls of wisdom much appreciated. No I do not wish to install as 
64 bit at this time...

Thanks, Graham/

You'll probably get a lot of responses on this one.  I'm currently 
running the i386 FreeBSD on an Ahtlon 64 as my desktop.  I also have 
the 64 bit installed on a seperate partition to experiment with.  I 
have an A8V-E mobo that has the K8T890.  Works just fine except an 
occasional glitch while booting freezes the system.  I've read it's an 
ACPI thing, but since I rarely reboot I've not bothered to disable ACPI.


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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[Fwd: Re: i386 on AMD64 architecture]

2005-09-25 Thread Graham North

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: i386 on AMD64 architecture
Date:   Sun, 25 Sep 2005 15:10:35 -0700
From:   Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks again.
Graphics is not a priority for my desktop applications - as long as it 
has something reasonable for desktop apps.   I am also happy to use a 
standalone NIC for the time being (and have a spare:--))  I am in the 
due diligence mode for the hardware at the moment.   It is actually 
tough finding what I want because ideally my preference would be an matx 
form factor to fit in a small case.   All the matx boards which I have 
looked at so far seem to have k8m800 Northbridge which does not seem to 
be well supported in BSD - somebody please put me right if I am 
wrong..!! or else nvidia, or sis760 - none of these seem to be solid 
with BSD.   So that leaves the k8T800 or K8T890.

If someone knows of a good 754 or 939 micro atx board which works well 
on Freebsd  then please let me know.
I am choosing the 64 architecture because later in its life I hope to 
retire this board to a light duty server and would like the Cool 'n 
Quiet features of the A64 architecture.


Micah wrote:

Graham North wrote:

Thanks Micah!

Which version of FBSD are you using?   Your choice of MB looks pretty 
solid.   Can you recommend a good, supported (and cheap) video card 
as the A8V-E does not seem to have video.

Thanks again, Graham/

I'm using 5.4-RELEASE-p7 for the i386 install and 5.4-RELEASE for the 
AMD64 install.  As for video, no particular recommendation.  I have an 
ATI X300 SE by MSI.  It's a cheap ($60) PCI-EX card.  Unfortunately it 
has no graphics acceleration under FreeBSD/XORG so I might as well 
have bought a cheaper PCI card. :)  Other caveats: I've read that the 
onboard NIC isn't compatible yet and I haven't tried the onboard wifi 
or sata since I don't have any equipment to test them with.  I saw 
some messages in one of the freebsd lists that indicates /someone/ is 
working on the NIC though.


Micah wrote:

Graham North wrote:

It is my understanding that the AMD 64 family supports 32-bit i386 
code completely...can someone confirm this.

I would like to stay with 32 bit for the time being but run it on a 
new MB using an AMD64 architecture.  Should I therefore be simply 
installing an i386 iso as though it is on an Intel machine? Will 
the i386 iso then have full support for AMD specific drivers such 
as the k8t800?  I noticed from this link THAT the 
the VIA K8T800 and K8T890 seem to be reasonably supported whereas 
not many other current AMD Northbridges are (note however that  
this support is for AMD64 iso).

Any pearls of wisdom much appreciated. No I do not wish to install 
as 64 bit at this time...

Thanks, Graham/

You'll probably get a lot of responses on this one.  I'm currently 
running the i386 FreeBSD on an Ahtlon 64 as my desktop.  I also have 
the 64 bit installed on a seperate partition to experiment with.  I 
have an A8V-E mobo that has the K8T890.  Works just fine except an 
occasional glitch while booting freezes the system.  I've read it's 
an ACPI thing, but since I rarely reboot I've not bothered to 
disable ACPI.


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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re:rebuilding kernel 6.0beta4 for amd64

2005-09-13 Thread Graham North

I'm still almost at newbie status so please forgive naive  questions but 
if the FreeBSD development team has written some SIS drivers to support 
the 965 chipset shouldn't it be possible to re-compile for earlier (ie 
stable) versions instead of 6.0 beta?
Do these kind of patches not get made available through cvsup?  If not, 
are they still not made available for download so that we can compile 
into our earlier kernels? 
Presumably it wouldn't be too difficult to inject some small changes and 
new source codes into an an older ISO package and re-burn to a new 
cd..using the Windows box.
Again, I am new to this so please don't flame me if I am missing some 
fundamentals here and overlooking some critical boogeymen.


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: Support for SIS 760GX, and SIS 965L

2005-09-01 Thread Graham North

Hi Dimitry:
There is great variation among chipsets used.   Asus also uses a lot of 
VIA.   The SIS760GX and SIS965L are relatively new and I believe a few 
months ago I saw postings indicating difficulties with FBSD.

If anyone else has updated info on support for this chipset please holler.
The board I wish to use is part of the Asus Pundit AE3 - maybe someone 
has freebsd  installed on one already?

Cheers,  Graham/

Dmitry Mityugov wrote:

On 9/1/05, Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can anyone tell me whether FreeBSD stable currently supports these two
North Bridge: SIS 760GX
South Bridge: SIS 965L

Asus seems to like them for its AMD barebones units.

Not exactly the same chips, but FreeBSD 4.x-5.x has worked flawlessly
on my ASUS Terminator K7 for years.


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Support for SIS 760GX, and SIS 965L

2005-08-31 Thread Graham North
Can anyone tell me whether FreeBSD stable currently supports these two 

North Bridge: SIS 760GX
South Bridge: SIS 965L

Asus seems to like them for its AMD barebones units.

Thanks, Graham/

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Security level problem with Samba Apsfilter print server

2005-08-29 Thread Graham North
Recently I tried using Samba to print from the WinXP box to a FreeBSD 
webserver which has been using Samba 2.2.12 successfully to share 
folders to WinXP.

It works - sort of.  Problem is Samba keeps applying user level security 
to printer access.   I thought that I could change security to share 
in the [printers} definition but that does not seem to work.  Probably a 
doddle to fix for you pros..!

I was able to connect printer to FBSD box, and install it as a printer 
in WinXP, however if I shutdown WinXP then the next time I boot WinXP my 
printer is inaccessible until I login to my FBSD file shares using a 
user id.  There are lots of settings which I have tried which are 
currently commented out as they did not seem to be effective.  Help with 
this would be greatly appreciated as I do not want to have to login to 
my webserver every time I need to print from Windows.

Here is my smb.conf: (sorry the [printers] is at bottom)
#=== Global Settings 

   printing = BSD
   workgroup = DELNORTE
   encrypt passwords = yes
   server string = soleado server
   hosts allow =

   printcap = /etc/printcap
   load printers = yes
   log file = /var/log/log.%m

   max log size = 50
   security = user
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY
   wins support = no

# Share Definitions 

   comment = Soleado WebServer
   path = /home/gn
   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   read only = no

   comment = Soleado Configs
   path = /home/soleado_configs
   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   read only = no

   comment = WQS  WebServer
   path = /home/wqs
   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   read only = no
# NOTE: If you have a BSD-style print system there is no need to

#20060826  Opened up printer section again.
  comment = All Printers
  path = /var/spool/lpd
#   print command = /usr/bin/lpr -P%p -r %s
  public = yes
  browseable = no
#  security = share
# set client driver use to no  
 use client driver = yes

# Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
  guest ok = yes
#   guest account = nobody
#  writeable = yes
  printable = yes
  printer = lp

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: Security level problem with Samba Apsfilter print server

2005-08-29 Thread Graham North
Thank you for these suggestions - I may try them but to be honest think 
that the problem lies elsewhere.

I did have this working fine more than a year ago but then changed 
computers, removed the printserver function and am only now coming back 
to re-install as a printserver (old smb.conf lost of course!)

Does not FreeBSD allow a guest logon for printers and put into 
nobody user group, or something of that ilk.   It seems to me that was 
what it did before.

On another note, this was working perfectly with CUPS about 2 weeks ago 
- well almost, it actually didn't print localhost ascii files very well, 
they needed switches for manually shifting the margins.   My solution 
was to create an alias for the lpr command which blew everything apart 
so that the lpd refused to load - finally I blew it all away and loaded 
apsfilter again.(that took a couple of tries too, because CUPS 
leaves behind a few boogeymen gotchas).

Print server guest accounts anyoneone?

K Anderson wrote:

- Original Message - 
From: Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: questions freebsd
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 3:56 PM
Subject: Security level problem with Samba Apsfilter print server


Recently I tried using Samba to print from the WinXP box to a FreeBSD
webserver which has been using Samba 2.2.12 successfully to share
folders to WinXP.

It works - sort of.  Problem is Samba keeps applying user level security
to printer access.   I thought that I could change security to share
in the [printers} definition but that does not seem to work.  Probably a
doddle to fix for you pros..!

I was able to connect printer to FBSD box, and install it as a printer
in WinXP, however if I shutdown WinXP then the next time I boot WinXP my
printer is inaccessible until I login to my FBSD file shares using a
user id.  There are lots of settings which I have tried which are
currently commented out as they did not seem to be effective.  Help with
this would be greatly appreciated as I do not want to have to login to
my webserver every time I need to print from Windows.

My guess is that your XP user name and password are different from your 
FreeBSD user name and password. You can try a couple of things: On your XP 
computer create a user account that matchs your FreeBSD account and login 
information and see if it pesters for the password and name; the other is 
create an account on  your FreeBSD computer to match your XP user name and 
password and see what happens.


Here is my smb.conf: (sorry the [printers] is at bottom)
#=== Global Settings
  printing = BSD
  workgroup = DELNORTE
  encrypt passwords = yes
  server string = soleado server
  hosts allow =
  printcap = /etc/printcap
  load printers = yes
  log file = /var/log/log.%m

  max log size = 50
  security = user
  socket options = TCP_NODELAY

  wins support = no

# Share Definitions
  comment = Soleado WebServer
  path = /home/gn
  browseable = yes
  writeable = yes
  read only = no

  comment = Soleado Configs
  path = /home/soleado_configs
  browseable = yes
  writeable = yes
  read only = no

  comment = WQS  WebServer
  path = /home/wqs
  browseable = yes
  writeable = yes
  read only = no

# NOTE: If you have a BSD-style print system there is no need to
#20060826  Opened up printer section again.
 comment = All Printers
 path = /var/spool/lpd
#   print command = /usr/bin/lpr -P%p -r %s
 public = yes
 browseable = no
#  security = share
# set client driver use to no
use client driver = yes
# Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
 guest ok = yes
#   guest account = nobody
#  writeable = yes
 printable = yes
 printer = lp

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC


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Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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cupsd broken child

2005-08-07 Thread Graham North

Hello again:

I recently installed CUPS on a 4.11 webserver.   After a few problems 
everything got sorted and ran fine for a couple days.
Yesterday I set an alias for lp and everything seems to have broken.  To 
ease text file formatting I set:

alias lp='lp -o page-left=15 -o page-top=15'

This was done to make text file printout more pretty as the default put 
the borders hard at the edge of the paper.  When entered at the command 
line,  the above options work well.  (this is the cups lp daemon).

Not only did the alias not work but now something seems to really be 
broken.   I have tried unalias to fix it, have rebooted etc

On reboot now,  dmesg gives output:

cupsd child exited with status 2!  (exclamation provided courtesy bsd)
cups: unable to start scheduler

Trying to start manually from gives me the same message.
dmesg does not indicate problems with parallel port ppc0 or lpt0.

Can anyone help me to figure out what might have happened and how to fix?
Thanks,  Graham/

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Process states lpd

2005-08-06 Thread Graham North
Can someone tell me whether an idling freebsd machine should be running 
two (2) lpd daemons?   Both are running under root and one is running in 
nanslp the other select.  

This is something I just noticed after installig CUPS.   That exercise 
was a bit of ordeal and finally with some help from the author of a 
great how to article I succeeded in making almost everything work.   
(except the web interface to administration and documentation).

One point of note, in this process CUPS inserts its own lpd in a 
different directory from BSD normal directory, as a result, it is 
necessary to remove the original lpd and create a symlink to the new 
one.   Could this result in an extra process? 

BTW the sizes of the two processes differ also, one is 1036K and the 
other 980K - hmmm...?

Graham North
Vancouver, Canada.

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: printing problems with CUPS on localhost server

2005-08-04 Thread Graham North

Hi Daniel:

As indicated, I have tried to create links that will redirect to the new 
lpr placed in /usr/local/bin

I did not redirect anything to /usr/local/sbin.  My changes were:

mv /usr/bin/lp /usr/bin/lp.bak
mv /usr/bin/lpr /usr/bin/lpr.bak
ln -s /usr/local/bin/lp /usr/bin/lp
ln -s /usr/local/bin/lpr /usr/bin/lpr

Thanks, Graham/

Daniel Marsh wrote:

On Thu, 04 Aug 2005 09:13:18 +0800, Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just set up my FreeBSD box to act as a printserver.   I used CUPs and
Samba following great directions found here:

The printserver works very nicely printing jobs from my WinXP client to
an hp4l printer attached to Freebsd, however it will not print files
from itself using lpr.

A bit of hunting found some gotchas at: ... and so I tried
adding symbolic links for the lp and lpr commands as per the author's
recommendations - see bottom of email.

The problem still exists however, now instead of getting error messages,
if I issue a lpr filename command, my printer gives a quick blink, no
errror messages are generated, but neither is printer output - nada!

Repeat - Samba and Cups work together fine on this elderly hp4l - print
all sorts from Windows.   Just cannot access from the server itself.
I am sure that this is a simple configuration issue somewhere -

my printcap definition, ie:  hp4l|lp|hp4l:rm=
ps. This was auto-generated from CUPs and oirignally was
(I later inserted the lp myself as CUPS does not, either way it doesn't

Can anyone please point me straight on this?
Thanks,   Graham/

Are you using the lpr that was installed with FreeBSD as part of the 
base  or the lpr supplier by the cups-lpr package?

FreeBSD base lpr is in /usr/bin|/usr/sbin and the cups-lpr is in  

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: printing problems with CUPS on localhost server

2005-08-04 Thread Graham North

Update - problem partially solved.
I believe that a typo in smb.conf caused the grief, HOWEVER the 
formatting of text files from lp kind of sucks.  Printing is hard 
against the Left Hand Side of page and loses about 2 characters.

I looked and did not seem to have a2ps installed therefore installed and 
rebooted.  Print is still the same - bad
ALSO - I have been periodically getting kernel IRQ 7 error 
messages...!!!   This does not sound like a good thing.

Suggestions?   Should I perhaps de-install CUPS and do again?

Note this was originally set up as a simple web server, but I thought 
since it is running 24/7 and has Samba installed to access files from my 
WinBox I might as well tie the printer to it so as to enable printing of 
config files etc  (yes I can open Samba wider to access those files 
from Windows but I do not like the security implications!)

Some ideas from a good CUPser might really help.
Thanks,  Graham/

Graham North wrote:

I just set up my FreeBSD box to act as a printserver.   I used CUPs 
and Samba following great directions found here:

The printserver works very nicely printing jobs from my WinXP client 
to an hp4l printer attached to Freebsd, however it will not print 
files from itself using lpr.

A bit of hunting found some gotchas at: ... and so I tried 
adding symbolic links for the lp and lpr commands as per the author's 
recommendations - see bottom of email.

The problem still exists however, now instead of getting error 
messages, if I issue a lpr filename command, my printer gives a 
quick blink, no errror messages are generated, but neither is printer 
output - nada!

Repeat - Samba and Cups work together fine on this elderly hp4l - 
print all sorts from Windows.   Just cannot access from the server itself.

I am sure that this is a simple configuration issue somewhere -

my printcap definition, ie:  hp4l|lp|hp4l:rm=
ps. This was auto-generated from CUPs and oirignally was 
(I later inserted the lp myself as CUPS does not, either way it 
doesn't work.)

Can anyone please point me straight on this?
Thanks,   Graham/

From gotchas

With FreeBSD, cups will place its configuration files in 
/usr/local/etc rather than /etc. The lp or lpr command that you will 
use is also going to be in /usr/local/bin rather than /usr/bin. As 
/usr/bin is listed first in the path for both root and normal user, if 
one tries to print using the command lp filename you'll get an error 

There are various workarounds--one can edit the $PATH variable, type 
the entire path, eg /usr/local/bin/lp or do it the lazy man's way, 
which, as those who know me would expect, is what I did. I backed up 
the /usr/bin lp and lpr and then sym linked /usr/local/bin's commands 
to them.

mv /usr/bin/lp /usr/bin/lp.bak
mv /usr/bin/lpr /usr/bin/lpr.bak
ln -s /usr/local/bin/lp /usr/bin/lp
ln -s /usr/local/bin/lpr /usr/bin/lpr


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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printing problems with CUPS on localhost server

2005-08-03 Thread Graham North
I just set up my FreeBSD box to act as a printserver.   I used CUPs and 
Samba following great directions found here:

The printserver works very nicely printing jobs from my WinXP client to 
an hp4l printer attached to Freebsd, however it will not print files 
from itself using lpr.

A bit of hunting found some gotchas at: ... and so I tried 
adding symbolic links for the lp and lpr commands as per the author's 
recommendations - see bottom of email.

The problem still exists however, now instead of getting error messages, 
if I issue a lpr filename command, my printer gives a quick blink, no 
errror messages are generated, but neither is printer output - nada!

Repeat - Samba and Cups work together fine on this elderly hp4l - print 
all sorts from Windows.   Just cannot access from the server itself.

I am sure that this is a simple configuration issue somewhere -

my printcap definition, ie:  hp4l|lp|hp4l:rm=
ps. This was auto-generated from CUPs and oirignally was 
(I later inserted the lp myself as CUPS does not, either way it doesn't 

Can anyone please point me straight on this?
Thanks,   Graham/

From gotchas

With FreeBSD, cups will place its configuration files in /usr/local/etc 
rather than /etc. The lp or lpr command that you will use is also going 
to be in /usr/local/bin rather than /usr/bin. As /usr/bin is listed 
first in the path for both root and normal user, if one tries to print 
using the command lp filename you'll get an error message.

There are various workarounds--one can edit the $PATH variable, type the 
entire path, eg /usr/local/bin/lp or do it the lazy man's way, which, as 
those who know me would expect, is what I did. I backed up the /usr/bin 
lp and lpr and then sym linked /usr/local/bin's commands to them.

mv /usr/bin/lp /usr/bin/lp.bak
mv /usr/bin/lpr /usr/bin/lpr.bak
ln -s /usr/local/bin/lp /usr/bin/lp
ln -s /usr/local/bin/lpr /usr/bin/lpr


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: AsRock 760GX

2005-07-22 Thread Graham North

Hi Don:

Thank you for your feedback.   I was planning to run X and was a little 
concerned because this board is new with new SIS chipset.

Thanks again.

Don Brearley wrote:


I've run FreeBSD 4.x and 5.x on my ASRock boards and it works
fine.  I havent run X on them though.. console only.

I hope that helps.

- Don Brearley


Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/21/05 08:20PM 

Hello all:

Has anyone installed FreeBSD on an ASRock or ECS 760GX motherboard?
Any compatibility problems? fixes?

Thanks for any feedback.


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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AsRock 760GX

2005-07-21 Thread Graham North

Hello all:

Has anyone installed FreeBSD on an ASRock or ECS 760GX motherboard?
Any compatibility problems? fixes?

Thanks for any feedback.

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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apache-ssl and mod_mysql mod_php4

2005-07-09 Thread Graham North
Do the mysql and php4 modules integrate with apache-ssl. as with regular 
apache_1.3.33   ??

I installed apache-ssl instead of apache on a whim - SSL works and I can 
use the server for secure or regular port 80 http, however nowhere can I 
find info that explicitly indicates the compatability of mysql and php4 
for this Apache variant.

Can someone give me some assurance before I install the ports.

Thanks,  Graham/

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Re: apache-ssl and mod_mysql mod_php4

2005-07-09 Thread Graham North

Hi Joe - thank you for this information/confirmation.
Cheers,  Graham/

Joe Wood wrote:

Yes, it works fine; I installed apache mod_ssl (1.3.33) and installed both
mysql4 and php4 from ports without a single issue.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graham North
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 7:31 PM
To: questions freebsd
Subject: apache-ssl and mod_mysql  mod_php4

Do the mysql and php4 modules integrate with apache-ssl. as with regular 
apache_1.3.33   ??

I installed apache-ssl instead of apache on a whim - SSL works and I can 
use the server for secure or regular port 80 http, however nowhere can I 
find info that explicitly indicates the compatability of mysql and php4 
for this Apache variant.

Can someone give me some assurance before I install the ports.

Thanks,  Graham/


Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC

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Ports backup

2005-05-12 Thread Graham North
Hello all:
Thank you Trevor and Ted for your help.
I got rid of all but the PRN directory and will work on that.
Trevor - will try your ideas, the command line del and rd didn't seem to 
work.  Am not familiar with sfc but will do some digging.

Ports tree was transferred from Freebsd to WinBox via samba without 

Cheers,  Graham/
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Re: ports backup corrupted windows - addendum

2005-05-10 Thread Graham North
Discovered that ports Japanese has a port called prn - this is a 
privileged name in Windows - of course when I tried to blow away the 
whole ports backup it choked up and left a 97MB file hanging.
I will try to find out how to deal with privileged file deletion in 
Windows via other forums (using command prompt del doesn't work).

Cheers,  Graham/
Graham North wrote:
Okay, I know it sounds daft and I hope that it is not too far out 
Some time ago when loading a new FreeBSD, I decided to back up the 
ports collection onto my Windows XP hardrive. 

Today, I decided to blow it away - but it won't go!  It  moved from C: 
drive to the recycle bin, and most got emptied out however some 
(97.2MB) is sticking.No matter that I try to empty recycle bin 
it gives me a message cannot remove folder prn:  The parameter is 
Everyting else in the bin was emptied but now the recycle bin seems 
broken when I try to delete other files - it is really weird.   Could 
some set of Unix file permissions have thrown the Windows box for a loop?
Any ideas will be appreciated.
Thanks,  Graham/

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ports backup corrupted windows

2005-05-09 Thread Graham North
Okay, I know it sounds daft and I hope that it is not too far out there
Some time ago when loading a new FreeBSD, I decided to back up the ports 
collection onto my Windows XP hardrive. 

Today, I decided to blow it away - but it won't go!  It  moved from C: 
drive to the recycle bin, and most got emptied out however some (97.2MB) 
is sticking.No matter that I try to empty recycle bin it gives 
me a message cannot remove folder prn:  The parameter is incorrect.  
Everyting else in the bin was emptied but now the recycle bin seems 
broken when I try to delete other files - it is really weird.   Could 
some set of Unix file permissions have thrown the Windows box for a loop?
Any ideas will be appreciated.
Thanks,  Graham/

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Release 4.11 - compile errors

2005-05-08 Thread Graham North
I just installed 4.11 on older IBM - not problems
CVSUP'd and rebuilt kernel - no errors
Installed  kernel and installed world - still okay.
Tried trimming kernel and making with CUSTOM Config file.
make buildkernel KERNCONF=CUSTOM
It barfs after 5 mins with:
undefined reference to 'cam_sim_free'
undefined reference to 'xpt_create_path'
undefined reference to xpt_done'
Can anyone give me an idea of what it is choking on.   I did not try to 
be overly agressive in my config changes.
Selected a cpu, removed a bunch of drivers - particularily scsi, 
firewire and wifi.

Suggestions appreciated.
Thanks,  Graham/
Vamcouver, Canada

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Re: Release 4.11 - compile errors

2005-05-08 Thread Graham North
Thank you, you are correct  - I found a previous post for a similar 
For those interested it was the umass device:

From *Matt Emmerton *Feb. 2005 -
You've got device umass in your kernel, but you've commented out the
SCSI-related devices which are required.
You need to uncomment device scbus and device da in order to use device
It worked for me too!
Thanks Matt and Kris.
Kris Kennaway wrote:
On Sun, May 08, 2005 at 02:33:33PM -0700, Graham North wrote:

I just installed 4.11 on older IBM - not problems
CVSUP'd and rebuilt kernel - no errors
Installed  kernel and installed world - still okay.
Tried trimming kernel and making with CUSTOM Config file.
make buildkernel KERNCONF=CUSTOM
It barfs after 5 mins with:
undefined reference to 'cam_sim_free'
undefined reference to 'xpt_create_path'
undefined reference to xpt_done'
Can anyone give me an idea of what it is choking on.   I did not try to 
be overly agressive in my config changes.
Selected a cpu, removed a bunch of drivers - particularily scsi, 
firewire and wifi.

You removed SCSI support but left in a driver that requires it.  Go
back to GENERIC or carefully review your changes.

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[Fwd: Network Printing to Windows - CUPS?]

2005-04-03 Thread Graham North
Has anyone had any joy printing from FreeBSD box to Windows print server?
CUPS?  Pointers?
I have 3 machince and would prefer to leave printer attached to WinXP 
box.   Suse is running another machine, and even using their YAST config 
too. I was not able to make it print properly - it found  the printer 
but spooled gobbletygook!

nb. printer is an HP LaserJet 4L wihich well supported with drivers etc..
Thanks for any help.
Vancouver, Canada.
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Webmin - ssh - 4.11

2005-04-03 Thread Graham North
I just installed Webmin - great program.
Q - the telnet/ssh portion does not seem to work properly.   It opens an 
ssh window for me but the window is unresponsive.
It is configured for ssh instead of telnet, and I have port 22 open on 
my router.   I am able to ssh into my server using Putty from Windows so 
my sshd is working fine.   Webmin  says that it has opened a connection 
but then just presents me with an unresponsive cursor, no prompts for 
username or password (maybe Wemin took care of that?)  no feedback or 
response to keystrokes.

Has anyone used this feature of Webmin ? had similar problems?  Resolved?
Extra note - this webmin only seems to have config options up to 4.10 -  
and therefore I entered that as the version number (for 4.11) - not 
sure  whether that would make a difference?

Vancouver, Canada
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Re: ATA harddrive sleep/spindown timout?

2005-02-24 Thread Graham North
Hello Svein:
Thank you for this suggestion.  I will follow-up.
Svein Halvor Halvorsen wrote:
* Graham North [2005-02-23 22:36 -0800]

Is it possible to put ata harddrives in spindown/sleep/suspend mode 
without putting the whole system to sleep/suspend?

Take a look at ataidle in the ports collection.
Note that the disk will come back to life again when you access it, and 
that several processes do exactly this all the time. In order for ataidle 
to be very useful, you'd have to twaek the system's crontabs


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ATA harddrive sleep/spindown timout?

2005-02-23 Thread Graham North
Hello Heikki:
I stumbled on this post by you - but not resolving answers - I have the 
same question?

Did you find good answers for FreeBSD?   If so, would you be willing to 
share your experience?
Thank you for any help you can offer.
Graham North

Your post last year:
I'm running FreeBSD 4.8-stable 
on an  Mini ITX Epia system.
(onboard C3 800 mhz, Video, sound, NIC, TV-out, 2 ATA IDE controllers.)

Is it possible to put ata harddrives in spindown/sleep/suspend mode
without putting the whole system to sleep/suspend?
I'm building an fileserver with several disks that won't be used more
than a couple of hours each day, and in the mean time I would like to
reduce the noise level by putting the ATA harddrives in sleep/suspend
mode with an timeout.
This is an *critical* abillity, I like FreeBSD a lot, but without this
functionality I'l have to run linux and use hdparm to reduce the noise
to an acceptable level.
Heikki Soerum.

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resizing my slices/partitions - was pruning the Ports tree

2004-07-10 Thread Graham North
Hello all:

I would like to  expand my FreeBSD partion on the hard drive of which it only has 60%.
The rest of the HD holds an old installation of Win98.

When I first installed FBSD 4.8 I used Partition Magic to carve off 1.2G of a 2.0G HD 
and give me dual boot capability so as to retain the Win98.After recently 
installing a full ports tree I find that my FBSD /usr slice is almost out of file 
handles.   A sensible solution.. how about removing my 800M of Windows and capturing 
it for FBSD.   NOTE - please read end of email concerning inodes.
Looking for suggestions and warnings..!

Of course I can blow everything away, reformat and re-install, but my preference would 
be to:
1) shutdown
2)use my partion magic boot disk to reformat the 800MB windows partion
3)use sysinstall to expand my /usr slice, maybe even resize some of the others

Perhaps I can do this all with sysintall without even shutting down?   I have not used 
that program since my original install 6 months ago so am not sure of its 
capabilities, weaknesses and strengths.

Something important to note,  I am not out of disk space but have run out of file 
handles (BSD calls them Inodes) - so it really is nodes that I need to recapture not 
space - might this have some implications that necessitate a complete reformat or 

Suggestions and comments greatly appreciated.

Cheers,  Graham/

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Re: resizing my slices/partitions - was pruning the Ports tree

2004-07-10 Thread Graham North
Hello Bill:

Thanks again for your help.
Does the line wrap look better now?  I reduced from 76 to 66.

Regarding inodes - /usr is 778MB and began with 99,838 inodes.
That would jive approximately with your million for 10G drive.  It
now has 96M of free space but only 590 inodes remaining.This
heavy drain on inodes occurred when I downloaded the full Ports
tree a month or so ago.  Not sure of the numbers but it was
clearly a TON of small files  :--).
/usr is /dev/ad0s2g - I cannot remember from my install but think
that Windows may be the first partition..??

You said:
 _Assuming_ your Windows partition is the last partition on the
HDD, and the
 /usr partition is second to last, the following will work:

 1) BACK UP any important data ... this procedure is easy to
screw up!
 2) Use PM or something similar to remove the Win partition and
expenad the
BSD partition to take up the space used by Win.  You can also
use BSD's
disklabel and related utilities to do this (in single-user
 3) Boot FreeBSD into single-user mode
 4) Use growfs to increase the size of the /usr filesystem to
take up the

I suspect that since the Ports download is an infrequent deal and
most of my other files are much larger than the 500B or so of the
Ports that the problem will be alleviated by adding space with a
proportional number of nodes - (provided the next Ports update
does not leave me with tons of debris)
I will do some hunting for info on single user mode and growfs
before proceeding.   Is it necessary for me to user single user
mode if I am the only user?   I can of course restrict myself to a
single logon.

Thanks again for such really good help.

- Original Message - 
From: Bill Moran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: resizing my slices/partitions - was pruning the Ports

 [Please wrap your lines around 72 chars or so ... see ]

 Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello all:
  I would like to  expand my FreeBSD partion on the hard drive
of which it only
  has 60%.
  The rest of the HD holds an old installation of Win98.
  When I first installed FBSD 4.8 I used Partition Magic to
carve off 1.2G of a
  2.0G HD and give me dual boot capability so as to retain the
  recently installing a full ports tree I find that my FBSD /usr
slice is
  almost out of file handles.

 This is very unusual.  There are generally more than enough
inodes so that
 you don't run out of inodes before you run out of space.  Did
you use
 custom options to newfs when you created the filesystem?  Do you
have a TON
 of small files?

 You may want to just ckeck the filesystem and see what's eating
up all the
 inodes to make sure it isn't something you can just delete.  My
 filesystem is 10G, and the defaults created over 1 million
inodes.  I'm
 using 2.7G and 170,000 inodes, which means I'll run out of space
when I
 still have 1/2-million free inodes.

  Of course I can blow everything away, reformat and re-install,
but my
  preference would be to:
  1) shutdown
  2)use my partion magic boot disk to reformat the 800MB windows
  3)use sysinstall to expand my /usr slice, maybe even resize
some of the others
  Perhaps I can do this all with sysintall without even shutting
down?   I have
  not used that program since my original install 6 months ago
so am not sure
  of its capabilities, weaknesses and strengths.

 You've got the right idea, but you're a little off.

 _Assuming_ your Windows partition is the last partition on the
HDD, and the
 /usr partition is second to last, the following will work:

 1) BACK UP any important data ... this procedure is easy to
screw up!
 2) Use PM or something similar to remove the Win partition and
expenad the
BSD partition to take up the space used by Win.  You can also
use BSD's
disklabel and related utilities to do this (in single-user
 3) Boot FreeBSD into single-user mode
 4) Use growfs to increase the size of the /usr filesystem to
take up the

 Since inodes are laid out in as a ration of #inodes/block, newfs
will add
 more inodes in ration to the amount of space added.  My point is
that if you
 continue to use the filesystem in this manner, you're still
going to run out
 of inodes before you fill the drive (even with the increased
 Although, this is a valid short-term fix that will provide you
with more

 Depending on what you want to accomplish (long term) you may
want to take
 the time now to backup this filesystem and re-newfs it with a
value for
 -i that's appropriate.  See the man page for newfs for more

 Bill Moran
 Potential Technologies

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Re: Pruning the Ports Tree

2004-06-14 Thread Graham North
Hello Peder:
Thank you for this suggestion, I will give it some thought.

Thanks to everyone for their help - should other commets come in during the
next couple of days please note that I will be offline for a little while so
do not feel I am being rude if not responding immediately.
Cheers all,  Graham/

- Original Message - 
From: Peder Blom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: Pruning the Ports Tree

 On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 11:52:18 -0700
 Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Uli and the rest of the FreeBSD forum:
  Thanks for your advice - though I am not entirely sure what the
  purpose of your last questions are.
  To answer though:
  My HD is about 1.2G - it is sharing 2.0G with another OS.
  /usr~ 778M
  usr/ports ~247M
  total /usr being used is ~595M  with about 183M free.
  The problem is not disk space - it appears to be file handles.
  Remember, those ports files are only about 0.5K each - so lots of
  inodes are being used in file infrastructure.  Midnight Comm which I
  use for a lot of file navigation indicates that I had 99838 inodes
  available - of which there are now only 602 free!   Yesterday that was
  about 900, but then I mirrored part of a friend's website and used
  another 300. As you can see, I need to free up some file handling
  Thanks for any further advice you can give.
  Cheers,  Graham/

 Hi Graham

 You might consider using a file-backed disk (see the handbook sec 12.11)
 for your portstree. This should save a lot of inodes at the cost of
 wasting some space on your hd.

 Something along the lines of:

 1) Point workdirs and distfiles to directories outside the ports dir by
 setting the environmental variables WRKDIRPREFIX and DISTDIR (man

 2) Estimate what will be the maximum size of your portstree for the
 lifetime of your setup, create a file of this size and make it into a
 file-backed disk.

 3) Mount this file-backed disk on /usr/ports.

 For this to be meaningful you obviously have to remove your current
 portstree and build one on your file-backed disk.

 I'm running a setup similar to this for sharing ports between jails
 without any problems.

 (You might even be able to create the file-backed disk on the slice you
 sharing with another OS and gain some space on /usr, if needed.)

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Pruning the Ports Tree

2004-06-13 Thread Graham North
Is it alright to prune the Ports tree - and still do updates later.

I am running 4.8 stable and recently did a full Ports tree update using CVSUP.   This 
generates several questions.
1) I took the advice of Michael Urban's book and upgraded from the Head of the 
source tree rather than from that for 4.8 - did I really want to do that?  Does it 
matter for a Ports only updating?
2) The tree is getting pretty big - result, lots of files.   My hard drive is not very 
big - it is down to a few hundred inodes (file handles) within the usr directory.   
Can I prune the tree on my hard drive without compromising future updates?  If it 
helps, my machine is not using X only command mode so there are lots of Ports that 
will never be made.

Thanks for any help that can be offered.


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Re: Pruning the Ports Tree

2004-06-13 Thread Graham North
Hi Uli and the rest of the FreeBSD forum:

Thanks for your advice - though I am not entirely sure what the purpose of
your last questions are.

To answer though:
My HD is about 1.2G - it is sharing 2.0G with another OS.
/usr~ 778M
usr/ports ~247M
total /usr being used is ~595M  with about 183M free.

The problem is not disk space - it appears to be file handles.   Remember,
those ports files are only about 0.5K each - so lots of inodes are being
used in file infrastructure.  Midnight Comm which I use for a lot of file
navigation indicates that I had 99838 inodes available - of which there are
now only 602 free!   Yesterday that was about 900, but then I mirrored part
of a friend's website and used another 300.
As you can see, I need to free up some file handling capability.

Thanks for any further advice you can give.

Cheers,  Graham/

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Ulrich Kruppa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 1:29 AM
Subject: Re: Pruning the Ports Tree

 On Sat, 12 Jun 2004, Graham North wrote:

  Is it alright to prune the Ports tree - and still do updates later.
  I am running 4.8 stable and recently did a full Ports tree
  update using CVSUP.  This generates several questions. 1) I
  took the advice of Michael Urban's book and upgraded from the
  Head of the source tree rather than from that for 4.8 - did I
  really want to do that?  Does it matter for a Ports only
 It is recommended to use the appropriate kernel and base system
 with your ports. Things might work the way you did it, or
 (probably) not.

 2) The tree is getting pretty big - result, lots of
  files.  My hard drive is not very big - it is down to a few
  hundred inodes (file handles) within the usr directory.  Can I
  prune the tree on my hard drive without compromising future
  updates?  If it helps, my machine is not using X only command
  mode so there are lots of Ports that will never be made.
 For further advices it would be helpful to know how big your hd
 is and how much diskspace is used by your ports tree.
 You can check the latter by
 # du -h -d 1
 (see # man du)



  Thanks for any help that can be offered.
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   |Peter Ulrich Kruppa|
  | Wuppertal |
  |  Germany  |

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Re: Pruning the Ports Tree

2004-06-13 Thread Graham North
Hi Uli:
Thanks again.   There was an email from Mathew Seaman - however it came as
only attachments, and not knowing him I did not open them - there was not
text at all in the body of the email.
Maybe I will now open it..

I do not know anything much about inodes or file handles either... My
thinking was to just use brute force and chop away much of the ports
collection that I am not likely to need on my little web server.   There are
a myriad of ports for audio, games etc. not to mention X files.  That should
free up a lot of file handles.
I don't want to put everything into too much of a tizzy however the next
time I update them.  Probably the most sensible thing to do is simply remove
it entirely and just do single port upgrades as needs be.

Cheers,  Graham/

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Ulrich Kruppa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: Pruning the Ports Tree

 On Sun, 13 Jun 2004, Graham North wrote:

  Hi Uli and the rest of the FreeBSD forum:
  Thanks for your advice - though I am not entirely sure what the purpose
  your last questions are.
 I wanted to know about your ressources, since your ports dirctory
 might grow very big, if you don't clean it up every now and then.
 Matthew gave some hints about that at the last part of his mail.

 I hardly know anything about inodes, but as far as I understand,
 you would have to reformat your entire filesystem to change
 anything about this.

 The simpliest way to update your system on a small hd
 would be to keep strictly to binary upgrades and installations.
 You won't need the ports directory then (neither the system
 sources in /usr/src).

 Another simple idea would be to get another small hd somewhere,
 devide it into two slices and mount one on /usr/ports and the
 other on /usr/src .
 This would give you enough space to do full rebuilds of your
 system and your ports.

 If you have enough patience and time you can also download single
 port directories from, place them in
 appropriate directories and try to make install them.
 They will complain when they are missing some other port.
 I have done that to set up a samba printer server, but next time
 I will use binary packages.


  To answer though:
  My HD is about 1.2G - it is sharing 2.0G with another OS.
  /usr~ 778M
  usr/ports ~247M
  total /usr being used is ~595M  with about 183M free.
  The problem is not disk space - it appears to be file handles.
  those ports files are only about 0.5K each - so lots of inodes are being
  used in file infrastructure.  Midnight Comm which I use for a lot of
  navigation indicates that I had 99838 inodes available - of which there
  now only 602 free!   Yesterday that was about 900, but then I mirrored
  of a friend's website and used another 300.
  As you can see, I need to free up some file handling capability.
  Thanks for any further advice you can give.
  Cheers,  Graham/
  - Original Message -
  From: Peter Ulrich Kruppa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 1:29 AM
  Subject: Re: Pruning the Ports Tree
  On Sat, 12 Jun 2004, Graham North wrote:
  Is it alright to prune the Ports tree - and still do updates later.
  I am running 4.8 stable and recently did a full Ports tree
  update using CVSUP.  This generates several questions. 1) I
  took the advice of Michael Urban's book and upgraded from the
  Head of the source tree rather than from that for 4.8 - did I
  really want to do that?  Does it matter for a Ports only
  It is recommended to use the appropriate kernel and base system
  with your ports. Things might work the way you did it, or
  (probably) not.
  2) The tree is getting pretty big - result, lots of
  files.  My hard drive is not very big - it is down to a few
  hundred inodes (file handles) within the usr directory.  Can I
  prune the tree on my hard drive without compromising future
  updates?  If it helps, my machine is not using X only command
  mode so there are lots of Ports that will never be made.
  For further advices it would be helpful to know how big your hd
  is and how much diskspace is used by your ports tree.
  You can check the latter by
  # du -h -d 1
  (see # man du)
  Thanks for any help that can be offered.
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|Peter Ulrich Kruppa|
   | Wuppertal |
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Re: Pruning the Ports Tree

2004-06-13 Thread Graham North
Hello Mathew:

Thanks for this great reply.  I will try some of your suggestions to remove

I did not open it at first because it came as two attachments a txt file and
a dat file. What is your rationale for doing this?  What is the dat file -
that still remains unopened.

Cheers,  Graham/

- Original Message - 
From: Matthew Seaman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 2:08 AM
Subject: Re: Pruning the Ports Tree

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Router looks like a proxy

2004-03-20 Thread Graham North
Okay, so maybe this is a dumb question but I need to ask

My Apache logs are showing only calls from its own address...hmmm!
Methinks that this is because all calls come in first through my USR
Router/firewall - Yes the router has DHCP and the firewall enabled.
Is it therefore inevitable that I will only see routed calls as originating
from the router address - or do I have something set up incorrectly between
my FreeBSD box and the router?   Can I make my router more transparent and
yet still retain its firewall?  I know that I am getting hits from outside
if only by the hack attacks plus a few accesses by myself from other
locations such as mywork and/or from friends.


Thanks,  Graham/

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Re: FTP difficulties 4.8R

2004-02-16 Thread Graham North

You must know your way around network cards!?  Unfortunately this one is
part of a docking station (which I would like to use) for the XPI, and you
are correct it is ep0.

I do have a second option in the form of a more recent linksys pcmcia card
which can be stuck into a side slot - but will have then have to look into
conflicts when docked.
You said:
 See if your router can set its interface to 10BaseT/UTP full duplex.
 do a download test.
 Change router to half duplex...
 download test.

I used this card for two years with Win98 through this router without
problem - if Windows can make the card work nicely then shouldn't there be
some similiar setting I can do for nic configuration in FBSD?

Clearly I am still low on the learning curve, now I have to look up what
mediaopt is..?

You cannot use the
 the mediaopt option with ifconfig. no one bothered to code it
 into the driver. unlike xl0...

Thanks again for your help.  Tomorrow, after work...
Cheers,  g/

- Original Message -
From: matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 11:35 PM
Subject: Re: FTP difficulties 4.8R

 On Sun, 15 Feb 2004, Graham North wrote:

  Hi Rob:
  Thank you for this help.  Thanks also to all others who replied this
  I just came home and it is late so I will pursue all suggestions
  My gut sense is that it is the nic setup - at first I thought it might
be my
  router (and maybe it is part of the problem but I have operated 3
  machines through it and networked them in the past so am starting to get
  pretty comfortable with it).  But tomorrow I will start by checking my
  cabling carefully - though the same machine if booted into Win98 works
  flawlessly so I doubt that the problem is cabling or flaky nic.  The nic
  a 3com 3509

 I thought so. it is a 10mb/s card only, full and half duplex.
 I will never use one of those ISA cards again.
 I now throw them out.

 See if your router can set its interface to 10BaseT/UTP full duplex.
 do a download test.
 Change router to half duplex...
 download test.

 If router cannot change its settings, do this on the freebsd machine.
 I am quite sure, you are using ep0. You cannot use the
 the mediaopt option with ifconfig. no one bothered to code it
 into the driver. unlike xl0...

 if you cannot resove the issue, i would seriously look for a pci
 card you can slap in it.



  which seems to be well supported.
  Auto negotiation - that sounds plausible - esp. since sometimes files do
  through but painfully slowly.  Lowering the MTU setting shouldn't
  To all - thanks again, I will respond further after playing tomorrow.
  Cheers,  Graham/
  - Original Message -
  To: Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 6:15 PM
  Subject: Re: FTP difficulties 4.8R
   At 13:32 15/02/2004 -0800, Graham North wrote:
   My FreeBSD box on the other hand is a different story.   It is a PII
   It does go outside and connect, sometimes I can ftp download some
   files, most times the process stalls.   I generally need to open a
   terminal to kill the process.
   It may be nothing to do with this, but I get similar problems on my
   link with the default MTU setting, 1500, and I can get decidedly
   performance by reducing it.  Windows has some sort of dynamic
   but I've found it's more reliable to set FreeBSD specifically.   Try:
   #ifconfig network_interface mtu 1438
   and see if that makes a difference.
   There are optimum values for the mtu, depending on your link
   and various formulae, but try that first before fiddling more.
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FTP difficulties 4.8R

2004-02-15 Thread Graham North
This is my second call for help regarding ftp and network connections - if
anyone out there can help, I would greatly appreciate some advice.

I have loaded an older pc with FreeBSD 4.8 to run as a webserver.   It is
behind a USR8000A router - the router has DHCP, NAT and firewall enabled.
There is a second pc behind the router which runs WinXP, it operates well
with email, http, it runs an ftp server and client fine (both are
filezilla).  I downloaded my FreeBSD ISOs without difficulty... connection
speeds using Filezilla ftp client on XP was 160KB/s (1.6Mbs) which is the
maximum provided by my service - so my lines are okay.

My FreeBSD box on the other hand is a different story.   It is a PII 166
with only 48M of memory so I set it up as black screen - command line only.
After the past month of starting to become familiar with the new OS I feel
that most things are beginning to come together - my network connection
really sucks though!!

It does go outside and connect, sometimes I can ftp download some small
files, most times the process stalls.   I generally need to open a new
terminal to kill the process.
This makes it very difficult...   Most recently, I have been trying to
install Samba to better network with the Windows machine - I cannot download
files - aaarrgghhh!
Can someone please shed some insight into something that I have done or
neglected to do.  Something must be set badly or incompatibly that is
creating these difficulties.  This OS is dependent on robust file transfers
for updating and ports etc...HELP!

My earlier message:

Help!   I am a newbie who has set up a command line FreeBSD system on an XPI
166 laptop.
Most things seem to work okay except the ftp - I have been struggling with
this on and off for a couple of weeks.   To download some packages I ended
up running ncftp and it was able to successfully operate but excruciatingly
slowly (ie 950secs) for a download of about 1MB - I operate on ADSL - go

Both the regular and nc ftp packages seem prone to stalling.   My latest
problems centre about trying to download some webpage files from another
machine (WinXP) attached to (and behind) a USR router/firewall (yes the
USRobotics firewall is enabled) my Freebsd one is not.   The ftp server is
filezilla server on the WinXP machine.  I was starting with downloading a
simple webpage to test apache - two files, index.htm and a small (30K) jpeg
image.   Index file downloaded quickly, the jpeg stalled after 26K - and
kept on stalling - same place.   When I tried using ncftp this time, it
stalled at about 18K.  Things are set up well enough that I am able to
connect to and navigate the server from my FreeBSD system. (can connect to server - but stall on downloads)
Clearly there must be some basic setting that is incorrect or incompatible -
perhaps related to my router - but am not too sure.
The only reference which I could find was related to problems with
tcp.recvspace being set at 56K for 4.8, but it seemed to refer to modem
related problems.   In any event I was not able to change it.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Clarification re Samba Fw: FTP difficulties 4.8R

2004-02-15 Thread Graham North
My last email - read: Most recently, I have been trying to
 install Samba to better network with the Windows machine - I cannot
 files - aaarrgghhh!

What is meant here is that I could not download the ports upgrade tar file.
Invariably file transfers from the FreeBSD server (and most others) stall

Graham North
Vancouver, Canada

- Original Message -
From: Graham North [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 1:32 PM
Subject: FTP difficulties 4.8R

 This is my second call for help regarding ftp and network connections - if
 anyone out there can help, I would greatly appreciate some advice.

 I have loaded an older pc with FreeBSD 4.8 to run as a webserver.   It is
 behind a USR8000A router - the router has DHCP, NAT and firewall enabled.
 There is a second pc behind the router which runs WinXP, it operates well
 with email, http, it runs an ftp server and client fine (both are
 filezilla).  I downloaded my FreeBSD ISOs without difficulty... connection
 speeds using Filezilla ftp client on XP was 160KB/s (1.6Mbs) which is the
 maximum provided by my service - so my lines are okay.

 My FreeBSD box on the other hand is a different story.   It is a PII 166
 with only 48M of memory so I set it up as black screen - command line
 After the past month of starting to become familiar with the new OS I feel
 that most things are beginning to come together - my network connection
 really sucks though!!

 It does go outside and connect, sometimes I can ftp download some small
 files, most times the process stalls.   I generally need to open a new
 terminal to kill the process.
 This makes it very difficult...   Most recently, I have been trying to
 install Samba to better network with the Windows machine - I cannot
 files - aaarrgghhh!
 Can someone please shed some insight into something that I have done or
 neglected to do.  Something must be set badly or incompatibly that is
 creating these difficulties.  This OS is dependent on robust file
 for updating and ports etc...HELP!

 My earlier message:

 Help!   I am a newbie who has set up a command line FreeBSD system on an
 166 laptop.
 Most things seem to work okay except the ftp - I have been struggling with
 this on and off for a couple of weeks.   To download some packages I ended
 up running ncftp and it was able to successfully operate but
 slowly (ie 950secs) for a download of about 1MB - I operate on ADSL - go

 Both the regular and nc ftp packages seem prone to stalling.   My latest
 problems centre about trying to download some webpage files from another
 machine (WinXP) attached to (and behind) a USR router/firewall (yes the
 USRobotics firewall is enabled) my Freebsd one is not.   The ftp server is
 filezilla server on the WinXP machine.  I was starting with downloading a
 simple webpage to test apache - two files, index.htm and a small (30K)
 image.   Index file downloaded quickly, the jpeg stalled after 26K - and
 kept on stalling - same place.   When I tried using ncftp this time, it
 stalled at about 18K.  Things are set up well enough that I am able to
 connect to and navigate the server from my FreeBSD system. (can connect to server - but stall on downloads)
 Clearly there must be some basic setting that is incorrect or
incompatible -
 perhaps related to my router - but am not too sure.
 The only reference which I could find was related to problems with
 tcp.recvspace being set at 56K for 4.8, but it seemed to refer to modem
 related problems.   In any event I was not able to change it.
 Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: FTP difficulties 4.8R

2004-02-15 Thread Graham North
Hi Rob:

Thank you for this help.  Thanks also to all others who replied this
I just came home and it is late so I will pursue all suggestions tomorrow

My gut sense is that it is the nic setup - at first I thought it might be my
router (and maybe it is part of the problem but I have operated 3 different
machines through it and networked them in the past so am starting to get
pretty comfortable with it).  But tomorrow I will start by checking my
cabling carefully - though the same machine if booted into Win98 works
flawlessly so I doubt that the problem is cabling or flaky nic.  The nic is
a 3com 3509 which seems to be well supported.
Auto negotiation - that sounds plausible - esp. since sometimes files do get
through but painfully slowly.  Lowering the MTU setting shouldn't hurt...?

To all - thanks again, I will respond further after playing tomorrow.
Cheers,  Graham/

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: FTP difficulties 4.8R

 At 13:32 15/02/2004 -0800, Graham North wrote:
 My FreeBSD box on the other hand is a different story.   It is a PII 166
 It does go outside and connect, sometimes I can ftp download some small
 files, most times the process stalls.   I generally need to open a new
 terminal to kill the process.

 It may be nothing to do with this, but I get similar problems on my DSL
 link with the default MTU setting, 1500, and I can get decidedly better
 performance by reducing it.  Windows has some sort of dynamic adjustment,
 but I've found it's more reliable to set FreeBSD specifically.   Try:

 #ifconfig network_interface mtu 1438

 and see if that makes a difference.

 There are optimum values for the mtu, depending on your link parameters,
 and various formulae, but try that first before fiddling more.

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Fw: ftp problems R4.8

2004-02-10 Thread Graham North

- Original Message - 
From: Graham North 
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 10:17 PM
Subject: ftp problems R4.8

Help!   I am a newbie who has set up a command line FreeBSD system on an XPI 166 
Most things seem to work okay except the ftp - I have been struggling with this on and 
off for a couple of weeks.   To download some packages I ended up running ncftp and it 
was able to successfully operate but excruciatingly slowly (ie 950secs) for a download 
of about 1MB - I operate on ADSL - go figure.

Both the regular and nc ftp packages seem prone to stalling.   My latest problems 
centre about trying to download some webpage files from another machine (WinXP) 
attached to (and behind) a USR router/firewall (yes the USRobotics firewall is 
enabled) my Freebsd one is not.   The ftp server is filezilla server on the WinXP 
machine.  I was starting with downloading a simple webpage to test apache - two files, 
index.htm and a small (30K) jpeg image.   Index file downloaded quickly, the jpeg 
stalled after 26K - and kept on stalling - same place.   When I tried using ncftp this 
time, it stalled at about 18K.  Things are set up well enough that I am able to 
connect to and navigate the server from my FreeBSD system.
Clearly there must be some basic setting that is incorrect or incompatible - perhaps 
related to my router - but am not too sure.
The only reference which I could find was related to problems with tcp.recvspace being 
set at 56K for 4.8, but it seemed to refer to modem related problems.   In any event I 
was not able to change it.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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