Re: configuring all dependancies before making in ports

2007-02-03 Thread Jim Stapleton

Thanks, that's a big help... Especially since I might have to rebuild
my new system again soon, due to the lack of 64 bit support for my
video card (PCIeGeForce 7300 - the X drivers can't seem to find the
video device)

On 2/2/07, Jonathan Horne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


make config-recursive

or, if i want to just take all the default options (like, for kde which is a
ridiculously long build):

make BATCH=yes install clean


On Friday 02 February 2007 20:55, you wrote:
 Quick question, I'm trying to build a couple of packages that take a
 long time to build, even longer because they just stop when it's time
 to configure something. That's a problem if it's configure time, say
 when I need to sleep, or am at work.

 Is there a way to have the make run through all the dependancies that
 need build, running their configuration menus /before/ doing any of
 the builds?

 $ cd /usr/ports/x11/kde3
 $ make -dependancies=configure install clean

 -Jim Stapleton
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configuring all dependancies before making in ports

2007-02-02 Thread Jim Stapleton

Quick question, I'm trying to build a couple of packages that take a
long time to build, even longer because they just stop when it's time
to configure something. That's a problem if it's configure time, say
when I need to sleep, or am at work.

Is there a way to have the make run through all the dependancies that
need build, running their configuration menus /before/ doing any of
the builds?

$ cd /usr/ports/x11/kde3
$ make -dependancies=configure install clean

-Jim Stapleton
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USB2 drive speed problems

2007-01-23 Thread Jim Stapleton

I have a notebook that has a USB2 controller. In windows I can get a
14MB/s data transfer rate in Windows (write) to my USB drive. However
in BSD, I only get a 630KB/s transfer rate. Whats the best way to
ascertain *why* I'm getting this slow performance? I'm not sure which
diagnostic steps to take at this point. I know I had the USB2 modules
compiled into my kernel.

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: linux compatability question

2007-01-03 Thread Jim Stapleton

Thank you, I had to use a different linux library (linux-dri I think),
but it ended up working.

-Jim Stapleton

On 12/27/06, Boris Samorodov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, 27 Dec 2006 14:02:39 -0500 Jim Stapleton wrote:

 I'm not sure what to do at this point, I'm trying to run a linux app
 (binary) that requires, and it's an x86 binary.

It requires a linux library.

 When I first ran it, it complained that the file could not
 be found (it was in my /usr/X11R6/lib directory. I made a simlink with

And that is a FreeBSD one.

 that name to that file to /compat/linux/usr/X11R6/lib and now get this

 ./partiview: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/
 ELF file OS ABI invalid

Yes, the linux app tries to load a FreeBSD library.

 This is on an i950 based notebook (integrated intel graphics), using
 the i810 and vga drivers in X. FreeBSD 6.1,  X is either 6.8 or 6.9

 Any suggestions?

Remove your simlink and install graphics/linux-libGLU.

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, Telephone  Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, The Power To Serve

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good news for FreeBSD lovers who admin Stellent Content Manager, irrelevant news for everyone else...

2007-01-03 Thread Jim Stapleton

This is by no way an official post, but in my current job I admin a
Stellent Content Server, which until recently only had
AIX/Linux/SunOS/Win32 as supported platforms (maybe one or two other
platforms that I've forgotten).

I was about to try installing it with the Linux Compatability Layer
where necessary, but right when I was going to start, all the images
dissapeared off their website. This morning I checked, and along with
the 7.6.2 (new sub-release?) I found a FreeBSD ISO.

So, really, if you were interested in SCM but couldn't find it in
FreeBSD, or wanted to move a system with it over to FreeBSD, you now
can. If you don't know what SCM is, then you probaly wasted your time
reading this message (sorry, I did warn you).

I'm just happy to see a nice piece of mainstream commercial software
on FreeBSD. It's not common enough as of yet.

-Jim Stapleton
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RE: FreeBSD Installer vs RedHat Linux Fedora Core Installer?

2007-01-03 Thread Jim Stapleton

I have made a post like this before, so I can hardly criticise you for
that, though my goal was more to try to consolidate a group to work on
the issue.

I'll say this, while the graphics aren't as pretty as those of many
Linux distros, the FreeBSD installer is a lot more user friendly and
workable in 6.x than it was in 5.2 (5.3?) when I had tried it
previously. It may not be a pretty GUI, but it has the functionality
and flexibility, in fact, a bit more than even the GUIs of those I'd
say, and it's not user-unfriendly anymore.

Additionally, it's worth the switch now, simply for the fact that
although the learning curve is a touch higher when things work, it's a
lot lower when fixing things that don't, add to that the fact that
more of the listed supported stuff just works without the hassle you
get on Linux, it's well worth the switch.

-Jim Stapleton
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linux compatability question

2006-12-27 Thread Jim Stapleton

I'm not sure what to do at this point, I'm trying to run a linux app
(binary) that requires, and it's an x86 binary.

When I first ran it, it complained that the file could not
be found (it was in my /usr/X11R6/lib directory. I made a simlink with
that name to that file to /compat/linux/usr/X11R6/lib and now get this

./partiview: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/
ELF file OS ABI invalid

This is on an i950 based notebook (integrated intel graphics), using
the i810 and vga drivers in X. FreeBSD 6.1,  X is either 6.8 or 6.9

Any suggestions?
-Jim Stpleton
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cleanly reading compressed backups

2006-10-27 Thread Jim Stapleton

I have several disk images, and I'd like to grab files off of them,
but I'm not sure how.

I made these images by booting up a linux boot CD (it seemed easier
than a BSD cd at the time, and the results should be the same), and
make a backup as such:

dd if=/dev/sda | bzip2 -z9 | split [forgot the args, basically 1GB
files that are bsd-backup-(date)-??]

anyway, without uncompressing them back to disk (it's the same
slice/partitions as I have now), what's the easiest way to get read
access to these contents of the files in these backups?

-Jim Stapleton
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Some old fashioned assistance requested, and some oppinions wanted.

2006-10-24 Thread Jim Stapleton

Ok, to start this off, and so you know where I'm coming from - I do a
lot with comptuers and I'm visually impared.

This makes notebooks a royal pain in the posterior - to the point
where I NEED a few features in KDE/Gnome,a nd cannot use Windows.
However, add to that a lot of manufacturers don't support their
customers very well, not even if it is plain and simple hardware, and
you suddenly have a *very* restrictive list. I I've had bad
experiences with many companies, and good experiences with really only
two. One of which, while BSD/Linux friendly, is out of the picture for
reasons of exceptionally immoral and frivolous lawsuites (in my
oppinion), the other, while their support is surperb, does not provide
drivers for anything but windows, and does weird stuff to their
hardware. The latter company is Toshiba.

I'm putting this here on the questions and not the mobile forum
because I believe that they also make non-mobile machines, and this is
a slightly more wide ranging question that normally is found there.

My question:
1) If Toshiba were to provide open source drivers for it's
weirdities, would you purchase their machines?

2) If yes to #1, would you join me in a snail-mail writing campaign
to them to request they provide drivers for BSD and/or Linux -
preferrably open source for one, or closed source for both, if it must
remain closed for whatever reasons.

3) Off the topic of the main post, what are your top 3 vendors if your
main consideration is the combination of (1) FreeBSD compatable
hardware, and (2) Reliable/Honest/Intelligent and Customer Friendly
tech support for hardware issues.

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: Backing up SOHO server

2006-10-22 Thread Jim Stapleton

Hmm, not familiar with dump or restore, but what I would suggest,
is when you can get some down time, boot from a live cd, and using a
dd/bzip2/split combo (or any other method of your choice), make a
backup image of the drive as well, If you get a new drive with the
same size/etc, it'll massively speed up the reinstall phase. When you
recover, all you need is cat/bunzip2/dd to do the restore. It's quite
a bit faster than a reinstall, especially if you compile your own apps
- it saved me a lot of time when my notebook died.

Sorry I couldn't be more help with your specific questions.
-Jim Stapleton



I have freebsd 6.1 installed running Samba authenticating my home users and 
pc's and home shares for each user. This also serves as a web development box 
for my internal network. Because there is a login script that runs to map 
drives on the remote pc's all users are accustomed to dumping there important 
data there. I am trying to come up with a backup and restore plan.

Just plan to do complete dumps with the script below once a week which is good 
for me due to the fact of how the box is used. If a total drive crash happens  
I will just reinstall from cd then use restore to recover the dump. I am 
backing up to a usb drive connected to the server. I have printed the file 
system and taped it to the top of the usb drive hehehehe.

Any other input would be appreciated. Also on the restore portion I plan to 
just cd into that slice and run

dd if=/mnt/backup/file/Backup.gz |gzip -d |restore -rf -

Since this is for home use and protection for only disasster/drive failure a 
new install will be done, will retore over write what is there to restore the 
old contents?

vader# df -H
Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a260M 55M184M23%/
devfs  1.0k1.0k  0B   100%/dev
/dev/ad0s1g 20G 10G8.1G56%/home
/dev/ad0s1d1.0G223k954M 0%/tmp
/dev/ad0s1f 12G2.5G9.0G22%/usr
/dev/ad4s1 242G122G100G55%/music
devfs  1.0k1.0k  0B   100%/var/named/dev
/dev/da0s1d116G6.8G100G 6%/mnt/backup
vader# more /etc/fstab
# DeviceMountpoint  FStype  Options DumpPass#
/dev/ad0s1b noneswapsw  0   0
/dev/ad0s1a /   ufs rw  1   1
/dev/ad0s1g /home   ufs rw  2   2
/dev/ad0s1d /tmpufs rw  2   2
/dev/ad0s1f /usrufs rw  2   2
/dev/ad0s1e /varufs rw  2   2
/dev/ad4s1  /music  ufs rw  3   3
/dev/acd0   /cdrom  cd9660  ro,noauto   0   0

The backup script

vader# more
mount -t ufs /dev/da0s1d /mnt/backup/
dt=`date +%Y%m%d`

# /
# /home
# /var
# /usr


# Exceptions NO BACKUP
$chflags -R nodump /usr/ports/
$chflags -R nodump /usr/src/
$chflags -R nodump /usr/obj/
$chflags -R nodump /mnt/backup/

# Fullbackup Level 0 Monthly
$dump -$lvl -Lauf - $src1 | gzip -2 | dd of=$dest1
$dump -$lvl -Lauf - $src2 | gzip -2 | dd of=$dest2
$dump -$lvl -Lauf - $src3 | gzip -2 | dd of=$dest3
$dump -$lvl -Lauf - $src4 | gzip -2 | dd of=$dest4

#Finish Comments
umount /mnt/backup/
echo Finished Another Weeks Backup

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Re: Question with mouse pointer

2006-10-20 Thread Jim Stapleton

Thanks, that is what I was looking for/thinking of.

On 10/19/06, Norberto Meijome [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 20:16:16 -0400
Jim Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What's the best way to get a larger pointer on my comptuer? I'm
 running Xorg/KDE. I tried to look, but the only thing I could find was
 cursor profiles, and I'd rather not have to figure out how to create a
 new profile...

 Sorry for the lack of specifics and details, but I'm not what else to
 put here.  Lowering the resolution isn't really an option either...

Hi Jim,
usually (in my experience) this is done by changing the cursors you actually
use (rather than 'enlarge' the current by some software method).

On my 6.2-PRERELEASE system X cursors are located in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/

you can download packages and extract them in folders there, or simply install
them from ports (search for 'cursor' in the  name). To change the default
setting (so it affects your login manager too, you need to edit


For example, I have the following cursor packages installed:

$ pkg_info | grep curso
cursor-bluecurve-theme-0.234_2 The Bluecurve X cursor themes

and my index.theme is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [Fri Oct 20 10:59:07 2006]
$ cat index.theme
[Icon Theme]

There may be some way for your desktop manager to modify the cursor... but
this works, and I use XFCE, so i don't know those details about KDE or GNOME. I
think Enlightment has some mouse-pointer related settings, but it's been a
while since I tried it.


{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

Percusive Maintenance - The art of tuning or repairing equipment by hitting it.

I speak for myself, not my employer. Contents may be hot. Slippery when wet.
Reading disclaimers makes you go blind. Writing them is worse. You have been

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Question with mouse pointer

2006-10-19 Thread Jim Stapleton

What's the best way to get a larger pointer on my comptuer? I'm
running Xorg/KDE. I tried to look, but the only thing I could find was
cursor profiles, and I'd rather not have to figure out how to create a
new profile...

Sorry for the lack of specifics and details, but I'm not what else to
put here.  Lowering the resolution isn't really an option either...

-Jim Stapleto
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Re: What's so compelling about FreeBSD?

2006-10-17 Thread Jim Stapleton

yeah the ports make me fell in love with FreeBSD, the only thing that came
close to FreeBSD  ports is the gentoo portage,  note came close but not
really at par.

yeah, portage wasn't bad, but it wasn't as clean as ports either. More
errors, more fixing.
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Re: What's so compelling about FreeBSD?

2006-10-17 Thread Jim Stapleton

Also, I'm not sure when you guys tried Gentoo, but as of late (within
the past ~1 year), the quality of the packages and system as an OS has
improved quite a bit, in the sense that many stable items now install
and work properly in the OS. Another off-topic comment I admit, but I
thought it should be mentioned...

I've been trying to deal with it for the past two months, on and off.
OpenOffice would not compile, Xorg took a lot of tweaking and a few
attempts, and a few other programs provided a bit of challange. Only
KDE went more smoothly than it did in FBSD.

I'd like to see portage in FBSD though, since ruby is pretty kludgy.
Either that or a different means of recording package data and
dependencies (been thinking of Perl for a while..).

Where does Ruby fit into this? To my knowledge, ports uses Perl to my
knowledge, and Portage uses Python.

And while I wouldn't mind a few of the portage features, such as about
10k more packages, and a few of the interface/display options, I'd
still rather use FBSD any day.

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Re: What's so compelling about FreeBSD?

2006-10-16 Thread Jim Stapleton

I have a few FreeBSD machine from 4.x to 5.x. I have asked people how to
upgrade them to latest version 6.x cleanly. All I was told is that I
need to wipe them out and reinstall. However, this is not the case with
Gentoo Linux. With Gentoo, version release does not matter that much,
you can always keep your system up to date if you like. Of cause, you
can also choose staying at a certain version.

I'm gonna join the whoever said this was on crack club. Going
between major versions can be a challange due to mergebastard and the
various config file change, but Gentoo's setup is really no different
in that respect.

However, when you want to compile the Kernel, the FreeBSD system is
much mroe useful than that of Gentoo. I failed my first kernel build
on FreeBSD (custom kernel config) before it booted properly, and have
since done several more without issue.

With Gentoo, after about half a dozen attempts at optimizing my kernel
for my notebook, I gave up and used Genkernel, which was not as
efficient, but at least worked.

Linux supports more devices than FreeBSD, especially new devices.

Spend an extra 5 minutes researching your hardware before buying, more
often than not, this'll save you the issues.
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Re: What's so compelling about FreeBSD?

2006-10-16 Thread Jim Stapleton

No offense to those who swear by it (and I know this is a bit
off-topic), but genkernel is shit. It's kernel compiling for people who
are afraid of forgetting make commands..

I agree, but since I couldn't get a decent custom kernel booting, that
was my only option.

And speaking of sht, in regards to Damiens last comment - I honestly
don't believe that it's just binary drivers that keeps Linux with
better driver support - there are more OSS drivers there too. The
reason? It's fecal - linux only; cares that it works, they care much
less about documentation and quality. It's enticing to the a lot of
the developers and made the community larger - Hey I can spend my
time coding how I want instead of following standards and wasting time
with documentation!!. Don't get me wrong, I think binary drivers due
play an issue, by my BSD desktop had binary drivers in it too, they
just weren't supplied with the BSD images (I don't think they would
have been stored with linux images either).

anyway, just another two cents of my own.

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: USB Mass Storage stopped working, help requested

2006-10-15 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 10/15/06, Erik Norgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Stapleton wrote:

 It used to work on this machine, the kernel/world has not been
 recompiled/reinstalled since then. However, A USB drive that used to
 work (and still works in windows) no longer works in FreeBSD. When I
 plug in the drive, the /dev/da* devices do not show up. The system is
 running 6.1.

When you plug in the USB drive, lines should be appended to the dmesg of
the kernel identifying the device - or any errors. Please post that.

 The handbook says I need these:
 device scbus
 device da
 device pass
 device uhci
 device ohci
 device usb
 device umass

You may need ehci if this is USB 2.0, but I think it would otherwise
fall back on either ohci or uhci.

 Scanning dmesg for usb, I get:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:32:22 (0) /usr/src  dmesg | grep usb
 usb0: UHCI (generic) USB controller on uhci0
 usb0: USB revision 1.0
 usb1: UHCI (generic) USB controller on uhci1
 usb1: USB revision 1.0
 usb2: UHCI (generic) USB controller on uhci2
 usb2: USB revision 1.0
 usb3: UHCI (generic) USB controller on uhci3
 usb3: USB revision 1.0
 usb4: EHCI version 1.0
 usb4: companion controllers, 2 ports each: usb0 usb1 usb2 usb3
 usb4: Intel 82801GB/R (ICH7) USB 2.0 controller on ehci0
 usb4: USB revision 2.0

See comment above on dmesg. You don't get all the relevant info by
grepping for usb.

 The results from usbdevs:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:34:11 (0) /usr/src  sudo usbdevs
 addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel
 addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel
 addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel
  addr 2: USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse, Logitech
 addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel
 addr 1: EHCI root hub, Intel
  addr 2: iAUDIO X5, Cowon Systems, Inc.

Is that with the device plugged in? If so, seems logical that there is
no device in /dev because it is not found.

Cheers, Erik

Ph: +34.666334818  web:
X.509 Certificate:
Key ID: 69:79:B8:2C:E3:8F:E7:BE:5D:C3:C3:B1:74:62:B8:3F:9F:1F:69:B9

OK, here's the full dmesg. It's the IAUDIO X5 devices (I just use it
as a portable hard drive a lot, which is why I called it that). After
unplugging/plugging it in several times, I noticed my dmesg doesn't

Copyright (c) 1992-2006 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
   The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #1: Mon Jul 24 16:10:27 EDT 2006
Timecounter i8254 frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Genuine Intel(R) CPU   T1300  @ 1.66GHz (1662.52-MHz 686-class CPU)
 Origin = GenuineIntel  Id = 0x6e8  Stepping = 8
real memory  = 526843904 (502 MB)
avail memory = 506183680 (482 MB)
ioapic0 Version 2.0 irqs 0-23 on motherboard
kbd1 at kbdmux0
ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413, RF5413)
acpi0: TOSINV Capell00 on motherboard
acpi_bus_number: can't get _ADR
acpi_bus_number: can't get _ADR
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
acpi_bus_number: can't get _ADR
acpi_bus_number: can't get _ADR
   ACPI-0356: *** Error: Region EmbeddedControl(3) has no handler
   ACPI-1304: *** Error: Method execution failed
[\\_SB_.PCI0.PCIB.DOCK._STA] (Node 0xc3241360), AE_NOT_EXIST
   ACPI-0239: *** Error: Method execution failed
[\\_SB_.PCI0.PCIB.DOCK._STA] (Node 0xc3241360), AE_NOT_EXIST
   ACPI-0356: *** Error: Region EmbeddedControl(3) has no handler
   ACPI-1304: *** Error: Method execution failed
[\\_SB_.PCI0.PCIB.DOCK._STA] (Node 0xc3241360), AE_NOT_EXIST
   ACPI-0239: *** Error: Method execution failed
[\\_SB_.PCI0.PCIB.DOCK._STA] (Node 0xc3241360), AE_NOT_EXIST
Timecounter ACPI-fast frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: 24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz port 0x1008-0x100b on acpi0
acpi_ec0: Embedded Controller: GPE 0x16 port 0x62,0x66 on acpi0
cpu0: ACPI CPU on acpi0
acpi_perf0: ACPI CPU Frequency Control on cpu0
acpi_perf0: failed in PERF_STATUS attach
device_attach: acpi_perf0 attach returned 6
acpi_perf0: ACPI CPU Frequency Control on cpu0
acpi_perf0: failed in PERF_STATUS attach
device_attach: acpi_perf0 attach returned 6
acpi_throttle0: ACPI CPU Throttling on cpu0
acpi_lid0: Control Method Lid Switch on acpi0
battery0: ACPI Control Method Battery on acpi0
acpi_acad0: AC Adapter on acpi0
acpi_button0: Power Button on acpi0
pcib0: ACPI Host-PCI bridge port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: ACPI PCI bus on pcib0
acpi_video0: ACPI video extension port 0x1800-0x1807 mem
0xdc10-0xdc17,0xc000-0xcfff,0xdc20-0xdc23 irq
16 at device 2.0 on pci0
pci0: display at device 2.1 (no driver attached)
pci0: multimedia at device 27.0 (no driver attached)
pcib1: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge irq 17 at device 28.0 on pci0
pci2: ACPI PCI bus on pcib1
pcib2: ACPI PCI

Re: Route #3 - USB 802.11 a/b/g

2006-10-15 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 10/8/06, Jim Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/8/06, Sam Leffler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Stapleton wrote:
  On 10/7/06, Lars Engels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, Oct 06, 2006 at 07:22:50PM -0400, Jim Stapleton wrote:
   OK, that's interesting, I tried, that, and got this:
  inet6 fe80::215:e9ff:fe2d:72c3%ural0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
  inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
  ether 00:15:e9:2d:72:c3
  media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/54Mbps (OFDM/54Mbps)
  status: no carrier
  ssid mine channel 6
  authmode OPEN privacy ON deftxkey 1 txpowmax 100 protmode CTS
  bintval 100
   I've tried replacing wep with wepkey, I've tried weptxkey 1 to 4, no
   luck on any of those.
   Any other suggestions?
  Perhaps the authmode needs to be set to SHARED?
  That didn't work either -- I also tried 8021x and wpa. Both gave me an
  ifconfig: SIOCS80211: invalid argument

 status: no carrier means you are not associated to the ap.  When the
 reason is not obvious I usually do this:

 wlandebug -i ural0 scan+auth+assoc

 before bringing the interface up w/ ifconfig.  The console msgs should
 tell you what's going on.  I don't recall if ifconfig ural0 debug will
 give you similar info.

 Of course it'd be better if the failure code for the last auth/assoc
 attempt was reported by ifconfig in this situation (I think it's
 available by ioctl but can't recall--if not it's easy to add and has
 been done for other systems).


 PS. wlandebug is in src/tools/tools/net80211.

well, it gave me something that is probably useful - but I've no idea
how to use it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 16:17:27 (0) ~  sudo wlandebug -i ural0 scan+auth+assoc
net.wlan.1.debug: 0x0 = 0xe0assoc,auth,scan

there was no other output. Nothing appeared in dmesg

-Jim Stapleton

addendum: I found a way to get by this problem - it only seems to fail
when the mouse is plugged in before the drive, if I plug in the mouse
first, the drive fails. I have verified this with anouth drive. This
only happens when the mouse is plugged in directly, if the mouse is
plugged in via a KVM (as it would be at home), the problem is not

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: What's so compelling about FreeBSD?

2006-10-15 Thread Jim Stapleton

Well, in my case:

- No matter what method I use to install packages in Linux (Apt-Get,
Yum, Deb, RPM, and to a much lesser extent, Emerge, and to a *MUCH*
greater extent src tar.gz's), I tend to have a lot more trouble
getting installs to finish than with BSD in ports.

- The FreeBSD community is much more friendly and helpful than the
Linux community, in my experience. Gentoo's is better than other Linux
communities, but still not quite up to FreeBSD.

- I notice a lot smaller number of It's 'X' liscence, therefore it
has to be good, or It's open source therefore it has to be good
fanboys in FreeBSD. The users tend to be more of a It works, so it's
good type. This really makes the commmunity pleasant.

- The documentation of FreeBSD is much better in both organization and
detail - while good documentation can be found for Linux, FreeBSD just
takes a lot less searching.

- I've found a lot of breaks in Linux where I couldn't find anything
short of a system re-install to fix them without a lot more effort in
searching for some obscure piece of documentation. Aside from once
when I blew up my kernel build, I didn't have that problem in BSD.

- It's less popular than Linux, so it's less commonly known/accounted
for, and it makes you just that much safer from hackers.

Note: that's not to say it doesn't have it's issues, like every other
OS, I could name a few dozen issues I've run into with FreeBSD without
much hassle (mostly related to drivers, UI, and parts of the
installer), but that's a different topic alltogether.

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USB Mass Storage stopped working, help requested

2006-10-14 Thread Jim Stapleton

It used to work on this machine, the kernel/world has not been
recompiled/reinstalled since then. However, A USB drive that used to
work (and still works in windows) no longer works in FreeBSD. When I
plug in the drive, the /dev/da* devices do not show up. The system is
running 6.1.

The handbook says I need these:
device scbus
device da
device pass
device uhci
device ohci
device usb
device umass

kldstat shows this:
1   12 0xc040 51e030   kernel
21 0xc091f000 1adb8linux.ko
31 0xc093a000 4d24 acpi_video.ko
44 0xc093f000 597acacpi.ko
51 0xc0999000 3b58 acpi_toshiba.ko
62 0xc3803000 9000 ibcs2.ko
71 0xc381 3000 ibcs2_coff.ko
81 0xc3df7000 d000 msdosfs.ko

Looking for the modules, I find:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:29:05 (0) /usr/src  ls /boot/kernel | grep 'scbus\.'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:29:10 (0) /usr/src  ls /boot/kernel | grep 'da\.'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:29:12 (0) /usr/src  ls /boot/kernel | grep 'pass\.'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:29:26 (0) /usr/src  ls /boot/kernel | grep 'uhci\.'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:29:30 (0) /usr/src  ls /boot/kernel | grep 'ohci\.'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:29:32 (0) /usr/src  ls /boot/kernel | grep 'usb\.'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:29:43 (0) /usr/src  ls /boot/kernel | grep 'umass\.'

Scanning dmesg for usb, I get:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:32:22 (0) /usr/src  dmesg | grep usb
usb0: UHCI (generic) USB controller on uhci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
usb1: UHCI (generic) USB controller on uhci1
usb1: USB revision 1.0
usb2: UHCI (generic) USB controller on uhci2
usb2: USB revision 1.0
usb3: UHCI (generic) USB controller on uhci3
usb3: USB revision 1.0
usb4: EHCI version 1.0
usb4: companion controllers, 2 ports each: usb0 usb1 usb2 usb3
usb4: Intel 82801GB/R (ICH7) USB 2.0 controller on ehci0
usb4: USB revision 2.0

The results from usbdevs:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:34:11 (0) /usr/src  sudo usbdevs
addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel
addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel
addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel
addr 2: USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse, Logitech
addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel
addr 1: EHCI root hub, Intel
addr 2: iAUDIO X5, Cowon Systems, Inc.

What is the best way to fix this without recompiling the kernel? I
thought about compiling the drivers in the source tree individually:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:37:13 (0) /sys  cd /usr/src; find . -iname '*da\.*'

but I could not do a make in the scsi or cam directories. make scsi
gave me a don't know how to make class of error, and make cam gave
me an error saying cam is up to date.

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: Newbie Question - looking for suggestions of small ports to install on stand-alone system without internet connection

2006-10-07 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 10/6/06, ograbme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like a few recommendations for small ports to try to install
on my stand-alone machine.

The stand-alone machine does not have connection to the internet;
however, I do have a set of four (4)CD from the FreeBSD Mall and two
(2) of the CD's have 'ports' on them.  I would like to select one, two
or three ports to install on this machine ... to go through the steps
and experience of the ports process using the cdroms, so ... in
essence I'm looking for suggestions of ports of a small nature (if
there is such a thing).

I'm not sure how familiar you are with Unis operating systems or the
various tools available for all of it's incarnations, so, I'm listing
these with info as if you were completely new to it. If you are not, I
do not mean any insult or offense, I just don't know your level of
experience, so I'm going for something relatively low that would give
you a wide range of sights and sounds in the desktop *nix world. If
you aren't /that/ new, just look at my list, and pick and choose your

Ideally, you would want to install ports that you could make use of
more than ports that are small. Even the larges ports rarely cause me

For small starts:
bash - already suggested, very good shell
nano - light weight and useful text editor
pico - like nano, but made before or after, can't remember which
vim - again, already suggested, good text editor, though not to my
taste. It is lightweight and fast, though not to the extent of
sudoku - I prefer pencil and paper because you can make notes, but it's fun
naim - a console IM program

intermediate projects:
emacs - another popular editor, the largest (in size, not popularity
- don't know what is the most popular) of the bunch, but I know people
who get a lot of work done only starting one program *ever*, this is
that program. It uses a large amount of resources for just a text
editor, but you can do a lot more with it, and on a modern machine,
that large amount is still relatively neglegable.
xorg - an X (graphics) server, which will be extremely useful if you
want more than a console command prompt.
gaim - a multi-im client. quite useful, it could actually be in
small projects, but you need X installed before hand.
gnome - this is between intermediate and larger projects, a good and
popular desktop/session manager, again, not to my taste, for as much
smaller as it is, it runs slower than KDE on my systems. Nonetheless,
a lot of people like it, and you should give it a try.
* - Just about anything in the games directory

Big projects
KDE - like gnome, but more friendly to the people who like gui
configuration, less friendly to those who like text configuration. I
find it faster, but that could be because I have a lot of memory on
all my machines - it's definetly larger. Might be the whole space for
speed tradeoff that you can sometimes do, I don't know. Regardless, be
prepared for a challange, you may not (read: probably won't) be able
to get the full KDE running due to some apps not compiling. Read the
updating file, and you may have to try kde-lite. - a nice office suit, be prepared for a
challange! Now, you may need a few java packages that won't be on the
CDs for this - which you'll have to download elsewhere and put on
either a CD or a flash drive.

Have fun,
-Jim Stapleton
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ndis + Linksys WPC54Gv3

2006-09-27 Thread Jim Stapleton

I have just picked up this card for my notebook. On this site:
it is reported to work. I have inserted the card, the status light on
it blinks green then goes off. I ran ndis and generated the driver as
specified, kldloaded the wlan_wep module, followed by ndis, followed
by the card driver. After that I checked dmesg - the card did not
appear (nothing with ndis or the card driver name). No errors came
from kldload, and there was no ndis entry in /dev or /dev/net

What's the next step in diagnostics? I'm runing FreeBSD 6.1 on i386
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Re: can someone point me to some good and descriptive VPN documentation for my use?

2006-09-01 Thread Jim Stapleton

d'oh, thanks, I was looking for vpn in net and net-mgmt, didn't
think of grepping the security directory.

-Jim Stapleton

On 8/31/06, Jonathan Horne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thursday 31 August 2006 11:28, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
 Jim Stapleton wrote:
  I'm trying to VPN in to work from home, and the IT group there only
  supports windows. There are Cisco pre-configured clients for Linux,
  MacOS X, and Windows available, but not BSD.
  I tried running the Linux binary, but it wanted to move to a
  nonexistant driectory, and didn't tell me which directory it couldn't
  find, so I couldn't make the proper symlink.

 You could try a strings on the binary to try to find the directory -
 assuming that's the only problem, of course :-)


the most important question is, what type of vpn concentrator do you have?  if
it happens to be a cisco vpn3000, the try this:


other wise, google [your vpn model] freebsd and see what turns up.

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Re: free-bsd's mount_smbfs having issues with EMC Celerra

2006-08-31 Thread Jim Stapleton

The right stuff:

sudo mount_smbfs -I server name NOT ip - don't ask me why, I don't
know -W workgroup/domain name -d 550 -f 550 //myusername@server
name NOT ip - I can answer this if you don't know and ask me
why/share mount point

That's about it.

On 8/30/06, Antony Mawer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 31/08/2006 2:18 AM, Jim Stapleton wrote:
 nevermind, my own dumb mistake with the connection string, first I
 didn't have the right stuff for logging into a domain, second time
 around when that was fixed, I had a / where there should have been
 an @.

What was the right stuff for logging into a domain? Can you give an
example command line?

We've seen some machines where we had to add the -W parameter with the
domain name (as the workgroup name, go figure) in order to get
mount_smbfs to work... yet smbclient will happily figure this out itself.


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can someone point me to some good and descriptive VPN documentation for my use?

2006-08-31 Thread Jim Stapleton

I'm trying to VPN in to work from home, and the IT group there only
supports windows. There are Cisco pre-configured clients for Linux,
MacOS X, and Windows available, but not BSD.

I tried running the Linux binary, but it wanted to move to a
nonexistant driectory, and didn't tell me which directory it couldn't
find, so I couldn't make the proper symlink.

I looked through the VPN via IPSEC portion of the handbook, but was
left wanting. Anyone know of a better howto?

My questions from the VPN/IPSEC section:
(1) My machine isn't the router - can it still work?
(2) I don't want to send a lot of garbage to the VPN connection,
should I connect the loopback (, my local ip (,
or create a new loopback or virtual network connection (how?)

-Jim Stapleton
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free-bsd's mount_smbfs having issues with EMC Celerra

2006-08-30 Thread Jim Stapleton

I'm trying to connect my FreeBSD notebook to some shares at work,
which are on an EMC Celerra box, which uses the windows SMB protocol,
but I keep getting an odd error, which right now I'm suspecting is an
incompatability between the two, and I was wondering if anyone here
has had previous experience with this:

1) I can mount_smbfs shares on my windows desktop at home
2) People here can mount drives on the celerra box from Windows and Linux
3) Every time I try to map a share from FreeBSD, I get the error:
mount_smbfs: unable to
open connection: resource temporarily unavailable

And no, I am not installing windows/linux on my notebook to get this
(and sound) working, each has it's own issues which make it much worse
for my uses. :-P

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: free-bsd's mount_smbfs having issues with EMC Celerra

2006-08-30 Thread Jim Stapleton

nevermind, my own dumb mistake with the connection string, first I
didn't have the right stuff for logging into a domain, second time
around when that was fixed, I had a / where there should have been
an @.

Just point, laugh and make funny faces at me, I deserve it for the latter error.

-Jim Stapleton

On 8/30/06, Jim Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to connect my FreeBSD notebook to some shares at work,
which are on an EMC Celerra box, which uses the windows SMB protocol,
but I keep getting an odd error, which right now I'm suspecting is an
incompatability between the two, and I was wondering if anyone here
has had previous experience with this:

1) I can mount_smbfs shares on my windows desktop at home
2) People here can mount drives on the celerra box from Windows and Linux
3) Every time I try to map a share from FreeBSD, I get the error:
mount_smbfs: unable to
open connection: resource temporarily unavailable

And no, I am not installing windows/linux on my notebook to get this
(and sound) working, each has it's own issues which make it much worse
for my uses. :-P

-Jim Stapleton

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Re: driver source compilation question

2006-08-27 Thread Jim Stapleton
 is not constant
hdac.c:1862: error: (near initialization for `hdacchan_methods[5]')
hdac.c:1863: error: `channel_getcaps_desc' undeclared here (not in a function)
hdac.c:1863: error: initializer element is not constant
hdac.c:1863: error: (near initialization for `hdacchan_methods[6].desc')
hdac.c:1863: error: initializer element is not constant
hdac.c:1863: error: (near initialization for `hdacchan_methods[6]')
hdac.c:1864: error: initializer element is not constant
hdac.c:1864: error: (near initialization for `hdacchan_methods[7]')
*** Error code 1

Line 1587 of hdac.c:

channel_init is not described anywhere, but I noticed that several
other driver files in the kernel tree use soemthing like this also -
I'm assuming that I'm missing something in the makefile, but I cant
figure out what. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you,
-Jim Stapleton
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IPSEC, am I missing something?

2006-08-27 Thread Jim Stapleton

I was googling freebsd and vpn so I could use my notebook to
handle work stuff remotely, and I found this:

guess I didn't need google. Regardless, it mentions a lot of kernel
options. I checked my kernel configuration file, to see if they had
been turned on, they weren't even in there and commented out let alone
on (as some optionals are).

What I found and added:
#ipsec: Required for VPN
options IPSEC#IP security
options IPSEC_ESP#IP security (crypto; define w/ IPSEC)
#ipsec optimsations
options FAST_IPSEC   # new IPsec (cannot define w/ IPSEC)
options IPSEC_FILTERGIF  #filter ipsec packets from a tunnel

before adding these, I just had the default 6.1 generic kernel file
with a few things commented and a couple uncommented.

Am I missing soemeting?

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: IPSEC, am I missing something?

2006-08-27 Thread Jim Stapleton

OK, thanks.

Right now there are no problems, I just am looking to figure out how
to connect to my works VPN from home. Right now I'm looking at the
actual VPN part, but after that I have to check how to do remote
desktop/terminal services for the windows server I have to work on.

Thank you,
-Jim Stapleton

On 8/27/06, Erik Nørgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Stapleton wrote:

 What I found and added:
 #ipsec: Required for VPN
 optionsIPSEC#IP security
 optionsIPSEC_ESP#IP security (crypto; define w/ IPSEC)
 #ipsec optimsations
 optionsFAST_IPSEC   # new IPsec (cannot define w/ IPSEC)
 optionsIPSEC_FILTERGIF  #filter ipsec packets from a tunnel

 before adding these, I just had the default 6.1 generic kernel file
 with a few things commented and a couple uncommented.

Just start with the first two options, then add the others if needed.
But before you start, check if this actually solves the problem. There
is a well known problem with IPSec across NAT-firewalls: Authenticated
Headers don't work.

Not all kernel options are in the GENERIC file, look for the NOTES file,
platform specific NOTES are where you find the GENERIC for your
platform, but there is also a general NOTES.

Cheers, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818  web:
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driver source compilation question

2006-08-25 Thread Jim Stapleton

I've found some driver source, it's just got the .c and .h files for
the drivers, and no makefile. make and make install do nothing
(I've extracted them to a folder in my home directory).

How do I install them?

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: driver source compilation question

2006-08-25 Thread Jim Stapleton

In my case, I'm trying to compile the HDA audio driver for an Intel
HDA sound card, I checked this driver makefile here:


but I've no clue where to start, there's a lot of stuff in there. I'll
look again in the morning, but any suggestions on an easier driver?

-Jim Stapleton

On 8/25/06, Derek Ragona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The simplest thing is to copy a make file from a port, or other driver
source directory and edit it for your driver.


 At 08:20 PM 8/25/2006, Jim Stapleton wrote:

I've found some driver source, it's just got the .c and .h files for
 the drivers, and no makefile. make and make install do nothing
 (I've extracted them to a folder in my home directory).

 How do I install them?

 -Jim Stapleton
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Re: Wine and FreeBSD how to

2006-08-14 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 7/31/06, Jim Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 7/31/06, Joshua Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I installed wine on my 6.1 system but I don't see a config file
anywhere on the system. Has anyone installed and used Wine
successfully that could point me towards an easy FreeBSD how to? Or
something similar. I told my 7 year old I would load a game for him
and wanted to look for an easy how too.
Joshua Lewis
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There is a configuration utility I used, can't remeber the name, but
the name should be obvious using this - it'll create the base wine
directory and such like that:
$ ls /usr/local/bin | grep wine

Sorry, I know it's a bit late, but I remember the tool now: wineprefixcreate

makes a nice wine directory to wherever you have your WINEPREVIX
variable set, and it works quite nicely.
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Re: Problems with MySQL since upgrade

2006-08-02 Thread Jim Stapleton

Not sure, seems more of a mysql question, but here's some guesses I
have for diagnostics.

could you run these queries?

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE status  3
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sessiions WHERE sid = d9fe25949f79f2c767a0d237b4fdf841
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FROM users u INNER JOIN sessions s ON u.uid =
s.uid WHERE s.sid = d9fe25949f79f2c767a0d237b4fdf841 AND u.status 

-Jim Stapleton

On 8/2/06, Richard Morse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Aug 1, 2006, at 9:24 AM, Richard Morse wrote:

 Hi!  I recently updated MySQL to version 5.0.22 using the ports
 system (portupgrade -r -R mysql-\*).  Previous to this, MySQL was
 behaving perfectly normally.  Since the upgrade, I have found that
 every so often -- sometimes two or three times a day, sometimes
 every other day, but no more often than that -- one of the
 databases MySQL is hosting starts misbehaving, MySQL starts
 climbing in processor usage, and I have to restart MySQL to
 recover.  By misbehaving, I mean that some subset of queries to
 this database start not returning -- they take forever.  By
 climbing in processor usage, I mean that my load averages, which
 normally sit around 0, start going up to 3, 5, even 7.

 - How can I determine what query it is that is causing this to
 happen?  I have turned on the log files by adding the following
 line to /etc/rc.conf:

Hi!  Since this time, I have, I think, found what query is causing
the problem:

SELECT u.*, s.* FROM users u INNER JOIN sessions s ON u.uid = s.uid
WHERE s.sid = d9fe25949f79f2c767a0d237b4fdf841 AND u.status  3
LIMIT 0, 1

How can I determine _why_ this is causing MySQL to hang/enter some
kind of infinite loop?

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anyone have any luck on installing FreeBSD on a SATA drive on an Adaptec 1205SA card?

2006-08-02 Thread Jim Stapleton

I got this thinking adaptec would make their own chip, turns out it is
a SiL 3112 (I got it to hopefully end the issues I was having with the
SiL 2114 on my motherboard, turns out I just ended up with more).

Anyway, while this new chip fixed the issues of write errors in
windows, BSD cannot boot with the card installed, except in safe mode,
and even then the installer hanges at random intervals. Any fix

The motherboard is an ABit NF7-S. The drive is a Seagate and was used
for a FreeBSD install on an ASUS A8N-E motherboard, quite

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: Problems with MySQL since upgrade

2006-08-02 Thread Jim Stapleton

I thought there were mysql forums, but I am not sure.

In the queries I gave you, none of the results were too large I take
it (not above the low thousands)?

-Jim Stapleton

On 8/2/06, Richard Morse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi!  All of these queries worked just fine, without causing any

As this is more of a mysql issue, do you have any suggestions where
it would be best for me to query them?


On Aug 2, 2006, at 9:36 AM, Jim Stapleton wrote:

 Not sure, seems more of a mysql question, but here's some guesses I
 have for diagnostics.

 could you run these queries?

 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE status  3
 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sessiions WHERE sid =
 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FROM users u INNER JOIN sessions s ON u.uid =
 s.uid WHERE s.sid = d9fe25949f79f2c767a0d237b4fdf841 AND u.status 

 -Jim Stapleton

 On 8/2/06, Richard Morse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 1, 2006, at 9:24 AM, Richard Morse wrote:

  Hi!  I recently updated MySQL to version 5.0.22 using the ports
  system (portupgrade -r -R mysql-\*).  Previous to this, MySQL was
  behaving perfectly normally.  Since the upgrade, I have found that
  every so often -- sometimes two or three times a day, sometimes
  every other day, but no more often than that -- one of the
  databases MySQL is hosting starts misbehaving, MySQL starts
  climbing in processor usage, and I have to restart MySQL to
  recover.  By misbehaving, I mean that some subset of queries to
  this database start not returning -- they take forever.  By
  climbing in processor usage, I mean that my load averages, which
  normally sit around 0, start going up to 3, 5, even 7.
  - How can I determine what query it is that is causing this to
  happen?  I have turned on the log files by adding the following
  line to /etc/rc.conf:

 Hi!  Since this time, I have, I think, found what query is causing
 the problem:

 SELECT u.*, s.* FROM users u INNER JOIN sessions s ON u.uid = s.uid
 WHERE s.sid = d9fe25949f79f2c767a0d237b4fdf841 AND u.status  3
 LIMIT 0, 1

 How can I determine _why_ this is causing MySQL to hang/enter some
 kind of infinite loop?

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Re: SATA Cables Suck!

2006-08-02 Thread Jim Stapleton

I have SATA one cables/connectors, and they do come loose when
fiddling in the case, but otherwise they are fine (when the case is
closed and the machine is running. However, I do prefer the locking
cables and jacks in SATA II.

You might look at Newegg as your vendor, I believe I saw some there: Alternatively, I got some SATAII cables from,
oddly enough, Microcenter, that were good priced and worked well.

-Jim Stapleton

On 8/2/06, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 1 Aug 2006 at 17:23, Nikolas Britton wrote:

 The number one problem I've had with SATA RAIDs has been the cables! 4
 times I've lost arrays because the cables came loose or some other
 stupid problem with the cables.

 I need a vendor that has high quality latching SATA-II cables. Also...
 what can we do with the old cables to fix them... super glue them
 on?... Here's a question... Are all SATA cables rated for SATA-II?
 I've never seen a definitive answer to this question and
 does not sells SATA-II cables... Also does the spec call for
 shielded cables?

 frustrated, need a place to unload thanks.

I think Western Digital makes securelock cables that snap in place pretty well. 
might be worth
a look.

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Re: Wine and FreeBSD how to

2006-07-31 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 7/31/06, Joshua Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I installed wine on my 6.1 system but I don't see a config file
   anywhere on the system. Has anyone installed and used Wine
   successfully that could point me towards an easy FreeBSD how to? Or
   something similar. I told my 7 year old I would load a game for him
   and wanted to look for an easy how too.
   Joshua Lewis
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There is a configuration utility I used, can't remeber the name, but
the name should be obvious using this - it'll create the base wine
directory and such like that:
$ ls /usr/local/bin | grep wine
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Re: freebsd livecd and pentium 1

2006-07-24 Thread Jim Stapleton

That is pretty small.   At the bare minimum level, you might be
able to get it up and running, but not be able to do much of any
real work on it without more memory.

You didn't mention the amount of disk on the machine, but if you want
to run X (needed for a Gui) then it will take more that a couple of GB
and if you want KDE or Gnome to manage your Gui, it will take even more.

I don't remember if Pentium I will do the trick or not, but probably
will, just awfully slowly.

A P1 with 32MB should be sufficient albeit painful, but I wouldn't use
any large scale desktop/window managers (such as KDE/Gnome), I'd
probably use one of the light weights like TWM (and ION?), or maybe a
medium weight (WMaker?), and no more.

A memory upgrade is strongly recommended if possible.

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: What FreeBSD users really want

2006-07-22 Thread Jim Stapleton
), and keeps the system resources from being
wasted by things that aren't needed.

-Jim Stapleton
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network no longer auto-starts after mergemaster

2006-07-20 Thread Jim Stapleton

I rebuilt my kernel/world, but now my network no longer auto-starts. I
can easily start it with sudo ifconfig fxp0 up, which, while it
works, is mildly annoying.

Anyone know what file I could have improperly mergemastered to get this result?

My rc.conf file, I'm not sure what else I should put in (such as my
/var/log/messages; everything as of the last boot?):

# -- sysinstall generated deltas -- # Fri Jun 16 08:17:49 2006
# Created: Fri Jun 16 08:17:49 2006
# Enable network daemons for user convenience.
# Please make all changes to this file, not to /etc/defaults/rc.conf.
# This file now contains just the overrides from /etc/defaults/rc.conf.


-Jim Stapleton
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Re: network no longer auto-starts after mergemaster

2006-07-20 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 7/20/06, Nick Withers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 09:36:42 -0400
Jim Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I rebuilt my kernel/world, but now my network no longer auto-starts. I
 can easily start it with sudo ifconfig fxp0 up, which, while it
 works, is mildly annoying.

 Anyone know what file I could have improperly mergemastered to get this 


What were you rebuilding from / to (e.g., 6.1-RELEASE -

I'll take a look at that file, thank you.

6.1 - 6.1 (just a rebuild of the kernel to make it more efficient,
and the OSS tech support suggested it might get their drivers to work
for my sound).

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: coldfusion alternative

2006-07-19 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 7/19/06, Glenn McCalley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK so a good customer of long standing wants a coldfusion website.
Some developer, the husband of one of his staff (so that makes him a
trusted advisor, right?), has convinced him it's the only way to do it.
My position is maybe that's the only way -he- can do it but there's a whole
wide world of alternatives out there.

Looking at it, he wants to collect some data on an input form, then hash it
over a couple of ways and present the results.  Pretty graphics maybe as
well.  Looks to me like Perl... don't even need a real database, heck
DB_File would work just fine for this.
OK with me...
...but what's the argument to present other than you don't need

I'd even put CF on the system and be done with it if there was a FreeBSD
version (anyone have any luck with that?).  Tracked down BlueDragon but
that's apparently Win only as well.

Ammunition wanted.

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I wish I had something more solid than this, but this is the best I
have at the moment. I would never suggest cold fusion for one primary

Every bit of documentation I've seen suggests that
fieldname_required hidden fields are a good idea for data
verification, and they don't mention _anything_ else, or even suggest
the risk with this.

Well, the problem is, a hacker won't sent those tags, and if the data
is critical, then not putting backups could be dangerous. This isn't
necessarily an issue, any two-bit dev should be able to figure this
one out. However useing that as well as a backup check is redundant
and wasteful.

Effectively you are wasting time or giving a hacker a hackme howto.

Any language that promotes either of those is a language I would never
trust - who knows what they've done inside of it, away from prying

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: Blank screen after existing X windows

2006-07-17 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 7/17/06, Martin Miedema [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just installed FreeBSD 6.1 on my Thinkpad T23 (one of my first times
using FreeBSD) and after wrestling my self through configuring X I'm
having the following problem:

X starts correctly and opens KDE but when I log it out it just shows a
blank screen. I can blindly type shutdown -p now or startx (which starts
X again normally.

The only way for me to shutdown X without facing the blank screen
appears to be by using CTRL-F1 and pressing CTRL+C

Please let me know if you need any configuration files or logs etc.

Thanks in advance,

Martin Miedema.
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You might want to post the end of your xorg log file as of the error
(go to a non-x console after logging out of X but before restarting
it, grab the last full entry)

I had this issue before, it was caused by not having X setup right (I
think I loaded a module it didn't like or had the driver settings
slightly off), either way, making the config file slightly more
conservative with the driver fixed it. I can't remember what I did,
but the xorg.conf file made the error pretty obvious.

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: Blank screen after existing X windows

2006-07-17 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 7/17/06, Martin Miedema [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Stapleton wrote:
 On 7/17/06, Martin Miedema [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just installed FreeBSD 6.1 on my Thinkpad T23 (one of my first times
 using FreeBSD) and after wrestling my self through configuring X I'm
 having the following problem:

 X starts correctly and opens KDE but when I log it out it just shows a
 blank screen. I can blindly type shutdown -p now or startx (which starts
 X again normally.

 The only way for me to shutdown X without facing the blank screen
 appears to be by using CTRL-F1 and pressing CTRL+C

 Please let me know if you need any configuration files or logs etc.

 Thanks in advance,

 Martin Miedema.
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 You might want to post the end of your xorg log file as of the error
 (go to a non-x console after logging out of X but before restarting
 it, grab the last full entry)

 I had this issue before, it was caused by not having X setup right (I
 think I loaded a module it didn't like or had the driver settings
 slightly off), either way, making the config file slightly more
 conservative with the driver fixed it. I can't remember what I did,
 but the xorg.conf file made the error pretty obvious.

 -Jim Stapleton
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I have uploaded my Xorg.0.log / Xorg.0.log.old and xorg.conf in a zip
file which is available at:



Please put the file in the mail to the newsgroup, or if you really
don't want to put it here, host the plain-text, and not in an archive.

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Re: Upgrading Included GCC

2006-07-10 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 7/10/06, Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the last episode (Jul 10), Jacob Jennings said:
 Hello, I am on FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE and was wondering if there is a way
 to replace the system's GCC, shipped with 5.5, (GCC 3.4.2) to GCC 4.1
 without upgrading the whole source tree to another release? Is there
 a way to do this that will not include much risk of breaking my
 system? Thanks.

You can install ports/lang/gcc41, which will give you gcc41 and
g++41 executables.

Dan Nelson
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If I'm reading the OP's comment right, he may try to do what I did the
first time... I was smart enough to back up the overwritten files
first... which saved me a reinstall.

DO NOT replace teh gcc, g++, etc. base files for the GCC compiler with
the newly compiled files, that will cause a lot of compilation issues
for many core things and does not work properly. I don't know why,
but it doesn't; it seems a lot of things get very tied to a particular
version of the compiler.

-Jim Stapleton
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FreeBSD lock key issue

2006-07-10 Thread Jim Stapleton

I am running 6.9 and when I hit a lock key (caps, scroll, etc), sucks almost all of my CPU for about a second. This doesn't
always happen, but it usually happens, and I've yet to isolate it to
haing any particular application open, It might be due to the number
of applications open, I've not verified yet. It happens in the KDE and
Gnome desktop managers. It happens in the Firefox, OpenOffice, Konsole
and XMMS applications (really 90% of what I do in FreeBSD is on or
through these).

Anyone know what might be causing this? Anyone have an idea on where
to look further?
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Re: k3b package

2006-07-10 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 7/8/06, Karl Hammerschmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I was planning to install k3b from a package, but I wasn't
able to find it in packages-6-stable or packages-6.0-release
on any of the ftp mirrors.

Am I missing something?

- Karl
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Are you/can you CVSUP the ports tree, and then try to install it from
there? Is it not showing up in the ports tree when you do that? Is it
showing up but the package not downloading? I recently installed this
also without any mishaps.

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: FreeBSD for kids...

2006-07-05 Thread Jim Stapleton

I don't know of any. You could do a minimal install, install X + WM of
choice (probably one that dosn't add games), and thend add the
educational and math/sci related packages in ports? I think the
directories they are in are relatively limited, and so finding them
shouldn't be too hard.

-Jim Stapleton

On 7/5/06, Norberto Meijome [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone,
Is anyone aware of any project based on FreeBSD similar to Edubuntu (Ubuntu
distro for kids) ?

I want to dedicated some boxes @ home for the kids, but I would prefer to spend
time on BSD than tux.

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Re: KDE Text to Speech

2006-07-04 Thread Jim Stapleton

Problem is, that's a bit of a niche so it may take a while to answer,
but as a generalized FreeBSD form, and that being related to use on a
FreeBSD system, It's a good question.

Not to mention, I've not had time to look at it, but since I have
blind family, I'd like to look at the screen readers for *nix some
day, as it can't be much worse than windows/jaws.

You may want to try some Festival or KDE Text-to-Speech groups also.
If you get a response faster there, please post it here, as I am

-Jim Stapleton

On 7/4/06, Gerard Seibert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

System Info:
FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #0: Sat May 13 19:46:07
EDT 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SEIBERCOM  i386

I am not sure if this is the proper forum for this question or not, but I
might as well start here.

I am trying to get the KDE text to speech to work. I installed the 'festival'
port and the 'festvox-aec' port. Everything seems to be OK, but no sound is
emitted. The sound works fine on everything else. There are no error messages
displayed so I do not know where to look to get this working.

Gerard Seibert

Change your thoughts and you change your world.
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Re: cannot upgrade

2006-07-02 Thread Jim Stapleton

I would guess that means the file was corrupted somehow, though I
don't know how.

At any rate, I don't know how to fix that, and not loose the stored information.

On 7/2/06, Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 02/07/06 Michael P. Soulier said:

 Cannot update the pkgdb!]: Cannot update the pkgdb!]
 /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgtools.rb:444:in `__system': Command
 failed [exit code 1]: /usr/local/sbin/pkgdb -aFQ (CommandFailedError)
 from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgtools.rb:467:in `__sudo'
 from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgtools.rb:473:in `xsystem!'
 from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgdb.rb:960:in `autofix!'
 from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgdb.rb:956:in `autofix'
 from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:475:in `main'
 from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:714:in `main'
 from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/optparse.rb:815:in `initialize'
 from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:209:in `main'
 from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:1951

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# pkgdb -F
---  Checking the package registry database
[Updating the pkgdb format:bdb_btree in /var/db/pkg ...
/var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument;
rebuild needed] [Rebuilding the pkgdb format:bdb_btree in /var/db/pkg ...
/var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument:
Cannot update the pkgdb!]: Cannot update the pkgdb!]

This doesn't look good.


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It
takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite
direction. --Albert Einstein

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Re: one more question, related to java/CLASSPATH

2006-07-01 Thread Jim Stapleton

OK, sorry for being a continuous bother on this, but google is
failling me, and I cannot find a reason for this issue. Java will not
run an app, and everything I've read says that . should be in the
classpath to make it work, so I'm thinking this is a BSD-Java
implementation related issue. Any ideas?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 11:54:17 (0) ~/dev/java/test  java -classpath .
Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: test/java
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 11:54:27 (0) ~/dev/java/test  java -version
java version 1.5.0-p3
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0-p3-root_01_jul_2006_07_53, mixed mode)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 11:54:43 (0) ~/dev/java/test  ls

I don't know what other info to send. Running 6.1, the specific port
was ports/java/jdk15

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Re: Questions on EXT3 vs standard BSD partitions

2006-07-01 Thread Jim Stapleton

Well, I'm not so worried about crashes, the only crashes I've had with
BSD are with power failures, and this is a notebook :-)

I was planning on having three slices on the drive, the first I
would blast from a linux or BSD image as needed, the second would be
ext2 or ext3 (or other?) and have /home, and the third would be my
/data mount point, where I'd keep a synced copy of my Windows My
Documents Folder (synced with my BSD desktop and my windows machine),
as well as choice music files (it's too small for all that FLAC).


On 7/1/06, RW [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Friday 30 June 2006 17:44, Jim Stapleton wrote:
 I have to move between BSD and Linux on one system quite a bit, and I
 was wondering if there  were any reasons to avoid EXT3 on a filesystem
 (such as /dev/ad0s1), as opposed to using the more standard BSD setups
 (such as UFS on /dev/ad0s1a)? I'm thinking mostly in terms of
 reliability, but also in terms of flexibility and speed.

I haven't tried recently, but a year or so ago FreeBSD could not use ext3 as
such. There is a port that adds ext3 fsck support for syncing the journal,
FreeBSD can then mount it as ext2. The problem with that is that you then
have a choice between reliability and decent write speed according to whether
you mount it  synchronously or asynchronously.

I found that even having an  ext3 transfer partition  that's  mounted by
default was a bit of a pain, because without a journal or softupdates,
booting after a crash can take a long time.
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Re: one more question, related to java/CLASSPATH

2006-07-01 Thread Jim Stapleton

wow, I feel dumb now. It's been a few years since I've dealt with Java.

Thank you,

On 7/1/06, Micah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Stapleton wrote:
 OK, sorry for being a continuous bother on this, but google is
 failling me, and I cannot find a reason for this issue. Java will not
 run an app, and everything I've read says that . should be in the
 classpath to make it work, so I'm thinking this is a BSD-Java
 implementation related issue. Any ideas?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11:54:17 (0) ~/dev/java/test  java -classpath .
 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: test/java
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11:54:27 (0) ~/dev/java/test  java -version
 java version 1.5.0-p3
 Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0-p3-root_01_jul_2006_07_53, mixed
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11:54:43 (0) ~/dev/java/test  ls

 I don't know what other info to send. Running 6.1, the specific port
 was ports/java/jdk15


Java expects the name of a class, not the name of a file. You should
invoke your test using java test
The command java is trying to execute a class named java
in the test package.

FWIW my classpath is:


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Questions on EXT3 vs standard BSD partitions

2006-06-30 Thread Jim Stapleton

I have to move between BSD and Linux on one system quite a bit, and I
was wondering if there  were any reasons to avoid EXT3 on a filesystem
(such as /dev/ad0s1), as opposed to using the more standard BSD setups
(such as UFS on /dev/ad0s1a)? I'm thinking mostly in terms of
reliability, but also in terms of flexibility and speed.

Is there anything that should absolutely stay in UFS (such as /boot?)

-Jim Stapleton
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requesting some info on CVSUP (some is help related, others are your own personal preferences)

2006-06-30 Thread Jim Stapleton

I'll just go based on the lines in the SUPFILE of interest:

1) *default base=/var/db

Does anyone use anything else? Why (I mean beyond my database isn't
in /var/db, Why isn't it there)?

2) *default prefix=/usr

Anyone have their ports prefix someplace other than /usr? Again why is
it elsewhere?

3) *default release=cvs tag=.
OK, what other options are there for release/tag, and where can I find them?

For tag, I know of RELENG_#, and I suspect there is also CURRENT_# and
STABLE_#, is there any other, such as RELENG_#_#, etc?

Any release other than CVS

4) *default delete use-rel-suffix

I'm somewhat being a lazy bastard here, I know there's more about this
in the man page, there's delete, use-rel-suffix, and a couple of other
mentioned, but could I get a better explanation than there is there?

I mentioned the need for a GUI tool to make ports/cvsup more easy for
the noob, and since I need to get some java experience to make
myself look good for prospective employers, I'm going to try it.

Don't worry, I plan to make a clone in a better language when I'm done.

Thank you,
-Jim Stapleton
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Re: requesting some info on CVSUP (some is help related, others are your own personal preferences)

2006-06-30 Thread Jim Stapleton

OK, thanks.

I knew about the date part, but as I could simply do three drop downs
(month, day, year), date isn't too difficult.


On 6/30/06, Bill Moran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 3) *default release=cvs tag=.
 OK, what other options are there for release/tag, and where can I find them?

 For tag, I know of RELENG_#, and I suspect there is also CURRENT_# and
 STABLE_#, is there any other, such as RELENG_#_#, etc?

You can use either tag= or date=

date= is useful if you know a specific port worked on a certain day and
was broken afterwards, or if you're rolling out several machines over
a period of time and want to ensure they all have the same ports tree
for consistency sake.

tag=. means latest.  The ports tree doesn't have other tags.

The source tree has RELENG tags, and tag=. is head (again: latest).
See this page for more on source tags:

Bill Moran

That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth.

Jayne Cobb

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Re: one more question, related to java/CLASSPATH

2006-06-30 Thread Jim Stapleton

nevermind, the documentation I had read is misleading, the problem
isn't the classpath, but I have no clue what exactly it is...

Anyone have some suggestions for a good forum to go to, everything
I've read suggested my attempts should work.

Thank you,
-Jim Stapleton

On 6/30/06, Jim Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My CLASSPATH variable isn't set, and I'm trying to set it (it's not in
any readme I've found as to where to set it), currently it's set to
the lib subdirectories of my java directory, but that's not working.
using java/jdk1.4.2, can anyone tell me what my classpath should be?

Java is installed here:

my settings are:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 22:41:46 (0) ~/dev/java/test  echo $JAVAHOME
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 22:42:15 (0) ~/dev/java/test  echo $JAVA_HOME
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 22:42:20 (0) ~/dev/java/test  echo $CLASSPATH

Thank you,
-Jim Stapleton

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one more question, related to java/CLASSPATH

2006-06-30 Thread Jim Stapleton

My CLASSPATH variable isn't set, and I'm trying to set it (it's not in
any readme I've found as to where to set it), currently it's set to
the lib subdirectories of my java directory, but that's not working.
using java/jdk1.4.2, can anyone tell me what my classpath should be?

Java is installed here:

my settings are:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 22:41:46 (0) ~/dev/java/test  echo $JAVAHOME
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 22:42:15 (0) ~/dev/java/test  echo $JAVA_HOME
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 22:42:20 (0) ~/dev/java/test  echo $CLASSPATH

Thank you,
-Jim Stapleton
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Re: which options/files/chunks of the kernel source define xpt_done and xpt_release?

2006-06-26 Thread Jim Stapleton

Thank you,

-Jim Stapleton

On 6/25/06, Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the last episode (Jun 25), Jim Stapleton said:
 I am trying to work on some stuff, and it references those functions,
 but I can't seem to find where they are in the kernel.

xpt_done and a lot of xpt_release_* functions are in /sys/cam/cam_xpt.c

Dan Nelson

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Re: Cant buildworld

2006-06-26 Thread Jim Stapleton

Also, I've had issues with custom CFLAGS, CPUTYPE, and CXXFLAGS
settings in my make.conf file, you may want to look at that as well,
that seems to stop the process at semi-random points (at least it
seems that way with my limited knowledge).

-Jim Stapleton

On 6/26/06, pid42 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ooops. I think I did just that. Cant try without right now but Ill get back
to it.
Thanks alot.
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which options/files/chunks of the kernel source define xpt_done and xpt_release?

2006-06-25 Thread Jim Stapleton

I am trying to work on some stuff, and it references those functions,
but I can't seem to find where they are in the kernel.

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: Any generic (non-wm-specific) audio players?

2006-06-22 Thread Jim Stapleton

I know xmms does a few stream formats (like MP3), and can probably
handle most as it is plugin based. I use it as my main audio player in
BSD/Linux as I like the interface most. It's a faitful winamp clone,
which as my first music player that stuck.

Anyway, the sterio looking controls do what they would on a remote
control, there is a playlist (PL in the main window) that is drag and
drop,  with some labled buttons that should be relatively navigatable
(add files/directories/etc). For a lot of configuration, right click
on a couple of non interface areas until you see a menu with
options-preferences come out.

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: Serious breach of copyright -- First post

2006-06-20 Thread Jim Stapleton

Mr. Hoffman, I'm surprised this hasn't been said, and I'm probably
overstepping my bounds by saying this, but I've been following this
topic, and I have trouble seeing it as anything but trolling. The
freeBSD groups have always been excessively helpful and friendly, and
you've done alot to insult and antagonize them due to the actions of
*ONE* local group, that is not even related to the general groups you
posted this too. These people on the general freebsd have a nice group
without the trolling and antagonizing seen all over other similar
groups. Please be more considerate and respectful with your claims and
requests so that their forums can stay that way.

3) While you might want to refer to me as a name-caller, litigious, and
puerile, it's far from clear that FreeBSD doesn't have political ties when
the leaders of FreeBSD groups actively campaign for partially restricting
people's ability to communicate in any language but English.  Even if you
ignored these extracuricular activities, though, you'd still be faced with
the fact that FreeBSD is de jure politicized in favor of many things,
including free software.

Interesting you put this here, from a previous post:

I'm not directly attacking your group.  If you're not political, and I'm
arguing against something political, how could I possibly be 'attacking'
your group?

These two in conjunction, both from you, technically count as libel I
believe, you are making comments towards a group, such as calling them
biggots, and then saying you know it's not true. Also, calling someone
something, when they are not is still offensive: If I called you a
rabid dog, obviously a false statement, I am sure you would be

Also, as to the prohibiting people from communicating in languages
other than english, partially or otherwise, I'm sorry, but... A 3/4ths
blind guy who is impatient and doesn't like spending time searching
for things can find mailing lists for DOZENS of of languages... Look
harder. Now each of these /IS/ language specific - but that makes
sense, the idea here is COMMUNICATION. Ich kann auf Deutch sprechen,
aber hier Ich kann nicht auf Deutch Verbindung stehen. In english, I
can speak in German, but I cannot communicate in German here - most
here (not all) don't speak it. I wouldn't go to a German, French,
Spanish, Japanese, Portugese, etc. etc. etc. mailing list and expect
them to respond to me in English, or be anything but offended at my
arrogance of posting there in English.

4) Discussions of copyright seem appropriate for freebsd-standard, since any
reputable organization that publishes material with computers today makes a
good faith effort to ensure they do not violate any copyright.  It is
therefore a de facto standard.

But all groups at once? Just because they all fit the topic, doesn't
change the fact that you are willingly and wontonly breaking the rule.

Interestingly enough, I do agree with your first point that the
copyright needed to be taken care of, but you could have handled this
infinetly more effectively.

Thank you,
-Jim Stapleton
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Re: smoke and mirrors - any way to trick an app into thinking I'm running linux?

2006-06-19 Thread Jim Stapleton
 7851 rm   RET   fstat 0
 7851 rm   CALL  fcntl(0x4,0x2,0x1)
 7851 rm   RET   fcntl 0
 7851 rm   CALL  fstatfs(0x4,0xbfbfe670)
 7851 rm   RET   fstatfs 0
 7851 rm   CALL  fstat(0x4,0xbfbfe850)
 7851 rm   RET   fstat 0
 7851 rm   CALL  fchdir(0x4)
 7851 rm   RET   fchdir 0
 7851 rm   CALL  getdirentries(0x4,0x8051000,0x1000,0x8050014)
 7851 rm   RET   getdirentries 512/0x200
 7851 rm   CALL  lstat(0x804f3a8,0x804f348)
 7851 rm   NAMI  x86
 7851 rm   RET   lstat 0
 7851 rm   CALL  getdirentries(0x4,0x8051000,0x1000,0x8050014)
 7851 rm   RET   getdirentries 0
 7851 rm   CALL  lseek(0x4,0,0,0,0)
 7851 rm   RET   lseek 0
 7851 rm   CALL  close(0x4)
 7851 rm   RET   close 0
 7851 rm   CALL  stat(0x804f3a8,0xbfbfe850)

 7851 rm   RET   unlink 0
 7851 rm   CALL  open(0x2813fcd0,0,0)
 7851 rm   NAMI  ..
 7851 rm   RET   open 4
 7851 rm   CALL  fstat(0x4,0xbfbfe8c0)
 7851 rm   RET   fstat 0
 7851 rm   CALL  fchdir(0x4)
 7851 rm   RET   fchdir 0
 7851 rm   CALL  close(0x4)
 7851 rm   RET   close 0
 7851 rm   CALL  rmdir(0x804f3a8)
 7851 rm   NAMI  x86
 7851 rm   RET   rmdir 0
 7851 rm   CALL  open(0x2813fcd0,0,0)
 7851 rm   NAMI  ..
 7851 rm   RET   open 4
 7851 rm   CALL  fstat(0x4,0xbfbfe8c0)
 7851 rm   RET   fstat 0
 7851 rm   CALL  fchdir(0x4)
 7851 rm   RET   fchdir 0
 7851 rm   CALL  close(0x4)
 7851 rm   RET   close 0
 7851 rm   CALL  rmdir(0x804f2a8)
 7851 rm   NAMI  Linux
 7851 rm   RET   rmdir 0
 7851 rm   CALL  open(0x2813fcd0,0,0)
 7851 rm   NAMI  ..
 7851 rm   RET   open 4
 7851 rm   CALL  fstat(0x4,0xbfbfe8c0)
 7851 rm   RET   fstat 0
 7851 rm   CALL  fchdir(0x4)
 7851 rm   RET   fchdir 0
 7851 rm   CALL  close(0x4)
 7851 rm   RET   close 0
 7851 rm   CALL  rmdir(0x804f4a8)
 7851 rm   NAMI  bin
 7851 rm   RET   rmdir 0
 7851 rm   CALL  unlink(0x804f5a8)
 7851 rm   NAMI  GPLV2
 7851 rm   RET   unlink 0
 7851 rm   CALL  unlink(0x804f6a8)
 7851 rm   NAMI
 7851 rm   RET   unlink 0
 7851 rm   CALL  unlink(0x804f7a8)
 7851 rm   NAMI  preuninstall
 7851 rm   RET   unlink 0
 7851 rm   CALL  unlink(0x804f8a8)

On 6/19/06, Alex Zbyslaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Stapleton wrote:

 I don't know how to find out, except that the app is the Crossover
 Office demo installer. I'd like to try to find a way to trick it into
 running in the linux compatability mode of FreeBSD if I can.

So is there source code?  Or is it some dumb binary rpm?

You could try running it under ktrace, then look at the output of kdump
(assuming that works for linux apps), but the output will be *long* so
you will have to edit out a judicious part which leads up to the Linux
string being printed, and it might not help.  But, it might, for
example, look to see if some file exists (/etc/redhat-release or something).

Darrin Chandler wrote:

In addition, consider respecting the wishes of
the developer(s) and not using it.   If they have any sort of free
license then you can always release a portable fork.

Respect a license?  Yes, probably.  Respect the wishes?  Fat chance.  That way 
lies doom...


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Re: smoke and mirrors - any way to trick an app into thinking I'm running linux?

2006-06-19 Thread Jim Stapleton

Ahh, it is, in fact, a binary sh.

The binary compatability looks pretty thourough, and it seems most of
the details in the compatability section for most apps seem to involve
making them check for BSD instead of linux, and ensuring they run in
compatability mode,

I'll run ktrace tonight. thanks.

I really want to proove to these people that the port will not be a
$60k effor, more like a $20 effort.

On 6/19/06, Alex Zbyslaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Stapleton wrote:

 I don't know how to find out, except that the app is the Crossover
 Office demo installer. I'd like to try to find a way to trick it into
 running in the linux compatability mode of FreeBSD if I can.

So is there source code?  Or is it some dumb binary rpm?

You could try running it under ktrace, then look at the output of kdump
(assuming that works for linux apps), but the output will be *long* so
you will have to edit out a judicious part which leads up to the Linux
string being printed, and it might not help.  But, it might, for
example, look to see if some file exists (/etc/redhat-release or something).

Darrin Chandler wrote:

In addition, consider respecting the wishes of
the developer(s) and not using it.   If they have any sort of free
license then you can always release a portable fork.

Respect a license?  Yes, probably.  Respect the wishes?  Fat chance.  That way 
lies doom...


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Re: smoke and mirrors - any way to trick an app into thinking I'm running linux?

2006-06-19 Thread Jim Stapleton

found it; uname -a, I fixed that line, now I just need to figure out
how to get the appropriate libs (glibc) into my compat dir... it isn't
in any of the linux compat ports.

-Jim Stapleton

On 6/19/06, Alex Zbyslaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Stapleton wrote:

 OK, that was easier than expected. These blobs appeared around
 everything linux, but don't look horribly useful. I'll check later
 to see if I can find anything else. is there anything I should be
 looking for aside from linux?

What you want to find is the error message you got about Only runs on
Linux.  I was assuming this is just a single binary, but if there is
lots of stuff including sh scripts and stuff then a grep for some part
of the string in all the files might point you in the right direction.
I think Linux was all caps so a case-sensitive grep (i.e. not -i) for
Linux should do the trick.  If in doubt try to find the earliest word in
the error string since ktrace will chop off long strings.  (Sorry, lost
your original post already and can't exactly remember the string).

 I really want to proove to these people that the port will not be a
 $60k effor, more like a $20 effort.

Better not tell you my hourly rate then ;-)


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where does one find glibc for /usr/compat/linux/lib ?

2006-06-19 Thread Jim Stapleton

I looked at a few of the emulator/linux* ports, and it was not in
their pkg-plist files, only something in their usr/sbin
(glibc_post_upgrad), which, when ran, does not generate a glibc that I
can find in the any of BSDs lib directories, or the compat/linux/lib,
compat/linux/usr/lib either.

Is there any port I can install to get this? Or should i just make a
link to my systems libc?

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: smoke and mirrors - any way to trick an app into thinking I'm running linux?

2006-06-19 Thread Jim Stapleton

The problem is I don't already have one, though there is a reply to my
other post that I'll be looking at in a few minutes, maybe something
will be there. I updated the locate db, and tried to locate glibc,
but I only found documentation, and a few bin (not lib) compat files
that look like they are meant to upgrade something, but creat no
glibc. What I was considering was linking my file (no g)
to a glibc file in compat.

-Jim Stapleton

Good stuff.

The glibc you have might just do fine.  Just make a symlink from the one
you want to the one you have and try!  There's an FC4 linux in the
ports, IIRC which is as recent as any Linux I have to administer; I have
trouble believing you'd need a newer one otherwise the app won't even
run on most Linux machines :-)  Or maybe your app has an RPM for an
older linux you could try.

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Re: where does one find glibc for /usr/compat/linux/lib ?

2006-06-19 Thread Jim Stapleton

that's libc, not glibc, the stuff I'm working on is specifically
looking for a file. Am I missing something?

-Jim Stapleton

On 6/19/06, Pablo Marín Ramón [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I looked at a few of the emulator/linux* ports, and it was not in
 their pkg-plist files, only something in their usr/sbin
 (glibc_post_upgrad), which, when ran, does not generate a glibc that I
 can find in the any of BSDs lib directories, or the compat/linux/lib,
 compat/linux/usr/lib either.

$ grep ^lib/libc /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/pkg-plist

$ ls /usr/compat/linux/lib/libc*

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smoke and mirrors - any way to trick an app into thinking I'm running linux?

2006-06-18 Thread Jim Stapleton

Basically, I have an application that doesn't want to run in FreeBSD,
though it may still run given the compatability layer. I was wondering
if there was some way to make the OS respond when it ran the
application, that it was linux and not BSD.

$ ./some_app
Sorry, we only deal with Linux people, go away!

$ sysctl.pretend.register /home/me/some_app generic-i386-linux
$ ./some_app
Hello world!


$ ./some_app
Sorry, we only deal with Linux people, go away!

$ pretend_os generic-i386-linux some_app
Hello world!

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: smoke and mirrors - any way to trick an app into thinking I'm running linux?

2006-06-18 Thread Jim Stapleton

I don't know how to find out, except that the app is the Crossover
Office demo installer. I'd like to try to find a way to trick it into
running in the linux compatability mode of FreeBSD if I can.

On 6/18/06, Alex Zbyslaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Stapleton wrote:

 Basically, I have an application that doesn't want to run in FreeBSD,
 though it may still run given the compatability layer. I was wondering
 if there was some way to make the OS respond when it ran the
 application, that it was linux and not BSD.

 $ ./some_app
 Sorry, we only deal with Linux people, go away!

 $ sysctl.pretend.register /home/me/some_app generic-i386-linux
 $ ./some_app
 Hello world!

That really rather depends on *how* the app is asking.  If you can tell
us that, we can almost certainly tell you how to fool it.

Of course, if you have the source code, it should be easy as you can
just comment out the test and recompile.

Mind you, if the app is as short-sighted and bloody-minded as its
developers, maybe you should just look for an alternative.


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Re: FreeBSD is #1

2006-06-13 Thread Jim Stapleton

Heh, FreeBSD is #1 to me because it is the most painless operating
system I've ever used...

Ignoring the 5.x installer. Never used pre-5.x


On 6/12/06, Danial Thom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Freebsd 4.x no doubt :)

--- Beech Rintoul [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I found this on Netcraft and thought I'd share

 Six Hosting Companies Most Reliable Hoster in

 Six hosting companies share the top spot this
 month, with INetU, Hostway,
 IPower, New York Internet, Pair Networks
 andTiscali all sharing the top spot
 as the most reliable hosting company site this

 The six-way tie is a first for the reliability
 survey, as three and even four
 providers have shared the top position in the
 past. The showing reflects a
 strong month for hosting reliability, as the
 winners each had just 0.01
 percent of their DNS responses fail, just a
 hair short of a perfect showing.
 All six companies have finished atop the survey
 at least once previously.

 It was a particularly good month for providers
 hosting their home page on
 FreeBSD, four of whom (INetU, iPowerWeb, NY
 Internet and Pair Networks)
 shared the top spot with two hosts on Linux
 (Hostway and Tiscali). Overall,
 five Linux sites are found in the top 10 this
 month, four on FreeBSD and one
 on Windows.

 Way to go FreeBSD!!


 Beech Rintoul - Sys. Administrator -
 /\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign  | Alaska Paradise
 \ / - NO HTML/RTF in e-mail  | 201 East 9Th
 Avenue Ste.310
  X  - NO Word docs in e-mail | Anchorage, AK
 / \  - Please visit Alaska Paradise -


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Re: Im new to FreeBSD

2006-06-13 Thread Jim Stapleton

[resending to newsgroup, since I only replied to the OP]

Well, if Crossover Office ran on FreeBSD, I would probably never boot
my windows machine except as reference to help family with windows

Your hardware issues are quite good enough.

Applications: Most non-windows operating systems won't run windows
apps. However, with the Wine poject, many will run. For example, I
have been playing Master of Orion III on my my BSD machine under wine,
and it runs _better_ than in Windows. However, getting office, corel
photopaint, visual studios and trillian to install properly seems to
be an effort in futility.

Crossover office would fix many of these problems, but it doesn't seem
to install on FreeBSD, and it seems there is some trickery involved,
using multiple operating systems to get it to work (not worth the
expert, unless you are a major tech savant I suspect).

That being said, the advantages and disadvantages of FreeBSD over the
other main x86 candidate, Linux, at least to my experience;
(1) Installation - FreeBSD is probably one of the most unpleasant
installers to learn, that I've found, it's a lot better in 6.0/6.1
though. It's not gui, which is OK, but there are confusing and
redundant options, that let you go out of order, and change things at
bad times somtimes, and unless you are quite knoledgeable in the
process, you can go out of order and really screw things up. Also, the
hard drive configuration tool can have issues with some drive/chipset
combos (such as a 120GB IDE Western Digital drive on the IDE chipset
of an A8N-E motherboard in my experience). NOTE: Once you learn this,
it's not that bad, and to be honest, it's a one time thing.

(2) Upkeep - FreeBSD is much easier to keep up than linux. (a) you
have this mailing list. I've never seen anyone use RTFM here, and
even if they do something similar things, they will at least tell you
*where* to look. (b) The handbook is VERY well written, and is
inordinately useful. (c) Googled howtos and docs for FreeBSD seem to
be better written than the linux equivalents. They don't assume nearly
as high of a user-knowledge as Linux docs tend to, which is nicer to
the novices.

(3) Oh Crap! - On those Oh Crap! moments, that happen to everyone,
some strange thing happens and you have to fix some horrible error.
FreeBSDs better documentation, and more helpful error messages make
fixing the issues much easier. The hurried newbie will find him/her
self reinstalling less, and fixing without reinstalling more, saving a
lot of time and effort. BSD is much better here.

(4) App install; I've had horrible luck with *nix app installs, they
allways seem to have some compilation issue in the source file
distributions, unless you have exactly the right setup, and RPMs tend
to lead to dependancy hell worse than any I've ever seen, the yucky
app yum doesn't help this much. Debians apt-get is better, but
still has it's issues. Ports is insanely reliable, and issues in ports
are relatively easy to fix. FreeBSD is much better here.

(5) Windows application compatability - Crossover Office unfortunately
doesn't work on FreeBSD, so Linux has an advantage here.
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Re: Freebsd-Devel

2006-06-13 Thread Jim Stapleton

I understand that.

If you have the time, ability, and willingness to do
actually do the work, then you'll be doing a lot of
people a big service.  But don't kid yourself, it will
take a lot of work.  It isn't something that you're
going to write in an afternoon.  It will take months
to do a decent job.  Months of work.  Months of people
saying that whatever you're doing, you are certainly
doing it wrong.  Months of people who are doing things
that you personally do not need, and who you will
eventually hate because they keep asking for features
that you personally don't want (or need) to write.

Sadly, the willingness is the only one of the three I have.

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is there an ies4linux port for FreeBSD?

2006-06-12 Thread Jim Stapleton

I cant find it in www, net or devel, and the downloadable install
script fails horribly.

error message

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17:08:52 (0) ~/ies4linux-2.0beta6  ./ies4linux
source: not found
source: not found
source: not found
cabextract version 1.1
cabextract version 1.1
Wine 0.9.14
initAndConfigure: not found
source: not found
source: not found
section: not found

run_ies: not found

ask_for_translation: not found

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2006-06-12 Thread Jim Stapleton

I was looking at the mailing list, and I couldn't find a
freebsd-devel list, though I thought I heard of one's existance.
What am I missing here?

I'm looking here:

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Re: lm/temp monitoring

2006-06-07 Thread Jim Stapleton

That works well enough, thank you!

-Jim Stapleton

On 6/6/06, Toni Schmidbauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At Tue, 6 Jun 2006 19:33:33 -0400,
Jim Stapleton wrote:
 What package contains the lm utility (driver?) use for temperature
 monitoring? What is a good package to get a reading of my
 CPU/Motherboard temperature reading in a semi-usr friendly format?

i'm using sysutils/mbmon on my athlon machines to monitor system temperature.

If you understand what you're doing, you're | toni at stderror dot at
not learning anything.  | Toni Schmidbauer
-- Anonymous|

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lm/temp monitoring

2006-06-06 Thread Jim Stapleton

What package contains the lm utility (driver?) use for temperature
monitoring? What is a good package to get a reading of my
CPU/Motherboard temperature reading in a semi-usr friendly format?

-Jim Stapleton
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building xgl

2006-06-04 Thread Jim Stapleton

Does anyone have experience building XGL on Freebsd?

It has files, but no other files needed for automake (such
as Does anyone know where I can find them
for this program, or if there is a trivial manner to generate them
(following the gnu automake tutorial, changeing the names as
appropriate, is only producing errors).

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: building xgl

2006-06-04 Thread Jim Stapleton


it seems I went to a website that mislead me into thinking I had found
XGL, when it was in fact, something else (and smaller), on Novel's

Thank you,
-Jim Stapleton

On 6/4/06, Jim Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anyone have experience building XGL on Freebsd?

It has files, but no other files needed for automake (such
as Does anyone know where I can find them
for this program, or if there is a trivial manner to generate them
(following the gnu automake tutorial, changeing the names as
appropriate, is only producing errors).

-Jim Stapleton

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Re: building xgl

2006-06-04 Thread Jim Stapleton
/imlib.m4:167: warning:
underquoted definition of AM_PATH_GDK_IMLIB
/usr/local/gnu-autotools/share/aclocal/gtk.m4:7: warning: underquoted
definition of AM_PATH_GTK
/usr/local/gnu-autotools/share/aclocal/glib.m4:8: warning: underquoted
definition of AM_PATH_GLIB
/usr/local/gnu-autotools/share/aclocal/audiofile.m4:12: warning:
underquoted definition of AM_PATH_AUDIOFILE
/usr/local/gnu-autotools/share/aclocal/ao.m4:9: warning: underquoted
definition of XIPH_PATH_AO
/usr/local/gnu-autotools/share/aclocal/aalib.m4:12: warning:
underquoted definition of AM_PATH_AALIB
/usr/local/gnu-autotools/share/aclocal/ORBit.m4:4: warning:
underquoted definition of AM_PATH_ORBIT
autoreconf: running: /usr/local/gnu-autotools/bin/autoconf
autoreconf: running: /usr/local/gnu-autotools/bin/autoheader
autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --no-force installing `./install-sh' installing `./missing'
GL/glx/ installing `./depcomp'
Xprint/ installing `./compile'
hw/dmx/doc/ BUILD_LINUXDOC does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
hw/dmx/doc/ BUILD_PDFDOC does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/ BUILD_LINUXDOC does not appear in
hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/ BUILD_PDFDOC does not appear in
autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1

Any suggestions, or ideas as to which group to ask for solutions? I
can't find any autoconf docs for the m4 pattern allow thing.

I managed to get everything up to this working... *sigh*

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: How to get MAC address using C program

2006-05-31 Thread Jim Stapleton

Could you exec() ifconfig?

On 5/30/06, girish girishlc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Pls any body tell me how to find out a MAC address in a program,

  Because I want to generate pseudo random number of IP address of some range 
for that MAC address and IP range will be the input and it should give IP 
address according to MAC address as a seed , but if I use difft MAC address 
(i,e for difft host ) it should give difft IP address,

  But if I give first MAC address it should give the same old IP address,

  So pls send me answer as soon as possible code in C and also if possible 
ALGORITHMS pls its very urgent

  Thank you,

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Re: X11R7 through ports?

2006-05-24 Thread Jim Stapleton

OK so it's just taking a while to port. Guess I should be glad I
didn't try downloading and compiling it straight.

As for no functionality (mentioned a lot): evdev is functionality that
supports more than 7 mouse buttons, and that's functionality that I
would gain a lot benefit from.

Thanks, that link was useful.
-Jim Stapleton

[from another thread, as reference]
subject: Which xorg driver/setup to use to get all the buttons for a
Logitech MX518
On 5/19/06, Marshall Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was catching up on my freebsd lists, and saw this... Note that you
can't use evdev unless you're using Xorg 7, as far as I know. Once
on xorg7, you can use evdev as the driver for your mouse, and things
Just Work. See this guide:


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X11R7 through ports?

2006-05-23 Thread Jim Stapleton

Is there any way to get X11R7 through ports? The Xorg and XFree86
packages all seem to be 6.8/6.9

-Jim Stapleton
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Re: X11R7 through ports?

2006-05-23 Thread Jim Stapleton

I was informed in another post that X11R7 has a mouse driver I need,
and through several posts that X11R6.x does not. (and previously I had
tried using this driver, and verified that it is not in there)

On 5/23/06, Chris Howells [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wednesday 24 May 2006 03:05, Jim Stapleton wrote:
 Is there any way to get X11R7 through ports? The Xorg and XFree86
 packages all seem to be 6.8/6.9

The only difference between 6.9 and 7.0 is the build system (imake vs
automake/autoconf). As Kris says, there is no difference for end users.

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Re: Which xorg driver/setup to use to get all the buttons for a Logitech MX518

2006-05-19 Thread Jim Stapleton

Ahh! Thanks!

Which port would you recommend for xorg7? It's not in devel or x11. I
have 6.9 running now, and the install did go smoothly, so I'm willing
to try a 7 install.

Having all of these buttons work properly is probably the last step I
would need to make a full and confortable switch completely from
Windows to BSD :-)


On 5/19/06, Marshall Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was catching up on my freebsd lists, and saw this... Note that you
can't use evdev unless you're using Xorg 7, as far as I know. Once
on xorg7, you can use evdev as the driver for your mouse, and things
Just Work. See this guide:


On Mar 31, 2006, at 8:14 PM, Jim Stapleton wrote:

 I have IMWheel installed and setup, and below is the mouse setting for
 my xorg.conf file, however. Buttons 1-7 work just perfectly, however,
 8 mimics the wheel-down, and 9 and 10 refuse to do anything, no
 matther what I do with imwheel or the utility that lets me remap the

 Oh, and I was wrong in an earlier post, it isn't the driver that they
 posted and I couldn't use, it was the protocol (ignore my terminology,
 and not the sample mouse-config part with evdev in it).

 current mouse section of xorg.conf
 Section InputDevice
 Identifier  Mouse0
 Driver  mouse
 Option  Protocol auto
 Option  Device   /dev/sysmouse
 Option  Buttons  10
 Option  ZAxisMapping 4 5

   none, Thumb1, Alt_R|Left
   none, Thumb2, Alt_R|Right
   none, Left, Alt_R|Left
   none, Right, Alt_R|Right

 ~/.xsession and ~/.xinitrc
 exec startkde
 imwheel -k -b 6789 

 I've tried using every variant of xmodmap that I could to alter the
 mapping of 6-10, however, nothing gets buttons other than 6 and 7 to
 work properly, and one of the others (I suspect it's 8) to mimic a
 completely different button. Unfortunately, button 7 is the only
 button that I don't like usin gon this mouse (hard to twist my hand to
 press it).

 By not work properly, I mean that in any mapping other than the
 default, (except reversing 6 and 7) with xmodmap, the buttons either
 do nothing (normally), or act in a manner not previously specifice
 (usually by mimicking a scroll up or down button). Mapping 9 and 10
 into the place of 6 and 7 (i.e. ' xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 9 10
 8 6 7 ' or ' xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 6 7 8 ') ensures
 that no buttons beyond 5 work.

 I strongly suspect that signals from buttons 8-10 aren't reaching the
 software that handles them properly. 8 is either being misread or sent
 wrong, 9 and 10 appear to simply be dropped.


 On 3/31/06, Garrett Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Stapleton wrote:

 Aye, it's got a lot of buttons, and I've tried transferring
 several of
 the config settings, however, none of the drivers they pointed to
 to exist in BSD, and they also pointed to devices, again nonexistant
 in bsd.

 example, one involves the following:

 Option Device /dev/input/event1
 Option Protocol evdev

 If I try to use evdev, x refuses to start, and says said module does
 not exist in the log file. The other variants I've seen have similar
 modules that I can't find and won't load.


 On 3/31/06, Norberto Meijome [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 13:13:49 -0500
 Jim Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've googled the problem in general, tried looking around xorg and
 this site, but I couldn't find any useful information on
 getting my
 MX518 working with all of it's buttons in BSD (were I to downgrade
 back to Linux, I could, but I'd rather not do that, ports is
 much more
 useful than the extra three buttons).

 Hey Jim
 i suppose this is a logitech mouse with lots of buttons? if you
 know it
 works with linux, why not transfer the config from linux to
 freebsd? (u
 dont need to install anything, just try knoppix). It should work
 out of
 the box (I believe moused is same across platforms, and xorg
 worry too much about what OS it's being used under).

 otherwise, have u read man moused ?


 Many people in Linux (at least), use imwheel for utilizing all
 buttons on their mice, unless they use an internal X program to
 set the
 values for 'key strokes' obtained from the mouse by themselves
 (kind of
 a royal pain, if you ask me). Try searching for imwheel gentoo on
 google if imwheel's included in ports (don't have my FreeBSD
 machine in
 front of me right now to verify).
 Also, if you're looking for the codes for your mouse's
 buttons, try
 using xev.

CVSUP date for a successful x11-toolkits/fox-devel

2006-05-18 Thread Jim Stapleton

I'm trying to install something that requires x11-toolkits/fox-devel,
which will not compile, I've tried the following cvsup dates:


Anyone know what CVSUP date works well?

At the end is the last of the compilation error message:


c++ -DHAVE_XFT_H=1 -I/usr/local/include/freetype2 -I/usr/local/include
-I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/include/freetype2
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/X11R6/include
-Woverloaded-virtual -Wformat -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe
-march=athlon-mp -DNDEBUG -Wuninitialized -pg -DHAVE_GL_H=1
-DHAVE_GLU_H=1 -I/usr/X11R6/include -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib -o
.libs/chart chart.o icons.o  -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib
./.libs/ ../src/.libs/
/usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/X11R6/lib/
/usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ -lXrender
-lX11 -lXext -lXcursor -lXrandr -lpthread -lpng
/usr/local/lib/ -lcompat /usr/local/lib/ -lz -lbz2
-lm -lcups -lGL -lGLU -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib -Wl,--rpath
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `stpcpy'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `tsearch'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `wcslen'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `memmem'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `tolower'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `btowc'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `isspace'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `wmemcpy'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `wcscoll'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `mlock'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `wmemchr'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `putwc'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `modf'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `nl_langinfo'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `tfind'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `iswctype'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `wmemset'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `getrusage'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `towupper'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `strxfrm'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `wctype'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `isalnum'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `strcspn'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `getwc'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `wmemcmp'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `wmemmove'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `ungetwc'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `wcsftime'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `towlower'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `toupper'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `clock'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `wcsxfrm'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `setuid'
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/fox-devel/work/fox-1.4.7/chart.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/fox-devel/work/fox-1.4.7.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/fox-devel.
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Re: CVSUP date for a successful x11-toolkits/fox-devel

2006-05-18 Thread Jim Stapleton

ahh, yeah, that's the cvsup date:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 14:25:54 (1) ~  uname -a
FreeBSD 6.1-RC FreeBSD 6.1-RC #0: Thu Apr 13
13:54:03 EDT 2006
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

weird., I had a custom kernel I compiled, I wonder why it's using GENERIC...
*shrug* oh well, I'll think about that at some other time, I want to
figure this out first.
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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Jim Stapleton

maybe this is a bit off target, but it seems to me the ports tree is
not too large:

I've found stuff I've wanted that wasn't on the ports tree.

I think it's too small. Unless you are on a 56k, but then everything
ports related will be painful.

However a reoganization could be in order... Currently we have:

Each category could have hundreds of ports that are related in the
category, but clutter a search, especially in categories with over 100

My suggestion, why not add another level:

As well as some virtual categories, such as all perl, python,
php, and c_c++ will be put under lang as sub-categories, with
_all_ modules for these languages, and then if you are thinking mysql
access for python while doing your ports search, you'll go to the
databases/mysql/ subcategory, and see a symlink to the python module
to access mysql.

And then there would be a dependancy translation table: it if a
dependancy isn't found, it'll look on the table, which will convert
from the current structure to the new structure within the port make
system, and hopefully prevent most/all change issues.

Sorry if this suggestion is too farr off the topic (or already been
posted, I got about half way through, and found I need to get to

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Re: Has the port collection become to large to handle.

2006-05-15 Thread Jim Stapleton

Just remember it has to be a
/better/ mousetrap.

wouldn't it be a peopletrap in this case, since it's for people?
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Re: 1 cpu + 2 monitors + 2 keybord/mouse is it possible

2006-05-12 Thread Jim Stapleton

I know someone did it in linux for a booth at the mall for his company
within the last year and a half, but I don't know the info. He had
something like 4 consoles per machine.

I'll ask, you'll find a response on this link, if one comes:
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Re: OT: Torn between SCSI and SATA for RAID

2006-05-10 Thread Jim Stapleton

I've found that scsi isn't exceptionally faster given similar RPMs, or
even slightly higher RPM (ex. a 10K RPM SCSI vs. 10K RPM SATA drive
would have simlar performance). However, SCSI tends to high tighter
standards, and you get the following advantages, which in some cases
are worth the money, and in some cases arent:

(1) More reliable/accurate reads/writes
(2) Longer expected lifespan

My advice for reliability is a RAID-1 setup with the most
cost-effective disks you can find, then use the OS to do a drive
spanning so you can put them in the same mount point (when it runs to
the end of a disk, it starts on the next). I'm not sure if the drive
spanning is possible though - I've not looked into it, though given
that Windows can do it, I don't see why FreeBSD would have trouble.

If that is still too expensive, you could try RAID-5, but the problem
with that is, adding new disks wouldn't be quite as easy, you may not
be able to use the RAID set until you get the replacement disk, and
it's not quite as fast (I could be wrong on this part) as RAID1 in the
case of writes.

with a 8 Port card... Let's look at what I can achieve:
Ports 1+2: 750GB Seagates (Biggest available), 1.5TB - I'm short on my 2TB
Ports 3+4: Mirror of 1+2

Maybe I'm missing something, where ports 4-8 (actually, 0 + 4-7)? With
8 500GB drives, and RAID1, you should be able to get 2TB out of that
(and more cost effective than 750GB drives)

Have you considered using two controller cards?

nother thing that I read that I'm not completely sure about.  Some of the
Adaptec SCSI Cards advertises a max of 30 devices - some even more.  Excuse the
ignorance, but does the SCSI Bus not allow for a max of 8 devices?  Do these
cards then feature multiple buses to connect the cables to?  If so, SATA will
obviously not be able to provide something like this.

8 devices, 1 is the controller, I think some newer busses hold 16
devices, is is the controlelr, (so 7 or 15 drives).

Now, a card may have multiple busses. I have an A-Ha 39160 in my
machine, and if I remember correctly it has 2 busses on it (or is it
three?), I don't use it to nearly it's capacity, I just got it for the
price of a 19160, and I couldn't turn down that option.

Now comes my question... Uhm.. Can SATA RAID Controllers be 'linked'.  Say, I
but 4 x 8-Port Adaptec SATA RAID Controllers... 2 x 8 Port Cards = 16 Ports for
1 RAID 5 Array (@ 750GB Drives, 12TB Max).  The other 2 cards, to mirror.  I
know that I can use one Controller to mirror another, but can I extend a array
across multiple controllers... And then naturally, just HOW much slower does
the array function?

The array will be using system cpu/memory, so quite a bit, and it'll
cause a hit on system perofrmance, however, the trick here is you can
do what I mentioned above with some trickery (I think), and just have
the OS link the two file systems, it's not any RAID form, and
shouldn't cost much performance.
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securing beyond the handbook

2006-05-10 Thread Jim Stapleton

I'm about to get a static IP and direct outside access for my BSD box
(before it was hidden behind a firewall/NAT). I was comfortable with
the level of security I've had, but with the whole open to the
outside world setup I'll have, what would you suggest for securing

I'll be running:
OpenRPG (only occasionally, from a special nonpriv account)

Any suggestions, any of these that you know are such huge security
holes that you would absolutely demand something else be run?

Any other security suggestions?

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Re: securing beyond the handbook

2006-05-10 Thread Jim Stapleton


I have 5 static IPs
currently 1 is being used to power the NAT for all the machines
inside the network, the other 4 are empty.

I'm getting one of those 4 remaining, and having it point directly to
my BSD machine.

On 5/10/06, fbsd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is no difference between a dynamic and static ip
address from the point of the firewall.

If you felt secure before, then getting a static ip
address will have no effect on that.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:18 AM
Subject: securing beyond the handbook

I'm about to get a static IP and direct outside access for my BSD
(before it was hidden behind a firewall/NAT). I was comfortable with
the level of security I've had, but with the whole open to the
outside world setup I'll have, what would you suggest for securing

I'll be running:
OpenRPG (only occasionally, from a special nonpriv account)

Any suggestions, any of these that you know are such huge security
holes that you would absolutely demand something else be run?

Any other security suggestions?

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BSD equiv of /proc?

2006-05-05 Thread Jim Stapleton

I have a proc filesystem on my computer, but it's  empty. I'm used to
linux, where you can do stuff like 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' to get
information about the system. What is the BSD equivalent of this, or
is it /proc, and I'm just missing something?
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Re: dd issues

2006-05-02 Thread Jim Stapleton

That doesn't sound like a backup to me.  dd isn't a backup program,
and CDs are not normally things you back up.

A backup is just a copy of the data on a different media than the
source (in this case, a hard drive). People back up CDs alll the time,
in case they get scratched or damaged, and they don't want to have to
deal with finding/obtaining replacements. In some cases, the
replacements aren't even possible, such as if the distributing company
went out of business.

Use the conv=sync
operation to transfer the last incomplete block correctly.

Ahh, that will be useful. Thank you.
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dd issues

2006-05-01 Thread Jim Stapleton

I'm trying to back up some of my software, and I'm having some
problems, I found something in the archives specifying the need to set
a block size of 2k or greater. This makes a backup (I've not tested it

My questions are:
(1) Why does this work?
(2) Is it possible that not using the default/found block size will
cause issues?

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Re: dd issues

2006-05-01 Thread Jim Stapleton

On 5/1/06, Greg 'groggy' Lehey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Monday,  1 May 2006 at 19:44:00 -0400, Jim Stapleton wrote:
 I'm trying to back up some of my software, and I'm having some
 problems, I found something in the archives specifying the need to set
 a block size of 2k or greater. This makes a backup (I've not tested it

 My questions are:
 (1) Why does this work?

Why shouldn't it?

Because the alternative does not work (default block size, block size
less than 2k).

 (2) Is it possible that not using the default/found block size will
 cause issues?


Without more background in what you're trying to do (you don't even
say what backup program or what medium you're trying to back up to),
or what your concerns are, it's difficult to answer this question.
There are no specific issues with block size on most archivers, but in
general large block sizes (64 kB or larger) will give better

program is dd, source medium is CD, destination medium is hard drive.
Possible later medium is compressed files on HD DVD-RW
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Antivirus to scan files before going onto a Windows machine: clamav?

2006-04-29 Thread Jim Stapleton

Anyone have experience with ClamAV? Good, Bad, Ugly?

Should I use something else, or is the only good alternative
pay/expensive (such as avast)?
Am I better at leaving the antivirus stuff to the Windows machine
(which has McAfee Enterprise)?

System lags occasionally, and has crashed a few times, and is getting
disk errors (both HDs, one IDE, one SATA started this at the same
time). I suspect the motherboard, but can't be certain, could be Mem
or PSU.

Could also be virus.

So, I want to scan my backed up files while reinstalling Windows on
the other machine, before letting them go back home to play.

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